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Abstract -A variable gain amplifier (VGA) with a gain range of 50 dB conform very accurately to the exponential characteristic
has been implemented in a standard 3-pm CMOS process using parasitic over many decades of bias currents, so the core of a
lateral and vertical bipolar transistors to form the core of the circuit. The
translinear circuit will normally provide its designed func-
bipolars had been characterized extensively. The VGA has a bandwidth
larger than 7 MHz over the whole gain range and operates on a single 5-V tion over a very wide dynamic range. As the circuit func-
power supply. Active area is about 0.8 X 0.9 mm? tion is determined by the interplay of transistors in a loop,
no overall feedback and no compensation are required;
translinear circuits are thus wide band. Subnanosecond
multiplication using such a circuit was reported in the late
VARIABLE gain amplifier (VGA) is an essential 1960’s [4].
A part of automatic gain control loops at the front end
of communication receivers. In telecommunication VLSI’s,
MOS equivalents of the four-quadrant multiplier have
been reported [5]-[7], which use the square law ID-V,,
a VGA is typically implemented using binary weighted property of long-channel MOSFET’s. The dynamic range
arrays of capacitors or resistors that are digitally selected of these circuits is, however, normally limited to about two
as feedback elements around an operational amplifier [l], decades of gain, which is the range of current in any one
[2]. T h s is a conceptually straightforward and attractive MOSFET over whch it obeys the square law; at very low
scheme for CMOS implementation because of the ready currents, the device enters subthreshold, whereas at very
availability of analog switches and accurately ratioed ca- high currents, mobility degradation due to high electric
pacitors. However, it has some limitations. When a large fields and extrinsic resistances make the FET deviate from
decibel range of controllable gain is sought, the ratio of the square law.
maximum to minimum, or spread, of feedback element
values grows exponentially and may consume a substantial
chip area. Further, the frequency of operation is usually 11. USINGBIPOLARSIN CMOS
limited because the operational amplifier must be compen-
Analog CMOS circuits are popular because of the low
sated for stable operation in feedback. These limitations
cost and ready integration with digital circuits they afford.
may be partly overcome by making a VGA from the
However, some circuit designers have come to realize that
cascade of several VGA‘s, each one spanning a fraction of
bipolar transistors coexisting on the same substrate as
the desired gain range.
CMOS could enhance circuit speed because their h g h
A classic technique suited to wide dynamic range and
transconductance translates into an ability to drive capaci-
wide-band VGA’s has evolved in bipolar IC‘s. It is based
tive loads at high speeds. As the discussion in the previous
on the Gilbert gain cell, whose gain is accurately con-
section suggests, they may also allow compact realizations
trolled by the ratio of bias currents. The Gilbert gain cell is of certain analog functions, such as VGA’s with a wide
a two-quadrant analog multiplier, which is a simpler ver- dynamic range. Considerations such as these have led to
sion of the highly evolved four-quadrant analog multiplier the development of BiCMOS technologes [8], although it
topology [3]. These circuits take advantage of the exponen- has not been fully decided to date whether the increased
tial I - V characteristic, or the linear dependence of cost of such a technology justifies the results.
transconductance on bias current, of the bipolar transistor
If only a limited use of bipolar transistors is sought in
and are thus referred to as translinear circuits. Bipolars
an otherwise conventional CMOS circuit, the parasitic
bipolar that is inherent in the CMOS well may be consid-
Manuscript received December 12, 1988; revised April 28, 1989. This ered (Fig. 1) without any need for modification of the IC
work was supported by Rockwell International, Western Digital Corpora-
tion, and the State of California MICRO program. process. Two collectors are available on such a bipolar: the
A. A. Abidi is with the Electrical Engineering Department, University vertical to the substrate, which always exists in the well,
of California, Los Angeles, CA 90024.
T.-W. Pan was with the Electrical Engineering Department, University and the lateral, whch may optionally be added by a
of California, Los Angeles, CA 90024. He is now with Silicon Systems, diffusion surrounding the emitter. The well acts as the
Inc., Tustin, CA.
IEEE Log Number 8929066. base. The vertical bipolar transistor has been suggested for
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li' I
N-SUB 10 I S
Fig 1. (a) Structure of the lateral and vertical bipolars in a CMOS well ( b ) Circuit synibol. ( c ) Design rules in a 3-pm
CMOS process. ( d ) Doping profiles. (e) Geometry of niiniInum-size lateral bipolar.
circuit use before [9], and has been used to build bandgap To assess the feasibility of using the parasitic lateral and
voltage references [lo] and emitter followers to drive ca- vertical bipolars (intermingled with CMOS) in high-
pacitive lines on SRAM chips 1111. The use of this transis- frequency circuits, we report here the results of extensive
tor is severely limited by the fact that its collector is always measurements on bipolar test structures fabricated in a
tied to the substrate of the chip as well as to one of the production 3-pm p-well CMOS process provided by
power supplies. The lateral transistor offers a free collector MOSIS. We then describe the design and performance
but at the expense of an unavoidable vertical collector that of a VGA implemented with these devices. using the
is inherited from the bottom area of the well. A standard Gilbert gain cell as the core circuit. The VGA IC had a
CMOS technology does not offer the buried layer that is gain that could be varied continuously from 0 dB to
the standard way of suppressing vertical collection in greater than 50 dB with a -3-dB bandwidth greater than
bipolar IC technologies. Recently, the lateral transistor has 5 MHz over this range. Requiring only a single 5-V power
been put to circuit use in CMOS operational amplifier supply, the circuit took up an active area of 0.7 mm2. It
input stages with a low offset voltage [12] and in improved thus met our goal of a compact amplifier with a video
bandgap voltage references [ 131. bandwidth and a wide dynamic range: as an added bonus.
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Vittoz, who has extensively used lateral bipolars in
CMOS, reported the dc characteristics of bipolar transis-
tors in a 6-pm p-well CMOS technology [14] and discussed
the possibility of applying these devices to dc circuits like
voltage references and to operational amplifiers. We
wanted to investigate how the characteristics he had re-
ported would be different in a production 3-pm technol-
ogy because the characteristics of the parasitic bipolars, BETAL
A . Experimental Structures
d VE
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1E-03 IV
1. no3 2. non -14.70 0 4 . 2 ~ ~
L'B . 10C3/div ( V) vc 2 . 100/div ( V)
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RAT IO ever, the strong Early effect in the lateral did cause the
< )
effective a , to increase with V,, (Fig. 5(b)). For
ano. o
where the terms with subscript 0 refer to their values at
low V,,.
F. Gain-Bandwidth Product
The fT was measured [17] on the bipolars with interdigi-
tated emitters with a total dimension of 1000x9 pm.2 An
extrapolated unity current gain frequency f T of 100 MHz
was obtained for both lateral and vertical bipolars (Fig.
6(a)), wluch compared well with 116 MHz predicted from
a first-order estimate of the electron transit time through a
3-pm long base, assuming a uniform base doping of
10'6/cm3. Strictly, the ratio of the f T s of the lateral and
vertical collectors should be as (1 - a L ) / a L but
, this could
a= Ratio = l a / IE not be resolved in our experiments. The f r showed a broad
VCE = V C - VE peak as a function of I , (Fig 6(b)), with the maximum
value available over more than a decade of current.
G. Extrinsic Resistances
Fig. 5. (a) Current splitting (expressed as I c L / I c y ) versus I,. The collector (r:), emitter (r:), and base ( r l ) resistances
(b) Current splitting ( I c L / K c v ) versus VCE. were measured [18] for the minimum sized transistors. r:
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7. 100pA
. . . . . . . .h l h . IPA
. . . . . . . t X I X . 100nA
0.0 I
~ L
0. I
- ~
10 IO0
.- . ...“A. .)I. IOnA
f, MHz
(a) I
. ... . ,- , . I , i . p;,
1 ,
In A
- ,
1 0 0 A~
- I
~ . !.~
~ ~
IO-- . ~~ , ~~
0. I I IO IO0
ICLm A. lOOn A
Fig. 6 . (a) Extrapolated unit); current gain frequent! f7 of lateral
( b ) fr of lateral verbus I,,
~ - ~~1
( 2 ) 1. Junction Cupucitunces
The lateral bipolar introduces a sizable parasitic capaci-
Compared to a conventional bipolar, the power spectral tance when its geometry conforms to usual CMOS design
density u a s increased by a factor l / a l ~ .The equivalent rules. For example, in a minimum-size lateral transistor in
input noise voltage of the lateral was unaffected by the typical 3-pm design rules (Fig. l), the junction capacitance
presence of the vertical collector. from the base to the lateral collector was 0.3 pF, whereas
the capacitance from the base to the substrate (vertical
H . Transistor Matching collector) was 1.7 pF. The latter was the largest extrinsic
capacitance in the structure; as the substrate is held at a
To obtain low offset voltages in differential pairs, as constant potential, however, it is not subject to Miller multi-
well as to effect current cancellation in multiplier circuits. plication. Even at large operating currents, minimum-size
it is desirable for transistors of identical geometry on the laterals connected in parallel are preferred because of their
same chip to match well. Over the range of 1 nA to 100 higher a!. over a transistor with a single large emitter.
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Authorized licensed use limited to: NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY WARANGAL. Downloaded on November 2, 2008 at 07:26 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
958 i L L r JOI K ~ A or
L W L I D - S T A T ~C I K C UITS. \ O L 24.1'0 4. A I GIJSI 1989
VOUt+ - VOUt
' *
'I3 'I3
Vin+ Q5
1 OK
Fig, 9. ( a ) Simplified circuit of our gain cell implementation. ( b ) Complete circuit diagram of glun cell in CMOS process.
that key transistors are designed to carry because the these resistors compactly. The measured resistance of this
emitter area must be sufficiently large to prevent the onset diffusion has a linear dependence on voltage, that is, the
of high-level injection at the upper end of this range; at I - V characteristic is parabolic. Distortion components
low currents, the diffusion capacitance will scale propor- generated by this even nonlinearity would appear as a
tionally with I,, and the junction capacitance will remain common-mode signal in the fully differential amplifier and
constant. Therefore, due to junction capacitances alone, would be effectively suppressed. Although the sheet resis-
the bandwidth of the gain cell degrades roughly by a factor tance of this diffusion would vary widely in value across
of the ratio of the bias current change. In our VGA at high processing, the amplifier gain depended only on the ratio
gains, the dominant poles were at the emitters of Ql and of the resistor geometries.
Q2 determined by the well (collector) capacitance of fol-
lowers Q7 and QS: at low gains, the pole frequencies at
almost all the nodes lay at about 10 MHz. B. Common-Mode Feedback and Bius Circuits
Active devices with small area lead to a compact ampli-
fier; however, to maintain reasonable current densities, A common-mode feedback circuit set the voltage at
they also must be operated at low current levels, which. in which the output nodes of the fully differential amplifier
turn, requires the resistors R , and R E to have large values biased themselves. The feedback signal was derived from
(40 and 10 kQ, respectively, in our case). P-well regions the sum of currents flowing in two source degenerated
that offer a high sheet resistance were chosen to implement MOSFET's connected to the differential transresistance
Authorized licensed use limited to: NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY WARANGAL. Downloaded on November 2, 2008 at 07:26 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
40K $ -
p vout- The circuit also set upper and lower bounds on the values
of these currents to prevent the transistors in the amplifier
from being driven into either saturation or cutoff.
C. Sources of Distortion
d V Control
A . Layout Considerations
Fig. 10. (a) Common-mode feedback circuit. (b) Fixed-bias generation To minimize systematic offsets in the translinear core, a
circuit. (c) Variable-bias generation circuit. common-centroid layout was employed that would cancel
a linear gradient of processing variation across the chip.
Large lateral bipolar transistors were laid out as several
minimum-sized devices in parallel to accommodate large
outputs. It then set the currents at the output collectors of currents with a high collection efficiency. Contacts on only
the gain cell (Fig. 10(a)). two sides of their bases and collectors were used so that
The VGA required some bias currents that are fixed interconnection of unit transistors was compact, although
(used for the emitter-follower buffers, transresistance am- rl and r,' would increase slightly. Large guard rings sur-
plifiers, and the common-mode feedback) and others that rounded all parasitic bipolar transistors where significant
are variable (used to change the gain). A fixed bias current substrate currents flowed to reduce the possibility of
that was relatively independent of the power supply was latch-up.
derived from the NMOS threshold voltage and a p-well Fabricated in a standard CMOS 3-pm, double-metal,
resistor ( R B ) that tracks the resistors in the common-mode single-poly process by MOSIS (Fig. l l ) , the circuit occu-
feedback circuit (Fig. 10(b)). T h s made the quiescent pied an active area of 0.8 X 0.9 mm2. This was anywhere
voltage at the amplifier output insensitive to variations in between 25 and 50 percent of the area of VGA's imple-
sheet resistance of the well diffusions. Three variable bias mented by arrays of switched capacitors [l]or resistors [2].
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'I I
(1 I 4 i
c~~llllslll\ ( l l l : l y . \
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