Stanley Arun Prabakar is a mechanical engineer from India, currently working as a welding and NDT inspector in Abu Dhabi, UAE. He has over 5 years of experience in welding inspection. He holds NDT Level II certifications in liquid penetrant testing, ultrasonic testing, radiography interpretation, and magnetic particle testing. He is responsible for reviewing quality plans, conducting inspections and tests, ensuring safety, fabricating offshore and onshore projects, and maintaining quality documentation.
Stanley Arun Prabakar is a mechanical engineer from India, currently working as a welding and NDT inspector in Abu Dhabi, UAE. He has over 5 years of experience in welding inspection. He holds NDT Level II certifications in liquid penetrant testing, ultrasonic testing, radiography interpretation, and magnetic particle testing. He is responsible for reviewing quality plans, conducting inspections and tests, ensuring safety, fabricating offshore and onshore projects, and maintaining quality documentation.
Stanley Arun Prabakar is a mechanical engineer from India, currently working as a welding and NDT inspector in Abu Dhabi, UAE. He has over 5 years of experience in welding inspection. He holds NDT Level II certifications in liquid penetrant testing, ultrasonic testing, radiography interpretation, and magnetic particle testing. He is responsible for reviewing quality plans, conducting inspections and tests, ensuring safety, fabricating offshore and onshore projects, and maintaining quality documentation.
Stanley Arun Prabakar is a mechanical engineer from India, currently working as a welding and NDT inspector in Abu Dhabi, UAE. He has over 5 years of experience in welding inspection. He holds NDT Level II certifications in liquid penetrant testing, ultrasonic testing, radiography interpretation, and magnetic particle testing. He is responsible for reviewing quality plans, conducting inspections and tests, ensuring safety, fabricating offshore and onshore projects, and maintaining quality documentation.