This document outlines the main sections of a health and safety management system such as HSG65. It lists the six key sections as: policy, organizing, planning and implementing, measuring performance, reviewing performance, and auditing. It then provides more details on some of these sections, including what they involve and their purposes within a health and safety system. Risk assessment is a key part of planning and implementing. Measuring performance involves reactive and active monitoring. Reviewing performance allows organizations to learn and improve. Auditing provides an independent view of an organization's health and safety.
This document outlines the main sections of a health and safety management system such as HSG65. It lists the six key sections as: policy, organizing, planning and implementing, measuring performance, reviewing performance, and auditing. It then provides more details on some of these sections, including what they involve and their purposes within a health and safety system. Risk assessment is a key part of planning and implementing. Measuring performance involves reactive and active monitoring. Reviewing performance allows organizations to learn and improve. Auditing provides an independent view of an organization's health and safety.
This document outlines the main sections of a health and safety management system such as HSG65. It lists the six key sections as: policy, organizing, planning and implementing, measuring performance, reviewing performance, and auditing. It then provides more details on some of these sections, including what they involve and their purposes within a health and safety system. Risk assessment is a key part of planning and implementing. Measuring performance involves reactive and active monitoring. Reviewing performance allows organizations to learn and improve. Auditing provides an independent view of an organization's health and safety.
This document outlines the main sections of a health and safety management system such as HSG65. It lists the six key sections as: policy, organizing, planning and implementing, measuring performance, reviewing performance, and auditing. It then provides more details on some of these sections, including what they involve and their purposes within a health and safety system. Risk assessment is a key part of planning and implementing. Measuring performance involves reactive and active monitoring. Reviewing performance allows organizations to learn and improve. Auditing provides an independent view of an organization's health and safety.
. !uditing Policy. "#ere is a legal re$uirement to #ave a #ealt# and safety policy and many ot#er aspects of safety management are su%&ect to legal re$uirements. Organising. Policies are implemented %y people and t#is re$uires t#eir continued motivation and involvement. "#e '() #as identified t#at successful organisations esta%lis#* operate and maintain systems for t#e four +,s -control* co. operation* communication* competence/. Planning and Implementing. ! 0ey aspect of planning is ris0 assessment since if we do not 0now w#at ris0s t#ere are in our area we are in no position to manage t#em. "#ere is a ris0 assessment and ris0 control module w#ic# deals wit# ris0 assessment in detail. Implementing is primarily concerned wit# t#e actions re$uired to deal wit# specific types of #a1ards and t#is is mainly dealt wit# in t#e module on common #a1ards. Measuring Performance. "#ere are two parts to measuring performance* reactive monitoring and active monitoring. 2e will loo0 at w#at t#ese terms mean later in t#e course. Reviewing Performance. "#e primary purpose of performance review is to organisations to learn %y e3perience and use t#e lessons learned to improve t#eir #ealt# and safety performance. !uditing. !uditing is t#e process of o%taining a systematic and independent view of t#e #ealt# and safety performance of an organisation. List the 6 steps of Risk Assessment 1/ 4ist t#e tas0s to %e performed and %y w#om 2/ Identify #a1ards involved in performing t#e tas0 3/ 5etermine w#o could %e #armed %y t#e #a1ards and #ow. 4/ )valuate t#e e3isting control measures to see w#et#er any improvements need to %e made. 5/ Record your findings / Monitor and review your findings w#ere necessary The three ways of land pollution have occur "#e answer to t#is $uestion is contained in Module 6* (ection 1.6. Incorrect drainage connections* resulting in industrial waste entering surface water drains* w#ic# in turn flow into rivers. +#emicals %eing was#ed into or disposed of into surface water drains. !ccidental spillage of oils and c#emicals during delivery operations. 4ea0age of oils and c#emicals from drums and tan0s. (pillage of %ul0 foodstuffs suc# as mil0* alco#ol or cream In#alation -%reat#ing it in/ . Ingestion -swallowing it/ . !%sorption t#roug# t#e s0in . !%sorption t#roug# t#e mucus mem%ranes -eyes primarily/ . In&ection wit# a s#arp o%&ect +#emical can contact our %ody from different way suc# as 17!%sorption 27In&ection 37In#alation 47Ingestion List the psychological symptoms of violence at work Violence can often manifest itself in a number of psychological symptoms including Insomnia. (tress. !n3iety. Irrita%ility. 4oss of confidence. !grop#o%ia. "#oug#ts of self #arm. 8uilt !hat factors affect the risk of in"ury during manual handling# "#e weig#t of t#e load. "#e si1e and s#ape of t#e load. 9our posture during manual #andling. "#e distance you #ave to lift t#e load. "#e nature of t#e manual #andling movement. "#e fre$uency of t#e manual #andling movement. "#e wor0ing environment. "#e capa%ility of t#e person.