Bunn y Col 1998
Bunn y Col 1998
Bunn y Col 1998
P. M . D AV I E S
Department of Zoology, The University of Western Australia, Nedlands 6907, Australia
D . M . K E L L A W AY
Centre for Catchment and In-Stream Research, Faculty of Environmental Sciences, Griffith University, Nathan, Queensland
4111, Australia
I . P. P R O S S E R
Cooperative Research Centre for Catchment Hydrology, CSIRO Land and Water, GPO Box 1666, Canberra, ACT 2601,
1. The catchments of many tropical lowland streams in far north Queensland have been
extensively cleared for the cultivation of sugar cane to the extent where very little of the
native riparian vegetation remains. Stream channels are often choked by a matrix of
introduced pasture grass (Brachiaria mutica, or para grass) and accumulated sediment
from cropland erosion.
2. Detailed transects across Bamboo Creek, a fourth order cane-land stream, revealed an
estimated sediment load of 20 000 t km–1. This has resulted in an estimated 85%
reduction in the predicted bankful discharge of the original stream channel. Channel
capacity has been reduced from 2.3 times to 0.3 times the predicted Q50 flood discharge
of 140 m3 s–1.
3. Shade cloth treatments of 50% and 90% across the stream were used to mimic the
effect of shading by riparian vegetation. Three months of shading resulted in a
substantial reduction in the height and standing biomass of para grass in both shade
treatments, compared to open plots (0% shade). The most dramatic effect was in the
90% treatment, where a mean reduction of 63% in height and 52% in total biomass was
recorded. This was despite high net primary production of para grass in the open plots
of 2.8 g dry wt m–2 day–1, which resulted in a overall increase of 11% and 28% in plant
height and total biomass, respectively.
4. These data suggest that restoration of native riparian vegetation will be an effective
long-term means of controlling invasive macrophytes in disturbed cane-land stream
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172 S.E.Bunn et al.
channels. Reduction of excessive macrophyte growth and the mobilisation of
accumulated sediment are essential to the restoration of natural hydrological and
ecological processes.
Riparian vegetation has a controlling influence on influence of para grass and accumulated sediment
ecosystem function in most forested streams and on channel morphology and hydrology in a tropical
rivers, primarily by reducing solar radiation and effec- lowland stream; and (ii) to determine the effectiveness
tively limiting in-stream primary production (Boston of shading as a means of controlling invasive riparian
& Hill, 1991; Cummins et al., 1995). As a consequence, weeds such as para grass. The effects of para grass
food webs in most forested streams are thought to be on stream ecosystem processes, and the ecological
largely dependent on terrestrial inputs of carbon (e.g. implications of riparian restoration are discussed in
Hynes, 1975; Vannote et al., 1980; Bunn, 1993; Cummins Bunn et al. (1997).
et al., 1995). Reduction of shading of streams, as a
result of removal of riparian vegetation, often triggers
prolific growth of aquatic and semiaquatic macro- Materials and methods
phytes (Brookes, 1994; Gore, 1994; Wade, 1994). Study area
Although increased nutrient inputs arising from catch-
ment clearing are also likely to stimulate in-stream We conducted our study along a fourth order reach
plant production, light availability is considered to be (™ 500 m) of Bamboo Creek, a lowland stream near
the primary factor limiting macrophyte distribution Innisfail in the wet tropics of far north Queensland,
and abundance (Canfield & Hoyer, 1988). Australia (145°59.89E, 17°349S). Approximately 63% of
Dense stands of macrophytes act as an effective trap the 800 ha catchment above the study area has been
for sediments and can lead to dramatic changes in converted to sugar cane which is often grown up to
stream morphology and hydrology (Wade, 1994). In the high bank, and very little native riparian vegetation
addition to the obvious loss of benthic habitat, high remains. The riparian zone is now dominated by para
respiration rates of living plants, together with micro- grass, which grows prolifically along stream margins
bial respiration of unconsumed detritus in stream and often extends into and over the channel.
sediments, may affect stream benthic communities
through reduced availability of dissolved oxygen and
Effect of para grass on channel morphology and
other associated changes in water quality (Bourg &
Loch, 1995; Forstner, 1995; Bunn et al., 1997).
Many tropical lowland streams in far north Three cross-sectional measurements of channel profile
Queensland, Australia, have catchments extensively and sediment depth were made at three of the five
cleared for the cultivation of sugar cane so that very sites selected for the shade experiment. The transects
little native riparian vegetation remains. Para grass within sites were separated by at least 10 m and the
(Brachiaria mutica Forssk. Stapf) is one of several weeds distance between sites was at least 100 m (see below).
that has become well established in these disturbed Sediment depth was recorded at 2 m intervals along
riparian zones (Bunn et al., 1997). The species was the cross section using a 3 m pole, which was pushed
originally introduced to this region in 1884 to control into the substrate until the point of first resistence,
bank erosion, and in recent years has been actively which marked the boundary between noncohesive
promoted as a ponded pasture grass (Middleton, 1991). and cohesive materials. All cross sections were refer-
Unfortunately, it has become a major weed in disturbed enced to the high bank at the edge of the floodplain, the
stream channels in northern New South Wales and stream bed and surface water level using a surveyor’s
Queensland (Sainty & Jacobs, 1988), and in the wet- dumpy level.
lands of the wet–dry tropics of Australia (Humphries The hydrological implications of the reduction in
et al., 1994). channel capacity were examined in two ways, by
The aims of this study were (i) to describe the comparing (i) bankful discharge, and (ii) the capacity
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Control of invasive macrophytes in a tropical stream 173
to convey a major flood with an annual recurrence frames (™ 14 m 3 7.4 m) were erected over each of the
interval (ARI) of 50 years, with and without sediment plots (3 treatments 3 5 sites) in early August 1995.
and para grass. Bankful discharge was estimated as These spanned the stream channel and were strained
mean velocity (m s–1) 3 mean area (m2). Mean vel- by steel posts to keep them above the para grass,
ocity was calculated using Manning’s formula: v 5 about 1.5 m above the water surface. Treatments within
R2/3 s1/2n–1, where R 5 mean hydraulic radius (m), sites were deliberately arranged, using five of the six
s 5 channel slope, and n 5 Manning roughness possible spatial configurations, to ensure that any
coefficient (Chow, 1959). The mean hydraulic radius potential confounding upstream–downstream effects
(R 5 area/wetted perimeter) was calculated from were stratified across treatments. Scaffold planks were
each of the nine cross sections. A channel slope used to minimise trampling of the plots during con-
value for Bamboo Creek of 0.03 was used, and struction of the wire frames, however some trampling
roughness coefficients (n) were estimated to be 0.04 of para grass occurred around the edges. Although
without para grass, based on a clean winding shade cloth was fastened only to the 50% and 90%
channel (Newbury & Gaboury, 1993), and 0.1 with treatments, the level of disturbance in the open control
para grass, based on dense grass beds (Prosser & plots was similar. The width of the wetted stream
Slade, 1994). Mean bankful channel width was channel was measured at each of the 15 treatment/
calculated using the high bank measurements from site plots.
the nine cross-sections.
The Rational Method (Pilgrim, 1987) was used to
Data collection
estimate the discharge of a flood with an ARI of
50 years: Q50 5 0.278 C5050IdtA, where C50 5 runoff Five quadrats (1 m2) of para grass were randomly
coefficient for 50 years, A 5 catchment area (km2), collected from along the stream, before the shade cloth
50I 5 average rainfall intensity (mm h–1) for design treatments were erected, to provide a measurement of
duration (dt), and ARI of 50 years. A C50 value of pre-manipulation standing biomass, and to estimate
0.8 was determined from information presented by the number of post-manipulation quadrats needed to
Pilgrim (1987) using values recorded for Innisfail. A detect a significant change with a statistical power of
modified version of the Friend Formula was used to 0.8 or greater, and therefore minimise the likelihood
determine the time of concentration for flood duration of a Type II error (Cohen, 1988). Para grass was
for Bamboo Creek (dt 5 2.512 h). There are insufficient cropped with hand-shears and separated into two
gauging data from the wet tropics to estimate floods batches: an upper standing crop of green stems, blades
of other ARIs with any confidence. and shoots, and a lower matrix of stems above the
dense root mass. The upper and lower batches from
each quadrat were washed, dried in an oven at 80 °C
Design of shading experiment
for 43 h, and weighed. Below-ground biomass was
The experiment was undertaken using two shade cloth not collected.
treatments (50% and 90%) to mimic the effect of Calculations of statistical power indicated that 8–10
shading by a riparian tree canopy. An open treatment replicates would suffice to detect a ‘medium’ reduction
(0% shade) was used as a control. The two shade in biomass (30–50%) with a β of 0.8 (Table 1; see
treatments span the range of values of below-canopy Cohen, 1988; Dallal, 1988). Based on these calculations,
light for nearby forested streams in similar size catch- 10 samples (5 from each bank) of upper and lower
ments. This is based on measures of canopy cover, biomass of para grass were randomly collected on 12
and estimates of above and below canopy light (ter November 1995, from each of the three treatments at
Steege, 1993). The mean percentage of below:above each site. Samples were washed, dried and weighed
canopy light (6 1 SE, n 5 8) for nearby forest streams as described above.
was 31.3 6 2.6% (unpublished data). In addition to above ground biomass, para grass
Each of the three treatments was positioned at five height was measured before (31 July to 2 August
randomly chosen sites along the stream. The distance 1995), during (28 September 1995) and after (12 Nov-
between treatments within sites was at least 10 m, and ember 1995) the shading experiment. Five random
the distance between sites was at least 100 m. Wire measures of stem height of para grass on each bank
© 1998 Blackwell Science Ltd, Freshwater Biology, 39, 171–178
174 S.E.Bunn et al.
Table 1 Sample sizes required to detect reductions in upper
(320.9 6 46.1 g m–2) and lower (726.9 6 174.9 g m–2) standing
biomass of para grass, with statistical power (β) ù 0.8, based
on initial collections from Bamboo Creek in August 1995
(mean 6 1SE)
30% 20 12
40% 12 7
50% 8 5
60% 6 4
70% 5 4
Data analysis
Effect of shading on para grass biomass and height
Effects on channel morphology and hydrology
The initial mean dry weight of para grass before
Soft sediment occupied ™ 20 m2 of the Bamboo Creek shading was 1.05 6 0.11 kg m–2 (n 5 5), with most of
channel cross sections, which translates to an accumu- the biomass consisting of the lower matrix of stems
lated load of ™ 20 000 t km–1 (Fig. 1). Mean wetted (0.73 6 0.08 kg m–2 dry wt) (Fig. 2). After three months,
channel width was only 1.3 6 0.05 m (n 5 15), com- total biomass had increased in the open (0% shade)
pared with stream bankful width of 15.7 m. plots to 1.34 6 0.05 kg m–2 dry wt, with a rate of net
The accumulated sediment resulted in an 85% reduc- primary production of 2.81 g dry wt m–2 day–1. The
tion in the predicted bankfull discharge from 316 to slight decrease (15%) in biomass of the lower matrix
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Control of invasive macrophytes in a tropical stream 175
Table 2 Oneway ANOVAs comparing (a) upper and (b) lower
biomass of para grass among treatments after 3 months of
shading. Site and Bank were included as blocks
Source df MS F P
action (time 3 shade treatment) in para grass height Treatment 2 12.76 440.0 ,0.0001
(Table 3, Fig. 3). Although there was an 11% increase Site 4 0.67 2.2 0.012
in mean height in control plots (0% shade) over the Bank 1 0.68 23.5 ,0.0001
three month period, this was not significantly different Error 1 142 0.03
Time 2 4.59 228.5 ,0.0001
from the initial values (Fig. 3). However, shading Time*treatment 4 3.34 166.1 ,0.0001
resulted in a 26% reduction in mean grass height Error 2 294 0.02
under the 50% treatment, and a 63% reduction in
mean height under the 90% treatment after three
thought to explain most of the variation in the distribu-
months. Most of this change had occurred after the
tion and abundance of macrophytes (e.g. Canfield &
first two months of shading (Fig. 3).
Hoyer, 1988; Wade, 1994). Extensive clearing of ripar-
ian vegetation in the tropical cane-lands of northern
Discussion Australia has created ideal conditions of light, water
and nutrients for invasive macrophytes such as the
Effect of para grass on hydrological and ecological
introduced para grass. The resulting proliferation of
plant growth has clearly had a dramatic effect on
Native riparian vegetation controls fundamental eco- channel morphology, and flood capacity. Channels
system processes in forested river systems. Removal choked by aquatic macrophytes inevitably become
of this vegetation provides a graphic demonstration sites of sediment deposition, reducing the effective
of the degree to which plant production in stream channel capacity (Humphries et al., 1994; Smith et al.,
channels is controlled by light. Although catchment 1995). These hydrological and morphological changes
and riparian clearing is often accompanied by signi- substantially increase the incidence of flood events,
ficant nutrient inputs to streams, shading alone is which must translate into a significant economic cost
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176 S.E.Bunn et al.
to cane farmers through erosion of top soil and direct in northern Australia where introductions of other
loss of crops. exotic pasture grasses (e.g. Hymenachne amplexucaulis
In addition to the direct effects on channel morpho- and Echinochloa polystachya) are actively promoted.
logy and hydrology, macrophyte invasion and sedi- These species may pose a greater threat to streams
mentation together have a pronounced influence on and wetlands than para grass because they can grow
aquatic ecosystem function (Bunn et al., 1997). Aside in up to 1.2 m of water and can be up to 50% more
from the obvious direct loss of aquatic habitat, high productive (Wildin & Chapman, 1987; Humphries
benthic respiration from accumulated organic matter et al., 1994). Lonsdale (1994) suggested that introduced
has resulted in limited oxygen penetration of fine bed pasture species, such as these, have more than an 80%
sediments, and few benthic organisms were recorded chance of becoming major weeds. Riparian revegeta-
by Bunn et al. (1997). Macrophytes apparently contrib- tion offers many other ecological benefits to streams.
ute very little to the food webs of streams and rivers, These include a source of leaves, fruits and arthropods
neither directly through herbivory nor indirectly via for aquatic food webs, trapping of sediment and
a detrital pathway (France, 1996). This seems to be nutrients from overland flow, reduction in water tem-
particularly true for C4 plants, including para grass peratures and restoration of terrestrial habitat for
(Forsberg et al., 1993; Bunn et al., 1997). Much of this wildlife (Bunn, 1993).
unconsumed plant biomass remains in the stream bed.
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