Documents For Technical Report
Documents For Technical Report
Documents For Technical Report
I. Preliminaries
a. Title Page
b. Approval Sheet
c. Acknowledgment
d. Dedication (Optional)
e. Table of Contents
f. ist of !ig"res
g. ist of Appendices
II. Introduction
a. #ationale (for O$T)
b. Compan% Profile
III. Summary of Training E!erience
I". Pro#lems $et
". Recommendations
"I. A!!endices
a. !ig"res
Organi&ational Str"ct"re of the Compan%
Acco"ntabilit% and #esponsibilit% of the Personnel
Site 'ap of the Compan%
Shop a%o"t of the Compan%
Pictorials (at least () in*action + programs + with co*workers) scanned)
b. O$T !orms
#ecommendation etter
Acceptance etter
Parent,s Permit
Trainee - .nd"str% Agreement and iabilit% /aiver
0iodata + #es"me
'edical Certificate
Police Clearance
Dail% Time #ecord
og of Dail% Activities
'onthl% #eport
Certificate of Completion (indicate total n"mber of ho"rs completed)
Performance #ating Sheet
Note1 2se s%ort si&e or A' #ond !a!er
$argins1 top) right and bottom - 3 inch4 left margin - 3.5 inch
Font style1 Times new roman or Arial
Font si&e1 36
S!acing1 Triple space between chapter title+section headings and te7t (content)
Do"ble space between te7t within a paragraph.
Cover page 8 Title page format
A T9C:;.CA #9PO#T
of the
O;*T:9*$O0 T#A;.;< ACT.=.T.9S
Presented to
SO2T:9#; 9>T9 STAT9 2;.=9#S.T>
'ain Camp"s
Sogod) So"thern e%te
.n Partial !"lfillment of the
Co"rse #e?"irements for the Degree of
0AC:9O# O! SC.9;C9 .; .;D2ST#.A T9C:;OO<>
'a@or in !ood Preparation and Service Technolog%
$A; S:9##> C. 0AA0A
'arch 6A33
Sample format1 Approval Sheet
SO2T:9#; 9>T9 STAT9 2;.=9#S.T>
'ain Camp"s) Sogod) So"thern e%te
.n partial f"lfillment of the re?"irements for the degree of 0achelor of Science in :otel)
#esta"rant and To"rism 'anagement. This On*the*$ob Training #eport "ndertaken at the
Shangri*a,s 'actan #esort and Spa and 'actan Ceb" .nternational Airport A"thorit%) prepared
and s"bmitted b% $(RA )IN*LE ). SALAR has been e7amined and approved b% the
O$T Coordinator
Rot%man Hotel
$hls4,ks4Cspgasv a4os@poo@as4flas,fas4v al@psif4as)faslnahlaks@hfalsfask4a4 ilgaop"i l4dg@apCf
af asfvsda4@pf. Asf@sla@flas@va4sv Assa4dlds. Agladlgasd4a @dfhoif aslv sd"pof@alsdfndsalv oa4D!
ai"fha4o fa+fiweapf asvaslf@oa4weif afa4wie"owe@ peroE?4p fa. .hf4aewo"ra vfie%do ssie%t wsv
slhtls gs@g4osergms.nlfg,w@gsd v)sdv+s@fgla@gpa.
Fiesta Tours and Tra+el Cor!oration
$hls4,ks4Cspgasv a4os@poo@as4flas,fas4v al@psif4as)faslnahlaks@hfalsfask4a4 ilgaop"i l4dg@apCf
af asfvsda4@pf. Asf@sla@flas@va4sv Assa4dlds. Agladlgasd4a @dfhoif aslv sd"pof@alsdfndsalv oa4D!
ai"fha4o fa+fiweapf asvaslf@oa4weif afa4wie"owe@ peroE?4p fa. .hf4aewo"ra vfie%do ssie%t wsv
slhtls gs@g4osergms.nlfg,w@gsd v)sdv+s@fgla@gpa.
Island Co+e Resort , S!a
$hls4,ks4Cspgasv a4os@poo@as4flas,fas4v al@psif4as)faslnahlaks@hfalsfask4a4 ilgaop"i l4dg@apCf
af asfvsda4@pf. Asf@sla@flas@va4sv Assa4dlds. Agladlgasd4a @dfhoif aslv sd"pof@alsdfndsalv oa4D!
ai"fha4o fa+fiweapf asvaslf@oa4weif afa4wie"owe@ peroE?4p fa. .hf4aewo"ra vfie%do ssie%t wsv
slhtls gs@g4osergms.nlfg,w@gsd v)sdv+s@fgla@gpa.
[Content: A brief description of the company or agency where the student had his training]
Training E!erience
This chapter shall include the significant experiences gained and lessons learned during the
training period. This shall also include the best practices of the company or agency, highlights
of accomplished task!ob, additional knowledge gained and ac"uired rele#ant with your field of
professional interest, etc.
Pro#lems $et
$roblems or challenges encountered during the course of the training
coping mechanisms in addressing the problems or challenges encountered% recommendations or
suggestions that may help sol#e the problems
C;ote1 if %o" have more than one compan% for the O$T) s"mmari&ed %o"r training e7perience
and specif% each compan%+agenc% where %o" had the e7perience. This will also be tr"e for the
problems and recommendations if %o" have specific problem or recommendation per compan%.F