To Whom So Ever It May Concern': Authorization Note
To Whom So Ever It May Concern': Authorization Note
To Whom So Ever It May Concern': Authorization Note
Candidate has ri$ht to den& and not si$n the A thori!ation letter if he/she does not want to allow for verifi#ation.
AUTHORIZATION NOTE To whom so ever it may concern ' " a thori!e the Co()an& or the retained third )arties to obtain investi$ative e()lo&(ent verifi#ation re)ort in #onne#tion to (& a))li#ation for e()lo&(ent *he e()lo&(ent verifi#ation re)ort (a& in#l de infor(ation re$ardin$ (& #hara#ter" $eneral re) tation" )ersonal #hara#teristi#s" +d #ation ,A thenti#ation of a#- ired or ) rs in$ .e$rees/.i)lo(as/0 +()lo&(ent histor&0 Credit histor&0 #o rt re#ords" in#l din$ #ri(inal verifi#ation re#ords as )er(itted b& law0 1ass)ort Verifi#ation0 1er(anent A##o nt 2 (ber verifi#ation0 .r $ *est0 Fin$er 1rint Verifi#ation0 Address Verifi#ation "referen#es fro( )rofessional and )ersonal asso#iates as (a&be a))li#able and an& other #he#% as fo nd relevant for the )rofile. ' " f rther nderstand and a$ree that the e()lo&(ent verifi#ation re)ort (a& be obtained at an& ti(e and an& n (ber of ti(es as ne#essar& before" d rin$ or )ost (& e()lo&(ent. ' )rovide (& #onsent to the #o()an& or the third )arties for the )ro#essin$ of an& sensitive )ersonal infor(ation obtained for the ) r)ose of verifi#ation. ' nderstand that so(e or all of the infor(ation ' have )rovided in this a))li#ation for( will be held as di$iti!ed or )h&si#al re#ords for a )eriod as defined b& the data retention nor(s. ' hereb& a thori!e all )revio s e()lo&ers" ed #ational instit tions" #ons (er re)ortin$ a$en#ies and other )ersons or entities havin$ infor(ation abo t (e to )rovide s #h infor(ation to the Co()an& or an& other third )art&/ies retained b& the( for the ) r)ose. ' nderstand that the #ontin an#e of the e()lo&(ent or the offer of e()lo&(ent is #ontin$ent #he#% #ond #ted on (e. )on the o t#o(e of the ba#%$ro nd
*he )roof of 'dentit& en#losed and self attested for referen#e. A 1hotostat" or an& other #o)&" of this instr (ent bearin$ (& si$nat re shall be e- all& le$all& valid as the ori$inal. All the infor(ation f rnished b& (e in the 3a#%$ro nd Verifi#ation For( is tr e to the best of (& %nowled$e. Si$nat re4 5555555555555555 2a(e4 5555555555555555555 .ate4 55555555555555555555 1la#e4 55555555555555555555
Note: It is mandatory to duly sign the form on the space provided above or else the application form would be rejected.