Digital Unit Plan Template English Final 2
Digital Unit Plan Template English Final 2
Digital Unit Plan Template English Final 2
Unit Title: Identifying Identity during the Holocaust Name: Michelle Delgado
Content Area: English Grade Level: 8th grade
CA Content Standard(s)/Common Core Standard(s):
Reading 1.1
Cite the textual evidence that most strongly supports an analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn
from the text.
Reading 1.3
Analyze how a text makes connections among and distinctions between individuals, ideas, or events (e.g., through
comparisons, analogies, or categories).
Writing 1 .1
Write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence.
1. Introduce claim(s), acknowledge and distinguish the claim(s) from alternate or opposing claims, and organize the reasons
and evidence logically.
2. Support claim(s) with logical reasoning and relevant evidence, using accurate, credible sources and demonstrating an
understanding of the topic or text.
3. Use words, phrases, and clauses to create cohesion and clarify the relationships among claim(s), counterclaims, reasons,
and evidence.
4. Establish and maintain a formal style.
5. Provide a concluding statement or section that follows from and supports the argument presented.
Come to discussions prepared, having read or researched material under study; explicitly draw on that preparation by
referring to evidence on the topic, text, or issue to probe and reflect on ideas under discussion.
Big Ideas:
Identify how the Holocaust impacted the affected the identity of the Elie Wiesel in Night, by using textual evidence to support your claim; you may also refer back
to the additional readings.
Unit Goals and Objectives:
Eighth grade English students will identify how the Holocaust helped shaped individuals identity.
Students will be able to better understand how the historical event (the Holocaust) affected the daily lives, health, and
personal decision of the characters in the novel.
Students will research the events leading up to the Holocaust, technical terms, and WWII.
Students will use critical thinking skills, analysis text, and do character analysis.
Students will utilize online tool to create a visual presentation.
Students will use communication skills as they share their response to the entire class.
Students will also be able to identify how the Holocaust helped reshape the identity of the characters in the story.
Students will use the novel, Night, by Wiesel to answer the essential question, by finding supporting textual evidence and
using character analysis.
At the end of this unit, students will create a multimedia presentation using Prezi defending their point of view on how the
Holocaust caused positive or negative affects on the main characters in Night. They will also be able to use their book
or journals as references.
Unit Summary:
In this unit students will learn about the Holocaust, and the impact it had on young adolescences. I will use a springboard
question that allows students to use their previous knowledge and critical skill to answer the quick write. In the lesson plan,
students will learn about the background history of the Holocaust and how it impacted the lives of the young prisoners. Then,
students will be assigned to do a web quest. Students will perform a web quest where they will research information about
the events that lead to WWII, how the Holocaust began, and review appropriate terminology for this unit. Through the web
quest students will also research and learn about the concentration camps, extermination, and other terminology that will
help them better understand the essential question. Finally, after reading Night, students will work collaboratively in groups of
fours to organize their textual evidences and present their argument in a visual presentation by using Prezi.
Assessment Plan:
A KWL Chart will help students organize
their previous information, what they desire
to learn, and what they learned that day.
This will help teachers assess what students
have already learned in the past, and how
their perspective changed after the lesson.
Survey: Students will answer 5 questions
that correspond to factual evidences about
the Holocaust.
Questions were asked throughout the
Prezi presentation to keep students
focused, and check for understanding.
Think-Pair-Shair was also incorporated
in the Prezi presentation. Students had
the opportunity to think about the
question and discuss it with their
partners, before they shared their
response in class.
Summary in the Cornell Notes will help
students critically think about the
Whip-Around: At the end of lesson 1,
students will present a quick summary of
what they learned that day in front of
their peers. This will allow students to
use their critical thinking and
communication skills.
Graphic Organizer: After reading Night,
students will work collaboratively in
groups of 4-5 to construct a graphic
organizers where they display the textual
information that they learned in the
lecture, and teachers will also be able to
check if further instructions are needed.
A timeline will be constructed online by
the students after the Web Quest. On
this timeline, students will need to
incorporate important dates and events
that lead to the Holocaust and were
presented in Night.
evidences that supports their respond to
the essential question, and also their
critical analysis.
A Prezi Presentation will be assigned at
the end of the unit. Students will create
a visual presentation using images,
videos, textual passages, and analysis to
respond to the essential question.
Lesson 1
Student Learning
Eighth grade English
students will identify
how the Holocaust
helped shaped
individuals identity.
Acceptable Evidence:
Students must use true
historical events and dates
when answering the
questions in their Cornell
Notes and in the whip-
Instructional Strategies:
Lesson Activities:
As the instructor I will introduce the unit with the thought-provoking
question, What affects do you think history has had on adolescents that are
about the same age as the students in this classroom? The students fill out a
K-W-L Chart where identify what they already know, what they would like
to learn more about, and what they learned that day. I will then do a lecture
about the event that lead to the Holocaust and WWII on Prezi. I will also ask
my students questions throughout the presentation to keep them on task,
and check for understanding. The students will answer the questions on
their Cornell Notes. At the end of the lecture we will do a whip-around.
Students will also be expected finish the K-W-L chart and summary of their
Cornell Notes.
Lesson 2
Student Learning
Students will research
the events leading up to
the Holocaust, technical
terms, and WWII.
Acceptable Evidence:
Students will research the
background history to
better understand the novel
and the Holocaust.
Instructional Strategies:
Lesson Activities:
Students will answer the questions of the Web Quest Handout. They will use
various websites and research for the information to answer the questions.
The questions will help students better understand the historical event, the
Holocaust, and how it affected the prisoners identity.
Lesson 3
Student Learning
Students will use the
novel, Night, by Wiesel
to answer the essential
question, by finding
supporting textual
evidence and using
character analysis.
Acceptable Evidence:
Students will use quotes
from the novel, Night. The
quotes need to support
their argument. They also
need to use Prezi to
organize and present for
their final project.
Instructional Strategies:
Lesson Activities:
Students will use a two-column chart to organize textual passages and
analysis that support their response to the essential question. Then they
will collaborate with three other students as they build a case to support
they argument. Once the students have organized their textual evidence,
they will use Prezi to organize their information and create a visual
Unit Resources:
Night by Elie Wiesel
Useful Websites: