The University of Hong Kong Faculty of Business and Economics School of Business

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The University of Hong Kong Faculty of Business and Economics School of Business BUSI0003 B,C &D Advanced Financial

Accounting 2nd Semester 2013-2014


Course Information Instructor: Dr. Feng Tian Email: Office: Room 1207, KK Leung Phone: 3917-8348 Office Hours (Consultation Times): Wed: 2-6pm & by appointment Tutors (EMAIL IS PREFERRED CONTACT): Ms. Lily Chau Email: Office: Room 609, KK Leung. Phone: 3917-1688 Office Hours (Consultation Times): by appointment

Prerequisite: This course is mandatory to 3rd year students in the BBA (A&F) Program Students MUST pass the Intermediate Accounting I&II courses

Textbook and Reading Materials: Advanced Accounting, by Hoyle, Schaefer and Doupnik, Eleventh Edition (ISBN 978007-131821-1) Weekly lecture notes and tutorial materials (Lecture notes and excel working files will be available on the course Moodle site. You are responsible for downloading and printing them in advance for each class).

Advanced Financial Accounting 2nd Semester 2013-14

II. Course Description and Objectives Course Description: Advanced Financial Accounting continues to address accounting theory and practice with an emphasis on business combinations, consolidated financial statements and foreign exchange transactions.

Course Objectives: 1. To gain a deep knowledge of the financial reporting environment in Hong Kong; 2. To obtain an understanding of accounting concepts and principles beyond the introductory or intermediate level; 3. To develop a global outlook in accounting.

III. Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) Upon the successful completion of this course, students should: 1. Know how to describe and discuss the various changes and aspects of the Hong Kong financial reporting environment; 2. Be familiar with the significance and application of different accounting standards (e.g., IFRS); 3. Be able to apply different accounting treatments to various types of group accounting (consolidation accounting) and be capable of identifying legal issues and definitions of business combinations; 4. Know the differences among the different business group structures; 5. Know how to consolidate financial statements accurately with the incorporation of foreign currency translation; 6. Demonstrate sound verbal and written communication skills with precise business language.

IV. Alignment of Program and Course Outcomes Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) 1. Should be able to describe the fundamental principles and theories of accounting, business and economics. 2. Should be able to use knowledge learned to solve accounting and finance problems. 3. Should be able to evaluate ethical and social issues, function in teams effectively and display leadership traits. 4. Should be able to discuss international issues and to function in multicultural settings. 5. Should be able to use specific technical terminology and make convincing and coherent presentations, both verbal and written formats.
Advanced Financial Accounting 2nd Semester 2013-14

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) CLOs 1, 2, 3 & 4 CLOs 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 CLOs 3 & 6 CLOs 2 & 5 CLO 6

V. Teaching and Learning Activities TLA1: Interactive Lectures Lectures: in-depth coverage of advanced financial accounting is presented with PowerPoint slides and other additional illustration materials if necessary. Time will be given at the end of each lecture for students to raise questions to reflect what have been learnt from each topic.

TLA2: In-class Discussion Exercises/quizzes/Cases In-class activities: In-class exercises and cases will be discussed each week to ensure that students understand the issues properly. Students are required to work in small groups and be able to demonstrate knowledge in the materials taught by applying relevant concepts to these problems/cases. Quizzes: students will take two quizzes so that they can be motivated to review what they have learned. Case competition: Students are required to participate in a case competition on professional ethics. The case will comprehensively test advanced accounting knowledge of accounting manipulations and help students understand the importance of professional ethics to professional accountants.

TLA3: Guest Speakers Lectures Professional and experienced guest speakers are invited to provide mass lectures throughout the course to demonstrate how the topics taught in Advanced Financial Accounting are applicable in todays world and to provide useful inspirations to our final year students. Students are required to attend these guest speakers lectures and to participate actively during the Q&A sessions.

TLA4: Intensive Tutorials Weekly tutorial work: students are required to complete assigned questions and problems that demonstrate concepts and techniques learned before attending each tutorial session; five homework assignments will be randomly collected at tutorial sessions during the semester. The tutors will inform students whether one homework assignment will be collected or not in the beginning of the tutorial sessions. The homework assignments collected will be graded for completeness only. NO late homework will be accepted after it is collected. Small group presentations: students are required to make small presentations on problems and cases selected by the tutor and should be also be active in discussions and other in-class exercises.

Advanced Financial Accounting 2nd Semester 2013-14

VI. Assessment Tasks/Activities (ATs) 1. Tutorial Participation 2. Class Participation 3. Homework (5 Assignments) 4. Quizzes & Cases 5. Mid-term Test 6. Final Exam Total 5% (50 points) 5%(50 points) 6%(60 points) 14% (140 points) 20% (200 points) 50% (500 points) 100% (1000 points)

Course Learning outcome (CLOs) 1. Know how to describe and discuss the various changes and aspects of the Hong Kong financial reporting environment. 2. Be familiar with the significance and application of different accounting standards (HKAS, IFRS, Companies Ordinance, etc.). 3. Be able to apply different accounting treatments to various types of group accounting and be capable of identifying legal issues and definitions of business combinations. 4. Know the differences among the different group structures and account for accurately. 5. Know how to consolidate financial statements accurately with the incorporation of foreign currency translation. 6. Demonstrate sound verbal and written communication skills.

Teaching and learning activity (TLAs) TLA 1 & 3 TLA 1, 3 & 4 TLA 1 & 2

Assessment Tasks (ATs) AT 2, 3 ,4,5 & 6 AT 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 AT 3, 4, 5 & 6

TLA 1 & 3 TLA 1,2 & 4 TLA 1, 2, & 4

AT 3, 4, 5 & 6 AT 1, 2, 3 , 4 ,5 &6 AT 1, 2 & 4

AT1. Tutorial Participation (5%) Students are required to attempt assigned questions/problems and be ready to participate actively in tutorials. The tutor may require students to present their prepared work and initiate discussions. Students will be graded by the tutor based on their attendance and participating rate. Quietly sitting in the tutorials will not earn marks and being absent from tutorials will negatively affect the overall performance grade. The objective of the tutorials is to help you further understand and apply the knowledge you have learned from the lectures.

AT2. Class Participation (5%) Students should read the chapter PRIOR to lectures to better understand the topics to be discussed. Students also need to prepare for assigned in-class questions in advance.
Advanced Financial Accounting 2nd Semester 2013-14

The lecturer may ask students to present some of the questions based on the groups formed at the beginning of the semester. The main objective of ensuring good quality class participation is to enhance students communication skills and being able to demonstrate what they have learned by sharing with others.

AT3. Homework assignments (6%) Five homework assignments will be randomly collected and graded for completeness only. No homework will be accepted after it is collected during the tutorial sessions.

AT4: Quizzes & Case Analysis (14%) Two short quizzes will be given during the semester (5%). A case competition on professional ethics (details are included in a class handout) will be held during the semester (4%). During this course, there are 9 short cases to be discussed in class. Students need to form a group and present at least one of the in-class cases (5%). In addition, each presentation group will be evaluated by the other groups in the same session and the lecturer in terms of presentation skills.

AT5. Mid-term Test (20%) There will be a mid-term test held after the reading week to ensure students are coping with the course. The exam will test whether students are able to apply their knowledge learned and convey them diligently. Students will be graded on accuracy, application skills and conceptual knowledge. The main objective of holding a midterm test is to ensure students are coping with the materials taught over the first half of the course and is able to apply what they have learned to practical problems when there is no guidance and is also time constrained.

AT6. Final Exam (50%) The final examination will be held in the normal exam period. It is closed book, comprehensive and covers all the chapters on the course syllabus. With the exception of extremely special cases, NO MAKEUP exam will be allowed if you fail to seek ADVANCE permission from the lecturer. The objective of the final exam is to further enhance your understanding of the basic concepts and theories and develop your ability to apply the knowledge in advanced financial accounting.

Advanced Financial Accounting 2nd Semester 2013-14

Grading Criteria Tutorial Participation (AT1) CLOs A+ A ACLOs Able to correctly 5 & 6 solve the assigned problem sets and present the solutions in a logically clear and concise manner. Able to actively participate in class discussions and contribute to the class discussions /presentations by unique thoughts/remarks. Class Participation (AT2) CLOs A+ A ACLOs Able to present 1, 2, 5 assigned problems/cases &6 effectively with full accuracy and high quality presentation skills. Able to respond interactively when questions are raised. Able to initiate thoughtful discussions that are relevant to the topic taught. Full attendance of lectures. B+ B BAble to present assigned problems/cases with high accuracy and good quality presentation skills. Able to respond when questions are raised. Very high attendance of lectures. B+ B BAble to correctly solve the assigned problem sets and present the solutions in a logically clear and concise manner. C+ C CAble to correctly solve most of the assigned problem sets and present the solutions in understanda ble way. D+ D Able to correctly solve limited problem sets. F Frequent absence from the tutorials and failure to fulfill the tutors assigned work.

C+ C CAble to present assigned problems/ca se with reasonable accuracy and presentation skills. Able to raise questions when there is uncertainly. Reasonably high attendance of lectures.

D+ D Able to present assigned problems/ cases with limited accuracy and presentati on skills.

F Unable to present assigned problems/ cases. Unable to respond when questions are asked directly at you.

50% or less of attendance Frequent of absence lectures. from lectures.

Advanced Financial Accounting 2nd Semester 2013-14

Homework (AT3) CLOs Check Plus (+) CLOs 1-5 Completely and clearly finish all the assignments.

Check () Completely work on all the assignments. Less than 20% of the work is unclear or not readable. B+ B BAble to present the solutions to the test problems with high accuracy and logic.

Check Minus (-) Work on assignments incompletely.

0 Do not seriously work on homework assignments. F Failure to provide reasonable solutions to the test problems or even fail to attempt the quizzes. F Failure to provide reasonable solutions to the test problems or even fail to attempt the midterm test. F Failure to present logical solutions to the exam problems or even fail to attempt the 7

Quizzes (AT4) CLOs A+ A ACLOs Able to precisely 1-6 and accurately present the solutions to the test problems in a sound logical manner.

C+ C CAble to present the solutions to the test problems with some accuracy and logic.

D+ D Able to present limited solutions to the test problems.

Mid-term Test (AT5) CLOs A+ A ACLOs Able to precisely 1, 2, 3, and accurately 4 & 5 present the solutions to the test problems in a sound logical manner.

B+ B BAble to present the solutions to the test problems with high accuracy and logic.

C+ C CAble to present the solutions to the test problems with some accuracy and logic.

D+ D Able to present limited solutions to the test problems.

Final Exam (AT6) CLOs A+ A ACLOs Able to present 1, 2, 3, solutions and 4 & 5 thoughts in a logically rigorous manner with excellent accuracy and sound application of advanced financial

B+ B BAble to present solutions and thoughts in an easily readable manner with good accuracy and application of advanced financial accounting

C+ C CAble to present solutions and thoughts in an easily readable manner with some accuracy

D+ D Able to present limited solutions and thoughts and demonstra te a reasonable

Advanced Financial Accounting 2nd Semester 2013-14

accounting concepts.


and some application of advanced financial accounting concepts.

attempt of the exam problems.


VII. Standards for assessment The success of this course depends on your individual and collective contribution to the class discussions. Please read the assigned readings and prepare before each class so that you can contribute effectively to case discussions. You are expected to participate voluntarily, or will be called upon, to contribute to set exercises and problems. The learning objective of this part of the course is to enhance your communication and analytical skills.

VIII. Academic Conduct Plagiarism and copying of copyright materials are serious offences and may lead to disciplinary actions. You should read the chapters on and Plagiarism and Copyright in the Undergraduate/Postgraduate Handbook for details. You are strongly advised to read the booklet entitled What is Plagiarism? which was distributed to you upon your admission into the University, a copy of which can be found at A booklet entitled Plagiarism and How to Avoid it is also available from the Main Library. The use of all electronic devices, including computers, mobile phones and games is strictly prohibited in class and exams. You are required to attend all the classes on time. In case you cannot attend a class you should inform the instructor beforehand.

Advanced Financial Accounting 2nd Semester 2013-14

IX. Course Schedule

Advanced Financial Accounting Tentative Course Schedule Spring 2014/ M/TH

WEEK 1 2

DATE Jan. 20- Jan. 24 Jan. 27 - Jan. 31

CHAPTER Intro./Ch.1 Ch1

LECTURE TOPIC The Equity Method for Investments




Introduction to Consolidation Holidays for the Lunar new Year (Jan 31-Feb 6 ) [No Class on Thursday-Jan 30] Introduction to Consolidation Consolidation-Subsequent to the Acquisition Date Consolidation-Subsequent to the Acquisition Date/ Consolidation-Outside Ownership Consolidation-Outside Ownership/ ConsolidationIntercompany Asset Transactions Ch.1-Problems 15,17, 23 No Tutorial sessions Ch. 2- Problems 20, 21, 24 Ch. 2- Problems 20, 21, 24 CH. 3- Problems 23, 25 (Ignore Partial equity method) Ch.1-Problems 15, 17, 23 Case 1 Case 2, Quiz 1

3 4 5

Feb. 10 -Feb. 14 Feb. 17 -Feb.21 Feb. 24- Feb 28

Ch.2 Ch. 2/Ch. 3 Ch. 3/Ch. 4

Mar. 3- Mar.9

Ch. 4/Ch.5

CH. 3- Problems 23, 25

Case 3

Advanced Financial Accounting 2nd Semester 2013-14

Reading Week (Mar. 10-Mar. 15) Ch. 4-Problems 24, 29, Quiz 1 No. Class on March 20th Review of Midterm Ch. 5 Problem 21, 23 Ch. 6-Problems 23, 26 No tutorial session on Apr 18 [Holiday] Ch. 7-Problems 14, 17, Quiz 2 Ch. 10-Problems 21, 23 Ch. 7-Problems 14, 17 Ch. 10-Problems 21, 23 Ch. 5 Problem 21, 23 Ch. 6-Problems 23, 26 Case 5 Case 6 Case 7 Quiz 2 Case 8 Case 9

Mar. 17- Mar.21

Ch. 5

Consolidation-Intercompany Asset Transactions

Ch. 4-Problems 24, 29

Case 4

Midterm( (MARCH 19) @T2 (6:30pm-9:00pm) 8 9 10 10 11 12 Mar. 24 -Mar. 28 Mar. 31 Apr 4 Apr. 7 - Apr. 11 Apr. 14 - Apr. 18 Apr. 22- Apr. 25 Apr. 28 - May. 2 Final Exam * Quiz 1 is scheduled at the beginning of the class on Feb. 27th, 2014 and will last for 10-15 minutes; ** Quiz 2 is scheduled on Apr. 17th, 2014 Ch. 5 Ch. 6 Ch. 6/Ch. 7 Ch. 7/Ch. 10 Ch. 10 Ch. 10/Review Consolidation-Intercompany Asset Transactions VIE, Intercompany Debt and other issues VIE, Intercompany Debt and other issues Consolidation-Ownership Patterns and Income Taxes Translation of Foreign Currency Financial Statements Apr 21 [Easter Monday] [No Class on Monday] Translation of Foreign Currency Financial Statements

Advanced Financial Accounting 2nd Semester 2013-14


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