This is an experiment about the absorption of methylene blue by activated carbon.
It shows the needed materials, procedure and an introduction about the processes.
This is an experiment about the absorption of methylene blue by activated carbon.
It shows the needed materials, procedure and an introduction about the processes.
This is an experiment about the absorption of methylene blue by activated carbon.
It shows the needed materials, procedure and an introduction about the processes.
This is an experiment about the absorption of methylene blue by activated carbon.
It shows the needed materials, procedure and an introduction about the processes.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Experiment # 4 Adsorption of Dye by Using Activated Carbon
Objectives: To investigate the adsorption properties of activated carbon by studying the equilibrium isotherms, adsorption kinetics and operational characteristics of a lab-scale packed- bed reactor. Introduction Adsorption is the collection of a substance onto the surface of the adsorbent solids, whereas Absorption is the penetration of the collected substance into the solid. Since both of these frequently occur simultaneously, some choose to call the phenomena sorption. Although both adsorption and absorption occur in sorption by activated carbon and other solids, the unit operation referred to as adsorption.
Adsorption consists of using the capacity of an adsorbent to remove certain substances from a gas or solution. Activated Carbon is an adsorbent that is widely used in water treatment, advanced wastewater treatment, and the treatment of certain organic industrial wastewater, because it adsorbs a wide variety of organic compounds and its use is economically feasible. In water treatment it is used to remove compounds that cause objectionable taste, odor, or color. It is generally used in granular form in batch, column (both fixed bed and countercurrent bed), or fluidized-bed operations, fixed bed column being the most common.
Adsorption may be classified as Physical or Chemical adsorption. Physical Adsorption is primarily due to van der Waals forces and is a reversible occurrence. When the molecular forces of attraction between the solute and the adsorbent are greater than the forces of attraction between the solute and the solvent, the solute will be adsorbed by activated surface. An example of physical adsorption is the adsorption by activated carbon. Activated carbon has numerous capillaries within the carbon particles, and the surface available for adsorption includes the surface of the pores in addition to the external surface of the particles. Actually, the pore surface area greatly exceeds the surface area of the particles, and most of the adsorption occurs on the pore surfaces. For activated carbon the ratio of the total surface area to the mass is extremely large. In chemical adsorption, a chemical reaction occurs between the solid and the adsorbed solute, and the reaction is usually irreversible.
Activated carbon is made from numerous materials such as wood, sawdust, fruit pits and coconut shells, coal, lignite, and petroleum base residues. When activated carbon particles are placed in a solution containing an organic solute and the slurry is agitated or mixed to give adequate contact, the adsorption of the solute occurs. The solute concentration will decrease from an initial concentration,(C o )to an equilibrium value, (C e ), if the contact time is sufficient during the slurry tests, it is usually possible to obtain a relationship between the equilibrium concentration (C e ) and the amount of organic substance adsorbed (X) per unit mass of activated carbon (m).
The Freundlich isotherm, which is an empirical formulation, frequently will represent the adsorption equilibrium over a limited range in solute concentration. One form of the equation is:
x/m = X= K C e 1/n
Where x: mass of solute adsorbed m: mass of adsorbent X: mass ratio of the solid phase that is, the mass of adsorbed solute per mass of adsorbent C e :
equilibrium concentration of solute, mass/volume K, n: Experimental Constants
The Linear form of Freundlich isotherm can derive from the above equation:
log X = log K + 1/n log C e
Plotting log X on Y- axis versus log C e on X- axis the slope of the obtained line represents 1/n and intercept represents log K
One of the most important aspects of the Freundlich isotherm in relation to the feasibility of using carbon adsorption is the numerical value of n and the value of x/m when C e =C o the n value is the same regardless of the units used for the equilibrium concentration. The constant, K, however, does fluctuate with different units employed for the equilibrium concentrations. The larger the n value and the x/m value (when C e =C o ), the more economically feasible is the use of carbon adsorption.
Another Isotherm, which frequently will represent adsorption equilibrium, is the Langmuir isotherm, which is
x/m = X = a L K L C e /1+KC e
where : a L : mass of adsorbed solute required to saturate completely a unit mass of adsorbent
ACTIVATED CARBON ADSORPTION ISOTHERMS, KINETICS & CONTINUOUS-FLOW OPERATION BACKGROUND Adsorption is a unit operation in which surface active materials in true solution are removed from the solvent by inter-phase transfer to the surfaces of an adsorbent particle. This process is used in environmental engineering practice for removal of various pollutants such as soluble organics, dyes, pesticides, lignins, etc., from wastewaters and for removal of colour and taste and odour-producing substances from natural waters that are to be used as potable water supplies. 3
Adsorption consists of using the capacity of an adsorbent to remove certain substances from a gas or solution. Activated Carbon is an adsorbent that is widely used in water treatment, advanced wastewater treatment, and the treatment of certain organic industrial wastewater, because it adsorbs a wide variety of organic compounds and its use is economically feasible. It is generally used in granular form in batch, column (both fixed bed and countercurrent bed), or fluidized-bed operations, fixed bed column being the most common. APPARATUS Volumetric flasks, laboratory shaker, balance, glass column, pump, spectrophotometer, stopwatch, solution holding tank, assorted tubing and glassware. MATERIALS 1. Granular activated carbon; sieved, washed of fines, and dried to constant weight at 105C. 2. Methylene blue. COMMENTS ON EXPERIMENT DESIGN Each of the adsorption experiments hereinafter described employ a synthetic aqueous solution of methylene blue as the test solution. Any other surface active material or sorbate such as organic dyes, phenol, substituted phenols, alkyl benzene sulfonates, or high molecular weight alcohols, however, may be substituted as the adsorbate. Further, natural waters or wastewaters containing dissolved organics may also be employed as test solutions for these experiments provided that they are first filtered to remove particulates. However, if methylene blue is replaced by another adsorbate, then, it will be necessary to define appropriate analytical techniques for whatever adsorbate is utilized. PROCEDURE A. 1. Prepare 1 litre of methylene blue solutions in three beakers at the following concentrations: I:30, II:30 and III:60 mg/l. Adsorption Kinetics 2. Place the solutions over magnetic stirrers and start stirring. 3. At time zero add 100 mg of granular activated carbon to the first, 250 mg of granular activated carbon to the second and 250 mg of granular activated carbon to the third beaker. 4. Take samples at 15 minute time intervals, and continue sampling until the system equilibrates. If disintegration of the activated carbon should occur, samples may require centrifugation or filtration. 5. Determine the remaining methylene blue concentrations, by utilizing the calibration curve prepared before. 6. Plot the normalized solution phase concentration (C/Co) vs. time for each beaker. 7. Calculate the quantity of methylene blue that was transferred to the surface of the activated carbon (moles of methylene blue/gram of carbon) for each sample that was collected. Plot these uptake values vs. time on the same graphs developed in step 6 above. 8. Check whether the order of the rate of adsorption is defined. 4
9. Show that the initial rate of adsorption is proportional to methylene blue concentration and the concentration of granular activated carbon (note that desorption can be neglected for initial phases of the process). 10. Discuss your observations on the rate of adsorption. B. 1. Prepare a set of eleven 250-ml flasks by placing 100 ml of 125 mg/l of methylene blue solution and the following weights of the granular activated carbon into the flasks: 0, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 70, 100, 150, 200 mg. Adsorption Equilibria 2. Cover the flasks with parafilm and agitate them vigorously on a laboratory shaker until the system in each flask equilibrates. Then settle or filter the suspension to remove the carbon. 3. Measure the remaining methylene blue concentrations for each flask. 4. Calculate the quantity of methylene blue that was transferred to the surface of activated carbon for each flask. 5. Plot the data in a standard adsorption isotherm format. 6. Determine the Freundlich and Langmuir adsorption constants. 7. Discuss the correspondence between the experimental data and the Langmuir and Freunlich isotherms. C. 1. Place granular activated carbon into the column. Note the dimensions of the column. Continuous Flow Systems 2. Prepare approximately 1500 mg/l methylene blue solution. 3. Feed the column with stated methylene blue solution at an appropriate rate and record the time as time zero. Note that the column does not fluidize or expand at that flow rate if the column is fed upward. 4. Sample and determine the concentration of methylene blue in the column effluent until complete breakthrough of the column is attained (C/C o =1). 5. Plot the breakthrough curve showing the concentration of methylene blue in the column effluent. 6. Calculate the quantity of methylene blue adsorbed as a function of time by graphically integrating the area above the curve. 7. What is the capacity of granular activated carbon according to the breakthrough curve? 8. Compare the capacities predicted from the breakthrough and form the isotherm test. 9. Discuss the results of your experiment in detail. 5