A Differential CMOS Current-Mode Variable Gain Amplifier With Digital dB-Linear Gain Control
A Differential CMOS Current-Mode Variable Gain Amplifier With Digital dB-Linear Gain Control
A Differential CMOS Current-Mode Variable Gain Amplifier With Digital dB-Linear Gain Control
c 2004 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Manufactured in The Netherlands.
Received June 15, 2002; Revised January 7, 2003; Accepted February 14, 2003
Abstract. A novel CMOS variable gain amplifier operating on current signals with a dB-linear gain control is
presented. The gain control is achieved by multiplying a digitally synthesized exponentially varying control current
signal by a differential input signal in the current domain. A current amplifier at the output sets the gain to the
desired level. Current-mode operation allows for a reduced supply voltage by minimizing the voltage swing at
the low impedance nodes of the circuit. Multiple circuit realizations for various blocks are presented allowing for
designs meeting different constraints. Experimental realization of the variable gain amplifier shows the validity of
the presented approach.
1. Introduction low voltage swing [7]. This allows for a reduced sup-
ply since the supply range is limited only by the need
Variable gain amplifiers (VGAs) find use in a number to keep the devices in the active region of operation.
of automatic gain control applications used in diverse An accompanying advantage is that, such circuits allow
areas such as communication, control, consumer elec- for the use of technologies with high threshold voltages
tronics etc [1–4]. In most such applications, they serve (for reduced leakage) optimized for digital circuits. The
to provide a constant dynamic range to the accompany- low impedance nodes also render the circuit nodes less
ing analog to digital converter (ADC). As an example, sensitive to a noisy supply, an important requirement
Fig. 1 shows the use of a VGA in a typical wireless for mixed signal operation where analog circuits have
communication receiver chain [5]. As shown in Fig. 1, to operate in conjunction with noisy digital circuits.
the VGA is controlled by a digital signal processor Even in traditional applications where signals are pro-
(DSP) which performs gain control based on the re- cessed as voltages such as the receiver chain shown in
ceived signal strength. Hence it is desirable that the Fig. 1, current-mode signal processing finds use as the
gain of the VGA is directly controlled digitally thus outputs of the mixer are best thought of as current sig-
avoiding the use of auxiliary digital to analog convert- nals owing to the high output impedance of the mixer
ers (DACs in grey in Fig. 1 ). Also a dB-linear control stage [8]. As a result, there is an effort to develop ana-
is often required so that a large gain control range can log signal processing circuits such as amplifiers, filters,
be achieved. analog to digital converters (ADC) etc that are capable
A continued scaling of devices and the accompany- of processing current domain signals.
ing reduction in supply voltage has led to a demand for In this work, a novel CMOS current-mode variable
new circuit techniques capable of low voltage operation gain amplifier with a dB-linear gain control is pre-
[6]. Current-mode signal processing enjoys a distinct sented. The VGA is conceptually shown in Fig. 2. A
advantage for low voltage operation as current-mode digitally controlled circuit generating exponentially
circuits are characterized by low impedance nodes with varying currents serves as the control signal. The input
162 Ravindran et al.
Fig. 1. A typical multi-standard wireless receiver chain for GSM, DECT and WCDMA wireless standards.
I+in I-in
Offset cancellation
Iref /2 Iref /6
B1/ B6 B6/
Ithru Idump
The buffer is based on a Sackinger current mirror where A p and An are the booster amplifier gains (M5
[13] with a low impedance terminal realized at the and M6 ) and the others parameters have their usual
source of the cascode transistor and a high impedance meaning. Note that use of Sackinger current mirrors in
terminal realized at the drain of the cascode transistor. the realization of the buffer constraints the minimum
The input resistance of the buffer is given by supply voltage to at least
Rin ≈ (5) Vdd = 4Vov + Vtn + |Vtp | (7)
A p gm3
and the output impedance is given by where Vtn and Vtp are the threshold voltages of the
NMOS and the PMOS transistors respectively and Vov
Rout ≈ An gm2r02r01 A p gm3r03r04 (6) is the overdrive voltage.
A Differential CMOS Current-Mode Variable Gain Amplifier 165
Vbias1 M1 Req = (10)
µn Cox (W/L)Vov
2.2. Frequency Response and Noise Analysis where f n and f p are the flicker noise corners of the
NMOS and PMOS transistors respectively. A similar
Since the control signal of the VGA does not vary noise analysis holds for the low voltage-level shifted-
rapidly frequency response as regards to the digital Sackinger current mirror [14] based current buffer.
Ibias2 Ibias2
Iin Ibias1
+ − 4Iexp Idiff
Io = Iout − Iout ≈
K (VDD − |Vtp | − Vtn )2
4Iexp Idiff K
K (VDD − |Vtp | − Vtn )2 K
Idiff K
+ (15)
Fig. 8. Multiplier core cell. 2 K
A Differential CMOS Current-Mode Variable Gain Amplifier 167
Two such current amplifiers are used to provide iden- The frequency response of the current amplifier is dom-
tical current gains to the outputs of the multiplier Iout inated by a pole at the output of the current amplifier
and Iout . Thus the final differential output of the VGA (Z terminal of the CCII) and a pole at the output of first
shown in Fig. 2 is stage of the buffer. The 3-dB frequencies of the poles
associated with these nodes are given by
+ + A · 2Iexp Idiff
IVGA = AIout = 1
K (VDD − |Vtp | − Vtn )2 f out ≈
(20) 2π Rz C L
− − A · 2Iexp Idiff 1
IVGA = AIout =− f buffer ≈ (23)
K (VDD − |Vtp | − Vtn )2 2π (r02 r04 )Cgs5
The circuit implementation of the CCII is shown in Assuming C L Cgs5 , and since Rz ro2 //ro4 the f out
Fig. 11. The circuit enjoys a rail-to-rail swing capability is the dominant pole. No additional compensation is
at the output and an excellent linearity [22]. Transistors necessary since the load serves as the compensation
M1, M2, M3 and M4 in Fig. 11 constitute the voltage capacitor.
buffer. The feedback due to the buffer around the PMOS The noise current at the output of the amplifier is
dominated by transistors M5 and M6 connected at the
low impedance input of the current amplifier (terminal
X of the CCII). The noise current at the output of the
current amplifier is given by
Irms 8kT(gm5 + gm8 )
Hz 3
K p gm5 K n gm8
+ + (24)
(WL)5 Cox f n (WL)8 Cox f p
5. Simulation Results
target technology was three metal, two poly, AMI 0.5µ A reference current of 50 µA was chosen for the cur-
CMOS process available through MOSIS. This process rent division network. The Rx and Ry values of the cur-
has Vtpo = 0.95 V and Vtno = 0.65 V. A high resistance rent amplifier were chosen to be 1 k and 25 k respec-
layer of sheet resistance 1 k/sq is available for real- tively. The VGA was simulated using Cadence Spectre
izing large resistors. The large threshold voltages con- with BSIMv3 models. Figure 12 shows the simulated
straints the supply to be ±1.5 V upon using Sackinger DC response of the multiplier. The static power con-
current mirrors for the various circuit blocks. A lower sumption of the VGA was found to be less than 5 mW.
supply voltage of ±0.9 V is however possible if the
Sackinger current mirrors are replaced by the low volt-
age Sackinger current mirrors (see Fig. 7). Since the 6. Experimental Results
conceptual VGA shown in Fig. 2 is independent of the
supply voltage, a supply voltage of ±1.5 V was used A photograph of the prototype chip is given in Fig. 13.
in the prototype implementation. The exponential gen- A pair of external resistors of 100 k were used to gen-
erator was implemented using a 6-bit current division erate the input differential current signal required for
network for a targeted dynamic range of 36 dB. How- the circuit. The reference current for the current divi-
ever, as pointed out earlier, the actual dynamic range sion network was generated using an external resistor
is dependent on the mismatch between the K n and K p of 30 k. The output current signals were converted to
values. The current buffer was realized using the circuit a voltage signal using two external resistors of 10 k
shown in Fig. 6. In the multiplier implementation, the each. No internal or external buffers were used in inter-
circuit of Fig. 9 based on the Sackinger current mirror facing the circuit with the probes and test equipment. As
was employed. Two separate but identical current am- a result, the circuit drives an estimated load capacitance
plifiers based on the CCII circuit of Fig. 11 were used of more than 60 pF. The measured AC response of the
in the final amplifier stage. circuit for different gain settings is shown in Fig. 14.
As seen from Fig. 14, the VGA shows a dynamic range circuit, a semiconductor parameter analyzer was em-
of 28 dB with a 3 dB bandwidth of 5 MHz. The step ployed. Since this instrument is capable of generating
response of the circuit at maximum gain setting for an and monitoring current signals directly the external re-
input step of a 10 kHz fundamental frequency is shown sistors mentioned above were not used. The measured
in Fig. 15. In order to measure the DC response of the dc response of the circuit is shown in Fig. 16.
Fig. 15. Output response for a 100 kHz step input. Vertical scale is 100 mV/div.
Eva Vidal (S’94, M’99, IEEE) received her Kishore Rama Rao was born in Chennai, India,
M.S. and Ph.D. degrees (both with honors) in electrical in 1974. He received the B.E. degree in electronics
and electronics engineering (master in Telecommuni- and communication engineering from Anna University,
cations) from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya India in 1995 and the M.S. degree in electrical engi-
in Barcelona, Spain, in 1993 and 1998, respec- neering from the Ohio State University at Columbus,
tively. During the period 1993–1994 she was an As- OH in 1998, where he is currently pursing the Ph.D.
sistant Professor at the Department of Electronics degree in the area of radio frequency integrated circuits
Engineering of the Universitat Rovira i Virgili of for telecommunication. His current research interests
Tarragona. From 1994 to 1998 she was an Assistant include design and analysis of RF transceiver blocks in
Professor at the Department of Electronics Engineer- CMOS and communication system architectures.
ing of the Telecommunication Engineering School of
Barcelona, where she became full-time Associate Pro-
fessor in December 1998. She was a visiting scholar
with the Analog VLSI Lab at the Ohio State Uni-
versity’s Electrical Engineering Department in 2001.
She has participated in five Spanish national research
projects. Her research focuses in the area of ana-
log circuit design with emphasis in analog microelec-
tronics and particular interest in current-mode design,
automating tuning design, analog baseband circuits,
wireless transceiver architectures and nonlinear anal- Mohammed Ismail (S’80-M’82-SM’84-F’97) re-
ysis of oscillators. She has authored or co-authored ceived the B.S. and M.S. degrees in electronics and
about forty scientific papers in journals and conference telecommunications engineering from Cairo Univer-
proceedings. sity in 1974 and 1978, and the Ph.D. in electrical engi-
neering from the University of Manitoba in 1983. He is
a professor with the Department of Electrical Engineer-
ing, The Ohio State University and is the founder and
director of the Analog VLSI Lab. He has held several
positions previously in both industry and academia and
has served as a corporate consultant to nearly 30 com-
panies in the United States and abroad. He held visiting
appointments at the Norwegian Institute of Technol-
ogy, University of Oslo, University of Twente, Tokyo
Institute of Technology, Helsinki University of Tech-
Seoung-Jae Yoo was born in Seoul, Korea, on March nology and the Swedish Royal Institute of Technology.
6, 1971. He received the B.Sc. and M.Sc degrees from He has authored many publications on VLSI circuit de-
the Ohio State University, Ohio, USA, in 1998 and sign and signal processing and has been awarded sev-
2000, where he is currently working toward the Ph.D. eral patents in the area of analog VLSI. He has coedited
degree. His research is focused on the low voltage and coauthored several books including a text on Ana-
CMOS analog circuits. log VLSI Signal and Information Processing, (McGraw
174 Ravindran et al.
Hill, 1994). He advised the work of 24 Ph.D. students, in 1995. He is the founder of the International Jour-
55 M.S. students, and 25 visiting scholars. His current nal of Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Process-
interests include low-voltage/low-power VLSI circuits, ing and serves as the Journal’s Editor-In-Chief (North
RF and mixed signal VLSI circuits for wireless commu- America). He has served the IEEE in many editorial
nications, statistical computer-aided design and opti- and administrative capacities, including General Chair
mization, integrated circuits for image, video and mul- of the 29th Midwest Symposium CAS, member of the
timedia applications and VLSI information processing CAS Society Board of Governors, chair of the CAS
systems. He gives intensive courses to industry in these Analog Signal Processing Technical Committee, the
areas. Circuits and Systems (CAS) Society’s editor of the
Dr. Ismail has been the recipient of several awards in- IEEE Circuits and Devices Magazine, founder and co-
cluding the IEEE 1984 Outstanding Teacher Award, the editor of The Chip, a column in the magazine, and
NSF Presidential Young Investigator Award in 1985, associate editor of the IEEE Transactions on Circuits
the OSU Lumley Research Award in 1993, 1997, and And Systems, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks,
2002, the SRC Inventor Recognition Awards in 1992 IEEE Transactions on VLSI Systems and IEEE Trans-
and 1993, and a Fulbright/Nokia fellowship Award actions on Multimedia. Dr. Ismail is a Fellow of IEEE.