Comic Rubric
Comic Rubric
Comic Rubric
1 cover page.
4 or more content pages.
Comic is in color.
Comic has a clear ending and beginning.
Comic pages have more than 3 sections (see templates for examples).
1 or more student made characters are present in the story.
Dialog is used appropriately and is seen on every page.
Comic Book Rubric
Amount of Content Comic was less than 3 Project was 3 pages Comic had a clear
pages and no cover was with a clear cover cover and 4 or more
included. page. included pages.
Creativity Comic seemed to lack Comic had some Comic was able to give
effort and attention to meaningful parts and nice detail on each
detail. signs of detail but fell page and the content
short is other sections. showed your creativity
and effort.
Design The comic lacked The comic had color All the requirements
color, the pages did not and pictures on every were completed and
include many pictures page, but 1 or 2 the comic had vivid
or text. 2 or less of the requirements were left color and the
instructions had been out. appropriate amount of
completed. pictures/text.
Structure The comic does not The comic book looks Students comic follows
resemble a comic like a comic but some example templates
book’s traditional sections are hard to either for reference or
structure to the point follow due to the order direct use. The comic
of confusion. Lacks a of the images on the has little to no
beginning and ending. page. Major grammar grammatical errors
errors. and is easy to read.
Total= /40