Soil Bioengineering With Woody Vegetation For Slope Stabilization
Soil Bioengineering With Woody Vegetation For Slope Stabilization
Soil Bioengineering With Woody Vegetation For Slope Stabilization
J ohn Bobrowski
The denuding of lands whether due to agriculture, grazing or urban sprawl can lead to erosion
and slope destabilization. Special problems can arise for ecological restoration projects that
generally focus on native vegetation types and procedures that improve soil qualities and
characteristics. The specific technique(s) used to stabilize a slope depend on many factors and
may include slope gradient, aspect, soil structure, regional climatology, and project objectives or
requirements. Slope Stabilization techniques work in one of five ways, by reshaping the
landscape, improving soil cohesiveness, improving soil fertility, armoring the surface, or
modifying velocity and direction of wind and rain.
The two main categories of techniques used in slope stabilization are bioengineering and
synthetic structural engineering. The Soil Conservation Service defines soil bioengineering as the
use of live woody vegetation to repair slope failures and increase slope stability (Wells 1994).
Slope destabilization is often caused by the removal of vegetation from a slope which causes
slope shear strength to decrease relative to shear stress. The focus of this paper is on
bioengineering techniques that, by their nature, are more conducive to ecological restoration
projects. Bioengineering techniques avoid the use of synthetic materials that may alter soil and
vegetational qualities and characteristics. Because so many factors are involved, bioengineering
techniques are more a set of guidelines than a strict set of procedures. A quality inspection and
estimate of the site are needed so that these techniques can be combined and adapted to fit the
individual needs of the situation.
When trying to stabilize the slope by restoring vegetation it is necessary to reduce the erosion
caused by raindrop impact on bare soils, and to establish a penetrating root system to inhibit
gully erosion and soil mass movements. Vegetation stabilizes a slope by physically increasing
frictional forces and by removing the soil water through transpiration which results in lower pore
water pressures and reduced weight of the soil mass (Brooks et al. 1991).
Bioengineering techniques used to combat gully erosion and slope destabilization include live
staking, brush layering, live fascines, branch packing and combinations of these. These
techniques increase shear strength and work to augment undercutting and nick points which
create zones of weakness and undermine the shear strength of the slope (Brooks et al. 1991).
Live Staking
Live stakingis a technique used in thin soils to combat shallow earth slides. The technique
requires access to vegetation that is suitable for live cut and transplant techniques. The 1/2" to 1-
1/2" diameter and 3' long live stakes are placed in the ground to a depth of 2-3' and are planted in
a triangular pattern with 2-3' spacing. Stakes can be pounded in or inserted into a hole created by
a planting bar. This technique of slope stabilization is often used along rivers where native
vegetation and habitats are conducive to rootable vegetative growth from branch cuttings.
A bioengineering project constructed by the California Department of Parks and Recreation
showed the limitations of live staking techniques to washout (Lucas 1995). The project was
carried out on the Navarro river in Hendy Woods State Park. Project goals where to stabilize the
slopes and meet the project requirement of 95% canopy cover of riparian trees after 5 years set
out by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Native willow staves were planted with 3spacing
among a two 2 layer of riprap. Slopes of the river bank were leveled to 2:1. Although
vegetational coverage requirements established by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service were meet,
goals describing required soil aggregation or allowable loss were not. The failure was due to a
large rainfall event before root establishment, and showed the importance of having proper
knowledge of the vegetation and local climatic conditions for estimating project establishment
Brush Layering
Brush layering is a technique most effectively done by laying 1/2" to 1-1/2" diameter and 2-5'
long branch cuttings down in trenches created to prevent nick points and headcutting. After
placement of the branch cuttings the trench is back-filled to a point where the cuttings extend
only 1/2' to 1' from the slope surface. Trench rows should run the entire length of the slope, with
slope degree and soil texture influencing the spacing between rows (Schiechtl 1980)
Requirements of this technique include immediate action, available soil material for fill, and
native vegetation suitable to branch cuttings. It is very important not only to mix branches of
different species, but also to use branches of different age and thickness groups. As a result roots
will penetrate deeper and a variety of above surface growth will develop (Schiechtl 1980).
Immediate action is needed to impede the process that leads from nick point to gully formation.
The effective use of brushlayering is accomplished only when all factors are accounted for.
In the fall of 1993, the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources used bioengineering techniques to
successfully realign a stream. Typical gabions or riprap trapezoidal channels were deemed
unacceptable. Realignment and stabilization of the slopes on the Tannery Creek River was
accomplished by a combination of brush layering and log anchoring at the water line (Wraith
1995). Project requirements where rigorous and required a no net loss of habitat because the
stream was classified as a cold water fishery. The trenches were spaced at 600mm intervals on a
slope graded to achieve a 2:1 gradient. The brush layers were made up of available native
willows approximately two meters long and placed at a density of 50 per linear meter. Broadcast
seeding of native grass seed was done to complement the brush layering and log anchoring.
Live Fascine (Brush Wattles)
This technique works to mitigate shallow earth slides and gully erosion by increasing root area
and positively affecting shear slope strength. Live fascines use 6-8" bundles of 1/2" to 1-1/2"
vegetative cuttings. The bundles are placed into trenches leaving several stems exposed on the
surface. These trenches are dug perpendicular to the slope. Planting the cuttings perpendicular to
the slope serves to establish vegetation and a rooting system and physically impeeds runoff and
erosion by slowing water runoff rates. Bundles are further anchored by wooden 2x4" stakes
spaced at 3-4' intervals. Live staves are then inter-spaced among the 2x4s at 3-4' intervals on the
down slope side of the bundles. Successive rows of bundles should be placed along the entire
length of the slope surface. Spacing between rows of bundles depends on degree of slope, with
no more than 2-3' between rows.
In areas of high average rainfalls additions to live fascines called brush mattress are used.
Construction of brush mattresses is done to reduce raindrop impact, and is accomplished by
burying the basal ends of woody vegetative cuttings under the fascine bundles. The cuttings are
then laid down with the apical end towards the slope apex and secured by wire connecting the
stakes along the slope length. This technique was used successfully in Northern Virginia by
RUST Environment and Infrastructure who used brush mattresses to stabilize earthen mounds
between meanders of a river (Thomas 1995). The 3:1 slopes of the mounds were stabilized
using a combination of live and dead brush mattresses. The live vegetative cuttings consisted of
native willows in the lower reaches, with red osier dogwood (Cornus stolonifera), elderberry
(Sambucus canadensis), blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosom), and strawberry bush (Euonymus
americanus) in the upper regions.
Branch Packing
Branch packing is a method used to repair slopes with existing slumps, headcuts, or gullies. Dead
2x2" stakes are inserted 3 to 4 feet into the ground inside the slump or gully, leaving the tops of
the stakes approximately level with the slope. Vegetative cuttings are then laid down horizontally
in 4-6" layers. Succesive layers are separated by 1 to 2 feet of compacted soil. The technique
creates a multi-layered structure that has high amounts of vegetation and will require large
volumes of water to successfully establish itself. While bioengineering techniques of slope
stabilization have the potential to be cost effective means of establishing vegetation and reducing
erosion, they have limitations. The biggest limitation may be the availability of plant materials
suited to the techniques. When restoring native vegetation to slopes it maybe necessary to shift
the matrix of species unnaturally heavy towards species that are suitable. Another limitation is
the susceptibility to project wash out during the root establishment phases. The length of the root
establishment phase is dependent on species, soils, and climatic conditions.
Synthetic additions
If existing gullies and degraded topography are too great, techniques applicable to a larger scale
may be required. In these situations, combinations of live vegetation and synthetic materials can
be very effective. Examples include joint plantings, live crib walls, and vegetated rock gabions.
In these techniques vegetative cuttings are used in conjunction with riprap, concrete, and wooden
structures. Other options include synthetic constructed materials such as Woven Coir Semi-
permanent Erosion Control Blankets. This method can be used to aid in the establishment of
cover vegetation during the root establishment phase. This technique has a life span 5-10 years in
the soil and is very successful in controlling erosion and maintains vegetative cover even during
periods of high rainfall and heavy rain fall intensities (Austin 1995). Mat structures and erosion
control blankets also perform well in areas receiving negligible rainfall where vegetative
techniques of slope stabilization may not be feasible, in these conditions, structural engineering
techniques inherently perform better. These synthetic techniques also have draw backs such as
cost, reducing the type of usable vegetation, altered soil physical properties, and logistics of
transportation, installation and permanency of the structures.
Literature cited
Brooks, K.N., P.F. Ffolliot, H.M. Gregerson, and J .L. Thames. 1991. Hydrology and the
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Schiechtl, Hugo. (1980). Bioengineering for land reclamation and conservation, University of
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