Total Quality Management (TQM) : MR. Armand Feigenbaum

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1. All your actions aimed at te translation! trans"ormation and reali#ation o"

customer e$%ectations! con&ertin' tem to re(uirements! )ot
(ualitati&ely and (uantitati&ely and measurin' your %rocess %er"ormance
durin' and a"ter te reali#ation o" tese e$%ectations and re(uirements .
*. +Quality+ is to satis"y te e&er,can'in' needs o" our customers! &endors
and em%loyees! -it &alue added %roducts and ser&ices em%asi#in' a
continuous commitment to satis"action trou' an on'oin' %rocess o"
education! communication! e&aluation and constant im%ro&ement.
.. +Quality is te e$tent to -ic %roducts! ser&ices! %rocesses! and
relationsi%s are "ree "rom de"ects! constraints! and items -ic do not
add &alue "or customers.+
M/. A/MAN0 1EIGEN2AUM An e$%ert in TQM says:
3Total Quality 4ontrol5 sould )e used as systematic a%%roac in all
"unctions o" te or'ani#ation and not 6ust manu"acturin' only5.
, Mr. Armand 1ei'en)aum ad only ori'inated te 4once%t o" Total
Quality 4ontrol [TQ4].
- Tus Quality is to )e )uilt in te early sta'e and Q4 7ystem and
sould im%ro&e 'radually in eac and e&ery sta'e.
- Quality Im%ro&ement is te 7in'le Most Im%ortant 1orce "or
Or'anisational Gro-t and 7uccess.
- To mana'e Quality 7ystem! an or'ani#ation also re(uires 8
[a] 4lear Understandin' o" International Mar9ets: and
[)] Mana'ement needs torou' 'ras%in' o" Total Quality
- Total Quality ;rocesses are te 7in'le Most ;o-er"ul 4an'e A'ent
"or te 4om%anies<Or'anisation today.
- Mr. 1ei'en)aum su''ested 7I= 7TE;7 "or im%ro&in' Quality.
Tey are8
1. ;re%aration *. ;lannin' .. A-areness
>. 0e%loyment ?. Im%lementation: and
@. 4ontinuous Im%ro&ement.
- You can call it a 4once%t or you call it a %iloso%y.
- Its a%%lication eiter in an or'ani#ation or in a "actory -ic are in&ol&ed in
o""erin' a ser&ice or %roducin' a "inised %roduct! (uality in all its res%ect is
drastically im%ro&ed.
- Accordin' to tis conce%t e&ery em%loyee irres%ecti&e o" is or er %osition in
te or'ani#ation is re'arded as e(ually im%ortant.
- Tey all a&e +Ae 1eelin's+.
- Tey donDt say +Tis is not my %ro)lem+. te lo-er em%loyee is not "elt as
+un-anted cild+ and te cor%orate mana'ement doesnDt tin9 temsel&es as
+most -ise decision ma9ers+.
- E&ery em%loyee is a seller and a )uyer at te same time.
- Tey sell teir talent! teir s9ills! teir ideas to te "actory<or'anisation! in
res%onse tey are "airly com%ensated in salaries.
- At te same time tey are )uyers also.
- Tey )uy teir salaries in lieu o" teir -or9.
- E&eryone is im%ortant 6ust li9e %arts in a &eicle.
- 0o not tin9 en'ine is te most im%ortant %art and te )elt is least im%ortant.
- 2ot are e(ually im%ortant )ecause i" te )elt sto%s trans"errin' te en'ine
%o-er to te -eels! car -ill not run.
- And car -ill not run also -itout one o" tem.
Total Quality Mana'ement ETQMF is a Mana'ement ;iloso%y tat see9s to
inte'rate all or'ani#ational "unctions Emar9etin'! "inance! desi'n! en'ineerin'! and
%roduction! customer ser&ice! etc.F to "ocus on! meetin' te customer needs and
oter or'ani#ational o)6ecti&es.
TQM em%o-ers an entire or'ani#ation! "rom te most 6unior em%loyee to te 4EO!
-it te res%onsi)ility o" ensurin' (uality in teir %rocesses. In %articular! TQM
%ro&ides mana'ement -it te a)ility to ensure (uality trou' more streamlined
and e""ecti&e %rocess,im%ro&ement cannels.
A 'reat ran'e o" or'anisations a&e de%loyed TQM! includin' small com%anies!
lar'e com%anies! and 'o&ernment de%artments Ee.'.! NA7AF. TQM is no more
rele&ant to any one ty%e o" or'ani#ation tan any oter: on te contrary! it is a
%iloso%y a%%ro%riate to any situation in -ic (uality assurance is im%ortant.
1. 3Total Quality Mana'ement ETQMF is a com%reensi&e and structured
a%%roac to or'ani#ational mana'ement tat see9s to im%ro&e te (uality
o" %roducts and ser&ices trou' on,'oin' re"inements in res%onse to
continuous "eed)ac9.5
*. 3Total Quality Mana'ement ETQMF is a mana'ement a%%roac tat aims
"or lon',term success )y "ocusin' on customer satis"action. TQM is )ased
on te %artici%ation o" all mem)ers o" an or'ani#ation in im%ro&in'
%rocesses! %roducts! ser&ices! and te culture in -ic tey -or9.5
.. 2ased on conce%ts de&elo%ed )y 7tatistician and Mana'ement Teorist
A. Ed-ards 0emin'! TQM includes tecni(ues "or acie&in' e""iciency!
sol&in' %ro)lems! im%osin' standardi#ation and statistical control! and
re'ulatin' desi'n! ouse9ee%in'! and oter as%ects o" )usiness or
%roduction %rocesses.
>. Bolistic a%%roac to lon',term success tat &ie-s continuous im%ro&ement
in all as%ects o" an or'ani#ation as a 6ourney and not as a sort,term
destination. It aims to radically trans"orm te or'ani#ation trou'
%ro'ressi&e can'es in te attitudes! %ractices! structures! and systems.
?. TQM transcends te D%roduct (ualityD a%%roac! in&ol&es e&eryone in te
or'ani#ation! and encom%asses its e&ery "unction administration!
communications! distri)ution! manu"acturin'! mar9etin'! %lannin'!
trainin'! etc.
, 4oined )y te U7 Na&al Air 7ystems 4ommand in early 1GHIs! tis term as
no- ta9en on se&eral meanin's and includes8
E1F commitment and direct in&ol&ement o" i'est,le&el e$ecuti&es in settin'
(uality 'oals and %olicies! allocation o" resources! and monitorin' o" results:
E*F reali#ation tat trans"ormin' an or'ani#ation means "undamental can'es in
)asic )elie"s and %ractices and tat tis trans"ormation is e&eryoneDs 6o):
E.F )uildin' (uality into %roducts and %ractices ri't "rom te )e'innin' doin'
tin's ri't te "irst time:
E>F understandin' o" te can'in' needs o" te internal and e$ternal customers!
and sta9eolders! and satis"yin' tem in a cost e""ecti&e manner:
E?F institutin' leadersi% in %lace o" mere su%er&ision so tat e&ery indi&idual
%er"orms in te )est %ossi)le manner to im%ro&e (uality and %roducti&ity!
tere)y continually reducin' total cost:
E@F eliminatin' )arriers )et-een %eo%le and de%artments so tat tey -or9 as
teams to acie&e common o)6ecti&es: and
EJF institutin' "le$i)le %ro'rams "or trainin' and education! and %ro&idin'
meanin'"ul measures o" %er"ormance tat 'uide te sel",im%ro&ement e""orts o"
e&eryone in&ol&ed.
, TQM re(uirements may )e de"ined se%arately "or a %articular or'ani#ation or
may )e in aderence to esta)lised standards! suc as te International
Or'ani#ation "or 7tandardi#ationDs I7O GIII series.
, TQM can )e a%%lied to any ty%e o" or'ani#ation: it ori'inated in te
manu"acturin' sector and as since )een ada%ted "or use in almost e&ery ty%e o"
or'ani#ation ima'ina)le! includin' scools! i'-ay maintenance! otel
mana'ement! and curces.
, As a current "ocus o" e,)usiness! TQM is )ased on (uality mana'ement "rom te
customerDs %oint o" &ie-.
TQM ;/O4E778
TQM com%rises TB/EE ;rocess. Tey are8
1. Quality ;rocess:
*. 4ontinuous Im%ro&ement: and
.. ;eo%le ;rocess
Quality ;rocess8
Ao te 4ustomer is.
Aat is needs are
Bo- tese needs can )e satis"ied
Te a)o&e said . ste%s %ro&ide com%lete satis"action to customers.
*. 4ontinuous Im%ro&ement8
K ;LAN! 0O! 4BE4L! and A4T Ete PDCA CycleF.
K ;04A 4ycle 'enerates numerous o%%ortunities "or "urter %olicies!
o)6ecti&es! and metods to acie&e 'oals! education and trainin' to
em%loyees! im%lementation! cec9in' causes "or lo- (uality! ta9in'
a%%ro%riate actions and %re&entin' recurrence! as as )een se'mented in
sta'es and 'i&en )elo-8
In te ;lanning %ase! %eo%le de"ine te %ro)lem to )e addressed! collect rele&ant
data! and ascertain te %ro)lemDs root cause:
In te Doing %ase! %eo%le de&elo% and im%lement a solution! and decide u%on a
measurement to 'au'e its e""ecti&eness:
In te Checking %ase! %eo%le con"irm te results trou' )e"ore,and,a"ter data
In te Acting %ase! %eo%le document teir results! in"orm oters a)out %rocess
can'es! and ma9e recommendations "or te %ro)lem to )e addressed in te ne$t
;04A cycle.
.. ;eo%le ;rocess8
K Initiatin' and maintainin' TQM
K In&ol&ement o" all em%loyees on te )asis o" . Malues! as 'i&en )elo-8
[i] Intellectual Bonesty:
[ii] 7el",4ontrol
[iii] /es%ect "or oters.
K TQM can "ace success at 7o% 1loor Le&el! only -en tere is Mana'ement
7u%%ort [i.e. To% Le&el! Middle Le&el and Lo-er Le&el].
K Attitudinal 2arriers Im%ediment to TQM

Tese %ro)lems can )e sol&ed )y8
- 0e&elo%in' %ro%er climate
- Im%ro&in' Quality
- 7ystematic Trainin' at all le&els
- ;artici%ation o" Em%loyees
- Em%o-erment o" Em%loyees
Aat are te 4ommon ;rinci%les o" TQMC
- 4ustomer,1irst orientation N
- To% Mana'ement Leadersi% o" Quality Im%ro&ement ;rocess
- 1ocus on 4ontinuous Im%ro&ement
- /es%ect "or Em%loyees and teir Lno-led'e
- ;ro&ision o" On,'oin' Education and Trainin' to Em%loyees.
- Use o" 7tatistical Metods trou'out te Or'anisation
- Em%asis on %re&ention rater tan detection and correction.
- Treatment o" Mendors as Lon',Term ;artners.
- 7o-in' te 7eed o" Quality in A24 7ta'e.
- 4o,o%eration and In&ol&ement o" all "unctions -itin te or'ani#ation.
- Great Em%asis on 4ustomer 7atis"action.
- 2enc,mar9in'
- Aides%read Em%loyee Em%o-erment and Team 2uildin'
- Quality 4ircles < Quality 4ouncil < Quality 4ontrol in all 7ta'es.
- In all! ma9e 3QUALITY A7 A AAY O1 LI1E5 N Te 4ulture.
1. Motorala *. 4adillac .. =ero$ >. Toyota ?. I2M
@. 4arnin' Glass Aor9s J. General Motors H. ;roctor O Gam)le
G. 1ord Motor 4om%any Ltd. 1I. 2a$ter Bealtcare etc.
1. 7undaram 1asteners *. 7undaram 4layton .. Lirlos9ar Ltd.
>. Aadia India Limited ?. Godre6 @. 4rom%ton Gree&es Ltd.
J. 2arat 2i6lee H. 2BEL G. 2EL 1I. ME4ON
TQM in&ol&es N
K 4ollection o" 0ata
K Multi,1unctional Teams
K Ad&ance E$%erimental Metods
K Grou% 2ased /e-ards O /eco'nition.
7te%s o" Total Quality 7ystem8
A/MAN0 1EIGEN2AUM as classi"ied te Total Quality 7ystem into 7I= Ma6or
7te%s. Tey are8
1. ;re%aration
*. ;lannin'
.. A-areness
>. 0e%loyment
?. Im%lementation: and
@. 4ontinuous Im%ro&ement.
- Bere! all te %re%aratory -or9 and ome -or9 are to )e done )y To%
Mana'ement only.
- ;lannin' )y te To% Mana'ement necessitates settin' )road 'oals and
o)6ecti&es "or im%ro&in' Quality.
- A-areness sould )e made )y -ay o" communications N es%ecially -ritten
communications to e&eryone , to )ecome "amiliar -it te TQM ;iloso%y!
direction and a%%roac de&elo%ed )y Quality Mana'ement Team to ca%ture
eart and minds o" %eo%le.
- 0e%loyment sould consist o" [i] Or'anisational Teams: [ii] 4onduct o"
Trainin' and [iii] Assi'nin' /es%nsi)ilities.
- In te Im%lementation 7ta'e N Te ;/O0U4T P ;/O4E77
0e&elo%ment ta9es %lace actually.
- 4ontinuous Im%ro&ement is a Ne&er Endin' ;rocess. It com%rises o"
4ontinuous Assessin' and /e-ardin' ;ro'ress! /esettin' Im%ro&ement
Goals and 4onductin' On,Goin' Trainin'.
TQM E=;E/T7<GU/U7 O B/
1. Tal9in' a)out B/! ;BILI; 4/O72Y! an e$%ert in TQM<B/M says N
3Buman /esources sould )e te Arcitect o" 4or%orate 4ulture5 AyC
2ecause! only B/ 0e%artments )uild &alues and ;ractices su%%ortin' 4ontinues
im%ro&ement in Quality trou'out te Or'anisation.
*. A. E0AA/0 0EMING )elie&es tat ,
3Aor9ers "ear te 2osses5 . Tis "ear distracts "rom Bi' Quality!
4olla)orati&e Aor9.
Bence! it is insisted tat "ear sould )e dri&en out o" Aor9ers and
Be "urter reiterated tat te B/ 0e%artment sould ta9e oat to learn
3Quality5 As a -ay o" li"e.
B/ 7ould e$%and its role )y su%%ortin' TQM trou'out te Or'anisation.
Ait te em%asis on TQM! te current TQM ;ractices need to )e re&ie-ed.
Te "ollo-in' B/ ;ractices can a&e a si'ni"icant im%act on Quality
o 7election
o Trainin' O 0e&elo%ment
o 4areer 0e&elo%ment
o ;er"ormance Mana'ement
o ;ay 7ystems
o Industrial /elations
o 4ommunications.
As %er te Traditional ;ractice! Marious 7election 0e&ices -ere ado%ted to
"ind out 4andidatesQ %er"ormance on te Ro) )ot in ;roducti&ity and
2ut! te 4urrent 1ocus sould )e on TQM! to )rin' a Ne- 0imension into
A)ility Testin' sould )e )ased on ;ro)lem,7ol&in' and Good at Team-or9!
durin' 7election.
7election sould identi"y only te candidates -o are 'ood in Grou% 7ettin'.
Trainin' and 0e&elo%ment are te ma6or "eatures o" TQM.
Te Trainin' sould co&er ,
o a] ;ro)lem 7ol&in' Tecni(ues
o )] ;ro)lem Analysis
o c] 7tatistical ;rocess 4ontrol
o d] Quality Measurement
o e] Grou% ;rocess
o "] Grou% 0ecision Ma9in'
All tese trainin' acti&ities lead to de&elo%ment in s%eci"ic Ro) 79ill and
Tere"ore! B/ 0e%artment sould A00 MO/E MALUE to te "ocus on
4ustomer 7atis"action<4ustomer 7er&ice durin' Trainin'.
o Most or'ani#ation su%%ort Linear 4areers ELadder 7ystems o" BierarcyF.
o 2ut! "or TQM! di""erent "ocus re(uired.
o Aat are teyC
o Te Em%asis sould 'ain<a&e8
o E$%ertise in %articular "unction
o Also 4ross<Multi,1unctional E$%erience is re(uired.
o Gi&in' more Teet
o 0ecision,Ma9in' ;o-ers<Autority in te and o" te indi&iduals at
Lo-er Le&els.
o 1unction o" Mana'ement as O%en 2oo9.
o ;er"ormance A%%raisal is te )asis o" B/M.
o It is used to determine8
o /e-ard Le&els
o To &alidate &arious ;er"ormance Tas9s
o To aid 4areer 0e&elo%ment
o To im%ro&e 4ommunication
o To 1acilitate Understandin' o" Ro) 0uties.
o Most Quality Gurus o%ine a'ainst Indi&idual A%%raisal ;ractices.
o 0emin' ar'ues tat too muc "ocus on indi&idual -ould lead to counter,
%roduction com)ined -it ;oor Quality.
o Bence! e -anted to scra% te Indi&idual ;er"ormance A%%raisal
o Be underlines tat 3An ideal ;er"ormance A%%raisal 7ystem can "ocus
stron'ly on 0e&elo%ment 79ills and A)ilities to %er"orm -ell and directly
su%%ort collecti&e res%onsi)ility.
;AY 7Y7TEM78
- Most ;ay 7ystems "ocus only on indi&iduals.
- Ro) 0escri%tion says as to -at an indi&idual is to do.
- Ro) E&luation mentions as to Bo- muc te Ro) is Aort.
- Merit /atin' re"lects as to Bo- -ell te indi&idual as done te 6o).
Indeed! tere are direct and stron' con"licts amon' te a)o&e said
Traditional ;ractices.
Tere"ore! TQM em%asi#es on ,
- 4ollecti&e /es%onsi)ility
- Bori#ontal /elationsi%
- Bori#ontal Learnin'
Bence! Quality Mana'ement ;ro'rammes do not "a&our8
Indi&idual )ased merit N increase system! )ut no alternati&es su''ested so
Te conce%t and e$%erience o" Industrial /elations as -itnessed 6ust te
o%%osite o" te 4once%t o" 7ared /es%onsi)ility to %roduce Bi' Quality
;roducts and 7er&ices. Tat is ,
Industrial /elations = 7ared /es%onsi)ility.
I" te A'reement )et-een te Trade Union and te Mana'ement re&ol&es on
4ontract Mentality! more care sould )e ta9en to assi'n s%eci"ied Ro)! lest
te Mana'ement is accounta)le "or all te %ro)lems and a%%enin's! )esides
%a&in' unnecessary -ays "or Ela)orate Grie&ance ;rocedures.
Tis also results in little %artici%ation o" Aor9ers in Mana'ement and in
sol&in' te %ro)lems! tus %roducin' Aea9er 7olutions in te lon' run.
2ut! TQM reco'ni#es Union as ;artners o" Or'anisation 7uccess.
TQM re'ards Union as 34ritical ;layers5.
TQM 'i&es -ay to Union to assume res%onsi)ility "or Quality Im%ro&ement.
Tese "actors create a 4onduci&e 4limate to em%loyees to %artici%ate in
im%ortant discussions.
Tere"ore! ;artnersi% Mode sould )e maintained -it te Trade Union to
succeed all TQM e""orts )y te Mana'ement )y ma9in' considera)le
can'es in te acti&ities o" 4ollecti&e 2ar'ainin'! Grie&ances Bandlin' etc.
It is 9no-n to e&eryone tat tere is no communication -itout in"ormation.
Indeed 3In"ormation5 is a &ersatile 4ommodity.
Ma9in' In"ormation 1lo- -itin te Or'anisation 'i&es a 4om%le$ and
di""icult tas9.
In"ormation and TQM are interlined or intert-ined.
1eed)ac9 a)out 3Quality O In"ormation5 is a critical %oint to all Quality
Im%ro&ement ;ro'rammes.
O%en 1lo- o" In"ormation a)out Quality is to )e sared trou'out te
or'ani#ation! contrary to te %re&ailin' %ractice o" 7ecret In"ormation
- ;er"ormance /esults
- 2usiness ;lans
- Ma6or 4an'es in te Or'anisation etc.
It is &ery muc essential "or te em%loyees to %ossess necessary
4ommunication 79ills to recei&e te in"ormation! understand and ;artici%ate in
;ro)lem 7ol&in' Acti&ities.
1. 7ared /es%onsi)ility [;iloso%y]
*. 4ommitment O /e-ards
.. Increased Quality! ;roducti&ity and 4ustomer 7atis"action
>. Em%loyeesQ 7atis"action and Loyalty.
[7l.No.* to > , 2usiness O)6ecti&es]
?. Total Quality 7ystem -it 4ontinuous Im%ro&ement and across e&ery
le&el. [Quality O)6ecti&es]
@. O%en 2oo9<7ared 2oo9
J. In"ormation on ;ro"its! ;roducti&ity! Quality! 4osts! 4a%ital 7%endin'
[ 7l.No.@ and J , 2usiness In"ormation 7arin']
H. 4utomers! All te em%loyees! 7toc9olders N Ma6or 4onstituents o" te
G. E$tensi&e [-itin and )et-een] le&els and "unctions , Quality As a
Aay o" Li"e
1I.Em%loyeesQ 1ull In&ol&ement in TQM.
2encmar9in' is sim%ly te systematic %rocess o" com%arin' your )usiness -it
oters! or %arts o" your o-n -it one anoter to test as to o- you stand and to see
-eter any can'e is needed.
In Ra%anese Aords! TGEM2AQ means TAor9 ;laceQ N te %lace -ere real
action occurs [O/] te %lace -ere %roducts and ser&ices are "ormed.
TLai#enQ means T4ontinuous Im%ro&ement -ic in&ol&es e&eryoneQ N i.e.
)ot Mana'ers and Aor9ers.
In te Ra%an Industrial arena! )ot te Aords are Most ;o%ular.
Mana'ers at all le&els can co,o%erate -it te em%loyees in te Gem)a to
Im%ro&e Quality! to /educe 4ost! and to 7atis"y TodayQs 0emandin'

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