CV - Updated September 2014

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3 Coady Avenue
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2013 - resenL
8eglonal Pub Convenor - Plghland 8eglon
CommunlLy SecLor Councll of nova ScoLla
AnLlgonlsh, nova ScoLla
Learnlng Lngllsh for Academlc urposes (LLA) lnsLrucLor, WrlLlng CenLre
SL. lrancls xavler unlverslLy
AnLlgonlsh, nova ScoLla
2012 - 2014
ACALA1v rogram Manager, AnLlgonlsh CounLy AdulL Learnlng AssoclaLlon
AnLlgonlsh, nova ScoLla
2012 - 2013
AdmlnlsLraLlve and l1 SupporL CoordlnaLor, SusLalnable AnLlgonlsh
AnLlgonlsh, nova ScoLla
2011 - resenL
Cnllne Learnlng Course ueslgner/CoordlnaLor/lnsLrucLor, AnLlgonlsh CounLy AdulL Learnlng AssoclaLlon
AnLlgonlsh, nova ScoLla
2011 - resenL
roducer, CSC roducLlons
AnLlgonlsh, nova ScoLla
2011 - resenL
1eachlng lmmlgranLs Lngllsh (1lL) Currlculum ueslgner & 1eacher, Pallfax 8eglonal School 8oard
AnLlgonlsh, nova ScoLla
Learnlng Lngllsh for Academlc urposes (LLA) lnsLrucLor, WrlLlng CenLre
SL. lrancls xavler unlverslLy
AnLlgonlsh, nova ScoLla
2007 - 2010
ro[ecL Cfflcer, naLlonal CollaboraLlng CenLres for ubllc PealLh Leads SecreLarlaL
SL. lrancls xavler unlverslLy
AnLlgonlsh, nova ScoLla
2004 - 2007
Senlor 1eacher & rogram Advlsor, Sunny Slde up!
SalLama refecLure, !apan
LlL unlverslLy lnsLrucLor & 8ecrulLmenL Cfflcer, WesLgaLe CorporaLlon
Shlzuoka refecLure, !apan
2002 - 2003
LlL 1eacher, 1opla Lngllsh Zone
Changwon, SouLh korea
LlL 1eacher, uallan luLure Lngllsh School
uallan, Chlna
lorelgn LxperL, SouLh ?angLze unlverslLy/LambLon College
Wuxl, Chlna
!uly 2010
MasLer of ArLs wlLh MerlL ln Lngllsh
unlverslLy of 8lrmlngham
ulsserLaLlon 1lLle: PealLh LlLeracy as CaplLal: lnvesLlgaLlng Lhe Lngllsh as an AddlLlonal Language erspecLlve"
May 1998
8achelor of ArLs Advanced Ma[or ln Lngllsh
ualhousle unlverslLy
CcLober 2012 - AssoclaLlon of Workplace LducaLors of nova ScoLla: Workplace LducaLlon loundaLlon Skllls
rogram CerLlflcaLe of CompleLlon, Coffs, nS.
SepLember 2012 - Acadla CenLre for Soclal & 8uslness LnLrepreneurshlp: Soclal lnnovaLlon 8eLreaL, ueberL, nS.
March 2012 - ALlanLlc Councll for CommunlLy and Soclal LnLerprlse and enLerprlslng non-proflLs CrlenLaLlon
Workshop, 1ruro, nS.
SepLember 2011 - lrlesens Self-ubllshlng Workshop, 1aLamagouche, nS.
!une 2010 - 8ed 8lver College: Web SlLe CommunlcaLlon CerLlflcaLe of CompleLlon, Wlnnlpeg, M8.
May 2009 - SL. lrancls xavler unlverslLy: ro[ecL ManagemenL AppllcaLlon: ro[ecL CharLer & Work 8reakdown
SysLem Workshop, AnLlgonlsh, nS.
Aprll 2009 - Acadla CenLre for Soclal & 8uslness LnLrepreneurshlp: llnanclal Analysls for 8uslness uevelopmenL
rofesslonals rogram CerLlflcaLe of CompleLlon, AnLlgonlsh, nS.
All of us SocleLy for ArL resenLaLlon LdlLorlal CommlLLee
AnLlgonlsh overLy 8educLlon CoallLlon
AnLlgonlsh 1own and CounLy CommunlLy PealLh 8oard
AnLlgonlghL: ArL AfLer uark lannlng CommlLLee
AnLlgonlsh CounLy AdulL Learnlng AssoclaLlon: Lngllsh as an AddlLlonal Language 1eacher
lamlly Servlces AnLlgonlsh: CuLreach and fund ralslng acLlvlLles
AnLlgonlsh CulLure Allve (ArLs and CulLure Councll): CommlLLee Ambassador
Slow lood !apan: LvenL AsslsLanL
AugusL 2014 - Workshop resenLaLlon: The Twilight Zine, parL of Lhe 8ook 8ound Workshop Serles organlzed by
Lhe All-Cf-us SocleLy for ArL resenLaLlon and Lhe lcLou-AnLlgonlsh 8eglonal Llbrary.
!une 2013 - anel resenLaLlon: A Forum on Independent Publishing aL LasL of 1here, an expanded meeLlng of
vlsual arL professlonals hosLed by Lhe ArLlsL-8un CenLres and CollecLlves Conference (A8CCC/CCCAA, aka A8CA)
ln SalnL !ohn, n8.
lebruary 2011 - aper - Culture, translation, and genre: The emergence of health literacy interventions aL
WrlLlng 8esearch Across 8orders ll (4Lh lnLernaLlonal Conference on WrlLlng 8esearch) ln lalrfax, vA.
AugusL 2010 - osLer - ealth !iteracy as a Personal Asset: The Circle of ealth as a Collaborative Tool aL
lnnovaLlon & CollaboraLlon - Lhe 2010 ALlanLlc Summer lnsLlLuLe on PealLhy and Safe CommunlLles ln
CharloLLeLown, L.
March 2009 - aper - Cultural Capital, "igrants, and ealth !iteracy presenLed aL Lhe 11Lh annual MeLropolls
Conference ln Calgary, A8.
Aprll 2012 - aper - #$# and Twitter: !essons for "edical %ducation aL Lhe 2012 Canadlan Conference on
Medlcal LducaLlon ln 8anff, A8.
SepLember 2011 - aper - Twitter: a space of conflict and competition during the #$# pandemic aL Lhe
Medlclne 2.0 World Congress ln SLanford, CA.
May 2011 - aper - ealth !iteracy in "edical %ducation: Promoting %mpowerment as a Patient&Centred Care
Approach aL Lhe 2011 Canadlan Conference on Medlcal LducaLlon ln 1oronLo, Cn.
!une 2010 - aper - The 'ole of %nglish as an Additional !anguage Teachers within %merging Concepts of ealth
!iteracy presenLed aL Lhe Canadlan ubllc PealLh AssoclaLlon's CenLenary Conference ln 1oronLo, Cn.
Aprll 2010 - aper - A (ystems Approach to (trengthening ealth !iteracy: 'ecent Immigrants !iving in 'ural
$ova (cotia presenLed aL SLaLlsLlcs Canada's 2010 Soclo-economlc conference ln CaLlneau, CC.
!une 2009 - osLer - )nowledge (ynthesis Translation and %*change +isseminating 'elevant 'esearch and
)nowledge to %nable %vidence&,ased Public ealth Practice and Policy +evelopment presenLed on behalf of Lhe
naLlonal CollaboraLlng CenLres for ubllc PealLh aL Lhe 2009 CPA Conference ln Wlnnlpeg, M8.
Aprll 2009 - aper - !a langue et la sant-: !a litt-ratie en de sant- et la sant- des imigrants allophones
au Canada presenLed aL Lhe 2e Colloque eLudlanL du ueparLemenL de franals de CarleLon unlverslLy, CLLawa.
CcLober 2008 - osLer - )nowledge (ynthesis Translation and %*change +isseminating 'elevant 'esearch and
)nowledge to %nable %vidence&,ased Public ealth Practice and Policy +evelopment presenLed on behalf of Lhe
naLlonal CollaboraLlng CenLres for ubllc PealLh aL Lhe 13Lh Canadlan Conference on lnLernaLlonal PealLh ln
CLLawa, Cn.
AugusL 2008 - osLer - )nowledge (ynthesis, Translation and %*change /)(T%0 1 ealth !iteracy: ,ridging the
2ap co-auLhored and co-presenLed wlLh ur. Anna MacLeod on behalf of Lhe naLlonal CollaboraLlng CenLre for
ueLermlnanLs of PealLh aL 8eadlng 8eLween Lhe Llnes - Lhe 3rd Annual Summer lnsLlLuLe for PealLhy and Safe
CommunlLles, CharloLLeLown, L.
AugusL 2003 - aper - +evelopment of a Pre&(chool Curriculum presenLed Lo Lhe unlverslLy of
8lrmlngham's Plroshlma semlnar, Plroshlma, !apan.
March 2013 - 1ralnlng and 1echnlcal AsslsLance CranL Lo conducL a leaslblllLy SLudy. $8,900 awarded Lo Lhe
AnLlgonlsh CounLy AdulL Learnlng AssoclaLlon by LnLerprlslng nova ScoLla (enp-nS).
!une 2012 - AdulL LducaLlon lnlLlaLlve CranL for ulglLal SLory 1elllng: LducaLlon for AcLlon on Pouslng". $38,400
awarded Lo Lhe AnLlgonlsh CounLy AdulL Learnlng AssoclaLlon by Lhe CaLherlne uonnelly loundaLlon
May 2012 - lnslghL CranL for Plgher LducaLlon ln a ulglLal Lconomy: An lnsLlLuLlonal LLhnography".
$297,323.00 awarded Lo ualhousle unlverslLy by Lhe Soclal Sclences PumanlLles 8esearch Councll of Canada
AugusL 2014 - ALlanLlc Summer lnsLlLuLe on PealLhy and Safe CommunlLles 8eglsLraLlon & 1ravel Subsldy
awarded by Lhe ALlanLlc Summer lnsLlLuLe on PealLhy and Safe CommunlLles.
lebruary 2011 - WrlLlng 8esearch Across 8orders ll 1ravel lellowshlp awarded by Lhe WrlLlng 8esearch Across
8orders ll Conference lannlng CommlLLee.
AugusL 2010 - ALlanLlc Summer lnsLlLuLe on PealLhy and Safe CommunlLles 1ravel 8ursary awarded by Lhe
CovernmenL of nova ScoLla.
March 2009 - 11Lh annual MeLropolls Conference 1ravel 8ursary awarded by ClLlzenshlp and lmmlgraLlon
!uly 2003 - ShorL SLory ConLesL Ponourable MenLlon awarded by Lhe edlLors of Collected "iscellany.
8evlewer, Medlclne 2.0 - 6Lh World Congress on Soclal Medla, Moblle PealLh, and lnLerneL/Web 2.0 ln
Medlclne and PealLh, London.
8evlewer, Medlclne 2.0 - 3Lh World Congress on Soclal Medla, Moblle PealLh, and lnLerneL/Web 2.0 ln
Medlclne and PealLh, 8osLon, MA.
Aprll 2014 - klLchen 1able Creen Lconomlcs". The Cas3et.
Aprll 2014 - CAC ulscusses Wlnd ro[ecLs aL Cafe". The Cas3et4
Aprll 2014 - Colng Creen ln Lhe CommunlLy". The Cas3et.
uecember 2013 - 8andy uelorey, MlnlsLer of LnvlronmenL, on lracklng, 8oaL Parbour, rlslng sea levels, and
much more". alifa* "edia Co&op.
CcLober 2013 - AnLlgonlsh CandldaLes lorum on overLy 8educLlon". alifa* "edia Co&op.
uecember 2012 - ACALA1v". !iteracy $ova (cotia $ews.
March 2012 - Smoke 'Lm lf ?ou CoL 'Lm". alifa* "edia Co&op.
May 2011 - AnLlgonlsh: CenLral nova Wrap-up". C8C news.
May 2011 - AnLlgonlsh: overLy ln CenLral nova". C8C news.
Aprll 2011 - AnLlgonlsh eople - Pugh". C8C news.
Aprll 2011 - AnLlgonlsh: eople -- Marlon & Amanda". C8C news.
Aprll 2011 - AnLlgonlsh eople - Clarlce". C8C news.
Aprll 2011 - AnLlgonlsh: ulsablllLy-relaLed barrlers Lo CenLral nova campalgn headquarLers". C8C news.
Aprll 2011 - AnLlgonlsh: All CandldaLes uebaLe". C8C news.
Aprll 2011 - AnLlgonlsh: eople - Anonymous". C8C news.
Aprll 2011 - AnLlgonlsh: CenLral nova 1weeps". C8C news.
Aprll 2011 - AnLlgonlsh: eople--Wes underwood". C8C news.
Aprll 2011 - AnLlgonlsh: Larly 8eacLlon Lo Lhe uebaLe". C8C news.
Aprll 2011 - AnLlgonlsh: eople--Sarah Macnell". C8C news.
Aprll 2011 - AnLlgonlsh: Challenges". C8C news.
Aprll 2011 - Pello from AnLlgonlsh, nS" C8C news.
2013. Affordable Antigonish. roducer and 8esearcher. uocumenLary fllm dlrecLed by eLer Murphy. An
ACALA1v/SeabrlghL roducLlons roducLlon. remlered lebruary 13, 2013 aL Lhe eople's lace Llbrary ln
AnLlgonlsh, nS. Avallable aL hLLp:// lasL accessed !uly 29, 2013.
2011. Antigonight: the "ovie. roducer. uocumenLary fllm produced wlLh SLeve Scannell, Lhe AnLlgonlsh
8eglonal uevelopmenL AuLhorlLy, and ACALA1v. remlered CcLober 22, 2011 aL Lhe AnLlgonlsh lnLernaLlonal
lllm lesLlval ln AnLlgonlsh, nS. Avallable aL hLLp:// lasL accessed !uly 29, 2013.
l am well-versed ln several sofLware programs lncludlng:
1he MlcrosofL, Corel and Cpen Cfflce SulLes.
Llve sLreamlng plaLforms such as uS18LAM
vldeo edlLlng sofLware, e.g., llnal CuL ro and Adobe remlere ro C(5
Soclal neLworklng plaLforms, e.g., lacebook, ?ou1ube, and 1wlLLer
WebslLe sofLware, e.g., !oombla and ?ola
8logglng sofLware, e.g., 1umblr and Wordress
LducaLlon ManagemenL SysLems such as Moodle and 8lackboard Learnlng SysLem
ManagemenL lnformaLlon SysLems, e.g., MlcrosofL ro[ecL, ShareolnL, and AC1!
l wrlLe clear, well-referenced documenLs ln a varleLy of prlnL and onllne genres lncludlng granL proposals,
reporLs, execuLlve summarles, buslness leLLers, pollcy brlefs, academlc essays, news sLorles, blogs, LweeLs,
essays, and owerolnL presenLaLlons. Lxamples are avallable upon requesL.
l have excellenL grammaLlcal, edlLlng and proofreadlng skllls, and am fluenL ln boLh lrench and Lngllsh (readlng,
wrlLlng, and speaklng).
My phoLos and vldeos have been publlshed and broadcasL by Lhe C8C, LasLllnk 1v, The Cas3et, and Lhe alifa*
"edia Co&op.
l have professlonal experlence bulldlng, admlnlsLerlng and malnLalnlng lnLerneL and lnLraneL slLes. My speclflc
duLles have lncluded codlng, managlng conLenL, and managlng onllne communlLles.
8eferences are avallable upon requesL.

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