Business Plan

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1.1Objectives...................................................................................................................3 1.2Location......................................................................................................................3 1.3Keys to Success...........................................................................................................3 1.4 Revenue Generation...................................................................................................4 1.5 Monetary Expectations..............................................................................................4 2. !usiness "escription......................................................................................................5 2.1 Mission.......................................................................................................................5 2.2 #ision.........................................................................................................................5 2.3 Motto..........................................................................................................................5 2.$ %ontact &n'or(ation...................................................................................................$ ..........................................................................................................................................) ........................................................................................................................................1 Ki*s %+ot,es.....................................................................................1 ........................................................................................................................................1 -oys................................................................................................................................1 3.2 .,ere to /in* %roc,et "esi0ns to Ma1e an* Se++...................................................11 &t is not a+2ays t,e case3 but (any croc,et *esi0ners 2,o post t,eir 2or1 on+ine 2i++ 0ive you per(ission to use t,eir patterns as +on0 as you *o not *istribute t,e pattern in any 2ay or 0o into (ass pro*uction o' t,e pattern. 4ou can 'in* (any croc,et sites si(p+y by *oin0 a searc, in Goo0+e or any ot,er searc, en0ine...................................11 5+2ays c,ec1 t,e 2ebsite in re0ar*s to t,e pattern po+icies an* (a1e sure t,at you 'o++o2 t,e(. &' no in'or(ation is avai+ab+e t,en you s,ou+* contact t,e *esi0ner an* obtain per(ission 'irst be'ore you start se++in0 any ite(s 'ro( t,eir *esi0ns...............11 5++ (y 'ree croc,et patterns on %roc,et67%ra'ts are avai+ab+e 'or you to use as +on0 as you *o not (ass pro*uce or re*istribute t,e patterns. 4ou can rea* (ore about (y pattern po+icies on (y 2ebsite.......................................................................................11 4. Mana0e(ent Su((ary................................................................................................15 4.1 O2ner an* Mana0e(ent -ea(................................................................................15 4.2 8ersonne+ 8+an..........................................................................................................15 5. Mar1etp+ace 5na+ysis...................................................................................................1$ 5.1 &n*ustry 5na+ysis.....................................................................................................1$ 5.2 Mar1et Se0(entation...............................................................................................1$ 5.3 %o(petition an* !uyin0 8atterns............................................................................19 5.4 %o(petitive E*0e.....................................................................................................19 5.$ Mar1etin0 Strate0ies................................................................................................1) 5.9 Mar1etin0 -actics....................................................................................................1: 5.) Services Overvie2...................................................................................................1:


9. S.O- 5na+ysis...........................................................................................................25 9.1 Stren0t,s..................................................................................................................25 9.2 .ea1nesses..............................................................................................................25 9.3 Opportunities............................................................................................................2$ 9.4 -,reats......................................................................................................................29 ). .eb 8+an Su((ary.....................................................................................................2) ).1 .ebsite Mar1etin0 Strate0y....................................................................................2) ).2 "eve+op(ent Re;uire(ents.....................................................................................2) ).3 8er'or(ance Measures.............................................................................................2) ).4 .eb 5na+ytics..........................................................................................................2:


Online Business Plan

1. 0 Executive Summar
Startin0 an on+ine croc,et business is inexpensive as you *o not nee* any invest(ent ot,er t,an an internet connection3 your ti(e3 yarn an* croc,et ,oo1s. & 2ou+* +i1e to say t,at it is easy3 but it ta1es a +ot o' ,ar* 2or1 an* *e*ication unti+ you be0in to see so(e positive resu+ts. <ence t,e reason 2,y t,ere are so 'e2 2,o succee*. Ki*s%roc,et.or+*.co( is a p+ace 2,ere parents can co(e to0et,er an* s2ap 'res, ne2 c+ot,es 2it, eac, ot,er. 4ou 2i++ no +on0er ,ave to spen* precious ti(e an* resources to 'in* c+ot,es 'or your c,i+*. "on7t 2aste your ,ar* earne* (oney on ,i0,=price* c+ot,es 2,en you can 'in* t,e sa(e pro*ucts at Ki*s%roc,et.or+*.co(. !y usin0 t,is service you can 'in* c+ot,es 'or your 1i*s at ,a+' t,e cost.


Ki*s%roc,et.or+*.co( is ai(e* at ,e+pin0 parents 'in* c+ot,es 'or t,eir 1i*s via an on+ine (ar1etp+ace. .e 2i++ operate near+y se+'=su''icient+y 2,ic, 2i++ ,e+p boost pro'its by uti+i>in0 sou0,t a'ter a*vertise(ent space. 8arents can create 'ree accounts an* be0in interactin0 2it, ot,er peop+e aroun* t,e 2or+* i((e*iate+y.


%apita+i>e on t,e nee* 'or parents to 'in* inexpensive3 ,i0,=;ua+ity c+ot,in0 'or t,eir c,i+*ren as 2e++ as t,e nee* to se++ usab+e c+ot,in0 t,at t,eir c,i+*ren ,ave out0ro2n.

Secure 1 per cent o' t,e on+ine c,i+*ren7s? use* c+ot,in0 (ar1et by 2 19. &ncrease t,e nu(ber o' return visits by 95@ in t,e 'irst years.

Ki*s%roc,et.or+*.co( 2i++ a*,ere stron0+y to our (ission state(ent an* 2i++ continue to en'orce ,i0,=;ua+ity c+ot,in0 stan*ar*s. Ki*s%roc,et.or+*.co( 2i++ operate 'ro( a business co(p+ex at Aa(a+1,an in %,itta0on0 2it, a sta'' o' 1 =2 but increasin0 e(p+oy(ent opportunities as t,e co(pany 0ro2s.

1.%Ke s t$ Success
.e 2i++ be ta1in0 a*vanta0e o' a++ t,e +atest e=business tec,ni;ues by uti+i>in0 a socia+ net2or1in0 syste( create* 'ro( t,e 0roun* upB 0ivin0 parents t,e po2er to s,ape t,eir accounts into t,eir o2n (iniature e= business.


Eac, pro'i+e 2i++ enab+e you to +eave persona+ in'or(ation as 2e++ as s,o2case ne2 ite(s you7ve sub(itte* an* 2i++ o''er a 2e++=ba+ance* ratin0 syste( si(i+ar to e!ay. 4our transaction ,istory 2i++ be (a*e pub+ic so ot,ers usin0 t,e service can *eter(ine 2,et,er or not t,ey 2ou+* +i1e to *o business 2it, you. Ki*7s %roc,et .or+* is boun* 'or success as it is t,e on+y socia+ (e*ia net2or1in0 site t,at a++o2s you to se++ speci'ic ,i0,=;ua+ity 0oo*s 'ro( one user to anot,er.

1.& Revenue 'enerati$n

Revenue 2i++ be base* on a*vertise(ents an*3 as suc,3 our Mar1etin0 "irector 2i++ be 2or1in0 c+ose+y 2it, ot,er (e(bers o' t,e tea( to brin0 in. 8ro'its are expecte* to inc+ine a'ter 1=2 years o' operation. .e p+an on 'or(in0 partners,ips 2it, sc,oo+s an* ot,er non=pro'it or0ani>ations to bui+* upon a 0ro2in0 base o' users an* support.

1.( )$netar Ex*ectati$ns

-,e (onetary 0oa+ 'or Ki*scroc,et2or+*.co( is to (a1e a pro'it. -,e 2ay t,e co(pany 2ou+* *o t,is is by se++in0 a* space on our site an* se++in0 +in1s 'ro( our 2ebpa0e to ot,ers. Since 2e are a consu(er to consu(er business 2e *o not (a1e a bi0 pro'it 'ro( t,e custo(ers. -,e co(pany 2i++ c,ar0e a s(a++ 'ee to t,e consu(er to ,e+p 2it, t,e (onetary expectations. -,e 'ee 2i++ be s(a++ an* 'air3 since 2e are tryin0 to ,e+p peop+e save (oney by buyin0 use* c+ot,es. -,e 'ee 2ou+* be aroun* 1@=2@. -,is a(ount is not 0oin0 to ,urt t,e consu(ers an* t,is 2i++ ,e+p 2it, t,e (onetary expectations. -,e (ore consu(ers 2e 0et to purc,ase pro*ucts at our site3 t,e ,i0,er t,e inco(e 2i++ be base* on our s(a++ user7s 'ee.


#.0 Business Descri*ti$n

Ki*scroc,et2or+*.co( is a co(pany t,at provi*es an on+ine environ(ent 2,ere parents can buy3 se++3 an* tra*e c,i+*ren7s c+ot,in0. Ki*scroc, create* in 5pri+3 2 13 as a 0enera+ partners,ip3 a++o2s parents to easi+y 'in* ,i0,=;ua+ity3 inexpensive c,i+*ren7s c+ot,in0 2it,out +eavin0 t,e ,o(e. 8arents can a+so (a1e a pro'it on c+ot,in0 t,at t,ey nee* to 0et ri* o' 2it,out 0ivin0 it a2ay or payin0 ,u0e consi0n(ent 'ees.

#.1 )issi$n

-o ,e+p t,ose 'a(i+ies in nee* o' c,i+*ren7s c+ot,es by provi*in0 an on+ine environ(ent 2,ere parents can buy3 se++3 an* tra*e use* c+ot,es to ot,er parents aroun* t,e 2or+*. -,is is an opportunity 'or parents to ri* t,e(se+ves o' 1i*7s c+ot,es 2,i+e puttin0 (oney bac1 in t,eir poc1ets.

#.# +isi$n

.,i+e expan*in0 our reac, 2e can reuse appare+ an* re*uce t,e *e(an* o' ne2 c+ot,in0 by c,i+* +abor en*orsin0 or0ani>ations. !y 1eepin0 our stan*ar*s ,i0, an* (o*eratin0 0oo*s containe* in t,e store3 2e can ,e+p parents o' a++ types o' bac10roun*s ac;uire t,e c+ot,in0 t,ey nee*. .e be+ieve in provi*in0 truste* pro*ucts an* services3 1eepin0 +i'e si(p+e 'or our custo(ers3 an* creatin0 a tru+y 2ar( experience.

#.% )$tt$

C%+ot,in0 Ki*s 3$5 "ays 5 4ear.D



#.& Or,er *r$cess4ou can on+y s,op on+ine 'ro( Ki*s %roc,et 2or+*.co(. -o or*er you ,ave to sen* a (essa0e (entionin0 +in1 o' your *esire* pro*uct. .e *o not ta1e or*er or con'ir(ation or consu+t t,rou0, p,one. 4ou nee* to +et us 1no2 by sen*in0 a (essa0e to t,e pa0e. Or*er 2i++ be on+y con'ir( a'ter you sen* t,e 'u++ *etai+s. /i++ upE 6a(eE 8,one noE "e+ivery pointsE Aa(a+ 1,an3 %,itta0on0 %as, on *e+ivery i' you co++ect 'ro( *e+ivery point... .e a+so provi*e courier service. 8ay(ent process is bKas,. 5 @ a*vance pay(ent is re;uire*. "e+ivery 2i++ be co(p+ete* Maxi(u(E 2it,in 1 *ays Mini(u(E 2it,in 9 *ays.

#.( Pa ment O*ti$ns


"ebit %ar*s Master%ar* 8ersona+ %,ec1s bKas,

#.. C$ntact In/$rmati$n

Ki*s %roc,et .or+* 5: ja(a+1,an 3c,itta0on0.


%.0 Pr$,ucti$n an, Desi0n C$llecti$n %.1Pr$,uct cate0$ries !aby c+ot,es !aby ,air bran* !aby soc1 !aby ,at !aby s,oes -oys %us,ions -o**+er be* !+an1et !aby pa0ri turban !eanie Mu''+er <an*1erc,ie's /+o2er c+ip -o**+er cro2n


Ki,1s S2$es


Ki,1s Hat


Kids Clothes



%.# W2ere t$ 3in, Cr$c2et Desi0ns t$ )a4e an, Sell

&t is not a+2ays t,e case3 but (any croc,et *esi0ners 2,o post t,eir 2or1 on+ine 2i++ 0ive you per(ission to use t,eir patterns as +on0 as you *o not *istribute t,e pattern in any 2ay or 0o into (ass pro*uction o' t,e pattern. 4ou can 'in* (any croc,et sites si(p+y by *oin0 a searc, in Goo0+e or any ot,er searc, en0ine. 5+2ays c,ec1 t,e 2ebsite in re0ar*s to t,e pattern po+icies an* (a1e sure t,at you 'o++o2 t,e(. &' no in'or(ation is avai+ab+e t,en you s,ou+* contact t,e *esi0ner an* obtain per(ission 'irst be'ore you start se++in0 any ite(s 'ro( t,eir *esi0ns. 5++ (y 'ree croc,et patterns on %roc,et67%ra'ts are avai+ab+e 'or you to use as +on0 as you *o not (ass pro*uce or re*istribute t,e patterns. 4ou can rea* (ore about (y pattern po+icies on (y 2ebsite.

%.% S$urces $/ Ra5 )aterial

-,e (ost essentia+ ra2 (ateria+ 'or our pro*uct is yarn.Genera++y 2e co++ect our (ateria+ 'ro( +oca+ 2,o+esa+e (ar1ets. &n %,itta0on0 G-erri !a>arD an* %,a1 Super Mar1etD are 2,o+esa+e (ar1et 'or yarn.-,ere ,ave variety o' co+or'u++ yarn..e can co++ect t,ese at a c,eap rate..e provi*e sa(p+e co+or on our 'aceboo1 pa0e.%usto(er can c,oose t,e co+or 'or or*erin0 t,eir pro*uct.So(e sa(p+e 2e can present in t,is report.!ut custo(er can 'in* (any (ore co+or co(bination in our 2eb pa0e.



Sam*le arn



%.& Cr$c2et ,esi0n an, Patterns

5not,er 2ay to (a1e (oney 2it, croc,etin0 is to *esi0n your o2n patterns. -,is (et,o*3 by t,e 2ay3 is (y 'avorite (et,o* as it a++o2s (e to earn resi*ua+ inco(e. -,at (eans & *o t,e 2or1 once3 an* 0et pai* over an* over a0ain. .,en you se++ t,e 'inis,e* ite(s3 on t,e ot,er ,an*3 you ,ave to re=invest your ti(e every ti(e you (a1e a sa+e. 5n* a0ain3 t,ere are severa+ 2ays to 0o about (a1in0 (oney 2it, *esi0nin0 croc,et patterns. 4ou can put your croc,et patterns into p*' 'i+es3 a+so 1no2n as e=boo1s3 an* t,en se++ t,e( on+ine at a 'air price. 4ou can se++ t,e( on your o2n b+o0 or 2ebsite3 or use t,e e=co((erce sites (entione* above. -,e ot,er t,in0 t,at you can *o is 0ive t,e patterns a2ay 'or 'ree3 an* t,en earn your (oney 2it, 5*sense or anot,er a* net2or1 by p+acin0 t,eir a*s a+on0=si*e your 'ree patterns. 4ou can a+so se++ a*vertisin0 space *irect+y to a*vertisers 'or a '+at (ont,+y 'ee t,at is base* on t,e ;ua+ity o' your tra''ic. &t ta1es a +on0 ti(e to 0enerate enou0, tra''ic to your 2ebsite in or*er to (a1e enou0, (oney t,rou0, a*vertisin03 but it pays o'' nice+y in t,e +on0 run. 5n* t,e best part is t,at once you ,ave *one t,e 2or13 it 2i++ continue to pay you 'or t,e rest o' your +i'e. 4ou ,ave options 2,en you 2ant to start a croc,et business. -,ere are (any 2ays to turn your ,obby into a success'u+ business. &' you are 2i++in03 you can invest in (ore t,an one o' t,e(3 an* pro(ote yourse+' as t,e (ost a(a>in0 croc,eter t,ere is. Or you can 'ocus on one type o' croc,et business an* 2or1 it re0u+ar+y3 enjoyin0 your e(p+oy(ent as (uc, as your ,obby. HSe++ your pro*ucts on+ine t,rou0, your very o2n internet site. 4ou can actua++y start a site 'or 'ree3 or pay so(eone to ,ost your site3 an* (aybe even cas, in on externa+ a*vertisin0 too. /or t,at (atter3 you can a+so se++ your 2or1 on %rai07s List an* Ebay.


HStart a series o' instruction c+asses t,rou0, your +oca+ cra't store an* on your o2n. -eac, 2,at you +ove3 an* bui+* your business c,ar0in0 I1 per +esson. HSe++ your 2or1 at +oca+ cra't 'airs. Most o' your ti(e 2i++ be spent croc,etin0 ite(s3 an* t,en a 'e2 ti(es a year you7++ sit at a tab+e an* se++ 2,at you can. -,e tric1 is not to 0ive a2ay a++ o' your ,an*i2or1 in t,e interi(. O' course i' you7* +i1e3 you can ,ost your o2n 0ara0e sa+e an* ,ave a tab+e set up to se++ your croc,ete* ite(s. HSub(it ori0ina+ *esi0ns to croc,et (a0a>ines 'or pub+ication. !e sure to 2rite *o2n everyt,in0 you *o3 an* be care'u+ to (a1e your 2or1 pro'essiona+. 4ou *on7t 2ant any (ista1es to s,o2 up i' t,ey *eci*e to p,oto0rap, an* pub+is, your pattern. HSe++ your 2or1 to +oca+ (erc,ants. %,oose (erc,ants 2,o se++ cra'ts3 anti;ues3 even boo1s3 an* s,o2 t,e( your 2or1. Stri1e up a 'rien*s,ip 2it, t,e( an* as1 t,e( to purc,ase your 2or1 'or t,eir store too. H.or* o' (out,. -e++ peop+e3 an* as1 t,e( to te++ peop+e about your ,an*i2or1. S,o2 t,e( too. Let t,e( 1no2 t,at you can (a1e specia+ or*er ite(s t,at 2i++ be 0reat 'or a++ t,eir 0i't 0ivin0 nee*s. .,en you *o3 treat yourse+' 'air+y. .,i+e it7s nice to 0ive your treasures to 'a(i+y an* 'rien*s3 you a+so *eserve to be pai* 'or your 2or13 especia++y 2,en you *eci*e to 0o into t,e business o' se++in0 it.



&.0 )ana0ement Summar &.1 O5ner an, )ana0ement Team

Ka>i Siraju( Munira3 "i+ruba 51ter3 Ru(ana Aa,an3 5rc,y Maju(*er3 &''at S,ar(in Ra,i 2i++ be t,e (ana0e(ent tea( 'or Ki*s %oc,et .or+*. Munira is responsib+e 'or sta''in0. Ra,i is responsib+e 'or /inancin0. 5rc,y is responsib+e 'or pro*uct or*erin0 processin0 an* *istributin0. "i+ruba is responsib+e 'or Mar1etin0 8+annin0 an* Ru(ana is responsib+e 'or 8ro*uction 8+annin0.

-,ey 2i++ oversee 'inancia+ p+annin03 t,e on+ine store an* (ar1etin0 e''orts. Outsourcin0 2i++ be use* on so(e initia+ tas1s3 speci'ica++y t,e 2ebsite store *esi0n. 5s t,e co(pany 0ro2s3 (ore personne+ 2i++ be a**e* as nee*e*.

&.# Pers$nnel Plan

.e expect on+y 'our 'u++=ti(e e(p+oyees 'or t,e 'irst year. Subcontractors 2i++ be use* to ,e+p 2it, 2ebsite *esi0n an* (ar1etin0. 5s 2e expan*3 2e expect to ,ire on (ore 'u++= ti(e sta'' to ai* in (ar1etp+ace researc,3 2eb *esi0n an* ana+ytics3 an* business *eve+op(ent.

&.% Cust$mer Relati$ns2i* )ana0ement

8rovi*e *iscount to re0u+ar custo(er "e+ivery service 2it,out courier c,ar0e O''er so(e 'ree pro*uct 2it, (ain pro*uct


8rovi*e best 2eb service 2it, easy access 5vai+ab+e in'or(ation

(.0 )ar4et*lace 6nal sis

Ki*s7 %roc,et 2or+* .co(3 a ne2 croc,et co(pany3 2i++ create a net2or1 'or parents an* private retai+ers to exc,an0e c+ot,es on+ine base* on auctions3 tra*in03 or buyin0 an* se++in0 'ro( one party to anot,er. -,e pri(ary tar0et (ar1et is t,e (i++ions o' parents 2it, youn0 c,i+*ren t,rou0,out t,e 2or+* 2,o nee* to (a1e t,e best use o' t,eir resources3 inc+u*in0 c+ot,in0 an* (oney. -,e business 2i++ be (ar1ete* to re0ions a++ over t,e 2or+* via print ca(pai0ns an* on+ine a*vertise(ents.

(.1 In,ustr 6nal sis

Mar1et si>e is 'ocuse* to be *e'ine* in t2o 2ays. -,e nu(ber o' potentia+ consu(ers Ki*s %roc,et 2or+*.co( is +oo1in0 to obtain an* t,e consu(er purc,asin0 po2er. -,e (ar1et 'or our service is 0ro2in0. .it, t,e current econo(y bin*3 our business 'its t,ousan*s o' 'a(i+ies7 nee*s.

(.# )ar4et Se0mentati$n

-,e sub0roup or (ar1et se0(ent is pri(ari+y *e*icate* to t,e nee*s o' c+ot,in0 1i*s. .it, t,at sai*3 t,e 0eo0rap,ica+ c,aracteristic tar0et area can be 0+oba+. .it, t,e nee* to c+ot,e 1i*s no (atter 2,at city3 state3 or country a 'a(i+y resi*es provi*in0 t,is service to consu(ers is our (ain strate0y. Our service 2i++ ,e+p t,ose in nee* to save (oney on t,e ,i0, price c+ot,in0 ite(s in stores. Ki*s %roc,et 2or+*.co( 2i++ be ab+e to provi*e access to purc,asin03 tra*in03 an* se++in0 c+ot,es 'ro( one 'a(i+y to anot,er any2,ere in t,e 2or+*.

KIDS CROCHET WORLD (.% C$m*etiti$n an, Bu in0 Patterns

.,i+e (any o' our co(petitor7s on+y service to a 0enera+ or c+ose* (ar1et area3 Ki*s %roc,et 2or+*.co( ,as intentions o' reac,in0 0+oba+ consu(ers. .or1in0 2it, certain co(petitors can ,e+p a*vance our business in creatin0 (ore 2ays to provi*e service t,at a co(petitor (ay not be ab+e to 'aci+itate 2it,3 2,i+e 0ainin0 ne2 consu(ers an* services 'or our e=business. -,ou0, t,ere are severa+ on+ine 1i*s7 consi0n(ent s,ops3 suc, as c,eap1i*sc+ot, an* 0ro2so' 2e 2i++ be one o' t,e 'irst to o''er users t,eir o2n persona+ 'ree pro'i+e. -,is 0ives t,e( t,e abi+ity to custo(i>e t,eir settin0s an* create co((unications bet2een ot,er peop+e connecte* to t,e Ki*s %roc,et 2or+*.co( net2or1. &n a**ition to t,e a+rea*y abun*ant 'eatures i((e*iate+y avai+ab+e to t,e pub+ic3 users 2i++ be ab+e to rate eac, ot,ers services3 +eave co((ents3 an* stic1y 'avorite pro'i+es. 5t t,e en* o' eac, (ont, 2e p+an on provi*in0 incentives to t,ose users 2it, 0oo*=stan*in0 pro'i+es an* services. Researc, s,o2s t,at 2,en buyers are invo+ve* in an on+ine co((unity3 t,ey are (ore +i1e+y to revisit t,at site 2,ic, 2i++ 0enerate (ore sa+es an* revenue.

(.& C$m*etitive E,0e

Searc, en0ine opti(i>ation tactics 2i++ be put into p+ace by ,irin0 experts in t,e 'ie+*. .e7re +oo1in0 to *rive tra''ic base* on speci'ic 1ey2or*s an* consistent+y postin0 ne2 b+o0 artic+es. -,ese posts3 2ritten by ,ire* 2riters3 2i++ use 1ey2or*s approve* by Ki*sc+oset2or+*.co( an* a0ree* upon by t,e SEO %o(pany base* on t,eir co(pre,ensive 1ey2or* researc,. 5s Ki*s %roc,et 2or+*.co( 0ro2s in popu+arity3 2e 2i++ be se++in0 reserve* a*vertise(ent space. -,e cost o' postin0 your a* in t,e *esi0nate* +ocations 2i++ '+uctuate as t,e sites popu+arity 0ro2s. Revenue 2i++ be brou0,t in base* on a*vertise(ents an* en*orse(ents by ot,er or0ani>ations an* co(panies.


-,is socia+ net2or1in0 site 2i++ incorporate stan*ar* usabi+ity princip+es an* put an e(p,asis on ease o' use. Our 0oa+ is to (a1e t,e site accessib+e to everyone 2,o 2is,es to visit it. .e 2i++ opti(i>e our bac1en* syste(s to increase per'or(ance spee*. 500ressive testin0 supporte*. <eavy security (easures an* c,ec1s 2i++ be put in p+ace to prevent p,is,in0 an* ,ac1in0 atte(pts by peop+e tryin0 to access private in'or(ation. .e 2i++ counter t,ese attac1s by +o00in0 in'or(ation an* contactin0 t,e appropriate aut,orities. Ki*s %roc,et 2or+*.co( be+ieves in provi*in0 everyone 2it, t,e best possib+e experience an* services an* stan* by our (otto o' Cc+ot,in0 1i*s 3$5 *ays a year.D

(.( C$m*etit$rs
Main+y our co(petitors are virtua+.Loca+ %o(petitors are t,e +oca+ bouti;ue s,ops.!ut t,ey are not t,at (uc, aban*one* 2it, croc,et pro*ucts.!ecause o' 2e o''er uni;ue co++ection an* custo(i>e* pro*uct3 it is our p+us point to be co(petitive in t,is (ar1et.

(.. )ar4etin0 Strate0ies

%reate an on+ine business t,at 2i++ a++o2 parents 'ro( aroun* t,e 2or+* to *o business 2it, eac, ot,er. %reate an on+ine co((unity t,at 2i++ encoura0e parents to interact 2it, eac, ot,er an* ,ave (eanin0'u+ transactions3 t,us encoura0in0 return visits. Give parents t,e abi+ity to set up t,eir o2n 2eb pa0es 2,ere t,ey can 'ee+ o2ners,ip in t,e business.


KIDS CROCHET WORLD (.7 )ar4etin0 Tactics

5*vertise on ot,er re+ate* sites3 suc, as e!ay3 5(a>on3 an* ot,er c,i+*ren7s c+ot,in0 sites. 8artner 2it, t,ese sites to sen* one anot,er business. "o e(ai+ ca(pai0ns 2,ic, 0ive 'irst=ti(e buyers a *iscount or incentive. -o a*,ere to our 0oa+ o' re*ucin0 c,i+* +abor in ot,er countries3 partner 2it, c,aritab+e or0ani>ations an* (a1e t,is 1no2n to our buyers to +et t,e( 1no2 t,at t,eir transaction is va+uab+e to ot,ers.

(.8 Services Overvie5

.e p+an on (ar1etin0 to a++ consu(ers +oo1in0 to buy3 se++3 an* tra*e 1i*s c+ot,in0E %onsu(ers 2i++ be ab+e to visit our site an* searc, 'or 1i*s c+ot,in0. -,ey can buy c+ot,es 'ro( anot,er 'a(i+y3 tra*e c+ot,in0 'ro( anot,er 'a(i+y3 or se++ c+ot,es o' t,eir o2n. -,e consu(ers 2i++ a+so be ab+e to start up t,eir o2n pa0e 2,ere t,ey can t,en s,o2case t,eir ite(s an* a+so ,ave a section in t,eir pa0e to +et ot,ers 1no2 2,at ite(s t,ey are in nee* o'. -,e ite(s 2i++ be ab+e to reac, one anot,er by posta+ service. -,ey 2i++ be ab+e to pay 'or services t,rou0, a (erc,ant account set up 2,en t,ey beco(e a (e(ber. .e 2i++ incorporate a +ist o' bene'its 'or our consu(ers 2,o are constant subscribers an* buyers.

..0 3inancial Estimati$n

-,is section o''ers a 'inancia+ overvie2 o' Ki*s %roc,et .or+*3 our 2ebsite an* on+ine (ar1etin0 activities. .e 2i++ a**ress Start=up 'un*in0 'orecasts3 sa+es 'orecasts3 expense


'orecasts3 an* pro'it 'orecasts. .e *o not ,ave enou0, *ata to (a1e seasona+ a*just(ent in sa+es revenues at t,is point an* 2e expect t,at t,e 0ro2t, in sa+es 2i++ (iti0ate seasona+ tren*s. Ki*s %roc,et .or+* 2i++ be a retai+ c,anne+ because o' its 24J3$5 avai+abi+ity3 pro*uct +ines 2,ic, are seasona+ 2i++ be viab+e 12 (ont, se++ers. 5s our on+ine business 2i++ 0ra*ua++y estab+is,3 2e expect to see our on+ine sa+es 0ro2 consistent+y3 2it,out severe ,i0, or +o2 spi1es. ..1 Im*$rtant 6ssum*ti$ns -,e 'inancia+ p+an contains t,e 'o++o2in0 i(portant assu(ptions to *eter(ine t,e potentia+ 'or 'uture successE 5 (o*est 0ro2t, rate in sa+es 'or 4ear 13 an* a co((ensurate increase in tota+ revenues. 8ositive sa+es 'or a++ 3$5 business *ays per year. 5 ,ea+t,y econo(y t,at supports a (o*erate +eve+ o' 0ro2t, in our (ar1et. -,e abi+ity to support a ,ea+t,y 0ross (ar0in percenta0e. Keepin0 operatin0 costs +o23 particu+ar+y in t,e areas o' personne+ an* on0oin0 (ont,+y expenses. Ma1in0 2ise purc,ases t,at 1eeps inventory at an attractive +eve+ 2it, a ,i0, turn rate. ..# Di//iculties an, Ris4s

Knexpecte* costs (ay increase co(pare* 2it, t,e 'orecaste* sa+es. Over+y a00ressive an* *ebi+itatin0 actions by co(petitors. 5 para++e+ entry by a ne2 co(petitor. <avin0 to +i;ui*ate t,e inventory to pay bac1 t,e ban1 +oan an* to (eet t,e operatin0 costs.


"ea+in0 2it, t,e 'inancia+3 business3 an* persona+ *evastation o' t,e business?s 'ai+ure.

..% Pr$9/$rma Start9u* /un,in0 $/ Ki,s Cr$c2et W$rl,-

-1. 13 3 -1. 23 3 -1. 33 3

SME Loan O2n &nvest(ent .or1in0 %apita+

Capital from Partners: Partners Kazi ira!um "unira &umana 'ahan )ilru*a Akter Archy "a!umder ,ffat harmin &ahi Total Amount (TK) #$%$$$ ($%$$$ ($%$$$ +#%$$$ +#%$$$ -%$$%$$$

..& Estimate, Pr$/it an, L$ss Statement

-,e 'o++o2in0 represents t,e 8rojecte* 8ro'it an* Loss 'or Ki*s %roc,et .or+* base* on sa+es an* expense projections 'or next 3 years. .e are anticipatin0 t,at 2e 2i++ nee* to a** invest(ent into t,e business to expan* it an* to se++ our pro*uct abroa*.


-,e 8ro'it L Loss tab+e +ists t,e expenses 2e anticipate in estab+is,in0 our business an* 2ebsite. Le0a+ expenses 2i++ cover our initia+ 'ees an* expenses an* any ot,er +e0a+ re;uire(ents. .ebsite *eve+op(ent an* (aintenance costs cover bot, our 2eb site *esi0n as 2e++ as a 'res,enin0 o' our existin0 in'or(ationa+ 2ebsite. &n anticipation o' si0ni'icant sa+es activity 2e ,ave *eci*e* to purc,ase a**itiona+ co(puter ,ar*2are 2,ic, 2i++ be *e*icate* to sa+es 'u+'i++(ent3 custo(er *atabase3 *e+ivery etc. .e 2ant to trac1 t,is care'u++y3 so 2e are a**in0 t,ese expenses in ,ere3 an* on0oin0 expenses in t,e 8ro'it L Loss tab+e.

Sa+es Revenues %osts o' Sa+es Gross 8ro'it Sa+aries Expenses 5*vertisin0 L

.st /ear (Tk)

535 3 232 3 333 3 9535 5 3 22

-nd /ear (Tk)

93253 33253 43 3 ) 35 553

+rd /ear (Tk)

:34 3 43) 3 43$ 3 )535 $ 3


8ro(otion !an1 %,ar0es Le0a+ L 8ro'essiona+ Lo0istic L -ec,no+o0y Expenses .eb Maintanance O''ice Maintanance &nsurance "epreciation Misce++aneous -ota+ Expenses 6et 8ro'it 243 1 3 243 123 4)3 235 $3 )3 23$ 3 9 3 243 1 3 2)3 123 5 3 235 $3 )3 239$3 13243 243 1 3 3 3 123 523 235 $3 )3 23: 3 139 3

0i1hli1hts of +2/ear 3stimations



PointsE %onsu(ers 2i++ be ab+e to accu(u+ate points *esi0ne* to 0ive t,e( cre*it in purc,asin0 ite(s 'or( t,e site. Consumer of the "onthE .e 2i++ be ab+e to a*vertise on t,e (ain site pa0e so ot,er consu(ers can 1no2 about t,e( 2it,out searc,in0 t,rou0, t,e nor(a+ searc, pa0es section. 4ree hippin1 and 0andlin1: %onsu(ers 2i++ be ab+e to ac;uire a #&8 bene'it 2,en t,ey invite a certain nu(ber o' ne2 subscribers to our site.



7.0 SWOT 6nal sis 7.1 Stren0t2s

-,e 'o++o2in0 are attributes o' our or0ani>ation t,at are ,e+p'u+ in ac,ievin0 our objectiveE 24 ,ours seven *ays a 2ee1 sa+esJs,oppin0 5ccess to narro2 (ar1et se0(ents &ncrease* spee* an* accuracy o' in'or(ation *e+ivery "ata co++ectionB 1no2in0 2,at t,e *e(an* an* nee* is %usto(er pre'erence trac1in0 .i*e pro*uct searc, %usto(i>e* an* persona+i>e* in'or(ation an* buyin0 options Easy co(parison s,oppin0 8rice an* se+ection o' ite(s <e+pin0 'a(i+ies create a s(a++ business 'or t,e(se+ves /oru( an* !+o0 sections to ,e+p ot,er parents 2it, issues an* concerns 5bi+ity to 1eep trac1 o' custo(ers c,oices to better a*vertise to t,eir nee*s %usto(ers can custo(i>e a persona+ .eb pa0e t,rou0, t,e site .e o''er 'ree ite(s 'or t,ose 2,o 0et t,e na(e out Kse b+o0s to pro(ote pro*ucts

7.# Wea4nesses
-,e 'o++o2in0 are attributes o' our or0ani>ation t,at cou+* be ,ar('u+ to ac,ievin0 our objective. Gro2in0 co(petition 'ro( ot,er E=!usinesses


Rapi*+y c,an0in0 tec,no+o0ies Greater te+eco((unication capacity or ban*2i*t, *e(an*s "i''icu+ty o' inte0ratin0 existin0 business syste(s 2it, e=business transactions 5*justin0 'or *iverse +an0ua0es3 un1no2n po+itica+ environ(ents3 an* currency conversions "i''icu+ty *i''erentiatin0 a(on0 so (any on+ine se++ers Knpre*ictab+e transaction security an* privacy "ea+in0 2it, un'a(i+iar3 possib+y untrust2ort,y se++ers &nabi+ity to touc, an* 'ee+ pro*ucts be'ore buyin0 t,e( Kn'a(i+iar buyin0 processes an* concerns about ven*or re+iabi+ity &ssues 2it, state sa+es tax c,ar0es an* +o0istica+ *i''icu+ties o' pro*uct returns Sta''in0 concerns

7.% O**$rtunities
-,e 'o++o2in0 are externa+ con*itions t,at are ,e+p'u+ to ac,ievin0 our objectiveE Gro2in0 *e(an* 6e2 tec,no+o0ies Mar1et *eve+op(ent &nnovative strate0ies -actics3 contracts 5*vertise(ents an* partners,ips Seasona+ in'+uences &n'or(ation an* Researc, on b+o0s Geo0rap,ica+ i(portJexport Li'esty+e an* in*ustry tren*s


7.& T2reats

-,e 'o++o2in0 are externa+ con*itions t,at cou+* be ,ar('u+ to ac,ievin0 our objectiveE

Govern(ent Re0u+ations %,an0e in &n*ustry %,an0e in -ec,no+o0y -ren*s in -ar0ete* (ar1et Le0a+ 'actors Environ(enta+ &ssues %,an0e in (ar1et s,are On+ine Sca((ers Loss o' 1ey sta'' Econo(y M,o(e3 abroa* &- "eve+op(ents



8.0 We! Plan Summar 8.1 We!site )ar4etin0 Strate0

Our 2ebsite 2i++ provi*e in'or(ation about us an* our services as 2e++ as or*er processin0 to purc,ase ite(s on+ine. .e 2i++ be ,i0,+i0,tin0 t,e co((unity at(osp,ere as 2e++ as 1eepin0 t,e site si(p+e enou0, 'or 'irst=ti(e use. .e 2i++ inc+u*e our 2eb a**ress in a++ o' our a*vertisin0 to rein'orce to our custo(ers ,o2 to 'in* us on+ine. Our co(pany +o0o an* (otto 2i++ a+so nee* to be eye catc,in0 an* easy to re(e(ber so t,at once our custo(ers 'in* us3 t,ey 2i++ re(e(ber us an* su00est us to t,eir 'rien*s an* 'a(i+y.

8.# Devel$*ment Re:uirements

.e 2i++ be 2or1in0 2it, an outsi*e contractor to *esi0n t,e +ayout o' t,e site an* to create t,e necessary security provisions to ,an*+e on+ine or*er processin0. So(e o' t,e 'eatures inc+u*e* on t,e 2ebsite 2i++ be a co((unication 'oru(3 a*vance* searc,in0 capabi+ity3 an* a 'unction t,at a++o2s users to create t,eir o2n pa0es. <i0,= ;ua+ity i(a0es o' pro*ucts an* t,e +o0os on t,e pro*ucts 2i++ be avai+ab+e3 so t,e custo(er can see 2,at t,ey 2i++ be 0ettin0. -,e or*er processin0 2i++ inc+u*e t,e abi+ity to provi*e bot, a bi++in0 an* an optiona+ s,ippin0 a**ress an* 2i++ be ab+e to process cre*it car* transactions Nusin0 8aypa+O. Once t,e 2ebsite *esi0n is co(p+ete3 2e 2i++ (ay contract 'or on0oin0 (aintenance an* support o' t,e site3 or c,oose to ,ire so(eone to *o t,is on=site.

8.% Per/$rmance )easures

-rac1 sa+es resu+ts an* t,e ratio o' sa+es to (ar1etin0 expenses.


Keepin0 trac1 o' t,e nu(ber o' *irect (ai+ an* per(ission=base* e=(ai+ responses. -rac1 t,e nu(ber o' visitors to t,e 2eb site. -rac1 t,e nu(ber o' visitors t,at actua++y (a1e a purc,ase. -rac1 ,o2 (any visitors c+ic1 t,rou0, to our site 'ro( anot,er site.

8.& We! 6nal tics

ession: Measurin0 o' t,e continuous re;uests 'or .eb pa0es at our site by a sin0+e user7s !ro2ser t,at ,asn7t been inactive 'or a speci'ic perio* o' ti(e. 5ni6ue 7isitorsE Measurin0 o' an in*ivi*ua+ visitor to a site 0enera++y base* on a co(bination o' &8 a**ress an* bro2ser i*enti'ication or coo1ies. -,e nu(ber o' uni;ue visitors can ,e+p us eva+uate t,e success o' our searc, en0ine opti(i>ation e''orts an* site a*vertise(ent or pro(otion. &epeat 7isitorsE -,is (easure(ent i*enti'ies uni;ue visitors 2,o visit a .eb site (ore t,an once *urin0 a speci'ic ti(e perio*. 5 +ar0e nu(ber o' repeat visitors can in*icate visitors are 0ettin0 t,eir 2ants an* nee*s (et at our site3 a s(a++ nu(ber o' repeat visitors can in*icate a prob+e( at our site. Pa1e 7iews or ,mpressionsE -,is (easure in*icates t,e nu(ber o' ti(es a speci'ic pa0e is vie2e*. 8a0e vie2s in'or(ation te++s us 2,ic, pa0es our visitors are an* are not vie2in0 at our site. Pa1e 7iews per 7isitorE 2eb



-,is (easure(ent is *eve+ope* by *ivi*in0 t,e nu(ber o' pa0e vie2s by t,e nu(ber o' uni;ue visitors3 an* it t,ere'ore (easures ,o2 *eep visitors are 0oin0 in to our .eb site. 5 +ar0er nu(ber o' pa0e vie2s per visitor usua++y (eans t,at visitors are spen*in0 (ore ti(e at our site.

,P AddressesE -,is (easure(ent i*enti'ies t,e ori0in o' a uni;ue visitor. 5na+y>in0 &8 a**resses enab+es us to approxi(ate+y i*enti'y countries 'ro( 2,ic, our .eb site visitors are co(in03 as 2e++ as 'ro( 2,ic, net2or1s. &eferrin1 5&89sE -,is (easure(ent in*icates ,o2 visitors reac,e* our .eb site. .,et,er by 1eyin0 in t,e KRL *irect+y3 c+ic1in0 a +in13 or usin0 a searc, too+. Re'errin0 KRL7s can ,e+p us eva+uate t,e e''ectiveness o' on+ine a*vertisin0 +in1s. :rowser TypeE -,is (easure(ent in*icates 2,at type o' .eb bro2ser a visitor is usin0. -,is in'or(ation 2i++ ,e+p (a1e sure our site pa0es operate correct+y in our tar0et au*ience7s bro2sers. Click2 tream AnalysisE -,is (easure(ent i*enti'ies t,e pat, visitors ta1e 2,en navi0atin0 t,rou0, t,e pa0es on our .eb site. Con;ersion &ateE -,is (easure in*icates t,e rate at 2,ic, visitors are beco(in0 buyers. hoppin1 Cart A*andonmentE



-,is (easure(ent ca+cu+ates t,e rate at 2,ic, on+ine s,oppers 'ai+ to co(p+ete a purc,ase o' t,e ite(s in t,eir s,oppin0 cart. 5 ,i0, rate o' s,oppin0 cart aban*on(ent (ay in*icate t,at our site7s c,ec1out process is too co(p+ex or *i''icu+t.







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