Landscape Planning Basis
Landscape Planning Basis
Landscape Planning Basis
1 Landscape planning provides environmental information and objectives or carries out sub-tasks (content overlaps)
2 Landscape planning takes up environmental information and objectives from sectoral planning, reects them against
the background of its general natural resources and cross-sectionally oriented tasks, coordinates them with other nature
conservation objectives and formulates requirements for other sectoral planning and uses
3 Integrated objectives concept covering all natural resources
4 Sectoral objectives
5 Application of the assessment instruments to plans/programmes and projects
For nature conservation authorities landscape planning is a central working basis as an
environmental information system for the response to the publics wishes and sectoral
planning as well as a development concept for their own measures (cf. Chap. 2.2).
Criteria for the efcient deployment of funds under nature conservation aspects are
made available for authorities of rst instance (awarding funds) and applicants. Farmers
can use the information for their operational management (cf. Chap. 2.3).
The landscape planning is an environmental information and consultation & participa-
tion basis for the public (cf. Chap. 2.4). It can also be actively used as an instrument for
increa sing awareness and improving environmental education.
2.1 Environmental information
for planning authorities and for authorities involved
in approval & licensing procedures
The contents of the landscape planning can show all planning authorities and agencies how
the nature conservation objectives and principles can be incorporated, supported and there-
fore realised within the scope of their areas of responsibility.
The landscape planning descriptions and denitions help to enable a preliminary assessment
of conicts with nature and landscape issues anticipated as a result of planning and projects.
They are therefore the basis for optimisation of planning under prevention aspects. For exam-
ple, clever location selection at a very early planning stage on the basis of the landscape
planning can avoid conicts and therefore loss of time and costs for compensation measures.
The landscape planning information can be used within the scope of screening, often without
any further cost or effort, to determine which environmental legislation requirements must be
taken into account and observed in planned planning and which environmental assessments
and / or preliminary checks need to be performed (in particular SEA, EIA, HDA). In addition,
the extensive database is indispensable for dening the investigation framework (scoping)
and selection of any options to be examined. The landscape planning information, partly valid
long-term, partly requiring regular updating, reduces the scope of surveys required for many
planning and approval & licensing procedures.
Strategic Environmental Assessment
Habitats Directive Assessment
Environmental Impact Assessment
Impact Mitigation Regulation
When landscape planning is prepared, assessments are made and the environmental quality
objectives and standards are dened. These are used as assessment criteria for the application
of checking instruments such as the Strategic Environmental Assessment of plans (SEA) and
programmes, the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of projects or the Habitats Directive
Assessment (HDA).
In the event of intrusions in nature and the landscape, unavoidable impairments must be mitigated
or compensated in some other way (impact mitigation regulation). The development objectives of
the landscape planning should be incorporated. The landscape planning information regarding the
functional capability and development possibilities of nature and the landscape as well as the ur-
gency or priority of measurements and requirements (development requirements) in the respective
planning area are a decisive basis for the placement and arrangement of mitigation and compen-
sation measures.
In future, landscape planning will also have to be used to a greater extent to comply with spe-
cies protection legislation requirements (Habitats Directive). In particular, within the scope of the
objectives and measures concept of the landscape plans, it is possible to work towards stabilising
and developing the populations of the strictly protected species. For example, a population-related
approach can be enabled in the event of intrusion.
For the regional and urban development planning authorities, landscape planning is the overall
concept on which they orient themselves to align spatial development with ecological and lands-
cape design criteria. Performance monitoring and reviews have shown that environmental aspects
were far more effectively incorporated in the urban development planning if qualied landscape
plans were available [4]. The local authorities are not only responsible for taking into account nature
conservation issues within their area but also for active implementation of the local nature and
landscape needs. Landscape planning is therefore particularly important for them.
for compensation
Contribution to spatial
and urban development
Benets of landscape planning for the spatial planning authorities
Landscape planning supports the Lnder (federal states) and regional planning authorities in their task of coordi-
nating building plans and other regionally signicant plans, programmes and projects with and against each other
with respect to a low-conict usage pattern and environmentally compatible development. It provides on the
same planning scale as the regional planning (cf. Fig. 6) the basis for taking into account all nature conservation
and landscape management issues when weighing up the different usage claims. At the same time, the land-
scape planning plans provide decisive building blocks for performing a strategic environmental assessment of the
regional planning plans and programmes (cf. Chap. 5.1). In future the landscape planning can be used to minimise
the time and cost required for strategic environmental assessment of the overall spatial planning including with
respect to monitoring.
Benets of landscape planning for the towns, cities and local authorities
The towns, cities and local authorities, as the urban development planning authorities, are required by the building code
(Baugesetzbuch BauGB) to take into account environmental and nature conservation issues, as well as landscape
management, in urban planning development. The landscape plan is the information and decision-making basis for
this. It is also used by the local authority for making comments on projects in outdoor areas under the building code
or on planning by other sectoral planning authorities. On the basis of it, urban planning decisions can be made, e.g. on
keeping open bioclimatically important fresh air corridors. In addition, a recreation as well as a compensation concept
(e.g. in the form of a land and measures pool) are developed in the landscape plan. The local authority can also use it to
set itself new tasks, for example to dene compatible locations for biomass processing plants.
Towns, cities and local authorities prot from a good landscape plan especially when it comes to performing the
environmental assessment for urban development plans. This consolidates the environment-related checking tasks of
the urban development planning: Environmental impact assessment, impact mitigation regulation, Habitats Directive as-
sessment, species protection legislation provisions as well as the requirements of the extended soil conservation clause.
The surveys and assessments of landscape plans are to be used in the environmental assessment (Article 2 (4), Article
2a and Annex to BauGB) and reduce or make unnecessary other information to be determined by the local authority to
take into account nature conservation issues in their weighing up. Local authorities which prepare a landscape plan in
advance of or in parallel with the urban development procedures or update (the relevant building blocks); therefore cover
virtually the whole environmental report of the environmental assessment. In this way they can kill several birds with one
stone, because the landscape plan is also used by the local authority as a programme with priorities for its own conser-
vation, remediation and development measures for nature and the landscape (e.g. measures to develop open spaces,
designing recreation areas near to the town). The survey as well as the updating of the plan gives the local authority the
opportunity to present the environmental status to the local community (community environmental check) as well as to
present progress in the development of nature and landscape and as a result to improve the image and attractiveness
of the community as a place to live.
Scale for environmental
Information system
Fig. 4:
Coordination and cross-sectional
orientation in landscape planning
While natural resources are presented in the landscape planning above all in their interac-
tion for the capacities and functions of the balance of nature, other sectoral spatial planning
(for example water management or forestry planning) specically deal with individual natural
resources or land uses. For the authorities responsible for this sectoral planning as well as the
approving & licensing authorities, the landscape planning is a decisive information and action
base for placing their objectives or decisions in a general landscape context for all natural
Contribution to other
sectoral planning
Benets of landscape planning for other sectoral planning
With the landscape planning the sectoral planning authorities have environmental information available to deal
with their tasks such as SEA, EIA and impact mitigation regulation. By incorporating nature and landscape issues
early, project sponsors and sectoral planning can save unnecessary planning costs and shorten planning times.
The landscape planning can be used in environmental planning, e.g. ood plain management or the preparation of
programmes of measures under the Water Framework Directive, to deal with the integration of multi-environment
objectives required by the EU, e.g. for surface water structure or for conservation and development of groundwa-
ter-dependent habitats (cf. Chap. 4.3). Multifunctional measures are also required in ood protection, and can be
taken from the landscape planning or can be directly developed from it.
Last but not least, landscape planning has proven its worth in groundwater protection as a basis for multifunctional
development of water protection areas in which, apart from groundwater protection, soil conservation as well as
species and biotope protection objectives are pursued. The consolidation of compensation measures and funds
from the water penny within the scope of a planning concept result in remarkable successes here.
2.2 Special functions
for nature conservation authorities
The landscape planning information about nature and landscape, the natural scenery, impacts,
pollution, environmental impacts, objectives and measures forms an indispensable basis for
the efcient day-to-day working of the nature conservation authorities: They can quickly obtain
an overview of the consequences of planning and projects and prepare comments or advice
project funders. Landscape planning is also the most important basis of their own active nature
conservation work, i.e. protection, management and development measures, e.g. to develop a
biotope network.
As general, coordinating planning, within the scope of landscape planning, existing nature con-
servation concepts are merged and the nature conservation sub-objectives are coordinated with
each other and possible alternative objectives and measures are named. The landscape planning
plans are therefore also the suitable instrument for cross-sectionally oriented coordination of nature
conservation and landscape management issues with other interests and claims (Fig. 4).
Coordination of
individual nature
conservation planning
Internal weighing up of
the nature conservation
Cross-sectional orientation
Consideration of the imple-
mentation possibilities of other
sectoral planning
Landscape planning
Thematically and spatially consistent concept
for realising the nature conservation and
landscape management objectives
Measures and tasks
for nature conservation
Requirements and proposed
measures for other sectoral
authorities and land users
Sub-objectives of nature conservation
and landscape management
ater p
iversity, ch
aracteristic featu
res an
e n
ra 2
ecies p
oil con
iversity strateg
cess p
ral lan
ate p
ace p
Within the scope of the preparation and updating of landscape planning, nature conservation
authorities can evaluate and reconsider their nature conservation work. Technical or functional
proposals for setting priorities and implementation enable strategic orientation of the nature
conservation action concepts.
Strategic orientation of
the nature conservation
Benets of landscape planning for nature conservation authorities
Regional landscape planning is the programmatic foundation for actions and decisions by nature conservation
authorities. It is the technical basis for bringing about and justifying decisions. In addition, it species objectives
for the actions of the subordinate (local) nature conservation authorities. For example, landscape planning is
a quickly usable information basis for putting areas under protection, for comments by the authorities, for the
decision regarding afforestation approvals or for the creation of compensation land pools. The drawing up of a
comprehensive nature conservation concept is also used by an authority or body to optimally coordinate their own
sub-tasks (such as species and biotope protection, soil conservation, provision of recreation facilities) with each
other. Coordination of biotope networks, safeguarding and developing the coherent Natura 2000 network as well
as protection and reintroduction concepts for animal and plant species (protection of European species, recoloni-
sation by wolves, lynxes, etc.) and linking them with objectives for other natural resources is of decisive importance,
especially for implementation of Germanys national biodiversity strategy. Such integrative planning can make the
nature conservation authorities issues and decisions easier to understand and can improve presentation to the
public and external bodies as well as the ability to assert the interests and issues.
Up to date landscape planning can also be used as the basis for checking several conditions for good technical
agriculture and forestry practice and the cross compliance [5] provision of the EU. These are partly checked by
the nature conservation authorities. Area-specic pointers for compliance with good technical practice can also
be used by nature conservation authorities as the basis for informing and gradually leading farmers to sustainable
management methods.
Last but not least the authority needs a concept with agreed, coordinated priorities to enable them to spend
nature conservation funds effectively and efciently instead of randomly (cf. Chap. 2.3). Against this background,
costs incurred for drawing up or updating landscape planning are a well made investment in efcient administrative
Control available funds
2.3 Provision of criteria for the effcient deployment
of funds for nature and the landscape
Limited public funds for nature conservation and environmental protection should be spent
with the best costs-benet ratio. Landscape planning information allows statements to be
made on where the need for nature conservation measures is particularly urgent or where
particularly large benets can be achieved. Planning authorities and political decision-making
bodies can make qualied decisions regarding the necessary deployment of resources and
control of the available funds on the basis of the remediation, protection, management or
development measures. In particular, areas can be identied where the utilisation of funds is
especially effective, for example for measures to compensate for intrusions.
Against the background of the EUs strategy of integrating environmental issues in other politi-
cal areas, the implementation of environmental objectives in rural areas is not funded separa-
tely but instead is integrated in the existing development instruments from the agricultural and
structural funds. In this context too, in view of scarce funds for the development of rural areas,
it is necessary not to distribute development funds for agricultural environment measures with
a watering can but to steer it into areas where there is an increased need for action from a
nature conservation point of view. Showing areas with development potential and action prio-
rities at an appropriate scale, landscape planning represents the decisive information basis.
It is therefore the only extensive information basis on which effots to achieve objective and
success-oriented award of development funds and grants can be based. Displaying maps of
eligible areas in landscape (framework) plans can help interlinked with the existing develop-
ment fund instrument in particular to control energy crops in an environmentally compatible
way [6].
Land users and land owners can use this information to organise their operational manage-
ment in an environmentally friendly way and to direct their nature conservation and landscape
management contributions so that their environmental performances can be acknowledged
and rewarded. This use of landscape planning will become far more important in future espe-
cially as part of the introduction of environmental consultancy, certication and management
systems in agriculture [7]. Similar trends towards external audits also exist in forestry.
of farmers
Landscape planning
as a platform for ...
Benets of landscape planning for farmers
The challenge currently faced by farmers is that they do not only have to document good technical and functional
practice but also fullment of the cross compliance requirements. In addition, many processors and markets
require compliance with special environmental conditions or certication of the farms or businesses under different
seals. Agriculture in general and in particular direct marketing farmers or farms with farm holidays offers are also
very interested in improving their public image and in documenting which environmental services they provide.
Farms which have developed landscape management into a relevant branch of their business or plan to do so also
require basic information for nature conservation management of their land.
The environmental advice for farmers promoted by the EU and the procurement of advisory systems helps to deal
with the new requirements in agriculture. However, this requires a nature and landscape survey on the farmland
and a management in connection with the surrounding landscape. Landscape planning makes this service
available. In interaction with the farms own production-relevant data, specic starting points can be named for
reducing environmental impacts. Surveying costs for managers or consultants are therefore minimised especially
as surveys at farm level are less efciently performed than for large landscapes. An example of how farmers can
independently improve environmental management on their land on the basis of the landscape planning contents
is the erosion management tool elbes (cf.
2.4 Informing and involving the public
Landscape planning can be the centre-piece of an environmental information system or
in particular can take its place at a local level. By using new technologies and the internet,
landscape planning can be a platform for communication, participation and consultation and
environmental education, independent of place and time.
Active informing and participation of the public make decision making processes clearer, more
understandable and more transparent and promote the willingness of the public to support
the adopted decisions and to participate in their implementation (cf. Chap. 6.3). The proposed
measures shown in the landscape plan can also stimulate the public to implement nature con-
servation and environmental protection in their own garden or to take on voluntary work.
This is in line with the intentions of the Aarhus Convention. Through the EU Directives to imple-
ment this convention and their implementation in national law [8] all authorities and planning
authorities are required to make existing environmental information easily accessible to the
public and to involve the public in plans and programmes relating to the environment.
Environmental informa-
tion, environmental edu-
cation and participation
Implementation of the
Aarhus Convention
Fig. 5:
Functions of landscape plans
in the media (using a screenshot
of the
landschaftsplan.php) [ 9 ]
Education Information
Public relations Communication
Pioneer role/
3. Landscape planning levels
and modules
3.1 Planning levels
In the interests of efcient planning with division of the work involved among the appropriate
parties, the different contents of landscape planning should each be primarily shown on those
planning levels on which they can most effectively be implemented (level-specic tiering). The
planning task of landscape planning is therefore rst of all comprehensively performed with
interaction of all plans at the different scale levels.
Regional nature conservation and landscape management requirements and measures are
described state-wide in landscape programmes or are described in more concrete terms for
individual regions in landscape structure plans. The local requirements and measures are
shown in landscape plans
. Each respective higher level planning forms the functional orien-
tation framework for the subordinate planning level.
To enable close interlinking with the spatial and urban development planning especially with
respect to landscape planning contributions to environmental assessments of these plans and
programmes it is advisable to draw up landscape planning at all levels of the overall spatial
planning represented in the respective federal state (cf. Fig. 6).
The landscape programme is prepared as a functional nature conservation concept for the
whole area of the respective federal state. It is used to draw up state-wide signicant require-
ments and measures as well as to coordinate nature conservation tasks and at the same time
to set priorities. In the city states the landscape programme often simultaneously performs the
local landscape planning tasks.
The focal areas of the landscape programme include programmatic objectives and guidelines
for the nature conservation policy of a federal state as well as specic spatial descriptions. It is
the most important working basis for special implementation tasks of the highest nature con-
Landscape planning
Landscape programme
Fig. 6:
Plan products of landscape
planning at the levels
of overall spatial planning
and sectoral planning
1) These plans have different names in individual federal states.
2) Except the city states Berlin, Bremen and Hamburg as well as North Rhine-Westphalia and Thuringia.
3) These plans are not provided for in all federal states; in some they have different names.
4) Including EIA and landscape envelope planning.
Overall spatial
Planning scale
of landscape
Part of the
Federal state
regional planning
Sectoral programme
or sectoral plan at
federal state level
1 : 500,000
1 : 200,000
structure plan
Regional plan
Sectoral frame-
work plan
1 : 100,000
1 : 25,000
Preliminary land
use plan
1 : 10,000
1 : 5,000
Open space
structure plan
land use plan
Project plan
at approval
or planning deter-
mination level
construction plan
1 : 2,500
1 : 1,000
The arrangements regarding responsibility for landscape structure planning differ, but frequently lie in the hands of the regional planning authorities; the towns,
cities and local authorities are usually responsible for landscape planning.
Landscape Structure
servation authority. These include, e.g. major conservation areas or other conservation areas
of national signicance, the state-wide biotope network or eligible areas for development pro-
grammes. The landscape programme also covers regionally signicant nature conservation
and landscape management issues for integration in the state planning (federal state regional
planning programme).
Landscape structure plans dene the regional nature conservation and landscape manage-
ment objectives, requirements and measures for the respective region (e.g. administrative
district, district) in more specic detail. An important task of the landscape structure plan
is to prepare the work of the local (lower) and partly that of the regional (higher) nature
conservation authorities. They show land areas and landscape components which full the
requirements for designation as conservation areas, protected landscape components or
natural monuments or landmarks. Areas for the regional biotope network, priority areas for the
conservation of fertile or rare soils, groundwater or areas with particular signicance for ood
retention are also shown.
The landscape structure plan is the basis for comments on planning and projects of all kinds
of different sectoral planning and project sponsors. However, the descriptions at this scale
level are not always sufcient so that in many cases e.g. in the case of legally protected
biotopes the landscape plan of the local authority must also be consulted.
The decisive regional planning instrument for adoption of the contents of the landscape struc-
ture plan is the regional planning. To simplify integration of the described objectives, require-
ments and measures in the regional plan, the landscape structure plan is matched to the
representational possibilities of the regional planning.
The local landscape plan is located at the level of the land use plan (preparatory urban deve-
lopment planning). The local communities use the landscape plans to draw up all information
to full their task of taking into account nature conservation and landscape management
issues in the land use planning (cf. Article 1 (5) and (6), Article 1a and Article 2 BauGB). The
expert report part of the landscape plan is to a large extent identical with the environmental
report on the land use plan (cf. Chap. 5.1). On the basis of this expert opinion the local autho-
rity develops an implementation concept which makes statements on which objectives and
measures of the landscape plan the local authority will take up and how it wants to implement
them within the scope of the urban development planning or other tasks.
If a masterplan is drawn up, the contents of landscape planning can be extended and made
more detailed for this scope to include the function of the more detailed environmental as-
sessment as well as urban green space tasks. This can be done as a module within the scope
of preparation of the landscape plan or as a partial update (cf. Chap. 3.2). Several federal
states provide for the preparation of an open space structure plan with its own content spe-
cications to provide detail in more concrete terms.
Landscape planning is therefore basically created for the whole space, i.e. for the populated
and for the unpopulated areas. However, this does not mean that planning statements have
to be made for all areas in the same detail; for example, in certain cases nature conservation
areas can to a large extent be omitted at local level because here development statements
are already available due to the protected area regulations and existing management and
development plans. In other cases protected areas are integrated more intensively, e.g. if the
local authority can promote their conservation by directing compensation measures into the
surroundings of the protected areas and therefore contribute to the development of buffer
zones or biotope network structures.
A large part of the information ascertained in landscape planning is valid long-term and can be
used for many years as a quickly evaluated basis for comments by the authorities and organi-
sations or for nature and landscape measures. In its more quickly changing parts this informa-
tion system can be kept up to date through updates.
The landscape planning plans should be updated as needed, especially in view of the re-
quirements resulting from new instruments such as environmental assessment of plans and
Landscape Plan and
Open Space Structure
Comprehensive lands-
cape planning
A differentiation must be made with respect to the updating between the fundamental cha-
racteristics part of landscape planning and the objectives and measures planning:
The information on the existing situation and assessment of the landscape functions will
be valid relatively long-term. Information on impacts, pollution, and positive landscape
changes should be continuously updated.
The objectives and measures planning is performed on a demand-oriented basis or at
suitable intervals. The need to update the conceptual part can, among other things, be
deduced from the changes entered in the environmental information system.
Nowadays the data is provided and processed in digital format. The technical possibilities
associated with the use of computers, i.e. electronic data processing, make it considerably
easier to supplement existing databases and to update planning statements.
3.2 Landscape planning modules
Landscape planning today should not be viewed as a static plan but as a dynamic, conti nuous-
ly or modularly changeable information and working basis. Landscape planning is expected to
be need- and problem-oriented. Against the background of fast changes in use of nature and
landscape, these requirements are becoming increasingly important.
Contemporary landscape planning does not merely amount to nothing more than preparing
classical plans. To full the diverse tasks (cf. Chap. 2) and required outcomes, it is necessary
to consolidate and supplement contents or deal with current issues. A modular landscape
planning structure makes it possible to respond to current requirements exibly; both in the
time required for the response and its content. Depending on the problems, individual sub-
spatial or thematic components can be dealt with and coupled with existing contents. The
result is a plan made up of different modules.
The fundamental nature and landscape information including impact analysis, as well as the
objectives and measures concept are the core modules of landscape planning and their
contents are closely linked. Apart from these, consolidated content can be added as needed
to provide greater depth of information (cf. Fig. 6). These supplementary modules are aimed
at the respective demanded functions of landscape planning. The assessment of the Habitats
Directive impact of plans, the preparation of an open space concept or concepts with ecologi-
cal guard rails with landscape aesthetic quality for the development of renewable energy pro-
duction in the region or the community could be such supplementary modules. Furthermore,
especially at local level, it can be helpful to name the action priorities dened after political
consideration and participation in an implementation programme (cf. Chap. 4.3).
Extending landscape planning to include additional content and consolidation for the prepa-
ration of other instruments or for technical differentiation for individual elds of action is not
absolutely necessary, but represents an offer for individual target groups (e.g. other planning
authorities or project sponsors). Other planning and environmental assessments can also be
directly based on the core modules of landscape planning. However, a greater amount of time
and effort will probably be required for this other planning.
The use of geographic information systems (GIS) supports this approach. The integration of
landscape planning content during the planning process is made easier:
The plan produced is no longer a comprehensive data packet which remains unchanged
until it is updated. The use of GIS enables the plans to be updated as needed with little
effort. Independent of this, the nature conservation concept must be evaluated at suita-
ble intervals and changed if necessary (cf. Chap. 3.1).
The data on which landscape planning is based can be directly evaluated for pending
planning tasks and if necessary linked with other information. This makes it easier to use
landscape planning for other planning, because the planning authorities can specically
retrieve the contents of landscape planning according to their requirements.
More exibility
with regard
to content and time
Modular processing
Core and supplementary
Service for other
planning authorities
Use of new technologies
Fig. 7:
Core and supplementary modules
of landscape planning
of conser-
Supplementary modules
or target group specic
handling of individual elds
of action
Core modules
of landscape planning
Supplementary modules
for the preparation of other
(environmental assessment)
Area proposals
about nature
and landscape
Impact analysis
Objectives and
(including alter-
native solutions
and priorities)
Habitats directive
of plans
Basic principles for
screening / scoping
(Building blocks
for) environmen-
tal report, e.g.
assessment of
Land pool policy
for compensation
Information system
ties, cities
and local
Proposals for
protected areas
denition in
concrete terms,
(partial updates)
Special recreation
(e.g. local
planning, cycle
path planning)
Proposals for
action tailored to
needs and target
4. Landscape planning contents
4.1 Existing situation and assessment
In landscape planning the existing condition of nature and the landscape is determined and
assessed on the basis of legal and functional objectives and standards, which also include
landscape planning objectives at a higher level. To this end the available data and information
is collated and, where necessary, it is supplemented and updated by additional surveys. The
fundamental information on the soils, geology, bodies of water, air and climate, fauna and
ora is used to deduce statements regarding the performance and functions of the individual
natural resources and/or the balance of nature and the landscape overall (landscape functions,
cf. Fig. 9).
of environmental data
Fig. 8:
Exemplary structure
of a landscape plan
(core modules)
1. Introduction
1.1 Tasks and legal basis
1.2 Spatial scope
1.3 Action and implementation framework (binding nature of the statements, position of the landscape plan within
the planning system, participation in the planning, implementation of the planning)
2. Current Uses and Expected Changes in Use
2.1 Human settlement (housing, industry, business)
2.2 Trafc
2.3 Agriculture
2.4 Water management
2.5 Leisure and recreation
2.6 Fishing / hunting
2.7 (...)
3. Existing and Expected Condition of Nature and the Landscape
3.1 Brief characterisation (including geographical classication of natural landscapes / landscape units)
3.2 Fauna and fora (including biotope types)
3.3 Soil types
3.4 Surface waters and food areas
3.5 Groundwater
3.6 Climate /air
3.7 Diversity, characteristic features and beauty (natural scenery, nature and landscape experience)
4. Assessment of the Existing and Expected Condition of Nature and the Landscape
4.1 Biodiversity function (biotope function, biotope development potential, species und biocoenoses)
4.2 Natural yield function
4.3. Water resources function
4.4 Water pollution protection function
4.5 Retention function
4.6 Climate functions (climateecological relevant areas, air quality, land use specifc greenhouse gas emissions)
4.7 Landscape experience function
4.8 Multifunctional areas (areas with high signifcance for different landscape functions)
4.9 Summary of the conficts between landscape functions and existing and expected uses
(including human settlement functions, use of renewable energy)
5. Objective and Development Concept
5.1 Overall objectives
5.2 Thematic and spatial focuses (including ecological network system / biotope network, soil conservation, protection of
groundwater and surface waters, recreation planning, solution of conficts with other uses, objectives for subareas)
6. Protection, Management and Development Measures
6.1 Protection, management and development of certain parts of nature and the landscape
6.2 Concept of measures for the municipal area of responsibility (including compensation concept)
6.3 Action proposals for the area of responsibility of other authorities and public bodies
7. Notes on Implementation
7.1 Implementation concept (priorities, political strategy, implementation instruments, funding options)
7.2 Information and participation of the public
7.3 Development programmes
8. Strategic Environmental Assessment (supplementary details)
9. Summary
The combination of different landscape factors and the interactions between the natural
resources are also signicant for performance and ability to function. Apart from the descrip-
tion and assessment of the landscape functions (current condition and development poten-
tial), statements for specic areas are made on the sensitivity of distinct (sub)landscapes to
impacts as well as on the ability to restore their performance and functional capability.
Landscape planning can be better used as a versatilely usable information basis for overall
spatial planning, impact mitigation regulation or environmental assessments if the information
is presented according to the requirements of this planning and these instruments. As the
legal basis of the various planning and instruments partly name natural resources as sensitive
receptors, partly landscape functions, it should be possible to access landscape planning
information structured both by natural resources and landscape functions. This can be achie-
ved by appropriate linking of standard text units in digital landscape plans. It is also advisable
not only to be able to select specic individual cartographic areas but also to easily nd and
collate text statements on special landscape units. This service will assist the administrations
or project sponsors in consolidating the respective relevant area descriptions for comments
or environmental assessments. The effort spent on these preparations pay off because the
information is so conveniently accessible and is easier to integrate in other planning and
instruments [ 10 ].
The registration of the uses and foreseeable changes in uses is aimed at describing the effects
of use on nature and the landscape, to describe these for specic areas and to classify them
(conicts, impacts and risks due to structural, material, mechanical as well as acoustic and
visual effects). For example, registration of existing and planned trafc routes and densities in
connection with current functions and sensitivities (e.g. a biotope network) enables statements
to be made on existing and expected fragmentation effects.
Through the comprehensive, extensive inventory and assessment of all natural resources, it is
possible to estimate the interactions and cumulative effects and to forecast the expected envi-
ronmental changes. The effects of specic changes in use on nature and the environment (e.g.
human settlement development, changes in agricultural structure, production of renewable
energy) can be shown in scenario form. Decision makers require such discussions of longer
term developments in order to make strategic decisions for the communities and regions
while taking into consideration risks.
The environmental and nature conservation authorities, other sectoral planning authorities and
the environmental organisations as well as (for the landscape plan) the land users or interested
public contribute useful, relevant information (cf. Chap. 6.3). In view of the abundance of
existing and ascertainable information it is necessary to purposefully select the data to be
surveyed as well as special regional or local issues and problems.
Fig. 9:
Natural resources
and landscape functions
of the information
Target-oriented survey
and inventory
Uses and their effects
Landscape functions
of the
Natural resources as parts of the balance of nature
Water Air and climate Soil Flora and fauna
Fig. 10:
Example of the survey contents
of a biotope type map from
a landscape plan
(Extract from LP Norderstedt
2020; 2005: Prepared by: TGP,
Extensive mapping of the
biotope types is of fundamental
importance for the survey and as-
sessment of the biotope function.
The evaluations to be made on
the basis of this (such as rarity,
endangerment of certain biotope
types) can be underpinned
through selective registration and
assessment of valuable biotopes
(especially with respect to the
occurrence of rare or endangered
species and biocoenoses, struc-
tural diversity, degree of maturity)
as well as the analysis of specic
functional relationships (e.g. de-
scription of biotope complexes).
Woody plants and other tree structures
Flowing water
Ruderal vegetation
Arable land and garden biotopes
Raised and transition bogs
Standing water Urban biotopes Forests, shrubbery and small woody plants
Fen, swamp and shore biotopes without woody plants
Heath and dry grassland
A mosaic of different
small extensively used
grassland locations
and tall forb communi-
ties interspersed with
individual trees and
pasture-swamp shrub-
land provides a refuge
area for a large number
of plant and animal spe-
cies, is an essential part
of the biotope network
and enhances the natural
Apart from groups of
trees, rows of trees and
individual trees, way-
side strips, hedges and
eld trees and scrubs
are central elements of
a differentiated cultural
Mesophile limestone
forests have a special
value for nature conser-
vation as this biotope
type is populated by
a large number of endan-
gered species, e.g. the
Turks cap lily
(Lilium martagon).
Semi-natural low-
land streams, warm in
summer, are characte-
rised by a reduced ow
velocity and therefore
by a rather silty to sandy
sediment. The vegetation
is characterised by reeds
and pondweed commu-
nities. The banks along
the water are usually
covered with carr (fen
woodland), reeds, tall
forb communities or tall
sedge swamps.
Human settlement areas
with a high proportion
of indigenous vegetation
and typical regional ur-
ban fringe design secure
biological diversity within
the settled area too and
enhance the natural
Checkdams considerably
prevent the biological
consistency of owing
waters. Renaturation
can improve the biotope
Fig. 11:
Visualised examples from the survey
and assessment of existing situation
(Section from: LP Stadt Knigslutter,
2005, Map: Species and Biotopes
Prepared by: entera, Hanover)
Even the survey of the existing situation including the display of existing impairments and ex-
pected risks should increasingly be coordinated with the new landscape planning challenges
and foreseeable conicting uses, provided these are relevant within the planning area:
If planning of extensive use of renewable energy exist (e.g. biomass, solar energy), in the
interests of modular, needs-oriented planning (cf. Chap. 3.2), landscape planning can
identify areas which are particularly sensitive, e.g. to specic forms of biomass cultivation
(water shortage areas, visually sensitive areas).
The conditions which are relevant for good professional practice or cross compliance
requirements should be identied (e.g. grassland areas with prohibited reversion, buffer
zones around biotopes worthy of protection, compaction-sensitive areas, landscape ele-
ments to be preserved). For the land users it should be made clear where 1:1 use of the
information is possible and where additional surveys may be necessary at operational
level in order to deduce valid measures.
During the course of implementation of the Water Framework Directive, there are many
common ground results between landscape planning and river basin planning which
should be used to avoid duplicated work and to save costs. Therefore, close coordina-
tion should take place when registering the existing situation. Wherever possible, data
should be acquired and processed so that it is compatible and usable for both planning
tasks. For example, data from landscape planning can be adopted and used to record
groundwater-dependent biotopes, to differentiate land uses or to determine impacts and
pollution, in particular the endangerment of groundwater-dependent biotopes or diffuse
inputs from agriculture. On the other hand, when recording and assessing the morpholo-
gical water structure, landscape planning can now fall back on the detailed water ma-
nagement mapping [11].
With respect to the expected effects of climate change on biodiversity, soils (CO
and recreational possibilities (winter sport), at present only projections are possible in
most cases. The scientic fundamentals are not yet sufcient to enable precise spatial
predictions of the effects of the various climate change scenarios. However, it is already
becoming clear today that many nature conservation measures such as extensication
of land uses and the biotope network can either contribute to greenhouse gas reduction
in the short term or can support the adaptive responses of the ora and fauna to climate
change. This should also increasingly be made clear in landscape planning.
These new challenges are of course also to be taken into account accordingly when drawing
up objectives, requirements and measures, although they are not dealt with again separately
in the following chapter.
4.2 Objectives, requirements and measures
One of the most important tasks of landscape planning is to specify the generally worded le-
gal objectives and principles of nature conservation and landscape management and such of
higher-level landscape planning (landscape programme, landscape structure plan) in concrete
terms for specic spatial areas and therefore to give them real practical use. Environmental
quality objectives are also taken into account; these are set down in the overriding pro-
grammes or strategies such as the sustainability strategy of the Federal Government. The very
concrete quality objectives with time horizons of the national biodiversity strategy have special
signicance in this respect.
The spatially specic objectives should name nature and landscape qualities to be aimed for
as well as need for action and, where possible, should give specic details in terms of time
and quantity. In this form they can be used as local, regional or nationwide environmental qua-
lity and action objectives and wherever possible spatial environmental standards.
Requirements and measures are used to realise the objectives formulated for the planning
area. On the one hand, measures which are primarily to be implemented within the scope
of the nature conservation authorities tasks are named in the landscape planning plans. On
the other hand, demands on other sectoral planning and land uses are formulated, so-called
requirements. They describe which planning or practical activities are expected from other
planning authorities within the scope of their task of participating in fullment of the nature
Renewable energies
Demands on agriculture
Water Framework
Climate change
Specifying general
objectives in concrete
Environmental quality
objectives and standards
and measures
conservation and landscape management objectives. If applicable, coordinated proposals for
action are made regarding the possibilities of implementing the respective planning or land
Comparison of the objectives with various natural resources and landscape functions (e.g.
species protection versus recreational use) is essential for landscape planning. Any internal
nature conservation conicts with the objectives that occur can be corrected, objectives and
measures which complement or strengthen each other can be optimally matched. The aim
is to integrate all suitable objectives of other (sectoral) environmental planning in the overall
nature conservation concept. This also serves to utilise synergies with tasks of other sectoral
planning and to develop multifunctional measures (cf. Chap. 2.2).
Worthwhile or targeted conditions of nature and landscape can provided there is a need for
illustration be formulated graphically in models or in texts. New media provide diverse pos-
sibilities for communicating to target groups a vivid impression of how the landscape could
develop [12] (cf. Chap. 6.3). Models can be developed from a combination of individual objec-
tives in order to illustrate the desired future landscape. If the legal objectives allow alternative
developments within a planning area the models can represent different development ideas
for the landscape, which can be the basis for discussion within the scope of participa tion
and consultation. The illustration of objective priorities and alternative development options
can help the decision-makers to weigh up the nature and landscape objectives against other
claims on the planning area.
With respect to integration in other planning and demonstrating consultation and participa-
tion options to members of the public, the obvious thing to do would be to divide the opera-
tive objectives into minimum objectives and desirable (possibly negotiable) objectives. This
occurs according to their signicance for realisation of the nature conservation and landscape
management objectives and if applicable existing alternative measures. In this way the target
groups of landscape planning can recognise at rst glance which objectives and measures
can be part of the participation with respect to their organisation and their scope and which
should be implemented as a matter of priority and which e.g. such as implementation of the
Natura 2000 network are not decided locally. Illustrating these possibilities and limits of con-
sultation is an important precondition for constructive participation processes (cf. Chap. 6.3).
When making decisions regarding equivalent objectives or when planning measures, conside-
ration must be given to the implementation conditions in order to promote fast and successful
realisation. Priority should therefore be given to easily funded objectives and objectives com-
plying with the users wishes. Conditions of use and utilisation claims also play a role in such
strategic decisions regarding objectives. For example, in agriculturally favourable areas small,
localised biotope development measures will tend to be possible whereas in extensively used
areas the conditions are more favourable for more widespread or more far-reaching measures.
Implementation conditions can also be incorporated in the choice of measures: On the one
hand, the requirements of farming processes can be taken into account. On the other hand,
maintenance measures and use requirements can also be based on the marketing opportu-
nities of the resulting product (e.g. grazing can be provided instead of mowing of meadows, if
the meat produced can be easily marketed). In urban and suburban areas on the other hand,
a large number of utilisation claims on limited spaces require particularly multifunctional con-
cepts and recreational use frequently has special relevance.
Priorities can be assigned to objectives and measures in order to effectively deploy available
funds. These then control the selection of measures and the order in which they are imple-
mented and are the basis for an implementation programme (cf. Chap. 4.3) of the planning
The requirements, measures (proposals) and action proposals shown in landscape planning are also called measures for short in this brochure.
Weighing up internally
conicting objectives
tion of the objectives and
Priority and development of nature and the landscape
The measures for the
individual natural resour-
ces and action areas
shown in the detailed
plans are summarised
here. The multifunction-
ality of the measures is
made clear by the spatial
Open space structure Recreation / landscape experience
Protected areas and objects
Areas suitable as compensation areas
Balance of nature: Species and biotopes Balance of nature: Water and climate
Fig. 12:
Objectives and measures
(LP Bhl-Ottersweier, 2006;
Prepared by: HHP,
Rottenburg a.N.)
4.3 Examples from local
and supra-local landscape planning
The Federal Nature Conservation Act sets the content framework of landscape planning and
names areas of actions which are the subject to the planning:
Prevention, mitigation or removal of impairments,
Protection, management and development of valuable biotopes and landscape units,
Development of the biotope network,
Development and protection of the Natura 2000 network,
Protection, improvement in quality and regeneration of soils, bodies of water, air and
Conservation and development of the natural scenery and recreation function of the
In the following, examples from the supra-local and local landscape planning are introduced
for several of these areas of action.
With respect to the natural resources soil, water, climate and air, the task of landscape
planning is to develop measures to permanently ensure their regeneration and sustainable
usability. The complex relations between the biological water balance, the soil, vegetation and
climate as well as land uses and the interplay of natural resources within the scope of various
landscape functions (interactions) are taken into account. Practically, this takes place only in
the landscape planning as it is not the subject of other environmental planning for specic
natural resources.
With respect to the soil, the main aim is to conserve soil with high natural fertility and to pro-
tect rare as well as particularly endangered and sensitive soils. Conservation and remediation
objectives are directed at preventing and reducing wind and water erosion, soil compaction,
soil destruction and sealing as well as contaminant input. Depending on the sensitivity of the
(sub)landscape and on the urgency of the problem, individual risk factors for example the
risk of erosion can be dealt with in depth.
The planning statements concerning the natural resource water relate above all to the conser-
vation and, if applicable, to improvement of the water supply function as well as to the reten-
tion function. This includes groundwater recharging, the groundwater quality and the quality of
the surface waters. The capacity of the balance of nature in alluvial plains is above all relevant
for the retention function and therefore ood protection (cf. Fig. 13).
Traditionally, the bioclimatic and air-quality compensating function is primarily considered with
respect to climate and air. The depth and sharpness of statements can vary greatly according
to the existing problem reference within the planning area with regard to polluted areas.
In the context of global climate change, on the basis of existing regional climate forecasts,
landscape planning can illustrate probable or possible regional and local effects on the soil, bio-
diversity and recreation suitability (e.g. snow certainty) in scenarios. On the basis of changes
in their immediate environment, in this way it is made clear to politicians and the population
that it is necessary to integrate measures to control the causes as well as to lessen the conse-
quences (e.g. for species and biotopes). In addition, synergies with other nature conservation
needs can also be emphasised in landscape planning. Especially for extensively or completely
unused ecosystems there is an additional argument for protecting or expanding them due to
their contribution to climate protection (favourable greenhouse gas balance). The following
measures can be proposed:
Development of a biotope network can be combined with special measures for species
especially endangered by climate change.
A particular conservation need can be formulated for grassland with very high CO
storage. The prevention of ploughing up grassland can be achieved through protected
area regulations (nature reserve, landscape protection area) or through urban develop-
ment planning descriptions.
Moors have a particularly high signicance as CO
storage. Intact moors are to be
conserved to prevent or reduce the release of gases affecting climate change; measures
should be developed for rewatering depleted or dewatered moors.
Content framework
Protection, improvement
and regeneration of soils,
bodies of water,
air and climate
Climate change
Fig. 13:
Water and material retention
(LP Stadt Knigslutter am Elm,
2005; Prepared by: entera,
Areas with special capability for water and material retention Natural landscape units
Areas with impaired / endangered capability for water and material retention
Longer rotations in forest use also have a positive effect on the CO
Landscape planning can include a check of whether energy recovery of landscape ma-
nagement material is particularly desirable in certain sub-areas or not.
Adaptation measures such as possible roof planting for cooling buildings in areas at risk
of overheating can be proposed in settlement areas or the use of solar energy in loca-
tions with particularly favourable radiation.
One objective of the Federal Nature Conservation Act is to create a biotope network to lastingly
secure native animal and plant species as well as ecological interrelations. Natura 2000 areas
(see below) can be integrated in the national biotope network.
Landscape planning has the task of showing areas which are particularly suitable for developing
a biotope network. Landscape planning is especially suitable for the planning concept of the
biotope network because an ideal solution is to acquire the necessary information by supple-
menting and deepening the surveys which are carried out anyway as part of landscape planning.
In addition, the suitable areas and measures for developing the biotope network as part of the
overall nature conservation concept can be directed at achieving synergies with other objectives
(e.g. ood protection) and can be translated into multifunctional measures. If biotope network
planning already exists it is compared with other environmental and nature conserva tion objec-
tives within the scope of landscape planning and is prepared for transfer into the overall spatial
planning and the urban development planning. The higher planning levels (land scape pro-
gramme, landscape structure plan) represent the wide-ranging network and proposals for secu-
ring the core areas, while small scale networking can take place at local level via other measures
or connecting elements.
At a local level landscape planning contains suggestions as to how the national or European
biotope network can be supplemented by the conservation and creation of locally signicant
structures. Regional minimum densities (for linear and point elements) should be specied as the
legal basis for this and measures taken if the density requirements are not achieved in the lands-
cape. Apart from coordinating or creating the basic idea of the biotope network, the central
tasks of landscape planning includes preparing the site protection necessary for securing the
biotope network by proposing suitable instruments of nature conservation legislation or building
code and regional planning legislation.
Biotope network
Proposed measures for agriculture
With the formulation of requirements for agriculture, landscape planning translates several of the location-depen-
dent requirements of good professional practice, which are described generally or with vague legal terms only in
laws and regulations, into specic statements for a dened area. This gives farmers advices for legally secure and
sustainable farm management.
Coordination with river basin management
Synergies can be utilised in the planning and implementation of measures through consultation and cooperation
between landscape and river basin planning authorities [11].
Landscape planning also makes an extensive information base available outside the peripheral areas of the water
bodies mapped as part of the river basin planning. This is signicantly more detailed than the land use data
(CORINE (Coordination of Information on the Environment) land cover - CLC) currently used in river basin plan-
ning. Groundwater-dependent biotope types can be determined on the basis of the biotope type map. In addition,
landscape planning can take on the task of documenting changes to groundwater-dependent biotopes as part of
regular updating and therefore make a contribution to monitoring according to the WFD. The differentiated, areal
statements on the signicance, sensitivities, impacts and potential (e.g. description of the erosion risk, buffer/
lter functions of the soil, classication of agriculturally used areas on the basis of biotope types) can contribute
towards localised problem areas especially with respect to diffuse inputs from agriculture and to select focal
areas for action. In particular, the landscape plannings statements on biotope development should be taken into
account in the planning of priority areas for the reduction of phosphate and nitrogen inputs. Above all, landscape
planning can be used as an instrument for the agricultural sector to communicate, to coordinate and to conso-
lidate measures. The global environmental consideration and multi-functional objective and measures concepts
of landscape planning can be used as orientation for implementing sustainable management and integrative
measures within the scope of the river basin planning. Landscape planning also undertakes the role of consolida-
ting all river basin management measures which can be expressed in the urban development planning and spatial
planning with other measures important for nature and the landscape and for converting them into spatial planning
Fig. 14:
Biotope network concept
(extract from LRP Braunschweig,
Draft 2006;
Prepared by: Aland, Hanover)
Biotope network areas Target biotope types
Amphibians, reptiles
macrozoobenthos species
Stenotope carabid
Target species (fauna)
(occurrence since 1980)
Negative effects (potential barriers, fragmentation)
Conicts with plannings
Development areas
Requirements and measures for developing and protecting the European ecological network
Natura 2000 are explicitly named as contents of landscape planning. The signicance of the
Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) and areas worthy for protection under the Habitats Di-
rective as well as Special Protection Areas (SPAs) under the Birds Directive and the large-scale
functional relationship can be shown on a state-wide or nationwide scale in the supra-local (regi-
onal) landscape planning. With the overall consideration of all areas for the purposes of ensuring
coherence, landscape planning denes the action framework for the management plans, which
are to be drawn up at lower scale level for individual (sub-)areas. In addition, landscape planning
proposals for implementation of the non-deterioration and non-disturbance obligation can be
made at the respective suitable planning level of landscape planning. Management plans can
also be integrated in landscape planning as supplementary modules for sub-areas (as additional
Natura 2000
Contribution to the Habitats Directive Assessment
Plans and Projects likely to have a signicant effect on a Natura-2000 site, either individually or in combination
with other plans or projects, have to be subject to a Habitats Directive Assessment (HDA) of the implications for
the site in view of the sites conservation objectives. Landscape planning is used for this HDA. In particular, land-
scape planning forms an information basis for the preliminary check, e.g. to estimate possible or even cumulative
effects which can result in substantial impairments and to determine the necessary scope of investigations. While
the compatibility with the Habitats Directive is measured in view of the sites specic conservation objectives,
landscape planning as a general nature conservation concept can be used in particular for examining alternative
solutions and for determining possible measures to secure the coherence of the Natura 2000 network.
Fig. 15:
Recreation theme map
(Section of LP Waal, 2003
Prepared by: AGL, Etting)
Nature and landscape as
experience and recreati-
on space for humans
work and services to be commissioned). Project sponsors and planning authorities as well as
farmers should be able to identify from landscape planning at rst glance, in which cases plan-
ned measures conict with European protected species or areas.
Nature and landscape are very important for the physical and mental well-being of humans.
Diversity, characteristic features and beauty as well as the recreational value of nature and
the landscape should be permanently secured. The aim is to conserve and design a cultural
landscape corresponding to these criteria. This ranges from unspoilt landscapes which are
not characterised by intensive use and technical-industrial elements to designed open spaces in
villages and towns.
The Federal Nature Conservation Act emphasises the importance of nature and landscape as
an experience and recreation space for humans. Accordingly, suitable areas are to be protected
and made accessible for the purposes of recreation. The landscape planning authorities there-
fore have an active design task to plan the landscape so that nature and landscape compatible
recreational activities can be practiced. This task also includes preventing or remediating land-
scape impairments caused by its use for recreation. Just like for other uses, all forms of leisure
and recreation may only use nature and the landscape to the extent allowed by their need for
protection and their sensitivity. Therefore, within the scope of landscape planning, requirements
are also formulated which are directed at users (tourism industry, sports organisations) and
which should be taken into account in corresponding planning.
Sport facilities
Proposals for addition
Hiking trail
Cycleway: Ammersee cycle way
Field cross
Landscape peculiarity
Festival hall
Sports ground
Tennis court
Ice rink
Bathing area
Hiking trail
Municipal border
Standing water
Flowing water
Create connection
Improvement by woody plants necessary
Compatible use
of renewable energies
Preliminary work
for the impact mitigation
Fig. 16:
Preliminary assessment of the
intrusion by a planned building
development area on the basis of
landscape planning
(LP Rothenburg-Hhnichen 2004;
prepared by:
planquadrat, Dresden)
Planned building development area Hhnichen, Am Schinderberg
Building development use class Size Planning status
Rural mixed use area approx 1.7 ha Draft land use plan
Connection and access
Connection via local authority roads
and new access road
Protection status
and higher-level planning
Affected sensitive receptors / functions
Soil Water Climate Natural
scenery and
and size of the
affected areas
intensive grass-
land, arable land
Average to low
lter capacity,
low to average
potential yield
Low to high
recharging rate,
low to average
Cold air source
area without
human settle-
ment reference
No outstanding
natural scenery
quality, average
of existing
values and
Loss of habitats
of higher,
average and low
Impairment of
the soil functions
and potential
yield (surface
Risk of ground-
water contami-
nation, reduction
in groundwater
No impairment
Change in the
landscape and
Suitability of the area for building development from the view of nature and the landscape
Conditionally suitable for building development
Proposals for
mitigation and
of the
It is recommended that only the northwestern part be shown as a building development
area, as neither valuable mesophile grassland nor areas with low groundwater protectedness
are affected in this area.
Prevention of a high degree of surface sealing through low plot ratio, restriction of ancillary
facilities and buildings and use of permeable materials
Typical village types of building
Integration into the surrounding landscape through fruit and other broadleaved woody
plants typical for the location
Extensifcation of grassland along the new ditch south of Hhnichen
Within the scope of landscape planning, the sensitivity of sub-areas to use for certain forms of
renewable energy (wind, solar, energy plants) can be determined.
Similar to the priority areas for wind power utilisation, which prove their worth as a control instru-
ment in regional and urban development planning, on this basis suitable or exclusion areas for
large-scale solar (photovoltaic) systems or for energy crop cultivation can be shown too.
The landscape planning authorities make proposals for the prevention, reduction or removal of
existing and expected impairments. Preliminary work on the impact mitigation regulation is per-
formed with the notes on suitable mitigation and compensation measures and areas. The state-
ments are primarily directed at the land users and their sectoral plans, so that target group and
implementation oriented presentation is of central signicance. At a local level the local community
should coordinate the timing and content of the landscape and urban development planning so
that, in particular, statements on foreseeable environmental effects of planned housing extensions
can be used for the environmental assessment in the urban development planning (cf. Chap. 2.1).
Supplementing the
landscape planning,
not weighed up, to
include a political
implementation pro-
How well the measures are tailored to the implementation conditions and the extent to which
they were agreed with the parties involved are frequently decisive factors for their chances
of being implemented. As, in many federal states, landscape planning is supposed to initial-
ly dene an unadulterated development standard from a nature conservation point of view,
priorities for action to be taken stemming from political issues or from the weighing up of all
issues or even measures with strong implementation inuence cannot always be incorporated.
In such cases the solution presents itself to supplement the landscape plan with a carefully
considered and operative implementation programme to be politically passed, which e.g. only
contains those (possibly modied) measures which a local community or region had underta-
ken to implement in a dened period.
4.4 Notes on GIS-assisted landscape planning
Use of geographic information systems (GIS) in landscape planning brings substantial ad-
vantages, above all because of its data updating and evaluation possibilities as well as target
group specic preparation of data (cf. Chap. 3.2, 6.3). Data processing and transfer require-
ments must be noted to enable use of the diverse possibilities of GIS-assisted drawing up of
landscape planning to their full extent:
The ofcial digital basic geometries should be used at all landscape planning levels (ALK,
ATKIS, ALKIS [13]). Through orientation and geometric adjustment of the environmental
data to this geographic base data, local communities and authorities can use the ofcial
data as the basis of a spatial information system for the respective planning area.
Content and technical requirements and standards are necessary which enable reci-
procal data exchange so that the data of other sectoral administrations can be used for
landscape planning and so that the results of landscape planning can be incorporated
in the information systems and planning of other technical disciplines. Consideration of
the relevant existing standards (e.g. ISO standard 19115 for documentation using meta-
data) in GIS-assisted landscape planning makes it easier, or indeed makes it possible in
the rst place, to forward and make use of the data and information acquired within the
scope of landscape planning in a relatively uncomplicated way.
In addition, it would be important to increase the use of standard methods, classications and
structuring in order to merge information from different landscape planning, e.g. within the
scope of an SEA or EIA. The federal states and the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation
provide tips and advices for this.
Mitigation and compensation of intrusions
Based on the contents of the landscape planning intrusions can be assessed and steered towards relatively more
compatible locations. In addition, in an individual case the investigative scope of an environmental audit or envi-
ronmental envelope planning can be set out and sound decisions can be made regarding the type and scope of
more in-depth investigations. The deduction of suitable compensation measures are also to be taken into account
in the landscape planning plans. In particular, they contain information about spaces which can be enhanced and
are in need of development, and which are therefore suitable for implementation of compensation measures. In
addition, the landscape plan can provide a compensation (areas) concept, which optimally classies mitigation and
compensation measures within the overall concept.
Data processing and
transfer requirements
5. Strategic
Environmental Assessment
Strategic environmental assessments of plans and programmes should ensure effective en-
vironmental provisions. To this end, the effects on the environment must be comprehensively
determined, described and assessed according to uniform basic principles. The results of
environmental assessments must be taken into consideration when drawing up or amending
plans and programmes (Article 1 Environmental Impact Assessment Act, Gesetz ber die
Umweltvertrglichkeitsprfung UVPG). Apart from natural resources animals, plants and
biological diversity, soil, water, air, climate and landscape the environmental assessment
also includes effects on humans including human health as well as cultural assets and other
material assets (Article 2 UVPG).
Landscape planning has a special position with respect to the assessment of environmental
Landscape programmes, landscape structure plans and local landscape plans are
among the plans and programmes for which a strategic environmental assessment has
to be performed (Article 14b UVPG in conjunction with Annex 3 No. 1). As their specica-
tions and arrangements are solely for conserving or improving the condition of nature and
the landscape and supporting the objective of effective environmental provisions, special
arrangements apply to performance of the SEA for landscape planning (cf. Chap. 5.2).
At the same time landscape planning assists the environmental assessment of other
plans and programmes in that the contents of landscape planning can be used as infor-
mation and assessment basis as well as directly as an environmental report if the plan-
ning areas and times are congruent (cf. Article 19a Para 1 and 3 UVPG). This reduces
the costs and time required for the strategic environmental assessment (cf. Chap. 5.1).
5.1 The signifcance of landscape planning
for the environmental assessment of other plans
and programmes
To a large extent landscape planning provides the basics for the environmental assessment of
plans and programmes (as well as for projects, especially at local level):
Prior to the actual environmental assessment the environmental information of landscape
planning helps to assess the need for an environmental assessment (screening).
The landscape planning contributions to scoping are particularly relevant for economical
work in performing the environmental assessment. The extensive information basis of
landscape planning on the condition, signicance and sensitivity of the environment (in-
formation system) allows precisely tailored denition of the scope of investigations. Based
on this information, options to be investigated can also be properly dened with objective
Landscape planning can make an important contribution to virtually all the items and
contents of the environmental report (e.g. description of the current state of the envi-
ronment, status quo forecasts, conict assessment, cf. Fig. 17). With the specic objec-
tives for a dened area it provides the assessment criteria necessary for evaluation of the
environmental effects.
Landscape planning can also play a decisive role in monitoring the substantial environ-
mental effects of the plans and programmes. Unforeseen environmental effects and pos-
sible interactions are also registered with the updating of landscape planning at suitable
planning intervals. Due to its extensive, multi-environment approach landscape planning
provides particularly good preconditions for determining such effects and for taking into
account total, cumulative effects, which arise due to the interaction of negative effects of
implementing various plans and projects.
Environmental report
5.2 Strategic Environmental Assessment
of the landscape planning
The Environmental Impact Assessment Act (UVPG) species procedures for assessing
the environmental compatibility of plans and programmes which are also to be applied to
land scape planning (Article 14e-o, supplementary provisions are left to the federal states
(Article 19a Para. 1 Sentence 2). They are integrated in the planning process (cf. Chap. 6.2).
An independent environmental report is not required for landscape planning. The contents
which have to be presented separately for other planning are included directly in the expla-
natory or justication text of the landscape planning (see below). As the landscape planning
contents provided for by law to a large extent already cover the contents of the environmental
report, no signicant supplements to landscape planning are necessary (cf. Fig. 8):
The outline of the contents, main objectives of the plan and relationship to other
relevant plans and programmes can be included in the introduction.
Apart from expressing the nature conservation objectives in concrete terms as the core
content of landscape planning, other relevant environmental objectives are also to be
listed for the description of the environmental protection objectives applicable to
the plan or programme as well as the way in which these objectives and other
environmental considerations have been taken into account on drawing up the
plan. A description is given of the extent to which the specications of landscape plan-
ning support these objectives too, where possible synergies result or whether possible
deviations exist.
The description of the environmental characteristics, the current state of the
environment and the likely evolution thereof without implementation of the plan
or programme is the core content of the registration and assessment of the current
and forecast of the expected condition of nature and the landscape in the landscape
The details of existing environmental problems which are relevant to the plan are given
with the description of the impacts (registration of uses and their effects on nature and
the landscape).
The description of likely signicant effects on the environment is given for the
objectives and measures dened in the plans. Signicant negative environmental effects
on the sensitive receptors of the UVPG (Environmental Impact Assessment Act) which
are identical to those given in the BNatSchG (Federal Nature Conservation Act (soil, wa-
ter, air, climate, landscape, animals, plants and biological diversity) are not generally to
be expected. The effects on the sensitive receptor man including human health as well
as cultural assets and other tangible assets are also to be considered. These issues are
mostly incorporated in the landscape planning concept: Nature and the landscape must
also be protected, managed and developed as the natural resources and basis of life
of humans. Therefore the qualities of the natural resources to be aimed for are also de-
veloped with respect to human health (e.g. air and water quality). When considering the
landscape experience function, human needs for recreation and landscape experience
are even at the heart of the planning. With the survey and assessment of the structures
and elements (including cultural, historic structure and buried cultural monuments) of
the historically grown cultural landscapes and buildings or urban fringes shaping the
landscape (natural scenery), important cultural assets are registered and dealt with at
the same time. Negative environmental effects on these protected objects therefore
only arise in exceptional cases, e.g. if internal objective conicts exist which are weighed
up in favour of another issue. This (internal) weighing up is to be documented for the
purposes of a brief description of the reasons for selecting alternatives (see below).
If signicant negative environmental effects are determined, the measures envisaged to
prevent, reduce or compensate these effects must also be described.
Notes on difculties encountered in compiling the information, such as technical
deciencies or lack of knowledge, are to be included in a relevant place in the justi-
cation text.
environmental report
Strengthen capabilities
through SEA
If reasonable, realisable alternatives are possible, these should be checked and their
anticipated signicant environmental effects described and assessed. In landscape
planning the outline of the reasons for selecting the alternatives dealt with as well
as a description of how the assessment was undertaken, refers to the comparison
of different development prospects or alternative measures, provided these were explo-
red during the planning. The effects of these weighing up decisions must now be clearly
documented for the purposes of the SEA.
Measures envisaged concerning monitoring are only to be described if negative
environmental effects exist. This is usually not the case in landscape planning (see above).
The monitoring can take place within the scope of the update (see below).
A generally understandable, non-technical summary is prepared of the aforemen-
tioned SEA relevant contents of the environmental report.
The monitoring of the environmental effects is used, in particular, to determine unforeseen
adverse effects on the environment of the planning. Such effects are hardly to be expected as
a result of implementation of the landscape planning measures (see above) [14]. The conti-
nuation (updating) obligations of the Federal Nature Conservation Act and the introduction of
regular updates (cf. Chap. 3.1) should however be used to analyse development since the last
plan was drawn up in order to determine any negative or unexpected concomitant effects.
Remedial measures can be directly taken into account as part of the update.
An evaluation and balancing of the implementation status takes place at the same time as the
monitoring of the environmental effects. This can be carried out with the updating of the plan.
The balancing is used to inform politics, administrations and the public of progress, successes
and, if applicable, any failures which occur with the realisation of the landscape planning ob-
jectives. On this basis, the planning can be checked and the environmental policy directed.
The SEA requirements should be used to strengthen the landscape planning capabilities. The
preparation of assessment criteria, the preparation of forecasts and the drawing up of scena-
rios (alternatives) become indispensable components of the landscape planning in the course
of the SEA. The documentation and justication of the decision making will be given more
importance in the text description and justication and therefore increase transparency and
Fig. 17:
Integration of the SEA steps
in landscape planning [ 15 ]
Description and assessment of the anticipated
environmental effects of implementation of the
plan determination and /or the alternatives
Description of the objectives and contents of the plan
Description of the relevant environmental
protection and nature conservation objectives
Survey and assessment of the sensitive receptors
and their functions
Status quo forecast
Determination of alternatives
Establishment of active factors
of plan determinations and alternatives
Determination and assessment
of cumulative effects/interactions
Establishment of compensation measures
(plan determinations / alternatives)
Comparison of alternatives
Selection of alternatives
Description of the anticipated
remaining environmental effects
Description of the monitoring measures
(responsibilities, timetable)
Description of the difculties
in procuring information
Non-technical summary
Target concept
Expressing the nature conservation and landscape
management objectives and basic principles in more
concrete terms
Current uses, expected changes in use
Denition of tasks / scoping
Landscape planning
Requirements and measures
Formulation of requirements (prevention/mitigation)
and possibilities of compensation for other sectoral
Formulation of nature conservation and landscape
management measures for own sectoral administration
Updating landscape planning
Survey and assessment
Inventory and assessment of the current state of
nature and the landscape
Forecast of the change in state of nature and the
landscape (status quo forecast)
Determination of sensitivities
and updating
of the plan
6. Organising the planning process
and participation
Apart from the thematic working steps of the plan preparation (cf. Chap. 6.1) and formal proce-
dural steps of the SEA (cf. Chap. 6.2), the planning process also includes concomitant partici-
pation, initial implementation projects and evaluation. The timing of these components of the
procedure is coordinated in the course of the planning. This results in a ow chart (cf. Fig. 18),
which can be elaborated in different ways according to the conditions of the planning case. In
the interests of modular processing, if necessary contents can be updated, supplemented or
described in greater detail and in this way the planning can be continuously updated.
Participation plays a decisive role for the success of landscape planning. In practice it therefore
often extends beyond the formal requirements. Chap. 6.3 gives practical tips and information for
the public participation.
6.1 Drawing up the plan contents
The data base and the plan are prepared and updated in several steps:
Task denition / determination of the scope of investigation (scoping)
At the start of a landscape planning project the contents, focal areas and priorities are
tailored to the current problems of the planning area.
Survey and assessment
The current condition and development potential of the natural resources and landscape
functions are registered and assessed and the impacts of existing and planned uses are
pointed out (cf. Chap. 4.1).
Target concept
The objectives and possible alternative objectives for the remediation, conservation and
development of nature and landscape are drawn up, occasionally illustrated in scenarios
and are presented as models (cf. Chap. 4.2).
Requirements and measures
The requirements and measures for realisation of the objectives are deduced, any alter-
natives for solving conicts are described and notes on their implementation are given.
If necessary, landscape planning can be supplemented with an implementation pro-
gramme (cf. Chap. 4.3).
When working on the contents it must be remembered that the text explanations must include
the information of an environmental report (cf. Chap. 5.2). Therefore the SEA requirements are
integrated from the scoping stage and in particular, possible (usually positive) environmental
effects are described. When updating a plan the evaluation of the preceding version of the
plan is one of the rst steps.
The individual steps can be highly intermeshed so that feedback can result. For example, spa-
tial development objectives can be discussed at the same time as the survey of the existing
situation, which in turn can result in decisions regarding the direction of the fundamentals part.
The planning is therefore understood to be a process in which the different steps are intercon-
nected with each other.
The planning and implementation therefore do not necessary take place consecutively but are
partly also interwoven in time. Initial proposals for measures (pilot measures) can be realised
already during the on-going planning phase. This can encourage the publics motivation to
Landscape planning can now through GIS and digitally available data of environmental
changes be updated as a process and largely during day-to-day business (cf. Chap. 3.1).
of the steps
Thematic working steps
(Formal) procedural planning steps
Fig. 18:
Landscape planning sequence
If applicable,
with intermediate
Target concept
Drawing up objectives and if applicable alter -
native objectives for the development of nature
and the landscape
Requirements and measures
Deduction of requirements and measures
for realising the objectives
Alternatives for solving conficts
Tips and notes on implementation
Survey and assessment
(insofar as necessary for update)
Inventory of the natural resources existing
situation, impact, protection, development
Evaluation of the ecological and aesthetic
compatibility of existing and planned uses
of a new plan
Participation of
authorities and
the public
Draft plan
(the contents of the environ -
mental report are integrated
in the text explanations)
Participation of
the environmen-
tal authorities
Task denition (scoping)
Determination of the
basic planning conditions
problems to be solved
SEA procedural steps
6.2 Procedural steps of the Strategic Environmental
Assessment of the landscape planning
Apart from the content requirements (cf. Chap. 5.2), the strategic environmental assessments
requires formal procedural steps to be integrated in landscape planning. In addition, specic
procedural provisions for the SEA specied by the federal states as well as linking with the regional
and urban development planning (primary & secondary integration) can also inuence the planning
process. However, these are not described here.
With the SEA the participation of authorities and the public becomes a xed component of all
landscape planning procedures. The formal procedural steps for participation of and consultation
with the authorities and public (in particular Article 14f, h-l UVPG) are to be understood as being
minimum requirements. They can therefore be supplemented with further informal steps and spe-
cial forms of information and participation of other authorities, organisations, societies, clubs and
the population, e.g. in order to awaken interest, promote acceptance or to increase the willingness
to participate (cf. Chap. 6.3).
At rst, after the decision has been made to draw up or update the plan, the basic planning
conditions, pending problems and specic tasks are dened in greater detail (cf. Chap. 6.1). This
determination of the task corresponds to denition of the scope of investigations (scoping, Article
14f UVPG). The authorities whose environmental or health-related area of responsibility is affected
by the plan must be involved during this early planning phase.
The draft plan is produced as a preliminary result of the content steps (survey and assessment,
target concept, deduction of requirements and measures). This is the subject of the participation of
and consultation with the authorities and public (Article 14h, i UVPG). To this end the draft must be
sent to other authorities and posted/displayed for public examination. The comments and opinions
received in response are taken into account in the revision of the draft plan (Article 14k UVPG).
The nal version of the plan is publicly published and posted together with a summary explanation,
as well as the comments and opinions (Article 14l UVPG).
The effort and cost required for the specied formal procedural steps can be reduced if the timing
of the landscape planning procedure is coordinated with the respective corresponding regional
and urban development planning procedure (preparation, updating or amendment of the regional
planning programme (RROP) or the structure plan). For example, the consultation and participation
of the authorities, public posting and announcement of acceptance of the plan can take place at
the same time, if the LRP and RROP or landscape plan and structure plan are prepared in paral-
lel or leading each other in parallel. Regardless of the integration model applied in the respective
federal state, the landscape planning functional concept, not weighed up with other (e.g. economic
or social) issues, should be incorporated in the participation of the authorities and public, in order
to make the weighing up processes transparent. The non weighed-up expert report is also neces-
sary to determine and justify deviations from the landscape planning.
6.3 Active participation of the public
Especially at local authority level, the population should be motivated to actively participate in
the planning and in implementation of the planning results. The involvement and consultation
with the public when preparing the landscape planning offers opportunities for all participants:
with regional
and urban development
Landscape planning with a modular structure can be prepared for a partial space, topic-
based or matched to the respective queried contents (cf. Chap. 3.2). If necessary, individual
issues for sub-areas can also be dealt with in greater detail on the basis of the currently
available information, e.g. for drawing up the impact mitigation regulation or as an EIS (envi-
ronmental impact study). In this way the landscape planning authorities as well as the autho-
rities responsible for other planning and administrative procedures can better use landscape
planning for their tasks.
Target group
Local knowledge, memories, experience or own data collections, especially of members
of the public voluntarily involved in clubs or organisations, underpin and supplement the
fundamental data with valuable information. This can reduce the survey and data acquisi-
tion costs and effort and improve the quality of the landscape planning.
The environmental information made accessible to the public e.g. via the internet
communicates to the public background knowledge on the processes in nature and in
the landscape and therefore contribute to environmental education (cf. Chap. 2.4). This is
a prerequisite in order to enable members of the public to take advantage of their partici-
pation options in the interests of positive environmental development.
Organisations, clubs, institutions as well as individual persons receive participation,
consultation and contributory possibilities within a dened framework (see below). They
can contribute issues and ideas to the planning.
Participation of the public is an important precondition for understanding and accep-
tance of the plan contents and the willingness to actively participate in the implemen-
The members of the public can share in the implementation successes. Knowledge
of the successes of landscape planning increases the motivation to participate in the
Who should be involved in the landscape planning depends on the planning level as well
as the relevant topics and focal problems in each individual case.
The regional or supra-local landscape planning is mainly aimed at target groups in the govern-
ment administration. Public participation at this level takes place mostly through the possibility
of participation of the organisations, clubs and representative lobby groups (especially those
concerned with nature conservation, hunters, shing, agricultural as well as (nature) sports, re-
creation, tourism). At the local level, where the long-term shaping of the publics own town and
own living environment is involved, the members of the public are also approached directly
and individual users or spokespersons of user groups are involved to a greater extent. There-
fore, information and participation offers within the scope of preparation of the local landscape
plan are frequently much broader.
Information and participation can begin at an early phase of the work process and can
accompany the whole planning process. The extents of the consultation and participation
possibilities differ in the individual phases of the work. The orientation and focal points of the
participation change depending on the task. The choice of form of information and partici-
pation (press, internet presentation, information event, working party, hearing, comments via
the internet, etc., cf. Tab. 1) are based on the different purposes and target groups. The whole
planning process should be accompanied by press work and publication of the work status
on the internet.
Who to involve
When and how to involve
Target groups and forms of participation in the work phases
For the denition of the tasks and problem (scoping), it is important that on the one hand planners (usually the
landscape planning consultants) and planning authorities (e.g. the local community) determine the pending issues.
On the other hand, other authorities and relevant organisations are asked about their planning intentions and their
required or preferred focal areas for landscape planning.
By making an announcement in the press, the public is informed about the start and further course of the
landscape planning. In addition, individual target groups can be specically informed and involved in the following
planning phases:
In the survey and assessment phase the quality of the data can be improved through the local knowledge of the
organisations and individual members of the public. The descriptions of the existing situation can be supplemented
and if necessary corrected. It is also possible to ask about preferences regarding the recreational quality of the
landscape. During the phase of denition of the objectives and measures, ideas of members of the public can be
incorporated provided they do not impair the overriding nature conservation objectives but instead supplement
measures, make a selection under alternative measures, adapt measures to practical use or enrich them under
implementation aspects (see above). The ideas and suggestions of the affected or interested members of the pu-
blic can be incorporated in the discussion of development prospects, models, objectives and measures as well as
implementation options. Topic-specic participation of individual groups of players is frequently useful. As a result,
nature and landscape improvements can be achieved which help to realise nature conservation objectives and
correspond to the ideas of the people involved.
Trustful and sustainable participation of members of the public in the planning and deve-
lopment of nature and the landscape is based on preconditions which must be taken into
account during the course of the planning:
Participation is not only one way communication of information. It requires a range of consul-
tation and participation opportunities during the planning and implementation to be offered by
the planning authorities as well as the commitment of the members of the public to contribute.
Participation rules
Participation as dialogue
Tab. 1:
Participation tasks and target
groups in the individual planning
phases [ 9 ]
Landscape plan
participation tasks
Target groups of participation
Information about the planning
x x x x x x x
Clarifcation of the objectives,
contents, procedures
x x x x x x x
Denition of problems and
focal areas for the landscape plan
x x x x x
IAcquisition of information on the
completeness and correctness of
the survey
x x x x x x x
Explanation and discussion
of the survey
x x x x x x x
Clarifcation of the objectives,
contents, procedures,
x x x x x x x
of the assessment method
x x x x x x x
of the assessment method
x x x x
Explanation of the target concept x x x x x x x
Discussion of the target concept x x x x
Measures Explanation and discussion
of the measures concept
x x x x x x x
of implementation options
K x x x K x x
Draft plan Explanation and discussion
of the draft plan
x x x x x x x
Explanation of the opportunities
and limits of participation
x x x x
Distribution of the draft on CDROM x x x x x x
of the plan
Notication of planning
and participation results
x x x x x x
Notication of consideration of
comments and opinions to those
who submitted them
x x x x x x
Distribution of the landscape plan
x x x x x x
Drawing up an action concept x x x x x x x
Coordination of implementation
and consultation offers
x x x x x
Formation of cooperations
for implementation
x x x x x x
x = target groups, x = focal participation of a specic group,
K = Cooperation partners for carrying out participation projects
Possibilities and limits
of consultation
and participation
of decisions
Feedback on the publics
ideas and suggestions
Use of new technologies:
Data updating
Multimedia presentation
However, the possibilities of involvement in producing the planning results are not unlimited, as
several contents of landscape planning are, e.g., already specied by binding law and express
overriding social interests. Such requirements can only be changed in a very limited way at
a local level. It is important to clearly explain to the groups involved the possibilities open to
them for inuencing and actively shaping the results in order to make the scope for action
transparent to all parties involved. When assessing the condition or formulating objectives the
planner is tied, in particular to protection and development objectives either legally dened or
anchored in a higher planning level, and partly by technical methodology requirements (e.g.
guidelines, orders issued by the federal states). The information to be made available during
the participation process therefore also includes the legal, administrative regulations and
planning requirements, which must be observed at the respective planning level. This results
in discussable development options and alternative measures (so-called negotiable objectives)
and such which are excluded from discussion due to previous specications at a higher level.
Furthermore, during the planning it should also be taken into account that landscape planning
should rst show the best solutions for the environment so that the administration, members
of the public and politics are aware of the benchmark for the environmental condition of the
local community. Through the participation, and ultimately the political decision, the currently
required level of conservation and development of nature and the landscape is dened as an
intermediate target. A good solution has proven to be to decide this target level to be aimed
for and which can be implemented medium-term in an implementation programme (cf. Chap.
4.3). When integrating the landscape planning in the regional and urban development planning
it is important that the results of the participation are visibly reected in the political weighing
up and decision regarding implementation of the landscape plan, irrespective of the federal
states model of integration. If the implementation deviates from the descriptions in the land-
scape planning it must at least be justied.
If ideas and objections of members of the public have been taken up in the implementation
concept or rather in decisions concerning projects, urban development planning or environ-
mental initiatives of the local community, these should be clearly identiable. This is the only
way to maintain the publics motivation to participate in other procedures too. For fast visibility
of the publics inuence in the landscape planning it is important, wherever possible, for it to
be drawn up at the same time as the urban development planning (cf. also Chap. 6.2). The
public can then directly and immediately recognise how their environmental ideas and con-
cerns are incorporated in a binding plan for the important eld of expertise of local building
The use of new technologies as information and communication media can substantially
support the participation process. In particular, the use of geographic information systems, the
further processing of data for presentation or analysis purposes and the provision of data on
the internet open up diverse opportunities for communicating information and for participation:
Geographic information systems make it considerably easier to make changes and to
keep the database up to date. Users can access the landscape planning data and infor-
mation via the internet even from home.
The plan contents can be presented in a transparent and graphic way. Maps are used for
this, but also two or three-dimensional displays from a pedestrians perspective. Visu-
alisation of natural landscape relations makes it easier to understand processes which
cannot usually be experienced. Forecasts and their presentation in the form of develop-
ment scenarios support discussion of the objectives, requirements and measures. The
visual effects of predened intrusion or development alternatives can already be simula-
ted (e.g. wind turbines, housing development, increased maize cultivation for biomass
production). All kinds of different tools are currently available for this purpose [9], which
the planning authorities can select for the respective purpose or depending on the availa-
ble budget. Further options are currently being developed.
The information processed in the geographic information system can be queried and
evaluated for specic target groups or for specic topics. Interactive maps on the internet
also offer easy access to the digital data and analysis functions which each internet user
can make use of according to their own individual needs.
Target group oriented
preparation and query
The internet is particularly suitable as a medium for documenting the planning and
decision-making processes. During the whole planning process, information about the
planning status as well as the results of individual phases of work can be made available.
Interested parties can therefore spontaneously contribute to the planning and partici-
pation process. The decision-making process can also be made understandable and
traceable in this way.
of the planning
and decision-making
Participation module
Environmental education
modules and
educational games
Fig. 19:
Use of new technologies for
information and participation
purposes [ 9 ]
With the so-called participation modules the internet can be used to make it easier for
public bodies as well as the public itself to formally participate. Ideas, suggestions and
concerns can be submitted on the required text passages or map sections via mouse-
click. The automatic content reference and predened form make structuring and
processing the objections easier on both sides. The players involved can submit their
comments relatively quickly and easily. The planning authority receives the objections in
prestructured tables which can be directly further processed.
With the multimedia preparation, environmental information, especially for young people,
can be communicated in an attractive way. Such environmental education modules and
educational games can at the same time be door openers for involving young people.
As with each participation, the landscape participation is not possible without the commitment
and involvement of the planners, politicians and members of the administrations. The provision
and maintenance of information on the internet, the target group-specic and topic-specic
presentation as well as the organisation, implementation and technical accompaniment of
the participation process involves additional work and services which take up the time of the
landscape planning authorities or the planning consultants engaged to draw it up. While the
use of new technologies reduces the amount of work involved in the survey of the existing
situation and updating the data acquired (cf. Chap. 3.1), additional time and effort is required
for multimedia display of the plan contents (e.g. 3D simulations or learning modules). However,
the work required for the participation process can be reduced if the participation module (see
above) is used by the players as the dominant path to present spatial ideas and suggestions
to the planning authorities.
The potential associated with the participation especially with respect to increasing the ef-
ciency of landscape planning justify and relativise the effort. At the same time, in this way the
landscaping planning authorities full the legal requirements (e.g. public participation within the
scope of the SEA (cf. Chap. 6.2), environmental information and participation according to the
Aarhus Convention (cf. Chap. 2.4)).
Effort and benet
Interested citizens Visualisation on the internet Planning authorities
participate decide
7. Implementation
Landscape planning is implemented in different ways and this frequently begins during the
preparation of the plan.
The plan statements are implemented by being
integrated in other planning,
implemented within the scope of the nature conservation authorities range of action and
are used as the working basis in all other environmentally relevant decisions arising as
well as other authorities or
measures are actively carried out by the local community, organisations or population.
It can also be implemented in the long term and indirectly by changes in attitude of the mem-
bers of the public or by using landscape planning as the basis for marketing nature conserva-
tion products or for the management and certication of companies and farms.
Planning and project sponsors take into account the requirements and measures of lands-
cape planning within the scope of their tasks and eld of activity. By adopting the landscape
planning statements in their planning, approvals and provisions, these become legally binding.
In particular, the following are worth naming here
integration in the plans of the federal state, regional and urban development planning
(e.g. federal state regional planning programme, regional plan, land use plan),
integration in other sectoral planning (e.g. trafc planning, river basin management, plan-
ning for river engineering measures or land consolidation) and approval procedures for
individual projects (e.g. mineral extraction or initial afforestation),
implementation of the landscape planning recommendations in the execution of the
nature conservation legislation provisions such as putting under protection, impact miti-
gation regulation, assessing compatibility with the Habitats Directive or special species
protection provisions according to the nature conservation laws of the federal states.
Integration in other planning is made easier if the text and graphic presentation of the requi-
rements and proposed measures take into account the implementation preconditions and
presentation options of other planning. Therefore, the landscape planning should contain
translation maps, which transfer suitable objectives and measures into the language and
plan symbols of standard consumers such as regional and urban development planning.
Consideration of level-specic description of the planning in concrete terms as well as the
style of the plans and possible requirements for the graphic presentations is decisive. In ad-
dition, easily understood and traceable justications improve the chances of integration of the
landscape planning statements.
The objectives and measures which are not aimed at integration in other plans or instruments
become effective by being considered in other administrative actions (e.g. in approvals, the
directing of support programmes or own nature conservation measures).
At a local community level, many of the measures for public and private plots of land sug-
gested in the landscape plans can also be carried out without preceding planning or approval
procedures. Examples of such measures are the creation of natural private gardens of houses
and allotment gardens, facade and roof planting, planting of eld trees or shrubs, redesigning
schoolyards or playgrounds and the setting up of farmers markets or marketing initiatives, e.g.
for products from valuable nature areas, which not only benet the population but tourism too.
The motivation for such initiatives can be substantially promoted through early involvement of
the public and in particular local land users as well as processors, marketers and restaura-
teurs in the planning process and through appealing public relations [ 16 ].
However, far-reaching implementation projects cannot be achieved through conviction, co-
operation and idealistically motivated measures alone. This usually requires legal instruments
and/or economic incentives. Therefore, landscape planning should contain specic advices
and information on instrumentation and funding of the objectives and measures.
Strategic considerations, taking into account the spatial situation, also play a role (cf. Chap.
4.2). Compensation measures of the impact mitigation regulation for example will be very
signicant as an implementation path, especially in spaces with high development momentum.
Implementation paths
Integration in legally
binding planning and
Consideration in envi-
ronmentally relevant
decisions and actions
of the measures
Notes on
their implementation
Tab. 2:
Examples on the implementation
of landscape plan measures
(Requirements /
(suitable implementation instruments)
(Authority or sponsor /
implementing body)
Examples of measures in settlement areas
surface sealing
of areas
Binding land use plan, designation as compensation
Public relations
Local authorities,
private persons / bodies
Conserve existing trees
which are characteristic
of the townscape
Tree preservation order
Public relations
Use the possibilities of designations in the binding
land use plan
Local authorities,
private persons / bodies
Design urban fringes Incentives and conviction (e.g. creation of open orchard
meadows through local authority support or develop-
ment programmes, "wedding" groves, tree steward-
ships, promotion of marketing/processing of fruit)
Designation in the binding land use plan
Local authorities,
private persons / bodies,
environmental organisations,
tourism organisations
Control and limit human
Urban development planning Local authorities
Secure land for mitiga-
tion and compensation
Urban development planning Local authorities
Auxiliary measures
for species
Incentives and conviction Private persons / bodies,
environmental organisations
Examples of measures on agricultural land
Reduction of soil
erosion (e.g. through
protective planting,
management and catch
crops suitable for the
Planting areas, together with hunters
Preliminary agricultural structural planning/land
consolidation procedures
Advising farmers
Farmers, agricultural
administrations, agricultural
Conversion of arable
land into extensively
used grassland
Voluntary participation of farmers in contractual
nature conservation
Open space structure plan
Compensation measures
Land purchase, conditions in leasehold agreements
Integration in preliminary agricultural structural
planning/land consolidation procedures
district / local authorities,
agricultural structure ofce
of riparian zones
Application of the Water Law, compensation with
funds through the water penny
Application of state support programmes
Integration in programmes of measures according to
the WFD
Local authorities in collabo-
ration with the water industry
and / or agricultural admi-
nistration, water and soil
Examples of measures in the forest
of coniferous forests
into mixed forests with
forest tree species
typical for the location
Forestry management plan
Convincing forestry administration and forest owners
State support programmes
District forester, upper and
supreme forest authority,
forest owners
Biotope and
species protection
in forest areas
Inclusion in the state forest management planning
Designation of protected forest according to state
forest law
Designation as nature reserve
District forester, upper and
supreme forest authority,
nature conservation authority
In order to be able to carry out the measures (e.g. rewatering or extensication measures) pro-
vided for in landscape planning or in the planning based on it (management and development
plans, landscape envelope plans), it is often necessary to purchase the land concerned or to
conclude leasehold, management or maintenance/conservation contracts for areas owned by
the public sector. Areas belonging to public corporations (such as churches, foundations) can
also be included if necessary. In most cases the land owners have to be willing to cooperate in
order for the measures to be successful. This also depends on to what extent commitment to
nature conservation and landscape managed was successfully awakened during the planning
Closing remarks
Landscape planning is a proven and at the same time very sustainable instrument. It is the
central conceptual nature conservation instrument with which the ideas of sustainable land-
scape development can be drawn up, presented and fed into other sectoral planning. Under
the conditions of frequently sectoral and complex nature conservation and environmental
legislation, landscape planning brings together land-relevant nature conservation and environ-
mental matters. It makes it easier to achieve orientation across multiple public administrative
sectors and supports action aimed at prevention. It therefore assists the authorities in acce-
lerating and smoothly dealing with planning and approval procedures. Landscape planning is
also highly relevant for modern public participation. With the help of the landscape planning
the members of the public are comprehensively informed about their environment and as a
result are enabled to participate in environmentally relevant decisions in a qualied way. Last
but not least, landscape planning is the only basis currently available to ensure nancial sup-
port from the agricultural and structure funds is used in an efcient, well-directed way under
environmental aspects. It is to be expected that in the future it will gain substantial signicance
with respect to the latter of these functions.
These benecial outcomes of landscape programmes, landscape structure plans and lands-
cape plans make them indispensable aids of federal states, regions and local authorities in
their efforts to create sustainable spatial development and an environment worth living in.
This brochure relates to nature conservation legislation in force in 2007, in particular the Fe-
deral Nature Conservation Act.
With the Federalism Reform, the way is free to create a uniform Environmental Code (Um-
weltgesetzbuch UGB) for the whole of Germany. Environmental legislation to date will be
merged in this new legal code and the environmental regulations will be clearer and more
comprehensible for its users.
Project-related environmental legislation and new federal water and nature conservation legis-
lation provisions will be passed by the Federal Government in this legislature period as impor-
tant parts of the Environmental Code.
Tried and tested provisions are to be retained and there are no plans to shift away from the
demanding objectives of current environmental legislation. This naturally also applies to land-
scape planning. In the future Environmental Code (UGB), Part Three (III) Nature Conservati-
on and Landscape Management, landscape planning will remain the most important planning
instrument of nature conservation and landscape management. Even after amendment of the
Federal Nature Conservation Act (BNatSchG) as UGB III, this brochure will still be an important
tool for all interested parties.
Constantly updated information on the status of the legislative procedure is available under
for implementation
of measures
and securing land
Sources, References and Notes
National Biological Diversity Strategy, passed by the Federal Cabinet on 07 November 2007
[ 2 ] Cf. HAAREN, C. V. 2004 (Publisher): Landschaftsplanung. Ulmer/UTB, 527 p. as well as RIEDEL, W. and
LANGE, H. (Publisher) 2002: Landschaftsplanung. Spektrum, Akad. Verl., Heidelberg, 384 p.
[ 3 ] Changed according to JESSEL, B. and TOBIAS, K. 2002: kologisch orientierte Planung. Ulmer UTB, p. 37
[ 4 ] Cf. Gruehn , D. and Kenneweg , H. 1998: Bercksichtigung der Belange von Naturschutz und Landschafts-
pege in der Flchennutzungsplanung Results of R+D project 808 06 011 of the Federal Agency for Nature Con-
servation. Angewandte Landschaftskologie, Volume 17, Bonn-Bad Godesberg
[ 5 ] The granting of direct support scheme payments under the common agricultural policy is linked to compli-
ance with regulations concerning the environment, food and feedstuff safety as well as animal health and protection
(cross compliance). The main provisions of the Cross Compliance obligations are in the Council Regulations (EC)
No. 1782/2003, the EC Implementing Regulations (EC) No. 796/20042, the Direct Support Scheme Obligations Law
as well as the Direct Support Scheme Obligation Regulations.
[ 6 ] Cf. SCHULTZE, C. and KPPEL, J. 2007: Gebietskulissen fr den Energiepanzenanbau? Steuerungsmg-
lichkeiten der Planung. In: Naturschutz und Landschaftsplanung 39 (9), 2007, p. 269-272
[ 7 ] Cf. HAAREN, C. V. 2005: Perspektiven des Naturschutzes in landwirtschaftlich geprgten Rumen. In:
im Wandel. Chance oder Risiko fr den Naturschutz. 10. Internationale Sommerakademie St. Marienthal: p. 53-70.
Erich Schmidt Verlag.
[ 8 ] In particular, Environmental Information Directive and Directive Providing for Public Participation in respect
of the Drawing up of Certain Environmental Plans and Programmes Relating to the Environment, implemented in
national law, in particular through the Environmental Information Law and the Public Participation Law.
A., TIEDTKE, S., WARREN-KRETZSCHMAR, B. AND WOLTER, F.-E. 2005: Interaktiver Landschaftsplan Knigslutter
am Elm Ergebnisse aus dem E+E-Vorhaben Interaktiver Landschaftsplan Knigslutter am Elm des Bundesamtes
fr Naturschutz. Naturschutz und Biologische Vielfalt, No. 24, Bonn-Bad Godesberg, Tab. 3 and Fig. 37 (slightly
[ 10 ] Cf. HAAREN, C. V. 2007: Bedarfsgerechte Darstellungen in der rumlichen Umweltplanung Benennung der
Schutzgter, Gliederung und Selektion von rumlichen Informationen am Beispiel der Landschaftsplanung. Natur-
schutz und Landschaftsplanung 39, Volume 5, p. 143-148.
[ 11 ] Cf. Jessel, B. and Hasch, B. 2006: Umsetzung der europischen Wasserrahmenrichtlinie Untersttzung
durch die Landschaftsplanung. Naturschutz und Landschaftsplanung 38, Volume 4, p. 108-114
[ 12 ] WARREN-KRETZSCHMAR, B. 2007: Leitfaden 7 Unterschiedliche Visualisierungstypen in der Landschafts-
planung nutzen. Naturschutz und Biologische Vielfalt 40/7 und Leitfaden 8 Visualisierungen in der interaktiven
Landschaftsplanung einsetzen. Spektrum der technischen Mglichkeiten und Anwendungsbeispiele. Naturschutz
und Biologische Vielfalt 40/8
[ 13 ] ALK: Automated Land Registration Map, ATKIS: Ofcial Topographical Cartographic Information System,
ALKIS: Ofcial Land Registry Information System (currently being set up; transfer of the ALK including the corre-
sponding property information; ALKIS is compatible with ATKIS)
[ 14 ] As the obligation to monitor (Art 14m UVPG) was not included in the transitional regulation of Art 25 (7) No. 3
UVPG, the federal legislator does not specify mandatory monitoring of landscape planning (cf. LOUIS, H.W. 2007:
Der Beitrag der Landschaftsplanung fr die Umweltprfung in der rumlichen Planung. In: SPANNOWKSY, W. and
HOFMEISTER, A. (Publisher): Die Landschaftsplanung und ihr Beitrag fr die rumliche Planung. Carl Heymanns
Verl. Berlin, p 1-16.
[ 15 ] Changed according to HAAREN, C. V., SCHOLLES, F., OTT, S., MYRZIK, A. and WULFERT, K. 2004: Strate-
gische Umweltprfung und Landschaftsplanung Final report on R&D project 802 82 130 of the Federal Agency for
Nature Conservation, p 104 (
[ 16 ] Cf. WIRTHENSON, E. 1987: Naturschutz mit den Bauern. In: Mitteilungen aus der Wildforschung (80), 4 p. as
well as POLLERMANN, K. 2004: Planungsstrategien zur Umsetzung von integrierten Umweltschutzkonzepten fr
die Landnutzung durch Tourismus, Landwirtschaft und Naturschutz eine Evaluation der Umsetzungserfolge in Bei-
spielgebieten und die Ableitung von Handlungsempfehlungen zur Gestaltung von kooperativen Planungsprozessen
(dissertation). In: Contributions to regional planning (77). Hanover
Bundesamt fr Naturschutz, Auenstelle Leipzig
(Federal Agency for Nature Conservation,
Field Ofce Leipzig)
Karl-Liebknecht-Strae 143
D - 04277 Leipzig
Phone: +49 (0)341 309 77 - 17
Fax: +49 (0)341 309 77 - 40
Bundesamt fr Naturschutz,
Referat Presse und ffentlichkeitsarbeit
(Federal Agency for Nature Conservation,
Department Press and Public Relations)
Konstantinstr. 110
D - 53179 Bonn
Phone: +49 (0)228 84 91 - 4444
Fax: +49 (0)228 84 91 - 1039
Published by: Bundesamt fr Naturschutz / Federal Agency for Nature Conservation
Technical support
in the BfN: Torsten Wilke, Jens Schiller, Alice Kube, FG II 3.1
Authors: Prof. Dr. Christina v. Haaren, Carolin Galler, Stefan Ott
Translation: KERN AG, Leipzig
Photos: Jens Schiller
Cover: Map extracts from landscape plan Knigslutter am Elm;
edited by entera, Hannover
Layout: Andreas Huth, Leipzig
Printed by: Gebr. Klingenberg Buchkunst Leipzig GmbH
Dated: November 2008
Printed on 100 % recycled paper