Lesson Paln 3
Lesson Paln 3
Lesson Paln 3
Subject : English Language Date : 1 th Se!te"ber #$11 %i"e : &'#$(1$'#$ a'" )lass : Year 3 Enrol"ent : %o!ic : %rans!ortations Sub to!ic : *o+ Do You ,o %o School%he"e : .orl/ o0 1no+le/ge 2ocus S3ills : Listening 4 S!ea3ing an/ .riting S3ills : 1'# Listen to an/ re!eat accuratel5 the correct !ronunciation o0 +or/s4 an/ the correct intonation an/ +or/ stress o0 !hrases4 e6!ressions4 an/ sentences in conte6t #'1 S!ea3 clearl5 b5 !ronouncing +or/s accuratel5 )o"!lete te6ts +ith the "issing +or/4 !hrase or sentence ' )onstruct si"!le an/ co"!oun/ sentences +ith gui/ance an/ in/e!en/entl5' Le7el 8 Sub(s3ills : 1'# Listen to an/ re!eat accuratel5 the correct !ronunciation o0 +or/s4 an/ the correct intonation an/ +or/ stress o0 !hrases4 e6!ressions4 an/ sentences in conte6t #'1'# Pronounce #(s5llable +or/s correctl5 '3'# )o"!lete "issing +or/s in si"!le te6ts such as instructions4 /irections4 /escri!tions4 rh5"es4 stories an/ other te6ts 9+ith gui/ance in the 0or" o0 +or/s an/ !ictures:' ' '3 )onstruct si"!le sentences in/e!en/entl5' Pre7ious 1no+le/ge :Pu!ils ha7e obser7e/ so"e o0 the trans!ortations in their e7er5/a5 li0e' Learning Outco"es : ;5 the en/ o0 the lesson4 !u!ils shoul/ be able to: i: State an/ i/enti05 at least #$ na"es o0 trans!orts' ii: )o"!lete "issing letters in +or/s' iii: Arrange letters to 0or" +or/s' # i7: 2or" si"!le sentences b5 "atching sentence !arts' <ocabular5 +heels4 islan/4 =oral <alues %eaching an/ Learning resources car/s4 aero!lane 0err5 : cautious : !u>>le4 Po+erPoint sli/e !resentation4 !hoto albu"4 !icture +or/ car/s4 +or3sheet : car4 "otorc5cle4 bic5cle4 trisha+4 /ri7er4 lorr54 bic5cle4 train4 ta6i4 4 LR% 4 shi!4 rail+a5 station4 boat4 train4 7an4 bus4
%eaching Learning Acti7ities :Intro/uction : ,reetings4 as3 an/ ans+er sessions 3 9Ste! 1: Set In/uction : !u>>le' 9intro/uction to to!ic: 9Ste! #: Presentation : sli/e sho+ ? as3 an/ ans+er session base/ on the sli/e @ 9Ste! 3: Practice : 2ill in the "issing letters' A 9Ste! : Pro/uction : Arrange the letters to 0or" +or/' B )losure : ( %al3 about the "oral 7alue relate/ to the to!ic' *an/out 9*o"e+or3: %eaching An/ Learning Acti7ities: S%A,E8%I=E %EA)*IN, RESOCR)ES8<ALC ES
1 1' %eacher greets the !u!ils: a: ,oo/ "orning class' b: *o+ are 5ou to/a5c: .hat /a5 is to/a5/: .hat /a5 +as 5ester/a5e: .hat /a5 is to"orro+0: .hat is the /ate to/a5g: .hat is the +eather to/a5#' %eacher /istributes !ieces o0 !u>>le' # %eacher gi7es /irection : D a: Arrange these !ieces o0 !u>>le to 0or" a !icture' 3' %eacher as3s so"e Euestions: a: .hat !icture is thisb: *o+ "an5 +heels are the5c: .hat else trans!orts /o 5ou 3no+/: *o+ /o 5ou go to school to/a5' %eacher intro/uces sentence !atterns' @: %eacher intro/uces the to!ic'
1' %eacher sho+s !u!ils a sli/e sho+ on trans!ortations' #' %eacher as3s Euestions: a: .hat !icture is itb: *o+ "an5 +heel it has3' %eacher sho+s +or/ car/s +hile !u!ils sa5 out the +or/s' ' %eacher intro/uces 3 t5!es o0 trans!ortations: Sli/e sho+ @' %eacher as3s !u!ils to na"e the trans!orts accor/ing to lan/ trans!orts4air trans!orts an/ +ater trans!orts: a: Na"e "e at least @ t5!es o0 lan/ trans!orts' b: Na"e "e at least @ t5!es o0 air trans!orts' c: Na"e "e at least @ t5!es o0 +ater trans!orts'
Practice 9 1@ "inutes :
1' 1'%eacher sho+s e6cercise on the sli/e' 1:2ill in the #' #'%eacher as3s 7olunteers to 0ill in the "issing "issing letters one b5 one' %eaching Ai/s letters' 3' 3' %eacher /iscusses the ans+er +ith the Sli/e sho+ #: S!ell the !u!ils' +or/s' @' ' %eacher as3s the !u!ils to s!ell the +or/' 1' %eacher as3s 7olunteers to arrange the Enrich"ent: letters gi7en in the sli/e sho+ one b5 1: arrange the one' letters to 0or" #' %eacher /iscusses the ans+er +ith the +or/' !u!ils' %eaching Ai/s Sli/e sho+
)losure 9 @ "inutes :
1' %eacher ass Euestions: a: .hat ha7e 5ou learnt to/a5b: *o+ "an5 t5!e o0 trans!orts 5ou learnt to/a5c:.hat are the5/:Na"e at least #$ trans!orts 5ou ha7e learnt' e:.hat are the "oral 7alue in7ol7e in the this to!ic#' %eacher gi7e +or3sheets as a ho"e+or3 to each !u!ils'
English Year 3 Lesson Plan YEAR 3 DAILY LESSON PLAN Subject : English Language Date : 1 th Se!te"ber #$11 %i"e : &'#$(1$'#$ a'" )lass : Year 3 Enrol"ent : %o!ic : %rans!ortations Sub to!ic : *o+ Do You ,o %o School%he"e : .orl/ o0 1no+le/ge 2ocus S3ills : Listening an/ S!ea3ing S3ills : 1'# Listen to an/ re!eat accuratel5 the correct !ronunciation o0 +or/s4 an/ the correct intonation an/ +or/ stress o0 !hrases4 e6!ressions4 an/ sentences in conte6t accuratel5 #'1 S!ea3 clearl5 b5 !ronouncing +or/s '3 )o"!lete te6ts +ith the "issing +or/ 4 !hrases or sentence ' )onstruct si"!le an/ co"!oun/ sentences +ith gui/ance an/ in/e!en/entl5' Le7el 8 Sub(s3ills : 1'#'# Listen to an/ re!eat correctl5 !hrases an/ e6!ressions #'1'# Pronounce #(s5llable +or/s correctl5 '3'# )o"!lete "issing +or/s in si"!le te6ts such as instructions4 /irections4 /escri!tions4 rh5"es4 stories an/ other te6ts 9+ith gui/ance in the 0or" o0 +or/s an/ !ictures:' ' '3 )onstruct si"!le sentences in/e!en/entl5' Pre7ious 1no+le/ge :Pu!ils ha7e obser7e/ so"e o0 the trans!ortations in their e7er5/a5 li0e' Learning Outco"es : ;5 the en/ o0 the lesson4 !u!ils shoul/ be able to: i: State an/ i/enti05 at least #$ na"es o0 trans!orts' ii: )o"!lete "issing letters in +or/s'
iii: Arrange letters to 0or" +or/s' i7: 2or" si"!le sentences b5 "atching sentence !arts' <ocabular5 : car4 "otorc5cle4 bic5cle4 trisha+4 /ri7er4 lorr54 bic5cle4 train4 +heels4 ta6i4 4 LR% 4 shi!4 rail+a5 station4 boat4 train4 7an4 bus4 islan/4 aero!lane 0err5 =oral <alues : cautious %eaching an/ Learning resources : !u>>le4 Po+erPoint sli/e !resentation4 !hoto albu"4 !icture car/s4 +or/ car/s4 +or3sheet %eaching Learning Acti7ities : 1' Intro/uction : ,reetings4 as3 an/ ans+er sessions #' 9Ste! 1: Set In/uction : !u>>le' 9intro/uction to to!ic: 3' 9Ste! #: Presentation : sli/e sho+ ? as3 an/ ans+er session base/ on the sli/e ' 9Ste! 3: Practice : 2ill in the "issing letters' @' 9Ste! : Pro/uction : Arrange the letters to 0or" +or/' A' )losure : ( %al3 about the "oral 7alue relate/ to the to!ic' *an/out 9*o"e+or3: %eaching An/ Learning Acti7ities: S%A,E8%I=E )ON%EN% %EA)*IN,8LEARNIN, A)%I<I%IES %EA)*IN, RESOCR)ES8<ALCES Set in/uction 9@ "inutes: Pu>>le 1 1' %eacher greets the !u!ils: a: ,oo/ "orning class' b: *o+ are 5ou to/a5c: .hat /a5 is to/a5/: .hat /a5 +as 5ester/a5e: .hat /a5 is to"orro+0: .hat is the /ate to/a5g: .hat is the +eather to/a5#' %eacher /istributes !ieces o0 !u>>le' 3' %eacher gi7es instruction : F a: Arrange these !ieces o0 !u>>les to 0or" a !icture' ' %eacher as3s so"e Euestions: a: .hat !icture is itb: *o+ "an5 +heels are the5c: .hat else trans!orts /o 5ou 3no+/: *o+ /o 5ou go to school to/a5@' %eacher intro/uces sentence !atterns' A: %eacher intro/uces the to!ic'
%eaching Ai/s Pieces o0 !u>>les Sentence !arts Substitution table Presentation Acti7it5 1 9#$ "inutes: Sli/e sho+ 1' %eacher sho+s !u!ils a sli/e sho+ on trans!ortations' #' %eacher as3s Euestions: a: .hat !icture is itb: *o+ "an5 +heel it has3' %eacher sho+s +or/ car/s +hile !u!ils sa5 out the +or/s' ' %eacher intro/uces 3 t5!es o0 trans!ortations: @' %eacher as3s !u!ils to na"e the trans!orts accor/ing to lan/ trans!orts4air trans!orts an/ +ater trans!orts: a: Na"e "e at least @ t5!es o0 lan/ trans!orts' b: Na"e "e at least @ t5!es o0 air trans!orts' c: Na"e "e at least @ t5!es o0 +ater trans!orts' %eaching Ai/s Sli/e sho+s !hoto albu" +or/ car/s Practice 9 1@ "inutes : 1:2ill in the "issing letters' #: S!ell the +or/s' 1' 1'%eacher sho+s e6cercise on the sli/e' #' #'%eacher as3s 7olunteers to 0ill in the "issing letters one b5 one' 3' 3' %eacher /iscusses the ans+er +ith the !u!ils' @' ' %eacher as3s the !u!ils to s!ell the +or/' %eaching Ai/s Sli/e sho+ Pro/uction 91@ "inutes: Enrich"ent: 1: arrange the letters to 0or" +or/' 1' %eacher as3s 7olunteers to arrange the letters gi7en in the sli/e sho+ one b5 one' #' %eacher /iscusses the ans+er +ith the !u!ils' %eaching Ai/s Sli/e sho+ )losure 9 @ "inutes : a: lesson su""ar5 b: =oral 7alue 1' %eacher as3s Euestions: a: .hat ha7e 5ou learnt to/a5b: *o+ "an5 t5!e o0 trans!orts 5ou learnt to/a5c:.hat are the5/:Na"e at least #$ trans!orts 5ou ha7e learnt' e:.hat are the "oral 7alue in7ol7e in the this to!ic#' %eacher gi7es +or3sheets as a ho"e+or3 to each !u!ils' %eaching Ai/s
+or3sheets Re0lection: I ha7e this learning acti7it5 0or "5 Year 3 stu/ents' I a" 7er5 ha!!5 because all stu/ents able to state at least 1@ na"es o0 trans!orts' Stu/ents +ere 7er5 ha!!5 an/ intereste/ because the5 ha7e the o!!ortunit5 to sol7e a !u>>le o0 a car' ;esi/es that4 the stu/ents also enjo5e/ 3e5ing ans+er using "5 la!to!' I can see the stu/ents in7ol7e/ acti7el5 /uring the learning !rocess' Es!eciall5 +hen it co"es to the acti7it5 session +here I can see "5 stu/ents able to /o the acti7it5 as +hat I e6!ecte/' =ost o0 "5 stu/ents can co"!lete the +or3 in the en/ o0 lesson' I 0elt 7er5 !rou/ +ith the"4 as the5 +ere onl5 Year 3 stu/ents but the5 +ere succee/e/ in sol7ing a !u>>le4 co"!leting the "issing letters4 arranging letters to 0or" +or/s as +ell as constructing si"!le sentences b5 their o+n' I"!ro7e"ent: Ne6t ti"e4 I !lan to use a "in/ "a! to intro/uce the to!ic in or/er to e6!lain the to!ic "uch "ore clearer'