Tree and Landscape Standards

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The document outlines tree and landscape standards for the Town of Windsor including purpose, definitions, development landscape standards and specifications, and appendices.

The document classifies streets into Major Arterial, Minor Arterial, Major Collector, Minor Collector, and Local for both urban and rural standards and provides the minimum right of way, pavement, and sidewalk widths for each type.

The document mentions landscape standards for residential, commercial, and industrial districts including requirements for landscape plans, general landscape standards, and landscaping specifics for each district.

Tree and

Forestry Division
301 Walnut Street
Windsor CO 80550
(970) 686-7476

Dated: August 24, 2006


Tree Board Members:

Wendy Ball, Chairperson
Bill Monroe
Gene Morey
Susan VanDeren

Parks and Recreation Department Staff:

Melissa Chew, Director
Wade Willis, Parks and Open Space Manager
Ken Kawamura, Town Forester

The Town of Windsor would also like to acknowledge former

Tree Board members and staff who contributed to these
Tree and Landscape Standards.

Table of Contents
A. Policy Regarding Trees. .................................................................................. 3
B. Relationship with other Town Planning Documents. ....................................... 3
C. General Specifications. ................................................................................... 3
D. Definitions. ...................................................................................................3-6
A. Purpose. ......................................................................................................... 7
B. Landscape Plan Required. .............................................................................. 7
C. Submittal Requirements for Landscape Plans. ............................................... 8
D. General Landscape Standards. .................................................................8-12
E. Landscaping in Residential Districts. ............................................................ 12
F. Landscaping in Commerical Districts. ......................................................12-13
G. Landscaping in Industrial Districts ...........................................................13-15
H. Tree Protection and Replacement. ..........................................................15-16
I. Tree Protection Specifications..................................................................16-17
J. Tree Planting Standards ...........................................................................17-22
K. Placement and Inter-relationship of Required Landscape
Plan Elements....................................................................................... 23
L. Landscape Materials, Maintenance, and Replacement ............................23-24
M. Irrigation........................................................................................................ 24
N. Utilities. ....................................................................................................24-25
O. Visual Clearance or Sight Distance Triangle. ............................................... 25
P. Revegetation. ................................................................................................ 25
Q. Tree Pruning and Removal. ........................................................................... 25
R. Alternative Compliance. ...........................................................................25-26
Appendix A: Landscape Plan Checklist .........................................................28-29
Appendix B: Landscape Standards Protocol .................................................30-31
Appendix C: Planting Notes...........................................................................32-34
Appendix D: Planting Diagrams.....................................................................35-38
Deciduous Tree ....................................................................... 36
Evergreen Tree........................................................................ 37
Shrubs ..................................................................................... 38
Appendix E: Plant Lists..................................................................................39-45
Trees for Windsor ...............................................................40-43
Drought Tolerant Plant Species............................................... 44
Species Not Recommended .................................................... 45
Appendix F: Street Classification System......................................................46-49
Urban Street Cross-Sections .................................................. 47
Rural Street Cross Sections ................................................... 48
Minimum Street Standards ..................................................... 49


Policy Regarding Trees. It is the policy of the Town to encourage new tree
planting on public and private property, to line its streets with trees, to plant
trees in parks, to minimize tree hazards, to maintain trees in a healthy condition,
and to conduct a consistent, professional, effective and efficient community
forestry program.


Relationship with other Town Planning Documents. These standards are

intended to be fair and consistent with current industry standards, and to
supplement and complement the Parks and Recreation Master Plan, Planning
Procedures Manual, corridor plans and other pertinent planning documents.


General Specifications. A permit is required for planting, pruning or removal of

trees in public places. It shall be unlawful for any person to plant, remove, or
cause to be planted, removed or destroyed, any tree, shrub or hedge in, over or
upon the public right-of-way of any street, alley, sidewalk or other public place
within the Town without having first obtained a written permit from the Town. An
approved landscape plan by the Planning Department shall be considered a
permit (Windsor Municipal Code Sec. 7-63). The Town Forester shall issue
permits. A fee may be assessed with this permit.



Arborist - a tree care professional who possesses the technical

competence through experience and related training to provide for or
supervise the management of trees and other woody plants in the
residential, commercial, and public landscape.


Branch - a secondary shoot or stem arising from a main trunk or leader of

a tree or woody plant.


Branch Collar - trunk tissue that forms around the branch base between
the main stem and the branch or a branch and a lateral.


Branch Bark Ridge - raised area of bark in the branch union that marks
where the branch wood and trunk wood meet.


Buffer Yard - a landscaped area between incompatible uses.


Crown - the leaves and branches of a tree or shrub; the upper portion of a
tree from the lowest branch on the trunk to the top.


Crown Cleaning - the removal of dead, dying, diseased, crowded, weakly

attached, low-vigor branches, and water sprouts from a trees crown.


Crown Raising - the removal of the lower branches of a tree in order to

provide clearance.


Crown Reduction - the reduction of the top, sides, or individual limbs by

the removal of the leader or longest portion of a limb to a lateral no less
than one-third of the total diameter of the original limb and removing no
more than one-quarter of the leaf surface.


Crown Thinning - the selective removal of branches to increase light

penetration and air movement, and to reduce weight.


Cut - the exposed wood area resulting from the removal of a branch or
portion thereof.


Decay - degradation of woody tissue caused by biological organisms.


Deciduous Tree - a tree that looses its leaves each autumn.


Easement - a dedication of land for a specified use such as providing

access for maintenance of utilities (Windsor Municipal Code Sec. 1711(4)).


Evergreen Tree - a large tree that retains it leaves (or needles) for more
than one growing season.


Ground Cover - vegetation with the purpose of soil stabilization such as

vines, turf, low growing shrubs, and perennials.


Parking Lot Interior area within the perimeter of a parking lot.


ISA International Society of Arboriculture. Instrumental in setting

standards for the tree care industry.


Landscape - to cover, adorn, or improve property with living plants (such

as trees, shrubs, vines, grass or flowers) and/or loose natural materials
with limited use (such as rock, wood chips, or shavings). Landscape
does not include improving property with artificial trees, shrubs, turf or
other artificial plants.


Lateral - a branch or twig growing from a parent branch or stem.


Leader - a dominant upright stem, usually the main trunk. There can be
several leaders in one tree.


Limb - same as branch, but larger and more prominent.


Lot - a parcel of land intended for transfer of ownership or building

development having its full frontage on a public street (Windsor Municipal
Code Sec. 17-11(5)).


Open Spaces - natural areas with public access that provide for passive
recreation. Open space is usually maintained with native vegetation.


Ornamental Tree - a small tree, usually less than thirty (30) feet at
maturity. Often planted for ornamental characteristics such as spring
flowers or attractive bark.


Opacity - the quality or state of a body that makes it impervious to the

rays of light.


Parking Lot a paved area dedicated for the purpose of parking vehicles
and space required to maneuver vehicles in and out of parking stalls.


Parking Lot Perimeter land/area directly adjacent to the parking lot.


Planting Bed - area that is prepared for the installation of plant materials.
Edging shall be used to separate all plant beds from turf and other nonpaved areas. Mulch and weed barrier fabric shall be used to protect bed
from weeds, and conserve moisture. All shrubs and groundcovers shall
be located within plant beds. The installation of individual shrub species
in turf areas is prohibited.


Pruning selective removal of tree and shrub branches and limbs.


Public Right-of-Way - the width between property lines of a street

(Windsor Municipal Code Sec. 17-11(8)).


Shade Tree - a large deciduous tree with a mature height of at least thirty
(30) feet.


Shrub - a woody plant usually less than fifteen (15) feet in height, often
formed by a number of vertical or semi-upright branches arising close to
the ground.


Street - a thoroughfare for vehicular traffic (Windsor Municipal Code Sec.



Street Tree trees that exist or are planted in the street row or along
street frontage.


Stub - an undesirable short length of a branch remaining after a break or

incorrect pruning cut is made.


Topping - cutting a currently growing, larger branch, limb, or leader back

to a stub or lateral branch not sufficiently large enough to assume the
terminal role.


Town Forester - person responsible for the interpretation and

implementation of these standards as approved by the Town Board. Also
responsible for planting, maintenance, and removal of trees and shrubs in
parks and public rights-of-way.


Trunk Flair the area where the trunk widens and the roots spread at the
base of the tree.


Xeriscape - a landscape designed for reduced water use. Such a

landscape can include plants that have adapted so that they transpire
less than others or species that can survive periods of drought.



Purpose. Development brings about changes to the natural topography of a

site, disturbs or removes existing vegetation, and typically brings expanses of
impervious surfaces that can have a negative impact on the natural environment
of an area by increasing air temperatures and accelerating runoff and
erosion. The purpose of these standards and specifications is to define the
requirements of the Town, which have been established in order to promote the
health, safety and welfare of the Towns inhabitants by creating a community that
has strong aesthetic features in all aspects of its developments. The Town
recognizes that landscaping can be used to improve air quality, reduce dust, act
as a noise buffer, promote energy and wildlife conservation, visually facilitate
traffic flow, promote water conservation through the use of low water adaptive
vegetation, and mitigate the impact of otherwise incompatible uses. Stringent
landscape standards ensure that the entire community benefits from an
enhanced visual experience, higher property values, the protection of existing
natural areas, and an improved quality of life.


Landscape Plan Required. New development requires a site plan as defined

by the Windsor Municipal Code, and developer shall submit a landscape and
tree protection plan that:

reinforces and extends any existing patterns of outdoor spaces and

vegetation where practical;


meets the standards of any existing corridor plan;


supports functional purposes such as spatial definition, visual screening,

creation of privacy, management of microclimate or drainage;


enhances the appearance of the development and neighborhood;


protects desirable trees, natural systems and habitat;


enhances the pedestrian environment;


identifies all landscape areas;


provides an approved irrigation plan;


identifies all landscaping elements within each landscape area; and


meets or exceeds the standards and specifications of this document and

subsequent amendments thereto.



Submittal Requirements for Landscape Plans.


A preliminary landscape plan is required as part of the preliminary site

plan and will be reviewed by the Town Forester.


A final landscape plan, approved by the Town Forester, must be

submitted with the final site plan.

General Landscape Standards. All final site plans [as outlined in the Windsor
Municipal Code Sec. 17-7-50(b)(1)(a)] shall include landscape plans that meet
the following minimum standards:

Landscape Area Treatment. Landscape areas shall include all areas on

the site that are not covered by buildings, structures, paving or impervious
surfaces. Landscape areas shall consist only of landscaping. The
selection and location of turf, ground cover (including shrubs, grasses,
perennials, flowerbeds, and slope retention), pedestrian paving and other
landscaping elements shall be used to prevent erosion and meet the
functional and visual purposes such as defining spaces, accommodating
and directing circulation patterns, managing visibility, attracting attention
to building entrances and other focal points, and visually integrating
buildings with the landscape area and with each other.


Landscaping of Recreation and Open Space Districts. A landscape plan

shall be developed for all lands designated as recreation or open space
districts. Lands designated as open space shall be maintained in a native
landscape. Landscaping for shade, screening and other uses may be
permitted in open space areas.


Landscaping of Parks. A landscape plan shall be developed for all lands

designated as a public park as defined in the Parks and Recreation
Master Plan. At a minimum, trees shall be planted at forty (40) feet
spacing along the mini-park boundaries. Landscape plans shall be based
upon expected amenities and facilities, such as playground equipment,
picnic tables, game courts, playing fields, and swimming pools. All
additional planting, irrigation and maintenance standards provided herein
shall be followed.


Entryways. Primary entryways for new development, or redevelopment

where appropriate, shall be landscaped within a setback of at least fifty
(50) feet from the right-of-way line. The entry way will be landscaped at a
ratio of at least one (1) tree and three (3) shrubs for every 1,500 square


Buffering between Incompatible New Uses and Activities. In addition to

the required landscape, and in certain situations where Town Staff deems
the arrangement of uses or the design of buildings does not adequately
mitigate conflicts reasonably anticipated to exist between incompatible

uses or building designs, one (1) or more of the following landscape

buffering techniques shall be used to mitigate the conflicts:

Separation and screening with plant material - planting dense

groups of trees and shrubs. Evergreen plant material shall not be
elevated if opacity will be lost.


Integration with plantings - incorporating trees, vines, planters or

other plantings into the architectural theme of buildings and their
outdoor spaces to subdue differences in architecture, bulk and
avoid harsh edges.


Establishing privacy - establishing vertical landscape elements to

screen views into or between windows and defined outdoor spaces
where privacy is important, such as where larger buildings are
proposed next to the side or rear yards of smaller buildings.


Visual integration of fences or walls - providing plant material in

conjunction with a screen panel, arbor, garden wall, privacy fence
or security fence to avoid the visual effect created by unattractive
screening or security fences.


Landform shaping - utilizing berming or other grade changes to

alter views, subdue sound, change the sense of proximity and
channel pedestrian movement.


Turf Grass. High-use areas shall be planted with irrigated turf grass.
Non-irrigated short-grass, prairie grasses, or other adapted grasses that
have been certified as xeriscape landscaping may be established in areas
of lower traffic with the goal of conserving water by avoiding unnecessary
and excessive use of turf with higher water needs. Trees to be planted in
turf areas will be planted with an organic mulch ring that has a radius of at
least eighteen (18) inches.


Planting Beds. Shrub and ground cover planting beds shall be separated
from turf grass with edging and shall have open surface areas covered
with mulch.


Non-Vegetative Ground Covers. Organic mulches (i.e.: bark or wood

chips, wood grindings) to a minimum depth of three (3) inches are used
wherever possible. Inorganic mulches (i.e.: gravel) retain and reflect
heat, compact the soil, and are generally discouraged except for
functional purposes such as parking. In no case shall non-vegetative
groundcover be installed without permeable weed barrier. Black plastic
or impermeable weed barriers shall not be used.


Slopes. Retaining walls or other acceptable devices integrated with

plantings shall be used to stabilize slopes that are steeper than 3:1. If
soil tests performed on the subject soils indicate steeper slopes are stable

without the above required protection, the maximum slope allowed without
the above required protection may be increased to the maximum stated in
the soils report or 2:1, whichever is less steep.

Foundation plantings. Exposed sections of building walls that are in highuse or high-visibility areas of the building exterior shall have planting
beds at least five (5) feet wide placed directly along at least fifty (50)
percent of such walls.


Agricultural Use. If outdoor space is maintained in active agricultural use,

the landscape surfaces and ground cover standards above shall not


Water Conservation. All landscaping plans shall be designed to

incorporate water conservation materials and techniques through
application of xeriscape landscaping principles. Xeriscape landscaping
principles do not include or allow artificial turf or plants, mulched
(including gravel) beds or areas without landscape plant material, such as
pavement, walkways, plazas, parking lots, or bare ground. Weed covered
or infested surfaces or landscaping does not comply with these
standards. Xeriscape is encouraged wherever possible and includes the
following concepts:



Grouping of plants with similar water requirements together on the

same irrigation zones.


Limiting high-irrigation turf and plantings to appropriate high-use

areas with high visibility and functional needs.


Use of low-water demanding plants and turf where practical.


Incorporation of soil amendments and use of organic mulches.


Provision of regular and attentive maintenance to ensure irrigation

systems are functioning properly, and incorporations of water thrifty
irrigation systems and devices.


See Appendix E, the Town of Windsors recommended xeric plant

list to incorporate trees and shrubs with lower water needs.

Parking Lot Perimeter Landscaping. Parking lot perimeter landscaping

shall meet the following minimum standards:

Trees shall be provided at a ratio of one (1) tree per forty (40)
lineal feet along a public street or side lot line. Trees may be
spaced irregularly in informal groupings or be uniformly spaced, as
consistent with larger overall planting patterns and organization.
Perimeter landscaping along a street may be located in and should
be integrated with the streetscape in the street right-of-way.



Parking lots shall be screened from adjacent uses and from the
street. Screening from residential uses shall consist of a fence or
wall six (6) feet in height in combination with plant material and of
sufficient opacity to block at least seventy-five (75) percent of light
from vehicle headlights. Screening from the street and all nonresidential uses shall consist of a wall, fence, planter, earthen berm,
plant material or a combination of such elements, each of which
shall have a minimum height of thirty (30) inches. Such screening
shall extend a minimum of seventy (70) percent of the length of the
street frontage of the parking lot and also seventy (70) percent of
the length of any boundary of the parking lot that abuts any nonresidential use. Openings in the required screening shall be
permitted for such features as access ways or drainage ways.
Where screening from the street is required, plans submitted for
review shall include a graphic depiction of the parking lot screening
as seen from the street. Plant material used for the required
screening shall achieve required opacity in its winter seasonal
condition within three (3) years following planting. Evergreen plant
material shall not be elevated if opacity will be lost. If opacity is lost
when plants are elevated, property owner will be responsible for

Parking Lot Interior Landscaping. There is no requirement for parking lots

with less than or equal to fifteen (15) parking spaces. At least six (6)
percent of the interior space of any parking lot with between 16 and 99
spaces and ten (10) percent of the interior space of any parking lot with
100 spaces or more shall be devoted to landscaping. All parking lot
islands, connecting walkways through parking lots and driveways through
or to parking lots shall be landscaped according to the following
standards. No point within the parking lot shall be more than seventy-five
(75) feet from a landscaped area, and landscaped areas will exist at least
every fifteen (15) parking spaces.

Visibility. To avoid landscape material blocking driver sight distance

at driveway-street intersections, no plant material greater than
twenty-four (24) inches in height shall be located within fifteen (15)
feet of a curb cut.


Maximized Area of Shading. Landscape islands shall be evenly

distributed to the maximum extent feasible. At a minimum, trees
shall be planted at a ratio of at least one (1) shade tree per one
hundred fifty (150) square feet of internal landscaped area with a
landscaped surface of turf, ground cover perennials, or mulched
shrub plantings.


Landscaped Islands. In addition to any pedestrian refuge areas,

each landscaped island shall be greater than eight (8) feet in length
in its smallest dimension, include at least eighty (80) square feet of

ground area per tree to allow for root aeration, and have raised
concrete curbs. A minimum of one (1) shade tree per eighty (80)
square feet shall be planted.



Walkways and Driveways. Connecting walkways through parking

lots shall have one (1) shade tree per forty (40) lineal feet which
shall be planted in landscape areas within five (5) feet of such
walkway. Driveways through or to parking lots shall have one (1)
shade tree per forty (40) lineal feet of and along each side and
shall be planted in landscaped areas within five (5) feet of such


Railroad Tracks. Existing railroad tracks adjacent to new residential

development shall be screened. Screening shall consist of a fence or
wall six (6) feet in height in combination with plant material. Screening
from the street, all incompatible uses and activities, and all nonresidential uses shall consist of a wall, fence, planter, earthen berm, plant
material or a combination of such elements, each of which shall have a
minimum height of thirty (30) inches.


Detention Ponds. All detention ponds shall be landscaped with irrigated

turf grass, native grasses, or drought hardy approved vegetation. Trees
shall be planted at a minimum of forty (40) feet spacing along the
perimeter of a detention pond. All additional planting, irrigation, and
maintenance standards provided herein shall be followed.


Irrigation Ditches. All irrigation ditches shall be landscaped with irrigated

turf grass or native vegetation from the outer edge of the ditch to the top
of the bank. Trees shall be planted at a minimum of forty (40) feet
spacing along irrigation ditches. All additional planting, irrigation and
maintenance standards provided herein shall be followed.

Landscaping in Residential Districts. Single-Family Residential SF-1, SingleFamily Attached Residential SF-2, Estate Residential E-1, Estate Residential E2, Multifamily Residential MF-1, and High-Density Multifamily Residential MF-2
Districts shall, at a minimum, be landscaped as follows:

Street trees shall be planted in the public right-of-way as established in

the Tree Planting Standards section of this document (Part II, Section H).
A minimum of one (1) street tree per lot/parcel shall be planted by the
individual property owner or the developer as defined in the development


Multifamily Residential Districts shall adhere to all parking lot standards

provided in this document as well as other applicable Town regulations.

Landscaping in Commercial Districts. Neighborhood Commercial (NC),

Central Business (CB), and General Commercial - Planned Unit Development
(GC-PUD) Districts should, at a minimum, be landscaped as follows:


All commercial development within an established corridor plan shall

follow the landscaping standards in the corridor plan and/or these Tree
and Landscape Standards, whichever is more stringent. Commercial
development outside an established corridor plan shall follow the
guidelines provided in these Tree and Landscape Standards.


Twenty (20) percent or more of the lot/parcel shall be landscaped.

Landscaped public right-of-way may be included in this calculation.


Landscape shall consist of at least one (1) tree and five (5) shrubs for
every 750 square feet of landscaped area. One (1) tree may be
substituted for five (5) shrubs with approval of the Town Forester.


Street trees shall be planted in the public right-of-way as established in

the Tree Planting Standards section of this document (Part II, Section H).
A minimum of one (1) street tree per lot/parcel shall be planted by the
individual property owners or the developer as defined in the
development agreement.


Buffer yard landscaping shall be provided as follows:


At least fifteen (15) feet wide adjacent to a non-arterial street rightof-way. Large non-residential buildings (25,000 square feet or
greater) shall provide a buffer yard at least twenty-five (25) feet


At least twenty-five (25) feet wide adjacent to an arterial street



At least fifteen (15) feet wide adjacent to residential uses. Large

non-residential buildings (25,000 square feet or greater) shall
provide a buffer yard at least twenty-five (25) feet wide. Nonresidential buildings with service areas oriented toward residential
uses will provide a buffer yard of at least fifty (50) feet.


Buffer yards shall be landscaped at a ratio of at least one (1) tree

and five (5) shrubs for every 500 square feet, except that buffer
yards adjacent to residential uses shall be landscaped at a ratio of
at least one (1) tree and five (5) shrubs for every 250 square feet.


Buffer yards may be interrupted for emergency, public utility, or

other necessary access.


Buffer yards between incompatible uses shall be designed

according to the standards set forth in Section 8.


Parking lots shall be landscaped according to the standards set

forth in Sections 16 and 17.


Landscaping in Industrial Districts. Heavy Industrial (I-H) and Limited

Industrial (I-L) Districts shall be landscaped as follows:

All industrial development within an established corridor plan shall follow

the landscaping standards in the corridor plan and/or these Tree and
Landscape Standards, whichever is more stringent. Industrial
development outside an established corridor plan shall follow the
guidelines provided in these Tree and Landscape Standards.


Fifteen (15) percent or more of the lot/parcel shall be landscaped which

may include any/all of the buffer yard requirements below.


Landscape shall consist of at least one (1) tree and five (5) shrubs for
every 750 square feet of landscaped area or as deemed appropriate by
the Town Forester.


Street trees shall be planted in the public right-of-way as established in

the Tree Planting Standards section of this document (Part II, Section H).
A minimum of one (1) street tree per lot/parcel shall be planted by the
individual property owner or the developer as defined in the development


Buffer yard landscaping (including adjacent public rights-of-way) shall be

provided as follows:

At least fifteen (15) feet wide adjacent to a non-arterial street right

of-way. Large non-residential buildings (25,000 square feet or
greater) shall provide a buffer yard at least twenty-five (25) feet


At least fifteen (15) feet wide adjacent to an arterial street right-ofway. Large non-residential buildings (25,000 square feet or
greater) shall provide a buffer yard at least twenty-five (25) feet


At least fifteen (15) feet wide adjacent to residential uses. Large

non-residential buildings (25,000 square feet or greater) shall
provide a buffer yard at least twenty-five (25) feet wide.
Manufacturing facilities, uses with outdoor storage or activities, or
non-residential buildings with service areas oriented toward
residential uses will provide a buffer yard of at least fifty (50) feet.


Buffer yards shall contain berms or a combination of berms and

walls/fences as appropriate.


Buffer yards shall be landscaped at a ratio of at least one (1) tree

and five (5) shrubs for every 500 square feet, except that buffer
yards adjacent to residential uses shall be landscaped at a ratio of
at least one (1) tree and five (5) shrubs for every 250 square feet.



Buffer yards may be interrupted for emergency, public utility, or

other necessary access.


Buffer yards between incompatible uses shall be designed

according to the standards set forth in Section 8.


Evergreen trees used as screening in buffer yards may not be

pruned to elevate their canopies. If opacity is lost, tree
replacement will be necessary.

Tree Protection and Replacement. Existing desirable trees within any

planning area and within natural buffer zones shall be preserved to the extent
reasonably feasible and may help satisfy the landscaping requirements given
above. Such trees shall be considered protected trees, subject to the
exceptions contained below.

Streets, buildings, and lot layouts shall be designed to minimize the

disturbance to protected existing trees. All required landscape plans shall
accurately identify the locations, species, size, and condition of all
desirable trees, each labeled showing the applicants intent to either
remove, transplant or protect.


Where it is not feasible to protect and retain desirable existing tree(s) or

to transplant them to another on-site location, the applicant shall replace
such tree(s) according to the following schedule and requirements.
Replacement trees shall be used to satisfy the tree planting requirements
of these standards and shall be planted either on the development site or
closest available planting site.


A desirable tree that is removed shall be replaced with not less than one
(1) or not more than six (6) replacement trees sufficient to mitigate the
loss of the removed desirable tree. The applicant shall select either the
Town Forester or a qualified landscape appraiser to determine the loss
based upon an appraisal of the tree to be removed by using the most
recent published methods established by the Council of Tree and
Landscape Appraisers as a guideline. Replacement trees shall meet the
following minimum size requirements:
Shade trees 2 caliper balled and burlap or equivalent
Ornamental trees - 1.5 caliper balled and burlap or equivalent
Evergreen trees 6 height balled and burlap or equivalent


Trees that meet one or more of the following removal criteria may be
exempt from these requirements:

Dead, dying, or naturally fallen trees, or trees found to be a threat

to public health, safety, or welfare.



Trees that are determined by the Town to substantially obstruct

clear visibility at driveways or intersections.


Tree species that constitute a nuisance to the public such as cotton

bearing cottonwood, Russian olive, and female boxelder. Native
cotton bearing cottonwood trees and female boxelder trees, when
located in a natural area buffer zone, are not considered nuisance
tree species.


All existing trees that are located on Town rights-of-way adjacent to the
development shall be accurately identified by species, size, location, and
condition on required landscape plans, and shall be preserved and
protected in accordance with the standards herein.


Replacement trees must be on the Towns recommended tree list or

approved by the Town Forester.

Tree Protection Specifications. The following tree protection specifications

shall be followed for all projects with protected existing trees:

Within the drip line of any protected existing tree, there shall be no cut or
fill greater than a four inch (4) depth unless a qualified arborist or
forester has evaluated and approved the disturbance.


All protected existing trees shall be pruned according to the most current
standards and guidelines developed by the ISA.


Prior to and during construction, barriers shall be erected around all

protected existing trees with such barriers to be of orange fencing a
minimum of four (4) feet in height, secured with metal t-posts, no closer
than six (6) feet from the trunk or one-half () of the drip line, whichever
is greater. The spacing of stakes shall be ten (10) feet. There shall be
no storage or movement of equipment, material, debris, or fill within the
fenced tree protection zone.


During the construction stage of development, the applicant shall prevent

the cleaning of equipment or material or the storage of waste material
such as paints, oils, solvents, asphalt, concrete, motor oil or any other
material harmful to the life of a tree, within the drip line of any protected
tree or group of trees.


No damaging attachment, wires, signs, or permits may be fastened to any

protected tree.


Large property areas containing protected trees and separated from

construction or land clearing areas, road rights-of way and utility
easements may be ribboned off rather than erecting protective fencing
around each tree as required above. This may be accomplished by
placing metal t-posts a maximum of twenty-five (25) feet apart and tying

ribbon or rope from stake-to-stake along the outside perimeters of such

areas being cleared.

The installation of utilities, irrigation lines, or any underground fixture

requiring excavation deeper than six (6) inches shall be accomplished by
boring under the root system of protected existing trees at a minimum
depth of twenty-four (24) inches. The auger distance is established from
the face of the tree (outer bark) and is scaled from tree diameter at breast
height as described in the chart below:
Tree diameter at breast
height (in inches)
Over 19



Auger distance from face of

tree (in feet)

Existing healthy and protected trees and shrubs shall be preserved and
incorporated into the overall site and landscape design to the maximum
extent practical as determined by the Town.

Tree Planting Standards


Minimum Plantings/Description. These tree standards require at least a

minimum tree canopy but are not intended to limit additional tree plantings
in any remaining portions of the development. Groves and belts of trees
shall be required as follows:

Landscape areas shall be provided in adequate numbers,

locations, and dimensions in all high use or high visibility sides of
any building or structure. Such landscape areas shall extend at
least seven (7) feet from any building or structure wall and contain
at least fifty-five (55) square feet of non-paved ground area.
Planting cutouts in walkways shall contain at least sixteen (16)
square feet. Planting cutouts, planters, or other landscape areas
for tree planting shall be provided within any walkway that is twelve
(12) feet or greater in width adjoining a vehicle use area that is not
covered with an overhead fixture or canopy that would prevent
growth and maturity.


Formal or informal groupings of trees planted according to the

following spacing dimensions:


Shade trees
Coniferous evergreens
Ornamental trees



30 - 40 spacing
20 - 30 spacing
20 - 30 spacing

Exact locations and spacings may be adjusted at the option of the

applicant to support patterns of use, views, and circulations as long
as the minimum tree-planting requirement is met. Shade trees
shall constitute at least fifty (50) percent of all tree plantings.

Street Trees. Planting of street trees shall occur along all arterials and
major collectorals in the adjoining street right-of-way and is highly
recommended along minor collectoral and local streets where appropriate
in connection with the development by one or more of the methods
described below (For street cross-sections see Appendix F).

Wherever the sidewalk is separated from the street by a parkway,

shade trees shall be planted at thirty (30) to forty (40) feet spacing
intervals in the center of all such parkway areas. Such street trees
shall be placed at least ten (10) feet away from the edges of
driveways and alleys, and forty (40) feet away from any street light.


Wherever the sidewalk is attached to the street, shade trees shall

be established in an area ranging from three (3) to seven (7) feet
behind the sidewalk at thirty (30) to forty (40) feet spacing.


Wherever the sidewalk is attached to the street and is ten (10) feet
or greater in width, or extends from the curb to the property line,
shade trees shall be established in planting cutout areas of at least
sixteen (16) square feet at thirty (30) to forty (40) feet spacing.


Ornamental trees shall be planted in substitution for shade trees

where overhead utility lines and fixtures prevent normal growth and
maturity of shade trees. Ornamental trees shall be placed at least
fifteen (15) feet away from any street light.


Trees must be centered in the planting strip when the distance

between the curb and detached sidewalk is eight (8) feet or less.
Shade trees shall not be planted in planting strips less than four (4)
feet in width.


Evergreen trees should not be planted too close to streets or

sidewalks, and must be planted outside the area of concern by at
least one-half () the diameter of the average mature size of the
tree species. Future clear line of sight issues should be
considered as well.



Street tree maintenance for the first five (5) years following planting
is the responsibility of the developer and/or the property owner.
The developer and/or the property owner are responsible for
maintaining the trees in a good condition during this five (5) year
period. The Town assumes street tree maintenance after the five
(5) year period.

Minimum Species Diversity. To help prevent insect or disease

susceptibility and eventual uniform senescence on a development site or
in the adjacent area, species diversity is required and extensive
monocultures are prohibited. No more than twelve (12) trees shall be
used consecutively, and frequent alternation of different species is
necessary. Existing trees may be included when determining species
diversity. The following minimum requirements shall apply to any
development plan.
Number of trees on site
10 19
20 39
40 59
60 or more


Maximum percentage of any one


Tree Species and Minimum Sizes. The Town Forester shall provide a
recommended list of trees which shall be acceptable to satisfy the
requirements for landscape plans, including approved shade trees that
may be used for street trees. The following minimum sizes shall be

Minimum Size

Type of Tree
Shade tree

2 caliper balled and burlapped or


Shade tree as a street

tree on a local
residential street only.

1.5 caliper container or equivalent

Evergreen tree

6 height balled and burlapped or


Ornamental tree

1.5 caliper balled and burlapped or



5 gallon or adequate size consistent

with design intent


Any tree plantings that are in addition to those that are made as part of
the approved landscape plan are exempt from the foregoing size


Unless otherwise specifically authorized by the Town Forester, the

following species and types of trees and woody plants shall not be
planted or allowed to grow upon public street rights-of-way unless the tree
was in existence prior to January 1, 1977.

Any of the poplar species (Populus spp.), including but not limited
to cottonwood, aspen, silver poplar, or Lombardy poplar.


Any of the willow species (Salix spp.)


The box elder tree (Acer negundo)


The Siberian elm (Ulmus pumila)


Any weeping or pendulous type tree (i.e. weeping birch)


Any tree with a bushy growth habit which cannot be maintained to

a single leader or trunk.


Any shrub or hedge which by its growth would obstruct, restrict, or

conflict with necessary and safe use of the pubic rights-of-way.


Conifers or evergreens which would eventually grow over the

sidewalks or street.


Any honeylocust (Gleditsia triacanthos) that bear either seed pods

or thorns.


Russian olive (Eleagnus angustifolia).


Tree plantings made in a sidewalk must have a minimum of sixteen (16)

square feet cutout area.


No tree planting is to be made closer than ten (10) feet or one-half (1/2) of
the mature canopy width from any building or structure.


All trees planted in public places, public rights-of-way, or installed as a

result of an approved landscape plan, shall be selected according to
current American Association of Nurseryman standards. Plants shall
have normal, well developed branches and vigorous root systems. They
shall be healthy, vigorous plants free from defects, decay, sunscald
injuries, bark abrasions, insect pests and all forms of infestations or
objectionable disfigurements.


The Town Forester may request to inspect any trees or shrubs before,
during and after they are planted.


All trees shall be planted according to the Town of Windsors standards

and guidelines developed by the International Society of Arboriculture.


No plant pits shall be dug or prepared until the Town Forester approves
their location.


Circular pits with sloping sides shall be excavated for all balled and
burlapped and container plants. Trees should be planted so that the
trunk flair is approximately two (2) inches above grade. The pits should
be at least 2 to 3 times wider and slightly shallower than the depth of the
soil ball. All plants should be centered in the pit.


For all plants moved with a tree spade, all holes and cavities between the
ball and the surrounding soil should be filled. The ball should be
thoroughly soaked with water after planting.


All evergreen trees in excess of six (6) feet in height and any tree weak in
the ball or ground should be guyed securely as approved by the Town


All underground electric or telephone lines, gas lines, water lines or any
other improvements, public or private, shall be checked before planting is


All tree and shrub plantings should be mulched over the root system with
four (4) inches of wood chips or other acceptable organic matter.


Standards relating to hedges:


No hedge planting is permitted in the parkway between the

sidewalk and the curb. No solid hedge is permitted in the site
triangle at street intersections.


Where the combination sidewalk-curb and gutter have been

installed, no hedges may be planted closer than five (5) feet from
such sidewalk.


Where curb and gutter have been installed but no sidewalk exists,
no hedge shall be planted closer than nine (9) feet from such curb.


No hedge shall be planted closer than five (5) feet from an existing
or designated alley.


Hedges must be maintained so as to not grow out over and

obstruct designated pedestrian or vehicular rights-of-way.



Standards relating to shrub plantings:



Shrubs are to be grouped in planting beds to maximize aesthetic

value with a minimum of five (5) shrubs per bed. No single shrub
plantings in turf areas.

See Appendix D, Planting Diagrams, for planting standards and visual

guidelines for planting trees and shrubs.

Plant material shall be handled in a manner so as to cause the

least amount of damage during the planting process.


Balled and burlapped and container plants shall always be handled

by the soil ball. Under no circumstances should they be dragged,
lifted or pulled by the trunk or foliage in a manner that will loosen
the roots in the ball.


During transport to the job site, plants should be handled, secured

or covered so as to prevent any damage from wind or vibration.
Plants should never be thrown or bounced off a truck or loader to
the ground.


Plant material shall be planted the day it is delivered to the planting

site or it shall be watered and covered with mulch or soil or placed
in a shady area to prevent dehydration.


In cases where trees are likely to have their trunks scarred during
the planting operation, the trunks should be protected with nonabrasive wrap or padding.


Trees and shrubs should not be dug, balled and burlapped, or

moved with a tree spade during the active growing period unless
the ball is large enough to ensure a reasonable chance of survival.


All twine or rope and plant labels secured around the trunk shall be
removed after planting is completed.


Trees or shrubs that have their soil balls secured in a wire basket
and burlap must have the lower 1/3 of the burlap and basket
removed prior to placement in hole. The upper 2/3 of the ball will
be used to manipulate the tree into the hole. Once level, soil will
be placed at the base to stabilize the tree. The remainder of basket
and burlap will be removed including all twine and labels on the
trunk and canopy. Complete the backfilling and water settle, filling
all sink holes with soil.


Evergreen trees with an excessively bushy growth form shall have

the boughs tied up with rope or twine during transport and planting
to avoid damage to the foliage and branches. After planting, the
boughs should be released, and all twine removed.




Any bark abrasions or broken limbs caused in the planting operation

should be treated or corrected immediately.


Cleanup of any soil, branches, or other debris resulting from any tree
or shrub planting shall be promptly completed following planting.
The work area shall be kept safe at all times until the cleanup
operation is completed. Under no circumstances shall the
accumulation of soil, branches, or other debris be allowed in such a
manner as to result in a public hazard.


Excavated pits that will be left open when work is not in progress or
pose an immediate and considerable hazard to pedestrian or
vehicular traffic shall be adequately barricaded with warning devices.

Placement and Interrelationship of Required Landscape Plan Elements. In

approving the required landscape plan, the Town Forester shall have the
authority to determine the optimum placement and interrelationship of required
landscape plan elements such as trees, vegetation, turf, irrigation, screening,
buffering, and fencing, based upon the following criteria:

Protecting existing trees, natural areas and features.


Enhancing visual continuity within and between neighborhoods.


Providing tree canopy cover.


Creating visual interest year round.


Complementing the architecture of a development.


Providing screening of areas of low visual interest or visually intrusive site



Providing privacy to residents and users.


Conserving water.


Avoiding reliance on excessive maintenance.


Promoting compatibility and buffering between and among dissimilar land



Establishing spatial definition.

Landscape Materials, Maintenance, and Replacement


Topsoil. To the maximum extent feasible, topsoil that is removed during

construction activity shall be conserved for later use on areas requiring
revegetation and landscaping.


Soil amendments. Prior to installation of plant materials, areas that have

been compacted or disturbed by construction activity shall be thoroughly
loosened. Organic amendments such as compost, peat, or aged manure

shall be thoroughly incorporated at a rate of at least three (3) cubic yards of

amendment per 1,000 square feet of landscape area.



Plant materials. The selection of plant materials shall be based upon the
Town of Windsors climate and site conditions. A list of allowable and
preferred plant species as well as a list of drought tolerant plants shall be
available from the Town Forester.


Plant quality. All plants shall be A-Grade or No. 1 Grade, free of any defects,
of normal health, height, leaf density, and spread appropriate to the species
as defined by the American Standard for Nursery Stock.


Installation. All landscaping shall be installed according to sound

horticultural practices in a manner designed to encourage quick
establishment and healthy growth. All landscaping in each phase shall either
be installed or the installation shall be secured with a letter of credit, escrow,
or performance bond for 110% of the value of the landscaping material prior
to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy for any building in such phase.


Maintenance. Trees and vegetation, irrigation systems, fences, walls, and

other landscape elements shall be considered as elements of the project in
the same manner as parking, building materials, and other site details. The
applicant, landowner, or successors in interest shall be jointly and severally
responsible for the regular maintenance of all landscaping elements in good
condition. All landscaping shall be regularly maintained. Provisions for
landscape maintenance shall include but not be limited to winter watering,
pruning, weeding, tree and debris removal, disease and vector control,
raking, re-mulching, mowing, edging and trimming, and the preserving of
screens in good condition. Dead, diseased or missing plants must be
replaced with the same type as provide in the approved landscape plan.
Replacement must occur within the next planting season, not to exceed
twelve (12) months.


Replacement. Any landscape element that dies, or is otherwise removed,

shall be promptly replaced as per the site plan based upon the requirements
in these standards. Healthy, mature trees that are removed by the applicant
or by anyone acting on behalf of or with the approval of the applicant shall be
replaced as required as outlined in these standards.


Provisions shall be made for permanent, automatic irrigation of all plant material,
with the following exceptions:

Certified xeriscape landscaping which, following three (3) seasons of

supplemental watering (temporary irrigation) and sufficient plant
establishment, does not require supplemental irrigation for survival.


Trees and other plants used to landscape a residential local street

adjacent to lots for single-family detached dwellings.




Irrigation of trees planted in rights-of-way of rural roads or detention

ponds shall be irrigated for a minimum of five (5) years.

An irrigation plan shall be submitted to the Town Forester to ensure adequate

water requirements are compatible with the submitted landscape plan.

Utilities. Landscape and utility plans shall be coordinated. The following list sets forth
minimum dimension requirements for the most common tree/utility separations.
Exceptions to these requirements may occur where utilities are not located in their
standard designated locations, as approved by the Town of Windsor. Tree/utility
separations shall not be used as a means of avoiding the planting of required street

Forty (40) feet between street trees and street lights. Fifteen (15) feet between
ornamental trees and street lights.


Ten (10) feet between trees and water or sewer lines unless a wider separation
is required by the Town in consideration of unusually deep utility installations.


Four (4) feet between trees and gas, telephone, electric and other underground


Ten (10) feet from a driveway.


A minimum clearance of three (3) feet on each side of a fire hose connection
must be maintained. No vegetation other than turf or low-growing ground covers
may be planted between the fire hose connection and the sidewalk or street.


Street trees on local streets planted within utility easements may conflict with
utilities. Additional conduit may be required to protect underground electric

Visual Clearance or Sight Distance Triangle.


At the intersection of streets, roadways or vehicular access points, no tree or

plant material with a mature height greater than three (3) feet shall be planted
within a sight triangle measuring forty (40) feet along the boundary of each of the
intersecting streets, measured from the point of intersecting curb lines or edge of
asphalt. For existing landscaping, see Windsor Municipal Code Sec. 16-10-10.


A site triangle, free of any structures of landscape elements over three (3) feet in
height, shall be maintained at street intersections and driveways.


Deciduous trees may be permitted to encroach into the clearance triangle

provided the lowest branch of any tree shall be at least eight (8) feet above


When approaching traffic control signs, standard warning signs, and school
signs, the sign shall be visible from the travel lane at a distance of 100 feet.

Revegetation. When development construction causes significant disturbance

within any tract or outlot, adequate revegetation to return the site to its original
condition shall occur.


Tree Pruning and Removal. All tree pruning, removal, and other maintenance
practices shall be done in accordance with the most current standards and
guidelines developed by the ISA.


Alternative Compliance. Upon request by an applicant, the Town Forester may

approve an alternative landscape and tree protection plan that may be
substituted in whole or in part for a landscape plan meeting the requirements of
these standards.

Procedure. Alternative landscape plans shall be prepared and submitted

in accordance with submittal requirements for landscape plans. Each
such plan shall clearly identify and discuss the modifications and
alternatives proposed and the ways in which the alternative plan meets
the intent of these standards.


Review Criteria. To approve an alternative plan, the Town Forester must

first find that the proposed alternative plan accomplishes the intent of
these standards. In reviewing the proposed alternative plan for purposes
of determining whether it accomplishes the intent to these standards, the
Town Forester shall take into account whether the alternative preserves
and incorporates existing vegetation in excess of minimum standards,
protects natural areas and features, maximizes tree canopy cover,
enhances neighborhood continuity and connectivity, and demonstrates
innovative design and use of plant materials and other landscape


Part III Appendices

Appendix items attached to this document can be adjusted periodically at the staff level and
incorporated into this document to conform to advancements in the green industry.


Appendix A:
Landscape Plan


Landscape Plan Checklist


Landscape Plan on one page

Land Use table identifies:

open space requirements in % and square footage
parking lot in square footage

interior parking lot landscaped area in square footage (from interior flow
other hardscapes sidewalks, driveways to parking lots

Landscape legend:
Identifier either alpha (more than 3 species) or symbols (3 or less species)
Scientific Names
Common Names
Type Ball and Burlap (B&B), bare root, containerized


Planting details for:


Planting notes

Irrigation meter location separate from building meter

Irrigation plans

Utilities shown:

Right-of-Way designations


Appendix B:
Landscape Plan


Landscape Plan Protocol


Landscape plans shall be submitted at the earliest possible stage in the planning


Landscape plans are required at the site plan processes stage.


Landscape plans will be reviewed according to established standards with any and
all deficiencies red-lined in submittal plans.


Corrections must be resubmitted until approved.


Upon approval, the planning department will be notified that the landscape plan is


At time of plant installation, physical inspection is required by Town of Windsor



Corrections must be made before continuing to have landscaping accepted.


A visual inspection must be made to verify complete installation as per approved

plan before a release can be made for the certificate of occupancy.


Plant material must be maintained in perpetuity by the property owner as per

approved landscape plan.


Appendix C:
Planting Notes


Planting Notes

All plant materials shall be in accordance with American Association of Nurserymen

specification for number one grade.


All turf areas to be irrigated with automatic pop-up irrigation system. All shrub beds
and trees to be irrigated with an automatic drip (trickle) irrigation system, or
acceptable alternative. The irrigation system is to be adjusted to meet the water
requirements of the individual plant material.


All trees to be balled and burlapped, root control bag, or containerized.


All shrub beds to be mulched with wood mulch (3 average depth) on typar filter


Edging between grass and shrub beds shall be 1/8 x 4 steel set level with top of


Changes in plant species or plant locations from what is listed on the landscape plan
will require the approval of the Town Forester prior to installation or replacement.
Overall quantity and quality to be consistent with approved plans. In the event of
conflict with the quantities included in the plant list, species and quantities shall be


Landscaping of the townhome units may be phased on a building by building basis.


The Homeowners Association will be responsible for landscape maintenance

including the plantings in public street rights-of-way.


Street and ornamental trees shall be planted no closer than forty (40) feet and fifteen
(15) feet respectively from street lights. No trees shall be planted within ten (10) feet
from water and sewer lines, four (4) feet from gas, telephone and electric utilities,
and ten (10) feet from any driveway.


Minimum clearance of three (3) feet on each side of fire department connection
(FDC). No vegetation other than turf or ground covers planted in front of FDC.


The irrigation system shall be reviewed and approved by the Towns Water
Department prior to issuance of a building permit. The irrigation system must be
installed or secured with a financial instrument deposited with the Town prior to
issuance of a certificate of occupancy for the building.


Planting Notes (cont.)


Developer shall ensure that the landscape plan is coordinated with the plans done
by other consultants so the proposed grading, storm drainage, or other construction
does not conflict nor preclude installation and maintenance of landscape elements
on this plan.


Prior to installation of plant materials, areas that have been compacted shall be
thoroughly loosened. Organic amendments such as compost, peat, or aged manure
shall be thoroughly incorporated at a rate of at least three (3) cubic yards per 1,000
square feet.


Turf grass will be seeded or sodded with drought tolerant blend. Trees to be planted
in turf areas will be installed with an organic mulch ring that has a radius of at least
eighteen (18) inches.


To the maximum extent feasible, topsoil that is removed during construction activity
shall be conserved for later use on areas requiring revegetation and landscaping.


Foundation shrubs beds to be designed and installed after completion of each



Contact Town of Windsor Parks and Recreation Department prior to planting in order
for Town to verify proper planting.


No substantial impediment to visibility between the heights of three (3) feet and eight
(8) feet shall be created or maintained at street intersections within a site triangle
described as follows: beginning at the point of intersection of the edges of the driving
surface, then to forty (40) feet along both intersecting edges and then along a
transverse line connecting these points.


Second domestic water meter to be shown on landscape plan for irrigation

connection or non-potable water source connection.


If plants are in need of replacement due to declining health, disease, or death, the
plants must be replaced with the original species unless approved by the Town


Appendix D:
Planting Diagrams





Appendix E:
Plant Lists


Trees for Windsor, Colorado

By no means does this list include every tree that could grow in Windsor, Colorado. It is,
however, an attempt to list the most commonly available trees and their characteristics. There is
no perfect tree. Great care should be given to select the right tree for the right place. More
detailed information on all trees can be obtained from your local nursery professional. If you are
interested in planting a tree not on this list, please contact the Windsor Town Forester or the
Windsor Tree Board. A list of drought tolerant species follows the Recommended Tree List.

Town of Windsor Recommended Tree List

Deciduous Shade Trees (typically over 40 in mature height)
Latin Name


American Linden

Tilia americana


Black Ash

Fraxinus nigra


Black Walnut

Juglans nigra





Common Horsechestnut



European Larch

Larix decidua



Ginkgo biloba


Common Name


Recommend the Redmond variety,
very dense perfect canopy.
Fragrant yellow summer flowers.
Great alternative to the over used
green ash in our area. Available in
seedless cultivars. Bright yellow fall
Does produce a nut. Does not like
heavy pruning. Great tree for
squirrels and birds.
Great spring white blooms turn to
long pod, very large heart shaped
Large spiny fruit capsule. Best for
large open areas. Fair tree for our
Deciduous evergreen, wonderful
tree. Underused in our area.
This tree has a very unique leaf
shape. One of the oldest growing
trees (around for the past 150
million years). Female fruit has a
rank smell, always pick male trees.

Deciduous Shade Trees (typically over 40 in mature height), cont.

Common Name

Latin Name


Green Ash,
Marshall Ash,
Patmore Ash,
Summit Ash.






Japanese Pagoda Tree



Kentucky Coffee Tree

Large Leaf Elm

Littleleaf Linden
London Plane Tree or
Norway Maple

Oak trees, Bur Oak,

English Oak

Ohio Buckeye
Thornless Honeylocust

Tends to be over planted. Some
pest problems may be present.
Very reliable shade trees. Yellow
fall color.
A very drought hardy plant excellent for street-scaping. Leaf
tends to get nipple gall, not
damaging to the plant and good for
Characteristic persisting pod type
fruit, excellent specimen tree.

Tolerates dry urban conditions and

branch structure and bark give great
winter interest. Only females
produce fruit.
30-40/60-70/ Pick a variety resistant to Dutch Elm
Disease. This tree has one of the
best shapes for street ways.
Very conical in shape. Usually
30-40/60Tilia cordata
requires less pruning than most
other deciduous varieties.
60-75/60Very characteristic white and green
75/moderate scaling bark.
Maples are known best for their
excellent fall color. Can be sensitive
to drought conditions. Fair tree for
our area.
This is a very hardy species in this
area. Tends to grow slower which
40-60/40helps to add strength. Watch for
chlorotic species, ie. Red Oak,
Swamp White Oak.
20-40/20Best for large open areas due to fruit
Aesculus glabra
40/moderate mess. Not a good street tree.
30-70/30-70 Tends to be over planted. Many
/moderately insect problems existing. This is
drought tolerant however.


Ornamental Trees (typically under 40 in mature height)

Common Name

Latin Name

Amur Cork Tree



Malus species

Eastern Red Bud


Ornamental Pear

Pyrus species

Goldenrain Tree




Japanese Tree Lilac


Plum and Cherry

Prunus species





Characteristic gray furrowed bark

that has a cork feel to it. Generally
free of pests.
Most commonly known for their
spring blossoms that range from
20-35/ 20white-pink-red-purple. Get a cultivar
that has persisting fruit. Always
pick a fire blight resistant variety.
Excellent spring flowers. Prefers
20-30/20more of a protected site. Will die
back in colder seasons.
Great for the spring flower color and
20-30/ 30often vibrant fall colors. Important to
40/moderate pick a fire blight resistant variety.
Watch for co-dominant leaders.
Characteristic lantern shaped fruit
30-40/ 30-35 capsules and orange-yellow fall
color. Great species tree. Drought
20-30/ 20- Generally great fall color. Unique
30/moderate characteristic bark. Use a thornless
to slow
variety in high traffic areas.
15-20/20Creamy white flowers early to mid
30/moderate June. Classic lilac fragrance.
20-25/ 20Often suckers, but great wildlife
30/moderate habitat.
Fragrant white flowers. Species
5-15/5range from small shrubs to small
trees. Good bird tree.


Evergreen Trees
All evergreen trees listed below should be planted a minimum of 15
from streets, sidewalks, and permanent structures.

Small Evergreen Trees (under 30 feet at maturity)

Common Name

Latin Name

Bristlecone Pine

Pinus aristata

Pinyon Pine

Pinus edulis

Eastern Arborvitae
Junipers (upright


Height/ Rate


Very long living and drought hardy.

Classic bottlebrush shaped
10/15branches and white resin pitch on
Shorter tree with edible nuts.
Mature branch spread. Tolerates
10-15/40Works great as a screening hedge.
Fair performance in exposed sites.
10-15/10Dense growth form. Good wildlife
20/moderate habitat. Drought tolerant.

Large Evergreen Trees (over 30 feet at maturity)

Austrian Pine

Pinus nigra

Blue Spruce or
Colorado Spruce

Picea pungens

Scotch Pine

Pinus sylvestris

White Fir

Abies concolor



Becomes drought tolerant once

Available in green and blue. Also
likes moist well drained soils.
Generally a more open-airy form.
Unique copper colored bark is
This tree likes moist well-drained
soils, similar to blue spruce.

Drought Tolerant Plant Species

The following is a list of plants that are very adaptable to dry conditions, and need to be
considered when concerned about future water resources. All plants need supplemental
water to help with their initial establishment, but these trees and shrubs will adapt and
tolerate very dry conditions.
Ornamental Trees (Less than 30 ft)
Amorpha canescens: Leadplant
Artemisia spp.: Sage Species
Atriplex canescens: Saltbrush
Caragana spp.: Peashrub Species
Ceratoides lanata: Winterfat
Cercocarpus spp.: Mountain
Mahogany Species
Chamaebatiaria millefolium:
Chrysothamnus spp.: Rabbitbrush
Cotoneaster spp.: Cotoneaster
Cowania mexicana: Cliff Rose
Fallugia paradoxa: Apache Plume
Fendlera rupicola: Cliff
Forestiera neomexicana: New
Mexican Privet
Hippophae rhamnoides: Sea
Holodiscus discolor: Creambush
Holodiscus dumosus: Rock Spirea
Jamesia americana: Waxflower
Juniperus species: Spreading
Juniper Species
Physocarpus monogynus:
Mountain Ninebark
Prunus tomentosa: Nanking Cherry
Prunus besseyi Pawnee Buttes:
Pawnee Buttes Sandcherry
Ramnus smithii: Smiths Buckthorn
Rhus spp.: Sumac Species
Ribes spp.: Currant Species
Rosa woodsii: Woods Rose
Rubus deliciosus: Thimbleberry
Shepherdia argentea: Silver

Acer grandidentatum: Bigtooth Maple

Cratageus ambigua: Russian Hawthorn
Cratageus crusgalli: Cockspur Hawthorn
Forestiera neomexicana: New Mexican
Prunus americana: American Plum
Ptelea trifoliata: Wafer Ash
Koelreuteria paniculata: Golden Rain
Quercus gambelii: Gambel Oak
Shade Trees (Greater than 30 ft)
Catalpa speciosa: Western Catalpa
Celtis occidentalis: Hackberry
Fraxinus pennsylvanica: Green Ash
Gleditsia triancanthos inermis: Thornless
Gymnocladus dioicus: Kentucky
Quercus macrocarpa: Bur Oak
Quercus muehlenbergii: Chinkapin Oak
Quercus robur: English Oak
Sophora japonica: Japanese Pagoda
Evergreen Trees
Juniperus monosperma: Oneseed Juniper
Juniperus scopulorum: Rocky Mountain
Pinus aristata: Bristlecone Pine
Pinus edulis: Pinyon Pine
Pinus flexilis: Limber Pine
Pinus ponderosa: Ponderosa Pine
Pinus nigra: Austrian Pine


Species Not Recommended

Aspen (Populus tremuloides)

Has many insect and disease problems that

are generally not present in Native Mountain

Austree (Salix alba X Matsudana)

Extremely weak wooded, often sold through

mail order as a miracle tree that it is not.

Birch (Betula species)

This tree does not do well in Colorado climate

as it once did.

Boxelder (Acer negundo)

Female tree attracts Boxelder Bugs that

invade houses and can become a nuisance.

Hybrid- cottonwoods (Populus species)

Cotton is a high nuisance on cotton bearing

trees, Hybrids tend to be short lived.
Cottonwoods also tend to be very weak
wooded, good tree for large open spaces.

Hopa Crabapple (Malus species Hopa)

This tree has very high susceptibility to the

bacterial disease fire blight. Pick a Crabapple
species that has low susceptibility.

Mountain Ash (Sorbus species)

Very susceptible to Fire Blight.

Russian Olive (Eleagnus angustifolia)

Invasive nuisance tree, on Colorado

Department of Agricultures list of noxious

Siberian Elm (Ulmus pumila)

Extremely weedy and invasive, seeds

profusely. Very rapid growth creates
extremely weak wood.

Silver Maple (Acer saccharinum)

Very weak wooded tree.

Tamarisk (Tamarix species)

On Colorado Department of Agricultures

noxious weed list, extremely invasive.

Tree of Heaven (Ailanthus altissima)

Very rapid growth creates weak wooded tree,

can be very invasive.

Willows (Salix species)

There are many kinds of willows, this is a weak

wooded species which can be potentially
hazardous placed in the wrong location.
Typically after most rain or wind storms twigs
or branches will be on the ground.

Dirr, Michael A. 1990. Manual of Woody Landscape Plants: Their Identification, Ornamental Characteristics, Culture,
Propagation and Uses, fourth edition. Stipes Publishing Company, Champaign, IL. 1007 pp.


Appendix F:
Street Classification





(Urban Standards)
Right of Way













Right of Way






(not at major intersections)




(5 lanes)
Minor Arterial
(at major intersections)
(5 lanes)
Minor Arterial




(not at major intersections)













Major Arterial
(7 lanes)
Minor Arterial
(5 lanes)
Major Collector
(3 lanes)
Minor Collector
(2 lanes)
(2 lanes)

*Measured from flow line of gutter to flow line of gutter.

(Rural Standards)
Major Arterial
(at major intersections)
(7 lanes)
Major Arterial

(3 lanes)
(at intersections)
(3 lanes)
(not at intersections)
(2 lanes)
(2 lanes)
*Measured from edge of pavement to edge of pavement.
N/A not applicable


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