Digital Signal Processing Approach To Interpolation: Atere

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6, JUNE 1973
A Digital Signal Processing Approach t o Interpolation
Abrtrac+h many digital ldgnrl procerdng systems, e.g.,
rocodcre, modulation and digital waveform coding
i t i sn~t oal t ert heesmpl i ngrat eof adi gi ~Bi gaat Thusi t i s
of considerable intemst to examine the problem of interpolation of
bandlimited signals fromthe vierpoint of digital signal processing.
A frequency dcunain interpretation of the interpolation process,
through which it is clear that interpolation is fundamentally a linear
atering process, is presented.
An examination d the relative merits of 5nite duration impulse
mnse(FIR) and Mteduration impulse response @a) digital
f utae as interpolation 6lters indicates that FIR filters are generally
to be preferred for interpolation. It is shown that linear interpolation
snd dassicnl polynomial interpolation correspond to the use of the
FIR interpolation filter. The use of classical interpolation me&&
in signal procedug appl i ~at i o~ is illustrated by a dientssion of FIR
interpolation aterederived from the Lagrange interpolation formala.
The limitations of these 5lters lead os to a consideration of optimum
FIR 5lters for interpolation that can be designed using linear pre
gr- teehniqtlea ELamples are presented to illustrate the sig-
nikant improvements that are obtained using the optimum filters
HE PROCESS of interpolation is familiar to anyone
who has had occasion to "read between the lines" in a
table of mathematical functions. I n digital signal pro-
cessing, interpolation is required whenever i t is necessary to
change from one sampling rate to another. For example, in
speech processing systems, estimates of speech parameters are
often computed at a low sampling rate for low bit-rate storage
or transmission; however, for constructing a synthetic speech
signal from the low bit-rate representation, the speech pa-
rameters are normally required at much higher sampling
rates [l], [2]. I n such cases, the sampling rate must be in-
creased by a digital interpolation process. As another example,
an efficient digital realization of a frequency-multiplexed
single-sideband system has been obtained [3] by performing
complicated filtering functions at a low sampling rate and
simpler functions at the high sampling rate required for
grouping several channels into a frequency-multiplexed for-
mat. I n this process, there is a need for both increasing and
decreasing the sampling rate. Another example where sam-
pling rate reduction is required is in converting a delta modu-
lation representation of a waveform to a pulse-code modula-
tion (PCM) representation [ 4] ..
In these and other examples, it is important to thoroughly
understand the process of interpolation from the point of view
of digital signal processing rather than from a numerical anal-
ysis viewpoint. For example, tables of mathematical func-
tions are generally constructed so that linear interpolation
produces sufficiently accurate results, and for cases where
linear interpotation is inadequate, there exists a great variety
of higher order polynomial interpolation formulas. I n signal
processing appiications there is a great temptation to try to
get along with linear interpolation because i t is a simple tech-
nique. In this paper we present a frequency-domain interpre-
tation of the interpolation process in which i t is clear that
interpolation is fundamentally a linear filtering process. This
Manuscript received December 6, 1972; revised March 7, 1973.
The authors are with Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, N. J. 07974.
discussion makes it abundantly clear that linear interpolation
is generally not appropriate for digital signal processing appli-
cations. We discuss the advantages of finite duration impulse
response (FI R) over infinite duration impulse response (IIR)
digital filters for use as interpolation filters and we discuss the
application of recently developed design techniques for FI R
filters to the design of optimum interpolation filters. These
filters are compared to filters derived from classical poly-
nomial interpolation formulas to illustrate the improvement
that can be achieved.
A . Sampling Contirruous- Ti me Signals
Consider a continuous-time signal p ( t ) with Fourier trans-
8( u ) =J ~ 2 ( f ) ~ ~ Y .
The signal e(t ) is sampled to produce the sequence
z(n) =3( nT) , - CQ <n < m
where T is the sampling period. The,z transform of the se-
quence x(n) is defined as
X( 2) = 2 z(n)r-".
The z transform evaluated on the unit circle X(@') will be
called the Fourier transform of the sequence n( n) . I t is well
known that the Fourier transform of the sequence x ( %) is
related to the Fourier transform of .+?(t) by [5]
If ,(t ) is bandlimited, i.e., b(w) =0 for 1 0 1 >a, and if T <r/sl,
then it can be seen from (1) that
as depicted in Fig. 1 where T=z / Q.
Assuming that 2( t ) is bandlimited, the original continuous-
time signal can be obtained uniquely from the samples x(n)
through the interpolation formula
- ( t - K T )
In many digital signal processing problems, we are given a
sequence z( n) , corresponding to sampling period T, and we
must obtain from the sequence x(n) a sequence y ( n ) =&(nT') ;
i.e., the sequence y(n) corresponds to sampling p ( t ) at a dif-
ferent sampling rate. If we evaluate (2) for t =nT', we obtain
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Fig. 1. Illaetration of the relationship between the Fourier transform of
a continuoustime signal and the Fourier transform of the sequence
obtained by sampling with period T.
a direct relationship between y( n) and x(n), but i t is clear that
such an equation is impossible to evaluate because the func-
tions sin [(s/T)(t-KT)]/[(r/T)(t-RT)] are of infinite dura-
tion. Rather than simply truncate these functions, it is more
reasonable to design finite duration interpolators. To under-
stand how such interpolators can be designed and to under-
stand the limitations of classical interpolators, it is useful to
consider the frequency-domain representation of the process
of changing the sampling rate.
8. Sampling Rate Reduction-Integer Factms
M is an integer, this simply implies that the new sequence is
y( n) =2(nT) =1Z(nMT)
Suppose that the desired sampling period is TI - MT. If
=z( Mn) .
That is, the sequence z( n) is sampled by retaining only one
out of each group of M consecutive samples. The values of the
sequence y are samples of the original waveform li.(t); how-
ever, these samples will uniquely determine z(t ) if and only if
T<r/Q. This is clearly j ust a consequence of the sampling
theorem as expressed by (1).
Since we are interested in direct relationships between the
sequences y( n) and x( n) , i t is instructive to derive an equation
similar to (1) that relates the Fourier transforms of the two
sequences. The derivation of the equation is facilitated by the
definition of a new sequence w( n) which is nonzero only at
integer multiples of M ; that is
w(n) =z(n), n =0, f M, +2M, .
=0, elsewhere
where the sampling period is assumed to be T for both se-
quences. A convenient representation of w( n) is
where the term in brackets may be recognized as a discrete
Fourier series representation of a periodic sequence that is one
at integer multiples of M and zero otherwise. The sequence
y(n), corresponding to sampling period T =MT, is
y(n) =w( Mn) , - <n <m.
Fig. 2. Sampling rate reduction (T=227. (a) Fourier transform of
original sequence x ( %) . (b) Fourier transform of sequence y ( r ) =x(2n)
showing aliasing. (c) Fourier transform obtained after sampling rate
reduction of a low-paw filtered version of x ( %) .
Y( Z) = w( Mn) z n.
Since w(n) is zero except at integer multiples of M, we obtain
Y(2) = w(n)z-*/M
1 M-1
M 1-0
~ ( 2 ) =- x ( ~ - ~ ( ~ T / I z Z ~ / M ) . (3)
If we evaluate Y( e) on the unit circle, with normalization
appropriate for the new sampling rate, we obtain
There is a clear similarity between (4) and (1).
An example of sampling rate reduction by a factor of 2 is
shown in Fig. 2. The Fourier transform of x ( %) is depicted in
Fig. 2(a) for the case when r/2Q <T <r/Q so that
Fig. 2(b) shows Y(ehT) for T=2T. I n this case, aliasing
occurs and i t is clear that, in general, aliasing will occur in the
process of digital sampling rate reduction unless the original
sampling period satisfies
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T I -
where Q is the Nyquist frequency of g ( t ) . If this inequality is
satisfied, however, then
Y(ehT' ) =- X( ei . 9
=- Z(U)
1 % %
T' T' T'
=-B(o), - -
< W < - .
If the original sampling period does not satisfy (S), aliasing
distortion can be avoided only by passing the sequence x( n)
through an ideal low-pass digital filter with cutoff frequency
r / P. I t can be seen that the filter must have unit gain, since
(4) provides the factor 1/M needed to correct the amplitude
for the new sampling rate. This, of course, results in a sequence
y(n) corresponding to a continuous time signal p(t) which is a
low-pass filtered version of the original signal Z( t ) .
C. Sampling Rate Incrcastlnteger Factors
If the sampling rate is increased by an integer factor L;
then the new sampling period will be TI= TIL. Since the se-
quence x( n) provides samples of the desired sequence only at
intervals of L samples at the new sampling rate, the remaining
samples must be filled in by interpolation. To see how this
can bedone using a digital filter, consider the sequence
v(n) =z ( n/ L) , tz =0, kL, f 2L, .
=0, otherwise.
The s transform of u(n) is
V( Z) = z( n/ L) z*
= 5 z(n)z-L* =x ( ~ L ) . ( 6)
The Fourier transform of this sequence is
v(eiof") =X(ei"T'L)
=X( ehT) .
Thus V(ehT') is periodic with period 2%/ T=2r/ LTt , rather
than 2r/P as is the case in general for sequences associated
with a sampling period T'. Fig. 3(a) shows V(ehT') for the
case T'= T/ 3. If we wish to obtain a sequence y( n) such that
y( n) =&(nT')
then we must insure that
Y(e*T') =- 8(0),
Assuming that
X( e h 9 =- *(a),
then it is clear from Fig. 3(a),
% %
that the images of (l/T)k(w)
Fig. 3. Sampling rate increase (2'" =T/ 3) . (a) Fourier transform of e-
quences x ( %) and v(n). (b) Fourier transform of desired output of
interpolation process.
in V(tiUT') that are centered at w =2r / T and k / T must be
removed by a digital low-pass filter that rejects all frequencies
in the range %/ T <I W I <%/TI. Furthermore, to insure that the
amplitude is correct for sampling interval T', the gain of the
filter must be L. That is,
Y( eW' ) =a(ei.T')V(ej.T') =a(ei.r')X(ei"T)
=- H(e*T')8(w)
where H(ehT') is periodic with period 21/ T' and
B(ehT') =L, 10 I I -
=o, -< ( UI <T'
Thus the ideal interpolation scheme for increasing the
sampling rate requires the creation of a sequence of L- 1
zero-valued samples between each value of the original se-
quence, which is then filtered with an ideal low-pass filter as
in (8).
D. Changing by Nonintcgw Factms
I n the previous two subsections we have discussed methods
for increasing or decreasing the sampling rate using a linear
time-invariant digital filter. However, because of the fact that
we required that the process be entirely a discrete-time pro-
cess, the new sampling period T' was restricted to be either an
integer multiple or submultiple of the original sampling period
T. This restriction can be eased somewhat by a two-step pro-
cess involving a sampling rate increase followed by a decrease.
Suppose the desired sampling period is T' =( M/ L) T,
where M and L are integers. This does not seem to be a si g
nificant limitation in practice since any factor can beapproxi-
mated as closely as desired by proper choice of M and L. The
two-step process for interpolating to a sampling period
P =( M/ L) T is as follows:
1) Increase the sampling rate by a factor of L by inter-
polation as in Section II-C. Let the resulting sequence be
denoted yl ( n) with sampling period TI = T/ L.
2) Decrease the sampling rate by a factor of M as in Sec-
tion II-B to obtain the desired sequence y( n) with sampling
period TI= MT1= (iK/L) T.
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( C 1
Fig. 4. Sampling rate change by noninteger factor (T'= )T). (a) Fourier
transform of x ( %) and o(n). (b) Fourier transform for increase of sam-
pling rate by a factor of 3. (c) Fourier transform after sampling rate
reduction by factor of 2.
This process is illustrated in Fig. 4 for T' =$T; Le., for a
net increase in sampling rate. Fig. 4(a) shows the Fourier
transform of the original sequence w(n). Fig. 4(b) shows the
Fourier transform of the intermediate sequence yl(n) which
results from filtering the sequence
~ ( n ) =~ ( n ) , t~ =0, +3, f6, * *
=0, elsewhere
with an ideal low-pass filter having gain 3 and cutoff frequency
r / T . The result of reducing the sampliqg rate of ylCn) by a
factor of 2 is shown in Fig. 4(c).
If M <L, i.e., there is a net increase in sampling rate as
in Fig. 4, no aliasing can occur, and the interpolation filter can
have a cutoff frequency a / T. However if M> L, there is a
possibility of aliasing. I n this case aliasing can be avoided by
making the cutoff frequency of the interpolation filter equal
to */ TI. As in Section 11-B, the resulting output sequence
y ( n) will correspond to samples of a low-pass filtered version
of the original continuous time signal.
The previous section makes it abundantly clear that the
process of changing the sampling rate requires a low-pass
filter. Since i t is impossible to realize the ideal low-pass filter
that is required for exact results, we must consider digital
filters that approximate this ideal behavior. As in all filtering
problems, there are many important considerations. A basic
consideration is the choice between filters from the class of
FI R filters and from the class of I I R filters. Given the type of
filter to beused, the problem of approximating the ideal low-
pass filter must be solved. Finally, there are important consid-
erations in how the filter is realized as software or hardware.
Al l of these facets of the problem are interrelated-resulting
in arbitrary tradeoffs between accuracy of interpolation and
efficiency of realization. In this section we present some ob-
servations on filter design and realization that seem to imply
that FI R filters are the proper choice for most interpolation
A . Phase Distortion
The ideal interpolator has zero phase or at most a linear
phase corresponding to an integer number of samples of delay.
I I R filters cannot have precisely linear phase [6]. In contrast,
there currently exist several techniques for designing optimal
FI R digital filters with precisely linear phase. These filters are
optimal in the sense that the width of transition band between
passband and stopband is minimum for given values of pass-
band and stopband ripple and specified passband and stop
band cutoff frequencies [ 7] - [ll]. These filters can be designed
with arbitrarily small values for passband ripple, stopband
ripple, and transition bandwidth, at the cost of increased im-
pulse response duration. Thus with FI R filters, the interpola-
tion error due to phase nonlinearity can be zero and the error
due to amplitude distortion can be made arbitrarily small. In
the case of I I R filters, although extremely good amplitude
characteristics can be achieved, there will always be an inter-
polation error due to phase nonlinearity.
B. Filter Realization
I I R filters have recursive realizations that are very eco-
nomical in terms of computational complexity. Leaving phase
considerations aside, FI R filters in general require more com-
putation to achieve a given accuracy of approximation to the
desired amplitude response than do I I R filters. However, the
particular nature of the interpolation problem makes FI R
filters computationally competitive with IIR filters.
Consider for convenience a zero-phase FI R filter with im-
pulse response h(n) which is nonzero in the interval
where N is an odd integer.' In reducing the sampling rate by
an integer factor, i.e., TI= MT, we may need a unity gain low-
pass filter to insure that no aliasing occurs in retaining only
every Mth sample of the sequence x ( n) . I n thiscase computa-
tion is reduced because of the nature of the desired output
sequence. The filtered output sequence at the original sam-
pling rate, defined as 9( n) , is
where all sequences in (9) are associated with sampling period
T. Clearly, all values of the sequence 9( n) need not be com-
puted since the desired output is
where y(n) is associated with a sampling period TI= MT. This
is in contrast to a comparable I I R filter where the computa-
tions required to realize the pol es of the system function would
have to be camed out at the original sampling rate even
1 See Section III-C for a comment on why N should be odd.
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though M-1 out of M samples of f(n) would bediscarded.
A further simplification results from the fact that zero-phase
FI R filters have the property
k(n) =k(- n).
Thus (loa) becomes
~ ( n ) = k(K)[t (nM - k) + z(nM + k)]
((X-1) m
+ k(O)z(nM). (lob)
I n the case of sampling rate increase, the interpolated out-
put is obtained with sampling period T'= TIL by filtering the
u(n) =z ( n/ L) , n =0, f L, f 2 L, -
=0, otherwise.
I n this case it is convenient to write
y( n) = o(K)h(n - K). ( 1 1)
h - ( ( X- l ) / V
Substituting for o( k) results in
n+((N-l) / 2)
y(n) = x(R/ L)k(n - R ) , k / L an integer
t(n/ L)+(W-l )/ ZL)l
I c x( k) k( n - KL) ( 1 2 )
where [ a] means "the largest integer contained in u." Al-
though (11) suggests that computation required for each out-
put sample is proportional to N, we note that only one out of
every L samples of u(n) is nonzero. Thus we see from (12) that
the actual computation required is proportional to NIL. Note
that in this case the symmetry of the impulse response cannot
beexploited to reduce computation.
If an I I R filter were used, relatively little saving could be
achieved. In fact, in a cascade realization, almost no computa-
tional saving could be attained by considering the zeroes in
the input sequence.
Changing the sampling period according to T'= ( M/ L) T,
requires that we first increase the sampling rate by a factor L
and then reduce it by a factor M. Clearly, the savings previ-
ously discussed could be incorporated into both steps of this
C. Impulse Response Constraints
The previous discussion has presented compelling reasons
for the use of linear-phase FI R filters in interpolation. To con-
clude this section we discuss some constraints on the impulse
response that are specific to the problem of interpolation.
Recall that the output y(n) is given by (12). A reasonable
requirement on the interpolation filter is that the values of the
output at the original sampling times be the same as the origi-
nal samples.' That is, for r an integer,
y(rL) =x( rL/ L) =%(I), - m< I < 00.
Equation (12) implies that
y( rL) =~ ( r ) = z(K)k(rL - KL) (13)
LIr-(N-1) / 2Ll
* This Is ale0 a property of (2), as can be easily verihed.
for all integer values of r. From this equation, we seethat
h(0) =1
Constraints of this type are rather difficult to impose on an
I I R filter design procedure.
Some final comments on the choice of the length of the
impulse response N are in order. First, we have assumed that
N is an odd integer; however, in general N can beeither even
or odd for the FI R filter. I t can be shown [ 6] , [ 12] that for N
even, a linear-phase FI R filter must have a delay of at least
one-half sample. This one-half sample delay itself corresponds
to interpolation between samples; thus such a filter could not
preserve the samples of the original sequence. Although there
may be instances where the half-sample delay may not be
objectionable, or may even be desirable, odd values of N ap
pear to be appropriate for most applications.
A second comment regarding the choice of N concerns the
fact that we have asserted that by increasing N, we can
achieve a better approximation in the frequency domain to
the ideal interpolating filter. I n the time domain, increasing
N implies that more values of the original sequence are in-
volved in the computation of a given interpolated sample and
thus we should expect increasingly better results as N in-
creases. We have observed that because the sequence u(n) has
mostly zero samples, the computation is proportional to NIL,
since the impulse response always spans approximately NIL
nonzero samples. Suppose that we wish to always have Q
samples of the original input sequence involved in the compu-
tation of each interpolated sample. Using (12) i t is easily
shown that the length of the impulse response should be
N =QL, if Q and L are odd
=QL - 1 , if either Q or L are even. ( 15)
If N is slightly larger than this value; the computation of some
interpolated samples will involve Q+ 1 original samples while
the rest will involve only Q. If N is slightly smaller than the
value given by (15), then the interpolation will involve either
Q or Q- 1 samples. Thus to insure that Q samples of the
original sequence are always involved, N should satisfy (15).
This constraint is satisfied, as we will see, for filters derived
from classical interpolation formulas. I t is also important in
hardware and software realizations of interpolation filters
where i t allows the computations to be structured so that one
does not have to check for zero samples in order to eliminate
multiplications by zero.
In this section we apply the previous discussion of the
interpolation process to a study of classical polynomial inter-
polation methods. Our aim is to give a frequency domain inter-
pretation of these formulas that will shed some light on their
applicability in interpolation problems arising in digital signal
processing. I n the course of this discussion, we shall indicate
how to derive linear phase interpolation filters from tables of
Lagrange coefficients. We begin with a discussion of linear
A . Linear Intcrpobtwn
Linear interpolation involves only two consecutive sam-
ples of the original sequence r ( n) in the computation of an
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interpolated sample. Specifically, the values interpolated be-
tween two samples x ( 0) and x(1) lie on a straight line connect-
ing the two original samples,3 with the original samples of
course being preserved. Thus the equation relating the output
y(n), having sampling period T= TIL, to the input sequence
x ( %) , having sampling period T, is
=x(0) 1 - - + z(1) - , 0 I n <L. (16)
( 2) (3
In order to interpret linear interpolation as a linear filter-
ing process, we must derive an impulse response for the linear
interpolation filter. This can be done by comparing (16) to
( 1 2 ) . To begin, i t is clear that the length of the impulse re-
sponse must be
N = 2 L - l
as discussed in Section 111-C. If N were larger, more than 2
samples of x( n) would be involved in the computation of some
of the interpolated values. Likewise, if N were smaller, only
one sample of the input would enter into the computation of
some of the interpolated values. Using this information, we
can write (12) as
y( n) =z(O)h(n) + z ( l ) h( n - L) , 0 I n <L. ( 17)
Comparing (16) and (17) we see that
h ( n ) = 1 - - - , O L n < L
h(n - L) =-
O I n < L .
Thus h(n) is seen to be
h(n) =1 - Inl / L, In I <L
=0, otherwise. (18)
Clearly h(n) satisfies the requirements of (14) since h( 0) =1
and h(n) =0 for I nl >L. The length of the impulse response is
N = 2 L - l
consistent with (15) for Q= 2 .
Fig. 5 depicts linear interpolation as a convolution process.
The sequence u( k) and the triangular envelope of the impulse
response h( n- k) are shown for the case of T = T/ 5. I t is clear
that because the impulse response has duration N=5(2)-1
=9, only two nonzero samples of o( k) are ever coincident with
h( n- k) . Also i t is clear that
y( n) =z ( n/ L) , n =0, k L, +2L, . * .
The system function Corresponding to linear interpola-
tion is
This system function is plotted in Fig. 6 for L=5. (Curve
v ( k 1
x ( 3 )
Fig. 5. Linear filtering interpretation of linear interpolation.
n 0.6
L a 5
Fig. 6. Comparison of Lagrange interpolation
frequency responses for L= 5.
labelled Q =2. ) We recall that the purpose of the interpolation
filter is to remove the images of the signal spectrum that are
centered at integer multiples of 2r / T, while leaving the fre-
quencies below r / T unaltered. I t can be seen from Fig. 6, that
linear interpolation achieves significant attenuation in only a
very small region around each integer multiple of 2r / T. Spe-
cifically, attenuation is 40 dB or greater in a band of width
0.35u/T centered at 2r / T, k / T , etc. Thus it seems reason-
able to note that linear interpolation is appropriate only if the
original sampling rate is many times the Nyquist rate.
B. Lagrange Interpolation
Clearly linear interpolation will not be satisfactory in
many digital signal processing applications. I n classical nu-
merical analysis, the inadequacies of linear interpolation lead
to the use of higher order polynomials; i.e., in contrast to con-
necting two points by a straight line, one finds a polynomial of
degree Q- 1 that passes through Q original samples. The inter-
polated values then, are samples of this polynomial. A variety
of formulas have been derived for obtaining samples of the
polynomial directly from the samples x ( %) , however since we
are only interested in the interpolation filter corresponding to
polynomial interpolation, we shall use the most convenient
form; namely, the Lagrange interpolation formula [13], [14].
The form corresponding to interpolation with equal spacing
from sampling period T to T = T/ L is
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hIn 1
y( n) = At Q( n/ L) z( R) , Q even (20a)
&((+-I) / 2)
y( n) = ArQ( n/ L) z( k) , Q odd (2%) L .5
( ( e l ) /a) 0 .S 0
k--((Q-l) / 2)
where we have again chosen to consider interpolation around 0
some arbitrary time labelled 0. I n (20), the quantities At Q( . )
are called the Lagrange coefficients and are given by the equa- -
ti OnS
-L 0 L 2L
(- f ) k + Q/ r (a)
((7) + R ) !(+- k) ! ( f - k) b ( r )
+ p - i), Q even
0. t
L. 5
AkQ(f) =
((T) + k) !((?) - R) ! ( f - R)
-E (1 + (y) - i), Q odd. (21b)
i -0
Extensive tabulations of these coefficients are available in
tables of mathematical functions [IS]. I t is interesting to note
AkQ(t) =0, t an integer, and #R.
=1, t =k.
This is a result of the fact that the interpolation polynomial
passes through the Q original data samples. That is,
y(kL) =z(k), for k an integer.
Thus the condition of (14) is satisfied for Lagrange interpola-
tion filters.
I n general, the formulas in (20) may beevaluated for any
value of n such that
Q even
I n this case the same Q original samples are involved in the
computation of all the interpolated samples in the time inter-
val spanned by the original samples. If we perform the inter-
polation with a linear filter, we can choose the length of the
filter impulse response so that Q original samples are always
involved in the computation: however, a given set of Q
original samples is used only to compute L-1 interpolated
samples. Thus we can interpret the Lagrange formulas in (20)
in terms of Q- 1 different impulse responses-corresponding
to the Q-1 different interpolation intervals between the Q
original samples. As an example, consider the case for Q =3.
In comparing (12) and (20b), we note that the three samples
~( - 1) ~ x ( O) , and x(1) can enter into the interpolation in two
' t t
I b )
Fig. 7. Impulse re8pomea for three-point (Q =3) Lagrange interpolation.
interval O<n<L.
(a) Interpolation in the interval - L<n<O. (b) Interpolation in the
intervals. Thus
Y(n) = AkQ(n/ L)z(k)
b l
= z ( k) k( n - RL)
for values of n
- L < n S O
O S n < L .
If we compare the above two equations, we obtain
k(n + L) =A-l'(n/L)
k(n) =Ao'(n/L)
k(n - L) =Al a( n/ L) .
If these equations are evaluated for the first interval we obtain
the impulse response of Fig. 7(a) where L=5. Likewise, Fig.
7(b) shows the impulse response corresponding to Lagrange
interpolation in the second interval. Clearly neither of these
impulse responses has linear phase, since they do not satisfy
the symmetry condition h( n) =h( - n) . Indeed, i t is easy to
show that whenever Q is odd, none of the impulse responses
corresponding to Lagrange interpolation can have linear
phase. However, if Q is even, one of the Q- 1 impulse re-
sponses does have linear phase.
As a second example suppose Q=4. Using (20a) we obtain
Y(n) = A b 4 ( n/ L) Z ( k ) . (22)
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d l I I I ? : ,
Fig. 8. Impulse responses for four-point (Q =4) Lagrange interpolation.
As in the previous example we can evaluate ( 1 2 ) for N =QL - 1
and we obtain the equation
~ ( n ) = x(K)h(n - KL)
from which by comparison to ( 2 2 ) we obtain
h(n + L) =L 1 4 ( n / L )
h(n) =Ao4( n/ L)
k( n - L) =A14( n/ L)
h(n - 2L) =As'(n/L).
These equations can be evaluated in the 3 intervals
I: - L < n S O
11: O < n < L
111: L <n 2L
to obtain the three impulse responses shown in Fig. 8 for the
condition L=5 . The exact values for the three impulse re-
sponse coefficients are also given in Fig. 8. We note that the
impulse response corresponding to interpolation in the central
interval 0 In <L, is symmetric and thus has zero phase. The
two other impulse responses clearly do not have linear phase.
Indeed, it is clear that, in general, Lagrange interpolation has
phase distortion except in the Q even case and interpolation
in the central interval. Thus if we wish to use impulse re-
sponses derived from the Lagrange interpolation formula for
interpolation in signal processing applications we should use
the conditions that yield zero phase. I n general the linear
phase impulse response derived from a Q point Lagrange inter-
polation formula is obtained from the equations
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
h(n + L) =A- l Q( n/ L)
h(n) =AoQ(n/ L)
k(n - L) =Al Q( n/ L)
s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
where 0 In <L.
I n Fig. 6 we have plotted the frequency response of the
zero-phase interpolators derived in this manner for Q =2,4,6,8,
and L =5 . Since the impulse response duration is N = QL- 1,
N =9, 19, 29, 39 for these cases. Clearly, the effect of increas-
ing Q is to improve the frequency response of the interpolator.
Whereas the linear interpolator has 40-dB attenuation in a
bandwidth of 0. 35rl T centered around each integer multiple
of 2r / T, for the 4-point and 6-point interpolators, the band-
widths are O.7r/T and O.%/T, respectively, for at least 40-dB
attenuation. Thus at the expense of increased computation,
we can achieve a significantly better interpolation by using a
filter derived using ( 23) .
The interpolation filters derived from the Lagrange inter-
polation formula achieve high attenuation in a narrow band
around integer multiples of 2*/T because the zeroes of the
system function tend to be clustered about those frequencies.
For example, in the case of linear interpolation (Q= 2), by
looking at (19) we see that H( e) has a double zero on the unit
circle at integer multiples of 21/ T. For Q=4, we have found
that there are clusters of 4 zeroes not precisely on the unit
circle but close in the vicinity of w = 2 r / T , k / T , etc. As a
result, the attenuation close to frequencies 2r / T and 4a/ T
is very high. This is clear from Fig. 9, where the system func-
tion for the case Q =6 is plotted on a log scale. However, i t is
also clear that between 2r / T and h/T, the response of the
Lagrange interpolation filter leaves much to be desired.
Clearly, as Q gets larger, the impulse response gets longer and
there are more zeroes to distribute so as to increase the attenu-
ation and broaden the attenuation bands. This raises the
question as to how we might design FI R digital filters so as to
make the best use of the filter zeroes.
I n practical situations, signals are often sampled at a rate
that is only slightly higher than twice the Nyquist frequency
in order to minimize the computation required for digital
filtering and other signal processing procedures. In this case,
the ideal interpolation filter for increasing the sampling rate
has constant gain in the frequency range 0 I I W I < r / T, and
zero gain elsewhere. For such signals we are clearly interested
in the best possible approximations to the ideal low-pass
On the other hand, in situations where the original se-
quence x( n) is derived by sampling at a rate considerably
higher than twice the Nyquist frequency, we require a rela-
tively narrow passband of constant gain and a number of stop-
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-20 O m
Fig. 9. Frequency respome of six-point (Q =6) linear phase Lagrange
interpolation filter. L =5, N =29.
bands of zero gain, with the frequency response being some-
what arbitrary elsewhere. This means that high-order poly-
nomial interpolation filters may be quite satisfactory for
signals that are sufficiently oversampled. However, it is gen-
erally possible to achieve significantly better interpolation
filters using optimization techniques.
A . Design Spccificotwns
A scheme for approximating the ideal interpolator is
shown in Fig. 10. There is a band of frequencies, 0 <w <wp,
called the passband in which the frequency response should be
close to 1. In practice we allow for an error of f61. In addi-
tion, there are one or more stopbands in which the frequency
response is required to be within f a n of zero. The choice of
the parameters in Fig. 10 depends upon the desired accuracy
of interpolation and to some extent upon the nature of the
input sequence. The choice of passband and stopbands de-
pends upon the Nyquist frequency of the original signal. If the
original sampling period is such that r / T d l , then wp must
be very close to r / T , and the first stopband, beginning at w,,,
approximate L in the passband instead of 1.0. This is easily accomplished
4 If the sampling rate is increased by a factor of L, the 6lter gain must
by mnltiplying the impulse response samplea by L.
must also be close to r / T . Thus the transition band wp<w
<wn, must be very narrow, which implies that a large value of
N will berequired.
I n such cases, it is reasonable to define only one stopband,
w,, <w <r / T . However, in cases where r / T is significantly
higher than the Nyquist frequency, the transition band be-
tween passband and stopband can be wider, and i t makes sense
to define stopbands around each integer multiple of 2r / T,
with transition bands w,,+hW, <w <u, ~, etc., in which the fre-
quency response is unconstrained. As can be seen from Figs. 6
and 9, this is the type of frequency response that characterizes
the Lagrange interpolation filters.
B. Design Techniques
expressed as
The frequency response of a zero-phase FI R filter can be
(N-1) / 2
E(ehT) =h(0) + 2 h(n) cos (wnT). (24)
The tolerance scheme depicted in Fig. 10 can be expressed as
the following set of inequalities:
1- KK621H( ehTf ) 51+K62, O l w l w , ( 25)
- 6 2 I H(ehT) I&, w ~ I w I w ~ + A w I
w . , ~ w I w , ~ + A w ~ (26)
where we have defined K =&/Zit as the ratio of the passband to
stopband error. For a given N and K, these equations may be
evaluated on a dense set of frequencies in the specified pass-
band and stopbands and may be solved for { h( n) ] and 6,
using either linear programming techniques [ll] or discrete
Chebyshev approximation techniques [ l o ] . I t has been shown
[ l o] that the filters designed by these techniques are optimum
in the sense of having the narrowest transition bands for given
61 and as. For these filters, the error in the passband and stop-
bands exhibits an equiripple behavior..An example of a low-
pass fiker designed by linear programming is shown in Fig. 11.
I n this case L=5, N=29 ( Q=6) , w, =O. h/ T, w, , =l . k / T,
K = 1.0. The resulting filter has 61=6r=0.00586. (The filter
gain has been normalized to 0 dB for convenience in plotting.)
The equiripple behavior of the stopband is readily apparent.
The filter in this example does not satisfy the constraints
on h(n) given in (14); however, these constraints are linear
and easily can be added to the constraints of ( 25) and (26).
Thus in the optimization procedure h(0) is constrained to 1.0
and h( f L) , h( f 2L), etc., are set to 0. The filter performance
is only slightly degraded by the addition of these constraints.
Fig. 1 1 shows an example where all the fixed-design parameters
were the same as in the previous example. In this case the
resulting value of &=& was 0.00599. I t can be seen from Fig.
12 that the equiripple nature of the frequency response is
destroyed, but with little sacrifice in performance.
If the original signal bandwidth is much less than r / T ,
a bandstop filter may provide superior performance to a com-
parable low-pass filter. Fig. 13 shows an example for L=5
where N=29, w, =O. h/ T, ~. ~=l . i r / T, Awl =&=0. 6r / T,
thls filter does a much better job of attenuating the images of
the signal spectrum around the frequencies 2r/ T and k / T ,
but only if the original signal bandwidth was much less than
r / T. I t can beseen that the extra attenuation around 2r / T
and k / T is obtained at the expense of the regions around
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0 11
3r Az a*+
Fig. 11. Frequency response of a typical low-pass interpolation filter
designed by linear programming. L =5, Q =6, N =29, up= 0. 6r / T,
u. ~= 1 . 4 ~ / T , 61 =6z=O.W586. (No impulse response constraints.)
0 - T 2 a
- 5E %zsz
T T T T T'
Fig. 12. Frequency response for the example of Fig. 1 1 , with impulse
response constraints. In this case 61 =62 =0.00599.
- 1201 I I I I I
0 7r 27r 37r
T T T T T T'
- - - 42 2ISZ
Fig. 13. Frequency response of a typical bandstop interpolation filter
o, , =1. 7r / T. os =3. 7*/ T. AW=AWZ=O. ~T/ T, and 61=6~=0. oooO681.
designed by linear programming. L = 5 , Q =6 , N=29, w, = 0 . 3 ~ / T ,
- 4 0 0
- 1201 I I I I I I I I I
0.w o . 2~ a b a4r 05* o . 6 ~ 0 . 7 ~ OBT agu
Fig. 14. Comparison of linear-phase Lagrange interpolators and opti-
mum bandstop filters ( L =5). Plots show minimum stopband attenua-
tion as a function of half the stopband width. For the optimum
bandstop filter (N =29), the curve is off scale for oP<0.2r/T.
31/T and 5s/ T where the attenuation is much less. Thus
optimum filters of this type (and classical filters) should only
be used if one is certain of the bandwidth of the input se-
C. Comparison to Classical Interpolators
I t is of considerable interest to compare the filters derived
from classical interpolation formulas and those designed by
linear programming. In the design of the optimum filters, the
parameters of the tolerance scheme of Fig. 10 were set so that
&= 62 with symmetrical stopbands of width Awl=A%= . .
=h, centered at integer multiples of 27r/T. This is reasonable
since in interpolation, preservation of the passband is gen-
erally as important as rejection of stopbands. In order to com-
pare the Lagrange filters to the optimal filters, values of 61 and
6 2 were measured at the edges of the passband and the first
stopband, respectively. Since for the Lagrange filters, 61 is
always greater than B2 for the above definition of passband
and stopbands, the comparison has been made on the basis of
passband error.
Fig. 14 shows such a comparison for the case L=5. 5 The
solid curves are for linear-phase filters derived from the La-
grange interpolation formula where N =QL - 1 and Q =2, 4,
and 6. These curves show the error in decibels at the edge of
the passband, i.e., 20 loglo &, as a function of up. As an ex-
ample, for linear interpolation ( Q= 2 and N= 9 ) we see that
the passband error is - 42 dB for up =O.ln/T. Furthermore,
since &>6? we can say that the attenuation is at least 42 dB
in the region (2r/T-O.l7r/T) <u<(27r/ For
wider bandwidths, the performance is worse: however, for
higher order interpolators the performance becomes appreci-
ably better as is expected.
The dotted curves in Fig. 14 show passband error for band-
stop filters designed by linear programming. By comparing
corresponding curves, it can be seen that the optimum designs
are always significantly better than the corresponding classi-
cal interpolator, with the improvement being most striking for
narrow bandwidths and for the higher order filters.
Clearly, there are a variety of optimum designs correspond-
ing to situations i n which passband and stopband approxima-
tion errors are not treated as being of equal importance. For
example if & =K&, then the case K >1 corresponds to placing
more importance on stopband attenuation than on passband
5 The comparisons are similar for larger values of L.
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0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0%
Cw, TI * )
Fig. 15. Comparison of optimum bandstop and optimum low-pass inter-
error. This situation would bea more favorable situation for
the classical filters, although i t is always possible to design a
better filter using the optimum design procedures.
Another interesting comparison is between optimum low-
pass filters and optimum bandstop filters. To compare these
filters, we set
2* 4*
and & =&2= 2 wp for the bandstop filters and
* p = - -
WI 1 =- -
* I 2
and &=T/T--W,, for the low-pass filters. That is, both filters
were designed to accommodate the same input signal band-
width. Fig. 15 shows the difference between stopband attenua-
tions for the bandstop filters and the low-pass filters as a func-
tion of bandwidth. From these curves we see that for narrow
bandwidths the bandstop filters have significantly greater
attenuation; however as the bandwidth approaches half the
original sampling frequency, there is no difference between the
two types of filters.
U P = - - *a1
I n this paper we have discussed the process of interpolation
as a problem in digital filtering. Most of our discussion has
involved frequency-domain representations of the interpola-
tion process and design criteria for digital interpolation filters.
We have taken this approach because i t is the most reasonable
for digital signal processing applications where i t is necessary
to either raise or lower the sampling rate of a signal. This
point of view is in contrast to that of interpolation in tables
where one is concerned primarily with minimizing the error in
a particular interpolated sample. Because of the variety of
factors involved in the design of an interpolation filter, we
have not tried to give design formulas and error bounds that
would have limited value, but rather we have chosen to at-
tempt to illuminate the important factors involved in the
interpolation process and to discuss general design procedures
that can be adapted to a variety of situations.
In particular, we have argued that linear-phase FI R filters
have many attractive features for discrete-time interpolation
and have shown how they may be efficiently utilized. Classical
polynomial interpolation has been discussed in the context of
digital signal processing. Interpolation filters derived from
polynomial interpolation formulas are attractive because the
impulse response can be easily computed or looked up in a
table. However, we have seen that the frequency response of
such systems leaves much to be desired in digital signal .pro-
cessing applications where the original sampling rate may be
only slightly above the Nyquist rate.
As an alternative to filters based on classical interpolation
formulas, we discussed optimum low-pass and bandstop FI R
filters that were designed by linear programming. The band-
stop filters have frequency responses that are very similar to
the classical interpolators, but are always superior. The band-
stop designs appear to be most important for cases when the
original sampling rate is several times the Nyquist rate, while
the low-pass designs are appropriate when the original sam-
pling rate is close to the Nyquist rate.
The authors would like to acknowledge the helpful com-
ments and criticisms provided by Dr. 0. Herrmann and
Dr. J . F. Kaiser.
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