This document is an environmental declaration for the Sony Xperia L mobile phone that provides information on its environmental performance and compliance with various standards and regulations. It addresses topics such as Sony's environmental policy, the phone's design for the environment, its battery type, energy consumption, safety/compliance, packaging, and recycling program. The declaration indicates that the phone meets requirements for substances banned or restricted under the RoHS and REACH regulations.
This document is an environmental declaration for the Sony Xperia L mobile phone that provides information on its environmental performance and compliance with various standards and regulations. It addresses topics such as Sony's environmental policy, the phone's design for the environment, its battery type, energy consumption, safety/compliance, packaging, and recycling program. The declaration indicates that the phone meets requirements for substances banned or restricted under the RoHS and REACH regulations.
This document is an environmental declaration for the Sony Xperia L mobile phone that provides information on its environmental performance and compliance with various standards and regulations. It addresses topics such as Sony's environmental policy, the phone's design for the environment, its battery type, energy consumption, safety/compliance, packaging, and recycling program. The declaration indicates that the phone meets requirements for substances banned or restricted under the RoHS and REACH regulations.
This document is an environmental declaration for the Sony Xperia L mobile phone that provides information on its environmental performance and compliance with various standards and regulations. It addresses topics such as Sony's environmental policy, the phone's design for the environment, its battery type, energy consumption, safety/compliance, packaging, and recycling program. The declaration indicates that the phone meets requirements for substances banned or restricted under the RoHS and REACH regulations.
Sony Mobi l e Communi cat i ons AB, SE- 221 88 Lund, Sweden.
4/ 174 65- 1/ FCP 119 1306 Ux A
Xperia TM L
Sony Mobile Communications considers sustainable development as one of the most important challenges for the future. Therefore, Sony Mobile Communications wants to provide environmental information to our customers. The Sony Mobile Environmental Declarations give information on the most relevant environmental aspects of mobile phones. More information on Sony Mobile Communications and the Environment can be found on the Internet site
Environmental Declaration for Xperia TM L
Requirement Fulfilled
1 Environmental Policy and Management System 1.1 The company has a documented environmental policy approved by the management. 1.2 The company has environmental management systems according to: ISO 14001 EMAS and/or internal system.
1.3 Sony Corporation regularly publishes an environmental report. 1.4 Sony Mobile has environmental requirements on suppliers and subcontractors.
2 Environmentally Conscious Design 2
2.1 The product meets requirements of the RoHS Recast Directive (2011/65/EU). Accordingly it does not contain substances as listed and defined in the Directive (lead, cadmium, mercury, chromium (VI), PBB and PBDE).
2.2 CFCs, HCFCs, asbestos, PCB, PCN and PCT are not present in the product. 2.3 Mercury and cadmium are not present in the product. 2.4 Beryllium compounds (including beryllium cupper) are not present in the product. 2.5 Antimony and its compounds are not present in plastic housing. 2.6 Surface parts that can be in direct and prolonged contact with skin are compliant with EN1811:2011 regarding maximum levels of nickel release.
Halogenated flame retardants in mobile device and charger are not present in printed wiring board in plastic housing. 2.8 Polyvinylchloride (PVC) is not present in the mobile device or charger.
2.9 Azo compounds that can decompose to the carcinogenic amino compounds listed in the Regulation EC 1907/2006 (REACH, Annex XVII) are not present in the product.
2.10 Substances Listed on the Candidate List referred to in Article 59 (1,10) of Regulation 1907/2006/EC (REACH) are not present in the mobile phone in concentrations above 0,1 % w/w.
2.11 The mobile device contains post-consumer recycled plastics in plastic housing or other plastic parts.
2.12 The mobile device contains waterborne paint in some color variants.
1 Refers to substance levels, which do not exceed natural background levels or normal detection limits, and is based on suppliers compliance to Sony Mobile requirements. For further information regarding banned & restricted substances for Sony Mobile products, please visit: http://dl-
Environmental Declaration March, 2013
Sony Mobi l e Communi cat i ons AB, SE- 221 88 Lund, Sweden. 4/ 174 65- 1/ FCP 119 1306 Ux A
3 Batteries 3.1 The product contains the battery type: NiMH Lithium Ion Lithium Polymer. Battery type 3.2 Substances defined in EU Directive 2006/66/EC (lead, cadmium and mercury at specified levels for labelling) are not used in the battery.
3.3 The mobile do not use In-built battery
4 Energy Consumption 4.1 Power consumption of battery charger while charging is 4.25W Charging time (full charge) 3 hr 30 min
Value 4.2 The no-load/stand by power consumption of the charger is 30 mW. The star rating, according to the Voluntary Agreement EU and Industry IPP project, of the charger is 5 stars, where five stars is the most energy efficient from a no-load perspective.
4.3 From the beginning of 2011 all new Sony Mobile Communications standard chargers have a no-load power consumption that is 30mW and meet EU ErP directive, regulation 278/2009 and EU Code of Conduct on Energy Efficiency of external power supplies. 4.4 Unplug the charger reminder is included in the product.
5 Electrical Safety, EMC and RF Exposure 5.1 The product meets applicable electrical safety standards. 5.2 The product meets applicable EMC (Electro Magnetic Compatibility) standards. 5.3 The product meets applicable RF (Radio Frequency) exposure standards.
6 Packaging and Documentation 2
6.1 The product packaging material does not contain the heavy metals (lead, cadmium, mercury, and chromium (VI)) according to the EU directive 94/62/EC.
6.2 The product packaging material does not contain CFC or HCFC.
6.3 Plastic packaging material is marked according to ISO 11469.
6.4 Sony Mobile participates in public packaging recovery systems where possible. Customers are advised to contact the local Sony Mobile representatives for further information. Contact the nearest Sony Mobile representative 6.5 The packaging box is printed with VOC free (Volatile Organic Compounds) ink.
6.6 The box packaging material consists of minimum 35% recycled material. Value
2 Refers to substance levels, which do not exceed natural background levels or normal detection limits, and is based on suppliers compliance to Sony Mobile requirements.
7 Product Recycling 7.1 Plastic parts heavier than 10 g or larger than 0.5 dm 2 are marked according to ISO 11469 and ISO 1043-1 to 4.
7.2 The product is labelled in accordance with EU Directive 2012/19/EU (WEEE Recast directive) on applicable markets.
7.3 Sony Mobile offers take-back and recycling services for products in many locations around the world or participates in public recovery systems where possible. Customers are advised to contact the local Sony Mobile representatives or visit the web site for further information.
Sony Mobi l e Communi cat i ons AB, SE- 221 88 Lund, Sweden. 4/ 174 65- 1/ FCP 119 1306 Ux A
Xperia TM L
Le dveloppement durable est pour Sony Mobile Communications lun des dfis les plus importants pour lavenir. Pour le relever, Sony Mobile diffuse une information environnementale auprs de ses clients. La Dclaration Environnementale de Sony Mobile Communications communique les aspects environnementaux des tlphones mobiles les plus pertinents quant lenvironnement. Vous trouverez plus dinformation sur lenvironnement et sur Sony Mobile sur le site internet
Dclaration environnementale du tlphone mobile Xperia TM L
Exigence respecte
1 Politique environnementale et systme de management 1.1 Lentreprise a une politique environnementale formalise approuve par le management. 1.2 Lentreprise a un systme de management environnemental se rfrant : ISO 14001 EMAS et/ou systme interne.
1.3 Lentreprise publie rgulirement un rapport environnemental. 1.4 Lentreprise a des exigences environnementales envers ses contractants et ses fournisseurs.
2 Prise en compte de lenvironnement lors de la conception 2
2.1 Le produit est conforme la Directive RoHS Recast (2011/65/EU). En consquence, il ne contient pas les substances listes et dfinies dans la Directive (plomb, cadmium, mercure, chrome (VI), PBB et PBDE).
2.2 Il n'y a pas de CFCs, d'HCFCs, d'amiante, de PCB, de PCN et de PCT dans le produit. 2.3 Il ny a pas de mercure ni de cadmium dans le produit. 2.4 Il ny a pas doxyde de beryllium dans le produit. 2.5 Il ny a pas dantimoine ou de ses drivs dans les coques plastiques 2.6 Les lments du mobile qui peuvent tre en contact direct et prolong avec la peau sont compatibles avec les directives 76/769/EEC pour les niveaux maximum de nickel.
Les retardateurs de flamme halogns ne sont pas prsents dans: les circuits imprims . les coques plastiques 2.8 Il n'y a pas de polychlorure de vinyle (PVC) dans le tlphone mobile ou le chargeur.
2.9 Les composs azoques pouvant se dcomposer en composs amins carcinognes lists dans la Directive europenne 2002/61/EC ne sont pas prsents dans le produit.
2.10 Les substances recenses dans la liste de rfrence incluse dans larticle 59(1,10) du Rglement 1907/2006/EC (REACH) ne sont pas prsentes dans le produit avec des teneurs suprieures 0,1 % w/w (Poids Total).
2.11 Ce mobile contient des matriaux plastiques recycls dans les coques plastiques ou autres pices plastiques.
2.12 Ce mobile contient de la peinture leau pour certaines variantes de couleur.
1 Se rapporte la concentration de substance, qui nexcde pas les niveaux de concentration naturelle ni les limites normales de dtection. Cette concentration est base sur le respect des exigences Sony Mobile par les fournisseurs. Pour des informations complmentaires sur les substances interdites ou limites dans les produits Sony Mobile, veuillez consulter : http://dl-
Dclaration environnementale mars, 2013
Sony Mobi l e Communi cat i ons AB, SE- 221 88 Lund, Sweden. 4/ 174 65- 1/ FCP 119 1306 Ux A 3 Batteries 3.1 Ce produit contient une batterie de type: NiMH Lithium Ion Lithium polymres. Type de batterie 3.2 Les substances dfinies dans la Directive EU 2006/66/EC (plomb, cadmium et mercure aux niveaux requierant un tiquetage) ne sont pas utilises dans les batteries.
3.3 Le produit ne contiens pas de Batterie intgre
4 Consommation dnergie 4.1 La puissance consomme par le chargeur de batterie lors de la phase de recharge est de 4.25 W Le temps de charge (recharge complte) 3 hr 30 min
Valeur 4.2 La consommation du chargeur hors-charge/en veille est de 30 mW. La notation en toiles, selon le Voluntary Agreement EU et lIndustry IPP project, qui sapplique au chargeur est de 5 toiles, cinq toiles correspondant la meilleure efficacit en hors- charge/veille.
4.3 Depuis Dbut 2011, tous les nouveaux chargeurs standards Sony Mobile Communications ont une consommation hors charge 30mW et sont conformes aux directives et rglementations suivantes: Directive UE ErP, rglement 278/2009, Code de Conduite de lUnion Europenne sur lEfficacit Energtique des alimentations lectriques externes. 4.4 Le rappel Dbranchez le chargeur est prsent sur ce produit.
5 Scurit des quipements lectriques, CEM et exposition aux ondes radio 5.1 Ce produit respecte les standards applicables de scurit lectrique. 5.2 Ce produit respecte les standards applicables relatifs la compatibilit lectromagntique. 5.3 Ce produit respecte les standards applicables aux expositions aux ondes radio.
6 Emballage et documentation 2
6.1 Les matriaux demballage du produit ne contiennent pas de mtaux lourds (plomb, mercure, cadmium et chrome (VI)), conformment la Directive europenne 94/62/EC.
6.2 Les matriaux demballage du produit ne contiennent pas de CFC ni de HCFC. 6.3 Les emballages plastiques sont marqus conformment lISO 11469. 6.4 Sony Mobile participe aux systmes publics de rcupration des emballages o cela est possible. Les clients sont invits se renseigner auprs des reprsentants locaux de Sony Mobile pour plus dinformations. Contacter le reprsentant Sony Mobile le plus proche 6.5 Lemballage est imprim avec des encres ne comportant pas de VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds/Composs Organiques Volatils).
6.6 Les matriaux qui constituent lemballage sont composs dau moins 35% de matriaux recycls. Valeur
2 Se rapporte la concentration de substance, qui nexcde pas les niveaux de concentration naturelle ni les limites normales de dtection. Cette concentration est base sur le respect des exigences Sony Mobile par les fournisseurs.
7 Recyclage du produit 7.1 Les parties plastiques de plus de 10 g ou de plus de 0,5 dm sont marques conformment lISO 11469 et ISO 1043-1 4.
7.2 Le produit est tiquet conformment la Directive EU 2012/19/EU (directive WEEE Recast) pour les marchs o elle sapplique.
7.3 Sony Mobile propose la reprise et le recyclage des mobiles dans la plupart des pays ou participe aux systmes de rcuparation publiques partout o cela est possible. Les consommateurs sont invits contacter la reprsentation locale de Sony Mobile ou encore visiter le site web pour de plus amples informations. Contacter le reprsentant Sony Mobile le plus proche