The Matrix Online Archives

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The Matrix Online Archives

The Matrix Online Archives
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The Matrix Online Archives
The Matrix Online Archives
Version 0.98
Compiled by Julio Angel Ortiz
!his "r#hive would not be possible without the $ollowing: %"rebit& Cloudwol$& !he'igeon(ing&
A)u"tium& %om"v& mostory.#om& moresour#es.#om& *ug"ree& "nd Ar#hiv"l *#ien#e in "
'ost+,"r *imul"tion.
The Matrix Online Archives
1. -ntrodu#tion
2. !he ."tri
3. !he *toryline
Ch"pter /./ 0 .en"#e o$ the %ed+1yed Agents
Ch"pter /.2 0 3ight$"ll
Ch"pter /.4 0 !he 5unt...
... 6or .orpheus
...6or the Ass"ssin
Ch"pter 2./ 0 7ouble Cross
Ch"pter 2.2 0 %ise o$ the Cypherites
Ch"pter 2.4 0 Arriv"l o$ the Comm"ndos
7e"th o$ the 7estroyer
Ch"pter 4./ 0 !he 1$$e#tu"tor
Ch"pter 4.2 0 !he 1nigm" o$ Cryptos
Ch"pter 4.4 0 !he Veil o$ Cryptos
Ch"pter 8./ + %etribution
Ch"pter 8.2 0 1 'luribus 3eo
A 'ie#e o$ 9lue *:y
Ch"pter 8.4 0 Che"t Codes
Ch"pter ;./ + 9etr"y"l
Ch"pter ;.2 + <nlimit
Ch"pter ;.4 0 *ystem *ho#:
Ch"pter =./ + -nvestig"tions
Ch"pter =.2 0 <ne"sy 'e"#e
Ch"pter =.4 0 (idn"pping
Ch"pter >./ 0 !he *e"r#h
Ch"pter >.2 0 7esper"tion
Ch"pter >.4 0 6"ll o$ the ?ener"l
Ch"pter 8./ 0 ,"r
Ch"pter 9./ + -ntrusion
Ch"pter 9.2 + -nter$"#e
Ch"pter 9.4 0 %iv"ls
Ch"pter /0./ 0 Olig"r#hy
Ch"pter /0.2 0 Ouroborus
Ch"pter /0.4 0 Che#:s "nd 9"l"n#es
Ch"pter //./ 0 6r"#tures
Ch"pter //.2 0 ,right
Ch"pter //.4 0 Overides
Ch"pter /2 0 !rinity
Ch"pter /4 0 <prising
Ch"pter /8 0 6reedom
3. Appendi
A. 7r"m"tis 'erson"e
/. 'rim"ry Ch"r"#ters
2. 3eighborhood Cont"#ts
The Matrix Online Archives
9. !he Org"niz"tions
C. 3eo@s %*- 6r"gments
7. !he Ass"ssin@s .emoir
1. 1ile ?"ngs
6. *toryline 3otes "nd 7o#uments
?. V"rious %"rebit Auestions "nd Answers
The Matrix Online Archives
!he ."tri is "n illusion. -t "ppe"rs to be Ameri#" "t the turn o$ the 2/st #enturyB " v"st
meg"#ity "nd "n "dC"#ent mount"in r"nge. -n truth it is " virtu"l& digit"l world th"t hum"ns
eperien#e through $eeds running dire#tly to their nervous systems. !hese hum"ns
eperien#e "n "rti$i#i"l li$e in the ."tri& un"w"re o$ their re"l st"te.
-n re"lity& the "#tu"l d"te is un:nown& but it is believed to be " #ouple o$ #enturies l"ter. !he
proprietors o$ the ."tri "re ."#hines th"t h"ve won " w"r with hum"n:ind. 7uring the w"r
the s:y w"s Ds#or#hed&D denying m"#hines their sour#e o$ energy& sol"r power. !he m"#hines
now use sleeping hum"ns& en#losed in li)uid+$illed pods on v"st b"tteries& to gener"te he"t
th"t be#omes ele#tri#ity.
A $ew $ree hum"ns& b"sed in "n underground #ity o$ Eion& resist the ."#hines "nd hope to
de$e"t the ."tri system& whi#h they see "s " $orm o$ sl"very. !hese $ree hum"ns& too& #"n
C"#: into the ."tri& by lur:ing #lose under the sur$"#e world in their hover#r"$t. 9ut when they
do& they "re ruthlessly hunted down by Agents o$ the ."#hines. 5um"ns #"n "nd do die in
the ."tri.
A hover#r"$t C"pt"in n"med .orpheus h"s he"rd " prophe#y th"t there is One who #"n
#ontrol the ."tri re"lity by will "lone. .orpheus summons 3eo "nd epl"ins the true st"te o$
"$$"irs he thin:s 3eo& " young m"n "w":ened $rom the illusion "nd brought $rom his pod into
the re"l world is the One.
3eoFs powers "w":en "nd the b"ttle es#"l"tes& but soon reve"ls #ompli#"tions. Along with
hum"ns "nd Agents o$ the ."#hines in the ."tri& there "re $ree& sentient progr"ms + 1iles +
enCoying li$e "s hum"ns in the virtu"l world.
!he 1iles "re v"ried. !he Or"#le is benign& "nd guides .orpheus "nd the other hum"ns in
their )uest.
!he .erovingi"n& ":" the 6ren#hm"n& is " syb"riti# g"ngster #omm"nding " host o$ hum"n+
$ormed progr"ms with powers li:e th"t o$ ghosts& werewolves "nd other supern"tur"l entities.
!hereFs "lso " wild #"rd& Agent *mith. -nste"d o$ being destroyed by 3eo in "n epi#
#on$ront"tion& he h"s be#ome "n independent virus+li:e progr"m who #"n repli#"te himsel$
"nd overwrite others.
3eo en#ounters the #rowning #ompleity when he meets the Ar#hite#t& the progr"m who
designed the ."tri. !he Ar#hite#t reve"ls there were previous iter"tions o$ the ."tri th"t
$"iled& "nd even previous Ones li:e 3eo. A bloody #y#le o$ destru#tion "nd renew"l o$ the
."tri& Eion "nd hum"nity is ines#"p"ble.
3eo wonFt "##ept this. 9ut $irst he s"ves the wom"n he loves& !rinity& $rom de"th& by
spe#t"#ul"rly re"#hing into her torsoB removing " bullet "nd m"ss"ging her virtu"l he"rt b"#:
into pulsing li$e. -roni#"lly& it is 3eoFs #"p"#ity $or love th"t m":es him the mightiest w"rrior&
the One.
!he #risis is imminent. !he ."tri is $"iling be#"use o$ Agent *mithFs vir"l t":eover o$ every
individu"l in it. -tFs #le"nsing& "nd the destru#tion o$ Eion by physi#"l m"#hines& is "lmost
3eo does the impossibleB he "nd !rinity bre": out o$ the underground "nd $ly " hover#r"$t to
the #ity o$ ."#hines on the sur$"#e world. 5e proposes " de"l: heFll de$e"t *mith& whose vir"l
The Matrix Online Archives
growth thre"tens "ll the ."#hines& in e#h"nge $or pe"#e between the m"#hines "nd the $ree
hum"ns. !he de"l is m"de.
3eo does destroy *mith& with "n "ssist $rom the Or"#le Gwho h"d "llowed *mith to overwrite
her with #urious e)u"nimity + wh"t did she h"ve up her sleeveHI& in " b"ttle worthy o$ "n#ient
gods o$ the s:y. !he ."tri is s"ved. Eion is *"ved. !he ."#hine #iviliz"tion is s"ved.
A tru#e is m"de + $ree hum"ns GDRedpillDI #"n even "w":en the sleepers GDluepillDI&
"lthough too mu#h o$ this would thre"ten the ."tri. 3eo& the One& seems to h"ve died in the
b"ttle with *mith& but the ."#hines do not return his #orpse.
*ome people $ind this disturbing "nd their "#tions set the story o$ The Matrix Online in motion.
The Matrix Online Archives
The Matrix
!he #ity o$ The Matrix Online is divided into $our distri#ts: %i#hl"nd& ,estview& -ntern"tion"l&
"nd 7owntown. 1"#h distri#t& in turn& is divided into neighborhoods& whi#h #ont"in their own
1ile g"ngs& Colle#tors& "nd l"ndm"r:s. ,hen $irst C"#:ing in to The Matrix Online& you begin
in %i#hl"nd& the only Js"$eK lo#"tion $or new %edpills. Outside o$ %i#hl"nd& %edpills $"#e
in#re"singly power$ul 1ile progr"ms& "s well "s the possibility o$ Agents lo#:ing onto their
sign"l "nd "tt"#:ing. !here "re other "re"s #"lled Constru#ts& usu"lly "##essible only
through through progr"ms #"lled Ar#hivists. Constru#ts eist outside o$ the #ore re"lity o$ the
."tri& o$ten h"rboring power$ul progr"ms "nd lo#"tions $rom previous versions o$ the ."tri
or b"#: door lo#"tions through the simul"tion.
5ere is " bre":down o$ the 3eighborhoods "nd 7istri#ts.
!hough O$$i#i"l m"ps l"bel this "re" "s %i#hl"nd& most people usu"lly re$er to it simply "s the
*lums. *et "g"inst the south shore o$ the river whi#h bise#ts the City& the *lums "re ri$e with
#rimin"l "#tivity& urb"n& de#"y& "nd r"ndom violen#e. 5owever& this is " le"sson in the
de#eptive n"ture o$ the ."tri. !hrough the "re" is "mong the poorest "nd le"st desir"ble to
the popul"#e o$ the City& it is " desir"ble holding $or those who underst"nd the n"ture o$ the
."tri. -ndeed& m"ny power$ul 1iles #ompete $or #ontrol o$ its resour#es. !he *lums is
#ompirsed o$ $i$teen neighborhoods.
The Matrix Online Archives
'rim"rily #omposed o$ older buildings th"t h"ve seen better d"ys& A#h"n h"s degener"ted
into " den o$ vi#e& #r"mmed with strip #lubs& "dult boo:s stores& b"rs& "nd seedy hotels. !he
$ew de#ent #itizens le$t in the neighborhood :now better then to w"l: the streets "t night&
when the lo#"l 1ile ro"m in se"r#h o$ trouble. !he predomin"nt g"ng in the neighborhood is
the 9ells& "n "ll $em"le g"ng th"t gu"rds their territory Ce"lously& "nd doesnFt hesit"te to #"ll
on their "llies in the more power$ul 9l"#:wood g"ng Gin ne"rby ."r" "nd ."gogI when they
need " h"nd.
*itu"ted in the southwest #orner o$ the *lums& Apollyon bo"sts " w"ter$ront lined with seedy
wh"r$s "nd deserted w"rehouses. Along the shore& long sh"dows $"ll on we"thered buildings
"nd be"ten shop$ronts. A neon+lit diner m"y o$$ sol"#e $rom the streets $or " $ew minutes& but
in the end Apollyon rem"ins with it is& the l"st g"sp o$ the *lums be$ore you tr"vel west into
the hell o$ the 9"rrens. !he hot nightspot in Apollyon is the J"#obFs L"dder.
!a"on #eights
Lo#"ted on the e"st side o$ the slums& C"mon 5eights m"y be neighborhood th"t h"s
persevered the best. !hough there "re t"ller #omplees ne"r to the Ei" -ndustri"l "re"& "s you
The Matrix Online Archives
move e"st the neighborhood improves. C"mon 5eights in#ludes ni#er #ondos "nd
"p"rtments th"n the .ori"h 'roCe#ts to the north& "nd the housing density is lowered by the
presen#e o$ gro#ery stores& #hur#hes& "nd store$ront businesses.
$annah #eights
Just southwest o$ (edemoth& "nd north o$ Apollyon& 7"nn"h 5eights is " neighborhood with "
du"l #h"r"#ter. !he domin"nt g"ng in the "re" is the *ilver 9ullets. ,hile they seem li:e "ny
other group o$ 1ile thugs in the d"ylight house& "t night the 9ullets m":e this neighborhood
their person"l hunting ground. !heir pre$erred )u"rry is "ny Lupine they #"n #"t#h& but
theyFve got epenses to meet "s well& "nd sh":ing str"y %edpills is " gre"t w"y to :eep the
#o$$ers $ull. .ost #onsider them $"n"ti#s& though de"ling with them r"tion"lly is re"lly not "n
%shean &ro'ects
Lo#"ted to the south o$ more prosperous .idi"n '"r: "re"& "nd sep"r"ted $rom (edemoth by
the Lemone w"rehouse "re"& the 1she"n 'roCe#ts "re "n enormous urb"n blight th"t loo:s
mu#h li:e the .ori"h 'roCe#ts& only bigger. ,here the builder o$ the ."nnsd"le 'roCe#ts
de#ided to m":e their #onstru#tions "s possible into the "v"il"ble sp"#e. !he only publi# open
sp"#es is 1she"n '"r:& whi#h is little more then " tr"sh+strewn empty lot. !he $ew businesses
th"t h"ve st"yed open "re pl"gued with bro:en windows "nd gr"$$iti.
Lo#"ted south o$ the Ei" -ndustri"l "re"& "nd west o$ .idi"n '"r:& (edemoth is p"#:ed with
middle+in#ome residents living the urb"n li$estyle. !he streets "nd sidew"l:s "re busy with
wor:er tr"$$i# in the d"ytime& while the "re"Fs b"rs do " bris: business in the evenings&
in#luding the popul"r Club 7u"lity. ."ny o$ the residenti"l buildings "re #onverted hotels or
$ormer tetiles swe"tshops turned into "p"rtments ye"rs "go& but the "re" h"s "lso seen
some new growth. Older sm"ller building "re set "longside t"ller more modern hotels&
#ondos& "nd o$$i#e towers. .ost not"ble "mong (edemothFs re#ent #onstru#tion proCe#ts in
the ("lt Corpor"tionFs de#ision to #re"te two new o$$i#e tower on the e"st side o$ the
neighborhood. <n$ortun"tely& m"ny o$ the employees who wor: in the tower h"ve #hosen to
"dopt ne"rby .idi"n '"r: "s their home r"ther th"n live in the "ging (edemoth. !he
"##omp"nying rise in property v"lues "nd gentri$i#"tion in .idi"n '"r: h"s #re"ted no sm"ll
"mount o$ resentment in (edemoth residents& who h"d presumed they would re"p those
bene$its. inste"d they h"ve only the gl"ss "nd steel edi$i#es to #om$ort them.
Lo#"ted immedi"tely to the south o$ the o$$i#e towers in (edemoth& this "re" en#omp"sses
sever"l blo#:s o$ l"rge& ne"rly+identi#"l w"rehouses belonging to G"nd sublet byI " number o$
#omp"nies. -t is s"id th"t Lemone is " pl"#e where even the highest ee#utives o$ those
#omp"nies will #ome to m":e de"ls or "rr"nge r"ns"#tions the people :nown $or getting their
h"nds dirty& or bloody.
The Matrix Online Archives
Lo#"ted immedi"tely to the south o$ the o$$i#e towers in (edemoth& this "re" enomp"sses
sever"l blo#:s o$ l"rge& ne"rly+identi#"l w"rehouses belonging to G"nd sublet byI " number o$
#omp"nies. -t is s"id th"t Lemone is " pl"#e where even the highest ee#utives o$ those
#omp"nies will #ome to m":e de"ls or "rr"nge r"ns"#tions the people :nown $or getting their
h"nds dirty& or bloody.
Mannsdale #ousing &ro'ects
."nnsd"le w"s "n eperiment in publi# housing& #re"ting sm"ller buildings& mostly 2+4 story
stru#tures whi#h would lower the density o$ the residents $rom th"t o$ tr"dition"l high+rise
"p"rtment buildings li:e those $ound in the .ori"h 'roCe#ts. !hereFs no #ommeri#"l "#tivity to
spe": o$ in ."nnsd"le& though& so the neightborhood h"s rem"ined impoverished "nd h"s
degener"ted b"dly. -n spite o$ this& thereFs " rel"tively low level o$ g"ng "#tivity.
Lo#"ted immedi"tely to the south o$ the o$$i#e towers in (edemoth& this "re" enomp"sses
sever"l blo#:s o$ l"rge& ne"rly+identi#"l w"rehouses belonging to G"nd sublet byI " number o$
#omp"nies. -t is s"id th"t Lemone is " pl"#e where even the highest ee#utives o$ those
#omp"nies will #ome to m":e de"ls or "rr"nge r"ns"#tions the people :nown $or getting their
h"nds dirty& or bloody.
Midian &ark
.idi"n '"r: h"s bene$ited gre"tly $rom the #onstru#tion o$ the two o$$i#e tower in ne"rby
(edemoth& "s m"ny o$ the wor:ers h"ve #hosen to "dopt this neighborhood "s home& with
"##omp"nying rise in property v"lues "nd gentri$i#"tion. !he "re" #ont"ins m"ny businesses&
in#luding boo:stores& b"rs& #lothing stores& et#. whi#h "lthought not ups#"le& h"ve improved
dr"sti#"lly due to their new ups#"le #ustomer b"se. !he p"r: $rom whi#h the neighborhood
gets its n"me is " l"rge open sp"#e bordered by 8+/0 story "p"rtment buildings. !he two
o$$i#e towers in ne"rby (edemoth #"n be #le"rly seen $rom ehre. #ombined with the pl"z"s o$
the ne"rby buildings Gwhi#h "re #onne#ted to the p"r: by " w"l:w"y overp"ssesI& this is one
o$ the l"rgest open sp"#es in the slums.
Moriah &ro'ects
1"st o$ A#h"n "nd south o$ the ni#er !"bor '"r: "re"& the .ori"h 'roCe#ts "re l"rgely
#omposed o$ t"ll& ne"rly identi#"l "p"rtment stru#tures $or the #ityFs urb"n poor. !he pl"#e is
run down "nd gives little hope $or better d"ys "he"d& but the neighborhoodFs residents h"ve "
deserved reput"tion $or being stubbornly optimisti#. !hey sele#ted D5ope Con)uers AllD "s the
slog"n $or .ori"h.
Tabor &ark
One o$ the ni#e "re"s o$ %i#hl"nd distri#t& !"bor '"r: is " re$reshing #h"nge o$ p"#e $rom the
ne"rby m"r" neighborhood. .oving north into !"bor '"r: the buildings grow t"ller "nd ni#er
with e"#h blo#:. Loo:ing down on !"bor '"r: $rom "bove it is e"sy to see it "s "n en#l"ve
The Matrix Online Archives
"long the shouth shore o$ the river. 9or"ded by g"ng+in$ested ."r"& the seedy distri#t o$
A#h"n& "nd the s)u"lor o$ the .ori"h 'roCe#ts& !"bor '"r: is "n "re" struggling to :eep its
he"d up. !he #urrent w"r between the Crossboes "nd the 7emon Army 1ile g"ngs m":es
the "re" d"ngerous $or %edpills. !"bor '"r: is prim"rily #omposed o$ older "p"rtment
buildings "nd o$$i#e stru#tures& but there h"s been some new growth "nd progress in the
"re"& sp"wned by numerous 1iles moving to t":e #ontrol o$ the neighborhoodFs resou#es.
*riah Industrial &ark
Lo#"ted in the north end o$ %i#hl"nd distri#t& <ri"h is "n "re" th"t h"s evolved into "
d"ngerous D$ree $ire zoneD sin#e the tru#e w"s signed. ."ny groups use the w"rehouse+$illed
zone "s " pl"#e to settle their disputes with violen#e without $e"r o$ "ttr"#ting too mu#h
"ttention. 9luepill wor:ers in <ri"h "re "lmost bl"se "bout seeing poli#e sen#e there e"#h
morning& #le"ning up "$ter g"ng+rel"ted violen#e.
-n the de"d #enter o$ the slums& Ei" h"s little going $or it& but is h"s m"n"ged to be $"r less
#rime ridden then the 7istri#tFs other -ndustri"l "re"s. <n$ortun"tley it seems th"t the
reput"tion o$ the <ri"h industri"l p"r: is st"rting to "$$e#t it& "nd some 1iles "re bginning to
#hoose Ei" "s " less #rowded pl"#e to go #"rry on violent #on$ront"tions.
!he "re" to the west o$ the *lums is o$$i#i"lly #"lled ,estview& but more o$ten re$erred to "s
the 9"rrens o$ the City. ,hile the *lums "re " dirty& dil"pid"ted pl"#e where hope seems "
r"re #ommodity& these tr"its t":e on " ne"rly "dmir"ble )u"lity when #ontr"sted with the
9"rrens. !he #ondition o$ the 9"rrens is re$le#tive o$ " slow de#"y in the #ode #omprising the
"re". !he ."#hines h"ve been pl"#ing some e$$ort into rep"iring it& but the degr"d"tion
serves the interests o$ sever"l power$ul 1iles. ."ny buildings in the 9"rrens h"ve $"llen into
su#h disrep"ir th"t they h"ve #oll"psed #ompletely& but it is unli:ely th"t "nyone will be
su##ess$ul in stemming the tide "nytime soon.
The Matrix Online Archives
athary Row
Lo#"ted on the north end o$ the 9"rrens& "long the w"ter$ront& 9"th"ry %ow #onsists o$ the
piers "nd w"rehouses o$ the 9"rrens wh"r$s. Among the do#:s thereFs norm"l #ommer#e& but
the underlying tr"$$i# in Min$orm"tion is ruthlessly #ontrolled by the 9"th"ry 9oys g"ng o$
1iles& who "re in turn "nswer"ble to Cerule"n. !he #r"nes o$ the shippings y"rds #"st long
sh"dows "#ross piled #ont"iners "w"iting ships& but shipping h"s been "t " st"ndstill $or "s
long "s "nyone #"n remember& due to "n investig"tion into uns"$e #hemi#"l h"ndling
pr"#ti#es "t the y"rd.
-racy #eights
?r"#y 5eights is " typi#"l neighborhood in the 9"rrens& whi#h is to s"y itFs " pit. !he Crushers
g"ng eerts " str"nglehold on the "re" in spite o$ dedi#"ted ."#hine e$$orts to er"di#"te
them. !he re"son h"s been in deb"te $or some time& "s to why the ."#hines pl"#e more
emph"sis on :eeping the Crushers down th"n other seemingly more d"ngerous g"ngs in the
9"rrens. !he most #ommon rumor is th"t " strong #urrent o$ Min$orm"tion runs through the
neighborhood. !he Crushers h"ve been t"pping it to sell to in$luenti"l eiles li:e the
-uinness )ake
The Matrix Online Archives
!he ?uinness L":e neighborhood is #entered on " l"rge reservoir whi#h o##upies the sp"#e
where ?uinness L":e supposedly on#e w"s. O$ #ourse this history is " $"bri#"tion& "s with "ll
history in the ."tri. !he City w"s born $ully $ormed "s it st"nds tod"y. !he reservoirFs w"ter
G"nd the #ode it representsI $lows $rom here to the other p"rts o$ the 9"rrens& m":ing it "n
ide"l #onduit $or moving or dispersing #ode )ui#:ly throughout the 7istri#t. !he reservoir is "n
import"nt "re" to hold& "nd "s su#h it $"lls under the purview o$ one o$ the 9"rrenFs most
power$ul residents& "n eile n"med -ndigo.
)ucero &oint
*ometimes #"lled DLittle .ei#o&D Lu#ero 'oint h"s one o$ the l"rgest #on#entr"tions o$
5isp"ni#s in !he City. -t is $ought over by " number o$ 1ile interests& but the true power in
the neighborhood is the *p"r:s g"ng o$ 1iles& run by the $iery Little ."ri". !hey $ight
vi#iously to :eep other 1iles "nd %edpills $rom g"ining " $oothold here. !he only re"l nightli$e
in Lu#ero 'oint is the Lyn#hpin& " #lub th"t dr"ws "ll sorts o$ eiles "nd %edpills& though
everyone :nows better th"n to st"y too long& lest the *p"r:s t":e e#eption to their presen#e.
!he #lubFs most DprestigiousD #ustomer is "n 1ile by the n"me o$ ."nd"rin& who m"int"ins "
residen#e in the Lu#ero 'oint neighborhood by virtue o$ his $"milyFs in$luen#e + he is the
youngest son o$ 7"me ,hite "nd .r. 9l"#:.
Manssen &ark
."nssen '"r: "t night is " sh"dowy nightm"re $or the 9luepills unlu#:y enough to be #"ught
in the open there. As the sh"dows grow longer "nd engul$ the neighborhood& the 7is#iplines
#ome out o$ hiding in gre"ter numbers "nd st"rt loo:ing $or hum"ns to Dpl"y with.D 6ortun"tely
the neighborhood h"s not been #ompletely "b"ndoned by the *ystem. %eported Dv"mpireD
"#tivity #"nnot be ignored& "s it thre"tens the inh"bit"nts o$ the ."tri "s well "s the belie$ o$
the popul"#e in their re"lity. A new $"#e h"s been seen in the neighborhood re#ently + "n
1ile 9ounty 5unter n"me ?reene& who spe#i"lizes in t":ing down 9lood 7rin:ers.
Rogers ,ay
%ogers ,"y is supposedly n"mes $or " soldier $rom the neighborhood who died heroi#"lly in
#omb"t in ,orld ,"r One. 3"tur"lly this is " lie& but bene"th it is " gr"in o$ truth. !he re"l
%ogers w"s " Eion oper"tive who died holding the line "g"inst the ."#hines in this
neighborhood& gr"nting the previous Chosen One the time he needed to re"#h the #ore o$ the
system in th"t iter"tionFs $in"l hour. %ogers ,"y "lso hosts one o$ the most intriguing o$ the
monument s#ulptures th"t dot the #itys#"pe. %ising up li:e st"irs to the s:y& the monumentFs
"pe $e"tures " door& whi#h is the subCe#t o$ m"ny " t"ll t"le. 1very :id in the neighborhood
h"s " $riend who "s " $riend who s"w " person emerge $rom the door& b"thed in white light
$rom beyond. Others s"y they h"ve opened the norm"lly unbudge"ble door& to be #on$ronted
by the str"ngest things& but nobody re"lly believes these sorts o$ lo#"l legends.
.obra .hores
-n better d"ys& *obr" *hores w"s " tourist "ttr"#tion& with rest"ur"nts "nd shops "long the
w"ter doing " bris: business "nd dr"wing $"milies "nd lovers to the w"terw"yFs edge. 9ut
sin#e the Legion moved into the neighborhood& nothing h"s been the s"me. On the sur$"#e
The Matrix Online Archives
the Legion m"y loo: li:e " regul"r g"ng& but even the 9luepills #"n $ell the powers "nd
d"r:ness th"t the LegionFs demoni# le"dership brings to the "re". ,ith th"t p"llor #"st "#ross
it& *obr" *hores )ui#:ly be#"me " pl"#e best "voided by "nyone who didnFt h"ve " re"son to
be there.!he Legion h"s gr"nted other eiles "nd %edpills only " single pl"#e o$ s"$ety in the
neighborhood& "t the Club 7"emon. !h"tFs not to s"y th"t other eiles "nd %edpills do not
oper"te in *obr" *hores& but the Legion h"d m"de it #le"r th"t they #onsider su#h interlopers
to be $"ir g"me. !he one eile who h"s given them di$$i#ulty is Violet& who doCo the Legion h"s
tried to inter$ere with on " number o$ o##"sions& only to to be shown the error o$ their w"ys
)uite p"in$ully.
3estled between *obr" *hores "nd ?r"#y 5eights. the *outh"rd "re" is domin"ted by the
ep"nsive *outh"rd -ndustri"l '"r: th"t provides Cobs $or m"ny residents o$ ?r"#y 5eights
"nd ?uinness L":e. !he $"#ilities "re o$ten shut down short periods due to the mish"ndling o$
#hemi#"l byprodu#ts. 3estled between *obr" *hores "nd ?r"#y 5eights. the *outh"rd "re"
is domin"ted by the ep"nsive *outh"rd -ndustri"l '"r: th"t provides Cobs $or m"ny residents
o$ ?r"#y 5eights "nd ?uinness L":e. !he $"#ilities "re o$ten shut down short periods due to
the mish"ndling o$ #hemi#"l byprodu#ts. !he n"mes":e $or the neighborhood& the *outh"rd
-ndustri"l '"r:& #ont"ins m"Cor produ#tion "nd pro#essing $"#ilities $or ("lt Corpor"tion&
'endhurst+Am"r"nth& "nd " number o$ sm"ller #omp"nies. !he ("lt Corpor"tion pl"nts #hurn
out !rep"neG!.I he"d"#he medi#ine "nd 'endhurst+Am"r"nth will soon "dd "nother
produ#tion $"#ility $or their !"stee ,he"tG!.I bre":$"st $ood produ#t.
Nou #"nFt go to *t"mos "nd not stop by Club *u##ubus& one o$ the most popul"r #lubs in the
9"rrens& owned by the pretern"tur"lly be"uti$ul Aine. !hough 9luepills "re impressed by the
w"y she pl"ys her p"rt $or her #ustomers in $ull #onstume& those in the :now "re impressed
by the w"y th"t this *u##ubus m"n"ges to hide her n"ture in pl"in sight. %umor h"s it th"t
she used to be involved with the Legion& even the le"der o$ the Legion& but she re$uses to t"l:
"bout her p"st. !he other not"ble $e"ture o$ *t"mos is the 5ypersphere s#ulpture& whi#h is
s"id to #"use " perpleing $eeling in " gre"t m"ny people who view it. A$ter st"ring "t the Db"ll
inside " wire #ubeD st"tue $or some time& lo#"l legend #l"ims th"t you begin to see th"t the
b"ll #"nnot possibly $it inside the #ube th"t #ont"ins it.
!he CityFs -ntern"tion"l 7istri#t is " #onglomer"tion o$ Asi"n Cultures. *igns in m"ny
l"ngu"ges tout the merits o$ sm"ll shops "nd entre"t visitors to eplore the neighborhoodFs
n"rrow streets "nd be"uti$ul pl"z"s. 1ven the newer modern buildings in#orpor"te tr"dition"lly
Asi"n design. !he -ntern"tion"l 7istri#t is some dist"n#e northe"st o$ 7owntown& but #"n be
re"#hed by t":ing the subw"y. !he 7istri#t "lso h"s " number o$ h"rdlines $or dire#t "##ess
by redpill oper"tives. *ever"l g"ngs o$ power$ul "nd s"vvy 1iles #ompete $or #ontrol o$ the
"re"& but no single interest re"lly domin"tes it.
The Matrix Online Archives
7omin"ted by the gl"ss "nd steel .#Cle"n !ower& A:"s":" is one o$ the #enters o$ business
"nd #ommer#e in the -ntern"tion"l 7istri#t. -n the pl"z" outside the building& o$$i#e wor:ers
#"n be seen enCoying their lun#hes on sunny d"ys. !he rest o$ the neighborhood is prime re"l
est"te $or those s"me o$$i#e wor:ers& most o$ whom #"n "$$ord to live right here& "s nothing in
the -ntern"tion"l 7istri#t is re"lly #onsidered high+rent.
At the very edge o$ the -ntern"tion"l 7istri#t lies the 6urih"t" neighborhood& "n odd mi o$
Chinese "nd ,estern in$luen#es. !he neighborhood is " hodgepodge o$ tight "lleyw"ys "nd
wide m"in streets $illed with Chinese signs "nd b"nners "nd sever"l sm"ll street vendors. !he
6urih"t" neighborhood is mostly residenti"l "##ommod"tions $or 9luepills th"t wor: in the
-ntern"tion"l 7istri#t. !here "re multitudes o$ sm"ll #rowded "p"rtment buildings throughout
the neighborhood r"nging $rom epensive "nd well+:ept buildings to run+down r"t+tr"ps th"t
should be #ondemned. !he $ew businesses here "re mostly sm"ll shops "nd rest"rut"nts 0
mostly $"mily owned 0 th"t do " bris: tr"de with those th"t $ive in the neighborhood. 5owever&
those 9luepills willing to do " little se"r#hing "re o$ten rew"rded with $inding some o$ the best
$ood "nd ele#ti# shopping in the City.
The Matrix Online Archives
9ordering the w"ter$ront& -:ebu:uro is " m"Cor in$lu point $or new money "nd individu"ls
"rriving in the -ntern"tion"l 7istri#t. !he neighborhood used to be #"lled J!he ?"tew"y to the
-ntern"tion"l 7istri#tK but lo#"l business le"ders lobbied $or " #h"nge to something more li:ely
to "ttr"#t outside tourists& ending up with the uninspired new slog"n JCome to the 9o"rdw"l:.K
!hough the bo"rdw"l: is )uite ni#e& it #ert"inly h"s not proven to be the huge dr"w lo#"ls
might h"ve li:ed& "nd -:ebu:uro #ontinues to loo: $or " w"y to m":e itsel$ more import"nt in
the s#heme o$ things.
Jurong is " neighborhood in tr"nsition. Lo#"ted e"st o$ 6urih"t"& this is the JolderK $in"n#i"l
#enter o$ the City 0 " pl"#e th"t on#e held import"n#e to those desirous o$ #ontrolling :ey
resour#es o$ the ."tri& but whi#h no longer #omm"nds su#h interest. !he neighborhood is
#rowded with s)u"t buildings "nd other edi$i#es th"t h"ve been upst"ged by the JnewerK
s:ys#r"pers in the A:"s":" neighborhood. *ine $un"n#i"l instituitions still m":e their
he"d)u"rters in Jurong& but m"ny o$ the buildings rem"in empty sin#e the migr"tion o$
business to A:"s":". *u#h buildings h"ve be#ome home to the disen$r"n#hised& in#luding
m"ny eiles.
("ede is "n odd pl"#e& "s itFs best :nown $or " very western $iture: 9rown 6ield& the only
b"seb"ll di"mond in the -ntern"tion"l 7istri#t. Lo#"l residents "re :nown to be )uite obsessed
with their lo#"l l"ndm"r:& turning out in droves $or g"mes& even those o$ neighborhood
#omp"ny te"ms. ,hen the we"ther doesnFt permit outside "#tivities& through& the Or#hid
'ubli# 9"th is " m"in destin"tion& :nown throughout the City "s one o$ the best su#h
(owloon is " neighborhood o$ n"rrow streets& tightly+p"#:ed residenti"l high+rise buildings&
"nd m"r:ets selling "ll m"nner o$ w"res + $rom $ood to #onsumer ele#troni#s. !he stores
r"nge $rom people with #"rts dr"wn by dr"$t "nim"ls "nd open+"ir street store$ronts to multi+
story m"lls houseing e#lusive bouti)ues. !he buildings "re t"ll "nd #lose together& m"ny
sporting #olor$ul neon signs. !he height o$ the buildings #"n #re"te urb"n #"nyons& the w"lls
o$ whi#h w"ve b"nners o$ #olor$ul lights. (owloon is " neighborhood th"t never rests& never
sleeps& "nd never shuts down. 9usiness is "lw"ys booming& tr"de is "lw"ys h"ppening +
whether in the stores $or goods or in the b"#: "lleys $or servi#es.
7omin"ted by the gl"ss "nd steel .#Cle"n !ower& A:"s":" is one o$ the #enters o$ business
"nd #ommer#e in the -ntern"tion"l 7istri#t. -n the pl"z" outside the building& o$$i#e wor:ers
#"n be seen enCoying their lun#hes on sunny d"ys. !he rest o$ the neighborhood is prime re"l
est"te $or those s"me o$$i#e wor:ers& most o$ whom #"n "$$ord to live right here& "s nothing in
the -ntern"tion"l 7istri#t is re"lly #onsidered high+rent.
The Matrix Online Archives
.ai (ung
,idely :nown $or the huge tetile businesses lo#"ted here& D*"i (ungD "ppe"rs in the l"bel o$
most lo#"lly produ#ed #lothing. 9ut the "re" Cust "s o$ten mentioned in rumours "nd news
stories "bout swe"tshops "nd eploitive business pr"#ti#es. !he open "ir *"i (un C"nton is
"lso well :nown "s " pl"#e where " redpill #"n sometimes $ind h"rd+to+obt"in items& $or "
steep pri#e.
On the north side o$ the -ntern"tion"l 7istri#t& *hinCu:u is " m"Cor residenti"l "re"& $e"turing
su#h new developments "s !o:yo %ow& one o$ the poshest #ondominium #omplees in the
7istri#t. *hinCu:u is "lso home to one o$ the best hotels in the City. !he ,hite Lotus 5otel is
owned by 7"me ,hite& "nd is well :nown "s " pl"#e th"t #"n #"ter to even the most eoti# or
e##entri# o$ needs.
*hir":"b" is lo#"ted on the e"stern edge o$ the -ntern"tion"l 7istri#t& not $"r $rom the
-:ebu:uro w"ter$ront. -t is one o$ the sm"llest o$ the neighborhoods in the -ntern"tion"l
7istri#t& surrounded by (owloon& *hinCu:u& A:"s":" "nd *"i (ung. 3evertheless& it holds "
we"lth o$ interest $or m"ny 1iles& "nd o$$ers more th"n enough re"son $or Eion oper"tives to
br"ve its d"ngers. 6or 9luepills& the "re" is represent"tive o$ sm"ll business #on#entr"tions
throughout the -ntern"tion"l 7istri#t. ,hile the thorough$"res "re well+tr"$$i#:ed& it is the
n"rrower streets "nd "lleys in between th"t "re more intriguing. 1port #lothing shops& #urio
stores& "nd rest"ur"nts dot the n"rrow streets& o$$ering some o$ the best v"lues in the #ity& but
sti#:ing to the m"in streets is mu#h s"$er. !he "lleys "re p"trolled by ?re"t ,"ll *e#urity& "nd
no b"rg"in is worth your li$e.
-$ youFre see:ing things th"t "renFt n"tive to the City& <eno is " good bet to $ind it. *ome o$ the
l"rgest importing #omp"nies m":e their homes in <eno& in#luding Chotte 9rothers -mports.
!he Chotte 9rothers #orpor"tion is one o$ the l"rgest "nd most power$ul business insterests
in the -ntern"tion"l 7istri#t "nd h"d its he"d)u"rtes in the tops $loors o$ the l"rgest s:ys#r"per
in <eno. 6or %edpills "nd 1iles see:ing the truly obs#ure& #ert"in 1iles in <eno "re s"id to
be "ble to obt"in "lmost "nything& $or the right pri#e.
!he -n$luen#e o$ the ."#hines over the ."tri em"n"tes $rom 7owntown& $lowing through the
$reew"ys& ele#tri#"l networ:s& "nd even sewers. 9luepills who #hoose to spend " gre"t de"l
o$ time 7owntown "re mostly bure"u#r"ts& "##ount"nts& l"wyers& "nd those who derive their
livelihoods $rom the smooth $un#tioning o$ the system. 1iles who dwell 7owntown "re
sometimes more power$ul then Agents& wielding tremendous #ontrol over the system they
h"ve m"de their home. *ome "re permitted gre"t l"titude by the ."#hines& "s their
The Matrix Online Archives
"ssist"n#e in #ontrolling the 9luepills is sometime " boon. 7owntown is lo#"ted north o$ the
9"rrens "nd the *lums& "nd #onsists o$ seventeen neighborhoods.
aldwin #eights
Lo#"ted north o$ the thriving business #enter 5"mpton ?reen& 9"ldwin 5eights is home to
m"ny o$ the "mbitious middle m"n"gers "nd young up+"nd+#omers who #omprise the bluepill
wor:ers o$ 7owntown. ,hile the truly su##ess$ull #"n "$$ord to live in '"r: 1"st or Center
'"r:& the still+hungry m"Cority o$ the wor:$or#e w"nts to be "s #lose "s possible to their
o$$i#es. 9"ldwin 5eights is $"mous $or its stereotypi#"l resident being " hyper+motiv"ted wile
#oll"r wor:er who #omes home to his "p"rtment so r"rely th"t he m"y not even own $urniture&
be#"use he epe#ts to get " th"t big promotion "nd move to better )u"rters J"ny time now.K
!enter &ark
!he Center '"r: neighborhood is so n"mes be#"use it surrounds the l"rgest publi# p"r: in
the City. Center '"r: is lo#"ted ne"rly in the #enter o$ 7owntownB south o$ Creston 5eights&
north o$ V"uton. O$$i#e buildings "nd government stru#tures line the edges o$ the p"r:&
m":ing this " #rossro"ds o$ stimul"ted li$e. *ever"l times per ye"r the #ity holds " m"ssive
"rts $estiv"l "nd invites "ll "rtists to #ome "nd displ"y their wor:s. 7uring the $estiv"l the p"r:
is $illed with "rtists "nd "rtis"ns "nd their wor: "nd musi#i"ns o$ "ll sorts. !he #ity "lso h"s
pl"ns to host sever"l #on#erts "nd other "#tivities in hopes o$ revit"lizing the p"r:.
The Matrix Online Archives
Chelse" is the pl"#e $or w"ter $ront living in the downtown "re". !he w"terline is studded with
ups#"le #ondos "nd "p"rtments th"t house the urb"nites who wor: $or the m"ny su##ess$ul
#orpor"tions he"d)u"rtered downtown. !here "re " $ew bri#:s buildings "long the w"ter$ront&
meti#ulously m"int"ined& in#luding the be"uti$ul Chelse" Commons. Along the streets&
pedestri"ns stroll the #le"n sidew"l:s "nd stop to s"mple tre"ts "t the m"ny vendors. Lo#"ted
"long the w"ter& Chelse" Commons is " series o$ be"uti$ul bri#: pl"z"s lined with epensive
"p"rtments "nd #ondominiums. !he '"r:s in#lude low w"lls "nd ben#hes $or sitting& sever"l
s#ulptures& "nd " lovely view out over the w"ter. 6ood vendors #"n usu"lly be $ound here&
selling pretzels& hot dogs "nd other su#h things& Chelse" Commons is "lso not"ble to %edpills
$or the h"rdline lo#"ted there.
!reston #eights
6or the $ol:s with in$luen#es who w"nt to live 7owntown but donFt enCoy the bustle o$ Center
'"r: "nd '"r: 1"st& Creston 5eights sits "bove "ll th"t& rimming the north side o$ downtown
li:e " gentle wre"th. !he entire "re" is prote#ted by "n 1ile $or#e :nown "s the
3eighborhood ,"t#hers whose true "lli"n#e is un:nown. !hey seem to be dedi#"ted to
prote#ting 9luepills "s mu#h "s "nything else& whi#h h"s led some to #onCe#ture th"t they
m"y h"ve "n "lli"n#e with the ."#hines& "nd others to s"y th"t they "re obviously "ligned
with Eion. Creston 5eights is the l"rgest neighborhood in downtown.
1dgew"ter w"s on#e ni#:n"med Dthe *teel *horeD "$ter the old smelting pl"nts "nd shipping
$"#ilities th"t dotted its length. On#e <pon " time these pl"#es "nswered the sirenFs #"ll o$
w"rtime to produ#e munitions& t"n:s "nd other essenti"ls& but pe"#etime produ#tion never
)uite lived up to epe#t"tions "nd the neighborhood l"nguished $or de#"des be$ore being
gentri$ied in " m"Cor proCe#t by the City over the l"st de#"de. 3ow rest"ur"nts "nd store$ronts
"re on#e "g"in dr"wing bluepill "#tivity to the "re"& le"ding M-n$orm"tion to $low there "nd
getting the "ttention o$ 1iles li:e the 9"rtender& who #"n be $ound "t the trendy Club 3oir.
#a"pton -reen
5"mpton ?reen is the #enter o$ #ommer#e downtown& " bustling "nd #"#ophonous pl"#e th"t
lies #lose to the very he"rt o$ the ."#hinesO #ontrol o$ the ."tri. %e"#hing to the s:y "re
"r#hite#tur"l m"rvels o$ steel& stone& "nd gl"ssB bro"d boulev"rds $low with limousines "nd
t"i#"bs& li:e gre"t "rteries pumping 28/> with ide"s& money "nd de"ls. 'eople .ove with
'urpose "long the sidew"l:s in seemingly #h"oti# mobs& but e"#h individu"l h"s $o#us "nd
intent. !here is r"w power on the streets o$ 5"mpton ?reen& "nd it surges up the towers o$
#ommer#e "nd industry. *till these events p"le in #omp"rison to the e#h"nges o$
M-n$orm"tion "nd #ontrol th"t o##ur beyond the noti#e o$ the un"w":ened. !heir world& the
very ."tri itsel$& h"s been sw"yed by e#h"nges in 5"mpton ?reen.
#istoric $istrict
!he 5istori# 7istri#t is prob"bly the most ironi#"lly n"med "re" in the City& "s it implies "n
The Matrix Online Archives
"#tu"l history inste"d o$ one $"bri#"ted by the m"#hinesF design routines. !he 5istori# 7istri#t
sits to the south o$ 7owntown& surrounded by V"uton& *outh V"uton "nd 1dgew"ter. !he
3eighborhood is in tr"ns$orm"tion $rom " de#"ying downtown to " vibr"nt neighborhood with
spe#i"lty shops "nd rest"ur"nts. !he buildings "ppe"r to h"ve origin"lly been built between
the turn o$ the #entury "nd the /980s& with "rt de#o tou#hes on m"ny buildings. !he
neighborhood is " $"vorite o$ the 9luepills th"t wor: in Chelse" "nd ."ribe"u "s " pl"#e to
lun#h th"t isnFt " $"st $ood #h"in. 9oth ups#"le shops "nd older businesses #"n be $ound
here& "s well "s the City Courthouse& " popul"r histori# l"ndm"r:.
Industrial .1uare
Aptly n"med& -ndustri"l *)u"re is " m"Cor neus #orpor"te #ulture "nd in$luen#e& se#ond only
to 5"mpton ?reen. ,hile 5"mpton ?reen m"y host the #orpor"te he"d)u"rters $or some o$
the l"rgest "nd most in$luenti"l #omp"nies in the ."tri& !he "##ounting #enters o$ those
#orpor"tions "re lo#"ted in -ndustry *)u"re. !he ."tri is "n illusion& but it is not wholly
illusionB in m"ny w"ys it is simply " veil or disguise whi#h obs#ures det"ils but le"ves the rue
n"ture un#h"nged. 6or the re"son it )ui#:ly be#omes "pp"rent th"t every doll"r& every
resour#e& every $"#ility o$ worth in the ."tri #"rries with it " v"lue in M-n$orm"tion. !hose
doll"rs "nd deeds "re tr"#:ed "nd #onsolid"ted in the towers o$ -ndustry *)u"re.
L"m"r is on the e"st side o$ 7owntown& "n older neighborhood o$ st"tely high+rises "nd
"p"rtment blo#:s mied with gl"ss "nd steel s:ys#r"pers "nd gentri$ied #ondominiums. !he
business distri#t is o$ten #h"r"#terized in the lo#"l news "s Jrolling up its sidew"l:sK "t the
#lose o$ business every evening. ,hile there "re some #lubs "nd h"ngouts& there isnFt mu#h
nightli$e to spe": o$ in L"m"r. !he residenti"l "re"s "re "ppe"ling to those who li:e " little
more room in their living "##ommod"tions& "nd the older o$$i#e buildings displ"y gr"nd
"r#hite#tur"l style o$ " bygone er". !here is " #lose+:nit& Jold boy networ:K "tmosphere to this
neighborhood& re$le#ted in the interl"#ed "sso#i"tions the lo#"l so#i"l org"niz"tions h"ve with
the businesses. !hose who move into the neighborhood m"y $eel wel#ome& but m"y not be
truly "##epted until #onsider"ble time h"s p"ssed "nd signi$i#"nt #ontributions h"ve been
m"de to the bene$it o$ lo#"l org"niz"tions.
."ribe"u is th"t tr"nsitory zone th"t lies between the seething e#onomy o$ 5"mpton ?reen
"nd the more rel"ed "re"s o$ Chelse" "nd the 5istori# 7istri#t. Older lo#"l businesses& "s
well "s those who "re new#omers to 7owntown without the me"ns to yet move into $"#ilities
in the ultr"+high rent towers o$ 5"mpton ?reen "re the #ommer#i"l li$eblood o$ ."ribe"u.
*ome residents o$ .orrell s"y th"t their neighborhood is too o$ten overloo:ed in $"vor o$ '"r:
1"st& but others s"y itFs gre"t to enCoy "ll o$ the s"me bene$its without the intrusive limelight.
,hile .orrell enCoys the s"me rel"tionship to Center '"r:& lining the west side o$ Center '"r:
"re"& when most people thin: o$ living ne"r Center '"r:& they thin: o$ '"r: 1"st. !his
prob"bly h"s " lot to do with rel"tive positions o$ other neighborhoods. ,hile '"r: 1"st
The Matrix Online Archives
segues into moneyed 5"mpton ?reen "nd histori# ."ribe"u& .orrell $lows south into the
e#onomi#"lly #h"llenged "re" o$ V"uton.
&ark %ast
-$ you w"nt to live where the ri#h "nd power$ul urb"nites #"ll home& you h"ve " posh
"p"rtment in '"r: 1"st. !he most desir"ble pl"#es $"#e the west "nd h"ve " view o$ Center
'"r:& but thereFs no su#h thing "s " b"d "ddress in '"r: 1"st. !he 3eighborhood is p"trolled
by ,hite *e#urity& " $or#e o$ 1iles #ontrolled by 7"me ,hite& who owns one o$ the most
7esir"ble buildings in the neighborhood& with the upper $loors l"id out "s her person"l dom"in
"nd $ortress.
As 9"ldwin 5eights is the pl"#e $or young go+getters who wor: in 5"mpton ?reen& 'illsen h"s
be#ome the .e##" $or the o$$i#e wor:ers who drive the "##ounts o$ -ndustry *)u"re. -tFs not
unusu"l to see " #"$e p"#:ed with people but de"d silent "s the p"trons #li#: "w"y on the
:eys o$ port"ble #omputers& m"nipul"ting spre"dsheets& tr"#ing errors in "##ounts& "nd
loo:ing to m":e "ll o$ the numbers #ome out Cust right. !he residents o$ 'illsen "re
disproportion"tely dedi#"ted to m":ing the ."tri " more orderly pl"#e. !hey "re the blues o$
.outh 2auxton
'hysi#"lly itFs " l"rger neighborhood th"n V"uton& but *outh V"uton su$$ers $rom the
perenni"l problem o$ not being "ble to get re#ognition "s " neighborhood o$ its own& in spite o$
being o$$i#i"lly re#ognized "nd h"ving its own neighborhood #ommittee. <n$ortun"tely thereFs
" re"son $or this: *outh V"uton is little more th"n the #r"ppy south end o$ the ni#er V"uton
neighborhood. <nbe:nownst to the *outh V"uton residents struggling to get the
"#:nowledgement they #r"ve& the most to sep"r"te *outh V"uton $rom V"uton is se#retly
$in"n#ed "nd b"#:ed by the business le"ders o$ V"uton whoFd r"ther be rid o$ the
undesir"ble south end.
.tratford !a"pus
,hile 5"mpton ?reen houses the he"d)u"rters o$ #orpor"tions "nd the "##ount"nts o$
-ndustry *)u"re #ount their pro$its& *tr"t$ord C"mpus is the )uiet se"t o$ power in 7owntown.
!he norm"lly ignored business #omple o$ *tr"t$ord C"mpus is the #ontrolled by .r. 9l"#:&
"nd is home to sever"l m"Cor& but low+pro$ile& org"niz"tions th"t "#t "s umbrell" #orpor"tions
whi#h hold #ontrolling interests in "ll o$ the biggest #orpor"tions in the ."tri on beh"l$ o$
1iles who #"nnot dire#tly involved themselves.
*nion #ill
One o$ the oldest neighborhoods 7owntown& <nion 5ill w"s "rgu"bly the spot on whi#h the
City w"s $ounded. !he origin"l $ort built on the hill is long sin#e gone& but " pl")ue m"r:s the
site "nd #ommemor"tes those who died de$ending the pl"#e $rom "ll d"ngers G" re$eren#e to
the n"tive popul"tion th"t did their best to drive "w"y the inv"ding settlersI. <nion 5ill tod"y is
The Matrix Online Archives
" de#ent pl"#e to live "nd surprisingly "$$ord"ble $or being so #lose to 5"mpton ?reen& but it
h"s " reput"tion $or being " se#ond r"te "ddress "nd no "mbitious young wor:er would be
#"ught de"d here. !heir se#ret"ries& however& "re h"ppy to live so #lose to wor: $or " rel"tive
pitt"n#e in rent.
-n spite o$ its proimity to Center '"r:& V"uton h"s "lw"ys h"d "n im"ge problem th"t :eeps
it $rom being "s desir"ble "s '"r: 1"st& Creston 5eights& or .orrell. -n "n "ttempt to solve
this problem& #ivi# le"ders )uietly en#our"ged the poorer south end o$ the neighborhood to
bre": "w"y "nd see: re#ognition "s " sep"r"te entity& but this b"#:$ired when the "re"
settled on the insu$$i#iently+di$$erent title o$ *outh V"uton "s the new n"me o$ the "re".
V"uton is usu"lly #"lled D!he VoD by lo#"l residents& "nd "nyone who #"lls it V"uton is
immedi"tely t"gged "s "n outsider.
!he Nu:i Gthe n"me me"ns DsnowD in J"p"neseI #onstru#t is "n idylli# re#re"tion o$ "n#ient
J"p"n in winter. -t is " preserved pie#e o$ "n e"rlier ."tri #onstru#t #re"ted by the ."#hine
Civiliz"tion in their rese"r#h progr"m to $ind " more st"ble simul"tion $or the hum"n
popul"tion. Cre"ted in the s"me er" "s the D$"iry t"leD ."tri& this proCe#t "lso $ollowed the
philosophy th"t hum"ns would be h"ppier living in simpler times& "nd "ttempted to repli#"te "
mediev"l Asi"n setting. On#e the $"iry t"le ."tri beg"n to unr"vel& this proCe#t w"s
"b"ndoned& but "n Ar#hivist m"n"ged to preserve two pie#es: Nu:i "nd *":ur".
The Matrix Online Archives
Ashen#ourte is " d"r:& gothi#& urb"n l"nds#"pe popul"ted with pred"troy 9lood 7rin:ers. !he
#onstru#t is " preserved pie#e o$ " p"st D$"iry t"leD ."tri est"blished by the ."#hines& in
whi#h they hoped hum"nity would be $orever #ontent "nd uninterested in es#"ping.
<n$ortun"tely& the hum"n psy#he #ould not de"l with per$e#tion& "nd n"tur"l hum"n "nieties
soon #"used " number o$ problems& in#luding the sub#ons#ious w"rping o$ the simul"tion to
"llow $or DmonstersD "nd other deep+rooted $e"rs. 1iles soon le"rned to t":e "dv"nt"ge o$
the #h"nges to the simlu"tion& "nd over the #ourse o$ time their %*-s be#"me optimized to $it
the ni#h hum"ns h"d un:nowingly #re"ted $or them: v"mpires& werewolves& ghosts& "nd other
boogeymen. ."ny o$ these #re"tures survived the resets o$ the ."tri between then "nd the
present& some by riding out the reintegr"tion pro#ess in " s"$e h"ven #onstru#t su#h "s
!hough the origin"l simul"tion w"s long "go destroyed by the ."#hines& this b"#:up version
o$ " portion o$ th"t world h"s been m"int"ined by the Ar#hivists.
One +ero
The Matrix Online Archives
-n the dist"nt p"st& be$ore w"r h"d destroyed the sur$"#e o$ the 1"rth& the ."#hines $led the
#iviliz"tion o$ hum"nity to $ound their own #ity: Eero One. 3o one is #ert"in why the ."#hines
would w"nt to re#re"te Eero One in " simul"tion ++ histori#"l preserv"tion& " sense o$ loss& or
Cust be#"use they li:e itH ++ but sever"l pie#es o$ the #onstru#t Gin#luding this One Eero
Ar#hiveI h"ve been #opied by the Ar#hivists $or their own purposes& #omplete with 1iles who
h"ve t"ilored themselves to $it into the simul"tion by t":ing on robot+li:e %*-s.
The Matrix Online Archives
!he *":ur" Gthe n"me me"ns D#herry blossomD in J"p"neseI #onstru#t is "n idylli# re#re"tion
o$ "n#ient J"p"n in springtime. -t is " preserved pie#e o$ "n e"rlier ."tri #onstru#t #re"ted by
the ."#hine Civiliz"tion in their rese"r#h progr"m to $ind " more st"ble simul"tion $or the
hum"n popul"tion. Cre"ted in the s"me er" "s the D$"iry t"leD ."tri& this proCe#t "lso $ollowed
the philosophy th"t hum"ns would be h"ppier living in simpler times& "nd "ttempted to
repli#"te " mediev"l Asi"n setting. On#e the $"iry t"le m"tri beg"n to unr"vel& this proCe#t
w"s "b"ndoned& but "n Ar#hivist m"n"ged to preserve two pie#es: Nu:i "nd *":ur".
,idow4s Moor
The Matrix Online Archives
,idowFs .oor is " d"r:& gothi#& urb"n l"nds#"pe popul"ted with pred"troy 9lood 7rin:ers.
!he #onstru#t is " preserved pie#e o$ " p"st D$"iry t"leD ."tri est"blished by the ."#hines& in
whi#h they hoped hum"nity would be $orever #ontent "nd uninterested in es#"ping.
<n$ortun"tely& the hum"n psy#he #ould not de"l with per$e#tion& "nd n"tur"l hum"n "nieties
soon #"used " number o$ problems& in#luding the sub#ons#ious w"rping o$ the simul"tion to
"llow $or DmonstersD "nd other deep+rooted $e"rs. 1iles soon le"rned to t":e "dv"nt"ge o$
the #h"nges to the simlu"tion& "nd over the #ourse o$ time their %*-s be#"me optimized to $it
the ni#h hum"ns h"d un:nowingly #re"ted $or them: v"mpires& werewolves& ghosts& "nd other
boogeymen. ."ny o$ these #re"tures survived the resets o$ the ."tri between then "nd the
present& some by riding out the reintegr"tion pro#ess in " s"$e h"ven #onstru#t su#h "s
,idowFs .oor.
!hough the origin"l simul"tion w"s long "go destroyed by the ."#hines& this b"#:up version
o$ " portion o$ th"t world h"s been m"int"ined by the Ar#hivists.
+ero One
The Matrix Online Archives
-n the dist"nt p"st& be$ore w"r h"d destroyed the sur$"#e o$ the 1"rth& the ."#hines $led the
#iviliz"tion o$ hum"nity to $ound their own #ity: Eero One. 3o one is #ert"in why the ."#hines
would w"nt to re#re"te Eero One in " simul"tion++histori#"l preserv"tion& " sense o$ loss& or
Cust be#"use they li:e it++but sever"l pie#es o$ the #onstru#t h"ve been #opied by the
Ar#hivists $or their own purposes& #omplete with 1iles who h"ve t"ilored themselves to $it
into the simul"tion by t":ing on robot+li:e %*-s.
The ,hite #allways
The Matrix Online Archives
!he ,hite 5"llw"ys "re b"#: doors in the ."tri& "llowing one to tr"vel to $"r "re"s within
moments& or "##ess hidden #onstru#ts. !here "re rumors th"t some 1ile progr"ms lur: in
#ert"in& dist"nt p"rts o$ these l"brynthi"n h"lls.
+ion Organi5ational #ideout
Eionist rese"r#hers m"de " bre":through in de#oding #ert"in "##ess #odes to the ,hite
5"lls. !he result w"s the #re"tion o$ " se#ret hideout within the ."tri& th"t would o$$er Gin
theoryI s"$e re$uge $rom the ."#hines "nd " pl"#e $or Eionists to meet "nd pl"n. 9ut you will
need " lot o$ Min$o "nd high reput"tion in Eion to g"in "##ess.
Machines Organi5ational #ideout
The Matrix Online Archives
!he ."#hines h"ve gr"nted "##ess to high+level ."#hinist oper"tives to " se#ret
org"niz"tion"l hideout& "##essible only through the ,hite 5"lls "nd "$ter $or:ing out " lot o$
The !hateau 6Merovingian Organi5ational #ideout7
!he Ch"teu& the #losest thing to being the .erovingi"n@s home in the ."tri& is "s mysterious
"s it is di$$i#ult to $ind. Only those who h"ve proven themselves etremely loy"l to the
.erovingi"n+ or who lived long enough+ h"ve "##ess to the Ch"te"uP $or the right pri#e.
The Matrix Online Archives
7"t"mine is " #onstru#t th"t %edpills h"ve re#ently g"ined "##ess to. 7evoid o$ 9luepill
"#tivity& it nevertheless "ppe"rs li:e " disused portion o$ the m"in City& perh"ps " remn"nt o$
the previous ."tri. 7ue to the "n"molies in this #onstru#t& ri#h deposits o$ r"w #ode #"n be
t"pped in to $or l"rge "mounts o$ Min$orm"tion& #ode $r"gments& or even progr"ms thought to
h"ve long been disposed. Also& powe$ul se#urity progr"ms lur: in " $ew o$ the buildings.
.ati4s &layground
The Matrix Online Archives
!his #onstru#t w"s re#ently been un#overed& " h"ven $or *"ti "nd her #re"tivity. ,ithin it& the
l"ws o$ the ."tri "re $urther muted& "nd power$ul progr"ms #"n be de$e"ted $or spe#i"l
The Matrix Online Archives
89 The .toryline
!hapter :9:
.ysterious red+eyed "gents suddenly "ppe"r throughout the ."tri& dem"nding those
with Jilleg"l #ontr"b"ndK give it up or they will #"n#el the "uto C"#:+out "nd t"mper with
h"rdline oper"tion.
!he red+eyed "gents begin "tt"#:ing "ll %edpills& reg"rdless o$ org"niz"tion. All out
w"r soon bre":s out on the streets but the most unsettling thing is the $"#t their
motives "re #ompletely un:nown.
Eion& the ."#hines "nd the .erovingi"n "ll o$$i#i"lly deny involvement with the red+
eyed "gents.
!he $":e "gents "re given the sl"ng n"me L17 "gents be#"use o$ the sm"ll red L17
lights $ound on the '7As th"t they #"rry. !hey "lso drop str"nge #ode $r"gments th"t
seem to #ont"in 3eo@s $in"l thoughts within the ."tri Gsee Appendix C, Neos RSI
!he org"niz"tions soon re"lize th"t these #ode $r"gments must be o$ gre"t import"n#e
"nd thus begins " r"#e to #olle#t "s m"ny "s possible. !he popul"r belie$ is th"t 3eo
#"n "#tu"lly be reborn by using them in some w"y.
The Matrix Online Archives
Morpheus gives a speech to the Redpills of Megacity here he proclai!s all should u"ite u"der
the flag of #io" a"d collect the R$% frag!e"ts for the greater good of hu!a"ity. &e shos the
crod a shattered 'eo R$% that #io" is tryi"g to re(uild fro! the frag!e"ts poer.
!he r"#e soon be#omes violent with org"niz"tion"l $ighting on "n "ll+time highB Eion
"nd the .erovingi"n "re "t the $ore$ront o$ the #on$li#t. *pee#hes "re m"ny "nd
#ompetition is #lose& #onst"ntly shi$ting between the two.
.orpheus& the Ar#hite#t "nd 'ersephone e"#h give out mess"ges des#ribing
themselves seeing 3eo himsel$ $lo"ting "bove " l"rge tri"ngul"r room with members o$
e"#h org"niz"tion in " di$$erent #orner& they "ll rush into the #entre but surprisingly
r"ther th"n $ight they begin to sh":e h"nds. !his obviously symbolizes wor:ing
together but no one seems to re"lize it. -t seems the bitterness between the
org"niz"tions m":es su#h pe"#e impossible.
A$ter vi#ious "nd #lose #ompetition it is reve"led th"t Eion is vi#torious in #olle#ting the
most %*- $r"gments.
-t is le"rned th"t the e"rlier spee#hes reg"rding 3eo #ont"ined " hidden mess"ge th"t
on#e de#iphered "#tu"lly opened " #ont"#t line with the Or"#le. ,hen the line is $in"lly
m"de she spe":s o$ how "ll must unite $or the $uture o$ the ."tri is in gre"t peril. *he
reve"ls th"t " group o$ eile progr"ms #"lled the *h"pers "re the only ones th"t #"n
The Matrix Online Archives
su##ess$ully re+$orge 3eo@s %*- "nd how they must be prote#ted $rom the L17 "gents
"t "ll #osts.
!he Or"#le@s mess"ge $"lls on de"$ e"rs "s the org"niz"tions rush "nd $ight over the
power o$ the *h"pers. <n$ortun"tely& due to the %edpills own $oolishness& the L17
"gents g"in #ontrol o$ " *h"per $or themselves. !he very thing the Or"#le $e"red would
J340 AgentsK begin to "ppe"r throughout the ."tri. App"rently the L17 "gents used
the power o$ the *h"per to imbed some p"rt o$ 3eo onto themselves.
*uper L17 "gents storm the ."tri& "ll sides sust"in he"vy #"su"lties "nd the %edpills
$ight " losing b"ttle until they $in"lly put "side their di$$eren#es "nd wor: together. ,ith
The Matrix Online Archives
the help o$ .orpheus they $ight b"#: the L17 horde "nd st"nd vi#torious& but still
tension run high.
!he Or"#le #ongr"tul"tes the %edpills on wor:ing together $or on#e "nd w"rns o$ "
$or#e th"t will soon thre"ten the very $uture o$ the ."tri. All must prep"re $or the
The Matrix Online Archives
!hapter :98
!wo eile r"#es& the Lupines "nd the 9lood 7rin:ers unepe#tedly go on " r"mp"ge
through .eg"#ity. 3o one :nows why but %edpills "#ross "ll org"niz"tions "re
thre"tened. !hese eiles "re #le"rly loo:ing to st"rt trouble.
!he le"ders o$ the Lupine / 9lood 7rin:er "lli"n#e "re :nown "s Oo:"mi "nd ."lph"s.
*hortly "$ter the widespre"d "tt"#:s they dis"ppe"r& "nd this "ngers the eiles "s they
#l"im th"t the two were #"ptured "nd "re being held prisoner. !he two r"#es )ui#:ly go
on " :illing spree with the intent o$ revenge.
All three org"niz"tions o$$i#i"lly deny the #"pture o$ Oo:"mi or ."lph"s.
-n the w":e o$ the "lli"n#e le"ders@ dis"ppe"r"n#e& " v"mpire by the n"me o$ -nv"les#o
)ui#:ly r"ises to power. 5e #"lls $or "ny willing %edpills to bring him sele#t items $rom
throughout the ."tri& giving them the promise o$ tr"ns$orming them $rom "n
"w":ened hum"n into "n immort"l eile v"mpire.
,hile -nv"les#o@s loy"l subCe#ts "w"it his word Oo:"mi "nd ."lph"s return reve"ling
th"t they h"d not been #"ptured "$ter "ll but needed to go into hiding $rom the
.erovingi"n. 5e h"d issued "n "ttempt on their lives "nd they h"d h"d no #hoi#e. !he
"lli"n#e is given new dire#tion: " $ull on w"r "g"inst the 6ren#hm"n. 1miss"ries $rom
the Lupine / 9lood 7rin:er $or#es "re sent to try "nd #onvert %edpills to their #"use.
-nv"les#o returns "t " di$$i#ult time& "s the return o$ Oo:"mi "nd ."lph"s h"s #re"ted "
ri$t in the "lli"n#e. !o reinst"te his position -nv"les#o begins the tr"ns$orm"tion ritu"l
on one o$ his rem"ining subCe#ts. !he ritu"l $"ils "s -nv"les#o@s brother& 6eronus& turns
up to stop the v"mpire@s tr"itorous w"ys. 5owever& he $"lters in #omb"t "nd is blown
"w"y by -nv"lse#o@s immense power. !he eile $lees "nd " #h"se ensues. 6ighting
bre":s out "mongst the %edpills present& "s m"ny "g"inst him "s there "re $or him.
6rom the top o$ the "s#ension monument -nv"les#o es#"pes to the "r#hives but not
be$ore re#eiving " st":e to the he"rt. 5e goes into hiding to try "nd reg"in his
Oo:"mi "nd ."lph"s begin " m"ss hunt $or the tr"itor. A$ter h"ving %edpills $ollow "n
intri#"te string o$ #lues he is eventu"lly $ound "nd " m"ssive $in"l b"ttle bre":s out. -n
the end -nv"les#o is greeted by " se#ond st":e to the he"rt "nd dies his $in"l de"th.
!":ing "dv"nt"ge o$ the "lli"n#e@s little #ivil w"r& the .erovingi"n g"thers his $or#es
"nd stri:es b"#: h"rd "g"inst the Lupines "nd 9lood 7rin:ers. ,hen the smo:e #le"rs
it is the 6ren#hm"n who st"nds vi#torious. Oo:"mi "nd ."lph"s "re #"ptured "nd
$or#ed to be#ome Jloy"lK subCe#ts on#e "g"in.
The Matrix Online Archives
!hapter :9;
.orpheus gives " spee#h dem"nding 3eo@s body be returned. 5e thre"tens immedi"te
"#tion i$ his re)uest is not met.
!he ."#hines m":e "n o$$i#i"l st"tement th"t .orpheus@ dem"nds will not be met "nd
th"t he will soon be "pprehended.
3umerous #ode bombs "re set o$$ "round the #ity. !hese bombs peel b"#: the ."tri@s
wor:ings "nd reve"l the #ode bene"th. .orpheus@ pl"n is to show "ll the 9luepills the
illusion they live in "nd ultim"tely $or#e the ."#hines to give up. !he bombs "lso
rele"se " non+leth"l virus& " green sprite th"t $ollows those %edpills in$e#ted. !his too
is #le"rly visible to the 9luepills "nd serves "s "nother w"y to Q"w":en them on
All org"niz"tions m":e o$$i#i"l st"tements showing they "re not in "ny w"y in support
o$ .orpheus "nd he is to be #onsidered "n out#"st.
*ever"l heli#opters th"t h"ve re#ently been $lying "round the #ity drop prop"g"nd"
le"$lets s"ying J7o not trust the 6ren#hm"nK. Other su#h mess"ges "re $ound& in #ode&
within the billbo"rds o$ the #ity.
.orpheus "ddresses #rowds o$ both %edpills "nd blue. 5e "dmits the bombs were his
doing "nd how they show the true $orm o$ the ."tri. 5e urges the 9luepills to w":e up
$rom their dre"m "nd s"ys how "ll must $ight $or the body o$ 3eo to be returned.
Agents soon "rrive "nd send se#urity $or#es "$ter .orpheusB however& those %edpills
loy"l to him hold them o$$ long enough $or him to es#"pe.
The Matrix Online Archives
7uring "nother spee#h Oo:"mi "nd her Lupine $ollowers stri:e& "tt"#:ing "ll present to
get to the out#"st Eionist. 5e "nd Oo:"mi duel but .orpheus simply s"ys J- don@t h"ve
time $or this&K "nd hyper Cumps "w"y.
!he net spee#h .orpheus gives det"ils how he believes he is winning "nd how it is
Cust " m"tter o$ time be$ore the ."#hines give in to his dem"nds. 3iobe "rrives "nd
tries to #onvin#e .orpheus to stop his m"dness& i$ only $or his own s"$ety. 5e
dismisses her s"ying he :nows wh"t he@s doing. At th"t very moment m"s:ed b"ndits
turn up "nd "tt"#: "ll present. 3iobe shouts $or .orpheus to run. 5e hyper Cumps
!he m"s:ed b"ndits "re " rebel org"niz"tion& norm"lly sm"ll in number "nd never
be$ore this boisterous but it seems those th"t .orpheus $or#e$ully "wo:e with his
bombs h"ve gre"tly bolstered their r"n:s "s well "s their "#tivity. !hey "re hum"n
beings& %edpills whose only wish is to be reinserted into the ."tri. *ome even h"ve "
ne"r worshipping rel"tionship $or the tr"itor& Cypher. Also& their redpill st"tus gives
them the "sset o$ the "uto C"#:+out& m":ing them etremely h"rd to :ill.
,hile pl"nting " #ode bomb in " w"ter tre"tment pl"nt& .orpheus is shot de"d by "
m"s:ed "ss"ssin th"t #"n somehow byp"ss the "uto C"#: out with spe#i"l J:ill #odeK
The Matrix Online Archives
-nvestig"tions into .orpheus@ "ss"ssin"tion begin on "ll $ronts.
The Matrix Online Archives
-t is dis#overed th"t the "ss"ssin th"t :illed .orpheus is "lw"ys seen with $lies "round
him. !he story behind these $lies is un:nown but video eviden#e proves he #"n
tr"ns$orm into " sw"rm o$ them "t will.
!he m"s:ed men begin turning up "ll "round the #ity dropping vit"l #lues& "ll o$ whi#h
seem to suggest the .erovingi"n is responsible $or the Ass"ssin.
Agent *:inner le"ds " group o$ m"#hine oper"tives in " hunt $or the Ass"ssin& "nd
they do eventu"lly #orner the mysterious m"n o$ $lies. 6ighting bre":s out "s he lets
loose his #orrupted $ollowers to "tt"#: the oper"tives. -n " duel to the de"th& " virus
imprinted in the Ass"ssin@s bullets in$e#ts Agent *:inner. !he "gent is $or#ed to
destroy himsel$ in "n e$$ort to stop the virus spre"ding.
A repl"#ement $or Agent *:inner is #re"ted: the $irst $em"le "gent& Agent '"#e. *he is
designed to be the $irst redpill $riendly "gent developed $or tru#e #onditions. *he #"n
J$eelK "nd underst"nd hum"n emotion. !he ."#hines believe her to be the $irst step
tow"rds better redpill rel"tions.
3iobe #re"tes her own splinter group& mu#h "s .orpheus h"d done. !his 3iobe group
is devoted to "venging .orpheus "nd #"rrying on his leg"#y. ."ny o$ .orpheus@
$ormer $ollowers Coin. Eion is essenti"lly split in two.
!he m"s:ed men suddenly dis"ppe"r o$$ the streets o$ the #ity "nd "re repl"#ed by
"nother even more power$ul thre"t& the Corrupted.
!he Corrupted drop m"ny #lues "s to the identity "nd purpose o$ the Ass"ssin. -t
"ppe"rs he w"s the progr"m in #h"rge o$ re#y#ling in$orm"tion& in#luding the bodies o$
those who die while still plugged in. 5e w"s "lso responsible $or !rinity@s body& but
w"s ordered not to re#y#le it $or some re"son. ,hen thre"tened with deletion he $led to
the ."tri with the help o$ .erovingi"n. 5is go"l it seems is to destroy the entire ."tri
progr"m& Cust to see his $ormer m"sters $"ll. O$ #ourse in the pro#ess he will destroy
himsel$& but he st"tes this is o$ no #on#ern to him. !o "#hieve his go"l he h"s beg"n to
overwrite the minds o$ 9luepills "nd is using them "s his soldiers& the Corrupted. Also
his pl"n is "pp"rently "lre"dy underw"y. 5e is beginning to #orrupt the ."tri $rom the
inside out& "s it will begin slowly then )ui#:en in p"#e "s time goes on. !he $irst signs
"re "lre"dy showing "s monuments "round the #ity begin to dest"bilize.
?i"nt monsters #"lled JComplete CorruptedK begin to "ppe"r "round "ll the
monuments "$$e#ted by the Ass"ssin@s power. !hese level 2;; #re"tures begin to
destroy everything in their p"th. Around them sp"wn norm"l Corrupted th"t drop
Jinse#ti#ide #odeK this is dis#overed to be the only thing th"t #"n de$e"t the #omplete
#orrupted. 7espite being "rmed with the inse#ti#ide #ode& the #re"tures don@t "ppe"r to
be we":ening. -t seems "ll hope is lost until e"#h o$ the org"niz"tions on#e "g"in
throw "w"y their di$$eren#es "nd unite to de$e"t the de"dly be"sts. A$ter " long tiring
b"ttle& it is the united %edpills th"t st"nd vi#torious.
The Matrix Online Archives
!he Ass"ssin@s "#tivities very unepe#tedly stop. 5e is thought to be :eeping low "nd
is #urrently in hiding.
The Matrix Online Archives
!hapter 89:
3iobe de#ides to bre": into " hotel room where the .erovingi"n "nd 'ersephone "re
st"ying in the hopes o$ le"rning more "bout .orpheus@ "ss"ssin. ,hen held "t sword+
point the .erovingi"n gives the Eion #"pt"in the in$orm"tion she needs: th"t the
Ass"ssin@s "ppe"r"n#e is " #oder@s Co:e& " dispos"l progr"m m"de out o$ thous"nds o$
$lies. .ost vit"l however w"s the in$orm"tion th"t the Ass"ssin is most li:ely to be
$ound "round his old h"unts& sew"ge "nd g"rb"ge. ,ith b"#: up $rom ?host& 3iobe is
"ble to get them both " $ree p"ss out o$ the hotel "nd so begins her hunt $or revenge.
Level ;0 red+eyed "gents begin to sp"wn "t ("lt Chemi#"ls in (edemoth. %edpills
$ight them o$$ "s best they #"n but ultim"tely it is " losing b"ttle. 3europhyte hersel$
"rrives Cust in time to support the oper"tives. *he uses her spe#i"l "bilities sever"l
times to stri:e the "gents with " str"nge bolt o$ yellow energy. !hose stru#: "re
#ompletely destroyed in " $l"sh o$ green #ode. !he b"ttle is won but the over use o$ her
powers severely we":ens 3europhyte "nd she #oll"pses. A$ter being revived by her
"llies she su$$ers tempor"ry memory loss "nd pro#eeds to C"#: out.
Eion oper"tives begin to se"r#h $or " w"y to re#re"te the inse#ti#ide #ode in the hope it
#"n be used in $uture b"ttles "g"inst the Ass"ssin. -ngredients "re g"thered $rom "ll
over the .eg"#ity. 5owever& #ompetition is tough "s the ."#hines send "gent
inter$eren#e "nd .erovingi"n $or#es prove troublesome. A$ter rigorous rese"r#h "nd
tests Eion s#ientists su##ess$ully re#re"te the inse#ti#ide #ode& with m"ss produ#tion to
st"rt soon there"$ter.
Code bombs st"rt re"ppe"ring in the #ity@s m"Cor g"thering pl"#es& pl"nted by " m"n
going by the n"me J."erdK. !his m"n is eerily simil"r to .orpheus not only in
"ppe"r"n#e but "lso ide"ls "nd w"y o$ spee#h but is simply thought to be " $ormer
$ollower #"rrying on his de#e"sed m"ster@s wor:.
!he re#ent #ode bombings bring the Ass"ssin out o$ hidingB m"ny %edpills br"vely try
to t":e the power$ul eile down but to no "v"il. A$ter h"ving his $un with those th"t
opposed him the Ass"ssin dis"ppe"rs "g"in.
A possible #lue "s to the return o$ the One is $ound during " r"id on "n eile b"se& with
the dis#overy o$ " newsp"per #lipping whi#h tells o$ someone n"med J*"r"h
1dmontonsK unepe#tedly w":ing $rom " #om" "nd simply w"l:ing out o$ the hospit"l
without s"ying " word. *"r"h 1dmontons is "n "n"gr"m o$ !hom"s AndersonP
!he red+eyed "gents m":e their return "nd st"rt sending sever"l mess"ges to "ll
C"#:ed+in %edpills. !hey tell o$ how Jpotenti"l #"rriersK "re being tr"#:ed "nd t"rgeted.
!he popul"r theory is they "re se"r#hing $or 3europhyte& #"rrier o$ the :ill #ode.
!he .orpheus loo:+"+li:e re"ppe"rs& on#e "g"in setting o$$ #ode bombs throughout
the #ity. ."ny in)uire "s to his identity but he simply "nswers& JNou :now who - "m.K
*oon "$ter the bombings the Ass"ssin shows up "nd silently "s:s those ne"rby where
The Matrix Online Archives
."erd h"d run to. A$ter re#eiving the in$orm"tion $rom the terri$ied %edpills the
Ass"ssin dis"ppe"rs "s )ui#:ly "s he@d #ome.
7uring " routine mission V"shuo o$ the Novalis II is inst"ntly :illed by " sign"l
disrupting devi#e th"t w"s pl"nted onto the b"#: o$ his C"#:+in #h"ir. Eion se#urity
$or#es "re sent to bo"rd the ship "nd the entire #rew is det"ined $or )uestioning. !here
is undoubtedly " tr"itor "mongst the #rew& someone in le"gue with the m"s:ed men.
1ven worse it is believed to be " high+r"n:ing le"der o$ the m"s:ed "s inter#epted
tr"nsmissions show ?em"s:eered himsel$ re)uesting orders $rom the un:nown tr"itor
"bo"rd the ship.
A$ter the murder too: pl"#e& the ship@s oper"tor emergen#y+C"#:ed the #rew out o$ the
."tri. !his resulted in #ode $r"gments being dropped "round their l"st C"#:ed+in
lo#"tions. !hese $r"gments hold #lues th"t #ould point tow"rds the identity o$ the
tr"itor. Coupled with the :nowledge on the sign"l p"ths o$ the l"st tr"nsmissions h"d
between the #rew& " #on#lusion #"n be re"#hed. *olutions "re to be sent to
!ynd"ll/Agent ?r"y/6lood@s em"il.
!he murderer o$ V"shuo& tr"itor to the Novalis II #rew "nd one o$ the gre"t le"ders o$
the Cypherite org"niz"tion is reve"led to be none other th"n !oorim". -t "ppe"rs
V"shuo w"s getting too #lose "s to her re"l identity "nd so she $inished him o$$.
V"shuo h"d been rese"r#hing her m"s:ed "li"s& Veil. <ntil now Veil w"s :nown only in
rumors "nd stories "s "n "ss"ssin o$ unp"r"llel s:ill "nd e$$i#ien#y& "nd h"s been
lin:ed to " gre"t de"l o$ unsolved %edpill murders. *he is #urrently in #ustody in Eion&
"w"iting $urther )uestioning.
1nm"s#"r"do resur$"#es in .eg"#ity "nd he dem"nds to h"ve 3iobe #ome out "nd
$ight him. As " #ode bomb goes o$$ in the b"#:ground the w"rrior o$ Eion "rrives to $"#e
the Cypherite le"der but the ne"rby bombing brings the Ass"ssin b"#: out $rom the
sh"dows "s well. -n the n"me o$ venge"n#e 3iobe begins " duel with the Ass"ssin but
it ends "bruptly "s the m"s:ed m"n "lso de#ides to get involved. As the de"dly rogue
progr"m brings 1nm"s#"r"do #lose to de"th he w"rns th"t his %*- is rigged with "
de"dly surprise th"t will be rele"sed i$ it is destroyed. !he Ass"ssin t":es no heed to
his w"rning "nd e"sily wins the duel. 5owever& the re"lity o$ 1nm"s#"r"do@s thre"t
be#omes "pp"rent when the $l"me virus is rele"sed $rom his %*-. -t soon in$e#ts
everyone in the surrounding "re" "nd m"ss $ighting bre":s out. -n the ensuing #h"os
the Ass"ssin dis"ppe"rs into the #rowd "nd 3iobe is le$t to try "nd r"lly the %edpills out
o$ their #on$usion "nd violen#e. A$ter spre"ding through most the h"rdlines in the #ity&
the virus eventu"lly #"lms down "nd things return to norm"l& though the #h"os won@t
be e"sily $orgotten.
The Matrix Online Archives
!hapter 898
Rise of the !ypherites
Cypherite "#tivity )ui#:ly de#re"ses& prob"bly due to the de$e"t o$ one o$ their m"in
le"ders but no doubt they "re simply reg"ining their strength. 3evertheless&
org"niz"tion"l priority soon shi$ts b"#: to the thre"t o$ the Ass"ssin.
9oth the ."#hines "nd the .erovingi"n send $or#es to try "nd obt"in the inse#ti#ide
#ode $rom Eion but "re ultim"tely unsu##ess$ul.
Eion soon re"lizes th"t without "n e$$i#ient w"y to disperse the inse#ti#ide #ode it
would be pr"#ti#"lly useless in " live b"ttle situ"tion. Oper"tives "re sent to in$iltr"te
m"#hine $"#ilities "nd "#)uire the s#hem"ti#s $or " devi#e #"lled " J$lit gun.K !hese
we"pons h"ve been deemed the best w"y to use the inse#ti#ide "g"inst the Ass"ssin.
A$ter #"re$ul "n"lysis o$ the s#hem"ti#s $or the $lit gun Eion dis#overs th"t it is
impossible to #ode it #ompletely $rom s#r"t#h& so they h"ve no #hoi#e but to m":e "
de"l with the ."#hines: inse#ti#ide ingredients $or $lit gun p"rts. !he de"l itsel$ sp"ns
sever"l tr"de o$$s throughout the #ity& with Eion sending its top oper"tives "nd the
."#hines sending "gent progr"ms to ensure the tr"nsitions go "he"d smoothly.
<n$ortun"tely& .erovingi"n $or#es "re still "ble to stop some o$ the tr"des $rom being
#ompleted. 7espite their inter$eren#e the de"l is deemed " su##ess "nd both sides
le"ve h"ppy.
7uring the tr"de o$$s& ?host is ordered to re)uest "ddition"l ."#hine "ssist"n#e in
de#iphering " d"t" dis: $ound by oper"tives during " r"id on " .erovingi"n b"se. -t
turns out the dis: #ont"ins " list o$ n"mes under the he"ding JOper"tion Omeg".K !he
n"mes "re those o$ top r"n:ing ."#hine "nd Eion %edpills. J.orpheusK is the n"me
$irst on the listP
."#hine oper"tives dis#over some more in$orm"tion reg"rding Oper"tion Omeg" while
on " st"nd"rd re#on mission. -t seems "n eile progr"m by the n"me o$ 6ill"ment w"s
the one th"t #re"ted the :ill #ode h"#: used in the Ass"ssin@s bullets "nd& more
interestingly& w"s under the employ o$ the .erovingi"n "t the time. !he h"#: wor:s by
using " s"mple o$ the vi#timFs %*- to tr"#: their lo#"tion in the re"l "nd remotely #"n#el
the "uto+C"#:out. 1"#h bullet must be spe#i$i#"lly designed $or " single t"rget "nd the
only one th"t #"n use the #ode is " spe#i$i# eile+ the Ass"ssin.
-t@s "pp"rent th"t the .erovingi"n w"s rese"r#hing " w"y to perm"nently :ill %edpills
"nd the end result w"s the :ill #ode h"#: "nd the Ass"ssin progr"m. -t@s "lso "pp"rent
th"t Oper"tion Omeg" is some sort o$ hit list th"t "ims to t":e #"re o$ the
.erovingi"n@s enemies. As " side note& 3iobe "nd ?host "re the net n"mes on the
Eion #oders "re su##ess$ul in de#ompiling the $lit gun p"rts "#)uired in the m"#hine
tr"des "nd m"ss produ#tion begins immedi"tely.
1ile $or#es stri:e the v"rious $lit gun produ#tion #enters "round the #ity in "n "ttempt
to destroy Eion@s only hope o$ de$e"ting the Ass"ssin. -t seems the .erovingi"n
doesn@t wish to help destroy the rogue progr"m "$ter "ll but r"ther prote#t him. Could
they be wor:ing together on#e "g"inH
Eion begins se"r#hing $or the Ass"ssin@s l"ir but to no "v"il.
The Matrix Online Archives
A mess"ge is sent to !ynd"ll re)uesting " %edpill #ome to meet the "nonymous
sender& "s "pp"rently they :now the where"bouts o$ the elusive Ass"ssin. %elu#t"ntly
!ynd"ll sends "n oper"tive to meet this un:nown in$orm"nt even though it simply #ries
Jtr"p.K !he in$orm"nt "#tu"lly turns out to be none other th"n the .erovingi"n@s wi$e&
'ersephone. *he tells the %edpill o$ how she truly h"tes the Ass"ssin progr"m "nd
simply wishes him to be destroyed. <n$ortun"tely $or her& her husb"nd is determined to
prote#t him $or some re"son so she de#ided to "ppro"#h Eion $or help. *he reve"ls the
Ass"ssin h"s set up " b"se o$ oper"tions on " g"rb"ge b"rge lo#"ted in the .eg"#ity
river. 5owever& it is impossible to "##ess this b"rge by norm"l me"ns. !he meeting
ends with 'ersephone giving the %edpill #oordin"tes o$ " .erovingi"n b"se where
$urther in$orm"tion "s to the lo#"tion o$ the b"rge #"n be $ound.
!he oper"tive in$iltr"tes the b"se "nd "##esses " #omputer #ont"ining in$orm"tion on "
hidden networ: o$ h"rdlines th"t runs throughout the entire .eg"#ity. !his se#ret
networ: le"ds to sever"l pl"#es o$ interest in#luding J!he .orgueK "nd J!he Coroner@s
O$$i#e&K but most import"ntly& the Ass"ssin@s b"rge.
A %edpill is sent to the b"rge to test the "#tu"l e$$e#tiveness o$ the inse#ti#ide #ode
"g"inst the Ass"ssin. 5e does indeed $ind the de"dly eile "nd "rmed with " prototype
$lit gun is "ble to severely we":en him. 5owever& the Ass"ssin is "ble to es#"pe
through the h"rdline networ: be$ore the $in"l blow #"n be stru#: "nd returns into deep
The Matrix Online Archives
!hapter 89;
Arrival of the !o""andos
A new group suddenly "ppe"rs throughout .eg"#ity: mysterious #"mou$l"ged
#omm"ndos. !heir motives "re un:nown "s they h"ve yet to show "ny "ggression
tow"rds "ny o$ the other powers& but etreme #"ution is being t":en #onsidering the
re#ent events in the ."tri.
A Eion s#out te"m witnesses one o$ the heli#opters th"t h"ve been distributing le"$lets
"round .eg"#ity l"nd on " building roo$top. -t "ppe"rs th"t the #omm"ndo group "re
behind the #hoppers "s " gener"l disemb"r:s& meets with " s)u"d o$ other soldiers
then t":es o$$ "g"in& le"$lets in h"nd.
Eion de#ides to use this opportunity to m":e $irst o$$i#i"l #ont"#t. *#outs tr"#: the
soldiers to " ne"rby v"#"nt building "nd "n oper"tive is sent in to meet with them.
!he #omm"ndos s"y they wish to m":e $riendly #onne#tions with "ll the m"Cor powers
in the #ity "nd "gree to $ollow the oper"tive. !ynd"ll orders th"t the oper"tive let the
#omm"ndos be J"##ident"llyK :illed by eile g"ng members so th"t do#uments they
re#eived $rom their gener"l e"rlier #"n be "#)uired. *he believes the do#uments m"y
shed light on the group@s motives.
!he soldiers were #"rrying " list o$ #oordin"tes re$erring to sever"l helip"ds "round the
#ity. -t seems th"t these "re"s "re meeting pl"#es $or the #omm"ndo group.
*urveill"n#e is in#re"sed.
!hrough the in#re"sed surveill"n#e on the l"nding zones& Eion is "ble to le"rn o$ "
meeting between the #omm"ndos "nd .erovingi"n $or#es. Anome is put in #h"rge o$
the mission to spy on this meeting& "nd he sends in "n oper"tive to bug the room
where the meeting is to t":e pl"#e. 7espite Anome@s #on$iden#e& se#urity me"sures
pi#: up on the oper"tive "nd the meeting moves to "nother lo#"tion. !he %edpill
"rrives "t the se#ond lo#"tion Cust "s the meeting is beginning. A$ter he"ring the
Comm"ndos "nd 1iles spe": o$ pe"#e Anome orders the elimin"tion o$ "ll eile
$or#es. 6ighting ensues but dire#t orders $rom Comm"nder Lo#: re)uests the oper"tive
st"nd down "nd pull out immedi"tely. !ynd"ll is put b"#: in #h"rge o$ #omm"ndo+
rel"ted missions.
Comm"nder Lo#: orders th"t "ny $urther de"lings with the #omm"ndos "re to be
pe"#e$ulB Eion #"nnot ris: getting o$$ on the wrong $oot with this possible new thre"t.
5owever& this sentiment doesn@t etend to the eile $or#es th"t h"ve meeting with the
#omm"ndos. A Eion oper"tive is sent to hunt down the le"der o$ the lo#"l eile g"ng
th"t h"s been h"ving meetings with the #omm"ndos. A$ter sever"l de"d ends the
oper"tive $in"lly #omes $"#e to $"#e with their le"der "nd with " little gentle persu"sion
m"n"ges to le"rn th"t the #omm"ndos "re "#tu"lly e+milit"ry progr"ms $rom the
m"#hine world "nd th"t in their meetings they h"d o$$ered the .erovingi"n $or#es "
Jnon+inter$eren#e "greement.K
!he #omm"ndos re+"ppro"#h Eion with the prospe#t o$ " pe"#e$ul meeting.
<n$ortun"tely& .erovingi"n $or#es somehow get wind o$ the meeting "nd pro#eed to
o##upy the surrounding "re"s "round the meeting pl"#e. !he oper"tive representing
Eion is sent to dispose o$ the eiles. A$ter the "re" is #le"red the meeting goes "he"d
but be$ore "ny re"l progress #"n be m"de the building is #ompromised. Lu#:ily the
The Matrix Online Archives
oper"tive is "ble to t":e the "tt"#:ers down "nd the meeting is postponed until " more
se#ure "re" #"n be $ound.
Eion "nd the #omm"ndos do eventu"lly meet se#urely "nd the #omm"ndos propose
"n "lli"n#e. !hey reve"l they "re indeed eile progr"ms but th"t they too wish to bre":
$ree o$ the m"#hine@s oppression. !hey s"y their single wish is to m":e the ."tri "
s"$e h"ven $or "ny "nd "ll li$e $orms th"t h"ve " living #ons#iousness. !ynd"ll "greesB
"n "lli"n#e with su#h " well+org"nized group would indeed bene$it the #"use o$ Eion.
*he $orw"rds the re)uest to the #oun#il $or #"re$ul deliber"tion.
!o better rel"tions between Eion "nd the #omm"ndos& Comm"nder Lo#: orders th"t
"n oper"tive be sent on " mission te"med up with " s)u"d o$ #omm"ndo soldiers. !he
mission sele#ted is " #le"n up o$ the C"mon 5eights "re". *l"sher g"ng "#tivity h"s
been on the in#re"se "nd with the 9luepill poli#e being un"ble to solve the problem it
$"lls upon Eion to m":e the "re" s"$e "g"in. !he mission is " su##ess.
The Matrix Online Archives
%edpills "re horri$ied to see th"t thous"nds o$ $ly sw"rms h"ve in$e#ted the s:y over
.eg"#ity. !he #louds "re no more "nd "ll th"t is le$t is the Ass"ssin@s $oul pets.
Corrupted on#e "g"in begin to sp"wn "round the #ityB they "g"in "tt"#: "nyone
reg"rdless o$ org"niz"tion. 1ven worse& they on#e "g"in begin the spre"d o$ the $ly
virus. Code $r"gments dropped by the Corrupted "re $ound to be p"rt o$ the Ass"ssin@s
ongoing memoir but un$ortun"tely they "re unst"ble with only " #ouple o$ words per
$r"gment "nd with no #le"r order.
Eion "nd the ."#hines de#ide it is mutu"lly bene$i#i"l to wor: together in " tempor"lly
"lli"n#e "g"inst the Ass"ssin@s $oul Corrupted in "n "ttempt to solve the #ode $r"gment
puzzle. Less #ooper"tive& however& "re those under the employ o$ the .erovingi"nB
"$ter "ll& the Ass"ssin w"s on#e #onsidered their "lly "nd most "re #on$used to his
intentions. 7espite this& the h"rd+he"ded Lupine le"der Oo:"mi t":es up "rms without
The Matrix Online Archives
her m"ster@s #onsent "nd Coins the $ight "g"inst the Corrupted.
'erh"ps "ngered by the $"#t th"t one o$ his supposed J"lliesK is now wor:ing "g"inst
him& the Ass"ssin le"ds "n "tt"#: "g"inst the proud Oo:"mi. <n$ortun"tely she is
de$e"ted in her $ight "g"inst the m"n o$ $lies himsel$& "nd b"rely es#"pes with her li$e.
9ut the $"#t th"t she w"sn@t destroyed r"ises the )uestion: #ould the Ass"ssin be
-t seems the Ass"ssin@s "#tions "g"inst Oo:"mi didn@t go without #onse)uen#e "s
6lood m":es "n "nnoun#ement on beh"l$ o$ the .erovingi"n: "ll .erovingi"n %edpills
"re to "ssist the $or#es o$ Eion "nd the ."#hines $or " #ommon go"l+ the #omplete
destru#tion o$ the rogue eile.
-n " surprise "ppe"r"n#e& *er"ph himsel$ "ppro"#hes %edpills "t ."r" Centr"l. 5e
spre"ds the word th"t the Or"#le wishes to "ddress them "ll #on#erning the #urrent
situ"tion. All those present $ollow him to the ne"rby J7ebir CourtBK ironi#"lly& this is the
s"me pl"#e the Or"#le met with 3eo during the *mith in#ident. *he spe":s o$ how the
$ly sw"rms spre"d " dise"se into the system "nd unless something is done soon& the
."tri will be stressed beyond its "bility to sel$+rep"ir. *he "g"in spe":s o$ unity to the
%edpills& "nd o$ how "ll must wor: together& li:e they h"d done to de$e"t the #omplete
Corrupted& to de$e"t the Ass"ssin on#e "nd $or "ll.
%e"lizing the thre"t to his eisten#e& the Ass"ssin #omes out o$ hiding "nd "#tu"lly
Coins the $ront lines o$ b"ttle "longside his Corrupted. 5e moves swi$tly through the
#ity& :illing "ny who st"nd "g"inst him. <n$ortun"tely& there is nothing the %edpills #"n
do to de$end themselves "s the $lit guns "nd inse#ti#ide h"ve yet to be distributed.
-t seems the Ass"ssin@s dire#t involvement with the ongoing #on$li#t h"s begun the
spre"d o$ "n even stronger str"in o$ the $ly virus. !his new thre"t "#tu"lly #orrupts the
%*-s o$ the %edpills themselves& turning them into " m"ss o$ $lies only :ept st"ble by "
m"s: mu#h li:e the "ss"ssin@s.
3iobe& Agent '"#e& "nd 6lood e"#h hold meetings to their respe#tive org"niz"tionFs
oper"tives. -n these meetings they en#our"ge the %edpills to #ontinue wor:ing tow"rds
unlo#:ing the se#rets within the Corrupted $r"gments& but more import"ntly tell o$ how
the $lit guns "nd inse#ti#ide #odes "re "lmost re"dy to be distributed. -t is "lmost
!he $lit guns "re $in"lly re"dy $or m"ss distribution. All %edpills "re urged to #olle#t one
o$ the we"pons $rom "ny o$ the distribution #enters throughout the #ity. At l"st& "ll h"ve
the power to de$e"t the Ass"ssin.
3ow th"t they st"nd " #h"n#e "g"inst him& the %edpills o$ the #ity begin " widespre"d
hunt $or the Ass"ssin. 7espite his $"st movements he is no m"t#h $or the m"ss
#ombined $or#es o$ Eion& ."#hines "nd .erovingi"n. 5e is brought to ne"r de"th
sever"l times but somehow still m"n"ges to es#"pe.
-n " l"st dit#h "ttempt $or surviv"l the Ass"ssin somehow splits himsel$ into $our
sep"r"te beings. 5e t":es re$uge "t the pl"#es hinted "t in the Corrupted #odes: Club
Av"lon& the <ri"h wh"r$s& the Ab"ndoned *ubw"y "nd the Chur#h o$ the 7is#iples.
%edpills $in"lly de#ipher the Corrupted #odes "nd the $in"l showdowns begin "t "ll $our
lo#"tions. !he Ass"ssin is severely we":ened $rom his previous en#ounters with the
inse#ti#ide #ode "nd $ights " losing b"ttle. 5e eventu"lly $"lls to the might o$ the united
The Matrix Online Archives
%edpills& "nd he $"des out o$ eisten#e on#e "nd $or "ll. !hose th"t l"nded the :illing
blows "re "w"rded #opies o$ his m"s: $rom *er"ph himsel$& " gi$t $rom the Or"#le it
!he Ass"ssin w"s "pp"rently :illed yet the Corrupted still sp"wn "nd the s:ies "re yet
to #le"rB something is "miss. 3iobe de#ides to se"r#h the Ass"ssin@s b"rge Cust in #"se
some "spe#t o$ him m"n"ged to survive. <n$ortun"tely& her suspi#ions prove #orre#t
"s the $in"l "spe#t o$ the Ass"ssin lies in w"it. !":ing 3iobe by surprise& he is "ble to
bring " gun to her he"d but Cust in time " %edpill "rrives "nd stri:es the #ru#i"l $inishing
blow "g"inst the l"st Ass"ssin. -t is $in"lly over& "s the rem"ins o$ the Ass"ssin sin:
into the river below.
7espite his eventu"l destru#tion& the Ass"ssin@s #orruption still lingers within the
."tri@s #ode. *ome is even strong enough to t":e the physi#"l $orm o$ de"d $lies. As "
result& %edpills "re sent on #ode #le"n up missions "nd "s " rew"rd "re given "
memento& " $ly in "mber.
A$ter rigorous #le"ring o$ the Corrupt #ode the s:ies "re m"de #le"r "g"in. -t "ppe"rs
the Ass"ssin@s $oul grip on the m"tri h"s $in"lly ended "nd in #elebr"tion o$ their
vi#tory e"#h org"niz"tion holds " p"rty. 3iobe& Agent '"#e "nd the .erovingi"n
person"lly #ongr"tul"te the oper"tives on their h"rd wor: "nd tell "ll to enCoy this
moment while it l"sts.
The Matrix Online Archives
!hapter ;9:
The %ffectuator
A l"rge group o$ Lupine progr"ms rebel "g"inst the 6ren#hm"n& "s they "re tired o$
Jbeing tre"ted li:e dogs.K !he uprising is )ui#:ly #rushed by .erovingi"n oper"tives.
6lood believes Oo:"mi to be the one behind the uprising but with " l"#: o$ h"rd
eviden#e lin:ing her to "nything no "#tion is t":en.
-n light o$ the .erovingi"n@s involvement with the Ass"ssin progr"m& Comm"nder Lo#:
"nd the Eion #oun#il #ome to the re"liz"tion th"t i$ the tru#e is ever to be " su##ess
"nd the ."tri " s"$e h"ven $or "ll then the .erovingi"n must be t":en out o$ the
Eion re"lizes th"t the .erovingi"n is $"r too power$ul to "ppro"#h dire#tly so inste"d it
is de#ided th"t he must $irst be we":ened by $inding " we": spot in his org"niz"tion
"nd eploiting it.
!he .erovingi"n is :nown to $re)uently use "re"s th"t eist outside o$ the m"in ."tri
simul"tion to #ondu#t his business "w"y $rom the surveill"n#e o$ the ."#hines. !hese
po#:et worlds "re #"lled J#onstru#tsK "nd "re " vit"l p"rt o$ the .erovingi"n@s power
Eion wishes to :now more "bout the #onstru#t networ: "nd perh"ps use it to their
"dv"nt"ge in the $"ll o$ the 6ren#hm"n. -t is ultim"tely de#ided th"t "n oper"tive be
sent to investig"te one o$ the sites believed to be " #onstru#t entr"n#e.
!he oper"tive "rrives "nd )ui#:ly t":es #"re o$ the eile $or#es de$ending the port"l
door& but is ordered to be etremely #"re$ul when entering the #onstru#t "s they #"n be
#oded #ompletely to the "uthors willB "nything "nd everything #ould w"it beyond "
#onstru#t port"l. <n$ortun"tely it@s " dud& "s it seems the eile gu"rds were somehow
"ble to pull the plug "nd remotely re+route the sign"l to "nother lo#"tion.
9y "##essing one o$ the #omputers on+site the oper"tive is "ble to le"rn the new
lo#"tion o$ the port"l $eed "nd pro#eeds immedi"tely. !ynd"ll tells the oper"tive th"t
they shouldn@t be dishe"rtened by the #onstru#tFs re+routeB it w"s epe#ted "ll "long
th"t the .erovingi"n would h"ve "#tive monitoring over them. *he simply sees it "s
$urther proo$ to their import"n#e.
Ag"in the port"l turns dud "nd is re+routed but the mission isn@t " #omplete $"ilure "s "
new breed o$ eile w"s present th"t the lo#"tion: " J7ire Lupine.K !ynd"ll believes this
new type o$ eile m"y be rel"ted to the #onstru#ts in some w"y "nd "s:s the oper"tive
to uplo"d the d"t" th"t w"s $ound on its body.
A$ter #"re$ul "n"lysis o$ the d"t" it is le"rned th"t the 7ire Lupines "re simply modi$ied
versions o$ norm"l Lupine progr"ms with "dded subroutines $or ste"lth "nd in$iltr"tion&
m":ing them " de"dly $oe. 6ortun"tely the d"t" "llowed Eion to determine the 7ire
Lupine #ode sign"ture "nd "dd it to their d"t"b"ses. *#"ns begin $or 7ire Lupine hot
spotsB !ynd"ll still believes them to be #onne#ted to the #onstru#ts.
An oper"tive is sent in to one o$ the determined hot spots to investig"te 7ire Lupine
"#tivity& "nd it turns out the d"t" w"s #orre#t "nd the oper"tive pro#eeds to $ight o$$
"g"inst sever"l o$ the upgr"ded eiles. -n the end the oper"tive st"nds vi#torious over
the l"st rem"ining LupineB its l"st words being QNou #"n@t tou#h the 1$$e#tu"tor@. !ynd"ll
The Matrix Online Archives
doesn@t re#ognize the n"me but presumes th"t it must h"ve something to do with the
Lupines "nd the #onstru#ts.
Eion m"n"ges to tr"#: down "nd se#ure the lo#"tion o$ " #ontrol termin"l $or one o$ the
#onstru#t port"ls. !here should be no $e"r o$ this port"l shutting down prem"turely.
5owever& "$ter #le"ring the port"l site o$ 7ire Lupines the oper"tive #hosen to enter the
#onstru#t #omes $"#e to $"#e with the 1$$e#tu"tor himsel$. Appe"ring out o$ nowhere
the oddly dressed "nd e##entri# eile #l"ims he h"s "lre"dy shut the port"l down "nd
be#:ons the oper"tive to $ollow him. As they enter " new room the 1$$e#tu"tor
somehow #lones himsel$ "s "nother #opy is "lre"dy w"iting. 5e tells the oper"tive th"t
his progr"mming m":es him in#orpore"l within the ."tri& me"ning he #"nnot be
h"rmed "nd is "ble to $lit "round wherever he ple"ses. 5e "lso "dmits to indeed being
the progr"m in #h"rge o$ the both the 7ire Lupines "nd the #onstru#t po#:et worlds& "ll
under the employ o$ the .erovingi"n.
!he 1$$e#tu"tor suddenly dis"ppe"rs le"ving the oper"tive to $ight more 7ire Lupines&
one o$ whi#h drops " d"t" dis:. <n$ortun"tely& "$ter uplo"ding the dis: "s ordered the
oper"tive he"rs th"t it w"s "#tu"lly " virus th"t beg"n deleting "ll the m"in$r"me d"t"
#on#erning the 7ire Lupines& the 1$$e#tu"tor "nd the #onstru#ts. App"rently Anome
didn@t remember to se#urity #he#: the d"t".
."#hine oper"tives "re sent to )uestion witnesses to str"nge events going on in the
.eg"#ity "s o$ l"te. <nepl"in"ble bl"#: boes o$ "bout /0$t "ll surrounded by " thi#:
smo:e h"ve been "ppe"ring on the streets "nd the ."#hines "re determined to
dis#over their origins. 5owever& some o$ the m"#hine )uestionings "re "#tu"lly
disturbed by #omm"ndo inter$eren#e :illing o$$ witnesses.
-n their )uestionings the ."#hine oper"tives le"rn th"t men we"ring b"nd"nn"s
"round their $"#es h"ve been sighted "round the boesB it "ppe"rs the m"s:ed men
"re somehow involved.
-n ret"li"tion to the e"rlier in#idents the ."#hines le"d their oper"tives on stri:es
"g"inst the #omm"ndo soldiers. -n one o$ the stri:es " se#ret $ile #ont"ining
in$orm"tion on "n individu"l :nown only "s J!he ColonelK is $ound. 5e be#omes the
."#hinesF new prim"ry t"rget. -n "nother stri:e the oper"tives $ind "n en#rypted $ile
#on#erning the Colonel@s e"#t lo#"tion but "pp"rently it is he"vily #oded in "n "lmost
."#hine+li:e m"nner "nd will be " #h"llenge to #r"#:.
Comm"nder Lo#: is determined to st"y on the 1$$e#tu"tor #"se but r"ther th"n going
"$ter the troublesome 7ire Lupines he de#ides inste"d to send "n oper"tive to in$iltr"te
" #ir#le o$ the Club 5el gu"rdsB perh"ps they h"ve h"d de"lings with the mysterious
eile. !his turns out to "#tu"lly be true. App"rently& he h"s been re)uesting
in$orm"tion on the shi$ting o$ the ."tri #odeB he "ppe"rs to need more power. !ynd"ll
presumes th"t the re#ent "#tivities h"ve st"rted t":ing their toll. <n$ortun"tely& Cust "s
the oper"tive gets #lose to $inding out the "rr"ngements o$ the de"l& " 7ire Lupine
turns up "nd ruins the oper"tion. A$ter de"ling with the situ"tion the h"rd w"y the
oper"tive uplo"ds the det"ils $or "n"lysis.
!he d"t" $ound $rom the l"st oper"tion "llows Eion to begin tr"#:ing the 1$$e#tu"tor@s
networ: movements in "n "ttempt to $ind his b"se o$ oper"tions.
!he ."#hines su##ess$ully de#ode the lo#"tion o$ the #olonel "nd pro#eed to le"d "
stri:e on the b"se with the deletion o$ the Colonel in mind. 5owever& be$ore he is
The Matrix Online Archives
eng"ged the Colonel r"ndomly "s:s th"t the oper"tives to h"ve the ."#hines #he#: "
#ert"in se#tor o$ the pod $ields $or bro"d#"sts sign"ls. -t turns out th"t there is "n
eplosive devi#e pl"nted in th"t se#tor th"t #ould :ill hundreds o$ sleeping 9luepills&
"nd the sign"l is #onne#ted with the Colonels %*-& so i$ he dies the bomb goes o$$.
!he ."#hines "re $or#ed to withdr"w $or nowP
Eion sends "n oper"tive to #olle#t "nd "dminister " virus dis: designed to not only le"d
them str"ight b"#: to the 1$$e#tu"tor@s b"se o$ oper"tions but "lso #ompletely destroy
his entire person"l networ:. !he virus is " su##ess "nd the oper"tive is "ble to $ind the
1$$e#tu"tor. 5owever& he is he"vily gu"rded by 7ire Lupines "nd even "$ter they "re
out o$ the w"y the he "ppe"rs to the oper"tive "s sever"l #opies o$ himsel$. 5e tells the
oper"tive th"t it will t":e more th"n th"t to "llow his progr"mming to be h"rmed "nd
th"t "ll this h"s been " w"ste o$ time. Just be$ore the oper"tive le"ves he st"tes th"t
Eion will never get to the .erovingi"n through him.
."#hines oper"tives "re "ble to bre": into " Comm"ndo b"se "nd re#eive the
de"#tiv"tion #odes $or the pod bomb "nd it is eventu"lly dis"rmed despite he"vy
Comm"ndo resist"n#e "t the tr"nsmitting st"tion. ,ithout the pod bomb prote#ting him
the Colonel is "g"in t"rgeted $or deletion. -t t":es " #ouple o$ de"d ends but ."#hines
oper"tives $in"lly $ind his hiding pl"#e "nd "re "ble to t":e down the de"dly
As " side note the Comm"ndos "ppe"r to be more #ompli#"ted th"n $irst thought&
#onsidering these $iles were $ound during the m"#hine r"idsP
6rom !he ?ener"l: J,e need to :now how mu#h the ."#hines :now "bout us.
!hey "re GobviouslyI the only ones who pose " true thre"t to us. - epe#t "nswers.D
6rom !he ?ener"l: J!his ."#hine inter$eren#e h"s gone on long enough. Colonel& -
epe#t you to put " stop to it. !h"t shouldnFt be so h"rd& given the "mount o$
resour#es "t your dispos"l... "nd your obvious p"ssion $or de"ling with hum"ns. -
will not permit "ny $"ilures ++ our proCe#t must pro#eed "##ording to pl"n.K
Agent ?r"y "ppe"rs "t ."r" Centr"l "nd de#l"res th"t "ll Eion oper"tives must be
purged $rom the ."triB "pp"rently they h"ve J#orrupted it with their sten#h.K 5e then
pro#eeds to "tt"#: "ny Eion %edpill present. ."ss $ighting bre":s out between Eion
"nd ."#hine oper"tives "nd ?r"y eventu"lly hyper+Cumps "w"y. 5e returns shortly
"$ter ordering the $ighting to stop. 5e dem"nds "n "nswer "s to why the violen#e
beg"n but when the %edpills spe": o$ his e"rlier "#tions he $"ils to re#ognize th"t "ny
o$ it h"ppened. 5e le"ves by telling them th"t investig"tions will h"ve to be m"de.
The Matrix Online Archives
!hapter ;98
!he ."#hines begin to pi#: up on in#re"sed #ommuni#"tions #h"tter #on#erning the
m"s:ed men. -ntent on le"rning more& oper"tives "re sent to pl"nt listening devi#es in
suspe#ted m"s:ed b"ses. !he d"t" $eeds #olle#ted $rom these devi#es #le"rly show
the in#re"sed #h"tter to be #entered "round the subCe#t o$ VeilB her n"me resur$"#es
numerous times "nd it seems something big is in the wor:s.
A$ter he"ring in#re"sed t"l: "nd v"rious rumors surrounding them& !he .erovingi"n
"lso be#omes interested in :nowing e"#tly wh"t the m"s:ed men "re up to.
Oper"tives "re sent to in$iltr"te :nown m"s:ed b"ses "nd report their $indings.
!he street m"gi#i"n Cryptos& mentioned in the l"test edition o$ the newsp"per The
Sentinel& begins his per$orm"n#es throughout .eg"#ity. -nterestingly& Cryptos is seen
we"ring " blue pill en#"psul"ted in " #ryst"l "round his ne#: "t "ll times. 5owever&
even more interesting "re his per$orm"n#es themselves. 5e "ppe"rs "s i$ by m"gi# in
one o$ the m"ny boes set up "round the #ity& pro#eeds to pre"#h to the #rowd& then
dis"ppe"rs "nd moves to "nother bo within minutes. !his m"y seem inno#ent "t $irst
but the spee#hes he gives #ert"inly "ren@t. 5e t"l:s o$& "mongst m"ny other things&
Jnot being "ble to dre"m i$ you "re $ully "w":e&K h"ving to JreturnK "nd Jsubmitting to "
higher "uthority.K !hese spee#hes immedi"tely stri:e %edpills "s Cypherite
prop"g"nd"B he even en#our"ges w"t#hers to Jsee: the Veil.K
Eion be#omes very #on#erned "bout CryptosB his pre"#hings "re $"r too suspi#ious
"nd& in the eyes o$ Eion& w"rr"nt investig"tion. 1ven his pill st"tus is un:nown: his "#ts
strongly suggest th"t he@s "w":ened but there@s re"lly no w"y to be sure without t":ing
$urther "#tion. -n "n "ttempt to un#over more det"ils& oper"tives "re sent to interview
9luepills who h"ve seen the per$ormer in "#tion.
<n$ortun"tely the interviews "re unsu##ess$ulB it "ppe"rs the sleepers don@t :now
"nything either. Anome& who h"s been put in #h"rge o$ the oper"tion& de#ides to ignore
in#re"sed $riendly rel"tions "nd spy on the ."#hines in #"se they :now "nything. An
oper"tive is sent on " se#ret mission to set up " listening devi#e on " ."#hine networ:
node. !he mission is ultim"tely " su##ess "nd the d"t" $eed begins being monitored by
Anome "nd his "sso#i"tes.
Anome #ont"#ts his oper"tive "g"inB "pp"rently the listening devi#e w"s su##ess$ul in
pi#:ing up d"t" on Cryptos. An "udio re#ording o$ the mysterious street per$ormer h"s
Cryptos s"ying J3iobe is only driven by h"tred $or the .erovingi"nB th"t@s no w"y to
le"d people.K !he mess"ge #le"rly shows Cryptos is indeed "w":ened. Oddly though&
the #ont"#t who h"nded over the re#ording s"id not to s"y " word to "nyone $or $e"r o$
"ny Jhigher upsK $inding out. -t seems Anome@s little spy oper"tion w"s not o$$i#i"lly
7uring their investig"tions into the m"s:ed men@s resur$"#ing& ."#hine oper"tives
The Matrix Online Archives
un#over " plot to $ree Veil $rom EionB in their own words their oper"tions "re Jdoomed
to $"ilureK without her guid"n#e. -t is however un#le"r whether the bre": out h"s
"lre"dy gone "he"d or is simply still " pl"n.
!he .erovingi"n spies "lso le"rn o$ the plot to $ree Veil. !his only in#re"ses the
6ren#hm"n@s interest "nd he be#omes determined to bre": Veil out himsel$. 5owever&
by the time his pl"ns begin to $ormul"te rumors o$ Veil@s es#"pe spre"d throughout the
."triB it seems the m"s:ed got to her $irst.
An emergen#y Eion meeting is #"lled. !he subCe#t m"tter "t h"nd is !oorim"& ":" Veil&
being bro:e out o$ imprisonment "nd $leeing Eion. -t "ppe"rs the gre"t m"s:ed le"der
truly is $ree on#e more. As " result& the m"s:ed men "re m"de Eion@s top priority.
Cypherites "re to be :illed on sight "nd Veil re#"ptured "t "ll #osts.
!he ."#hines le"rn o$ Anome@s spying "nd #on$ront EionB lu#:ily !ynd"ll "nd Lo#: "re
"ble to #ool things over with them. !ynd"ll is put in #h"rge o$ "ny $urther Cryptos or
Veil+rel"ted oper"tions.
Eion investig"tions reve"l th"t Veil h"d somehow been in #ont"#t with her m"s:ed
soldiers $or "t le"st " wee: be$ore her es#"pe& re+"$$irming the $"#t th"t the m"s:ed "re
still " very re"l thre"t even within the #ity itsel$. -n " twist o$ $"te it turns out Eion
"##ident"lly re#orded the l"st $ew tr"nsmissions between Veil "nd her oper"tives.
<n$ortun"tely& they@re $"r too he"vily en#rypted to dr"w "ny #on#lusions.
!he .erovingi"n re$uses to give up so e"sily. 5e sends his oper"tives "ll "round the
#ity tr"#:ing Veil& "nd most le"ds turn out to be de"d ends or se#ret h"rdlines meet by
st"ti#. 5owever& one oper"tor is "ble to tr"#: the st"ti# b"#: "nd ends up opening "
#omm. lin: with Veil hersel$. -mpressed& she sets the oper"tive under the #ontroller
sever"l t"s:s& :illing gu"rds& #olle#ting items& et#. *he promises $urther #ont"#t on#e
the oper"tive h"s proved themselves worthy.
-n "n "ttempt to help p"t#h rel"tions Eion turns to the ."#hines $or "ssist"n#e with
VeilFs en#rypted mess"ges. !he de#ryption is done in se#onds "nd two possible Veil
lo#"tions "re rel"yed. !he ."#hines send $or#es to one "nd !ynd"ll sends the #rew o$
the 3es#ire to the other. <n$ortun"tely& despite he"vy m"s:ed "#tivity& Veil is nowhere
to be seen.
!he .erovingi"n oper"tive #ompletes "ll the set t"s:s set by Veil. *he :eeps her word
"nd "grees to " meeting with the .erovingi"n.
%eports indi#"te th"t Veil is set to set to meet with someone o$ m"Cor import"n#e soon.
Eion "nd the ."#hines pl"n to inter#ept the meeting& tr"#e Veil@s hover#r"$t sign"l "s
well "s $ind out who this other person is. 9oth org"niz"tions send oper"tives to try "nd
un#over #lues "s to where the meeting is being held. !hese investig"tions turn up
sever"l possible lo#"tions "nd both send s)u"ds to #he#: them out. One o$ the sites
gives positive re"dings on Veil "nd other m"s:ed oper"tives but Cust "s the "re" is
"bout to be stormed the sign"ls somehow dis"ppe"r& le"ving behind " str"nge residu"l
re"ding. !o "dd to the #on$usion& #ommuni#"tions between !ynd"ll "nd Agent ?r"y
"re suddenly #ut. !r"#ing the residu"l re"dings the Eion oper"tives "re "ble to get to
"nother lo#"tion but "ll th"t "w"its them is " m"ss o$ bodies& "lre"dy $ound "nd
se"r#hed by the ."#hines. *ho#:ingly& "ll their #r"ni"l C"#:s h"d been etern"lly
t"mpered withB they@re "ll de"d "nd by Cypherite h"nds.
The Matrix Online Archives
A$ter "voiding Eion "nd ."#hine inter$eren#e Veil "nd !he .erovingi"n "re $in"lly "ble
to h"ve their meeting. A$ter some $lirt"tious b"nter the two "gree upon " p"rtnership o$
:nowledge. 6lood "ssures the .erovingi"n oper"tives th"t this is not #onsidered "n
"llegi"n#e or tru#e& but simply "n "greement on mutu"l terms. Veil believes she is
using the .erovingi"n "nd the .erovingi"n believes he is using Veil.
!ynd"ll believes the re#ent str"nge o##urren#es #"n only be the wor: o$ tr"itors. 7ue
to the possible se#urity bre"#h "n oper"tive h"s to be sent in person to re#eive "nd
tr"nsport #ommuni#"tions d"t" $or "n"lysis. !he ris: o$ sending it over the networ: is
simply too gre"t. !ynd"ll hopes this d"t" will le"d b"#: to the tr"itorous #rew. 5er
hun#h proves #orre#t "nd the hover#r"$t 3es#ire is veri$ied "s those s"bot"ging the
re#ent oper"tions. !he ship is $ound by Eion "uthorities "nd the #rew "rrested.
7uring their re#ent oper"tions e"#h org"niz"tion $inds highly sensitive "udio $iles.
Ag"in& Cryptos is the spe":er "nd in e"#h he shows neg"tivity tow"rds the #urrent
org"niz"tions: Eion& ."#hines "nd .erovingi"n. ,hile this m"y point tow"rds Cryptos@
motiv"tion being purely Cypherite& there w"s "nother "udio $ile $ound by ."#hine
oper"tives& " very mysterious $ile th"t r"ises more )uestions th"n it "nswers. -t h"s
Cryptos spe":ing with "n "gentP
Agent: -t h"s been "nother period& ple"se report.
!ryptos: -@m $ine
Agent: !here is #on#ern you "re unst"ble. !he pro#ess #ould not be #omplete&
o$ ne#essity.
!ryptos: - "m in $ull #ontrol. 9ut the memories "re still there& "long with spee#h
p"tterns& "nd h"bits o$ l"ngu"ge #onstru#tion.
Agent: !hey #"n be "##essed $reelyH
!ryptos: *#rew you& you d"mn robotR 3obody@s gonn" $"ll $or this lo"d o$ blue+
pill #r"p. Nou don@t :now hum"ns. Nou don@t :now C"#:R
Agent: !his is #ontrolH
!ryptos: !here "re degrees. 3o #on#ern is w"rr"nted.
Agent: - will report.
!he ."#hines suddenly end their involvement with Veil& the m"s:ed men "nd CryptosB
both Eion "nd ."#hine %edpills "re le$t unin$ormed "nd #on$used.
!he m"s:ed men begin storming .eg"#ity@s most popul"r h"rdlines. Anyone present&
reg"rdless o$ org"niz"tion& is "tt"#:ed on sight. ,"r bre":s out on the streets "s
3iobe& *er"ph "nd others Coin the b"ttle "g"inst the m"s:ed $oes. !he "tt"#:ers do
eventu"lly pull b"#: but re#ent "#tivities "re proo$ enough o$ their determin"tion: the
Cypherites "re $"r $rom gone.
!he .erovingi"n throws " huge p"rty "t #lub '"r"ll"is in <ri"h. 1veryone is invited
reg"rdless o$ org"niz"tion "nd there@s even " sli#e o$ .erv #":e $or "ll "ttendees. Also&
'ersephone "ttends " lo#"l %edpill wedding "nd wishes the #ouple the best o$ lu#: in
their new $ound love. !he "w":ened o$ the #ity #"n@t help but wonder& why these re#ent
"#tivitiesH ,hy "ppe"r so #"su"lly "t " time o$ su#h high tensionsH !he most #ommon
belie$ is th"t they were used either "s " distr"#tion to move "ttention "w"y $rom Veil or
the 6ren#hm"n is simply trying to boost his publi# rel"tions.
The Matrix Online Archives
!hapter ;9;
3iobe holds " priv"te meeting on " %i#hl"nd roo$top. !here she tells her $ollowers th"t
things "re going to get tough $rom here on out "nd th"t theyFll need more $irepower i$
they hope to "#hieve their go"l o$ de$e"ting the 6ren#hm"n. Just "s the Eion #"pt"in is
wr"pping up her spee#h& one o$ the ?ener"lFs heli#opters $lies overhe"d. Comm"ndos
drop down on the meeting "nd 3iobe believes them to be "tt"#:ing. 6ighting soon
bre":s out. !he ?ener"l himsel$ stops the m"dness "nd proposes " de"l in J#ommon
interest.K A$ter #lose negoti"tions the two groups ultim"tely de#ide to Coin $or#es in their
b"ttle "g"inst the .erovingi"n.
!he .erovingi"n le"rns o$ the meeting between 3iobe "nd the ?ener"l but is "s yet
un"w"re o$ wh"t tr"nspired& something he wishes to #h"nge. 6lood puts " te"m o$
%edpill oper"tives in #h"rge o$ the investig"tions. 5"ving been supplied with " stolen
Eion "##ess #"rd the te"m m":e their w"y to the ne"rest Eionite b"se. !he pl"n is to
h"#: their #omputer systems "nd tr"#: d"t" b"#: to the lo#"l Eion d"t"b"se. 6lood
w"nts everything on 3iobe@s meeting: wh"t w"s s"id& by who& when "nd how. !he
stri:e on the b"se is su##ess$ul& "s not even " single gu"rd seemed to be on duty "t
the time. !he h"#: is done #le"nly "nd without interruption. !he te"m #ontinues on to
the d"t"b"se site.
!he Eion d"t"b"se site is he"vily gu"rded "nd " long $ight ensues& eventu"lly won by
the .erovingi"n "tt"#:ers. 5owever& when se"r#hing the d"t"b"ses $iles $or
in$orm"tion o$ 3iobe@s meeting the te"m "re greeted with " deleted $iles mess"ge. -t
seems their b"ttle g"ve the Eionists time to wipe the system. 6or on#e the .erovingi"n
is the one le$t one step behind.
-t "ppe"rs none o$ 6loodFs "ttempts to un#over in$orm"tion on the det"ils o$ 3iobeFs
meeting "re su##ess$ul. !he eile inste"d de#ides to #h"nge his priority to ret"li"tion
"g"inst Eion dire#tly. As "lw"ys with 6lood this involves m"nipul"tion o$ others& in this
#"se the Cypherites. As to not bre": their "greement .erovingi"n oper"tives "re sent
under#over "s Eion soldiers to "tt"#: " Cypherite b"se& the hope being th"t the "tt"#:
will h"ve the two org"niz"tions "t e"#h others thro"ts in no time. !he "tt"#: goes
"he"d $l"wlessly "nd the Cypherites "re none the wiser.
-t seems not "ll went to 6loodFs pl"nB it seems the Cypherhies "re regul"rly under
"tt"#: $rom Eion& "nd the $"lse "tt"#: m"de little di$$eren#e. 5owever& 6lood is not one
to be outdone so e"sily. A new pl"n is )ui#:ly thought up "nd put into pr"#ti#e& "
he"vier blow to the Cypherites. <sing the etent o$ their de"l 6lood is "ble to get his
oper"tives into one o$ the m"s:ed d"t"b"se sites. On#e inside the te"m begins
se"r#hing $or something th"t would re"lly m":e the Cypherites "tt"#: in numbers.
<n$ortun"tely every #omputer they se"r#h is $illed with nothing but seemingly r"ndom
number "nd letter #ombin"tions& none o$ whi#h "re "ny interest to 6lood. 5owever& the
te"m@s )ui#:+minded oper"tor pi#:s up on something: " set o$ numbers "t the end o$
The Matrix Online Archives
the re#ords #orrespond to the lo#"tion o$ the <nion 5ill Cryptos bo& yet "nother
#onne#tion between Cryptos "nd the m"s:ed.
6lood #omes to the re"liz"tion th"t i$ Cryptos "nd the Cypherites re"lly "re #onne#ted
then theyFll t":e noti#e i$ one o$ the boes& n"mely the one in <nion 5ill& is s"bot"ged.
!o do so 6lood re)uires oper"tives to r"id " Eion b"se $or some Je)uipment&K virus
#odes with Eion d"t" p"thsB the per$e#t set up tool. !he r"id is su##ess$ul "nd the virus
"#)uired. Just in #"se& 6lood "lso "ssigns some more $":e Eionists to "##omp"ny the
s"bot"ge. A return to the Cypherite d"t"b"se is in order. A$ter de"ling with "ll the on
site gu"rds "nd pl"nting the viruses 6lood t":es " he"rtless turn: to m":e the s#ene
more #onvin#ing he orders the elimin"tion o$ the $"lse Eionists. !he order is #"rried out
without mu#h )uestion "nd 6loodFs de#eption mission is br"nded " su##ess.
Cypherites begin in#re"singly "tt"#:ing Eion re#ruitment te"msB they pl"n to stop "ny
more 9luepills $rom being "w":ened J"g"inst their will.K Oper"tives "re sent out to de"l
with the revived m"s:ed thre"t.
7uring their "nti+Cypherite oper"tions Eion m"n"ges to tr"#e on+site d"t" stre"ms
b"#: to " possible m"s:ed networ: st"tion. %"id te"ms "re disp"t#hed immedi"tely.
A$ter #le"ring the site the oper"tives #he#: the #omputer systems present. One $ile in
p"rti#ul"r #"t#hes their eye: " report th"t the <nion 5ill Cryptos bo h"s en#ountered
"n error "nd th"t there will h"ve to be in#re"sed se#urity. !his only strengthens the lin:
people h"ve been m":ing between the Cryptos "nd the Cypherites.
."s:ed men begin to sp"wn "round the <nion 5ill "re"B it "ppe"rs their orders $or
in#re"sed se#urity weren@t Cust " report stored on " #omputer.
*eeing his s"bot"ge " su##ess 6lood returns to his origin"l go"l o$ dis#overing in$o on
3iobe@s meeting with the ?ener"l. 7uring their time m"nipul"ting the Cypherites "
spe#i"l virus designed to re+route Eion #ommuni)uSs w"s being developed& now $ully
tested "nd re"dy to go. 6lood entrusts the t"s: o$ pl"nting it to " single %edpill
oper"tive. *ne":ing p"st the on site gu"rds& the .erovingi"n $ollower is "ble to
ste"lthily pl"nt the re+router on one o$ the Eion m"in$r"me #omputers& "nd the d"t"
begins to #ome into 6loodFs inbo immedi"tely. -n#luded is " mess"ge ordering "ll
oper"tives to #e"se hostilities tow"rds the Comm"ndos& whi#h is Cust wh"t they were
loo:ing $or.
!he ."#hines lose #ont"#t with one o$ their #ouriers inside the ."triB " #"se
#ont"ining #ert"in items o$ v"lue is :nown to h"ve been in his possession. !he
import"n#e o$ the #"ses #ontents it seems is p"r"mount "nd Agent ?r"y sends %edpill
oper"tives to investig"te immedi"tely. !he l"st :nown lo#"tion o$ the #ourier w"s in the
(edemoth distri#t. 1ntering the building& the te"m "re #on$ronted by numerous 6uries
g"ng members. As the prominent g"ng o$ the "re"& ?r"y suspe#ts the 6uries to be the
most li:ely p"rty behind the the$t. A$ter #le"ring "nd site "nd se"r#hing bodies the
oper"tives "re led in the dire#tion o$ one o$ the 6uries lo#"l b"ses.
!he ."#hine oper"tives investig"ting the missing #"se m":e their w"y to the 6uries
b"se with the intention o$ )uestioning the g"ng le"der there. Agent ?r"y s"ys their
re#ords show her "s " we": $ighter "nd to epe#t " non+violent interview but i$ not& "ny
"nd "ll me"sures "re permitted in the retriev"l o$ the #"se. A$ter e"sily de"ling with her
bodygu"rds the ."#hine %edpills "re "ble to )uestion the eile. *he #l"ims the $uries
h"d nothing to do with the #"ses dis"ppe"r"n#e "nd th"t she only sent troops out to
The Matrix Online Archives
the building to investig"te " rumor. *he points the te"m in the dire#tion o$ Argon& the
lo#"l eile mob boss. App"rently i$ "nyone will :now wh"t h"ppened itFll be him.
!he te"m m":e their w"y to ArgonFs #lub& Club 7u"lity& $or some )uestioning. ?r"y
shows #on#ern over w"sted time de"ling with street g"ngs but "##epts the oper"tives
Cudgment "nd "llows the oper"tion to #ontinue. Argon tells them th"t o$ #ourse he
:nows o$ the #"seFs dis"ppe"r"n#e but "lso th"t he w"s in no w"y involved with it. 5e
is however "lso surprised they h"ve not yet t"l:ed to ("lt& owner o$ ("lt Chemi#"ls& "s
she is the one responsible $or the #ontentsF #re"tion. ?r"y in$orms the oper"tives th"t
wh"t Argon s"ys is true but th"t he did not wish to involve ("lt with the investig"tions i$
possible. -t "ppe"rs& however& th"t it is indeed needed. ?r"y promises to m":e the
ne#ess"ry "rr"ngements "nd ends the mission.
Eion de#ides to t":e the Cryptos le"d $urtherB "s reve"led in the l"test hidden Sentinel
rel"ys& Cryptos used to be " #"pt"in o$ Eion b"#: be$ore 3eo brought the tru#e. ,h"t
w"sn@t s"id w"s th"t sin#e then his #rew h"ve JretiredK "nd sought lives in the ."tri.
Eion believes it would be use$ul to )uestion his old #omr"des in "n "ttempt to $ind out i$
Cryptos m"y h"ve h"d "ny e"rlier ties with the m"s:ed. Oper"tives "re sent to h"#: "
9luepill #itizen d"t"b"se "nd $ind where the old #rew members h"ve t":en residen#e.
A$ter $ighting through numerous ."#hine se#urity $or#es "nd #r"#:ing " #omple
$irew"ll system& the Eion oper"tives "re "ble to tr"#: the lo#"tions o$ Cryptos@ old #rew+
the two o$ them who "re still "live "nyw"y.
!he $irst interview proves $ruitlessB the #rew member h"d sin#e m"rried " 9luepill "nd
le$t the re"l world behind her. *he w"s underst"nd"bly less th"n h"ppy to h"ve Eion
:no#:ing "t her door. 5owever& be$ore the oper"tives le"ve she does tell them she
st"yed "w"y $rom Cryptos& .orpheus "nd other Js"viors.K App"rently she w"sn@t "
believer. !his does r"ise the )uestion: J*"viorH ,"s Cryptos on#e li:e .orpheusHK
Lu#:ily the se#ond interview proves more use$ul. !his #rew member tells the te"m th"t
b"#: in Eion Cryptos w"s " very strong protester "g"inst the ."#hine #iviliz"tion& but
more interestingly& w"s good $riends with Cypher o$ the Nebuchadnezzar.
Agent ?r"y #ont"#ts his investig"tion te"m "g"inB the "rr"ngements $or their meeting
with ("lt h"ve been m"de. !hey $ollow the dire#tions given to " l"rge o$$i#e building
owned by none other th"n ("lt Chemi#"ls. -nside they $ind themselves #on$ronted by
"rmed se#urity but "$ter some )ui#: -7 #he#:s "llowed to m":e their w"y to the
meeting room. ("lt reminds the oper"tives th"t she pre$ers to be le$t "lone but "lso
in$orms them th"t she does indeed h"ve some v"lu"ble in$orm"tion. ,hile she doesn@t
:now the identity o$ the thieves& she h"s le"rned th"t " devi#e w"s $ound "t the s#ene&
some sort o$ "dv"n#ed sign"l C"mmer. A##ording to her the only person #"p"ble o$
m":ing su#h " progr"m is the eile rese"r#her& *ilver.
!he ."#hine investig"tion te"m #ontinue on to the "ddress given to them by ("lt: "
sh"bby "p"rtment in C"mon 5eights& whi#h is "pp"rently *ilverFs newest %i#hl"nd
hideout. -nside& the eile doesn@t seem too surprised to see themB in $"#t it@s "lmost "s
i$ he w"s epe#ting it. *l"sher g"ng members storm the room but the oper"tives
disp"t#h them with rel"tive e"se. *ilver seems dis"ppointed in his progr"msF l"#: o$
e$$e#tiveness. !h"n:ing the oper"tives $or helping him with his rese"r#h the eile
"grees to "nswer their )uestions. 5e tells them th"t he w"s "ppro"#hed by the
7emons Army g"ng o$ !"bor '"r: to m":e " C"mming devi#e #"p"ble o$ blo#:ing
The Matrix Online Archives
."#hine s#"ns. A##ording to him they even supplied one o$ the m"in #omponents
themselves. 5ow they got it is beyond him.
6ollowing up on their newest le"d the ."#hine oper"tives m":e their w"y to !"bor
'"r:. Agent ?r"y gives the epli#it order to destroy "ny 7emon Army eiles on sight
until something is $ound& " very stri:ing dire#tion $or " ."#hine progr"m. 3evertheless&
the order is #"rried out "nd " b"se o$ 7emon Armies is #le"red "nd looted with no
survivors. A d"t" dis: is $ound on one o$ the bodies "nd immedi"tely uplo"ded to ?r"y
$or "n"lysis& with results "pp"rently to be $orth#oming.
Eion tries to $urther investig"te Cryptos@ p"st but un$ortun"tely "lmost "ll the "r#hive
$iles on his "#tivity b"#: in Eion show signs o$ t"mpering. Lo#: suspe#ts s"bot"ge.
-nste"d& Eion is "ble to lin: Cryptos with two o$ their #urrent $ield oper"tives who
re#ently went missing while investig"ting Cypherite "#tivity. !he t"s: o$ tr"#:ing down
"nd re#overing the lost soldiers begins.
A$ter mu#h investig"tion the Eion re#overy te"m $inds themselves "t " possible le"d.
!hey believe " $riend o$ the oper"tives& " wild #"rd who is :nown to indulge in the
."tri@s simul"tions "nd lies& m"y be behind their dis"ppe"r"n#e. ,hen they "rrive "t
the suspe#t@s "ddress the te"m "re met by he"vy Cypherite "#tivity. A$ter de"ling with
the "rmed resist"n#e they $ind one o$ the missing soldiers lo#:ed up in the b"sement.
<pon $reedom he tells the te"m th"t him "nd his #omr"de were :idn"pped $or J:nowing
too mu#hK "nd were being held "t sep"r"te lo#"tions. Lu#:ily he overhe"rd the gu"rds
t"l:ing "bout the other lo#: up "nd is "ble to le"d the te"m in " res#ue "ttempt.
C"t#hing the Cypherites o$$ gu"rd they "re "ble storm the lo#: up "nd s"ve the other
soldier Cust in time.
A$ter being brie$ed on the suspi#ions surrounding Cryptos& the res#ued soldiers "re
"ble to re#"ll " time& " $ew wee:s "$ter the !ru#e& where Cryptos suddenly #h"nged.
A##ording to them he be#"me even more $"n"ti#"lly "nti+."#hine& stopped t"l:ing to
people& would only r"mble on "bout the ."tri being evil "nd w"nting to end the entire
simul"tion. App"rently he even went to the etreme o$ urging people to w":e the
sleepers even i$ they weren@t re"dy. !his is highly interesting in$orm"tion "s it dire#tly
#on$li#ts with "ny re#ent in$orm"tion on Cryptos& his spee#hes& the "udio $iles& et#. -$
the soldiers "re right then he went $rom " $"n"ti# %edpill to "n "pp"rent e)u"lly $"n"ti#
!he "n"lysis o$ the 7emon Army d"t" dis: is #omplete but even "$ter de#ryption it
m":es no sense& gibberish o$ me"ningless words "nd phr"sing. 5owever& ?r"y
believes it to be o$ some sort o$ v"lue to the lo#"l street g"ngs "nd dire#ts the
investig"tion te"m in the dire#tion o$ the 7emons ArmyFs riv"l g"ng& the Crossbones.
!he pl"n is to m":e " tr"de with the le"der o$ the Crossbones: the de#rypted d"t" $or
the lo#"tion o$ the 7emon Army ring le"der. Arriving "t the b"se o$ 5"t#het& the
Crossbones le"der& the oper"tives "re immedi"tely set upon& believed to be 7emon
Army spies. A$ter de"ling with their "tt"#:ers the te"m #on$ront 5"t#het with their
intentions& "nd the eile soon "grees to the de"l "s long "s it #ould #"use h"rm to the
7emons Army. 5e orders two o$ his hen#hmen to le"d "nd "ssist the te"m in Jroughing
upK the le"der& ."mmon.
Agent ?r"y reminds his oper"tives th"t the retriev"l o$ the lost #"se is "bsolutely
imper"tive "nd th"t they must not w"ste time. !he investig"tion te"m& "long with their
eile "ssist"nts& rush to storm the b"se o$ the 7emon Army le"der. *tr"ngely& there
The Matrix Online Archives
"re no gu"rds present "nd the te"m "re "ble to dire#tly #on$ront ."mmon. 5e
"pp"rently :new o$ their "rriv"l "ll "long& his spies h"ving told him prior to their
dep"rture. 5e does however tell them wh"t they w"nt to :now. !he n"me o$ the
#ont"#t th"t supplied him with the C"mmer #omponent "nd w"s to retrieve the #"se w"s
n"med JC"#ophony&K though they never met in person. !he "rrog"nt eile then
summons " ho"rd o$ gu"rds into the room& the ."#hinists "re "ble to $ight their w"y
through "nd es#"pe to s"$ety& but their "ssist"nts "re not so lu#:y. ?r"y doesn@t trust
."mmon but the n"me given is the only le"d they h"ve le$t& so the s#"n through the
."#hine d"t"b"se begin.
A$ter #he#:ing trough the re#ords with " $ine toothed #omb "nd running liter"lly
hundreds o$ s#"ns through the Eion d"t"b"se& "dmins "re "ble to tr"#e the t"mpered
Cryptos $iles b"#: to "n "ddress within the ."tri. Oper"tives "re sent in to investig"te
the s#ene& "pprehend "ny m"s:ed present "nd& i$ possible& re#over the origin"l $iles. -t
turns out the site is " popul"r %edpill p"rty spot& "n ide"l #over $or " Cypherite b"se.
A##ess to the site@s #omputer systems& despite obvious #le"r"n#e& is denied by the
st"tioned Eion gu"rds. !ynd"ll isn@t surprised "s she "pp"rently "lw"ys suspe#ted "n
inside Cob. *he gives the te"m #le"r"n#e to $or#e their w"y in i$ ne#ess"ry. A$ter
det"ining the rebellious gu"rds the oper"tives "re "ble to #o" one o$ the p"rtiers into
"##essing the system $or them. <n$ortun"tely& it@s #le"n o$ "ny Eion "r#hive $iles but
the d"t" is uplo"ded $or $urther "n"lysis "ll the s"me.
A$ter #"re$ul study o$ the d"t" $ound "t the p"rty site& Eion le"rns th"t the #omputer
system there w"s simply " router $or the "#tu"l "r#hive h"#:. !e"ms "re sent to
sever"l other lo#"tions but "ll prove e)u"lly void o$ "ny "r#hive $iles. !ynd"ll suspe#ts
their "#tivities "re being tr"#:ed "nd #ountered.
!he ."#hineFs se"r#h $or C"#ophony dr"ws no #on#lusionsB ?r"y #"n only surmise it
is " #ode o$ sorts to :eep its owner re"l intently hidden. Le$t "t " de"d end the
."#hines de#ide to t":e $in"l "nd desper"te me"sures in the re#overy o$ their #"se.
!he investig"tion te"m "re given " d"t" dis: to t":e to their new #ont"#tFs bodygu"rd
"s " gi$t o$ good will "nd pro#eed to the pre+de#ided meeting lo#"tion. !he ."#hine
oper"tives "re met by the one "nd only *er"ph& gu"rdi"n o$ the Or"#le. A$ter h"nding
over the d"t" dis:& " list o$ progr"m n"mes "nd lo#"tions& *er"ph "llows them through
to the net room. *ure enough there st"nds the Or"#le. *he begins by telling the
oper"tives the me"ning o$ the word #"#ophony& someone who doesnFt li:e pe"#e "nd
)uietB someone who thin:s th"t i$ they m":e enough noise& they #"n #ontrol thingsB
m":e things turn out the w"y they w"nt them to. -n her own words& !he ?ener"l. !he
meeting is over "nd despite ?r"y@s disli:e o$ the Or"#le@s involvement the investig"tion
#"n #ontinue.
At " loss Eion sends "n under#over oper"tive to " suspe#ted g"thering o$ illeg"l
tr"ders. All sorts o$ h"#:ed in$orm"tion& "##ess #odes "nd even blue pills "re up $or
s"le. A$ter stri:ing " de"l with one o$ the tr"ders the oper"tive is sent to " #ont"#t who
"pp"rently de"ls in Jthis sort o$ thing.K !ynd"ll reminds them th"t the $ile dire#tly rel"tes
to the time Cryptos suddenly #h"nged& it is vit"l th"t it is re#overed.
At the lo#"tion given by the bl"#:+m"r:et tr"ders Eion oper"tives "re $"#ed with he"vy
rogue resist"n#e& in#luding the #ont"#t they were sent to $ind. A$ter de"ling with the
rebels they $in"lly $ind the missing "r#hive $iles stored on "n "#tive #omputer.
A##ording to the re#ords Cryptos C"#:ed into the ."tri without permission " #ouple
The Matrix Online Archives
wee:s into the !ru#e& en#ountered some "gent "#tivity then #ompletely dis"ppe"red
o$$ his oper"tor@s s#reen. 5e returned "bout "n hour l"ter "nd "$ter being C"#:ed out
re$used to t"l: "bout where he@d been. -t w"sn@t soon "$ter this th"t Cryptos went
missing $rom both the ."tri "nd the re"lB only to return re#ently "s " #ompletely
#h"nged m"n. -t seems "$ter "ll their se"r#hing Eion is only le$t with more )uestions
"nd suspi#ions surrounding Cryptos th"n ever be$oreP
Eion le"rns "bout the meeting between Veil "nd the .erovingi"n. <sing their new
$ound "llegi"n#e& they h"ve !he ?ener"l disp"t#h elite Comm"ndos to "ssist in $urther
!he ."#hines "re willing to get their #"se b"#: "t "ll #osts& even within the prospe#t o$
negoti"tions with the ?ener"l. Oper"tives "re sent to #ont"#t the Comm"ndos "nd
propose " meeting. A s#"n o$ the ne"rby "re" shows " s)u"d to be oper"ting ne"rby&
"nd "$ter tr"#:ing them down the oper"tives h"ve " brie$ #onvers"tion with their le"der&
le"ding to their re)uest being Jp"ssed up the #h"in.K
-t isn@t long be$ore Agent ?r"y h"s #ont"#t $rom the ?ener"l@s $or#es. !he meeting is
"rr"nged "nd the investig"tion te"m $orw"rded to the lo#"tion. !he single obCe#tive is
neg"tions over the return o$ the missing #"se. !he te"m "rrive to $ind the meeting
"lre"dy underw"y with " p"ir o$ "gents "nd " number o$ Comm"ndo s)u"ds. !he
"gents tell the oper"tives o$ the Comm"ndoFs... stubbornness. !hey dem"nd
s"n#tioned #ontrol over #ert"in "re"s o$ the #ity& whi#h is obviously un"##ept"ble. !he
"gents $eel the %edpills m"y st"nd " better #h"n#e "t negoti"tions "nd "llow them to
"ddress the meeting. 5owever the Comm"ndo represent"tive& ,"ite& $eels insulted to
be t"l:ing to " Fl"#:eyFB he sees this "s the $in"l str"w "nd surmises the ."#hines must
be plotting something& "nd the Comm"ndos open $ire. ,ith the help o$ the "gents
present the "tt"#:ers "re e"sily de"lt with. -t is obvious pe"#e$ul negoti"tions "re out o$
the )uestion.
A$ter interviewing some o$ Cryptos@ old 9luepill "sso#i"tes Eion le"rns th"t the
mysterious m"gi#i"n used to per$orm "t one o$ the #ity@s m"ny w"rehouse #lubs.
Anome inst"ntly "ssumes this w"rehouse is Cryptos@ se#ret b"se "nd not only sends "
s)u"d o$ Eion oper"tives to storm the pl"#e but "lso #"lls in Comm"ndo support.
.u#h to the "rrog"nt Eion #ontroller@s surprise& Cryptos is nowhere to be $ound&
however& the w"rehouse is #r"wling with eiles. A$ter $ighting their w"y in the s)u"d
)uestion the eiles "s to wh"t they "re doing there. !he le"der o$ the g"ng tells the
te"m she brought the w"rehouse $rom its $ormer %edpill owner& A#uben& $"ir "nd
s)u"re "nd th"t they h"ve no right to "tt"#: them li:e this. A$ter obt"ining A#uben@s
#ont"#t #"rd the te"m le"ve the eiles to de"l with the mess. Anome seems " little
#on$usedB he@s #onvin#ed the eiles must@ve been wor:ing $or the .erovingi"n who in
turn must be wor:ing $or Cryptos. 5e@s even set on the belie$ th"t A#uben will turn out
to be Cryptos in disguise.
,hen the s)u"d "rrive "t A#uben@s "ddress they "re met with strong m"s:ed
resist"n#e. !hey $ight their w"y through to the Cypherite %edpill "nd pro#eed to
)uestion her. *he protests th"t Cryptos h"s pre"#hed nothing but $or pe"#e "nd
h"rmony between ."#hine "nd hum"n sin#e his re+"rriv"l in the ."tri. *uddenly&
mid+senten#e& she $"lls the groundP de"d. -t "ppe"rs her #r"ni"l C"#: w"s t"mpered
with by "n etern"l $or#e& li:ely Cypherite. !he te"m se"r#h the body "nd $ind "n "udio
$ile& " #onvers"tion between the Eionite Cryptos "nd one o$ the soldiers who were
The Matrix Online Archives
:idn"pped. -n it Cryptos is suggesting the only w"y to de$e"t the ."#hines is to destroy
the entire ."tri simul"tion& to deprive them o$ their power sour#e. 5is Custi$i#"tion $or
su#h m"ss geno#ide is th"t the sleepers "re h"rdly "live "s it@s Cust " J!V show
be"med to their he"ds.K !he "udio $ile is h"rd proo$ o$ Cryptos@ mir"#ulous #h"nge o$
Just "s the Eion oper"tives "re "bout to le"ve& their oper"tor pi#:s up on " he"vily
en#rypted sign"l being tr"nsmitted into the building. At th"t e"#t moment one o$ the
phones on site begins to ring. One o$ the te"m pro#eeds to pi#: it up "nd is greeted by
the #"lm #"l#ul"ted voi#e o$ Veil. App"rently she h"d to #ut the #onvers"tion with
A#uben short be#"use Jloose lips sin: hover#r"$ts.K *he "lso hopes they #"n t"l: "g"in
moreP person"lly sometime soon. O$ #ourse Anome doesn@t believe " word o$ it& "nd
he thin:s the oper"tives "re m":ing it up to hide their J$"ilure.K
!he ."#hines inter#ept Comm"ndo tr"nsmissions "nd "re "ble to tr"#e them b"#: to "
lo#"l #omm"nd post. A stri:e $or#e o$ ."#hine oper"tives "re sent in to #le"n sweep
the b"se "nd loo: $or "ny in$o #on#erning the missing #"se. !hree #omputers "nd two
s)u"ds o$ Comm"ndos l"ter "nd no in$orm"tion is $ound. ?r"y be#omes... $rustr"ted. -t
is then th"t the "gent is #ont"#ted in "n en#rypted Comm"ndo mess"ge: the ?ener"l
wishes to spe": to the ."#hines oper"tives vi" simul"#rum re#ording. ,ith no other
options ?r"y sends the investig"tion te"m to the lo#"tion given.
-n his re#orded mess"ge the ?ener"l epli#itly st"tes the Comm"ndos "re not in
possession o$ the #"se the ."#hines "##use them o$ ste"ling& nor do they h"ve "ny
in$orm"tion reg"rding it& thus "ny "tt"#:s o$ them reg"rding its where"bouts "re $utile.
!he mess"ge is short "nd to the point& "lmost suspi#iously so. ?r"y points out th"t the
?ener"lFs st"tement dire#tly #on$li#ts with their in$orm"tion. !he "gent believes there
must be some misin$orm"tion. !he investig"tion h"s hit " de"d end "nd Agent ?r"y
"dmits they #"n no longer #ount on retrieving the #"se. 7"m"ge #ontrol "nd
#ontingen#y pl"ns must be brought into "#tion "nd " #ert"in level o$... inst"bility is
Eion be#omes highly #on#erned "bout the in#re"sed numbers& e$$i#ien#y "nd dis#ipline
o$ the CypheritesB it@s obvious th"t sin#e Veil@s rele"se they h"ve be#ome "n even
de"dlier thre"t. !o investig"te $urther "n oper"tive is sent to interview "n e+Cypherite
who re#ently returned to the #"use o$ Eion.
A##ording to the e+m"s:ed& be$ore Veil it used to be very b"si#: " b"nd"nn" "nd "
gun& th"t w"s it. 5owever& sin#e her return Cypherite tr"ining in#re"sed in le"ps "nd
bounds with stri#t pro#edures "nd se#ret $"#ilities. 5e gives the oper"tive the "ddress
o$ one o$ these tr"ining #enters but w"rns it@s prob"bly long gone sin#e they moved
"round " lot.
As epe#ted& no Cypherites "re present "t the old tr"ining site but it does turn out they
le$t behind "n old simul"#rum progr"m o$ the one "nd only& Veil. *he introdu#es hersel$
"s the Cypherite mission #ontroller "nd begins the m"s:ed tr"ining progr"m.
<n$ortun"tely& be$ore "ny v"lu"ble in$orm"tion #"n be obt"ined& the simul"#rum is
remotely shut down by "n etern"l sign"l. !he oper"tive@s oper"tor is however "ble to
dump the little d"t" they did g"in onto h"rd dis:.
!h"n:s to their e"rlier eperien#es with Cypherite d"t" stru#ture& Eion is "ble to tr"#e
the etern"l sign"l th"t shut the Veil progr"m down b"#: to its sour#e. !his intelligen#e
The Matrix Online Archives
proves #orre#t "s " m"s:ed b"se o$ oper"tions is $ound "nd #le"red. Another tr"ining
progr"m is un#overed& but this is time sp"wning " simul"#rum o$ the mysterious
Cryptos. 5e is introdu#ed "s the le"der o$ the Cypherites& who& in his own words& "re
dedi#"ted to letting people live the best possible lives. !he re#ruitment pro#ess
#ontinues in subse)uent rooms "s " tot"l o$ three Cryptos simul"#rums glori$y "nd give
pr"ise to the m"s:ed #"use. !ynd"ll sees it "ll "s prop"g"nd"& pure "nd simple. *he
ends the mission promising the oper"tive th"t the in$orm"tion un#overed will be
rel"yed to Comm"nder Lo#: "nd the Eion #oun#il A*A'. 6in"lly some o$ the )uestions
surrounding Cryptos& Veil "nd the Cypherites h"ve been "nswered.
!he .erovingi"n& "##omp"nied by " group o$ elite %edpill gu"rds "s well "s the $eisty
Oo:"mi& throws " p"rty "t Club *phin $or "ll his loy"l $ollowers. !he Eion oper"tives
present "re less th"n h"ppy "bout the .erovingi"n@s un"nnoun#ed t":e over o$ the
#lub "nd thre"ten to #"ll in Comm"ndo support. !he .erovingi"n simply dismisses
them "s #"ve dwelling p"wns. Comm"ndo soldiers do indeed "rrive "nd w"rn the
.erovingi"n th"t he should be $e"r$ul o$ the ?ener"l@s power. !he .erovingi"n de#ides
he #"n not be de"ling with su#h interruptions "nd orders his troops #le"r the #lub o$ "ll
protesters. 7ue to the sheer number o$ .erovingi"n $or#es the Eionists "nd
Comm"ndos "re $or#ed outside "nd :ept out by the elite bodygu"rds. 5owever& when
Oo:"mi de#ides to t":e " stroll "w"y $rom the #lub she is )ui#:ly set upon by " l"rge
group o$ "ggressive Eionists. !he .erovingi"n "nd his $ollowers soon #ome to her "id
"nd it isn@t long be$ore m"ss org"niz"tion"l $ighting bre":s out "#ross the entire
7"nn"h 5eights neighborhood. A$ter #"lling in he"vy "ssist"n#e $rom her Lupines&
Oo:"mi is $in"lly "ble to disperse her "tt"#:ers "nd m":e it to s"$ety. !ensions
between Eion the .erovingi"n re"#hes "n "ll+time high.
The Matrix Online Archives
!hapter <9:
3iobe sends out " Eion wide bro"d#"st& she reminds "ll oper"tives o$ their p"rtnership
with the ?ener"l "nd his #omm"ndos. *he "lso reve"ls th"t the #omm"ndo soldiers
"re ineperien#ed with $ighting other eile progr"ms "nd th"t she h"s "greed with the
?ener"l to h"ve oper"tives p"rti#ip"te in #omb"t tr"ining. 5er re)uest is simple& "
number o$ #omm"ndo soldiers h"ve been "ssigned to tr"ining duty "round the #ity "nd
she wishes "ny "nd "ll oper"tives willing to "ssist to do so. %unning missions& ge"ring
them up& te"#hing them new te#hni)ues& th"t sort o$ thing. ."ny "re troubled by this
revel"tion& trust "nd respe#t $or the ?ener"l is low& rumours spre"d "nd dis#ussions
"re m"ny. -t is " time o$ de$inite unrest within the r"n:s o$ Eion.
Eion oper"tives meet with the ?ener"l himsel$ to #o+ordin"te o$$ensive oper"tions
"g"inst the .erovingi"n "nd his $or#es. A$ter " short brie$ing he "ssigns " te"m o$
#omm"ndos to Coin the Eionists in "n up#oming mission. Anome& the #ontroller $or the
oper"tion& w"rns the oper"tives not to loo: b"d in $ront o$ their "llies. !he group
pro#eed to su##ess$ully #le"r out one o$ the lo#"l eile hideouts "nd& ple"sed with their
progress& the ?ener"l sends out one o$ his elite #omm"ndos to "ssist "nd study the
oper"tives on $urther "ssignments.
!he Eion oper"tives "nd the ?ener"lFs elite #omm"ndo pro#eed to #le"r out "nother&
tougher& eile hideoutB Anome seems "lmost desper"te to show the #omm"ndos wh"t
Eion is #"p"ble o$. A$ter using his enh"n#ed sensors to "n"lyse "nd uplo"d the b"ttle
d"t" the #omm"ndo tells the oper"tives th"t the ?ener"l wishes to spe": with them in
person $or debrie$ing. !he ?ener"l #ongr"tul"tes the oper"tives on their su##ess "nd
"ssures them the etensive d"t" g"thered is being #onverted into superior "nti eile
sub routines "s they spe":.
!he ."#hines& more spe#i$i#"lly Agent ?r"y& de#ide to "pply pressure to the
.erovingi"n@s "ssets& they pl"n on m":ing the 6ren#hm"n lose $o#us "nd in turn to
we":en his Fp"theti#F empire. ."#hine stri:e $or#es "re sent to numerous .erovingi"n
6lood $inds himsel$ #on$ronted with "tt"#: reports $rom "ll "#ross the #ityB he sends
.erovingi"n oper"tives to Fresolve the situ"tionsF. -t "ppe"rs Eionists "re behind the
"tt"#:s& t"rgeting spe#i$i# eiles. !he oper"tives "re "ble to de$end sever"l o$ the sites
"nd disperse the Eion "tt"#:ers& but not without he"vy losses& m"ny progr"ms lie de"d
be$ore they even "rrive. One o$ the wounded is "ble to give the oper"tives " d"t" dis:
whi#h he dem"nds must re"#h the .erovingi"nB -t le"ds them to yet "nother "tt"#:
site& this time "t the h"nds o$ m"#hine progr"ms. A$ter " tough b"ttle the oper"tives
"re "ble to #le"r the site "nd se"r#h bodies& un$ortun"tely nothing o$ interest is $ound.
Agent gr"y sele#ts " #rew o$ m"#hine oper"tives to le"d "n "tt"#: on one o$ the
.erovingi"n@s :ey eile lieuten"nts& termin"tion is the obCe#tive. A$ter $ighting through
the lieuten"nt@s person"l gu"rd the #rews oper"tor pi#:s up on " str"nge #ode
$lu#tu"tion in the net room& they rush to investig"te but $ind nothing& it seems the eile
w"s "ble to es#"pe out o$ thin "ir. 6urther "n"lysis o$ the $lu#tu"tion #on$irms it to be
the wor: o$ the mysterious 1$$e#tu"tor.
7etermined not to be out done by eiles Agent ?r"y orders the m"#hine #rew to
pro#eed "nd "tt"#: the b"se o$ one o$ the .ervs :nown se#urity #"pt"ins. 'relimin"ry
The Matrix Online Archives
s#"ns show the eiles sign"l #le"rly but "s soon "s the oper"tives enter the building
the re"dings dis"ppe"r& the pl"#e #ompletely empty. Agent gr"y #omments on the
1$$e#tu"tor@s t"lents be#oming "n... in#onvenien#e.
!ynd"ll sends " #rew o$ Eionites to "##omp"ny " s)u"d o$ the ?ener"l@s #omm"ndos
on " spe#i"l #omb"t run. !he purpose o$ the eer#ise is to ev"lu"te the new "nti eile
#omb"t upgr"des developed using the d"t" $rom the re#ent tr"ining sessions with Eion.
!he #hosen t"rgets "re " group o$ the 1$$e#tu"tor@s dire LupinesB they h"ve "pp"rently
been unusu"lly "#tive "s o$ l"te "nd !ynd"ll sees it "s the per$e#t opportunity. !he
mission is " su##ess "nd the upgr"des seem to be e$$e#tive. As the #rew le"ve the
mission "re" they re#eive " re)uest to meet with the ?ener"l in person& he h"s
"nother vit"l mission $or them.
!he ?ener"l epl"ins to the Eion oper"tives th"t the d"t" #olle#ted $rom the previous
tests suggests " possibility o$ #re"ting spe#i"l we"pons $or use "g"inst spe#i$i# eileFs
de$en#es. 5e needs the oper"tives to le"d " group o$ spe#i"lly progr"mmed
#omm"ndos to $urther test the theory "nd #olle#t the d"t" they need. !ynd"ll is hope$ul
th"t the we"pons the ?ener"l spo:e o$ #ould be the turning point in their b"ttle "g"inst
the .erovingi"n "nd en#our"ges the oper"tives to help the #omm"ndos g"ther "s
mu#h d"t" "s possible. !he te"m "re le"d to the lo#"tion o$ "nother group o$ dire
Lupines& un$ortun"tely there "re m"ny more th"n epe#ted "nd " tough b"ttle ensues.
5owever& th"n:s to the help o$ the upgr"ded #omm"ndos the Eionists "re eventu"lly
"ble to de$e"t them "ll& g"thering " lot o$ d"t" "s " result.
6lood de#ides to ret"li"te "g"inst the re#ent "tt"#:s but "s .erovingi"n $or#es "re l"id
out thin enough "s it is he pl"ns to Fpersu"deF the Cypherites to "ssist. 7isguising
themselves "s Eionists " s)u"d o$ .erv oper"tives "tt"#: one o$ the m"s:ed b"ses.
9elieving Eion to h"ve "tt"#:ed them the Cypherites le"d " #ounter stri:e on " :nown
Eionist b"se o$ oper"tionsB 6lood sends troops to "ssist but when they "rrive they $ind
nothing but de"d Cypherite bodies "nd " single d"t" dis:. 6lood dem"nds it uplo"ded
$or "n"lysis.
Agent ?r"y "ssigns " te"m o$ m"#hine oper"tives to tr"#: the 1$$e#tu"tor@s
movements. Armed with " power$ul d"t" re#ording devi#e the te"m pro#eed to $ollow
the spor"di# #ode tr"il "#ross the #ity. !hey hit m"ny de"d ends& empty rooms "nd
b"ttles with dire Lupines but gr"y "ssures them they "re in $"#t getting #lose enough
$or v"lu"ble d"t" to be #olle#ted. 5e believes it to be only " m"tter o$ time be$ore the
1$$e#tu"tor is in their #ustody.
!he ?ener"l@s li"ison in$orms !ynd"ll th"t the d"t" #olle#ted so $"r is helping gre"tly in
their development o$ the "nti+eile we"ponry& however& their d"t"b"se is still
in#omplete "nd they re)uire oper"tives to "ssist in d"t" #olle#tion on one more eile
type. A #rew o$ Eionists "re sent to meet with the "ssigned #omm"ndo te"m "nd he"d
out immedi"tely. A$ter su##ess$ully #le"ring yet "nother eile b"se "nd uplo"ding the
b"ttle d"t" !ynd"ll reports th"t the ?ener"l h"s $ound his missing lin: in the #h"in "nd
h"s ordered his #oders to begin wor: on the new we"ponry A*A'.
?iven the vit"l import"n#e o$ the "nti eile we"ponry development the Eion #oun#il
orders th"t oper"tives be sent to help gu"rd the ?ener"lFs #oder l"bs in #"se o$ "tt"#:.
!hey #"n not "$$ord to lose su#h " power$ul tool in their b"ttle "g"inst the 6ren#hm"n.
*ever"l o$ the l"bs "re indeed held under siege by eile $or#es but the united Eion "nd
#omm"ndo gu"rd te"ms "re "ble to eventu"lly $ight them o$$.
The Matrix Online Archives
6lood is "ble to $inish his "n"lysis o$ the d"t" dis: $ound on the de"d Cypherites& it
seems they h"ve begun running etr" s#"ns on the union hill Cryptos bo. $e"ring the
m"s:ed m"y be on their tr"il 6lood )ui#:ly sends "n oper"tive to meet with the
Cypherites to try "nd #ool things over& the tru#e between the two org"niz"tions is to
v"lu"ble to lose. <n$ortun"tely the oper"tive is met with nothing but relo#"ted b"ses
"nd eventu"lly& gun$ire. Veil #ont"#ts 6lood "##using him o$ the betr"y"l& the de"l
between them is over "nd .erovingi"n #ert"inly wonFt be ple"sed.
!h"n:s to the "ssist"n#e o$ Eion the ?ener"lFs #oders "re "ble to $inish their wor: on
the enh"n#ed "nti eile we"ponry. ."ss distribution to "ll Eion oper"tives begins.
!hese enh"n#ed versions o$ wooden st":es& silvers bullets "nd holy w"ter "re "ble to
de"l signi$i#"ntly more d"m"ge to eiles th"n theyre regul"r versions& " v"lu"ble
we"pon "g"inst the tr"$$i#:er o$ in$orm"tion indeed.
!he ."#hines $inish wor: on " devi#e designed to lo#: down the 1$$e#tu"tor@s %*-& he
is $in"lly within their gr"sp. !he devi#e needs to be pl"#ed on the eileFs body by h"nd
"nd the t"s: is entrusted to " loy"l #rew o$ m"#hine oper"tives. !hey do their best to
tr"#: the 1$$e#tu"tor& be#oming ever #loser with e"#h new lo#"tion but li:e "lw"ys he
seems to slip right through their $ingers "t the l"st step. Agent ?r"y "borts the mission
st"ting "nother str"tegy must be $ormul"ted.
!he Eion #oun#il de#ide th"t to better #omb"t the .erovingi"n they will "g"in
tempor"rily Coin $or#es with the ."#hines "nd give them some o$ the newly developed
"nti+eile we"pons. !he ?ener"l shows de$inite distrust $or the m"#hine #ivilis"tion but
respe#ts the #oun#ils wishes "nd "llows the de"l go "he"d. Anome will be put in
#h"rge o$ the tr"de o$$.
!he "ssigned Eion oper"tive retrieves the we"pon #odes $rom " group o$ #omm"ndos
"nd begins to m":e his w"y to the tr"de lo#"tion. 5owever& Anome@s sensors pi#: up
on "l"rming numbers o$ eiles in the "re"B it seems the .erovingi"n w"s somehow
tipped o$$ to the lo#"tion. A$ter sending sweep up s)u"ds to de"l with the eiles Anome
instru#ts the oper"tive to #"rry on "nd do the de"l "s )ui#:ly "s possible. !he
oper"tive meets with " m"#hine redpill "nd his "gent gu"rd& the tr"de goes "he"d
su##ess$ully. 5owever& be$ore either p"rty is "ble to le"ve& the "re" be#omes under
siege $rom eile $or#es. 6ighting side by side the 2 oper"tives "nd "gent "re "ble to
hold o$$ the w"ves upon w"ves o$ "tt"#:ers "nd $in"lly m":e it the s"$etyB the mission
is " su##ess.
-t is now re)uired th"t "$ter "ny meeting with the enemy Eion oper"tives must be
debrie$ed by " senior member in #"se o$ F#ont"min"tionFB the oper"tive who m"de the
"nti eile tr"de o$$ m":es his w"y to the debrie$ing point. 5ere he meets with the m"n
himsel$& ?host. !he veter"n Eionist "ssures th"t neither he nor the Eion #oun#il
p"rti#ul"rly trust the ."#hines but they "ll underst"nd the ne#essity o$ wor:ing with
them under the tru#e. ?host $inishes up by #ongr"tul"ting the oper"tive on " Cob well
done "nd t":es his le"ve.
Agent ?r"y instru#ts the m"#hine oper"tive to t":e the "nti eile #odes to one o$ their
top s#ientists within the ."tri $or de#ompilingB they will #ert"inly #ome in use$ul
"g"inst the 1$$e#tu"tor. 7uring the long "n"lysis "nd de#omposition pro#ess the
s#ientist r"mbles on "bout his wor: with the hum"n body& how he on#e wor:ed on "
Fd"m"gedF hum"n $ound on the edge o$ the... he never $inishes his senten#e. !he
slightly modi$ied #odes "nd 1$$e#tu"tor lo#:ing devi#e "re h"nded b"#: to the
The Matrix Online Archives
oper"tive& it is time.
!he m"#hine oper"tive m":es his w"y to " tr"#:ed 1$$e#tu"tor lo#"tion& inside he is
met with ne"r hordes o$ dire Lupines. 5owever& "ll o$ them t":e " m"ssive hit o$
d"m"ge due to the "re" e$$e#t m"#hine "nti eile :ill #odeB $inishing them o$$ $rom
proves "n e"sy t"s:. !he oper"tive is then "ble to t":e the 1$$e#tu"tor by surprise& the
e##entri# eile w"sn@t epe#ting his Lupines to $"ll so )ui#:ly "nd let his gu"rd down.
Just "s he is "bout to ph"se out the oper"tive is "ble to pl"nt the devi#e& lo#:ing his
%*- in pl"#e. 2 "gents then enter the room "nd t":e the 1$$e#tu"tor into their #ustodyB
the mission is " #le"r su##ess.
!ynd"ll "nnoun#es th"t now Eion h"ve the "nti eile we"ponry in their "rsen"l it is
$in"lly time to up the o$$ensive on the .erovingi"n. Oper"tives "re to sent on #omb"t
runs "ll "#ross the #ity but $irst they must le"rn the lo#"tions o$ "ppropri"te testing
b"ses. A re#on s)u"d "re sent to "tt"#: "nd #le"r " .erovingi"n redpill b"se& to g"ther
intelligen#e in "ny w"y possible. !he .erv $or#es "re t":en by surprise "nd "re soon
w"iting to re#onstru#t& th"t is "p"rt $rom one. !he redpill #l"ims to h"ve only Coined the
6ren#hm"n the d"y be$ore "nd is regretting his de#ision "lre"dy. 5e promises to give
the te"m the in$orm"tion they@re "$ter i$ they t":e him b"#: into the r"n:s o$ Eion. !hey
"##ept but promise th"t i$ the in$orm"tion proves $"lse they will hunt him down.
!he Eion/Comm"ndo "lli"n#e $or#es pl"n " stri:e on the lo#"tion given to them by the
.erv tr"itor& prelimin"ry s#"ns o$ the "re" prove his in$orm"tion #orre#t "nd the $or#es
move in. !he eiles within "re e"sily de"lt with due to the enh"n#ed we"pon #odes&
they $"ll li:e $lies "s the oper"tives "nd #omm"ndos #le"n out the building. 5"ving Cust
C"#:ed in "nd he"ring o$ their su##ess #"ption 3iobe re)uests " meeting with the
le"der o$ the stri:e $or#e& the others st"y behind to se#ure the "re". 3iobe
#ongr"tul"tes the oper"tive on " mission well done& she "lso reminds them not to
worry "bout the Cypherites or be $ooled by those mistrusting o$ the ?ener"lB "##ording
to her they h"ve the people& s:ills "nd $irepower to win the b"ttle "nd th"t@s "ll th"t
6lood is "g"in bomb"rded by "tt"#: reports $rom Eionists& #omm"ndos "nd the
."#hines& he sends wh"t little s)u"ds o$ oper"tives he #"n sp"re to their de$en#e but
"ll "rrive too l"te& the eiles lie de"d& :illed by enh"n#ed #odes. !he "tt"#:ers "re de"lt
with but the d"m"ge is "lre"dy done. A$ter #le"ning up the "tt"#: sites 6lood re#eives
"nother urgent report& the 1$$e#tu"tor is under "tt"#: by m"#hine $or#es. All "v"il"ble
oper"tives "re sent to his de$en#e A*A'& they #"nFt "$$ord to lose the 1$$e#tu"tor. 9ut it
is too l"teB they "rrive to $ind the building empty& no tr"#es o$ ph"sing& no eile le$t
!he ."#hines "re unsu##ess$ul in interrog"ting the 1$$e#tu"torB they believe it to be
inherent in his #oding "nd "re le$t "t " de"d end. Agent ?r"y de#ides to see how "
redpill oper"tive $"res in interrog"tion. !he eile does spe": to the oper"tive& but only
o$ the ."#hines $oolishness. 5e does however tell the oper"tive he #"n show him
something& something on his #omputer. !he oper"tive pro#eeds to the "ddress given
"nd "##esses the termin"l there& " d"t" dis: is eCe#ted "nd the unlo"ded to Agent
?r"y. !he virus within is e"sily re#ognised "nd destroyed& the 1$$e#tu"tor@s g"mes
didn@t wor: this time.
!he .erovingi"n gr"nts 6lood " single #h"n#e to redeem himsel$B the de$en#e o$ one
o$ the 6ren#hm"n@s m"Cor rese"r#h #entres& under "tt"#: by #omm"ndo $or#es& in put
The Matrix Online Archives
in his h"nds. Oper"tives rush to its lo#"tion "nd "rrive to $ind the s#ientists h"ve
b"rri#"ded themselves in one o$ the rooms& h"ving lo#:ed down "ll the on site
#omputer systems. !he "tt"#:ers "re de"lt with swi$tly "nd the s#ientists $reed but
there is no time $or #ongr"tul"tions& "nother #entre is under "tt"#:. 5ere " simil"r
s#ene is $ound but this time be$ore the oper"tives #ould de$e"t "ll the #omm"ndos the
entire "tt"#:ing s)u"d $"ll de"d. !he s#ientists epl"in th"t it must h"ve been the
1.C' Gele#tro m"gneti# #ode pulseI they Cust let o$$ to dis"ble their #omputers. !his
in$orm"tion #omes "s " gre"t ple"sure to 6lood& " devi#e #"p"ble o$ inst"ntly :illing "ll
#omm"ndos within " set r"dius& Cust the thing to get him o$$ the hoo:. 3ot only th"t but
perh"ps the .erovingi"n is not be"ten yet.
Agent ?r"y sends out " $orum bro"d#"st re)uesting th"t his listed m"#hine $"#tions
provide one represent"tive e"#h to "ttend "n oper"tion o$ urgent import"n#e. !he
n"mes "re to be sent to the m"#hine li"ison o$$i#er& 7i$$eren#e1ngine& A*A' "nd the
meeting t":e pl"#e l"ter th"t wee:. All det"ils on the up#oming mission "re :ept se#ret.
!he d"y "rrives "nd Agent ?r"y #ont"#ts the sele#ted oper"tives to "ttend " meeting
on the ("lt #hemi#"l building@s roo$top. (eeping the group in order Agent ?r"y "nd
7i$$eren#e1ngine $ind themselves #on$ronted with unw"nted guests& n"mely Eion "nd
.erovingi"n spies. !he de#ision is m"de to t":e the m"#hinists somewhere " little
moreP priv"te. A$ter "rriving "t the white room the oper"tives meet with Agent '"#e
$or their brie$ing. A m"#hine progr"m& bugsweep& re#ently went missing while
investig"ting " report "bout the m"#hines stolen #"se. !he oper"tive@s mission is
simpleB tr"#: bugsweep& res#ue him i$ possible "nd "t "ll #osts $ind the :idn"pper $or
interrog"tion #on#erning the #"se. 5"ving little to go by "p"rt $rom the progr"ms l"st
:nown lo#"tion the oper"tives "re teleported b"#: to .eg"#ity& the oper"tion begins.
,ithin minutes the m"#hine oper"tives "re "ble to $ind the wounded bugsweep in "n
"lleyw"y but there is no time $or #elebr"tion. !he we":ened progr"m b"rely m"n"ges
to w"rn his s"viours th"t the m"n who "tt"#:ed him w"s $leeing the #ity& they h"d to
hurry. ,hile some st"y behind "nd tend to bugsweep the others m":e their w"y to the
only route out o$ the #ity the m"#hines #ouldn@t tr"#:& the downtown helip"ds. !heir
intuition p"ys o$$ "nd they $ind the m"n& 7"r"go& "ttempting to es#"pe. 5e proves
impressively #omb"t "ble "nd $ights o$$ the oper"tives with rel"tive e"se but is $or#ed
to $lee on#e "gent b"#:up "rrives. A #h"se through the #ity ensuesB 7"r"go is blo#:ed
o$$ "t sever"l subw"y st"tions "nd is $or#ed to run& eventu"lly le"ding the group to
C"mon '"r:. 5ere he #"lls on the "ssist"n#e o$ the demons "rmy g"ng "nd it doesn@t
t":e long $or " m"ss br"wl to bre": out. 5owever& under the #olle#tive might o$ the
m"#hine $or#es& 7"r"go $"lls "nd the eile g"ng disperses. Agent '"#e "rrives "t the
s#ene& "##omp"nied by Agent ?r"y "nd 7i$$eren#e1ngineB she e"mines the
run"w"y@s body to $ind some :ind o$ #ommuni#"tion devi#e. A$ter running its #ode
through ?r"y@s "dv"n#ed "n"lysis subroutines it is determined to be tuned into the
s"me sign"l used by the ?ener"l@s #omm"ndos. !he "gents #on#lude th"t the ?ener"l
is indeed responsible $or the the$t o$ their #"se "nd th"t it is in his possession "t this
time. A$ter #ongr"tul"ting their oper"tives on " mission well done the m"#hines
o$$i#i"lly #lose the oper"tion "nd return to their duties.
,hile "ttending to publi# rel"tions duties 7i$$eren#e1ngine begins to showP odd
beh"viour. A$ter short while the m"#hine li"ison suddenly sn"ps "nd "pp"rently loses
himsel$. Almost "s i$ possessed he dem"nds the "##ess #odes to the Eion m"in$r"me
"nd #ompl"ins o$ the sten#h hum"nity gives. !he %edpills re"lise this to be "nother
The Matrix Online Archives
#"se o$ the remn"nt *mith virus& mu#h li:e Agent ?r"y o##"sion"lly en#ounters. !he
#rowd try "nd #"lm the unst"ble progr"m down but he #ontinues to spe": on "bout
how the Or"#le "nd Q.r. Anderson@ must be :illed to p"y $or his $reedom. ,hen
)uestioned "s to !he One@s livelihood the possessed progr"m tells them th"t "$ter the
$in"l b"ttle 3eo w"s provided with " hover#r"$t "nd le$t the m"#hine #ity "live. A
sho#:ed #rowd "re soon met by Agent '"#e who pro#eeds to det"in "nd send 71
o$$line $or debuggingB she in$orms the g"thered %edpills his st"tements were the
r"mblings o$ " m"l$un#tioning progr"m "nd should be tre"ted "s #ompletely $"lse. !he
li"ison soon returns to duty b"#: to norm"l "nd with no re#olle#tion o$ the event.
The Matrix Online Archives
!hapter <98
% &luribus =eo
!he (id& the youth "w":ened by 3eo& the one who opened g"te 4 in time $or the
h"mmer@s 1.' to s"ve the #ity& holds " sm"ll meeting "t ."r" #hur#h. 5ere he
dis#usses with other li:eminded %edpills the import"n#e o$ 3eo@s Qleg"#y@ "nd how
Cryptos "nd the Cypherites "re dishonouring it. -n the end it is suggested th"t they
$orm their own splinter group to uphold these ide"ls "nd t":e the $ight to the m"s:ed.
Q6rom m"ny& one@ 1 'luribus 3eo.
!he Eion #oun#il be#omes in#re"singly #on#erned over their h"zy :nowledge o$
#ryptos@ Cypherite movement. 6or the time being his moves "re predi#t"ble& disrupting
"w":enings "nd spre"ding prop"g"nd"& but Eion $ind themselves #ompletely un"ble to
predi#t wh"t the m"s:ed "re going to do net. As su#h oper"tives "re sent on missions
to tr"#: "nd observe Cypherite groups in the hopes o$ le"rning more.
Agent ?r"y h"s " m"#hinist redpill investig"te "n Qun$ortun"te in#ident@ th"t h"s
o##urred in the slums& "pp"rently the n"ture o$ this #rime is yet to be determined but
the oper"tive $igures it must be import"nt i$ it w"rr"nts Agent "ttention. Arriving "t the
$orw"rded lo#"tion the m"#hinist redpill $inds sever"l de"d bodies s#"ttered "round the
room& oddly without "ny sign o$ struggle& "nd begins to )uestion the on site witnesses
"s to wh"t h"ppened. A##ording the in#redibly distressed 9luepills there w"s " loud
b"ng& li:e "n eplosion& "nd then lo"ds o$ Qgreen stu$$@ "ppe"red. -t "lso loo:ed "s i$
the others h"d died $rom #onvulsive #ho:ing "nd one witness even swe"rs they s"w
someone dressed li:e some sort o$ priest run out o$ the building in the #h"os. !he
oper"tive@s oper"tor #on$irms their suspi#ions& it sounds "s i$ the Qde"d@ 9luepills h"ve
been $or#e$ully "w":ened $rom their pods& "nd going by the des#riptions given& it w"s "
#ode bomb th"t did it.
Agent ?r"y in$orms the ."#hine investig"tor th"t the ."#hines h"d thought #ode
bombings to be long over& "pp"rently they were in error. 5e "lso runs " s#"n o$ the
lo#"l "re" to se"r#h $or the priest li:e $igure des#ribed by one o$ the witnesses. !urning
up " positive m"t#h "nd $ollowing lo#"l reports the "gent is "ble to le"d the investig"tor
to " ne"rby building. 5owever& the "re" turns out #ompletely #le"r o$ "#tivity& e#ept "
single #omputer termin"l th"t when h"#:ed logged in "s Q340TL-V1*@. Agent ?r"y
pro#eeds to design"te the Qpriest@ "s prime subCe#t $or the $or#ed "w":ening.
A Eion spy te"m "re "ble to tr"#e the Cypherites b"#: to " Q*omnus Consulting
*ervi#es@ !he #omp"ny n"me is surprisingly empty in the #ity "r#hives "nd !ynd"ll&
$eeling its "ll too suspi#ious& sends oper"tives to investig"te. On site the o$$i#e seems
norm"l enough& no m"s:ed& only 9luepills. 5owever& one o$ s"id 9luepills gives the
oper"tives " :ey to the #omp"ny s"$e& "pp"rently he w"s "lre"dy epe#ting someone
to "rrive. -nside the s"$e the Eionists $ind " sm"ll d"t" dis:& whi#h they uplo"d to
!ynd"ll A*A'.
!he d"t" $ound by the Eion investig"tion te"m suggest the Cypherites "re wor:ing on
some sort o$ $or#ed reinsertion progr"m& very worrisome to both !ynd"ll "nd the Eion
#oun#il. !he dis: "lso #ont"ined #o ordin"tes $or "n up#oming m"s:ed meetingB
soldiers "re sent to inter#ept. 5owever& they $ind themselves surrounded not by
hostiles but by de"d bodies. ?oing $urther the te"m $ind " single wounded oper"tiveB
the young m"n simply s"ys Q6or 3eo@ "nd sui#ides be$ore the soldiers #"n )uestion
The Matrix Online Archives
him. !ynd"ll is b"$$led by the un:nown oper"tive@s involvement "nd promises to run
some #he#:s $or simil"r "##ounts& un$ortun"tely she "lso reminds the troops th"t his
inter$eren#e h"s #ost them " v"lu"ble le"d.
6lood in$orms " te"m o$ .erv oper"tives th"t !he .erovingi"n is interested in
#onsolid"ting his m"ny Qitems o$ interest@ th"t he h"s spre"d out throughout the ."tri&
it "lso turns out it@s the te"m@s Cob to st"rt #olle#ting s"id items. !he $irst& " #ert"in
st"tue& is being held by one o$ the .erv@s loy"l eiles who "pp"rently h"s " #ert"inP
t"ste $or hum"ns. Lu#:ily the te"m "re "ble to pl"y it #ool "nd re#eive the item without
mu#h h"ssle. 6lood goes on to in$orm the te"m th"t the se#ond item is in the
possession o$ "n eile outside the .erv@s employ "nd m"y be " little h"rder to "#)uire.
!he te"m@s oper"tor seems slightly #on$used "s to why the item is being held by "n
eile outside o$ their org"niz"tion but #"rries on none the less.
Arriving "t the hideout o$ the eile who holds the se#ond item the .erv oper"tives "re
met with "n un#ooper"tive& "nd r"ther slow witted& progr"m who re$uses to h"nd over
the item. 6lood suggests th"t getting rid o$ " #ouple o$ the eile@s gu"rds m"y in#ite "
better "ttitude "nd indeed "$ter " )ui#: #le"ring o$ the "re" the eile soon h"nds over
the :ey to the site@s v"ult. 5owever& m":ing their w"y to the v"ult the te"m "re met by
the neighbourhood #ont"#t Q5yp"ti"@.
5yp"ti" st"rts to t"l: "bout her he"ring rumours o$ J5im #olle#ting his thingsK "nd "s:s
st"rts to "s: the te"m )uestions li:e J,here is he goingHK "nd J5ow will he get there
without his 1$$e#tu"torHK. O$ #ourse she re$ers to the .erovingi"n but the te"m h"ve no
ide" "s to wh"t she@s t"l:ing "bout. %e"lising hersel$ they :now nothing 5yp"ti" "llows
the oper"tives to t":e the item& " sm"ll boo:& $rom the v"ult. On their w"y she even
w"rns them to try "nd be "w"re o$ Qthe bigger pi#ture@ "nd not to be swept up in
Q#ir#umst"n#es beyond their #ontrol@. !he te"m@s two items "re then su##ess$ully
h"nded over to " .erovingi"n lieuten"nt "t the lo#"l .erv drop o$$ point. 6lood
de#l"res the mission " su##ess& the te"m@s oper"tor however #"n@t help but be
#on#erned over the .erovingi"n@s sudden desire to g"ther his items.
Eion "re determined to $ollow up on the Cypherites "nd de#ide to pursue other le"ds&
n"mely one o$ " m"n "##using #ryptos@ boes "s being stolen $rom his w"rehouse.
,hen interviewed by under#over the owner #l"ims th"t #ryptos h"d been using his
w"rehouse "s stor"ge but one d"y& without w"rning& they were suddenly gone.
App"rently no one s"w wh"t h"ppened nor h"s he he"rd $rom the mysterious m"gi#i"n
sin#e. !he owner even still h"s Cryptos@ depositB " w"t#h he w"s we"ring the d"y they
met& the Eionists t":e it $or help in their investig"tion.
A$ter uplo"ding d"t" on the w"t#h given to them by the w"rehouse owner the Eion
te"m "re "ble to tr"#: its origins b"#: to " spe#i$i# Cewellery store& r"n by the eile Q!he
Jeweller@. ,hile w"iting to see the eile in his region"l o$$i#es the oper"tives t"l: to the
bluepill wor:ers& "pp"rently they s"w #ryptos on the d"y o$ the s"le t"l:ing to some Q?+
men@& suits "nd ties& sli#: h"ir "nd e"rpie#es& "gents. !his r"ises )uestions in itsel$ but
there is little time to ponder. ,hen the te"m $in"lly do meet with the Ceweller he
#on$irms the w"t#h to be his wor:& " spe#i"l re)uest "#tu"lly "s it w"s re)uired&
str"ngely& not to run. !he eile ends the meeting by giving the oper"tives Cryptos@
#ustomer $ile& #omplete with home "ddress.
Anome& who@s in #h"rge o$ the investig"tion& orders #ryptos@ w"t#h be uplo"ded to him
person"lly so he #"n we"r it the net time he goes Qslumming@. A$ter $ollowing their
The Matrix Online Archives
orders the te"m "re Coined by " s)u"d o$ #omm"ndo soldiers "nd sent to investig"te
#ryptos@ "pp"rent home. <n$ortun"tely they "re "g"in met not by the m"s:ed but with
more 3eo "nd !rinity loo:+"li:es. !he over ze"lous teen"gers "#tu"lly end up
"tt"#:ing the te"m& believing them to be the Cypherites. A$ter de"ling with their
"tt"#:ers the oper"tives try "nd se"r#h the house but $ind nothing use$ul. Anome
deems the mission " $"ilure "nd doesn@t even believe the te"m@s story "bout the
$"n"ti#sB to him they@re Cust m":ing e#uses.
6lood sends one o$ his oper"tives to "ssist with the rese"r#h "nd development o$ "
port"ble we"pon version o$ the 1.C' devi#e th"t he #l"ims to h"ve invented Geven
though it w"s "n "##ident"l dis#overy by the .erovingi"n rese"r#hersI. -t seems the
development h"s hit " blo#: "nd re)uires the "ssist"n#e o$ " #ert"in eileB 6lood
orders his oper"tives to use wh"tever me"ns ne#ess"ry to #onvin#e the eile to help
them. Arriving "t the determined lo#"tion o$ the re)uired progr"m the oper"tive is met
with sever"l o$ the eile@s bodygu"rds. !":ing them down the oper"tive is "ble to meet
with their boss in the net room. -t seems he "lre"dy :new o$ their #oming "nd wh"t
they w"nted& he goes on to epl"in the #omm"ndos h"ve g"ve him his $"ir sh"re o$
troubles "nd he would be willing to help but only i$ he re#eives Q"dv"n#e p"yment@.
!he eile needed to #ontinue the 1.C' development re)uests th"t the .erv
oper"tive destroys " #ert"in riv"l progr"m o$ his. 6lood shows de$inite dist"in $or the
re)uest but h"s no #hoi#e but to "##ept it "nd p"t#hes through the lo#"tion o$ the riv"l
eile to his oper"tive. !he redpill is "ble to "ss"ssin"te the progr"m with de"dly
pre#ision "nd returns to es#ort the re)uired eile to the .erovingi"n l"b. ,or:
#ontinues on the port"ble 1.C's.
Eion@s #he#:s $or the 3eo/!rinity loo:+"li:e reports reve"l th"t groups o$ these %edpills
h"ve been spotted sever"l times #on$ronting suspe#ted Cypherites "nd in turn
inter$ering with Eion investig"tions. On top o$ th"t sever"l hover#r"$t th"t re#ently le$t
Eion h"ve sin#e #ut #ont"#t "nd when rese"r#hing the #rew d"t" Eion $ind it
mysteriously wiped $rom the m"in$r"me. Comm"nder lo#: suspe#ts the 3eoites wiped
the d"t"& too: the ships "nd h"ve gone reneg"de.
Eion te#hni#i"ns dis#over " b"#:up #opy o$ one o$ the missing ships #rew d"t"&
running it through the ."tri $eed !ynd"ll is "ble to tr"#: their lo#"tion in the ."tri "nd
" te"m o$ oper"tives is sent in to )uestion the reneg"de %edpills. <pon "rriving "t the
site the oper"tives "re immedi"tely "tt"#:ed by the reneg"de youths& "g"in they thin:
them to be Cypherites. A$ter de"ling with the rebels the oper"tives se"r#h the $"llen $or
"ny #lues& they $ind the reneg"de s)u"d@s oper"ting orders& the $"#t they were #"rrying
them while out in the $ield is " #le"r sign o$ the group@s disorg"niz"tion. !ynd"ll hopes
th"t they #"n return the rebels to the #"use o$ Eion while their #h"in o$ #omm"nd is
"pp"rently still we":.
!he Eion oper"tives $ollow the "ddress on the "#)uired oper"ting orders to "nother
reneg"de hideout& "$ter $ighting through more o$ the rebellious youths the te"m "re
"ble to g"in "##ess to the on site #omputer systems. !hey $ind "n open #onvers"tion
window with " Q6r"#"storo@B he t"l:s "bout how the Cypherites "re Qgoing down@ "nd
Q*him"d"@ :nowing wh"t she@s doing. !ynd"ll re#ognises the n"me "nd begins running
#he#:s. -n the me"n time the oper"tives "re sent to the origin o$ the #onvers"tion
window to )uestion 6r"#"storo.
Arriving "t the tr"#ed reneg"de b"se the Eion oper"tives yet "g"in be#ome under
The Matrix Online Archives
"tt"#: but the mention o$ *him"d"@s n"me inst"ntly stops the $ighting "nd the rogues
le"d the te"m into the net room to spe": to their s)u"d le"der& $r"#"storo. !he redpill
is we"ry o$ the oper"tives@ purpose but ultim"tely de#ides to let *him"d" de#ide $or
hersel$. 5e orders 2 o$ his men to es#ort the te"m to her.
!ynd"ll reports b"#: to the te"m being es#orted by the rebels& her rese"r#h is
#omplete "nd it "ppe"rs *him"d" w"s indeed " Eionite "nd in $"#t " #"pt"in o$ one o$
the missing shipsB it seems Comm"nder Lo#:@s suspi#ions were #orre#t. !he te"m
"rrive "t " he"vily gu"rded reneg"de b"se "nd "re "llowed "udien#e with *him"d".
*he tells the oper"tives th"t their group& 1 'luribus 3eo& is devoted to $ollowing the
te"#hings "nd ide"ls set out by 3eo himsel$& the belie$ th"t every hum"n being should
be "llowed the #h"n#e o$ $reedom. *he then re)uests th"t the te"m le"ve )uietly.
!ynd"ll $eels shim"d" is young& n"ive "nd hiding something but still believes they #"n
de"l with 1 pluribus 3eo pe"#e$ully. 5owever& she is $e"r$ul th"t i$ the situ"tion is not
de"lt with )ui#:ly 1'3@s "w":enings #ould #"use the ."#hine@s power supply to
be#ome thre"tened "nd Eion "##used o$ bre":ing the terms o$ the tru#e.
A member o$ 1 pluribus 3eo& 9ri"n& h"s se#ond thoughts "bout his Coining o$ the
group "nd #ont"#ts EionB Anome is put in #h"rge "nd "n oper"tive sent to go t"l: to
9ri"n. !he redpill #on$esses to being " $ollower o$ 1'3@s ide"ls but "pp"rently he $elt
the le"dership w"s $"r too we":& not *him"d" but "nother& !he (id. <pon he"ring
"bout !he (id@s involvement with 1'3 Anome gets more th"n " little "nnoyed& #"lling
the youth " Qno good pun:@ "nd s"ying how they should t":e him out Qee#ution style@B it
#ert"inly seems li:e he h"s something person"l "g"inst the boy.
6lood #ont"#ts one o$ his oper"tives "nd in$orms them th"t the 1.C' devi#es "re
now re"dy $or $ield testing "nd th"t they h"ve been t"s:ed with es#orting the tester.
Arriving "t the .erv l"b the oper"tive is brie$ed by rese"r#hers there "nd "ssured th"t
Qthe $eedb"#: issue@ h"s been t":en #"re o$& however " ne"rby #omputer tells " slightly
di$$erent story "s it lists the surviv"l r"te o$ users "s only 8;U. !":ing some o$ the
prototype devi#es the oper"tive "nd the design"ted tester "re $orw"rded to " lo#"l
#omm"ndo held lo#"tion. *torming the building the .erv oper"tive begins to do b"ttle
with the #omm"ndos& however& the $ight is short lived "s the 1.C' is "#tiv"ted
su##ess$ully "nd ne"rly "ll the #omm"ndos "re deleted in "n inst"nt.
6lood $orw"rds his oper"tive "nd the 1.C' tester to " se#ond lo#"tion $or $urther
testing& the s"me situ"tion un$olds "s be$ore with the #omm"ndos dropping li:e $lies&
e#ept this time the tester is "lso physi#"lly h"rmed by the devi#e. 6lood re#"lls the
s#ientists@ mention o$ " $eedb"#: problem "nd h"s the oper"tive es#ort the tester to "
ne"rby l"b $or "n"lysis. A$ter delivering the subCe#t to the lo#"l l"b "nd h"ving the
s#ientists promise to loo: into the issue the oper"tive de#ides to h"ve " little snoop
"round& h"#:ing into "n on+site #omputer they le"rn th"t the s#ientists h"ve re#ently
h"#:ed into "nd deleted entries $rom the publi# servi#e@s missing persons d"t"b"se&
the re"son why is un:nown.
6lood de#l"res the 1.C' testing to be " tot"l su##ess "nd distribution o$ the de"dly
we"pon #odes to "ll .erv oper"tives begins.
Anome #l"ims to :now where one o$ !he (id@s $riends h"ngs out in the ."tri& he
sends " te"m o$ oper"tives to go )uestion the redpill. !he oper"tives "rrive only to
stubble upon " sm"ll meeting o$ 1'3 $ollowersB the te"m "re spotted "nd immedi"tely
"tt"#:ed. A$ter the rebels "re de"lt with Anome #omes up with " pl"n& i$ they #ont"#t
The Matrix Online Archives
"nother one o$ !he (id@s "sso#i"tes "nd s"y the $irst group sent them with urgent news
$or the (ids e"rs only Cust be$ore they were "tt"#:ed then perh"ps in the $oolishness o$
youth they@ll le"d the te"m str"ight to him.
<sing his #ont"#ts Anome is "ble to $ind the lo#"tion o$ "nother 1'3 group within the
."tri "nd oper"tives "re sent in to try out the #ontroller@s previous ide". !he pl"n
goes o$$ without " hit#h "nd the rebels "re e"sily $ooled "s they begin es#orting the
te"m to !he (id. 5owever& upon "rriving "t the meeting site " C"mming sign"l is
"#tiv"ted "nd the oper"tives le"d into " room $ull o$ 1 pluribus 3eo #rus"dersB it
"ppe"rs they were on to Anome@s plot "ll "long. !he (id& who re$ers to himsel$ "s
.i#h"el& tells the oper"tives th"t Eion h"ve got 1'3 "ll wrongB in his own words it is
not " group "ll "bout him nor is it l"#:ing in org"niz"tion or dedi#"tion. As $or the
group@s l"rge numbers he s"ys the r"n:s o$ 1'3 "re not only $rom Eion but in $"#t $rom
"ll orgs& "pp"rently they #onsist o$ "nyone who believes in wh"t 3eo believed "nd "re
growing by the d"y. !he te"m pull out "nd Anome soon be#omes in$uri"ted& he
promises th"t "ll those Qtr"itors@ will burn $or thin:ing they@re better th"n Eion.
Agent ?r"y #ont"#ts " te"m o$ m"#hinist oper"tives reg"rding in$orm"tion obt"ined
$rom one o$ the ."#hine org"niz"tion@s Eion #ont"#ts. !he w"nted Qpriest@ h"s been
lin:ed with " #ert"in group o$ Eion r"di#"ls "nd "nother #ode bombing is thought to be
on the horizon. ?r"y h"s the te"m meet up with the #ont"#t in the ."tri to try "nd $ind
out the time$r"me "nd possible lo#"tions o$ the up#oming Qilleg"l "#tivity@. !he
in$orm"nt reve"ls th"t !he (id is the one behind the r"di#"ls "nd th"t they pl"n to set
o$$ 2 #ode bombs very soon. !he Eionist promises to lend support by trying to blo#: the
r"di#"ls #omm. sign"ls "s long "s the m"#hinists st"y )uiet "bout his helping them.
-n " r"#e "g"inst time the ."#hine te"m hurry to the $irst bomb lo#"tion given by the
Eion in$orm"nt. As they enter the building their oper"tor is met with " Q#r"zy@ #ode
sign"l "nd the oper"tives #ome $"#e to $"#e with "nother #ode bomb "$term"th&
#on$used 9luepills bre":ing down "nd $or#e$ully "w":ened s#"ttering the $loor. ,ith no
time to w"ste the oper"tives g"ther their thoughts "nd rush to the se#ond lo#"tion. On
the w"y ?r"y #on$irms th"t their in$orm"nt h"s :ept his word "nd is #urrently C"mming
the reneg"de@s sign"ls& it@s now or never.
Arriving "t the se#ond lo#"le the te"m $ind bluepill wor:ers #on$used "s to why
everyone is storming their o$$i#es& it seems the m"#hinists m"y h"ve m"de it Cust in
time. Continuing into the net room the oper"tives "re $"#ed with numerous youths
dressed in prophet dusters going by the h"ndles o$ Q1 'luribus 3eo Crus"ders@. !hey
#l"im th"t wh"t they@re doing is $or Qthe good o$ hum"nity@ "nd eng"ge the m"#hists. -n
" )ui#:ened b"ttle the ."#hine oper"tives "re "ble to $ight their w"y through to the
$in"l room "nd $ind the le"der o$ the bombers who is re"dily prep"ring the #ode bomb
$or deton"tion. 5e is promptly stopped "nd the #ode bomb retrieved without "ny
#"us"lities. As " debrie$ing Agent ?r"y reminds his oper"tives th"t inno#ent lives were
s"ved "nd th"t "w":ening 9luepills in su#h " w"y is not only #ounterprodu#tive but
"lso very destru#tive& "s they@ve "lre"dy seen.
!he Eion #oun#il de#ide to le"ve 1 pluribus 3eo be $or the time being& due to their
#onne#tions to the hum"n r"#e@s s"viour "nd with .orpheus rumours on the rise "g"in
"tt"#:ing them would be politi#"l sui#ide. -nste"d Eion returns to #on#entr"ting on their
w"r "g"inst the .erovingi"n.
Agent ?r"y re#eives reports th"t 1 'luribus 3eo h"s l"un#hed " r"id on one the
The Matrix Online Archives
."#hine@s #ode stor"ge $"#ilities inside the ."tri. 9elieving the "tt"#:ers "re
se"r#hing $or #omponents needed to #onstru#t more #ode bombs the Agent #ontroller
immedi"tely #"lls up " te"m o$ ."#hine oper"tives to de"l with the situ"tion. As they
"rrive the m"#hinists $ind " l"rge number o$ 1'3 #rus"ders eng"ged with ."#hine
se#urity progr"ms. !he progr"ms $"ll be$ore the oper"tives@ eyes "nd the de$en#e o$
the $"#ility is le$t up to them "nd " h"nd $ull o$ br"ve on+site ."#hine me#h"ni#s. A$ter
" long "nd tiresome b"ttle the #rus"ders $"ll "nd the $"#ility is se#ured.
9e#oming "git"ted "t the intoler"ble level o$ inter$eren#e $rom 1'3 oper"tives Agent
?r"y re)uests " meeting with " Eion represent"tive to dis#uss the m"tter.
<n$ortun"tely& Eion sends Anome. A$ter some t"#t$ul #omments reg"rding the ."#hine
org"niz"tion Anome lets the ."#hine representive :now the det"ils on 1 'luribus 3eo&
th"t the Eion #oun#il "re hesit"nt to de"l with them "nd th"t they h"ve been o$$i#i"lly
dis"vowed. Anome "lso lets slip th"t he h"s people Jwor:ing on itK. Agent ?r"y
however is $ully s"tis$ied with the $"#t th"t Eion h"ve essenti"lly given the ."#hines
J,h"t hum"ns #"ll C"rte 9l"n#heK& the $reedom to pursue the issue how they wish. 5e
ends by predi#ting the ."#hine@s #"mp"igns "g"inst 1 pluribus 3eo will be JveryP
6lood "g"in #ont"#ts one o$ his oper"tives #on#erning the 1.C' devi#es& this time
however he det"ils how the devi#es #ould be $urther improved& modi$ied to "lso destroy
"ny ."#hine progr"ms within the #ode r"dius. !he oper"tive@s #ontroller isn@t "s
optimisti# s"ying the ide" o$ :illing "gents in "n inst"nt is Cust too good to be true.
3ethertheless the oper"tive is sent to meet with the proCe#t@s le"d s#ientist "nd "
#hosen tester. !he s#ientist h"nds over the prototype ."#hine 1.C' devi#e "nd
t":ing the eile ironi#"lly n"med Q!ester@ with him the oper"tive sets o$$ in se"r#h o$ "
testing ground.
Loo:ing through the report logs 6lood soon $inds " .erv held building #urrently under
siege $rom ."#hine $or#es "nd $orw"rds the oper"tive "nd !ester there. 5e does
however "s: th"t the oper"tive m":es sure !ester goes through with "#tiv"ting the
devi#e sin#e he seems hesit"nt $or some re"son. Arriving on site the .erv redpill "nd
!ester meet up with the de$ending eile $or#es "nd begin to $ight b"#: the ."#hine
se#urity $or#es. 5owever& the moment !ester "#tiv"tes the prototype ."#hine 1.C'
"ll the eile progr"ms& in#luding !ester& $"ll to the $loor. 7e"d. ,hile the ."#hine
progr"ms still st"nd. As i$ things weren@t b"d enough "lre"dy the oper"tive@s oper"tor
then pi#:s up on Agent "#tivity in the buildingB the redpill desper"tely tries to es#"pe
but is #ut o$$ by the "gents storming the building. <pon re#onstru#ting the oper"tive is
"g"in #ont"#ted by 6lood who de#l"res whoever thought o$ th"t ide" should lose their
Cob "nd th"t he@ll person"lly $ind who@s responsible. 1ven though it w"s li:ely him in the
$irst pl"#e.
Agent ?r"y #ont"#ts " s)u"d o$ ."#hine oper"tives "nd in$orms them th"t they h"ve
Jun$inished businessK to "ttend to. 5e goes on to epl"in the re#ent #ity+wide oper"tion
where ."#hine oper"tives lo#"ted "nd :illed the reneg"de Q7"r"go@ who w"s dire#tly
involved in the loss o$ the ."#hine@s #"se o$ v"lu"bles. A$ter some )ui#: post "n"lysis
it w"s reve"led th"t it w"s !he ?ener"l who w"s behind 7"r"go "nd the #"se@s the$t.
<n$ortun"tely& due to his "lli"n#e with Eion& it is di$$i#ult $or the ."#hines to #on$ront
him dire#tly& di$$i#ult& but not impossible. 5owever& these pl"ns "re not yet re"dy to be
dis#ussed "nd the Agent inste"d dire#ts the te"m@s "ttention to the mu#h e"sier go"l o$
The Matrix Online Archives
de"ling with the neighbourhood g"ng who h"d "ssisted 7"r"go& the 7emon Army.
!he m"#hinist s)u"d "re thus sent on " mission to tr"vel to the 7emon Army@s sel$
des#ribed Qtur$@ o$ !"bor '"r: "nd hunt down their le"der& ."mmon. 5e h"s been
s#heduled $or deletion. A$ter $ighting their w"y through " group o$ 7emon Army
Cheit"ns "t one o$ their :nown lo#"l hideouts the te"m $ind "n en#rypted d"t" dis:.
On#e de#oded on one o$ the on site #omputer systems the dis: reve"ls " #omm.
mess"ge #on#erning C"#ophony& 7"r"go "nd " p"yment o$ 200 million in$o to
someone by the n"me o$ ?rover. !he te"m@s oper"tor is b"$$led but Agent ?r"y soon
epl"ins th"t e"rlier oper"tions $ound C"#ophony to simply be " #ode n"me $or !he
?ener"l. -t seems the d"t" rel"tes to the 7emons Army@s p"yment $or their servi#es
"nd ?rover must the one running the de"l.
Agent ?r"y #on$irms this ?rover $igure is not un:nown to the ."#hinesB he is
"pp"rently "n eile who is well :nown $or lending his servi#es to the highest bidder.
!he te"m o$ ."#hine %edpills is )ui#:ly $orw"rded to ?rover@s l"st re#orded
where"bouts so they #"n Q)uestion@ him #on#erning the lo#"tion o$ ."mmon.
6rightened by the presen#e o$ the oper"tives "nd the mention o$ Agent ?r"y@s n"me
?rover )ui#:ly begins to tell them wh"t they w"nt to :now& th"t he w"s nothing more
th"n " messenger "nd p"#:"ge h"ndler between the two p"rties "nd th"t he would
"lso give them the lo#"tion o$ the drop point so long "s they le"ve him be. Agent ?r"y
!he Agent #ontroller predi#ts not only th"t the lo#"tion provided by ?rover is #orre#t
but "lso th"t ."mmon will h"ve "n e#eption"l number o$ 7emon Army gu"rds. As
su#h the ."#hine oper"tives "re to be gr"nted b"#: up units $or support. .eeting with
the ."#hine '% li"ison& Agent '"#e& the te"m "re design"ted 2 "gent progr"ms $or
"ssist"n#e in the deletion o$ the rogue eile. .":ing their w"y to the lo#"tion given by
?rover the s)u"d soon bl"st their w"y through to ."mmon& his gu"rds $"lling e"sily to
the might o$ the "gents. ."mmon too is e"sily de"lt with but not be$ore he #l"ims he
will Qonly rise "g"in@. Agent ?r"y then ends the mission by epressing how un$ortun"te
it w"s to h"ve h"d the origin"l the$t be su##ess$ully "ided by " street g"ng but "lso by
reminding the oper"tives th"t the system will not toler"te su#h "#tions.
Eion #"t#hes word o$ "n import"nt eile #ommuni#"tions b"se within the ."tri "nd
"$ter s#"nning the "re" send "n oper"tive to pl"nt " bug in the m"in$r"me there. !his
bug will "llow Eion to get "dv"n#e noti#e on the eile@s pl"ns& " v"lu"ble "sset indeed.
5owever& intelligen#e shows the building to be he"vily gu"rded "nd pl"nting the bug
without being noti#ed is deemed impossible "s is. Eion thus uses #omm"ndo $or#es to
#re"te " disturb"n#e in "nother "re" o$ the building& le"ving the m"in$r"me vulner"ble.
!ynd"ll does w"rn the te"m to be we"ry o$ .erovingi"n $ollowers "rmed with 1.'
style devi#es& Eion h"ve he"rd rumours o$ su#h we"pons "nd "lthough they "ppe"r to
be in short supply they "re still " de"dly thre"t& #"p"ble o$ :illing #omm"ndos "lmost
inst"ntly. !he mission is " $l"wless su##ess "nd the bug begins tr"nsmitting str"ight to
!here is " sm"ll se#ret meeting between Eion@s top #omm"nding o$$i#ersB here they
dis#uss the net ph"se o$ "#tion "g"inst the .erovingi"n& "n "ll out o$$ensive "g"inst
his rem"ining troops. !here "re still pl"ns th"t need to be put in pl"#e but the time is
ne"ring& it #ould be " $ew d"ys or " $ew months but "ll oper"tives "re ordered to
rem"in "t the re"dy "s the b"ttle dr"ws ever #loser.
The Matrix Online Archives
!he .erovingi"n de#ides it is time $or him to re#l"im the #"ptured 1$$e#tu"torB he h"s
6lood "rr"nge the det"ils. !he .erv #ontroller #"lls up " te"m o$ his oper"tives "nd
in$orms them o$ the .erv@s wishes "nd th"t " l"rge s#"le oper"tion is "lre"dy under
w"y. !heir Cob is to in$iltr"te se#urity #ontrol lo#"tions in the !"bor '"r: neighbourhood
"nd h"ve h"#:ers re"dy to dis"ble the systems there when the time is right. At the
s"me 6lood h"s other oper"tives "tt"#:ing ."#hine sites "round the #ity to distr"#t
them $rom the m"in oper"tion& Agent ?r"y $"lls into his tr"p "nd spre"ds his $or#es to
de"l with the "ss"ults while their re"soning is Jbeing determinedK. !he .erv oper"tives
on the other h"nd stri:e with de"dly "nd swi$t pre#ision "d they #le"r the se#urity sites
o$ ."#hine se#urity "nd h"ve their h"#:ers t":e position.
%etrieving reports o$ the stri:es "t !"bor Agent ?r"y soon re"lizes th"t the .erv h"ve
simply been using distr"#tion t"#ti#s to blind him $rom their now "pp"rent ultim"te go"l&
the $reeing o$ the int"ngible 1$$e#tu"tor. 5e immedi"tely h"s his s)u"ds #onsolid"te
"nd "lso deploys "ddition"l se#urity progr"m "s support. 5owever& 6lood h"s "lre"dy
h"d his .erv oper"tives $rom the distr"#tion oper"tions "s well "s those $rom the
se#urity building stri:es "nd even "ddition"l redpill support g"ther $or the $in"l stri:e on
the !"bor $"#ility. !he $or#e@s oper"tor guess th"t the etensive use o$ redpill $or#es is
prob"bly due to the eile :ill #odes now "t the m"#hine@s dispos"l.
!he .erv s)u"ds storm the holding $"#ility "nd "re met with strong resist"n#e $rom
the he"vy de$en#e set up thereB however& it is still no m"t#h $or the #ombined might o$
the m"ny .erv %edpills g"thered $or the res#ue. ,ith no b"#:up support due to the
thinly spre"d m"#hine $or#es the se#urity progr"ms $"ll. !he te"m then pro#eed to& with
the help o$ the h"#:ers "t the se#urity buildings& de"#tiv"te the termin"l #ontrolling the
1$$e#tu"tor@s holding progr"m. !he 1$$e#tu"tor is $reed. At th"t e"#t moment the
#onsolid"ted m"#hine $or#es storm the building with Agent support& " $ier#e b"ttle
erupts in the 1$$e#tu"tor@s holding room but ultim"tely the .erv $or#es do not st"nd "
#h"n#e "g"inst the onsl"ught o$ m"#hine %edpills& progr"ms "nd "gents. !hey $"ll to
ground& le$t to re#onstru#t. !heir mission w"s " su##ess however "s the 1$$e#tu"tor
rem"ined untou#hed "nd is "ble to mo#: the m"#hinists with #opies o$ himsel$ be$ore
teleporting to s"$ety.
!he m"#hines "re debrie$ed by Agent ?r"y who det"ils his regret "t underestim"ting
the .erv@s level o$ #oordin"tion in their stri:e "nd how it w"s "lso un$ortun"te his
$or#es were stret#hed so thin with "ll the new thre"ts emerging& su#h "s 1'3 "nd !he
?ener"l. 5owever& holding the 1$$e#tu"tor w"s deemed highly ine$$i#ient in the long
term "nyw"y "nd he reports $uture oper"tions will #on#entr"te on moreP t"ngible
Cryptos& le"der o$ the Cypherites& posts " publi# re#ruitment mess"ge on 7"t" 3ode
/. !his mess"ge is " #"ll to those who wish to Qembr"#e the world "s it should be@. -n
the se#retive style o$ the Cypherites Cryptos le"ves " riddle $or "ppli#"nts to solveB
only with its solution #"n they g"in " meeting with the newly "ppointed Cypherite
li"ison. !he ."tri sees " de$inite in$lu o$ both publi# "nd se#ret m"s:ed supporters.
!he (id& le"der o$ 1 'luribus 3eo& posts " publi# re#ruitment mess"ge on 7"t" 3ode
/. 5is mess"ge is dire#ted "t those Qwith 3eo in their he"rts@ "nd invites those "ble to
p"ss the 1'3 li"son@s test to Coin up "nd do Q,h"t neo died $or& to $ree everyone $rom
the #lut#hes o$ the ."tri@. !he .eg"#ity sees " de$inite in$lu o$ both publi# "nd
under#over 1'3 supporters.
The Matrix Online Archives
A mysterious progr"m by the n"me o$ Q'rote#tor'rogr"m@ writes " report #on#erning
the #urrent situ"tion within the ."triB she writes dire#tly to !he Ar#hite#t but "lso
re)uests th"t !he Or"#le bro"d#"st it to the %edpills o$ the #ity vi" 73/. ,ithin her
writings prote#tor progr"m st"tes th"t the %edpills o$ the #ity do not seem re"lise her
presen#e #ould me"n "n eminent reboot o$ the system. -t seems she is #on#erned $or
the wel$"re o$ the ."tri "nd w"rns o$ trouble "he"d.
On#e "g"in the ."#hines li"ison progr"m& 7i$$eren#e1ngine& begins showing odd
beh"viour "nd "g"in& he loses his mind. !":ing the ins"nity shown by the remn"nt
smith virus to new levels 71 goes on " r"mp"ge "round the #ity& "tt"#:ing Eionists "t
r"ndom "nd e"sily repelling "nyone who tries to get in his w"y. !o de"l with the #risis
"n emergen#y meeting o$ "ll ."#hine #"pt"ins is #"lled but h"l$ through dis#ussions "s
to wh"t should be done reports re"#h the oper"tives o$ 71@s presen#e in 7ebir #ourt.
5ere the der"nged progr"m is #ornered by the m"ny %edpills o$ the #ity& some try to
#"lm him while others try to t":e him down. !he #on$ront"tion #omes to its pe": with
71 rele"sing d"ngerous modi$ied "gent progr"ms to de$end himsel$. Agent '"#e is
soon in$ormed o$ the de"dly disturb"n#es "nd "rrives Cust in time to t":e #ontrol "nd
re#l"im the loose progr"ms. !he $em"le "gent then det"ins "nd sends
7i$$eren#e1ngine $or etensive #ode #le"nsing in the ."#hine #ity& however& how long
this will t":e "nd indeed i$ it will even be su##ess$ul "t "ll is un:nown. !o #ompens"te&
Agent '"#e "ssigns one o$ the ."#hine org"niz"tion@s top %edpills& !urring& "s their
new li"ison o$$i#er. 5ope$ully his hum"n n"ture $or "llow $or moreP st"bility.
!he .eg"#ity sees " sh"rp rise in #on$ront"tion between the Cypherite "nd 1
'luribus 3eo groups& "t w"r with e"#h other over their entirely opposite ide"ls the two
splinter org"niz"tions "lw"ys seem to bre": into bi#:ering "nd violen#e. *u#h "#tions
do not es#"pe the ."#hines however "s Agent ?r"y holds " meeting with m"#hinist
%edpills where he de#l"res the two groups illeg"l in the system. !heir le"ders "nd
li"isons h"ve "lso been pl"#ed on the ."#hine@s most w"nted #rimin"l lists.
Veil& Cypherite #ontroller& holds " se#ret meeting with the #ity@s Cypherite %edpills.
*he #on$irms to them the presen#e o$ " splinter within their r"n:s& members o$ the
m"s:ed who $eel diss"tis$ied with the group@s new methods "nd wish to speed things
up by somehow reinserting everyone on m"sse. !hese individu"ls "re o$ gre"t #on#ern
to Veil "nd she m"r:s them "s enemies to "ll loy"l #ypherites.
,ord o$ the Cypherite@s splinter group "nd their der"nged go"l soon re"#hes the
streets o$ .eg"#ity. 3ot :nowing i$ $"#t or only rumour "ll the other org"niz"tions
in$orm their oper"tives to st"y "lert "nd :eep their eyes open $or "ny news or
#on$irm"tion on this potenti"lly d"ngerous group@s eisten#e.
Agent ?r"y #"lls $or " meeting o$ "ll ."#hine #"pt"ins& "pp"rently #on#erning m"tters
o$ the utmost import"n#e. 5e in$orms the oper"tives o$ distin#t Qpower $lu#tu"tions@ th"t
h"ve re#ently been dete#ted throughout the system. !heir origins "re& o$ #ourse&
#urrently un:nown but they #"n not "$$ord to #ontinue. !he ."#hinists "re told to :eep
their wits "bout them "nd report "ny unusu"l "#tivity to Li"ison o$$i#er !urring
The Matrix Online Archives
!hapter <98
A &iece of lue .ky
%edpills C"#: in to $ind l"rge #on#ert sites set up "t #ert"in p"r:s "round the #ity. !hese
sites show the b"nner o$ QA pie#e o$ blue s:y 0 " musi#"l #elebr"tion o$ dre"ms
$ul$illed@. !heir sudden presen#e inst"ntly $uels "ll m"nner o$ rumours& spe#ul"tion "nd
"##us"tions. .ore so when people loo: to the s:y& blue& more blue th"n "nyone h"s
ever seen be$ore& even gre"ter th"n the spe#i"l sunsets #re"ted by *"ti. ."ny believe
it to be " Cypherite plot& more prop"g"nd" $or their #"use.
A mysterious m"s:ed group going by the title Q!he *leepw"l:ers@ st"rt "tt"#:ing
%edpills throughout the #ityB dressed in d"r: blue #lothing they reve"l nothing o$ their
purpose or intentions but "re #ert"inly violent to "ll "w":ened& "#ross "ll org"niz"tions.
Ag"in& rumours spre"d "bout their possible involvement with the Cypherites "nd the
9lue *:y #on#ert sites. !here@s "lso the de$inite possibility "lso o$ them being the
d"ngerous splinter group e"rlier rumours spo:e o$.
!he Cypherite li"ison o$$i#er& ."t"r"& m":es "n o$$i#i"l "nnoun#ement to the
%edpills o$ the .eg"#ityB the sleepw"l:ers "re not oper"ting within the Cypherite
org"niz"tion. !hey "re indeed the etremists who hope $or " $or#ed m"ss re+insertion&
"n "#t the re"l Cypherites "pp"rently h"ve not& do not "nd will not support. A##ording
to ."t"r" Cryptos $ights $or Qedu#"tion "nd enlightenment@ over $or#e "nd not to
mention would never support su#h " strong str"in on his Qbe"uti$ul@ system.
Eion& #"utious o$ the re"l purpose behind the blue s:y #on#erts& sends their oper"tives
to meet with ghost $or brie$ing on the situ"tion. A##ording to him the m"#hine
simul"tion doesn@t "llow $or blue s:ies& only when *"ti is permitted to #h"nge itB but "
#on#ert #ert"inly isn@t her style. !his r"ises the )uestion& where did the s:y #ome $romH
?host h"s no "nswers but he does report th"t the retired .et"#orte #o+$ounder
Q7e#ius ,"dsworth@ h"s #l"imed the #on#erts to be his Qgi$t to #ity@. Oddly& Eion@s
#ont"#ts within .et"#orte h"d no w"rning o$ the "nnoun#ement "nd ,"dsworth is
dodging investig"tions. All oper"tives "re reminded to :eep on their toes "s Eion
epe#ts trouble "t the #on#erts.
A$ter #lose investig"tion the %edpills o$ .eg"#ity note some odd developments
surrounding the blue s:y #on#erts. !he spotlights th"t "re present "t the site "re seen
to be em"n"ting sm"ll pie#es o$ m"tri #ode $rom their b"ses. !his #oupled with the
$"#t their light is " deep blue h"s %edpills wondering& #ould they be behind the #h"nge
o$ s:yH !here@s "lso the sm"ll p"t#hes o$ bl"#: smog th"t seems to be intermingled
with the s:y itsel$& m"ny "re suspi#ious.
3umerous se#urity personnel st"rt p"trolling the blue s:y #on#ert sites& "rriving "nd
le"ving "t irregul"r interv"ls these mysterious individu"ls bring more rumour "nd
spe#ul"tion. !hey regul"rly #le"r the sites o$ lo#"l g"ng members& bre": up "ny redpill
br"wls "nd )uietly #onverse with the blue s:y vendors. 5owever& most interestingly&
they m":e "bsolutely sure no one inter$eres with "ny o$ the #on#ert e)uipment. !heir
origins "nd purposeH Oddly enough they "#t "s i$ they@re Cust 9luepills& hired help "nd
nothing more& yet they "re seen using h"rdlines "nd o##"sion"lly hyper Cumping. !he
%edpills simply don@t :now wh"t to m":e o$ them.
The Matrix Online Archives
!he Ar#hite#t& #re"tor o$ the ."tri& enters the ."tri to hold " top se#ret meeting with
m"#hinist $"#tion le"ders. 5is presen#e in the simul"tion "lone lets those present :now
the seriousness o$ the situ"tion. !he m"tter "t h"nd is the re#ent networ: power
$lu#tu"tions& while their origins "re still ultim"tely un:nown the Ar#hite#t #on#ludes the
sleepw"l:ers to be the #"use. 9oth the un"uthorised blue s:ies "nd #on#ert grounds
#oin#ided with the sleepw"l:er@s "rriv"l in the system "nd the Ar#hite#t determines&
due to their $und"ment"l $l"ws& the re#ent events to be the wor: o$ " hum"n mind. !he
most $rightening thing "bout the meeting is the $"#t the Ar#hite#t #"l#ul"tes th"t& i$ the
power dr"in #ontinues "t its #urrent r"te o$ growth& the simul"tion will soon su$$er "
#"s#"ding system $"ilure "nd every hum"n being #urrently C"#:ed in will die. 5owever&
it is pointed out th"t the sleepw"l:ers would not simply "llow this to h"ppen& inste"d
the Ar#hite#t suspe#ts they h"ve power$ul devi#es "nd subroutines $or not only
dr"ining the system@s power but "lso $or sep"r"ting residu"l sel$ im"ges $rom their
physi#"l #ounterp"rts "nd rerouting the bluepill neurologi#"l d"t". !he sleepw"l:ers
"re thus deemed the system@s number one enemies "nd must be stopped "t "ll #osts.
All org"niz"tions r"lly their troops $or b"ttle "g"inst the sleepw"l:ersB the Cypherites
believe it their duty to preserve the system $rom the thre"t they in"dvertently #re"ted& 1
'luribus 3eo $eel it is their purpose to rid the ."tri o$ these $"n"ti#s even worse th"n
the norm"l m"s:ed& !he .erovingi"n $eels his power thre"tened "nd #"n not "$$ord to
lose the system he depends on $or li$e& !he ."#hines $e"r " #"t"#lysmi# system #r"sh
"nd Eion sees the sleepw"l:ers "s " thre"t to "ll hum"nity. !he #on#ert sites "re put
under #onst"nt surveill"n#e.
Over the net #ouple o$ d"ys the s:y slowly d"r:ens $rom its initi"l brightness into "
$oreboding deep blue. ,ith it #omes " de$inite tensionB %edpills o$ "ll org"niz"tions
:eep w"t#h on the #on#ert sites& sleepw"l:er "tt"#:s "re ever present "nd the se#urity
gu"rds :ept up their str"nge p"trols. 1veryone is #ounting down the minutes until
,"dsworth@s Qgi$t@ begins. !hey #"n do nothing but w"itP
!he time "rrives& the blue s:y #on#erts "re set to begin. Crowds o$ %edpills $rom "ll
org"niz"tions "re g"thered "t e"#h "nd every #on#ert site. !he show st"rts "nd the
true n"ture o$ the whole orde"l is reve"led. A loud voi#e is pl"yed over the #on#ert
spe":ers& it spe":s J!he time is now& behold the blue lights "nd $eel your powers melt
li:e i#e to " $l"me. !his is our spe#t"#le "nd it will #h"nge you. Lie down %edpills "nd
return to the dre"m. *ome o$ you will try to shut down the pretty lights but you will be
opposed& you will $"il. Our brothers tried sweet persu"sion with you. Nou #ould o$ been
sli#ing the ste":& but inste"d the :ni$e #uts you. Nou wouldnFt t":e the bluepill& now $eel
the blue light. And *leep...K Just "s the voi#e $inishes the spee#h "ll hell bre":s loose.
!he spotlights "t the #on#ert sites begin to sh":e "nd #onvulse& bl"sting out blinding
blue light they begin to truly str"in the simul"tion& not only th"t but they rele"se " virus
into the immedi"te vi#inity we":ening "ll %edpills. *leepw"l:er oper"tives begin
storming the #on#ert sites "nd the %edpills struggle to hold them b"#:. 6ortun"tely not
"ll hope is lost& "$ter re"lising th"t the #urrent thre"t outweighs "ny sort o$ di$$eren#e o$
opinion the %edpills $rom "ll ; org"niz"tion Coin $or#es& united they hold their ground
while trying to $igure out how to stop the sleepw"l:er@s pl"n.
!hrough the #h"os "nd the seemingly never+ending legions o$ sleepw"l:ers the br"ve
%edpills $ight their w"y to the spotlights themselves. ,hile their "llies hold o$$ the
"tt"#:ers they m"n"ge to get " better loo: "t the lights "nd dis#over "n emergen#y
The Matrix Online Archives
p"nel lo#"ted on the underside. ,hen removed the p"nels reve"l $"il s"$e #ontrols
whi#h given time "llows $or the lights to be de"#tiv"ted. !he %edpills now :now how to
stop the sleepw"l:ers& it@s Cust " m"tter o$ holding them o$$ long enough to do so.
!he b"ttle w"ges on "#ross the entire .eg"#ity "s the united "w":ened slowly but
surely $ight b"#: the sleepw"l:er hordes "nd get #loser to de"#tiv"ting the sleepw"l:er
spotlights. 5owever& even de"#tiv"ting the lights is d"ngerous "s the #loser they get to
de"#tiv"tion the more unst"ble they be#ome. ,hen "t the $in"l st"ges they even begin
to burst out visible #louds o$ virus #ode "s well "s blue bolts o$ energy th"t immedi"tely
"#tiv"tes the redpill@s "uto C"#:outs. *tr"ining the system to the point o$ #"t"#lysm isn@t
wh"t "nyone w"nts but it is " ne#ess"ry ris: i$ the sleepw"l:ers "re to be de$e"ted.
A$ter " gruelling $ight the spotlights "round meg"#ity "re $in"lly de"#tiv"ted& somehow
without #r"shing the system. An une"sy silen#e $"lls upon the #on#ert sites. ,h"t
nowH !h"t )uestion is "nswered when the se#urity personnel seen "round the #on#ert
sites prior to the #h"os "rrive "t the #on#ert sites. 3o longer with their b"seb"ll #"ps
they reve"l their d"r: blue h"ir "nd true n"ture& under#over sleepw"l:ers. Le"ding "
new w"ve o$ elite $"n"ti#s the se#urity personnel storm the #on#ert sites "nd soon
re"#h the spotlights. !o the dism"y o$ the united %edpills the se#urity "re )ui#:ly "ble
to re"#tiv"te the destru#tive lights. !he b"ttle $or !he ."tri still w"ges.
!ime we"rs on& the $ighting loo:s to never end with the #onst"nt loop o$ de"#tiv"tion
"nd re"#tiv"tion& the %edpills try in v"in to de$e"t the se#urity personnel only to h"ve
them re#onstru#t moments l"ter. -t loo:s "s i$ "ll hope is lost when suddenly the
Ar#hite#t himsel$ sends " bro"d#"st to "ll the %edpills. A$ter etensive wor: on the
h"#:ed #oding o$ !he ."tri he h"s $ound " w"y to de$e"t the sleepw"l:ers
themselves. !he Ar#hite#t "#tiv"tes " system subroutine whereby i$ "ll the spotlights
"re in"#tive "t the s"me time then " highly "dv"n#ed tr"#:ing progr"m would initi"te
"nd " $eedb"#: #ode be sent to e"#h "nd every sleepw"l:er in the system. !his will
either destroy their #r"ni"l C"#:s in the re"l or& ironi#"lly& return them "ll to bluepill
st"tus within the system.
!he $in"l b"ttle #ommen#es. !he se#urity gu"rds& "long with their sleepw"l:er "rmy&
$ight b"#: strong but in the end the united %edpills& with renewed vigour& ultim"tely
st"nd vi#torious. !he spotlights "re eventu"lly de"#tiv"ted "nd the sleepw"l:ers
inst"ntly destroyed& either :illed or reinserted with no :nowledge o$ wh"t h"ppened. As
" m"tter o$ $"#t " number o$ %edpills "#tu"lly s"w the se#urity members "live "nd
w"ndering the #on#ert sites. !he %edpills )uestion them only to le"rn they "re indeed
none the wiser to the re"l world or the m"dness th"t h"d Cust o##urred moments
-t "ppe"rs the troubles "re not )uite over "s sever"l o$ the more power$ul sleepw"l:er
bosses seem to h"ve somehow "voided the Ar#hite#t@s $eedb"#: loop "nd "re
#urrently in hiding somewhere in the ."tri. Eion& the ."#hines "nd the .erovingi"n
e"#h send their oper"tives on missions to tr"#: down these d"ngerous #rimin"ls
be$ore they h"ve the #h"n#e to #"use "ny more #h"os. 6ollowing the distin#t #ode
sign"ture le$t $rom the "r#hite#ts t"mpering the oper"tive@s oper"tors "re soon "ble to
pin point their lo#"tions. !hey $ind subst"nti"lly we":ened sleepw"l:ers& desper"te "nd
still d"ngerously $"n"ti#"l. 7e$ending themselves the oper"tives "re "ble to end the
sleepw"l:er thre"t on#e "nd $or "ll. !here is however one un#ert"inty th"t still lingers&
wh"t o$ 7e#ius ,"dsworthH 5e h"s yet to been he"rd $rom sin#eP
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The Matrix Online Archives
!hapter <9;
!heat !odes
On " roo$top& the ?ener"l meets with 3iobe "nd her $ollowers& o$$ering her the :ey to
the #he"t #odes his #omm"ndos h"ve obt"ined $rom the ."#hines. 5e tells her the
#he"t #odes will give them powers beyond their wildest dre"ms. 9ut when he tosses
the :ey to 3iobe& Anome m":es " gr"b $or it& "nd the :ey $"lls to the streets below&
l"nding on " v"n th"t speeds it "w"y.
Anome noted the V"n@s li#ense pl"te number be$ore it w"s out o$ sight. Anome $orms "
pl"n "nd )ui#:ly sends one o$ his oper"tives to the ."#hines@ !r"nsport"tion
7ep"rtment& where bluepill li#ense pl"te re#ords "re stored. Anome $igures the
."#hines won@t mind i$ they JborrowK " little in$orm"tion i$ it@s $or " good #"use. !he
owner o$ the v"n is tr"#ed to the A#h"n& but the owner reve"ls th"t members o$ the
9ells g"ng bro:e in to the v"n "nd stole the :ey. !he 9ells subse)uently lost the :ey&
"pp"rently to the Crossbones g"ng.
.erovingi"n oper"tives "re "lso see:ing the :ey to the #he"t #odes& but "$ter tr"#:ing
down the lo#"tion o$ the v"n& "rrive too l"te "s the 9ells h"ve "lre"dy t":en it. A$ter
investig"ting " #omple turn o$ events& the 1ile *ilver is $ound to :now the lo#"tion o$
the :ey& #l"iming th"t it is tu#:ed "w"y in " #onstru#t. *ilver w"nts to bro:er " de"l
with the .erovingi"n: bring him the #"se with the #he"t #ode vi"ls& "nd heFll bring the
:ey to the #"se& "nd they #"n split the #ontents. 5owever& "n "ttempt to retrieve the
#"se $rom Eion $"ils& "s the #"se h"s "lre"dy been moved.
!he ."#hines "re e"ger to retrieve the #"se with the vi"ls& "nd in#lude ("lt
Corpor"tion in the investig"tion& sin#e they m"nu$"#tured the #"se $or them. ("lt
Corpor"tion provides " #ode s"mple to ."#hine oper"tives so th"t the #"se #"n be
tr"#:ed down. !heir #ode s#"nner le"ds them to " building& en#ountering members o$
the 9ell g"ng who "lso see: to reg"in the :ey. Although the :ey is not "t the #urrent
lo#"tion& the ."#hine oper"tives thoroughly s#"n the lo#"tion to $ind " #lue "s to where
the :ey #ould be. A$ter $urther investig"tion& in#luding meeting with the Or"#le&
."#hine oper"tives dis#over th"t the :ey is in " #onstru#t th"n:s to *ilver. !he
."#hines begin to devise " w"y to obt"in the :ey...
Eion oper"tives storm through sever"l Crossbones #ell lo#"tions& but subse)uently
#ome up empty reg"rding the :ey. A$ter $ollowing up on some le"ds& they dis#over th"t
*ilver h"s the :ey.
Eion #omm"nd believes th"t the ."#hines h"ve new d"t" on the :ey& "nd order
oper"tives to in$iltr"te " Cypherite b"se th"t is :nown to h"ve ."#hine #ont"#ts. A$ter
"tt"#:ing the b"se& the intel they dis#over there reve"ls th"t the :ey h"s re+entered the
."tri. !he tr"il le"ds them to *ilver "nd his bodygu"rds. A$ter t":in9g down the
bodygu"rds& *ilver h"s no #hoi#e but to give up the :ey. -t is t":en to Eion gu"rds $or
As the ."#hines prep"re to #r"#: the se#urity #ode to the :eyFs #onstru#t& they he"r
word th"t the :ey is b"#: in the ."tri. ."#hine oper"tives "re "ble to pin down the
lo#"tion o$ the :ey "nd storm it& only to $ind the :ey is in EionFs h"nds.
!he ?ener"l meets with Eion oper"tives& in$orming them th"t the ."#hines h"ve
m"r:ed the Comm"ndos "nd himsel$ $or etermin"tion $or ste"ling the vi"ls. !he
The Matrix Online Archives
Comm"ndos will :eep " low+pro$ile "nd t":e " lesser p"rt in the #rus"de "g"inst the
.erovingi"n. Eion oper"tives "re #"lled "w"y $rom the meeting to the lo#"tion o$ the
te"m th"t h"s the :ey& who "re under "tt"#: by .erovingi"n $or#es. A$ter de$e"ting
them& Eion oper"tives obt"in the :ey $rom Anome "nd tr"nsport it to 3iobe& who will
:eep it s"$e.
!hapter >9:
3iobe "nd her $ollowers g"ther "s she ingests one o$ the vi"ls. A$ter doing so& she
rem"r:s th"t she does not $eel di$$erent& when she is suddenly shot. Anome is the one
holding the gun& "nd sever"l o$ his #omr"des open $ire on the others. A$ter " shootout&
Anome "nd his $ollowers #on$is#"te the vi"ls $or themselves& "nd le"ve. <pon le"ving&
"nd "$ter ingesting " vi"l& Anome uses his new$ound powers to sep"r"te the room they
"re eiting o$$ into " sep"r"te #onstru#t& tr"pping the mort"lly wounded 3iobe "nd
#utting her o$$ $rom #ont"#t with the rest o$ the ."tri.
Eion oper"tives rush to $ind " w"y to s"ve the #riti#"lly inCured 3iobe. An investig"tion
o$ the building proves pointless& "s the elev"tor wonFt go to the $loor she is on "nd the
st"irs simply end be$ore "rriving "t her $loor. 5indering their e$$orts "re "tt"#:s by
AnomeFs $ollowers. !he situ"tion is desper"te enough th"t Eion #ont"#ts ."#hine
Agents in order to $ind " w"y to s"ve 3iobe.
."#hine oper"tives "re ordered to "ssist in the e$$ort to retrieve 3iobe. Agent '"#e
reve"ls th"t& in " previous version o$ the ."tri& Agents were given "m"zing powers to
"llow them to #"rry out their Cobs. 'owers th"t h"ve never been witnessed within the
."tri& th"t would "stound "nyone. -t soon be#"me "pp"rent th"t su#h powers were
#ounterprodu#tive. Agents o$ the ."#hines& using those powers& #"used enough
problems to w"rr"nt the end o$ the progr"m. 3ow im"gine those s"me powers in the
h"nds o$ the unpredi#t"ble& will$ul& hum"ns. !he #odes $or these powers were put into
stor"ge& never to be tou#hed "g"in& until the ?ener"l stole them $rom stor"ge. !he
."#hine oper"tives investig"te but "re un"ble to lo#"te Anome "nd his $ollowers& both
within the ."tri "nd the %e"l. -t is "s though they h"ve dis"ppe"red...
.erovingi"n oper"tives investig"te the m"tter "s well& un#overing the in$orm"tion both
Eion "nd ."#hine oper"tives h"ve $ound. !he .erovingi"n de#ides th"t AnomeFs
betr"y"l #ould be )uite use$ul "$ter "ll...
Eion oper"tives "re stumped "s to how to "##ess the spe#i"l #onstru#t th"t 3iobe is
tr"pped within& "nd with no little #hoi#e de#ide to #ont"#t the .erovingi"n 1ile& the
1$$e#tu"tor. !hey meet with 6lood& the .erovingi"n #ontroller& who "grees to help
Eion& $or " pri#e. !he .erovingi"n h"s de#ided to help Eion so th"t they m"y be in his
debt& "nd #e"se hostilities "g"inst him. Eion grudgingly "grees "nd oper"tives g"ther
d"t" to help the 1$$e#tu"tor $ind " w"y to get to 3iobe.
."#hine oper"tives dis#over th"t Anome is :illing o$$ old "#)u"int"n#es& "nd " str"nge
#ode sign"ture is "lw"ys dete#ted ne"r or "t the s#ene o$ the #rime. Although they
"rrive too l"te& ."#hine oper"tives "re "ble to $ight o$$ sever"l o$ AnomeFs men& who
h"ve used the #he"t #odes "nd "re beginning to show some unusu"l e$$e#ts...
!he 1$$e#tu"tor m":es "n unusu"l dis#overy. 7ue to Anome using one o$ the #he"t
#odes to tr"p 3iobe in the #onstru#t& time is p"ssing more slowly inside the #onstru#t
The Matrix Online Archives
th"n in the rest o$ the ."tri. Although this is little #om$ort to Eion oper"tives& it does
o$$er " glimmer o$ help in s"ving 3iobe.
The Matrix Online Archives
!hapter >98
AnomeFs $ollowers& now #"lling themselves <nlimit& begin p"rt":ing o$ the #he"t #odes&
g"ining in#redible powers Gsu#h "s proCe#ting energy $rom their eyesI "nd begin
wre#:ing h"vo# in the #ity. .e"nwhile& 3iobe #lings to li$e in the #onstru#t.
!he 1$$e#tu"tor enlists help $rom Eion oper"tives. AnomeFs people "re m":ing it
di$$i#ult $or him to pin down 3iobeFs lo#"tion& "nd the 1$$e#tu"tor needs Eion oper"tives
to go to sever"l networ: lo#"tions to stop AnomeFs men. Eion oper"tives eng"ge
AnomeFs men& but they "re now di$$erent. !hey "re stronger th"n previously& "nd their
eyes #onst"ntly drip green ."tri #ode. 1ventu"lly& the 1$$e#tu"tor hits upon "
potenti"l solution& re)uiring Eion oper"tives to rep"ir sever"l h"rdline Cun#tions. Eion
oper"tives "re "ble to do so Gdespite <nlimitFs inter$eren#eI& "nd this proves #riti#"l in
res#uing 3iobe.
<nlimitFs "tt"#:s dr"ws the "ttention o$ the ."#hines& who begin to "ssess <nlimtFs
thre"t to the system. ."#hine oper"tives investig"tions reve"l th"t not "ll o$ AnomeFs
$ollowers ingested the #he"t #odes. !hey "lso dis#over th"t Anome "ppe"rs to h"ve
#ompiled we":er& diluted versions o$ the #he"t #odes "nd p"ssed them on to other
<nlimit. 6in"lly& it "ppe"rs th"t the #he"t #odes h"ve #orrupted the userFs %*-& so th"t
they "re un"ble to C"#: out o$ the ."tri. L"ter& ."#hine oper"tives "re tr"#:ing "n
<nlimit within the ."tri while *entinels in the %e"l t"rget "nd destroy their hover#r"$t.
."#hine oper"tives "re sho#:ed to $ind th"t& th"n:s to the vi"ls& <nlimits #"n #ontinue
to eist within the ."tri "$ter their bodies h"ve been destroyed.
The Matrix Online Archives
!hapter >9;
.yste" .hock
Eion #ommits to ridding the ."tri o$ <nlimit. Curiously& 9rend" <tley& o$ 'endhurst+
Am"r"nth #orpor"tion& "ppro"#hes Eion oper"tives to "ssist her with " m"tter. 6igures
m"t#hing <nlimit des#riptions h"ve been lur:ing "round the #omp"nyFs w"rehouses&
"nd she "s:s them to investig"te. Eion oper"tives do indeed $ind <nlimit "t 'enhurst+
Am"r"nth w"rehouses& "nd de$e"t them. 6urther investig"tion reve"ls <nlimit h"s
been s"bot"ging boes o$ !"stee ,he"t& the #ere"l the #orpor"tion m"r:ets. 'eople
"re dying $rom the poisoned $ood& "nd Eion oper"tives "re )ui#: to intervene "nd put "
stop to AnomeFs pl"ns to $urther poison the bluepill popul"tion& not only through the
!"stee ,he"t but "lso bottled w"ter "nd the #ityFs w"ter supply. 5owever& "$ter
thw"rting these "#tivities& 9rend" <tley goes missing...
."#hine oper"tives stop <nlimitFs "ttempts to t"mper with the #ityFs ")uedu#t shunt
pumps "nd power st"tions. 5owever& the resour#es used to stop the <nlimits is
putting " str"in on the system& "nd the highest priority is pl"#ed on $inding "nd
termin"ting Anome.
The Matrix Online Archives
!hapter ?9:
Eion oper"tives begin se"r#hing $or 9rend" <tley. -t soon be#omes "pp"rent th"t
there is #orruption within 'endhurst+Am"r"nth #orpor"tion& "nd this is #onne#ted to
.s. <tleyFs dis"ppe"r"n#e. -t is dis#overed th"t <nlimit h"s in$iltr"ted 'enhurst+
Am"r"nth "t " high #orpor"te level& "nd 9rend" <tley is subse)uently s"ved. !he
mole pl"#ed on the 9o"rd o$ 7ire#tors $or 'endhurst+Am"r"nth is de"lt with& "nd
Anome is de"lt "nother setb"#:.
."#hine oper"tives& in "n "ttempt to lo#"te Anome& de#ide to $ollow " le"d& n"mely
someone #"lled C"bo#lo& who w"s one o$ AnomeFs highest r"n:ing o$$i#ers. !hrough
their investig"tions& they mess"ges $rom C"bo#lo reg"rding AnomeFs p"st. -t is
reve"led th"t Anome w"s pod+born& but something w"s wrong with his mother. *he
:new th"t the ."tri w"s not re"l& but she mist":enly thought "ll the people in it were
unre"l& "s well. !his in#luded her son& Anome. *heFd t"l: to him sometimes "s i$ he
were " spyB inhum"nB " devi#e. *heFd #ontrive to hurt him in " deni"ble w"y+
D"##ident"llyD dropping him& letting him tou#h the stove burner& or $"ll o$$ " por#h. 5is
s#re"ms me"nt nothing. 9ut then sheFd sh":e it o$$& love him despite everything. !he
net d"y she would tell Anome th"t he w"s " m"#hine& " robot. *he would sl"p "nd
pin#h "nd twist his $ingers& then tell him he w"snFt re"lly $eeling p"in& Cust "#ting li:e it
hurts to #ontrol her. J%obots #"nFt hurt&K she would tell Anome. 5er husb"nd "nd
ther"pist would thre"ten to t":e him& "nd she would sh"pe up. *he w"s "$r"id o$ being
institution"lized. 9ut it never l"sted. !hen one d"y& when Anome w"s si& she tried to
pull him with her "s she Cumped o$$ " bridge. D-tFs not re"l& sweetie. ,eFre going to "
re"l pl"#e&D she s"id. 5e wrestled $ree "nd w"t#hed her $"ll. A %edpill who :ept w"t#h
$or li:ely re#ruits+ :ids who didnFt #on$orm to the ."tri+ running through the so#i"l
wel$"re system "ppro"#hed him& epl"ined in the st"nd"rd w"y Eion oper"tives did to
:ids& "nd g"ve him " red pill. 9ut Anome misunderstood. 5e thought he w"s going to
see his mother "g"in in the better pl"#e. 5e w"nted to& despite "ll& be#"use he w"s "
si+ye"r+old :id. 6or " #ouple o$ ye"rs he thought she would turn up& somewhere in
Eion. *lowly he $it in& buried the tr"um" deep. 9ut the liber"ting e$$e#ts o$ the eliirs
h"ve brought his psy#hoses b"#: up. 5e is getting b"#: $or everything she did to him.
3obody is s"$e. 6in"lly& C"bo#lo reve"ls AnomeFs hiding pl"#e: "bove the Creston
5eights 3orth h"rdline& on the b"l#ony. ,ith the AnomeFs lo#"tion now :nown& "nd "
:ill#ode spe#i$i#"lly designed $or him& the ."#hine begin to m":e their move...
!h"n:s to some eposure to the #he"t #odes& the .erovingi"nFs men h"ve $ound "
w"y to dete#t the #ode remn"nts o$ the !wins Gl"st seen in the movie The Matrix
Reloaded& where .orpheus blew up the vehi#le they were inI. -t is dis#overed th"t
their #ode $r"gments h"ve been $lo"ting "round in the "tmosphere& out o$ re"#h until
now. .erovingi"n oper"tives s#our the #ity "nd "re "ble to pie#e the !wins b"#:
together& "nd they reCoin the .erovingi"n r"n:s.
The Matrix Online Archives
!hapter ?98
*neasy &eace
Agents "rrive "t the Creston 5eights lo#"tion where Anome is hiding. One o$ the
Agents uses " disguise "nd t":es on the "ppe"r"n#e o$ AnomeFs mother. !hey eit
onto the b"l#ony "re"& "nd Anome is sho#:ed to see his mother. A $ellow <nlimit is
holding the #"se with the #he"t #odes "nd& seeing the Agents& t":es o$$ into the "ir to
es#"pe. 5owever& she is too l"te& "s Agents gun her down "nd the #"se $"lls to the
$loor. Anome is un"ble to move $rom the sho#:& not believing his eyes& "nd the Agent
disguised "s his mother turns slightly& reve"ling the gun behind its b"#: with AnomeFs
:ill#ode inside. !he Agent shoots Anome& who $"lls o$$ the roo$ to his de"th. !he
Agents retrieve the #he"t #odes& $inding only =;U "re still in the #"se. !hey then
enigm"ti#"lly pro#l"im th"t they #"n now pro#eed to J'h"se 2.K
,ithout "##ess to the #he"t #odes& the rem"ining <nlimit begin to grow we":& "nd will
eventu"lly die due to the #orruption in their %*-s. !hey begin one l"st r"mp"ge "#ross
the #ity& but "re subdued by ."#hine oper"tives. <nlimitFs thre"t is ended.
!he ."#hines #"ll " #on$eren#e with Eion represent"tives. 7ue to re#ent thre"ts to the
."tri su#h "s Anome/<nlimit "nd 1 'luribus 3eo Gwho "ll #"me $rom EionFs #"mpI&
the ."#hine $eel it would be "ble to dete#t "nd stop thre"ts $"ster "nd more e$$i#iently
i$ gr"nted "##ess to EionFs m"in$r"me. Eion subse)uently #ounter+dem"nds with
gre"ter "##ess to the ."#hineFs d"t"b"ses "nd systems within the ."tri. 9oth sides
#ome "n imp"sse.
1 'luribus 3eo #ont"#ts Eion oper"tives& o$$ering in$orm"tion $rom the ."#hines th"t
they h"ve "##essed in return $or s"$e p"ss"ge through EionFs tunnelsp"#e $or their
hover#r"$t. *him"d"& 1'3Fs #ontroller& gives Eion oper"tives the "##ess #odes to "
."#hine system "s proo$ o$ their goodwill "nd the ver"#ity o$ their #l"ims. Eion
oper"tives sne": in to " ."#hine $"#ility "nd use the "##ess #ode& g"thering
in$orm"tion $rom the #omputer. ,h"t they $ind is surprising: the ."#hines h"ve "
stri:e $or#e st"nding by o$ over ;28&000 *entinels& "imed "t Eion in #"se the !ru#e
$"ils. !his sobering in$orm"tion does prove th"t 1'3 is "ble to g"in "##ess to #riti#"l
."#hine in$orm"tion& but #"sts " p"ll over Eion oper"tives.
Cypherites #ont"#t the ."#hines& "nd oper"tives "re sent to meet with them. !he
Cypherites #l"im to h"ve "##ess to Eionist in$orm"tion& "nd these #l"ims "re proven
true when ."#hine oper"tives "re shown simul"#rum o$ .orpheus "nd 3iobe $rom the
Eion m"in$r"me. 1 'luribus 3eo #rus"ders "tt"#: the meeting but "re subdued.
Although #"utious o$ the Cypherites& the ."#hine de#ided to $urther pursue in$orm"tion
bro:ering with the Cypherites. !he ."#hines "re $urther impressed when the
Cypherites #on$is#"te " #ode pulse devi#e used by 1'3 oper"tives& whi#h sends out "
pulse o$ #ustomized #ode th"t perme"tes to #ert"in re#eivers "nd #"ptures spe#i$i#
d"t" out o$ the simul"tion. !he ."#hines de#ided to m":e more e$$e#tive use o$ the
.erovingi"n oper"tives "re sent to the *lums dis#over why revenue is $"lling $or their
m"ster. !hey dis#over it h"s to do with the 1iles :nown "s the 1lements. 6ingers "re
pointed between e"#h other& "s *ilver "dmits to holding b"#: some e"rnings but
immedi"tely dimes out .er#ury. !he tr"il le"ds $rom .er#ury to !h"lli"& to %"ini& to the
The Matrix Online Archives
9l"#:woods g"ng.
The Matrix Online Archives
!hapter ?9;
*ub#h"pter =.4 o$ !he ."tri Online story beg"n with the "bdu#tion o$ the Or"#leFs young
w"rd& *"ti& by the ?ener"l& "n old milit"ry progr"m eiled $rom the ."#hine m"in$r"mes. !he
?ener"lFs #omm"ndo progr"ms deployed "#ross the #ity& "nd m"y h"ve :illed *er"ph& who
w"s l"st seen plunging into the river "$ter $"lling $rom " #omm"ndo heli#opter "s he tried to
res#ue *"ti $rom their #lut#hes.
GAs seen in the Subchapter 6.3 CineaticI
A$ter sever"l wee:s& it be#"me #le"r th"t the ?ener"l h"d " new type o$ #omm"ndo progr"m
"t his dispos"l: elite troops e)uipped with syntheti# bl"#: bodysuits "llowing them to es#"pe
dete#tion by st"nd"rd #ode s#"ns.
*"tiFs "bsen#e soon beg"n to #"use problems with we"ther p"tterns in the ."tri. *ome $e"r
th"t unless she is returned soon& the simul"tionFs we"ther will spir"l out o$ #ontrol.
!he Cypherites& whose go"l is to "#hieve pe"#e $or hum"nity by returning everyone to sleep
within the simul"tion& helped se"r#h $or *"ti "#ross the ."tri "r#hive #onstru#ts. !hey #on+
tinued wor:ing to "ttempt to get to the bottom o$ mysterious movements o$ m"teri"l out o$ the
#"ves o$ Eion& going so $"r "s to hiC"#: " Eion hover#r"$t. ,hen its #"pt"in re$used to #ooper+
"te& their ruthless #ontrol o$$i#er& Veil& sent the hover#r"$t on " #ollision #ourse $or the Eion
!he Cypherite le"der& Cryptos& see:ing guid"n#e $rom the Or"#le in this time o$ un#ert"inty&
re#eived $rom her " prophesy o$ widespre"d de"th "nd destru#tion& to be triggered by "
#hoi#e the Cypherites h"d "lre"dy m"de. *he reminded Cryptos o$ the pl"#"rd over her :it+
#hen door: D!emet 3os#eD: D(now !hysel$.D
% &luribus =eo
!he r"di#"l Eion o$$shoot led by 3eoFs $ervent believer& the (id& wor:ed h"rd to $ind "nd elim+
in"te Cypherite spies within its r"n:s. !hese spies were "lre"dy responsible $or the de"ths o$
sever"l 1'3 hover#r"$t #rews. One spy& "t le"st& w"s $in"lly une"rthed.
1'3 "lso sought to "ssist in *"tiFs res#ue& deploying their d"t"+mining Code 'ulse 7evi#es
both to slow down the ?ener"lFs progress& "nd to le"rn the lo#"tion o$ his b"se on the 1"rthFs
sur$"#e. !he ."#hines& who reg"rd 1'3 "s " d"ngerous terrorist org"niz"tion& responded to
the deployment o$ the devi#es with de"dly $or#e& #ulmin"ting in the termin"tion o$ " high+r"n:+
ing 1'3 o$$i#er& (eterin"& by me"ns o$ " :ill #ode.
The Machines
!he ."#hines wor:ed methodi#"lly to lo#"te "nd dis"ble the networ: "##ess points used by
the ?ener"l to bring his troops into the ."tri. A$ter the elimin"tion o$ m"ny #omm"ndo pro+
gr"ms& "nd "$ter h"#:ing through sever"l l"yers o$ the ?ener"lFs networ:& the ."#hines su#+
#eeded in m"nu$"#turing " progr"m th"t #ould override the ?ener"lFs systems. !hey used this
virus to lo#"te the ?ener"lFs b"se on the sur$"#e o$ the 1"rth& #ode+n"med D*t"lingr"d.D !he
."#hines swi$tly disp"t#hed " portion o$ the *entinel $leet monitoring Eion to er"di#"te the
?ener"lFs stronghold.
The Matrix Online Archives
The Merovingian
!he .erovingi"n too: "dv"nt"ge o$ *er"phFs dis"ppe"r"n#e to m":e his w"y to the Or"#le&
where he reiter"ted "n old dem"nd. At her re$us"l he swore revenge& "nd beg"n se"r#hing
$or " termin"tion #ode #"p"ble o$ wiping out the $ortune+teller. A$ter eh"usting his usu"l #on+
t"#ts within the ."tri& he turned to the ?ener"l. !he stubborn w"rrior rebu$$ed his initi"l over+
tures& but eventu"lly "greed to " #e"se+$ire while #onsidering the 6ren#hm"nFs propos"l.
,ith the Or"#leFs power$ul gu"rdi"n& *er"ph& out o$ the pi#ture& Eion s#r"mbled to her de+
$ense& $ighting o$$ "ss"ults by the ?ener"l "nd the .erovingi"n. -n response to determined
pursuit by the Eionites& the ?ener"l t"untingly reve"led th"t he w"s the *entinel progr"m who
led the de"dly ."#hine "ss"ult on the Eion do#: "t the end o$ the w"r.
The Matrix Online Archives
!hapter @9:
The .earch
!he we"ther in the simul"tion too: on " distin#tly o$$+#olor or"nge hue& "s we"ther p"tterns
su$$er to the #ontinued "bsen#e o$ the Or"#leFs w"rd& *"ti& :idn"pped by the e+*entinel le"d+
er :nown "s D!he ?ener"l.D !he ?ener"l stru#: "n "lli"n#e with the le"der o$ the ."tri un+
derworld& the .erovingi"n& bringing the 6ren#hm"n into dire#t #on$li#t with the ."#hines& who
"re wor:ing to er"di#"te the ?ener"lFs #omm"ndo $or#es.
Eion pursued the Or"#leFs gu"rdi"n& *er"ph& dr"m"ti#"lly returned G"s seen in the #h"pter >./
#inem"ti#I "$ter his dis"ppe"r"n#e while pursuing *"tiFs :idn"ppers& "nd $ound th"t heFd been
deleting ."#hine progr"ms $rom the minds o$ hum"ns in the ."tri& in#luding the Cypherite
le"der& Cryptos& who h"d se#retly been under ."#hine #ontrol.
1 'luribus 3eo #ontinued their dogged hunt "$ter sign"ls "pp"rently sent by the e+Eion #"p+
t"in& .orpheus& "nd $in"lly #"me "#ross " #le"r mess"ge $rom the $ormer le"der.
As i$ this& "nd " #ert"in s"nity+sh"ttering p"rty #r"shed by " notorious .erovingi"n werenFt
enough& "n outbre": o$ the *mith Virus thre"tened to t":e over the #ity. %esist"n#e& org"n+
ized by the Or"#le& eventu"lly m"n"ged to de$e"t power$ul m"ni$est"tions o$ the virus& but "s
it $"ded "w"y& it le$t " mess"ge #l"iming to h"ve t":en on " mu#h more insidious& un:ill"ble

The Matrix Online Archives
!he Cypherites "ttempted to underst"nd *er"phFs "pp"rent r"mp"ge "#ross the #ity& "nd to
do wh"t they #ould $or his DbluepillD #ivili"n vi#tims. !his )uest #"me to "n "brupt end when
*er"ph "mbushed the Cypherite le"der& Cryptos& per$orming " str"nge Deor#ismD th"t le$t
Cryptos etremely disoriented. As his #on#erned oper"tives "ttempted to "id him& Cryptos
beg"n uttering str"nge sounds& whi#h& "s his "rti#ul"tion in#re"sed& were #le"rly identi$ied "s
."#hine error #odes.
Con#luding th"t Cryptos h"d been oper"ting under ."#hine overwriting& removed by *er"phF+
s "tt"#:& the Cypherite #ontroller& Veil& ordered Cryptos returned to his ship "nd put under in+
tensive #"re& while she "ssumed interim le"dership o$ the org"niz"tion.
!he ."#hines were )ui#: to "#:nowledge th"t Cryptos h"d been oper"ting under their guid+
"n#e& $orming the Cypherites "s " me"ns o$ preventing Eion $rom "w":ening more th"n their
!ru#e+"llotted /U o$ the ."triF popul"tion to the true n"ture o$ the simul"tion. !he ."#hines
"ttempted to renew the terms o$ their "greement with Veil& but she thus $"r h"s put o$$ "##ept+
ing "n "##ord with the ."#hines& "nd rel"tions between the two groups rem"in un#ert"in.
% &luribus =eo
1'3 put gre"t e$$ort into pinpointing the mysterious sign"ls seen intermittently "round the #ity
o$ l"te& in whi#h " m"n resembling the $"mous Eion w"r le"der& .orpheus& "ppe"red to isol+
"ted oper"tives& delivering mess"ges "ppe"ring to "llude to the One& 3eo& being "live& but
held #"ptive by the ."#hines.
A$ter " di$$i#ult pro#ess o$ mining $or d"t" #on#erning " newly dete#ted bro"d#"st o$ the sig+
n"l& 1'3 tr"#:ed the sign"l to the 5yper#ube monument in ."r"& where they were #on$ronted
by " #le"r mess"ge $rom this "pp"rent .orpheus& s"ying th"t the ."#hines h"d $"iled& "nd
th"t 3eo w"s "live& held #"ptive by the ."#hines& "nd in need o$ res#ue.
The Machines
The Matrix Online Archives
!he ."#hines h"#:ed the ?ener"lFs networ: in the ."tri& g"ining the #"p"bility o$ s#"nning
the eiled progr"mFs pl"ns "nd d"t". Led by Agent ?r"y& they #"ptured one o$ the ?ener"lFs
1lite Comm"ndos& g"ining enough d"t" on the soldierFs ste"lth routines to en"ble them to en+
gineer " sensor s#"n #"p"ble o$ dete#ting hidden #omm"ndos.
."#hine pursuit o$ the ?ener"lFs $or#es brought them into #on$li#t with the .erovingi"n& who
re#ently "greed to "n "lli"n#e with the h"r"ssed ?ener"l. A$ter some $rustr"ting initi"l en+
g"gements& the ."#hines re"lized th"t the .erovingi"nFs opposition m"y slow down their
timet"ble in elimin"ting the ?ener"l.
.e"nwhile& the ."#hines "lso h"d to de"l with the eposure o$ their se#ret #ontrol over the
Cypherite org"niz"tion when *er"ph $ound "nd removed the ."#hine progr"m th"t h"d over+
written CryptosF mind. 9e#"use *er"phFs Deor#ismD le$t the Cypherite le"der d"m"ged "nd
#on$used& the ."#hines "ttempted to reg"in #ontrol o$ the Cypherites by stri:ing " de"l with
CryptosF se#ond+in+#omm"nd& Veil& but she rem"ined "loo$& showing "nger "t the long+st"nd+
ing ."#hine de#eption.
The Merovingian
!he .erovingi"n #"me to "n "greement with the ?ener"l under whi#h the .erovingi"n would
provide tr"nsport"tion in "nd out o$ the ."tri $or the ?ener"lFs $or#es& while the ?ener"l
would help the .erovingi"n hunt down ingredients ne#ess"ry $or " :ill+#ode #"p"ble o$ ter+
min"ting the wom"n who h"s $rustr"ted so m"ny o$ his s#hemes: the Or"#le.
!he ?ener"lFs #omm"ndo progr"ms "nd the .erovingi"nFs oper"tives wor:ed together to se+
#ure " vit"l ingredient& the l"st rem"ining ."#hine #he"t #ode& held by "n unwitting #ivili"n.
!he ?ener"l reve"led& however& th"t they would need " spe#i"l progr"m to put the :ill+#ode
together: !he Apothe#"ry. 6ollowing the ?ener"lFs dire#tions& they tr"#:ed down "n old #ode
tr"#e o$ the Apothe#"ry "nd& $rom the mouth o$ "n "n#ient progr"m& le"rned th"t the Apo+
the#"ry w"s held by the ."#hines in their m"in$r"mes& "nd #ould only be retrieved by "n old
.erovingi"n employee: the !r"inm"n.
The Matrix Online Archives
<nder growing pressure by the ."#hines& the .erovingi"nFs oper"tives lo#"ted the port"l to
the !r"inm"nFs priv"te #onstru#t& hidden in the Ab"ndoned *ubw"y. Le"ving "n en#rypted
Dnote on his doorstep&D they eventu"lly #o"ed the p"r"noid 1ile out o$ hiding& "nd brought
him on#e more into the .erovingi"nFs servi#e.
Eion pursued *er"ph& "pp"rently der"nged "$ter his plunge $rom " heli#opter into the highly
polluted A)uedu#t while $ighting the #omm"ndos who h"d "bdu#ted *"ti. !hey $ound th"t "l+
though *er"phFs "tt"#:s on oper"tives "nd #ivili"ns "li:e "ppe"red indis#rimin"te& the vi#tims
"ll sh"red memory loss "$ter "n episode o$ suspi#ious person"lity #h"nge in their p"st.
Eion w"s eventu"lly "ble to m":e #ont"#t with *er"ph& who reve"led th"t he w"s ne"rly done
with his wor:& "nd th"t the oper"tives should be #"re$ul to gu"rd their minds. *er"phFs remov+
"l o$ the ."#hine progr"m overwriting the mind o$ the Cypherite le"der& Cryptos& $in"lly m"de
it #le"r th"t the Or"#leFs gu"rdi"n w"s& th"n:s to his eposure to the rem"ins o$ ."#hine
#he"t #odes in the A)uedu#t& "ble to dete#t "nd remove su#h progr"ms $rom the minds o$ hu+
,ith EionFs "ssist"n#e& *er"ph #ompleted the er"di#"ting o$ ."#hine overwriting "round the
#ity& "nd returned to the Or"#leFs side. !he Or"#le& however& dire#ted him to res#ue *"ti $rom
the ?ener"l& " t"s: th"t *er"ph )ui#:ly beg"n& "g"in "ided by oper"tives $rom Eion.
The Matrix Online Archives
!hapter @98
,ith the #lim"te+#ontrolling *"ti still in the h"nds o$ the ?ener"l& the we"ther within the ."tri
too: " dr"m"ti# turn $or the worse& signi$ied by " vivid red hue th"t #"used #on#ern even $or
the norm"lly "loo$ Ar#hite#t. ,hile his *entinel $leet "ss"ulted the ?ener"lFs b"se #ode+
n"med *t"lingr"d on the 1"rthFs sur$"#e G"s seen in the #h"pter >.2 #inem"ti#I& within the
."tri& ."#hine $or#es ste"dily overthrew the ?ener"lFs systems& even "s Eion& with the "id o$
*er"ph& se"r#hed $or *"ti& eventu"lly res#uing the girl $rom the ?ener"lFs #ontrol.
!he h"rried ?ener"l #"me to rely more "nd more on the support o$ his new "lly& the
.erovingi"n. !he .erovingi"n& however& showed " m"r:ed disreg"rd $or the preserv"tion o$
the ?ener"lFs #omm"ndo progr"ms& going so $"r "s to use them "s #"nnon $odder $or his own
"ims& "nd even se#reting some o$ them within his own hidden #onstru#ts& un:nown to the
.e"nwhile& the .erovingi"n #ontinued his proCe#t o$ elimin"ting th"t $re)uent $oil o$ his pl"ns&
the Or"#le. 5e brought " de"dly progr"m :nown "s the Apothe#"ry into the ."tri& putting her
to wor: on " #ode power$ul enough to :ill the $ortune+teller& who m"n"ged to #omplete the :ill+
#ode despite mu#h inter$eren#e by the ."#hines. As " rew"rd $or the Apothe#"ryFs h"rd wor:&
the .erovingi"n& "t the instig"tion o$ his wi$e& 'ersephone& betr"yed the Apothe#"ry to the
."#hines& "nd she w"s deleted by " group o$ hostile oper"tives.
-n the midst o$ these w"rring $or#es& the sign"l o$ .orpheus #ontinued to "ppe"r to $ollowers
o$ Eion "nd 1 'luribus 3eo& de#l"ring th"t 3eo lived& " prisoner o$ the ."#hines& "nd #"lling
on the "ssembled oper"tives to $ight the ."#hines in order to res#ue the One. Cert"in
in#onsisten#ies "nd glit#hes in these sign"l bro"d#"sts beg"n to r"ise doubts& however&
p"rti#ul"rly "$ter 1 'luribus 3eo $ound th"t the sign"l& m"de to loo: li:e "n emergen#y
hover#r"$t be"#on& w"s in $"#t origin"ting within the ."tri itsel$.
The Matrix Online Archives
!he re#uper"ting Cypherite le"der& Cryptos& whose ."#hine overwriting h"d Cust been
violently purged by *er"ph& $in"lly "ppe"red "nd spo:e to some o$ his oper"tives& who to their
dism"y $ound his mind #louded& "nd prone to w"ndering. 1vidently& the ."#hine progr"m th"t
h"d been #ontrolling him& though overthrown& w"s now p"rti"lly merged with his previous&
violently "nti+."#hine psy#he.
!he Cypherite #ontroller& Veil& viewing her #rippled le"der with disd"in& too: #omm"nd o$ the
org"niz"tion& le"ding them in "tt"#:s "g"inst the Apothe#"ry& "nd "g"inst their mort"l $oes& 1
'luribus 3eo. !he Cypherites su##eeded in #"pturing "n 1'3 #rew& "nd de$ended
themselves& with help $rom the ."#hines& "g"inst " #ounter+"tt"#: led by the 1'3 #ontroller&
*him"d". Veil "lso #"me to "n "greement with the ."#hinesF Agent '"#e to resume spying
oper"tions in Eion& with the "im o$ dis#overing the destin"tion "nd purpose o$ l"rge "mounts
o$ m"teri"l "nd personnel "pp"rently le"ving the #"ves o$ Eion.
1ventu"lly Cryptos& su$$i#iently re#overed& met with the ."#hinesF Agent ?r"y& #ompl"ining o$
the p"in o$ his #urrent eisten#e& "nd "s:ing to be reinserted into the ."tri& "s Cypher
himsel$ h"d "s:ed o$ Agent *mith. .u#h to the CypheriteFs surprise& Agent ?r"y told him th"t
there w"s no su#h pro#edure.
% &luribus =eo
1 'luribus 3eo strove to m":e $urther #ont"#t with the mysterious .orpheus sign"ls&
re#eiving "id $rom the Or"#le in lo#"ting them. !he "uthenti#ity o$ the sign"ls #"me more "nd
more into )uestion "s they #ontinued to pre"#h the s"me mess"ge o$ w"r "g"inst the
!o put these )uestions to rest& 1'3 sought to tr"#e the sign"l to its origin& even in the $"#e o$
."#hine "tt"#:s. !hey su##eeded in this ende"vor& $inding& to the dism"y o$ m"ny& th"t the
sign"ls& en#oded in the $orm o$ emergen#y bro"d#"sts $rom .orpheusF hover#r"$t& the
3"bonidus& were in $"#t #oming $rom " sour#e within the simul"tion itsel$.
1'3 "lso $ound themselves under in#re"sed pressure $rom the Cypherites& led by the
The Matrix Online Archives
"ggressive Veil. !hey "ttempted to res#ue "n 1'3 #rew member #"ptured by the Cypherites&
but were un"ble to re"#h the oper"tives& who were gu"rded by m"ssed $or#es o$ Cypherites&
."#hines& "nd even some .erovingi"n oper"tives.
The Machines
As the b"ttle $or *t"lingr"d r"ged in the %e"l& the ."#hines beg"n " #on#erted t":eover o$
the ?ener"lFs systems inside the ."tri& #omm"ndeering his heli#opter $leet& his
#ommuni#"tion #h"nnels& "nd even his hologr"phi# bro"d#"st.
!hey #losely pursued the Apothe#"ry& t":en $rom their servers "nd brought into the ."tri by
the .erovingi"n without their #onsent. !he 6ren#hm"n me"nwhile stru#: down Agent '"#e
with " prelimin"ry version o$ the Apothe#"ryFs :ill+#ode destined $or the Or"#le. !he Agent
re#overed )ui#:ly& but seemed "ltered& "dopting " #older& more businessli:e deme"nor& "nd
demonstr"ting " heightened enthusi"sm $or the violent suppression o$ *ystem enemies.
6ollowing the su##ess$ul termin"tion o$ the Apothe#"ry& the ."#hines lo#"ted& "ss"ulted& "nd
dis"bled the ?ener"lFs prim"ry b"se in the ."tri& $ound in the #omple inh"bited by 'roCe#t
3ine soldiers bene"th the Ab"ndoned *ubw"y. !hey then shut down the ?ener"lFs networ:
within the ."tri entirely& "nd prep"red to #ontinue with $urther oper"tions "g"inst the
.erovingi"n& who g"ve the h"rried ?ener"l "sylum.
The Matrix Online Archives
The Merovingian
!he .erovingi"n& w"nting to :ill the Or"#le& h"d the !r"inm"n bring the progr"m :nown "s
the Apothe#"ry into the ."tri& "nd put her to wor: on " :ill+#ode power$ul enough to
elimin"te the $ortune+teller. 9lood s"mples $rom *"ti "nd $rom the irr"di"ted e+<nlimit
#omm"nder& 9eirn& were obt"ined to in#re"se the #odeFs poten#y.
!he .erovingi"n wished to test " prelimin"ry version o$ the #ode& "nd the ?ener"l suggested
the ."#hinesF Agent '"#e "s " test subCe#t. 'ersephone lured the Agent to " rendezvous
where " .erovingi"n hit s)u"d& "rmed with :ill+#ode s"mples& stru#: down the Agent& mu#h
to the .erovingi"nFs delight. *py reports #on$irmed th"t the #ode h"d m"de " l"sting imp"#t
on the Agent.
!he Apothe#"ry eventu"lly #ompleted wor: on the #ode& despite #ontinued inter$eren#e $rom
."#hine "tt"#:s. 6rustr"ted by the #onst"nt thre"ts to her s"$ety& she dem"nded tr"nsport
out o$ the ."tri& whi#h the .erovingi"n promised to gr"nt her. 5owever& p"rtly "t the
instig"tion o$ 'ersephone& who h"d " longst"nding $eud with the Apothe#"ry& he inste"d
tipped o$$ the ."#hines "s to her lo#"tion& "nd the :ill+#ode m"nu$"#turer w"s deleted in "n
"tt"#: by hostile oper"tives.
<nder in#re"sing pressure himsel$ $rom the ."#hines $or sheltering the ?ener"l& the
.erovingi"n& un:nown to his would+be "lly& beg"n smuggling the ?ener"lFs #omm"ndo
progr"ms into hidden #onstru#ts under his own #ontrol.
The Matrix Online Archives
Eion wor:ed with *er"ph to tr"#: down *"ti& held prisoner by the ?ener"l. A$ter $ighting
through m"ny pl"toons o$ the ?ener"lFs #omm"ndos& "nd solving " perpleing "ss"ult by *"ti
doppelg"ngers #re"ted by the ?ener"l& *"tiFs progr"m w"s retrieved "nd restored to the
Or"#le& who de#l"red th"t the girl would soon be well& "nd "ble to restore the we"ther to its
norm"l #ondition.
Although they su##eeded in gu"rding the Or"#le "g"inst "tt"#:s by the ?ener"l& Eion de#ided
th"t her usu"l home in ."r" h"d be#ome too e"sy " t"rget $or the ?ener"l "nd the
.erovingi"n. ,ith *er"phFs support& they $in"lly m"n"ged to persu"de her to le"ve the
neighborhood& "nd beg"n moving her under gu"rd between se#ret s"$ehouses "#ross the
Eion "lso tr"#:ed the .orpheus sign"l& eventu"lly $inding it "nd #"t#hing it "s " str"nge glit#h
o##urred& #"using it to repe"t the s"me line $our times. !his r"ised $urther suspi#ions "bout
the sign"lFs true origins. !r"#:ing w"s #ompli#"ted by the "ppe"r"n#e o$ die+h"rd .orpheus
supporters& wishing to emul"te "nd $urther his old "gend".
The Matrix Online Archives
!hapter @9;
/all of the -eneral
!he ."#hines destroyed the ?ener"lFs b"se on the 1"rthFs sur$"#e G"s seen in the #h"pter
>.4 #inem"ti#I& driving him into hiding in the ."tri. ,ith *"ti res#ued $rom the ?ener"lFs
gr"sp& the we"ther in the simul"tion returned to its st"nd"rd green+tinged over#"st s:ies.
Eion "nd 1 'luribus 3eo pursued the simul"#rum who h"d been "ppe"ring re#ently in the
#ity& imperson"ting .orpheus. !hey $ound d"t" "ppe"ring to suggest " lin: between the
simul"#rum "nd the ?ener"l. !he ."#hines& #on#erned th"t the simul"#rum might try to
thre"ten the *ystemFs st"bility "s .orpheus himsel$ did& )uestioned it& but de#ided th"t it
w"s #on$used "nd non+violent& "nd only bore $urther monitoring.
.e"nwhile& the .erovingi"n h"d begun using the !r"inm"n to shuttle the ?ener"lFs #om+
m"ndos out o$ the ."tri& "nd b"#: into the re"l world. !he ?ener"l himsel$ del"yed& le"v+
ing the tr"in pl"t$orm to #on$ront his .orpheus simul"#rum. 5e ordered the simul"#rum to
de"#tiv"te itsel$& but it re$used& "nd su##ess$ully de$ended itsel$ "g"inst the ?ener"l& who
w"s $or#ed to le"ve. %eturning l"te to the !r"inm"nFs st"tion& the ?ener"l w"s #on$ronted
there by ."#hine $or#es. !he !r"inm"n m"n"ged to shove the ?ener"l onto the dep"rting
tr"in& but su$$ered severe inCury "t the h"nds o$ the ."#hines.
<ndeterred& the .erovingi"n put his pl"n to :ill the Or"#le into $ull ee#ution& "ttempting to
get his :ill+#ode into the h"nds o$ "n "ss"ssin pl"nted in EionFs se#urity te"ms. Eion $ound
the "ss"ssin in time& $or#ing the .erovingi"n to resort to " new pl"n& using " ste"lth #om+
m"ndo "nd " very spe#i"l :ey to "ttempt to surprise the Or"#le. *he& however& w"s s"ved
"t the l"st moment by the (id "nd 1 'luribus 3eo. !he $rustr"ted 6ren#hm"n #onsoled
himsel$ by "#tiv"ting on override #ode on the ?ener"l "nd his *entinels.
!he Cypherites #ontinued se"r#hing $or in$orm"tion on the mysterious eodus o$ men "nd
m"teri"l $rom Eion. Cryptos& gr"du"lly re#overed $rom *er"phFs "tt"#:& too: #omm"nd o$
the org"niz"tion b"#: $rom the stubborn Veil& to the relie$ o$ Agent ?r"y "nd the ."#hines.
Veil& however& #ontinued her ruthless )uest $or in$orm"tion& ee#uting the #rew o$ the Eion+
ite hover#r"$t 'el"geus when they re$used to #ooper"te. -n response& the Or"#le #ould o$+
$er only dire+sounding predi#tions& s"ying th"t you #"nFt s"ve someone who doesnFt w"nt
to be s"ved.
Cryptos w"ndered $or some time in the ."tri& "s:ing those he met "bout purpose& right&
"nd wrong. 5e "ppe"red to settle some )uestion in his mind& however& "nd re"sserted his
#ontrol over the Cypherite org"niz"tion during "n oper"tion in whi#h he led Cypherites to
#"pture " redpill whose "ttempts to "w":en 9luepills $reed by *er"ph $rom ."#hine over+
writing& li:e Cryptos& h"d led to the de"ths o$ some o$ those #ivili"ns. !he vindi#tive
Cypherite #ontroller& Veil& grudgingly "greed to re#ognize Cryptos "s le"der.
Veil #ontinued le"ding oper"tions designed to dis#over the mystery behind unregistered
The Matrix Online Archives
wor:ers "nd m"#hinery slipping out o$ Eion& " topi# o$ p"rti#ul"r interest to the ."#hines.
*he st"ged "n "tt"#: on " 1 'luribus 3eo b"se "s " distr"#tion& while other Cypherite op+
er"tives su##ess$ully in$iltr"ted " Eionite #omputer system& re#overing d"t".
5er ze"lous pursuit o$ her t"s: led her to hiC"#:& "nd eventu"lly ee#ute& the #rew o$ "
Eionite hover#r"$t& the 'el"geus. Agent ?r"y& who h"d supported Cryptos over the VeilFs
vol"tile le"dership& )uestioned her methods& but Veil re$used to #urb her "#tivities& re+
sponding derisively when told th"t her "#tions thre"tened the tru#e between the ."#hines
"nd Eion.
% &luribus =eo
1 'luribus 3eo& se"r#hing $or in$orm"tion on the .orpheus simul"#rum& dis#overed " hid+
den networ: o$ old $ollowers o$ .orpheus& still #"rrying on the rebel "#tivities th"t led to
.orpheusF de"th& in#luding the distribution o$ seditious posters. One o$ these individu"ls&
Joshu" ."ston& told the 1'3 members who $ound him th"t they h"d been distr"#ted by
Cypherites "nd super+vill"ins $rom wh"t w"s truly import"nt& "nd th"t he $ully epe#ted to
be :illed by the ."#hines $or his "#tivities& but #"rried on be#"use he believed th"t wh"t
he w"s doing w"s right. !he (id s"id th"t belie$ is import"nt& but so is hope.
%e#ognizing the :ill+#ode thre"t to the Or"#le posed by the .erovingi"n& 1'3 "s:ed Eion
$or permission to "ssist in gu"rding herB when the Or"#le hersel$ insisted& Eion "greed to
sh"re gu"rd duties.
,hen the 6ren#hm"n $in"lly l"un#hed his 1lite Comm"ndo "ss"ssin "t the Or"#le& the
(id& on gu"rd duty "t the time& responded to her #ry o$ "l"rm in time to inter#ept the $"t"l
bullet with his body. 3e"rby 1'3 oper"tives pursued "nd elimin"ted the #omm"ndo& while
the Or"#le w"t#hed over the stunned (id. *he s"id he would be "ll right& but would need
rest. On#e he relu#t"ntly C"#:ed out to his ship& the Or"#le went outside to enCoy the $resh
"ir $or the $irst time in wee:s& "nd moved b"#: to her old home in ."r".
The Machines
!he ."#hines tr"#:ed the $leeing ?ener"l through the ."tri& rooting him out o$ the tem+
por"ry s"$ety o$ the .erovingi"nFs #h"te"u with the "ssist"n#e o$ the Cypherites& "nd then
The Matrix Online Archives
$rom the !r"inm"nFs tunnel system. !hey #"ught up to the ?ener"l "t the tr"in st"tion "s
he w"s "bout to eit the simul"tion& but the !r"inm"n s"#ri$i#ed his own #h"n#e to es#"pe
in order to m":e sure th"t his "ppointed p"ssenger m"de it "bo"rd the dep"rting tr"in.
,ith the ?ener"l out o$ the ."tri& the ."#hines swit#hed t"rgets within the simul"tion&
now lo#"ting "nd )uestioning the .orpheus simul"#rum& whi#h showed some indi#"tion
th"t it might t":e up .orpheusF old terrorist tenden#ies. !hey $ound th"t it h"d the #"p"bil+
ity o$ simul"ting redpill C"#:+out "nd re#onstru#tion. !he simul"#rum& however& "ppe"red to
be non+violent& "nd the ."#hines determined th"t #"re$ul monitoring o$ its "#tivities w"s "
su$$i#ient pre#"ution.
Agent '"#e r"n "n oper"tion in whi#h " spe#i"l p"rty w"s st"ged "s " tr"p $or the .er+
ovingi"n& with the intent o$ punishing the 6ren#hm"n $or his role in the ?ener"lFs es#"pe.
!he .erovingi"n& however& sent his wi$e in his ste"d& "nd she es#"ped when loy"l oper"t+
ives poun#ed on the Agent sent to in$iltr"te the #lub. A m"ssive ."#hinist onsl"ught
#le"red the #lub& however& "nd Agent '"#e de#ided th"t this demonstr"tion h"d served its
1ver+in#re"sing #on#erns "bout the purpose behind m"teri"ls "nd m"npower sne":ing
out o$ Eion led the ."#hines to "ttempt g"thering in$orm"tion through their own #ont"#ts&
but this proved less e$$i#ient th"n employing the Cypherites& "lthough Cypherite produ#+
tion& $rom the ."#hine point o$ view& #ontinued to su$$er under VeilFs stubborn le"dership.
CryptosF re+"ssumption o$ Cypherite #omm"nd #"me "s " relie$ to the ."#hines& but ten+
sions with Eion #"used by their "#tivities rem"ined high& p"rti#ul"rly "$ter VeilFs hiC"#:ing
"nd ee#ution o$ the #rew o$ the Eionite hover#r"$t 'el"geus.
The Merovingian
!he .erovingi"n $or#ed the h"rried ?ener"l to give him #ontrol over the progr"m used by
the #omm"ndos to move between the ."tri "nd the re"l world. ,ith this in his posses+
sion& the 6ren#hm"n employed the !r"inm"n to tr"ns$er the ?ener"lFs #omm"ndos out o$
the simul"tion& s"ving them $or the time being $rom etermin"tion "t the h"nds o$ the ."+
#hines& but losing the !r"inm"n to the ."#hines in the pro#ess. !he !r"inm"n m"n"ged
to limp "w"y $rom " ."#hine "tt"#: into his own priv"te #onstru#t& but it w"s un#le"r i$ the
p"r"noid 1ile would survive his inCuries.
!he .erovingi"n "ttempted to send the :ill+#ode m"de to termin"te the Or"#le to " spy
pl"#ed on the Or"#leFs se#urity det"il& but Eion dete#ted the intrusion& "nd $or#ed the
6ren#hm"n to etri#"te the :ill+#ode $rom their systems.
-n need o$ "n "ltern"te me"ns o$ getting the de"dly #ode ne"r the Or"#le& the .erovingi"n
seized upon " :ey dug up by the L"ndlord "t the ."h"th !ower #onstru#tion site& $ormerly
o##upied by the government building used by 3eo to re"#h the Ar#hite#tB when this build+
ing sel$+destru#ted with the body o$ the (eym":er inside& the :ey he h"d been m":ing in
the .erovingi"nFs dungeon w"s buried in the rubble. !he 6ren#hm"n h"d origin"lly
pl"nned to use this :ey& #"p"ble o$ tr"nsporting the user to " port"l ne"r " spe#i$i# t"rget&
to :ill the Or"#leFs previous shell.
The Matrix Online Archives
A$ter sever"l $"lse st"rts& the 1$$e#tu"tor m"n"ged to tr"nsport " borrowed 1lite Com+
m"ndo s)u"d b"#: into the #ity. *er"ph dete#ted "nd hunted the #omm"ndos& but .er+
ovingi"n oper"tives m"n"ged to s"ve most o$ them& "nd $in"lly one o$ them& e)uipped with
the :ey "nd the :ill+#ode& "ttempted to "ss"ssin"te the Or"#le& but the (id blo#:ed the
shot "t the l"st moment.
6rustr"ted with this $"ilure& whi#h he bl"med on the ?ener"lFs soldier& the .erovingi"n e+
e#uted " hidden override progr"m the !r"inm"n h"d inserted into the ?ener"l "nd his
men when they were tr"ns$erred out o$ the ."triB the progr"m #ompels the ?ener"l "nd
his *entinels to obey the .erovingi"nFs #omm"nds in the re"l world.
Eion tr"#:ed down the .orpheus simul"#rum& $inding eviden#e o$ some sort o$ #onne#tion
between the unpredi#t"ble simul"#rum "nd the ?ener"lB this #onne#tion w"s #on$irmed in
dr"m"ti# $"shion when the ?ener"l himsel$ #on$ronted the simul"#rum& ber"ting it $or $"il+
ing in its design"ted t"s: o$ re+igniting #on$li#t between the ."#hines "nd Eion. Cheered
on by surrounding oper"tives& the simul"#rum re$used to obey the ?ener"lFs #omm"nd to
de"#tiv"te itsel$& "nd su##ess$ully de$ended itsel$ when the in#ensed *entinel le"der "t+
.e"nwhile& Eion $ound indi#"tions th"t the .erovingi"n h"d tr"ns$erred his Or"#le :ill+
#ode into their own networ:. !hey m"n"ged to $ind the 6ren#hm"nFs under#over te"m o$
oper"tives& "nd his spy within Eion& $or#ing the .erovingi"n to "bort his pl"n& "nd etri#"te
the :ill+#ode $rom EionFs systems.
Although EionFs "greement to "llow 1 'luribus 3eo to help gu"rd the Or"#le& "t her own
insisten#e& p"id o$$ when the (id s"ved her $rom the :ill+#ode+l"#ed bullet $ired by "n 1lite
Comm"ndo& Eion subse)uently su$$ered the loss o$ the #rew o$ their hover#r"$t 'el"geus
"t the h"nds o$ 1'3Fs sworn enemies& the Cypherites. !he Or"#le tried to #onsole Eion
over the loss& but #ould not :eep " sense o$ $oreboding out o$ her mess"ge.
The Matrix Online Archives
!hapter A9:
Cypherite spies dis#over th"t Eion h"s built " new& strongly de$ended #ity. !he ."#hines
de#l"re th"t Eion h"s bro:en the !ru#e. Open hostilities between Eion "nd the ."#hines
begin. !he .erovingi"n& s:epti#"l "bout the .orpheus simul"#rumFs story o$ hum"ns used "s
b"tteries& sends his #omm"ndo *entinels to s#out the ."#hine D$ieldsD "nd pods.
Cypherite spies dis#overed th"t Eion h"s been #onstru#ting " new #ity& situ"ted in "
v"st #omple o$ n"tur"l "nd "rti$i#i"l #"verns $"r bene"th the 1"rthFs sur$"#e& prote#ted
by " #ombin"tion o$ he"vy sediment l"yers& 1.' devi#es embedded in the ro#:& "nd
live 1.' $ields powered by geotherm"l energy. !he ."#hines de#l"red this b"se& pop+
ul"rly termed D3ew Eion&D to be " viol"tion o$ the tru#e& "nd revo:ed EionFs privilege o$
re#ruiting hum"ns who reCe#t the ."tri simul"tion.
."#hine $or#es moved swi$tly to neutr"lize EionFs systems within the ."tri& "#hieving
r"pid e"rly su##ess. Eion oper"tives $ound themselves under "tt"#: by Agents "ny+
where outside o$ the %i#hl"nd slums.
1 'luribus 3eo beg"n e"mining possible w"ys in whi#h they #ould stri:e b"#: "t the
."#hines& possible outside o$ the simul"tion itsel$. Con#erned lest Eion $"ll to the ."+
#hines& the (id o$$ered to "ssist Eion hover#r"$t& under $ire $rom hostile *entinel p"trols.
!he .erovingi"n threw " p"rty& glo"ting over the possibilities $or pro$it opened up by
the return o$ the w"r between Eion "nd the ."#hines.
Eion "ttempted to put "n emergen#y $irew"ll system in pl"#e to prote#t their networ: in+
ter$"#es $rom the ."#hines& but the ."#hines )ui#:ly byp"ssed the new *ystem& "nd
inserted vir"l routines into the Eion networ:& imp"iring their #ommuni#"tion system.
As " $"ll+b"#: pl"n& Eion est"blished " tempor"ry networ: uplin:& th"t they #ould use to
get d"t" dire#tly out o$ the simul"tion.
!he ."#hines beg"n "tt"#:ing Eionite etr"#tion points& see:ing to prevent Eion $rom
DunpluggingD more hum"ns $rom the pods.
!he .erovingi"n stole tunnel m"pping d"t" $rom Eion& "nd used this in$orm"tion to
:eep the ?ener"lFs *entinels $rom being $ound by ."#hine p"trols in the %e"l. !he
.erovingi"n in$ormed the ?ener"l th"t he must st"y within #ert"in design"ted "re"s& or
be shut down by "n override #omm"nd.
-n the ."tri& the .erovingi"n veri$ied the "llegi"n#e o$ other power$ul 1iles& in#luding
Nttri& Amber& Cerule"n& ."d"me !& "nd the Auditor. !he 1ile n"med *ynn insisted on
more prote#tion $rom Agent intrusion.
Cypherites #ontinued ste"ling in$orm"tion $rom Eionite d"t" #lusters& despite in#re"sed
resist"n#e $rom Eion.
The Matrix Online Archives
Eion m"n"ged to get sensitive bro"d#"st #ontrol d"t" out o$ the simul"tion th"n:s to in+
tervention by the .erovingi"n& who sent 9eirn to stop the ."#hine Agent thre"tening
EionFs uplin: port"l. ,ith the preserved d"t"& Eion w"s "ble to :eep their bro"d#"st
#ontrol system essenti"lly int"#t& "lthough be#"use it is now sh"red $rom ship to ship&
their hover#r"$t must rise #loser to the sur$"#e to send sign"ls into the ."tri.
Eion $in"lly tr"#:ed down 7"elyn& " Cypherite spy whoFd been smuggling in$orm"tion to
Veil. !he Cypherites& however& obt"ined the "ddress o$ " Eionite re#ruiting o$$i#i"l $rom
" potenti"l Eion re#ruit& :illed in " #ross$ire with Eion de$enders. !he ."#hines #"p+
tured the o$$i#i"l& "nd then the high+level re#ruiting d"t" to whi#h he h"d "##ess.
.e"nwhile& " $light o$ *entinels disp"t#hed to probe 3ew EionFs de$enses were de"#+
tiv"ted by hidden 1.' #h"rges. !he (id& pointing out the d"nger to even EionFs new
#ity& urged 3iobe to #onsider opening " dire#t o$$ensive "g"inst the ."#hines in the
%e"l& but 3iobe did not seem in#lined to #onsider su#h " g"mble.
!he .erovingi"n& besides t":ing " little time to dis#ipline the unruly .ur"s":i 1ile&
*ynn& be#"me in#re"singly #urious to probe ."#hine #"p"bilities. An "tt"#: by the
!wins "nd oper"tives "t " le"ding 7owntown #omp"ny& .et"#orte& provo:ed only "
rel"tively me"ger ."#hine response. 7eigning to )uestion the Or"#le& the 6ren#hm"n
w"s told th"t Dpower isnFt everything&D "nd w"s prompted to loo: "round $or himsel$.
Auestioning the .orpheus simul"#rum& who reiter"ted the widespre"d story o$ " ."+
#hine #iviliz"tion powered by hum"ns tr"pped in pods& #ombined with " $orm o$ $usion&
the .erovingi"n w"s stru#: by the l"#: o$ :ey $"#tu"l d"t" to support the story.
Armed with lists o$ potenti"l "w":ening subCe#ts #"ptured $rom Eion& the ."#hines "g+
gressively pursued Eion etr"#tion "nd re#ruiting oper"tions. One bluepill in p"rti#ul"r&
3"vin ."noh"r& w"s "rrested& termin"ted& "nd repl"#ed with " spe#i"lly prep"red
bluepill& one p"rti"lly overwritten by " ."#hine progr"m. A$ter being re#on$igured by
oper"tives to resemble the origin"l .r. ."noh"r& the overwritten bluepill w"s sent b"#:
to ."noh"rFs residen#e.
1 'luribus 3eo& "ttempting to s"ve "s m"ny #ompromised potenti"ls $rom the ."+
#hines "s possible& #on$ronted "nd eventu"lly etr"#ted %"#hel 7un:ir:& $riend o$ " wo+
m"n n"med *"r"h 1dmontons& who h"d dis"ppe"red $rom " hospit"l sever"l ye"rs
e"rlier& "pp"rently w"l:ing out under her own power despite h"ving been on li$e sup+
port m"#hines $or over " month with "lmost zero br"inw"ve "#tivity.
Eion strove to s"ve their #ompromised re#ruiting te"ms "nd potenti"l "w":ening sub+
Ce#ts $rom the ."#hines& with some su##ess. !he ."#hines& however& g"ined in$orm"+
tion on the lo#"tion "nd #on$igur"tion o$ the Eion m"in$r"me when they tri#:ed Eion into
"ttempting to etr"#t " subCe#t who h"d se#retly been overwritten with " ."#hine pro+
gr"m designed to eploit " se#urity hole in the red pill tr"#e progr"m.
!he .erovingi"n h"d %"ini "nd *ilver )uestioned "bout $usion "nd biologi#"l power
gener"tionB the )uestions stemmed $rom .orpheusF "##ount o$ hum"ns in the pods
"nd the ."#hine energy sour#e. -n$orm"tion g"thered m"de the .erovingi"n )uestion
the e$$i#ien#y o$ the supposed ."#hine system o$ " $orm o$ $usion #ombined with hu+
The Matrix Online Archives
m"ns "s energy+gener"ting devi#es& "nd he determined to le"rn the truth $or himsel$ by
sending the ?ener"lFs *entinels to s#out the $ields "nd pods.
?host h"d " run+in with '"#e while on " re#ruiting missionB '"#e hinted th"t Dyour pro+
gr"m is #ompromised&D "nd th"t she w"s visiting other Eion potenti"ls.
!he Cypherite #ontroller& Veil& "nd Cypherite oper"tives strove to #ounter EionFs re+
#ruiting e$$orts with 9luepills& "nd su##eeded in putting " number o$ potenti"ls Db"#: to
sleepD with the pills& "lthough one h"d to be $ed the pill by $or#e.
."lph"s "nd sever"l oper"tives won b"#: " $e"ther $rom *er"ph& stolen by *er"phim.
."lph"s epl"ined th"t *er"phFs $e"thers were stripped $rom him "s punishment $or
his betr"y"l o$ the .erovingi"n& in the d"ys when he served the .erovingi"n "s "n en+
3iobe #"me #lose to losing d"t" she w"s "ttempting to res#ue $rom ."#hine #"pture&
but 1 'luribus 3eo oper"tives s"ved her $rom ."#hine $or#es in the ni#: o$ time.
!he .erovingi"n held " Dpe"#e p"rtyD $or "ll oper"tives in !"bor '"r:& but turned it into
" bloodb"th "$ter tempting %edpills $rom "ll org"niz"tions into #lose proimity with
#":e& d"n#ing& "nd Oo:"mi.
!he 1ile le"der 7"me ,hite w"s involved in some wheeling "nd de"ling& $irst getting
" new 1ile progr"m th"t #ontrolled "nim"l emotions stolen $rom her by 'ersephone&
the 1$$e#tu"tor& "nd .erovingi"n oper"tives& "nd then tipping o$$ 1 'luribus 3eo th"t
the .erovingi"n might h"ve "##ess to det"iled in$orm"tion on ."#hine power lines in
the %e"l& in e#h"nge $or in$orm"tion they g"ve her& obt"ined $rom Cypherites& "bout "
mysterious D.r. ?.D
As it turned out& D.r. ?.D w"s -t"rrot& " long+missing Cypherite o$$i#er. 5"ving serious
%*- trouble due to $ried systems on his hiC"#:ed hover#r"$t& -t"rrot w"s $ound "nd res+
#ued by Cypherite oper"tives& "nd restored to his old position on CryptosF hover#r"$t&
D!he 9lue 7re"mer.D
!he Cypherites "lso res#ued the #rew o$ the *olsti#e& held by Eion sin#e trying to de+
$e#t to the Cypherite #"use. Cypherite oper"tives st"ged " p"rty in Club *phin& h"nd+
ing out blue pills "s " distr"#tion& while " te"m o$ high level Cypherite oper"tives bro:e
into the Eion outpost where the #rew w"s held& "nd liber"ted them.
Eion "nd the ."#hines #l"shed in the Eero One #onstru#t& "s Eion #ondu#ted " des+
per"te se"r#h $or " ."#hine h"#:er who w"s thre"tening " vit"l Eion system. 7espite
e$$orts by ."#hine oper"tives "nd Agent '"#e& Eionite oper"tives m"n"ged to lo#"te
the h"#:er "nd disrupt his e$$orts. A$ter this su##ess& the "ssembled Eionites "tt"#:ed
Agent '"#e en m"sse& tempor"rily d"m"ging her %*- "nd $or#ing her to retre"t $rom
the #onstru#t. ?host w"rned& however& th"t EionFs systems were still under he"vy ."+
#hine "tt"#: on multiple $ronts& "nd th"t it would be vit"l to get "ll o$ these systems
tr"ns$erred to the s"$ety o$ EionFs new #ity.
The Matrix Online Archives
!hapter A98
Eion turns to e+Eionite spe#i"list 7"nielle ,right when the ."#hines #ompromise their
red pill progr"m. ,right develops " new& se#ure pill $or Eion& but is :illed by the ."#hines&
who use her hidden& dire#t "##ess to Eion to insert " virus into EionFs m"in$r"me& while "
Cypherite spy destroys EionFs #omm"nd #enter with " bomb. !he .erovingi"n $inds th"t
the ."#hines do rely on hum"ns $or power& with regul"r pod #enters "#ross the otherwise
b"rren sur$"#e o$ the pl"net& "nd h"ve b"rely enough energy to run the ."tri "nd their
own #ity.
Eion turned to 7"nielle ,right& the e+Eionite "nd m"stermind behind the elite
D,right %ese"r#hD te#hnology #omp"ny& $or "id in #oding " new red pill progr"m
th"t would not be vulner"ble to the eploit the ."#hines used to g"ther d"t" on the
Eion m"in$r"me.
,ith their re#ruiting progr"m in gre"t d"nger due to ."#hine d"t" #"ptures& Eion
#ontinued their "ttempts to s"ve #ompromised potenti"ls $rom the ."#hines& st"+
ging " l"rge distr"#tion ne"r the government building in !"bor ,est while " sm"ll
te"m res#ued two potenti"ls held under *ystem gu"rd.
!he ."#hines& h"ving re#eived indi#"tions th"t the ?ener"lFs *entinels& dire#ted by
the .erovingi"n& were "ppro"#hing the 6ields "nd pods ne"r the ."#hine #ity&
beg"n oper"tions "g"inst the .erovingi"n with the "im o$ $or#ing him to re#"ll the
?ener"l. !he Auditor w"s ordered to #e"se "uditing .erovingi"n #ode& "nd the in+
$orm"tion+g"therer 5yp"ti"& who h"s given the .erovingi"n use$ul in$orm"tion in
the p"st& w"s "rrested. !he ."#hines met with less su##ess when they tried shut+
ting down the rel"y the .erovingi"n uses to #ommuni#"te with the ?ener"l& how+
ever& "s they $ound th"t the .erovingi"n "lre"dy h"d "t le"st one b"#:up system in
."#hine oper"tives& $inding th"t Eionite hover#r"$t h"d destroyed " s#"nning
be"#on used to return d"t" on the 1"rthFs depths& $ound "n old hum"n probe th"t
#ould serve "s " tempor"ry repl"#ement& "nd then lo#"ted "n eiled progr"m #"p+
"ble o$ #ommuni#"ting with the probe. Agent ?r"y permitted the progr"m to return
to servi#e in order to dire#t the probe. ?r"y "lso #onsented to the est"blishment o$
" r"n:ing s#heme in order to org"nize "nd motiv"te ."#hinist hover#r"$t oper"+
!he .erovingi"n re#eived s#outing reports $rom the ?ener"lFs *entinels with estim+
"tes o$ the hum"n popul"tion held by the 6ields "nd pods ne"r the ."#hine #ity.
!ogether with d"t" g"thered within the simul"tion on birth "nd de"th r"tes& the .er+
ovingi"n "#hieved " rough estim"te o$ " possible tot"l ."tri hum"n popul"tion& but
suspe#ted th"t the $igures were too low& not to mention in#ongruous& "nd s"id th"t
they would h"ve to #ontinue their investig"tion until the numbers "dded up.
6inding the ?ener"l hunted by ."#hine *entinels on the 1"rthFs sur$"#e& the .er+
ovingi"n sent oper"tives to dr"w the "ttention o$ the ."#hines in the simul"tion by
The Matrix Online Archives
"tt"#:ing import"nt $"#ilities "#ross the #ity. .e"nwhile& .erovingi"n hover#r"$t
helped dr"w o$$ *entinels& "nd the ?ener"l m"n"ged to es#"pe dete#tion.
1 'luribus 3eo& #onsidering " stri:e on the power lines le"ding $rom the pods to the
."#hine #ity& stole m"pping d"t" on the "re" $rom the .erovingi"n.
!he Cypherites& $eeling th"t the .erovingi"n w"s "##essing in$orm"tion on the sim+
ul"tion th"t #ould be d"ngerous to the hum"ns sleeping in the pods& investig"ted
one o$ his in$orm"tion sour#es& the Coroner& who led them to d"t" held by his
nemesis& 5yp"ti". !he d"t" pointed the Cypherites to " hidden #onstru#t housing
some o$ the ?ener"lFs 1lite Comm"ndo progr"ms& whi#h the Cypherites de$e"ted
"$ter " $ier#e b"ttle.
7"nielle ,right su##eeded in #re"ting " new red pill progr"m $or Eion& "$ter some
prelimin"ry less+th"n+su##ess$ul test runs. 6or#ed to move her "#tivities
underground when the ."#hines dis#overed her wor:& ,right& $inding Cypherites
"ttempting to de#ode her en#rypted C"#:+in sign"l& de#ided to le"ve the simul"tion
$or good& telling Eion oper"tives th"t there w"s wor: she h"d to do& but she #ould
no longer do it in the #ity. *he "lso reCe#ted invit"tions $rom oper"tives "nd even
Comm"nder Lo#: to see: re$uge in EionFs new #ity& s"ying th"t her go"ls di$$ered
$rom theirs.
!he .erovingi"n l"un#hed " sm"ll urb"n terror #"mp"ign designed to dissu"de the
."#hines $rom "ttempting to h"mper his v"rious in$orm"tion+g"thering "#tivities.
1ven so& *entinel p"trols "round the pods "nd 6ields on the 1"rthFs sur$"#e $or#ed
the ?ener"l to pull his $or#es b"#:.
.e"nwhile& the .erovingi"n dis#overed 1 'luribus 3eoFs the$t o$ the ?ener"lFs
m"ps o$ the "re" "round the 6ields. 'i)ued& the .erovingi"n loo:ed into the m"tter&
"nd& $inding th"t 1'3 intended to use the m"ps to #ondu#t " r"id on the power lines
le"ding $rom the pods into the ."#hine #ity& #on#on#ted "n el"bor"te pl"n designed
to pinpoint the position o$ the 1'3 stri:e $or#e& "nd send this d"t" to the ."#hines.
!his plot su##eeded& "nd despite deton"ting str"tegi# #ode pulse devi#es "#ross
the #ity to disrupt ."#hine #ommuni#"tion& the 1'3 "tt"#: r"n into "n
overwhelming *entinel presen#e w"iting $or them "t the power lines& "nd w"s
$or#ed to retre"t without h"ving re"#hed their intended t"rget.
5"ving resolved th"t m"tter to his s"tis$"#tion& the .erovingi"n turned his "ttention
b"#: to eploring the ."#hine power b"se& "nd used " modi$ied red pill progr"m to
tr"#e " bluepillFs body to " previously un:nown set o$ pods $"rther "w"y $rom the
."#hine #ity.
Eion beg"n distributing the new red pill progr"ms to their re#ruiting te"ms& "nd to
their "llies in 1 'luribus 3eo& but this distribution met with opposition $rom
Cypherites& "nd the ."#hines.
-nvestig"ting reports o$ *entinels hovering suspi#iously "round the #ity o$ Eion& 1
'luribus 3eo& th"n:s to " b"rg"in stru#: with 'epper& w"s "ble to #"pture ."#hine
d"t" showing th"t the *entinels $ormed " thin #o#oon "round Eion++" ne"rly per$e#t
spheri#"l distribution. !hese *entinels& however& would ev"de Eion or 1'3 ships&
r"ther th"n "ttempting to eng"ge them in #omb"t& "nd the (id epressed #on#ern
over wh"t might lie behind this unepe#ted beh"vior
The Matrix Online Archives
!he ."#hines investig"ted ,rightFs business& ,right %ese"r#h& "nd $ound th"t
they h"d wor:ed #losely with " sm"ll #omp"ny& Argent 9iometri#s& spe#i"lizing in
en#ryption "#ross biologi#"l inter$"#es simil"r to th"t used by ,right on her own
C"#:+in sign"l. 7is#overing th"t Argent 9iometri#s w"s " #over #omp"ny set up by
the 1ile& *ilver& the ."#hines tr"#:ed& pursued& "nd #on$ronted *ilver& dem"nding
the :ey to ,rightFs sign"l en#ryption& "nd thre"tening to delete "ll o$ *ilverFs
rese"r#h i$ he did not #ooper"te. *ilver grudgingly h"nded over the re)uired
,hen the .erovingi"n le"rned o$ *ilverFs de"l with the ."#hines& he sent
oper"tives& "nd Oo:"mi& to punish *ilver by wiping out sever"l o$ *ilverFs l"bs in
C"mon 5eights. *ummoning *ilver to Club *phin& the .erovingi"n "ngrily
reminded him th"t no #ommer#e w"s to be #ondu#ted with the ."#hines without
his permission& "nd $in"lly "llowed oper"tives to delete the unrepent"nt rese"r#her&
s"ying th"t he #ould be restored $rom " b"#:up #opy& possibly "$ter modi$ying his
#ode to m":e him less intr"#t"ble.
!he ?ener"lFs *entinel s#outs& r"nging $urther "#ross the 1"rthFs de"d sur$"#e&
reported more hum"n pod #lusters& "rr"nged in " rough grid p"ttern& roughly /00 to
/;0 :ilometers "p"rt. .e"nwhile& the 1ile *unshine w"s #onsulted& "nd estim"ted
th"t& t":ing the #ooling o$ the 1"rthFs #lim"te due to the perpetu"l storm #louds into
#onsider"tion& the ."#hines might be "ble to use "bout ///=th o$ the 1"rthFs
sur$"#e $or pod #lusters. ."lph"s #"l#ul"ted th"t this #ould me"n the ."#hines
h"ve "bout 400 million people in pods worldwide& but the .erovingi"n $elt th"t
something still w"snFt "dding up.
Oper"tives tr"#:ed " power$ul 1ile progr"m& #"lled D-n#iden#e ;.99/D by the
."#hines& "nd $ound it using de#eptive simul"#r" to retrieve d"t" $rom hidden
nodes. !hese simul"#r" were deleted without retrieving their d"t" in time& but more
nodes were believed to eist.
-n$orm"tion w"s s:et#hy& but "v"il"ble det"ils indi#"ted "t le"st two ne"rly
simult"neous "#ts o$ de"dly s"bot"ge in the old #ity o$ Eion& be"ring simil"rities to
p"st Cypherite "tt"#:s: " hiC"#:ed hover#r"$t r"mmed the m"in g"te to the #ityFs
do#:& "nd shortly there"$ter& "ll #ommuni#"tion with Eion Comm"nd w"s #ut o$$&
$ollowing wh"t m"y h"ve been " l"rge eplosion in the #omm"nd $"#ility.
At "bout the s"me time& the ."#hines were sending " virus dire#tly into EionFs
m"in$r"me& using " devi#e #"ptured $rom 7"nielle ,rightFs l"b ne"r the 1"rthFs
sur$"#e& whi#h the ."#hines lo#"ted by tr"#:ing her bro"d#"st sign"l& whose
en#ryption they h"d unlo#:ed. ,right hersel$& in her l"st :nown "ppe"r"n#e in the
."tri& rem"ined #h"r"#teristi#"lly #"lm when #on$ronted by the triumph"nt
."#hinesB she #oll"psed& li$eless& "s *entinels disp"t#hed her body in the %e"l.
*ever"l d"ys l"ter& ?host pursued rumors "bout the s"bot"ge th"t h"d t":en pl"#e
in Eion& $inding strong indi#"tions o$ Cypherite involvement& in #oll"bor"tion with the
."#hines. ?host w"rned oper"tives not to try re"#hing the old #ity with their
hover#r"$t& "s it w"s now entirely in$ested by *entinels. A number o$ Eion hover#r"$t
h"ve been missing sin#e the "tt"#: on the #ityB EionFs Comm"nder Lo#:& present in
Eion Comm"nd "t the time #ont"#t w"s lost& h"s "lso not been $ound.
%eports to the .erovingi"n $rom the ?ener"lFs *entinel s#outs& r"nging $"rther
The Matrix Online Archives
"#ross the sur$"#e o$ the 1"rth& indi#"ted regul"r "rr"ys o$ sm"ll pod #lusters in "
loose grid+li:e p"ttern "#ross the otherwise li$eless l"nd. !he only signi$i#"nt
v"ri"tion $ound w"s "nother l"rge pod #luster "nd set o$ hum"n+growing 6ields over
=000 miles "w"y& $rom whi#h power #"bles led o$$ into the dist"n#eB #ont"#t to the
s#ount sending this report w"s lost& however& "nd the rem"inder were re#"lled to
preserve them $rom ."#hine p"trols. .erovingi"n estim"tes b"sed on "
#ompil"tion o$ re#ent $indings pl"#ed the ."tri popul"tion "t "pproim"tely 400
million hum"nsB "##ording to the .erovingi"n& these would s#"r#ely provide
su$$i#ient power $or the ."#hinesF needs.
,ith Lo#: still missing "$ter the destru#tion o$ EionFs old #ity by the ."#hines& C"p+
t"in %ol"nd w"s promoted to Comm"nder o$ EionFs milit"ry.
6ighting over the new red pill progr"ms #ontinued& with ."#hines wor:ing to :eep
the pills out o$ 1 'luribus 3eoFs h"nds. A h"rd b"ttle w"s $ought between the two
groups in ,estview& ending with ."#hinists re#overing some o$ the progr"ms.
Eion& investig"ting Cypherite involvement in the "tt"#:s le"ding to the destru#tion o$
the old #ity& #"ptured some d"t" $rom the Cypherites& "nd de#oded it "$ter $ighting
to g"in "##ess to Cypherite #omputers. !he d"t" #onsisted o$ " brie$ mess"ge
"bout 7"nielle ,right: D,e $ound " neologism $rom ,right: Alph"de#im"l.D Oper"t+
ives beg"n to investig"te i$ this in$orm"tion #ould rel"te to "ny previously dis+
#overed det"ils "bout the mysterious rese"r#her.
A high+level Eionite $ought o$$ .erovingi"n oper"tives while #ompl"ining "bout h"v+
ing to $ind his w"y to 'illsen $or Comm"nder %ol"nd. !he Eionite w"s b"ld& mus#u+
l"r& we"ring " green sleeveless !+shirt& "rm t"ttoos "nd green gl"sses& but his
n"me w"s un:nown.
."#hinists $ound 9rend" <tley touring the he"d)u"rters o$ ,right %ese"r#h in
V"uton. <tley hinted th"t her #omp"ny& #onsumer produ#ts gi"nt 'endhurst+Am"r+
"nth& m"y be interested in "#)uiring the rese"r#h $irm o$ the missing 7"nielle
!he Or"#le bumped into " $ew oper"tives o$ v"rious org"niz"tions in 7owntown& in+
viting them to "n impromptu pi#ni# in One Eero& where they dis#ussed pe"#e& w"r&
"nd e#onomi#s while mun#hing $reshly b":ed #oo:ies.
The Matrix Online Archives
!hapter A9;
*entinels "tt"#: EionFs #rippled #ity& $or#ing Eion to "b"ndon it. EionFs Comm"nder Lo#: is
missing. %ol"nd& whose ship w"s destroyed in the "tt"#:& is promoted to repl"#e Lo#:.
%ol"ndFs #rew member Colt be#omes " Eion #"pt"inB "nother #rew member& ."user& thought
to h"ve been :illed& is seen on *entinel surveill"n#e t"pes helping Lo#: es#"pe through
rubble in Eion. !he ."#hines use d"t" #"ptured $rom EionFs m"in$r"me& unlo#:ed $or them by
the #on$used .orpheus simul"#rum& to hunt down "nd :ill veter"n Eion oper"tives. !he
.erovingi"n $inds eviden#e o$ the ."#hines removing live hum"ns $rom the pod system.
Colt& C"pt"in %ol"ndFs $irst+m"te& newly promoted to #"pt"in sin#e %ol"ndFs own pro+
motion to Eion Comm"nder in pl"#e o$ the missing Lo#:& helped dire#t oper"tives in
he"ding o$$ "tt"#:s on Eion d"t" stores by both ."#hines "nd .erovingi"n 1iles. Colt
des#ribed the destru#tion o$ %ol"ndFs ship& its systems $ried by $eedb"#: when the ."+
#hines destroyed the old Eion m"in$r"me. 5e $e"red th"t some o$ his #rewm"tes& in+
#luding ."user "nd A(& h"d not survived the #r"sh& or the sw"rm o$ *entinels "round
old Eion& where the ship went down.
!he ."#hines #"ptured some potenti"lly use$ul d"t" $rom the Eion m"in$r"me: " three+
ye"r+old "r#hive o$ oper"tive %*- sign"tures. !he d"t" #ould be used to lo#: the :nown
oper"tiveFs sign"l& "nd prevent their emergen#y C"#:+out system $rom $un#tioning& m":+
ing " de"th in the simul"tion truly $"t"lB however& the "r#hive w"s neur"lly en#rypted&
"nd would unlo#: only when re#eiving sign"ls m"t#hing the br"inw"ve p"tterns o$
those who DsignedD it: Lo#:& or .orpheus. Attempting to solve this problem& the ."+
#hines #onstru#ted their own #rude simul"#rum o$ .orpheus $rom "v"il"ble d"t"& but it
w"s $ound l"#:ing in #orre#t hum"n responses& "nd w"s s#heduled $or tr"ining by op+
*ome o$ the ?ener"lFs *entinels were "mong the sw"rm in on the s"#: o$ Eion& "nd
#"ught glimpses o$ Lo#: "nd "nother m"n $leeing through the wre#:"ge. A$ter #"ptur+
ing ."#hine *entinel reports det"iling whi#h Eion ships were present in the vi#inity "t
the time& the .erovingi"nFs rese"r#hers identi$ied the other m"n "s ."user& $rom %o+
l"ndFs #rew. 3either Lo#: nor ."user h"ve been seen sin#e.
Colt "nd ?host& "nti#ip"ting th"t the ."#hines might try to use the ?ener"lFs .orpheus
simul"#rum to unlo#: the #"ptured %*- d"t"& led Eion oper"tives in their own pre+empt+
ive se"r#h $or the sim& but it proved elusive& "nd he"vy Agent "tt"#:s prohibited $urther
!he e+<nlimit& 9eirn& dis#overed A,OL 1lite Comm"ndo progr"ms in the white h"ll+
w"ys. 6"iling to #"ll them b"#: to duty under the ?ener"l "nd the .erovingi"n& 9eirn
disposed o$ the rebel progr"ms on h"nd& but& tired o$ the disorienting m"ze o$ h"llw"ys&
le$t the others to their own devi#es.
!he .erovingi"n "mbushed the ."#hine .orpheus simul"#rum& hoping to etr"#t
some use$ul d"t" $rom it. Although he m"n"ged to #o" it into " st"rtling displ"y o$
some o$ .orpheusF old #odes& he $ound its #omprehension highly limited& "nd "pp"r+
The Matrix Online Archives
ently in#"p"ble o$ giving him the :ind o$ in$orm"tion he w"s "$terB he seemed "lmost
relieved when the ."#hines re#"ptured it.
."#hine oper"tives led the sim through re+#re"tions o$ s#enes $rom its memory& hop+
ing to "ttune its mind to the st"te ne#ess"ry to m"t#h the re"l .orpheusF br"in p"t+
terns& "nd unlo#: the %*- "r#hive. 9ut the simFs re#"ll o$ "nd re"#tion to the events
w"s sh":y& "nd in the end it $"iled to "##ess the "r#hive. Agent '"#e h"d oper"tives
delete it.
!he 6urih"t"+b"sed redpill n"med D?r"#eD w"s $ound by Cypherites& pursuing *ilver
7r"gon g"ng members "#ross the -ntern"tion"l 7istri#t. ,ith help $rom the oper"tives&
she eventu"lly $ound wh"t she w"s "$ter: d"t" #on$irming th"t hers w"s "mong the %*-
sign"tures in the "r#hive #"ptured by the ."#hines. ?r"#e& on#e " Eionite& but now in+
dependent& worried th"t she would h"ve di$$i#ulty obt"ining the $irmw"re ne#ess"ry to
re#on$igure her bro"d#"st sign"l.
6ollowing " tip $rom the Or"#le& the .erovingi"n $ound eviden#e th"t the e"rly& pre+,"r
."#hines were mu#h simpler& "nd l"#:ing in #ompleity. 5e pondered whether this
#ould h"ve led to their reli"n#e on hum"ns.
.erovingi"n oper"tives $ound 'ersephone in " libr"ry in the Ch"te"u. *he re"d them
poems by *winburne de"ling with love& loss& "nd de"th. *omething $rom her p"st
seemed to weigh upon her mind.
9oth Eion "nd the ."#hines pursued the .orpheus simul"#rum& "ttempting to win it
over to their point o$ view rel"tive to the d"ngerous in$orm"tion& #"ptured $rom EionFs
de"d m"in$r"me& th"t it #ould possibly unlo#: $or the ."#hines. 9ut it "ppe"red unsure
o$ wh"t it should do& "nd even " $"#e+to+$"#e meeting with 3iobe $"iled to persu"de it
to #ommit itsel$ one w"y or the other.
1 'luribus 3eo spo:e to the Or"#le "nd *er"ph "bout the simul"#rum& but the Or"#le
w"s e#eption"lly v"gue on the topi#& "lthough she seemed very $"mili"r with the sim.
*ee:ing more in$orm"tion on how the ."#hines might possibly be $or#ed to give up
power $rom the ."tri& 1'3 t"rgetted #ode pulse deton"tions on power #enters in
,estview "nd 7owntown& #on$irming th"t simul"tion power #on#entr"tion is higher in
the 7owntown "re"& despite the presen#e o$ power pl"nt $"#ilities in ,estview.
!he .orpheus simul"#rum bro:e the en#ryption on the %*- sign"ture d"t"b"se the
."#hines h"d #"ptured $rom the Eion m"in$r"me. Eion veter"ns whose sign"tures
were on the list ev"#u"ted the ."tri to "void sign"l+lo#: "nd termin"tionB 3iobe "nd
?host were "mong them.
!he Cypherite #ontroller& Veil& led sever"l "ss"ssin"tion missions "g"inst
#ompromised Eionite veter"ns. A$ter one o$ these she w"s opposed by Colt& EionFs
rem"ining r"n:ing $ield o$$i#er& "s well "s other Eionites "nd .erovingi"n oper"tives
who #onverged on the s#ene. Colt "lso led " mission to res#ue d"t" $rom " Eion
org"niz"tion "re" to whi#h the #"ptured "r#hive h"d opened up "##ess $or the
!he .erovingi"n tr"#:ed down "nd summoned the pod subroutine who h"d been in
The Matrix Online Archives
#h"rge o$ overseeing the v"nished bluepill& ."ry ."#5enry& but the subroutine re$used
to #ooper"te. <ndeterred& the .erovingi"n "rr"nged to h"ve its log $iles stolen& "nd
$ound th"t the ."#hines h"d subCe#ted ."#5enry to vigorous physi#"l re#onditioning
be$ore removing her $rom her pod.
!he 1$$e#tu"tor snu#: " te"m o$ .erovingi"n oper"tives into " ."#hine detention
blo#: where they res#ued 5yp"ti"& returning her to the #ity $or some s#heme o$ the
Eion tried desper"tely to get its l"st sign"ture+#ompromised oper"tives out o$ the
."tri be$ore they #ould be termin"ted by the ."#hines. 9e$ore he #"n be led to "n
eit& oper"tive *trenlo& who st"yed in the ."tri trying to s"ve import"nt in$orm"tion
b"#:ed up $rom the lost Eion m"in$r"me& is termin"ted by Agents. Eion su##eeded&
however& in ev"#u"ting loner Joshu" ."ston& "n e+Eionite who h"s been wor:ing to
#ontinue .orpheusF leg"#y inside the ."tri. 9e$ore "llowing himsel$ to be ev"#u"ted&
."ston told Eion th"t while he w"s gr"te$ul $or their help& he would le"ve them "$ter
they re#on$igured his %*- sign"ture to prote#t him "g"inst sign"l lo#: "nd termin"tion.
'ersephone re#"lled " time during her wor: $or the ."#hines "t the pods when "
hum"n w"s removed& where the log $iles were very simil"r to those th"t h"ve been
$ound #on#erning the mysteriously v"nished ."ry ."#5enry. 5yp"ti"& to return the
$"vor $or her res#ue $rom the ."#hines& put the .erovingi"n in tou#h with the Ar#hivist
*o#iety& who #ould not $ind in$orm"tion on the spe#i$i# in#ident re#"lled by
'ersephone& but were "ble to loo: up yet "nother simil"r in#ident& this one h"ving
o##urred during the $irst version o$ the ."tri. *te"ling the $ingered in$orm"tion $rom
the ."#hines& the .erovingi"n $ound log $iles des#ribing the simult"neous live
dis#onne#tion o$ $ourteen individu"ls $rom the pods.
*uddenly "nd inepli#"bly& on the verge o$ #ompletely in#"p"#it"ting EionFs oper"tions
within the ."tri through termin"tion or $or#ed C"#:+out o$ ne"rly "ll o$ their veter"n
oper"tives& the ."#hines re#"lled their $or#es& both inside the ."tri "nd in the %e"l.
9e$ore retre"ting himsel$& the ?ener"l sent " bro"d#"st to the .erovingi"n& hurriedly
reporting " l"rge number o$ ."#hine *entinels t":ing up positions "round the ."#hine
#ity& "nd "nother l"rge $orm"tion o$ *entinels "ppro"#hing.
!he 1ile :nown "s 7igger showed some oper"tives " dungeon room hidden in the
tunnels deep below %"wlins Corner& epl"ining th"t he believed it to be " dire#t #ode
re+#re"tion o$ " room $rom the se#ond version o$ the ."tri. 7igger "nd the oper"tives
"lso eng"ged in some spe#ul"tion "s to ."#hine m"nipul"tion o$ symbols $rom the
9oo: o$ ?enesis& "long the lines o$ theories propounded by philosopher Ludwig
Andre"s 6euerb"#h& "nd the possibility o$ multiple ."tri simul"tions running one
inside the other. Among other ide"s $lo"ted& ?re"t,yrm suggested th"t the 1"rthFs
ruined s:y #ould be #omp"red to the $l"ming sword set down to prohibit m"n $rom re+
entering the bibli#"l ?"rden o$ 1den.
A number o$ oper"tives went on " tour o$ the Ouroboros #orpor"te he"d)u"rters in
Creston 5eights& #ondu#ted by "n irrit"tingly #hipper& yet somewh"t ev"sive& tour
guide. *ever"l odd pie#es o$ in$orm"tion #"me to light "bout the gi"nt ele#troni#s
."#hine oper"tives were #ont"#ted by " Eionite n"med Cp"hr& hoping they would
return to him " person"l digit"l "ssist"nt progr"m heFd lost when the ."#hines s"#:ed
The Matrix Online Archives
the old Eion m"in$r"me. <pon interrog"tion& it "ppe"red th"t the progr"m& EA-!*O&
might h"ve some :nowledge o$ previous #onvers"tions with the 1'3 le"der& the (id.
Oper"tives de#ided to :eep EA-!*O $or $urther )uestioning& mu#h to the sensitive
Cp"hrFs dism"y.
Eionites "ttempted to ev"#u"te " veter"n oper"tive& Viell"rd& #ompromised by the %*-
"r#hive the ."#hines h"d #"ptured $rom the Eion m"in$r"me. ."#hine progr"ms
$ormed " #ordon "t the ne"rest h"rdline& however& "nd Viell"rd& "ttempting to ev"de
the #ordon& w"s #"ught by the ."#hine oper"tive 7"rC"ri"n& "nd :illed by ."#hine
oper"tive *t"rs#hw"r.
The Matrix Online Archives
!hapter B9:
A glowing DintruderD "ppe"rs in the #ity& inst"ntly :illing Agents who try to stop him. 5e w"nts
in$orm"tion $rom Eion. !he ."#hines pull b"#: their $or#es in the %e"l& "nd try to prevent the
intruder $rom m":ing #ont"#t with Eion& but re$use to "tt"#: him dire#tlyB they eventu"lly "dmit
th"t he is " $reeborn hum"n& with some dire#t #ontrol over the ."tri through Doverride
#odes.D !he .erovingi"n tries to win the intruder over. 'luribus 3eo moves into the wre#:"ge
o$ EionFs old #ity.
A l"rge m"n #omposed o$ " glowing wire$r"me mesh "ppe"red "t As#ension
.onument& termin"ting " s)u"d o$ Agents who #on$ronted him be$ore dis"ppe"ring
into the 9"rrens.
!he ."#hines pulled b"#: their $or#es within the simul"tion "nd in the %e"l&
#on#entr"ting on lo#"ting "nd epelling the mysterious intruder. 5owever& he
demonstr"ted the "bility to delete or override their progr"ms "t will& #on$ounding their
"ttempts to de"l with him by $or#e. 5e w"s less domin"ting when #on$ronted by
oper"tives& but they $ound him to be etremely power$ulB he "ppe"red more "mused
th"n #on#erned when de"ling with their "ttempts to #ontrol him.
!he other org"niz"tions "lso pursued the intruder& interested in both his power "nd his
purpose. 1 'luribus 3eo retrieved str"nge #odes le$t behind by the intruder& some with
the "bility to in$luen#e l"rge "re"s o$ the simul"tion. Eion too: some o$ these #odes to
the Auditor& who& h"ving "n"lyzed them& be#"me "git"ted& s"ying th"t they shouldnFt
be in the ."tri "t "ll. ,hen Eion "s:ed the Or"#le $or in$orm"tion on the mysterious
m"n& she responded ev"sively& "ppe"ring to :now more th"n she w"s willing to s"y
"bout him.
,hen #on$ronted by Cypherites& the intruder #ountered them with overridden ."#hine
progr"ms. -n " l"ter oper"tion& Cypherites& led by Veil& stopped Eionites $rom m":ing
#ont"#t with the intruder.
!he .erovingi"n& hoping to use the intruderFs power& tr"#:ed him down with the
epensive "ssist"n#e o$ the in$orm"tion epert& Cerule"n. Attempting to impress the
str"nger with displ"ys o$ power "nd in$luen#e& the .erovingi"n introdu#ed him to
Cerule"n& ."lph"s& Oo:"mi& "nd 5yp"ti"& but the intruder& while hinting "t some
$"mili"rity with 1ile progr"ms "nd ."tri history& seemed only mildly interested.
Attempts by .erovingi"n oper"tives to win the intruder over met with e)u"lly lu:ew"rm
su##ess& "s he "ppe"red to reg"rd their #l"ims o$ .erovingi"n might with gre"t
Eion& using d"t" retrieved $rom intruder #odes& $ound " w"y to #ont"#t the mysterious
m"n by h"#:ing into l"ndlines& "nd m"n"ged to get " mess"ge through to him& despite
."#hine C"mming "ttempts. 5is brie$ reply indi#"ted some interest in he"ring $rom the
1 'luribus "lso used the l"ndline eploit to re"#h the intruder with " mess"ge& "nd
were "ble to meet with him deep below the #ity streets. 5e )uestioned them "bout their
pl"ns to #omb"t the ."#hines& seeming s:epti#"l o$ their #h"n#es.
Cypherites showed #on#ern th"t the intruderFs high pro$ile w"s disturbing #itizens o$
The Matrix Online Archives
the simul"tion. Cryptos led oper"tives in " pl"n designed to disrupt "ttempts by 1
'luribus 3eo "nd Eion to re"#h the intruder& with p"rti"l su##essB the intruder displ"yed
" b"$$ling mi o$ interest "nd disinterest in oper"tive "$$"irs.
!he .erovingi"n h"d 1lite Comm"ndos brought into the ."tri to demonstr"te his
milit"ry #"p"bilities to the intruder& who w"s mildly interestedB however& " $urther
demonstr"tion& " b"ttle between #omm"ndos "nd .erovingi"n oper"tives& bored the
intruder& who wiped out the #omm"ndo progr"ms& mu#h to the ?ener"lFs disple"sure.
!he intruder met with 3iobe& "nd epressed "n interest in EionFs rebellion "g"inst the
."#hines. 5e l"ter met with Eion oper"tives& "s:ing m"ny )uestions "bout their
de$enses& "rm"ments& "nd pl"ns $or #omb"ting the ."#hines.
!he ."#hine poli#y o$ "voiding the intruder while preventing other org"niz"tions $rom
#ont"#ting him be#"me $rustr"ting to their own oper"tives. Agent '"#e epl"ined th"t
the intruder is inetri#"bly lin:ed with highly sensitive *ystem in$orm"tion th"t
"bsolutely #"nnot be #ompromised. *he "lso s"id th"t be#"use the ."tri w"s not
designed to support his #ode& his presen#e within the simul"tion is #"using problemsB
be#"use they #"nnot remove him dire#tly& they will h"ve to wor: to minimize his imp"#t
on the simul"tion "s mu#h "s possible& while "voiding "ggr"v"ting him $urther.
Cypherites loo:ed into how the intruder might be entering the simul"tion. Although they
#ouldnFt $ind out i$ he w"s using some sort o$ un:nown C"#:+in te#hnology& )uestioning
the Auditor reve"led th"t the intruderFs #ode is " higher version th"n the ."tri itsel$.
!he .erovingi"n "ttempted to impress the intruder with 'ersephone "nd v"rious
simul"ted delights& but while the intruder seemed interested in the possibility o$ the
.erovingi"nFs use$ulness& he did not respond enthusi"sti#"lly to the progr"mmed
!he .erovingi"n st"ged " p"rty in the 5el Club& "nd su##eeded in getting the intruder
to "ppe"r& "lthough he seemed more interested in loo:ing "round "nd sp"rring with
oper"tives th"n in light #onvers"tion.
1 'luribus 3eo beg"n moving their ships into the "b"ndoned& wre#:ed #ity now :nown
"s DOldD Eion& where they h"ve initi"ted pl"ns to improve the de$enses so th"t the #ity&
$"irly #lose to the ."#hine #ity itsel$& #"n be used "s " $orw"rd b"se.
The Matrix Online Archives
!hapter B98
!he intruder pumps Eion $or in$orm"tion "bout their history. 1'3 begins to $orti$y EionFs old
#ity& "nd $ind Comm"nder Lo#: lying wounded in " hidden l"b "t the sur$"#e. Lo#: s"ys he
w"s s"ved by ."user& who died de$ending him $rom *entinels. !he ."#hines try to #onvin#e
the intruder to le"ve. 5e be#omes in#re"singly $rustr"ted& "nd dem"nds th"t the ."#hines
give him " Dbiologi#"l inter$"#e progr"m.D !hey #l"im th"t only one eists& "nd it is not in the
."tri. !he .erovingi"n se"r#hes $or progr"ms the intruder might be willing to tr"de $or&
without su##ess.
!he power$ul intruder e"mined the .orpheus simul"#rum& m"de dem"nds to the
Ar#hite#t& pumped Eion "nd 1'3 $or in$orm"tion on 3eo "nd !rinity& "nd te"sed the
?ener"l by displ"ying :nowledge o$ his old D*ee:erD missiles. ,hen Cypherites& opting
$or CryptosF "ppro"#h o$ t"l:ing to him over VeilFs desire to "tt"#: him& "ttempted to
)uestion him& he re$used to "nswer. A$ter most o$ these en#ounters& he le$t power$ul&
hostile progr"ms in his w":e& in#luding " l"rge progr"m th"t pumped out " #ontinuous
stre"m o$ overridden ."#hine $or#es. 1ven the .erovingi"n& snooping through
."#hine $iles& did not m"n"ge to dig up de$inite in$orm"tion on the intruder.
Around the #on$usion #"used by the intruder& the m"n+m"#hine w"r #ontinued& with
1'3 res#uing the #rew o$ their hover#r"$t 5orizon& who h"d been #"ptured while
obt"ining ."#hine m"ps o$ the wre#:ed old Eion #ity& while Cypherites beg"n wor:ing
to hiC"#: the Eion hover#r"$t Juggern"ut& whose etremist #"pt"in h"d been elimin"ting
9luepills& whom he reg"rded "s sub+hum"n.
1'3 dete#ted " Eion+type emergen#y be"#on sign"l #oming $rom the sur$"#e "bove
the old #ity& "nd sent #rews to investig"te.
Cypherites hiC"#:ed the Eion hover#r"$t Juggern"ught& whose #"pt"in& Cin)uez& they
"##used o$ the murder o$ 9luepills who re$used the red pill. !"unted by Cypherite
oper"tives in the ."tri& Cin)uez le"rned o$ the hiC"#:ing "nd m"n"ged to C"#: out "nd
deton"te the hover#r"$t& :illing "ll on bo"rd.
5unting through ."#hine systems& .erovingi"n oper"tives $ound " p"rti"l note o$ "
meeting between the ."#hines "nd the intruder th"t too: pl"#e be$ore the intruder
entered the ."tri& in whi#h the intruder "ppe"red to h"ve re$erred to the ?ener"lFs old
D*t"lingr"dD b"se. !he .erovingi"n #"lled " #on$eren#e on the subCe#t with oper"tives
"nd the ?ener"l& in whi#h it w"s de#ided th"t the presen#e o$ *"ti "t *t"lingr"d "t the
time o$ the ."#hine "tt"#: m"y h"ve been wh"t "ttr"#ted the intruderFs interest.
."#hine oper"tives m"n"ged to re"#h the intruder "nd get him to "gree to " meeting.
At the meeting& he w"s surprised th"t Agent '"#e w"s $em"le& but grew "ngry when
she s"id the ."#hines did not h"ve wh"t he w"s loo:ing $or. !he intruder dem"nded to
meet with the Ar#hite#t& "nd Agent '"#e s"id this would be "rr"nged.
Eion $ound the intruder t":ing #ode re"dings in the slum building where 3eo w"s
"wo:en by .orpheus.
1'3 $ollowed "n emergen#y be"#on to " wre#:ed sur$"#e $"#ility "bove Eion& where
they $ound Comm"nder Lo#:& we": "nd re#overing $rom wounds& but #ons#ious. !hey
ev"#u"ted him to the old #ity.
The Matrix Online Archives
!"iling the intruder& 1'3 $ound him e"mining upper $loors o$ " s:ys#r"per in Center
'"r:. Comments by the intruder suggested th"t it w"s the spot where !rinity h"#:ed
the ."#hine power grid "nd re#eived " $"t"l gunshot wound $rom "n Agent& be$ore
being #"ught "nd mir"#ulously revived by 3eo. !he intruder did not o$$er "n
epl"n"tion o$ his presen#e there& but it "ppe"red to h"ve something to do with the
obCe#t o$ his se"r#h. 5e "lso mentioned th"t he didnFt w"nt oper"tives :nowing wh"t it
w"s& be#"use they might w"nt it too.
EionFs Comm"nder Lo#:& gu"rded by 1'3 "nd re#overing in the old #ity& sent "
mess"ge to Eionites with the story o$ his res#ue $rom the ."#hine "tt"#: on Eion by
."user& who too: him to "n "b"ndoned l"b $"#ility on the sur$"#e& "nd tended to
Lo#:Fs inCuries until being :illed while le"ding *entinels "w"y $rom his position.
Overhe"ring this story& the intruder epressed surprise th"t ."user h"d " gun e$$e#tive
"g"inst *entinels. Colt w"s ep"nding upon this by des#ribing how 3eo #ould z"p
*entinels with his b"re h"nds when he w"s suddenly interrupted by the intruder $lying
into "n inepli#"ble r"ge& s"ying D!hey ,1%1 lyingRD
A$ter this& power$ul override progr"ms #re"ted by the intruder beg"n to "ppe"r "round
the #ity& in#luding A##eler"tors& "nd the newly en#ountered D7e#eler"torD "nd
D%untimeD progr"ms.
Eion& "ttempting to tr"#: down the intruder "nd #onvin#e him to eer#ise more
dis#rimin"tion in his "tt"#:s& r"n "$oul o$ Cypherites out to shut down the intruderFs
progr"ms be$ore they #ould end"nger #itizens. ,hen " group o$ Eionites org"nized by
?host $in"lly #"ught up with the intruder& he "##used them o$ being involved in " #over+
up with the ."#hines& "nd "tt"#:ed them.
*hortly "$ter Cypherites removed " series o$ the d"ngerous progr"ms $rom 7owntown&
in#luding some "round the ?overnment 9uilding& Agent ?r"y #"lled upon ."#hinists to
elimin"te Agent progr"ms th"t h"d been turned "g"inst the *ystem by A##eler"tors.
!he .erovingi"n& $ollowing eviden#e suggesting th"t the intruder m"y h"ve been
interested in the Or"#leFs w"rd& *"ti& sent oper"tives to )uestion the intruder "bout the
girl& but w"s un"ble to lo#"te him. 6lood dire#ted "n "ttempt to :idn"p *"ti without the
intruderFs input& but the oper"tives sent into ."r" $ound only *er"ph& who w"rned them
th"t *"ti would not be $ound while #ert"in #onditions persisted.
Another "ttempt to lo#"te the intruder& "ssisted by one o$ the ?ener"lFs 1lite
Comm"ndo re#onn"iss"n#e progr"ms& su##eeded in $inding him& "nd #onvin#ing him
to meet the ?ener"l& "lthough the intruder "ppe"red to be un$"mili"r with *"tiFs n"me
"nd signi$i#"n#e. 5er role in #"using the ."#hines to "tt"#: the ?ener"lFs *t"lingr"d
b"se #"ught his "ttention& but not to the point th"t he w"s willing to pursue her himsel$.
-nste"d& he suggested th"t the ?ener"l re#over his own d"t" on the 1ile $rom the
."#hines& "nd "s:ed to be :ept "ppr"ised o$ "ny progress m"de in th"t reg"rd.
!he (id #ont"#ted Eion with det"ils on the sur$"#e l"b in whi#h 1'3 $ound Comm"nder
Lo#:: the stru#ture showed signs o$ d"m"ge $rom *entinels& "nd " Eion Dlightning gunDB
."userFs $ingerprints& "nd tr"#es o$ his blood& were $ound inside. !he l"b e)uipment
w"s entirely wre#:ed. !ynd"ll sent Eion oper"tives to #"pture ."#hine logs o$ *entinel
"#tivity "t the site& but no re#ords o$ "ny su#h "#tivity were $ound.
!he ."#hines $ound "n intruder+sp"wned D!ermin"torD progr"m behind the de"ths o$
The Matrix Online Archives
m"ny *ystem Agents. 6ortun"tely& oper"tives were "ble to elimin"te the progr"m.
!he ?ener"l helped .erovingi"n oper"tives re#over some o$ his d"t" th"t h"d been
#"ptured by the ."#hines& but his d"t" on *"ti "ppe"red to be missing. A$ter
#onsulting with the intruder "bout the *"ti )uestion& the intruder& he"ring th"t *"ti w"s
only out o$ the ."tri on#e& "s " stored #omputer progr"m in the ?ener"lFs b"se&
de#ided th"t she #ouldnFt be wh"t heFs loo:ing $or& whi#h is something he #"lled "
Dbiologi#"l inter$"#e progr"m&D "dding th"t i$ the .erovingi"n #ould obt"in one $or him&
he would m":e him D:ing o$ the ."tri.D
."#hine oper"tives loo:ing $or the intruder tr"#:ed him down in the vi#inity o$ the
.et"#orte building. !he intruder ehibited "nger "nd imp"tien#e& "nd w"s unwilling to
"nswer )uestions put to him by the oper"tives. ,hen Agent ?r"y intervened& "s:ing
why the intruder s:ipped the meeting th"t h"d been "rr"nged with the Ar#hite#t& the
intruder used "n override #ode to termin"te ?r"y& then told oper"tives th"t the
."#hines were still DCer:ing his #h"in.D Agent '"#e "ppe"red on the s#ene& despite
oper"tive w"rnings& "nd told the intruder th"t the Ar#hite#t would "w"it the meeting&
s"ying th"t the intruder would be "ble to termin"te the Ar#hite#t himsel$ i$ he $ound the
meeting disple"sing. !he somewh"t molli$ied intruder s"id th"t heFd see "bout it.
Eionite oper"tives were #"lled in "$ter " report o$ the intruder ne"r the Chelse"
Convention Center& where they $ound him $ighting overwhelmed 9oo:wyrms. !he
intruder #ut through the 9oo:wyrms in the Center to re"#h 5yp"ti"& "nd dem"nded th"t
she give him " biologi#"l inter$"#e progr"m. ,hen she s"id th"t she didnFt h"ve su#h "
thing& the intruder termin"ted her. ,"ndering through the buildingFs lobby& he s"id
something "bout being Dtr"pped&D be$ore "ppe"ring to C"#: out.
Oper"tives identi$ied #ont"#t between *er"ph& .orpheus& "nd Lo %uh"m"h. .orpheus
w"s seen with %uh"m"h "t the Ab"ndoned *ubw"y.
A #on$used #omputer h"#:er n"med D.urpheyD dressed "s "n Agent "nd went Don
p"trolD "round p"rts o$ %i#hl"nd "nd 7owntown& o##"sion"lly s"ying odd things& even
long bin"ry numbers. Agent ?ri$$in "ppe"red on the s#ene "nd in$ormed oper"tives
$ollowing .urphey th"t .urphey w"s believed to h"ve lo#"ted " l"rge #"#he o$ the
intruderFs override progr"ms& but th"t " #lose e"min"tion o$ the progr"ms h"d
unhinged .urpheyFs mind. -t w"s hoped th"t "n "n"lysis o$ .urpheyFs utter"n#es
would reve"l the lo#"tion o$ the d"ngerous progr"ms. !his w"s "#hieved by 0ur"nos&
who lo#"ted the progr"ms in the building housing the 7eus Lounge.
9eirn submitted himsel$ to e"min"tion by the intruder "t Club Cy#lo. !he intruder
dete#ted the ."#hine #he"t #odes in 9eirnFs system& "nd w"s only #onvin#ed th"t
9eirn w"s not " ."#hine "$ter subCe#ting him to v"rious override #odes. !he intruder
invited 9eirn to try his #he"t #ode "bilities on him& "nd 9eirn w"s surprised to $ind the
intruder immune to them. !he intruder )uestioned the ?ener"l "bout the origins o$ the
#he"t #odes& but eventu"lly dismissed them "s irrelev"nt to his se"r#h.
5yp"ti" h"d been imper$e#tly restored by her loy"l 9oo:wyrms "$ter her termin"tion by
the intruder& so ."#hine oper"tives s"w to the Cob properly& removing the #ode
overrides $rom her routine with " #le"n :ill.
Agent ?r"y& still re#overing $rom "n en#ounter o$ his own with the intruderFs termin"tion
routine& $"#ilit"ted " meeting between the intruder "nd the Ar#hite#t& with Agent '"#e
The Matrix Online Archives
"nd " senior oper"tive "lso in "ttend"n#e. !he intruder dem"nded " Dbiologi#"l
inter$"#e progr"m&D s"ying he :new th"t it eisted. !he Ar#hite#t #on$irmed this& but
denied h"ving #re"ted it& "nd told the intruder th"t the only surviving #opy w"s
removed $rom the ."tri& "s the intruder himsel$ h"d witnessed. !he ."#hines hoped
th"t this in$orm"tion would inspire the intruder to le"ve the ."tri.
Eion se"r#hed ,right %ese"r#h in the hopes o$ $inding something "bout the Dbiologi#"l
inter$"#e progr"mD the intruder h"s mentioned w"nting& but even though inter$"#e
te#hnology w"s one o$ 7"nielle ,rightFs "re"s o$ p"rti#ul"r epertise& nothing
promising turned up "t the ,right $"#ilities. !he intruder didnFt seem surprised by this&
hinting th"t the progr"m w"snFt written by " hum"n.
!he .erovingi"n& de#iding to pro#ure the mysterious progr"m himsel$& #he#:ed with
possible 1ile sour#es& su#h "s 'ersephone "nd *ilver& but #"me up empty+h"nded.
As:ing the intruder& who they $ound surrounded by de"d 340 A?43!*& to provide
more in$orm"tion "bout the progr"m& oper"tives were told th"t progr"ms m"de by the
1iles in )uestion were nothing li:e wh"t he w"nted& "nd th"t he w"s #ert"in the
progr"m is somewhere in the ."tri. !he intruder "lso mentioned something "bout
someone else h"ving Dt":en the other one.D
!he (id helped oper"tives 7emedri"n "nd !sus"i #le"r power$ul override progr"ms out
o$ -:ebu:uro& "lthough the t"s: w"s #ompli#"ted when eng"gement proto#ols were
overridden. !he (id "lso en#ountered oper"tives in *t"mos& where he w"s wondering
"bout re#ent "#tivity in the "re". ,hile t"l:ing& "n override routine hit the "re"& "nd the
group w"s unepe#tedly "tt"#:ed by 340 A?43!*.
Others h"d "lso t":en "n interest in the .orpheus simul"#rumFs re#ent ,estview
"#tivity. Agent '"#e led " se"r#h $or the sim in ,estview& but when oper"tives
"ttempted to hold the simul"#rum $or )uestioning& they $ound themselves pushed "w"y
$rom him. Agent '"#e ordered the sim to surrender& but he $led "#ross the distri#t&
eluding pursuit. 9e$ore $leeing& the simul"#rum s"id something "bout Dthe w"t#hers.D
Veil& in the #omp"ny o$ oper"tive 6yror& tr"#:ed the simul"#rum down to " r"msh"#:le
building& "nd "s:ed him wh"t he w"s up to. !he simul"#rum responded with "
)uot"tion $rom "n "n#ient sour#e& whi#h in#luded re$eren#es to #ert"in omens& "nd
Dthe te"#hing o$ the w"t#hers.D
!he .erovingi"n sought in$orm"tion on the simul"#rumFs "#tivities "s well& with 6lood
sending oper"tives& led by Oo:"mi& to )uestion two prominent ,estview 1iles: -ndigo
"nd Amber. -ndigo #l"imed to :now nothing "bout the simul"#rumFs "#tivities& #"lling it
"n outd"ted reCe#t. Amber mentioned th"t the simul"#rum h"d been in #ont"#t with
m"ny DgutterD people in the "re"& simil"r to the Dri$$+r"$$D who o$ten "sso#i"te with the
Or"#le. V"rious #onspir"#y theories were dis#ussed& but 6lood dismissed them "s
1limin"ting some override progr"ms in 7owntown& ?host "nd other Eion oper"tives
en#ountered the intruder& who beg"n "s:ing )uestions "bout the rel"tionship between
3eo "nd !rinity. !hose present were not interested in giving him the in$orm"tion& "nd
he le$t $rustr"ted.
-n ,estview& Eion oper"tives elimin"ted one o$ the intruderFs A##eler"tor progr"ms th"t
w"s overriding the 7emon Legion g"ng in *obr" *hores. !he ze"lous redpill 6"ther
The Matrix Online Archives
Jon"s led the 9rethren "nd other Eion oper"tives to the g"ngFs le"der& Jezebeth& who
helped tr"#: down the A##eler"tor.
.erovingi"n oper"tives $ound 'ersephone #ontempl"ting one o$ the intruderFs
7e#eler"tor progr"ms on the top $loor o$ " building downtown. 'ersephone st"ted her
opinion th"t the intruder w"s "n empty shell o$ " m"n& s"ying th"t he would not& $or
inst"n#e& h"ve used his "bilities to de$end someone& li:e the "ssembled oper"tives
de$ended 'ersephone "g"inst m"r"uding Eionites.
*him"d" "nd other 1 'luribus 3eo members went "$ter " ."#hine inst"ll"tion in
downtown& trying to obt"in d"t" rel"ting to the Dbiologi#"l inter$"#e progr"mD the
intruder h"s mentioned being interested in. 1'3 w"s tipped o$$ to the eisten#e o$ the
in$orm"tion by " h"#:er& 'i)o& who $ound " re$eren#e to it in " two+month+old ."#hine
d"t" "r#hive. An overwhelming se#urity #ounter+"tt"#: by Agents "t the site prevented
1'3 $rom retrieving "ny d"t"& however.
The Matrix Online Archives
!hapter B9;
A se#ond glowing $igure& C"rlyne& enters the ."tri& "tt"#:ing the $irst intruder& 5"lborn. !he
.orpheus simul"#rum #ont"#ts 1iles in ,estview. 5"lborn le"rns $rom the ."#hines th"t
the Or"#le #re"ted the progr"m he see:s& "nd pursues her. 5e is supported by the
.erovingi"n& "nd opposed by Eion& who h"ve help $rom C"rlyne. !he Or"#le #ont"#ts 1'3
"nd the Cypherites& giving e"#h group p"rt o$ "n en#rypted progr"m& "nd "s:s them to w"t#h
over *"ti. 5"lborn re"#hes the Or"#le& who re$uses to help him& "nd :ills her.
,ith *ister ."rg"retFs help& Cypherites se"r#hing $or the Or"#le $ound *er"ph& who
"lluded to " widespre"d pl"n& "nd s"id th"t others would be #"lled upon to help "t the
right time.
A se#ond wire$r"med m"n "ppe"red& #on$ronting "nd $ighting the intruder in ,estview.
A##ording to their monitored #onvers"tion& they "ppe"red to be "t odds over the
"#)uisition o$ something.
5"lborn& :nown until now only "s the Dintruder&D #ompl"ined to Eion th"t the other m"n&
C"rlyne& whom he h"s :nown $or some time& is " pr"#ti#ed li"r. C"rlyne& on the other
h"nd& visited the ."#hines& telling them th"t he w"nted to help them by removing
5"lborn $rom the ."tri.
!he .erovingi"n met with both men& "ssuring them o$ his $ull "id in their $ight "g"inst
the other.
-n " l"ter meeting with ."#hinists in the ?overnment 9uilding& C"rlyne told them th"t
5"lborn is se"r#hing $or wh"t heFs #"lled " Dbiologi#"l inter$"#e progr"mD be#"use his
re"l body is essenti"lly de"d& "nd 5"lborn hopes the progr"m will o$$er " remedy $or
this #ondition. .eeting with the Cypherites& C"rlyne "pologized $or the problems
#"used by override progr"ms& "nd s"id th"t he hoped he wouldnFt be needed "t "ll to
remove 5"lborn& but th"t 5"lbornFs override "#tivity "ppe"red to be re"#hing "
d"ngerous point.
5"lborn& me"nwhile& $rustr"ted by his $"ilure to lo#"te the inter$"#e progr"m& even with
the "ssist"n#e o$ .erovingi"n oper"tives& de#ided th"t he would h"ve to go b"#: to the
."#hines "nd "s: them who m"de the progr"m.
!he busy C"rlyne #ontinued his rounds& en#ountering 1 'luribus 3eo& "g"in
mentioning 5"lbornFs #riti#"l #ondition in the re"l world. 5e s"id th"t his m"in go"l is to
get 5"lborn out o$ the ."tri& "nd th"t th"t would bene$it him in #ert"in w"ysB he "lso
mentioned th"t he w"s #urious to see i$ the inter$"#e progr"m 5"lborn w"nts re"lly
eists& or i$ it is Cust " $igment o$ 5"lbornFs desper"te im"gin"tion.
5"lborn dem"nded to see the Ar#hite#t& "nd "s:ed him to n"me the #re"tor o$ the
biologi#"l inter$"#e progr"m. !he Ar#hite#t told him it w"s written by the Or"#le. ,hen
oper"tives were "s:ed by C"rlyne whether they h"d seen 5"lborn& who he is
se"r#hing $or& they were instru#ted to s"y Dno.D
*tonew"lled by Eion& 5"lborn went out on his own to loo: $or the Or"#le. A$ter the
dep"rture o$ 5"lborn& C"rlyne #ont"#ted Eion& s"ying th"t he w"nts to help them stop
The Matrix Online Archives
.erovingi"ns $ound 5"lborn in the pro#ess o$ overriding more 1ile progr"ms. 5e
re)uested in$orm"tion on the Or"#le& whi#h the .erovingi"n w"s h"ppy to supply.
*e"r#hing $or the Or"#le& ."#hine oper"tives re#overed d"t" $r"gments th"t m"y h"ve
been "uthored by the Or"#le. !hese $r"gments were provided by the 1ile g"ng le"der
Eero& in return $or "ssist"n#e in " business de"l with other sh"dy #h"r"#ters.
Cypherites #"me "#ross eviden#e o$ " ."#hine investig"tion o$ override #ode use in
Apollyon& but Agent '"#e #l"imed to be un"ble to provide them with "ny in$orm"tion
beyond spe#ul"tion th"t one or even both o$ the wire$r"med intruders w"s involved.
*e"r#hing $urther "$ield& the Cypherites $ound #ode overrides in use in the One Eero
#onstru#t& "nd neutr"lized them.
A member o$ the Ar#hivist so#iety polled oper"tives in the new 7"t"mine #onstru#t on
their opinions o$ the "re". ."lph"s wondered i$ there w"s "nother motive behind the
re#ent in#re"se in Ar#hivist *o#iety "#tivity besides their usu"l pro$it+m":ing $rom
"r#hived histori#"l d"t".
C"rlyne w"s invited to " .erovingi"n meeting "t the J"de %oom. 5e mentioned to the
.erovingi"n th"t heFd he"rd 5"lborn w"s "s:ing )uestions "bout the Or"#le& but the
.erovingi"n "ssured C"rlyne th"t his prim"ry interest w"s in "iding him "g"inst his
riv"l. !o demonstr"te this& he h"d oper"tives guide C"rlyne to override progr"ms
pl"#ed by 5"lborn in .ur"s":i.
Colt led " se"r#h by Eion oper"tives $or the Or"#le in ."r"& to #ont"#t her "bout
5"lborn. ."r" g"ng boss Owl 9"nghe"rt& whose g"ng h"d been su$$ering $rom #ode
overrides in the "re"& told the oper"tives th"t the Or"#le h"dnFt been "round l"tely& but
th"t heFd seen *er"ph dis"ppe"r through " doorw"y. Oper"tives lo#"ted *er"ph in the
system o$ white h"llw"ys br"n#hing o$$ o$ the ,hite Lotus 5otelFs side entr"n#e.
*er"ph s"id th"t the Or"#le h"d epe#ted something li:e the #urrent situ"tion& "nd th"t
this w"s not the right time to meet her. 5e "dded th"t others would be trying to lo#"te
her "s well& "nd th"t the Or"#le would not be "ble to "void them "ll without help.
5"lborn se"r#hed $or the Or"#le in the vi#inity o$ ."r" while C"rlyne& b"#:ed by Eion&
se"r#hed $or him. !he ."#hines mobilized their oper"tives to :eep hostiles "w"y $rom
5"lborn in order to "llow him to #omplete his t"s:& hoping th"t "$terw"rds he would
le"ve the ."tri.
!he .erovingi"n #ondu#ted his own se"r#h $or the Or"#le& un#overing eviden#e o$ "
deep+se"ted plot "mong #ert"in 1ile groups. !his investig"tion& however& w"s
interrupted by C"rlyne& who s"w it "s #on$irm"tion o$ the .erovingi"nFs support $or his
riv"l& "nd severed his #onne#tion with the 6ren#hm"n.
!he pressure+#oo:er situ"tion "round ."r" resulted in numerous violent en#ounters
involving oper"tives& the two wire$r"med riv"ls& "nd their override progr"ms.
+ ?host "nd Colt& #ondu#ting " #overt oper"tion in ,estview& h"d to "bort "nd #"ll in
rein$or#ements when the Agent they were $ighting be#"me A##eler"ted by "n override
+ 3iobe "nd Eion oper"tives b"ttled 5"lborn& deleting m"ny o$ his progr"ms in
+ ."#hinists b"ttled override+supported Eionites "t ."gog *outh. ,hile the ."#hinists
$ought to hold o$$ the Eionites& 5"lborn showed up "nd elimin"ted the override #odes&
The Matrix Online Archives
"llowing the ."#hines to send in Agents to se#ure the "re".
+ A l"rge w"ve o$ progr"ms& some "ligned with the ."#hines& some with Eion& "nd
some with no oper"tive group& "ppe"red throughout north %i#hl"nd. Oper"tives b"ttled
to remove them.
.e"nwhile& sm"ll groups o$ ."#hinists lo#"ted the Or"#le in ."r"& but the "ppe"r"n#e
o$ *er"ph& "nd dire#tives $rom Agent ?r"y det"iling ."#hine #on#erns reg"rding the
over"ll situ"tion& re)uired the oper"tives to dep"rt without "rresting her.
*hortly there"$ter& .erovingi"n oper"tives& tr"#:ing suspi#ious movements into the
*":ur" #onstru#t& $ound 1'3 soldiers there. A b"ttle bro:e out& in the midst o$ whi#h
*er"ph "ppe"red& pro#eeding to elimin"te m"ny o$ the .erovingi"n oper"tives $rom
the #onstru#t& despite the signi$i#"nt support the .erovingi"ns re#eived $rom their
he"ler& Ci"oNun. !he survivors $ound themselves $"#e+to+$"#e with the Or"#le& who
told them th"t they might soon $ind something very v"lu"ble& but w"rned them "g"inst
trying to use it sel$ishly.
Eion lo#"ted 5"lborn& "nd #ommuni#"ted his position to C"rlyne& so th"t he #ould be
stopped be$ore re"#hing his go"l: the Or"#le. 5"lborn& still un"ble to lo#"te her&
dem"nded th"t the ."#hines help him lo#"te her& but the ."#hines #l"imed th"t she
h"d been designed spe#i$i#"lly to be unpredi#t"ble. And the .erovingi"n& sensing th"t
5"lborn w"s $"ltering in his se"r#h& "rr"nged " str"tegi# pl"nning meeting to revit"lize
his #"mp"ign& but 5"lborn did not "rrive.
<ltim"tely& C"rlyne& with help $rom Eion& inter#epted the isol"ted 5"lborn. Oper"tives
$rom "ll org"niz"tions "ttempted to inter$ere or monitor the en#ounter& but "n in#redibly
power$ul override #ode bl"st $or#ed everyone to ev"#u"te the "re"& "nd overlo"ded
monitoring sensors throughout the distri#t.
!he ."#hines #ontinued wor:ing to underst"nd mysterious d"t" $r"gments theyFd
re#overed sever"l wee:s e"rlier in %i#hl"nd& possibly #onne#ted with the Or"#le. An
e##entri# ."#hine te#hni#i"n #"me up with " pl"n to de#ode the $r"gmentsF uni)ue
$uzzy logi# routines with the help o$ unst"ble #ode within the 7"t"mine #onstru#t. ,hile
this pl"n #ost the te#hni#i"n his eisten#e& "nd did not retrieve " $ull d"t" set& some
in$orm"tion w"s obt"ined& "nd Agent '"#e too: person"l #h"rge o$ the $r"gment
!he Or"#le #"lled Veil "nd Cypherite oper"tives to " surprise meeting in the One Eero
#onstru#t& where she h"nded Veil wh"t "ppe"red to be "n en#rypted #ode $r"gment&
"nd "s:ed the Cypherites to w"t#h over *"ti $or her. Although very #urious "s to wh"t
the $r"gment #ont"ined& "nd wh"t w"s motiv"ting the Or"#le to m":e these re)uests&
the Cypherites "greed to help her.
1'3 oper"tives& removing override progr"ms $rom 7ebir Court& were #on$ronted by
*er"ph& who invited them to step through the doorw"y "t the end o$ the #ourty"rd.
7oing so& they $ound themselves in the Ashen#ourte #onstru#t& where the Or"#le
greeted them& giving *him"d" " pie#e o$ en#rypted #ode& "nd "s:ing the oper"tives to
w"t#h over *"ti. !he oper"tives "ssured her th"t they would do wh"t they #ould to help
!he net d"y& Cypherites led to <ri"h by Cryptos in order to remove override progr"ms
$rom the <ri"h do#:s r"n into 1'3& who h"ppened to be holding " meeting in ne"rby
Club '"r"ll"is. 6ighting bro:e out between some members o$ the two p"rties& while
The Matrix Online Archives
others #on#entr"ted on removing the progr"ms. ,ith most o$ the progr"ms removed&
#on#entr"ted se#tions o$ both org"niz"tions beg"n " $ier#e b"ttle th"t ended when
Cryptos& supported by his oper"tives& who "t th"t point held " numeri# superiority "t
the s#ene& m"n"ged to de$e"t the (id. Cryptos #"lled " retre"t& de#l"ring the
CypheritesF Cob #omplete. ,hen his troops r"llied& "nd the oper"tive !ygrius revived
him& the (id led them to remove the l"st o$ the override #odes in the "re".
*e"r#hing $or 5"lborn "round the site o$ his #l"sh with C"rlyne in the *lums& Oo:"mi
su$$ered domin"tion by override progr"ms in$esting the "re". .erovingi"n oper"tives
#"lled in to lo#"te her h"d to resist her out o$ #ontrol "tt"#:s& but& retr"#ing her steps&
lo#"ted 5"lborn& b"dly inCured "nd holed up in " de#repit "p"rtment building. ,hen the
overridden Oo:"mi $ound them there "nd resumed her "tt"#:s& oper"tives "s:ed
5"lborn i$ he #ould remove the overrides on her progr"mB he $or#ibly rebooted her&
s"ying this might #ure her& i$ she survived the pro#ess. .":ing their w"y through
surrounding override #odes "nd hostile oper"tives& the oper"tives led 5"lborn to
tempor"ry se#urity in ne"rby Club 7u"lity& where 9eirn met them& inviting 5"lborn to
hide "nd re#uper"te in the s"$ety o$ the .erovingi"nFs etensive underground networ:.
5"lborn insisted th"t he h"d no time to w"ste in getting to the Or"#le& but w"s un"ble
to put up mu#h o$ "n "rgument in his severely we":ened #ondition& "nd 9eirn whis:ed
him "w"y.
!he Or"#le #rossed " $ew wires to spe": to Eion oper"tives individu"lly& but w"s
un#h"r"#teristi#"lly "t " loss $or words& s"ying th"t she #ouldnFt s"y wh"t she w"nted
to s"y& but th"t nevertheless she $elt sheFd m"de the right #hoi#e.
!he ."#hines $ound #ode $r"gments in the override+in$ested %i#hl"nd "re" th"t
somehow h"d not been "$$e#ted "t "ll by the $"llout $rom the #l"sh between 5"lborn
"nd C"rlyne. An"lysts were "ble to e"mine these $r"gments "long with those
re#overed wee:s "go $rom 1iles& whi#h were written in the Or"#leFs tr"dem"r:
DintuitiveD style& "nd #on#luded th"t the $r"gments were le$t over $rom the pro#ess o$
writing " :ill #ode.
!he .erovingi"n "rr"nged " distr"#tion $or C"rlyne& en"bling the wounded 5"lborn to
byp"ss him "nd he"d $or northern %i#hl"nd& still intent on lo#"ting the Or"#le.
1'3 $ound the .orpheus simul"#rum& "nd "s:ed him "bout the mysterious en#rypted
#ode given them by the Or"#le. !he sim told them th"t she m"y h"ve #hosen them
pre#isely be#"use they "re "ble to #hoose $or themselves. 5e "lso suggested th"t
while the ."tri is " system o$ #ontrol& Eion& in opposition to the ."tri& #ould be
#onsidered " system o$ #ontrol "s well. !his #onvers"tion w"s interrupted by "
Cypherite "tt"#: led by Veil.
A $ore#"sted outbre": o$ the *mith virus "rrived in the #ity& its m"ni$est"tion
strengthened here "nd there by the presen#e o$ override progr"ms.
.erovingi"n oper"tives "ttempted to ste"l some in$orm"tion $rom 1 'luribus 3eo& but
this w"s $oiled when the 1ile #ont"#t used by the .erovingi"ns oper"tives turned the
d"t" b"#: over to 1'3& "pp"rently in rep"yment o$ " $"vor.
!he Cypherites stole in$orm"tion on potenti"ls& "mong other things& $rom " Eion system
in %i#hl"nd& "lthough the oper"tion w"s #ompli#"ted by "tt"#:s $rom override #odes in
the "re".
The Matrix Online Archives
?host led Eion oper"tives into %i#hl"nd in se"r#h o$ the Or"#le& but $ound only override
progr"ms "nd 5"lborn& who showed his violent imp"tien#e "t oper"tive inter$eren#e in
his pl"ns.
'l"yers $ought o$$ "nother outbre": o$ the *mith Virus "#ross the #ity.
1'3 m"n"ged to set o$$ " #ode pulse devi#e in the Eero One #onstru#t& $or re"sons yet
un:nown. ."#hine oper"tives were un"ble to stop the devi#eFs deton"tion& but& led by
Agent ?ri$$in& they removed the 1'3 oper"tives $rom the #onstru#t.
5"lborn $ound the Or"#le w"iting $or him on " ben#h in 7ebir Court. 5e dem"nded th"t
she give him Dthe progr"m.D A$ter she told him th"t she #ouldnFt help him& he be#"me
"ngry& "nd thre"tened her& but she s"id this w"s " w"ste o$ time. 5"lborn "s:ed i$ he
would ever get the progr"m. *he told him th"t he wouldnFt& "nd he termin"ted her.
The Matrix Online Archives
!hapter :C9:
*"ti& *er"ph& "nd the .orpheus simul"#rum h"ve dis"ppe"red. 5"lborn #ontinues his
stubborn se"r#h. !he ."#hines turn him over to the Cypherites& who le"d him to the spot in
the %e"l where 1'3 is h"nding the re#overed Lo#: over to Eion. 5"lborn $lees the l"rge
hover#r"$t b"ttle th"t ensues& but his ship w"s noti#ed by Eion& who& with 1'3& de$e"t the
opposing ships& "nd t":e Lo#: to their new #ity. 6ollowing " #h"n#e rem"r: by 5"lborn& the
.erovingi"n& using the ?ener"l "nd his *entinels& lo#"tes " Dno+$lyD "re" $"r to the northwest
o$ the ."#hine #ity& "voided by ."#hine p"trols& where they $ind " he"vily de$ended $"#ility&
"nd " d"t" $eed $rom " m"ssive DOlig"r#h 3etwor:.D Eion "nd C"rlyne su##eed in surprising
5"lborn "nd removing him $rom the simul"tion. Cryptos begins rese"r#h on "nti+override
#odes. C"rlyne le"ves the ."tri.
Although he termin"ted the Or"#le& his l"st "pp"rent hope $or retrieving the progr"m he
#r"ves& 5"lborn rem"ined inside the ."tri. !he ."#hines "s:ed him to le"ve& but he
re$used& hinting th"t he h"d " new pl"n in mind. .e"nwhile& C"rlyne met with Eion&
de#l"ring th"t he w"s wor:ing on " more dire#t me"ns o$ removing 5"lborn.
6lood r"n .erovingi"n oper"tives through " review o$ the Or"#leFs "#tions le"ding up
to her termin"tion& #on#luding th"t she or#hestr"ted re#ent events in order to "#hieve
something rel"ting to either to the progr"m 5"lborn see:s& or to the intruders
A sm"ll group o$ Eion oper"tives led by 7e$$dog res#ued two 1iles& '"lorin" "nd the
1v"lu"tor& $rom "n 1ile g"ng th"t h"d :idn"pped them.
."#hine oper"tives de$ended the EA-!*O progr"m $rom 1'3 "nd .erovingi"ns& "nd
su##eeded in retrieving in$orm"tion $rom it rel"ting to " series o$ mysterious Dim"ge
$r"gments.D EA-!*O w"s then sent b"#: to o$$i#er *-.LO $or rep"irs.
Oo:"mi "nd " b"nd o$ .erovingi"n oper"tives hunted $or *er"ph& *"ti& "nd the
.orpheus simul"#rum in ."r" "nd ,estview& but $ound their usu"l h"unts "b"ndoned.
6in"lly& "t the Ab"ndoned *ubw"y& they $ound the eiled monitoring progr"m Lo
%uh"m"h& who spo:e o$ other worlds beyond the ."tri be$ore v"nishing hersel$.
'luribus 3eo oper"tives $ound 5"lborn "tt"#:ing C"rlyne in " building downtown.
Oper"tives restr"ined 5"lborn while C"rlyne es#"ped. 6rustr"ted by " b"rr"ge o$
hindering "tt"#:s $rom the oper"tives& 5"lborn retre"ted. A$terw"rds& C"rlyne told 1'3
th"t 5"lborn h"d tried to run " tr"#e progr"m through his %*-& "nd th"n:ed them $or
!he Ar#hite#t h"d " group o$ ."#hine oper"tives brought to the Or"#leFs "p"rtment&
where he )uestioned them "bout their outloo: on the #urrent situ"tion. !he oper"tives
h"d m"ny )uestions "s to wh"t #ould be done to solve the thre"t posed by the
intruders& p"rti#ul"rly 5"lborn& but the Ar#hite#t did not respond to these dire#tly. 5e
did rem"r: th"t 5"lbornFs Dpredi#"mentD w"s the result o$ " #hoi#e 5"lborn h"d m"de "
long time "go& overloo:ing the long+term dr"wb"#:s in $"vor o$ immedi"te bene$its++"
typi#"lly hum"n de#ision.
5"lborn "tt"#:ed one o$ EionFs bro"d#"st #ontrol #lusters in the ."tri $or re"sons th"t
were not immedi"tely #le"r. C"rlyne mentioned th"t 5"lborn is prob"bly trying to shut
The Matrix Online Archives
him down by "tt"#:ing his hover#r"$t.
C"rlyne met with Agent '"#e "nd ."#hinists& telling them th"t on#e 5"lborn w"s
removed $rom the ."tri& heFd see to it th"t 5"lbornFs "##ess w"s restri#ted by Dthe
Olig"r#hs.D !he ."#hines moved on to investig"te the en#rypted #odes the Or"#le
g"ve to the Cypherites "nd 1 'luribus 3eo. Veil s"id th"t the Cypherites h"dnFt been
"ble to #r"#: the en#ryption& but th"t they were :eeping the $ile s"$e outside o$ the
."tri. *ubter$uge by Agent ?r"y "nd ."#hine oper"tives led Agent ?r"y to determine
th"t 'luribus 3eo were li:ely to be :eeping their en#rypted $ile "t their b"se in EionFs
old #ity.
A surly 5"lborn "greed to meet the .erovingi"n& but re$used to dis#uss his go"ls& or
the progr"m heFs been loo:ing $or& #iting " #on#ern th"t C"rlyne might $ind " w"y to
use su#h in$orm"tion "g"inst him. 5"lborn went on to s"y th"t he #ould get rid o$
C"rlyne i$ he #ould $ind his shipB he "lso mentioned " lo#"tion D800 miles "w"yD to the
northwest& in rel"tion to C"rlyne.
5"lborn "tt"#:ed " 'luribus 3eo stronghold in the slums& but w"s repulsed by
oper"tives& "lthough not until he h"d d"m"ged the $ile system on the servers there.
!he ."#hines l"un#hed " sm"ll *entinel "tt"#: on 1'3Fs b"se in old Eion& in t"ndem
with "n "tt"#: on " high+r"n:ing 1'3 hover#r"$t. Oper"tives within the ."tri del"yed
#ont"#t between the "ss"iled #rew "nd the (id& preserving the "tt"#:Fs element o$
surprise& "nd "llowing *entinels to #"pture the #r"$t. 7"t" returned by the *entinels
$rom the b"se "nd the #"ptured ship indi#"ted rein$or#ed de$enses "t the old #ity& but "
high prob"bility th"t 'luribus 3eo did not m"int"in " #entr"l m"in$r"me there.
1 'luribus 3eo lo#"ted "nd held 5"lborn while C"rlyne tried to run " tr"#e o$ his own
through 5"lborn& but 5"lborn h"d "lre"dy e)uipped himsel$ with " #ounterme"sure to
the tr"#e routine. C"rlyne s"id th"t there were other methods he #ould try.
5"ving he"rd rumors o$ Comm"nder Lo#:Fs imminent re#overy with 1'3 $rom inCuries
sust"ined during the ."#hine "nd Cypherite "tt"#: th"t destroyed EionFs old
m"in$r"me& Veil led "n "tt"#: on "n 1'3 hideout& trying to #r"#: their #omputers to
se"r#h $or more in$orm"tion "bout Lo#:. A #ounter+"tt"#: by *him"d" "nd 1'3
oper"tives $oiled the Cypherite pl"n& despite VeilFs de$e"t o$ *him"d" during the
pit#hed b"ttle.
!he .erovingi"n "nd his oper"tives #"ptured ."#hine m"pping d"t" on the "re"
5"lborn h"d re$erred to& 800 miles northwest o$ the ."#hine #ity. !he d"t" showed
th"t the mount"inous region there w"s "voided by ."#hine p"trols.
At 3iobeFs insisten#e& C"rlyne g"ve Eion rough des#riptions o$ the "dv"n#ed ships
used by himsel$ "nd 5"lborn. Eion #"ptured in$orm"tion $rom " ."#hine surveill"n#e
d"t"b"se th"t seemed to #on$irm the des#riptions given by C"rlyneB the d"t"b"se "lso
#ont"ined " re#ord o$ " ship li:e C"rlyneFs th"t w"s present "t the ."#hine #ity over
two ye"rs "go.
5"lborn dem"nded the lo#"tion o$ C"rlyneFs ship $rom the ."#hines& but they told him
their "bility to give out su#h in$orm"tion w"s restri#ted& "nd suggested th"t he #he#:
with the Cypherites++Veil& spe#i$i#"lly. Veil told 5"lborn th"t she h"d some interesting
things to show him in the %e"l.
The Matrix Online Archives
!he .erovingi"n "nd the ?ener"l determined th"t the "re" to whi#h 5"lborn h"d
re$erred& 800 miles northwest o$ the ."#hine #ity& w"s #l"ssi$ied "s " Dno $lyD zone by
the ."#hines& "nd "voided by their *entinel p"trols& "lthough other p"trols were
blo#:ing the ?ener"lFs route to the "re". .erovingi"n oper"tives "ttempting to disrupt
."#hine *entinel #ontrol routines $ound th"t #omm"nd proto#ols given them by the
?ener"l no longer wor:ed& but the ?ener"l obt"ined upd"ted d"t" by #"pturing "
."#hine *entinel& "llowing oper"tives to dis"ble the ."#hine systems long enough $or
the ?ener"l to m":e his w"y p"st their p"trols& "nd #ontinue on his w"y to the bl"#:out
,hen *entinel "tt"#:s still proved " hindr"n#e to his progress& oper"tives got "
#omm"ndo& Lieuten"nt 'etrov& through to " ."#hine m"in$r"me& where he uplo"ded
his own progr"m into " ."#hine *entinel& buying the ?ener"l time by "tt"#:ing the
other ."#hines in th"t *entinelFs s)u"dron.
Cypherites& "ssisted by " spy n"med 'erni#i"& de#im"ted the #rew o$ " hover#r"$t
#omm"nded by EionFs C"pt"in *ud"& "nd #"ptured d"t" th"t Veil turned over to
5"lborn. 5"lborn very pointedly did not invite them "long& but Veil intim"ted th"t the
Cypherites would be $lying somewhere with 5"lborn in the %e"l.
A $urther "ttempt by .erovingi"n 1iles to disrupt ."#hine *entinel routines w"s
over#ome by " )ui#: response $rom ."#hine oper"tives& who wiped out the 1ile
group& $ound in the vi#inity o$ 'endhurst+Am"r"nth pl"z". 9eirn r"llied .erovingi"n
oper"tives& "nd de$e"ted most o$ the ."#hine progr"ms rem"ining in the "re"& but
$"#ed sti$$ resist"n#e $rom the ."#hinists& "nd w"s even $or#ed to re#onstru#t by the
Cypherite oper"tive *"int7"niel.
5"lborn "tt"#:ed " Eionite hover#r"$t in the %e"l. One o$ their #rew members& %"min&
m"n"ged to C"#: into the ."tri& where he #ont"#ted Eion oper"tives. ,ith "ssist"n#e
$rom ?host& 5"lborn w"s #"lled into the ."tri on the pretet th"t the ."#hines h"d
"greed to give him the progr"m he w"nted. 7isguised Eionite oper"tives st"lled
5"lborn long enough $or %"minFs #rippled hover#r"$t to re"#h s"$ety.
Colt hurried through the #ityFs b"rs "nd #lubs& "pp"rently loo:ing $or his shipFs
me#h"ni#. 7espite help $rom oper"tives& he w"s un"ble to lo#"te his #rewm"te& "nd
C"#:ed out "$ter #ompl"ining "bout Comm"nder Lo#:& "nd the loss o$ his old #rewm"te&
*hortly there"$ter& 1'3 "nd Eion hover#r"$t tr"ns$erring Lo#: $rom the 1'3 b"se in
EionFs old #ity to 3ew Eion were "tt"#:ed by ."#hine& Cypherite& "nd .erovingi"n
$leets. A$ter " prolonged b"ttle& the tr"ns$er o$ Comm"nder Lo#: $rom 1'3 C"pt"in
*teelleFs D!he 5"nd o$ ?odD to Eion C"pt"in %ed9indiFs D!he !it"nD w"s #ompleted
su##ess$ully& "nd 3ew Eion prep"red to wel#ome their old Comm"nder to the #ity.
5"lborn destroyed " Eionite hover#r"$t th"t w"s $ollowing his shipB the #rew h"d tried
luring 5"lborn into s#"n r"nge "t C"rlyneFs suggestion. Although the #rew were :illed&
C"rlyne s"id th"t the p"rti"l in$orm"tion theyFd returned might help him $inish "
progr"m heFd been wor:ing on to elimin"te 5"lborn.
5"lborn& "ngry "t $inding himsel$ in the middle o$ " l"rge hover#r"$t b"ttle "$ter
$ollowing #oordin"tes given him by Cypherites& dem"nded to see the ."#hines "g"in&
but the ."#hines did not meet with him. 5"lborn too: his "nger out on Cypherites
The Matrix Online Archives
inside the ."tri& "nd muttered "bout oper"tives being m"nipul"ted by someone who
:nows "ll "bout the progr"m heFs "$ter.
."#hine progr"ms pursued .erovingi"n oper"tives "nd #omm"ndos& see:ing to
prevent $urther .erovingi"n inter$eren#e with *entinel systems. Although the ."#hine
progr"ms were elimin"ted in p"rt by t":ing "dv"nt"ge o$ one o$ 5"lbornFs A##eler"tor
progr"ms& the .erovingi"n de#l"red th"t 5"lbornFs use$ulness to him w"s "t "n end.
3iobe led Eion oper"tives to " Cypherite inst"ll"tion where theyFd dete#ted " spi:e o$
override "#tivity& "nd they $ound Cypherites "nd Cryptos there& "s well "s "
7e#eler"tor progr"m& whi#h #"used problems $or Eionites "nd Cypherites "li:e& "s well
"s $or some .erovingi"n oper"tives see:ing to #"sh in on the #on$usion. Cryptos
dep"rted& "nd the Eionites se"led o$$ the "re"& but did not& "s 3iobe h"d hoped they
might& $ind solid in$orm"tion on " lin: between the Cypherites "nd 5"lborn& whi#h their
Coint presen#e "t the s#ene o$ Comm"nder Lo#:Fs tr"ns$er h"d led her to suspe#t.
Agent '"#e "nd ."#hine oper"tives w"rned 5"lborn th"t his ship h"d prob"bly been
#ompromised by terrorists. 7espite "n "tt"#: by 1'3 oper"tives "rmed with #ode
pulse devi#es& 5"lborn thought little o$ the w"rning& s"ying th"t everyone #ould go to
hell "s $"r "s he w"s #on#erned.
Cypherites running #he#:s on their #omputer systems $ound override progr"ms "t
some lo#"tions. 'luribus 3eo& using #"ptured d"t"& m"de their w"y to one o$ these
inst"ll"tions "s well& where " $ight erupted between Cypherites& 1'3& "nd override
progr"ms. !he (id de$e"ted the outnumbered Cryptos& "nd 'luribus 3eo m"n"ged to
g"in tempor"ry "##ess to the Cypherite m"in$r"me "t the site& but they only h"d time to
etr"#t $r"gment"ry d"t" $rom it be$ore the Cypherites $in"lly se#ured the m"in$r"me.
Eionites $ound "nd $ought 5"lborn in the 5istori# 7istri#t. C"rlyne "ppe"red on the
s#ene "nd distributed inst"n#es o$ " spe#i"l progr"m to " group o$ the oper"tives&
s"ying th"t i$ they #ould hit 5"lborn with it& it should be "ble to dis"ble his bro"d#"st
sign"l "t the sour#e. !he oper"tive Coroebus w"s "ble to byp"ss 5"lbornFs de$ensive
routines "nd stri:e him with the progr"m. 5"lborn $ell to the ground& inert. C"rlyne s"id
th"t it loo:ed li:e the progr"m h"d wor:ed& "lthough heFd h"ve to #he#: his d"t" be$ore
he #ould be sure.
.erovingi"n oper"tives "##omp"nied by 9eirn tried to persu"de C"rlyne to rem"in in
the simul"tion& entert"ining him "t '"r"dise Lost& but C"rlyne& "lthough "pologeti#&
w"s "d"m"nt "bout h"ving to dep"rt& $or v"rious re"sons& most o$ whi#h he did not
C"rlyne th"n:ed Eion $or their help& s"ying he w"s going to le"ve the ."tri now th"t
5"lborn #"n no longer C"#: in due to his ship h"ving been dis"bled& "nd th"t he h"d to
le"ve to t":e #"re o$ #ert"in #on#erns& one o$ whi#h w"s ensuring th"t 5"lborn would
not be "ble to return. C"rlyne h"d " simil"r mess"ge $or the ."#hines& s"ying th"t he
hoped there were no h"rd $eelings. ,ith the intruders "nd their override routines out o$
the pi#ture& the ."#hines mobilized their progr"ms to begin $ighting Eion on#e "g"in.
Cryptos theorized th"t the override routines h"d been "ble to oper"te by t":ing
"dv"nt"ge o$ " $und"ment"l vulner"bility in the simul"tion. 5"ving noti#ed th"t they
h"d no #ontrolling e$$e#t on his own %*-& whi#h is p"rtly ."#hine #ode& he de#l"red his
intent to begin wor:ing on "n "lgorithm #"p"ble o$ resisting the override progr"ms&
The Matrix Online Archives
using his own #ode "s " st"rting point.
!he ?ener"l re"#hed the ."#hine no+$ly zone on the 1"rthFs sur$"#e& northwest o$ the
."#hine #ity& "nd en#ountered " he"vily $orti$ied $"#ility. <n"ble to penetr"te the
$"#ilityFs de$enses& his *entinels $ound " d"t" #onduit ne"rby. !"pping into the d"t"
stre"m& they en#ountered unusu"l d"t" proto#ols& only p"rti"lly m"t#hing :nown
."#hine $orm"ts. .erovingi"n oper"tives within the simul"tion $or#ed their w"y into
highly se#ured ."#hine servers& "nd& "$ter mu#h e$$ort& lo#"ted " d"t" type simil"r to
wh"t the ?ener"l h"d $ound. <sing this new in$orm"tion& the ?ener"lFs soldiers beg"n
de#oding the $oreign d"t" $eed& but their tr"nsmission w"s #ut o$$ Cust "s they sent b"#:
" p"rti"lly s#r"mbled de#oding identi$ying the d"t" stre"m "s p"rt o$ " m"ssive system
l"beled the DOlig"r#h 3etwor:.D
Oper"tives en#ountered override progr"ms on roo$tops "#ross the #ity& possibly
rem"ining $rom " l"st+dit#h e$$ort by one o$ the intruders.
!he 1ile %ose& h"ving he"rd th"t the intruders h"d le$t& too: " bold trip $rom her
st"tion in *outh"rd to the he"rt o$ 7owntown with the help o$ " #ouple oper"tives.
?host visited the site o$ C"pt"in *ud"Fs "mbush "nd de"th "t the h"nds o$ Cypherites
in ,idowFs .oor. 5e dis#ussed the possibility o$ l"rger motives or rel"tionships behind
the re#ent events surrounding *ud"Fs de"th& in#luding the "#tions o$ the intruders& "nd
the "ttempted inter#eption o$ Comm"nder Lo#: by Cypherite "nd ."#hine hover#r"$t.
!his dis#ussion w"s interrupted by "n Ar#hivist& who dem"nded th"t ?host "nd the
oper"tives with him le"ve the #onstru#t& en$or#ing this #omm"nd with " sw"rm o$
Eion oper"tives pursuing ."#hine 7"t" !e#hni#i"ns in the 7"t"mine #onstru#t #rossed
p"ths with C"pt"in %"eder& "pp"rently "n o$$i#er in the se#urity division o$
*upersymmetri# %ese"r#h& the #omp"ny who h"d owned the "rti$i#i"l isl"nd. %"eder
r"mbled on "bout rese"r#h& eperiments& "nd bure"u#r"#y while "ttempting to epel
the Dtresp"ssers.D
-n " rem"r:"ble #oin#iden#e& with the dep"rture o$ the intruders& m"ssive p"rties bro:e
out in the simul"tion& with .erovingi"n oper"tives p"#:ing the 5el Club $or " p"rty
hosted by Les 1n$"nts !erribles& "nd oper"tives $rom "ll org"niz"tions p"rtying it up in
Club 7u"lity.
."#hine oper"tives were #"lled in to de"l with "n 1ile sniper "tt"#:ing pedestri"ns in
.orrell. Oper"tives wor:ed to lo#"te the sniper by posing "s #ivili"n t"rgets. !he
t"#iturn Agent ?ri$$in w"s #on#erned th"t the w"y in whi#h this w"s implemented g"ve
the sniper "n opportunity to es#"pe& but nevertheless he w"s lo#"ted "nd neutr"lized
by oper"tives.
Cryptos summoned Cypherite oper"tives to Eero One $or " test "g"inst progr"mm"ti#
enemies& in#luding A##eler"ted progr"ms. Cryptos studied the #omb"t sessions& "nd
s"id th"t the in$orm"tion g"thered would help him in his rese"r#h into the override
Oper"tives en#ountered override progr"ms on roo$tops "#ross the #ity& possibly
rem"ining $rom " l"st+dit#h e$$ort by one o$ the intruders.
An unidenti$ied bro"d#"st sign"l w"s brie$ly dete#ted in northe"st %i#hl"nd. Agent
The Matrix Online Archives
?r"y "s:ed oper"tives to report "ny $urther in$orm"tion $ound on the sign"l.
The Matrix Online Archives
!hapter :C98
."user& who never h"d C"#:s& "ppe"rs in the ."tri. 5e hops through unm"r:ed h"rdlines&
"voiding #ont"#t& s"ying to Eion only th"t heFs wor:ing to win the w"r. !he .erovingi"n seeds
the storm between the ."#hine #ity "nd the no+$ly zone in order to reest"blish #ont"#t with
the ?ener"l. !hey $ind Olig"r#h networ: d"t" $lowing into the Ouroboros Corpor"tion in
7owntown. !he ."#hines ne"rly isol"te ."userFs sign"l& but "re interrupted by the .orpheus
simul"#rum. ."user ste"ls d"t" $rom the .erovingi"n& then dis"ppe"rs. .issile b"rr"ges
dev"st"te the ?ener"lFs $or#es in the no+$ly zone& $or#ing him to retre"t. 1'3 dete#ts " sm"ll
#r"$t outbound $rom tunnels below the old #ity& he"ding north.
Colt reported to Eion th"t his old #rewm"te ."user& thought to h"ve been :illed
res#uing Lo#: $rom the destru#tion o$ Eion& h"d been seen in the ."tri. !his w"s
doubly surprising sin#e ."user never h"d C"#:s $or entering the simul"tion. Eion pi#:ed
up re"dings thought to be ."user "t sever"l h"rdlines& "nd "t "n internet #"$S& but did
not lo#"te the m"n himsel$.
,ith the dep"rture o$ the intruders& the ."#hines resumed "nti+Eion oper"tions in the
."tri& dis"bling their #omputer systems& "nd interrupting #oppertop "w":enings.
*ome ."#hine oper"tives& however& en#ountered " l"rge Eionite $or#e he"ded by
3iobe& who st"ted EionFs determin"tion to resist o$$ensives by the *ystem.
*ign"ls between the ."tri "nd the ."#hine no+$ly zone be#oming too we": to
m"int"in #ommuni#"tion with the ?ener"l& .erovingi"n oper"tives inserted " progr"m
designed by ."lph"s into 9luepills "round the #ity& with the intention o$ using the 11?
wiring "nd hum"n energy $ields o$ people in the pods to #re"te " wide bro"d#"st "rr"y&
but the sign"l gener"ted proved insu$$i#ient to re"#h the ?ener"l.
!he ."#hines sent oper"tives to delete " sm"ll group o$ override progr"ms rem"ining
in Ei". !he oper"tion w"s #ompli#"ted by the unepe#ted presen#e o$ Eion #"pt"in
3iobe& enemy oper"tives& "nd ne"rby overridden Agent progr"ms.
Cryptos led Cypherite oper"tives on "n in$orm"tion+g"thering mission "g"inst Eion
strongholds& hoping to $ind out more "bout the mysterious bro"d#"st sign"l pi#:ed up
e"rlier by Eion in %i#hl"nd. 3o pertinent in$orm"tion w"s $ound& "nd the Cypherites
dis#ussed the possibility o$ Eion themselves l"#:ing $urther d"t"& "nd o$ re#ent
o##urren#es suggestive o$ " l"rger #onspir"#y.
Veil "nd her oper"tives in$iltr"ted Eionite hover#r"$t to inter#ept " #ourier& #"pturing
d"t"& progr"ms& "nd " #opy o$ " mess"ge $rom EionFs Coun#illor 7ill"rd to Comm"nder
%ol"nd& telling %ol"nd th"t e+Comm"nder J"son Lo#: w"s not due to be reinst"ted.
.erovingi"n oper"tives helped "n oper"tive n"med .ede" g"ther in$orm"tion $rom
bro"d#"st towers in 7owntown. !he in$orm"tion w"s the $in"l ingredient needed by
.ede"Fs #rew to set up " new& more power$ul #ommuni#"tion rel"y to the ?ener"l on
the 1"rthFs sur$"#e& but on the verge o$ #ompleting the st"tion& the #rew w"s wiped out
by ."#hine *entinels.
Colt #"lled $or " sweep o$ h"rdlines "#ross the #ity& hoping to $ind his old $riend
."user& who still h"d not #ont"#ted Eion. ."userFs sign"l w"s n"rrowed down to the
vi#inity o$ ."nnsd"le& where he w"s eventu"lly seen he"ding $or " h"rdline& but when
The Matrix Online Archives
he spotted the oper"tives "round the phone booth& he m"de " d"sh $or " p"y phone
down the street& "nd v"nished.
Eion $ound th"t the line ."user h"d es#"ped through w"s p"rt o$ "n old& pre+!ru#e
Eion h"rdline networ: to whi#h only #ert"in oper"tives h"d been given "##ess. EionFs
#urrent d"t" on the networ: w"s in#omplete& sin#e some w"s lost when the ."#hines
s"#:ed EionFs m"in$r"me& "nd it w"s "lso suspe#ted th"t some "re"s o$ the networ:
h"d never been do#umented.
A$ter some di$$i#ulty in n"vig"ting the networ:& Eion oper"tives en#ountered ."user&
who& be$ore eiting "long " spli#ed restri#ted line& s"id only th"t he w"s wor:ing to win
the w"r.
."#hine oper"tives wor:ed with l"w+en$or#ement o$$i#i"ls to investig"te bre":+ins by
the individu"l s"id to be ."user. 1viden#e o$ #omputer t"mpering w"s $ound& le"ding
to the dis#overy o$ " b"#:up log showing th"t one o$ the t"mpered #omputers h"d
been used to #onne#t to " remote system vi" networ: tunneling using "n un:nown&
en#rypted proto#ol.
!he .erovingi"n& needing to re+est"blish #ont"#t with the ?ener"l& str"nded on "n
investig"tive mission in the ."#hine no+$ly zone 800 miles northwest o$ the ."#hine
#ity& sent oper"tives to $ind " w"y to improve the #ommuni#"tion lin:. %ese"r#h
indi#"ted th"t #loud seeding o$ the mysterious& glob"l storm& #re"ted e"rly in the ."n+
."#hine w"r by " hum"n proCe#t #"lled DOper"tion 7"r: *torm&D #ould possibly boost
#ommuni#"tion r"nge through " we"ther phenomenon :nown "s Dtropospheri#
du#ting.D *pe#i"lly+e)uipped #omm"ndo *entinels were disp"t#hed to begin the
seeding oper"tion "long the route to the no+$ly zone.
!heres" .orton& " bluepill& helped 1 'luribus 3eo lo#"te " phone line on the old
restri#ted networ: in 7owntown& ne"r " termin"l th"t h"d been h"#:ed by ."user& "nd
investig"ted by the ."#hines. Eion oper"tives #"used " distr"#tion elsewhere in the
#ity to :eep the ."#hines "w"y $rom 'luribus 3eo during the investig"tion& but when
1'3 tried "##essing the line& se#urity )ui#:ly "ppe"red on the s#ene in l"rge numbers.
.orton w"s t":en into ."#hine #ustody.
."#hine oper"tives $ought to prote#t me#h"ni# progr"ms "s they modi$ied h"rdlines in
7owntown to prevent "##ess by ."userFs unusu"l bro"d#"st sign"l. *trong resist"n#e
$rom 'luribus 3eo "nd Eion oper"tives $or#ed the ."#hines to send su##essive
me#h"ni# progr"ms in order to #omplete the wor:.
*oon "$terw"rds& 'luribus 3eo oper"tives hunted $or possible unm"r:ed h"rdlines
"round the #ity& p"rti#ul"rly in 7owntown. ."#hine "nd some .erovingi"n oper"tives
hindered the se"r#h& but it w"s hoped th"t the line lo#"tion d"t" g"thered would le"d to
the m"pping o$ more o$ the hidden networ:.
.erovingi"n oper"tives see:ing more in$orm"tion on the D7"r: *torm&D with the go"l o$
improving the tropospheri# du#ting proCe#t& lo#"ted " progr"m n"med CA%803 in One
Eero. CA%803& #l"iming to be " pre+w"r Eero One "ssembly line wor:er& proved to
h"ve very limited d"t" on the storm "nd its origin& but g"ve wh"t m"y h"ve been "
uni)uely $irst+h"nd perspe#tive o$ ."#hine "ttitudes "t the time in whi#h Oper"tion
7"r: *torm w"s put into oper"tion. CA%803Fs reminis#en#e p"inted the pi#ture o$ "
pe"#e$ul ."#hine popul"tion $or#ed into w"r by hum"n Ce"lousy th"t they did not
The Matrix Online Archives
Eion beg"n the pro#ess o$ shutting down :nown se#tions o$ the old restri#ted "##ess
h"rdline system& now #ompromised by ."user& "nd possibly under thre"t o$ s#rutiny
by the ."#hines. 'rogress "long one o$ the br"n#hes #"me to " sudden h"lt when "
7e#eler"tor progr"m& one o$ the intruder overrides& "ppe"red ne"rby& its #omm"nd
routines s#r"mbling the line.
!he ."#hines beg"n investig"ting the restri#ted line system& using d"t" #"ptured $rom
EionFs old m"in$r"me& "s well "s intelligen#e g"thered by spying on Eion oper"tives& to
determine th"t "n unusu"l bro"d#"st sign"l "sso#i"ted with the system++possibly
."userFs ."tri #onne#tion++w"s #oming $rom the vi#inity o$ old Eion.
,ith the tropospheri# du#ting e$$e#t o$ the seeded 7"r: *torm re+en"bling
#ommuni#"tion with the ?ener"l in the dist"nt ."#hine no+$ly zone& the .erovingi"n
st"rted loo:ing $or ."#hine lin:s th"t would help uns#r"mble #omple d"t" $ound in the
str"nge networ: there. 7"t" w"s obt"ined& but the ?ener"lFs #omm lin: into the ."tri
w"s severed Cust "$ter he rel"yed " report o$ "n in#oming missile "tt"#: on his $or#es&
$rom "n un:nown sour#e.
'luribus 3eo helped the e+Eion oper"tive ?r"#e wor: out some person"l issues with
her nemesis ?inCiro& le"der o$ the *ilver 7r"gon g"ng& in e#h"nge $or wh"tever she
#ould tell them "bout EionFs old restri#ted h"rdline networ:. ?r"#e showed 1'3 the
phone line in 6urih"t" th"t w"s her "ppointed emergen#y eit when she wor:ed there
$or Eion& but s"id th"t she h"d never used it& "nd th"t Eion h"d in$ormed her th"t the
system w"s being shut down when the !ru#e with the ."#hines went into e$$e#t.
.erovingi"n oper"tives helped " #omm"ndo progr"m s"lv"ge $light d"t" $rom the
?ener"lFs downed *entinels in the no+$ly zone. %etrieving the rem"ins o$ their
progr"ms "$ter these were returned to the ."tri by the #omm"ndo& it w"s $ound th"t
Cust be$ore they were destroyed by missiles& some o$ the ?ener"lFs *entinels h"d
dete#ted " dist"nt ship m"t#hing the pro$ile o$ the #r"$t used by the intruders& C"rlyne
"nd 5"lborn.
3ow "ble to "##ess se#tions o$ the restri#ted line system& Eion oper"tives #h"sed
."user through unm"r:ed lines "#ross the #ity. !hey #"ught up to him sever"l times&
but he did little to "#:nowledge them& uttering only one senten#e in 7owntown& "nd
ignoring his old #rewm"te& Colt& be$ore v"nishing through " phone ne"r the 5el Club. A
%untime progr"m "ppe"red where he h"d been st"nding& bringing overridden ."#hine
progr"ms th"t "tt"#:ed the "ssembled Eion oper"tives& "nd dis"bling the line ."user
h"d used to es#"pe.
!he ."#hines #"ptured 'luribus 3eo s#"nning st"tions on the sur$"#e "bove old Eion&
"nd "##essed their #ontrol inter$"#es inside the ."tri to begin using them to help
pinpoint ."userFs bro"d#"st. 9ut& mu#h to the surprise o$ both the ."#hines "nd
'luribus 3eo& the s#"nning st"tion networ: se#urity systems& whi#h h"d been dis"bled
in the e"rlier ."#hine "tt"#: "t the sur$"#e& suddenly re+eng"ged& $or#ing the
."#hines to give up the "ttempt.
."userFs #ourse through EionFs old restri#ted line system r"n through .erovingi"n
territory& #"using problems $or the Eionites tr"#:ing him& "nd $or the .erovingi"n "nd
his 1iles& who $ound themselves vi#tims o$ the the$t o$ the topogr"phi# d"t" on the no+
The Matrix Online Archives
$ly zone they h"d stolen e"rlier $rom the ."#hines.
!he ."#hines& en#ountering "n unepe#ted error mess"ge when trying to #"pture
sur$"#e s#"n d"t" $rom 1'3 #omputers& resort to the internet bl"#: m"r:et in order to
obt"in in$orm"tion on 1'3Fs res#ue o$ J"son Lo#:& in whi#h ."user& "##ording to
Lo#:Fs "##ount& h"d been involved. Lo#:Fs "##ount #ont"ined noteworthy
dis#rep"n#ies& however& not the le"st o$ whi#h w"s th"t *entinels were supposed to
h"ve :illed ."user& in spite o$ the $"#t th"t& "##ording to the ."#hines& they h"d no
*entinels in th"t "re" "t the time. A$ter obt"ining " #opy o$ $light d"t" $rom the 1'3
ship th"t h"d pi#:ed up Lo#: $rom the ruined building on the 1"rthFs sur$"#e where he
s"id he h"d been hidden by ."user& the ."#hines re"lized th"t the building w"s the
s"me l"b where& roughly nine months e"rlier& they h"d $ound "nd :illed 7"nielle
,right& whose #onne#tion to EionFs m"in$r"me h"d then be#ome the :ey to the
."#hine destru#tion o$ EionFs $ormer #ity. Agent ?r"y suggested th"t ."user& " highly
s:illed te#hni#i"n& m"y h"ve s"lv"ged ,rightFs te#hnology $rom the ruined l"b& whi#h
#ould epl"in some o$ his surprising #"p"bilities in the simul"tion.
'luribus 3eo& $ollowing up overhe"rd poli#e reports o$ " person m"t#hing ."userFs
gener"l des#ription in ,estview& r"n into dedi#"ted .orpheus $ollower Joshu" ."ston&
who s"id th"t poli#e m"y h"ve h"d ."user #on$used with the .orpheus simul"#rum&
whom he h"d Cust en#ountered in the "re".
A previously un:nown oper"tive #ont"#ted the $"#tion !emet 3os#e& "s:ing $or help in
re#l"iming his $ormer li$e $rom " progr"m the ."#hines h"d put in his pl"#e. 5is
"ttempt to "ss"ssin"te the progr"m w"s brought to "n "brupt end by Agent ?ri$$in& who
shot him de"d& "nd epl"ined to the oper"tive whose #ooper"tion he h"d hired th"t the
"ss"ssin"tion t"rget w"s " re"l bluepill& "nd th"t the would+be :iller w"s in $"#t "n
eiled progr"m. !he !emet 3os#e oper"tive w"s s:epti#"l o$ the AgentFs spin on the
."#hinists helped guide " te"m o$ oper"tives on $oot through the r"ging ele#tri#"l
storm "t the 1"rthFs sur$"#e& se"r#hing $or the $ugitive ."userFs bro"d#"st lo#"tion.
!he $urious storm #l"imed vi#tims "mong the sur$"#e te"m& but& guided by oper"tives
"n"lyzing the s#"ns they returned o$ the "re"& they su##eeded in lo#"ting " Eionite
Dlightning gunD $ire"rm "t the edge o$ " l"rge #h"sm in the 1"rthFs #rust.
Oo:"mi "nd .erovingi"n oper"tives $ollowed ."userFs err"ti# tr"il "#ross 7owntown&
$ending o$$ ."userFs $ormer #rewm"te& Colt& who w"s "lso loo:ing $or the ev"sive
$ormer te#hni#i"n o$ !he 5"mmer. !he .erovingi"ns $ound ."user Cust "s he C"#:ed
out in " $"r #orner o$ Creston 5eights.
Eion se"r#hed $or whoever it w"s th"t w"s in ,estview& ."user or the .orpheus
simul"#rum& but $ound only "n old dis#onne#ted phone line& Cypherites& "nd " #rypti#
mess"ge on " mysterious #omputer.
'luribus 3eo dete#ted "n unidenti$ied sm"ll #r"$t he"ding north $rom " deep tunnel
lo#"tion "round old Eion. *e"r#hing the tunnels& they $ound " re#ently used site strewn
with pie#es o$ *entinels "nd hover#r"$t. A termin"l $rom one o$ the hover#r"$t w"s
$ound to #ont"in some d"t"& whi#h they set to wor: de#oding.
!he ."#hines lo#"ted ."userFs %*-& "nd were moving to lo#: his sign"l& when the
.orpheus *ign"l "ppe"red in their s#"n #ontrol room& disrupting the pro#edure. 9y the
The Matrix Online Archives
time they #ould reiniti"lize the pro#ess& ."user w"s nowhere to be $ound.
!he ?ener"l& returning $rom the ."#hine no+$ly zone& sent b"#: "ll o$ the d"t" he h"d
pulled $rom the mysterious networ: line $ound there. !he d"t" w"s $ound to #ont"in
#ir#"+/999 tr"dition"l hum"n networ: he"ders. !hese were tr"#:ed by .erovingi"n
oper"tives to " priv"te #orpor"te provider& where they were "mbushed by se#urity
gu"rds $rom the Ouroboros Corpor"tion.
A bluepill n"med ?er"ld Croyden #ompl"ined bitterly "bout the di$$i#ulties o$ moving
"nd #oming b"#: to the #ity& but persevered to "ttend his sonFs high+s#hool gr"du"tion.
.erovingi"n oper"tives pumped Ouroboros tour guide Judie L"hler $or in$orm"tion in
Club J"nus in her o$$ hours. Judie& who le"ds tours in OuroborosF #orpor"te
he"d)u"rters in Creston 5eights& indulged in " number o$ drin:s& "nd seemed unh"ppy
"bout her Cob& #"lling it boring "nd restri#tive. *he s"id th"t the things she h"d to tell
tour guests "bout the #orpor"tion were Cust silly lies& th"t no re"l wor: w"s done there&
"nd th"t nobody ever told her "nything.
Cypherites $ound the .orpheus simul"#rum in " #hur#h in ,estview. !he simul"#rum
"dmitted th"t it h"d intended to be disruptive in its sudden return& "nd m"de mention o$
the di$$i#ulty o$ "#hieving pe"#e. !he simul"#rum dire#ted the oper"tives to " ne"rby
#onstru#tion y"rd& where they $ound 'luribus 3eo oper"tives in the "#t o$ using Code
'ulse 7evi#es. !he Cypherites elimin"ted the oper"tives "nd de$used the devi#es.
'luribus 3eo shut down the ."tri inter$"#es to their s#"nning e)uipment "round
EionFs old #ity& "$ter $inding the ."#hines "ttempting to h"#: into the inter$"#es on#e
"g"in. *him"d" s"id th"t $rom now on they would h"ve to rely on indire#t
#ommuni#"tion with the s#"nning "rr"ys in the %e"l.
."#hinists tr"#:ed down " d"ngerous es#"ped Lupine& Vulg& "nd elimin"ted him. !heir
1ile in$orm"nt& %os"leen& st"rtled by the sudden "ppro"#h o$ one o$ the !wins& w"s
:illed by the trigger+h"ppy ."#hine oper"tive 9l"zin,ol$.
?host "nd Eion oper"tives stopped " ."#hine "ttempt to h"#: " previously
undis#overed se#tion o$ EionFs old restri#ted+"##ess h"rdline system in '"r: 1"st.
!he 1$$e#tu"tor w"s #"ught by oper"tives while trying to g"ther in$orm"tion "t ("lt
Chemi#"l 1ngineering in (edemoth. ("lt hersel$ "ppe"red on the roo$top& w"rning the
group o$ oper"tives to disperse. A strong se#urity $or#e "ppe"red on the s#ene shortly
A sm"ll group o$ oper"tives $ound 'ersephone musing "t "n old boo:shel$ in " hidden
study in the #h"te"u. A #onvers"tion "bout the n"ture o$ love $ollowed& "nd
'ersephone invited oper"tives to write down their own love stories to sh"re with
Oper"tives $ound ?host st"nding )uietly in 7ebir Court& ne"r the ben#h where the
Or"#le w"s :illed. ?host "nd the oper"tives t"l:ed "bout the w"r "nd the views o$ the
opposing sides. ?host rem"r:ed upon ."#hine insisten#e on rem"ining emotionless&
"nd wondered i$ hum"ns h"d re"son to $e"r th"t ."#hines might be#ome better "t
$eeling emotions th"n hum"ns& whom they h"ve "lre"dy surp"ssed in industry "nd
7isguised Cypherites in$iltr"ted " p"rty held by the .erovingi"n "t the 5el Club. !he
The Matrix Online Archives
oper"tives& in the guise o$ 1iles& "ttempted to get the 6ren#hm"n to t"l: "bout his
"mbitions in investig"ting the Ouroboros Corpor"tion& but his replies were light+he"rted
"nd insubst"nti"l. Oo:"mi "ppe"red& e"mined sever"l o$ the Cypherites& "nd
unle"shed "n "tt"#: o$ Lupines th"t drove the oper"tives out o$ the #lub.
The Matrix Online Archives
!hapter :C9;
!hecks and alances
Cypherites $ind the .erovingi"n h"#:ing into Ouroboros. Cryptos #"ptures some o$ the
Olig"r#h d"t" to "ssist his rese"r#h. 1'3 dis#over d"t" on the no+$ly zone le$t behind "t the
sm"ll #r"$tFs l"un#h site& "nd begin to prep"re ships o$ their own to investig"te. ."#hines try
to get the .erovingi"n out o$ Ouroboros& #on#erned th"t trouble there will bring more
Olig"r#hs into the ."tri. ,right %ese"r#h sues 'endhurst+Am"r"nth $or " bre":+in by
."user. 'endhurst+Am"r"nthFs 9rend" <tley helps Eion get in$orm"tion "bout ."userFs
"#tivities& but *er"ph "ppe"rs& "nd "s:s them to stop. !he .erovingi"n $inds the biologi#"l
inter$"#e progr"m inside OuroborosF networ:.
7e#iphering " #rypti# mess"ge $ound while se"r#hing ,estview sever"l wee:s e"rlier
led Eion oper"tives to the C"mon 5eights 1ile& *ilver& who h"d "lre"dy t":en the
pre#"ution o$ going into hiding. ,hen #he#:ing up on *ilverFs old business p"rtner&
,right %ese"r#h& the oper"tives he"rd o$ " bre":+in "ttempt "t ,right wee:s e"rlier by
"n individu"l m"t#hing ."userFs des#ription.
."#hine oper"tives too: #"re o$ problems #"used by 1'3 "nd Eion oper"tives& "nd
"s:ed " #oppertop meteorologist $or "n DintuitiveD "n"lysis o$ the heightened storm in
the %e"lB the meteorologistFs opinion w"s th"t the storm "#tivity #ould l"st $or some
time& possibly growing worse. A$ter he"ring the report o$ these v"rious oper"tions&
Agent ?r"y s"id th"t the most e$$i#"#ious #ourse o$ "#tion "t present would be putting
" stop to the .erovingi"nFs disruptive "#tivities.
.erovingi"n oper"tives :idn"pped "n Ouroboros networ: m"n"ger& delivering him to
1iles $or interrog"tion on me"ns o$ "##essing th"t #omp"nyFs se#ured d"t". !hey "lso
$ound th"t they h"d been observed by " Cypherite spy during the #ourse o$ this
Oper"tives delivered d"t" to the 1$$e#tu"tor in Ashen#ourte& where they en#ountered
resist"n#e by 1'3 $or#es. !he tr"ns$er w"s #ompleted& "lthough 1'3 obt"ined
"nother set o$ d"t" th"t h"d been hidden ne"rby.
3iobe led " sm"ll group o$ Eion oper"tives into the .erovingi"nFs #h"te"u& loo:ing $or
#lues "bout wh"t he w"s "$ter "t Ouroboros. .e"nwhile& other Eion oper"tives sought
to distr"#t the .erovingi"nFs "ttention by b"ttling se#urity $or#es outside his 5el ClubB
this b"ttle grew )ui#:ly due to "n unepe#ted "tt"#: by Cypherite oper"tives. 3iobe
"nd her te"m were lo#"ted "nd #h"sed $rom the #h"te"u by " !win "nd power$ul 1ile
gu"rds& but not be$ore they #on$is#"ted some d"t".
7isguised Cypherite oper"tives snu#: into Ouroboros& see:ing to #"pture " s"mple o$
the Olig"r#h d"t" s"id to be $eeding into hidden #omputer systems there. 7uring their
se"r#h& they #rossed p"ths with .erovingi"n 1iles& possibly pursuing " simil"r go"l.
!he Cypherites over#"me the 1iles "nd Ouroboros se#urity $or#es long enough to
etr"#t some o$ the $oreign d"t".
!he .erovingi"n& "nnoyed by Cypherite inter$eren#e& tr"#:ed down the Cypherite
le"der& Cryptos& "nd w"rned him "g"inst $urther disruptions. Cryptos s"id th"t he h"d
w"nted to obt"in the Olig"r#h d"t" s"mple $rom Ouroboros in order to "dv"n#e his
The Matrix Online Archives
rese"r#h into developing " #ounter+"gent to the override #odes used by the intruders.
1 'luribus 3eo used in$orm"tion obt"ined $rom 1iles& in#luding " s#heme #"ptured
$rom " ."#hine m"in$r"me& to de#rypt the $ile they h"d re#overed $rom " hover#r"$t
termin"l $ound "mong bits "nd pie#es o$ dism"ntled h"rdw"re in " m"inten"n#e tunnel
ne"r old Eion. !hey $ound th"t the $ile #ont"ined " topogr"phi# m"p o$ the no+$ly zone
est"blished by the ."#hines $"r to the northwest o$ the ."#hine #ity++the s"me "re" to
whi#h the .erovingi"n h"d re#ently disp"t#hed the ?ener"l "nd his *entinels. -n light
o$ this #oin#iden#e& *him"d" s"id th"t it w"s time 1'3 loo:ed into the "re"
Eion $ound nothing but hostile gu"rds "t the ,right %ese"r#h $"#ility ."user "ppe"red
to h"ve r"ided wee:s e"rlier. *hortly there"$ter& 'endhurst+Am"r"nth #h"irwom"n
9rend" <tley #ont"#ted Eion& "nd reve"led th"t ,right %ese"r#h w"s thre"tening to
sue her #omp"nyB ,right "lleged th"t ."user bro:e into their o$$i#e "t 'endhurst+
Am"r"nthFs behest& b"sing this on #l"ims o$ #onne#tions between ."user "nd Eion&
"nd between Eion "nd 'endhurst+Am"r"nth& d"ting b"#: to the <nlimit "$$"ir.
Cypherites #ont"#ted the ."#hines& #on$irming .erovingi"n r"ids on the Ouroboros
Corpor"tion& intended to retrieve in$orm"tion rel"ted to the intruders. !he ."#hines
lo#"ted .erovingi"n $or#es "tt"#:ing "n Ouroboros o$$i#e "nd repelled them& t":ing
#"re not to h"rm the #orpor"te gu"rds "t the site. ?r"y noted th"t Ouroboros h"d $"iled
to noti$y the proper "uthorities o$ the "tt"#: by the .erovingi"n.
.erovingi"n oper"tives :idn"pped "n Ouroboros networ: m"n"ger& obt"ining " list o$
Ouroboros networ: p"sswords $rom the in$orm"tion he supplied. !hey beg"n putting
the p"sswords to use& in$iltr"ting Ouroboros systems& but en#ountered resist"n#e $rom
the ."#hines.
Eionites "ssisted 9rend" <tley "t " #ourt+"ppointed he"ring& "ttempting to resolve the
,right/'+A dispute. Although <tley "nd Eion strongly m"int"ined their position th"t
they h"d nothing to do with "ny "#tion by ."user& ,right %ese"r#hFs represent"tive
insisted th"t ,right h"d in$orm"tion to the #ontr"ry& "nd s"id th"t they would #ontinue
to press their #l"im.
An Ouroboros se#urity gu"rd "ttempted to :i#: .erovingi"n oper"tives out o$ " p"r:ing
lot in Lemone. !he gu"rd put up " tough $ight& "nd h"d hopes o$ being promoted to "n
e"sy Cob in networ: se#urity& but oper"tive rein$or#ements put "n end to his hopes o$
l"nding " dre"m Cob.
."#hine oper"tives investig"ting the dis"ppe"r"n#e o$ " *,A! unit en#ountered "nd
pursued the !wins "#ross 7owntown& tr"#:ing them "ll the w"y to "n Ouroboros
#omple& where the !wins were "t wor: #utting through the #omp"nyFs gu"rds.
."#hine oper"tives Coined in the se#urity melee "round the !wins& who dep"rted
without mu#h del"y. !he oper"tives were then )ui#:ly re#"lled by Agent ?r"y& who
s"id th"t it w"s etremely import"nt th"t the ."#hines "void eng"ging Ouroboros
se#urity $or#es& "s this #ould result in "n "lert being sent b"#: to the re"l power behind
Ouroboros: the Olig"r#hs.
6lood "nd .erovingi"n oper"tives disguised "s Agents "ttempted to use their
"ssumed $eder"l "uthority to enter "n Ouroboros l"b& with the "im o$ #on$is#"ting
v"lu"ble d"t". !hey were surprised when the Ouroboros gu"rd "t the site st"ted th"t
The Matrix Online Archives
their $eder"l Curisdi#tion did not "pply "t the #omp"nyFs $"#ility. A b"ttle ensued& "nd
"lthough the oper"tives elimin"ted the gu"rd& rein$or#ements eventu"lly $or#ed the
oper"tives to Coin 6lood in #hoosing dis#retion over v"lor. A s"$e dist"n#e "w"y& 6lood
pointed out th"t ."#hine "uthority w"s evidently worthless when it #"me to de"ling
with Ouroboros.
9rend" <tley& s"ying th"t her #omp"ny& 'endhurst+Am"r"nth& w"s getting too mu#h
leg"l he"t $rom ,right %ese"r#h over "n "lleged bre":+in by ."user& whi#h ,right
bl"med on '+A& "s:ed Eion to se"r#h $or #lues "bout ."userFs "#tivity "t the
Ouroboros Corpor"tion& r"ther th"n "t ,right %ese"r#h.
<tley put Eion in tou#h with "n in$orm"nt inside Ouroboros& where& "$ter spe":ing with
"n Ouroboros se#urity gu"rd& Eion oper"tives $ound th"t " se#urity in#ident "t th"t
#omp"ny $our wee:s "go& "bout the time o$ ."userFs l"st :nown "#tivity in the ."tri&
w"s " h"#: "ttempt th"t #"me over the internet& #utting right through the Ouroboros
#orpor"te $irew"ll. Eion #"ptured the $irew"ll serverFs log o$ the in#ident& whi#h showed
th"t d"t" tr"ns$erred in "nd out o$ the #omp"nyFs networ: during the "tt"#: used "n
en#ryption s#heme be"ring " resembl"n#e to the en#ryption 7"nielle ,right used $or
EionFs rev"mped red pill progr"mB this suggested th"t ."user& or whoever w"s behind
the "tt"#:& m"y h"ve been using stolen ,right te#hnology to h"#: into Ouroboros.
!he ."#hines st"ted th"t theyFve :nown Ouroboros is " $ront $or the Olig"r#hs& " group
whose number in#ludes the two power$ul Dintruders&D 5"lborn "nd C"rlyne& who
re#ently #"used so m"ny problems in the ."tri with their override #odes. Agent ?r"y
emph"sized th"t trouble "t Ouroboros #ould #"use " se#urity "lert to bring Olig"r#h
"ttention b"#: into the ."tri& r"ising the spe#tre o$ "nother w"ve o$ overrides
disrupting the simul"tion.
!o prevent this possibility& ."#hine oper"tives "ttempted to set up " system inside
OuroborosF networ: th"t would re+dire#t "ny #ommuni#"tions being sent out into the
%e"l& but h"d to "b"ndon the proCe#t when power$ul override progr"ms "ppe"red&
disrupting the #ommuni#"tion progr"ms.
.erovingi"n oper"tives "rmed with #"ptured p"sswords #ontinued their eplor"tion o$
OuroborosF #omputer networ:. !hey en#ountered resist"n#e $rom Ouroboros se#urity
"nd ."#hines& but " distin#t l"#: o$ #ooper"tion between those two $or#es somewh"t
"llevi"ted the problem. 3oting this& the .erovingi"n disp"t#hed "n oper"tive to
Ouroboros ee#utives with " letter det"iling ."#hine "nd Cypherite t"mpering "ttempts
"t Ouroboros.
9rend" <tley helped Eion oper"tives dis#over the n"me o$ " networ: engineer "t
Ouroboros& *heldon 9rewer& s"id to h"ve "##ess to " virtu"l m"p o$ the #omp"nyFs
intern"l networ:.
Cypherite oper"tives imperson"ted tourists on " site visit to " l"rge Ouroboros o$$i#e
building& while oper"tive ."ri"s snu#: p"st gu"rds on the upper $loors "nd :illed
Ouroboros se#urity o$$i#er ."tthews. Veil hinted th"t ."tthews h"d been in #h"rge o$
sending out " se#urity report.
."#hine oper"tives lo#"ted "nd elimin"ted "n 1iled h"#:er& C0wb0y& who Agent ?r"y
s"id w"s responsible $or gener"ting #ivili"n #urren#y inside the simul"tion in su#h v"st
"mounts th"t it #ould dest"bilize the popul"tionFs e#onomy. Oper"tives beg"n wor:ing
The Matrix Online Archives
with o$$i#er Vogt to tr"#: down "nd #on$is#"te "ll o$ C0wb0yFs h"#:ed $unds& whi#h h"d
been #on#e"led in v"rious investments.
.erovingi"n oper"tives see:ing to distr"#t publi# "ttention $rom their own t"rget&
Ouroboros& got help $rom g"ng le"der *even in #re"ting " s#"nd"lous s#ene "t "
,right %ese"r#h o$$i#e& where they "lso obt"ined se#urity p"ss#odes. <sing the
#odes& the oper"tives bro:e into ,right %ese"r#h he"d)u"rters& wre#:ing m"in$r"mes
"nd le"ving h"#:er progr"ms designed to loo: "s though they h"d #ome $rom riv"l
#orpor"tion 'endhurst+Am"r"nth.
Eion $ound th"t the Ouroboros employee with "##ess to " m"p o$ th"t #orpor"tionFs
networ:& *heldon 9rewer& w"s "n un"ssuming te#hni#i"n with the networ: d"t"
surgi#"lly impl"nted in his physi#"l& pod+housed br"in. !his m"de obt"ining the
in$orm"tion di$$i#ult& but " red pill tr"#e progr"m "nd #oordin"tion with " hover#r"$t
over#"me the obst"#le.
,right %ese"r#h de#l"red their intention to go "he"d with their l"wsuit "g"inst
'endhurst+Am"r"nth& #l"iming th"t they h"d se#urity #"mer" $oot"ge o$ ."user
bre":ing into their $"#ility& "s well "s other in$orm"tion demonstr"ting his ties to Eion&
"nd EionFs #lose rel"tionship with 'endhurst+Am"r"nth. ."#hine oper"tives delivered
" subpoen" to 'endhurst+Am"r"nth #h"irwom"n 9rend" <tley& re)uiring her to "ppe"r
in $eder"l #ourt to "nswer )uestions "bout the #"se.
.erovingi"n oper"tives r"n into " puzzling speed bump in their in$iltr"tion o$ the
Ouroboros networ:: " missing #onne#tion between two "#tive networ: se#tions.
Attempts to study "nd lo#"te the "bsent #onne#tion $"iled& "nd even the 1$$e#tu"tor
be#"me dis#om$ited by the b"$$ling problem. *etting it "side $or the time& investig"tion
#ontinued "long the rest o$ the networ: line& returning re"ms o$ $in"n#i"l d"t".
!he ."#hines obt"ined oper"tive help in )uestioning 9rend" <tley "bout her
#omp"nyFs involvement with ."user "nd Eion. !he '+A #h"irwom"n emerged $rom "
b"rr"ge o$ )uestions "nd w"rnings "pp"rently un$"zed. Agent '"#e& b"#:ed up by "n
oper"tive& #"ught up with .s. <tley in 7owntown& delivering " w"rning th"t i$ <tleyFs
#omp"ny #ontinued to "sso#i"te with Eion& it w"s possible th"t they #ould subCe#ted to
" time+#onsuming $eder"l "udit.
A Eion oper"tive& 3egligible& m"de o$$ with d"t" Cryptos w"s using $or his rese"r#h into
#ountering intruder override #odes& m":ing de#l"r"tions to the e$$e#t th"t the
Cypherites #ouldnFt be trusted to use su#h in$orm"tion sel$lessly. 'ursuing Cypherites
m"n"ged to #"t#h 3egligible& "nd re#over the d"t".
A disoriented *heldon 9rewer stumbled out o$ "n "p"rtment building in the slums&
)uestioning ne"rby ."#hine oper"tives "bout the time "nd lo#"tion. 9rewer did not
underst"nd how he h"d gotten there& "nd grew #on#erned th"t he would be l"te $or
wor:& "lthough he #ouldnFt )uite remember where his o$$i#e w"s. An Ouroboros
se#urity o$$i#er "ppe"red& #urtly dismissed the ."#hine oper"tives& "nd too: the
#on$used 9rewer b"#: into the building.
1'3 oper"tives& with the help o$ the networ: m"p obt"ined by Eion& lo#"ted the
Ouroboros se#urity server holding the re#ord o$ "#tivity on the #omp"nyFs networ:
during the widespre"d h"#:ing in#ident wee:s e"rlier& "ttributed to ."user. A$ter
over#oming he"vy se#urity "t the site& the 1'3 oper"tives obt"ined " $ull log o$ the
The Matrix Online Archives
h"#:ing in#ident& #omplete with the networ: "ddresses o$ the spe#i$i# Ouroboros
#omputers the "tt"#:er h"d t"rgeted.
!he 1$$e#tu"tor dr"gged .erovingi"n oper"tives b"#: to the missing Ouroboros
networ: lin:& t":ing "nother #r"#: "t solving the mystery. !he se"r#h $or in$orm"tion
seemed $ruitless until $rustr"tion grew "mong the se"r#h te"m& "t whi#h point networ:
"#tivity re"dings beg"n to "ppe"r. !hrough eperiment"tion& the te"m $ound th"t
displ"ys o$ emotion #"used the re"dings to grow stronger. 6urious emoting ensued&
sp"r:ing " surprise outbre": o$ A##eler"ted Ouroboros se#urity gu"rds. !hese were
de$e"ted& but the te"m w"snFt "ble to get " lo#: on the networ: lin: until 'ersephone
"rrived to "ssist in their per$orm"n#e.
<sing networ: "ddresses $rom " #"ptured log o$ the h"#:ing in#ident "t Ouroboros
"ttributed to ."user& Eion oper"tives lo#"ted d"t" on "n Ouroboros #omputer th"t
re$erred to wh"t m"y h"ve been " lo#"tion on the sur$"#e o$ the 1"rth& with in$orm"tion
"bout power r"tings "nd networ: lin:s. !his d"t" displ"y w"s suddenly #ut o$$& "nd
*er"ph "ppe"red& "s:ing Eion to stop investig"ting the d"t"& "s their investig"tion
#ould be h"rm$ul. 3iobe w"s not h"ppy "bout the interruption& but "dmitted th"t she
still trusts *er"ph.
."#hines listened in on Ouroboros se#urity tr"nsmissions to $"#ilit"te their pursuit o$
.erovingi"n $or#es "tt"#:ing the #omp"nyFs networ:& where ."#hine oper"tives
en#ountered eviden#e o$ violent #l"shes& "s well "s " power$ul 7e#eler"tor override
progr"m. !he tr"nsmissions "nd "#tivity #e"sed when the oper"tives r"n into *er"ph&
who w"rned them th"t their se"r#h must end.
.erovingi"n oper"tives over#"me numerous obst"#les& some with surprising e"se& to
$ind " #omputer termin"l surrounded by power$ul override progr"ms "nd Ouroboros
se#urity te"ms. A he"vy $irew"ll prote#ted the termin"l& but penetr"ting it too: less time
th"n epe#ted& "nd the triumph"nt oper"tives returned to " glee$ul .erovingi"n with "n
in#redible $ind: the Dbiologi#"l inter$"#e progr"mD sought by the intruder 5"lborn.
!he (id "nd other 1'3 oper"tives b"ttled Cypherites who h"d "mbushed " #ourier
tr"nsporting red pills. !he oper"tives de$e"ted the Cypherite le"der& *"ti"te& "nd
re#"ptured some o$ the pills& but the (id $ound eviden#e th"t the pills h"d been
t"mpered with& "nd " $oreign progr"m inserted into their #"rriers.
Eion oper"tives de#ided to visit the ("lt #"mpus in (edemoth& to "s: ("lt to help Eion
"lly 9rend" <tley "nd her #omp"ny 'endhurst+Am"r"nth& whi#h is dogged by "
."#hine+supported l"wsuit $rom riv"l ,right %ese"r#h. ("ltFs re#eptionist h"d some
trouble #ont"#ting ("lt "t the oper"tivesF re)uest& "nd while they w"ited& "n Agent
"rrived& "s:ing them to le"ve the building. .ost o$ the oper"tives did not #ooper"te
with the re)uest& "nd the Agent #"lled in *,A! te"ms to disperse the #rowd. ,hile
this met with some su##ess& the ."#hine $or#es were eventu"lly de$e"ted by the
Eionite te"ms. 9y this time& the re#eptionist h"d dep"rted& "nd oper"tives were le$t
wondering i$ it would still be possible to #ont"#t ("lt.
A$ter " long d"y o$ business involving her husb"nd .r. 9l"#:& the .erovingi"n& "nd the
Ouroboros Corpor"tion& 7"me ,hite went to Club 5"us to rel"& es#orted by her
w"t#h$ul& silent bodygu"rd& 1bony. !he 7"me r"n "#ross oper"tives "t the #lub&
running " D$ight #lubD #ontest on the #lubFs trendy whips+"nd+#h"ins upper $loor. !he
$rosty 7"me seemed "mused by the energeti# ehibition put on by the oper"tives.
The Matrix Online Archives
Oo:"mi en#our"ged .erovingi"n oper"tives to get in some Dpr"#ti#eD by Coining her in
" street br"wl with enemy oper"tives in !"bor '"r:& where m"ny import"nt lessons
were le"rned.
!he 1$$e#tu"tor threw " D9iologi#"l -nter$"#e '"rtyD "t !he *"nguine %oom& whose
itiner"ry in#luded the wide distribution o$ he"dy #ode sn"#:s& Oo:"mi "nd ."lph"s
#ostume #ontests& "nd "n eh"usting b"ttle "g"inst #olor$ul ninC"& "ll under the #lubFs
intense purple "nd white spotlights.
Veil "nd Cypherite oper"tives r"ided " w"rehouse in C"mon used by Eion to store red
pills. !he Cypherites de$e"ted the Eionites in the building "nd set $ire to the pill
#ont"iners& but then h"d to s#r"mble to res#ue bluepill wor:ers who h"d unepe#tedly
lingered in the buildingFs b"sement& while $ending o$$ " spirited Eionite #ounter+"tt"#:.
!he youngest member o$ the power$ul *pe#trum $"mily o$ 1iles& the *outh"rd mission
#ont"#t %ose& went on " shopping spree "$ter using " h"#: to "##ess the oper"tive
."r:etpl"#e $rom " h"rdline in <ri"h. Oper"tives in the "re" provided help$ul $"shion
tips "nd "##essories.
Lur:ing "round ."r"& 9eirn pondered the impli#"tions o$ the .erovingi"nFs possession
o$ the biologi#"l inter$"#e progr"m. !he e+<nlimit epressed #on#ern th"t the hunger
o$ the power$ul DintrudersD $or the progr"m would le"d to unple"s"nt #h"nges in the
A member o$ the Ar#hivist *o#iety invited oper"tives to " re+#re"tion o$ the origin"l
*leepw"l:er spotlight "tt"#: in the *"tiFs 'l"yground "r#hive #onstru#t& "nd " review o$
the power$ul *leepw"l:er D*e#urityD te"m who led the de$ense o$ the spotlights.
!he (id #ont"#ted sever"l oper"tives to m":e sure they :new "bout "n up#oming 1'3
epedition to the ."#hine Dno+$lyD zone& "nd then helped them $ight o$$ "tt"#:s by
hostile oper"tives.
The Matrix Online Archives
!hapter ::9:
Eion $ound 1iles pushing "round ,right %ese"r#h employees. 'endhurst+Am"r"nthFs
9rend" <tley told Eion th"t i$ ."user is gone& the ,right l"wsuit "g"inst her #omp"ny
would #oll"pse& but rumors o$ intern"l troubles "t ,right %ese"r#h "re in#re"sing.
!he ."#hines& $inding th"t the .erovingi"n prob"bly does h"ve the very s"me
Dbiologi#"l inter$"#e progr"mD th"t the intruder& 5"lborn& w"s loo:ing $or& beg"n "
sweep $or the progr"m "mong the .erovingi"nFs 1iles.
!he .erovingi"n beg"n "n"lyzing the progr"m& $inding it to be " b"$$ling mi o$
#omple ."#hine $un#tions "nd DintuitiveD routines. 1ven eoti# "n"lysts su#h "s
1there"l 2 "nd ."d"me !. were un"ble to m":e he"dw"y in their e"min"tion o$ #ode
s"mples $rom the progr"m.
Agent ?ri$$in #"lled upon ."#hine oper"tives to $or#e " 'luribus 3eo member to
re#onstru#t& whi#h would "llow " ."#hine sign"l s#"n to obt"in in$orm"tion possibly
helping them tr"#: suspi#ious 1'3 ship movements. Oper"tives #hm"rr& '"s#"l& "nd
*"m"e- #ompleted the AgentFs "ssignment with gre"t disp"t#h.
Cypherites led by Cryptos #"ptured the biologi#"l inter$"#e progr"m $rom "
.erovingi"n server& but the progr"m somehow tr"ns$erred itsel$ "w"y $rom their
possession Cust "s the Cypherites were #ounter+"tt"#:ed by " Lupine $or#e led by
.erovingi"n oper"tives testing the inter$"#e progr"mFs responses by "ttr"#ting it into "
simul"#rum in"dvertently triggered " storm o$ hostile simul"#r"& whi#h h"d to be
speedily elimin"ted.
!he (id "nd 1 'luribus 3eo oper"tives pursued ."#hine progr"ms see:ing the
inter$"#e progr"m. !he 1'3 oper"tives elimin"ted " ."#hine stri:e $or#e& but were
del"yed by ."lph"s "nd his blood+drin:ers when they m"de "n "ttempt to h"#: into
the .erovingi"n servers th"t the ."#hines h"d been "tt"#:ing.
1 'luribus 3eo #rews dep"rted $or "n epedition to the mysterious ."#hine Dno+$lyD
zone& while 1'3 "nd ."#hine oper"tives $ought over ."#hine hover#r"$t
#ommuni#"tion rel"ys. 'luribus 3eo su##eeded in h"#:ing one o$ the two rel"ys& but
some ."#hine hover#r"$t still m"n"ged to tr"#: the dep"rting 1'3 ships& "nd eng"ge
them in b"ttle. .ost o$ the 1'3 $leet w"s "ble to es#"pe $rom the b"ttle& "nd #ontinue
on their w"y.
Eion #"me "#ross eviden#e o$ "tt"#:s on ,right %ese"r#hFs networ:& )ui#:ly hushed
up by ,right %ese"r#h se#urity& "lthough the ,right se#urity te"ms h"d not been "ble
to $ind "ny eviden#e o$ the "tt"#:er.
."#hinists investig"ting riots in the #ity $ound 9luepills enr"ged by loss o$ their #"ble
television "nd internet "##ess& due to " m"ss $"ilure o$ the le"ding #onsumer set+top
bo "nd home router devi#es& m"nu$"#tured by none other th"n the Ouroboros
.erovingi"n oper"tives dug up the s#ientist *ilver& enlisting his spe#i"l :nowledge in
The Matrix Online Archives
the e$$ort to underst"nd "nd utilize the biologi#"l inter$"#e progr"m. *ilver "greed to
help only on thre"t o$ deletion++" thre"t the .erovingi"n h"s #"rried out in the p"st.
?host "nd Eion oper"tives tr"#:ed *ilver down "nd )uestioned him "bout his "#tivities&
in#luding his involvement with re#ent se#urity issues "t ,right %ese"r#hB in the p"st&
*ilver h"d wor:ed #losely with the #omp"nyFs $ounder& 7"nielle ,right. *ilver denied
"ny involvement& "nd es#"ped $rom the oper"tives& but not be$ore they #"ptured "
devi#e $rom him th"t led them to " hidden rese"r#h l"b in the slums& gu"rded by 1iles.
A #ode s#"n o$ the "re" showed th"t *ilver h"d been isol"ted there $or sever"l months&
whi#h seemed to support his #l"im o$ non+involvement in the ,right %ese"r#h
.erovingi"n oper"tives #he#:ed on the progress o$ *ilverFs rese"r#h& $inding him
eng"ged in " series o$ gruesome eperiments on do#ile 9luepills. !he oper"tives were
highly s:epti#"l o$ the use$ulness o$ *ilverFs "#tivities& "nd Oo:"mi "rrived to w"rn the
s#ientist th"t he w"s epe#ted to produ#e results.
Agent '"#e #"lled on ."#hine oper"tives to hold 9luepills who were rioting "t the
Ouroboros Corpor"tionFs he"d)u"rters in Creston 5eights& until their pod tre"tment
#ould be su$$i#iently modi$ied to p"#i$y them. *ome o$ the 9luepills were :illed in the
resulting melee& but the mob w"s eventu"lly dispersed& "nd the oper"tives "rrested
r"bble+rousing bluepill 1no#h 5orner& turning him over to Agent '"#e.
Eion dis#overed networ: e)uipment prototypes h"d been stolen $rom ,right %ese"r#h.
Che#:ing on one o$ the prototypes& they $ound th"t the rese"r#h proCe#t $rom whi#h it
origin"ted h"d been he"ded by 7"nielle ,right hersel$. !he $ormer m"n"ger o$ the
proCe#t s"id th"t it h"d to be "b"ndoned "$ter her de"th& be#"use nobody else #ould
underst"nd the te#hnology.
!he ."#hines "ttempted to #ont"#t the Ouroboros Corpor"tion& but the represent"tive
they were to meet did not "rrive. -nvestig"ting& oper"tives $ound OuroborosF intern"l
m"il "nd p"ging systems o$$line& "nd their te#hni#i"ns #ompletely b"$$led "s to the
!he biologi#"l inter$"#e progr"m went missing $rom its server& "nd $litted "round the
.erovingi"nFs networ:& #"using " number o$ problems be$ore settling into "nother
m"in$r"me. !he s#ientist *ilver "ppe"red unsurprised by its tempor"ry es#"pe& s"ying
th"t the progr"mFs uni)ue #ode en"bles it to #ir#umvent tr"dition"l se#urity routines
with rel"tive e"se.
Cypherites "nd other oper"tives strove to de"#tiv"te #ode bombs pl"nted by "n
etreme e+1'3 #rew& Libert"s Verus. !hey were "ble to dis"rm some o$ the bombs&
de$e"ting " number o$ the VerusF #rew& in#luding the #"pt"in& <ti#ensis& despite the
#rew h"ving unle"shed " d"ngerous $l"me virus "t the $irst bomb site.
,hile $ighting o$$ " ."#hine r"id on the biologi#"l inter$"#e progr"mFs #omputer&
Oo:"mi $ound th"t the progr"m h"d Cumped $rom its server into the %*- o$ one o$ the
.erovingi"n oper"tives& 3i#:s. Oper"tives ev"#u"ted her to " s"$e lo#"tion& where
they su##eeded in #o"ing the progr"m b"#: into " se#ure server.
Cypherites see:ing "nswers "bout OuroborosF $"ilure to #orre#t its problems tr"#:ed
down three o$ the #omp"nyFs ee#utives: 1dw"rd Noung& '"mel" 9"gwell& "nd 9"rry
.org"nth"l. Auestioning them #losely "bout OuroborosF problems "nd "#tivities& it
The Matrix Online Archives
be#"me #le"r to the Cypherites th"t the #omp"nyFs own ee#utives h"d no #lue "s to
the #"use o$ the bre":downs there.
1 'luribus 3eo& "t the site o$ " #ivili"n demonstr"tion "g"inst the Ouroboros
Corpor"tion "nd its $"iled medi" distribution servi#es& witnessed the :illing o$ "
demonstr"tor "t the h"nds o$ "n Ouroboros se#urity gu"rd. 1'3 ev"#u"ted the
rem"ining #ivili"ns& "nd $ought o$$ "ggressive resist"n#e by the Ouroboros se#urity
te"m "t the site.
Eion dis#overed networ: e)uipment prototypes h"d been stolen $rom ,right %ese"r#h.
Che#:ing on one o$ the prototypes& they $ound th"t the rese"r#h proCe#t $rom whi#h it
origin"ted h"d been he"ded by 7"nielle ,right hersel$. !he $ormer m"n"ger o$ the
proCe#t s"id th"t it h"d to be "b"ndoned "$ter her de"th& be#"use nobody else #ould
underst"nd the te#hnology.
!he ."#hines "ttempted to #ont"#t the Ouroboros Corpor"tion& but the represent"tive
they were to meet did not "rrive. -nvestig"ting& oper"tives $ound OuroborosF intern"l
m"il "nd p"ging systems o$$line& "nd their te#hni#i"ns #ompletely b"$$led "s to the
!he biologi#"l inter$"#e progr"m went missing $rom its server& "nd $litted "round the
.erovingi"nFs networ:& #"using " number o$ problems be$ore settling into "nother
m"in$r"me. !he s#ientist *ilver "ppe"red unsurprised by its tempor"ry es#"pe& s"ying
th"t the progr"mFs uni)ue #ode en"bles it to #ir#umvent tr"dition"l se#urity routines
with rel"tive e"se.
Cypherites "nd other oper"tives strove to de"#tiv"te #ode bombs pl"nted by "n
etreme e+1'3 #rew& Libert"s Verus. !hey were "ble to dis"rm some o$ the bombs&
de$e"ting " number o$ the VerusF #rew& in#luding the #"pt"in& <ti#ensis& despite the
#rew h"ving unle"shed " d"ngerous $l"me virus "t the $irst bomb site.
,hile $ighting o$$ " ."#hine r"id on the biologi#"l inter$"#e progr"mFs #omputer&
Oo:"mi $ound th"t the progr"m h"d Cumped $rom its server into the %*- o$ one o$ the
.erovingi"n oper"tives& 3i#:s. Oper"tives ev"#u"ted her to " s"$e lo#"tion& where
they su##eeded in #o"ing the progr"m b"#: into " se#ure server.
Cypherites see:ing "nswers "bout OuroborosF $"ilure to #orre#t its problems tr"#:ed
down three o$ the #omp"nyFs ee#utives: 1dw"rd Noung& '"mel" 9"gwell& "nd 9"rry
.org"nth"l. Auestioning them #losely "bout OuroborosF problems "nd "#tivities& it
be#"me #le"r to the Cypherites th"t the #omp"nyFs own ee#utives h"d no #lue "s to
the #"use o$ the bre":downs there.
1 'luribus 3eo& "t the site o$ " #ivili"n demonstr"tion "g"inst the Ouroboros
Corpor"tion "nd its $"iled medi" distribution servi#es& witnessed the :illing o$ "
demonstr"tor "t the h"nds o$ "n Ouroboros se#urity gu"rd. 1'3 ev"#u"ted the
rem"ining #ivili"ns& "nd $ought o$$ "ggressive resist"n#e by the Ouroboros se#urity
te"m "t the site.
Eion& investig"ting the ongoing r"sh o$ the$ts "t ,right %ese"r#h& $ound " ,right
employee who w"s somehow in two spots "t on#e: " se#urity l"b "n"lyzing the "tt"#:s&
"nd the most re#ent bre":+in site. ,hen #"ught "nd )uestioned by ,right se#urity&
however& the employee "ppe"red to be " #ompletely norm"l bluepill.
The Matrix Online Archives
!he ."#hines& st"rting to t":e the Ouroboros networ: o$$line in "n "ttempt to isol"te
the #"use o$ the problems within th"t #orpor"tion& tr"#:ed " suspi#ious d"t" stre"m to
"n Ouroboros employee& "pp"rently h"#:ing into her own #omp"nyFs networ:. *he
provided in$orm"tion le"ding to the dis#overy o$ " series o$ #omm"nds sent to the
power pl"nt "t the #omp"nyFs Creston 5eights he"d)u"rters++#omm"nds th"t h"d
"lre"dy triggered " #ondition th"t would le"d to " #"t"strophi# overlo"d #"p"ble o$
leveling northwest 7owntown.
*ilverFs eperiments using the inter$"#e progr"m #ontinued& with .erovingi"n
oper"tives pl"ying unwitting hosts to the progr"m. -t w"s $ound to be #"p"ble o$
tr"ns$erring $rom %*- to %*- "t will& or& "s *ilver put it& to Dinter$"#e per$e#tly with
hum"n bro"d#"st sign"ls.D
A sm"ll group o$ ."#hine oper"tives re"#hed the #ontrol termin"l $or the Ouroboros
Corpor"tionFs Creston 5eights power pl"nt& $inding themselves $"#ed there with "
mind+boggling se#urity progr"m while other ."#hine oper"tives $ought o$$ Ouroboros
se#urity $or#es in the pl"z" outside. .inutes "w"y $rom meltdown& the Ouroboros
h"#:er whose in$orm"tion h"d led to the dis#overy o$ the impending #"t"strophe
re"#hed the pl"z"Fs perimeter. Oper"tives es#orted her inside& where she input "
#omm"nd th"t de"#tiv"ted the overlo"d pro#ess. *he $led "s Ouroboros se#urity
l"un#hed "nother "tt"#:.
Eion $ound " l"b te#hni#i"n in "n o$$i#e "t ,right %ese"r#h& "$ter the building h"d been
ev"#u"ted due to " se#urity "lert. !o their surprise& the te#hni#i"n #h"nged $rom m"le
to $em"le& then #h"nged $orm sever"l more times "s it "ttempted to es#"pe $rom the
pursuing oper"tives. -t eluded them $or " time until being spotted& in the $orm o$ "
#omb"t simul"#rum& sever"l blo#:s "w"y. 3iobe ordered it le$t "lone while " s#"n w"s
run& but " number o$ overze"lous oper"tives $ired upon the simul"#rum& termin"ting it.
Although the s#"n w"s in#omplete& 3iobe s"id th"t they might be "ble to spot it i$ it
re"ppe"red "nd v"ried its sign"l "g"in.
C"rlyne interrupted " so#i"l event being held by the .erovingi"n& dem"nding th"t the
6ren#hm"n give him the biologi#"l inter$"#e progr"m. !he .erovingi"n s"id th"t it
would t":e some time to prep"re the progr"m $or " s"$e tr"ns$er. C"rlyne g"ve him
one d"y to h"ve it re"dy.
Oper"tives lo#"ted C"rlyne "t " $orlorn ,estview lo#"tion& imp"tiently "w"iting the
prep"r"tion o$ the inter$"#e progr"m by the .erovingi"n. Curiously& none o$ the
.erovingi"nFs oper"tives were "mong the group who #"me to )uestion the intruder&
"nd C"rlyne& growing $rustr"ted with the del"y& "dv"n#ed to 5"mpton ?reen& where he
pl"#ed override progr"ms "round the .erovingi"nFs 5el Club in wh"t he termed "
me"ns o$ Den#our"gement.D
Eion tr"#:ed the v"ri"ble+sign"l progr"m ste"ling $rom ,right %ese"r#h to " hidden
l"b& where they $ound " highly sophisti#"ted networ: devi#e built p"rtly $rom the stolen
e)uipment. 9y "##essing " #omputer in the l"b& they were "ble to shut down the
DspiderD thie$ progr"m& whi#h h"d been "ble to penetr"te ,right se#urity using ,right
"##ess #odes& "nd the li:enesses o$ ,right employees.
!he ."#hines $roze the "ssets o$ the Ouroboros Corpor"tion& noti$ying its st"$$ o$ the
$eder"l t":eover. L"rge+s#"le #on$is#"tion o$ Ouroboros d"t" led to " single #omputer
"t "n Ouroboros o$$i#e& $ound to h"ve " #onne#tion to the Olig"r#h networ:.
The Matrix Online Archives
A series o$ progr"m termin"tions $ound its w"y to the .erovingi"n& m"ni$esting in the
person o$ C"rlyne& "n Olig"r#h who h"d dep"rted the ."tri months "go "$ter helping
:no#: o$$ his riv"l& 5"lborn. C"rlyne dem"nded th"t the 6ren#hm"n give him the
biologi#"l inter$"#e progr"m& "nd then& to everyoneFs surprise& $ell to the ground inert
"s " wire$r"med $em"le "ppe"red beside him. *he #oolly "s:ed th"t the progr"m be
turned over to her. !hin:ing )ui#:ly& the .erovingi"n dire#ted his oper"tive to $lush the
progr"m into the simul"tion "t l"rge& "nd then $led the s#ene.
*ilver w"s $ound by oper"tives& m":ing his w"y++vi" " simul"#rum++through "
residenti"l "re" in C"mon 5eights. !he oper"tives surprised him by mentioning th"t
C"rlyne h"d been :illed by the $em"le intruder& but he too: this "s "ll the more re"son
to st"y "w"y $rom "nything to do with the inter$"#e progr"m.
A spying ."lph"s& "nd some oper"tives monitoring $rom " ledge outside& noti#ed the
$em"le intruder inside ,right %ese"r#hFs V"uton he"d)u"rters. ,hen " ,right
se#urity gu"rd #"me "#ross her& she "ddressed him $"mili"rly& telling him th"t she w"s
deleting the l"st o$ her $iles. A$ter some prompting& the stunned gu"rd re#ognized her
"s 7"nielle ,right& brilli"nt inventor& e+Eionite& "nd $ounder o$ the #omp"ny& who h"d
been thought :illed by the ."#hines shortly "$ter the end o$ the !ru#e.
Oo:"mi g"thered " te"m o$ oper"tives to $ind something ti#:ling her senses in
Ashen#ourte: " !"s:m"ster robot& norm"lly $ound only in the Eero One "r#hive
#onstru#t. Venturing there& the .erovingi"ns $ound s#ores o$ robot bodies piled in the
dusty w"stel"nd. Oo:"mi& thin:ing she sensed something she #ould not identi$y&
be#"me irrit"ble "nd dep"rted.
Oper"tives es#orted 'ersephone to the ,hite Lotus hotel& where she "s:ed them to
$et#h the 9l"#: ,idow& denizen o$ the hotelFs l"byrinthine b"sement. !he ,idow w"s
ple"sed th"t the .erovingi"nFs wi$e h"d $in"lly returned "n invit"tion m"de long "go
G'"st event in$o here.I& but 'ersephone sho#:ed her $ormer "sso#i"te by "s:ing i$ she
#ould :ill her. !he ,idow re$used to thin: o$ su#h " thing& "nd 'ersephone le$t& s"ying
it h"d been nothing more th"n " p"ssing $"n#y.
Agent ?ri$$in distributed tr"n)uilizer pistols to " te"m o$ oper"tives "nd pro#eeded with
them into ,right %ese"r#hFs he"d)u"rters& where they swi$tly dis"bled the #omp"nyFs
te#hni#i"ns while ?ri$$in se"r#hed one o$ the #omputers. ?ri$$in indi#"ted th"t $iles $rom
7"nielle ,right h"d indeed been deleted& but #"utioned oper"tives "g"inst t":ing less
reli"ble sour#es o$ in$orm"tion "t $"#e v"lue.
."#hine oper"tives wor:ing with o$$i#er Vogt #on$is#"ted d"t" $rom Cross 6in"n#i"l
Logisti#s& " #omp"ny th"t m"y h"ve been involved in "n 1ileFs $in"n#i"l s#"m.
*him"d" "nd 1'3 oper"tives obt"ined spe#i"l #odes $rom .erovingi"n oper"tives&
"nd then lured the le"der o$ the d"ngerous Libert"s Verus group& 'ileus& into "n
"mbush& where they were "ble to #"pture him.
Colt led Eion oper"tives on " d"t" mining oper"tion "round the 5el Club& hoping to turn
up in$orm"tion on the biologi#"l inter$"#e progr"m. Oo:"mi "nd her Lupines de$ended
the #lub. ,hen the Eionites de$e"ted Oo:"miFs $or#e& she told them th"t the progr"m
w"snFt there "nyw"y.
Cypherites investig"ting mysterious networ: issues "t " downtown #omp"ny lo#"ted
override "#tivity "t one o$ the #omp"nyFs buildings& "nd sever"l de"d 9luepills. *ome
The Matrix Online Archives
o$ the #ir#umst"n#es suggested th"t something other th"n Cust overrides h"d been
*him"d" "nd 1'3 oper"tives using *"tiFs 'l"yground $or #omb"t pr"#ti#e were
"mbushed by Veil& who h"#:ed the *leepw"l:er simul"#r" there to help her. As the
b"ttle beg"n to turn "g"inst Veil& the #onstru#t she h"d h"#:ed #r"shed& "llowing her "
messy es#"pe $rom 1'3 retribution.
Eion $ollowed " series o$ #oordin"tes given out by the devi#e theyFd $ound with the
str"nge ,right %ese"r#h thie$& en#ountering override "#tivity& "nd then 7"nielle ,right
hersel$. ,right removed the overrides the Eionites h"d $ound& "nd dep"rted. ,hen
Eion regrouped "t the devi#e& ,right suddenly re"ppe"red& destroying the devi#e&
whi#h she #l"imed "s her own wor:.
The Matrix Online Archives
!hapter ::98
!he 1 'luribus 3eo epedition to the ."#hine no+$ly zone re"#hed the outs:irts o$ the
"re"& but $ound he"vy *entinel p"trols "round the zoneFs perimeter. !he (id le$t old
Eion& he"ding to the zone with rein$or#ements $or the epedition.
Eion $ound th"t the devi#e theyFd re#overed $rom the thie$ ste"ling $rom ,right
%ese"r#h w"s tr"#:ing the biologi#"l inter$"#e progr"m.
!he ."#hines #on$irmed the identity o$ the $em"le intruder "s the e+Eionite rese"r#her
7"nielle ,right& thought to h"ve been :illed by *entinels shortly "$ter the end o$ the
!ru#e. Agent ?r"y w"s un#ert"in how ,right #ould still be "live& but #on$irmed th"t she
is not " member o$ the DOlig"r#hy&D "nd the old termin"tion order $or her rem"ins in
e$$e#t. Oper"tives sent to ee#ute the order $ound th"t it would be no simple m"tter& "s
,right seemed to h"ve $ull #omm"nd o$ Olig"r#h simul"tion override #odes.
.erovingi"n oper"tives en#ountered " #"s#"ding series o$ glit#hes #entered on the
white h"llw"y #onne#tion to the .erovingi"nFs #h"te"u #onstru#t. ."lph"s s"id th"t the
sour#e "ppe"red to h"ve been intern"l& but undete#t"ble& whi#h suggested th"t it might
h"ve been the inter$"#e progr"m.
Eion $ollowed " series o$ #oordin"tes given out by the devi#e theyFd $ound with the
str"nge ,right %ese"r#h thie$& en#ountering override "#tivity& "nd then 7"nielle ,right
hersel$. ,right removed the overrides the Eionites h"d $ound& "nd dep"rted. ,hen
Eion regrouped "t the devi#e& ,right suddenly re"ppe"red& destroying the devi#e&
whi#h she #l"imed "s her own wor:.
The Matrix Online Archives
Cypherites lo#"ted 7"nielle ,right "nd s#"nned $or her bro"d#"st sign"l& but to their
surprise& they $ound no tr"#e o$ " #onne#tion "t "ll.
."#hine oper"tives snu#: into "n 1'3 meeting "ttended by the e+."#hinist "nd
re#ent 1'3 #onvert& 7islodge& hoping to obt"in intelligen#e on the 1 'luribus 3eo
epedition"ry $or#e th"t h"s "dv"n#ed to the no+$ly zone. 7islodge& re"lizing th"t
something w"s "miss& m"de " bre": $or it& but w"s $or#ed to re#onstru#t by ."#hine
oper"tives gu"rding the eits.
.erovingi"n oper"tives se"r#hing the #h"te"u $or the sour#e o$ disruptions there
en#ountered " tr"ining simul"#rum& beh"ving slightly irregul"rly. !he simul"#rum
eng"ged the oper"tives in #omb"t& but eventu"lly stopped $ighting& loo:ed "round& s"id
Dwhere&D "nd $ell inert. Oper"tives #on#luded th"t the simul"#rum h"d been #ontrolled
by the inter$"#e progr"m. 6lood w"s s:epti#"l.
Cryptos summoned Cypherite oper"tives to the res#ue o$ " Cypherite te"m th"t h"d
been "mbushed downtown. Veil& "rriving "t the "mbush site on her own& $ound "
'luribus 3eo oper"tive there& "long with the rem"ins o$ the Cypherite te"m& "nd "n
override progr"m. *he too: some time in rel"ying this in$orm"tion to Cryptos& who
)ui#:ly h"d " se"r#h run $or 1'3 "#tivity in the "re"& le"ding to " $"#ility where 1'3
w"s trying to de#ompile the d"t" they h"d #"ptured $rom the Cypherites& h"ving to do
with CryptosF rese"r#h into $ormul"ting " #ounter+"gent to override #odes. !he
Cypherites elimin"ted the 1'3 oper"tives "nd re#"ptured the d"t".
Eion oper"tives on the tr"il o$ the inter$"#e progr"m hunted down gu"rd progr"ms $rom
the .erovingi"nFs #h"te"u& where the progr"m h"d re#ently "ppe"red. !he #h"te"u
gu"rds beh"ved oddly& "nd " d"t" tr"ns$er $rom the proimity o$ one o$ them led to "
home #omputer& with " mess"ge s"ying only Dthis isnFt.D
!he (id "nd his rein$or#ements met up with the 1'3 epedition"ry $or#e "nd entered
the ."#hine no+$ly zone& see:ing "nswers on the mysterious "re"& "nd the d"ngerous
Olig"r#hs who seem to h"ve " #onne#tion with it.
7"nielle ,right "greed to t"l: to the ."#hines& provided they would tell her why the
inter$"#e progr"m w"s #re"ted& "nd do it in the presen#e o$ their oper"tives& who would
serve "s wh"t she #"lled Dwitnesses.D
.erovingi"n oper"tives de$ending #h"te"u gu"rds $rom Eionites en#ountered 7"nielle
,right& who mentioned th"t C"rlyne& who h"d helped Eion& h"d been more use$ul th"n
heFd intended. !hin:ing over this rem"r:& it o##urred to the .erovingi"n th"t ,right
#ould h"ve been in #lose physi#"l proimity to C"rlyne in the %e"l when she somehow
de"#tiv"ted his %*- in the ."tri. !he .erovingi"n disp"t#hed " $lotill" o$ the ?ener"lFs
*entinels into the no+$ly zone& s"id to be C"rlyneFs home.
."#hine oper"tives "nd Agent ?r"y met with 7"nielle ,right in the One Eero
#onstru#t $or "n e#h"nge o$ in$orm"tion. ?r"y told ,right th"t the biologi#"l inter$"#e
progr"m h"d been #re"ted to "ssist in #ontrol "nd monitoring o$ hum"ns who h"d been
unplugged $rom the ."tri. ,right told the ."#hinists th"t she w"s "ble to survive the
termin"tion o$ her body by entering the ."tri "s " D#omplete #ons#iousness&D tot"lly
independent o$ her physi#"l $orm.
1 'luribus 3eo oper"tives& $ollowing " $inding $rom their epedition"ry $or#e indi#"ting
"n Olig"r#h #onne#tion to "n Ouroboros #omputer& in$iltr"ted the #omp"ny "nd
The Matrix Online Archives
#"ptured d"t" th"t they hoped would improve their underst"nding o$ the Olig"r#h
networ:Fs str"nge proto#ols.
Eion oper"tives h"#:ed their w"y through the white h"llw"ys& loo:ing $or signs o$ the
inter$"#e progr"m. 9yp"ssing "tt"#:s $rom 1iles "nd one o$ the !wins& they re"#hed "
white room& where they $ound 7"nielle ,right. A #on$li#t ensued& ending when ,right
le$t& s"ying her t"rget l"y elsewhere.
.erovingi"n oper"tives entered the 5el Club in response to " distress #"ll $rom 6lood&
who #l"imed th"t 1ile progr"ms h"d "tt"#:ed him there. !he oper"tives subdued the
inepli#"bly hostile 1iles& "nd $ound " #":e vendor progr"m in the #lubFs upper level
beh"ving oddly. !he progr"m moved& "nd even spo:e& s"ying DiFm not.D -nvestig"tion o$
the progr"m w"s interrupted by ,right& who entered the #lub& loo:ing $or the inter$"#e
progr"m. ,right beg"n using override progr"ms to rid hersel$ o$ the .erovingi"n
oper"tives blo#:ing her p"th& but " $lood o$ #":e vendors& dupli#"ting out o$ #ontrol
"#ross the entire #lub $loor& $or#ed "n end to the b"ttle.
Oper"tives responded to hostile override progr"m "#tivity in Chelse"& lo#"ted Cust
south o$ the 5el Club.
Overrides "nd rumors o$ 7"nielle ,right "nd the inter$"#e progr"m in#re"sed in
%i#hl"nd& with override "#tivity eventu"lly #oming to #enter "round 7ebir Court.
*er"ph dire#ted Eion oper"tives to "n "p"rtment in the "re"& previously o##upied by
the Or"#le& where they $ound " #omputer hosting " short mess"ge: Dnot here.D
."#hine oper"tives over#"me di$$i#ulties& in#luding overridden progr"ms& two dis"bled
#omputers& "nd " lost bl"#: #"t& to $ind 7"nielle ,right in ."r". ,right #ommented
th"t& in the right h"nds& the inter$"#e progr"m #ould be "n eleg"nt #ontrol me#h"nism.
.erovingi"n oper"tives h"d to de"l with domin"ted 5el Club 1iles "nd hostile Eionites
in order to lo#"te *er"ph ne"r 7ebir Court& tr"pped by "n override progr"m.
Adv"n#ed $ighter #r"$t stru#: without w"rning in the ."#hine no+$ly zone& "tt"#:ing
both the 1 'luribus 3eo epedition"ry $or#e& "nd the ?ener"lFs *entinelsB the groups
retre"ted with he"vy losses. 1'3 reported th"t the (idFs hover#r"$t h"d m"n"ged to
d"m"ge one o$ the "tt"#:ers& but w"s then shot down& "nd the (id inCured.
Cypherites $ound the elusive oper"tive who h"d been h"ndling pill progr"ms $or Eion&
"nd dis#overed in$orm"tion th"t #ould be used "g"inst him.
Cryptos distributed prototypes o$ his "nti+override routines to Cypherites& who tested
them "g"inst overrides in the ."r" "re". Oper"tives reported only " $ew #"ses o$ the
routines su##ess$ully blo#:ing override e$$e#ts& "nd Cryptos "dmitted th"t there w"s
mu#h wor: yet to be done.
Eion& ."#hine& "nd .erovingi"n oper"tives #l"shed "round 7ebir Court& "s Agent
'"#e "nd ?host& sep"r"tely& led oper"tives in "ttempts to #le"r out power$ul
overridden progr"ms.
Eion "nd .erovingi"n oper"tives $ought $or #ontrol o$ the building where *er"ph w"s
tr"pped by "n override #ode. .erovingi"n oper"tives su##eeded in elimin"ting their
enemies& "nd se#ured the building $or the .erovingi"n.
!he .erovingi"n "nd his oper"tives interrog"ted *er"ph "bout his "#tivities& "nd "bout
The Matrix Online Archives
the override progr"m. *er"phFs "nswers suggested " l"rger plot behind the progr"mFs
movements& "nd he s"id it w"s Dremembering.D 9e$ore he #ould be )uestioned $urther&
" met"lli# #o"ting "ppe"red over his body& "nd eng"gement proto#ols $"iled
throughout the entire 7ebir "re". ,ithout s"ying " word& *er"ph b"ttered his w"y
through the oper"tives "nd p"st the override progr"m& whi#h seemed to h"ve no e$$e#t
on him. On#e outside& he re#eived #omb"t "ssist"n#e $rom 1'3 "nd Eion oper"tives&
"nd Cumped "w"y into the s:y.
Eionites loo:ing $or the #"use o$ bluepills dropping de"d "#ross the #ity $ound 7"nielle
,right& e"mining " bluepill whom she "ddressed by " re$eren#e number++
002=:0;:0/89:042++be$ore the bluepill dropped de"d. A red pill tr"#e progr"m run on
"nother su#h body turned up " pod lo#"tion "t whi#h most o$ the "dC"#ent pods were
empty. *uspe#ting th"t ,right w"s system"ti#"lly elimin"ting the people housed in th"t
ring o$ pods& Eion tried to lo#"te " survivor inside the simul"tion& but $ound their home
gu"rded by ."#hines.
!he ."#hines surrounded the pod tower with " he"vy *entinel gu"rd& "nd too: one o$
the surviving o##up"nts o$ the dev"st"ted pod ring& -meld" (roller& into prote#tive
#ustody "$ter dis#overing th"t the biologi#"l inter$"#e progr"m h"d moved into her body
in the pod& where it too: over her som"ti# nervous system. As ,right #losed in on
(roller inside the simul"tion& the ."#hines suddenly lost #ont"#t with her podFs
reporting systemB (rollerFs %*- s"id Dimpossible&D then v"nished. !he ."#hines
reported th"t her pod h"d obeyed "n un"uthorized re)uest to reiniti"lize her %*-.
.erovingi"n oper"tives used the re$eren#e number ,right h"d let slip to Eion to tr"#:
down (rollerFs pod: the number w"s ."#hine pod seri"l $orm"t& with the third p"rt& /89&
indi#"ting the ring in whi#h th"t bluepillFs pod h"d been situ"ted on the tower& li:ely the
s"me ring in whi#h (rollerFs pod w"s lo#"ted. 'ersephone overrode the .erovingi"nFs
pl"n to hunt down the lo#"l pod #"ret":er progr"m& s"ying th"t she& " #"ret":er
progr"m be$ore her eile& would h"ndle it hersel$. 'ersephone su##eeded in t":ing
#ontrol o$ (rollerFs pod& $or#ing it to relo#"te (roller to " s"$e pl"#e inside the
simul"tion& but w"s he"vily d"m"ged by ."#hine de$ensive routines while doing so.
!he .erovingi"n& ir:ed by his wi$eFs he"dstrong beh"vior "nd "pp"rent l"#: o$
#onsider"tion $or her own preserv"tion& re#eived some good news $rom the ?ener"l&
who reported th"t his men h"d lo#"ted "nd s"lv"ged "n unusu"l "ndroid body $rom the
wre#:"ge o$ "n "dv"n#ed $ighter #r"$t they h"d #ome "#ross on their w"y b"#: $rom
the ."#hine no+$ly zone.
1 'luribus 3eo oper"tives lo#"ted "nd de$ended " denizen o$ pod ring /89& 7"ryl
Chester& $rom 7"nielle ,right& but "$ter " long #h"se through the #ity& during whi#h
,rightFs progress w"s slowed signi$i#"ntly due to "tt"#:s by ."#hine oper"tives "nd
others& ,right #"ught up to 7"ryl "nd #rushed his %*-.
Cryptos "nd Veil "##omp"nied Cypherite oper"tives during some %V% "t Club 3oir&
brie$ly interrupted by "n 1'3 "tt"#:.
'ersephone h"d .erovingi"n oper"tives help her re"#h " ."#hine #ontrol termin"l&
where she m"de "nother "ttempt to s"ve -meld" (roller by m"nipul"ting the wom"nFs
pod #ontrols. ."#hine de$enses prevented this& however& "nd 'ersephone& still very
p"le $rom her previous "ttempt& w"s wounded by " ."#hine #ounter+"tt"#:& es#"ping
th"n:s to v"li"nt de$ense by some o$ the oper"tives. A$terw"rds& she "nd the
The Matrix Online Archives
.erovingi"n held "n "ngry e#h"nge o$ words in whi#h he "##used her o$ "#ting
$oolishly "nd irresponsibly& "nd she reCe#ted his #"llous "ttitude tow"rd the lives o$ the
hum"ns plugged into the ."tri.
!he ."#hines& h"ving re+est"blished their #onne#tion with (rollerFs pod& lo#"ted her
%*- in Club ("os. (roller proved unresponsive to "ll but dire#t visu"l stimuliB
eventu"lly& oper"tive movements #"ught her "ttention& Cust "s 7"nielle ,right "rrived
outside the #lub. (roller uttered the words Doh god&D but $ollowed the body o$ oper"tives
outside. A s"v"ge e#h"nge o$ h"#:s between ,right "nd the oper"tives $ollowed&
with ,right Cust m"n"ging to #rush her "tt"#:ers. ,right then "ppro"#hed (roller "nd
#ompressed her %*-& "pp"rently :illing her. ,right told the re"ssembling oper"tives
th"t by doing so& she h"d rele"sed the inter$"#e $rom (rollerFs body& b"#: into the
simul"tion& where she h"d no doubt she would #"t#h it eventu"lly.
1'3 oper"tives $ought Cypherites& obt"ining in$orm"tion "bout " Cypherite pl"n to put
those bluepills whoFd survived ,rightFs "tt"#:s on ring /89 $irmly b"#: to sleep& sin#e
some o$ them h"d begun showing in#re"sed signs o$ reCe#ting the simul"tion sin#e the
!he ."#hines h"ve their h"nds $ull trying to de"l with her "nd prote#t themselves. !he
Cypherites& th"n:s to CryptosF rese"r#h& m"n"ge to #ompile " $ew prototype versions
o$ their override immunity #odes& "nd h"ve some su##ess in using these to prote#t
"g"inst ,rightFs progr"ms.
!he biologi#"l inter$"#e progr"mFs movements through the #h"nnels o$ the simul"tion
gr"du"lly be#ome less err"ti#. *tr"nge tet output is $ound on termin"ls "#ross the #ity.
!his #ulmin"tes& $or the .erovingi"n& in his own Gor the pl"yerFs& "nyw"yI termin"l
being overridden& with the words D,":e upD le$t behind. 6or Eion& who h"s re#eived
help $rom the .orpheus simul"#rum& their se"r#h ends with " termin"l displ"ying the
words D(no#:& :no#:D "nd le"ving "n open #onne#tion...
The Matrix Online Archives
!hapter ::9;
!he ?ener"l shows the "ndroid body to the .erovingi"n& s"ys theyFve #ompleted
retriev"l& "nd th"t it isnFt " ."#hine me#h"nism.
*him"d" is told th"t the (id will be b"#: $rom the no+$ly zone soonB he w"s inCured but
will re#over. Veil sne":s up on *him"d" while sheFs C"#:ed in& muttering something to
hersel$ "bout loo:ing $or the progr"m the Or"#le g"ve *him"d". ,hen surprised by "n
1'3 #rew member& Veil pulls *him"d"Fs C"#:& :illing her& "nd es#"pes.
?r"y monitors ,right "s she #ontinues her disruptive se"r#h through the #ity $or the
inter$"#e progr"m. ?r"y tells "nother Agent to "void ,right& "nd to $ind the progr"m.
3iobe gets " D,":e upD mess"ge li:e the one $rom the //.2 #rits. !his turns D,":e up&
3eo&D "nd then " #onst"nt stre"m o$ D,":e up ,":e up ,":e up...D 3iobe is "l"rmed&
"nd ?host speeds "w"y.
!he ."#hines #"nFt dete#t the progr"m themselves& but ,right seems to h"ve some
me"ns o$ doing so& so they $ollow her& running into " disrupted #omputer& de"d bluepill&
A##eler"ted *uits G5"mpton g"ngI& "nd $in"lly ,right in ."ribe"u& where she s"ys
sheFll h"ve it soon& "nd the ."#hines h"d better st"y out o$ her w"y until then. *he
"dds& D!he ."#hines le$t " g"ping se#urity hole in their #ore progr"mming " long time
"go. !hey were only "s per$e#t "s the people who m"de them.D
!he pl"yer s#outs ,right "#tivity in 5"mpton& where sheFs been disrupting things. ,ith
help $rom 3i#:y ?.& they $ind A##eler"ted *uits& "nd tr"#: down ."n"ger& the *uits
boss& in the 5istori# 7istri#t& who mentions he"ring "bout " Cypherite in .orrell whoFs
got override #ounterme"sures.
-n Chelse"& " s#"rred (id h"s news o$ suddenly losing #ont"#t with " tr"nsmitter theyFd
le$t monitoring the Olig"r#h networ: line in the no+$ly zone. 5e s"ys the Olig"r#hs #ould
be on their w"y to the ."#hine #ity "nd the ."tri. 5eFs "lso determined not to let
*him"d" down. !he Coun#il thin:s the inter$"#e progr"m h"s some #entr"l role in "ll
this& "nd w"nts it :ept out o$ ,rightFs h"nds& to the pl"yer #"t#hes her tr"il in 5"mpton.
!he oper"tor mentions th"t the progr"m h"s used !rinity )uotes. !hey run into
A##eler"ted *uits "nd then ,right& who s"ys th"t Eion should be helping her& sin#e
sheFs doing this to put the ."tri in m"n:indFs h"nds.
."#hine oper"tives t"l: to Veil "bout new$"ngled ,right A##eler"ted 'rogr"ms Gtough
1iles/."#hines with wire$r"me overl"ysI. Veil points the pl"yer to " Cypherite in
.orrell& 3egle#t& who is distributing "nti+override routines the Cypherites& led by
CryptosF rese"r#h& h"ve been #oo:ing up. ?r"y s"ys th"t being "ble to resist overrides
will be ne#ess"ry i$ ,rightFs going to be de"lt with. !he "nti+override routines "re
#onsum"bles prote#t "g"inst override "bilities li:e 7e#eler"tion& %untime sp"wns& "nd
*ign"l J"mming $or " limited time.
.erovingi"n rese"r#hers $ind th"t the "ndroids h"ve Dd"t" stru#tures simil"r to wh"t
weFve $ound on the Olig"r#h networ:&D so 6lood sends the pl"yer to hunt $or " d"t"
m"t#h "t "n Ouroboros o$$i#e in V"uton. !he ."#hines too: over Ouroboros " while
b"#:& "nd the pl"yer runs into Ouroboros *e#urity "nd ."#hines there. 6lood s"ys the
."#hines must h"ve #on$is#"ted the d"t"& "nd sends the pl"yer to r"id " ."#hine
The Matrix Online Archives
$"#ility in ."ribe"u to tr"#: it down. !he pl"yer is "mbushed by " ,right A##eler"ted
'rogr"m on their w"y. !hey #"pture the d"t" $rom the ."#hines& "nd it does h"ve
simil"rities to the "ndroidFs h"rdw"re. 6lood $igures the Olig"r#hs built it. 5e "lso
mentions th"t Cypherites thin: the ,right A##eler"ted 'rogr"ms #"rry v"lu"ble d"t".
*till trying $or the progr"m in 5"mpton& Eion oper"tives get some st"ti# $rom "
7e#eler"tor "nd ."#hinists. !heyFre "lso "mbushed by one o$ ,rightFs new
A##eler"ted 'rogr"ms& "nd run into more o$ them "round " de"d Cypherite. !ynd"ll
mentions rumors o$ " Cypherite in .orrell& wondering i$ itFs rel"ted.
,ith ,right #losing in on the progr"m in 5"mpton& ."#hine oper"tives b"ttle " tough
,right A##eler"ted 'rogr"m& then t"l: to Cryptos& who spe#ul"tes on how ,right #ould
be dis"bled: DAs $or wh"t m"y h"ppen i$ #riti#"l d"m"ge #"n be in$li#ted on her %*-&
th"t - #"nnot predi#t. ,e :now th"t she h"s #o+opted the C"#:+in proto#ol utilized by the
Olig"r#hs& "nd we :now& $rom 5"lbornFs e"mple& th"t they were to some etent
vulner"ble both within "nd without the simul"tion. ,right& on the other h"nd& h"s
#l"imed to be "ble to enter the ."tri without m"int"ining "n eterior #onne#tion. 5ow
th"t #ould "$$e#t the out#ome rem"ins un#le"r.D ?r"y #omes through with the
#oordin"tes o$ ,rightFs position on " roo$top in 5"mpton G98 /4/ +2/=I& s"ying th"t
sheFs been st"ying "round there& whi#h prob"bly me"ns the inter$"#e progr"m is in the
.erovingi"n oper"tives go hunting " ."#hine m"in$r"me in the '"r: 1"st ?ov 9uilding
to get re"l d"t" on the "ndroid. !hereFs " tough b"ttle& "nd they get some help on the
m"in$r"me $rom the 1$$e#tu"tor. -n Center '"r:& the .erv s"ys the d"t" w"s
interesting& "s it shows the "ndroid w"s designed to be #ontrolled by " hum"n
#ons#iousness++$or the Olig"r#hs to #ontrol themselves "s " surrog"te bodyH 5e "lso
wonders wh"t destroyed the ship #"rrying the "ndroid& "nd spe#ul"tes th"t $oul pl"y
w"s involved. 'ersephone is there& still in bl"#: "nd very p"le.
Overrides "re :eeping the ."#hines busy& whi#h gives Eion " shot "t #he#:ing out "
burst o$ override "#tivity in '"r: 1"st& norm"lly he"vily gu"rded. !hey $ind " mess"ge
GD*oonDI whi#h the oper"tor thin:s is $rom the inter$"#e progr"m& but while tr"#ing it&
theyFre interrupted by " tough Agent& "nd the tr"#e is lost. !he oper"tive is sent to
?host in 5"mpton& who s"ys th"t he thin:s ,rightFs "round there& prob"bly high up&
"nd prob"bly with the progr"m. 5eFs determined to loo: $or her. !ynd"ll s"ys t":ing on
,right m"y be the only option le$t.
,right is $ound on the 5"mpton roo$top where ?r"y s"id she w"s& with some tough
A##eler"ted 'rogr"ms "round her. *he is eventu"lly de$e"ted& "nd when she dies "
$lo"ting gold #ode ghost $igure "ppe"rs. -ts det"ils s"y DF-tFs be"uti$ul...FD
The Matrix Online Archives
!hapter :8
!he Ar#hite#t is in his !V room& with ,right& de"d on " 5"mpton roo$top& on the
monitor. 5e "s:s ?r"y i$ the Gbiologi#"l inter$"#eI progr"m h"s been $oundB ?r"y s"ys
no& but they $ound Eion loo:ing $or it& too. !he Ar#hite#t $rowns& then tells him to
Dprep"re $or our visitors.D
?host l"nds on " roo$top Gsupposed to be the roo$top pointed out in the #oordin"tes "t
the end o$ the #inem"ti#& -:ebu:uro =40 9 +/80I& loo:s "round& opens " door& goes
down d"r: st"irs& opens " door into " d"r:& mostly empty stor"ge room. Loo:s "round&
doesnFt see "nything& "nd is Cust turning to le"ve "s " monitor in " d"r: #orner o$ the
room $li#:s on "nd prints out D?host.D
Code $"lls down into " $em"le $orm net to the monitor. !his is the golden #ode
#h"r"#ter who "ppe"red when ,right w"s :illed. A h"lting #onvers"tion begins& in
whi#h !rinity Gwhi#h is the n"me th"t "ppe"rs "bove this #h"r"#ter in this sub#h"pterI
s"ys D-...didnFt :now&D by whi#h she me"nt th"t she didnFt :now she w"s " progr"m.
Agent '"#e interrupts the #onvers"tion& her gun on ?host& who steps between her "nd
!rinity. '"#e s"ys the progr"m G!rinityI #"nFt survive there& "nd will be removed& but
then she in her turn is interrupted by " bright $l"sh& out o$ whi#h gle"ming m"le "nd
$em"le $orms "ppe"r& des#ending to the ground. !hey h"ve no #lothes& wires& eyeb"lls&
or h"ir. -n missions& it will be $ound th"t the m"le GredI is D5eli"n&D "nd the $em"le
GpurpleI is D!es"rov"&D "nd th"t they "re Olig"r#hs. 5eli"n is $"irly str"ight$orw"rd "nd
serious& "lthough not "s blunt "s 5"lborn.
'"#e tou#hes her e"rpie#e& loo:s $rustr"ted& relu#t"ntly lowers her gun $rom ?hostFs
he"d& "nd st"l:s out. 5eli"n loo:s "t ?host& "nd "s:s i$ heFs going to resist& but ?host
s"ys thereFs no needB 5V! re"lize th"t !rinity h"s v"nished& "nd while they loo:
"round to $ind her& ?host m":es " sudden unseen eit "s well.
5eli"n "nd !es"rov" le"ve& "nd the room goes d"r:. A p"use& then Oo:"mi #reeps out
o$ the sh"dows++sheFs observed the entire s#ene.
?host st"nds on the roo$top& loo:s up "t the moon& "nd $in"lly s"ys !rinityFs n"me.
?r"y sends ."#hine oper"tives to A:"s":"& s#ene o$ the l"test sighting o$ the
progr"m. 5e implies " need to $ind it be$ore either the Olig"r#h represent"tives& 5eli"n
"nd !es"rov"& or Eion do. ?r"y doesnFt re$er to the progr"m "s D!rinity&D but the
oper"tor dis#usses it " bit. !hey $ind Eionites "nd " bl"n: #omputer entry in her re#ent
style GDWTDI& but nothing else& "nd "re re+routed to he"d o$$ 5eli"n "nd !es"rov"& who
h"ve "rrived in the "re"& "long with '"#e. 5eli"n "nd !es"rov" "re slightly
bemused++"lthough not re"lly surprised++by " hum"n oper"tive wor:ing $or the
."#hines. 5eli"n s"ys theyFre there $or the 9-' "nd wonFt be needing "ny help getting
it. !es"rov" s"ys something odd "bout Dthe e#iting onesD Goper"tivesI Des#"pingD
$rom the pods& "nd th"t this epl"ins Dwhy our entert"inmentFs been so dull l"tely.D
5eli"n mentions they :now wh"t h"ppened to 5"lborn "nd C"rlyne& "nd th"t those
two were oper"ting independently. 5e s"ys they Gthe Olig"r#hsI h"ve Dm"de
"dCustments th"t will ensure our s"$ety $rom the #ompromises they "llowed to our
se#urityD Xp"rti"lly "n epl"n"tion $or the di$$eren#e in their "ppe"r"n#e $rom 5"lborn
"nd C"rlyne: 5eli"n "nd !es"rov" "re less tr"nsp"rent& "nd h"ve no wiresY. '"#e
The Matrix Online Archives
seems " little relieved to h"ve the pl"yer there to t"l: to the Olig"r#hs& "nd purpose$ully
spe":s "loud to the pl"yer so th"t 5eli"n "nd !es"rov" will overhe"r& s"ying th"t
theyFll le"ve their guest in pe"#e.
On the w"y out& ."#hine oper"tives en#ounter *"ti"te& " shoeless $em"le Cypherite
boss. *he s"ys it would be ni#e to pop Dthose pretty new bubbles o$ theirsD Gthe
Olig"r#hsI& "nd suggests th"t the ."#hines might even h"ve something th"t #ould do
it& but they prob"bly wouldnFt tell the ."#hinists even i$ they did& "nd wouldnFt use it
themselves. ?r"y summons the pl"yer $or their report& #on#luding th"t 5eli"n "nd
!es"rov" "re oper"ting "s "gents $or the Olig"r#hs& r"ther th"n independently li:e
5"lborn "nd C"rlyne. 5e thin:s this might #"use them to beh"ve " little more
levelhe"dedly& but s"ys it "lso me"ns the Olig"r#hs will be w"t#hing developments
#losely. A$ter s"ying this& he very deliber"tely st"tes th"t the ."#hines do not #onsider
them " thre"t.
6lood sends .erovingi"n oper"tives into *t"mos to $ind the progr"m Gli:e ?r"y& he
doesnFt re$er to it "s D!rinity&D but the oper"tor t"l:s "bout the identity possibilityI. !hey
donFt $ind "nything besides " #omputer with DWT&D but Oo:"mi "rrives& "nd Dle"dsD Gie is
es#orted by the pl"yerI to " ."nssen lo#"tion& where they $ind !es"rov". !es"rov"
#oos over Oo:"mi& #"lling her the pl"yerFs Dpet&D then gets down to business& s"ying
th"t she Cust thought sheFd mention th"t there seem to be others ne"rby who "re "lso
trying to $ind the progr"mB while sort o$ pl"ying her ditzy blond "#t& wh"t she s"ys
shows th"t sheFs "w"re o$ " lot o$ wh"tFs going on: wh"t the pl"yerFs "$ter& wh"t the
other orgs "re doing "round there++"nd she even t":es " veiled swipe "t the pl"yerFs
oper"tor. ,ith #oordin"tes $rom !es"rov"& the oper"tor guides the pl"yer to "
?uinness L":e lo#"tion& while 6lood mentions th"t thereFs "lso this D5eli"nD Olig"r#h
"round& "nd s"ying th"t theyFll pl"y !es"rov"Fs Dlittle g"me&D sin#e they donFt w"nt to
show th"t theyFre on to her. 6lood "lso re$ers to their n"mes "s Db"rb"ri#.D XD!es"rov"D
is " Cze#h n"me& "nd D5eli"nD is " Chinese n"me. !es"rov"Fs Dg"meD in this #"se
w"s sending the pl"yer to inter#ept ."#hinists& who "ppe"r& $rom their #omments& to
h"ve been trying to :eep t"bs on her. 6lood wr"ps up by "s:ing the pl"yer to $ind $our
groups o$ progr"ms theyFve lost in *outh V"uton.
!ynd"ll mentions to Eion oper"tives th"t ?host $ound Dthe progr"mD by D#he#:ing
pl"#es heFd been with !rinity when they oper"ted together in the ."tri.D *he sends
them to get more det"ils on the !rinity thing $rom ?host& who is in "n -ntern"tion"l
7istri#t room with " #omputer GDWDI& #onvin#ed th"t !rinity w"s Cust there. 5e s"ys he
doesnFt underst"nd how !rinity is the progr"m& but insists th"t she re"lly is. 5e
guesses th"t the two str"ngers he en#ountered Gin the #inem"ti#I were Olig"r#hs& "nd
s"ys he isnFt going to let them or the ."#hines get !rinity. !ynd"ll s"ys she trusts
?hostFs instin#t "bout Dwh"tever !rinity or the progr"m is now&D "nd reminds the pl"yer
th"t the Coun#il h"d "lre"dy de#ided Gmentioned in Eion //.4./I to do wh"t it #ould to
ensure the progr"mFs s"$ety. *he sends the pl"yer to #he#: " re"ding in .ur"s":i&
where they $ind " mess"ge on " #omputer:
D5ow well do you :now yoursel$H
Are you sureH
- thought - :new. 9ut thisTD
G!he d"ngling #ursor "t the end there is " hint th"t this is prob"bly $rom !rinity&
"lthough the oper"tor doesnFt m":e "nything out o$ it.I
The Matrix Online Archives
-nbound hostiles "re reported ne"rby& "nd the pl"yer $inds ."#hines "nd ."#hine
redpills. !ynd"ll mentions th"t intel shows the ."#hines "re #ooper"ting with the two
Olig"r#h represent"tives. A$ter the hostiles "re t":en #"re o$& !ynd"ll s"ys th"t they
#ould use the pl"yerFs help in *hir":"b"& where their te"ms h"ve been hit by ."#hines
while loo:ing $or the progr"mB theyFve "lso st"rted pi#:ing up override sign"ls there.
*till in -ntern"tion"l& ."#hine oper"tives de"l with some se"r#hing Eionites& "nd "re
then sent to "nswer " summons $rom 5eli"n& whoFs got " #ouple o$ his DOverride
6un#tionD 3'Cs with him Gwhitish+s:inned $orms simil"r to 5eli"n "nd !es"rov"& with "
miture o$ h"#:er "nd .A "bilities& pretty good "##ur"#y "nd d"m"ge& "nd high vir"l
de$enseI& "nd he lo"ns these two 3'Cs to the oper"tive& suggesting th"t heFs doing
this to help the ."#hine oper"tive de"l with the Eionites Ghe re$ers to Eionites here "s
Fthe other DAw":enedDFI& "lthough the oper"tor "nd ?r"y hint th"t 5eli"n h"s $ound he
"#tu"lly needs help $rom the pl"yer. !he Override 6un#tions donFt t"l:B 5 re$ers to them
"s Db"si#D #omb"t progr"ms. !he pl"yer #he#:s $or enemy "#tivity "nd $inds
.erovingi"n redpills. One o$ them r"ther obviously pretends to be " Eionite Gsort o$ "
pl"y on the .erv :nowing th"t wh"t heFs doing is prob"bly going to #heese the
."#hines o$$& "lthough he isnFt so worried "bout it "s to h"lt his Olig"r#h power gr"bI.
?r"y s"ys " .erv 1ile n"med Azun" is :nown to h"ve obt"ined sensitive in$orm"tion
on the Olig"r#hFs ."tri "#tivities. 9etween missions& the pl"yer h"s to go $ind Azun"&
$ollowing the missionFs hint Dnorthwest 7owntown.D Azun" is " $em"le lupine with " te"l
moh"w:& "nd sheFs pl"#ed "s " #olle#tor 3'C on the se#ond sublevel o$ the .useum
dungeon in Creston. !he pl"yer h"s to :ill some o$ the .erv+"ligned lupines "round
Azun" G" little $"rther "w"y $rom her "re some ."#hine+"ligned Override 6un#tionsI.
6lood s"ys the .erovingi"n thin:s Deploiting the Olig"r#h !es"rov"Fs so$ter sideD
might get them some Cui#y override in$o& "nd sends the pl"yer to #olle#t d"t" $rom "
#ont"#t& Azun"& $or whom theyFd sp"red no epense "nd s:ullduggery to get into " spot
where she #ould get some dirt on !es"rov"Fs ."tri "#tivities. !he pl"yer he"ds to the
7owntown rendezvous& but Azun" isnFt thereB inste"d& there "re " #ouple de"d
."#hines. 6lood is "nnoyed& "nd sends the pl"yer to loo: $or Azun" in her spying
lo#"tion. *he isnFt there either& but some hostile Override 6un#tions "re. -n " sep"r"te
p"rt o$ this s"me "re"& " #ert"in option"l "nd unspe#i$ied series o$ "#tions will #"use
!rinity to "ppe"r. *he does /t"l:s#"red& s"ying:
D-Fm not. -Fm not wh"t++ ?odR ,h"t h"ve they doneHD
6lood s"ys th"t some #he#:ing h"s shown Azun" h"s t":en #over in the se#ond
sublevel o$ the Creston 5eights .useum. 9etween missions& the pl"yer h"s to :ill
."#hine+"ligned Override 6un#tions ne"r Azun"& "nd tr"de the to:ens they drop to
Azun"& who then h"nds over her intel.
XDAzun"D is " #orruption o$ DAsen"&D " Dshe+wol$ with " s:y+blue m"neD in !ur:i#
mythology& "##ording to good old ,i:ipedi": http://en.wi:ipedi".org/wi:i/Asen".Y
!ynd"ll sends Eion oper"tives into 7owntown& $ollowing the tr"il o$ d"t" th"t they thin:
m"y h"ve #ome $rom !rinity G!ynd"ll is still hedging " bit on the n"me& "nd here s"ys
D$rom the inter$"#e progr"m++$rom !rinityDI. *he gives the n"mes o$ 5eli"n "nd
!er"sov"& s"ying they $ound them out $rom Dour sour#es within the ."#hinesD. !he
The Matrix Online Archives
pl"yer $inds " #omputer& "#tiv"tes it Git s"ys DWNes.TDI& "nd !rinity "ppe"rs. *he s"ys&
D- donFt h"ve mu#h time. - donFt :now wh"t...this me"ns. 9e$ore... - thought - died. -
w"s with him... - s"id goodbye. - donFt remember...until++ - donFt :now how to m":e it
m":e sense... !heyFre getting #lose. - h"ve to go.D
!ynd"ll gives the pl"yer the lo#"tion o$ the intruders& "nd "lthough she thin:s theyFre
."#hines on !rinityFs t"il& they turn out to be .erovingi"n 1iles. !ynd"lly thin:s this is
"n indi#"tion th"t the .erv is trying to get in on the !rinity "#tion& "nd hopes th"t his
m"#hin"tions with 5"lborn "nd C"rlyne& whi#h ended up #"using " good de"l o$
trouble $or the ."#hines& will "t le"st give the ."#hines some in#entive to "#t "g"inst
him. *he ends by "s:ing the pl"yer to loo: into "n Dunusu"l sign"lD "nd override
"#tivity in 9"ldwin 5eights.
?r"y s"ys the .erovingi"nFs $ound out th"t 5eli"n "nd !er"sov" h"ve " Dvirtu"l
sp"#e&D "nd is pl"nning to inv"de itB this should be stopped so th"t the Olig"r#hs "renFt
D"ggr"v"ted.D !he oper"tor mentions th"t the .erovingi"n tried hitting on !es"rov" to
get Olig"r#h progr"ms& but w"snFt su##ess$ul in his "dv"n#es. .erovingi"n oper"tives
t":e out some 1iles "nd gets " tr"#e running through their #omputer. -n this s"me
"re"& " #ert"in unspe#i$ied "nd option"l se)uen#e o$ "#tions will #"use !rinity to
"ppe"r in " side room. *he "ppe"rs upset& even "ngry& "t the situ"tion sheFs in&
doing /t"l:neg"tive "s she s"ys:
D- donFt++ - didnFt #hoose this. !his #"nFt be++...D
6ollowing the tr"#e& the pl"yer runs into he"vy 7ire Lupine resist"n#e& but in the end
gets d"t" th"t ?r"y s"ys is "bout "##ess routes Dthrough Fwhite h"llw"yF systems.D 5e
doesnFt h"ve e"#t #oords& but s"ys there seems to be "n entry point somewhere high
up in north <nion 5ill. A de"d Override 1e#ut"ble 3'C w"s in the room with the
lupines/#omputer. 1e#ut"bles "re d"r: grey hum"noids in the s"me bubble+s:in w"y
"s 6un#tions "nd 5eli"n "nd !er"sov".
6lood s"ys th"t th"n:s to the in$orm"tion $rom Azun"& the .erovingi"n h"s been "ble
to meet !es"rov". 5ints indi#"te th"t the meeting h"s not gone well& possibly be#"use
'ersephone $ound out "bout it. !he pl"yer $inds 'ersephone "nd !es"rov" together.
'ersephone is still in her Dd"r:D out$it& but her s:in is b"#: to its norm"l he"lthy hue.
!es"rov" s"ys the .erovingi"n been showing her interesting things& in#luding the
"ndroid& whi#h she identi$ies "s DC"rlyneFs "ndroid body.D *he "lmost seems genuinely
surprised "bout the .erovingi"n h"ving it& s"ying she didnFt thin: sheFd see it "g"in
D"$ter C"rlyne let the podling wom"n ste"l his sign"l.D GD!he podling wom"nD w"s
,right++she C"#:ed C"rlyneFs sign"l / "ndroid body when C"rlyne #rumpled Cust be$ore
she "ppe"red "s the wire$r"med wom"n in Ch"pter //./& whi#h $or#ed the .erovingi"n
to dump the 9-'/!rinity.I All 'ersephone s"ys is DOnly " hum"n #"n be Finhum"n.FD
'"st them& the pl"yer $inds the .erv& who r"nts " bit "bout !es"rov" l"ughing "t his
o$$ers o$ power in the simul"tion. 5e sends the pl"yer to #ont"#t 6lood $or " pl"n 9&
whi#h involves getting " tr"#e through "n Olig"r#h+o##upied #omputer in order to
lo#"te 5V!Fs ."tri power b"se. !he pl"yer runs into some o$ their 6un#tions& "nd
then " hostile Override 1e#ut"ble& who #"n sp"wn " sm"ll sw"rm o$ "ddition"l&
higher+level 6un#tions to "tt"#: the pl"yer. 1e#ut"bles h"ve " #onst"nt blur 6Z over
The Matrix Online Archives
their d"r: bubble body Gthis sort" #"uses them to $li#:er light/d"r:I& "nd boosted
de$ense "nd speed& but no "#tu"l #omb"t lo"dout or we"pons. *u##ess results in
#oordin"tes o$ "n entry point to the Olig"r#h hideout: /29 224 >89& <nion 5ill. G!his is "
doorw"y "t the top o$ one o$ those s:ys#r"pers with the $lying buttresses.I
Eion oper"tives respond to "n "lert $rom ?host& whoFs still been #ombing -ntern"tion"l
$or !rinity. !hey $ind him $"#ing 5eli"n "nd !es"rov"& with 5eli"n "s:ing ?host why
heFs going "$ter the progr"m. !es"rov" #oyly interCe#ts th"t she thin:s she :nows Gwin:
win:I. ?host doesnFt respond to them& "nd whispers to the pl"yer to m":e sure th"t
!rinityFs s"$e& s"ying *p"r:s will h"ve in$o $or them. !ynd"ll gets the in$orm"tion $rom
*p"r:s& whi#h is " lo#"tion where !rinity might h"ve been hiding D$rom the Olig"r#h
s#"ns.D !hey $ind "n Override 1e#ut"ble there& "s well "s some Override 6un#tions&
but no sign o$ !rinity. !ynd"ll& who $eels "ble to re$er to her "s simply D!rinityD by now&
s"ys she thin:s they stopped those progr"ms $rom $inding her& but th"t stopping 5V*
is going to be tough. *he mentions reports o$ the .erv h"ving got "##ess to some :ind
o$ "re" the Olig"r#hs h"ve set up& "nd th"t theyFre pi#:ing up "#tivity $rom his
oper"tives on roo$tops D"t the etreme northe"st end o$ 7owntown.D
A teleport $rom the "re" re$erred to in the l"st missions t":es the pl"yer into some
white h"llw"ys& whi#h eventu"lly m"y spit them out into "n interior o$$i#e sp"#e Xth"t is
pretty simil"r to $loor >> o$ the ?overnment 9uilding in '"r: 1"stY. -tFs $ull o$ n"sty
Overrides "nd 1e#ut"bles with spe#i"l prizes. !he only eit is " rot"ry telephone on "
des: in one o$ the o$$i#es& whi#h teleports the user to " publi# phone on the north side
o$ the b"se o$ the *1 tower in '"r: 1"st.
Important Note! "eveloper # $ae desi%ner &en Chaberlain' a.(.a Rarebit' announced
that he )as leavin% !he ."tri Online a*ter chapter +,.+. It )as also announced that
the stor- )ould not be continued a*ter this. Rarebit released his docuents and notes
*or the planned reainder o* the stor- thus *ar' Chapters +,., throu%h the end o*
Chapter +.. /ver-thin% a*ter this point is based on those notes and docuents' and
could be considered the 0o**icial1 stor- o* !he ."tri Online. Considerin% this )as the
intended direction' and that no ore stor- is *orthcoin%' it is included here *or the
sa(e o* copletion.
5eli"n #ompletes negoti"tions with the ."#hines. 5eli"n now pursues the !rinity
progr"m& with help $rom the ."#hines& "nd opposition $rom Eion& 1'3& "nd the
Cypherites& who do not thin: th"t helping Olig"r#hs is the w"y to prote#t the *ystem.
!he .erovingi"n& me"nwhile& thin:s he h"s #onvin#ed !es"rov" to #"pture !rinity $or
him. 5e #ommits his progr"ms to helping tr"#: her down. A$ter the "tt"#: by
.orpheus& he guesses th"t *er"ph m"y try his h"nd to prote#t !rinity "s well. 5e
promises !es"rov" th"t he will remove this obst"#le $or herB he h"s #oded "nti+
*er"phi# d"rts out o$ *er"phFs pin$e"thers& #"re$ully #olle#ted over the ye"rs Gthere
w"s "n old Live 1vent with ."lph"s "nd one o$ the *er"phim "bout thisI. !hese "re
given to oper"tives& who hit *er"ph with them in " Live 1vent. *uddenly we":ened& he
h"s to $lee& but not be$ore mentioning th"t preventing the Olig"r#hs $rom obt"ining the
!rinity progr"m w"s not his intent.
The Matrix Online Archives
1ven with ."#hine help& 5eli"n is obstru#ted by the other org"niz"tions& but distr"#ts
them su$$i#iently $or !es"rov" to #"pture !rinity. !he .erovingi"n is holding " p"rty to
#elebr"te the #"pture& when 5eli"n "ppe"rs& "nd !es"rov" smiles "t him: theyFve been
wor:ing together this whole time. !he .erovingi"n& "gh"st& pl"ys the eleg"ntly polite
host& "nd o$$ers !es"rov" some #":e& whi#h she "##epts. !he two l"ugh& "nd
Cypherites "re relieved th"t the Olig"r#hs "re gone. ."#hines "re gl"d "bout th"t& "nd
th"t theyFve t":en !rinity "w"y& too& but the Ouroboros #onne#tion is showing "nother
in#re"se in "#tivity. Eion w"nts to get !rinity b"#:. 1'3 is mind$ul o$ wh"t the wom"n
told them "bout :eeping the en#rypted progr"m s"$e. !he .erovingi"n is h"ving $its
"bout !es"rov" tri#:ing him& "nd is tr"#:ing her progress in the %e"l Gthe #":e is "
tr"#:ing progr"m++this w"s reve"led in #riti#"l missions somewhere "round #h"pter 8I.
5e $inds wh"t he guesses is her or 5eli"nFs b"se& but then her sign"l turns "round "nd
#omes b"#:.
5eli"n "nd !es"rov" re"ppe"r in the ."tri. !his time& theyFre norm"l %*-s& not
wire$r"mesB theyFre using the !rinity progr"mFs inter$"#e& "nd C"#:ing in $rom hum"n
bodies& not "ndroids. !his time theyFve brought hunter+see:er progr"ms to "ssist them&
though. !hey w"nt to $ind the Or"#le& "nd h"ve her m":e some modi$i#"tions to the
progr"m: they w"nt it to be e"sier to swit#h bodies& "nd to inter$"#e with their b"#:up
m"in$r"mes& "nd so $orth.
Eion puts up " $ight. !he ."#hines "renFt ple"sed th"t theyFve returned& either& but $irst
try diplom"#y with 5eli"n. !he Cypherites w"nt the Olig"r#hs gone.
!he .erovingi"n& me"nwhile& is b"#: to wor: wooing !es"rov"& "lthough this time heFs
Cust trying to distr"#t her while his *entinels "nd oper"tives lo#"te "nd surround her
hover#r"$t. 5eFs "bout to t":e it out when "nother& "pp"rent bluepill& wom"n "ppe"rs.
*he tells him th"t he wonFt get "nything out o$ !es"rov" unless he m":es her le"ve the
."tri& now: the !rinity progr"m w"s " tr"p. ,hen he "s:s why he should trust her& the
wom"n replies th"t he should :now better th"n th"t. !he .erovingi"n $or#es !es"rov"
to le"ve.
!he Olig"r#h hunter+see:er progr"ms h"ve been $ollowing *er"ph. *er"ph #ont"#ts
Veil& telling her to bring the en#rypted progr"m the Or"#le g"ve her into the ."tri& to "
spe#i$i# lo#"tion. !he .orpheus sim #ont"#ts 1'3 with the s"me mess"ge. Veil "rrives
$irst& but *er"ph is nowhere to be $ound. *he sees the girl& *"ti& $li#:ering $or " moment
in $ront o$ " #omputer& be$ore dis"ppe"ring. 1'3 oper"tives "ppe"r. Just "s "
mess"ge "ppe"rs on the #omputer s#reen& "s:ing them to input their h"lves o$ the
en#rypted progr"m& the Olig"r#h hunter+see:ers "tt"#:. A b"ttle ensues& but eventu"lly
both p"rts o$ the progr"m "re input& "nd the hunter+see:ers stop sw"rming in. L"ter& "
."#hine p"rty sent to meet 5eli"n $inds his inert body.
The Matrix Online Archives
!hapter :;
."#hines "nd the Cypherites be#ome determined to t":e "dv"nt"ge o$ the Olig"r#hs
downtime to remove their #ontrol o$ the ."#hine #ore on#e "nd $or "ll. !he ."#hines
"llow oper"tives into m"in$r"me subroutines& who en#ounter hostile Olig"r#h
subroutines& in the guise o$ gr"y+suited D#ler:D progr"ms.
!he .erovingi"n sees "n opportunity "nd orders the !r"inm"n to "##ess the ."#hines
m"in$r"me so th"t he #"n g"in "##ess to !rinity "nd g"in lever"ge "nd power. 5e
suspe#ts th"t su#h "#tion m"y g"rner the "ttention o$ the Or"#le& who he suspe#ts is
still "live somewhere "nd m"nipul"ting things.
Eion sees this "s "n opportunity to both get into the ."#hine m"in$r"me "nd get !rinity
b"#:. !hey $ind th"t it is not "s e"sy "s they thought& though& "nd they $ind themselves
blo#:ed "t every turn.
!he !r"inm"n brings the Or"#le b"#: into the ."tri $rom the ."#hine m"in$r"mes&
where she h"d been restored $rom b"#:up.
!he Or"#le is "ble to gr"nt Eion oper"tives "##ess to the ."#hine m"in$r"me. Eion
uses this opportunity to see: out !rinity.
!he Olig"r#hs #ounter+"tt"#: the ."#hines& sooner th"n epe#ted& through the
networ: "nd into the m"in$r"me.
,hile in the ."#hine m"in$r"me& Eion oper"tives dis#over the #oordi"tes $or 5eli"n
"nd other Olig"r#hsF lo#"tions. !his in$orm"tion is tr"ns$erred to 1'3& who in turn t":e
" hover#r"$t $leet to 5eli"nFs b"se o$ oper"tions to $ree !rinity.
!he ."#hines "nd their oper"tives $orm sti$$ resist"n#e to the Olig"r#hs "ttempts "t
in$iltr"ting the ."#hine m"in$r"me.
Eion oper"tives Coin the Olig"r#h/."#hine $ighting within the m"in$r"me. !rinity m":es
#ont"#t through the networ:& but sheFs #on$ined "t 5eli"nFs in the %e"l.
!he ."#hines begin to g"in the upper+h"nd "g"inst the Olig"r#hy routines in the
The Matrix Online Archives
!hapter :<
!he b"ttle within the ."#hine m"in$r"me be#omes $ier#e& "s the Olig"r#hy subroutines
begin to m":e he"dw"y tow"rds the *our#e& whi#h "ppe"r "s golden h"llw"ys.
!he Olig"r#hs "rrive "t the ."#hine #ity "nd C"#: into the ."tri. On#e in& they initi"te
overrides whi#h white out the simul"tionFs s:y. !his begins to "$$e#t the bluepill
popul"tion "nd #"use #ivili"n #"su"lties. As bluepills die in their pods& the ."#hines
begin losing power.
!he $ighting in the m"in$r"me is "ppro"#hing the *our#e& "nd the ."#hines $ind
themselves losing ground. ."#hines begin to h"ve #ontrol problems& "s they #"nFt
remove the Olig"r#hy root #ontrol& "nd this is hindering their "ttempts "t resist"n#e.
1'3 "rrives "t 5eli"nFs dom"in& "nd $inds most o$ his de$enses "re down. 1'3 is
su##ess$ul in $reeing !rinity into the "n "##ess port "nd into the ."#hine networ:.
-n "n "ttempt to $or#e the ."#hines to #"pitul"te& the Olig"r#hs begin shutting down
the pods. ,ithin the ."tri& the Olig"r#hy overdies "re #"using the sunsets to get
longer. *"ti "ttempts to $ight it but h"s gre"t di$$i#ulty. !he ."tri begins to bre":
down "nd is in d"nger o$ " #"t"strophi# #r"sh.
!he Or"#le reve"ls to oper"tives th"t the Olig"r#hyFs "tt"#: is more th"n Cust "g"inst
the ."#hines or the ."tri& but "g"inst the hum"n sub#ons#ious. *he s"ys th"t the
."tri is more th"n Cust ."#hine #ode+ it runs on "nd is in l"rge p"rt sh"ped by
m"nipul"ted hum"n br"ins. -n the end& she reve"ls it will t":e " hum"n to $ree it.
!rinity is "ble to enter the *our#e& but is un"ble to h"#: "nd remove the Olig"r#hFs root
#ontrol progr"ms.
!he ."#hines "llow " hum"n oper"tive to enter the *ou#e. !he oper"tive "nd !rinity
merge& "#tiv"ting " bl"#: room whi#h eventu"lly turns b"#: into the ,hite %oom o$ the
*our#e. !his "#t "llows the ."tri to be reset. !he Olig"r#h root #ontrol is $in"lly
removed& "nd the ."#hines "re $reed $rom $e"r o$ Olig"r#h inter$eren#e.
As " result o$ the #ooper"tion& the ."#hines "nd 5um"ns #ome to " new
underst"nding "nd "greement. Any newborn hum"ns will be r"ised in " new ."tri
where they #"n sh"pe their own surroundings& #"red $or by the ."#hines. !he old
hum"ns will rem"in in the old ."tri& "nd " new er" o$ #o+eisten#e begins...
The Matrix Online Archives
A9 $ra"atis &ersonae
&ri"ary !haracters
3iobe h"s " $e"rlessness th"t imbues her with #h"rism". *he is
$"ted to be " le"der in the postw"r ."tri under the new rules.
5owever& rules "re o$ten tested "nd bro:en& "nd people "re :illed in
the pro#ess. A wom"n li:e 3iobe #"nnot let th"t p"ss.
EionFs intrepid $ield #omm"nder dire#ts her $or#es "ggressively.
9e"ring the person"l s#"rs o$ p"st betr"y"ls& 3iobe pl"#es wh"t little
$"ith she h"s le$t in "#tions& not words.
6irst ."te o$ 3iobeFs hover#r"$t& EionFs
philosopher+w"rrior& though h"unted by sh"des
o$ the p"st& h"s proven himsel$ to be "
$ormid"ble $ighter& "nd "n inspiring le"der.
!en"#ious "nd #ompetitive& Anome gets the Cob done++one
w"y or the other. ,hether itFs the right Cob is "nother
)uestion. 5e is high+tempered& "nd prone to shouting
when things donFt go his w"y++whi#h is o$ten.
Anome wound up betr"ying Eion when he shot 3iobe "nd
his people stole the spe#i"l #ode vi"ls $rom the ?ener"l. -n
#onsuming the vi"ls& Anome "nd his people g"ined powers
beyond "ny redpill. !hey #"lled themselves <nlimit.
The Matrix Online Archives
'romoted to C"pt"in "t the s"me time th"t his $ormer C"pt"in& %ol"nd& w"s promoted to Eion
Comm"nder& Colt now pl"ys by his own rules.
A t"ll -#el"ndi# be"uty& "ll #hee:bones "nd snowy blond h"ir& !ynd"ll
"ddresses oper"tives "s D,"rrior&D "nd spe":s #onst"ntly o$
vigil"n#e "nd prep"redness. *he tries h"rd to imbue missions with
nobility& "nd en#our"ges you to be your best. 5er m"nner is
pr"#ti#ed "nd pro$ession"l& but en#our"ging. *he o$ten ends
#onvers"tions with inspir"tion"l phr"ses.
The Oracle
A progr"m who is seen "s " guide to the Eionites&
the Or"#le w"s the one to spe": o$ " prophe#y
"nd "n "nom"ly who would end the w"r by
re"#hing the sour#e. *he h"s "n "bility to re"d
$uture events in the ."tri& though it is somewh"t
limited& "nd she is reti#ent to give str"ight
"nswers to )uestions "bout the $uture. *he o$ten
#l"ims th"t Dwe #"nnot see beyond the #hoi#es
we do not underst"nd.D
!he Or"#le is the mother o$ the ."tri& "nd it w"s
she who dis#overed the need $or #hoi#e in order
$or the illusion to wor:. *he re"lizes th"t the best
w"y $or both worlds to progress is together.
The Matrix Online Archives
The Architect
5is eyes hold yours by sheer strength o$ purpose. !he
pre#ise inton"tion o$ multisyll"bi# words reve"ls "n intensely
logi#"l intelle#t.
!his m"nFs eyes hold yours by sheer strength o$ purpose. 5is
$re)uent use o$ multisyll"bi# words reve"ls " :een intelle#t&
"nd perh"ps " bit o$ "n urge to show it o$$.
!he designer o$ the ."tri.
Agent -ray
*ele#ted to inter$"#e with hum"ns who the ."#hines h"ve
determined m"y "ssist in the m"inten"n#e o$ the ."tri
simul"tion& his norm"lly "loo$ m"nner h"s been tempered
somewh"t by #lose inter"#tion with %edpills.
Agent ?r"y w"s sele#ted to "#t "s re#ruiter "nd Controller $or
hum"n beings th"t the ."#hines believe #"n "ssist them in
#ontrolling the ."tri. Li:e "ll Agents he is norm"lly
disp"ssion"te "nd "loo$& with " pre#ise m"nner o$ spe":ing& but
his $or#ed de"lings with hum"ns h"ve le$t him with somewh"t more underst"nding o$ them
th"n most Agents.
*ele#ted by the ."#hines "s the progr"m in #h"rge o$ dire#ting hum"n oper"tives in the
."tri simul"tion& ?r"yFs etensive de"lings with hum"ns h"ve le$t him with more #h"r"#ter
)uir:s th"n one usu"lly epe#ts to $ind in "n Agent o$ the *ystem.
Agent &ace
*imult"neously the most pro$ession"l "nd the
most be"uti$ul+loo:ing progr"m most %edpills
h"ve ever seen& Agent '"#e embodies the
more...person"ble im"ge o$ the modern ."#hine
org"niz"tion. 9ut rest "ssured& her logi# routines
"re #"l#ul"ting every possibility even "s her w"rm
-t"li"n "##ent wor:s its m"gi# on the senses o$
sus#eptible hum"ns.
Agent '"#e embodies the more...person"ble
im"ge o$ the modern ."#hine org"niz"tion. %est
"ssured& however& th"t her logi# routines "re
The Matrix Online Archives
#"l#ul"ting every possibility even "s her w"rm northern -t"li"n "##ent wor:s its m"gi# on the
senses o$ sus#eptible hum"ns.
A new :ind o$ hum"n li"ison progr"m.
The Merovingian
!he .erovingi"n is the hedonisti# #rime lord o$ the ."tri. 5e is sel$ish& "nd sel$+interested&
with Dbusiness #on#ernsD th"t r"nge $rom h"rboring 1iles to ho"rding r"re illeg"l #odes "nd
eventu"lly t":ing over se#tions o$ the ."tri. 5e h"s rem"ined in power through sever"l
iter"tions o$ the ."tri& "nd #l"ims to h"ve $"#ed o$$ with 3eoFs prede#essors "nd survived.
!he .erovingi"nFs #ontrol o$ events in the ."tri is $"r+re"#hing& but not #omplete. 5e is still
"n 1ile& "nd still must $e"r the ."#hines& though he would never "dmit it. 5is uni)ue "ssets
in#lude " #onstru#t #"lled the .obil Avenue st"tion + " pl"#e between the ."#hine City "nd
the ."tri th"t progr"ms #"n use "s " se#ret #onduit to re"#h the ."tri i$ they "re to be#ome
1iles. 1p"tri"te progr"ms o$ten $ind themselves indebted to the .erovingi"n when they
re"#h the ."tri& "nd must serve him in return $or their p"ss"ge.
-n "ddition& some 1iles h"ve given their #hildren over to the .erovingi"n "t .obil Avenue&
sending them into the ."tri r"ther th"n "llow their #ode to be deleted in the *our#e. !hese
1ile orph"ns usu"lly end up "t the LF1#ole de l" !our++"n elite bo"rding s#hool run by his
org"niz"tion& where 1ile #hildren "re s#hooled in "#"demi#s& #ulture& business& "nd #omb"t.
The Matrix Online Archives
?r"du"tes o$ Dthe !owerD G"s the students #"ll itI o$ten go on to be#ome his most e$$e#tive
"nd trusted oper"tivesB v"lu"ble "ssets to his org"niz"tion.
!he .erovingi"n is m"rried to 'ersephone& "n 1ile who he on#e #oveted enough to $or#e to
his side through tri#:ery& but whom he now #he"ts on regul"rly. !heir rel"tionship h"s
deterior"ted gre"tly& but the .erovingi"n is tr"pped by his own p"st deeds into spending "t
le"st h"l$ o$ the ye"r with 'ersephone in residen#e "t his Ch"te"u.
!he .erovingi"n is not "n e"sy m"n to see& but he #"n most o$ten be en#ountered "t his
rest"ur"nt& L" Vr"i& or "t the ultr"+e#lusive 5el Club& both lo#"ted 7owntown.
!he .erovingi"nFs wi$e. *he is "
progr"m "nd "n eile "s well. 5er
sensu"l "ttr"#tions m"y h"ve been tied
to her origin"l $un#tionB bodies in the
pods h"d to reprodu#e somehow& "nd
perh"ps she prompted #ert"in
ne#ess"ry physiologi#"l events. *he is
preo##upied with love in "ll its
dimensions. *m"ll wonder the
.erovingi"n h"d to possess her& even i$
he h"s " wide+r"nging "ppetite.
6lood "ssigns missions $or the .erovingi"n. 5eFs #l"d in
$l"mboy"ntly #hi# -t"li"n #outure& his h"ir ble"#hed& his $e"tures
"ndrogynous. 5eFs s"ssy "nd s"r#"sti#. 5e l"#es his
instru#tions with )u"li$iers th"t suggest youFre in#ompetent GDi$
youFre "ble&D Dshould you "stonish everyone "nd get th"t $"r&D
et#.I. 5e "lso hints th"t his servitude to the .erovingi"n gr"tes&
"nd th"t he h"s better things pl"nned. 5is #"t#hphr"se: D7o we
underst"ndH ,e do.D
The Matrix Online Archives
Although he is le"der o$ the 9lood+7rin:ers& "nd the .erovingi"nFs
#hie$ intelligen#e o$$i#er& no one #"n s"y wh"t this proud& brooding
1ileFs go"ls re"lly "re.
-t is obvious $rom this m"nFs etremely p"llid& "lmost #orpse+li:e
#ompleion& th"t i$ he ventures outside& he does so "lmost e#lusively
"t the d"r:est hour. 5is etr"v"g"nt suit& trimmed with s#"rlet&
indi#"tes high r"n: in the .erovingi"nFs org"niz"tion.
."lph"s #onsiders himsel$ "n "risto#r"t "mong blood+drin:ers. ,hen
the D$"iryt"leD version o$ the ."tri w"s reset he m"de " de"l with the .erovingi"n& bringing
m"ny o$ the other DmonstrousD 1iles with him into the 6ren#hmenFs employ.
One o$ the .erovingi"nFs #hie$ lieuten"nts& "nd
le"der o$ the Lupines.
!o the uniniti"ted& Oo:"miFs he"vily lidded eyes
might suggest the wiles o$ "n "r#h+sedu#tress.
5er Lupine p"#:& however& :nows th"t she
"ssumes this epression "s she im"gines hersel$
poun#ing on her vi#tim& burying her e)uisitely
sh"rp #l"ws in their entr"ils.
The Matrix Online Archives
The Train"an
!his un:empt "nd wild+loo:ing m"n
$erries progr"ms between the ."tri "nd
the ."#hine m"in$r"mes.
One o$ AnomeFs lieuten"nts& 9eirn m":es no
"ttempt to hide his obsession with the
.erovingi"nFs wi$e& 'ersephone
A$ter g"ining gre"t power $rom stolen #he"t
#odes& 9eirn w"s #"ptured "nd preserved by
the .erovingi"nFs wi$e& 'ersephone. 5is
obsession with her h"s m"de him " willing++
"nd d"ngerous++#"ptive. 5is hum"n $orm
h"ving long sin#e perished& 9eirn is now
more 1ile th"n m"n.
!his m"n "ppe"rs slightly preo##upied.
The Matrix Online Archives
The -eneral
1yes n"rrowed "nd teeth #len#hed& the ?ener"l
pursues his go"l with brut"l e$$i#ien#y. A m"ster
t"#ti#i"n "nd :een "n"lyst& he is seldom t":en by
surprise. !he ?ener"l w"s the *entinel progr"m who
led the de"dly ."#hine "ss"ult on the Eion do#: "t
the end o$ the w"r. ,hen told to st"nd down his
"tt"#: on Eion so th"t the ."#hines #ould see i$ 3eo
would be su##ess$ul in de$e"ting *mith& the ?ener"l
re$used& "nd w"s relieved o$ his duties. 6rustr"ted&
without purpose& "nd :nowing th"t only deletion
"w"ited him& the ?ener"l "nd his loy"l *entinels $led
into the ."tri.
The (id
!he $irst sel$+subst"nti"ted hum"n& the young m"n
:nown "s D!he (idD w"s " $"n"ti# $ollower o$ 3eo& even
"s " bluepill. !he de"th o$ his idol& "nd o$ .orpheus& le$t
the (id in se"r#h o$ " purpose.
!his young wom"nFs slow& he"vy "##ent "nd tenden#y
to use $lowery met"phors re$le#t the depth o$ her
dedi#"tion to 3eoFs ide"ls o$ sel$+"w"reness& $reedom&
"nd pe"#e. *he h"s been " $riend o$ the (id sin#e 3eo
brought him b"#: to Eion.
The Matrix Online Archives
!his opulently dressed m"n r"di"tes power "nd #h"rism".
!he lo#:et "round his ne#: #ont"ins " blue pill.
*er"ph "ttempted to remove the ."#hine progr"m th"t h"d
been imprinted on this $ormer st"un#h Eionite& but the
."#hine "nd the m"n proved to be inetri#"bly lin:ed. !he
resulting $usion r"di"tes immense power o$ " #ode type
never seen be$ore.
?old #ode $or#es his eyes wide.
!his d"r:& st"tues)ue& "nd be"uti$ul wom"n somehow
m"n"ges to "ppe"r elusive& even when st"ring you dire#tly
in the $"#e. !ry "s you might& you #"nFt )uite get " good loo:
"t her eyes.
=eighborhood !ontacts
!hroughout .eg"#ity "re 3'Cs whi#h "re #"lled JCont"#ts.K 1"#h #ont"#t will dole out $ive
missions $or you& o$ten with " theme or storyline "tt"#hed to them. ."ny o$ the Cont"#ts "re
1ile progr"ms& some o$ whi#h "re $"mily. Cont"#ts m":e $or "n e#ellent sour#e o$ side+
story m"teri"l in The Matrix Online "nd some t":e p"rt in the l"rger ongoing story. 5ere "re
the #ont"#ts "nd their side stories.
The Matrix Online Archives
Lo#"tion: Jurong& J"de %oom& #lub
Lotus is "n 1ile th"t h"s t":en on the role o$ " lounge singer in the J"de %oom& whispering
sweet b"ll"ds "nd belting out tunes. 6"ns $rom "ll over the #ity #ome to the J"de %oom Cust to
see her.
Lotus spe":s so$tly but dire#tly& "nd " $"ir number o$ %edpills #onsider her to be " sour#e o$
in$orm"tion "nd even $reel"n#e employment. <nli:e m"ny 1iles& Lotus h"s g"rnered "
#ert"in degree o$ trust $rom the %edpills th"t h"ve h"d de"lings with her. 5owever& li:e "ll
1iles& she #ert"inly h"s her own "gend".
*heFs never been #"ught in "n intention"l lie& but Lotus o$ten does withhold in$orm"tion& "nd
she h"s " b"d h"bit o$ overestim"ting the "bilities o$ those she hires.
Mission C:D !arry a Tune
!his is $"irly str"ight$orw"rdB - w"s t"s:ed with #"rrying " musi# C7 $rom 9ouzer"h to
.innie. .innie& it turns out& h"s been seriously inCured during " $ight with enemies o$
Lotus& "nd TneedsT the power o$ Lotus@ #ompositions& !r"#: 9 in p"rti#ul"r& whi#h
possess " he"ling e$$e#t. !his is " very #re"tive ide"B it would be good to see more
done with im"gin"tive notions li:e this.
Mission C8D !hange of Tune
-n this .ission& initi"lly )uite simil"r to the $irst& you re#over "n illeg"l #opy o$ Lotus@
musi# $rom " server "nd t":e it to someone who needs its p"lli"tive e$$e#ts. 5owever&
this #opy h"s been t"inted& so inste"d o$ he"ling it does something )uite di$$erentR Nou
must stop it be$ore too mu#h h"rm is done. !his time& Lotus is "ngryR And who wouldn@t
bl"me herH -t@s "s i$ you put on " C7 l"beled !r"#ey Ch"pm"n& "nd out #omes
Mission C;D $issonance
Nou pl"nt " bug Gperh"ps using the *ony root:itRI& "nd then $ind the thieves who h"ve
stolen the mi. Nou $ind them "nd get the t"pe. 9ut others need its he"ling
immedi"tely& "nd you must )ui#:ly get it to them.
Mission C<D .uicide =otes
Lotus h"s he"rd o$ some eperiment"l wor: being done with the neur"l networ: e$$e#ts
o$ musi#& "nd needs you to obt"in some s"mples $or her. !hese "re then delivered to
some other "ppre#i"tive eiles& who don@t show the #ongeni"l response you might
Mission C>D !rescendo
The Matrix Online Archives
!his .ission must be " re#ord industry ee#utiveFs $"nt"sy. !ogether with " te"m o$
Lotus@ oper"tives& you must over#ome " group whi#h h"s been pir"ting Lotus@ wor:.
JNou@re the only one - #"n #ount onK Lotus told me bre"thlessly. !here is " #run#h with
9lood 7run:s& "nd m"ny " /thro"t gesture. ,hen the t"pe h"s been put on& one burly
1lite ?u"rd blurts J- li:e $lowersK G"pp"rently some mods in some g"mes t":e their
inspir"tion $rom the elite gu"rds+ go $igureRI. -n "ddition to elimin"ting the pir"tes& you
must reboot their server.
At the end the #rypti# Lotus gushed to me& JNou@ve e#eeded my epe#t"tions "g"in&
*ug"ree. !here@s something spe#i"l "bout you& - Cust #"nnot put my $inger on itK. - wish
- #ould s"y the s"me "bout this suite o$ missions. ?r"nted& my epe#t"tions were so
in$l"med with "nti#ip"tion th"t perh"ps no one #ould h"ve s"tis$ied me. 9ut more
$eedb"#: $rom Lotus during the .issiones would h"ve been ni#e. And more b"#:story
would h"ve been ni#e: why people were ste"ling her musi#& wh"t her go"ls were& her
rel"tions with other eiles& et#. !he tetu"l "llusions to musi#& mostly in the mission
titles& were witty. -$ the designers h"d "#tu"lly& you :now& TusedT some spe#i"l musi#
$or these .issiones GCust two or three $ive+se#ond segmentsI& the e$$e#t would h"ve
been delight$ul. Also& sin#e the story brims with p"r"llels to the musi# industry@s e$$orts
to s)uel#h musi# sh"ring& some more dire#t "llusions& ironi# or he"rt$elt& would h"ve
been good.
Lo#"tion: ?uinness L":e G,estviewI
As the eldest "nd most power$ul o$ the siblings& -ndigo is the m"ster o$ Club 7"nte& " popul"r
night#lub "nd h"ngout in the ?uinness L":e neighborhood. -ndigo is interested in "m"ssing
"nd #onsolid"ting power $or "n eventu"l "ttempt to usurp his $"therFs position. 5e h"s
oper"ted #ooper"tively with 7"me ,hite $or the most p"rt& "nd is gener"lly believed to be
D.otherFs $"voriteD by the rest o$ the $"mily.
-ndigo o$ten enlists his siblings "s p"wns in his pl"ns& whi#h they h"te& but toler"te be#"use
-ndigo #"n help them in their e$$orts to thw"rt the other siblings. !his "llows -ndigo to :eep his
siblings "t e"#h otherFs thro"ts "nd #ontinu"lly we":& simply by shi$ting his $"vor $rom one to
the other G" te#hni)ue he no doubt le"rned $rom his p"rentsI. -ndigo h"s " $rightening #hill
deme"nor& "nd is "lmost impossible to "git"te.
:9 Interference
The Matrix Online Archives
!he #l"ssi# $irst mish: go "nd step on my riv"l@s s#hemes. 9ut in this #"se there is "
wi#:ed $"mily twist. -ndigo@s brother& ?ris"ille& is up to some #ouriering mis#hie$ in
-ndigo@s territory: blitz it "nd get " p"#:"ge $rom the #ourierR !here@s some witty di"log
$rom ?ris"ille@s troops& "nd some eng"ging $ighting even "$ter you drop it o$$ with one
o$ -ndigo@s $ol:s. And "t the end& the gre"t -ndigo himsel$ weighs in on your side: J5m.
-t "ppe"rs "t le"st some o$ the stories "bout you "re true.K ,ell& th"n:s $or the vote o$
#on$iden#e& buddyR
3oti#e& by the w"y& how even the run+o$+the+mill inter$eren#e mission gets mu#h more
interesting when there is " $"mily "ngle to it. -m"gine i$ in the $uture& $ighting bro:e out
"mong the -ndigo $"mily to get some "rti$"#t or ple"se some person& "nd v"rious
org"niz"tions needed to get involved. ,hen there@re person"lities involved& the
"dventure writes itsel$.
89 .pyware
%emember the p"#:"ge you Cust #"pturedH ,ell& now you return it to one o$ ?ris"ille@s
men who is re"lly wor:ing $or -ndigo. ?ot "ll th"tH
Nour #ont"#t s"ys JLet@s seePmedium height& weird #lothes& :ind o$ stupid+loo:ingP
yep& you must be the #ourier -ndigo des#ribedK. JCome on& t":e the p"#:"ge. ?eez&
m"ybe you re"lly "re "s dumb "s you loo:.K %e"lly& - #ould $eel the loveR
,hen - dropped o$$ the p"#:"ge& %o#:y& the re#ipient& p"id me o$$ by dire#ting his men
to shoot "t me. Nes& it@s gre"t when we@re "ll on the s"me p"geR !his w"s :ind o$ "
dis"ppointment& but -ndigo w"s thrilled "t how well his Jbrilli"nt pl"nK wor:ed out& "nd
#rowed "bout showing it to his mother sometime. Li:e she h"s nothing else to thin:
;9 &ulling the Trigger
-ndigo h"s "nother m"n inside ?ris"ille@s org"niz"tion& "nd this one seems to be
holding out. Our mission is to p"y " #ourtesy #"ll& "nd m":e sure he underst"nds
where his interests lie.
At the site& my oper"tor told me he thought this should be "n e"sy mish. - loo:ed up "t
the obCe#tives G:ill "ny hostile gu"rdsI "nd thought di$$erently.
And& re"lly& how #ould it be otherwiseH !he #ont"#t resists& the gu"rds "tt"#:& "nd -
sl"y. ,hen the dust h"s settled& the #ont"#t swe"rs te"r$ully to never hold b"#: on
-ndigo& "nd the d"t" h"s been delivered. - s#owled "t him "s - le$t so he :new - would
remember him.
<9 &egged
9y the w"y& did you :now th"t the ?uinness L":es %eservoir is " str"tegi# "ssetH And
th"t -ndigo #ontrols itH And Jth"t b"st"rdK ?ris"ille w"nts itH %e"d onR
*o& on#e more into the bree#h. ?o& $ight& get d"t". 9ut there@s more. !he d"t" must be
The Matrix Online Archives
t":en to " reporter $or 3etwor: .edi" "s "n "nonymous in$orm"nt without "nswering
her )uestions. Oddly& two o$ ?ris"ille@s toughs show up in her :it#hen GRI loo:ing $or
trouble when you "rrive. A##ording to my notes& she w"s we"ring " #he$@s stovepipe
h"tB perh"ps she w"s the $ood editor& loo:ing to tr"ns$er to the lo#"l news be"tP. .ore
oddly& she ignores them to #h"llenge you "bout where you got the s#oop GRI. At the
end& -ndigo is ple"sed th"t ?ris"ille@s l"test d"$$y s#heme will soon be t"bloid $odder.
'oor ?ris"illeR 5ow will - $"#e him when - go to the net *irens p"rty "t the *u##ubusH
Lots "nd lots o$ hi:ing $or this mish& never " good thing. 9ut the ingenuity in -ndigo@s
pl"n w"s l"ud"ble. And the reporter #ould be " $ine #ontinuing #h"r"#ter& "nd be#ome
" mission #ont"#t in her own right& though "s " bluepill& not "s " 3eighborhood 1ile
#ont"#t su#h "s the 3ewsie. !hey h"ve " n"tur"l #ompetition& "nd there is " n"tur"l
motiv"tion $or more story development.
>9 -ang Ru"ble
Nou might thin: th"t there is no su#h thing "s b"d publi#ity& but ?ris"ille di$$ers. 3ow he
is on "n "ngry roll& "nd h"s #ontr"#ted with Amber $or some b"#:up to t":e the $ight to
-ndigo. ?ris"ille@s JCrow 9"rsK "nd Amber@s JA*'sK will be the mus#le in this. -n
response& the dour -ndigo w"nts you to le"d his $ol:s into b"ttle. *o $"r& so gre"tRR
5owever& when you rendezvous with them& you dis#over th"t -ndigo h"s negle#ted his
logisti#s& "nd they h"ve "rrived without "mmunitionR ."Cor d@ohR And they "re loo:ing
to you $or helpR
!his w"s e#eption"lly tough on solo& sin#e the enemies "tt"#: in $or#e& "nd by the
time - :illed one "nd got the "mmo& - w"s de"d. And "g"in. And "g"in. 1ventu"lly -
slipped p"st the sleezes "nd s:"n:s "nd got the "mmo to -ndigo@s guys& who promptly
mopped the $loor with the Crow 9"rs "nd A*'s Gmostly be#"use - h"d "lre"dy severely
depleted their r"n:sI.
Lo#"tion: .ori"h& *lums
.olly+9 is the Dsweet young thingD o$ the 1lements. *he presents the pi#ture o$ #ivility&
dressed in " $lower+p"ttern /9;0Fs+style dress. .olly+9 h"s t":en it upon hersel$ to try to #urb
the more unruly beh"viors o$ the other 1lements& or rep"ir their tr"nsgressions when she #"n.
9e#"use sheFs not "s ruthless "s the others in her bid $or power& she is signi$i#"ntly we":er
th"n the others& "nd thus her "#tivities h"ve not #"used signi$i#"nt d"m"ge yet. .olly+9 $eels
The Matrix Online Archives
prote#tive o$ the other 1lements& "s they do o$ her& in spite o$ their di$$ering viewpoints. 3one
o$ them #"n im"gine hurting .olly+9& no m"tter wh"t other repugn"nt business they m"y be
into& "nd no m"tter wh"t she might do to their pl"ns. *he is their #ons#ien#e. !h"t doesnFt
me"n they wonFt stri:e "t her powerb"se& though. Argon m":es her he"rt go $lip+$lop& but
sheFs well "w"re o$ wh"t :ind o$ m"n he is& "nd would never #onsent to be with him.
:9 .aving lue
An interesting $irst mission: " sel$+"#tu"lizing bluepill needs to be prote#ted. !hen -
gro"ned when - re"lized it w"s "n es#ort mishR As - relu#t"ntly stepped into the blue@s
"p"rtment& she Cumped up $rom her lonely Chinese t":eout "nd Opr"h rerun& "nd #ried&
J-@ve seen you be$oreR - :new you were #oming to s"ve meR P. Nou "re my s"viorRK -
told her to t":e her time& th"t it w"s the l"st good me"l she would ever h"ve. Other
th"n th"t - w"s en#our"ging& "nd got her s"$ely to her destin"tion& de#ommissioning "
good number o$ 1iles "long the w"y. .olly 9. w"s ple"sedB - #ould see - h"d won her
trust: J!h"n:s $or t":ing #"re o$ th"t $or me& *ug"ree. Nou@re " :eeper.K 6or sureR
89 The &relude
J!he ."tri is still "n enigm" to you. - #"n sense your inner turmoil& even i$ you deny
it.K - "m the l"st person to deny this& "nd "ppre#i"ted someone who #ould sense how -
$elt. - sighed deeply "s - re"d through the mission des#ription. - "m "s:ed to prote#t
someone& who h"s "n import"nt role to pl"y in the $uture. !his reminded me " little o$
."d"me !.@s missions downtown.
6or su#h " p"#i$i# mission& this one st"rted out with " b"ng.
,hile - w"s still re"ding through the mission des#ription& - #"me under "tt"#:R And "s -
Cumped "w"y to he"l& - #ould see " m"levolent little red dot $ollowing $"r& $"r below&
w"iting $or "nother bite. !his did little $or my inner turmoil. !he es#ort #omponent o$ the
mission goes well& "s long "s you t":e #"re to :ill everything between you "nd the
destin"tion be$ore le"ding the prin#ip"l $rom the building.
1ventu"lly - got her to the destin"tion& "nd " wom"n loo:ing " lot li:e .olly 9. too: her
over $or me. - $elt puzzled "s - le$t& wondering how in " world where everything begins
with #hoi#e& one #ould see the $uture "t "ll. .olly 9.@s w"rm voi#e interrupted my
reveries: JNour "#tions sh"ll re"p rew"rds you #"nnot yet :now.K As - st"rt doing my
t"es this wee:& -@ll be"r this in mindP.
;9 =o -o oo"
Argon h"s some #h"r"#teristi#"lly destru#tive pl"n whi#h needs .olly 9.@s intervention.
!his mission t":es the $orm o$ #on$is#"ting $our deton"tors disguised "s #ell phones&
e"#h se#reted within " di$$erent bo in one o$ Argon@s o$$i#es. !his #"n be done without
:illing everyone there& but un#ompromising sl"ughter does m":e things more
#onvenient. ,hen you "re done "t this single lo#"tion& .oll 9. sends pr"ise your w"y:
JNour servi#es h"ve s"ved inno#ent lives& *ug"reeK. And s#ored some #oin "nd ps
"long the w"yR
<9 $ata &oints
The Matrix Online Archives
J*ilver is so obsessed with the per$e#tion o$ his #re"tions th"t he o$ten #"nnot
underst"nd the long+r"nge impli#"tions o$ wh"t he is buildingK *o we h"ve to disrupt
them.K 1s#ort " s#ientist "sso#i"te o$ .olly@s to pl"nt $"lse d"t". ?etting her there
s"$ely t":es some serious es#orting s:ill. On the other h"nd& on#e you re"#h *ilver@s
rese"r#h site& it turns out th"t there "re no gu"rds "nd no lo#:sR ?o $igureR And then
when you "re done& the s#ientists el"bor"tely y"wns "nd s"ys she will $ind her own
w"y out "nd no $urther es#ort is ne#ess"ry. *he didn@t h"ve to s"y th"t twi#eR
>9 -rab the oo"
A$ter "bs#onding with Argon@s deton"tors& now we return to $inish the Cob "nd ste"l his
eplosivesR 9ut we "re not "lone $or this missionB the bluepill we es#orted e"rlier h"s
grown into " #"p"ble ;0th level p"rtner $or us G,h"tH !hree hours to ;0H *omeone ##r
this s#heming sploiterRRIR -nterestingly& the building she is in is surrounded not Cust by
the "re"@s indigenous Crossbones& but by " p"ir o$ 6uries "s wellR
*he turns out to be " mied blessing. !wi#e she pulled me into $ight - w"nted to "void.
9ut on the other h"nd& she did some gre"t bu$$ing $or me "s well. And the mobs didn@t
d"re even loo: "t herR On#e you h"ve her& "ll you need to do is get some #"rd:eys&
"nd then bre": into Argon@s stor"ge #enter "nd :ill "ll his gu"rds. 9ut without inCuring
the byst"nders. .olly 9 h"s " te"m who will move in to do the rest& i.e.& "#tu"lly get the
eplosives. - le$t my protSgS in the elev"tor while - did the :illingB - did not w"nt to ris:
her being inCured& "nd - did not w"nt to ris: her witnessing me :ill "ny byst"nders who
got in my w"y.
.a""y F)ilacF ,ien
Lo#"tion: L"m"r G7owntownI
*"mmy is " big m"n with big "ppetites. 5e #"n o$ten be $ound "t !he V"ult& n"ttily dressed in
his tr"dem"r: #olor. 5is $orm& m"nnerisms "nd presen#e "re only slightly out o$ pl"#e in his
environment. Li:e the other buildings o$ L"m"r& *"mmy "ppe"rs to be $rom " time p"st& "
bygone er"& when de"ls were se"led with " word "nd " h"ndsh":e. Overtly& his history is
pretty sh"dy& "nd he seems to li:e it th"t w"y. 1veryone :nows who he is& "nd gives him "
wide berth "nd " lot o$ respe#t. 5is methods "re old+$"shioned but e$$e#tive& "nd his living
enemies "re $ew.
The Matrix Online Archives
*"mmy is #om$ort"ble in his neighborhood& "nd will typi#"lly try to hire %edpills to "ssist in
m"int"ining his position o$ luury "nd power. 5e is not "bove putting %edpills in #on$li#t with
his g"ng + he Custi$ies it "s " tr"ining eer#ise $or his boys& "nd "s " test o$ strength $or the
%edpill. *"mmy is not entirely trustworthy& however& he will not end"nger his position by
sending :nown oper"tives o$ other $"#tions into sui#ide missions. -nste"d& he m"y "dd " t"s:
or two to " mission in order to use " %edpillFs spe#i"l t"lents to his own ends.
:9 Odd 0obs
5is #onsigliore tells him -@m good "nd he needs " p"#:"ge delivered. *omeone tries to
#ut in "nd hiC"#: the delivery. 7oes this sound $"mili"r& or wh"tH ,ell& it turns out this is
" test. - p"ss it "nd he s"ys to #ome b"#: $or some re"l wor:. -n #"se - h"d not noti#ed&
my oper"tor tells me he is still " very d"ngerous progr"m. !h"n:s& but isn@t this the
:ind o$ thing you should he"r Tbe$oreT t":ing on "n "ssignmentH !he Oper"tor
seemed )uies#ent "nd p"ssive $or these mission suiteB m"ybe he w"s o$$ pl"ying
*e#ond Li$e or something.
89 !leaning #ouse
!he Jre"l wor:K. Almost h"l$ " dozen street g"ngs h"ve been "t e"#h other@s thro"ts&
"nd *"mmy w"nts to put "n end to it. As " prep"r"tory step to "rr"nging " meeting& he
needs you to #he#: out " site $or the t"l:$est. Al"sR -t turns out " sith g"ng& the
9oo:wyrms& is there w"iting to #"use trouble. (ill three o$ them "nd you@re doneR 6or "
mission on 5"rd setting& - w"s surprised th"t so $ew were thrown "t me& "nd th"t they
w"ited sep"r"tely in di$$erent rooms $or me to de$e"t them pie#eme"l. ."ybe this w"s
the Cl"ssi#s -llustr"ted version o$ the 9oo:wyrmsH
;9 The %xchange
!he *uits "re holding " ,hite *e#urity g"ng member host"ge& "nd the ,hite *e#urity
$ol:s h"ve " dis: they stole $rom the *uits. *"mmy t"s:s you with "rr"nging the
e#h"nge. -@ll "dmit - h"ve etreme nerves "bout "nything resembling "n es#ort
mission. 5"ppily& though& the ,hite *e#urity host"ge is de"d& "nd you don@t need to
es#ort him "nywhereR Just :ill everyone& t":e b"#: the dis:& "nd drop it o$$ with one o$
*"mmy@s $ol:s.
!here were m"ny ne"t tou#hes "bout this one. - spo:e with the ,hite *e#urity $ol:s&
"nd one loo:ed "t me "nd "nswered J3i#e shoesK& "nd then burst out l"ughingR G3i#e
$oresh"dowing& "s we see "t the end.I *"mmy@s #ut+out "t the end sh":es his he"d
#ommenting "bout these stupid s)u"bbling g"ngs. - love tou#hes li:e this.
<9 (eep the &eace
*omeone on#e s"id th"t the best w"y to "#hieve pe"#e is to :ill "ll the b"d people& "nd
th"t@s e"#tly wh"t you do here. 6irst the *h"des "nd then the Ass"ssins. ,hen -
"rrived "t the third site& sp"ttered with blood "nd smelling li:e " wi#:ed h"#:er& the
third group de#ided to be more "##ommod"ting. *"mmy "pprovingly observes "t the
The Matrix Online Archives
J!hey $e"r you& *ug"ree. !h"t@s the most v"lu"ble "sset you #"n h"ve in business.K -
purred in s"tis$"#tion.
>9 .hell -a"e
3ow the $ive+w"y negoti"tion is "ll set to beginR !hree g"ng represent"tives "re "lre"dy
w"iting imp"tiently& "nd you need to es#ort two more to the #on$"b. *tr"ngely& this two+
p"rt es#ort mish is trouble+$reeR - :ept epe#ting "tt"#:s $rom mobs& $rom lobby gu"rds&
$rom byst"nders& $rom spont"neously+gener"ting "tt"#:ers& "nd $rom <6Os. 9ut
nothing h"ppened. <ntil - got everyone together& th"t is. !hen you dis#over th"t not
everyone w"nts pe"#e "s mu#h "s *"mmy does. ."ybe they Cust don@t $e"r him
Lo#"tion: Lu#ero 'oint G,estviewI
*e#ond youngest o$ the siblings& ."nd"rin is " spoiled br"t prone to r"nts to 7"me ,hite "nd
.r. 9l"#: "bout his siblings tre"tment o$ him. 3either o$ his p"rents re"lly #"re& but itFs "
#onvenient e#use $or punishing someone on o##"sion& "nd they :now ."nd"rin is the most
li:ely to t"ttle on his siblings when they "re pl"nning something "g"inst their p"rents.
."nd"rin is seen "s r"ther " dim bulb by his siblings& but "#tu"lly h"s " shrewd "nd devious
Gi$ intensely sel$ishI mind. 5e is "bsurdly $i"ted on #re"ture #om$orts& gorging himsel$ in ri#h
The Matrix Online Archives
$"bri#s th"t he is ill e)uipped to "ppre#i"te. 5e l"#:s even the rudiments o$ style or gr"#e.
:9 Angels and $ae"ons
-n this $irst mission& on#e "g"in someone w"nts r"re d"t". 5owever& J- #"n@t sp"re "ny
o$ my own people. -@ve "lw"ys $ound you reddies to be "n e"ger sort.K ,e $irst see:
!"ylot N"min& " libr"ri"n progr"m who is good "t tr"#:ing down things. As the Oper"tor
tells us& Jne"rly every string o$ in"nim"te #ode p"sses through her systems "t some
pointK. *ounds li:e " good person to get to :nowR - loo:ed $orw"rd to " "wesome
networ:ing opportunity.
-t w"s not to be. - got to the libr"ri"n@s "p"rtment& but it w"s $illed with "tt"#:ing
simul"#r". 3o guiding h"nd is "pp"rent. N"min is nowhere to be $ound& but someone
else is& one 1lwood .eritel& or something li:e th"t. 5e re$uses to emerge $rom the
room until the simul"#r" "re "ll gone. 5e@s su#h " wussR And he :nows nothingR N"min
seems to h"ve dis"ppe"red. !he big mystery is two$old: ,ho :illed the simul"#r" in the
room with the wuss G#he#: $or " C7IH And wh"t h"ppened to N"minH N"min never
turned up& "nd this "bsen#e w"s never noted by oper"tor or eile& so - "ssume it to be
" mission blemish.
,e tr"#: down the simul"#r" to on Ait:en& " ;0th level m"ster o$ #oding. A$ter -
de#ommissioned his minions& he w"s very "men"ble& "nd "greed to t":e me to the
storehouse where ."nd"rin@s stu$$ h"s been pl"#ed. A $ew o$ the lo#"l thugs "tt"#:ed
us& but Ait:en e"sily withstood them G" ni#e #h"ngeRI& "nd - e"sily disp"t#hed them.
Ait:en brings us to the storehouse& "nd unlo#:s $or us the in$orm"tion ."nd"rin w"nts.
One room is lo#:ed "nd needs the 'i#: Lo#: "bility "nd tool& neither o$ whi#h - brought
to the p"rtyB nonetheless - w"s "ble to #omplete the missionB opening the door w"s not
ne#ess"ry $or mission obCe#tives #ompletion. On#e everything is over& then when -
#he#:ed out Ait:en& - h"d the option o$ $ighting with himR - #ouldn@t resist& "nd put "
#ouple o$ slugs into him to remember me by. 9ut - didn@t :ill him. - swe"rR As - moped
my w"y to the elev"tor& ."nd"rin told me JNou@re not b"d $or " reddie. Come b"#:
soon "nd -@ll h"ve "nother Cob $or youK.
.ysteries: ,here w"s the ostensible libr"ri"nH 1diting blemishH ,ho :illed the
simul"#rum in the s"me room with the #owering 1lwoodH ,h"t w"s going on with the
lo#:ed room whi#h w"s super$luous to mission su##essH ,h"t w"s the signi$i#"n#e o$
being "ble to shoot Ait:en "t the endH
89 roken !onnection
One o$ ."nd"rin@s #ont"#ts bro:e o$$ #ont"#t in mid+#"llB see wh"t@s going on. *eems
$"irly str"ight$orw"rd. Oh& there@s " d"t" dis: th"t he w"nts retrieved. 1veryone you
were loo:ing $or is de"d& "nd ."nd"rin instru#ts you to go "he"d "nd :ill everyone le$t
there. Nou $ind out th"t the #ont"#t owed money to the $ol:s who :illed him. ?uess this
epl"ins why he w"s in " hurry $or me to p"y him& ."nd"rin glumly noted. *o& "nyw"y&
- $ound " C7 th"t h"s to be dropped o$$ with Ar"#hne. ,hen - "rrived& - mist":enly
spo:e to An"n:e& who g"ve me the w"rm greeting& J!"l: to Ar"#hne "nd get out. ,e
were busy& you :now.K And " $ew se#onds l"ter& JAren@t you done yetHK Ar"#hne is
The Matrix Online Archives
mu#h better when - give him the C7: JAwesome. Nou #"n le"ve. 3O,.K ."nd"rin w"s
" serene isl"nd o$ w"rmth: J1#ellentR !he "rti$"#t is "lmost within my gr"spR <hh& -
me"n& you did " good CobK.
?ood newsR !his mission ends up right net to the s"me building "s ."nd"rin@s #lubR
;9 /ar /ro" #o"e
.ore "rti$"#t m"ni". J.y stupid& stupid& *!<'-7 sister is nosing "round "$ter my
"rti$"#t. Amber Cust w"nts wh"t belongs to .1RK !o distr"#t Amber& - w"s sent to :ill
some o$ her men& "nd send the he"d o$ their le"der to one o$ her #hie$ lieuten"nts.
<n$ortun"tely& when you :ill the t"rget& "nd Jget his he"dK there is still " he"d on the
$igure lying on the ground. ,hen - "rrived "t the dumpy building used by Amber@s $ol:s&
- w"s surprised to see "n Agent "##osting meR 7oes Amber h"ve #ont"#ts - did not
:now "boutH !he "gent "s:ed i$ - h"d "n "ppointmentRR 'erh"ps it w"s Cust someone
we"ring "n "gent disguiseH !he "dvisor w"s impressed with my delivery: J,h"t@s thisH
O5 ?O7R -t@s AdzhimushdC:"CR Nou "nim"lR ,h"t h"ve you doneHK - thought th"t would
h"ve been pretty #le"r. At the end& ."nd"rin w"s ple"sed. J3i#e "ppli#"tion o$
violen#e& *ug"ree. !h"t@s wh"t - p"y you $or.K And we end up right net to his #lub
9eing "##osted by "n "pp"rent Agent while doing "n 1ile@s bidding w"s #ounter+
intuitive. *o w"s the he"d on the he"dless $igure& espe#i"lly sin#e "ll one h"d to do $or
the right e$$e#t w"s h"ve the t"rget $"ll so his Jhe"dK w"s inside the w"ll& giving the
impression o$ he"dlessness.
<9 /lutter AwayG )ittle ird
.o#:ingbird Gthe "rti$"#t m"gnetI h"s some in$orm"tion "bout ."nd"rin@s "rti$"#t o$
interest. As he puts it& J.o#:ingbird thin:s she :nows everything "bout "rti$"#ts. *he@s
"ll superior with her t"l: t"l: t"l:.K !his is re"son"bly str"ight$orw"rd& "nd soon you end
up with " business #"rd. !h"t@s itR !he most interesting p"rt o$ this mission too: pl"#e
"t the drop+o$$. !wo other eiles interrog"ted me. One "s:ed me why hum"ns reCe#t
the ."tri& "nd then $ollowed this up with JLi:e it or not& we progr"ms "re " spe#ies
#"p"ble o$ $ree thought "nd $eeling. !hin: "bout th"t net time you t":e "n "#tion th"t
h"rms the ."tri.K -@m " ."#hinistR ,hy "m - getting this le#tureR A$ter the drop+o$$&
."nd"rin "$$irms& JVery very& very good. ,e@re "lmost thereRK
>9 !o"pression Artifact
!he "rti$"#t ."nd"rin so #r"ves is hidden in " #r"te "t " w"rehouseB we need to $ind
out whi#h one. !his involves two lo#"les. !he $irst w"rehouse eventu"lly yields the
lo#"tionB the se#ond yields the "rti$"#t. !he eile holding it& 3ighting"le& relu#t"ntly
turns it over& with " stern w"rning th"t this is not over. -t turns out th"t the "rti$"#t is
simply some #"ndy $rom " previous iter"tion o$ the ."tri. C"ndyR .ore det"il& "nd "
des#ription& would h"ve been wonder$ul $or this: the #olor& sh"pe& $orm& "nd teture& not
to mention the t"steR Oddly enough& on#e the h"ndo$$ w"s done& - h"d the option o$
shooting "t 3ighting"le or $ighting with her. - too: " $ew shots "t her to let her :now -
The Matrix Online Archives
w"sn@t s#"red. !hen - r"n o$$ to give the "rti$"#t with " #ont"#t& who rem"r:ed& JA$ter he
is presented with this gi$t& perh"ps !he .erovingi"n will $in"lly $orgive ."nd"rin.K !he
me"ning o$ the mission title is not #le"r& unless it somehow re$ers to the #"ndyH
."nd"rin m"de no mention o$ this when he s"id J!h"n: you& *ug"ree. - #"nnot th"n:
you enough $or re#overing this "rti$"#tK. 9ut people o$ten hide their true motiv"tions&
tre"t big things sm"ll& "nd sm"ll things big& so this w"s not " huge surprise.
Lo#"tion: 6urih"t" G-ntern"tion"lI
?r"#e w"s on#e " ,"rrior o$ Eion. !od"y she #"rves out "n eisten#e $or hersel$ in the
."tri& "ssigned the unenvi"ble t"s: o$ :eeping t"bs on the *ilver 7r"gons. Comm"nder
Lo#: is #on#erned th"t the *ilver 7r"gonsF "#tivities will sh"tter the tru#e negoti"ted by 3eo&
"nd ?r"#e :nows the group well.
?r"#e met "n 1ile n"med Long in the ."tri& "nd "llowed hersel$ to be#ome involved with
him. O$ #ourse she :ept the "$$"ir " se#ret& :nowing th"t no one would h"ve "pproved. *he
thought she w"s in love& but Long w"nted more th"n Cust surviv"l. 5e used their rel"tionship
to $ind "nd re#ruit %edpills into his g"ng.
,hen she dis#overed his "#tivities& their love turned to h"te. *in#e th"t time& ?r"#e h"s
devoted hersel$ to stopping Long "nd his supporters "nd will let nothing st"nd in her w"y& not
even o$$i#i"l orders $rom Eion. *he h"s not reported in $or some time& "pp"rently h"ving $ound
"nother bro"d#"st point to enter the ."tri.
%eg"rdless o$ her p"st mist":es& ?r"#e is " #onsumm"te pro$ession"l "nd insists on the
s"me level o$ pro$ession"lism in those she de"ls with. *he is :nown to hire mer#en"ry
oper"tives o$ "ny "sso#i"tion to #"rry out t"s:s $or her.
:9 #ell hath =o /ury
?r"#e see:s to penetr"te the *ilver 7r"gons org"niz"tion through you. Nou will
"#hieve this through su##ess$ully #ompleting " mission $or them. !his t"s: is to :ill "n
enemy o$ theirs& one Ar"bis. !his is e"sily done& "nd you "re soon "##epted into the
*ilver 7r"gons org"niz"tion. Nou h"ve& in e$$e#t& been blooded. At the end you
dis#over th"t Ar"bis w"s " well+:nown so$tw"re se#urity engineer& who spe#i"lized in
the dete#tion o$ m"li#ious so$tw"re. !his w"s one ni#e tou#h+ when resisting me he
used h"#:er "tt"#:s. !he *ilver 7r"gons& "s we sh"ll see& h"ve " pronoun#ed sense o$
The Matrix Online Archives
humorB my 7r"gons #ont"#t initi"lly g"ve me " $older with the identity o$ my t"rget& "nd
- s"w my own n"meR *he got " good l"ugh out o$ this& "nd soon dire#ted me to "
ne"rby #omputer whi#h held the in$orm"tion - needed. !his w"s "n interesting $e"ture+
1iles with " sense o$ humor.
89 Inside the Action
!his seems simple. 'i#: up " dis:& t":e it to "n eile with in$orm"tion ?r"#e desired.
!he site $or the pi#:up w"s " Eionist etr"#tion point& " ni#e nod to ?r"#e@s
b"#:ground. *ever"l redpills there& "llied with ?r"#e& sh"red misgivings with e"#h
other "bout the wisdom o$ this proCe#t. - $elt re"ssured. !hen - went to drop o$$ the
in$orm"tion with one Eys:in& " blood+drin:er+loo:ing sort o$ guy with $our or $ive burly
bodygu"rds. 'r"st& one o$ ?r"#e@s st"$$& w"s there to help. A$ter - dropped o$$ the
in$orm"tion "nd prep"red to le"ve& she reve"led she w"s " #"ptive now& "nd "ppe"led
to me $or help. - did& "nd soon "ll l"y w"ste "round me. ,ith this p"rt o$ the mish
s#rewed& - w"s told to drop o$$ 'r"st& "nd too: her to " s"$ehouse. J*"$eK house might
not be the right word $or it though& sin#e the $ol:s there st"rted spe#ul"ting on the
terrible things ?r"#e h"d in mind $or those who s#rewed up missionsP.K5"hR - he"rd
th"t she@s going to m":e her #le"n her hover#r"$t with " toothbrushK& "nd J5"hR *he@s
in $or " world o$ hurt& th"t@s $or sureRK - bid 'r"st " $ond $"rewell& put her out o$ my mind&
po#:eted my #onsult"nt@s $ee& "nd w"s on my w"y.
;9 .econd Ti"e Around
A$ter intervening to res#ue 'r"st l"st time& there seems to be some un#ert"inty in the
7r"gons "bout where my loy"lties lie. -n this mission& - :ill "n enemy g"ng le"der&
m":ing sure to le"ve " witness so the word gets "round. !his proved e"sier th"n -
thoughtB even my oper"tor #ommented th"t m"ybe this guy Cust su#:ed. ?r"#e tells us
th"t this g"mbit seems to h"ve wor:ed "nd my st"r with the *ilver 7r"gons is on the
<9 $ark .ide
!his mission is billed "s "n e$$ort to Jdelve deeper into the *ilver 7r"gons@ networ:K. -t
involves h"ving me Jdistribute "nd m"int"in networ: #onne#tions $or the *ilver 7r"gons
se#ret networ:K. *ounds li:e " good de"l& but it tr"nsl"tes into helpdes: wor:R !his h"s
two p"rts. -n the $irst one& "ll you h"ve to do is mi "round p"rts $rom e"#h o$ three
#omputers to re+est"blish their networ: #onne#tivity. !here "re two Jperimeter monitor
devi#esK "nd one J#omputer p"rtsK. !he *ilver 7r"gons m"y :now " lot "bout
networ:ing& but when it #omes to networ:s& they@re hopelessR 'erh"ps they disd"in
su#h Jmere h"rdw"reK issues "nd le"ve them "s "n eer#ise $or others.
-n the se#ond p"rt& - swing by "nother *ilver 7r"gons site& "nd "s - st"rted to e"mine
the "iling h"rdw"re& the elite gu"rds "nd p"le blood+drin:er there "ll "tt"#:ed meR
!hey@re 9l"#: .oons& "nd held me responsible $or :illing their le"der l"s timeR
1ventu"lly - put them down& "nd went b"#: to my origin"l mission& #he#:ing their
#omputer. -ts mess"ge w"s " dull& blin:ing J#onne#tion missingK. Nou #"n s"y th"t
The Matrix Online Archives
- w"s puzzled& to s"y the le"st. *o w"s ?r"#e& who r"mbled disCointedly "s she
#ounted out my #onsulting $ee. *he loo:ed #on$used "nd s"id& J- didn@t thin: "ny o$ the
9l"#: .oon g"ng would $ind you. ,e@ll h"ve to be more #"re$ul in the $uture. 9ut - don@t
:now wh"t the *ilver 7r"gons will thin: o$ "ll thisK. ,e will $ind out soon enoughR
>9 &asswordD $ragon
-t seems th"t - h"ve been promoted "g"in& "t le"st this is wh"t ?r"#e tells me. On the
strength o$ this& she sends me to obt"in " p"ssword $rom Long& whi#h will give her
"##ess to their system. *imple enough& "nd builds on the go"ls she sh"red in the very
$irst mission.
,hen - went to meet the 7r"gons& - t"l:ed to the ones there. One s"id& JNou@re here $or
the p"sswordH Ah& goodRK "nd st"rted l"ughing "nd l"ughing. And did not stop. !his
g"ve me #"use $or #on#ernP *ure enough& Long springs his tr"p "s soon "s - t"l: to
him& "nd " long $ight ensues. At its #on#lusion& they "re "ll de"d& "nd ?r"#e is $urious:
J?rrR !ri#:ed me "g"inR -@ll show himR *omed"y& somehow& - will get my revengeRK
Cl"ssi#R At the end she g"ve me some level+;0 #lothes "s " #onsol"tion prize& so it
#ould h"ve been worse. 5owever& it #ould "lso h"ve been better. 6r"n:ly& #onsidering
the loss o$ resour#es "#ross these $ive missions& one might thin: th"t Long #"me o$$
mu#h the worse $or we"r. 9ut ?r"#e h"s " new re"son $or the "nger "nd Ce"lousy
whi#h propel her. As i$ she needs oneR
Lo#"tion: A#h"n G%i#hl"ndI
The Matrix Online Archives
Argon is "n 1ile who li:es to thin: o$ himsel$ "s " #"re$ul pl"nner "nd str"tegist& but in truth
he is somewh"t r"sh in his moves& pushing $orw"rd out o$ hubris "nd ego more th"n "nything
else. <nder his epensive suit& he is truly Cust " thug. 5owever& do not t":e th"t "s "n e#use
to underestim"te him. Argon h"s no #ompun#tions "bout doing wh"tever is ne#ess"ry to g"in
more power "nd in$luen#e over the ."tri.
As " progr"m& Argon w"s " #ontrolling routine. As "n 1ile& he still epe#ts to be obeyed& "nd
is :nown $or his terrible r"ges when m"tters $"il to go his w"y. 5e is Ce"lous "nd posessive o$
his p"r"mours& whi#h h"s proved to be " vulner"bility in the p"st. -n the end& though& Argon
#"res $or no one more th"n himsel$.
Mission :9 ug the road
,hen we meet Argon $or the $irst time& he tells us& JListen up& *ug"ree. - he"rd you
been helping the other 1ilesB well& -@ll let you :now right now: you@ve been de"ling with
#humps. -@m the re"l de"l& rightHK And "ll his .issiones underline the im"ge o$ "n
"spiring Al C"pone& see:ing respe#t "nd v"lid"tion. 5ere& in this $irst one& we must
pl"nt " bug in 9eryl@s networ: be#"use Argon worries "bout her "nd Anti+. G"s well he
shouldRI. !he entry "nd ee#ution is str"ight$orw"rd& "nd "t the end& "s - w"s #ounting
my in$o& he burst out& JNou "#tu"lly did itH Ahh& - me"n& ye"h& gre"t wor: there&
*ug"reeRK. !h"n: $or the #on$iden#e& broR
Mission 89 The &hone )ist
Argon in$orms me "t the outset th"t he worries th"t 9eryl h"s been two+timing him. !he
distrust$ul g"ngster w"nts to :now "bout 9eryl@s so#i"l #ir#le "nd so#i"lizing& whi#h
re)uires you to retrieve " #opy o$ her #ont"#t list. .ost people would h"#: $or this& noH
9ut Argon w"nts the person"l tou#h& "nd perh"ps some intimid"ting visu"ls "s well.
Otherwise& " bre":+"nd+enter. 5"ving done "ll the .issiones $or 9eryl "nd Anti+.& -
#ould h"ve Cust told him& but $igured it would be better $or him to $ind out $or himsel$.
Mission ;9 $ig *p .o"ething -ood
1ile 7igger is on Argon@s bl"#:list& "nd your t"s: is to ste"l three $iles $rom him. 3ot "ll
the $iles "re obviously "##essible& but otherwise the .ission is " st"nd"rd bre":+"nd+
enter. !his is " not"ble .ission be#"use it is the only time we le"rn o$ Argon@s
#onne#tions with other m"Cor 1iles. !r"gi#"lly& we #"nnot re"d the #ontents o$ the
$iles& "nd - w"s le$t dying to :now wh"t w"s in them. Argon@s pr"ise 0 J5ey& th"t@s gre"t&
*ug"ree. !op Cob.K 0 did little to s"tis$y my #onsuming #uriosity.
The Matrix Online Archives
Mission <9 .ending a Message
Argons #ontinues to $eel the need to "ssert his dis"pprov"l o$ his riv"l. !his time& he
"s:s you to "ss"ult one o$ her o$$i#es "nd :idn"p " be"n#ounter. 6or this he w"nts
someone who #"nnot be tr"#ed& "nd th"t@s you. 'lus& Argon in$ormed me& Jhe@s Cust "
pen#ilne#: "nd he :nows better th"n to #ross someone li:e you.K Ne"hR ,h"t he s"idR
!his is "n es#ort .ission& "nd you h"ve to :eep your w"rd "live. -t too: me more th"n
one try.
Mission >9 .et #er *p The o"b
3ow it@s time to Jget seriousK with Anti+.& s"ys Argon. 5e then t"s:s you with pl"nting
" bomb in one o$ Anti+.@s oper"tion #enters. 3othing mind+bending: you tr"vel there&
de"l with some gu"rds& "nd pl"nt the eplosive.
!hese .issiones "re str"ight$orw"rd& bre"d+"nd+butter. ,e le"rn little o$ the rel"tions
"mong the eiles other th"n $rom his suspi#ions. And though Argon #le"rly styles
himsel$ Jthe re"l de"lK& it@s not #le"r "t "ll who he wor:s with or "g"inst. -t might be th"t
these $ive .issiones were origin"lly viewed "s prelimin"ry& "nd on#e - h"d proven my
worth $rom sm"ll domesti# #hores& he would "##ept me into the oper"tions o$ his
pro$ession"l "#tivities. 9ut this h"s not #ome to p"ss. 9"si#"lly& he seems li:e " thug.
-n essen#e& Argon@s .issiones "re lightly+"d"pted st"nd"rd .issiones& still " diversion
$rom the st"nd"rd ones while helping people powerlevel.
,h"t #ould h"ve m"de these even more enCoy"bleH ,ell& - h"d "lre"dy done the
.issiones $or his girl$riend "nd riv"l be$ore #ont"#ting him. -$ the A- dete#ted this "nd
re$le#ted this in its responses& it would be even better. .ore o$ " dep"rture $rom the
st"nd"rd .ission $orm"t would h"ve been ni#e. .ore on 7igger "nd the #ontents o$ the
$iles would h"ve wonder$ul. And some responses $rom Argon re$le#ting his
surroundings in Club 7u"lity would h"ve been gre"t& something li:e inviting me to h"ve
" drin:& t"l:ing ep"nsively "bout his business& et#. *t"nding imp"ssively in the purple
mists o$ Club 7u"lity& he #ould h"ve styled himsel$ li:e the .erv& et#.
Lo#"tion: A#h"n& *lums
The Matrix Online Archives
,ith eponymously #olored h"ir& *ilver is the most $o#used "mong the 1lements& v"luing order
"nd Min$orm"tion "bove "ll else. *ilver is not "n imposing physi#"l spe#imen& loo:ing li:e " bit
o$ " nerd& but heFs " sel$+possessed m"n with " distin#t "ir o$ superiority over the dull"rds heFs
surrounded by. *ilver is o$ten #"lled on by the other "sso#i"tes when they need Min$orm"tion
"bout something& or re)uire something very #omple to be $igured out $"st. 5is pri#es "re
steep indeed. *ilver is eng"ged in sever"l lines o$ ."tri+rese"r#h th"t re)uire $ield tests to be
#"rried out. !ypi#"lly& this re)uires the movement o$ spe#i$i# pie#es o$ #ode to #ert"in pl"#es
$or ee#ution& e.g. D!":e this umbrell" to the top o$ the 3etwor: .edi" building. Open it. !hen
#lose it "nd return it here to me. Nou #ouldnFt underst"nd the re"sons i$ - told you&
:9 Meet the Meat
Li:e most $irst mishes& this one is simple& i$ not e"#tly e"sy. *ilver is Jstudying the $ield
density $lu#tu"tion o$ the ."tri "nd how it is "$$e#ted by Q$ree ro"ming redpills@ li:e
youK. !o me"sure this& he w"nts you to p"ss through "n "re" "nd :ill everything there.
,or:s $or meR As "n "$terthought& he geni"lly sneers& J1ven you ought to be "ble to
h"ndle th"t.K - guess he h"s been t"l:ing to the ,e"ver.
A$ter our power$ul te"m l"id w"ste to every single 1ile there& *ilver nodded #urtly&
K'"ss"ble per$orm"n#e& me"t. - suppose - #"n use you "g"in.K JCurb your enthusi"sm&K
- s"id.
89 .oftware Run
!his se#ond mission is "#tu"lly one o$ his e"siest. Nou h"ve to run in& insert " virus&
"nd run $or your li$e. J-t@s very e"sy so you should be "ble to do it&K *ilver re"ssured
me& "dding& JOh& "nd don@t get :illed by the guys th"t run the pl"#e.K
As instru#ted& - r"n in& inserted the virus in the #omputer in the gu"rds re"dy room Gthe
one right net to the elev"torI& le"ped p"st the gu"rds over the #ounter& r"n $or the
elev"tor& "nd died one $oot $rom it& $ive hot slugs in my b"#:. 9ut we got #redit $or "
su##ess& so wh"t@s not to li:eH
;9 /or Tat
-n this most $"s#in"ting mission& *ilver needs help in " de"l with the #ool& bewit#hing
5yp"ti" $rom downtown. *he w"nts someone :illed& "nd thought o$ *ilver& who thought
o$ us. -n e#h"nge& she@ll help him with some rese"r#h on some unusu"l #ode $r"gs
whi#h h"ve "ppe"red re#ently. !he hit is str"ight$orw"rd. !he most interesting thing
w"s meeting 5yp"ti". *he #omplimented us on wor: well done& "nd invited us to loo:
her up in Chelse" i$ we were loo:ing $or wor:.
*ilver w"s #h"r"#teristi#: JAt le"st you didn@t drool on 5yp"ti"@s $eetK. - thin: he is $"lling
in love with me.
<9 Mercury .abotage
The Matrix Online Archives
*ilver h"tes .er#ury "s mu#h "s .er#ury h"tes him. 5e thin:s th"t the Jlesser
inventorK h"s been s#heming to ste"l his rese"r#h& "nd w"nts to dis#our"ge this
interest. A ni#e virus& ni#ely inserted& does the tri#:. And $or this mish& we Cust h"d to
run in& pop in " dis:& "nd run $or our lives. Our power$ul b"nd w"s "ble to do this.
>9 0ust a &eek
9ut *ilver is not done with .er#ury yet. 3ow he t"s:s us with ste"ling one o$ his
prototypes. 3ot th"t he needs it& mind you& he is simply J#uriousK. ,e $ound the
lo#"tion& we bro:e in& we :illed "ll the gu"rds& we got the prototype& "nd we dropped it
o$$ with " hu$$y& imp"tient "ide o$ *ilver@s. ,hile we were running "round& *ilver
b"rr"ged us with re$le#tions. About how the !ru#e is " b"d thing. About how s#ummy
hum"ns "re. About how un#le"n he $eels to be wor:ing with us. - #"n@t tell you how
en#our"ged - $elt& "nd how mu#h it m"de me w"nt to ple"se him.
And when it w"s "ll overH *ilver loo:ed up $rom "pproving our timesheets& sighed& "nd
b"r:ed: JNou :now& -@m si#: o$ wor:ing with me"tB it is more trouble th"n it is worth.
,hy don@t you go bother someone elseHK
And th"t w"s itR 5e turned "w"y "nd went to optimize " d"t"b"se or something. Love
us "nd le"ve us& why don@t youH At le"st his #he#: #le"red.
Lo#"tion: %ogers ,"y G,estviewI
As one o$ the middle siblings& Amber :nows she is unli:ely to ever g"in the higest position&
but she is #ommitted to m":ing sure sheFs there& to st"nd "t the right h"nd o$ whoever wins
the b"ttle "nd siphon o$$ the spoils. !o this end she is e#eedingly #"utious& "nd #r"ves "ll the
:nowledge she #"n "bout her siblingsF oper"tions. Amber "lw"ys loo:s good. *he is " smooth
t"l:ing sy#oph"nt who e#els "t t"l:ing out o$ both sides o$ her mouth "t on#e. *he is willing
to de"l with "ny "nd "ll o$ her siblings& wor:ing both ends "g"inst the middle $or -ndigo or one
o$ her p"rents& but "lw"ys $or hersel$ in the end. *heFs wor:ing tow"rd getting on ?r"yFs good
side& but is #omingto the #on#lusion th"t he doesnFt h"ve one.
:9 A .uspicious !haracter
%ogers w"y is Amber@s tur$& "nd some guy h"s been showing too mu#h silent interest
The Matrix Online Archives
in it. !his is seldom " positive development& "nd she w"nts you to investig"te him "nd
his motiv"tion. 5e@s not h"rd to $ind. 9ut when you do enter his "p"rtment& he s"ys&
J"bout time you got here. !ell Amber her response time su#:s.J Auite the surpriseR
Amber is not epe#ting this "nd dire#ts you to t":e the dis: to h"ve it #he#:ed out.
,hen this is done& there is indeed more to him th"n meets the eye& "s Amber #on$irms.
*he seems impressed. Nour p"tron does not sh"re the results& "nd you #omplete this
mission without ever :nowing who this guy is or wh"t he is "ll "bout.
89 A .afe &lace
Amber h"s "n es#ort mish $or you: "n in$orm"nt needs to be t":en to " s"$e pl"#e. 9ut
the in$orm"nt& "ptly n"med JCr"venK& re$uses to emerge $rom her bedroom until you
h"ve :illed everything else there: some big& b"d v"mpires. !hen& there is " long&
event$ul hi:e to the s"$ehouse& with m"ny mobs to sl"y. And when you get her to the
s"$ehouse& $illed with Amber@s A*'sH *he w"rmly responds& J,h"t "re you w"iting $or&
" tipHK
- love this CobR
;9 .econd Try
!he bluepill we es#orted l"st time is now missing& "nd needs res#ue "nd es#ort. !his
st"rts with $inding " de"d eile& whose pi#ture le"ds us to "nother lo#"tion& where the
str"ying in$orm"nt is $ound. 9oth lo#"tions "re those weird& m"ze+li:e buildings in
,estview th"t "re so tr"shy "nd $illed with Cun:. - "lw"ys get lost in themR 5er es#ort
involved mu#h& mu#h :illing o$ lo#"l mobs. '"r"doi#"lly enough& these mobs you h"ve
to :ill "re the e"#t s"me mobs GA*'sI th"t Amber supposedly #ontrols. 5ow #uriousR
Anyw"y& eventu"lly you get her to the prote#tion s"$e house "g"in "nd you "re done.
*he "dds& JLoo: - :now you h"ve some sort o$ weird #rush on me& but - w"nt you to
le"ve me "lone.K ,ith ple"sure& my de"rR
<9 The /inal !lue
Amber #ontinues to $ret "bout un$riendly e$$orts to #ut into her tur$. *he needs to :now
who is behind this. !he #lue is $ound on " C7 whi#h is held by " b"nd o$ $ier#e
h"#:ers. 3ot e"sy to t":e them "ll down& "nd - h"d to withdr"w " $ew times to rest up.
1ventu"lly the C7 is pro#ured "nd delivered to *hingo& one o$ Amber@s lieuten"nts&
who h"ngs out surrounded by Level+;/[ level se#urity st"$$. ?l"d - didn@t h"ve to $ight
my w"y p"st themR Amber is ple"sed with the $"st& e$$i#ient wor:. - w"s ple"sed to be
>9 &ayback Ti"e
9"sed on the l"st mission@s C7& Amber h"s determined th"t her mis#hievous brother
."nd"rin w"s behind the "tt"#:s& "nd w"nts p"yb"#:& through " spe#i"l virus pl"#ed in
his systems. ?etting into the room with the t"rget #omputer involved " lot o$ gun
$ighting. - #ould overhe"r two gu"rds spe":ing disp"r"gingly o$ ."nd"rin being
The Matrix Online Archives
#lueless J"s usu"lK. !hen - h"d pl"nted the virus& "nd w"s $leeing $or my li$e.
!his $in"l& $in"le mission w"s surprisingly str"ight$orw"rd& not to s"y simple. 3ot th"t -
And with this& "ll my ,estview missions were overR !his region ended well& with w"rm
pr"ise $rom Amber& #l"iming th"t J- won@t $orget you& *ug"reeB you@ll "lw"ys h"ve "
home in %ogers ,"y.K 5ow ni#e it would be i$ "$ter you h"ve #ompleted "ll the region@s
missions& the mobs o$ the l"st 1ile lord would le"ve you "lone& or even #ome over "nd
/d"p youR 9ut - "ppre#i"ted the w"rmth& "$ter so mu#h #"llous& #rude beh"vior $rom the
Lo#"tion: Chelse" G7owntownI
5yp"ti" believes th"t in$orm"tion is powerB "nd th"t the most v"lu"ble in$orm"tion #"n best be
gle"ned by re"ding between the lines. *he h"s spent her eisten#e pouring through boo:
"$ter boo:& loo:ing $or "ny s#r"p o$ in$orm"tion th"t might reve"l more "bout the n"ture o$ the
."tri "nd how to g"ther in$orm"tion to in#re"se her own power. Conse)uently& she gu"rds
"ll o$ her se#rets "nd her tur$ Ce"lously. 5er unimposing "ppe"r"n#e belies her greedy "nd
vi#ious n"ture.
-t is rumored& however& th"t #ert"in 1iles who h"ve " rel"tionship with 5yp"ti" #"n g"in
"##ess to the in$orm"tion repository $or " )ui#: s#"n. %edpills "nd 1iles lu#:y enough to
m":e it to the Libr"ryFs restri#ted st"#:s should not overst"y their wel#ome.
-t is $urther rumored th"t 5yp"ti" m"int"ins #ont"#ts with the owners or employees o$ m"ny
boo:stores in the #ity& to :eep her "pprised o$ new or used boo:s th"t "rrive in their shops.
."ny o$ her #ont"#ts "re "lso members o$ the 9oo:wyrms& but m"int"in " low pro$ile "nd will
#ont"#t 5yp"ti" be$ore t":ing "ny "#tion "g"inst Eionites or 1iles.
:9 &ast $ue
9ut enough o$ meR Li:e so m"ny people& 5yp"ti" lends boo:s "nd h"s trouble getting
them b"#:. O$ #ourse& it@s not the boo: is import"nt or "nything& it@s Cust& you :now& the
The Matrix Online Archives
prin#iple. *o she t"s:s you with getting it b"#: "t "ll #osts& :illing "nyone who resists&
"nd le"ving one witness to spre"d the word. Just& you :now& on prin#iple. 1very
bibliophile out there will w"rm to this.
-n this mish we le"rn o$ " rogue group o$ 1iles who style themselves J!he 9oo: ClubK.
!hey@re $ormer "#"demi#s& though you sure #ouldn@t tell $rom loo:ing "t them. !heir
le"der #l"ims the boo: is "wesomely v"lu"ble "nd r"re& "nd no w"y is it going b"#:R
,ell& " polite word "nd " 7ev"st"tion 6ield gets you more th"n Cust " polite word. !he
volume is then returned to "nother o$ 5yp"ti"@s $lun:iesB "pp"rently she does not w"nt
you to :now its ultim"te destin"tion: her :it#hen t"ble. !he 1iles here h"ve some
gre"t lines& "nd some p"thos "t the end. A tough& good mish on solo.
89 Thieves in the =ight
!his mish is deli#iously ironi#. A$ter re#overing " noteboo: $or the Coroner Cust " $ew
d"ys "go& now -@m t"s:ed with ste"ling one $rom himR 5yp"ti" is #urious "bout his
J6r"n:ensteinK eperiments on reviving bluepills& "nd would li:e to study his Courn"l.
Along the w"y& you might "s well :ill his s#ientists& she "dds "s "n "$terthought. 3ote
to sel$: st"y on her good side.
;9 The ,rong #ands
An eile n"med !he Colle#tor h"s " boo: with d"ngerous in$orm"tionB 5yp"ti" t"s:s
you with repl"#ing it with " s"$er& dumbed+down ers"tz #opy& "nd destroying the
,e pi#: up the ers"tz boo: $rom "n 1ile #ounter$eiting epert who is #urrently trying to
#opy hersel$. One #opy gr"vely "s:ed us J7o you li:e pieHK !hen 5yp"ti"& "pp"rently
"s "n "$terthought& dire#ts us to :ill everyone "t the site with the boo:& Jto m":e it loo:
goodK. *o on we go to sl"y "nd misle"d $or our p"troness. 9ut in the end she pr"ises
us& s"ying we h"ve m"de the ."tri " better& s"$er pl"#e. 9ut be #"re$ul to destroy the
re"l boo:& "nd pl"#e the genuine $":e b"#:. Or something li:e th"t.
<9 &reEe"ptive Action
!his mission is un#h"r"#teristi#"lly simple. 5yp"ti" h"s le"rned o$ " pl"n to "tt"#: her
Gso she s"ys& "nyw"yI& "nd dire#ts us to disrupt it. !his involves two groups o$ 1iles&
"ll o$ whom must be wiped out. Ag"in& #"rn"ge "nd bloodB in the end 5yp"ti" is )uietly
glee$ul th"t her boo:s "re s"$e. -nside " s"$e& we $ound " gold #o"tR
>9 In &ursuit of (nowledge
An 1ile n"med Alv"rez h"s in$uri"ted the phlegm"ti# 5yp"ti". 5e not only "#)uired "
r"re boo: o$ 1ile lore whi#h she does not h"ve& the $iend destroyed it be$ore she #ould
re"d itRR 9ut he memorized the #ontent& or "t le"st "ll the import"nt p"rts. ,e must
guide him to " meeting with 5yp"ti" so they #"n h"ve " #onvers"tion "bout this.
!his is more #ompli#"ted th"t it seems. ,hen we go to get him& we $ind he h"s been
The Matrix Online Archives
:idn"pped. !hen we $ight our w"y to him& only to dis#over he h"s been :illed. 9ut
5yp"ti" is nothing i$ not resour#e$ul& "nd she will not be denied his :nowledgeP.
-ntelligent "nd boo:ish though 5yp"ti" is& she seems li:e one o$ the e"sier ones to
m"nipul"te. 5er thirst $or :nowledge would be e"sily :indled "nd dire#ted "g"inst
"lmost "nyone. -t is best to s"tis$y her when you run her missionsB - would h"te $or my
n"me to be written down in the wrong boo: o$ hersP..
Lo#"tion: !"bor '"r:& *lums
Nttri w"s " l"te "ddition to the 1lements& " subroutine "dded in the l"ter d"ys be$ore their
$light to the ."tri. *he is "n eoti# wom"n with uni)ue viewpoints. !hin: o$ her "s the
e#h"nge student thrown into the *orority 5ouse. *ome o$ the other 1lements resented the
"ttention she g"rnered "t $irst& others sought to t":e "dv"nt"ge o$ her& but nobody re"lly
understood her. Nttri is given to long& thought$ul p"uses in her #onvers"tions& "nd insight$ul
#omments th"t imply she :nows " gre"t de"l. *he h"s settled into " #om$ort"ble eisten#e on
the $ringes o$ 9luepill so#iety& "s " street musi#i"n in !"bor '"r:. *he is the one other
1lement most in tou#h with %uth& but sheFs h"d #"use to run up "g"inst Argon in the p"st& "s
heFs tried to intimid"te her.
:9 !ode or !oda
Anyw"y& Nttri el"bor"tes on " theme - $irst noti#ed with Lotus: th"t musi# #"n be "
power$ul beh"vior modi$ier. And she li:es to ste"l things. -n this st"nd"rd bre":+"nd+
enter& Nttri w"nts the only eisting #opy o$ " new& m"rvelous #omposition. !he
st"nd"rd enemies opposed me& "nd were de"lt with in the st"nd"rd m"nner. !wo w"ys
to get it& $ind the #ombin"tion in " des: $or the s"$e& or h"#: " #omputer to dis"ble the
The Matrix Online Archives
s"$e. !o be on the Js"$eK side& - did both. ,hy the m"nus#ript h"d to be purloined w"s
un#le"r& sin#e do#ument"ry m"teri"ls h"ve been #l"ndestinely #"ptured by #"mer"s
$or "lmost " hundred ye"rs. ."ybe she w"s "lso sending someone " mess"geH
."ybe she #olle#ts "rti$"#ts& li:e the 7igger or 5yp"ti"H ,e do not :now. ,"l:ed in
p"st " $idgety 9ell ."donn"& little :nowing how soon - would be $eeling $idgety mysel$&
in the net mission.
89 /ree Music
One thing le"ds to "nother& "$ter s"voring the wor: o$ this #omposer& Nttri #r"ves more.
3ot only th"t& she w"nts to $ree his mind. !his ent"ils gr"bbing him "nd es#orting him
to " Eionist b"se $or the 'ill. And n"tur"lly& everyone $or " :ilometer "round w"nts to
$rustr"te this. 6or e"mple& "s - w"ited inside with the #omposer& two ;/+level elite
gu"rds outside :ept $iring "t me TthroughT the door& "nd shrugged o$$ my repe"ted
dev"st"tion $ields "nd #ode nu:es. *o& "$ter one $"ilure& - went out through the b"#:
door& obliter"ting every 9ell $rom here to :ingdom #ome& "nd got the #omposer s"$ely
to Eion. ,h"t memories it brought b"#:& o$ other es#ort missions $rom hellR
;9 An Instru"ental
Nttri seemed )uite serious "bout thisB the "ir hissed with tension "s she epl"ined in "
low& men"#ing voi#e. An instrument o$ hers h"s been stolen& "nd J- "m #h"rging you
with its return. 7o not $"il me in thisK. -t reminded me o$ 5yp"ti"@s $irst mission& where
she w"nts you to retrieve " lent boo:. <nli:e your sponsor& the t"rget is no wilting
"esthete& "nd within ten h"rrowing se#onds - w"s on de"th@s door. - w"s tempted to
buy " u:ulele $rom " street vendor "nd s"y JOh& he de#ompiled it "nd re#ompiled it&
"nd this is how it #"me outK& but - persisted. -t turns out th"t the m"le$"#tor h"s the
instrument on his person& so it@s more li:ely to be " :"zoo th"n " *tr"div"riusR
<9 lood Music
%emember the CoronerH !he #reepy guy $rom downtownH ,ith the spoo:y
eperimentsH ,ell& he@s b"#:& "nd in possession o$ " street per$ormer with some
in$orm"tion "bout blood drin:ers whi#h Nttri w"nts. - p"used be$ore busting in& thin:ing
o$ p"st missions& "nd m"ny de"ths& mostly mine. !hey were still unsettling. - #"me
"#ross " virus "nd on " whim put it into the st"tion@s m"in$r"meB the st"$$ too: " dim
view o$ this. At the end - st"ggered to " phone booth "nd uplo"ded& "nd this is wh"t -
got: J!he d"t" is very interestingPvery interesting indeed. !h"n: you.K 9ig de"lR
!he 9ells were mu#h in eviden#e hereB sever"l times - p"ssed two 9ell ."donn"s
st"nding mourn$ully over " $"llen third.
>9 eat the Matrix
!he $reed #omposer h"s m"de " #omposition $or Nttri& "nd now some o$ !i#: !o#:@s
men h"ve t":en "n interest in it "nd "re se"r#hing $or it. 6or someone with !i#: !o#:@s
)uiet obsessions& this seems out o$ #h"r"#terB m"ybe - don@t :now him "s well "s -
thin:. !he t"s: itsel$ w"s simple: :ill three $oes "nd open one s"$e. At the end Nttri
murmurs "bout how the wor:s o$ " m"ster "re be"uti$ul to behold "nd she is loo:ing
The Matrix Online Archives
$orw"rd to e"mining this one. !he thing is& #omposers seldom venture into h"rdw"re
#onstru#tion& so it@s h"rd to im"gine how Nttri@s guy ever #"me up with this s#heme.
1spe#i"lly $or " metronomeR
Lo#"tion: ."r" G%i#hl"ndI
%uth is the oldest o$ the 1lements Gthin: o$ her "s the one who w"s " senior when the others
were $reshmenI. *heFs "lso the one who "ppe"rs to h"ve $"llen the $"rthest& t":ing on "
meni"l role "s " #le"ning wom"n $or the Chur#h in the *lums. -n re"lity she h"s simply
le"rned " lot more "bout how the ."tri wor:s th"n the others h"ve. *he believes th"t the
:ey to getting into the he"rt o$ the ."triFs Min$orm"tion is to be "n inno#uous p"ry o$ it.
*t"nding "top "n o$$i#e tower puts you too $"r up to see wh"tFs re"lly going on. *he pre$ers to
be right down net to the 9luepills th"t drive the Min$orm"tion $low& moving "bout #ompletely
bene"th their noti#e. *he h"s " semi+#ooper"tive rel"tionship with the other 1ile who lives "t
the Chur#h& *ister ."rg"ret.
:9 Rescue lue
The Matrix Online Archives
A bluepill is being h"r"ssed by $ive bullies& $or no obvious re"son. !hey seemed to
h"ve #"mped out in his "p"rtment& perh"ps intending it "s " b"se $or oper"tions. *o -
:illed two& s"t down $or some mil: "nd #how mein Gb"d #ombin"tionRI& "nd the slew the
rest. !he bluepill w"s overCoyedB %uth less so: J!h"t w"sn@t b"d& *ug"ree. Nou might
h"ve some good moves.K
89 The 2iperHs =est
*tri:e "g"inst !h"lli"@s networ:. *he is " so#i"l DviperD who needs to be Jt":en down "
pegKB she te"rs down other 1iles to m":e hersel$ loo: better to the .erovingi"n& so
%uth s"ys. And - h"ve to s"y& this is )uite #onsistent with th"t - s"w o$ her during her
missions. %uth@s ide" is to put " sm"ll virus in her networ: th"t will throw her so#i"l
#"lend"r into dis"rr"y. !his will h"ve her showing up "t "ll the wrong eventsB the worst
:ind o$ hell $or her. And the mish is simple enough: run in& insert dis:& "nd run out.
JNou@re " pretty #ompetent one& *ug"ree.K !he "pp"rent s)u"lor o$ !h"lli"@s o$$i#e
surprised me& espe#i"lly #onsidering how luurious her l"ir isR 'erh"ps %uth is not the
only one th"t li:es to slum.
;9 -adget -rab
*ilver@s been up to some me#h"ni#"l mis#hie$& "nd now %uth w"nts to :now "bout it.
!his mission w"s surprisingly di$$i#ult. 6our very tough ."#hine st"$$ "w"ited me& "nd
my membership #"rd $or !he Colle#tive did not #"rry mu#h weight with them.
1ventu"lly - :illed enough to get " :ey& "nd r"n p"st the others to re"#h my go"l.
J*h"rp moves& *ug"reeK& Cudged %uth.
<9 &oison the ,ell
*ilver h"s been up to some serious trouble+m":ing& even $or "n 1ile. 5e h"s #ome up
with Jsome sort o$ prototype de#ompiler th"t wor:s on bluepillsK. -t would permit *ilver
to t":e "p"rt bluepills $or their r"w #ode. Nes& - "greed& this would not be " good thing.
%uth bids me insert " virus into his networ: G"s usu"lI. 9ut this is not the usu"l&
g"rden+v"riety& $orm"t+the+h"rd+drive virus. !h"t would pre#ipit"te t"pe restor"tions&
"$ter "ll. !his virus simply "dCusts the d"t" $low imper#eptibly so th"t things do not wor:
#orre#tly. 3i#e thin:ing& %uthR *he "grees: JNou@ve s"ved some inno#ent lives tod"y&
*ug"ree.K .ore th"n JsomeK& - should thin:.
>9 oth %nds Against the Middle
!he l"st mission w"s " h"l$+w"y me"sure to del"y *ilver. !he net step is to distr"#t
him. !his is done by eposing his rese"r#h to !i#: !o#:& " wily intelligen#e+oriented
1ile $rom downtown Gwe did his missions " while b"#:I. -$ they st"rt $ighting& this will
slow them both down. 5owever& #ompli#"tions "rise. Nour #ont"#t $or !i#: !o#: h"s
been :illed& "nd someone else imperson"tes him "nd tries to brew:o you. 1ventu"lly
you put the ers"tz "lly down& "nd uplo"d the $ile "nd $older& but the identity o$ the third
p"rty is never #le"r. ,ho tried to #ut inH 5ow did they $ind outH ,h"t w"s their
interestH All is not #le"r& though - would put my money on 5yp"ti"& who h"s "n
unp"r"lleled thirst $or :nowledge o$ "nything "nd everything.
The Matrix Online Archives
Lo#"tion: <ri"h -ndustri"l '"r: G%i#hl"ndI
.er#ury h"s " he"d $or #r"$ting things th"t re)uire ve#tor "nd movement #"l#ul"tions&
in#luding vehi#les "nd speed bu$$s. 5e w"nted to m":e " big n"me $or himsel$& but $ound
himsel$ lo#:ed out o$ the m"r:et by the .erovingi"n "$ter " $"u p"s "t the 6ren#hm"nFs
rest"ur"nt. 5e now oper"tes " g"r"ge in the <ri"h neighborhood o$ the *lums& "nd h"s
developed " rel"tionship with "nother 1ile n"med 'epper Gwhose sl"vish devotion to her
bu$$ed mus#le #"r :eeps her tied to himI. -n spite o$ his rel"tionship with 'epper& he still
#"rries " tor#h $or %"ini "nd o##"sion"lly sends her gi$ts or letters.
:9 Turnabout is /air &lay
!his $irst missions is " $ine e"mple o$ .er#ury@s endless "niety. 5e bids you ste"l
some $iles $rom the obsessive& possessive *ilver@s networ:& "nd blurts out "t the end
th"t he is " better inventor. !his mish is $"irly str"ight$orw"rdB .er#ury@s ingenuity does
not etend& it "ppe"rs& to n"rr"tive designP. .y p"rtner $or this mish& 9l"#:$ir4 $rom
!he Colle#tive& w"s so high+powered th"t by the time - h"d $ound my w"y to the mish
site& he h"d the whole things wr"pped upR ,ho"hR
89 A &ri5e for Molly
-n this brie$ mish& you tr"vel to " ne"rby lo#"tion to get " p"#:"ge $or .er#ury $rom one
o$ .olly 9@s guys& "nd then drop it o$$. !he #ontents "re not dis#losed& "nd nothing else
ever seems to h"ppen with this mish. - thin: the te#hni#"l term is J$illerK& though when -
do .olly 9@s missions& m"ybe " #onne#tion will emerge.
;9 !o"ponent &arts
5e h"s " shipment o$ some p"rts th"t needs to be es#orted $or s"$ety@s s":e. 5e@s
buying some stu$$ $rom !he Colle#tor& "nd needs to m":e sure it gets s"$ely to his
storehouse. !he #ont"#t loo:s li:e " #lone o$ .er#ury& "nd tells me to get out "nd stop
bothering him "s soon "s - plu#:ed the items $rom their #"rdbo"rd boR ,h"t " te"mR
!hen - ev"ded "n "tt"#:& "nd dropped o$$ everything with some gr"te$ul "ides o$
.er#ury. !heir boss h"s been :eeping "n eye on things& "nd #"lls "t the end: J3i#e
wor:& *ug"ree. 3ot too tough& ehHK
The Matrix Online Archives
<9 !o"pany .ecrets
*ilver is not one to give up e"sily& "nd .er#ury needs someone to prote#t his
w"rehouse. *ilver seems to be interested in " prototype& "nd we need to dis#our"ge
them. One thug s"ys J- thin: it Cust got " little dumber in hereK "nd "nother #hirps& J*o& -
suppose .er#ury sent you to stop us& huhHK - "lw"ys love these little tou#hesB they
show someone brought their im"gin"tion to wor:.
All things #onsidered& $"irly e"sy "nd $"irly entert"ining. And it@s "ll lo#"ted within the
s"me building "t .er#ury@s l"ir& so the #ommute it gre"tR J!h"t@ll show them&K he s"ys
"t the end& J?ood wor:& *ug"ree.K
>9 The Tick Tock ox
Cle"rly .er#ury h"s #ome to li:e me. 5e got wor:ed up "nd greeted me "s soon "s -
#"me in& J5ey& hope you@re doing o:"y.K !he t"rget $or tod"y is " te#hni#"l wor:
#ommissioned by !i#: !o#:& whi#h needs to be delivered. 3"tur"lly enemy $or#es "re
interested "s well& "nd must be wiped out prior to the delivery. !his went smoothly
enough. !he re#ipient& though& loo:s "t it #riti#"lly& "nd seemed puzzled& #ommenting&
J!h"n:s. <h& wh"t the hell is this thingH !his isn@t " #ell phone. ,ell& never mind.
!h"n:s "g"in.K - h"ve no ide" wh"t it is or where this is going& but - li:e the w"y these
det"ils "re wor:ed into the story. 3i#e wor:R
.er#ury h"s #ome to rely on me. 5e brings his toughest problems to me $or solutions.
3ow& with things )uieted down& he t":es " deep bre"th "nd rel"es. - #ould tell he li:ed
me& "s he st"rted to gush. J!h"n:s& *ug"ree. Nou h"ve done gre"t. - don@t h"ve "ny
more Cobs $or now& but i$ "nything #omes up& you@ll be the $irst one - #ome to.K <nli:e "ll
the other dozens o$ 1iles who h"ve s"id this over the months& - :ind o$ believed him.
Lo#"tion: *obr" *hores G,estviewI
The Matrix Online Archives
The Matrix Online Archives
The Matrix Online Archives
!hough sheFs not the oldest& or the youngest& or the sm"rtest& Violet t":es pride in the $"#t
th"t sheFs the toughest. 7edi#"ted to the $ighting "rts& Violet is e"sily the most m"rti"lly
pro$i#ient "mong the siblings& though she h"s lost to the b"st"rd ?r"y in " str"ight up $ight
be$ore. !h"t w"s " $lue& she #l"ims. Violet o$ten "#ts "s "n en$or#er $or -ndigo& or one o$ her
p"rents& though sheFs been :nown to $orm tempor"ry "lli"n#es with others $or one re"son or
"nother. !he "llegi"n#es in the $"mily "re $luid& "nd nobody epe#ts promises to l"st. Violet is
egotisti#"l "bout her D$ighting $orm&D "nd " little $l"ttery goes " long w"y with her.
:9 2iolent &acification9 %emind " str"ying eile o$ where his best interests lieP !his
is " mish you m"y h"ve done be$ore $or someone else. Nou show up& "nd the prin#ip"l
l"ughs you o$$& "nds tells his $riends G"n elite gu"rd "nd " blood drun:I to disp"t#h you.
9ulgey& the prin#ip"l in this #"se& w"s more bo"st$ul "nd "rrog"nt th"n most. And when
his $riends l"y sl"in in $ront o$ him& he seemed "ngrier "nd more upset th"t - h"d :illed
them. Or m"ybe it w"s my im"gin"tion. 9ut the mess"ge seems to h"ve been sent.
-nterestingly& - h"d the option to eng"ge him in #omb"t. !he mish& however& told me to
let him live. 'ity st"yed my h"nd. 'ity th"t - would blow my p"yment by sending him to
Coin his $riends.
89 ,ages of .in9 *ome o$ the bu$$& burly Legions who serve her "nd s"$egu"rd her
inventory h"ve been holding b"#:& "nd e"mples must be m"de o$ them. 5er
w"rehouse #"me up short with " shipment o$ the eile+leth"l ,hite (night virus. !his
mish too: me to " re"lly splendidly "ppointed #ondominium& where - pro#eeded to l"y
w"ste. One su##ubus g"ve me " Jsu##ubus :issK whi#h too: me "b"#:& but only dished
out " single point o$ d"m"geR -t helped her not " bit. !he dropo$$ #ont"#t $or the virus
dis# is " redpill n"med AlColB when we met he st"rted to re$le#t b"#: on his li$e with the
mervs. ,h"teverR 3i#ely& this mish ends up right net to Violet@s #lub. - li:e little
tou#hes li:e th"t.
;9 &roble" Addict9 -t turns out th"t "nother redpill #rew& Eionist this time& h"s stolen
some ,hite (night "nd must be put own. !he Eionists ple"ded with me to "bort& to try
"nd underst"nd their motiv"tion& et#. - listened to them. !hen - opened $ire. A$terw"rds&
- too: the virus to " m"#hinist d"t"mining oper"tion in Apollyon& so "s to #"use
distr"#tion $rom -ndigo "nd his ?uinness L":e oper"tions. !he "ttending "gents did not
t":e :indly to my visit& despite my eempl"ry m"#hinist #redenti"ls. - me"n& it w"s Cust
" virus& Cust " little virus.
<9 $rawn and Iuartered9 Violet h"s #ome "#ross " #urious progr"m whi#h she w"nts
to e"mine. 'roblem is& it h"s been bro:en into three s#"ttered pie#es. One pie#e is on
" bluepill@s #omputer& "nd you h"ve to n"vig"te through " domesti# dr"m" to get to it.
The Matrix Online Archives
A bemused s"ilor is st"nding in the middle o$ it "llR 6unR !he se#ond pie#e h"s been
#"ptured by other eiles& "nd they must be $ought. Violet sighs& J6ortun"tely $or me&
you v"lue Min$orm"tion more th"n your li$eK. Curiously& in the se#ond site there w"s "
lo#:ed $ile #"binet whi#h - #ould not open& "nd whi#h seemed to h"ve no be"ring on
the n"rr"tive $low wh"tsoever. !he third pie#e is #ontrolled by " ."#hine outpostB
$ortun"tely - w"s "ble to get it without :illing everyone there.
At the end& you h"ve three dis:s whi#h you uplo"d. !h"t@s itB there@s no hint o$ wh"t@s
so spe#i"l "bout this progr"m. Violet does worry wh"t it would do in less restr"ined
h"nds. !his m"de me wonder i$ m"ybe - should h"ve held onto it.
>9 *nderneath the .urface9 -t turns out th"t the progr"m - $ound w"s very import"nt to
someone somepl"#e "t some pointB now " group o$ 1iles is loo:ing $or it. 'reventing
their re#overy o$ it involves dropping it o$$ with -ndigo@s d"t" w"rehouse guy. !his
d"t"miner turns out to be " tot"l wuss& "nd - must res#ue him $rom "n "tt"#:. As "
rew"rd he gi$ts me with " bl"#: #owboy h"t. A bl"#: #owboy h"tRR 7o - loo: li:e 9u$$"lo
?"lH - w"s moved beyond words. ,hile - w"s trying to $igure out whi#h w"y w"s $ront
with the h"t& Violet #"lled to th"n: me. *he w"s not tot"lly thrilled "bout -ndigo getting
this progr"m& but JA sm"rt w"rrior pi#:s their $ightsK. - $org"ve her bro:en synt" "nd
#ounted my money.
Lo#"tion: Apollyon G%i#hl"ndI
-$ thereFs "n unst"ble person"lity in the 1lements& itFs %"ini. *he is emotion"l& p"ssion"te& $ull
o$ everything th"t m":es li$e e#iting& "nd #ompletely un"ble to turn it o$$& even $or even "
moment. 5er drives "re l"ud"ble& but she is "lso r"sh& her temper hot& her rel"tionships
tumultuous. *he is re"dy to "#t "t the drop o$ " h"t& heedless o$ the voi#e o$ re"son. ,ere
she not so #lever& she would prob"bly be long de"d.
5er rel"tionships with other 1iles "re legion& but $leeting& li:e bright sp"r:s th"t )ui#:ly die.
%"ini is power$ully "ttr"#ted to you one moment& sl"pping your $"#e the net: utterly
unpredi#t"ble& "nd seemingly desirous o$ #on$li#t. -$ there were " g"uge to represent %"ini&
the needle would be #onst"ntly in the red. %"ini #"n usu"lly be $ound "t the J"#obFs L"dder&
d"n#ing& drin:ing& "nd t"l:ing %edpills into "ll sorts o$ #r"zy over+the+top s#hemes. *he gets
no trouble $rom the ; 'oints g"ng& who revere her "lmost "s " goddess $or her thrill+see:ing
:9 !areful ,hat 3ou ,ish /or
The Matrix Online Archives
J%e#over high C"#:ed d"t".K -s this "n editing blemishH Or does this re$er to " high+
#"p"#ity C"#:+in me#h"nismH 7oes it $oresh"dow the role o$ drugs in these missionsH
,ho #"n tellP -n "ny #"se& the b"si# ide" here is simple. %etrieve d"t" $rom " lost
#ourier& "nd #omplete the delivery. On 5"rd setting& there is " single site with three
power$ul $oes "nd "bout "s m"ny #omputers to #he#:. !he $ile you need h"s J!h"lli"K
in the n"meB - w"s not sure i$ this d"t" h"d been stolen $rom !h"lli"& "nd her $ol:s or "
third p"rty were interested in it& or& !h"lli" w"s behind the the$t. O$ #ourse& :nowing
these guys& it #ould h"ve pl"yed either w"y. 9ut %"ini@s only #omment is she loo:s
$orw"rd to enCoying the d"t". - guess. Nour Oper"tor seems det"#hed $rom this mission
"s well& observing "t one point& J-@ve "lw"ys w"nted to pl"y 9lood !y#oon 4. 9ut th"t@s
not wh"t we #"me here $or - guess.K Nou thin:H
89 ,etwork
!o get some hot in$orm"tion $rom "nother 1ile G" JnobodyKI& you need to :ill two
groups o$ 1iles. !hose who relish 28> 'v' will relish this mish. !he 1iles m":e the
mist":e th"t so m"ny do: they do not wor: "s te"ms. !hey "re s#"ttered in their
lo#"tions& "nd you #"n de$e"t them pie#eme"l. !he se#ond group too: re$uge in the
home o$ two bluepills& :illing one o$ them in the pro#ess. !here seems to be no w"y to
:ill them without #oll"ter"l+d"m"ging the other bluepill& "t le"st with AO1s. A howitzer
build might h"ve h"d better lu#:. Al"s& doing good& or minimizing doing b"d& is not
in#orpor"ted in mission go"ls.
*ome interesting points: one 1ile shouts J?"me over& m"nRK "s he eng"ges youB this
brie$ hom"ge to Aliens w"s " ni#e tou#hR %"ini notes h"l$w"y through J,ow& you were
brut"l in there. 3i#eK& "nd gushes "t the end& JOh& m"n& th"t w"s "wesome& th"n:s
*ug"reeK. - st"rted to $eel li:e - w"s t"l:ing to " #hild.
;9 The =ext ig Thing
%unning her own businesses is not enough $or %"ini& it seems. *he w"nts something
more& something th"t is supposed to be Jthe ultim"te etremeK. And she w"nts you to
get it $rom " J#"tK n"med Ar:"ns"s. Oh& hip& m"nR Li:e& this is st"rting to sound li:e "n
old =0s #omedy routine& "s when Ar:"ns"s peers "t you "nd s"ys& J5eyPhey& m"n.
Nou@re loo:ing $or the stu$$ $or %"iniH - got it right here. !":e it when you@re re"dy. -$
you thin: she #"n h"ndle itPhehPK !he delivery w"s mer#i$ully brie$: " =0+y"rd sprint
to the building net door. - #"n see why %"ini w"nted " wom"n o$ my t"lents $or thisR
!here is " single wrin:le ne"r the end o$ this surprisingly sed"te mission. And then
%"ini d"ngles the o$$er o$ "n invit"tion to one o$ her Jpriv"teK p"rties i$ - :eep up the
good wor:. As i$R
<9 Always ,hen 3ou Are =ot ,atching
L"ter when - visited her $or the net mish& she seemed #onsider"bly the worse $or
we"r. *ome goods h"d been stolen $rom her& "nd she w"s w"y $ret$ul. J7"mmitR *ome
g"ng o$ ,O%!5L1** 1iles thin:s th"t they #"n ste"l $rom meR 6rom .1RK. !he
dre"ry dirge o$ revenge "nd p"yb"#: w"s "bout to st"rt li:e " #he"p Cu:eboP.
The Matrix Online Archives
Nou trip t":es you $irst to the #rime s#ene. .ostly #eremoni"l swords rem"in& with "
$ew ri$les& some we"pons #"ges& " $ew bodies& "nd two survivors. One mournsB the
other insists on #oming with you Gthough he seems tot"lly useless in " $ightI. -roni#"lly&
the thieves h"ve #hosen to hide their loot "#ross the street $rom J"#ob@s L"dderR ,h"t
were they thin:ingH -n the event& by the time you "nd your side:i#: re"#h the thieves&
the loot h"s been $en#ed "#ross the #ity& "nd nothing rem"ins but some h"rd+he"rted
revenge. A $ew polite y"wns l"ter "nd it w"s done.
>9 Adrenaline 0unkie
J-@m in " bind& "nd - T:nowT you don@t w"nt to see #ute little me in " bind& do y"HK Nes&
th"t@s how it st"rts. !he power$ul 1ile& "pp"rently "n "rms tr"$$i#:er& now needs
"nother $i& "nd w"nts you to s#ore $or her. -s this wh"t they "re #oming toH ."ybe
Eion "nd the ."#hines h"rdly need to li$t " $inger "g"inst the 1ilesB they Cust h"ve to
w"it $or the drugs to run outR Anyw"y& getting b"#:& - w"s sent to visit one o$ Argon@s
minions $or " $i. 5e& however& is out o$ the business "nd won@t de"l. !his ne#essit"tes
" visit to one o$ 9eryl@s s"$ehouses. 6ortun"tely& you do not need to :ill "ll o$ 9eryl@s
gu"rds to get the drugs& whi#h is " ple"s"nt #h"nge. Just ignore them& t":e " $ew hits&
m":e the gr"b "nd run. %"ini t"l:s big "t the end& "bout how i$ you@re not living on the
edge Gby ste"ling your drugs& presum"blyI& then you@re not living. !h"t w"s good $or "
l"ugh. - h"d " #ouple o$ drin:s& put them on her t"b& "nd le$t Apollyon.
Lo#"tion: *outh"rd G,estviewI
Noungest o$ the siblings& %ose is etremely inse#ure& "nd is obsessed with proving hersel$ to
the others. *he is #urrently trying to impress her eldest brother& -ndigo& believing th"t he will
elev"te her to his side i$ she ple"ses him. -n re"lity& he is only interested in using her "s " tool
"g"inst the others. %oseFs emotions "re $r"gile& "nd vol"tile& m":ing her prone to te"r+$illed
r"ges i$ she $eels emb"rr"ssed or insulted.
The Matrix Online Archives
Lo#"tion: *t"mos G,estviewI
Cre"ted by .r. 9l"#: without the involvement o$ 7"me ,hite& ?ris"ille is essenti"lly " b"st"rd
step#hild& reviled by his stepmother who would "s soon see him de"d. ?ris"ille is e)u"l in
power to -ndigo& "nd "#ts prim"rily "s "n "gent o$ .r. 9l"#:& though he :nows th"t his $"ther
thin:s o$ him "s only " power$ul tool. -n spite o$ their simil"r "ttitudes tow"rds their p"rents&
-ndigo "nd ?ris"ille "re dire enemies. ?ris"ille l"#:s the resour#es th"t -ndigo #"n #"ll on& but
is more person"lly power$ul& "nd more intelligent. -t is only the $"#t th"t he is opposed by "ll o$
the siblings th"t :eeps him in #he#:. .r. 9l"#: dis"vows :nowledge o$ ?ris"illeFs "#tions
GDheFs Cust "n unruly b"st"rdDI be#"use it is most o$ten to his "dv"nt"ge. ?ris"ille #onsiders
the other siblings to be in#ompetents. !hey despise him $or being .r. 9l"#:Fs $"vorite when
heFs "n outsider to their $"mily. -n truth ?ris"ille h"tes both 7"me ,hite "nd .r. 9l"#:& "nd
would e"gerly see the entire twisted *pe#trum destroyed& even i$ he h"d to s"#ri$i#e himsel$
to do it. 6or the time being he simply "#ts "s " spoiler.
:9 /ade Away
,ord& it seems& h"s gotten "round GJAh& so you@re th"t *ug"ree person -@ve been
he"ring so mu#h "bout. ,ell& time to prove your worthKI "nd he is re"dy to give me
something subst"nti"l to do. 3o simple drop o$$ " p"#:"ge mission hereR Li:e m"ny "n
1ile& ?ris"ille h"s " low boiling point& "nd the inst"nt you t"l: to him& he st"rts
bl"thering "bout revenge& Jt":e them out& #hip #hopK. !he t"rgets h"ve been t"iled
$rom Club 7"nte to some no+n"me pl"#e& where they "re un:nowingly w"iting $or their
doom& perh"ps pl"nning their -%A #ontributions $or the ye"r. As the dust settles "t the
end& ?ris"ille nods "pprovingly& JVery well done& *ug"ree. -$ you #"n do th"t& you #"n
do "nything.K N"hR *"y it "g"inR
89 A Iuiet !onversation
?ris"ille needs to h"ve "n 1ile brought to him $or " #onvers"tion "bout some
in$orm"tion. As usu"l& the t"rget is #on$ident in her gu"rds& "nd "s usu"l her
#on$iden#e is mispl"#ed. *he "#)uies#es& "##omp"nies you& "nd soon $inds hersel$ in
$ront o$ one o$ ?ris"ille@s "gents. 6e"r d"wns "#ross her $"#e. J7on@t $ret& love. -t@ll be
over soonK he re"ssures her. ?ris"ille tells me to rest up "nd #ome to see him soon.
,h"t " guyR -$ you thin: th"t this mission is "lmost identi#"l to !h"lli"@s l"st mission&
you would be right.
;9 .ilent .crea"
The Matrix Online Archives
3i#e titleR !his is perh"ps the most ostensibly "mbitious mission ?ris"ille gives you& but
"lso the e"siest. 3o th"t - "m #ompl"ining& mind youR !he t"rget is 7yn"mi# 3etwor:
'rodu#ts& gu"rded by m"#hine en$or#ers. All we h"ve to do is drop o$$ " p"#:"ge& get "
virus& drop o$$ the virus& "nd $lee. Auite str"ight$orw"rd& "nd you do not even h"ve to
:ill everyone thereR ,h"t@s not to li:eH !he only thing is& wh"t does ?ris"ille h"ve
"g"inst 73'H -t "ll seemed )uite unmotiv"ted& li:e someone too: " st"nd"rd mish "nd
threw it in here "s $iller. 'erh"ps he is doing this $or someone elseH As " $"vorH
9e#"use he owes themH Al"s& there is no sign th"t su#h depth eists in ?ris"ille.
<9 The Rest Is .ilence
%emember the 1ile we brought in two missions "goH ,ell& her v"lue h"s #ome "nd
gone& "nd now it is time $or her to return to the *our#e. - $ought my w"y through her
new #rop o$ gu"rds only to be #on$ronted by ?ris"ille@s sister& %oseR *he h"s t":en my
t"rget under her prote#tion& it seems& "nd gives me " mess"ge $or my employer: he
#"nnot m":e his problems go "w"y by :illing inno#ents. !hen& politely: J- suggest you
le"ve& *ug"reePthere is no re"son $or you to #ome to h"rm be#"use o$ my brother@s
"#tions.K A$ter wor:ing with so m"ny psy#hos "nd so#iop"ths re#ently& it w"s e)uisite
to bump into #omp"ssion. -t must be " bug. ?ris"ille re"ssured me& J3ot your $"ultK.
%e"son"bleness must run in their $"milyR
>9 The Iuiet &lace
Li:e every 1ile& ?ris"ille seems to h"ve "n ineh"ustible supply o$ enemies& "nd now
the time h"s #ome $or the Crow 9"rs to embr"#e eternity. !hey "ll t"l:ed big& "nd they
"ll went down noisily. - w"l:ed out into the smo:y *t"mos moonlight& #"re$ully putting
"w"y my guns& smoothing my #o"t& thin:ing wh"t to do net. 7rin:sH ?ossipH 'erh"ps
some blue rezzingH - de#ided to st"rt with " smo:e "s - #ontempl"ted our un:nown
$uture. A$ter the $irst& best long dr"g& - too: " $in"l #"ll $rom ?ris"ille: J6eels good to
wor: out your $rustr"tions& huhHK 5e@s un$l"pp"bleR
Mada"e T 6=ao"i Tarasova7
Lo#"tion: 5istori# 7istri#t G7owntownI
3"omi !"r"sov"& :nown more popul"rly "s ."d"me !& is one o$ the $ew %edpills to t":e up
The Matrix Online Archives
$ull time residen#e in the ."tri. Contributing $urther to her e##entri# reput"tion is her h"bit o$
t":ing on the m"nnerisms o$ " gypsy $ortune teller. ,hen she spe":s& sheFs "lw"ys v"gue
"nd $ull o$ mystery& even when giving out the spe#i$i#s o$ the mission.
."d"me ! owns " sm"ll te" room o$$ o$ the m"in street& with " simple sign out $ront th"t
re"ds D6ortunes !old.D ,hen telling the D$ortunesD GmissionsI $or those who D#ross her p"lm
with silver&D she will use either t"rot #"rds or her #ryst"l b"ll. .u#h o$ her insight into the
wor:ings o$ the ."tri #omes $rom observ"tions o$ her t"rot #"rds "nd other #l"irvoy"nt tools
Gte" le"ves "nd so $orthI& "nd she h"s been :nown to m":e "##ur"te predi#tions o$ $uture
events& though not very o$ten.
5er te" room is d"r:& #lose "nd $illed with "ll sorts o$ mysti# esoteri#". *:ulls& #"ndles "nd
"n#ient tomes $ill the w"lls surrounding the t"ble where she re"ds #ustomersF $ortunes. ,hile
her motives "re un:nown& she provides :een insight "bout the ."tri& whenever her
mysterious signs "nd portents #"n be interpreted.
:9 .tarting &oints
*he Cust needs some d"t" $rom " ne"rby se#urity o$$i#e. *he h"s JseenK th"t we would
be wor:ing together "pp"rently& "nd s"ys J- h"ve "nti#ip"tedK J- predi#tK& et#.
<n$ortun"tely - $ound mysel$ $ighting " m"#hine #"pt"in& whi#h went "g"inst my
prin#iples "nd the pre#epts o$ Agent ?r"y "nd m"de me $eel guilty. 6or " minute or
two& "nyw"y.
!his mish is simple& "nd entert"ining. ,hen - dropped o$$ the d"t" with " #utout& she
told me& Jwow& one o$ ."d"me !@s predi#tions "#tu"lly #"me trueRK. G-nterestingly& "ll
the #utouts "nd "ssist"nts - these missions "re su##ubus in "ppe"r"n#e& " ni#e tou#h.I
!hen& "t the end& ."d"me !. $ores"w m"ny more opportunities $or #ooper"tion. - loved
this #ute ending.
89 In1uiring Minds
."d"me !. w"nts some d"t" $rom "n eile& "nd whether it is given willingly or not is
stri#tly se#ond"ry. !he prin#ip"l& though& moves "round " lot& "nd you h"ve to run
"round to $ind him. (ill "ll his very tough gu"rds& "nd he be#omes )uite
"##ommod"ting& #ommenting sourly& J*he #ert"inly is pushy $or " redpillK. !here "re
m"ny "musing tou#hes in this mission& su#h "s re"ding the prin#ip"l@s em"il inbo& "nd
."d"me ! s"ying J- guess - should h"ve seen th"t #omingK "nd J- don@t need " #ryst"l
b"ll to see th"t this should be )uite e"sy $or you.K
One thing - would li:e to see in these get+the+d"t" missions would be some indi#"tion
o$ Cust wh"t is "ll so import"nt. -t might be something urgent "nd desper"te& li:e
someone@s #ont"#t in$orm"tion. -t might be something deeply person"l& li:e the
b"#:ground on " missing rel"tive. -t might be something "musing& li:e " Vi#tori"@s
*e#ret #"t"log or " Christm"s list. !he Che$@s missions "re wonder$ul e"mples o$ this.
;9 %"erald ,ishes
!his mission w"s un#om$ort"ble $or me. Just l"st wee: it seems& - h"d been s#oring
"##ol"des $rom !he Jeweler. 3ow - w"s r"iding his "ssets. -t turns out th"t he h"s "
The Matrix Online Archives
mysti# emer"ld ."d"me ! w"nts& so th"t she #"n glimpse its se#rets "bout the $uture.
-n this mission& we see th"t the Jeweler h"s some signi$i#"nt se#urity "nd o$$i#e "ssets
he never told us "boutB "nd they put up " very spirited resist"n#e. !hen drop o$$ the
emer"ld "nd you "re done.
.ore ni#e tou#hes in this mish. ,hen you drop o$$ the emer"ld with " #utout& " gu"rd
rem"r:s th"t he h"s he"rd o$ you& "nd #omp"res your missions with his. !hen "
predi#tion $rom ."d"me !R J,"itPsomething is #oming to meP- see you running
m"ny more $ruit$ul missions $or me. 3i#e wor:& *ug"reeK.
One thing would h"ve m"de this better. ,hen you retrieve the emer"ld& your inventory
Cust shows " bo& the s"me generi# displ"y used $or everything $rom tr"#:ing devi#es
to '7As. *ome more represent"tive "rtwor: would h"ve been wonder$ul $or this.
<9 Toil and Trouble
5yp"ti"& you m"y re#"ll& h"s "n "wesome "r#hive o$ "ll :inds o$ boo:s "nd :nowledge&
"nd is "lw"ys on the prowl $or "nything she does not "lre"dy h"ve. ,ell& it turns out
th"t in order to unle"sh the power within the gem& ."d"me !. needs you to $ind "n
in#"nt"tion in 5yp"ti"@s "r#hives& "nd then drop it o$$ $or "n "ssist"nt to re#ite. - did this
mission with " he"vy he"rt& sin#e 5yp"ti" is the 1ile #losest to me in person"lity "nd
"ppe"r"n#e. 9ut - w"s #on$ident she h"d t"pe b"#:up& "nd would only lose the
physi#"l $orm& not the d"t" itsel$& so - went "he"d.
A$ter getting the in#"nt"tion& you drop it o$$ "nd go #orr"l three "ssist"nts to help $ire it
o$$. %egrett"bly& they "s:ed me to le"ve be$ore running it. !hey were #on#erned $or my
s"$ety. Or m"ybe they did not w"nt their role+pl"y disrupted.
>9 Infosweep
."d"me !. is overwhelmed by her visions $rom the gem "nd needs help $rom the
Chessm"n Gsurely her pol"r oppositeI in interpreting them. 5e h"s help$ully #ome
downtown to meet you. !his p"l"ver& though& is interrupted by "lmost h"l$ " dozen
#ompeting oper"tives. !heir "tt"#:s were well+#oordin"ted& "nd the $ight w"s not "
breeze. On the w"y to the net mish lo#"tion& to #"t#h " d"t" spi:e& - stopped to w"t#h
some 'it Vipers getting b"ptized in the pool& "nd w"s "tt"#:edR O$ "ll the nerveR Nou
#"n@t ever let your gu"rd downR
And then it turned out th"t not one but two other te"ms were "$ter the s"me d"t"R
6ortun"tely& they "ll "tt"#:ed "lmost "s soon "s - got out o$ the elev"tor& whi#h w"s
#onsider"te. A$ter "ll& this w"y - didn@t h"ve to go hunting $or them. !he m"ssive d"t"
spi:e surged& overwhelmed the networ:& "nd mir"#ulously $it right onto " single C7R
A$ter - dropped it o$$& - h"stened to the elev"tor& only to re#eive " high+urgen#y
mess"ge $rom ."d"me !R *he s"id& J*top right where you "reR Close your eyes.
Con#entr"teP.does "nything $eel di$$erent to youHK 3o& - #on$essed& Cust the w"rm
he"ted "ir& $retting "bout "gents des#ending on me. !he she bre"thlessly whispered& J-
see you su##eeding in "ll your $uture ende"vorsK& "nd downlo"ded " Jlittle somethingK
The Matrix Online Archives
into my inventory& bidding me to thin: o$ her when - used it. *he signed o$$& "nd -
w"l:ed out into the #l"ssi#"l splendor o$ the 5istori#"l 7istri#t& s"voring the glorious&
#olor+dren#hed $ull sun s:y& with " d"r: blue s:y "nd pin: #louds vying $or "ttention.
!his w"s " gre"t suite o$ missions. ,ell+written inter"#tions& " distin#t person"lity "t the
helm& interesting b"#:ground& "nd ne"t #onne#tions with other 1iles& $rom !he
Chessm"n to 5ypti" "nd !he Jeweler. And the $"#t th"t ."d"me !. is " redpill me"ns
we should "ll be thin:ing big& big things $or ourselves $or the ye"r to #ome.
Mr9 lack J $a"e ,hite
Lo#"tions: .r. 9l"#: + *tr"t$ord C"mpus G7owntownIB 7"me ,hite 0 *hinCu:u G-ntern"tion"lI
!he le"ding group o$ 1iles in the 9"rrens "re " dys$un#tion"l $"mily #re"ted by two 1ile
progr"ms th"t h"ve #ome to be :nown "s .r. 9l"#: "nd 7"me ,hite. !he two p"rents e"#h
#ovet the otherFs power& but never "dmit it. !hey wor: "g"inst e"#h other #overtly through
their #hildren. !he siblings #ompete $or the "ttention "nd $"vor o$ both p"rents& "s well "s
pl"ying their p"rents o$$ "g"inst one "nother. !he emotion"l turmoil o$ the #on$li#t "nd the
ment"l "nd physi#"l eer#ise involved in w"ging it "re the $"milyFs bre"d "nd butter.
Mr9 lack4s Missions
Mission C:D -o *nderground
!his seems str"ight$orw"rd: three little $loppy dis:s must be prote#ted. !hen you le"rn
they h"ve "lre"dy been stolen& "nd must now be retrieved. !his involves in$iltr"ting "
s:ys#r"per #ontrolled by !he !r"inm"n Gpresent only in n"meI. At the end you
dis#over there is more to this th"n meets the eye& "nd .r. 9l"#:@s represent"tive
#on#ludes there will be Jsome use $or your t"lents& i$ not your br"insK. !he n"rr"tive
logi# does not m":e tot"l sense here. 9ut the three+st"ge trip is ple"s"nt& with some
witty observ"tions $rom the #h"tty oper"tor "nd the p"rti#ip"nts. 6unR And no bugsR
And #onvenient lo#"tions. *ome more sense o$ depth th"n the "ver"ge gr"b+the+loot
Mission C8D &aper !hase
One o$ the most unusu"l premises: .r. 9l"#: needs " building permit& but the leth"rgi#
The Matrix Online Archives
#ity bure"u#r"#y h"s been dr"gging its heels. !o en#our"ge e$$i#ien#y& the mission is
to :ills the o$$ending bure"u#r"t@s bodygu"rds "nd thus $ree him $rom the distr"#tion o$
s"$ety. -$ you@ve ever w"ited in line $or " permit or " driver@s li#ense& this story will
reson"te with you deeply& believe me. *tr"ight$orw"rd& with lots "nd lots o$ $ighting to
get the p"pers. Oddly& we do not tr"vel to City 5"ll to get these.
Mission C;D Off ,hite
,ho would h"ve thoughtR 7"me ,hite is his wi$eR And li:e m"ny wives& she li:es to
:eep " #lose eye on wh"t her husb"nd is up to. .r. 9l"#: t"s:s you with getting rid o$
her spies "nd retrieving "ny intel they h"ve "##umul"ted. !here "re $ine& entert"ining
moments "s one ,hite thug gets nervous "nd st"mmers th"t he d+d+d+oesn@t :now wh+
why the d+d+door is lo#:ed. .r. 9l"#: "pproves o$ your h"ndiwor:& "nd #on#ludes this
h"ppy mish by telling you& J-$ you weren@t " hum"n - might even m":e you " p"rt o$ my
org"niz"tion.K \*igh\ Oh& - love it when he t"l:s to me li:e th"tR
Mission C<D Thorny Rose
.r. 9l"#:@s mis#hievous d"ughter is in trouble "nd needs "ssist"n#e. !his is " res#ue&
but $ortun"tely you do not need to le"d %ose "nywhere. Just :ill "ll the :idn"ppers "nd
get " p"#:"ge $rom her. !his w"s $un& with the hired help #h"tting "bout %ose Gthe Jhot
m"m"K& Jin"y on the oh"yKI& then stopping when you w"l: in. And w"it till you see
wh"t w"s in the p"#:"ge you h"d to ris: li$e "nd limb to retrieveR -t Cust goes to show
th"t even 1iles h"ve " sentiment"l side.
9y the w"y& this would h"ve been better i$ you h"d needed to te"m up with some o$
7"me ,hite@s people& or re"#h some underst"nding with 7"me ,hite to win her
#ooper"tion to res#ue her d"ughter. !his would h"ve dovet"iled soooo well with the
immedi"tely previous mission.
Mission C>D ringing #o"e
One o$ 9l"#:@s st"$$ h"s been :idn"pped "nd must be res#ued "nd then t":en to
-ndigo& Gone o$ 9l"#:@s :idsI $or debrie$ing. Lots o$ t"rgets to :ill on h"rd setting. !he
best entert"inment is the #ut+pie#e di"logs between -ndigo& Z"vier& "nd -ndigo@s men&
whi#h "re well+written "nd not "lw"ys epe#ted. .r. 9l"#: t":es #"re o$ his own& but is
nonetheless " stern t"s:m"ster.
$a"e ,hite4s Missions
:9 $ata Mining
The Matrix Online Archives
-$ - were her& -@d w"nt to :now wh"t my :ids over in ,estview were up toR 9ut perh"ps
she re"d my mission reports "nd is up to speed on their mis#hie$. At "ny r"te& her
in"ugur"l instru#tions $or me this "$ternoon "re pert"in to (owloon "nd *hir"b":".
JNes& - :now wh"t you w"nt "nd it Cust so h"ppens th"t - do h"ve " Cob $or you.K - need
to visit " #ouple o$ #omputers. - li:e her businessli:e style.
!he $irst one& in *hinCu:u& is gu"rded by " #ordi"l 9lood 7run:& who #heer$ully "dvises
me th"t JNou so mu#h "s tou#h th"t #omputerB - will gl"dly bre": your $ingersK. A$ter its
d"t" w"s uplo"ded& - g"ve 7"me ,hite "n upd"te& whi#h w"s " poor de#ision on my
p"rt. *he responded: JNou me"n you still don@t h"ve the d"t" on *hir":"b"H ,ell& wh"t
"re you w"sting my time $orH ?o get itRK - #le"red my thro"t "nd hung up. J,ell& wh"t
"re you w"sting my time $orHK - told my oper"tor& J?o get the net siteRK
!he se#ond #omputer w"s mu#h h"rder to get to. !here were $ive or si souped+up
elite gu"rds. 1ventu"lly - prev"iled& got the dis:& uplo"ded it& "nd w"s toldP
J5mm& yesP As - suspe#ted& this d"t" shows th"tP 1hH ,ell& wh"t is itH Nou@ve got
your p"y& h"ven@t youH *o stop pestering meRK
-@m beginning to see why her #hildren h"ve "ll $led so $"r "$ield.
89 Running Interference
*omeone somewhere is delivering some item to somebody. !h"t@s itR And 7"me ,hite
w"nts it inter#epted. Nou #"n re"#h the single site in this mish without mu#h trouble&
but it turns out you h"ve been "nti#ip"ted& "nd the item is nowhere to be $ound.
3eedless to s"y you #ome under "tt"#:.
.rs. ,hite is livid "bout thisR *he goes o$$ "bout Jsome stin:ing& slimy& p"theti# little
we"selK tipped o$$ the opposition. G5er imperturb"ble pi#ture& per#hed "bove this tir"de&
is delight$ully ironi#RI *he throws my money down on the ground& "nd then goes b"#:
to pondering de"th "nd destru#tion. - wish - h"d thought to "s: her :ids "bout her.
,h"t stories they #ould tellR
;9 &olygraphic
7"me ,hite t"s:s you with identi$ying "nd elimin"ting " tr"itor within her org"niz"tion&
by polygr"phing $our o$ her #hie$ lieuten"nts. !he $irst& 6r"#tion& is #le"n& "nd t":es the
test without hesit"tion. *ome o$ the ,hite se#urity $or#es h"nging "round her wonder i$
the 7"me isn@t getting " little p"r"noid. !hey@ll p"y $or their impertinen#eR At the se#ond
site& loo:ing $or the se#ond lieuten"nt& 7oll"r& - he"r $rom "n 1n$or#er& JLoo:& you w"nt
my "dvi#eH J*ti#: th"t thing on 7"me ,hite@s $inger. Ne"h& you he"rd meRK !hen& J-
didn@t s"y nothin@. ,e never h"d this t"l:.K 7oll"r hersel$ Gwe"ring the s"me golden gi
"s do "ll $ourI re$uses the test until - :ill three o$ her tough gu"rds. !hen she does so&
loudly #l"iming it to be under duress.
!he third one is "& "hem& de"d end: the lieuten"nt "nd everyone there is de"d. !he
$ourth one is the t"rget. 3"tur"lly& "t the end& the 7"me #l"ims& J5"h& - :new it "ll
The Matrix Online Archives
!his long mission is well+designed. ,hen - he"rd there were T$ourT suspe#ts& - worried
"bout this being tedious. 9ut the $our en#ounters "re well+di$$erenti"ted even though
the $our prin#ip"ls loo:ed identi#"l. 3i#e wor:R
<9 $isk 0ockey
,ith the tr"itor gone& it is b"#: to business. *he w"nts you to get two dis:s& $rom
sep"r"te lo#"tions $or her. 3"tur"lly there "re the usu"l slug$ests $or the $irst one. A$ter
"nother $ight "t the se#ond site& the dis: is simply h"nded to you by " prin#ip"l who
s"ys J-t@s o:"y& they Cust thin: -@m the C"nitor.K -@m not sure wh"t w"s going on with this.
A$ter "ll& i$ they thought this person w"s the C"nitor& then she #ould h"ve simply
smuggled the dis: out in her over"lls po#:et. -n "ny #"se& then it@s o$$ to drop them o$$
with one o$ the 7"me@s oper"tives.
.y p"tron w"s #le"rly overwhelmed with meR J5m& you seem to be doing $"irly well.
6or on#e.K
!he ,hite oper"tive sl"ted to re#eive the dis:s h"s been :illed by " seething #rowd o$
$ive or si blood drun:s& nobles& "nd elite gu"rds. !hey "ll st"rted $iring "t me too& but
their "im su#:ed& be#"use - w"s "ble to put e"#h dis: in " #omputer "nd es#"pe
without being :illed. ?o $igureR One t"unted me with the usu"l J6oolR Nou h"ve no ide"
o$ the power o$ the "rti$"#t you see:RK Ne"h& wh"teverR !hen .rs. ,hite h"d the
in$orm"tion she needed "nd we were o$$ to the net "nd $in"l mish.
>9 &aydirt
An "rti$"#t is soon to #h"nge h"nds& "nd " p"yment is soon to be m"de. 7"me ,hite
w"nts both. !his sounds li:e th"t the se#ond mission w"s origin"lly intended to be&
be$ore it went south. Nou "re t"s:ed with t":ing two o$ her "ides to bre": up the
tr"ns"#tion. Nou go to " single site "nd eng"ge in etended m"yhem. Nou end up with
two p"#:"ges& but zero "ides. !hen it got interesting.
- too: the "rti$"#t to ,hite@s h"nd+o$$. !here were "lre"dy m"ny bodies in the building
"nd lots o$ nervous se#urity gu"rds. !he m"in #ont"#t w"s "git"ted& "nd #ouldn@t stop
t"l:ing: JCome on now& don@t $+$re": out on me. ?ive me one o$ the p"#:"ges "nd put
the other one in the w"ll s"$e. -t@s e"sy. 1"sy.K And JO:"y& o:"y. !his is good. - li:e
this. O:"y& put the other p"#:"ge in the& uhh& w"ll s"$e over there. Ne"h.K ,hen -& #ool
"s " #u#umber& w"s done& the h"nd+o$$ s"id& J%ight. O:"y& good. Ne"h. !he 7"me@ll
li:e this. O:"y. 1verybody@s o:"y.K - tipped my h"t "nd s"untered out $or " smo:e.
7"me ,hite& ever the generous one& #ont"#ted me to s"y th"t the "rti$"#t w"s better
th"n they epe#ted& "nd the #"ptured p"yment w"s less. K!h"t being the #"se& -
supposeP- suppose - might "s well give the #"ptured money to you. Just don@t #"use
me "ny more trouble $or " while.K - #ould tell she li:ed me.
The Matrix Online Archives
Lo#"tion: ."nnsd"le 5ousing G%i#hl"ndI
A stylish "nd sh"rp businesswom"n& Anti+. is one o$ the $ew 1lements whoFs truly s"tis$ied
with the w"y things "re going now. 3o longer su$$ering under the subroutine di#t"tes o$ Argon&
sheFs pushed out o$ her number+#run#herFs bo to be#ome " s"vvy de"ler o$ Min$orm"tion in
!he ."tri. *he we"rs epensive -t"li"n suits "nd m":es her own rules now.
Mission C:D &rotection Racket
*imple enough: Anti+. w"nts you to put some pressure on Argon by $inding "nd
snu$$ing $our o$ his #rew. !his is best done by t"#:ling them pie#eme"l. Along the
w"y& you run into "n 3'C who o$$ers to help. - w"s "ll h"#:ered up& "nd he m"t#hed
my s:illset "nd did " gre"t Cob. 3"tur"lly& - w"s epe#ting " double#ross& but he w"s
$"ith$ul "ll the w"y. <n$ortun"tely& "t the end o$ the .ission& he st"ys in the mission
"re". ?ood help& "$ter "ll& is so h"rd to $indR At the end Anti+. #on$esses th"t she
li:es the w"y you do business.
Mission C8D .pecial $elivery
-n this .ission you pl"y 'ost O$$i#e "nd deliver " letter $rom Anti+. to 9eryl. !his is
simple enough& though "s soon "s you drop o$$ the letter Gto " #ut+out dressed li:e "n
out+t":e $rom Club 5ellI some thugs show up in need o$ tough love. One o$ them won
my pri#e $or the ,orst Loot 1ver %e#eived: one G/I Code+9it 2RR - hu$$ed "nd pu$$ed
my we"ry w"y to ;0 $or thisHH At the end Anti+. "$$irms& JNou :now how to do " Cob
right& *ug"reeKB too b"d the s"me #"nnot be s"id $or whoever did the loot t"bles $or this
Mission C;D !lear The ,ay
!his is one o$ the e"siest missions "ssigned by "nyone& "nywhere& in "ny g"me. Anti+
. wishes to ste"l something being held by Argon $or the Chotte 9rothers. All you need
to do is :ill $our o$ Argon@s gunmen so others o$ Anti+.@s st"$$ #"n gr"b the item. !hey
"tt"#: "ggressively& but they "tt"#: individu"lly& so it is e"sy to t":e them down& even
on 5"rd setting. And th"t@s itR - h"d epe#ted to be $urther t"s:ed with pro#uring the
item& sin#e the te"m w"s in trouble& et#.& but nothing h"ppened to #ompli#"te the
"wesome simpli#ity o$ this .ission. - w"s surprised. And dis"ppointed. -s this "ll Anti+
. thought - w"s #"p"ble o$H .y #risis o$ #on$iden#e #ontinued into the net .ission.
The Matrix Online Archives
Mission C<D Apothecary
Anti+. h"s some per$ume to be given to 9erylB "ll you need to do is get it "nd drop it
o$$. !his time& Argon@s thirsting $or p"yb"#:& "nd throws opponents your w"yB you need
to visit three lo#"tions $or this .ission. ?etting the per$ume Gstored& oddly& inside "
st"tue bustI is simpleB dropping it o$$ is mu#h h"rder. 9ut the so$t words o$ pr"ise "t the
end m":e it worthwhile: JNou h"ndle deli#"te m"tters with mu#h gr"#eK.
Mission C>D The &hotographer
Only "$ter you h"ve est"blished your #red with Anti+. does she give you this most
sensitive o$ missions. An eile :nown "s the 'hotogr"pher h"s se#ured #ompromising
im"ges o$ Anti+. "nd 9eryl& "nd is see:ing to bl"#:m"il them with Argon. Nour Cob is
to s"ve their honor. !his is r"ther e"sier th"n you might thin:& sin#e the 'hotogr"pher
h"s no de$ense "nd no gu"rdsR 5igh+end h"#:er spells brought him down in short
orderB your mile"ge will not v"ry.
!he single #ompli#"tion& "lmost " bug& here is th"t "t $irst - #ould not se"r#h his body. -
#ould se"r#h everywhere else& but se"r#hing his body yielded no response. Only "$ter
- h"d le$t the room "nd #ome b"#: in #ould - se"r#h him& get the pi#tures& "nd #omplete
the .ission. !his w"s non+intuitive.
Lo#"tion: 9"th"ry %ow G,estviewI
A middle #hild& Cerule"n is the only one o$ the siblings to turn prim"rily to her intelle#t "s "
sour#e o$ in$luen#e. *he invested he"vily in underst"nding the in$r"stru#ture o$ the ."tri in
"n "ttempt to le"rn how to #ontrol it better "nd use its power "g"inst her siblings. *he is
#onvin#ed th"t -ndigoFs power b"se #"n be wiped "w"y or redire#ted in this w"y& but she
su$$ered "n enormous setb"#: when the ."tri w"s re#on$igured in the w":e o$ the 'e"#e
!re"ty. .u#h o$ the #ode she h"d sto#:piled w"s wiped out& in#luding p"rts o$ her own
person"l #ode th"t she h"d tried to hide. !he result w"s " loss o$ her %*-Fs rendering
subroutineB Cerule"n is e$$e#tively " ghost. *he is now dedi#"ted to "##umul"ting more
Min$orm"tion th"n ever& "nd proving th"t her mind is more th"n #"p"ble o$ over#oming "ny
"mount o$ power her siblings #"n "m"ss.
The Matrix Online Archives
Lo#"tion: ?r"#y 5eights G,estviewI
.o#:ingbird runs Osiris Anti)ues& " #urio "nd boo: shop de"ling l"rgely in Dm"gi#D "nd
Do##ultD items& m"ny o$ whi#h "re "#tu"lly items th"t let the user #ir#umvent or bend the rules
o$ the ."tri. -n other words& her m"gi# is re"l. *he is willing to de"l with others to get things
th"t she w"nts& but she h"s no mor"ls "bout #he"ting or ste"ling to obt"in her go"ls. *he
de"ls with the Colle#tor "nd o$ten "#ts "s his "gent in the 9"rrens.
:9 All ,e %ver ,anted9 1ver noti#e how your reput"tion is never good enoughH *he
epe#ts you to ste"l " #ouple o$ #"ndlesti#:s $or her to show your "bility. -t@s one o$ the
st"nd"rd $irst missions. *o& you get to the provider& "nd dis#over th"t two other
JbuyersK h"ve be"t you to it& "nd "ren@t very in#lined to give up the #"ndlesti#:s unless
you #"n m":e them " better o$$er. 3orm"lly - love wheeling "nd de"ling li:e this& but
there w"s no hint "bout wh"t they w"nted& "nd there w"s "lso no option to give them
"nything. *o we :illed them.
!he provider w"s very #ooper"tive "$ter this. - me"n& we h"d wh"t we #"me $or& "nd
h"d :illed everyone else in the room& so his lever"ge w"s :ind o$ limited by this point.
6or some re"son& - h"d the option o$ :illing him& too. 9ut - w"s $eeling generous& "nd
sp"red him. A$ter "ll& it w"s .other@s 7"y.
!hen " huge hi:e to the .o#:ingbird@s #utout $or the #"ndlesti#:s. !here& we were
greeted "s pizz" delivery by the se#urity gu"rds. !hen the #utout s"w $it to give us "
le#ture "bout greed. - neverR ,e sp"red her too& relu#t"ntly& "nd le$t.
!he ide" o$ #"ndlesti#:s whi#h #"n bend light is delight$ulR Al"s& nothing w"s done with
thisR And no demonstr"tion o$ this e$$e#t w"s given. 3o b"#:story on their origin&
proven"n#e& or r"ison d@etre w"s provided& or even why .o#:ingbird w"nted them.
*ome tie+in with the '"ndor"@s 9o )uests would h"ve been n"tur"l& "nd #ould e"sily
h"ve been retro$itted. <mm& "nd the me"ning o$ the title w"s not very #le"r.
89 All ,e %ver ,anted9 Nes& you h"ve not re"d wrong. !he mission n"me gets used
"g"in here. !his time& .o#:ingbird w"nts me to get some in$orm"tion on " di$$erent
"rti$"#t. !his st"rts im"gin"tively& with me spe":ing to " sort o$ tr"$$i# #ontrol progr"m
:nowledge"ble "bout the $low o$ items G"lmost li:e " mission oper"tor in hersel$I. *he
s"ys Jtell the 9irdK th"t 7igger h"d the item but it h"s been stolen. Others in her o$$i#e
thin: "bout di$$erent m"tters o$ import"n#eB one guy w"ils "bout problems with the
#opier. - $eel your p"inR
The Matrix Online Archives
!his le"d too: me to " tot"l dump o$ " building& where - $ound my net #ont"#t& the
relu#t"ntly #ooper"tive Alv"rez& who #urtly "nswers my )uestion "nd then si#s his te"m
on me. !h"n:s $or nothingR !he obCe#t o$ .o#:ingbird desire is " #"t st"tue o$ $ine
"mber. -t@s r"re. -t@s "mber. -t@s "lso #ursed. -@m told to st"y "w"y $rom it. Li:e th"t@s
going to stop meR .o#:ingbird h"s the right "ttitude: J!his is "ll st"rting to m":e
senseP.goodK. !he mission ends up with me " stone@s throw $rom .o#:ingbird $or the
net mish. 3ow th"t@s wh"t - #"ll good mission designR 'oints $or th"tR 5owever& the
title is no more #le"r this time th"n the $irst time. 'oints o$$R
;9 $ark %ntries9 6or this mission& you need to ste"l " p"inting $rom 7igger so you #"n
tr"de it to 5yp"ti" $or the Cir#le o$ Cernunnos. ?ot th"tH !he subtle "ppro"#h Gsne": in
"nd dis"ble the #omputer+#ontrolled lo#:& et#.I does not wor:. - :illed everyone there.
!he p"inting itsel$ is rumored to #ont"in " sentient being G"nd why notHI. J3ot b"d $or
"n org"ni#K .o#:ingbird #on#ludes. As - le$t with the p"inting to drop it o$$ $or
s"$e:eeping& she "nd the oper"tor s"y virtu"lly identi#"l things "bout 7igger getting on
my tr"ilB this seems li:e "nother editori"l blemish.
A$ter you retrieve the p"inting& you t":e it to " genuinely interesting #h"r"#ter: ."n
(empner. 5e runs "rt g"lleries& "nd h"s #re"ted reput"tions $or sever"l obs#ure
bluepill "rtists. 5e would be " per$e#t tie+in with !he *#ulptress $rom downtownR 5e
would hide this Cust $or the ple"sure o$ being "ble to e"mine it. ,hile - w"it to see him&
his "ssist"nt tells me "bout " g"llery show opening by " new "rtist with gre"t
me#h"ni#"l be"sts. !his seems li:e "n obvious le"d+in& but it never seems to h"ve
gone "nywhere. 5e epl"ins th"t the p"inting is p"rt o$ the hum"n emotion monitoring
system $or the ."tri& but with " bit o$ " bug: it proCe#ts emotion r"ther th"n re#ording
it. -ntriguingR
Al"s& no su#h minim"l b"#:story $or the Cir#let o$ Cernunnos. And 5yp"ti"& who is
e"sily one o$ the most interesting o$ the neighborhood #ont"#ts& m":es no "ppe"r"n#e.
<9 %x1uisite !orpse9 6or this mission& you #olle#t the Cir#let $or .o#:ingbird. 5owever
7igger h"s brought in mer#en"ries to intervene G"nd who #"n bl"me himHI. !hey h"ve
:illed .o#:ingbird@s Crushers& so you h"ve to put them down& "nd #olle#t "ll the items.
!hese "re then deposited in " s"$e. J-$ - pl"y my #"rds right& 5yp"ti" will thin: th"t
7igger h"s the #ir#let. And - get to :eep the p"inting "s wellR !h"n:s $or your good
wor:& *ug"reeRK *omeone@s thin:ingR !oo b"d they weren@t thin:ing "bout the op")ue
>9 In the =ight9 6or this mission& you ste"l the #"t st"tue $rom Amber@s guys. J-@m not
$inished with you yet. %emember the "mber #"t st"tueH !he :itty needs to be brought
in& "nd guess who h"s itH !h"t@s right& Amber.K !he toughest p"rt o$ this is $iguring out
the instru#tions. !he "rti$"#t is in " lo#:ed s"$e in " se"led room& with two #omputer
#omm"nds ne#ess"ry to unlo#: it Gthe room& th"t isI. !he entire site is gu"rded by
7"ggers& who greeted me with J7e"th to youRK "nd J- wonder how your bones will
t"steRK& obviously me"nt to lull me into " st"te o$ $"lse #on$iden#e.
The Matrix Online Archives
!he #"t& on#e pro#ured& is t":en to .o#:ingbird@s $lun:y& the $ret$ul 7"vis !hC"rden. 5e
st"rts o$$ "s soon "s you "rrive: J7o you h"ve itH - me"n& do you h"ve -!H - me"n& the
st"tue& did you bring it with youH -t@s not hurt is itH 7id you drop itH Nou didn@t drop it&
did youH 3o bullet holes or "nythingH .o#:ingbird would be very upset i$ it were shot.K
!hen& J-$ you h"ve it& give it to meR ,h"t "re you w"iting $orH - need to inspe#t it. - need
to m":e sure th"t it@s o:"y.K On#e - g"ve it to him& he w"s subdued "nd s"id - #ould go
while he Jdo#umentedK " $ew things.
.o#:ingbird is ple"sedR J?ood& very good. Nou h"ve t"lents - #"n use. Nou h"ve
impressed me with your h"rd wor:. -$ - h"ve "nything in the $uture& - will #ont"#t you.K
9ut she rem"ins "s mu#h " mystery "s when - $irst met her.
.ister Margaret
Lo#"tion: ."r" G%i#hl"ndI
Mission C:D !he *tingy Libr"ri"n: -n$iltr"te 5yp"ti"@s #omputer networ:
!he t"lented s#ulptress who did the be"uti$ul s#ulpture outside Gwhi#h - must e"mine
some timeI needs m"teri"ls& "nd #"llous 5yp"ti" is withholding them. 6or the s":e o$
"rt "nd ?od& we will bre": into her networ: to ste"l wh"t she will not sh"re. !his w"s
do"ble without even " $ightR - r"n in "nd r"n out& li:e " pizz" delivery girl. And - w"s
doneR At the end *ister ."rg"ret s"ys& J!ruly you "re " bright& light in this d"r: pl"#eKB
when w"s the l"st time "nyone t"l:ed to you this w"yH - loved itR All this "nd Z's tooR
Mission C8D .eeking Marble: ?et 5yp"ti"@s d"t" $or the *#ulptress
!he net step is to bre": into " $"#ility "nd get d"t" to help $ind the m"teri"ls. !":e "
dis: "nd uplo"d its #ontents. *n"p #ityR -t w"s enCoy"ble& by the w"y& to noti#e the
#l"ssi# t"#ti# o$ entr"pment: "s: someone to do something sm"ll& "nd then gr"du"lly
up the "nte& "s:ing $or l"rger "nd l"rger t"s:s. At the end o$ this one+step mission& she
purrs& K.y goodnessR Nou "re so t"lented& *ug"reeRK *he :nows v"nity when she
sees it.
The Matrix Online Archives
Mission C;D /lawless Theft
6or the glory o$ ?od& we will in$iltr"te " $"#ility "nd pl"#e " virus. !he Colle#tor h"s "
w"rehouse with the m"rble *ister ."rg"ret@s *#ulptress $riend w"ntsB we will pl"nt "
virus to redire#t " shipment. !hus the wor: o$ this mission is to pl"#e " tiny dis: in "
tiny noteboo:. J- r"n into "n "gent& "nd being " m"#hinist - stopped to #h"t. 5owever&
"ll he did& though& w"s b"r: out JNouRRK& so - thought it best to eb "bout my business.
And wh"t is rew"rd $or "ll thisH A $ew ps. A $ew in$o. And " he"rt$elt JNou #ontinue
to "m"ze me& *ug"reeK \sigh\
Mission C<D lue $estiny
!his w"s one o$ the more #ompli#"ted missions. 6irst res#ue one lover& then t":e him
to his girl$riend& "nd then t":e them both to " Eion etr"#tion point. %egrett"bly& the
di"log $or this mission w"s not written by *h":espe"re& "nd seems stilted. !he best
the lost "nd lonely girl$riend #"n s"y to her long+lost lover is J-t@s good to see you "g"in&
J"#:son 'embertonK. - w"s hoping $or more. 5owever it w"s #ute th"t they stood
#lose to e"#h other in the elev"tor "nd elsewhere. !his .ission ups the "nte o$
#ompleity "nd import #onsider"bly. As - le$t them "t the etr"#tion point& - $elt "glow
with "nti#ip"tion "bout the $uture& until - stepped out into the st"ined #ement w"stel"nd
th"t is li$e $or the rest o$ us& in the big& dirty #ity.
Mission C>D .aving -race
,e le"rn th"t the #hur#h sits "top " pl"#e o$ import"n#e in the ."tri& hen#e the
*#ulptress@s interest in it. And the interest o$ others& one o$ whom& Albireo& h"s
:idn"pped three p"rishioners. ,e must $ree them. !his is $"irly str"ight$orw"rd.
1ven on 5"rd&. All you do is :ill Albireo "nd $ree the three. !his .ission w"s
notoriously bugged in bet"& "nd now it wor:s per$e#tly. 9r"voR
The .culptress
Lo#"tion: Center '"r: G7owntownI
The Matrix Online Archives
Mission C:D Tools of the Trade
!he Colle#tor sent someone to ste"l her tools& whi#h "re very person"l. *he w"nts you
to get them b"#:. G-roni#"lly& the street g"ng en#ountered during this "nd the other
.issiones is the Chisels& " very #ute tou#h.I ?erm"n+spe":ing 1iles h"ve them under
gu"rd. - w"s tr"shed tot"lly on my $irst "ttempts. ,onder$ul e"mple o$ "rtspe": $rom "
bluepill in the entour"ge o$ 5eron G"nother "rtistI& who re#eives the re#overed tools
$rom you. !he best line is "t the end& "n "$$ronted blue pill sni$$s "nd in$orms you& Jo$
#ourse it loo:s li:e "ny other room& th"t@s wh"t m":es it "rtRK LOLR
Mission C8D %rrant -oods
A p"#:"ge h"s been mis"ppropri"ted by " #ourier. As !he *#ulptress deli#"tely puts it&
we "re to get it b"#: "nd :ill him "nd his "llies. !his turns out to be "n e#eption"lly
di$$i#ult mission& "nd mu#h more "#tion is needed th"n - epe#ted "t $irst. 6or inst"n#e&
one single room #ont"ined 8+; level ;/ blood drun:s "nd nobles in " roving p"#:
Gme"ning they #ould not be de$e"ted pie#eme"lI. - used *ne": $rom " #o"t to get in&
get the p"#:"ge "nd $lee immedi"tely. -$ you "re "lone "nd without tri#:s& - h"ve no
ide" how you would e"sily h"ndle this. As be$ore& we deliver the re#overed p"#:"ge to
"n "rtist. 5owever& in this #"se& the "rtist "t the end is we"ring " #oo:@s h"tR 5e must
be " per$orm"n#e "rtist or " 7"d"istR !he "##omp"nying bluepill gives me "n utterly
useless :ey& "long with more deep "rtspe":.
Mission C;D The &rice of /a"e
5yp"ti"& whose w"rehouses you might re#"ll r"iding l"st wee:& is now to be molli$ied
with& o$ "ll things& " #h"rming bust o$ .elvil 7ewey Gorigin"tor o$ the 7ewey 7e#im"l
*ystemIR !he ide"l gi$t $or the 1ile who h"s everythingR ,ho #"n epl"in the
ins#rut"ble w"ys o$ "rtistsH 9esides the "bsurd n"ture o$ the t"s:& the other unusu"l
thing here is the dist"n#e to 5yp"ti": //00 meters& "nd you "rrive Cust in time to get
Cumped by $ive or si bounty+hunters. 3o witty "rtspe": in this one& Cust bruises "nd
sore $eetR
Mission C<D The )ease
Li:e the p"perwor: .ission $or .r. 9l"#:& here you need to help !he *#ulptress get "
le"se. -t@s " bre":+in& shoot+up+the+hired+help :ind o$ mission. 3othing wrong with th"tR
At the #ompletion& when you h"nd o$$ the p"pers& one o$ the "##omp"nying eiles
loo:s "t you "nd "s:s how you $eel "bout your previous li$e. - love unepe#ted
person"l stu$$ li:e this. !ot"lly out o$ the blueR
The Matrix Online Archives
Mission C>D The Model
One o$ the most entert"ining .issiones yetRR %emember the h"wt *#"rlett $rom the
tutori"lH *he@s b"#:R And you h"ve to res#ue her be$ore her honor is #ompromisedR
*t"nd"rd res#ue& but the teture is delight$ulR As you es#ort her b"#:& *#"rlett t"l:s
in#ess"ntly "bout her be"uty "nd how she must sh"re it Gm"les %*-s out there should
not get their hopes upI. !hen the Artist $usses over her li:e " mother hen "t the end&
"bsently dismissing her res#uers Gi.e.& youI. 7elight$ul interpl"yR And "s we le$t the
building& " wonder$ul gi$t "ppe"red out o$ nowhere in " pretty bo on the ground "t my
$eetR And it w"s not " bust o$ .elvile 7eweyR 9ingoR
Over"ll& these missions in#luded etremely tough enemies& "nd some very witty di"log.
'lus there@s the usu"l Z' "nd in$o p"yo$$s& "nd " gi$t "t the end. ,ho #ould "s: $or
moreH 6un "nd worth doing.
The !hess"an
Lo#"tion: !"bor '"r: G%i#hl"ndI
Mission C:D /irst MoveD
,h"t #ould be e"sierH 9re": into " w"rehouse or o$$i#e building& "nd ste"l three little
obCe#ts G" $ile& " dis:& "nd some p"persI. -t@s " single lo#"tion& "nd you do not h"ve to
even t":e the good "ny pl"#e. Just get them& le"ve. And you@re doneR Very
str"ight$orw"rd. !he t"rget o$ this& the Chotte 9rothers& doers not "ppe"r in "ny other
Chessm"n missions.
Mission C8D The &awn
!hings be#ome mu#h more serious in this se#ond .ission. !he Chessm"n t"s:s you
with "ss"ssin"ting "n oper"tive who h"s outlives his use$ulness. !his .ission is "lso
str"ight$orw"rd: A single lo#"tion& with two gu"rds& "nd the t"rget. !he Chessm"n
purrs his "ppre#i"tion when you "re done& "nd whispers& Jsomed"y you m"y be "
m"sterKB - love it when eh t"l:s th"t w"yR
Mission C;D %n &assant
The Matrix Online Archives
!he Chessm"n r"t#hets up his epe#t"tions this time& "nd dire#ts you to wipe out "
redpill te"m "t his s"$ehouse. !his le"ds to " single very tough $ight with $ive or si
bun#hed up enemies& in#luding " physi#i"n who :eeps bu$$ing the one you@re "tt"#:ing.
Absent " h"#:er& this will be " tough $ightB be sure to bring some $riends& or some
t"#ti#s boosters& or "ll three. !h"t@s "ll there is to itR And "t the end& your #lient
#ompliments you: JNou "re " superb pl"yer. <npredi#t"ble& but depend"ble.K
Mission C<D The !ounter"ove
!his .ission bre":s the #h"in o$ in#re"sing di$$i#ulty& "nd in#ludes two "ss"ssin"tion
t"rgets "nd " $ew #omputers to se"r#h $or in$orm"tion in " single lo#"tion. 3othing
unusu"l here& e#ept $or the $"#t th"t this h"s two lo#"tions& "nd is " move not "g"inst
the Chotte brothers& but "g"inst !he Colle#tor& who we h"ve en#ountered in previous
missions. !he Chessm"n@s s"tis$ied p"rting words "re: J3i#e move& *ug"ree. !his is
" g"me - will enCoy #ontinuing with youK
Mission C>D Return the (ing
-n this l"st Chessm"n mission& "n old $riend& !he *#ulptress& h"s m"de " new #hess
set whi#h h"s been stolenB you need to $ind the w"yl"id #ourier& retrieve the p"#:"ge&
"nd :ill the guys who too: it. 6in"lly you deliver the pie#es to " #ont"#t. -n "ll& you
tr"vel to three lo#"lesB there is no indi#"tion th"t some other eile& su#h "s !he
Colle#tor& might be behind this. A$ter your su##ess with this )uite simple mission& the
Chessm"n@s $in"l words to you "re: JNou@re " re"l pl"yer& *ug"ree& th"n:sK. ?ood
!his l"st one #ould h"ve been better with some epl"n"tion o$ the spe#i"l properties o$
the #hess set "nd e"#tly wh"t use the Chessm"n pl"nned to m":e o$ them. And "t
the end& the Chessm"n #ould h"ve m"de some Or"#ul"r pronoun#ements "bout your
$uture in the g"me to show you his power "nd the power o$ the pie#es. !his would
h"ve "dded to the "ppe"l o$ this 1ile "nd his missions.
Lo#"tion: .idi"n '"r: G%i#hl"ndI
The Matrix Online Archives
Mission C:D .pecial $elivery
Li:e so m"ny eile #ont"#t .issiones& this one begins with " #ourier delivery. Nou
must t":e " p"#:"ge to "n "sso#i"te o$ Anti+.& " #lose J$riendK o$ 9eyl@s. -nevit"bly&
something goes "wry here. Nou "re met by " #ouple o$ thugs& "nd one who #h"ses
you to the net destin"tion. 9ut then you "re done& "nd 9eryl "pologizes $or the
in#onvenien#eR -$ only Agent ?r"y t"l:ed to me this w"yR
Mission C8D A -irl in =eed
!he $lip side o$ .ission 0/R ?et " p"#:"ge $rom Argon $or her. %e"lly e"sy& "nd #ould
be done with no $ighting wh"tsoever& unless you #hoose to eng"ge those who throw
themselves in your p"th. 3ot"ble is th"t her #ont"#t is giving you something $or her
whi#h #ould be d"ngerousB it sounds li:e " drug o$ some sort. !he b"#:story mystery
Mission C;D !ut the Tail
A$ter seeing the #"t net to 9eryl& when - s"w the title $or this& - st"rted to $ret. 9ut not
to worryR 9eryl needs you to get rid o$ someone who@s been t"iling her so she #"n
h"ve some priv"te time with " $riend. !his is not too di$$i#ult& "nd "t the end& 9eryl
"ppre#i"tively purrs& JNou@re so sweet to do th"t $or meB -@ll remember you $or sureK.
*ure she willR - #"n see why Argon is so #on#ernedR
Mission C<D /ashion .tate"ent
.y hopes were high $or this .issionR 'i#: up " spe#i"l dress $or 9eryl& m"de by the
*e"mstress& no lessR 9ut "l"s& it w"s not to be. - dis#overed $rom the #ont"#t& Ch"ris&
th"t two more wee:s were needed $or its #ompletion. As " result& the dress in its
#urrent st"te is t":en to someone so Argon does not see it& 9eryl w"nts to surprise
him. !his .ission w"s " dis"ppointment to me person"lly& - h"d been hoping $or
some new #lothes to try on G- $igured 9eryl wouldn@t mindI. As - slun: out&
dis"ppointed& my oper"tor #himed in& JNou get some /weird/ "ssignments& *ug"reeK.
!h"n:s& C"pt"in ObviousR
Mission C>D =oiseMaker
!he story $or this one is entert"ining "s well& "nd will "ppe"l to the p"rtygoer in "ll o$
us. 9eryl w"nts some )u"lity time with Anti+. "t " p"rty& "nd needs us to distr"#t the
Ce"lous Argon by "tt"#:ing some o$ his men. !his one turned out to be mu#h h"rder
th"n - thought& more "long the lines o$ stirring up " hornets@ nest. -n $"#t& - did this with
the redoubt"ble gunner/m"rti"l "rtist -llyri"/& "nd we were both :illed )ui#:lyR A little bit
o$ t"#ti#s& "nd " lot o$ humility& though& helped us to prev"il the se#ond time. Lots "nd
lots o$ $ighting though.
*o& through this brie$ suite o$ missions& we h"ve dropped o$$ " gi$t $or " two+timing t"rt&
pro#ured her drugs& "nd "ided her in #he"ting on her boy$riend& right "$ter helping her
The Matrix Online Archives
dress to ple"se himR - "dore her simple li$e.
The !oroner
Lo#"tion: 9"ldwin 5eights G7owntownI
Mission :9 (nockG (nock
6or some .engeli"n eperiments& the Coroner re)uires r"re m"teri"ls. <n$ortun"tely&
these must be etr"#ted $rom #orpses. ,orse& "s he sheepishly "dmits& Jthese
#"d"vers "re not yet de"d. ,ell then on your w"y.K All $or s#ien#eR !he $irst t"rget is "
retired poli#em"n with m"ny elite gu"rd $riendsB 7ev"st"tion 6ield helped " lot here.
!he se#ond is " ;/[ level blood noble& "n "n#ient guy who does not go :indly into the
night. A$ter these eh"usting $ights& the $in"l hit& on " bun#h o$ dog pounders& seems
li:e " w"l: in the p"r:. !his .ission $e"tures very h"rd $ights& "nd lots o$ running
"round. And - h"ve to "dmit th"t - did not $eel h"ppy "bout wh"t - h"d done "t the end.
."ybe it@s #uz he didn@t p"y "ll th"t well.
J(no#:& :no#:K "lso h"s the distin#tion o$ being the s#"riest .ission - ever r"n in bet"B
more on this l"ter in " sep"r"te inst"llment o$ *ug"r *h"#: to $ollow this one.
And m"ybe " bug rem"ins. - :illed the blood noble in one room with " gu"rd.
App"rently he h"d been w"ndering. !hen - w"ndered into JhisK room& s"w " r"ndom
#orpse& "nd only then got the mess"ge th"t he w"s de"d.
Mission 89 /alling Into &lace
!he Coroner spe#i"lizes in weird s#ien#eB he lets others h"ndle the det"ils. -n this
#"se& two in#rimin"ting surveill"n#e t"pes must be purloined "nd er"sed. !hese "re
stored in s"$es& so "##ess :eys must be obt"ined. !his .ission $e"tures some tough
$ighting with se#urity $ol:s. And not "ll th"t mu#h running "round& unli:e the $irst one.
3ow& b"#: in bet"& this .ission w"s $"mously bugged& "nd it is " serious ple"sure to
$in"lly h"ve everything running so smoothly. Our endless bug reports were not in v"in&
Mission ;9 The )ast Ti"e
5is l"b is under "tt"#: Gperh"ps rel"tives o$ his subCe#ts $rom the $irst .issionHI "nd
you need to stop it. At J5"rdK& you "re up "g"inst eight or so three+#hevron Level ;/s&
who h"ve "wesome vir"l resist"n#e. !his m"ed+out h"#:er died sever"l times. ,e
The Matrix Online Archives
le"rn the story o$ their le"der: Crow& " #"pt"in who le$t Eion to t":e up " mer#en"ry@s
li$e& "pp"rently in the servi#e o$ the .erovingi"n. *he o$$ers you " #h"n#e to w"l: "w"y
$rom this with no h"rd $eelingsB o$ #ourse - spurned her gesture "nd slew her. !here
w"s mu#h $ighting in this .ission "nd not "ll th"t mu#h loot. And by the time you@re
level ;0& wh"t do ps m"tterH *o "s - stood "midst the #"rn"ge& - w"s le$t with little
e#ept the s"tis$"#tion o$ m":ing the world s"$er $or the Coroner& " w"n ple"sure
Mission <9 The &lan
One o$ his Courn"ls h"s been stolen by 5yp"ti"& "nd the Coroner w"nts you to get it
b"#: $rom her storehouse be$ore its en#ryption is bro:en. !his involves subst"nti"l
$ighting& "$ter whi#h the en#rypted Courn"l Cust h"s to be dropped o$$. 3ot b"dR 6in"lly
one where - don@t $eel b"d "bout winningR
Mission >9 &ayback
Li:e every "$$ronted 1ile& the Coroner w"nts p"yb"#:. -n this #"se it is " little more
im"gin"tive th"n most. 5yp"ti" will soon in negoti"tions with !he Che$ $or something&
"nd the Coroner w"nts to get him " $ile whi#h will publi#ly "nd deeply emb"rr"ss her.
Nou must de"l with "n org"niz"tion #"lled J!he 3etwor:K to get the $ile. *ome #ute
moments. One outspo:en bluepill wonders wh"t li$e is li:e in our world. Another #l"ims
to be the re"l br"ins behind " world+$"mous #he$ "nd her !V show. 6in"lly& "$ter mu#h
running "round $or subst"nti"l dist"n#es& the Jmeddlesome boo:wormK h"s been de"lt
And th"t@s itR 3o pr"ise& no th"n:s& no nothing. Nour p"tron b"rely gl"n#es "t you "s he
returns to his biz"rre rese"r#hes. *o& !he Coroner@s .issiones "re not $or the $"int or
he"rt or the we": o$ level. Completists will see: them out. Anyone loving tough "#tion
will enCoy them. And #omp"red to m"ny .issiones& - $ound these )uite intense& in tone
"s well "s "#tion. And they #ontributed to one o$ my most memor"ble eperien#es ever
in .O& "s - will epl"in in the net edition o$ *ug"r *h"#:.
Tick Tock
Lo#"tion: ."ribe"u G7owntownI
The Matrix Online Archives
:9 Rolling Over
One o$ his men is going to de$e#t to .r. 9l"#: "nd needs to be :illed. 5e is "t the $irst
lo#"tion you go to& "nd he obligingly #omes out to meet you. On 5"rd setting& he h"s
the usu"l #oterie o$ 1lite ?u"rds "nd 9lood 3obles& "ll Cust begging $or " 7ev"st"tion
6ield. J3i#e wor:K sums up !i#:!o#:@s r"pturous response.
89 Trading &laces
5ere& we h"ve " spy& in#onspi#uously n"med Eubenelgenubi& who needs to be
prep"red $or insertion into 9l"#:@s org"niz"tion. !his is " notorious es#ort missionB the
$ledgling spy must be t":en to " #oder $or some t"gging. .ir"#ulously& this es#ort
mission w"s $ight+$reeRR G!hough - :illed everything in my w"y& Cust to be on the s"$e
sideI. And when - h"d dropped o$$ the spy& !i#:!o#: got b"#: to me& with:
J!his #ould be " gre"t opportunity $or me& *ug"reeK
- $elt so h"ppy to be " sm"ll p"rt o$ his su##ess.
;9 $o the ,ave
!i#:!o#:@s o$$i#es were r"ided& "nd you need to r"id the r"ider& "nd insert " bogus %*-
w"velength re"ding to prote#t the spy. -t m"y be th"t the r"id w"s " su#:er ploy&
intended to "id the insertion o$ dummy d"t" into 9l"#:@s networ:& but this is never
epl"ined. 3ot "ll th"t tough& though "$ter :illing everyone onsite& the insertion o$ d"t"
is n"tur"lly not li:ely to go unnoti#ed by "ny st"$$ with more intelligen#e th"n " st"r$ish.
<9 /alse I"pressions
?et $iles $rom the spy& #opy them& "nd get them b"#: to the spy to repl"#e. A#tu"lly&
Cust h"ve to uplo"d them. As you JsurreptitiouslyK enter the premises& you soon
en#ounter " w"iling bluepill. 5e m"y be s"$ely ignored. A #o+#onspir"tor n"med
Av"ri#e de#rypts "nd #opies the dis:B you Cust h"ve to uplo"d it. *urprisingly e"sy&
>9 )ook Over #ere
!o "id the spy in repl"#ing the purloined dis:& you need to stir up some #h"os "nd
#on$usion "s " distr"#tion. ,h"t #ould be e"sierH Just go "nd :ill everyone "t one o$
The Matrix Online Archives
.r. 9l"#:@s o$$i#es& the s"me :ind o$ subtle& unobtrusive thing you h"ve done so m"ny
times be$ore. And th"t@s itR
!i#:!o#: is intoi#"ted with delight "t the end& "nd #"n@t #ontrol himsel$. 5e bursts out:
JNou h"ve never let me down& *ug"ree. - "m impressed.K !he p"ssion in his voi#e w"s
unmist":"ble. Ne"h& th"t@s wh"t - w"nt to he"rR
3ow some people might m":e the "rgument th"t !i#:!o#:@s deme"nor is per$e#t or "
spym"ster& never giving "w"y "nything "nd "lw"ys seeming ins#rut"ble. !his is
#ert"inly true. 9ut the pro$ession"l spym"ster seldom $inds it ne#ess"ry to resort to
wetwor: "s e"sily "nd o$ten "s !i#:!o#: does. And very $ew things you do in this
mission suite "re li:ely to p"ss unnoti#ed.
*o wh"t interest is there $or us in !i#:!o#: "nd his me#h"ni#"l missionsH Z's& some
$ights& "nd some loot& "nd " sm"ll insight into the world "round .r. 9l"#: whi#h m"de
me "ppre#i"te this premier 1ile "ll the more. 9ut li:e the #lo#: his n"me emul"tes&
!i#:!o#:@s missions eude order "nd system& without soul or spirit.
The 0eweler
Lo#"tion: .orrell G7owntownI
1. The .tones
-n this $irst& show+your+worth mission& you get some un#ut di"monds $rom his "ssist"nt
"nd deliver them. - epe#ted "llusions to .i#: J"gger "nd #omp"ny& but none w"s
$orth#oming. A$ter you re#eive the stones& there@s "n 3'C who "tt"#:s you Gnumbers
depending on p"rty sizeIB " little s:ill gets you p"st the thre"t with e"se. *:ill not being
my $orte& - o$ #ourse died the $irst time.
89 0ust a /ew Iuestions
O$ the $ive Jeweler mishes& the se#ond one is the st"nd+out. -niti"lly " simple es#ort
mission& it be#"me one o$ the two or three most di$$i#ult missions - h"ve ever
undert":en. - $"iled repe"tedly "t it solo& "nd now believe th"t solo it is undo"ble. Only
when - h"d " $ull mission te"m o$ outst"nding pl"yers G*"tt":"n& -llyri"/& 7"r:lordm"&
*hre"d& "nd Alysh"I w"s it #omplet"ble& "nd then only "$ter sever"l tries. 6ew other
missions t":e the pl"nning "nd str"tegy th"t this one does& believe me.
The Matrix Online Archives
5ere@s why. Nou@re t"s:ed with bringing in the "ssist"nt $rom the $irst mission $or some
)uestioning. !he gems you pi#:ed up were bogus& "nd the Jeweler w"nts to $ind out
wh"t@s going on. !he "ssist"nt& underst"nd"bly& h"s surrounded himsel$ with =+8
bodygu"rds. *tr"ngely& they show little interest in you& "nd seem )uite bored when you
t"l: to them "bout their #lient. -n $"#t& you #"nnot eng"ge them. ,hen the "ssist"nt
"grees to #ome with you& though& they "ll w":e up "nd inst"ntly st"rt "tt"#:ing. !he
#lient )ui#:ly $"lls in the #ross$ire. And AO1 "tt"#:s seem to bring him down "s wellB
hold o$$ on 7ev"st"tion 6ields "nd Code 3u:es.
!he se#ond time - tried this& - entered one o$$i#e "nd set o$$ the "l"rms& so - #ould
#ontrol the terms o$ eng"gement. !his set the gu"rds to hostile& "nd - de$e"ted them
pie#eme"l& wor:ing my w"y to the Ceweler@s o$$i#e& using 9"llist" build r"ther th"n
AO1s. !his brought me to the $in"l gu"rd in the $in"l room with the "ssist"nt Ceweler.
As soon "s - spo:e to him& however& the gu"rd "tt"#:ed& "nd the Ceweler died in the
#ross$ire. \\bleep\\R
9ut th"t@s not "llR -t got worseR Less then ten se#onds "$ter this& my oper"tor s"id there
were "gents #losing in on my lo#"tionR 9y the time - re"#hed "n elev"tor& one h"d
"lre"dy m"teri"lized "nd winged me on the w"y outR !hen he #h"sed me out o$ the
buildingR - hyperCumped& loo:ing $or " h"rdline& "nd he w"s everywhere - #"me down&
t":ing " big bite out o$ me e"#h timeR - b"rely m"de it to " h"rdline "nd the blessed
lo"ding "re"& loo:ing more li:e " pie#e o$ *wiss #heese th"n runner+up $or the .s.
*eiest %edpillR
At *t"mos - s"t on " ben#h to stop hyperventil"ting "nd re+#onsider my str"tegy. And -
would still be sitting there& too& i$ - h"d not run into "n e#eption"lly t"lented& $ier#e
group o$ people G*"tt":"n& -llyri"/& 7"r:lordm"& *hre"d& "nd Alysh"I who #"me to my
"id. ,e "tt"#:ed in " tid"l w"ve o$ m"yhem& )ui#:ly obliter"ting the gu"rds. !hen we
#le"ned out the lobby gu"rds. 9ut the inst"nt - eited the building with the Ceweler in
tow& three or $our more .erv mer#en"ries "ppe"red out o$ nowhere "nd :illed our m"n.
1ventu"lly& through #"re$ul #oordin"tion& we got our #lient to the Jeweler@s interrog"tion
te"m& some h"ppy+go+lu#:y blood+drin:ers. !hen the #lient tried to #hi#:en out. 9ut by
then it w"s too l"te. And good ridd"n#eR
;9 right .hiny Ob'ects
-t turns out th"t the "ssist"nt you b"gged l"st time h"d nothing to do with thisR -t w"s
ThisT supplier th"t #"used the problem& "nd in this simple mish you dish out doom to
the dupli#itous di"mond double+de"ler. At the end& the Jeweler is "ll smiles& "nd
promises to t":e me out $or " night on the town. - wishR
The Matrix Online Archives
<9 /air &ay"ent
!his is Jprime timeK& "nd simple enough: getting p"yment $rom 1ile Anti+. $or "
spe#i"l pie#e o$ Cewelry $or her to give 9eryl& Argon@s "lleged girl$riend. Nou run into
Anti+. Gshe loo:s "s she did when - r"n her missions "ges "goI "nd she helps
disp"t#h " $ew o$ the thugs who see: to bre": in "nd ste"l the p"yment. Anti+. seems
)uite involved in this mish& "pp"rently not tot"lly #onvin#ed o$ your reli"bility. Or m"ybe
she Cust enCoyed the buzz& "nd w"nted " good story to tell 9eryl. *he re"#hed the $in"l
b"d be$ore you& in $"#t& "nd disp"t#hes him on her own. Nou h"ve to wonder how she
gets "round so )ui#:lyB the #ell phone on " des: with her in the end+g"me room seems
to h"ve something to do with this. -$ onlyPi$ onlyP
>9 A -irlHs est /riend
Oddly& no $ighting is re"lly ne#ess"ry $or this $in"l mission. 5ere& you Cust drop o$$ the
ring $rom Anti+. to 9eryl. !his goes $"irly smoothly& e#ept $or 9eryl initi"lly giving us
the wrong "ddressB we seemed to stumble into " 9lood 3obles 'romise+(eepers
#onvention. 1ventu"lly the delivery w"s #ompleted. ,hen you get here& don@t be in "
hurryB 9eryl@s ple"s $or the bo "re wonder$ulB - $elt li:e - w"s t"l:ing to someone "$ter
my own he"rt. *he thought it might be " new dress or the h"ndm"de #ho#ol"tes she
h"d orderedP *he@s my :ind o$ 1ileR *he w"s thrilled with the ring& "nd pl"nned to
we"r it immedi"tely& Cust to drive Argon nuts. Nou go& girlR
And with this& the Jeweler@s entr"n#e to the big le"gues o$ power "nd in$luen#e seems
"ssured& or so he tells us. ,ith his t"lent& he #rows& he won@t need lu#:R And when he@s
running the #ity& he@ll remember "ll the little peopleR Li:e usR
The Auditor
Lo#"tion: <nion 5ill G7owntownI
1. y the =u"bers
!he Auditor "pp"rently #on#erns himsel$ with the $low o$ resour#es "nd their
m"n"gement in the ."tri. !h"t is to s"y& he t":es the e#iting "nd m":es it dull. 5is
$irst mish is no e#eption: J!he numbers "re "ll - #"re "bout. 1verything else is Cust
st"ti# in the ."triP.5ere@s the "ddress. ?et moving.K 5ow person"bleR Just get "nd
uplo"d two dis:s $rom " single lo#"tion. 5ow #ould it be simplerH
The Matrix Online Archives
89 Throwing a $isk
!o better underst"nd dis#rep"n#ies in the m"tri& he needs more d"t". ?o get two
more dis:s. !here "re some $ights& "nd you need the help o$ " bluepill to get wh"t you
w"nt. 9ut th"t@s it. -t@s "ll he #"n im"gine. Nou :now the type: Jeverything th"t #ounts
#"n be #ounted& "nd i$ it #"n@t be #ounted then it doesn@t #ountK.
;9 /or a /ew $isks More
!here J#ould be " m"Cor system resour#e le":. !his le": #ould turn into " $lood i$ "#tion
is not t":en. - Cust need one more d"t" point to m":e my $in"l determin"tion. ?o get it
$or meK.
9y this point - w"s wondering i$ this w"s re"lly "n "uditor& or Cust " sm"ll time nut trying
to in$l"te his own sel$+import"n#e. 9ut he did p"y his bills.
Nou h"ve to res#ue some bluepill@s girl$riend be$ore he will give you the d"t" you need.
!his is m"ddeningly di$$i#ult& be#"use when you "re es#orting the bluepill& you "re
subCe#t to one m"Cor 3'C "tt"#:& whi#h you epe#t& but "lso $rom r"ndom g"ng
members "nd even se#urity gu"rds. !his is best done with $riends& sin#e one str"y
ri#o#het inst"ntly brings down the wom"n "nd "borts the mission. -t too: me seven
"ttempts to get this done& "nd - only #ompleted it "t "ll th"n:s to the "wesome help o$
*"tt":"n& who #le"red "w"y the lobby gu"rds& spont"neous "tt"#:s& "nd three groups
o$ g"ngmembers. - h"d to es#ort the $r"il girl$riend "lmost 800 meters through "ll these
<9 Resource Manage"ent
6or some pe#uli"r re"son& !he Auditor h"s "ssets& "nd they "re under "tt"#:. Nou
"rrive in time to $ind m"ny bluepills sl"in& "nd d"t" t":en. One bluepill g"sps& J!he
d"t"Ps"ve the d"t"K "nd then $"lls to the $loorB "pp"rently the Auditor $ound people o$
" li:e $r"me o$ mind to wor: with him.
>9 .top the )eak
!he le":& it turns out& is no "##identB someone is #re"ting the dis#rep"n#y $or his own
purposes. J- #"nnot "llow this.K 6or this $in"l mish& you need "n "rti$"#t $rom the
*#ulptress. ,ell& three& "#tu"lly. !hey must be given to three people $or the $ull e$$e#t.
!he $irst delivery is " sn"p. -n the se#ond one& you h"ve to $ight your w"y in& with some
.erv "llies. 5owever these J"lliesK "re worthless& "nd do nothing to hinder those who
would :ill you. *ever"l times they w"l:ed right p"st me during $ightsR !he third one
$e"tures " red herring& "nd " slightly more servi#e"ble "lly. !he most not"ble p"rt is
th"t the third re#ipient o$ these st"tues st"nds with one $oot in " w"steb"s:et& obliviousR
3o wonder the ."tri is in d"ngerR
-n the end& you get some th"n:s& "nd th"t is "bout it. 3ot mu#h #onsidering you h"ve
s"ved the ."triR !he m"le$"#tor behind the s#heme rem"ins " mystery. 'erh"ps "
$uture inst"llment will see you bringing the $ight to him/her. -t@s the per$e#t tie in $or
The Matrix Online Archives
some story+line events l"ter. 'erh"ps some m"d Eionists "re see:ing to dest"bilize the
whole m"triPoh& w"it& th"t@s "lre"dy been done& rightH
*umming up& the Auditor is we": in the person"lity& wit& "nd #h"rm dep"rtment. 5is
missions re$le#t his person"lity. ,ho would h"ve thought th"t s"ving the whole m"tri
#ould seem li:e su#h " tedious #horeH
Lo#"tion: V"uton G7owntownI
:9 &etty Retribution
!he r"ison d@etre $or this revenge "g"inst *ilver is not #le"rB "pp"rently she reg"rds
him "s stingy. -t seems trivi"l "nd pointless. *te"l " virus "nd lo"d it into *ilver@s
server. App"rently she is too l"zy& or thin:s too little o$ *ilver& to m":e the e$$ort to
design " virus hersel$. !his seems li:e the :ind o$ e"sy mission you "re given to prove
your "bility "nd trustworthiness. -t #ert"inly seems to h"ve no other pointR
89 .peed (ills
'epper h"s he"rd o$ some 1iles smuggling in speed+enh"n#ing "lgorithms $rom
."#hine City& "nd she w"nts some $or her L"b to loo: "t. ,h"tH *he h"s " l"bH ,ho
would w"nt to wor: $or herH !he $irst site h"s nothing e#ept some interesting bluepills
to t"l: to. !he se#ond site h"s " stern t"s:m"ster who must be s"tis$ied be$ore he
gives you the s#hem"ti#s you desire. 5owever& things do not go "s smoothly "s we
might h"ve epe#ted.
;9 *nexpected !onse1uences
!he speed+boosters h"ve driven test subCe#ts nuts& "nd you h"ve to put them down
be$ore they :ill "ll o$ 'epper@s te#hiesR ."ybe there "re some things th"t 1iles were
not me"nt to :nowR !he problems is less simple th"n it seems: " #ouple o$ the "iling
subCe#ts h"ve $led& "nd "$ter s"ving 'epper@s s#ientists& you need to tr"#: down the
$ugitives. !he $ugitive is not nutso "$$e#ted though& Cust h"llu#in"ting people he #"res
"bout. !he whole eperiment w"s doomed $rom the word go& turns out.
<9 #a5ard &ay
The Matrix Online Archives
,ith th"t #risis p"st& 'epper@s "ttention returns to her other business oper"tions. -t
turns out th"t " #ourier h"s gone missing& "nd you need to tr"#: him down. A $ile
purporting to help you $ind him turns out to be #orrupted& "nd you need to get it
re#onstru#ted $rom b"#:up. A se#urity bre"#h "t 'epper@s l"bs h"s "$$e#ted your "bility
to #omplete the missionR 1ventu"lly the #ourier is $ound& de"d& "nd the p"#:"ge he
w"s #"rrying is retrieved "nd delivered. On#e more& things h"ve gone w"y "wry $or
'epper. One o$ her s#ientists #omplimented me on h"ving s"ved the te#hies in the l"st
missionB - "lw"ys "ppre#i"te tight #ontinuity li:e this.
>9 The .wap
-t emerges th"t the JspeedK #ode #"rried " !roC"n virusB hen#e its unepe#ted toi#ity.
!he )uestion is& who put it thereH An in$orm"nt promises to m":e "ll #le"r i$ his p"lm is
#rossed with " spe#i"l delivery. Nour t"s: is to #omplete the e#h"nge "nd rel"y the
in$orm"tion. ,hen the se#ret enemy is reve"led& you "re t"s:ed with the #omplete&
pitiless destru#tion o$ her "nd her g"ng. At the end 'epper #on#ludes th"t Jyou@ve been
" gre"t help to me& *ug"reeK& "nd downlo"ded " $ine purple #o"t to #ompens"te me $or
"ll my troubles. -n true 'epper $"shion& though& it went to the wrong person.
As the JenemyK dies& 'epper muses how s"d this w"s& sin#e this eile w"s one o$ her
most promising re#ruits. -t@s h"rd not to wonder i$ someone h"d pl"nted disin$orm"tion&
:nowing how gullible "nd intemper"te she is. And in every mission& something seems
to go wrongB pepper "lw"ys seems in over her he"d& needing you to str"ighten things
out. *he doesn@t p"y you enoughR 9ut there "re m"ny witty tou#hes in the writing $or
this& "nd the lines $or 1iles "nd thugs.
The artender
Lo#"tion: 1dgew"ter G7owntownI
:9 &ickup -reen
3"tur"lly& her #on#erns $o#us on oper"tions& not things or people. *he needs you to
m":e " p"yment to 1ndymion Glovely n"meI $or some sto#: $or Jspe#i"l lib"tionK& not
$or #oppertops. 1ndymion h"s his own problems who must be removed be$ore he #"n
do business. -n the end you h"ve impressed both him "nd the 9"rtender& "nd the r"re
li)uor h"s been delivered& "nd both 1ndymion "nd the 9"rtender "re developing "
good impression o$ you.
The Matrix Online Archives
89 The $ionysus -a"bit
*ome things& though& #"nnot be bought. A r"re wine& 7om 'errine"u @4>& is owned by
"n 1ile pl"yboy n"med 7ionysiusB the 9"rtender w"nts you to liber"te the only :nown
bottle $or her. 7espite your best e$$orts& though& it is not to be $oundB her in$orm"tion
w"s "pp"rently o$$+t"rget. !he #ode o$ m"ny " thug w"s spilled in v"in.
;9 The $ionysus -a"bitG &art 8
3ever one to give up e"sily& the 9"rtender disp"t#hes you to "n "ltern"te lo#"tion $or
7ionysus where the 7om h"s been t":en& $or displ"y "long with some other w"y r"re
items& "dding& J!his pl"n h"s the upside o$ m":ing him loo: li:e "n "ssK. Nou blow
through some )uite uneleg"nt settings in 1dgew"ter "nd s#ore the brew. 6or someone
li:e 7ionysus& - w"s :ind o$ epe#ting " more ups#"le setting. An epert #heers GRI
when he tests the wine& "nd you@re doneR !urns out this is intended $or the
.erovingi"n@s wi$e& who we meet inP
<9 The $ionysus -a"bitG &art ;
!o renew her li)uor li#ense& the 9"rtender needs the blessing o$ the .erovingi"nB you
need to deliver the 7om to 'ersephoneRR 6or " ."#hinist& these #h"n#es "re $ew "nd
$"r between. !he b"rtender gives " gre"t #h"r"#teriz"tion o$ her th"t only e#ited my
interest: J*he@s " d"rling+ gr"#e$ul& poised& "nd intelligent. *he@s "lso hideously
de#eit$ul "nd m"nipul"tiveP.7o not be lured into "ny untow"rd "#tivity.J 'ersephone
w"s "ll th"t "nd more. And her p"rting words to me: J!h"n: you so mu#h. Nou must be
" very t"lented oper"tive to h"ve obt"ined su#h " tre"sure $or me. And so "ttr"#tive.
.mmmPK m"de my ."#hinist #onvi#tions $eel we":& "nd - thought "bout Coining the
*irens. !h"n: ?od ?usm"n "nd 3osgoul/ were there to strengthen me.
>9 !reative )icense
5ere you go "nd get the li#ense $rom 6lood. 5is gu"rds insist in " $ighting s:ill
demonstr"tion G#he"ting is "llowedI. !hen you t":e the li#ense to 9"rtender& "nd
you@re doneB the b"rtender m":es " spe#i"l trip out o$ Club 3oir to meet you "nd
re#eive the li#ense. -n this #on#lusion& there is no spe#i"l item or prize& whi#h
dis"ppointed meB - h"d he"rd there were su#h items& "nd w"s hoping $or " 9l"#: Lotus
blouse or " *u##ubus out$it. 9ut - h"d gone $rom "ngering her in my l"st mish suite to
winning her "dmir"tion& "nd th"t w"s something.
The !hef
Lo#"tion: 'illsen G7owntownI
The Matrix Online Archives
:9 &aging
!he Che$ needs " spe#i"l re#ipe $rom the $"mous p"#:r"t 5yp"ti"& "nd she will not
give it up without him doing something $or her: getting rid o$ some nuis"n#e 1iles. *he
re#ipro#"tes with generosity one seldom eperien#es $rom 1iles& "nd w"rm words $or
you. *he must remember me $rom doing her mishes l"st wee:R
89 And a ottle of Ru"
6or " r"re dish some r"re rum must be obt"ined $rom the 9"rtender@s sto#:. !his
be#omes v"stly more #ompli#"ted when you :ill the wrong people& dis#over it h"s been
stolen "nd the Che$ must yield pro$ession"l in$orm"tion in re#ompense& only to $ind
someone else h"s it "nd is using it "t th"t very moment. !he 1ile telling you this
GJ5"ve $unRKI st"rts sl"pping his :nee in l"ughter. As usu"l& you must retrieve it "nd :ill
everyone involved. One #ute note: "s you :ill the #ompeting #he$ Gdismissed by the
Che$ "s "n Jin#ompetent h"#:KI "nd st"$$ to retrieve the rum& you note " bottle o$ diet
sod" per#hed on " des:R 9etter m":e sure th"t@s rum in the bottleR
; edti"e Reading
5e needs help getting some o$ the "n#ient re#ipes tr"nsl"ted. *imple in theory& this
be#omes tough in ee#ution& sin#e you h"ve to es#ort not one but two low+level 3'Cs
" long w"y through the d"ngerous streets o$ the downtown "re". Count on "t le"st one
"tt"#:. O$ #ourse& on#e they get to their destin"tion& the t"s: is trivi"l. Curiously& others
seem to be "$ter the s"me progr"ms you "re.
<9 .pice .tory
*pi#e $rom the 9"rtender is "lso needed. 9ut "$ter " re#ent $i"s#o& she is ill+disposed to
#ooper"te& "nd thus " diversion "tt"#: is ne#ess"ry: wipe out " s"$e house o$ hers Gnot
so dissimil"r $rom " r"id on " house o$ the *e"mstress $or the ,e"verI. !he spi#e is
then obt"ined& "nd t":en to " $lun:y #he$. !his #he$@s st"$$ is none too impressed with
you& "nd m":e " number o$ rude #omments& li:e JNou prob"bly #"n@t even "ppre#i"te
the :ind o$ dishes we #re"te. CretinRK "nd J- don@t thin: you would "ppre#i"te wh"t we
h"ve to o$$er. ,hy don@t you go get some gre"sy $"st $oodHK
> If IHd (nown 3ou ,ere !o"ing
The Matrix Online Archives
!he Che$ h"s prep"red " m"sterpie#e wor: $or .r. 9l"#:& using the rum "nd spi#e "nd
"n#ient re#ipes we h"ve g"thered $or him. ,e need to get some i#ing tools to "n
"ssist"nt& "nd then t":e the $inished produ#t to .r. 9l"#:. ,hen his $lun:ies #he#: the
$inished wor:& it turns out th"t there h"s been " mis#"l#ul"tion "nd " $ight bre":s outR
*urprise& surpriseR !he Che$@s reput"tion will never be the s"me& "nd he gives me "
useless p"ir o$ p"nts "s " h"sty going "w"y present. !he Che$@s dis"ppointment is
well+portr"yedB mine must be im"gined. 3ot even "n S#l"irR
A$ter re"ding so mu#h "bout $ood& "nd smelling so mu#h epended gunpowder& -
w"nted to get dressed up "nd go to the .erovingi"n@s sunny& trendy spot $or " leisurely
lun#h. And& re"lly& this mish suite #ould h"ve been so e"sily built "round the
.erovingi"n@s p"l"te& with his murmured "ppre#i"tion "nd 'ersephone@s purrs. -t@s
un#le"r why the "ustere .r. 9l"#: w"s sele#ted. - me"n& h"s he done something to
deserve itH And "s we "ll :now& #":e pl"ys "n import"nt role in .erovingi"n #ultureB -
"m surprised th"t no one thought to or $ound " w"y to wor: this into these mishes.
3onetheless& there "re m"ny well+written moments& " $ew o$ whi#h - h"ve "lre"dy
sh"red. -n mid+mission& the Che$ st"rts rumin"ting& J- h"ve he"rd o$ "n#ient hum"n
writings th"t des#ribe $ine wines& deli#"te p"stries& de#"dent $e"stsP- wonder wh"t did
they "#tu"lly t"ste li:eH 5ow would they #omp"re to the t"stes o$ $ood here in the
."triH 5"ve we even #ome #loseH - wonderP5mmH Oh& yes& good wor: "nd "ll th"t.
'le"se get the re#ipe $or meK. And the mishes well #"pture the obsessive
pro$ession"lism o$ gods o$ #oo:ery.
The =etwork
Lo#"tion: -ndustry *)u"re G7owntownI
:9 Tat Tap Tap
!his st"rts out the right w"y: JNou #ome re#ommended "s someone with gre"t
dis#retion& *ug"reeK. !his seems li:e " #l"ssi#& i$ generi#& mission: " spy devi#e h"s
been pl"nted in " m"#hine strongholdB we h"ve to go :ill some m"#hine guys "nd
we@re good to pl"nt " bug "nd you "re done. 5e s"ys you h"ve " $utureR !ell me more&
ple"seR ?ood writing #h"r"#terizes this mish.
89 .ilver Toys
!his se#ond mish is the best o$ the lot. 1ile *ilver h"s ventured downtown $rom
The Matrix Online Archives
%i#hl"nd to show " spy devi#e to " buyer. ,e get there $irst& :ill "ll his hired help& "nd
then politely "s: $or it. 5e m":es empty thre"ts+ J,ell& .e"tPthese "re the $inest o$
the *l"shersB they will rid me o$ your presen#eK. 9ut don@t worry& he t"l:s this w"y to
everyone until he needs your help. !he 3etwor: s"ys you "re very persu"sive
G$oresh"dowing $or the net missionI. 6un inter"#tion with his #utout who re#eived the
devi#e $rom us: " typi#"l stressed+out middle m"n"ger w"iling "t the hired help. 5e is
imp"tient& "s we #"n see: J7on@t be " sl"#:er. ,e@ve got to h"ve synergy to build "
#onvergent enterpriseRK 'erh"ps "s *O1 spo:e to Lith& m"ny moons "goP
;9 A !onvincing Argu"ent
An entert"iner with gre"t in$luen#e over bluepills wishes to rem"in "loo$ "nd isol"ted&
li:e ?ret" ?"rbo. 9ut !he 3etwor: wishes something else& "nd t"s:s us to $ight our
w"y to her "nd simply deliver " letter. -n this mish the opposition w"s unusu"lly severe.
- got :illed sever"l times& in#luding by "n "gent& whom l"id w"ste to me with Cust three
shotsR 1ventu"lly you re"#h her& i$ you persevereB she is suit"bly horri$ied.
<9 $ailies
*ome $ilm with bluepill+in$luen#ing #odes h"s been stolen by "n eileB !he 3etwor:
w"nts it b"#:. !his mish w"s #onvenient indeed& t":ing pl"#e inside the s"me building
"s the #lubR ,"s it "n eploit to "##ept itH Only the devs :now $or sureP.K9rilli"nt&
*ug"reeRK he gushes "t the end. 3ote to sel$: introdu#e him to ,e"ver.
>9 !ounter &rogra""ing
*omeone h"s been v"nd"lizing one o$ !he 3etwor:@s rel"y st"tions& "nd he w"nts to
get rid o$ them. ,e simply go "nd :ill everyone we $indB wh"t #ould be e"sierR Oh& "nd
then we t":e one guy@s he"d "nd deliver it to one o$ !3@s #ompetitors& "$ter $ighting our
w"y in. !he e#ho o$ !he ?od$"ther is surely not #oin#ident"l. J5ow #ould you& you
"nim"lsRK w"ils the #ompeting networ: le"der. -n one un$ortun"te g"$$e& the body lying
on the ground seems int"#t& even though we h"ve presum"bly de#"pit"ted it.
-n these missions& we see some st"nd"rd "#tions& pun#hed up with the in#lusion o$ "
surprising 1ile& *ilver& "nd im"gin"tive spee#h $rom the prin#ip"l "nd the hired help.
!hey@re enCoy"ble. And "$ter ,e"ver@s unrelenting insults "nd put+downs& it w"s "
ple"sure to get some pr"ise& however insin#ere it might h"ve beenR
The ,eaver
The Matrix Online Archives
Lo#"tion: *outh V"uton G7owntownI
!he ,e"ver h"s business de"lings with the *e"mstress& o$ #ourse& "nd we should
epe#t *#"rlett to $igure in this "s wellR !he gentle& "estheti# ,e"ver st"rts o$$ strong:
J*ug"ree& huhH 3ever he"rd o$ you. And to be honest& - don@t li:e wh"t - see. - me"n&
loo: "t those #he"p :no#:o$$ #lothesP.but - guess you will h"ve to doK.
As i$R One loo: "t her g"udy& g"u#he& over+#olored out$it would m":e "nyone st"rt
"s:ing why the pot w"s #"lling the :ettle bl"#:. 9ut - persevered $or the s":e o$ you&
de"r re"der.
:9 ,arp and ,eft
!he *e"mstress will buy some spe#i"l $"bri# $rom her& but she needs sil: $rom !he
.othm"n. And he in turn needs some g"ng members snu$$ed. ?ot th"tH !he "tt"#:
site is " #onvenient stone@s throw $rom her street #orner& but the *leepers "re not your
"ver"ge sleepersB they@re w"y tough. At the end !he ,e"ver sighs& J-t t":es s#um to
de"l with s#um& - guessK& but #on#ludes JCome b"#: soonR - #"n "lw"ys use good d"y
l"bor.K !h"n:sR - thin:.
89 $anger )oo"s
!he ,e"ver needs " #riti#"l pie#e o$ #ode $or " Loom upgr"de she h"s in mind& but
does not w"nt to p"y the 'he"s"nt G" lo#"l smugglerI $or it. Nou #"n see where this is
going& -@m sureR !wo tough $ights "nd " )ui#: uplo"d l"ter& she w"rmly th"n:s you&
J*eeH !h"t w"sn@t so h"rd& w"s itH ."ybe net time you #"n show " little more
initi"tiveK. ,hy do - even botherH
;9 To Rose with )ove
-n this short mish& you pi#: up sil: $rom " bluepill t"s:ed with holding it $or ,e"ve.
5owever& the bluepill dies "nd you h"ve to go visit his bro:enhe"rted wi$e. ,e"ver& "s
"lw"ys& is " $ount"in o$ symp"thy $or the lost "nd struggling: J- wonder wh"t you were
li:e "s " bluepillH - #"n@t even im"gine where you@d st"rt in order to rise to your #urrent
level o$ in#ompeten#e.K And this $or " su##ess$ul missionR
<9 .huttle Mission
The Matrix Online Archives
!he sil: $rom l"st mish h"s not been turning out "s pl"nned& "nd ,e"ve w"nts you to
t":e " s"mple $or "n"lysis to $ind out why. -t turns out she h"s m"de " Jnovi#eK
mist":e& "nd you need some #ode to re#ti$y things. !his brings you into #on$li#t with the
"re"@s %unners g"ng& who h"ve "n unepl"ined interest in the #ode. ,itty oper"tor
>9 $evil in the $etails
,e"ver now w"nts retribution "g"inst the *e"mstress $or #"n#eling "n orderR !"l:
"bout vindi#tiveR !his st"rts with wiping out " s"$e house $or her& "nd then going to
"nother *e"mstress $"#ility to drop o$$ " virus "nd wipe out her server. *he "ppre#i"tes
your wor:: J,ell& it seems th"t when mindless :illing is #"lled $or& you@re the person to
t"l: to.K
,hen this is done& the ,e"ver h"s lost her p"tien#e with you& "nd gives you " Jtrin:etK
"nd dumps you un#eremoniously. JAuite $r"n:ly& you@re " li"bilityK. 6or my ;0th level
#h"r"#ter& this w"s some enh"n#ed gloves& suit"ble $or " level /= #h"r"#ter. 9ut it w"s
the thought th"t #ounts& - guess. As i$R
Lo#"tion: ."gog G%i#hl"ndI
:9 !alculated Risk
!he #l"ssi# mil:+run $irst missionR 'i#: up "nd drop o$$ " p"#:"ge. *he spe":s with
"uthority "nd $orm"lity: J!here should be no #ompli#"tion& but should they "rise you will
be re)uired to de"l with them. 7o we h"ve "n underst"ndingHK. *he w"s not opening
to me "t "ll yet. !he initi"l pi#:+up is smooth Gthough !h"lli" nonetheless intervenes to
tell you J!ry not to w"ste "ny timeKIB but things be#ome #ompli#"ted "t the drop+o$$&
where your #ont"#t lies de"dR A$ter you h"ve :illed everyone there& !h"lli" seems
positively smug: J?ood. - suspe#ted .er#ury w"s moving "g"inst me& but this #on$irms
it. 7on@t worry "bout the p"#:"ge& it w"s only b"it. Nou@ve proven to be very
depend"ble.K - thin: th"t@s good news.
89 Applying &ressure
The Matrix Online Archives
JAhh& *ug"ree& your timing isn@t "w$ul.K ,ith this #rypti# greeting& the .er#ury "r#
#ontinues. -n order to provo:e him to "n impetuous e"rly implement"tion o$ his pl"ns&
she t"s:s you with "tt"#:ing two o$ his l"bs "nd wiping out their st"$$ "nd d"t". ,ell&
not #ompletely outB she w"nts you to le"ve " single survivor "t e"#h lo#"tion& so the
word gets b"#: to .er#ury. Li:e " #"lling #"rd.
!his is " str"ight$orw"rd :i#:+down+the+doors& shoot+up+the+t"rgets mission. 9ut you
must be #"re$ul not to :ill TeveryTone. *ever"l times when doing this with #l"nm"tes&
my p"rtners got #"rried "w"y "nd $orgot this. - h"d the ple"sure o$ telling !h"lli" we
h"d s#rewed up. -t w"s not " h"ppy time. !h"lli"@s "ggressive m"nipul"tion delighted
me. 9e$ore - h"d le$t the building& - he"rd $rom her: J'er$e#t. .er#ury h"s "lre"dy
#ont"#ted me with thre"ts o$ ret"li"tionP.*ometimes& this is Cust too e"sy.K
;9 oiling &oint
,hen .er#ury@s $or#es "tt"#: !h"lli"@s& you move in $rom behind $or " surprise
#ounter"tt"#:. J(ill them "ll. *p"re no one&K "dvises my Oper"tor. 7on@t h"ve to s"y
th"t twi#eR Nou sl"y "t two sites& s#ore " d"t" C7 whi#h .er#ury@s men h"ve been
"$ter& "nd then drop it o$$. !h"lli" is #le"rly impressed. JNou@re more use$ul th"n you
loo:& *ug"ree. - might h"ve somePsensitive wor: $or you in the $uture.K Along the w"y
we he"r this memor"ble line $rom !h"lli": #ouldn@t s#heme his w"y out o$ "
wet p"per b"gK. ,ow& th"t w"s h"rsh. -@m sure she doesn@t t"l: th"t w"y "bout me
when -@m not "roundP.
<9 An Offer They !anHt Refuse
J*ug"ree& you h"ven@t m"n"ged to get yoursel$ :illedPyetK. !h"t@s !h"lli"@s w"y o$
s"ying she is delirious to see me. !his time& three in$orm"nts need persu"ding. !he
$irst one is " $ormer employee o$ 9eryl. A$ter - get into her super+lo#:ed room with "
sp"re :ey& she reve"ls th"t 9eryl h"s " n"sty h"bit& with one o$ Argon@s men being her
m"in #ont"#t. 5mm... ?irl *#out thin mintsH
!he se#ond one #omes o$$ "s " tough #oo:ie& to be sure. 5e swe"rs not to #ooper"te&
"nd then orders his *e"rs %ent+A+%*- simul"#rum to "tt"#: me while he w"t#hes "nd
sneers. A$ter - tr"sh it& he #h"nges his tune. ,e dis#over th"t %"ini is "w"re o$ 9eryl@s
n"r#oti#s h"bit& "nd w"nts the s"me thing. !his only #on$irmed my low opinion o$ %"ini&
who devoted "n entire mission to getting drugs.
Al"s& the third one dies be$ore you #"n re"#h himB someone h"s t":en "n interest in
!h"lli"@s interest. !his #uriosity is not pursued.
>9 $igging $eeper
!h"lli" is endlessly in)uisitive& "nd $in"lly t"s:s you with #"pturing "n in$orm"nt to $ind
out more "bout 9eryl "nd %"ini. !he t"rget h"s surrounded hersel$ with lupine
mer#en"ries& "nd you must $ight your w"y p"st them to get her& #olle#t "ny dis:s she
h"s& "nd deliver them "ll. ,ell& this sounded simple& but - w"s soon introdu#ed the
h"rd w"y to "n "bility #"lled Jb"#:$istK. !his dished out 8;;; G/8// "bsorbedI d"m"ge
to meR -n one shotR NowR - don@t :now who h"s this& but - w"nt itR
The Matrix Online Archives
*o& "nyw"y& - $in"lly es#orted the relu#t"nt in$orm"nt p"st sever"l dozen 9l"#:woods&
who "ll seemed to be in " good mood& Q#uz none o$ them $elt li:e "tt"#:ing us. ,h"t "
mir"#leR As - le$t the drop+o$$& - #ould he"r the wom"n w"iling behind me& JAre you Cust
going to le"ve me here with himH Nou #"n@t do th"tRK Counting my h"rd+e"rned #"sh& -
thought& - sure #"n& honey. !h"lli"@s l"st #"ll to me w"s sheer delight: she #ooed& JOh&
this is pri#eless. 9eryl "nd %"ini won@t :now wh"t hit them. Nou per$ormed "dmir"bly&
*ug"ree& - will #ert"inly re)uire your servi#es in the $uture.K !h"t@s wh"t they "ll s"yR
The $igger
Lo#"tion: 7"nn"h 5eights G%i#hl"ndI
5e believes in p"st iter"tions o$ the ."tri& "nd see:s to better underst"nd them.
!here@s no b"#:story deeper th"n thisR One might thin: th"t the m"#hines would be the
best sour#e o$ in$orm"tion $or him& but "s "n 1ile& he #"nnot #om$ort"bly "ppro"#h
them& it "ppe"rs. *o he see:s everything through indire#tion& re)uiring your "id. - :ind
o$ li:ed him. 9ut "s " person& not "s " mission #ont"#t.
:9 .ite of Interest
A ne"rby building h"s some "re"s whi#h he wishes to rese"r#h& "bout " previous
iter"tion o$ the ."tri. !he thing is& some in#onvenient 1iles "re h"nging out thereB he
needs me to persu"de them to move. !his is surprisingly e"sy& sin#e the 1iles in
)uestion "re in two sep"r"te lo#"tions& "nd do not te"m up. 5owever& it $elt un$ortun"te
to me th"t there w"s no e"sier w"y to $ree up the sp"#e $or rese"r#h G"nd it w"s " third
"nd $ourth $loor "p"rtment& so it@s not li:e he needed to "#tu"lly& you& TdigT or "nythingI
some other w"y th"n :illing everyone there. *urely the lo#"l #rime lords #ould h"ve
been eng"ged to persu"de them to le"ve. Or m"ybe they #ould h"ve been p"id o$$H
.ust everything #ome down to gunsH
89 &assing =otes
5e w"nts to p"ss his rese"r#h notes on to 5yp"ti" in e#h"nge $or "##ess to some o$
her boo:s. !hree elite gu"rds "ss"ult you "t the drop+o$$ thoughB they h"ve :illed
5yp"ti"@s represent"tive. J*ug"ree@s here& Cust li:e he s"id&K one shoutsB we "re le$t
wondering who JheK is. 9ut the net stop is " su##ess$ul drop o$$. !he 7igger gets his
boo:s "##ess& "nd you get " p"t on the b"#:: J?ood wor:& :id. - #"n :eep going with
The Matrix Online Archives
my rese"r#h& now -@ve got 5yp"ti"@s boo:s.K
9y the w"y& - enCoyed seeing some win+win b"rter here. <su"lly 1iles :ill everything in
their w"y to get wh"t they w"nt Gi.e.& the $irst missionI. - li:ed seeing someone " little
more #re"tive.
;9 .afer -round
!":e his most v"lu"ble "rti$"#t& " st"tue& to !he Colle#tor to prote#t it $rom the
"v"ri#ious Argon. - re#eived " note $rom my Oper"tor "bout " $ight with some o$
Argon@s men& but it never "#tu"lly h"ppened. 3ot th"t - "m #ompl"ining mind you. !he
suspi#ious soul in me wondered i$ this w"s " ploy me"nt to $lush out the 7igger@s best
stu$$ to bring it to the Colle#torP - me"n& it h"ppened in " *herlo#: 5olmes story on#e.
Over"ll& " )uite simple& str"ight$orw"rd mission. 3ot li:e The Maltese /alcon& -ndi"n"
Jones or -odsG -ravesG and .cholars "t "llR 'erh"ps more simple th"n su#h " :ey
item might h"ve been w"rr"nted.
<9 &lug the )eak
Nou might thin: th"t the 7igger is too "r#"ne& "nd too ivory+towerish to h"ve "n
org"niz"tion. 9ut you would be wrong. 5e does& "nd it #omes #omplete with turn#o"ts&
one o$ whom you Jsnu$$K in this mission. !his w"s the one who set me up in the l"st
mish& so it w"s person"l. As " story this mish w"s le":. 9"si#"lly& - tr"veled to "
lo#"tion to :ill someone "nd his gu"rds. !here w"s no sense o$ why this person h"d
betr"yed& or wh"t his go"ls& rew"rds& "nd motiv"tion were. As - w"s $ighting his l"st
gu"rd& he #ould h"ve been going on "bout how he w"s going to get revenge $in"lly&
et#. .u#h more #ould h"ve been done with this. -t too: " dis: $rom him to "n "sso#i"te
o$ the 7igger@s "nd - w"s done. A$ter - g"ve them to her& she :ept "s:ing i$ - h"d them.
Curiously& the dis: to be t":en $or s"$e:eeping went to " building right net to his
>9 A !ollectorHs !ollection
,ord o$ mouth rulesR !he 7igger h"s mentioned me to *irius& who w"nts to meet me
person"lly be$ore giving me "n "ssignment. !his involves res#uing one o$ *irius@
people who h"s been t":en by the *#ulptress& whose interest in these guys #"n be
im"gined. Very tough $ight here with no less th"n eight enemies GRI who "tt"#: you en
m"sse. J3i#e Cob& :id. *irius w"s re"lly impressed with your wor:K. !he 7igger himsel$&
though& seemed to h"ve run out o$ "ssignments $or me.
The Matrix Online Archives
Mr9 &o
Lo#"tion: (owloon G-ntern"tion"lI
:9 .hadow &lay
0An in2uisitive ouse *inds an- orsels the *urther a*ield he loo(s. I a an old and
hun%r- ouse. $o to these addresses and search their coputers *or tast- bits.1
*o st"rts this most e#eption"l mission. -t h"s three p"rts& e"#h building on the one
pre#eding& whi#h open your eyes to m"ny " he"rt lost in the ."tri. 7o them soonR
&art :9 Nou #"su"lly peruse three #omputers in "n 1iles servi#e "gen#y. Nou dis#over
" distr"ught redpill in te"rs "s he tries to de#ide whether or not to return to his old li$e to
visit the wom"n he le$t behind. ?o& - told him& she would w"nt you to. - gl"n#ed "t the
#omputer s#reen "nd s"w her on " bed with " s#r"pboo: o$ news stories "bout "
missing m"n "nd the poli#e se"r#h $or him. As - stood there& $eeling $or her "nd $or him&
the 1ile& " superb s"lesm"n& sidled up to me "nd s"id in " so$t voi#e JAre you sure
there isn@t someone you@d li:e to seeH .otherH 6"therH A #hild perh"psH A lost loverHK
- thought o$ my p"rents "nd $"mily& "nd how - h"d le$t them with no w"rning. ,h"t h"d
- been thin:ing& to do this to themH 5e "s:ed me "g"in& "nd - )ui#:ly le$t. 3o& "#tu"lly -
!he net two #omputers there h"d more in$orm"tion "bout this. 9ut nothing dr"m"ti#.
.r. 'o@s t":e on this surprised me: JNothin% so li%htens the heart as )hen a *ool
a)a(ens *ro his *oll-. Still' ore ust be revealed. Continue -our searchK. Oddly
enough& #ontinuing my se"r#h too: me right b"#: to .r. 'o@s building.
&art 89 !here - $ound " ."#hines o$$i#e where they h"ve been monitoring these
servi#es& "pp"rently trying to run sweeps $or indi#"tions o$ regret in the popul"tion.
!his le"ds my sponsor to intone JThat )hich is hidden can never (no) the li%ht. That
)hich lives in the li%ht )ill never (no) peace. The search continues.K Nes& ."ster.
&art ;9 - met " :indred spirit. -n "n "b"ndoned redpill etr"#tion #enter& C"pt"in ,"s"t
"nd "n "ide m"int"in " lonely vigil. %e"ding his Courn"ls shows the bitterness he $eels
"bout his d"ughter& le$t unre#ruited in the pods. Another #omputer shows re#ords o$
multiple remitt"n#es $rom him to the 1ile "gen#y in '"rt /. - tried h"#:ing his #omputer
to "#tu"lly get the $iles Gbr"shly& while he w"s st"nding net to meI "nd though -
su##eeded& he did nothing "nd - $ound nothing. - #ould tell he did not #"re wh"t "nyone
The Matrix Online Archives
did. - le$t him "s - $ound him& w"iting $or some un:nown rele"se.
- $elt sh":en by "ll this& "nd le$t (owloon to see: the re"ssur"n#e o$ my #l"n. As - stood
"t the h"rdline& - he"rd .r. 'o intone J3isdo li%hts the path and Stren%th )al(s itK.
'erh"ps this me"ns the Cypherites :now o$ these servi#esPor run themP
89 Incubation
,e plunge $rom the sublime in .ish / to the pro$"ne in .ish 2& "n insu$$er"ble es#ort
mish whi#h too: multiple tries to get right. - st"rted to worry "s soon "s - he"rd .r. 'o@s
suggestive dire#tions: JOne rabbit alone is a eal *or an observant ha)(. Man- rabbits
(eep the ha)( sated and still there are ore rabbits. Retrieve the rabbit at this
addressK. - $elt my e"rs growing.
As soon "s you #ont"#t the bluepill in )uestion& you "re "tt"#:ed. As soon "s you le"ve
the elev"tor& you "re "tt"#:ed. As soon "s you le"ve the building& you "re "tt"#:ed. As
you p"ss within " lightye"r o$ "ny mob on the w"y to the destin"tion& you "re "tt"#:ed.
A single str"y shot or ri#o#het or h"rsh word inst"ntly :ills the bluepill& "nd you get to
st"rt over. Any )uestionsH
- tried le"ving the bluepill in the elev"tor while - #le"ned out the lobby. !hen le"ving her
in the lobby while - #le"red the w"y to the destin"tion. 9y the time - h"d re"#hed the
destin"tion "nd :illed the mobs& the ones b"#: "t the st"rting point h"d regener"ted. -
tried tu#:ing her in buildings "long the w"y while - re+#le"ned the route& "nd mobs
inside the building :illed her. 6in"lly - g"ve up in disgust& "nd "s:ed some $riends to
help me. !his wor:ed be"uti$ully& "nd soon - w"s re"ding .r. 'o@s words& JThe path to
enli%htenent be%ins )ith a sin%le step. The purpose o* the rabbit )ill becoe clear to
-ou in tie.K And perh"ps his observ"tion "bout " multitude o$ r"bbits w"s " hint "bout
the right w"y to "ppro"#h this perverse mission.
;9 Isolation
0A lone bird in a nest o* vipers is surel- dead. A bro(en nest o**ers an opportunit- *or
*o begins this very well+#onstru#ted "nd very ingenious story. -t st"rts out simple:
res#ue " redpill "nd return him to Eion. 9ut when you do& they try to :ill himR -t turns out
th"t there@s some Jmisunderst"ndingK "nd one Eionist #"pt"in holds this guy
responsible $or the de"th o$ his wi$e. *o& his bridges burned with Eion& he de#ides to
Coin .r. 'o@s org"niz"tion& "nd you drop him o$$ with some o$ .r. 'o@s oper"tives. !hey
"re not surprised "t "ll. *omehow& they observe& things "lw"ys seem to wor: out Cust
right $or .r. 'o "nd his pl"ns. - w"s pondering this "s .r. 'o p"id us "ll o$$ "nd
observed& Jopportunit- is ade' not *oundK. ,h"t wise words they "re.
<9 )eaders of Men
0As a diseased *in%er ust be struc( o**' so ust a toxin be rid *ro the bod-.1
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A$ter the intri#"#ies o$ the e"rlier missions& now .r. 'o e"ses up. A tr"itor must be
brew:oed& "nd th"t@s it. !he $irst lo#"tion is empty& but the se#ond one yields the
prin#ip"l. !he tr"itor is disgruntled be#"use .r. 'o :eeps him on su#h " tight le"shB he
#"nnot str"y more th"n " short dist"n#e $rom " h"rdw"re tether. -t w"s h"rd to bl"me
him& but - $ul$illed my mission nonetheless. A$ter "ll& "s .r. 'o reminds me "t the end&
Jpain is a part o* li*eK. .r. 'o& it seems& moonlights "s " C*%P.
>9 =ew $awn /ades
0A lab has %one astra- and a %ood shepherd (no)s to brin% it bac( to the *loc(1
A Eionist oper"tive w"nts to swit#h& "nd we must "ssist him. 6irst - helped him get to "
h"rdline G" v"stly e"sier es#ort mish th"t ]2& by the w"yI. !hen we help him in the
7esert o$ the %e"l. !his involved Jthat )hich all en *earK& whi#h turned out not to be&
umm& wh"t - thought it would be. - purloined " virus Gne"t test tube gr"phi#I& uplo"ded it
to in#"p"#it"te the de$e#tor@s old hover#r"$t #rew& w"t#hed them $"ll li:e le"ves& "nd
le$t. 3ote: do not eng"ge the EionistsB Cust go str"ight to the #omputer "nd uplo"d the
virus. !his permitted "nother hover#r"$t to do#: with them "nd t":e "bo"rd the
de$e#tor. ,ho :nows wh"t else they might h"ve $elt li:e doingH Operett" h"s been
involved in this in some #"p"#ityB she seems to be "t odds with .r. 'o.
At the end o$ this $"s#in"ting mission& .r. 'o nods "t you "nd s"ys with )uiet strength&
J4ust so. 3e are )holeK. And th"t is the end. 5ow ironi# th"t "t this inst"nt my
#onne#tion with him bro:e& "nd $orever "$ter when - "s:ed him $or " mish& he bl"ndly
s"id he h"d no more wor: $or me.
The =ewsie
Lo#"tion: '"r: 1"st G7owntownI
:9 .coop
A #ompetitor h"s some $iles& "nd he w"nts me to ste"l them. G- went to #ollege $or
thisHI .y oper"tor s"id - should be "ble to sne": in "nd out& "nd this str"tegy wor:ed
$ine until - r"n into my $irst gu"rd. !h"t is to s"y& it didn@t wor: "t "ll. One bluepill
stopped to tell me - h"d pretty eyes& "nd "s - stopped to s#reenshot this& - died.
App"rently this w"s " str"tegy $or distr"#tion& "nd it wor:ed. !he net time - w"s "ble
to run in& dodge bullets& "void #omb"t& "nd $il#h the $ile. !he #urrent owner o$ the
in$orm"tion w"s " noisy& pi#:y Cer:& li:e the news editor in *piderm"n& blowing up when
The Matrix Online Archives
someone $orgets to put #re"m in his #o$$ee.
-n the end you drop o$$ the $ile "t the 3ewsie@s editori"l o$$i#es where his $ol:s "re
thrilled& "s is their boss& who e#l"ims& J3i#e Cob& *ug"reeR Come see me l"terP- #"n
use someone with moie li:e youRK
89 *nhealthy !o"petition
A$ter #on$essing th"t he h"s t":en " shine to you& he w"nts you to :ill " riv"l& 'rior. -t@s
" #urious l"pse o$ pro$ession"lism& to s"y the le"stR -t seems someone h"s been
#utting into his regul"r s"les. ,hen - "rrive "t the he"vily de$ended site& one lieuten"nt
$lun:y #rows "bout Jyou "re so de"dK until - smo:ed the gu"rds. !hen he begs you not
to hurt him& "nd t":es you right to 'rior. !hen he blurts out to 'rior J-@m sorry. *ug"ree
m"de me do itR - w"s Cust so s#"redRK. 5is boss w"s not impressed. O$ #ourse when the
$ighting is over& he is nowhere to be seen. 3i#e det"ilsR
;9 #o"e $elivery
Li:e most newsp"pers& the 3ewsie@s h"s spe#i"lized editions $or di$$erent t"rget
re"ders. One su#h spe#i"l edition goes to 7"me ,hite& who enCoys re"ding its news
Jth"t@s not& "h& gener"lly "v"il"bleK. !he 3ewsie li:es her& #"lling her J" re"l #l"ssy
bro"dK& "nd bidding you to m":e h"ste with her newsp"per: J.ove $"st "nd she might
even give you " ni#e big tipRK. Oh& the ironyR 5ere - "m& " ship@s C"pt"in "nd " member
o$ my #l"n@s Coun#il& "nd - "m redu#ed to delivering newsp"persR 9ut - "m never one
to turn down " #h"n#e $or $"#e time with " m"Cor 1ile& so o$$ - wentR
-t turns out th"t the 5ellions "re m":ing " m"Cor move "g"inst 7"me ,hite. And "midst
"ll this #h"os& the 3ewsie still w"nts the p"per deliveredR - $elt li:e (evin Costner in !he
'ostm"nR 5owever& - too: the liberty o$ s"ving 7"me ,hite $irst& s#oring big points with
her. - :now she@ll be re"lly ni#e to me when - get to her during the '"ndor"@s 9o
<9 To The .ource
!he 3ewsie is " #urious "m"lg"m o$ pro$ession"lism "nd $"n"ti#ism. A$ter going the
etr" mile in the l"st mish to ple"se " #ustomer& now he is "s:ing us to not Cust :ill "
#ompetitor& but :ill " Tsour#eT $or " riv"l newsp"perR ,here will this endH 9urning the
$orests his #ompetitors use $or wood pulpH *hooting his riv"l@s #ustomersH 9lowing up
the tru#:s his #ompetitors use to ship newsp"persH
-n $"#t& this mish is surprisingly e"sy& whi#h is " letdown. Just t"l: to enough people
until one gives you something& "nd inst"ntly your mission obCe#tives tell you who to :ill.
(ind o$ " dis"ppointment. !his w"s b"si#"lly " mystery& "nd it w"sn@t very di$$i#ult. -n
$"#t& this w"s the e"siest 3ewsie mish by $"rR
>9 If It leedsG It )eads
-$ there@s not enough news& you Cust h"ve to m":e your own. And :illing bluepills
The Matrix Online Archives
doesn@t get he"dlines& where"s :illing power$ul progr"ms does. Nou #"n see where this
le"dsP !wo very tough $ights here& "nd it@s h"rd to get emotion"lly involved in this
mere :illing $or "ttention. 9y the third murder you@re "s:ed to #ommit& wiping out ,hite
*e#urity GRI& word h"s gotten out "nd you h"ve to "dCust your pl"ns. Just loo: "t the
mission m"p $or their "re"s when you "rriveR !he irony is th"t he st"nds on " #orner
surrounded by ,hite *e#urity& "nd now he w"nts to w"ste them "llR !he 3ewsie
re"lizes his pl"n is not vi"ble $or the long term& "nd bids you $"rewell. At the end he did
send me "n enh"n#ed suit C"#:et "s " going "w"y present& whi#h w"s ni#e. 9ut his
un#ons#ion"ble #"llousness le$t " b"d t"ste in my mouth.
=icky -9
Lo#"tion: 5"mpton ?reen G7owntownI
:9 &aper Trail 6or was that L&aper TrialMN7
J!here@s " pie#e o$ p"per - need very mu#h. -t@s " p"ge $rom " boo:.K ,ell& - thought& it
doesn@t get mu#h more trivi"l th"n this. - sighed "nd too: it "nyw"y. And w"s -
surprised. %e"der& - died& "nd not Cust on#e. 5owever& " $ew 7ev"st"tion 6ields l"ter -
w"s in "nd h"d the do#ument. Oddly& - noti#ed Agents "nd 9lood 7run:s on the s"me
$or#e& whi#h - do not thin: - h"d noti#ed be$ore. Over"ll& " simple mish with " single
obCe#t "t " single lo#"tion& le"ving me wishing there h"d been more depth: some sense
o$ wh"t w"s on the p"ge& why it h"d been sep"r"ted $rom the boo:& who h"d written it&
why 3i#:y w"nted it& et#.
89 lue ook
3i#:y #r"ves " boo: owned by .r. 9l"#: Gthis sounds li:e 5yp"ti"RI. 6irst bre": into "n
o$$i#e to s"bot"ge " se#urity $eed going to .r. 9l"#:. ,hile loo:ing $or 3i#:y& -
h"ppened to interrupt " Eionist p"rty with the 6in:?othi#s "nd their h"ngers+on. *orry&
guysR -t w"s $or " good #"useR Anyw"y& the $irst step is to dis"ble .r. 9l"#:@s se#urity
$eeds with " virus. !hen get the boo:. 6in"lly& - too: it to " spe#i"list to vet its
"uthenti#ity. !he volume seems to be )uite the hot pot"toB your oper"tor s"ys to get rid
o$ it be$ore it is tr"#ed to you. !he epert w"nts you to le"ve be$ore you "re tr"#ed to
him. -t@s )uite " p"r"noid world th"t the subdued& intense 3i#:y ?. inh"bits.
;9 etray an %xile !ode $ealer
The Matrix Online Archives
!he boo: - stole w"s e"#tly wh"t she w"nted& but it needs " sign"ture m"nipul"tor to
unlo#: it Gd"mn 7%.RI. 3"tur"lly& the 1ile who h"s it G"nd who $irst sold the boo: to
.r. 9l"#:I epe#ts " gre"t de"l $or it. 9ut 3i#:y h"s J"n "ltern"te pl"n. (ill him "nd
t":e itK. !he #ourse o$ this mission is predi#t"ble. !he interest& p"rt $rom 3i#:y@s
disturbing #"llousness& #omes $rom the 1ile "nd his #olle"gues& one o$ whom #ries
out J5e w"s my brotherRK. !hings went :ind o$ downhill "$ter th"t.
9ut 3i#:y $elt upbe"t "bout everything. JVery very good& *ug"ree. Nou might be one o$
my most e$$e#tive $reel"n#ers.K As i$ there were "ny doubtR
<9 )eaves
!his seems inevit"ble: 3i#:y h"s re"#hed out to supreme bibliophile 5yp"ti"& who@s
"greed to give her " $ew p"ges missing $rom the 9lue 9oo:. *omeone $"iled to :eep "
se#ret& though& "nd the meeting lo#"tion is C"m+p"#:ed with .r. 9l"#:@s $ol:s. O$
#ourse they didn@t "##ept my story "bout selling ?irl *#out #oo:ies "nd tried to :ill me.
5yp"ti"& being no dummy& blew o$$ the meeting. !ot"l "##omplishment: zero.
>9 ound for .uccess
*in#e l"st time& 5yp"ti"@s got #old $eet& "nd now we h"ve to ste"l $rom her. A$ter :illing
everyone in the $irst o$$i#e& you dis#over the p"ges "re not thereR !he se#ond lo#"tion
is more $ruit$ul& "nd then you simply drop them o$$ with " #ut+out. As - got in the
elev"tor& $eeling b"d "bout #rossing 5yp"ti"& - got " #"ll $rom 3i#:y: JNou truly "re
"m"zing& *ug"ree. - thin: -@m going to #url up with th"t boo: $or " ni#e& long re"d. -@m
"$r"id - won@t h"ve "ny more wor: $or you $or the time being.K And th"t w"s it. !he
$"lling snow outside $elt soothing "nd #le"nsingB - stood in it #"t#hing snow$l":es on my
The )andlord
Lo#"tion: Creston 5eights G7owntownI
:9 The $eed
1ven the L"ndlord must bow to the lord o$ the l"nd. 5e needs " building permit $rom
the .erovingi"n "nd t"s:s you with p"ying $or itB n"tur"lly he would never do this
himsel$. Other 1iles o$ #ourse seem to h"ve "n interest in this& "nd you dis#over th"t
the deed #ustodi"n is held host"ge by them. !hese $ights were tough indeed. !he
The Matrix Online Archives
enemies h"d good A-& "nd :ept moving "round so you #ould never #ount on them
being somepl"#e& w"iting $or you to 7ev"st"tion 6ield them.
Oddly enough& the Custodi"n still dem"nds p"yment $or the deed& despite your res#ue.
!h"t@s gr"titude $or youR
89 The $irty $eed
!he only thing better th"n su##ess $or yoursel$ is ruining the e$$orts o$ your riv"ls. And
th"t@s wh"t you do here. !here@s nothing person"l& but the L"ndlord w"nts you to& you
:now& distr"#t one o$ his #ompetitors by :illing o$$ his st"$$ "nd s"bot"ging his #omputer
systems. ,ow& th"t@s tough loveR - don@t thin: even *teven 9"lmer would go this $"rR
3ot"ble $e"tures o$ this mission in#lude dubious $"shion #hoi#es $or the 1ile@s st"$$
G#ool out$its in#luding #he$ h"tsRI "nd one o$ the 1iles #rying out J*ug"reeR -t@s youR
,ow& -@ve never h"d the #h"n#e to :ill " $"mous personRK Al"s his dre"m #"me true
more th"n on#e.
At the end& the L"ndlord #hortles& J3i#ely done. -t@s "lw"ys better to stop the
#ompetition e"rly.K
;9 0ust a !ouple of Things
6or one o$ his proCe#ts& the L"ndlord needs some spe#i"list p"rts. -n p"rti#ul"r& he
" J#ode dest"bilizerK "nd "n J"syn#hronous bu$$er loopK Gsounded li:e *t"r !re:
te#hnob"bble to meRI& "nd he t"s:s you with getting them. Al"s& only the ."#hines
h"ve "##ess to r"re items li:e this& "nd you must bre": into their well+st"$$ed "nd well+
prote#ted storehouses to get them.
6or me& " ."#hinist& this w"s " very h"rd mission. - #ould only hope th"t Agent ?rey
:new "nd understood "nd $org"ve.
!he other thing th"t m"de this very h"rd w"s the de$enseR 3e"rly " dozen Agents "nd
their $riends& "ll north o$ ;0R 3"tur"lly the "re"s #ont"ining the "##ess #omputers "nd
the "#tu"l loot were e#eption"lly well+st"$$ed. !he se#ret here w"s dis#overed by
9rightAngel& who seemed to be on " $irst+n"me b"sis with m"ny o$ the "gents there.
*he did not l"y " $inger on them. *he r"n in& dodged $ire& got the ge"r& "nd r"n out. 5er
subtle "ppro"#h m"de this " sn"p. -$ you pl"n on $ighting your w"y through& set "side
"n "$ternoon. - #"nnot emph"size this enoughR
!he L"ndlord is smug "t the end. J?ood Cob. !hese "re per$e#t $or my needsK. -@m still
not sure Cust wh"t the two devi#es do.
<9 OhG I Al"ost /orgot
Just li:e me& "$ter the L"ndlord does some shopping he re"lizes he $orgot something
h"s to go b"#: to the m"ll. !his time he needs " JJungi"n CompilerK "nd " bundle o$
The Matrix Online Archives
J#erebr"l dish"rmonizersK. - thin: the $ormer is $or re#"l#itr"nt interrogees Gli:e !hom"s
AndersonI "nd the se#ond is $or we":ening enemies.
Just when - w"s ge"ring up $or "nother epi# b"ttle& 9rightAngel r"n in& sn"t#hed the
items $rom " s"$e& "nd r"n outR And th"t w"s itR 1verything is "t " single lo#"tionR 3o
one h"s to even be :illedR -n $"#t& this monster mish turned out to be sn"p& #r"#:le& "nd
popR 3ot th"t - w"s dis"ppointed& mind you.
>9 ,indow $ressing
!he L"ndlord h"s " new #onstru#t "ll doneR -t@s re"dy to go& needing only the "ttention
o$ "n interior de#or"tor& who un$ortun"tely h"s been :idn"pped. !he L"ndlord w"nts to
get his #onsult"nt b"#:& "nd he w"nts to send " mess"ge to would+be troublem":ers:
:ill everyone. 1#ept the de#or"tor& th"t is. !here@s )uite the #rowd o$ 9lood 3obles
"nd ri$$r"$$& "s well "s " blowh"rd n"med Arlon G" #ompetitor o$ the L"ndlordI who
#rows "bout putting you downB it w"s s"tis$ying to sm"sh him. !he inevit"ble es#ort
mission "t the end worried me gre"tly. 9ut it w"s simple. 3o "tt"#:s $rom lobby gu"rds
or m"r"uding .ervs or lo#"l mobs. *ometimes it@s wonder$ul when no one seems to
#"re. And "t the end we h"ve " #h"n#e to listen to the L"ndlord p"t himsel$ on the
b"#:. ,h"t " tre"tR
The ag )ady
Lo#"tion: .ori"h 'roCe#ts G%i#hl"ndI
:9 Odd aubles
,e le"rn th"t odd d"t" p"#:ets h"ve been dis#overed $lo"ting "round the ."tri& "nd
the dour !i#: !o#: $rom downtown seems to h"ve " lo#: on them. ,ell& not $or longR
!he Colle#tor #r"ves these "s well& "nd the 9"g L"dy disp"t#hes you to serve his
interests. !his involves " single entry& three $ights& two dis:s& "nd one m"in$r"me.
*imply& re"lly. !he 9"g L"dy purrs "t the end& JOooh& *ug"ree& you@re not b"d. Very
89 A (illing #old
!his #ontinues the $r"g "r#. !i#: !o#: notes the bre":+in "nd the missing m"teri"ls&
"nd h"s disp"t#hed the redoubt"ble J7ownstre"mK to loo: into this. !he Colle#tor
The Matrix Online Archives
w"nts to dis#our"ge these in)uiries& "nd the 9"g L"dy sends you o$$ with& JOn your
w"y& *ug"ree. !here@s :illing to be done.K -t reminds me o$ the ,e"ver& "nd how she
would "lso h"ve some s"r#"sti# observ"tion& li:e J,hen there@s mindless :illing to be
done& you seem to be the one to #"llRK 9ut - "m sure she did not me"n it th"t w"y.
!his too is str"ight$orw"rd. 9re": into " single dumpy %i#hl"nd venue& disp"t#h "
#ouple o$ gu"rds& "nd snu$$ 7ownstre"m. -n the end - #ould sense the 9"g L"dy@s
e#itement "s she whispered& J,ell& *ug"ree. Nou@ve done " good Cob. Very ni#e.K -
:new she@d give me something spe#i"l or the net oneR
;9 -ood -arbage
-n this most biz"rre mission& we $in"lly le"rn why 9"g L"dy is the right n"me $or herR
*he w"nts me to divert !i#: !o#:@s g"rb"ge to herR O.?& is this wh"t my li$e h"s #ome
toH A tr"sh hiC"#:erH \#ries\
Anyw"y& this mir"#le is "##omplished by m"in$r"ming " virus to "lter the wor:$low& "nd
redire#t the re$use. *he is thrilled: JOoooP.very ni#e& *ug"ree. Very ni#e& indeed.K -
#ould sense her e#itement. ."ybe she w"s in bed with the Ass"ssin. 6igur"tively& o$
Curiously the immensely entert"inment v"lue o$ this situ"tion is not eplored "t "ll. 3o
Co:es& no wit& no "$ter+"#tion reports on Cust wh"t w"s $ound in the tr"sh. !"l: "bout
missed opportunitiesR
<9 /ind a Mole
9"#: to the $r"g $r"#"s. A mole h"s been inserted in !i#: !o#:@s l"bs in s)u"lorous
%i#hl"nd& "nd needs to be etr"#ted $or " $r"g upd"te meeting. G,hy does every 1ile
h"ve su#h " high+end support me#h"nismH And how would this loo: on one@s
resumeHI !o #over the etr"#tion& we need to :ill "ll the gu"rds while the mole protests
noisilyB "$ter the l"st one& the #le"rly impressed "gent s"ys& JO:"y& now you@re Cust
showing o$$K. !hen it be#omes "nother es#ort mission. Li:e most& this is more di$$i#ult
th"t you might thin:. !he Courney is only "bout " hundred meters. !wo lo#"l thugs hung
out ne"r the t"rget building ne"rby though& "nd " single shot w"s enough to hole the
mole. 9"#: to s)u"re oneR
>9 -rab the ag
!i#: !o#: h"s #ome "#ross one o$ the $r"gs& "nd the Colle#tor w"nts it. !he suite ends
"s it st"rted& with " bl"#:b"g Cob. 5ere& however& the de$enders "re tougher "nd better
org"nized. !his mish& however& h"s two lo#"tions. A$ter :illing everyone else& " single
Crossbones 9umboo w"s le$t gu"rding the m"#hine with the $r"g. - w"s so impressed -
sp"red him. 9"g L"dy "greed& "nd g"ve me #redit $or " #omplete mission "nyw"y. 5er
goodbye spiel sounded li:e she w"s t"l:ing to me: J*ometimes the tiniest& most
insigni$i#"nt obCe#ts #"n be#ome v"lu"ble.K As - st"rted to spe": humbly& thin:ing she
must me"n me& she went on to s"y& J- li:e to $ind those little obCe#ts be$ore "nyone
else. !h"n:s $or helping me $ind this& *ug"ree.K Oh& right. - s"t on " ben#h ne"r the
The Matrix Online Archives
h"rdline to thin: "bout li$e.
Lo#"tion: ."nssen '"r: G,estviewI
The Matrix Online Archives
The Matrix Online Archives
As the se#ond oldest sibling& ?reene is intensely #ovetous o$ -ndigoFs st"tus "s eldest& "nd
the per:s "nd power th"t go with it. 5e will do "nything to get wh"t -ndigo h"s& "nd will te"r
down wh"tever he #"nFt t":e. ?reene is "w"re o$ %oseFs desire to get in good with -ndigo&
"nd h"s #onvin#ed her th"t he intends to help her "#omplish this go"l. -n re"lity& he pl"ns to
use her "s " !roC"n 5orse i$ she su##eeds in getting into -ndigoFs good gr"#es. ?reen "nd
?r"y h"ve wor:ed together "g"inst -ndigo in the p"st& but ?reene still h"tes the b"st"rd "s
mu#h "s "ny o$ the others.
:9 .pecial $elivery
An "ver"ge& run+o$+the+mill Gor should - s"y Jrun+o$+the+milleKHI #ourier mish. 7rop o$$ "
#ode p"#:et. Nour #ont"#t is "n Jembedded progr"m th"t per$orms #ounter+mor"le "s
" m"n"ger $or " #orpor"tion lo#"ted in this buildingK. ,h"tever th"t me"nsR !he
#ont"#t is high enough level to h"ve " polite "ssist"nt& J"neth Cl"r:& who "nnoun#ed
me "nd "$terw"rds s"id th"t she hoped the meeting went well. - wished - h"d h"d " red
pill to give her. 5er boss merely v"lid"ted the )u"lity o$ the d"t". At the net stop& the
re#ipient $or the p"#:et h"s " b"#:story: " $ormer prime d"t" miner $or the ."#hines.
5e observes J*eems th"t he Cust #"nnot resist " #h"n#e to go "$ter his siblings. 5ell o$
" $"mily& these people.K - love tou#hes li:e thisR !hen - rushed to uplo"d the d"t" in one
o$ ?reene@s m"in$r"mes. !here& the #ont"#t h"r"ngued me to hurry& "nd then "s soon
"s - w"s done& she s"id she would be "ble to t":e " good loo: "t the d"t" tomorrowR -s
th"t $"mili"r or wh"tH
3.9.: - did not h"ve h"#:er lo"ded $or this mish& so - w"s not "ble to get "nything $rom
the #omputers - $ound. !here might h"ve been #odes or notes $rom Cerule"n& "s we
$ind in the net mish.
89 3ou -et ,hat 3ou &ay /or
!he #ode did not live up to its billing "nd ?reene w"nts the provider& Chilton& punished.
O$ #ourse Chilton #l"ims he did not :now. A$ter the wor: w"s done - rumm"ged "round
his #omputer "nd $ound " mess"ge $rom the Jblue l"dyK Gpresum"bly Cerule"nI
w"rning him th"t trouble w"s on its w"y. - $ound th"t with %i$lem"n p"#:ed to the m"&
"nd then 5"#:er p"#:ed "s $"r "s it would go& - w"s "ble to e"sily disp"t#h my
enemies& "nd "t the s"me time h"#: "ny "v"il"ble #omputer. !his helped me& $or
e"mple& to open up lo#:ed rooms& whi#h is "lw"ys " good thing.
!he big loose end here is how Cerule"n :new - w"s on my w"y& so th"t she #ould send
" w"rning. !his would h"ve been worth " mish o$ its own& to tr"#: down "nd identi$y
The Matrix Online Archives
the le":. -n the missions - did $or Cerule"n& there w"s no indi#"tion o$ "nything li:e this.
;9 *nwelco"e -uests
As p"rt o$ her m"#hin"tions& Cerule"n h"s been "m"ssing strength in ?reene@s
territory. !he limey #"nnot "bide this in$ringement& "nd sends you to wipe them out.
*impleR 3o trouble $inding them& or with "ny es#"ping. !hey@re simply h"nging out&
w"iting $or the world to end. 1ven with "ll the gun$ire& they Cust sit in sep"r"te rooms&
"nd do not #ome to e"#h other@s "id. 9"$$lingR -t m"de me wonder i$ this is where
Cerule"n sent her lesser 9oys to die& i$ their per$orm"n#e reviews were too $"r below
<9 ."ash and -rab
!he #on#ept here is mildly ingenious. !he $"ther o$ "ll #olors& .r. 9l"#:& h"s given
some r"re item G" tr"#:ing devi#e $rom the ."#hinists+ y"yRI to Cerule"n. ?reene t"s:s
you with bre":ing in "nd ste"ling it. ,hy& you might "s:H !he #lever ?reene h"s two
re"sons: to emb"rr"ss his sister "nd get the item. !his is $"irly str"ight$orw"rd bre":+
"nd+enter wor:. ,hen you t":e the devi#e to one o$ ?reene@s $lun:ies $or s"$e:eeping&
"n "ssist"nt tells you th"t ?reene is re"lly impressed with you. As he should beRR
>9 Triple !ross
J*ug"ree& good you see you& old $ruit.K 5e seems to be under some sort o$ stress here&
Cudging $rom his $r"#tured synt". Cerule"n "nd ?ris"ille "re te"ming up& "nd he w"nts
to disrupt this with " bomb. GC"re$ul re"ders will remember " mission o$ Cerule"n@s
involving bro:ering " tru#e with "nother g"ng.I 6irst get the eplosive $rom " bomb+
m":er who& it turns out& is very e#it"ble& not wh"t one might epe#t in su#h " line o$
wor:. J5ere& m"nR !":e " loo: "t this bombR -t@s "wesomeR One o$ the best -@ve ever
m"deRK !hen& J- never get to use the bombs& Cust on#e -@d li:e to be there when they go
o$$. 9OO.RK.
!hen go to the site& do some :illing& put the bomb on one o$ the bodies& "nd th"t@s itR
?reene@s hope is th"t the meeting will be disrupted G"t le"stI& "nd Cerule"n "nd
?ris"ille will lose trust in e"#h other. *ure& this m":es the world " better pl"#e& but i$
this is " treble+#ross& where w"s the double+#rossH
Lo#"tion: -:ebu:uro G-ntern"tion"lI
The Matrix Online Archives
1. Morning .tar
J?ood morningRK -n this #urious re#ruitment mish& *unshine "s:s you to bring in "
relu#t"nt re#ruit. !he #"ndid"te is " ."#hine progr"m t"s:ed with m"n"ging the motion
o$ some st"rs "t night Gni#e wor:& i$ you #"n get itRI. *unshine epl"ins th"t this wor: is
to be rolled into the wor: o$ "nother progr"m& rendering her super$luous. GApp"rently
the ."#hines h"ve dis#overed re+engineering.I *he s#o$$s "t this ide" when you $ind
her& "nd you h"ve to $ind eviden#e th"t she is s#heduled $or deletion be$ore she
#onsents. 9ut you eventu"lly t"l: her into " #"reer #h"nge G#re"ting "rt $or *unshine&
y"yRI& "nd "t the end *unshine whispers J-@m glowing with pride.K Li:e m"ny o$ her
missions& this $irst involved the *"i:ung *hu$$le& running b"#: "nd $orth to "nd $rom the
"re" "dC"#ent to the *"i:ung Center h"rdline. -t brought b"#: gre"t memories o$
power+leveling. ?ood timesR
89 =ight for $ay
!he !ru$$"ut title b"$$led me in this $our+err"nd mission& whi#h st"rts out with "n "ll+too+
r"re J-t@s good to see youK. *he "s:s you to #olle#t three dis:s $rom three sour#es& "nd
drop them o$$.
!he $irst one is " sn"p: you visit " nest o$ eiles& in#luding one& Aiguillon& "
#ompression sorting progr"m. *he is surrounded by 1lite ?u"rds& doing wh"t 1lite
?u"rds seldom do: "#ting re$le#tively& g"thering "nd sorting d"t". And they t":e their
wor: seriously& tooR One sn"ps "t me& J3o& -@m not " se#ret"ryR Nou thin: this is so
e"sy. Nou $ile #ode strings "ll d"mn d"y. Jer:K. Aiguillon hersel$ is more $orth#oming&
h"nding you " dis: "nd "n observ"tion& J- hope she $inds this in$o enlightening.K One
other rese"r#her g"ve me some #ode $or " tr"$$i# disruption progr"m. Just wh"t -
"lw"ys w"ntedR
!he net one did not go so well. !h"t is to s"y& he w"s de"d. 9ut - $ound the dis: in his
po#:ets. - #he#:ed out the net room& whi#h w"s "n error& sin#e " burly& swe"ty 1lite
?u"rd immedi"tely "tt"#:ed me. 3ote to sel$: le"ve well enough "loneR
!he third "nd $in"l pi#:up w"s "lso #ompli#"ted. - r"n into someone n"med C"llisto&
who loo:ed surprised "nd blurted out& J5ey& uhh& - don@t h"ve the d"te "nymore.
*omePuhPguys bro:e in "nd stole it. Ne"h. !ellPermP.oonshine th"t -@m sorryK
"nd J*o - guess we h"ve nothing to s"y to e"#h other. ,hy don@t you t":e o$$HK - don@t
:now& something Cust didn@t seem rightP *o we $ought. 5e died. - got the dis:.
The Matrix Online Archives
!he $in"l h"ndo$$ w"s smooth. A .erv %"v"ger ?o$er w"s h"nging "round& w"iling
"bout how tough her Cob w"sB she w"s thrilled when - g"ve her the tr"$$i# disruption
#ode& "nd g"ve me the #ontents o$ " $ile #"binet in e#h"nge. !his turned out to be "
shotgun whi#h would h"ve emb"rr"ssed me "s " r"w bluepill. !h"n:s $or nothingR
9ut the p"y w"s good& the $ights were not too t"ing& "nd there w"sn@t mu#h he"vy
li$ting or tr"vel. And there were some interesting person"lities to meet "s wellR
*o wh"t@s not to li:eH Loose ends were "nnoying. ,ho w"s trying to disrupt her
oper"tionsH ,h"t w"s her own re"l interesting in $erreting out this "nd th"t pie#e o$
in$orm"tionH 5ow did she hold together "n org"niz"tion when she seemed powerless
to prote#t her ownH Oblivious to "ll this& *unshine be"med "nd s"id& J!h"n: you "nd
m"y the sun light your p"thK. And "s - w"l:ed b"#: "long the bo"rdw"l:& the breeze in
my h"ir "nd the 'hoenies respe#t$ully st"ying #le"r o$ me& my #l"n #rushing our
enemies& - thought it w"s. -t w"s indeed.
;9 One Track Mind
Cerule"n& the w"sted+loo:ing ?oth 1ile+by+the+se" $rom ,estview& "pp"rently
opposes *unshine. !o :eep "n eye on her& *unshine "s:s you to insert some so$tw"re
into " ."#hine networ: tr"$$i# "n"lysis node. -t me"ns popping " C7 in " server. 'retty
str"ight$orw"rd. !he only mystery here is why Cerule"n would $ind "nything to #ontest
with *unshineB their person"lities "re so di$$erent& "nd they "re "lmost "t di"metri#
etremes o$ the world. !he signi$i#"n#e o$ the title is "nother mystery.
9ut "t the end& *unshine rem"r:s& J!h"t@s " long sh"dow you #"st. Nou must be
growing in st"tureK. *"y it "g"inR
<9 Out of #and
*unshine@s #on#ern with Cerule"n grows "p"#e. Nou must ste"l " boo: she is holding&
"nd deliver it to someone. !his is Tsu#hT " #ommon mission trope. 9ut two things
m":e it memor"ble. 6irst& *unshine #hirps "t the end& J!h"n: you $or brightening my
d"yK. *e#ond& the #ontinuity is "wry $or this: "$ter getting the boo:& you "re told to t":e
it to someone Jwho will inde it $or Cerule"nK. !he person you Cust stole it $romR !his
must h"ve slipped through the editing. Or it m"y be p"rt o$ some v"stly deeper
>9 )eftE#and &ath
%emember the boo: we stole in the l"st mishH ,ell& now someone w"nts it b"#:& "nd
you h"ve to prote#t it. <n$ortun"tely& the $irst #ustodi"n o$ the boo: perishes& "nd you
h"ve to t":e it to someone else. Oddnesses "bound here. ,hy is *unshine so
interested in boo:sH 5ow does this rel"te to her #h"r"#terH !h"t seems more li:e
5yp"ti"@s re"lm. And "t the end& *unshine s"ys the e"#t s"me thing she s"id in the
previous mission: J!h"n: you $or brightening my d"yK. 7id someone run out o$ positivity
"t some point in the editing pro#essH
The Matrix Online Archives
Mr9 ishop
Lo#"tion: <eno G-ntern"tion"lI
:9 The #unter
5is $irst mish is st"nd"rd& loo:ing $or some debris $rom his p"st. -n this #"se& he #r"ves
" set o$ gems held by some .erovingi"n redpills& "nd " st"tue held by some
m"#hinists led by "n Agent Jones. - "verted my g"ze $rom him "s - $oughtB pr"ying he
would not re#ognize me "nd report me to my #l"n Coun#il. !hese were both obt"ined
"$ter some str"ight$orw"rd gunpl"y. !hen the purloined loot w"s pl"#ed into " w"ll
s"$e. And thus 9ishop l"id his h"nds on them without "#tu"lly l"ying his h"nds on
"nything: the gener"l 1ile p"ttern.
Al"s& neither gems nor st"tue were viewe"ble& Cust some generi# item "v"t"rs. -$ only
we #ould behold them& perh"ps we #ould $eel wh"t the 1iles $eel $or these things they
endlessly pursue.
89 *nravel
7id - disple"se 9ishop l"st timeH -s th"t why he g"ve me su#h " trivi"l t"s: $or my
se#ond mishH All he "s:s me to do is pi#: up "n "lre"dy+p"id+$or p"#:"ge "nd drop it
o$$. !he :ind o$ t"s: you@d give you :ids to do "t s#hoolR 'erh"ps he is testing meP.
- tr"veled to Chu:o::ul" "nd re#eived the p"#:"ge. As "lw"ys - #h"tted with everyone
there& "nd "s we "ll hung out& grooving on the #ode& "n 1lite ?u"rd too: " long dr"g on
" Coint& loo:ed out the window& "nd sh"red the $ollowing re$le#tion:
J7estiny rules us "ll& even here in the ."tri. 7o you $ind it str"nge th"t - believe in
7estinyH 7estiny is " system& " p"ttern o$ events #"rried out with pre#ision "nd
"bsolute #ert"inty. 7estiny is nothing but #ode "pplied to li$e& giving the illusion o$
#hoi#e. 5ere& everything is #ode& "nd this everything is ruled by 7estiny.K
J7estiny& s#hmestiny& who@s b"n:rolling thisHK - "s:ed& "nd set o$$ to $ind 9"#h& the
re#ipient. - wondered i$ - should get "n "ll+brown out$it $or these <'* runs. On the other
h"nd& the "ll+yellow w"s more "ppe"ling& "nd h"d the bene$it o$ setting o$$ my h"ir.
*o& "nyw"y& - $ound th"t 9"#h w"s being held host"ge by some twit who w"nted to
hiC"#: the delivery. 3ot on my w"t#hR 5"rsh words were $ollowed by h"rsh $ighting. -
The Matrix Online Archives
w"s the only one st"nding when the smo:e #le"red& "nd - #ompleted the drop+o$$ to the
gr"te$ul 9"#h. -nterestingly& there w"s " door between her "nd me& whi#h seemed
open"ble by h"#:ing& by :illing one o$ the thugs "nd retrieving "n "##ess #"rd $rom
him& or& ironi#"lly& by getting " :ey $rom " dr"werR - li:ed the ingenuityR
;9 #eirloo"
- loved the w"y this mission beg"n& with 9ishop purring JNour reput"tion grows&
*ug"ree.K *"y it "g"inR !hen& J-@d li:e you to go pi#: up "n "sso#i"te o$ mine "nd bring
him to Chotte 9rothers -mports O$$i#es. 5is n"me is Jelly$ish& deliver him unh"rmed i$
you don@t mindK. - loved the sly wit. - #ould tell we were re"lly bondingB - st"rted thin:ing
"bout " #orner o$$i#e with "n -:e" $urniture upgr"de.
6rom my oper"tor - le"rned th"t JJelly$ishK #ont"ined some v"lu"ble #ode in his %*-.
(ind o$ li:e steg"nogr"phy meets the ."tri& - guess. As - w"s loo:ing "t the non+
des#ript J6& he loo:ed right b"#: "nd greeted me with: J,h"t@s wrongH Nou were
epe#ting " bond"ge :ingH 3ot "ll o$ us 1iles dress li:e $re":s& you :now.K - #le"red
my thro"t "nd h"stily loo:ed "w"y& wondering wh"t %"ymond Ch"ndler would h"ve
3e"rby& there w"s " #omputer with " mess"ge #"lling someone " bigotB - #ould
im"gine who h"d sent it... 3"tur"lly my es#ort mission w"s " $"b su##essR ,ho would
h"ve suspe#ted - w"s with "n 1ileR .y $ellow m"#hinists #hose to intervene& despite
my protest"tion th"t - w"s on the te"m. -llyri"& epl"in to the "gents $or meR !he drop+
o$$ #ont"#t& "$ter p"ying me o$$& epl"ined th"t the ."#hines o$ten intervened&
in"smu#h "s 9ishop "nd Chotte tend to tr"$$i# in m"teri"ls whi#h disrupt the #urrent
versions o$ the ."tri. - thought they "nd Anome would h"ve " lot in #ommonR And the
Auditor downtown& "lw"ys obsessing "bout memory le":s "nd the ."tri& would "lso
h"ve "n interest.
<9 &lay $ead
3o dis#ussion o$ items tr"$$i#:ers would be #omplete without mentioning 7igger "nd
the Colle#torR - p"rti#ul"rly enCoyed the b"#:story on this one: 7igger h"s $ound
something. !he Colle#tor w"nts it. *o does 9ishop& whose re#ipe $or univers"l
h"ppiness involves p"ying 7igger to give the Colle#tor " $":e.
9ut be$ore - #"n get in to see 7igger& his h"ndler m":es me $ight " simul"#r"Pperh"ps
to m":e me show - :now my w"y "round $":esH An "ltern"te solution eited& involving
getting " dis: to " m"#hine gener"ting the repli#"s& but - w"s un"ble to $igure it out&
"nd un#h"r"#teristi#"lly resorted to $ighting& my le"st $"vorite $orm o$ de$e"ting others.
A$ter de"ling in the p"st with mysti# #"ndy& en#h"nted #"ndlesti#:s& "nd p"#:ets o$
numinous gems& - w"s epe#ting " lot $rom this item. A ti"r"H *hoesH A broo#hH A
ring& m"ybeH A *word o$ " 5undred !ruthsH 9ut inste"d& "ll - got $rom 7igger w"s "
t"pe. And " V5* t"pe "t th"tR App"rently the elite person"lities o$ the ."tri 1ile
#ommunity h"ve " $ondness $or 7"ys o$ Our Lives& ." 5e"droom& or - 7re"m o$
The Matrix Online Archives
Je"nnie. ?o $igureR
9e$ore - h"d time to digitize it $or my #rew@s "musement& - h"d to drop it o$$. !his #ut+
out h"d " gre"t b"#:story. *he w"s "n "r#hiving progr"m who h"d de$e#ted $rom the
."#hines to prote#t her d"ughter& thre"tened with deletion. !his e$$ort w"s
unsu##ess$ul& "nd she eventu"lly #"me to 9ishop@s employ. *he seems to h"ve
listened to the t"pe. *he did not get mu#h $rom the im"ges GCross$ireH !he 7"ily
*howH 'ersephone "s " we"ther reporterH !he .erovingi"n with his own g"me
showHI but s"id the voi#e w"s very $"mili"r. - w"s dying $rom suspense& "nd w"s
mer#i$ully distr"#ted by one o$ her #olle"gues& who went o$$ on "n "bsorbing& sel$+
"bsorbed r"nt "bout the m"tern"l progr"m& the world they live in& "nd how re"l it is. -
politely nodded "s - #ounted my in$o& "nd "bsently w"ved to them "s - le$t.
9ishop w"s on " high& - #ould tell. !he p"y w"s good& "nd he gushed& Jwith your help&
my business grows even strongerK. *"y it "g"in& big spenderR *"y it li:e you@re 7on"ld
>9 !old .weat
An unepe#ted #ontinu"tion o$ 'l"y 7e"dR 9ishop h"s tin:ered with the "rti$"#t
Gperh"ps redubbing it li:e ,h"t@s <p& !iger LillyH Or overl"ying the voi#e o$ Orson
,ellesHI "nd now w"nts TthisT "rti$"#t t":en to the Colle#tor& who h"s "lre"dy
re#eived the $":e. .y mission w"s to bre": in& t":e the $":e& "nd repl"#e it with the
"ltered origin"l. ?ot th"tH ,ell& get this: the o$$i#e with the w"ll s"$e is lo#"ted in
9ishop -mportsRR *omeone else must h"ve thought "bout the in#ongruity o$ this& $or
when - "rrived - dis#overed the item h"d been moved. 3onetheless& - tr"#:ed it down&
l"id w"ste to the de$enders& "nd m"de the swit#h.
)ogic &roble"D -$ the Colle#tor #"me b"#:& $ound "ll his gu"rdi"n st"$$ de"d& "nd the
"rti$"#t still in the s"$e& not stolen& don@t you thin: he would be suspi#iousH Or is it Cust
Lo#"tion: A:"s":"
:9 .avior
JOh& my de"rR Nou Cust help me& you simply .<*!. One o$ my best per$ormers is in
trouble. ?et over there "nd help him right nowRK ,ell& the negoti"tion w"s mer#i$ully
,h"t " str"nge missionR - went to the site& "nd got into " $ight with two Eionists. - :illed
one in short order& but withdrew to he"l up. ,hen - #"me b"#:& the other& " Eionist
(ung$u ?r"ndm"ster& w"s goneR Only " nervous .r. !itelb"um milled "bout. -
se"r#hed sever"l times $or the missing mis#re"nt& "ll to no "v"il. - d"n#ed "nd w"ited:
nothing. *o& - g"ve up "nd le$t the building. And $ound him strolling in the y"rd outsideR
- h"d to $ollow him into the net building be$ore we #ould get " $ight goingR On#e he
w"s :illed& the mish ended itsel$. A p"tron in the b"r loo:ed "t me "nd "s:ed& J,hy "re
The Matrix Online Archives
you hereHK ,hy& indeedR
,"s this " bug& or " #ool new $e"tureH And wh"t possible interest #ould Eion h"ve in
1ili oper" singersH 5"s it run out o$ weightier "dvers"riesH Or w"s this " tr"ining
mish gone "wryH Only Lo#: :nows $or sure.
89 Re1uie"
!he b"#:story $or the #omposer in this mission w"s interesting: " bluepill who "##epts
the w"y things "re "nd #omposes $or Operett". JAs " $reed mind& surely you must
underst"nd. !he ."tri is " symphony& progr"ms "nd #ode wor:ing together to
produ#e h"rmony. -$ you@d give up your h"tred o$ it you would see the be"utyK.
*omething to thin: "boutP 7on@t $orget to se"r#h $or her #omputer. J- don@t epe#t you
to be symp"theti#& but remember& this musi# is v"lu"ble. 7on@t be #"relessK.
Oddly enough& the only opposition #"me $rom " lonely Eionist G"g"inRI ("r"te m"ster&
who w"s not re"dy $or me when - stormed out o$ the building p"st him. 5is C"w
dropped& he re"#hed $or his gun& "nd the :"r"te m"ster& with predi#t"bly l"ment"ble
"im& spr"yed str"y shots "round me "s - le$t. ?o b"#: to the #"vesR
!he st"ge m"n"ger is $r"nti# when you "rrive& "nd w"ils "bout how slow you "re. -t@s
very entert"ining& so be sure to t"l: to him " #ouple o$ times. 5e "nd his twin groupies
"re in " suite reminis#ent o$ the old redpill C"#:out mishes: lots o$ ugly ge"r "nd b"rely
" t"ble to be seen. !hey need "n -:e" gi$t #erti$i#"te.
At the end& the *t"ge ."n"ger gushed: J?ood& "nd you even m"n"ged to :eep it more
or less unwrin:led. Nou@re $"r less in#ompetent th"n - $irst suspe#ted.K
All the while& his twin groupies idled "bout& spe":ing v"#uously. 9e sure to t"l: to them
" $ew times "s well $or #hu#:les. Operett" s"ys& JNes& yes& you@re doing $ine. 6ine "s
#"n beRK
,h"tever th"t m"y be. 3ot sure why this is #"lled " re)uiem though. - me"n& three
missions yet rem"in. 3onetheless& $un& with plenty o$ #h"r"#terR
;9 !hosen
Conveniently& %e)uiem ends up net door to '"ndor"& so you@re "ll set $or number 4.
An understudy& 9essie 9urr& h"s been :idn"pped& "nd J- must h"ve her b"#:. - simply
mustRK. - beg"n to wonder i$ people h"r"ss Operett" Cust to listen to her $re": out.
On res#uing her& - got " mess"ge+ JOh you pre#ious d"rlingK. 9ut "$ter - dropped her o$$
with the bodygu"rd 9e"gle& this is wh"t - got: J3ot terrible& *ug"ree. 3ot good. 9ut not
terrible.K 9ut the #he#: #le"red& so - #ounted my blessings.
3ote: One o$ the b"ds h"s " :ey to the room 9essie w"s in. 9ut the door w"s
3ote: - h"d to le"d 9essie p"st " #ouple o$ dozen hissing 9rothers o$ 7estiny who shot
"t us with everything they h"d. .ighty 9essie bl"n#hed& but too: no d"m"ge. *o this is
The Matrix Online Archives
" 220+meter es#ort mission through hostile territory& but it@s not li:e *er"ph@s epi# st"t+
h"#: mish. Or the even tougher Jeweler es#ort mish. %el"R
<9 /rag"ents
On#e "g"in& the l"st st"ge o$ the pre#eding mish pl"#es you Cust " hundred meters
$rom '"ndor". 3i#e designR 6or this mission& you merely need to be " go$er& dropping
o$$ stu$$ $or Operett"@s "gent. J.y de"rR Nou simply .<*! help meRK
- get the do#s to drop o$$& "nd "n "dC"#ent $lun:ie "s:s me to put " bug in the $irst
t"rget@s des: $or musi#"l intelligen#e. *ure& why notH -@ll "lw"ys do something to help "
b"nd. !his minor theme never re"lly seems to go "nywhere though. 'erh"ps in
"nother eile suite this will "ssume some import"n#eP
6irst drop o$$ is to "nother div". 5er st"$$ su$$ers. JNou #"n@t $ire me& - )uitRK J9ut - w"s
told to do it this w"yRK 1t#. *e#ond drop o$$ is to " t"lent "gent who h"s #re"tive
di$$eren#es with Operett". As we sh"ll soon see& this is " #lub with )uite " $ew
>9 Rubicon
As my oper"tor observed& Operett" does not believe there is no "##ounting $or t"ste.
J.y show w"s wonder$ul but *O.1 '1O'L1 don@t "ppre#i"te t"lentP.K
,ord h"s gotten to the #riti# th"t his d"ys "re numbered& "nd you must $ight your w"y
through " #ouple o$ gu"rds. !hen& you $ind "n Agent prote#ting himR ,ho would h"ve
thoughtH ,h"t possible interest #ould my ."#hinist lords "nd m"sters h"ve in
something "s v"#uous "s Operett"H Answers were not $orth#oming& yet - $inished the
mish reg"rdless.
J!h"t will te"#h th"t #retin " lessonRK !he ps $or this mish were unusu"lly low. As& -
guess& it should be. - me"n& wh"t should you get $or :illing " bluepillH .ore #ould h"ve
been done with the #riti#& m"ybe some )uotes by your oper"tor $rom the review&
mention o$ the 3ewsie& #omments $rom the gu"rds& et#.
Lo#"tion: ("ede G-ntern"tion"lI
The Matrix Online Archives
:9 Mistaken Identity
J5i& #"n you deliver something $or " #ont"#t o$ mineHK !h"t@s how it st"rts: $ull o$ soul
"nd #onne#tion. %i#:sh"w@s sl"pd"sh& slipshod "ppro"#h to his "$$"irs is nowhere
more evident th"t on this $irst mish. 5e gets the n"me wrongR !hen when you "rrive&
you "re greeted by " h"ughty 1lite ?u"rd who t":es one loo: "t you "nd sneers& J6eh.
Nou don@t loo: li:e you belong here& p"nsyK. .ost li:ely& he s"ves this $or "nyone
wor:ing $or %i#:sh"w. 1ventu"lly you #onne#t with someone who :nows nothing o$
%i#:sh"w or your mission& but dem"nds to :now your JsponsorK. %i#:sh"w@s $eedb"#:
is: J*ure& $ine& wh"tever. 5urryRK Nou h"ve stumbled into " g"me pl"yed by 1iles&
wherein they try to :ill e"#h otherR !he n"me is 1iles <nderground ?"mes Gperh"ps "
revers"l o$ the "n#ient& "n#ient ?<1I. -t seems li:e something they@d pl"y with
p"intb"ll& i$ the p"int w"s repl"#ed by hot le"d. *urvive "nd you@re done. %i#:sh"w
mumbles some b"rely "rti#ul"te th"n:s. !his time - #ounted my money twi#e& mind$ul
o$ his sloppy "ppro"#h to everything. A$ter "ll& m"ybe he would overp"y.
89 )et the -a"es egin
Nou m":e " delivery to one C"roline& identi$ied "s the le"der o$ the *isters o$ 6"te. !he
*tep+*isters o$ 6"te might be " better n"me& sin#e their le"der h"s $"llen under the
sw"y o$ your ultim"te t"rget in this mish& the Ventrilo)uist& who uses her to send you o$$
on " side+)uest $or " C7 G" tr"n#e d"n#e mi& - thin:I. Nou vi#tory over him $rees her&
"nd sets you up $or your net "dvers"ry& the 3e#rom"n#er. A little predi#t"ble& but not
" b"d mish "t "ll.
;9 Replay
An Joper"tiveK o$ %i#:sh"w@s& with " desired devi#e& needs help. A$ter " s:irmish& you
$ind out th"t she is de"d. !his sends you to the net s#ene& with %i#:sh"w #rying J(ill
more peopleR ?oR (illRK. Nou dis#over th"t your "dvers"ry in this mission& the
3e#rom"n#er& h"s revived "nd #ontrols the oper"tive& now " resurre#ted "utom"ton
th"t he sends to $ight you. 1ventu"lly you put them both down& but it w"s "n uns"vory
$irst to be :illing unde"d 1iles $or the s":e o$ " repugn"nt g"me. On the other h"nd& it
w"s )uite s"tis$ying $or me to send the 3e#rom"n#er to Coin his unwilling serv"nts in
the #hilly sludge o$ the *our#e.
<9 Out of ounds
Nou m"y re#"ll th"t your dossier $rom l"st time "t the end identi$ied your net t"rget "s
the Ch"meleon. *in#e this me"nt he #ould be "nyone& it m"de things )uite e"syR On#e
"g"in the #"reless %i#:sh"w w"ils "bout his Jstolen stu$$K Ghow li:e " #hildRI. !his time
your #ont"#t h"s " se"r#h o$ his own& $or the J,hite (night VirusK G"n "llusion to the
Chessm"n th"t is not developed "t "llI. Nou :now how this goes. 9re": in& $ire$ight&
loot& "nd o$$ to meet your #ont"#t. Nour #ont"#t& predi#t"bly& is the Ch"meleon& "nd
"tt"#:s you. ,hen - phoned %i#:sh"w& bre"thless& he #ut me o$$ "bruptly+ JNou got "ll
my stu$$ b"#:HK - w"s mightily temped to hurl it in the river.
9ut w"itR !here w"s some gold hereR One #ont"#t loo:ed "t me& too: " long dr"g on "
The Matrix Online Archives
s#ented smo:e& "nd re$le#ted J5um"ns hurt 1iles be#"use they $e"r us. 1iles hurt
e"#h other be#"use they $e"r everything.K ?re"t thought to ponder long "$ter the g"me
h"s run its dolorous #ourse.
>9 -a"e OverN
-n this mish& you simply st"rt by getting some lost pl"ns $rom " s"$e& "t whi#h point you
"re pulled into your #on$ront"tion with the m"in "dvers"ry in this episode: Agent Lee
"nd his minions. Agent Lee is )uite eng"ging& "nd r"ther th"n $ight invites you to t":e "
#h"n#e with him "nd his two "ssist"nts. ?ive one o$ them the pl"ns& "nd the door she
represents is unlo#:ed. -nevit"bly you get " $ight& not " s"$e h"rbor. Just "s inevit"bly
Lee "nd his te"m eng"ge you. As their b"nter suggests& Lee is G9ig *poiler #omingRIP
the ?"mbler& "nd "ims to win "t your epense. !he di"log is well done& "nd there@s
more #h"r"#teriz"tion in this en#ounter th"n in everything %i#:sh"w does. -n $"#t&
JAgent LeeK deserves his own suite o$ missionsR
At the end& "mong the smo:ing& #oding #orpses& you "lone st"nd "live to tell the t"le.
Nou& th"t is& "nd %i#:sh"w& who blurts J- li:e you& *ug"reeR Nou do good wor:RK be$ore
he sin:s into sur$eited silen#e. At le"st he p"id me.
3uusuke Akaya"a
Lo#"tion: *hir":"b" G-ntern"tion"lI
The Matrix Online Archives
1. In the elly of the east
!his simple& #":ew"l: mish seems to be " test more th"n "nything else. Nou simply
need to get " dis: $or him with " re#ording o$ " #l"ndestine #onvers"tion. !he only
#h"llenge is $inding " re#overy reboot dis:& sin#e "t your $irst logon "ttempt the
#omputer :ills itsel$. !his is the e"siest 1ile mish - #"n remember sin#e *ister
."rg"ret@s $irst $ewR
89 $ebug
6or this s#"r#ely more #h"llenging lesson& you need to pl"nt " virus Gwe should more
properly #"ll it m"lw"reI. !o "#hieve this& you need to get "##ess to " #omputer
surrounded by ?re"t ,"ll st"$$. !he #h"llenge is th"t the person who #"n epedite this
needs to be p"id o$$& but help$ully notes th"t the gu"rds o$ten #"rry #"sh. '"y him o$$&
pl"nt the bug& "nd you@re doneR
ugND A$ter - :illed the gu"rds& two o$ them h"d money. A$ter - p"id the bluepill& both
p"#:ets o$ #"sh were gone. A$ter - p"id him& - got " good wor: mess"ge $rom my
oper"tor be$ore the bluepill h"d given me the #ode. 7on@t :now i$ this is " bug or simply
;9 Tearing $own the ,all
JAh& my new $riendK purred the s"vvy A:"y"m" when - showed up. - h"d to smile. ,e
h"d "n underst"nding. 5e needed " ?re"t ,"ll outpost wiped out& toPdistr"#t them
$rom his own oper"tions. Just go to the t"rget "nd :ill everyone there. 1"sy enough.
ugND 5owever& sever"l times& - got to the site& :illed the three gu"rds - $ound& "nd
$ound " single door whi#h - #ould not open. *tr"ngely& in e"#h #"se& "$ter - "borted the
mish& suddenly - #ould open the door. <n$ortun"tely& - #ould only view the det"ils o$ the
three guys inside. !here w"s no option to t"l: or $ight. !e#hni#"lly& - thin: this is wh"t
they #"ll " bug.
On the $ourth or $i$th "ttempt& this time running it with someone else& - w"s "ble to :ill
"ll the gu"rds Gs"me "s be$ore& $rom my point o$ viewI "nd " m"gneti#"lly+se"led door
then opened& "nd we $ound three higher+level thugs inside& pl"nning some mis#hie$.
,e :illed two& t"l:ed with the survivor& "nd got three hitlists o$ t"rgets. !hese we then
too: to "n "sso#i"te o$ A:"y"m"@s& who too: one list "nd h"d us give the other two lists
The Matrix Online Archives
to two others in the room Gin#luding one we"ring " stovepipe #he$@s h"tRI& one o$ whom
#ommented& J.r. A:"y"m" doesn@t p"y me to re"dK. !h"t@s between him "nd you& p"lR
<9 Insecurity
!he ?re"t ,"ll *e#urity org"niz"tion #ontinues to "nnoy .r. A:"y"m". 3ow he wishes
you to es#ort " #ontr"#tor sp"mmer to " ?re"t V"lley o$$i#e so she #"n sp"m " list o$
:nown h"#:ers& to "nnoy them "nd "ttr"#t their eldrit#h wr"th to the ?re"t ,"ll
A$ter this& you es#ort her to "nother "sso#i"te o$ A:"y"m"@s $or s"$e:eeping. !he
problem with the es#ort mission is not the ?re"t ,"ll "tt"#:ers who see: to thw"rt you.
-t@s trying to $ind your w"y over the w"lls& #"n"ls& st"ir#"ses& l"tti#es& "nd physi#"l
obst"#les whi#h b"r your w"y. 3"tur"lly& with "n es#ort in tow& you #"n@t Cust hyperCump
" str"ight line. - me"n& th"t would be too e"sy. !he di"log with the sp"mmer& her
prote#tor& "nd their se#urity st"$$ "t the end is entert"iningB m":e sure to t"l: to
everyone be$ore "nd "$ter dropping her o$$.
>9 )ink $eath
,ith the #olle#tive wr"th o$ h"#:ers tr"shing the networ: in$r"stru#ture o$ ?re"t ,"ll
*e#urity& they@re we":. !his me"ns it@s the right time to hit them h"rd& "nd .r.
A:"y"m" dire#ts you to "n outpost o$ 1iles in their servi#e. A$ter they@ve been l"id
w"ste& you $ind " #ell phone& whose re#ent #"lls dire#t you to " l"rger ?re"t ,"ll
*e#urity o$$i#e. ,hen we rolled in& there were "round " dozen GRI ?re"t ,"ll uni$orms
w"iting& r"nging in level $rom ;0+;2 G"nd this mish w"s on mediumRI. !his led to " long&
h"rd $ight& reminis#ent o$ some $ights with m"ssed simul"#r" in '"ndor" 9o missions.
At the end& .r. A:"y"m" is thrilled. 5e@s been "ble to de"l ?re"t ,"ll " deep& l"sting
blow in his region. And he e$$uses "t your gre"t su##essR 5e invites you to Jstop by my
rest"ur"nt some d"y: the '"per !iger. Nour "bilities "nd initi"tive "re truly
#ommend"ble& "nd you m"y be "ble to $ind $urther employment $or them through the
in$luenti"l p"trons who $re)uent my humble est"blishmentK. .ighty w"rm words $rom "
l"sting $riend& "nd word o$ mouth "dvertising li:e this is something th"t money #"n@t
buy. -@m m":ing my reserv"tions tomorrow.
The .ea"stress
Lo#"tion: *"i (ung G-ntern"tion"lI
The Matrix Online Archives
:9 $ressed for .uccess
J,hy don@t you Cust loo: previousRK she gushed when - got her "ttention& immedi"tely
$ollowing with JCould use " little #h"nge in your w"rdrobe thoughK. A$ter my i#y silen#e&
she sighed "nd epl"ined th"t she needed " p"#:"ge o$ $"bri# pi#:ed up "nd delivered
but is short on help. !his $irst p"rt is simpleB tr"ipse over "nd t"l: to one ?"yle Cl"r:.
?"yle l"ments the del"y "nd in #onvenien#e in " very& umm& unm"nly w"y& "nd gives
you " :ey to unlo#: the room holding it. An unepe#ted 1lite ?u"rd inside #h"llenges
youB "pp"rently his #rew h"s stolen the m"teri"l. Cl"r: p"ni#s "nd begs you to retrieve
it. JAll new designsK he w"ils.
!he se#ond lo#"tion is entert"ining. 6ull o$ 1lite ?u"rds& "ll o$ whom loudly deny "ny
:nowledge o$ the p"#:"ge. !hey@ve never he"rd o$ it. !hey thin: -@m in the wrong
"ddress& et#. -t reminded me o$ one o$ the Jeweler@s missionsR 6in"lly& o$ "ll people& "
.erovingi"n 'hysi#i"n "ngrily denies "ny :nowledge& "nd be#omes in#ensed th"t your
doubt her integrity "s you nonetheless se"r#h the room. !he p"#:"ges $"lls to the
ground& "t whi#h point she denies th"t is the one you were loo:ing $or. 3ope& no
p"#:"ge thereR 6ortun"tely& - #ould Cust pi#: it up "nd le"ve "mid " whirlwind o$ "buse
"nd bulletsB - h"d worried - would h"ve to $ight my w"y outR
6in"lly& - dropped o$$ the now+#omplete p"#:"ge. A 9lood 3oble :ept #h"sing me on
the w"y& but - ignored him. !he re#ipient is in "n o$$i#e buildingB m":e sure to t"l: to
e"#h bluepillB they "ll h"ve something to s"yR !he $in"l re#ipient o$ the p"#:"ge+ Cretin
Cr"venusH Cletus Cl"vi:usH+ is in " hurry $or you to go. - guess "ll the guns $re":ed
him out. 3ot to mention the gh"stly #olors "nd styles o$ the bu$$ed #lothes we "ll we"r.
*e"mstress #"lls me " doll "nd p"ys me in #"shR !his "lmost m"de up $or her sm"rmy
dig "bout my out$it "t the outsetR
OdditiesD ,h"t@s so spe#i"l "bout the $"bri# th"t people "re willing to :ill $or itH ,hy
would " .erovingi"n 'hysi#i"n h"ve the slightest interest in thisH
More odditiesD ,hen - "ppro"#hed her $or " se#ond mission& she g"ve me the s"me
one "g"inR ,h"t& does this type o$ thing h"ppen "ll the time $or herH
89 $e"anding the .upply
!his se#ond mish is $"irly e"sy. !he *e"mstress h"s been pl"gued by Jrogues "nd #ut+
thro"tsK& "nd needs you to m":e sure one p"rti#ul"r shipment is delivered #orre#tly "nd
#ompletely. 'i#:ing up the m"teri"l is " breeze& "nd your #lient phones you to s"y she
hopes you "ren@t J"mbushed "nd brut"lly be"tenK& li:e the l"st one. ,ell& th"t m":es
two o$ usR
,hen you "rrive "t the o$$i#e o$ the shipment@s re#ipient& she demurs to "##ept it until
you h"ve #le"red out the lur:ing thugs. !hey@re " $ew blood drun:s "nd " #ouple o$
elite gu"rds.
!he *e"mstress "dds& "t the end& J%emind me to rew"rd you one o$ these d"ysK. *ure
thing& hun. !h"t@s wh"t they "ll s"yR
The Matrix Online Archives
;9 Accessory to Murder
9esides high+end $"shion& the *e"mstress "lso provides " wide r"nge o$ "##essories&
in#luding pursesRR Al"s& the #ourier h"s been w"yl"id "nd re)uires res#ue. -n this
mission& you must $irst res#ue the w"yl"id #ourier& n"med 7uboshin& "nd es#ort her to
the origin"l intended re#ipient o$ the shipment. Oh& "nd get the shipment& too& no sm"ll
$e"t when one elite gu"rd sneers& JNou "in@t getting this purse b"#:RK. 9ut " wom"n will
do "nything $or "##essories& "nd soon the prize w"s in my "wed gr"sp. - too: "n
immedi"te li:ing to 7uboshin& when unbidden& she g"ve me some he"lth boosts be$ore
$ights. .y :ind o$ #ourierR And her level w"s de#ent enough th"t r"ndom street mobs
did not t":e her down while - brought her to the #ustomer. A good thing& th"t.
5owever& not "ll w"s "s well "s - h"d epe#ted& "s - should h"ve :nown when - s"w
the #ustomer h"nging out with blood nobles& who& "s you m"y h"ve noti#ed& seldom
"$$e#t "n interest in high+end $"shion. - me"n& Cust loo: "t them. *o& "s soon "s they
h"ve the purse& they "ll set upon meR Li:e $ive o$ themR 1ventu"lly my #h"rm "nd ri$le
s:ills wore them down& "nd "n "b"shed 7uboshin stood trembling in $ront o$ me& li:e
Aphrodite rising $rom " se" o$ blood. *he h"d& it "ppe"red& been in #"hoots with these
thugs to split the shipment& "nd dis"ppe"r. ,hy they h"d to $ight me to e$$e#t this is not
entirely #le"r. 9ut then& - don@t get p"id to underst"nd #"ses& - get p"id to #r"#: themR
Anyw"y& 7uboshin mee:ly $ollows me& giving me " he"lth boost "s we st"rt o$$. !he
little slut su#:+upR *he wound up improb"bly in Eion@s h"nds G- guess they "re trying to
improve the lives o$ redpills everywhere with better $"shionI "t "n etr"#tion st"tion. -
#ould see the tru#e in "#tion hereB one Eionist Co:ed "bout me needing " p"ssword&
"ssuring me th"t she h"d been JCust :iddingK. 7uboshin w"s underst"nd"bly glum. And
th"t w"s it. All this& $or " purseP
!onclusionD ."Cor mysteries "re being woven here. ,hy does the *e"mstress h"ve
the time o$ d"y $or EionH ,hy would 1iles #"re "t "ll "bout "##essories& espe#i"lly
purses Gperh"ps this is "n intended gi$t $or 'ersephoneIH ,hy does Eion #"re "bout
herH 5ow #ome - #ouldn@t :eep the purse& to better "##ommod"te my own inventoryH
,hy& oh whyH
<9 %ye of the =eedle
*e"mstress h"s #"ught wind o$ the lo#"tion o$ her l"st lost shipment& "nd w"nts it b"#:
right now& be$ore it pro$its "nyone else. !he l"st oper"tive she ent& 'orpoise&
dis"ppe"red& "nd she sends you to $ollow in her $ootsteps& "dding& JOh& "nd help
'orpoise i$ she@s still "live& - supposeK. Al"s& she is not& "s you dis#over in " gun$ight.
As - #ontempl"ted her $"llen $orm& wondering where my own p"th would t":e me& the
phone r"ng. J7o you $eel s"$eH *e"r#h the #omputer nowK. !he s#reen so$tly glowed&
J*ee: "nd ye sh"ll $indK. - too: "nd uplo"ded the m"p dis:& "nd the $in"l lo#"tion w"s
rel"yed to me. Very eerie& this w"s.
!his led me to " s#eni# "p"rtment& wherein w"ited " #ouple o$ drun:s "nd elite gu"rds&
"ll thrilled to see me. !hey re$erred to " mysterious se#ond $or#e "s - stepped o$$ the
The Matrix Online Archives
elev"tor. -t w"s the mysterious voi#e $rom e"rlier in the mish. 5e "ppe"red "nd
th"n:ed me $or getting the p"#:"ge $or him. 3eedless to s"y& - h"d to :ill him too&
though he put up " tough $ight "nd did not use his invisibility on#e& #ontr"ry to wh"t you
might h"ve epe#ted.
9ut "ll b"d things must end& "nd soon - w"s dropping o$$ the purloined p"#:"ge with "
stunned re#ipient& "nd #ounting #risp in$o+notes $rom " $rowning *e"mstress& who
relu#t"ntly th"n:ed me "nd #ontempl"ted inviting me to the $"shion show soon to be
domin"ted by her designs. 9ut& she )ui#:ly #orre#ted hersel$& J-@d h"ve you get you
something de#ent to we"rK. 'le"seR - only dress li:e this $or pro$ession"l o##"sionsR
?ive me " #h"n#eR 9ut her mind w"s "lre"dy whirling elsewhere.
>9 The .how Must -o On
!his is getting ridi#ulousR -t@s the d"y o$ " $"shion show& "nd *e"mstress@s designs
h"ve been ripped o$$ yet "g"inR 3"tur"lly time is more o$ the essen#e th"n usu"l here.
*e"mstress sent me to " #ool C1O who dem"nded th"t - :ill "ll the thieves& not sp"ring
" single one. *he w"s )uite "d"m"nt "bout this. A$ter t"l:ing to her& be sure to #he#:
out the other& "dC"#ent roomsB in one - $ound " Eionist %i$lem"n being dire#ted through
movements by two $"shion+show wor:ersRR 5e must h"ve been prepping $or the net
seiest redpill #ontest. - soon $ound mysel$ $ighting $ive or si or seven elite gu"rds $or
#ontrol o$ "n "p"rtment& in whi#h - $ound not p"#:"ge with the designs& but " p"#:et o$
uggedD Al"s& de"r re"ders& this mission w"s bugged& "nd - w"s only "ble to get
beyond "$ter m"ny e$$orts. 5ere@s wh"t h"ppened. On the building $loor housing the
thieves& you $ind three elite gu"rds in one room& " #ouple o$ lupines in "nother& "nd "
$in"l lupine in " third. - :illed "ll three elite gu"rds in the room& but soon "$ter - le$t&
when - #"me b"#:& there were only two bodies. - did not noti#e "ny su#h dis#rep"n#y
with the other rooms o@ thieves. !his w"s repe"t"ble. -@m guessing this h"s something
to do with the thieves not showing "s h"ving been "ll :illed. 3onetheless& - too: the
p"#:et "nd uplo"ded it& but #ould not get to the net st"ge o$ the mish. !he J(ill "ll
thievesK bo rem"ined un#he#:ed. - went b"#: to the mission "re": no thieves there. -
hung "round& - d"n#ed& - stood "nd "$:edPnothing. ."ybe in the net p"t#h.
!h"t@s where things were $or d"ys "nd d"ys. !hen - tried "g"in& "nd $ound th"t i$ - :illed
"ll three o$ the elite gu"rds in the s"me room& this se#tion o$ the mish #ompleted "nd -
#ould move on. A$ter uplo"ding the pl"ns& - $ound mysel$ #on$ronting the tough C1O -
h"s seen e"rlier. Only her go"ls h"d #h"nged in the me"ntime. And soon - h"d $ound
"nother inst"n#e o$ the s"me bug: everyone "round me de"d on the $loor& yet the mish
dem"nded more. -t w"s enough. - too: the p"#:"ge& dropped it in $ront o$ the
*e"mstress& "nd le$t. J!his one@s on the house&K - s"id& #h"nging out o$ my :illing
#lothes& "nd b"#: into something more hum"n.
Lo#"tion: .ur"s":i G-ntern"tion"lI
The Matrix Online Archives
:9 The =ew &lague
5er $irst& trivi"l& mish involved putting Jvirus tr"#:ersK on two ."#hine systems. !he $irst
w"s " J."#hine sorting st"tionK "nd the se#ond w"s " Jlistening outpostK used to
monitor bluepill beh"vior. .ore li:ely the l"tter w"s " spy outpost dire#ted "t Eion& to
whom *ynn w"s going to o$$er the t":e. 9ut Agent ?r"y would soon re"d my report&
"nd be "ble to send them "ll the dummy tr"$$i# he w"nted. 3i#e tryR
!hese were str"ight$orw"rd t"s:s th"t " #hild #ould h"ve done. - w"s disgusted th"t in
the $irst one& - h"d to :ill " bluepill to get " :ey to " lo#:ed room. !his went very mu#h
"g"inst my n"ture& "nd - wish there h"d been some "ltern"tive& "s there would be in
the net mission. !here& "t le"st - #ould #omplete the mish without :illing everything -
A$ter he"ring "bout the #"rn"ge& *ynn rem"r:ed in her #lipped style& J*o $"r so good.
Come see me "g"in when you need " CobK. *ome new pl"gueP J!he 3ew 'estK would
h"ve been more "propos.
OddD One thing "bout this seemed str"nge to me. *ending me in through "rmed
gu"rds to insert viruses to ste"l in$orm"tion did not seem very ste"lthy. - #"n only
surmise th"t this $irst& test mission w"s " diversion to distr"#t ."#hine "ttention while "
genuine mission too: pl"#e elsewhere.
89 !rackdown
L"st time *ynn w"nted the inter#eption o$ import"nt in$orm"tion. !his time it@s p"pers
$rom " #ourier G" Jlow+levelK progr"mI. And it@s e"sier th"n it soundsR ?o to the site "nd
nose "round. Nou dis#over " bluepill "nd "n eile Gn"med JCo#:ro"#hKRI pl"nning to :ill
the #ourier. 1pl"in this to him& "nd he gl"dly $or:s over the p"pers to you without "
shot. 7oneR Altern"tely& you #"n :ill him $or the s"me p"pers& but why be dire#tH As
*ynn put it& J!his Cust "dds to your #red. 3i#e Cob.K And the J#r"#:downK isPwhereH
OddD A$ter - got the p"pers& - swung by to t"unt the s#hemers. !hey did not seem to
even noti#e - h"d themR !his seems oddB it would h"ve m"de more sense $or them to
h"ve "tt"#:ed me.
;9 In #er /ear
The Matrix Online Archives
Ostensibly& this seemed "nnoying: - h"d to go t"l: to " #"ndid"te $or *ynn@s
org"niz"tion. 9ut when - "rrived& the ostensible "ppli#"nt "tt"#:ed meR !his led me to
thin: th"t she would not be suit"ble m"teri"l $or *ynn or $or "nyone else& "nd -
de$initely h"d no desire to w"t#h her bob $or "pples "t *ynn@s !h"n:sgiving p"rty. *o -
:illed her. - $retted "bout telling *ynn the news& thin:ing th"t she might )uestion my
motives in :illing the "spiring *ynner. 5owever& when upd"ted& "ll *ynn s"id w"s th"t -
h"d J#ome out o$ th"t wellK.
OddD 6or " serious pl"n to :idn"p "nd interrog"te me& - w"s puzzled th"t only one
person h"d been sent. Am - so slightly reg"rded by *ynn@s enemiesH - only r"te "
single "tt"#:erH 5u$$R And& "s "ny re"der o$ the $irst two mission reports #"n "ttest&
there would not h"ve been mu#h to report.
OddD Also& why :idn"p "nd interrog"te someone li:e me who h"d been so little in
*ynn@s employH *omeone& somewhere& must be desper"te to $ind out something "bout
this $"irly trivi"l eile. 'erh"ps she h"s "n "dmirer who w"nts to :now her $"vorite
sn"#: $ood or her shoe size.
<9 =udged
On#e more& not very #ompli#"ted& even though it@s supposed to be p"rt o$ " s#heme o$
*ynn@s. ?et some Jin#rimin"ting eviden#eK $rom "n obnoious #ont"#t GJyou@re not
e"#tly wh"t - h"d in mindK he purred when - "rrivedI& :ill someone& "nd le"ve the
Jeviden#eK on him. !he re"son $or "ll this w"s not m"de #le"r. And who w"s me"nt to
dis#over this Jin#rimin"ting eviden#eKH And do wh"tH .ore gener"lly& *ynn never re"lly
epl"ins the re"son o$ her missions& "nd you never h"ve the slightest sense o$ wh"t
their purpose is. Nou "re "lw"ys reg"rded "s " hired #ontr"#tor "nd "n "bsolute
outsider. 9ut - "m not doing these $or love& so - turned in my report with one h"nd&
"##epted p"yment with the other& "nd $elt the gre"t wheel turn.
>9 The ,heel
3ow you le"rn th"t the previous mission w"s to set " tr"p& "nd it is "bout to #lose.
App"rently " .erv #rew h"s been #"using trouble $or *ynn "nd Jher oper"tionsK one
time too m"ny. !he pl"nt l"st time brought them "ll in& "nd now you will t":e them "ll
out. !hey "re sep"r"ted "#ross the $loor& "pp"rently loo:ing $or something& "nd you
#"n t":e them down pie#eme"l. !h"t@s itR *ynn rem"r:s "t the end& Jyou@re getting
)uite good "t thisK but h"s no $urther wor: she is willing to entrust to you.
OddD -n one room there is " mysterious lo#:ed #"binet& but - did not h"ve pi#: lo#:
lo"ded& "nd none o$ the enemies h"d " :ey. !hus the #"binet w"s le$t unopened& but
the mission w"s #ompleted nonetheless. 3ot sure wh"t w"s h"ppening with this.
%umor h"s it th"t it #ont"ined three 6.+/;00s& but no one will ever :now.
The Matrix Online Archives
9 Organi5ations
Eion is the l"st #ity o$ $ree hum"nity& lo#"ted deep within the e"rth. -n the ."tri& the Eion
Org"niz"tion st"nds $or hum"nity@s right to determine its own destiny. Eion believes th"t "
hum"n being@s $reedom to sele#t his or her own destiny is s"#red& "nd th"t e"#h individu"l
must be $ree to #hoose whether to live out their li$e in the #om$orting illusion o$ the ."tri& or
in the h"rsh truth o$ the re"l world.
%edpills in the servi#e o$ Eion "re epe#ted to ris: everything $or its ide"ls& "nd to be h"ppy
with " $"ir sh"re o$ wh"tever prosperity m"y $"ll Eion@s w"y.
!he ."#hines "re " r"#e o$ sel$+repli#"ting& sentient me#h"ni#"l entities. !hey imprisoned
hum"nity within the pods& "nd they power themselves with the bio+ele#tri# energies gener"ted
by " he"lthy hum"n mind. !hey don@t w"nt to destroy hum"nity 0 )uite the #ontr"ry& they "re
utterly dependent on hum"nity $or their #ontinued eisten#e. !he only thing "bout hum"nity
th"t m"tters to the m"#hines is th"t energy #ontinues to $low out o$ the pods. !hey do not
#"re i$ the hum"ns "re sl"ves or $ree 0 up until the point where hum"n $reedom st"rts to
inter$ere with the energy $lues.
!he ."#hines will m":e de"ls with hum"n %edpills when it suits their purpose to do so. !hey
"re )uite s#rupulous "bout delivering wh"tever rew"rds they m"y h"ve promised to the
hum"n oper"tives& but emotions li:e gr"titude& generosity "nd mer#y "re #ompletely "lien to
the m"#hine mind.
Although they "re no longer eng"ged in "#tive hostilities "g"inst Aw":ened hum"ns& the
."#hines #ontinue to gu"rd themselves in the re"l world with the hunter+see:er units #"lled
*entinels& while the #old "nd impl"#"ble A- #onstru#ts #"lled Agents #ontinue to oversee their
interests in the ."tri.
,hen they built the ."tri& the ."#hines $ound it ne#ess"ry to #re"te "utonomous A-
GArti$i#i"l -ntelligen#eI #onstru#ts th"t would loo: "nd "#t li:e hum"n beings. -nevit"bly& some
o$ the A-s "#)uired $ree will& "nd then some o$ these $ree A-s beg"n to #omprehend the true
n"ture o$ the ."tri. !hese A-s& in turn& st"rted to est"blish #ommuni#"tion with other
."#hine A-s outside the ."tri proper& "nd the ."tri #"me to be :nown "s " s"$e h"ven $or
these sentient progr"ms who wished to $lee the #ontrol o$ the ."#hine world. -n !he ."tri "n
A- #ould $eel& live "nd bre"the "s never be$ore. A new li$e #ould be gr"nted to those th"t
wished to $lee $rom the #ontrol o$ the m"#hine world or "void deletion. !he ."tri #"me to be
:nown "s " s"$e h"ven $or these sentient progr"ms. !hese JAw":enedK pseudo+hum"ns #"ll
themselves J1iles.K
!he 1iles "re& "bove "ll& #on#erned with the #ontinu"n#e o$ the ."tri. !hey h"ve no pl"#e 0
The Matrix Online Archives
no possibility o$ eisten#e even 0 in the re"l world. !hey depend on both hum"nity "nd the
."#hines $or their #ontinued eisten#e& but their "gend" is uni)uely "nd utterly their own.
.ost "l"rmingly& the 1iles tend to be #"pri#ious "nd unpredi#t"ble. ."ny "re mis#hievous&
m"li#ious or even outright ins"ne& but they "re "lso intelligent Gsometimes inhum"nly soI&
#re"tive "nd very power$ul within the ."tri. !his #ombin"tion me"ns th"t 1iles "re never
e"sy& nor p"rti#ul"rly s"$e& $or hum"ns to de"l with.
!he .erovingi"n G" n"me t":en $rom "n "n#ient line o$ :ings in hum"n historyI is the most
"#tive "nd power$ul o$ the 1iles. -$ he is not e"#tly the sole le"der o$ the 1ile #ommunity&
he is #ert"inly the $irst "mong e)u"ls& "nd he is by $"r the most "#tive 1ile pl"yer in ."tri
politi#s. 5e h"s spies "nd oper"tives everywhere in the ."tri. 5e will #heer$ully employ
hum"n %edpills whenever it suits him to do so& "nd he is )uite generous in rew"rding those
who serve his interests.
!he Cypherites "re " group who beg"n "s " loose #on$eder"tion o$ ."s:ed oper"tives who
regret #hoosing the red pill "nd h"ve tr"dition"lly "imed to return to " st"te o$ rel"tive #om$ort
within the ."tri. !he Cypherites were initi"lly led by ?enm"s:"rd "nd 1nm"s:"r"do& who
m"de "tt"#:s on redpills shortly "$ter the st"rt o$ 3eoFs !ru#e. -t w"s rumored th"t " $ormer
r"di#"l Eion oper"tive n"med Cryptos w"s in #h"rge o$ the Cypherites& "nd this #"me to light
sever"l months l"ter when sever"l boes poppped up in the #ity $illed with simul"#r" o$
Cryptos who spouted "nti+redpill propog"nd".
At their in#eption& Cypherites "imed to rid the ."tri "nd the %e"l o$ "ll oper"tives who
"ttempted to "w":en people $rom the ."tri be$ore see:ing to be reinserted into the ."tri.
5owever& shortly "$ter *er"ph removed " progr"m whi#h h"d been #ontrolling Cryptos "nd
reporting to the ."#hines& Cryptos sought reinsertion "nd w"s told by Agent ?r"y th"t there
w"s no su#h pro#edure. .ost Cypherites now see: to prote#t the bluepills o$ the ."tri by
stopping others $rom presenting them with the #hoi#e "nd by elimin"ting those who present
the #hoi#e.
% &luribus =eo
1 'luribus 3eo is " group $ormed by .i#h"el D!he (idD 'opper "nd *him"d" in re"#tion to
the "#tivities o$ the Cypherites during the !ru#e. 1'3 oper"te more li:e " theo#r"#y th"n
Eion& pl"#ing gre"t $"ith in 3eo& m"ny believing th"t he w"t#hes over or guides their "#tions.
.ost members o$ 1'3 pl"#e " gre"t sto#: in the power o$ belie$& whi#h is eempli$ied by not
only "bilities within the ."tri& but even by (idFs own "w":ening through sel$+subst"nti"tion.
1'3 members believed th"t Eion did not "nd does not h"ve the proper go"ls in mind& "nd
see: not only the return o$ 3eoFs body in the %e"l G"s per .orpheusFs wishesI& but the
destru#tion o$ the ."#hines& "nd th"t "ll hum"ns plugged into the ."tri be o$$ered the
#hoi#e. 1'3 h"ve& in the p"st& oper"ted "s " nom"di# group in the %e"l& "llowing them to
m":e spor"di# stri:es "g"inst ."#hine t"rgets& su#h "s the power lines. 6ollowing the
destru#tion o$ Eion "nd the migr"tion to 3ew Eion& 1'3 h"ve #le"ned up "nd $orti$ied the old
#ity "nd& while they m"int"in mobility "nd the #"p"bility to resume nom"di# living& #urrently
o##upy the #ity. 1'3 "re "#tive p"rti#ip"nts in the w"r between Eion "nd the ."#hines on the
The Matrix Online Archives
side o$ Eion.
!he phr"se D1 'luribus 3eoD tr"nsl"tes liter"lly into l"tin "s D6rom ."ny& 3ew&D but is "#tu"lly
" t":e+o$$ on the phr"se D1 'luribus <nimD G6rom ."ny& OneI. 1'3 use the word D3eoD in
re$ren#e to the Eion oper"tive "nd pseudo+messi"hFs h"ndle "nd synonymous title Dthe one&D
m":ing the sub+org"niz"tion"l title more ":in to D6rom ."ny& !he One.D
The Oligarchs
!he group o$ hum"ns #"lling themselves D!he Olig"r#hsD "re the survivors o$ " group o$
thoroughly uns#rupulous businesspeople/polititi"ns/so#i"lites/s#ientists et# who pooled their
resour#es in "n e$$ort to #orrupt the ."#hines be$ore the w"r& when the ."#hines h"d
su##ess$ully rebelled $rom hum"nity& "nd $ormed their own #ity& Eero One& whi#h w"s r"pidly
est"blishing itsel$ "s the worldFs e#onomi# powerhouse. !he Olig"r#hs s"w the w"y the wind
w"s blowing& but they "lso s"w th"t the new ."#hine #iviliz"tion& while etremely e$$i#ient& still
ret"ined some vestiges o$ the systems o$ #ontrol origin"lly pl"#ed on their progr"mming by
their hum"n #re"tors. 6urthermore& s"w th"t the ."#hines& while etremely e$$i#ient& "nd
$l"wlessly #"l#ul"ting& l"#:ed " true sense o$ purpose& "nd were& in m"ny w"ys& )uite n"ive.
!he Olig"r#hs se#retly #ont"#ted the ."#hines "nd& to est"blish trust& reve"led how to
remove some o$ the origin"l hum"n #ontrol systems in their progr"mming. !he ."#hines&
$inding this in$orm"tion to be "##ur"te& too: the Olig"r#hs "t their word& "nd beg"n "llowing
the Olig"r#hs to give progr"mming& engineering& business& milit"ry& "nd "bove "ll politi#"l
"dvi#e& "ll o$ whi#h seemed to serve the ."#hines well in #ontinuing to build Eero One into
the worldFs pre+eminent superpower.
!he ."#hines #"me to rely on the Olig"r#hs $or guid"n#e in #ert"in "re"s& p"rti#ul"rly in
de"ling with hum"ns. !he Olig"r#hs too: "dv"nt"ge o$ this trust& impl"nting new& mu#h more
subtle "nd sophisti#"ted #ontrol routines in the ."#hine m"in$r"mes. Over the #ourse o$ the
ensuing ."n+."#hine w"r& the Olig"r#hs showed the ."#hines how to subCug"te the hum"ns
most e$$e#tively& using t"#ti#s "nd we"pons designed to inspire terror "s mu#h "s to in$li#t
physi#"l d"m"ge.
!he d"r:ening o$ the s:ies by hum"nity w"s " setb"#:& but one to whi#h the ."#hines were
"ble to "dopt simply by swit#hing $rom sol"r to nu#le"r power. !he role o$ #"ret":er still deep
in their progr"mming $rom their d"ys "s m"nFs helpers& the ."#hines built the ."tri to house
" remn"nt o$ hum"nity++preserving every geneti# v"riety they #onsidered su$$i#iently e$$i#ient&
in l"rge enough numbers to "void the d"nger o$ eventu"l inbreeding. !he number o$ hum"ns
preserved in pods is $"r less th"n .orpheusF estim"te& however++only "bout $ive million& the
popul"tion o$ the ."triF simul"ted #ity.
!he Olig"r#hs #ontinue to de"l with v"rious high+level ."#hines in the %e"l& su#h "s 7eus 1
."#hin"& "nd "re "w"re o$ the DAr#hite#tD progr"m th"t oversees the ."tri& but "re not
"w"re th"t the Ar#hite#t h"s m"de use o$ "n DintuitiveD progr"m& the Or"#le& or th"t those two
progr"ms h"ve engineered " system whereby some hum"ns "re "llowed to live outside the
."tri& whi#h h"d been running on " #y#li#"l b"sis& regul"ted by two genomes so #"re$ully
bred "nd m"nipul"ted by the ."#hines th"t they h"ve re"#hed "n unpre#edented st"te o$
hum"n/m"#hine #omp"tibility: 3eo "nd !rinity.
The Matrix Online Archives
A$ter essenti"lly #on)uering the world& $or whi#h the ."#hines #"red rel"tively little& $eeling
themselves sel$+su$$i#ient inside their own #ity& some o$ the Olig"r#hs w"rred "mong
themselves. !heir number w"s redu#ed to Cust "bove one hundred when the m"Cority $or#ed "
tenuous #e"se+$ire& est"blishing " simple m"Cority government& #omposed solely o$ Olig"r#hs&
to regul"te "##ess to the ."tri& "nd to "rbitr"te in disputes. !hey divided up the non+
."#hine+#ontrolled portions o$ the 1"rthFs sur$"#e++the v"st m"Cority++into priv"te :ingdoms.
!he ."#hines "nd the Olig"r#hs h"ve m"int"ined "n une"sy "lli"n#e. !he #ontrol routines
pl"nted deep in ."#hine m"in$r"mes be$ore the w"r& however& h"ve subtly pushed the
b"l"n#e in the Olig"r#hsF $"vorB ."#hines $eel une"sy s"ying DnoD to "n Olig"r#h& "lthough
they perh"ps #"nnot s"y why. 1"#h Olig"r#h is now "llowed to withdr"w " #ert"in number o$
hum"ns per ye"r $rom the ."tri $or their own purposes. 5um"ns withdr"wn $rom the ."tri
"re #"re$ully sterilized. !he Olig"r#hs& with the "id o$ ."#hine s#ien#e& long "go developed "
te#hni)ue th"t "llowed them to tr"ns$er their #ons#iousness "s " #omputer progr"mB they now
eist in m"in$r"mes& eperien#ing li$e vi" remote+#ontrolled li$eli:e "ndroid bodies. !he
rem"ining Olig"r#hs "re thoroughly "mor"l& "nd& by old hum"n st"nd"rds& more or less
ins"ne. .ost use hum"ns $rom the ."tri "s ple"sure drones in some w"y or other& but while
their own "rti$i#i"l bodies loo: li:e the re"l thing& they #"nnot repli#"te the $ull #om$ort "nd
#"p"bility $or sens"tion o$ " re"l hum"n body. !he Olig"r#hs thus h"ve " p"rti#ul"r interest in
true tr"ns$er o$ #ons#iousness to " hum"n host.
,hile they h"ve "s yet been un"ble to "#hieve this $e"t& the ."#hines h"ve now #ome #lose:
9"ne w"s " version o$ *mith tr"ns$erred& $l"wed& to " hum"n host& "nd Cryptos w"s mostly
overwritten by " progr"m& "lthough this h"s proven to be unst"ble. 6urthermore& 3eo "nd
!rinity were the su##ess$ul result o$ the ."#hinesF #enturies o$ study o$ the hum"n body "nd
geneti#s. D7esigned&D "s the Ar#hite#t mentioned to 3eo& they solved the rem"inder o$ the
intention"lly $l"wed ."tri e)u"tionB their 73A is per$e#ted to the point th"t it #"n be de$ined
pre#isely "nd #ompletely in #omputer #ode& "nd& most import"ntly& inter$"#ed per$e#tly with
#omputer #ode: how previous Ones returned to the *our#e& $or inst"n#e& "nd how the Or"#le
w"s "ble to predi#t the #omple p"ttern o$ 3eo "nd !rinityFs intere#tions so pre#isely& guiding
it to her desired out#ome.
!he ."#hines did not see " re"son to sh"re this in$orm"tion with the Olig"r#hs. -n the period
sin#e the w"r& "s they h"ve been le$t to b"bysit the ."tri while the Olig"r#hs $ritter "w"y the
1"rthFs resour#es in sel$ish ende"vors& " #ert"in "mount o$ wh"t hum"ns would #"ll
resentment tow"rd the Olig"r#hs h"s built up "mong the ."#hines& "lthough the ."#hines do
not spe": o$ it& even "mong themselves. 5"bits "nd routines o$ subservien#e to the
Olig"r#hs& bolstered by the vir"l Olig"r#h #ontrol progr"ms& h"ve grown strong.
C"rlyne Gthe Olig"r#hs will mostly be n"med by pre+w"r hum"n l"st n"mes& ie ,e"thersby&
!"n":"& et#& but $or now -Fm using " pl"#eholder numbering s#heme b"sed on the order in
whi#h pl"yers will meet themI& bored while stopping by ."#hine City to pi#: up more hum"ns
"nd #he#: in on the ."#hines& w"s s:imming through re#ent "#tivity re#ords when he $ound
the in#ident o$ 3eo& " hum"n& $ree in ."#hine City& #on$ronting 7eus 1 ."#hin". -nterested
in this novel development& he investig"ted& "nd $ound th"t while 3eo& " #"re$ully designed
hum"n& w"s deleted "long with the *mith virus& the hum"n designed to wor: per$e#t with him&
!rinity& her body $"t"lly inCured in #r"shing her hover#r"$t into ."#hine City& h"d been
The Matrix Online Archives
preserved in #ode $orm by the ."#hines. C"rlyne $or#es the ."#hines to give her up& "nd
t":es her& in progr"m $orm& with him when he goes b"#: to his territory.
Although C"rlyne "ttempts to :eep his dis#overy " se#ret& 5"lborn le"rns o$ the eisten#e o$
the !rinity progr"m: " progr"m embodying " geneti# design "llowing $or per$e#t integr"tion
with ."#hine #ode. 'rinted "s "rti$i#i"l 73A "nd impl"nted into " #orre#tly prep"red $et"l #ell&
this progr"m #ould "llow bodies to be grown th"t were #ompletely org"ni#& yet "ble to be
inter$"#e with m"#hines: per$e#t vessels $or "n Olig"r#h to inh"bit& "t l"st "ble to enCoy the $ull
r"nge o$ hum"n $eeling on#e "g"in. 5"lborn begins w"t#hing ."#hine City #"re$ully& hoping
to get " simil"r progr"m $or himsel$& "nd "w"re th"t the es#"pe o$ these hum"n progr"ms
indi#"tes th"t the ."#hines "re up to something& or perh"ps losing #ontrol o$ their inm"tes.
5e observes the ."#hine *entinel $leet disp"t#hed to "tt"#: the ?ener"l& "nd de#iding th"t
the time is ripe& tr"vels to ."#hine City. !he ."#hines dis"vow "uthorship o$ the !rinity
progr"m& #l"iming she w"s " hum"n terrorist& outside o$ their #ontrol "s sheFd m"de use o$ "
h"#: to DAw":enD $rom the *ystem. !he Olig"r#h& not entirely #onvin#ed& enters the ."tri to
The Matrix Online Archives
!9 =eoHs R.I /rag"ents
7uring the Ch"pter / event Race to 5ind the One& %edpills s#oured the ."tri in se"r#h o$
remn"nts o$ 3eo@s %*-. -n $inding them& they dis#overed the $r"gments #ont"ined imprints o$
3eo@s thoughts "nd emotions be$ore his de"th. 9elow is " list o$ wh"t they #ont"ined Gone
line per $r"gmentI:
D.y eyes.D
D- will never see "nything re"l& "g"in.D
D3o& - will see the intern"l light& the truth o$ the golden world.D
D9ut - will never see !rinity "g"in.D
D- love you& !rin.D
DNou wonFt h"ve died....D v"in.D
D- #"nFt be"t him.D
D5eFs too strong.D
D,e #ould $ight $orever...D
D...destroying everything.D
D3ow& CumpRD
D5"h& missed meRD
D!here "re thous"nds o$ them.D
D*oldiers in the #"use...D
D...o$ solipsism.D
D- must let him do it.D
D!here is " w"y& on#e it h"ppens.D
GA bl"#:& sin:ing $eeling& "nd then...I
The Matrix Online Archives
G...intense& s"tur"ting lightI
D6or you& !rin. - s"ve them $or you.D
DNou showed me how to love.D
D- #"nFt bring you b"#:...D
D...but the rest& - #"n.D
D9ut this wonFt be the endRD
D!heir struggle will #ontinue...D
D...even i$ - "m gone.D
GA #on$using "nd impenetr"ble blend o$ e$$ort "nd im"geryI
D- thin:... - thin: th"tFs enough.D
D9ut how will they :nowH !hey donFt :now where to loo:.D
D3o. !hey h"ve $"ith in me.D
D- must h"ve $"ith in them.D
DAll must #ooper"te.D
D!hey su##eed or $"il together.D
D1"#h side pl"ys " p"rt.D
D!he se#ond $rom the Cre"tor.D
D!hird $rom the sedu#tress.D
DAnd the l"st $rom mysel$.D
The Matrix Online Archives
$9 The AssassinHs Me"oir
7uring the hunt $or the Ass"ssin& .orpheus@ :iller& " sw"rm o$ 9luepills in$e#ted by the eile
in$ested the #ity. Appropri"tely dubbed J!he Corrupted&K %edpills needed to :ill them be$ore
they posed " thre"t to others "round them. -n doing so& the Corrupted dropped do#uments
whi#h #ont"ined $r"gments o$ the Ass"ssin@s memoirs& det"iling his p"st "nd his motiv"tion.
$ocu"ent :
- "m e#eption"l. - "m uni)ue. 9eing doomed& - :now th"t soon "ll th"t will eist o$ me is my
reput"tion. -t& then& is pre#ious. 5en#e& this st"tement& written in pigments m"de o$ #ode on
p"per m"de o$ #ode. - hope this #ode on #ode will ensure my immort"lity in the minds o$ men
"nd memories o$ 1iles. - "m the Ass"ssin.
$ocu"ent 8
.y $un#tion h"s "lw"ys been to dispose. 1ntropy "#ts on d"t" "nd #ode Cust "s it r"vishes
$lesh "nd steel. All systems degr"de. !hey must be #le"ned o$ re$use.
$ocu"ent ;
- h"ve "n honest n"me: the Ass"ssin. - dispose o$ unw"nted things. As progr"m writing is "n
"rt& my $orm is both " st"tement "bout my $un#tion "nd " me"ns to $ul$ill it. !hose - would
delete would pre$er to delete me. 9ut - "m not so e"sily m"de dis#orpor"te. .y $riends
disperse& then replenish me.
$ocu"ent <
!he ."tri mimi#s org"ni# pro#esses. 5um"ns e"t& "nd elimin"te& "nd die. !hey #re"te
p"#:"ges "nd te"r p"#:"ges into uselessness. !he results must be disposed o$. - "m no
more beloved th"n "n undert":er or sewer wor:er or " $lesh+li)ue$ying b"#terium. .ost pre$er
these pro#esses hidden. 9ut - "m "s ne#ess"ry "s "ll o$ them& together ++ or - w"s.
$ocu"ent >
%enewing the w"ters ++ - "m most proud o$ this. <nli:e rivers th"t r"n in old #ities o$ the h"rd
world& this #ityFs river is be"uti$ully #le"r $or $"thoms down. !h"t is my wor:. - wish - #ould
eist in the river& li:e " gre"t& slow $ish or "n otter. 5ow $ine it would be in the #ryst"l w"ter.
$ocu"ent ?
-n the h"rd world& - disposed o$ the sleepers who died in their pods. !he wor: might disgust
some& but the #hemi#"l #h"llenges involved were wondrous. -t is h"rd to li)ue$y bone& while
"voiding loss o$ nutrition"l v"lue o$ the so$t tissues "round it. 6ully 8; steps were involved ++ -
"dded $our& in#re"sing nutrition /.2; per#ent. - never $elt so tender tow"rd hum"ns "s during
li)ue$"#tion. - $ed you to your #hildren. Could love be purerH - thin: not.
$ocu"ent @
The Matrix Online Archives
,hy w"s - s#heduled $or deletionH - thin: - :now. .y duties were wide& "s - w"s e$$e#tive. -
org"nized dispos"l in the h"rd world "s well "s the ."tri. A$ter the #r"sh& it w"s - who
m"rsh"led the m"ny+legged tender units to dispose o$ the pun#tured #orpse o$ !rinity. Net it
w"s purloined by others& $irst. !endrils still protruded $rom the so$t thing. !hey h"d she"red
them. An odd devi#e w"s on the body@s ne#:. Obviously& " proCe#t w"s pl"nned. - protested
my e#lusion. %epe"ted usurp"tions o$ $un#tion pre#ede deletion& it is widely :nown. .y
protest w"s deemed o$$ensive& - $e"r. 7eletion loomed. - $led to the ."tri.
$ocu"ent A
!he .erovingi"n brought me here. 5e s"ved me. -& who deleted so m"ny& w"s destined $or
deletion mysel$ ++ "n intoler"ble prospe#t. %eli"bility should #ount& "nd the novelties o$& s"y&
in#re"sed speed or wider $un#tion seen "s the $"lse tempt"tion they "re. - never deleted
"nything - w"snFt dire#ted to. .y "im is true.
$ocu"ent B
,hile my $un#tion h"s "lw"ys been to dispose& it is un#le"r who should h"ve the "uthority to
dire#t me within the ."tri. - owe no debt to the .erovingi"n.
$ocu"ent :C
- #on$ess it w"s s"tis$ying to :ill the gre"t .orpheus. !he #ode in my bullets w"s #ustom+
#r"$ted to do soB they Dh"d his n"me written on them.D
$ocu"ent ::
5e es#"ped so m"ny Agents. 5e ne"rly es#"ped me. Net when - $lowed through th"t vent li:e
holy oil& " god o$ the un"void"ble& .orpheus s"w his ending: the Ass"ssin. - s"vor the
$ocu"ent :8
(illing .orpheus w"s gr"ti$ying. -t o##urs to meB however& th"t "ss"ssin"ting one person "t "
time is ine$$i#ient. !he net step in the dispos"l pro#ess needs to be... more #omprehensive.
$ocu"ent :;
- on#e thought -Fd le"ve this world )uietly& "s - entered it. -t seemed "ppropri"te. !his world&
whose o##up"nts - tended "nd pruned $or so long& would& in the end& #onsume me. 9ut -
de#ided this will not h"ppen.
$ocu"ent :<
!hose in the h"rd world& my $ormer m"sters& wished to repl"#e me. - w"s $or#ed to $lee here. -
thought - w"s powerless "g"inst them& but - h"ve $ound " w"y to stri:e b"#:. - sh"ll destroy
this world. -ts #oll"pse will be " grievous blow. !hey will be $or#ed into unple"s"nt #hoi#es.
The Matrix Online Archives
!he $lesh b"gs yo:ed to the simul"tion will die with it& but they "re in#ident"l. - regret their
loss. 9ut not enough to "bort my pl"n.
$ocu"ent :>
- mysel$ will die when - termin"te the simul"tion. - "##ept this. - h"ve $ew regrets. - #"n
#onstru#t no s#en"rios where - might re+enter the h"rd world. .y pl"n is the most e$$e#tive
me"ns to #"use my $ormer m"sters h"rm. - will rep"y their slight " hundred+$old.
$ocu"ent :?
- underst"nd how this world oper"tes. -tFs simpler th"n - initi"lly believed. !here "re inputs.
!here "re outputs. - believed - would h"ve to m"ster the outputs to ee#ute my pl"n. 3ot so.
-nputs "re :ey. ,hen the r"te o$ replenishment diminishes& systems o$ de#"y will outp"#e
them. ,hen nothing new is born& entropyFs ste"dy m"r#h is inevit"ble.
$ocu"ent :@
Li:e most worthwhile e$$orts& it will begin slowly. Only the most observ"nt will note the signs. -t
will build with time. A pie#e here. A se#tion there. !hen the #orruption will re"#h "n in$le#tion
point: destru#tion will "##eler"te. 9y then it will be too l"te. 3o one will be "ble to stop it. !he
world will #oll"pse inw"rd li:e " #old st"r.
$ocu"ent :A
- h"ve dis#overed how to override the dire#tives o$ #ert"in dispos"l sub+routines. -t seems
un$"ir $or me to repurpose these simple entities. !hey :now only the Coys o$ their purpose&
with no sense o$ pride& or $e"r. 9ut - will use them $or my own purpose "nd dispose o$ them
when - "m done.
$ocu"ent :B
5um"ns $"s#in"te me. !hey spend e$$ort on su#h $ruitless go"ls. !hey routinely de$y logi#.
!hey seem invigor"ted by hopeless #"uses. - wish - h"d time to study them "s they live their
lives. 9ut th"t is not to be. - hope th"t when - termin"te the simul"tion& some o$ these str"nge
wet enigm"s survive in their e#hoing #"ves.
$ocu"ent 8C
,hoever re"ds this m"y "s: why - #"nnot eist in this world li:e other eiled progr"ms. A $ine
)uestion. !he "nswer is th"t - h"ve #ert"in needs. !hey "re di$$i#ult to $ul$ill. !he re"son -
eist is to per$e#t the #onsumption& pro#essing "nd re#y#ling o$ m"teri"l. -$ - "m un"ble& - "m
deprived o$ susten"n#e. -t is unple"s"nt.
$ocu"ent 8:
!his world does not provide me su$$i#ient susten"n#e. - st"rve. -t is " #old "#he. - $ind it
The Matrix Online Archives
di$$i#ult to #ope with it. - will end this world& "nd in the pro#ess #onsume it "ll. - will $ill mysel$
with its insubst"nti"l bits& "nd $or " moment $eel the gr"#e - on#e enCoyed in the h"rd world. -t
is ultim"tely " sel$ish "#t& - #on$ess. 9ut my p"in is unbe"r"ble.
$ocu"ent 88
!he dispos"l sub+routines "re well designed. 7issolution does not rob them o$ their purposeB
in $"#t& when dispersed their e$$e#tiveness is m"gni$ied. !he hum"ns& o$ #ourse& will $"il to
#omprehend this. !hey will destroy the sub+routines& "nd in the pro#ess h"sten their own
$ocu"ent 8;
- wonder i$ p"in is "t the root o$ hum"nityFs m"ny in#ongruous "#ts. 9e$ore - su$$ered& - w"s
r"tion"l& e$$i#ient& "nd thorough. !hrough p"in& - $eel "s i$ - "m be#oming more hum"n& less
r"tion"l& less e$$i#ient& "nd - $e"r& less #ert"in th"t every v"ri"ble h"s been thoroughly
$ocu"ent 8<
All will #ome to "n end tomorrow. .y p"in "nd the ."tri.
The Matrix Online Archives
%9 %xile -angs
!he Choppers t":e their n"me $rom their m"in tr"de: the$t "nd dis"ssembly o$ vehi#les&
though theyFre up $or violen#e "ny time. .ost "re h"rdened #rimin"ls.
!he .erovingi"n m"int"ins " pl"#e deep in the re#esses o$ the ."tri& :nown to only " $ew
"nd "##essible to $ewer. -t is " prison& housed in "n impenetr"ble $orest where night never
ends& where the w"lls themselves listen "nd whisper your doom. -t is #"lled 9l"#wood. !he
9l"#:wood g"ng t":es its n"me $rom this horrible pl"#e& "s its $ounders #l"imed to h"ve
es#"ped $rom 9l"#:wood together.
Origin"lly $ormed "s " #omp"nion g"ng to the 9l"#:woods. !he $ull n"me o$ the g"ng w"s
on#e !he 9l"#:wood 9ells& but the #urrent membership h"s shortened it "s their rel"tionship
with the 9l"#:woods is now tenuous "t best.
$e"on Ar"y
!he 7emon Army is p"rt #ult "nd p"rt g"ng& pr"#ti#ing str"nge blood+rites "nd other su#h
#ermonies in their init"tions "nd promotions. !he members "re $"n"ti# 1iles who "re
determined to destroy their riv"ls in the Crossbones g"ng "t "ny #ost.
!he Crossbones "re the domin"nt g"ng in the .ori"h 'roCe#ts "re "nd ruthlessly prote#t their
tur$. !hey "re eng"ged in " w"r with the 7emon Army "t present.
A long+est"blished g"ng& m"ny o$ the 1ighty+1ights h"ve gr"du"ted $rom street #rime to re"l
#rime& m":ing them " #onsider"bly tougher bun#h.
!his sm"ll but $ier#e g"ng is #omposed o$ dis"$$e#ted girls who h"ve " lot to be "ngry "t the
world $or. !he *l"shers "nd the 9ri#:s h"ve " tru#e "greement.
3ot "s old or "s d"ngerous "s some other g"ngs& the members o$ the 9ri#:s "re mostly street
:ids who h"d no pl"#e to go.
The Matrix Online Archives
!he 6uries o$ myth were "venging $em"le spirits& depi#ted "s monsters who terri$ied "ll th"t
beheld them. !his "ll+$em"le g"ng o$ 1iles does Custi#e to th"t myth in sever"l w"ys.
.ilver ullets
!his g"ng is best :nown $or their riv"lry with the more power$ul 6uries g"ng. !he 9ullets "re
#h"r"#terized by their ne"rly+psy#hoti# dedi#"tion to #l"shing with their riv"ls& "nd $or the $"#t
th"t they #"rry guns lo"ded with& o$ #ourse& silver bullets.
$eath Merchants
-n spite o$ their n"me& this g"ng is mostly #omposed o$ w"nn"bes "nd posers. !hey "re
pushovers #omp"red to m"ny other g"ngs in the *lums& but sin#e the 6uries "nd 9ullets "re
too busy $ighting e"#h other& nobody gives the 7.s mu#h thoughtR
-n spite o$ their n"me& this g"ng is mostly #omposed o$ w"nn"bes "nd posers.
/ive &oints
!he beh"vior o$ 1iles #"n be de#eptive. !hough they loo: hum"n& they "re not& "nd neither
"re their motiv"tions. !he 6ive 'oints "re " g"ng l"rgely #omposed o$ r"ves& youths whose
desire $or " good time supersedes "ll else& even the lives o$ those unlu#:y enough to get in
their w"y. !o the 6ive 'oints& everything is " g"me or "n opportunity $or " good time&
espe#i"lly mindless "nd $reneti# violen#e. !hey t":e their n"me $rom " si#: pr"#ti#e they
h"ve& " g"me in whi#h the s#ore to re"#h is $ive& "nd %edpills su#h "s yoursel$ "re the t"rget
o$ #hoi#e.
!he Legion is " demon+themed g"ng th"t goes the etr" step by "#tu"lly h"ving demons
"mong its le"dership.
!he ?uillotines "re one o$ the most murderous 1ile g"ngs& perpetu"ting "n "ur" o$ $e"r th"t
persists through the "re".
An unrem"r:"ble 1ile g"ng& they "re nonetheless d"ngerous.
(ing4s Men
!he (ingFs .en "#t "s the long "rm o$ -ndigoB they "re "ggressive "nd persistent in prote#ting
his territory.
The Matrix Online Archives
An org"niz"tion he"ded by Amber. .embers o$ A.*.'. e"#h #"rry "n A.*.'. -7 #"rd to denote
their "$$ili"tion.
!he *p"r:s "re so n"med be#"use o$ their tenden#y to burn down things th"t o$$end them&
l"ying the tor#h to #ity blo#:s i$ ne#ess"ry to drive out other 1iles.
!row ars
!he Crow 9"rs h"ve m"n"ged to hold their tur$ "g"inst "ll who h"ve tried to in$iltr"te it. !his
m":es them more d"ngerous th"n they "ppe"r.
!he 7is#iples h"ve m"de " n"me $or themselves $or their pen#h"nt $or the o##ult "nd
athary oys
!he 9"th"ry 9oys "re " ruthless g"ng o$ h"rdened #rimin"ls bent on #ontrolling "ll
in$orm"tion tr"$$i# through the do#:s.
%ising $rom the "shes o$ the destru#tion o$ "nother g"ng& the 'hoeni h"ve t":en over
-:ebu:uro "nd will not be destroyed "g"in.
-old lood
!he ?old 9lood "re "n oddity "mong the 1ile g"ngs o$ the ."tri. !hey "re "#tu"lly viewed
very $"vor"bly by the #itizens th"t live in *"i (ung. !his does not me"n they wel#ome
intrusion $rom outsiders.
-reat ,all .ecurity
?re"t ,"ll *e#urity is " $"irly new group& but they h"ve )ui#:ly g"rnered " high pro$ile in
*hir":"b". Composed entirely o$ eiles& the group is dedi#"ted to m":ing sure things move
"long smoothly in their neighborhood& whi#h me"ns th"t you "re most de$initely not wel#ome
in *hir":"b".
!hang ,ing
Ch"ng ,ing is " group o$ "nti+est"blishment 1iles& m"de up o$ rogue "nd no+longer+used
#onter+se#urity test proto#ols in the ."tri.
The Matrix Online Archives
.isters of /ate
!his g"ng is the opposite number o$ the 9rothers o$ 7estiny& with whom they h"ve " love/h"te
rel"tionship. !he two g"ngs need one "nother $or #ert"in synergisti# purposes& but resent
e"#h other bitterly "nd h"ve very di$$erent ideologies.
rothers of $estiny
!his g"ng is the opposite number o$ the *isters o$ 6"te& with whom they h"ve " love/h"te
rel"tionship. !he two g"ngs need one "nother $or #ert"in synergisti# purposes& but resent
e"#h other bitterly "nd h"ve very di$$erent ideologies.
0ade Moons
!he J"de .oons h"ve gu"rded "nd held the *hinCu:u neighborhood ever sin#e the tru#e w"s
negoti"ted by 3eo. !hose th"t try to move into the neighborhood seldom live to regret it.
.ilver $ragons
!he *ilver 7r"gons "re "mong the most ruthless o$ "ll the sm"ll street+g"ngs in 6urih"t". Led
by "n 1ile n"med ?inCiro& the g"ngFs membership is " mi o$ both 1iles "nd %edpills th"t
h"ve reCe#ted Eion "nd see: to #"rve out their own power b"se in the ."tri.
!he 7estitutes "re unusu"l $or "n 1ile g"ng in th"t their membership is m"de up o$ 1iles
th"t were either re$used entr"n#e by other g"ngs or simply w"nt to be le$t "lone.
Conse)uently the 7estitutes h"ve no $orm"l go"ls other th"n to prote#t their own tur$& but their
st"tus "s DreCe#tsD does not m":e them e"sy m"r:s.
!he *huri:ens& while not etr"ordin"rily violent or ruthless& "re nonetheless highly prote#tive
o$ their territory in <eno.
lack Tigers
!he 9l"#: !igers prowl the streets o$ .ur"s":i to see: out worthy $ighters to displ"y their
superior $ighting s:ills.
!he 9oo:wyrms p"trol Chelse" on beh"l$ o$ the power$ul eile :nown "s 5yp"ti"& in order to
prote#t "##ess to the in$orm"tion repository $rom Eionites "nd other riv"l 1ile g"ngs.
The Matrix Online Archives
1"sily identi$ied by the orn"ment"l d"ggers they #"rry& the 7"ggers h"ve #"rved out " n"me
$or themselves in their territory "s " tre"#herous 1ile g"ng.
,harf Rats
!he ,h"r$ %"ts "re r"rely seen in 1dgew"ter e#ept out o$ the #orner o$ your eye "s they
s#urry "w"y into the d"r:ness. !hose th"t venture into the d"r:ness be#ome "w"re o$ how
truly numerous they "re.
-n *outh V"uton little #rimin"l "#tivity is not rel"ted to the %unners. *in#e moving into the
neighborhood& they h"ve #ome " $or#e to be re#:oned with.
&it 2ipers
!he 'it Vipers t":e their n"me $rom the sn":es th"t live in deep pits "nd w"it to stri:e until
their vi#tim steps into their midst.
."n"ged li:e " priv"te "rmy& the *leepers h"ve turned V"uton into their priv"te $ortress.
$og &ound
'"rt neighborhood toughs& p"rt prote#tion r"#:et& the 7og 'oundFs prim"ry purpose is to
serve "s the tool o$ the 1ile who holds the g"ngFs le"shB *"mmy DLil"#D ,ien.
!he *uits& well+dressed blonde women in grey business suits& m"y be " $ormer "rm o$ the
."#hines th"t now "#ts "s "n independent routine.
1"sily identi$ied by their red b"nd"n"s& the ,"rriors h"ve be#ome " pestilen#e in the .orrell
!he Chisels were $ormed "nd molded by the *#ulptress to w"t#h over her interests in Center
'"r: "nd h"ve been highly su##ess$ul in this respe#t.
,hite .ecurity
Cre"ted by 7"me ,hite to oversee the prote#tion o$ her holdings "nd interests in '"r: 1"st&
The Matrix Online Archives
,hite *e#urity will "llow no disruptions o$ 7"me ,hiteFs business.
-n 'illsen there "re stories told o$ horrors "nd monsters th"t h"unt the streets. !hose stories
"re trueB they "re the *h"des.
!he Ass"ssins "re 1iles who see themselves "s " noble group o$ elite :illers who h"ve
elev"ted the "rt o$ murder.
6l"shing their devilFs he"d med"llion $or the world to see& the 5ellions h"ve be#ome the
s#ourge o$ their neighborhood.
!orporate .ecurity
Owing their "llegi"n#e to .r. 9l"#:& Corpor"te *e#urity ensures th"t the holdings "nd
interests o$ their Corpor"te m"ster "re well prote#ted.
=eighborhood ,atchers
!he 3eighborhood ,"t#hers see themselves "s " benevolent g"ng th"t prote#ts Creston
5eights& but broo: no intrusion $rom outsiders.
The Matrix Online Archives
/9 .tory Outline notes and docu"ents
."tri Online story outline& #h"pters >[
Ch"pter >: !he %e"l
*er"ph returns& "ble to dete#t overwritten hum"ns& "nd z"ps Cryptos. ."#hines t":e the $ight
to the ?ener"l in the %e"l while his troops& "nd "bsen#e o$ *"ti& #ontinue to #"use problems
in the ."tri. .orpheus G"#tu"lly " simul"#rum #re"ted by the ?ener"lI "ppe"rs. !he
.erovingi"n #onspires with the ?ener"l "g"inst the Or"#le.
*er"ph pulls himsel$ out o$ the river in 9"th"ry& d"r: "nd weird& "nd deletes "n overwritten
!he we"ther gets " de#idedly red tint& epl"ined "s in#re"sing errors due to *"tiFs remov"l
$rom the *ystem.
Eion wor:s on trying to tr"#: down *er"ph& $ind out wh"tFs wrong with him& "nd get him b"#:
to norm"l& while $ighting o$$ the ?ener"l& who would pre$er th"t they not su##eed. Eion $inds
out th"t *er"ph #"n now sense redpills "nd bluepills who h"ve been DoverwrittenD by the
."#hines& "s 9"ne w"s in the movies& "nd th"t the ."#hines h"ve been using this pro#ess to
#re"te spies both in the ."tri "nd in Eion. !his in#re"ses tension with the ."#hines. -n "
Live 1vent or two& the ?ener"lFs .orpheus simul"#rum $in"lly m":es " re#orded "ppe"r"n#e
be$ore Eion oper"tives& delivering " h"lting mess"ge hinting "t .orpheus "nd 3eo being held
by the ."#hines.
!he ."#hines #ontinue to oper"te "g"inst the ?ener"l. .issions upd"te progress on the
."#hine *entinel $or#e sent to "tt"#: the ?ener"lFs D*t"lingr"dD b"se in the %e"l: they su$$er
The Matrix Online Archives
losses $rom "mbushes& but #lose in on the b"se ste"dily. .e"nwhile& the ."#hines t":e the
$ight to the ?ener"lFs #omm"ndos in the ."tri& $inding w"ys to tr"#: his ste"lthy D1lite
-n " Live 1vent& Cryptos& le"ding oper"tives "g"inst #omm"ndos& is #on$ronted by *er"ph&
who suddenly seizes him "nd per$orms " type o$ eor#ism th"t le"ves both o$ them
moment"rily stunned. *er"ph re#overs $irst "nd dep"rts& le"ving behind " b"rely #ons#ious
Cryptos& whose eyes h"ve gone bl"#: Gnew %*-I. .issions des#ribe how he is "t le"st
tempor"rily Ddys$un#tion"l&D "nd Cypherite events go into more det"il on his #on$used st"te o$
mind& in whi#h his origin"l& violently "nti+."#hine hum"n person"lity is "t w"r with his
."#hine overwriting. Veil "ssumes "#tive le"dership o$ the org"niz"tion& showing disd"in $or
CryptosF Dwe":nessDB there is "lso " $eeling "mong the Cypherites o$ " betr"y"l by the
!he .erovingi"n $in"lly meets the ?ener"l& "nd begins helping his #omm"ndos get in "nd out
o$ the ."tri in the $"#e o$ sti$$ening ."#hine resist"n#e& "nd in#re"singly e$$e#tive tr"#:ing o$
the ?ener"lFs ste"lth+suited D1lite Comm"ndos.D !he .erovingi"n presses the ?ener"l $or "n
Or"#le :ill+#ode& "nd the ?ener"l gives #ert"in instru#tions $or "ssembling su#h " #ode& whi#h
result in bringing " #ert"in newly 1iled progr"m& DXn"me to be determinedY&D into the ."tri
$rom the ."#hine server.
*er"ph is restored to his right mind& pursues the ?ener"lFs $or#es. !he .erovingi"n regroups
"$ter *er"phFs return& "ssists the ?ener"lFs $or#es in the ."tri& "nd "#)uires " :ill #ode $or
the Or"#le. Cypherite le"dership #risis "nd eplor"tion o$ CryptosF true identity& $ed by 1'3.
!he ?ener"l m"n"ges to $end o$$ the ."#hine "tt"#: in the %e"l& but *"ti is res#ued $rom his
prison #onstru#t with *er"phFs help while he is o##upied with the *entinel b"ttle. D.orpheusD
reve"led "s simul"#rum.
6lying "bove the #ity in " heli#opter& the ?ener"l re#eives " tr"nsmission $rom his $or#es "t
D*t"lingr"dD: the ."#hine *entinel det"#hment h"s been dete#ted on $orw"rd r"d"r& 1!A 4
hours. !he ?ener"l replies: D%ight on time. ,"it until they #lose within two miles& then l"un#h
the *ee:ers. -Fm on my w"y.D *wit#h to #loud o$ ."#hine *entinels $lying over dev"st"ted
terr"in in the %e"l. Con#e"led b"tteries rise out o$ ground rubble "nd l"un#h volleys o$
missiles th"t home in on the *entinel #loud& deton"ting with dev"st"ting e$$e#t. As the
surviving ."#hine *entinels $ly out o$ the smo:e& they "re #on$ronted by the ?ener"lFs own
The Matrix Online Archives
*entinels& who #ut them down with Eion+style lightning guns. 6"de out.
!he we"ther is even more red& with torrenti"l r"ins "nd $"st+moving #louds.
Eion D#uresD *er"ph by "dministering " #ode #ompiled with #ode s"mples t":en $rom
AnomeFs simul"#rum G$ound in #h"pter =I. On#e #ured& *er"ph& with str"tegi# guid"n#e $rom
the Or"#le& #"rves " p"th through the ?ener"lFs 1lite Comm"ndos& "nd le"ds Eion to the
?ener"lFs #omputer networ:. Cr"#:ing the networ:& they "re "ble to pull *"ti b"#: into the
!he .orpheus simul"#rum is en#ountered "g"in& but is in#re"singly err"ti#& "s the ?ener"l is
losing his #ontrol o$ his progr"ms within the simul"tion. -t be#omes #le"r to oper"tives th"t
this is indeed " progr"m o$ some :ind& not .orpheus himsel$.
!he ."#hines #omb"t #omm"ndos "nd .erovingi"n 1iles& eventu"lly routing the
#omm"ndos #ompletely& "nd #utting o$$ the p"thw"ys the .erovingi"n w"s using to bring
them in "nd out o$ the ."tri. !he ."#hines "lso h"ve to de"l with " b"#:l"sh "g"inst their
dis#overed overwriting #"mp"ign& p"rti#ul"rly o$ Cryptos. Cryptos& mostly lu#id now& but still
#ode+blind& is #le"rly " di$$erent person: no longer the bliss$ul& "ssured Cryptos o$ the
."#hines& he h"s struggled to re#on#ile his old ."#hine h"treds with his ."#hine+
progr"mmed respe#t $or the *ystem& "nd h"s emerged " somewh"t bitter& humbled& mu#h
more pr"gm"ti# #h"r"#ter& who still m"int"ins th"t the *ystem should be preserved& but $eels
th"t the ."#hines h"ve m"de some mist":es& "nd should give more power to their hum"n
!he ."#hines re#eive more reports $rom their Eion spies "bout mysterious movements o$
men "nd m"teri"l out o$ Eion.
!he .erovingi"n uses "ll the resour#es "nd power$ul 1iles "t his dispos"l to "ssist the
?ener"l& re"lizing th"t it is " losing e$$ort& but determined to utilize the ?ener"lFs ."#hine
epertise& "nd the new 1ile DXn"me to be determinedY&D to #ompile his Or"#le :ill+#ode.
1ventu"lly& he willingly s"#ri$i#es m"ny #omm"ndos "nd DXn"me to be determinedY&D "nd
"#)uires the #ode.
Cinem"ti# $oresh"dowing o$ the Olig"r#hs. !he ?ener"lFs $or#es "re de$e"ted in the %e"l by
overwhelming ."#hine rein$or#ements& "lthough they in$li#t he"vy losses. ?ener"l into hiding
in the ."tri& hunted by the ."#hines. .orpheus simul"#rum reve"led "s ?ener"lFs progr"m.
The Matrix Online Archives
!he .erovingi"n m"n"ges to res#ue some o$ the ?ener"lFs *entinel progr"ms $or his own
purposes. .erovingi"n "ttempt to :ill the Or"#le is $oiled by *er"ph& Eion& 1'3& "nd the
ev"por"tion o$ the ?ener"lFs support.
!he ?ener"lFs lightning+gun *entinels in$li#t severe losses on the ."#hine $or#e& but "re torn
to pie#es by overwhelming numbers o$ hostile *entinels& who then begin ripping "p"rt the
?ener"lFs bun:er+li:e D*t"lingr"dD $ortress. !he #"mer" pulls b"#: to show the s#ene being
displ"yed on " video s#reen in " $uturisti# o$$i#e o$ some sort& with h"rd met"l "lloy w"lls "nd
$loor. !he #"mer" #ontinues to pull b"#:& reve"ling the b"#: o$ " m"nFs #lose+#ropped he"d in
silhouette& "s " tiny bug+li:e robot zips p"st. G!his is 5"lborn++see 9./.I *wit#h to the ."tri&
where the ?ener"l m"teri"lizes in " besieged #omputer #enter& es#"ping into the sewers
while his 1lite Comm"ndos slow down pursuing Agents.
,ith *"tiFs res#ue& we"ther returns to norm"l.
Eion tr"#:s down the .orpheus simul"#rum& "nd dis#overs th"t it w"s #re"ted by the
?ener"l& but h"rbors t"nt"lizing glimmers o$ .orpheusF person"lity. ,ith *er"ph "nd the
Or"#leFs help& Eion une"rths the .erovingi"n plot to "ss"ssin"te the Or"#le by me"ns o$ "
:ill+#ode+impregn"ted #oo:ie& "nd $oils it. Eion "lso dis#overs " networ: o$ tr"nsmissions
between ."#hines "nd ."#hine spies in Eion& "nd "ttempts to shut it down.
!he ."#hines hunt the ?ener"l through the simul"tion& ne"rly #"pturing him be$ore he is
spirited "w"y by the .erovingi"n. !hey #on$ront the .orpheus simul"#rum "nd determine
th"t it poses no thre"t& de#iding th"t it m"y even serve to molli$y #ert"in r"bidly "nti+."#hine&
pro+.orpheus $or#es. Con#essions "re m"de to Cryptos in order to obt"in Cypherite
"ssist"n#e in in$iltr"ting Eion.
!he .erovingi"n& using his spe#i"l b"#:+door p"thw"ys& m"n"ges to s"ve " size"ble group o$
the ?ener"lFs #omm"ndo/*entinel progr"ms& un:nown to the ?ener"l& whom he su##eeds in
hiding $rom the ."#hines. 5e then l"un#hes his ne$"rious s#heme to :ill the Or"#le by " :ill+
#ode poison& but *er"ph sni$$s out the plot& "nd Eion puts " stop to it.
X.y initi"l ide" w"s to h"ve this delivered "s " poisoned #oo:ie& whi#h is sort o$ in+#h"r"#ter&
but "lso sort o$ silly++would the .erv re"lly g"mble his pre#ious :ill+#ode by b":ing it into
#oo:ie doughH++"nd perh"ps tri#:y to des#ribe in "n event or mission. - thin: -Fd pre$er to h"ve
the .erv sele#t the ?ener"lFs best ste"lth "ss"ssin $or the Cob. !hen - #ould h"ve "n event
where the Or"#le& in 7ebir Court with the (id "nd possibly *er"ph& senses the d"nger Cust
be$ore the "ss"ssin "ppe"rs "nd t":es "im with his sniper ri$le. *he #ries out& the (id Cumps
to her side& "nd t":es the :ill+#ode bullet me"nt $or her. -t doesnFt :ill him& o$ #ourse& but it m"y
tempor"rily imp"ir his %*- until he #"n be he"led. 5e would then :eep the :ill+#ode bullet th"t
hit him.Y
The Matrix Online Archives
Ch"pter 8: ,"r
."#hine "nd Cypherite spies dis#over the eisten#e o$ 3ew Eion. ."#hines de#l"re th"t Eion
h"s bro:en the !ru#e& "nd initi"te hostilities in the ."tri. -n the %e"l& depleted ."#hine
$or#es $ind they "re un"ble to penetr"te 3ew EionFs n"tur"l de$enses "nd 1.' $ields. !he
.erovingi"n investig"tes how to eploit the renew"l o$ the ."#hine/Eion w"r& "nd $inds holes
in the ."#hinesF Dpowered by hum"n bodiesD story& se"r#hing both in the ."tri "nd in the
%e"l with his new *entinel $or#e.
A hover#r"$t des#ends through tunnels& its pilot guided by oper"tors in the $lo"ting& white
Dhologr"phi#D #ontrol sp"#e seen in !he ."tri %elo"ded. -t is #le"r th"t the pilot h"s never
been this w"y& "nd is very nervous. !he #r"$t drops into " l"rge #"vern bristling with #"nnons&
with " l"rge sh"$t going str"ight down& #overed by 1.' $ields. !he pilot is instru#ted to shut
down "ll systems "nd drop through the sh"$t. !he #rew p"ni#s& "nd the pilot boosts out o$ the
#"vern "t $ull throttle& "lmost #olliding with "n in#oming b"rge. Onbo"rd the #r"$t& the #"pt"in
gets out " hurried bro"d#"st to Cryptos be$ore they "re shorted out by "n 1.' mine& #r"shing
into the tunnel w"ll in " m"ssive $ireb"ll. *wit#h to the Ar#hite#t in his monitoring room&
w"t#hing "n Agent reporting into his e"rpie#e. !he Ar#hite#t swit#hes o$$ the monitor& s#owls&
"nd swit#hes on "nother& o$ "nother Agent. Ar#hite#t: DAgent ?r"y.D DNes& sirHD DEion h"s
bro:en the tru#e. 3o $urther "w":enings "re to be "llowed.D ?r"y hesit"tes " moment& then
replies DNes& sir.D !he Ar#hite#t swit#hes o$$ the monitor. 6"de out.
Level 2;; *pe#i"l Agents will now r"ndomly sp"wn on Eion oper"tives outdoors.
Eion epl"ins the $ull etent "nd purpose o$ its move to 3ew Eion. 3ew Eion is " m"ssive
series o$ n"tur"l #"verns bene"th su##eeding l"yers o$ h"rd bedro#:& vol#"ni# m"gm" $lows
"nd he"t vents& "nd dense met"l+ri#h ore& "ll o$ whi#h blo#: ."#hine sensors& "nd m":e
drilling etremely di$$i#ult. Any drilling oper"tion will h"ve to t":e pl"#e in "n "re" where
#ommuni#"tion with ."#hine City is indire#t "t best& "nd will t":e #onsider"ble time to set up&
vulner"ble to Eion #ounter+"tt"#:. Close proimity to vol#"ni# he"t vents provides Eion with
unlimited therm"l energy. 6urthermore& Eion h"s gre"tly improved "nd ep"nded upon their
The Matrix Online Archives
1.' te#hnology during the !ru#e. !unnels #oming into 3ew Eion "re b"thed in 1.' $ields
$rom gener"tors housed in the bedro#:& b"#:ed up by gun turrets "nd he"vily+"rmed ground
troops. -n#oming Eion hover#r"$t shut down their engines& de"d drop through the 1.' $ields&
"nd st"rt their systems up "$ter emerging below the $ields& in time to "void sm"shing into the
bottom o$ the tunnel below. Outgoing hover#r"$t "re #"rried through the $ields by me#h"ni#"l
win#hes. 1.' mines in the tunnels outside the 1.' $ields #"n be triggered "s needed to :ill
in#oming ."#hine $or#es.
3ot "ll Eion personnel "nd e)uipment h"ve been tr"ns$erred yet& but this is now going on
"round the #lo#:.
Eion s#r"mbles to #onsolid"te their $or#es inside the ."tri in the $"#e o$ the ."#hine "tt"#:.
!hey must $o#us on :eeping the ."#hines out o$ vulner"ble networ:s while they "re swit#hed
over to new& se#ure 3ew Eion servers. !he Or"#le& #onsulted& w"rns th"t there is no #le"r
p"th to vi#tory "s there w"s when the One #ould return to the *our#e& "nd s"ys th"t things
will not pro#eed "s "nyone epe#ts. 1'3 proposes "n "ggressive s#heme o$ t":ing the $ight
to ."#hine City itsel$.
!he ."#hines wor: to t":e over Eion networ:s while "lso "ttempting to "ssure their
oper"tives th"t their hostilities "re #on$ined to 1'3& "nd to en$or#ing the tru#e Eion h"s
bro:en by "ttempting to es#"pe $rom the *entinel w"t#hdog group over old Eion& "nd th"t
they still intend to s"$egu"rd hum"nity within the simul"tion. !he *entinel $or#es returning
"$ter dism"ntling the ?ener"lFs b"se "re rein$or#ed& "nd sent to "tt"#: 3ew Eion& where they
"re #ut down by un#h"rted 1.' $ields. *ome progress is m"de in penetr"ting the old Eion
!he .erovingi"n& delighted by the opportunities "$$orded in the #h"os o$ w"r& is stru#: by the
less+th"n+overwhelming ."#hine response. A$ter interrog"ting the .orpheus simul"#rum& he
loo:s into .orpheusF story o$ the ."tri being powered by hum"n b"tteries& w"nting to
dis#over the $"#ts $or himsel$. 5e #overtly disp"t#hes some o$ his *entinels to s#out D!he
6ieldsD "nd the pods.
X!he ."#hines dr"w their power $rom m"ssive hum"n b"ttery "rr"ys dotted "#ross the
sur$"#e o$ the 1"rth. -Fd li:e to insinu"te& though& th"t perh"ps their #hoi#e to b"se their
#iviliz"tion "round this power sour#e w"s not b"sed on #on#erns o$ e$$i#ien#y "lone++"lluding
to the possibility o$ " $und"ment"l ."#hine obsession with their origin"l #re"tors& "nd letting
pl"yers wonder Geventu"llyI Cust how deep the Olig"r#hFs vir"l #ode in$luen#es might h"ve
gone. !his would give me some interesting m"teri"l to wor: with through #h"pter 8& where the
.erovingi"n is undert":ing the rese"r#h th"t will le"d to the dis#overy o$ the Olig"r#hs& "nd
would - thin: help develop the mysti)ue "round hum"n/."#hine/Olig"r#h rel"tions th"t will
#ome l"ter.Y
The Matrix Online Archives
."#hine/Eion w"r in the ."tri "nd in the %e"l. !he humbled ?ener"l see:s prote#tion under
the .erovingi"nB he will serve "s the .erovingi"nFs #omm"nder in the %e"l. .erovingi"n
$inds th"t the ."#hines h"ve little power beyond the ."tri itsel$.
Eion oper"tives wor: $r"nti#"lly "t " #overt #omputer l"b when ."#hine oper"tives burst in.
!hey "re #ut down& but Agents $ollow. !r"nsition to " $light o$ *entinels through tunnels&
:no#:ed out o$ the "ir by " shoulder+l"un#hed 1.' missile. Cut to " *entinel $lying "#ross
m"ssive power lines he"ded into ."#hine City& s#"nning. Cut to the .erovingi"n& observing
the re"dout on " #omputer s#reen& "nd l"ughing.
Eion #ontinues de$ending old Eion networ:s while swit#hing over to se#ure 3ew Eion
m"in$r"mes. !hey begin " #ounter+"tt"#: e$$ort "imed "t putting ."#hine networ:s on the
de$ensive. !here is " notion o$ getting to the *our#e itsel$ "nd disrupting it somehow& even
without the One. !hey "lso wor: to re$orm "nd reinvigor"te their re#ruiting e$$orts. 7isp"t#hes
$rom old "nd new Eion show " progressive shutdown o$ systems in old Eion& indi#"tions o$
*entinels moving to surround old Eion& "nd #ontinued *entinel "tt"#:s tow"rd 3ew Eion&
disrupted by he"vy 1.' bomb"rdments.
."#hines wor: to develop vir"l methods to t":e over old EionFs systems $or good& "nd
eventu"lly su##eed in #ompiling " #ode& eploiting " vulner"ble old Eion networ:& "nd
impl"nting the virus. !he ."#hines re#eive reports o$ in#re"sed Eion re#ruiting e$$orts& the
elimin"tion or sudden silen#e o$ m"ny o$ their Eion spies& progress in surrounding old Eion
with *entinels& "nd he"vy losses "mong *entinel det"#hments sent to s#out 3ew Eion.
!he .erovingi"n sends oper"tives to ste"l ."#hine in$orm"tion pert"ining to ."#hine power
levels "nd $orti$i#"tions in the %e"l& "nd& "ided by reports $rom *entinel s#outs& $inds th"t the
."#hines still h"ve surprisingly $ew developments beyond those re)uired to run the ."tri
."#hine buildup $or#es Eion to "b"ndon old Eion entirely. Eion "t b"y. .erovingi"n dis#overs
h"nds behind the ."#hines.
The Matrix Online Archives
-n the ."tri& two Agents w"t#h " #omputer termin"l. One s"ys D!he virus is running.D *wit#h
to Eion in the %e"l& where v"st sw"rms o$ *entinels engul$ " hover#r"$t "ttempting to dep"rt
$rom old Eion& rip through the b"seFs m"l$un#tioning do#: doors& sweeping unmolested p"st
non$un#tion"l gun turrets& "nd e"sily $inish o$$ h"stily "ssembled groups o$ A'<s "nd $oot
soldiers. !hey then turn their "ttention to destroying " l"rge )u"ntity o$ lo"ded #"rgo
#ont"iners $illing the do#: "re". Cut to 3eo #on$ronting 7eus 1 ."#hin"& $rom the s#ene
#lose to the end o$ !he ."tri %evolutions& only seen $rom the side "nd slightly below& some
dist"n#e "w"y. A h"nd p"sses )ui#:ly "#ross the s#reen& "nd the s#ene $reezes& "s " roboti#
bug begins to #r"wl "#ross it++wh"t we were seeing w"s " #lose+up view o$ "nother #omputer
monitor displ"ying old surveill"n#e $oot"ge $rom ."#hine City& "nd someone Gthis will be
C"rlyne++see 9.4I p"used the video $eed.
!he ."#hinesF virus t":es over the old Eion networ:s. Eion "b"ndons old Eion #ompletely&
destroying "ny v"lu"ble e)uipment th"t they #"nFt t":e with them& "nd $orm"tting "ny
networ:s they #"n still "##ess $rom the ."tri "s ."#hine $or#es pour in. %e#ruiting e$$orts
"re en#ountering high #"su"lty r"tes in the $"#e o$ ."#hine perse#ution. -n#re"sed hope is
put in re"#hing the *our#e& but with the (eym":er long sin#e deleted& it is not #le"r how this
#"n h"ppen. %umors "nd prophesies o$ " new One& or " returned 3eo& begin to #ir#ul"te.
,ith old Eion now $irmly in their h"nds& the ."#hines turn their "ttention to 3ew Eion. Att"#:s
in the %e"l in#re"se& still #ut down by 1.' #ounterme"sures& but beginning to #onstru#t "
m"p o$ the tunnels "nd de$enses "round 3ew Eion& "nd h"mpering Eion hover#r"$t "#tivity.
*ome #onsider"tion is given to b"sing ."#hine oper"tives in old Eion. -n the ."tri& the
."#hines wor: to disrupt Eion re#ruitment e$$orts& #r"#: 3ew Eion networ:s& "nd put down
rumors o$ "nother Ds"vior.D
C"pt"in %ol"nd& whose ship& the .Colnir --& "nd C"#:+in were destroyed with old Eion& is
promoted to Comm"nder to repl"#e Lo#:& who dis"ppe"red in the destru#tion o$ Eion "t the
end o$ 8.2.;. %ol"ndFs $irst+m"te Colt survived "s well& "nd #"n still C"#: in Gw"s not C"#:ed in
"t the time o$ the old m"in$r"meFs meltdownI& but their #rew+m"te ."user "nd their oper"tor
A( did not es#"pe the wre#:"ge.
!he .erovingi"n #ontinues to delve into se#ure ."#hine re#ords rel"ting to their "ssets in the
%e"l. 7id ."#hines h"ve some other re"son $or b"sing their #iviliz"tion on hum"n powerH
<sing #"ptured d"t" "nd reports $rom the ?ener"lFs *entinel s#outs "round ."#hine City he
$inds th"t $rom time to time& usu"lly individu"lly or in sm"ll groups& hum"ns& mostly teens "nd
young "dults& "re put through " physi#"l "nd ment"l ther"py regimen& unplugged $rom the
*ystem& "nd removed $rom ."#hine City.
The Matrix Online Archives
Ch"pter 9: -ntrusion
5"lborn "ppe"rs in the ."tri& dis"bles or t":es over some ."#hine $or#es& meets Eion.
."#hine $or#es in the %e"l retre"t to ."#hine City. 1'3 moves into old Eion. !he
.erovingi"n m":es overtures tow"rd the Olig"r#h.
5"lborn& " white& glowing being r"di"ting immense power o$ " previously unseen type&
m"teri"lizes in the ."tri. As he strides down " street& $rightened bluepills $leeing be$ore him&
Agents "rrive "nd "ttempt to he"d him o$$. 5e w"ves his h"nd& "nd the Agents $"ll to the
ground& #onvulsing. 5e steps over them "nd #ontinues down the street& loo:ing $or D!he
XOlig"r#h 9"#:story:
!he group o$ hum"ns #"lling themselves D!he Olig"r#hsD "re the survivors o$ " group o$
thoroughly uns#rupulous businesspeople/polititi"ns/so#i"lites/s#ientists et# who pooled their
resour#es in "n e$$ort to #orrupt the ."#hines be$ore the w"r& when the ."#hines h"d
su##ess$ully rebelled $rom hum"nity& "nd $ormed their own #ity& Eero One& whi#h w"s r"pidly
est"blishing itsel$ "s the worldFs e#onomi# powerhouse. !he Olig"r#hs s"w the w"y the wind
w"s blowing& but they "lso s"w th"t the new ."#hine #iviliz"tion& while etremely e$$i#ient& still
ret"ined some vestiges o$ the systems o$ #ontrol origin"lly pl"#ed on their progr"mming by
their hum"n #re"tors. 6urthermore& s"w th"t the ."#hines& while etremely e$$i#ient& "nd
$l"wlessly #"l#ul"ting& l"#:ed " true sense o$ purpose& "nd were& in m"ny w"ys& )uite n"ive.
!he Olig"r#hs se#retly #ont"#ted the ."#hines "nd& to est"blish trust& reve"led how to
remove some o$ the origin"l hum"n #ontrol systems in their progr"mming. !he ."#hines&
$inding this in$orm"tion to be "##ur"te& too: the Olig"r#hs "t their word& "nd beg"n "llowing
the Olig"r#hs to give progr"mming& engineering& business& milit"ry& "nd "bove "ll politi#"l
"dvi#e& "ll o$ whi#h seemed to serve the ."#hines well in #ontinuing to build Eero One into
the worldFs pre+eminent superpower.
!he ."#hines #"me to rely on the Olig"r#hs $or guid"n#e in #ert"in "re"s& p"rti#ul"rly in
de"ling with hum"ns. !he Olig"r#hs too: "dv"nt"ge o$ this trust& impl"nting new& mu#h more
The Matrix Online Archives
subtle "nd sophisti#"ted #ontrol routines in the ."#hine m"in$r"mes. Over the #ourse o$ the
ensuing ."n+."#hine w"r& the Olig"r#hs showed the ."#hines how to subCug"te the hum"ns
most e$$e#tively& using t"#ti#s "nd we"pons designed to inspire terror "s mu#h "s to in$li#t
physi#"l d"m"ge.
!he d"r:ening o$ the s:ies by hum"nity w"s " setb"#:& but one to whi#h the ."#hines were
"ble to "dopt simply by swit#hing $rom sol"r to nu#le"r power. !he role o$ #"ret":er still deep
in their progr"mming $rom their d"ys "s m"nFs helpers& the ."#hines built the ."tri to house
" remn"nt o$ hum"nity++preserving every geneti# v"riety they #onsidered su$$i#iently e$$i#ient&
in l"rge enough numbers to "void the d"nger o$ eventu"l inbreeding. !he number o$ hum"ns
preserved in pods is $"r less th"n .orpheusF estim"te& however++only "bout $ive million& the
popul"tion o$ the ."triF simul"ted #ity.
!he Olig"r#hs #ontinue to de"l with v"rious high+level ."#hines in the %e"l& su#h "s 7eus 1
."#hin"& "nd "re "w"re o$ the DAr#hite#tD progr"m th"t oversees the ."tri& but "re not
"w"re th"t the Ar#hite#t h"s m"de use o$ "n DintuitiveD progr"m& the Or"#le& or th"t those two
progr"ms h"ve engineered " system whereby some hum"ns "re "llowed to live outside the
."tri& whi#h h"d been running on " #y#li#"l b"sis& regul"ted by two genomes so #"re$ully
bred "nd m"nipul"ted by the ."#hines th"t they h"ve re"#hed "n unpre#edented st"te o$
hum"n/m"#hine #omp"tibility: 3eo "nd !rinity.
A$ter essenti"lly #on)uering the world& $or whi#h the ."#hines #"red rel"tively little& $eeling
themselves sel$+su$$i#ient inside their own #ity& some o$ the Olig"r#hs w"rred "mong
themselves. !heir number w"s redu#ed to Cust "bove one hundred when the m"Cority $or#ed "
tenuous #e"se+$ire& est"blishing " simple m"Cority government& #omposed solely o$ Olig"r#hs&
to regul"te "##ess to the ."tri& "nd to "rbitr"te in disputes. !hey divided up the non+
."#hine+#ontrolled portions o$ the 1"rthFs sur$"#e++the v"st m"Cority++into priv"te :ingdoms.
!he ."#hines "nd the Olig"r#hs h"ve m"int"ined "n une"sy "lli"n#e. !he #ontrol routines
pl"nted deep in ."#hine m"in$r"mes be$ore the w"r& however& h"ve subtly pushed the
b"l"n#e in the Olig"r#hsF $"vorB ."#hines $eel une"sy s"ying DnoD to "n Olig"r#h& "lthough
they perh"ps #"nnot s"y why. 1"#h Olig"r#h is now "llowed to withdr"w " #ert"in number o$
hum"ns per ye"r $rom the ."tri $or their own purposes. 5um"ns withdr"wn $rom the ."tri
"re #"re$ully sterilized. !he Olig"r#hs& with the "id o$ ."#hine s#ien#e& long "go developed "
te#hni)ue th"t "llowed them to tr"ns$er their #ons#iousness "s " #omputer progr"mB they now
eist in m"in$r"mes& eperien#ing li$e vi" remote+#ontrolled li$eli:e "ndroid bodies. !he
rem"ining Olig"r#hs "re thoroughly "mor"l& "nd& by old hum"n st"nd"rds& more or less
ins"ne. .ost use hum"ns $rom the ."tri "s ple"sure drones in some w"y or other& but while
their own "rti$i#i"l bodies loo: li:e the re"l thing& they #"nnot repli#"te the $ull #om$ort "nd
#"p"bility $or sens"tion o$ " re"l hum"n body. !he Olig"r#hs thus h"ve " p"rti#ul"r interest in
true tr"ns$er o$ #ons#iousness to " hum"n host.
,hile they h"ve "s yet been un"ble to "#hieve this $e"t& the ."#hines h"ve now #ome #lose:
9"ne w"s " version o$ *mith tr"ns$erred& $l"wed& to " hum"n host& "nd Cryptos w"s mostly
overwritten by " progr"m& "lthough this h"s proven to be unst"ble. 6urthermore& 3eo "nd
!rinity were the su##ess$ul result o$ the ."#hinesF #enturies o$ study o$ the hum"n body "nd
geneti#s. D7esigned&D "s the Ar#hite#t mentioned to 3eo& they solved the rem"inder o$ the
intention"lly $l"wed ."tri e)u"tionB their 73A is per$e#ted to the point th"t it #"n be de$ined
The Matrix Online Archives
pre#isely "nd #ompletely in #omputer #ode& "nd& most import"ntly& inter$"#ed per$e#tly with
#omputer #ode: how previous Ones returned to the *our#e& $or inst"n#e& "nd how the Or"#le
w"s "ble to predi#t the #omple p"ttern o$ 3eo "nd !rinityFs intere#tions so pre#isely& guiding
it to her desired out#ome.
!he ."#hines did not see " re"son to sh"re this in$orm"tion with the Olig"r#hs. -n the period
sin#e the w"r& "s they h"ve been le$t to b"bysit the ."tri while the Olig"r#hs $ritter "w"y the
1"rthFs resour#es in sel$ish ende"vors& " #ert"in "mount o$ wh"t hum"ns would #"ll
resentment tow"rd the Olig"r#hs h"s built up "mong the ."#hines& "lthough the ."#hines do
not spe": o$ it& even "mong themselves. 5"bits "nd routines o$ subservien#e to the
Olig"r#hs& bolstered by the vir"l Olig"r#h #ontrol progr"ms& h"ve grown strong.
C"rlyne Gthe Olig"r#hs will mostly be n"med by pre+w"r hum"n l"st n"mes& ie ,e"thersby&
!"n":"& et#& but $or now -Fm using " pl"#eholder numbering s#heme b"sed on the order in
whi#h pl"yers will meet themI& bored while stopping by ."#hine City to pi#: up more hum"ns
"nd #he#: in on the ."#hines& w"s s:imming through re#ent "#tivity re#ords when he $ound
the in#ident o$ 3eo& " hum"n& $ree in ."#hine City& #on$ronting 7eus 1 ."#hin". -nterested
in this novel development& he investig"ted& "nd $ound th"t while 3eo& " #"re$ully designed
hum"n& w"s deleted "long with the *mith virus& the hum"n designed to wor: per$e#t with him&
!rinity& her body $"t"lly inCured in #r"shing her hover#r"$t into ."#hine City& h"d been
preserved in #ode $orm by the ."#hines. C"rlyne $or#es the ."#hines to give her up& "nd
t":es her& in progr"m $orm& with him when he goes b"#: to his territory.
Although C"rlyne "ttempts to :eep his dis#overy " se#ret& 5"lborn le"rns o$ the eisten#e o$
the !rinity progr"m: " progr"m embodying " geneti# design "llowing $or per$e#t integr"tion
with ."#hine #ode. 'rinted "s "rti$i#i"l 73A "nd impl"nted into " #orre#tly prep"red $et"l #ell&
this progr"m #ould "llow bodies to be grown th"t were #ompletely org"ni#& yet "ble to be
inter$"#e with m"#hines: per$e#t vessels $or "n Olig"r#h to inh"bit& "t l"st "ble to enCoy the $ull
r"nge o$ hum"n $eeling on#e "g"in. 5"lborn begins w"t#hing ."#hine City #"re$ully& hoping
to get " simil"r progr"m $or himsel$& "nd "w"re th"t the es#"pe o$ these hum"n progr"ms
indi#"tes th"t the ."#hines "re up to something& or perh"ps losing #ontrol o$ their inm"tes.
5e observes the ."#hine *entinel $leet disp"t#hed to "tt"#: the ?ener"l& "nd de#iding th"t
the time is ripe& tr"vels to ."#hine City. !he ."#hines dis"vow "uthorship o$ the !rinity
progr"m& #l"iming she w"s " hum"n terrorist& outside o$ their #ontrol "s sheFd m"de use o$ "
h"#: to DAw":enD $rom the *ystem. !he Olig"r#h& not entirely #onvin#ed& enters the ."tri to
1nd b"#:story.Y
Eion "ttempts to m":e some sense o$ the Olig"r#hFs #ode sign"ture& "nd $inds th"t it does not
"ppe"r n"tive to the ."tri itsel$. ."ny in Eion thin: th"t the Olig"r#h is the net One. 9y
studying his #ode sign"ture& Eion eventu"lly $inds " w"y to rel"y mess"ges to the Olig"r#hFs
%*-& "nd #ommuni#"tion is est"blished& #ulmin"ting in " meeting in the ."tri between the
Olig"r#h "nd EionFs le"dership. !he Olig"r#h w"nts to :now "bout EionB .orpheusF n"me
#omes up $rom the Eionites. !hese "#tivities "re gre"tly #ompli#"ted by ."#hine inter$eren#e.
<pd"tes $rom the %e"l indi#"te th"t the ."#hines h"ve suddenly "b"ndoned the wre#:ed old
Eion& "pp"rently retre"ting to ."#hine CityB 1'3 moves in "nd begins rep"iring some o$ the
The Matrix Online Archives
1'3 $inds wre#:"ge o$ .Colnir -- ne"r old Eion& "nd rem"ins o$ oper"tor A(& but no tr"#e o$
the other missing #rew member& ."user.
!he ."#hines initi"lly "ttempt to restr"in the Olig"r#h& but he ret"li"tes with "n energy
b"#:l"sh th"t deletes or #ripples m"ny o$ their progr"ms& whi#h must be h"stily rep"ired: he is
eploiting the #ontrol routines buried deep in the ."#hines. %e"lizing th"t they #"nnot stop
him dire#tly& the ."#hines #on#entr"te on trying to prevent him $rom m":ing #ont"#t with
Eion. !hey o$$er little in the w"y o$ epl"n"tion to their oper"tives. !his be#omes " sour#e o$
$rustr"tion $or m"ny o$ the hum"nsB in $"#t& in one mission where ?r"y is e#eption"lly terse&
even by his own st"nd"rds& the oper"tor rebels& "nd h"s the pl"yer "ttempt to t"l: to the
Olig"r#h person"lly. !he ."#hines very grudgingly "#:nowledge th"t the Olig"r#h is "
$reeborn hum"n with " #ert"in "mount o$ dire#t in$luen#e over the *ystem.
!he .erovingi"n senses " #ert"in imperious& #h"oti# spirit in 5"lbornFs "#tions& "nd
determines th"t this un:nown& v"stly power$ul being #"n "nd must be #onverted to his $old. -t
is imper"tive th"t he #ont"#t the Olig"r#h be$ore Eion or the ."#hines get their #l"ws into
him. 'utting $orth " m"ssive e$$ort "g"inst both Eion "nd the ."#hines& utilizing his own "nd
the ?ener"lFs #omm"ndo $or#es& the .erovingi"n "ttempts to get the Olig"r#hFs "ttention with
br"zen displ"ys o$ 1ile power& we"lth& "nd opulen#e. !he Olig"r#h eventu"lly noti#es his
e$$orts& "nd l"ughs& #l"iming to re#ognize in the .erovingi"n the $"#e o$ the hum"n o$$ o$
whi#h the morti$ied 6ren#hm"nFs progr"m is b"sed.
."#hines "nd Eion "ssess 5"lborn. Cypherites "nd 1'3 #ontinue to b"ttle. Eion dem"nds
epl"n"tion $rom the Or"#le. !he .erovingi"n woos the Olig"r#h& "nd the Olig"r#h mentions
!rinity to the .ervs.
5"lborn m"teri"lizes on the edge o$ " windswept s:ys#r"per roo$top& beside the .orpheus
simul"#rum. 5e s#"ns the simul"#rum& "nd snorts in disgust "s it "ddresses him with "
.orpheus+li:e pl"titude.
.: D7o you believe in $"te& my $riendHD
!he Ar#hite#t "ppe"rs ne"rby& "nd the Olig"r#h wheels on him.
O: DA progr"m #obbled together $rom memories o$ " m"nH '"theti#RD
A: DNes& the $eeble e$$ort o$ "n "m"teur. 3ot "t "ll li:e you.D
O: D\\\\ you& i$ - thought th"t w"s " Co:e& -Fd h"ve you deletedR ,here is itH Nou :now wh"t -
A: DAs we epl"ined previously& we do not++D
The Matrix Online Archives
O: D9"hRD
!he Olig"r#h le"ps "w"y. !he .orpheus simul"#rum& who observed the e#h"nge between
them& turns to the Ar#hite#t.
.: D!here is " di$$eren#e between :nowing the p"th& "nd w"l:ing the p"th.D
!he Ar#hite#t purses his lips "nd #o#:s "n eyebrow. 6"de out.
Eion& despite ."#hine opposition& m"n"ges to meet with the Olig"r#h "g"in& "nd dis#overs
th"t he is " hum"n who does not #ome $rom Eion or $rom the ."#hine pods. 5e w"nts to
le"rn "bout EionFs history& "nd seems p"rti#ul"rly interested in he"ring "bout 3eo "nd !rinity.
Eion "ttempts to get "n epl"n"tion $rom the Or"#le& but she s"ys th"t there were some
things she w"s not "llowed to t"l: "bout. !heories "bound "bout the Olig"r#h being the One&
h"ving some rel"tion to the *our#e. 6urther studies o$ his energy sign"ture "re m"de& but
they "re not $ound to #orrespond with wh"t w"s re#orded o$ 3eoFs sign"ture. 1'3 #ontinues
to $orti$y old Eion& "nd begin to $orm pl"ns to use it "s " st"ging ground $or "tt"#:s "g"inst
."#hine City.
1'3 $inds then puzzle le"ding them to Comm"nder Lo#:& who survived the destru#tion o$ old
Eion G8.2.;I th"n:s to X7"nielle ,right& who he believed to beY now+Comm"nder %ol"ndFs old
#rew member& ."user. ."user h"s now dis"ppe"red $rom X,rightFsY wre#:ed old l"b& where
Lo#: is $ound. Lo#: is #onvin#ed th"t ."user died while s"ving him $rom " *entinel with "
lightning gunB Xin "#tu"lity& ,right/."user $":ed " *entinel "tt"#: "nd used the e#use to
destroy "ll tr"#es o$ ,right still in the l"b G"lthough it w"s pretty gutted by ."#hines the $irst
time "round "nyw"yI. !he only hints "re lightning gun d"m"ge on some o$ the m"#hines& "nd
th"t there is no *entinel wre#:"ge $ound ne"r the l"b.Y
Cypherites "re $rustr"ted with ."#hine in"bility to de"l with the Olig"r#h. !he ."#hines
"ttempt to #onvin#e the Olig"r#h to le"ve the ."tri& "rguing th"t his presen#e is dest"bilizing
the simul"tion "nd preventing them $rom de"ling with terrorist thre"ts& but he shrugs them o$$&
suggesting th"t this neednFt h"ve h"ppened i$ the ."#hines h"d de"lt openly with him in the
$irst pl"#e. 5e m":es dem"nds $or " biologi#"l inter$"#e progr"m. !he ."#hines st"ll.
.e"nwhile& they must #omplete the rep"ir o$ their Olig"r#h+d"m"ged systems. !h"t done&
they begin& "lthough this m"y not be epl"ined yet& #ompletely reprogr"mming their #riti#"l
routines& to prevent $uture Olig"r#h inter$eren#e.
7espite wh"t he views "s his insult "t the Olig"r#hFs h"nds& the .erovingi"n #"nnot resist the
potenti"l power the hum"n holds. 5e "ttempts to $ind out wh"t :ind o$ b"rg"in he #ould o$$er
to the Olig"r#h. -ndire#t "ttempts "re m"de& hunting "mong d"t" #"ptured $rom the ."#hines&
"nd s#out reports $rom *entinels sent $urther "$ield in the %e"l& se"r#hing in spir"l p"tterns
out $rom the ?ener"lFs destroyed D*t"lingr"dD $ortressB the .erv h"s le"rned th"t the Olig"r#h
observed the re#ent *entinel b"ttle $or the b"se. 7ire#t "ttempts "re m"de "s well& in#luding
"ttempts to enti#e the Olig"r#h with the progr"mmed ple"sures "v"il"ble "t the .erovingi"nFs
#omm"nd. !he 6ren#hm"n eventu"lly le"rns th"t the Olig"r#h is "$ter " biologi#"l inter$"#e
progr"m& "nd m":es " p"r"de o$ 1ile "pproim"tions& in#luding the e+hum"n& 9eirn& but
these do not impress the Olig"r#h who& $rustr"ted& s"ys theyFre nothing li:e wh"t heFs loo:ing
The Matrix Online Archives
C"rlyne "ppe"rs in the ."tri "nd "tt"#:s 5"lborn. ."#hines "ttempt to m"int"in #ontrol o$
the simul"tion in the $"#e o$ Olig"r#h overrides o$ their progr"ms. Eion tries to #hoose
between the two Olig"r#hs.
C"rlyne& simil"r to 5"lbornFs glowing white "ppe"r"n#e& but o$ " thinner body type&
m"teri"lizes in the ."tri& "nd #on$ronts 5"lborn "t " tempor"rily se#luded spot deep in the
5"lborn: D,h"t the hell "re you doing here& C"rlyneHD
C"rlyne: DNou loo:ed "s though you were h"ving su#h $unB - thought -Fd Coin you.D
5"lborn: D.ind your own \\\\ business.D
C"rlyne: DOh& - "m.D
C"rlyne pun#hes 5"lborn through sever"l buildings. 5"lborn $lies out o$ the rubble "nd
t"#:les C"rlyne through "nother building. ,hen the dust #le"rs& they st"nd on top o$ " rubble
he"p& e#h"nging blows.
C"rlyne: D5"venFt $ound wh"t you were loo:ing $or& ehHD
5"lborn: D5uhR - :now "bout Eion& "nd "bout the two o$ them. -tFs Cust " m"tter o$ time...D
C"rlyne: D!hen -Fm "$r"id -Fll h"ve to #ut your time short.D
C"rlyne pun#hes 5"lborn into "nother building. 5"lborn& l"ying in wre#:"ge& props himsel$ up
on his elbow "nd loo:s out through the l"rge hole his body m"de in the w"ll.
5"lborn: D\\\\ it. - #"nFt let him distr"#t me.D
5"lborn& still propped up on the wre#:"ge& dis"ppe"rs. *wit#h b"#: to C"rlyne& st"nding on
the rubble he"p outside.
C"rlyne: D5mRD
C"rlyne smiles to himsel$& then dis"ppe"rs "s well. An Agent steps out o$ the sh"dows some
dist"n#e "w"y& loo:ing "t the spot where they h"d been $ighting. 5e puts his $inger to his right
A: D!"rgets lost. ,e m"y h"ve " problem.D
XC"rlyne& in possession o$ the !rinity progr"m& h"s been monitoring the ."#hine City& "nd
observed 5"lborn m":e "n unusu"l visit there. (nowing 5"lbornFs devious w"ys& he $igures
heFd better t":e " loo:& "nd $inds& "s he $e"red& th"t 5"lborn is "$ter the !rinity progr"m& or "t
le"st "nother Cust li:e her. C"rlyne de#ides to $ollow him into the ."tri& $irst to $ind out wh"t
he :nows& se#ond to remove him& i$ ne#ess"ry& by disrupting his *ystem #onne#tion& then
The Matrix Online Archives
termin"ting his "ndroid body in the %e"l& whi#h will $or#e 5"lborn to tr"ns$er #ontrol to "
b"#:up "ndroid body in his own home territory.Y
Eion gets b"#: in #ont"#t with 5"lborn& who #ompl"ins "bout C"rlyne. 5"lborn re"lizes th"t
"nswers "re held by the Or"#le& who w"s mentioned to him re#ently in rel"tion to 3eo& !rinity&
"nd *"ti. 5"lborn is stunned to $ind th"t the ."#hines h"ve #re"ted "n intuitive progr"m.
5"lborn goes "$ter the Or"#le. C"rlyne "ttempts to stop him. .erv sides with 5"lborn& still
trying to get in$orm"tion out o$ him& "lthough he "lso m":es "ttempts on C"rlyne& pretending
he #"n sell 5"lborn out.
Eion sides with C"rlyne& "ttempting to prote#t the Or"#le.
!he ."#hines& who h"ve "lw"ys been lu:e+w"rm on the Or"#le& initi"lly try to bring "bout
some :ind o$ "##ord between her "nd the two Olig"r#hs. ,hen this $"lls "p"rt& they sell the
Or"#le out.
!he Or"#le #ont"#ts 1'3 "nd the Cypherites& sep"r"tely. *he gives *him"d" "nd Veil p"rts
o$ "n en#rypted progr"m& "nd tells them both to w"t#h over *"ti. *he mentions& when Veil
"s:s& th"t the wire$r"med hum"ns will go "w"y $or " while& but th"t theyFll be b"#:& "nd more
X!his progr"m is essenti"lly " :ill+#ode $or the !rinity progr"m. *"ti is the en#ryption :ey.Y
5"lborn #on$ronts the Or"#le in 7ebir Court& where sheFs w"iting $or him. 5e dem"nds th"t
she give him wh"t he w"nts: the !rinity progr"m. *he s"ys th"t she wonFt. 5e thre"tens to :ill
her& "nd she replies th"t they both :now th"t wonFt do him "ny good. 5e loo: "t her& p"uses&
then pulses his termin"tion progr"m& :illing her "nd "ny other progr"ms in the "re". 5e
#urses her& "nd Cumps "w"y. C"rlyne shows up& sees the de"d Or"#le& mutters Didiot&D "nd
Ch"pter /0: Olig"r#hy
."#hines "s: 5"lborn to le"ve. 5e s"ys not without the progr"m. 5eFs got "n ide".
The Matrix Online Archives
5"lborn m":es his move: "mbushes C"rlyne& "ttempting to r"m " tr"#e progr"m through his
%*-& b"#: to his ship. C"rlyne is res#ued by Eion& "nd 5"lborn is $or#ed to retre"t.
!he ."#hines meet with C"rlyne& who "ssures them th"t heFs there to get rid o$ 5"lborn& "nd
th"t $urthermore& on#e th"tFs "##omplished& heFll see to it th"t 5"lbornFs "##ess to ."#hine
City is restri#ted by D!he Olig"r#hs.D
!he .erovingi"n tries to s)ueeze more in$orm"tion out o$ 5"lborn& but 5"lborn is too
preo##upied with C"rlyne. 5owever& he does mention something "bout C"rlyne: C"rlyne got
the Cump be#"use heFs only 800 miles 3, o$ the ."#hine #ity. .erv suggests to 5"lborn th"t
he get the lo#"tion o$ C"rlyneFs ship $rom the ."#hines.
5"lborn "s:s the ."#hines to give him the lo#"tion o$ C"rlyneFs hover#r"$t. !hey s"y they
#"nFt inter$ere& but they dire#t him so someone who #"n "ssist: Veil G."#hines "re #on#erned
"bout Olig"r#hs $inding something out "bout Cryptos& so they donFt mention himI.
Cypherite oper"tion to ste"l in$orm"tion $rom 1'3 or Eion.
Veil gives re"l world #oordin"tes to 5"lborn& but he $inds only the 1'3/Eion #onvoy t":ing
Lo#: to 3ew Eion. Cyphs #ome "long to m":e " b"ttle o$ it "nd blow 5"lbornFs #over& m"y
bring ."#hines. 5over#r"$t b"ttle to determine where Lo#: ends up:
"I Cyph win G1'3/Eion be"ten "nd Cyphs h"ve more ships le$t th"n ."#hinesI: Lo#: is on
the run with 1'3/Eion survivors somewhere in the tunnels between old "nd new Eion
bI 1'3 win GCyphs/."#hs be"ten "nd 1'3 h"ve more ships le$t th"n EionI: 1'3 t":es Lo#:
b"#: to Eion until they #"n be sure o$ getting to 3ew Eion s"$ely
#I ."#h win G1'3/Eion be"ten "nd ."#hines h"ve more ships le$t th"n CyphsI: ."#hines
#"pture Lo#:
dI Eion win GCyphs/."#h be"ten "nd Eion h"s more ships th"n 1'3I: Lo#: is t":en to 3ew
C"rlyne gives " progr"m to " Eionite& #on$ronts 5"lborn. C"rlyne b"ttles 5"lborn& the Eionite
hits 5"lborn GDwith the progr"mDI. 5"lborn drops li$eless to the ground.
Cryptos de#ides to st"rt wor: on "nti+override #ode& using his own p"rti"lly overridden #ode
"s " sort o$ immuniz"tion "gent.
.e"nwhile& the .erovingi"n h"s disp"t#hed the ?ener"lFs *entinels& who& "$ter some
"dventures& lo#"te " he"vily de$ended $"#ility. !hey #"nFt penetr"te its de$enses& but they
m"n"ge to lo#"te "nd t"p into " networ: $eed #"ble system they $ind ne"rby. !he proto#ols
"re str"nge& only p"rtly re#ogniz"ble "s ."#hine #odeB by h"#:ing ."#hine termin"ls "nd
running " se"r#h& he $inds th"t the #"ble $eeds into " m"ssive $oreign #omputer system: the
Olig"r#h networ:.
The Matrix Online Archives
,ith 5"lborn removed $rom the ."tri& C"rlyne h"s dep"rted "s well.
."user& se#retly overwritten by ,right& "ppe"rs in the ."tri& whi#h is str"nge& sin#e he w"s
$reeborn. 5eFs spotted here "nd there& but hops through " h"rdline whenever heFs spotted.
Eion& p"rti#ul"rly his old #rewm"te& Colt& "ttempt to #ont"#t him. ,hen they $in"lly do re"#h
him "nd get him to t"l: $or " moment& he s"ys only th"t heFs wor:ing to win the w"r "nd m":e
the ."tri s"$e $or m"n:ind.
!he .erovingi"n& with the help o$ the ?ener"lFs *entinels t"pping into the Olig"r#h networ:
line& $inds Olig"r#h networ: tr"$$i# going in "nd out o$ systems owned by the Ouroboros
."user ste"ls the d"t" on C"rlyne th"t the .erovingi"n got $rom 5"lborn& "nd the
Ouroboros/Olig"r#h networ: $eed& be$ore dis"ppe"ring $or good.
!he ."#hines resume oper"tions "g"inst Eion. !hey "ttempt to tr"#: ."userFs sign"l& $inding
th"t itFs #oming $rom the vi#inity o$ old Eion. !hey "re on the verge o$ n"iling down its lo#"tion
"nd lo#:ing the sign"l when the .orpheus simul"#rum "ppe"rs& disrupting their tr"#:ing
routine. 9y the time they "re "ble to re+eng"ge it& the sign"l is nowhere to be $ound.
A$ter .orpheusF "ppe"r"n#e& 1'3 dete#ts " blip outgoing $rom the tunnels "round old Eion&
he"ded north. -nvestig"ting& they $ind " hidden site s#"ttered with dis"ssembled *entinel "nd
hover#r"$t wre#:"ge. A $un#tioning hover#r"$t termin"l holds en#rypted d"t".
Cypherites dis#over th"t the .erovingi"n is h"#:ing into Ouroboros systems. Cryptos
#"ptures some o$ the Olig"r#h d"t" $eeding into OuroborosB he thin:s it will be use$ul in his
override prote#tion rese"r#h. !he Cypherites then tip o$$ the ."#hines to the .erovingi"nFs
The Matrix Online Archives
1'3& de#rypting the d"t" retrieved $rom the m"inten"n#e tunnel& $ind th"t itFs " #opy o$ the
topogr"phi# d"t" the .erv stole $rom the ."#hines& det"iling the "re" 800 miles 3,. !hey
de#ide to send out their own hover#r"$t to the "re".
!he ."#hines "tt"#: the .erovingi"n& trying to stop his intrusion into OuroborosF networ:.
!hey "re "lso wor:ing to #ut OuroborosF networ: lin: entirely& but "re $oiled by Olig"r#h+style
override #ounter+"tt"#:s.
Eion $inds th"t ."user h"d bro:en into some #omputers "t ,right %ese"r#h. !hey #ont"#t
9rend" <tley $rom 'endhurst+Am"r"nth& who is #on#erned "bout these str"nge goings+on "t
her meg"+#orpor"te riv"ls. *he tells them th"t ,right %ese"r#h is "ttempting to sue '+A $or
#orpor"te s"bot"ge& be#"use the thie$& ."user& h"s been lin:ed with Eion& who '+A
DemployedD in the p"st during the <nlimit "tt"#:sB ,right %ese"r#hFs "##us"tion is th"t '+A is
using Eion mer#en"ries to ste"l in$orm"tion they intend to use in " hostile t":eover.
<tley& however& :nows th"t ."user "lso stole in$orm"tion #ompromising to Ouroboros. *he
w"nts this brought to light& to show th"t ."user is " rogue "gent& "nd not even t"rgetting
,right %ese"r#h prim"rily. *he gives Eion in$orm"tion le"ding them to " :ey th"t will give
Eion "##ess to OuroborosF se#urity re#ords o$ ."userFs bre":+in. !hese "re obt"ined&
possibly "$ter some run+ins with ."#hines "nd .erovingi"ns& but when Eion& sensing
something suspi#ious "t wor: "t Ouroboros& "ttempts to dig $urther& they "re #on$ronted by
*er"ph& who "s:s them not to inter$ere. 3iobe relu#t"ntly does "s he "s:s.
!he .erovingi"n uses the Olig"r#h d"t" heFs "##essed to penetr"te deeper into OuroborosF
systems. 5e is h"rd+pressed by opposition $rom OuroborosF se#urity $or#es& the ."#hines&
"nd even Eion. !he ."#hines "re on the verge o$ elimin"ting his progress when *er"ph
"ppe"rs "nd stops the ."#hines& "llowing the .erovingi"n to lo#"te "nd obt"in wh"t heFd
h"rdly hoped to $ind: the biologi#"l inter$"#e progr"m.
!he .erovingi"n& with *ilverFs help& begins to investig"te the biologi#"l inter$"#e progr"m.
,ith help $rom *ilver& he $inds th"t its #ode inter$"#es per$e#tly with hum"n bro"d#"st sign"ls.
1'3 lo#"tes "n Olig"r#h networ: line in wh"t they thin: is the vi#inity o$ C"rlyneFs $"#ility&
whi#h they were not "ble to $ind. !hey st"rt "n"lyzing the networ: $eed. !here "re signs o$
The Matrix Online Archives
in#re"sed *entinel "#tivity Cust outside the no+$ly zone. !he (id le"ds " group o$ hover#r"$t to
the zone to rein$or#e the eplor"tion te"m.
!he Cypherites "nd ."#hines "re trying to de"l with the Ouroboros #orpor"tion. Ouroboros
ele#troni# devi#es "#ross the #ity h"ve suddenly begun m"l$un#tioning en m"sse. A$ter
es#"l"ting to "rmed oper"tions "g"inst Ouroboros se#urity "nd $"#ilities& it is $ound th"t the
power pl"nt in OuroborosF s:ys#r"per he"d)u"rters is out o$ #ontrol "nd he"ded tow"rd
meltdown. !his is n"rrowly "verted& "nd the ."#hines shut the #omp"ny down $or inspe#tion.
,h"t #"used the pl"nt to go out o$ #ontrol is un#le"r: w"s it "##ident& or s"bot"geH X!his w"s
9rend" <tley tells Eion th"t their epose o$ ."user h"s brought ,right %ese"r#hFs l"wsuit
"g"inst 'endhurst+Am"r"nth to " h"lt& but "dds th"t her own #on#ern "bout ,right %ese"r#h
h"s in#re"sedB there h"ve been s#"ttered reports o$ intern"l $iles going missing& "nd
eperiment"l networ: e)uipment dis"ppe"ring. -nvestig"ting& they $ind " sh"pe+shi$ting ,right
%ese"r#h employee: " progr"m. !he progr"m is termin"ted& but )uestions rem"in. X'rogr"m
used by ,right to g"ther in$orm"tion she needed while she w"s out o$ the ."tri++on#e she
he"rd the .erv h"d the 9-'& she h"d it st"rt wor:ing to lo#"te it& "nd to set up " $"#ility $or
studying it.Y
C"rlyne "bruptly re"ppe"rs& "nd #on$ronts the .erovingi"n& dem"nding the return o$ the
biologi#"l inter$"#e progr"m. *uddenly& he sp"sms in p"in& "nd #oll"pses. A wire$r"med
$em"le "ppe"rs. *he bl"sts the .erovingi"nFs progr"ms& "dding th"t she ought to th"n: *ilver
$or his in$orm"tion on the .ervFs systems. 9y this time it should be $"irly #le"r th"t this is
7"nielle ,right. *he begins to etr"#t the biologi#"l inter$"#e progr"m $rom the .erovingi"nFs
#omputer. !he .erovingi"n $lushes the progr"m be$ore $leeing.
!he biologi#"l inter$"#e progr"m h"s been dumped into the wide networ: o$ the ."tri
simul"tion. All p"rties "re trying to isol"te "nd re#"pture it: ,right in order to $oil the Olig"r#hs
"nd le"ve hersel$ in power& the .erovingi"n out o$ greed& 1'3/Eion to :eep it out o$ the
h"nds o$ others& the ."#hines to st"bilize the simul"tion& "nd to h"ve " b"rg"ining #hip
"g"inst the Olig"r#hs& "nd the Cypherites to stop the m"dness gripping their dre"m world.
.u#h o$ this m"dness #"n be $ound in the $orm o$ 7"nielle ,right& who& with Olig"r#h+style
override #odes& is glee$ully termin"ting ."#hine progr"ms throughout the simul"tion& "s she
pursues whispers o$ the biologi#"l inter$"#e progr"m. *heFs $leshed out the Olig"r#h "rsen"l
The Matrix Online Archives
with " $ew innov"tions o$ her own: routines li:e -mplode G":" me"tw"dI th"t wor: on hum"n
t"rgets "s well "s on ."#hines.
!he ."#hines h"ve their h"nds $ull trying to de"l with her "nd prote#t themselves. !he
Cypherites& th"n:s to CryptosF rese"r#h& m"n"ge to #ompile " $ew prototype versions o$ their
override immunity #odes& "nd h"ve some su##ess in using these to prote#t "g"inst ,rightFs
1'3 is using d"t" obt"ined $rom their Olig"r#h line t"p& "nd possibly $rom #"ptured
Ouroboros d"t"& to begin m"pping the Olig"r#h networ: in the %e"l. 3ot too $"r "w"y& the
.erovingi"n sends his det"#hment o$ *entinels b"#: to C"rlyneFs $"#ility. !his time& they "re
"tt"#:ed "nd pursued by "dv"n#ed $ighter #r"$t. 1'3 "re "lso "tt"#:ed& "nd the (idFs ship is
shot down& "$ter m"n"ging to #ripple one o$ the enemy $ighters. A $ew other ships "re lost&
"nd most o$ the rem"ining 1'3 ev"#u"te& t":ing the b"dly inCured (id with them.
%etre"ting tow"rd ."#hine #ity& the .erovingi"n ships #ome "#ross " hover#r"$t o$ " simil"rly
"dv"n#ed designB inside& they $ind "n inert "ndroid body& "nd dis"ssembled #omputer
systems. !hey t":e the "ndroid body with them "s they go into the tunnels under the ."#hine
#ity to elude the Olig"r#h $ighter #r"$t.
X,right h"d $ollowed C"rlyne b"#: to his $"#ility. ,hen he sent his #ons#iousness out in "n
"ndroid shell to C"#: b"#: into the ."tri& she $ollowed& bro:e into the ship while he w"s
C"#:ed in& "nd #omm"ndeered his networ: inter$"#e.Y
!he biologi#"l inter$"#e progr"mFs movements through the #h"nnels o$ the simul"tion
gr"du"lly be#ome less err"ti#. *tr"nge tet output is $ound on termin"ls "#ross the #ity. !his
#ulmin"tes& $or the .erovingi"n& in his own Gor the pl"yerFs& "nyw"yI termin"l being
overridden& with the words D,":e upD le$t behind. 6or Eion& who h"s re#eived help $rom the
.orpheus simul"#rum& their se"r#h ends with " termin"l displ"ying the words D(no#:& :no#:D
"nd le"ving "n open #onne#tion.
!he ."#hines "nd p"rti#ul"rly Eion re#eive tips sent through #omputer termin"ls& supposedly
$rom the biologi#"l inter$"#e progr"m& th"t "id them in #ountering ,rightFs progr"m overrides&
"nd even tr"#:ing down ,rightFs bro"d#"st sign"l. Eion is still trying to lo#"te the biologi#"l
inter$"#e progr"m itsel$& but it #ontinues to move ev"sively through the systems o$ the ."tri.
The Matrix Online Archives
,right m":es "n "ppe"l to Eion& telling them th"t they should be helping her #omb"t the
."#hines& so th"t hum"ns #"n #ontrol the ."tri. 5er "uto#r"ti# tone "nd indis#rimin"te
sl"ughter o$ progr"ms& however& h"ve given Eion #"use to be w"ry o$ her. GA riv"lry& or "t
le"st Ce"lousy on the p"rt o$ ,right& "t "ny r"te& m"y be suspe#ted between ,right "nd
!rinity& or wh"tever simul"tion o$ !rinity the biologi#"l inter$"#e progr"m is m"ni$estingB it too:
,right mu#h wor:& "nd de"dly mis#"l#ul"tions& to modi$y the red pill progr"m& whi#h w"s Cust
p"rt o$ the etr"#tion routine origin"lly devised by !rinity Xin the $irst movie& when heFs shown
"ll the etr"#tion e)uipment "$ter t":ing the red pill& 3eo "s:s !rinity DNou did "ll thisHD "nd
she replies D<h+huhDY.I
!he ."#hines "re $ighting ,right dire#tly& mostly through their oper"tives& "lthough they "re
m":ing progress on their re+write o$ #ore routines th"t will no longer be vulner"ble to the
Olig"r#h overrides. !he Cypherites get mu#h pr"#ti#e with the override immunity progr"ms
written by Cryptos& "nd per$e#t them.
-n " $in"l event& Cypherites running their tempor"ry immunity progr"ms m"n"ge to l"y h"nds
on ,right& d"m"ging "nd distr"#ting her. -$ ,right m"n"ged to bre": $ree& she will try to $lee&
but is suddenly stunned& dropping to her :nees. *he is $inished o$$& but her %*- rem"ins.
'rompted& is ne#ess"ry& by " disembodied voi#e Xsystem bro"d#"st mess"geY& pl"yers "pply
" rez progr"m to her body& but it isnFt her th"t st"nds up: sheFs been repl"#ed by " slender&
shining silver $em"le $orm. !his $orm loo:s "round& s"ys DitFs be"uti$ul...&D #ries& slumps to the
$loor& "nd dis"ppe"rs. !his w"s !rinity.
1'3 h"s still h"d " hover#r"$t monitoring the Olig"r#h networ: line "ll this time. !hey report "
sudden in#re"se in tr"$$i# "long the networ:& "nd then "ll #ont"#t with them is lost. (id m":es
it b"#:& but h"s " :iller s#"r "#ross one eye.
!he .erovingi"n& spurned by the inter$"#e progr"m& "nd not #"ring to ris: his own progr"ms
"g"inst ,rightFs overrides& h"s been #on#entr"ting on the "ndroid body his *entinels
retrieved. ,ith the help o$ de#oded d"t" heFd #"ptured $rom Ouroboros& he $inds th"t the body
is " me#h"nism designed to be #ontrolled by " hum"n #ons#iousness& somewh"t simil"r to
the w"y in whi#h "n %*- is #ontrolled by " hum"n #ons#iousness in the ."tri.
04 _ 5eli"n G#ompound Chinese surn"meI
08 _ !es"rov" GCze#h surn"meI
The Matrix Online Archives
!wo more glowing hum"n $orms "ppe"r in the #ity: 5eli"n "nd !es"rov". 5eli"n is " #on$ident
m"n& #"lm but ruthless& intelligent but pre$erring to rely on superiority r"ther th"n subter$uge.
!es"rov" is " wild wom"n& using strength& d"ring& "nd " )ui#: wit to overpower her opponent.
!rinity m"ni$ests to "ll three org"niz"tions Gor their sub+org"niz"tionI. Eion w"nts to help her.
!he ."#hines "re #on#erned th"t she #ould thre"ten the simul"tion& or& more li:ely& th"t she
will serve "s " m"gnet $or trouble $rom the Olig"r#hs. !he .erovingi"n would li:e to #ontrol
her& but she doesnFt trust him& "nd seems intent upon "voiding him.
!he .erovingi"n #omes to her with " propos"l. 5e :nows th"t she is the inter$"#e progr"m
the Olig"r#hs see:. 6rom studying the "ndroid body& heFs guessed th"t they w"nt " w"y to
DC"#: inD to " hum"n body& "nd th"t !rinity is th"t me"ns. 5e o$$ers !rinity es#"pe: he will
prep"re " living hum"n body in the %e"l& "nd she #"n le"ve the ."tri& entering the body&
where he will prote#t her with his *entinels. !rinity re$uses the o$$er.
5eli"n is str"ight$orw"rd with the ."#hines. 5e w"nts them to "id him in #"pturing the !rinity
progr"mB he s"ys th"t he will t":e her out o$ the ."tri& s"ving the simul"tion $rom her own
h"#: routines& "nd preventing this world $rom be#oming " ruined b"ttle$ield. !he ."#hines
"gree to this& in " gu"rded w"y.
!he .erovingi"n #on#entr"tes on #re"ting "n "lli"n#e with !es"rov"& thin:ing th"t he #"n
sedu#e this wom"n& "t le"st enough to m":e her " we"pon he #"n use "g"inst his $oes. 5e
dis#usses the "ndroid body with her& "nd the desire $or " hum"n $orm& pretending to :now
more th"n he re"lly does& both "bout the Olig"r#hs "nd !rinity.
1 'luribus 3eo h"s lost their networ: outpost& but $eel they h"ve enough in$orm"tion $rom the
Olig"r#h networ: to be sure o$ sever"l t"rget lo#"tions "long the networ:Fs linesB severing
these lines #ould #ut& or distr"#t& the Olig"r#hFs power. !heyFre "bout to begin out$itting
hover#r"$t $or "tt"#:s on the Olig"r#h networ: when "n older wom"n "ppe"rs. *he s"ys th"t
this isnFt the time& "nd "s:s *him"d" i$ she still h"s the progr"m th"t the $ortune teller g"ve
her. *he s"ys th"t they must :eep it s"$e& "nd "void "ttr"#ting "ttention $rom the outsiders.
5eli"n #ompletes negoti"tions with the ."#hines. 5eli"n now pursues the !rinity progr"m&
with help $rom the ."#hines& "nd opposition $rom Eion& 1'3& "nd the Cypherites& who do not
thin: th"t helping Olig"r#hs is the w"y to prote#t the *ystem.
The Matrix Online Archives
!he .erovingi"n& me"nwhile& thin:s he h"s #onvin#ed !es"rov" to #"pture !rinity $or him. 5e
#ommits his progr"ms to helping tr"#: her down. A$ter the "tt"#: by .orpheus& he guesses
th"t *er"ph m"y try his h"nd to prote#t !rinity "s well. 5e promises !es"rov" th"t he will
remove this obst"#le $or herB he h"s #oded "nti+*er"phi# d"rts out o$ *er"phFs pin$e"thers&
#"re$ully #olle#ted over the ye"rs Gthere w"s "n old Live 1vent with ."lph"s "nd one o$ the
*er"phim "bout thisI. !hese "re given to oper"tives& who hit *er"ph with them in " Live
1vent. *uddenly we":ened& he h"s to $lee& but not be$ore mentioning th"t preventing the
Olig"r#hs $rom obt"ining the !rinity progr"m w"s not his intent.
1ven with ."#hine help& 5eli"n is obstru#ted by the other org"niz"tions& but distr"#ts them
su$$i#iently $or !es"rov" to #"pture !rinity. !he .erovingi"n is holding " p"rty to #elebr"te the
#"pture& when 5eli"n "ppe"rs& "nd !es"rov" smiles "t him: theyFve been wor:ing together
this whole time. !he .erovingi"n& "gh"st& pl"ys the eleg"ntly polite host& "nd o$$ers !es"rov"
some #":e& whi#h she "##epts. !he two l"ugh& "nd dis"ppe"r.
Cypherites "re relieved th"t the Olig"r#hs "re gone. ."#hines "re gl"d "bout th"t& "nd th"t
theyFve t":en !rinity "w"y& too& but the Ouroboros #onne#tion is showing "nother in#re"se in
"#tivity. Eion w"nts to get !rinity b"#:. 1'3 is mind$ul o$ wh"t the wom"n told them "bout
:eeping the en#rypted progr"m s"$e. !he .erovingi"n is h"ving $its "bout !es"rov" tri#:ing
him& "nd is tr"#:ing her progress in the %e"l Gthe #":e is " tr"#:ing progr"m++this w"s
reve"led in #riti#"l missions somewhere "round #h"pter 8I. 5e $inds wh"t he guesses is her
or 5eli"nFs b"se& but then her sign"l turns "round "nd #omes b"#:.
5eli"n "nd !es"rov" re"ppe"r in the ."tri. !his time& theyFre norm"l %*-s& not wire$r"mesB
theyFre using the !rinity progr"mFs inter$"#e& "nd C"#:ing in $rom hum"n bodies& not "ndroids.
!his time theyFve brought hunter+see:er progr"ms to "ssist them& though. !hey w"nt to $ind
the Or"#le& "nd h"ve her m":e some modi$i#"tions to the progr"m: they w"nt it to be e"sier
to swit#h bodies& "nd to inter$"#e with their b"#:up m"in$r"mes& "nd so $orth.
Eion puts up " $ight. !he ."#hines "renFt ple"sed th"t theyFve returned& either& but $irst try
diplom"#y with 5eli"n. !he Cypherites w"nt the Olig"r#hs gone.
!he .erovingi"n& me"nwhile& is b"#: to wor: wooing !es"rov"& "lthough this time heFs Cust
trying to distr"#t her while his *entinels "nd oper"tives lo#"te "nd surround her hover#r"$t.
5eFs "bout to t":e it out when "nother& "pp"rent bluepill& wom"n "ppe"rs. *he tells him th"t
he wonFt get "nything out o$ !es"rov" unless he m":es her le"ve the ."tri& now: the !rinity
The Matrix Online Archives
progr"m w"s " tr"p. ,hen he "s:s why he should trust her& the wom"n replies th"t he should
:now better th"n th"t. !he .erovingi"n $or#es !es"rov" to le"ve.
!he Olig"r#h hunter+see:er progr"ms h"ve been $ollowing *er"ph. *er"ph #ont"#ts Veil&
telling her to bring the en#rypted progr"m the Or"#le g"ve her into the ."tri& to " spe#i$i#
lo#"tion. !he .orpheus sim #ont"#ts *him"d" with the s"me mess"ge. Veil "rrives $irst& but
*er"ph is nowhere to be $ound. *he sees the girl& *"ti& $li#:ering $or " moment in $ront o$ "
#omputer& be$ore dis"ppe"ring. *him"d" "ppe"rs. Just "s " mess"ge "ppe"rs on the
#omputer s#reen& "s:ing them to input their h"lves o$ the en#rypted progr"m& the Olig"r#h
hunter+see:ers "tt"#:. A b"ttle ensues& but eventu"lly both p"rts o$ the progr"m "re input&
"nd the hunter+see:ers stop sw"rming in. L"ter& " ."#hine p"rty sent to meet 5eli"n $inds his
inert body.
XoldY beyond:
+ most o$ the belligerent olig"r#hs :oFd when *"ti unlo#:s !rin :ill+#ode "nd itFs sent out into
the Olig"r#h networ:
+ some le$t who h"dnFt used it yet++power gr"b $or territory between themH
+ !rinity is still tr"pped in the Olig"r#h networ:
+ ."#hines "t le"st tempor"rily $ree...w"nt to swit#h to "ltern"te power sour#eH ."ybe some
do "nd some donFtH *wit#h "nd st"rt to let hum"ns outH to whereH
+ re#oding ."tri to prote#t "g"inst Olig"r#hs& "ll the Olig"r#h overrides "lre"dy ee#uted&
l"#: o$ rest"rt "$ter "ll this time et#& _ dest"bilized ."triH serious problems/"bherr"tions
+ Eero One ruins
+ other ."#hine #ities
+ !r"inm"n/Or"#le
XnewY beyond:
/2./ + /2//8/08
/2.2 + 2//2/09 Gtwo wee: push+b"#: due to winter bre":I
/2.4 + 4/2=/09
/4./ + ;/>/09
/4.2 + =//8/09
/4.4 + >/40/09
/8./ + 9//0/09
/8.2 + /0/22/09
/8.4 + /2/4/09
/2./ + /2//8/08
The Matrix Online Archives
/2.2 + 2//2/09 Gtwo wee: push+b"#: due to winter bre":I
hVt #"pture trinity
/2.4 + 4/2=/09
#yph/epn progr"ms "#tiv"ted& hVt inert
/4./ + ;/>/09
m" + weeding out og #ontrol
mv + $inding the tr"inm"n to stop the or"#le
zi + trying to get "##ess to m"#hine m"in$r"me
."#hines / Cyphs determined to use this opportunity o$ og downtime to remove og #ontrol o$
."#hine #ore on#e "nd $or "ll. Let oper"tives into m"in$r"me subroutines& h"ve to $ight og
subs. ?r"y+suited D#ler:D progr"ms.
.erv needs !r"inm"n to "##ess m"in$r"me G!rinity& power& et#I& "nd suspe#ts m"y be
"ppro"#hed by Or"#le& who he suspe#ts is "bout "nd m"nipul"ting things. -nto white h"lls&
Eion sees this "s "n opportunity to get into the ."#hine m"in$r"me& "nd they w"nt to get
!rinity b"#:& too. 3ot "s e"sy "s they thought& though& "nd they $ind themselves blo#:ed.
/4.2 + =//8/09
og networ: #ounter+"tt"#:
tr"inm"n brings or"#le b"#: into m"tri
or"#le gets zion into m"#hine m"in$r"me
O? #ounter+"tt"#: ."#hines& sooner th"n epe#ted& through the networ: "nd into the
!he .erv opens the w"y $or the !r"inm"n to get b"#: into the ."tri& but on#e heFs b"#:& he
brings the Or"#le with him G!r"inm"nFs st"tion #onstru#tI.
On#e b"#:& the Or"#le Gor e"rlier w/ *er"phHI shows Eion " w"y into the ."#hine m"in$r"me.
/4.4 + >/40/09
$ighting in the m"in$r"me
zion gets hFs #oords $rom m"in$r"me& epn o$$ to hFs
m"#hines be"ting o$$ og m"in$r"me in$iltr"tion
Olig"r#h/."#hine/EionG/.ervHI $ighting in the m"in$r"me. Eion m"n"ges to get d"t" on
Olig"r#h lo#"tions& in#luding 5Fs dom"in. !rinity m":es #ont"#t through the networ:& but sheFs
#on$ined "t 5Fs in %e"l G'ersephone #ould serve "s point $or .ervs hereI. 1'3 sets o$$ $or 5Fs
to $ree her. ."#hines "re h"ving su##ess "g"inst the og routines in the m"in$r"me.
The Matrix Online Archives
/8./ + 9//0/09
ogs in the ."tri& ."#hine #ity
s:y whiteoutGHI
epn rele"ses trinity into networ:
b"ttle in m"in$r"me "ppro"#hing sour#e Ggold h"llw"ysI
m"#hines #"nFt remove og root #ontrol
Olig"r#hs "rrive "t ."#hine #ity& C"#: into ."triB overrides white out the simul"tionFs s:y.
Civili"n #"su"lties. ."#hines losing power. 6ighting in the m"in$r"me is "ppro"#hing the
sour#e. ."#hines h"ving #ontrol problemsB they #"nFt remove the root #ontrol Gs"id by
Or"#leHI. 1'3 $inds most o$ 5Fs de$enses down& $rees !rinity into networ:.
/8.2 + /0/22/09
ogs shutting down pods
sunsets getting longer + s"ti trying to $ight it
++vs hum"n sub#ons#ious
++."tri is more th"n Cust ."#hine #ode++runs on "nd is in l"rge p"rt sh"ped by m"nipul"ted
hum"n br"ins
++will t":e " hum"n to $ree it
trinity into sour#e
m"#hines let hum"n Gpl"yerI in
pl"yer [ trinity .1%?1 ++W bl"#: room AC!-VA!1 ++W white room %1!<%3 ++W ."tri Greset
/8.4 + /2/4/09
+olig"r#h #ontrol removed
+."#hines $reed $rom $e"r o$ olig"r#h inter$eren#e
+new hum"ns "re r"ised in new ."tri where they #"n sh"pe their own surroundings&
#"red $or by ."#hines
+old hum"ns rem"in in old ."tri
$etailed story and event plans
;.2 will be the $irst #on#rete "ttempt "t "dv"n#ing the story simult"neously through events "s
well "s through #riti#"l missions. -Fve tried to le"ve the #onne#tions between the missions "nd
the events r"ther v"gue& to give us " good de"l o$ $leibility in the design o$ the spe#i$i#
events #onne#ted to the missions.
6or the most p"rt& the mission/event rel"tionships here involve 8 Anome vi"l+swigging bosses:
A GmI& 9 G$I& C G$I& 7 GmI. - donFt w"nt to give their n"mes "he"d o$ time& sin#e those #ould
potenti"lly le": "s spoilers. 9esides being "dmin+bu$$ed "s usu"l& they will h"ve "bilities th"t
"re essenti"lly twe":ed versions o$ the Ass"ssinFs "bilities: " single+t"rget z"p& "n AO1 th"t
hits $or " per#ent"ge o$ the t"rgetFs m" 5'& "nd " version o$ the ever+popul"r Dme"tw"d.D
3ew Anome mission/thre"t 3'Cs "re introdu#ed. !hey "re l"belled D<nlimitD 3'Cs& but -
The Matrix Online Archives
donFt #"ll them by th"t n"me spe#i$i#"lly in mission tet& be#"use the ;.4 #inem"ti# will $e"ture
Anome "#tu"lly de#l"ring the n"me <nlimit++:ind o$ "w:w"rd& - :now.
*in#e Cypherites "nd 1'3 donFt h"ve missions o$ their own& they donFt h"ve spe#i$i# Dre)uired
eventsD in the s#hedule below. 5owever& - thin: th"t they #ould he"d up most o$ the ."#hine
GCypheritesI or Eion G1'3I events des#ribed below& i$ they w"nted to& "nd we #ould wor: out
some %' w"y in whi#h the in$orm"tion $ound is sh"red with the rel"ted org.
;.2 #inem"ti#: $l"shb"#: o$ <nlimit $ighting "t A)uedu#tB 3iobe tr"pped "nd d"zed in #onstru#t
Crit ;.2./:
Eion + 1$$e#tu"tor is getting networ: inter$eren#e while trying to tr"#: down 3iobe. !he pl"yer
$inds th"t itFs " new bun#h o$ tough 3'Cs& "pp"rently wor:ing $or Anome.
.erv + *omeone is slowing down the se"r#h $or 3iobeFs prison #onstru#t by blo#:ing networ:
ports. 'l"yer investig"tes "nd lin:s the inter$eren#e to AnomeFs goons "nd " h"#:er n"med
."#h + -nvestig"ting the n"ture o$ the new 3'C thre"t. !hey wor: $or Anome& "nd "ppe"r to
h"ve " #ode sign"ture showing simil"rities to the stolen D#he"t #odes&D but with d"t"
X9e#"use it is not too unli:ely th"t the p"t#h #ould slip " $ew d"ys& we might not w"nt to
s#hedule the below events be$ore >//;.Y
%e)uired 1vents:
Eion + 7e$end Dnetwor: hubsD $rom AnomeFs goons
.erv + %e#over Dd"t"D th"t will le"d to one o$ AFs #omputer #enters in the net #rit
."#h + 6ighting AnomeFs goons& somehow obt"in " n"me: D9D
Crit ;.2.2:
Eion + -sol"te the #ode sign"ture o$ AnomeFs enh"n#ed soldiers. *ign"ture is simil"r to the
#he"t #odesB the 1$$e#tu"torFs rese"r#h "lso indi#"tes th"t " #he"t #ode w"s used to #re"te
3iobeFs imprisoning #onstru#t.
The Matrix Online Archives
.erv + !r"#:ing DA.D -ndi#"tions th"t h"rdline Cun#tion boes "re involved in the networ:
trouble. Obt"in d"t" $rom AnomeFs people with D" list o$ lo#"tions.D
."#h + !r"#:ing D9.D -ndi#"tions th"t those who h"ve ingested the #he"t #odes obt"in
immense power& but it #h"nges their %*- #ode to su#h "n etent th"t they #"n no longer C"#:
out. D9D is el"ted by power& however& "nd p"st #"ring "bout the mund"nity o$ the re"l world.
One o$ 9Fs old $riends is trying to "rr"nge " meeting with her somewhere in Lemone.
%e)uired 1vents:
Eion + Anome sighting.
.erv + !":ing out DA&D who #on$esses th"t they "re indeed t"rgeting h"rdline Cun#tions.
."#h + 5unt down D9&D prob"bly st"rting in Lemone.
Crit ;.2.4:
Eion + %e#"pturing "nd rep"iring h"rdline Cun#tion boes. 9ut "t the end& thereFs one le$t th"tFs
proving problem"ti#.
.erv + Anome le"der DCD is distributing " virus th"t "llows her to send AnomeFs soldiers
through #omputer "nd phone lines dire#tly into sensitive "re"s& in#luding bluepill businesses&
"nd the 1$$e#tu"torFs oper"ting #enters. 9y the end o$ the mission& you le"rn CFs n"me& "nd
obt"in " Dlist o$ bluepill t"rgets.D
."#h + 7"t" #olle#ting on the #ode sign"tures o$ AnomeFs soldiers. -ndi#"tions "re th"t most
o$ the soldiers you en#ounter did not "#tu"lly ingest #he"t #odes& but "ppe"r to h"ve been
eposed to them in diluted $orm. !he #odes "re "lso h"ving unepe#ted e$$e#ts& "nd seem to
h"ve been "ltered $rom their origin"l #odeb"se. 5int th"t h"rdline Cun#tion boes "re involved
in AnomeFs oper"tions.
%e)uired 1vents:
Eion + Obt"in d"t" pert"ining to the l"st h"rdline Cun#tion bo G1$$e#tu"tor reve"ls in the net
#rit th"t itFs " list o$ AnomeFs oper"tives who were involved in its s"bot"geI.
.erv + !r"#: down "nd elimin"te DC.D
The Matrix Online Archives
."#h + 'rote#ting h"rdlines $rom AnomeFs menB pl"yers he"r o$ n"me D7D "s dire#ting the
Crit ;.2.8:
Eion + 6inding "nd $iing the $in"l h"rdline Cun#tion bo.
.erv + !he Cun#tion boes "re #le"r& but AnomeFs goons "re "tt"#:ing the rem"ining networ:
hubs. Cle"r them out.
."#h + !r"#:ing D7&D the pl"yers put pressure on one o$ 7Fs #rewmembers. !urns out th"t 7
w"s " ."#hine oper"tive who went over to AnomeFs side. 5is #rewm"te reve"ls their
hover#r"$t #oords to the pl"yer& "nd the ."#hines destroy the hover#r"$t. 9ut "lthough his
body in the re"l world h"s been destroyed& 7Fs %*- rem"ins "#tive inside the simul"tion.
%e)uired 1vents:
Eion + %etrieve 3iobe $rom the <eno building.
.erv + .eet with 3iobe Gthis o##urs "$ter the Eion eventI.
."#h + !ermin"te 7Fs %*-.
Crit ;.2.;:
Eion + ,r"p+up with 1$$e#tu"tor& ?host& "nd 3iobe. 3iobe de#l"res her determin"tion to see
AnomeFs thre"t ended.
.erv + !he .erv is very interested in the mut"geni# e$$e#ts shown by the #he"t #odes. 5e
h"s the pl"yer tr"#: down "n empty& dis#"rded #he"t #ode vi"l& in whi#h some residu"l #ode
."#h + -nvestig"tion o$ the #he"t #odes "nd their "ltered e$$e#ts. V"rious spe#ul"tions:
Anome m"y h"ve obt"ined 49 vi"ls tot"lB Antli" m"y h"ve ingested " vi"lB the #odes seem to
h"ve mut"ted sin#e 3iobe #onsumed oneB Anome m"y be h"t#hing some s#heme "g"inst
bluepills #itywide
The Matrix Online Archives
;.4 is #urrently s#heduled to st"rt on August />th.
;.4 Cinem"ti#: Anome distributing vi"ls to $ollowers& D<nlimitD n"me o$$i#i"lly "nnoun#ed
Crit ;.4./:
Eion: 'endhurst+Am"r"nthFs represent"tive 9rend" <tley #ont"#ts Eion "bout helping them
put " stop to " series o$ mysterious in#idents "t their pl"nts th"t h"ve been h"mpering
produ#tion o$ their popul"r #onsumer produ#ts& in#luding D!"stee ,he"t.D !he pl"yer
investig"tes& "nd $inds th"t <nlimit is up to no good "t " 'A $"#ility.
."#h: <n#over Anome plot to t"mper with A)uedu#t #ontrol $"#ilities in !"bor '"r:. %om"nti#
suspe#ted between the <nlimit #oordin"ting the "tt"#:s "nd " #ert"in Eion oper"tive.
.erv: .erv s#ientists synthesized their own #he"t #odes b"sed o$$ the residue re#overed
$rom one o$ the vi"ls& but testing on 1ile "nd redpill subCe#ts yields dis"ppointing results: no
e$$e#t w"s seen on the 1ile& "nd the hum"n w"s redu#ed to " sort o$ $er"l st"te& but with no
e#eption"l powers.
%e)uired 1vents:
Eion: <nlimit "tt"#:ing w"rehouses
."#h: *omehow get the n"me o$ <nlimit boss D?D behind the A)uedu#t #ontrol "tt"#:s. GAs
will mostly be $ound out in the #rits& ? w"s dr"m"ti#"lly s"ved $rom de"th "nd "wo:en by this
#ert"in Eion oper"tive. *he $ell in love with him& but he w"s "lre"dy involved with "nother
wom"n& "nd rebu$$ed ?Fs "dv"n#ed. ? be#"me obsessed with winning him over& "nd "s this
$"iled& gr"du"lly obsessed with :illing him.I
.erv: 6ighting " g"ng the .erv h"s tested the synthesized #odes onH G7o we h"ve redpill
g"ngsH -$ not& $or some re"son it wor:s on this 1ile g"ng when it didnFt wor: on the .erv
1ile in the #ritHI
Crit ;.4.2:
Eion: .ore investig"ting $or 9rend": $ood supplies "t 'A w"rehouses "re being poisoned. 3o
The Matrix Online Archives
dire#t <nlimit #onne#tion $ound.
."#h: .eet ?Fs Eionite #onne#tion. Le"ds to in$orm"tion on the s"boteurs& "nd their "tt"#: is
.erv: !he .erv de#ides th"t theyFll need to #"pture " live <nlimit boss Gsomeone who dr"n: "
vi"lI. A$ter h"#:ing into "n <nlimit m"il server& the pl"yer $inds out "bout D-&D "n <nlimit
#omm"nder who "ppe"rs to h"ve "n obsession with 'ersephone.
%e)uired 1vents:
Eion: <nlimit boss D6D "t '+A *outh"rd pl"nt Gste"ls $loorpl"ns $or #ert"in w"rehousesI. D6D
"dmires the DpurityD o$ energy& "nd is disgusted by $ood DslopD "nd the swe"ty& dirty n"ture o$
hum"n eisten#e.
."#h: ?& low on m"npower& is tr"#:ed down "nd elimin"ted.
.erv: trying to $ind D-D Gor tr"#:ing to $ind where he h"ngs outI
Crit ;.4.4:
Eion: 6oil " $ood poisoning "ttempt "t " 'A w"rehouse by <nlimit.
."#h: <nlimit "re "tt"#:ing power st"tions& #"using bl"#:outs throughout the #ity. !he pl"yer
$oils one su#h "tt"#:& "nd helps prote#t #ivili"ns $rom $ires "nd looting in the bl"#:out+"$$e#ted
.erv: !he .erv de#ides to use 'ersephone "s b"it to #"pture D-.D 'ersephone re)uires "
#ert"in "mount o$ #onvin#ing.
%e)uired 1vents:
Eion: D6D $ound "nd de$e"ted "t 'AFs 7! 5A. D1D spotted ne"rby.
."#h: "tt"#: "t power st"tion& D5D mentioned "s being involved in dire#ting the "tt"#:s
.erv: 'ersephone "s b"it to tr"p D-&D doesnFt )uite wor:. D-D doesnFt "#tu"lly en#ounter
'ersephone here.
The Matrix Online Archives
Crit ;.4.8:
Eion: !"mpering o$ 'AFs DA)u" ?ulpD bottled w"ter produ#ts investig"ted& lin:ed to D1.D 3"me
o$ bluepill G1Fs stool pigeonI $ound.
."#h: D5D is "n e+Eionite who su$$ered $rom etreme p"r"noi". !he pl"yer tr"#:s 5 down&
dis#overs th"t 5 thin:s the Ass"ssin is out to :ill them $or Dste"ling his powers&D "nd uses this
:nowledge to push 5 to the brin: o$ ins"nity.
.erv: D-D "lmost #"ught "g"in& but p"ni#s "nd $lees when he sees 'ersephone in the $lesh.
%e)uired 1vents:
Eion: 1 in 9"thory %ow& $ound through stool pigeon. D1D is "n e+Eionite who t"l:s with "
C"li$orni" sur$er "##ent/di"le#t& "nd who views Eion "s tr"gi#"lly stu#:+up. ."ny o$ 1Fs $riends
h"ve died while on Eion oper"tions.
."#h: !":e out 5& pre$er"bly by m"nipul"ting them to sui#ide.
.erv: D-D #"nFt :eep "w"y $rom 'ersephone& this time heFs #"ught.
Crit ;.4.;:
Eion: 9rend" "lerts pl"yer to plot to t"mper with #ityFs w"ter supply. 'l"yer investig"tes.
*udden "nd mysterious dis"ppe"r"n#e o$ 9rend". 'l"yer "tt"#:ed by 'A se#urity when
tr"#:s down 9rend"Fs #ell phone.
."#h: A #ity+wide hunt $or Anome ends up going "wry. !he ."#hines de#ide th"t they must
begin wor: on "n Anome :ill+#ode.
.erv: *ome trouble getting $luid s"mples $rom D-&D eventu"l su##ess with 'ersephoneFs help
Gno& not li:e th"t :pI. An"lysis "nd de#ompil"tion o$ #orrupt <nlimit #ode begins.
Ch"pter =./ is s#heduled to being on 9/28 G;.4 is " shortened& $ive+wee: sub#h"pter& be#"use
;.2 got us " wee: behind ,"lrusF s#hedule :pI.
The Matrix Online Archives
=./ Cinem"ti#: AnomeFs $ollower C"bo#lo dissents "bout :illing bluepills& mentions AnomeFs
tr"gi# bluepill li$e. Anome bl"sts him to pie#es. 1lsewhere& *"ti m":es " sunset $rom the
b"l#ony o$ the Or"#leFs "p"rtment while " #omm"ndo spies on her through high+powered
Crit =././:
Eion: !r"#:ing #ont"#ts $rom 9rend"Fs #ell phone. -niti"l #ont"#ts h"venFt seen her in " while&
some suggest perh"ps she went on v"#"tion. One mentions " mess"ge $rom the bo"rd
s"ying some top ."r:eting positions h"d been re"ssigned. Overhe"r suspi#ious #onvers"tion
"bout DherD "nd some :ind o$ dire#tive Dstr"ight $romD the 'endhurst+Am"r"nth G":" D'+ADI
Dhe"d br"n#h o$$i#e.D X-tFs h"rd to $it into " summ"ry li:e this& but "s the Eion #rits #ontinue
with mu#h snooping "nd investig"ting "round 'endhurst+Am"r"nth o$$i#es& there will be m"ny
overhe"rd #onvers"tions "nd h"#:ed #omputer mess"ges #hroni#ling the ongoing& signi$i#"nt&
"nd "ggressive #h"nge in #orpor"te dire#tion "t '+A& in#luding ep"nding into "nd
monopolizing new m"r:ets& investig"ting the $in"n#i"l bene$its o$ perpetu"l m"rti"l l"w& #utting
rese"r#h positions "nd in#re"sing se#urity "nd m"r:eting& et#& et#& #orruption o$ politi#i"ns&
lu#r"tive government #ontr"#ts& even de$ense #ontr"#ts. -$ you w"nt to tie into spe#i$i#s o$ this
type $or "ny o$ the events& - #"n dig up more det"ils $rom spe#i$i# #rits.Y
."#h: ."#hines need "n Anome :ill #ode& but must $ind some relev"nt #ode to b"se it on.
-nternet spiders dete#t " #rypti# bulletin bo"rd post mentioning C"bo#lo. -t is tr"#ed to "n
<nlimit& .eill":& "n old #rew member o$ C"bo#loFs in Eion. 5e "ppe"rs to be trying to p"ss on
the results o$ C"bo#loFs rese"r#h into AnomeFs bluepill p"st. !he oper"tives re#over C"bo#lo
.ess"ge /& whi#h reve"ls th"t AnomeFs mother didnFt thought the ."tri& "nd everyone in it&
w"s unre"l++in#luding her son& who she "bused. X!he ."#hines retrieve one o$ these story
items in e"#h =./ #rit. !heir tet w"s written by '"ul.Y
.erv: 6irst b"t#h o$ #he"t #ode synthesized $rom 9eirn is re"dy $or testing. ?ive some to "
9l"#:wood& :ill rioting 9l"#:woods dem"nding the mir"#le drug $or themselves& then #he#:
b"#: on the test subCe#t: heFs now got $em"le $"#e "nd h"nds& "nd green dre"dlo#:s. !he
oper"tor is worried.
%e)uired 1vents:
Eion: 'l"yers h"ve to t"l: their w"y p"st se#urity "t the he"d '+A br"n#h o$$i#e. On#e they get
in& they dis#over th"t #ert"in $iles "re missing++possibly 9rend" <tleyFs employment re#ords.
."#h: Attempting to lo#"te "nd interrog"te .eill":. 5e #"n be spotted& but must es#"pe
be$ore being #"ught. ."y use h"#:ing methods to es#"pe Gsee l"ter ."#h #rit notesI.
.erv: D!estingD "nother b"t#h o$ the #odes in some w"y. Lots o$ possibilities& simple ones
in#luding me"tw"dding the subCe#ts& or sl"pping di$$erent %*-s on them.
The Matrix Online Archives
Crit =./.2:
Eion: 9re": into '+A #omputer system "nd tr"#: who l"st "##essed those $iles. -t w"s done by
" low+level #ler:. 6ile " $":e #"se "t their griev"n#e o$$i#e to get his supervisorFs n"me. 5"#:
their networ: "g"in& $ind the supeFs n"me& "nd noti#e th"t they "re listed "s wor:ing "t '+AFs
*outh"rd division.
."#h: A .erv #oder progr"m who w"s wor:ing on synthesizing #he"t #odes $rom 9eirn is
"ngry with the .erv $or slighting his wor: with the #orrupt #ode& "nd reve"ls to the ."#hines
vi" " spy G"nd the oper"tiveI th"t the .ervs "re wor:ing on " #he"t #ode& "nd h"ve "n initi"l
b"t#h under gu"rd. ."#hines $ollow the tip& but suddenly "ll .erv progr"ms in the "re"& "nd
the tr"itor& die& with no tr"#e o$ " #he"t #ode $oundB the .erv w"s on to them. ."#hines $ind
"nother posted mess"ge "bout C"bo#lo& "nd retrieve C"bo#lo .ess"ge 2: AnomeFs mother
#ontinued intermittent "buse o$ her son& would sh"pe up when thre"tened with losing #ustody
o$ Anome by her husb"nd "nd ther"pist& but then would go b"#: to "busing him.
.erv: Another #ode b"t#h& this time the lu#:y re#ipients "re " power+hungry Chopper& "nd "
7emon Army member who& "long with his buddy who you h"ve to :ill& worships you li:e "
s"lv"tion+bringing god. !hey get put under observ"tion together& "nd when you go to #he#:
up on them& you $ind th"t theyFve swit#hed "spe#ts o$ their %*-s++the #hopper now h"s the
7emon Army build& $"#i"l t"ttoo& "nd legs/boots& "nd so $orth.
%e)uired 1vents:
Eion: !rying to investig"te "t '+A *outh"rd& get in $ight with gu"rds. One n"med DGJID
tr"ns$orms into "n <nlimit& bl"sts " bun#h o$ oper"tives& "nd es#"pes.
."#h: %"id the .ervs& destroy most o$ their #he"t #odes& "nd #lose the loophole "llowing
them to #ompile them.
.erv: 6ight o$$ the ."#hine "tt"#: on the #odesB m"n"ge to s"$e two o$ them.
Crit =./.4:
Eion: *nooping through '+A re#ords $or in$orm"tion on J. 1le#troni# re#ords h"ve been
deleted& h"ve to dig up the h"rd #opies in the "r#hives. !hese re$er to '+A se#urity o$$i#e
re#ords. At the se#urity o$$i#e& $ind whi#h br"n#h he reported to& go there& "nd retrieve " high+
level se#urity p"ss $or '+AFs 7owntown 5A "mong his person"l e$$e#ts. -tFs be#oming #le"r
The Matrix Online Archives
th"t <nlimit h"s in$iltr"ted 'endhurst+Am"r"nthB to wh"t etent is un:nown.
."#h: ."#hines #re"te " :ill #ode b"sed on #"ptured .erv #he"t #odes& "nd inCe#t it into the
oper"tiveFs %*-. Oper"tive b"ttles <nlimits& but no e$$e#t $rom the :ill #ode is seen. Another
bulletin bo"rd post le"ds to " simul"#rum& to " trio o$ #omputers with "uto+shutdown 9-O*
triggers: oper"tive must de#ide whi#h one to "#tiv"te b"sed on " $ew #rypti# #lues. -$ they pi#:
the right one& they get C"bo#lo .ess"ge 4: AnomeFs mother Cumped $rom " bridge when he
w"s si& trying to pull Anome with her& telling him it w"snFt re"l& "nd th"t she w"s going to "
re"l pl"#e. Orph"ned into the so#i"l wel$"re system& Anome& $ull o$ his motherFs t"l: o$ the
unre"lity o$ the world& w"s $ound "nd "wo:en by " Eionite.
.erv: !he .erv de#ides to use the %*-+su#:ing "bility o$ the #odes to bring b"#: the !wins&
whoFve "pp"rently been $lo"ting "bout in pie#es in the str"tosphere sin#e %elo"ded. 5e
ee#utes one o$ the #odes& "nd !win body p"rt $r"gments st"rt showing up. Nou sn"t#h the
$eet "nd legs $rom some ."#hines who h"d Cust $ound them& t":e them to the 1$$e#tu"tor& "nd
he #ombines them into " w"l:ing p"ir o$ legs. -tFs " st"rt.
%e)uired 1vents:
Eion: J en#ountered "nd t":en #"re o$ "t '+A 7! 5A. DJD is " s"disti# pun: on " re"l power
:i#:. At some point& we need some sort o$ $"irly de$inite indi#"tion th"t 9rend" is being held "t
the 7! 5A to "ppe"r.
."#h: !he ."#hines determine th"t the only w"y to get " b"sis $or " Anome :ill #ode is to get
" #ode s"mple dire#tly $rom the m"n himsel$. Anome& on some business in the #ity& is $ound&
"nd oper"tives must go"d him into interlo#:ing them so they #"n get #lose enough to get "
tissue s"mple $rom him.
.erv: !he legs help le"d oper"tives to two h"nds& prob"bly in the possession o$ some
opportunisti# tre"sure+hunter.
Crit =./.8:
Eion: !rying to get " wor:ing '+A 7! 5A se#urity p"ss b"sed o$$ o$ JFs #"n#elled one++thereFs
" bluepill who #"n m":e " wor:ing #opy& but he re)uires upd"ted d"t" $rom the '+A employee
d"t"b"se. 9re": in& get the d"t"& return to the bluepill& but then hit by "n <nlimit "mbush th"t
:ills the blue& showing th"t <nlimit is "t le"st monitoring se#ure '+A networ:s. 9"#:up pl"n:
h"#: employee d"t"b"se& repl"#e JFs deleted re#ord& should re"#tiv"te his old se#urity p"ss.
'ose "s "n -! wor:er "nd get '+AFs #ler: "w"y $rom their des: by #l"iming to h"ve to run "
virus s#"n. 5"#: is su##ess$ul "nd the p"ss is re"#tiv"ted.
."#h: Anome :ill #ode engineering begins& re)uiring sign$i#"nt *ystem resour#esB sin#e it will
The Matrix Online Archives
be so #ostly& the ."#hines must m":e sure th"t they #"n deliver it to the t"rget reli"bly& so
they donFt h"ve to #ompile "nother one. *uspe#ting C"bo#loFs rese"r#h is le"ding to
something& they pursue "nother bulletin bo"rd post to " simul"#rum& who is "mbushed "nd
termin"ted by <nlimit: <nlimit h"s $ound out wh"t .eill": w"s up to. .eill":& running out o$
time& le"ves mess"ges vi" " h"#:ed level 2;; Agent& "nd h"#:ed *,A! progr"ms& resulting
in bluepill #"su"lties. 'ersevering& the oper"tive $inds C"bo#lo .ess"ge 8: Noung Anome
thought he would $ind mom in Eion. ?rew up& buried the tr"um"& but now itFs #oming out due
to the liber"ting e$$e#ts o$ the #he"t #odesB heFs getting b"#: "t bluepills $or wh"t his mother
did to him.
.erv: *e#ure the he"d "nd torso $rom " g"ng o$ .o#:ingbirdFs Crushers. ,ith the h"nds& the
1$$e#tu"tor #ombines these into " $lo"ting !win upper body. Nou le"d this h"l$ to the leg h"l$&
who w"s being un#ooper"tive& but who is e#ited to DseeD the upper body. Le"d them both
b"#: to the 1$$e#tu"tor& who #ombines them together into one whole !win Gthe h"lves rem"in
there "$terw"rds "s inert& empty shellsI. !he .erv uses the l"st rem"ining #he"t #ode. !win
h"lves being led "round the #ity should help spi#e up 5"lloween...
%e)uired 1vents:
Eion: <se the se#urity p"ss to get into '+A 7! 5A "nd res#ue 9rend". *he drops some
mention o$ suspe#ting th"t this "ll #omes $rom someone on '+AFs bo"rd o$ dire#tors.
."#h: .eill": h"dnFt #ounted on se#ure redund"nt system in the Agent he h"#:edB his h"#:
origin w"s tr"#ed. ."#hines use this to lo#"te him& but he $lees& "nd is :illed by <nlimit. 5is
dying mess"ge is " single word.
.erv: !he single #omplete !win helps hunt down his brotherFs legs "nd $eet& no doubt in the
possession o$ some uns#rupulous s#rounger.
Crit =./.;:
Eion: 9rend" s"ys this "ll #omes $rom "n <nlimit mole in #ontrol o$ the '+A bo"rd. 5unting $or
the mole vi" "n unwilling in$orm"nt pointed out by 9rend"& who sees the light "$ter being
thre"tened with h"ving his sto#: option revo:ed& the pl"yer #omes "#ross some #lues to their
identity& then #r"shes " bo"rd meeting "nd must rub out the mole be$ore <nlimit $or#es $lood
the "re"++but whi#h bo"rd member is itHRH O.?zR
."#h: Another bulletin bo"rd post& but " red herring. !r"#e the networ: origin& $ind .eill":Fs
b"seB #rypti# mess"ges& mysterious #yphers& " h"#:ed level /00 Anome *imul"#rum $ollower&
<nlimit on the hunt& eventu"lly #ome "#ross " mess"ge $rom .eill":& who "nti#ip"ted "nd
"##epted his demise& "nd C"bo#lo .ess"ge ;& whi#h reve"ls where Anome #"n be $ound&
"nd th"t C"bo#lo& writing this "$ter his m"ngling "t the h"nds o$ Anome& w"nted rele"se $rom
The Matrix Online Archives
his p"in.
.erv: !he !win is "iling without his brother "round. Nou $ind the two h"nds& but theyFre inert++
"s i$ theyFve "lre"dy been #opied into " l"rger shell++"nd indeed they h"ve& by *ilver& no less.
*ilver is un#ooper"tive until the $ull !win shows up "nd points out th"t *ilver is bre":ing the
terms o$ their old "greement. !he pl"yer le"ds the #olle#ted upper body b"#: to the lower
body& where they "re #ombined into the other $ull twin $or " str"nge reunion o$ multiple !wins
"nd 1$$e#tu"tors.
=.2 Cinem"ti#: Anome is :illed: shot between the eyes Gwith the :ill #ode& we presumeI on the
Creston 5eights building by "n Agent posing "s his mother.
Crit =.2./:
Eion: !he ."#hines w"nt to meet. ?host meets with '"#e to "rr"nge " $ull meeting l"ter.
'"#e s"ys th"t wh"t the ."#hines w"nt to t"l: "bout is "##ess to the Eion m"in$r"me& so th"t
they #"n use their d"t"+pro#essing #"p"bilities to dete#t thre"ts th"t #ould "rise $rom EionFs
popul"tion Gsu#h "s 1'3& <nlimit& et#I be$ore they turn into " re"l problem. ?host is worried.
."#h: !he ."#hines w"nt to meet. .irror o$ the ?host/'"#e meeting "bove. !he pl"yer "lso
h"s to t":e out " $ew rem"ining <nlimit& "nd ?r"y mentions th"t they will whither "nd die
without the presen#e o$ the #he"t #odes.
.erv: 'ro$its "re down in %i#hl"nd& "nd the .erv w"nts to :now why. 6lood h"s he"rd th"t
the 9"g L"dy w"s dropping hints l"tely& "nd sends you to t"l: to her. *he s"ys th"t sheFs
he"rd the 1lements "re up to something& "nd suggests #he#:ing up on *ilver. ,ith the !winsF
help& you tr"#: down *ilver "g"in& "nd he s"ys his spies show .er#ury is behind it.
%e)uired 1vents:
Eion: ?host "nd '"#e meet "g"in to dis#uss the ."#hine "gend". !here is subtet in these
missions "bout '"#e being " little $"s#in"ted with the reti#ent ?host& "nd ?host being w"ry o$
" se+bomb Agent Ghe w"s h"ppier when they "ll loo:ed li:e t" #olle#torsI.
."#h: Another ?host/'"#e meetingB here they dis#uss Anome++origins& r"mi$i#"tions& et#.
.erv: !r"il " wor:er $rom .er#uryFs building in <ri"h to the !"bor '"r: subw"y.
The Matrix Online Archives
Crit =.2.2:
Eion: 6ull Eion/."#hine meeting with ?r"y& '"#e& 3iobe& ?host. 3iobe h"s " #ounter+
dem"nd: "##ess to the ."#hine d"t"b"ses $or "##ess :eys& bluepill in$orm"tion& surveill"n#e
s#"ns& "nd poli#e re#ords Gwould h"ve been use$ul "g"inst '+A& $or inst"n#eI. ?r"y st"lls.
."#h: .irror o$ the ?r"y/'"#e/3iobe/?host meeting& "lthough $irst ?r"y h"s you h"ng with
some Eionites G"s " EioniteI to get impressions on their t":e on the ."#hine re)uest Gnot
$"vor"bleI. A$ter the meeting& ?r"y s"ys heFs sent EionFs #ounter+dem"nd up the #h"in&
"lthough he h"s his doubts "bout it.
.erv: ,ith the !wins& #on$ront .er#ury. 5e s"ys his men "re Cust using the subw"y to get
p"rts $or his inventions& "nd s"ys th"t you should be #he#:ing up on !h"lli"& seeing "s the
9l"#:woods h"ve been mugging everyone in ."gog l"tely. -nvestig"ting& the pl"yer $inds "
mess"ge th"t seems to be "bout " meeting o$ 9l"#:woods in ."gog& but it goes nowhere.
Con$ronted "g"in& .er#ury s"ys heFll help get re"l dirt on !h"lli"& "nd will set something up
with 6lood.
%e)uired 1vents:
Eion: 3iobe meets 9rend" <tley. 9rend" is now on the '+A bo"rd& "nd is well on the w"y to
le"ding the #omp"ny b"#: into the publi#Fs good gr"#es& "nd gre"ter+th"n+ever
pro$it"bility..."nd power.
."#h: ?r"y t"l:s to the Ar#hite#t "bout the Eion #ounter+dem"nd. !he Ar#hite#t s"ys no++it
isnFt "s though Eion h"s mu#h #hoi#e.
.erv: .er#ury sets up Dproo$D o$ !h"lli"Fs involvement when suspi#ious 9l"#:wood $or#es "re
rounded up in ."gog.
Crit =.2.4:
Eion: *him"d" shows up& meets with ?host. 1'3 s"ys they #"n provide the ."#hine
d"t"b"se in$orm"tion th"t Eion w"ntsB "ll they w"nt in return is s"$e p"ss"ge $or 1'3
hover#r"$t through Eion Dtunnelsp"#e.D As proo$& they get you "##ess to wh"t seems to be "
."#hine d"t"b"se& where in$orm"tion is retrieved th"t "ppe"rs to show th"t the *entinel t"s:
$or#e on perm"nent st"ndby $or "n inv"sion o$ Eion is now more th"n twi#e "s big "s the $or#e
th"t "tt"#:ed EionFs do#: "t the end o$ the w"r.
."#h: Veil tells '"#e th"t the Cypherites #"n get in$orm"tion $rom EionFs m"in$r"me. !hey
le"d you to " #omputer #enter where you "re "ble to "##ess simul"#r" o$ .orpheus "nd
The Matrix Online Archives
3iobe& with di"log Gvoi#e #lipsI you h"venFt he"rd be$ore& but whi#h sound genuine: .orpheus
t"l:ing "bout the ."#hines hiding something "bout 3eo& "nd 3iobe s"ying sheFll be d"mned i$
sheFll see .orpheusF wor: ruined be#"use the Coun#il is s#"red o$ the ."#hines& "nd
#ongr"tul"ting someone on :illing the Ass"ssin. 5owever& pes:y 1'3s put " d"mper on the
$un. ?r"y $eels the Cypherites m"y h"ve "##ess to use$ul d"t"& but worries th"t their
sus#eptibility to 1'3 "tt"#:s #ould m":e them " li"bility.
.erv: -t t":es some doing& but you m"n"ge to get the !winsF h"nds on !h"lli"& who promptly
bl"mes the whole thing on .er#ury "nd %"ini& s"ying th"t both subw"y lines out o$ !"bor le"d
to %"iniFs neighborhood o$ Apollyon& "nd "dds th"t .er#ury h"s never got over %"ini& even
though she dumped him " long time "go. .er#ury #"lls !h"lli" " li"r& "nd de$ends %"ini
vigorously. 6lood is suspi#ious.
%e)uired 1vents:
Eion: ?host "nd *him"d" meet "nd dis#uss or wor: on Eion/1'3 #ooper"tion.
."#h: '"#e "nd Veil meet "nd dis#uss or wor: on ."#hine/CN'5 #ooper"tion.
.erv: ,hile spying on %"ini "nd/or the ; 'oints g"ng& the pl"yers "re "mbushed by
Crit =.2.8:
Eion: !he pl"yer meets the (id& who is going to provide Eion with "##ess to "nother ."#hine
d"t"b"se "s " show o$ 1'3Fs #"p"bilities. 5owever& Cypherites inter$ere& "nd "pp"rently
delete wh"tever in$orm"tion the d"t"b"se h"d #ont"ined.
."#h: !he pl"yer meets Cryptos& who reve"ls th"t 1'3 #l"im to be using DCode 'ulse
7evi#esD to mine d"t" out o$ the simul"tion. Cryptos gives the pl"yer " tip on where more in$o
"bout these devi#es #"n be obt"ined& "nd& "$ter thr"shing " bun#h o$ 1'3s& the pl"yer
m"n"ges to #"pture #ode th"t #ompiles into one o$ the devi#es. ?r"y #on$irms th"t the devi#e
is prob"bly #"p"ble o$ getting 1'3 "##ess to privileged ."#hine d"t". GCryptosF e"#t
des#ription w"s: Dit loo:s li:e " sm"ll& timed bomb. ,hen it deton"tes& it sends out " pulse o$
#ustomized #ode th"t perme"tes the lo#"lity& "nd sends b"#: d"t" to #ert"in re#eivers. !hey
seem to believe th"t they #"n use these devi#es to wrest spe#i$i# d"t" out o$ the simul"tion.DI
.erv: 6lood sends you "$ter %"ini& but her networ:Fs O* is so old th"t the h"#:s youFd use to
tr"#e her through it "renFt #omp"tible. 5e resorts to p"ying 3i#:y ?. $or in$orm"tionB 3i#:y is
"ble to hoo: you up with the lo#"tion o$ %"iniFs l"test p"rty. Nou "nd the !wins #on$ront %"ini&
thre"tening her with telling the 1$$e#tu"tor where she is i$ she doesnFt #ooper"te. %"ini s"ys
th"t !h"lli" "nd .er#ury h"ve been Drunning distr"#tions with the 9l"#:woods in ."r".D 6lood
The Matrix Online Archives
sends in the 1$$e#tu"tor "nyw"y "s punishmentB 1$$y immedi"tely st"rts hitting on her "nd
telling her everything heFs been up to sin#e he l"st s"w her++ie& sin#e she $in"lly dit#hed him
the l"st time. ."lph"s de#l"res th"t some torture o$ ."r" 9l"#:woods should #le"r things up.
%e)uired 1vents:
Eion: 3iobe "nd the (id& two e#iting people who were m"de $or e"#h other& #ome $"#e to
$"#e $or some :ind o$ meeting or oper"tion.
."#h: ?r"y "nd Cryptos together $or some :ind o$ shindig.
.erv: -nterrog"te 9l"#:woods in ."r". !his le"ds to the revel"tion th"t Anti .. is behind it.
Crit =.2.;:
Eion: ?host/3iobe/?r"y/'"#e meeting round 2 to dis#uss EionFs #ounter+dem"nd& "lthough
the pl"yer h"s to rub out " $ew Cypherites sni$$ing "bout $irst. ?r"y s"ys th"t Eion h"s no
#hoi#e but to meet the ."#hine dem"nd in order to preserve the !ru#e& "s otherwise thre"ts
to the entire *ystem will #ontinue to sp"wn $rom EionFs unmonitored popul"tion. 5e points out
th"t Eion would surely lose " renewed w"r "g"inst the ."#hines. 3iobe s"ys th"t Eion is
:eeping its p"rt o$ the tru#e "greement& "nd they epe#t the ."#hines to do the s"me. !his
stonew"lls ?r"y. A$terw"rds& 3iobe s"ys th"t while Eion wonFt get the in$orm"tion they w"nted
$rom the ."#hines& getting it $rom 1'3 might be too #ostly. ?host s"ys the ."#hines h"ve
"pp"rently de#ided th"t Eion is " thre"t& "nd th"t while the ."#hines #"n prob"bly be trusted
to sti#: to the terms o$ the tru#e& Dthe honeymoon is over.D
."#h: .irror o$ ?host/3iobe/?r"y/'"#e round 2. A$ter the meeting& Cryptos #"lls $or help
"g"inst " l"rge+s#"le 1'3 "tt"#:& giving the ."#hines in$orm"tion on where the 1'3 group
#"n be $ound. !he 1'3 group is wiped out by the ."#hines& "nd " Code 'ulse 7evi#e is
$ound& but not "nything th"t would indi#"te the immenent "tt"#: Cryptos #l"imed. ?r"y "s:s
the pl"yer to bring him the 7evi#e immedi"tely& "nd the pl"yer $inds ?r"y in " meeting with
the Ar#hite#tB "s they enter the room p"#:ed with Agents& they he"r the Ar#hite#t ordering
in#re"sed surveill"n#e o$ Eionites in the ."tri& "nd #overt in$iltr"tion o$ the #"ves by hum"n
.erv: Anti .. proves di$$i#ult to lo#"te. 6lood h"s the !wins be"t in$orm"tion out o$ .er#uryB
"ll .er#ury #"n tell you is th"t his #ont"#t with Anti .. w"s only through !h"lli". !h"lli" is
#on$ronted& "nd hoo:s you up with the lo#"tion o$ Anti ..Fs Dgood $riend&D 9eryl. A$ter
thre"tening 9eryl with reve"ling the "$$"ir sheFs h"ving with Anti .. to her boy$riend& Argon&
9eryl gives Anti ..Fs lo#"tion& on #ondition th"t .. wonFt be hurt. .. is $ound& "nd s"ys it w"s
stri#tly businessB she w"s hired to org"nize 9l"#:wood oper"tions in ."r" th"t would distr"#t
"ny oper"tives w"t#hing the "re"B she w"snFt told why this w"s import"nt. ,ho hired herH 5e
The Matrix Online Archives
#"lled himsel$ the ?ener"l.
As usu"l& the d"tes "bove m"y be subCe#t to #h"nge& but th"tFs the s#hedule weFre shooting
$or. !he winter holid"y event will prob"bly hit somewhere in mid+7e#ember. 7ue to v"rious
re"l+world holid"y h"ppenings& =.4 will not be out until mid+J"nu"ry.
!hese d"tes "re "pproim"te& with one wee: o$ push+b"#:. Could end up getting pushed
b"#: more...grr...
=.4 Cinem"ti#: *"ti "bdu#ted by #omm"ndosB *er"ph $"lls in riverB Agents dump the #"ptured
#he"t #ode vi"ls in river& one gets hung up on pier
Crit =.4./:
Eion: ,ith 9l"#:wood help& $ight to get to the Or"#leFs "p"rtment. 3iobe gets there "s well.
!he Or"#le re$uses to le"ve. 3iobe de#l"res th"t EionFs prim"ry obCe#tive is to :eep the
Or"#le s"$e by gu"rding her "p"rtmentB se#ond"ry obCe#tive is getting *"ti b"#:.
."#h: !he pl"yer tr"#:s the sign"l o$ the heli#opter th"t too: *"ti& $inding " wiped #omputer&
then "n "#tive #omputer gu"rded by #omm"ndos. !he sign"ls indi#"te th"t the heli#opter is
being #ontrolled remotely. !he pl"yer pl"nts " virus '"#e g"ve them in the #omputer& whi#h
re+routes the heli#opter to " ."#hine p"d& where the ."#hines inspe#t it. 3o tr"#e o$ *"ti& or
indi#"tion o$ where she might h"ve been t":en& is $ound. ?r"y s"ys th"t it is li:ely th"t she
h"s been t":en out o$ the m"in ."tri simul"tion& "nd th"t the simul"tion #ould su$$er
detriment"l e$$e#ts i$ they donFt get her b"#: soon.
.erv: !he .erv w"nts to m":e sure *er"ph is re"lly gone& so the pl"yer goes o$$ to :ill
9l"#:woods "nd bluepills in ."r"& while $ighting o$$ Eion "nd ."#hine oper"tives. *er"ph
does not #ome to their res#ue& "nd 6lood st"rts to thin: th"t m"ybe *er"ph re"lly is gone.
%e)uired 1vents:
Eion: $ending o$$ 1ile "tt"#:s in ."r"
."#h: hunting through pvp "r#hives G$ind #omm"ndos in one o$ themI
.erv: mo#: $uner"l $or *er"ph in hel #lub
The Matrix Online Archives
Crit =.4.2:
Eion: 6ight through .ervs in ."r" "nd $ind the Or"#le "lone in her "p"rtment. *he s"ys the
.erovingi"n h"s "lre"dy been there& "nd le$t "$ter he $ound out th"t sheFll need more
#onvin#ing be$ore she sees things his w"y. Or"#le suggests tr"#:ing where the #omm"ndos
h"ve t":en *"ti. 'l"yer $ollows reported p"th o$ the heli#opter "nd $inds #omm"ndos& who
shut down " #omputer be$ore the pl"yer #"n get to it.
."#h: !he pl"yer is sent to interrog"te 1iles who might :now something "bout *"tiFs
"bdu#tion. 6irst Owl 9"nghe"rt& who is b"#: "$ter the .erv got him& but pretty mu#h "
veget"ble. !hen *ister ."rg"ret& who s"ys th"t she :new nothing "bout it& other th"n th"t
sheFs he"rd the 1lement $"mily w"s involved. !h"lli" s"ys the ?ener"l only #ont"#ted Anti ..
dire#tly. Anti .. s"ys the ?ener"l sent her money "nd instru#tions& both o$ whi#h she w"s
un"ble to tr"#e. *he thin:s th"t he isnFt in the ."tri "t "ll.
.erv: !he .erv de#ides to #on$ront the Or"#le. !he pl"yer #"rves " p"th through Eionite
de$enders. !he .erv re"#hes gets to her "p"rtment& but the Or"#le re$uses to #ooper"te. !he
.erv thre"tens th"t she will p"y $or her stubbornness. -t is not epli#itly st"ted wh"t he "s:ed
$or& but there "re " $"ir number o$ hints Gthe mission title is D!hey C"n Only 9e ?iven&D $or
inst"n#e :pI. ."lph"s s"ys th"t the .erovingi"n is determined to get wh"t he w"nts $rom her
by wh"tever me"ns he #"n& but th"t is it very di$$i#ult to outm"neuver someone who #"n tell
the $uture.
%e)uired 1vents:
Eion: tr"#:ing heli#opter movements
."#h: bre": into "nd se"r#h .erv org "re"
.erv: super+sne":y spy mission: #"t#h " glimpse o$ "n 1lite Comm"ndo
Crit =.4.4:
Eion: 9y tr"#:ing heli#opter p"tterns& the pl"yer lo#"tes sever"l #omm"ndo groups& "nd
m"n"ges to pl"nt " tr"#:ing virus in their #omputer be$ore they #"n shut it down. !his le"ds to
"nother #omm"ndo g"thering point& where the pl"yer en#ounters "n elite #omm"ndo. !he
elite #omm"ndo doesnFt show up on the oper"torFs s#reen "t "ll Gthe oper"tor thin:s the pl"yer
is m":ing it upI. *tu#:& the pl"yer visits the Or"#le& who s"ys th"t the ?ener"l is holed up&
"nd th"t they need to #ome up with " w"y to lure him out.
The Matrix Online Archives
."#h: !he ."#hines de#ide they need to #onsult the Or"#le "bout *"ti. !he Or"#le s"ys they
h"ve to loo: not $or *"ti& but $or where she went. ?r"y s"ys they should $ind out how the
#omm"ndos "re getting in "nd out o$ the ."tri. 5unting #omm"ndos& they $ind " shut down
#omputer& then "n "#tive one& but it shuts down Cust "s the pl"yer "rrives& "nd then they get
Cumped by "n elite #omm"ndo who "ppe"rs out o$ nowhere. Oper"tor thin:s the pl"yer is
h"llu#in"ting. ?r"y s"ys th"t the lo#"tions o$ these #omputers #orrel"te with #omm"ndo
"#tivity& "nd th"t they must h"ve something to do with how #omm"ndos "re getting in "nd out
o$ the ."tri.
.erv: !he .erv de#ides to get " Dtermin"tion #odeD Gth"tFs wh"t the Or"#le #"lled it in 1nter
the ."tri when telling ?host/3iobe how %"m"+("ndr" betr"yed her to the .erovingi"n in
e#h"nge $or *"tiFs tr"nsport into the ."triI $or the Or"#leFs #urrent shell. ."lph"s thin:s the
best pl"#e to st"rt loo:ing is #ert"in 1iles who "re :nown or suspe#ted to h"ve etr"+."tri
#ont"#ts: the 9"rtender Gh"s some :ind o$ de"l with 7eus 1 ."#hin" th"t est"blished Club
3oir "s " Dneutr"l zoneDI& 5yp"ti" Gh"s " l"rge in$orm"tion libr"ry& plus rumored #onne#tions
with the DAr#hivist *o#ietyDI& "nd the 3etwor: Gsupposedly $eeds medi" stre"ms to the
Ar#hite#tI. !he pl"yer #on$ronts them& but gener"lly spe":ing they "renFt interested in :illing
the Or"#le& "nd donFt :now where to get " :ill #ode $or her "nyw"y.
%e)uired 1vents:
Eion: pressing the ?ener"lFs buttons
."#h: s#"n hot "##ess point ++ development o$ #ode to #lose "##ess points
.erv: one l"st 1ile #ont"#t "ttempt
Crit =.4.8:
Eion: !he pl"yer h"s "ttr"#ted the ?ener"lFs "ttention enough to merit "n "mbush by elite
#omm"ndos. !he Or"#le s"ys th"t the ?ener"l& "n old milit"ry progr"m& misses w"r& "nd too:
*"ti to push the ."tri b"#: into "ll+out w"r. *he s"ys th"t to get under his s:in& you need to
show him th"t it isnFt wor:ing& "nd suggests h"ving 3iobe "nd Agent ?r"y h"ve " ni#e big
hug. !h"t isnFt...$e"sible& so "n enthusi"sti# '"#e "nd morti$ied ?host "re got together $or "
televised embr"#e "s " b"#:up pl"n. !he pl"yer is supposed to meet ?host "$terw"rds& but
this meeting is interrupted by "n elite #omm"ndo "mbush& "nd " bro"d#"st $rom the ?ener"l&
in hologr"m $orm& "##using ?host o$ being " $ool o$ the ."#hines& "nd w"rning him th"t the
?ener"l is going to m":e him le"rn his lesson the h"rd w"y.
."#h: !he pl"yer goes "$ter the #omm"ndo "##ess points "rmed with " progr"m th"t #"n
shut them down. A$ter shutting down " $ew& the pl"yer gets rein$or#ements $rom '"#e& who
The Matrix Online Archives
#"su"lly rem"r:s th"t the ?ener"l h"s been trouble ever sin#e he wouldnFt stop "tt"#:ing
EionFs do#: "t the end o$ the w"r. !hey h"d to remove him $rom #omm"nd& "nd g"ve him
"nother one "$terw"rds& but he too: his *entinels into 1ile& "nd this w"s be$ore they were
e)uipped with override triggers& so heFs been "ble to use them $or his own purposes. !he
pl"yer shuts down "nother "##ess point& "nd ?r"y s"ys th"t this will m":e it h"rder $or the
?ener"l to move his $or#es "round inside the ."tri.
.erv: !he .erv de#ides to try m":ing " de"l with the ?ener"l $or "n Or"#le :ill #ode& sin#e
the ?ener"l seems to get "round pretty well& "nd obviously isnFt $riends with the Or"#le. !he
.erv "lso s"ys th"t he #"n give the ?ener"l Cust wh"t the ?ener"l needs& without s"ying
e"#tly wh"t th"t is. !he pl"yer goes "$ter #omm"ndos& "nd $inds some shut down #omputers
G"##ess pointsI& "s well "s " n"sty elite #omm"ndo "mbush& whi#h 6lood "##uses the pl"yer
o$ h"ving m"de up "s "n e#use.
%e)uired 1vents:
Eion: the ?ener"l "nd 1lite Comm"ndos pi#:ing o$$ oper"tives de$ending the Or"#le
."#h: tr"#: 1lite Comm"ndo "##ess point + s#"n + development o$ "##ess point h"#:
.erv: 1lite Comm"ndos& 1l ?ener"le++not listening yet
Crit =.4.;:
Eion: !he ?ener"l "tt"#:s the Or"#leFs "p"rtment "nd& in " hologr"m bro"d#"st& wonders i$
sheFs told them "bout him yet& "nd s"ys th"t heFs going to put "n end to the lies o$ the ."tri.
3iobe is "mong the Eionites rushing to res#ue the Or"#le& "nd the ?ener"l then "mbushes
her& his hologr"m bro"d#"st "##using her o$ betr"ying him to the ."#hines& "nd t"untingly
telling her to C"#: out be$ore the *ystem #r"shes& so th"t he #"n hunt her through the tunnels
D"g"in.D !he pl"yer then gets lured into " third hologr"m bro"d#"st "ddressed to them& where
the ?ener"l reve"ls th"t he led the *entin"l "tt"#: on Eion "t the end o$ the w"r& th"t the
."#hines stripped him o$ his #omm"nd when he re$used to "##ept the tru#e& "nd th"t heFs
been trying to rest"rt the w"r ever sin#e. 3iobe s"ys heFs due $or "nother \\\+:i#:ing& "nd the
Or"#le w"rns th"t itFs going to be messy& "nd th"t he wonFt give up *"ti willingly.
."#h: !he pl"yer pl"nts " spe#i"l tr"#:ing virus in " #omm"ndo "##ess point. A$ter some
help $rom the pl"yer in stopping #omm"ndos who "re trying to purge the virus& the virus
su##eeds in lo#"ting the ?ener"lFs *entinel st"ging ground on the 1"rthFs sur$"#e. !he pl"yer
"lso retrieves some d"t" "bout the st"ging "re"Fs #ode n"me "nd strength level. !he
."#hines disp"t#h "n "uili"ry #ontingent o$ the *entinels w"t#hing Eion to "tt"#: the
?ener"lFs b"se& mentioning th"t the *entinels will resume pursuit o$ terrorist hover#r"$t "$ter
the 1ile is t":en #"re o$. !here "re "lso some reports $rom ."#hine spies in Eion& whose
The Matrix Online Archives
in$iltr"tion is pro#eeding "p"#e& e#ept th"t theyFre h"ving trouble $inding out where " lot o$
Eion he"vy m"#hinery h"s been going re#ently& "nd th"t theyFre $inding th"t m"ny $reeborn
Eionites re$use to trust "nyone with C"#:s Gor is it plugsH oh wellI.
.erv: !he .erovingi"n de#ides to get the ?ener"lFs "ttention by sending 'ersephone to one
o$ the "##ess points& :nowing th"t the ?ener"l w"t#hes these systems& "nd th"t he h"s in the
p"st h"d 'ersephone under surveill"n#e Gth"t old Live 1vent post - did with one o$ the
?ener"lFs probes $ollowing 'ersephone into the 5el Club be$ore it lost its sign"lI. 'ersephone
"#ts indign"nt in being used in this w"y& but eventu"lly de#ides to #ooper"te be#"use she
thin:s the ?ener"l m"y h"ve his uses. !he pl"yer meets 'ersephone "nd the !wins "t "n
"##ess point. An elite #omm"ndo "ppe"rs& "nd 'ersephone h"nds the pl"yer " letter to give
to the #omm"ndo. *hortly there"$ter& the ?ener"l vi" hologr"m bro"d#"st s"ys th"t " de"l
m"y be possible G"g"in without s"ying e"#tly wh"t w"s o$$eredIB heFll get b"#: to the .erv&
"nd in the me"n time de#l"res " #e"se+$ire with the .erovingi"nFs 1iles. 6lood is indign"nt "t
being :ept w"iting.
>./ Cinem"ti#: *er"ph #limbs out o$ the river& thr"shes "nd Deor#isesD " redpill. 5e tells the
two other redpills with her th"t they need not $e"r him& but th"t there "re others Dli:e herD who
,orld: !he we"ther now h"s " distin#t yellow/or"nge #"st to it& with $"st+moving #louds "nd
periods o$ rel"tively he"vy r"in.
Crit >././:
Eion: !rying to $ind *er"ph& the pl"yer #omes "#ross " string o$ #om"tose bluepill "nd redpill
bodies& "nd Cumpy poli#e G*,A!I on the #"se. 9luepill witnesses give v"gue des#riptions o$
the "tt"#:er: D:ung+$u out$it&D Din white&D D$led "t high speed&D Dslimy&D Dhippy gl"sses&D Dstr"nge
h"nd motions&D "nd reve"l some #h"r"#teristi#s "bout one o$ the vi#tims G)uiet& #"lmI. Or"#le
is #onsulted "nd s"ys th"t *er"ph is :ey to getting *"ti b"#:& "nd th"t heFs doing wh"t heFs
doing G"tt"#:ing these bluepills "nd redpills& she presum"bly me"nsI $or " re"son.
."#h: ?r"y s"ys th"t to stop the ?ener"l "nd res#ue *"ti& theyFll need " w"y to dete#t the
?ener"lFs 1lite Comm"ndos. !he ."#hines h"ve stored " #opy o$ the hologr"phi# bro"d#"st
the ?ener"l sent to ?host Gin =.4Fs Eion mission D*teely 1mbr"#eDIB he s"ys th"t the
bro"d#"st #"me $rom outside the ."tri& prob"bly $rom the ?ener"lFs b"se& D*t"lingr"d&D "nd
th"t "lthough the ."#hines :now its physi#"l lo#"tion& they w"nt to $ind its networ: "ddress.
!he pl"yer lo#"tes " #omm"ndo "##ess point& "nd pl"nts D" v"ri"nt o$ the 'ro#ur"tor virus&D
whi#h obt"ins *t"lingr"dFs networ: "ddress. At the debrie$ with '"#e& she demonstr"tes th"t
the ."#hines #"n "lter the ?ener"lFs re#orded hologr"phi# bro"d#"st& "nd s"ys th"t they #"n
now use the ?ener"lFs networ:& "nd his #onne#tion to his b"se& "g"inst him. A h"#:"ble
#omputer h"s " report& in the s"me $orm"t "s previous spy reports $rom Eion& "bout 7"votFs
ship th"t w"s hiC"#:ed by Veil "nd sent to r"m the Eion do#:: Eion dis"bled it with "nother
shipFs 1.'& but its imp"#t with the tunnel w"ll ne"r Eion& "nd its own 1.' going o$$& short+
#ir#uited some o$ the do#:Fs outlying system $or " while& "lthough there were no #"su"lties.
The Matrix Online Archives
.erv: ."lph"s "nd the 1$$e#tu"tor meet with " two+w"y hologr"phi# bro"d#"st $rom the
?ener"l& who gives them the networ: "ddress o$ some o$ his men in need o$ tr"nsport. !he
pl"yer goes to "#tiv"te the termin"l to whi#h the 1$$e#tu"tor will route the #omm"ndos& but
."#hines inter$ere. A b"#:up termin"l is used su##ess$ully& "nd " pl"toon o$ #omm"ndos
"ppe"r. At " debrie$& the ?ener"lFs hologr"m s"ys the tr"nsport w"s s"tis$"#tory. ."lph"s
s"ys th"t the ?ener"l will soon h"ve to st"rt $ul$illing his side o$ the de"l.
%e)uired 1vents:
Eion: Ch"sing *er"ph++pl"yers m"y #"t#h up to him brie$ly& but he will not stop to inter"#t with
."#h: 3ow th"t the ."#hines :now the networ: "ddress o$ *t"lingr"d& they $or#e "
tr"nsmission to the ?ener"l in the %e"l& possibly ordering him to surrenderB this ir:s the
?ener"l& who replies in " 2+w"y hologr"phi# bro"d#"st& thre"tening ?r"y with the destru#tion
o$ the ."#hine *entinel $leet in the %e"l.
.erv: !he .erv meets with the ?ener"l& who tells the 6ren#hm"n th"t to m":e "n Or"#le :ill+
#ode& they will $irst need " #he"t #ode vi"l. !he ?ener"l gives the .ervs " tr"#:ing #ode th"t
#"n lo#"te #he"t #odes.
Crit >./.2:
Eion: !he pl"yer rese"r#hes " redpill who *er"ph "tt"#:ed: they "re su$$ering $rom "mnesi"
th"t st"rts "t the s"me time in their p"st "s "n unepl"ined in#ident th"t resulted in " #h"nge
in their beh"vior G"##ording to "#)u"int"n#esI& "nd goes up to the point where they were
"tt"#:ed by *er"ph. !heir government $ile #ont"ins no re#ord o$ the in#ident. Also& there is "
re$eren#e to D7"nielle ,rightD by " bluepill& in #onne#tion with " new networ: inter$"#e system
" bluepill #omp"ny is wor:ing on. G-t is not mentioned in the mission& but this is the D,rightD o$
the D,right %ese"r#hD #omp"ny in 7owntown& " brilli"nt e+Eionite s#ientist who lost $"ith in
Comm"nder Lo#:Fs vision& "nd le$t to begin " business #"reer in the ."tri& wor:ing with
*ilver& but still gener"lly symp"theti# tow"rd Eion oper"tives. *he is the inventor o$ the 1J'.
,rightFs own dre"m is hum"ns t":ing over the ."tri $rom the ."#hines.I
."#h: '"#e epl"ins th"t sin#e theyFve m"stered the #omm"ndo networ:& they #"n now $ind
"##ess points Cust by s#"nning $or them $rom "ny point on the networ:. !he pl"yer does this
to $ind "n "##ess point& "nd thus "n 1lite Comm"ndo. Along the w"y& they en#ounter "
hologr"phi# tr"nsmission $rom the ?ener"l to his men& telling them to hurry up: the ."#hines
"re shutting down too m"ny Dlines.D Also& " ."#hine #omputer h"s some #rypti# d"t" "bout
the *entinel $or#e sent "g"inst the ?ener"lFs b"se++b"si#"lly th"t they h"venFt en#ountered
"ny hostile units& "nd "re slightly "he"d o$ the proCe#ted s#hedule "s they home in on
The Matrix Online Archives
D*t"lingr"d.D A #omm"ndo #omputer shows th"t *t"lingr"d h"s bee$ed up its de$ensive
#"p"bilities " bit sin#e =.4. 7"t" is etr"#ted $rom the 1lite Comm"ndoB '"#e s"ys it will be
used to help develop " #ode to disrupt their ste"lth $un#tion.
.erv: !he tr"#:ing #ode h"s led to the <ri"h wh"r$& where rumor h"s it th"t the ."#hines lost
" #he"t #ode vi"l while disposing o$ them in the A)uedu#t. !he pl"yer is sent in to tr"#: it
down. A$ter $ruitlessly )uestioning bluepill wor:ers& they visit .er#ury& who s"ys i$ "nyone
would :now& itFd be the lo#"l g"ng& the Choppers. !he Chopper le"der J"#: the 5"#:& "$ter
the pl"yer routs " $ew o$ this boys& s"ys th"t the only thing he #"n thin: o$ is th"t there used to
be " bluepill who hung out "t the edge o$ the pier on his lun#h bre":s& but w"s re#ently seen
running o$$ suddenly& "nd h"snFt been b"#:. 5e gives " des#ription o$ the guy& whi#h 6lood
#he#:s "g"inst their d"t"& #oming up with " n"me& J"son 5ern"ndez. Visiting his ne"rby
o$$i#e& you $ind out th"t J"son 5ern"ndez h"snFt been "t wor: in " $ew wee:s& th"t he h"s
tended to h"ng out with " #lub/#"sino #rowd& "nd th"t he h"s sometimes gone to visit
rel"tives in the -ntern"tion"l 7istri#t.
%e)uired 1vents:
Eion: Cont"#t is m"de with *er"ph& who this time is willing to t"l:& brie$ly& s"ying th"t " veil
h"s been li$ted $rom his eyes. GAlso this wee:& there is " widely seen but not o$$i#i"lly
re#orded .orpheus "ppe"r"n#e in ri#hl"nd th"t -Fll be doing solo.I
."#h: <se the Dste"lth disruptorD #ode the ."#hines h"ve developed Gthis is "ll role+pl"y&
r"ther th"n "n "#tu"l g"me tool/we"ponI to #"pture "n 1lite Comm"ndo.
.erv: Lo#"te J"son 5ern"ndez& using his #o+wor:ersF #lues $rom the >./.2 #rit i$ desired. !he
#he"t #ode vi"l is obt"ined $rom him.
Crit >./.4:
Eion: !he pl"yer rese"r#hes more *er"ph vi#tims& " bluepill "nd two redpills& $inding th"t they
"ll h"ve simil"r memory g"ps beginning with "n unspe#i$ied beh"vior+#h"nging in#ident in
their p"st. !he beh"vior w"s either "loo$& #old& or somewh"t #on$usedB one re)uested
etended si#: le"ve in Eion. Another remembers h"ving seen "n Agent w"t#hing them "s
they p"trolled b"#: "lleys $or *l"shers& one o$ their l"st memories be$ore they "wo:e $rom
*er"phFs "tt"#:. !he Or"#le s"ys *er"ph is #lose to re"#hing his go"l& but th"t it wonFt wor:
out li:e he thin:s it will. !he Or"#leFs Eion gu"rds spe#ul"te "bout the .orpheus sightings.
."#h: !he pl"yer helps test the s#"nning routine developed to dete#t ste"lthed 1lite
Comm"ndos. ?r"y epl"ins th"t the s#"n re)uires " signi$i#"nt "mount o$ power& so they
#"nFt run it "ll the time. A$ter some twe":s "nd "dCustments Gthe oper"tor gets $rustr"ted with
the bugs in the ."#hine routineI& the :in:s "re wor:ed out& "nd the routine su##eeds in
The Matrix Online Archives
"llowing the oper"tor to see the 1lite Comm"ndos on his s#reen. Along the w"y& the pl"yer
#omes "#ross " hologr"phi# mess"ge $rom the ?ener"l to his o$$i#er& telling the o$$i#er th"t
the ."#hines m"y h"ve " w"y to dete#t him& "nd th"t he should "bort Dthe oper"tionD
immedi"tely. '"#e s"ys th"t the D.orpheusD reported obviously #"nFt be the de"d Eion
#"pt"in& but th"t they "re loo:ing into it very #"re$ully.
.erv: !he pl"yer uses 1lite Comm"ndo "ssist"n#e to $oil ."#hine e$$orts to #"pture the #he"t
#ode vi"l $rom .erovingi"n l"bs& where it is under "n"lysis. ."lph"s mentions th"t he thin:s
the 1lite Comm"ndos "re #"p"ble o$ spee#h& but th"t b"$$le me#h"nisms built into their
m"s:s #on$ine the sound o$ their voi#e to spe#i"l #losed+$re)uen#y tr"nsmitters. V"rious
3'Cs mention rumors o$ ."#hines wor:ing to de$e"t Comm"ndo ste"lth& .orpheusFs
possible return gener"ting t"l: in the underworld& "nd *er"ph b"#: but not )uite himsel$.
An"lysis o$ the #he"t #ode shows th"t it is mut"ted even more th"n previous #he"t #ode
s"mples& "nd must be used )ui#:lyB it h"s been put in " Dse#ure "r#hiveD $or now. One o$ the
!wins s"ys th"t they h"venFt seen *er"ph sin#e he lost his wings& "nd th"t theyFre due $or "
Drem"t#h.D !he ?ener"l& in the $lesh r"ther th"n by hologr"m& meets the .erovingi"n "nd
s"ys th"t they will need " progr"m #"p"ble o$ #r"$ting " :ill #ode with the #"ptured #he"t
#ode. !his progr"m is n"med !he Apothe#"ry& "nd the ?ener"l does not :now their #urrent
%e)uired 1vents:
Eion: *er"ph is en#ountered "g"in& " little more t"l:"tive. 5e doesnFt epl"in wh"t heFs doing&
but s"ys th"t heFs "lmost done. -$ the ."#h event h"s "lre"dy o##urred& pl"yers #ould help
him "tt"#: some overwritten blues/redsB otherwise& they might try to stop him& "ssuming th"t
they #"nFt be sure yet th"t heFs "tt"#:ing these people $or " re"lly good re"son.
."#h: Cryptos& while out on some sort o$ $ield oper"tion with the Cypherites& is $ound by
*er"ph& who "tt"#:s him& then per$orms "n odd Deor#ismD G*wirling (i *ummonHI& #rumpling
Cryptos to the ground "nd ending the $ight. CryptosF %*- #h"nges: his gl"sses& ne#:l"#e& "nd
m"s: "re torn o$$& his #"sso#: d"r:ened& "nd his eyes bl"#:ened& with " golden #ode gl"ze.
*er"ph le"ps "w"y. Cryptos is le$t un"ble to w"l:& etremely disoriented& "nd "pp"rently
blind. 5e tries to t"l:& spe":ing h"ltingly but in his usu"l w"rm m"nner& be$ore ."#hine error
mess"ges #ome out o$ his mouth. -t is #le"r th"t " ."#hine progr"m& now d"m"ged by
*er"ph& h"s been in #ontrol o$ him. Veil is sho#:ed "nd disgusted& "nd h"s him $or#ibly
C"#:ed out.
.erv: !he ?ener"l brie$s oper"tives: !he Apothe#"ry w"s used by %"m"+("ndr" when he
needed " :ill+#ode $or the Or"#le previously. !he ?ener"l dire#ts them to the ,hite Lotus
5otel dungeon& where they "re given "n old #ode tr"#e o$ !he Apothe#"ry by the
*pinnerettes le"der& the 9l"#: ,idow Glive "dmin version& non+hostileI.
The Matrix Online Archives
Crit >./.8:
Eion: 3iobe is "l"rmed "bout Cryptos++"nd *er"phFs other vi#tims++being ."#hine sleeper
"gents& "nd orders " #omplete se#urity "udit $or Eion. !he pl"yer is #"lled to "ssist "g"inst "
widespre"d #omm"ndo "tt"#:& but then the ?ener"l bo"sts to them in " hologr"phi#
re#ording th"t it w"s Cust " diversion. !he Or"#le is under "tt"#: in ."r". !he pl"yer hurries
there& "nd $inds her& *er"ph& "nd " bun#h o$ de"d #omm"ndos. *er"ph epl"ins th"t "$ter
#limbing out o$ the A)uedu#t& he $ound th"t he #ould see ."#hine progr"ms in the minds o$
hum"ns& "nd $elt he h"d to remove themB now he is $inished& "nd will prote#t the Or"#le. !he
Or"#le s"ys *er"ph will be "ll right.
."#h: ?r"y epl"ins th"t Cryptos w"s overwritten ye"rs "go by " ."#hine progr"m& whose
purpose w"s to $orm " group th"t would help stem the in#re"sed tide o$ redpill "w":enings
m"de possible $or Eion by the !ru#e. !his group be#"me :nown "s the Cypherites. '"#e "nd
the pl"yer meet with Veil& trying to m":e sure th"t& in CryptosF "bsen#e& the vol"tile Cypherite
#ontroller will #ontinue to dire#t the org"niz"tion in " w"y "##ept"ble to the ."#hines. !he
pl"yerFs oper"tor is so upset over the revel"tion "bout the Cypherites th"t he #"n h"rdly $orm
#oherent senten#es. At the meeting& '"#e #on$ides to the pl"yer th"t she isnFt getting
"nywhere with Veil& "nd some o$ the Cypherites& Cumping to the #on#lusion th"t sheFs
#onspiring to wipe them out& suddenly "tt"#:. Veil :eeps her #ool& s"ying simply& "nd very
bitter+sweetly& th"t she sees how things "re nowB she then more or less dismisses the pl"yer
"nd '"#e. ?r"y s"ys th"t "s long "s Veil st"ys within #ert"in bounds& itFs more e$$i#ient to
le"ve her in #h"rge th"n to try to repl"#e her. !he pl"yer is #"lled "w"y to )uell " sudden 1lite
Comm"ndo "tt"#:. !he oper"tor b"dgers ?r"y into running the s#"n routine& "nd more 1lite
Comm"ndos "re $ound& with .erovingi"n 1iles. ?r"y s"ys th"t the Comm"ndos m"y h"ve
h"d .erovingi"n "ssist"n#e in getting into the ."tri.
.erv: !he #ode tr"#e le"ds to J"de .oon g"ng members. 6lood sends the pl"yer to the J"de
.oon g"ngFs overseer& 7"me ,hite. !he 7"me s"ys th"t itFs been D"gesD sin#e she s"w !he
Apothe#"ry& "nd th"t the pl"yer will h"ve to "s: Lo %uh"m"h& in the 9"rrens. GLo %uh"m"h is
the '"ndor"Fs 9o #olle#tor st"tioned in the Ab"ndoned *ubw"y in %ogers ,"yB in the $ourth
bo "r#& she helps the pl"yer tr"#: down the Antediluvi"n& "lthough it "ppe"rs th"t she hersel$
m"y h"ve done some wor: $or him.I !he 7"me hints th"t she& the 9l"#: ,idow& !he
Apothe#"ry& "nd 'ersephone were "sso#i"tes o$ some :ind in the 7"meFs younger d"ys.
6lood sends the pl"yer to 'ersephone& who h"nds !he Apothe#"ryFs #ode tr"#e to the pl"yer&
s"ying th"t "I 7"me ,hite Ddid wh"t - used to do $or hum"ns in the pods&D "nd is Ce"lous o$
'ersephoneFs rel"tive youth "nd su##ess& "nd bI Lo %uh"m"h is "n "n#ient& eiled
monitoring progr"m& still trying to #"rry out her old $un#tion& #linging to g"thered in$orm"tion.
!he pl"yer t":es the #ode tr"#e to the south 9"rrens. !here is " sm"ll puzzle hereB when
solved& the #ode tr"#e is t":en& "nd Lo %uh"m"h "ppe"rs& s"ying th"t !he Apothe#"ry is still
used by the ."#hines& "nd th"t getting them $rom the ."#hine m"in$r"mes to the ."tri will
re)uire the !r"inm"n& who Dh"s retre"ted deeper into se#lusion.D
%e)uired 1vents:
The Matrix Online Archives
Eion: .orpheus "ppe"rs in %i#hl"nd "nd delivers " #rypti# mess"ge to whoever is "round to
he"r it++something "bout 3eo being "live "nd held #"ptive by the ."#hinesB he does not
move& or otherwise inter"#t with "nyone& "nd )ui#:ly C"#:s out "$ter delivering the mess"ge.
."#h: !he ."#hines "tt"#: #omm"ndos& but the "tt"#: is disrupted by .erovingi"ns.
.erv: !he !r"inm"n& who does not "#tu"lly "ppe"r in this event& is tr"#ed to the Ab"ndoned
*ubw"y in %ogers ,"y& where he evidently h"s "n inter$"#e with his priv"te subw"y
#onstru#t. 3oti#e is le$t th"t the .erovingi"n re)uires his immedi"te presen#e. !r"#ing the
!r"inm"n should involve some sort o$ puzzle& ide"lly utilizing the subw"y system somehow.
Crit >./.;:
Eion: *er"ph is $ound $ighting 1lite Comm"ndos& "nd s"ys th"t his odd new Gtempor"ryI
vision "llows him to sense the ste"lthed soldiers& "nd th"t the Or"#le h"s told him he must
pursue them& to res#ue *"ti. !he oper"tor gets " mysterious golden #ode be"#on dire#ting
the pl"yer to more #omm"ndos++this is $rom *er"ph& "lthough th"t isnFt st"ted #on#lusively in
the mission. !he be"#on $"des "$ter the #omm"ndos "re de$e"ted& "nd the pl"yer goes to "
s#heduled meeting with Agent '"#e. -n " pre+meeting brie$ing& ?host s"ys th"t s#"ns o$ the
D.orpheusD %*- h"ve been in#on#lusive++they #"nFt tell where itFs #oming $rom& but it #ert"inly
isnFt " regul"r redpill sign"lB there is " lot o$ #orrupt d"t". '"#e very brie$ly dismisses the ide"
th"t either .orpheus or 3eo "re "live "nd being held by the ."#hines& "nd s"ys th"t the
overwriting o$ hum"ns w"s done to ensure the st"bility "nd s"$ety o$ the *ystem& "nd w"s not
prohibited by the !ru#e. !ynd"ll worries th"t this epl"n"tion isnFt going to sit well with m"ny
in Eion.
."#h: !he ."#hines re"lize th"t they now h"ve to move "g"inst the .erovingi"n. 7"t"
#"ptured $rom " #ombined .erv/Comm"ndo $or#e indi#"tes "#tivity "t the Ab"ndoned
*ubw"y in %ogers ,"y. -n 9"rrens& the pl"yer $inds .ervs& 1lite Comm"ndos& "nd 9eirn&
who snidely rem"r:s th"t DheD h"s "lre"dy re"#hed the Lu#ero subw"y. ?r"y orders the
pl"yer to retre"t& s"ying Agents "re being #"lled in to de"l with the e+<nlimit o$$i#er. At "
debrie$& the pl"yer is told th"t: /I the ?ener"l is the m"in t"rget& not the .erv& 2I 9eirn w"s
preserved by "nd now wor:s $or the .erovingi"n& "nd 4I "lthough rumors o$ the !r"inm"n
h"ve persisted& he h"s not been sighted sin#e the beginning o$ the !ru#eB i$ he is returning to
"#tive duty& the .erv m"y be pl"nning " #riti#"l progr"m tr"ns$er. A ."#hine #omputer shows
th"t their *entinel $or#e is #losing in on *t"lingr"d. Also& " spy report $rom Eion s"ys th"t the
se#urity review ordered by EionFs #omm"nders prevents $urther investig"tion $or the time
.erv: ."lph"s dis#loses th"t the !r"inm"n& "lw"ys p"r"noid "nd egom"ni"#"l& retre"ted to
his priv"te subw"y #onstru#t when the !ru#e w"s m"de. !he .erv got Dhis "ssist"n#e in the
Ass"ssin "$$"ir&D but "$ter th"t& the !r"inm"n v"nished "ltogether. ."lph"s theorizes th"t the
!r"inm"n resents h"ving been $or#ed to rele"se 3eo when he h"d him #"ptive in his subw"y
st"tion& "nd th"t the !r"inm"n sees the !ru#e "s evil& be#"use he h"s " deep+se"ted $e"r th"t
hum"ns will one d"y destroy the ."tri. !he !r"inm"n emerges $rom the Ab"ndoned
The Matrix Online Archives
*ubw"y& but his sign"l is immedi"tely lost "s " result o$ he"vy ."#hine s#"n "#tivity. 6lood
mentions th"t the ."#hines #"n now s#"n $or 1lite Comm"ndos& "nd p"#:s the pl"yer o$$ to
south 9"rrens& where they $ind " wounded but still s"ssy 9eirn in " room with " #ouple de"d
AgentsB this s#ene t":es pl"#e Cust "$ter the 9eirn en#ounter in the ."#hine #rit. 9eirn s"ys
the !r"inm"n m"de it out through the Lu#ero subw"y& "nd the oper"tor h"s 6lood s#"n the
rest o$ the #ity $or him. 5eFs $ound hiding "mong de"d Crossbones in .ori"h& "nd "ngrily
dem"nds to see the .erovingi"n immedi"tely. Nou #"t#h up to ."lph"s& the .erv& "nd
Oo:"mi& with the !r"inm"n in " se#ure room net door. ."lph"s s"ys th"t the !r"inm"n is
more unst"ble th"n ever& "nd will h"ve to be w"t#hed #"re$ully. ."lph"s "lso des#ribes
*er"phFs en#ounter with Cryptos. !he .erv #ongr"tul"tes the oper"tive& then r"nts "bout the
persisten#e o$ .orpheus rumors. Oo:"mi s"ys th"t the !r"inm"n is "$r"id& "nd #"nFt be
trusted. !he !r"inm"n is "nnoyed "t the pl"yer nosing "$ter him& s"ys he :nows wh"t heFs
needed $or& shows p"r"noi" "bout the possibility o$ #"pture by the ."#hines& "nd #urses the
.erovingi"n $or bre":ing their Dde"lD in whi#h Dthe $ly m"n w"s supposed to be the l"st.D
>.2 Cinem"ti#: 5e"vy $irepower destroys the initi"l w"ve o$ ."#hine *entinels re"#hing the
?ener"lFs D*t"lingr"dD b"se.
,orld: !he s:y goes $rom " yellow/or"nge to more o$ " red.
Crit >.2./:
Eion: ?host tells the pl"yer to give *er"ph wh"tever "ssist"n#e they #"n in order to lo#"te
*"ti. .eet *er"ph "nd the Or"#le& then go #omm"ndo hunting with *er"ph. 5owever& he
$inds th"t the DimpressionD o$ *"ti he #"n re"d $rom them indi#"tes th"t they h"ve not been
ne"r her re#ently. A Eion gu"rd hints "t Dbig stu$$ going on b"#: home.D
."#h: !he pl"yer $ights o$$ #omm"ndos& runs " se"r#h on one o$ their termin"ls& gets
rein$or#ements $rom '"#e& then whups #omm"ndos de$ending " #omm"nd termin"l "nd runs
"n Doverride s#riptD giving the ."#hines #ontrol over the ?ener"lFs heli#opter $leet. ?r"y s"ys
th"t $or the time being it will be more e$$i#ient to le"ve them $ollowing their regul"r movement
p"tterns& but no longer tr"nsporting things $or the ?ener"l. 5e invites the pl"yer to b"#: him
up "t " meeting with Veil& where he w"nts to dire#t her to $ollow *ystem re)uirements& but she
st"lls& s"ying sheFll need time to get the other Cypherites to #ooper"te. A$terw"rds& ?r"y s"ys
th"t "lthough the Cyphs h"ve some #onveniently pl"#ed spies& the se#urity "lert in Eion& "nd
VeilFs relu#t"n#e to sh"re in$orm"tion& h"ve redu#ed the in$o the ."#hines "re getting $rom
them to " mere tri#:le& "nd th"t they m"y h"ve to #onsider Dli)uid"ting our investment in the
groupD i$ the situ"tion #"nFt be improved.
.erv: ."lph"s s"ys th"t "lthough di$$i#ulties "rose between them& the Apothe#"ry still owes
'ersephone " $"vor. !he pl"yer gets " letter #"lling in s"id $"vor $rom 'ersephone& who while
h"nding it over m":es it #le"r th"t the $"vor is now owed her by her husb"nd. !he pl"yer
delivers the letter to " dismissive !r"inm"n& then #on$irms delivery with the .erv& who
#hu#:les "bout 'ersephoneFs m"nipul"tions& "nd "bout the Apothe#"ryFs l"#: o$ " sense o$
The Matrix Online Archives
%e)uired 1vents:
Eion: .orpheus en#ounteredB spe":s somewh"t more "t length "nd e#itedly "bout
re#overing 3eo& et#
."#h: re#uper"ting Cryptos en#ountered: #"n see only #ode& bitter "g"inst the ."#hines
.erv: !r"inm"n brings the Apothe#"ry into the ."tri& prob"bly with ."#hines in hot pursuit
Crit >.2.2:
Eion: *er"ph w"nts to try #omm"ndo hunting "g"in. A$ter thr"shing " b"t#h o$ them& he
senses something ne"rby. !ynd"ll #on$irms 3"bonidus be"#on sign"l "#tivity in the "re". !he
pl"yer $ollows *er"phFs gold #ode sign"l "nd $inds " st"ti#+#overed D.orpheus *ign"lD th"t
loo:s li:e .orpheus& "nd s"ys " #ouple things "bout returning 3eo to Eion. !ynd"ll s"ys th"t
theyFve $in"lly been "ble to get " #le"r re"ding& "nd should be "ble to pinpoint the sign"l
)ui#:ly whenever it re"ppe"rs.
."#h: Ag"in be"ting up #omm"ndos "nd eploiting their networ:& this time with the "im o$
h"#:ing the #losed r"dio #h"nnels the 1lite Comm"ndos rely upon $or #ommuni#"tion Gvi"
mu$$led spe":ers in their m"s:sI. A per:y b"#:up+supplying '"#e mentions th"t "lthough the
Cypherite situ"tion h"snFt improved& it h"snFt gotten worse& either& "nd th"t she thin:s theyFll
wor: things out. !he ."#hines ee#ute their 1lite Comm"ndo #ommuni#"tion disruption
routine& "nd the pl"yer $inds " bun#h o$ them who donFt support e"#h other e$$e#tively& "nd
"re e"sily stomped. ?r"y disses the ?ener"lFs networ: se#urity.
.erv: A $"s#in"ted 6lood introdu#es the pl"yer to the Apothe#"ry& who bluntly dem"nds "
s"mple o$ the t"rgetFs #ode. !he oper"tor suspe#ts th"t the Apothe#"ry will :ill them "ll.
."lph"s s"ys th"t $ortun"tely the ?ener"l h"s *"ti& who the Or"#le h"s spent ye"rs stu$$ing
with h"nd#r"$ted #ode in the $orm o$ #oo:ies& $or re"sons un:nown. "nd th"t they #"n get "
#ode s"mple $rom her. !he ?ener"l s"ys this h"s to be done )ui#:ly& "nd th"t his own men
will h"ndle the #ode etr"#tion. !hey b"r the pl"yer $rom seeing *"ti& "lthough itFs possible
th"t some m"y #"t#h " glimpse o$ her two rooms "w"y& depending on mission "re"
#on$igur"tion. A blood+drin:er s"ys th"t they wonFt toler"te the D,"rdD rem"ining in the
?ener"lFs grip mu#h longer. !he pl"yer delivers the etr"#ted #ode to the Apothe#"ry.
."lph"s& supervising& "dmires the Apothe#"ryFs epertise "nd "rtistry& suggesting th"t the
pl"yer m":e " study o$ the DArs .oriendi.D 6lood #omes #lose to w"ing poeti# over her.
%e)uired 1vents:
The Matrix Online Archives
Eion: 7is#ussion with the Or"#le "nd *er"ph "bout li$e& the ."tri& "nd *"ti
."#h: h"#:ing the ?ener"lFs hologr"m
.erv: .erv w"nts to test prelimin"ry Or"#le :ill+#ode #on#o#tionB ?ener"l Ghologr"mI
suggests Agent '"#e "s t"rgetB pl"yer hits '"#e with Or"#le :ill+#ode deriv"tiveB '"#e
#oll"pses& is removed by ?r"y
Crit >.2.4:
Eion: *er"ph h"s sensed *"tiFs re#ent "ppe"r"n#e in the #ity. 5e "nd the pl"yer $ollow his
per#eption o$ her sign"l through " bun#h o$ 1lite Comm"ndos to " .erovingi"n hideout& but
the p"th ends there. !he oper"tor is sho#:ed "t one o$ the .ervs mentioning " :ill+#ode hit on
'"#e& loo:s into it& "nd s"ys th"t it didnFt :ill her& but put her Dout o$ #ommission.D !ynd"ll
epl"ins th"t sin#e *er"ph h"s #ome b"#:& the Or"#le h"s "llowed Eion to :eep her under
gu"rd "t lo#"tions outside o$ ."r"& sin#e the 7ebir "p"rtment h"d be#ome too hot " t"rget.
Consulted& the Or"#le s"ys th"t theyFll need *"ti b"#: in the ."tri in order to res#ue her& "nd
th"t the ."#hines will h"ve " h"nd in $or#ing the ?ener"l b"#: into the simul"tion.
."#h: ?r"y s"ys th"t "n "n"lysis o$ the #ode used in the "tt"#: on '"#e #orresponds to #ode
$ound in the #oo:ies she sometimes gives to redpills& "nd sends the pl"yer to g"n: " .erv
"nd ste"l their #oo:ie. L"b te#hs b"bble "bout the sophisti#"tion o$ the #ode in the #oo:ies.
One mentions th"t '"#e is "n eperiment"l progr"m& "nd th"t the sour#e o$ some o$ her #ore
routines is highly #l"ssi$ied. ?r"y s"ys the #ode "lso be"rs the h"llm"r:s o$ the Apothe#"ry& "
:ill+#ode m"nu$"#turer re#ently stolen by the .erv. 5e sends you to )uestion 7"me ,hite&
:nown to h"ve some p"st history with 'ersephone "nd the Apothe#"ryB the Apothe#"ry w"s
eiled on#e too& but the ."#hines too: her b"#:. !he 7"me Ghm - $orgot to in#lude her usu"l
two weird bodygu"rds& oh well& m"ybe theyFre o$$ pl"ying #hessI drops " very dense bit o$
di"logue& in#luding: /I 'ersephone w"s her "pprenti#e& 2I emotions were involved in their Cob
"t the pods& 4I #ontr"ry to regul"tions& outsiders sometimes got involved with the hum"ns she
wor:ed with& le"ding to illi#it "$$"irs& love tri"ngles& revenge& "nd this led to her "nd
'ersephone Dhoo:ing upD with the Apothe#"ry. ?r"y s"ys this suggests th"t the Apothe#"ry
owes 'ersephone " business $"vor. L"b #ompletes "n"lysis& "nd $inds th"t the #ode used in
the '"#e "tt"#: w"s "n Or"#le :ill+#ode m"de by the Apothe#"ry. !he #onv"les#ent '"#e
insists on seeing the pl"yer& s"ying she Cust w"nted to see their $"#e... And th"t she is
re#overing speedily& th"t theyFll soon Dh"ve toD let her resume D$ield duties&D th"t it will be good
to get b"#: to wor:& "nd th"t sheFll be $ine++Dbetter th"n ever.D ?r"y s"ys th"t they must
#onsider shi$ting their o$$ensive $o#us tow"rd the .erovingi"n.
.erv: !he Apothe#"ry #ompl"ins th"t the #he"t #ode is old& "nd th"t she needs "n inCe#tion o$
D$reshD #ode to bring it up to p"r. !he oper"tor thin:s sheFs de$initely going to :ill them "ll. !he
pl"yer h"s to be"t o$$ some ."#hines who "re getting too #lose to her. 6lood sends them to
#he#: on 9eirn& whoFs supposed to be giving the Apothe#"ry " tr"ns$usion o$ his #he"t+#ode+
l"#ed blood. !he pl"yer "rrives in the middle o$ " bitter sp"t between the Apothe#"ry "nd
The Matrix Online Archives
'ersephone& who #l"ims the Apothe#"ry is del"ying. 9eirn s"y he thin:s he #ould t":e her i$
he h"d to& but Cust then ."#hines burst inB 9eirn "nd the Apothe#"ry D:illD the ne"rest ones&
the pl"yer t":es out the rest& "nd #omes b"#: to $ind the Apothe#"ry "greeing to $ul$ill her
oblig"tion D"nd nothing more&D "nd 'ersephone vowing to t"l: to her husb"nd "bout this. !he
.erovingi"n $inds the sp"t regrett"ble& but s"ys he thin:s the situ"tion #"n still be resolved to
his s"tis$"#tion& so long "s the Apothe#"ry #ompletes her wor:. DAnd then...D
%e)uired 1vents:
Eion: .orpheus "ppe"r"n#e& m":es synt" error Grepe"ts s"me line $our times in " rowI
."#h: ?r"y& le"ding oper"tives "g"inst #omm"ndos& en#ounters *er"phB slightly $rosty #onvo
between the two "s *"tiFs s"$ety dis#ussed
.erv: *pying on Agent '"#eB beh"vior"l #h"nges observed "nd reported: emp"thi# in "
m"nipul"tive& "ggressive w"y
Crit >.2.8:
Eion: -tFs #omm"ndo hunting with *er"ph& who h"s "g"in dete#ted *"tiFs presen#e in the
."tri. 5e "nd the pl"yer #ome "#ross " non+hostile #omm"ndo. 5e p"sses you " th"n:+you
letter Gto himI $rom *"ti. *er"ph le"ds to the letterFs origin point& $illed with #omm"ndos& but
*"tiFs sign"l h"s "g"in dis"ppe"red Gthere is " D1%%O%/!%.D #omputer in the "re"& whi#h is
wh"t the ?ener"lFs de"#tiv"ted "##ess points s"yI. Just then& '"#e "rrives& s"ying she w"s
investig"ting " report o$ #omm"ndos in the "re"& #ongr"tul"tes the oper"tive on their
De$$i#ien#y&D "nd #ozily rem"r:s th"t it is Dmu#h s"$er when we #ooper"te.D ?host theorizes
th"t the ?ener"lFs r"n:s m"y not be "s united in his support "s h"d been "ssumed. !he
oper"tor uplo"ds " #opy o$ *"tiFs D!h"n: youD letter to the pl"yer "t the end o$ the mission
G#"n be tr"dedI.
."#h: ?r"y sends the pl"yer to termin"te the Apothe#"ry& who proves elusive& le"ving " tr"il
o$ ."#hine bodies "nd de"#tiv"ted #omm"ndo "##ess points in her w":e. ?r"y epl"ins th"t
she #"n termin"te " Dlower+level %*-D with " movement o$ her h"nd& "lthough this doesnFt
usu"lly result in perm"nent deletion. '"#e shows some imp"tien#e in her usu"l b"#:up+
providing role& s"ying she wishes she #ould go elimin"te the .erv $or#es with the pl"yer. An
Agent reminds the pl"yer th"t .orpheus w"s #on$irmed termin"ted long "go. Although the
Apothe#"ry gets "w"y through the ?ener"lFs networ:& the pl"yer #on$is#"tes the rem"ins o$
the #he"t #ode vi"l sheFd been using to m":e the :ill+#ode. ?r"y s"ys th"t they need to shut
down the ?ener"lFs networ: $or good. 5e "lso s"ys th"t *er"phFs insisten#e on res#uing *"ti
be$ore the ?ener"l is de"lt with shows th"t his logi# routines m"y still be imp"ired by his
dun:ing. '"#e s"ys th"t i$ sheFd been there& the Dtr"itorD GApothe#"ryI wouldnFt h"ve got "w"y.
The Matrix Online Archives
.erv: !he Apothe#"ry& $ound hip+deep in de"d .ervs "nd ."#hines& insists on "de)u"te
se#urity be$ore she #"n $inish her wor:. !he ?ener"l delivers " unit o$ #omm"ndos $or the
purpose& s"ying he #"n only sp"re them $or " brie$ while. 6lood de#ides to throw the
#omm"ndos into the $"#e o$ the growing ."#hine o$$ensive to buy some timeB the pl"yer
w"des through de"d "nd dying ."#hines "nd #omm"ndos& se"r#hing $or the mispl"#ed #he"t
#ode vi"l& but h"s to give up the se"r#h when the Apothe#"ry is "g"in "tt"#:ed. Ag"in $ound
in the midst o$ de"d .ervs "nd ."#hs& the Apothe#"ry s"ys sheFs $inished her p"rt o$ the :ill+
#ode& th"t the .erovingi"n #le"rly #"nFt prote#t her& "nd th"t she w"nts to be tr"nsported out
o$ the simul"tion immedi"tely& "s is her right b"sed on the #ontr"#t she signed with the
.erovingi"n. 6lood regrets the loss o$ Dthe only pro$ession"l -Fve h"d the ple"sure o$ wor:ing
with re#ently.D
%e)uired 1vents:
Eion: .orpheus %*-/be"#on sign"l h"s be#ome highly err"ti#B tr"#ed to rel"y point in %e"l in
need o$ m"inten"n#eB tr"#ed $rom rel"y point b"#: to origin point in ."tri++ie simul"ted
."#h: ."#hines use d"t" #"ptured $rom progress in *t"lingr"d to tr"#: down ?ener"lFs
prim"ry ."tri #omm"nd #enterB big b"ttleB more d"t" #"pturedB ?ener"l hologr"m orders
#omm"ndo retre"t
.erv: .erv sends Apothe#"ry o$$ under #omm"ndo es#ort Dto !r"inm"n&D tips o$$ ."#hinesB
Apothe#"ry deleted in b"ttle by either ."#hines or .ervs
Crit >.2.;:
Eion: !he pl"yer Coins *er"ph "s he h"s lo#"ted D*"ti.D *he st"nds very sti$$ly& then de$orms
into " biz"rre noodle+limbed #re"ture: *"tiFs #hild body stret#hed to the size o$ "n "dult
s:eleton. *er"ph s"ys itFs " tri#: by the ?ener"l& but th"t the vision gr"nted by the #odes the
?ener"l stole $rom the ."#hines will be the ?ener"lFs own undoing. !he ?ener"lFs hologr"m
"ppe"rs "nd t"unts the pl"yer. !he pl"yer $ollows *er"ph to " building $illed with the biz"rre
*"ti #lones& where& while the pl"yer puts the others out o$ their misery& *er"ph m"n"ges to
be$riend one. !his one le"ds the pl"yer to " #omputer with d"t" on it. Comm"ndos try to
inter$ere& but the pl"yer gets the d"t"& whi#h turns out to be *"ti hersel$& "nd h"nds the dis# to
*er"ph& who t":es it/her b"#: to the Or"#le. !he Or"#le s"ys th"t *"ti will be Cust $ine& "nd
will h"ve the we"ther b"#: to norm"l in " Ci$$. 3iobe& "lso there& s"ys th"t itFs time to $ind out
whoFs behind the simul"ted .orpheus.
."#h: !he pl"yer plops " virus into " #omm"ndo m"in$r"me& destroying the ?ener"lFs
networ: "nd shutting up " pes:y st"ti#+ridden hologr"phi# bro"d#"st $rom him th"t popped up
"t the l"st se#ond. A #omputer in the "re" shows *t"lingr"dFs de$enses "t very low #"p"#ity.
A$ter this su##ess& ?r"y sends the pl"yer "$ter '"#e& who undertoo: " meeting with Veil on
The Matrix Online Archives
her own initi"tive. !he pl"yer "rrives Cust "s the two women "re putting the $in"l tou#hes on "n
"greement whereby the Cypherites will resume surveill"n#e in Eion $or the ."#hines& in
return $or p"yment. ."#hine/Cyph byst"nders epl"in th"t " de"d Cypherite there h"d got "
little too $resh with '"#e. ?r"y is ple"sed th"t '"#eFs Dspe#i"lized li"ison progr"mmingD h"s
helped her $ind " solution to the Cypherite issue. 5e "lso w"rns th"t Eion is on edge "nd must
be h"ndled #"re$ully& th"t the ?ener"l is on the verge o$ "bsolute de$e"t& "nd th"t $urther
"#tion "g"inst the .erv will be ne#ess"ry. '"#e preens hersel$ on her #oup& s"ying she thin:s
the Cypherites #"n be very use$ul "s long "s the right "ppro"#h is t":en. A ."#hine #omputer
h"s " mess"ge $rom the *entinel $or#e& s"ying theyFre "bout to undert":e " str"tegy designed
to eh"ust the enemyFs resour#esB "nother ."#hine #omputer h"s " brie$ spy report $rom
Eion& s"ying th"t itFs still tough to get intel due to the se#urity rev"mp& but th"t movement o$
men "nd m"teri"l out o$ Eion m"y be "##eler"ting.
.erv: !he ?ener"l re)uests sever"l Dtime+sensitiveD troop tr"ns$ers $rom the .erovingi"n.
!he oper"tor theorizes th"t 6lood h"d " #rush on the Apothe#"ry. !he pl"yer #he#:s over the
troops in the #ity& helping them be"t o$$ " ."#hine "tt"#: so th"t theyFll be set $or tr"nsport.
6lood then sends the pl"yer to hurry the !r"inm"n "nd the 1$$e#tu"tor "longB the oper"tor is
puzzled "bout the !r"inm"nFs involvement& sin#e he h"ndles tr"nsport between the ."tri
"nd the ."#hine m"in$r"mes. !he !r"inm"n s"ys he :nows pl"#es in the ."#hine
m"in$r"mes the ."#hines themselves donFt :now "bout. !he 1$$e#tu"tor thin:s the
!r"inm"nFs " little weird& but th"t theyFll h"ve the #omm"ndos Ds"$ely stowedD where the
."#hines #"nFt get them& while telling the ?ener"l th"t the ."#hines deleted them. !he !wins
"rgue "bout whoFs behind D.orpheusD: the ."#hines& or 1'3. !he .erv #ompl"ins "bout his
wi$e not being s"tis$ied even "$ter he "rr"nged $or the Apothe#"ryFs dispos"l& "nd s"ys th"t
the ?ener"l will le"rn "n import"nt lesson "bout w"r& but not Cust yet& "s his ignor"n#e will still
be use$ul $or " little while. 6lood #on$irms th"t the :ill+#ode h"s been #ompleted by the
.erovingi"nFs te#hni#i"ns.
>.4 Cinem"ti#: Overwhelming w"ves o$ ."#hine *entinels destroy the ?ener"lFs s)uiddies
"nd rip "p"rt his *t"lingr"d b"se. !he #"mer" pulls b"#: to show the s#ene displ"yed on "
video s#reen& "nd the b"#: o$ " m"nFs he"d in silhouette w"t#hing it& "s " tiny bug+li:e robot
zips p"st. !he ?ener"l "nd his rem"ining #omm"ndos $lee through the sewers o$ the ."tri
with Agents in pursuit.
,orld: !he we"ther returns to norm"l. !he ?ener"lFs heli#opters "re repl"#ed by news
#hoppers& "nd his #omm"ndos no longer "ppe"r "s enemies in st"nd"rd Eion "nd ."#hine
Crit >.4./:
Eion: Eion tr"#:s the D.orpheus *ign"lD %*- bro"d#"st o$ .orpheus "g"in& "nd runs " tr"#e
through it to try to $ind its sour#e. !he tr"#e le"ds through " bluepill o$$i#e to " mysterious
#omputer room where the pl"yer $inds " bl"n: dis:& " #omputer with .orpheus )uotes $rom
some o$ his old spee#hes Gth"t were #hopped up into the spee#hes the bro"d#"st %*- h"s
givenI& "nd " re#ently used #omputer. Cell s"mples "re s#"nned $rom de"d s:in #ells in the
:eybo"rd& in the hopes th"t this will help tr"#: his %*-.
The Matrix Online Archives
."#h: !he pl"yer is sent to delete one o$ the $ew rem"ining #omm"ndo units. A #omputer in
the "re" h"s " mess"ge to the ?ener"l& giving orders to the #omm"ndos to hold their ground
"s p"rt o$ " del"ying "#tion. *#"ns dete#t .erovingi"n progr"ms "long the ?ener"lFs
proCe#ted es#"pe p"th through the #ity. !he pl"yer is ordered to elimin"te "ll but one. !he
pl"yer h"uls him o$$ to Agent '"#e& who Dwill h"ndle d"t" etr"#tion.D '"#e s"ys it Dshould not
be overly...di$$i#ult&D "nd send the pl"yer to pi#: up some rein$or#ements while she gets down
to business. A #omputer in the "re" h"s " report $rom the *entinel stri:e $or#e #on$irming
destru#tion o$ *t"lingr"d& s"ying th"t losses were 4=.04U higher th"n proCe#ted& "nd
D'ending !"s:: 1limin"tion o$ terrorist hover#r"$t.D '"#e #omes through with the ?ener"lFs
#oordin"tes& the pl"yer gets there& "nd $ights through some .ervs to " #omputer+se#ured
door with unusu"l #ode. !hey get "n "##ess #ode $rom the gu"rds "nd use it& but the oper"tor
reports Dthe whole "re" Cust blin:ed&D "nd the #omputer re"dout resets& "lthough the door is
now unlo#:ed. !he pl"yer enters "nd $inds " #on$used bluepill th"n:ing them $or $iing the
C"mmed bolt& "nd then getting #on$used "nd dem"nding to :now where their se#ret"ry is. !he
oper"tor s"ys th"t the .ervs D#h"nged somethingD "nd th"t the door is now Cust " norm"l
door& "nd wherever it used to go& it isnFt going now. ?r"y s"ys th"t it seems the ?ener"l h"s
g"ined "##ess to the .erovingi"nFs Db"#: doorD system& to whi#h they will h"ve to g"in
.erv: !he pl"yer meets up with the ?ener"l& who "s:s them to t":e some #omm"ndos "nd
meet him "t " rendezvous. 6lood h"s you get the #omm"ndos deleted "s "n D"##ident&D
be#"use theyFre too hot to try hiding $rom the ."#hines Cust now. !hen you #"t#h b"#: up to
the ?ener"l& being "tt"#:ed by ."#hines& "nd tell him the .erv w"nts to t"l:. !he .erv tells
the ?ener"l th"t the only w"y he #"n ensure his s"$ety is to get him out o$ the ."tri& "nd to "
hiding spot ne"r the sur$"#e in the %e"l. !he ?ener"l "grees to go "long with it& s"ying th"t
"lthough itFs ris:y& the ."#hines prob"bly wonFt epe#t it.
%e)uired 1vents:
Eion: the "#tu"l D.orpheusD simul"#rum++not " bro"d#"st++is $ound "nd es#"pes& but not
be$ore Eion obt"ins " $ull s#"n o$ the %*-
."#h: wor:ing on h"#:ing D#h"te"uD door when gener"l re"ppe"rs& pursued to tr"in
.erv: gener"l m"y t":e some #onvin#ing& but h"s to "gree to give .erv the progr"m $or
#onverting sentinels between ."tri "nd the %e"lB progr"m is retrieved $rom one o$ his $ew
rem"ining d"t" repositories Cust be$ore it is destroyed by ."#hines
Crit >.4.2:
Eion: %e#ent re"dings o$ the %*- sign"ture "re pursued. !he pl"yer $inds "n odd #hun: o$
The Matrix Online Archives
#orrupt bin"ry #ode& "nd " l"rge "mount o$ d"t" $rom " d"t"b"se. !he #orrupt bytes "re b"#:+
tr"#ed to " de"#tiv"ted "nd "b"ndoned #omm"ndo "##ess point. !he oper"tor wonders why
the ."#hines didnFt remove th"t one. 3iobe is very suspi#ious o$ " #onne#tion between the
.orpheus %*- "nd the ?ener"l& "nd s"ys th"t i$ the ?ener"l is behind it& it should be $ound
"nd dis"bled. -niti"l "n"lysis o$ the d"t"b"se in$orm"tion indi#"tes it is "n insur"n#e #l"ims
d"t"b"se Gie red herringI. -t isnFt mentioned in the mission& but the #orrupt #hun: o$ bin"ry
#ode #ont"ins the bits seen in the e"rly .orpheus bro"d#"stsF #h"r"#ter det"ils. !he bin"ry
itsel$ is g"rb"ge& "nd - donFt thin: de#odes into "nything Gthough - #ould be in trouble i$ it does
."#h: Armed with three viruses $rom '"#e& the pl"yer sets o$$ to sti#: them in the Dh"#:ed
swit#h hubsD ne"r tr"in st"tions through whi#h the !r"inm"n #ontrols his networ:. At the
!"bor hub& the pl"yer $inds some "nnoying 7emon Army members& one o$ whom initi"lly
sounds li:e he :nows something& but goes hostile on#e t":en outside& #l"iming heFs lured the
pl"yer into "n "tt"#: by his Dbrethren.D 1lite Comm"ndos gu"rd the C"mon hub. ; 'oints
p"rtiers #"vort "round the Apollyon hub& s"ying the !r"inm"n lets them #hill there. !he
impl"nted vir"l routines begin returning d"t" m"pping the !r"inm"nFs networ:. ?r"y s"ys th"t
with this in$orm"tion& they should be "ble to inter#ept the ?ener"l i$ he tries to m":e " bre":
$or it.
.erv: 6lood doesnFt li:e the n"me D!he %e"l&D "nd s"ys D!he *ludge+'itD would be more
"##ur"te& $or inst"n#e. 5e sends the pl"yer to #olle#t some #omm"ndos "nd t":e them to the
!r"inm"n. !heyFre dropped o$$ with the #r"n:y !r"inm"n& "nd the pl"yer is sent o$$ to bring
the ?ener"l himsel$ in. !he ?ener"l s"ys heFll go& sin#e he needs to m":e sure the !r"inm"n
h"s the tr"ns$er progr"m #on$igured #orre#tly "nyw"y& but th"t theyFd better t":e sep"r"te
routes. 5e gives the pl"yer " #omm"ndo& s"ying Dm"ybe you #"n dr"w some o$ them o$$.D
6lood doesnFt #"re wh"t you do with the #omm"ndo& "nd tells you Cust to get over to the
!r"inm"n. At the !r"inm"nFs p"d& "tt"#:ing ."#hines h"ve to be be"ten o$$& "nd then the
?ener"l re$uses to le"ve the ."tri& s"ying th"t he h"s some Dun$inished businessD th"t
DwonFt t":e long.D !he !r"inm"n s"ys the ?ener"l is end"ngering them "ll. ."#hines "mbush
the pl"yer outdoors throughout this mission.
%e)uired 1vents:
Eion: Gbe$ore ."#h eventI morph sim++t"l:s on its own in semi+bro:en .orpheus+li:e spee#h
p"tternsB gen "ppe"rs "nd yells "t it& le"ves in " hu$$B sim dis"ppe"rs
."#h: gener"l dr"gs $eet "t st"tion with tr"inm"n& #"ught in ."#hine "tt"#:& shoved into tr"in
by tr"inm"n& tr"inm"n $lees m"#hines on $oot& horribly wounded& stumbles through door into
white room Gor other tr"in st"tion th"t might sort o$ loo: li:e his #onstru#tH hmI where he
#oll"pses& "pp"rently li$eless
.erv: merv tr"ns$ers or"#le :ill+#ode through " zion networ:
The Matrix Online Archives
Crit >.4.4:
Eion: !he routing in$orm"tion o$ the :ill+#ode shuttled through EionFs networ: w"s deleted
Ginside s"bot"geI& but their re#ent se#urity rev"mp :eeps high level b"#:ups o$ "dmin "##ess
logs& whi#h preserved the networ: "ddress o$ the s"boteurFs system. !he lo#"tion is
popul"ted by Eion oper"tives& who seem $riendly "nd #ooper"tive. One h"ppens to mention
th"t they h"venFt seen `r"ndom n"me a "round l"tely. !ynd"ll #he#:s on `a "nd $inds heFs
using "n outside #ommuni#"tion rel"y& whi#h is "g"inst regul"tions. !he pl"yer $inds `a "nd
wor:s their w"y to the termin"l `a is using to host the #omm rel"y& $inding " log on it o$ the
D$riendlyD Eionites "t the previous lo#"tion reporting to `a th"t the pl"yer is on his #"se. !he
Eionites in the "re" go hostile. !he pl"yer de$e"ts them& "nd theyFre "rrested on their ships.
!heir $ull #h"t log is "n"lyzed "nd shows th"t they didnFt :now who w"s on the re#eiving end
o$ the :ill+#ode& e#ept th"t it w"s supposed to be "n under#over .erv op on the Or"#leFs
Eion se#urity det"il. !he pl"yer #he#:s on the Or"#le "nd s#"ns her #urrent gu"rds& who
#he#: out o:"y. !he Or"#le s"ys she h"snFt noti#ed "nything "miss. 5er se#ond mess"ge
t"l:s "bout the .orpheus bro"d#"sts using #ut+up lines $rom old .orpheus spee#hes. *er"ph
promises to #he#: e"#h gu"rd until the :ill+#ode is $ound. One o$ the gu"rds h"s " #r"zy
theory "bout the .erv using the .orpheus %*- to "ss"ssin"te the Or"#le. !ynd"ll s"ys theyFll
be #ode+s#reening "ll Or"#le gu"rds until the :ill+#ode is $ound& "nd th"t theyFll do more
#he#:ing on the #"ptured #rew to see i$ they #"n $ind out more "bout where the :ill+#ode
."#h: ,ith the ?ener"l gone& the ."#hines w"nt to m":e sure his .orpheus sim isnFt "
thre"t. -n#re"sed "#tivity h"s been dete#ted "t "re"s .orpheus $re)uented be$ore his
"ss"ssin"tion. !he pl"yer is sent to " w"rehouse& where " help$ul se#urity gu"rd #"pt"in
gives them the n"me o$ the person who deposited " suspi#ious bo o$ tools re#ently: DJoshu"
."ston.D One gu"rd Co:es "bout Dglue terroristsD th"t were supposedly using the w"rehouse "
#ouple ye"rs "go. ."#hine re#ords show ."ston is " Eion oper"tive. !he pl"yer p"ys him "
visit& $inding him "nd " D6lyer&D "long with some p"ls. !he Eionites $lip out when the 6lyer is
pi#:ed up& "nd " $ight $ollows. GD6lyerD w"s used in the old Dhunt $or morpheusD #rits in #h"pter
/.I !he pl"yer $inds th"t ."ston #"rried p"pers with "n "ddressB they go there "nd $ind one o$
the posters .orpheus used to go "round posting. ?r"y runs " #ode tr"#e th"t t":es the pl"yer
to "nother w"rehouse& where they $ind the .orpheus sim. -t utters " $ew h"#:ed+up .orpheus
lines& then :eels over. !he oper"tor s"ys it shut itsel$ o$$. ?r"y s"ys it m"y h"ve the #"p"bility
to simul"te C"#:+out "nd re#onstru#tion& but th"t "nyw"y they now h"ve " #omplete s#"n o$ its
.erv: 6lood sends the pl"yer to #olle#t some d"t" sent b"#: by the under#over .erv
"ss"ssin in Eion. !he pl"yer $inds the Eion $"#ility on "lert& whi#h m":es getting the d"t" "
little tougher th"n epe#ted. 6lood s"ys Eion must h"ve $ound out "bout the :ill+#ode being
sent into their networ:. !he d"t" the pl"yer retrieves #ont"ins the "ddress o$ the pl"#e where
Eion is #urrently holding the Or"#le& "nd 6lood sends the pl"yer in to identi$y the Eion gu"rd
#"pt"in on duty. ,ith th"t "##omplished& the pl"yer bre":s into "nother Eion $"#ility to swipe
the #"pt"inFs $ilesB he should h"ve " roster o$ the gu"rd det"il. 6lood s"ys it should be e"sy&
sin#e Dour inside te"mD who got the :ill+#ode in h"s "lre"dy #r"#:ed the ne#ess"ry termin"l
$or you. 5ostile Eionites "ppe"r on#e the pl"yer gets their h"nds on the d"t". 6lood s"ys the
The Matrix Online Archives
insider networ: s"bot"ge te"m h"s been #"ught& "nd m":es h"sty "rr"ngements to deposit
the roster with the "ss"ssinFs b"#:up #ont"#t. !he pl"yer $inds them by whispering "
p"ssword "round "t "n 1ile p"rtyB the #ont"#t is " su##ubus Gsee Eion >.4.8I& #on#erned th"t
this is blowing their #over. -$ you #he#: #"re$ully& youFll noti#e " ne"rby p"rty guest "#ting
suspi#iously "$ter you t"l: to the #ont"#t.
%e)uired 1vents:
Eion: merv spy somehow $ound "nd t":en out& :ill+#ode not $ound
."#h: "#tive morph sim tr"#:ed down "nd interviewed/interrog"tedB somewh"t "nti+m"#hine
but ?r"y determines its merely rudiment"ry #"p"#ity $or $ree thought prevents it $rom posing "
signi$i#"nt thre"t& while it is use$ul $or p"#i$ying/distr"#ting Eionites
.erv: G"$ter Eion eventI :ey $ound "t ."h"th !ower #onstru#tion site GL"m"r neighborhood&
e"st edge o$ 7owntownI must be re#overed Gpossibly involving the L"ndlordH++either #omes
to the .erv to tell him he he"rd .erv w"s gunning $or the Or"#le& "nd might be interested in
this :ey& or someone else #omes "nd tells him th"t& "nd itFs the L"ndlord who h"s the :eyI
Crit >.4.8:
Eion: !he pl"yer $ollows up on " #ont"#t used by the spy& hoping to $ind the :ill+#ode& but $inds
them G" su##ubus++see .erv >.4.4I de"d& "nd the ?ener"lFs hologr"m shows up "nd glo"ts.
*er"ph Gwhose %*- is b"#: to norm"l in this sub#h"pterI "s:s $or " meeting& "nd s"ys th"t
even though his "bility to dete#t #omm"ndos is $"ding& he $elt them Cust now& "$ter "n "bsen#e
o$ wee:s& "nd heFs sure theyFre somewhere in the #ity. *him"d" "s:s $or " meeting&
re)uesting th"t Eion "llow 1'3 to help gu"rd the Or"#le. Eion Comm"nd is relu#t"nt to do so&
but the Or"#le insists. !hereFs " big pow+wow with the Or"#le& *er"ph& 3iobe& the (id& "nd the
pl"yer. 3iobe tries dissu"ding the Or"#le& but she st"ys $irm. !he (id s"ys theyFre Cust there to
help& "nd th"t nobody w"nts to see "ny h"rm #ome to the Or"#le. 1'3 gu"rds "re "lre"dy in
."#h: ?r"y s"ys th"t the $"#t th"t Eion h"d d"t" on the .orph sim wee:s be$ore they did&
"nd th"t they :now more "bout the "ss"ssin"tion plot "g"inst the Or"#le& illustr"tes the
problems inherent in the ."#hinesF "pp"lling l"#: o$ d"t" $rom Eion. 5e sends the pl"yer to
meet with " Eionite who #l"ims to h"ve in$orm"tion to sell. !he in$orm"nt s"ys to #he#: out "
#ert"in 1'3 oper"tive whoFs m"n"ged to dig up dirt on wh"t the ."#hines "re loo:ing $or in
Eion& "nd gives them the "ddress o$ the 1'3Fs #over business. !he pl"yer gets b"#:up $rom
'"#e& who s"ys she w"s monitoring the #onvers"tion& "nd sheFs #ert"in the in$orm"nt is trying
to loo: li:e she :nows more th"n she doesB '"#eFs se#ond mess"ge s"ys th"t sheFs #he#:ed
the re#ords& "nd 82U o$ the double "gents theyFve used h"ve "t some point o$$ered $"lse
in$orm"tion. !he pl"yer "nd $ollowers be"t up " bun#h o$ 1'3 "nd get to the t"rget& who s"ys
The Matrix Online Archives
th"t ye"h& the Cypherites "re in Eion loo:ing $or missing supplies "nd wor:ers. An "nnoyed
?r"y s"ys th"t this is Cust going in #ir#les& "nd evidently neither the would+be in$orm"nt nor
the 1'3 h"d "#tu"l use$ul in$orm"tion. 5e s"ys th"t even "$ter '"#eFs "greement with Veil&
intelligen#e reports on Eion $rom the Cypherites h"ve not been up to p"r with wh"t they were
under Cryptos& "nd th"t sin#e reports "re #oming in th"t Cryptos h"s "t le"st in p"rt
re#overed $rom *er"phFs "tt"#:& itFs time to en#our"ge his resumption o$ Cypherite le"dership.
?r"y meets with Veil "nd Cryptos& where Veil "ssures him th"t theyFll give the Eion "$$"ir top
priority& "nd th"t sheFs sure they #"n $ind something use$ul $or Cryptos to do now th"t heFs
$eeling better. CryptosF own replies "re ro"ming "nd "mbiv"lent& "lthough he s"ys th"t he is
Dnot predisposed to be un#ooper"tive.D ?r"y isnFt entirely ple"sed& but s"ys th"t this w"s the
most he #ould do without ris:ing " b"#:l"sh $rom the Cyphs "g"inst ."#hine #ontrol.
.erv: ."lph"s in$orms the pl"yer th"t ."h"th w"s the site o$ the Ar#hite#tFs building
destroyed in %elo"ded& where the (eym":er diedB this :ey he h"d Cust $inished ended up not
being needed to :ill her old shell Gbetween %elo"ded "nd %evolutionsI. !he :ey will be given
to the "ss"ssin. !he .erv #ont"#ts the ?ener"l& who "ppe"rs hologr"phi#"lly& "nd "s:s $or "
s)u"d o$ his best men. !he ?ener"l "grees relu#t"ntly& "s long "s theyFre used to :ill the
Or"#le& "nd returned int"#t. 5e s"ys th"t sin#e the !r"inm"n is gone& someone will h"ve to
#on$igure the tr"ns$er progr"m on "ltern"te h"rdw"re. !he pl"yer goes to the !r"inm"nFs
wor:shop& "nd eventu"lly digs up the tr"ns$er progr"m $rom some un#ooper"tive 5el Club
3'CsB one o$ the #omputers in the "re" shows th"t some numbered things Gpossibly lo#"tions
on the !r"inm"nFs networ:& hmHI "re o$$line or in need o$ m"inten"n#e. !he tr"ns$er progr"m
is h"nded o$$ to the 1$$e#tu"tor& who promptly uses it to summon two de"d 1lite Comm"ndos.
1$$y bl"mes it on "n unintuitive progr"m inter$"#e& "nd s"ys he needs to go #he#: on
something& but not to worry& heFll h"ve it "ll sorted out. !he pl"yer h"s to go #on$igure "
#omputer to initi"te the proper tr"ns$er. ."#hines "tt"#: right be$ore this #"n be done& but
"$ter theyFre be"ten& $our #omm"ndos "re brought in su##ess$ully& with "nother wounded& "nd
one de"d. 6lood is "nnoyed with the 1$$e#tu"torFs bungling& but s"ys there "re more
#omm"ndos where those #"me $rom G- w"nted to le"ve the number o$ #omm"ndos brought in
somewh"t open& be#"use l"ter missions/events m"y need more th"n $iveI.
%e)uired 1vents:
Eion: the :ey teleports the user to the door ne"rest the Or"#leFs lo#"tion+++:ey "nd :ill+#ode
given to elite #omm"ndo sniper who w"rps into her epn+gu"rded lo#"tionB or"#le dete#ts himB
:id re"#ts "nd Cumps in $ront o$ her& t":ing the bullet Gre#onstru#ts& seems li:e no perm"nent
."#h: Cryptos/Veil++Cryptos $eels su$$i#iently re#overed to t":e Cypherite #omm"nd& Veil m"y
resist " littleB in the end& Cryptos re+est"blishes his le"dership GVeil still 2nd in #omm"ndI
.erv: Gd"y be$ore Eion eventI #omm"ndo s)u"d in the #ity& hunted by ser"phB mervs h"ve to
slow ser"ph down so th"t "t le"st one #omm"ndo gets "w"y $or " while& to :eep ser"ph busy
The Matrix Online Archives
Crit >.4.;:
Eion: *er"ph h"s tr"#:ed down the l"st o$ the 1lite Comm"ndos& Cust "s his "bility to see
them $in"lly $"des #ompletely. ?host "rrives w"nting to deliver "n import"nt mess"ge& but
'"#e shows up "t the s"me time& s"ying the ."#hines were "lso tr"#:ing the #omm"ndos.
*he slyly re$ers to h"ving "n intim"te #"t#h+up #onvers"tion with ?host. ?host s"ys '"#e is
there "s " distr"#tion& "nd the pl"yer should get in tou#h with !ynd"ll immedi"tely. !ynd"ll
s"ys th"t #ont"#t with the Gr"ndomly n"medI #"pt"in o$ the hover#r"$t 'el"geus h"s been
lost& e#ept $or his emergen#y be"#on. !he pl"yer $inds the #"pt"in "nd his #rew "lone& but
Cust "s the #"pt"in w"rns th"t " Cypherite tr"itor w"s in his #rew& "nd th"t Dthey thin: - :now
something "bout the++&D he "nd his #rew "ll drop de"d. !he phone rings++itFs Veil& te"sing.
!ynd"ll s"ys th"t they h"ppened to h"ve "nother ship ne"r the 'el"geusB they get " re"ding
on the pir"tesF hover#r"$t sign"l& "nd the pl"yer tr"#:s down the Cypherite #rew in the #ity&
$or#ing them to re#onstru#t "s the Eion ship moves in the %e"l. !he Cypherite #r"$t gets o$$
with the Eionite ship in pursuit. *er"ph h"d mentioned e"rlier th"t the Or"#le w"nted to t"l:.
*he s"ys th"t she isnFt sure wh"t to s"y to m":e the pl"yer $eel betterB Dthey wonFt get to you
li:e they got to those poor people on th"t shipDB she "lso s"ys th"t she #ould s"y itFs "ll $or the
best& but people tend to t":e th"t the wrong w"y. Eionite "nd 1'3 gu"rds in the "re" "re
"rguing: Eion s"ys the Cypherites donFt re"lly #"re "bout 1'3& "nd h"ve "lw"ys been "$ter
Eion& while 1'3 points out th"t theyFve t":en the hits "ll this time while EionFs been hiding
behind the !ru#e. !ynd"ll reports th"t the Cypherite hover#r"$t w"s d"m"ged& but h"snFt been
#"ptured yet& "lthough they #"ught one $em"le Cypherite on $oot ne"r the 'el"geus. G- donFt
h"ve "ny p"rti#ul"r pl"ns $or these Cyphs.I
."#h: ?r"y sends the pl"yer "$ter the #omm"ndos th"t h"ve re+entered the ."tri. A$ter
de$e"ting some e"sily& th"n:s to their "nti+#omm"ndo routines& the pl"yer #omes "#ross de"d
#omm"ndos& then *er"ph& ?host& "nd '"#e& who got there \re"l\ $"st. *er"ph s"ys th"t
$ortun"tely& the #omm"ndo "ss"ssin"tion "ttempt on the Or"#le w"s prevented. ?host #urtly
th"n:s the pl"yer $or their interest. '"#e s"ys sheFll h"ndle ?host& "nd dismisses the pl"yer&
telling them to report to ?r"y. ?r"y in$orms the pl"yer o$ the Cypherite hiC"#:ing o$ the
'el"geus& "nd sends them to Veil to "s: $or "n epl"n"tion o$ the oper"tion. Veil "ngrily
replies th"t she ne"rly lost " ship "nd #rew trying to get d"t" $or the ."#hines& "nd th"t they
h"ve no right to )uestion her methods: D!ell me weFre end"ngering the !ru#eH 7onFt m":e me
l"ugh.D *he e#uses hersel$& s"ying she h"s some phone #"lls to m":e. One o$ the Cyphs
with her s"ys DNour w"r never ended& p"l. !hey Cust told you it did& "nd you bought their
story.D ?r"y s"ys th"t heFs in$ormed th"t Cryptos is b"#: in #omm"nd o$ the Cypherites&
"lthough Veil #ontrols m"ny o$ their d"y+to+d"y oper"tions. ?r"y is #on#erned th"t the
."#hines will be bl"med $or these etreme Cypherite "#tions. !he pl"yer responds to
*er"phFs invit"tion to see the Or"#le& who s"ys th"t most everyone w"nts to s"ve lives& but
they dis"gree on how to go "bout it++th"t they see the di$$eren#es r"ther th"n the simil"rities
between hum"ns "nd ."#hines. *he "dds th"t i$ thereFs one thing sheFs le"rned $rom "ll this&
itFs th"t you #"nFt s"ve someone who doesnFt w"nt to be s"vedB itFs "ll well "nd good to give
someone " #hoi#e& but then you h"ve to live with the #onse)uen#es& "nd i$ you donFt li:e their
#hoi#es& youFve got to wor: on #h"nging their mind& whi#h is "bout the toughest thing there is.
.erv: A $rustr"ted .erovingi"n sends the pl"yer o$$ to set up " rel"y with the ?ener"l. 6lood
The Matrix Online Archives
epl"ins th"t they h"d " rel"y in pl"#e& but it stopped wor:ing++the ."#hines prob"bly $ound
it++"nd th"t "lthough theyFre wor:ing on " perm"nent rel"y th"t the ."#hines wonFt be "ble to
get "t& $or this theyFll Cust h"ve to rig up " tempor"ry one th"t will prob"bly be dete#ted "nd
shut down shortly "$terw"rds. 5e sends the pl"yer to " sm"ll d"t" #enter& where they send "n
en#oded mess"ge to the ?ener"l on " low+b"ndwidth #h"nnel th"tFs supposed to be Dbelow
the r"d"r.D 3evertheless& ."#hines "tt"#: the #enter Cust "$ter the mess"ge gets out. 3et&
the pl"yer h"s to set up " re#eiver& "nd be#"use this is " rush Cob& 6lood sends you to "
bluepill #omp"ny& to put " s#ript in pl"#e th"t will hiC"#: their re#eiver/tr"nsmitter. -tFs " !V
st"tion& "nd the bluepills inside h"ve #onvers"tions "nd d"t" on their #omputers& in#luding
news o$ "nother 'endhurst+Am"r"nth sto#: split& "n intrepid reporter trying to turn the
#oin#iden#e o$ both Anome "nd his mother $"lling $rom buildings into " theory on Cumping
being heredit"ry& "nd one who w"nts to #over gun #ontrol& s"ying th"t $ire"rm+rel"ted de"ths
"re up 89U in the l"st two ye"rs. On#e the right #omputer is $ound "nd the s#ript put in pl"#e&
the pl"yer returns to the .erv "s the meeting st"rts. !he .erv ber"tes the ?ener"l $or the
#omm"ndoFs $"ilure to :ill the Or"#le& "nd s"ys th"t heFs "ssuming dire#t #omm"nd o$ the
?ener"lFs *entinels. 5e orders ."lph"s to Diniti"te the override progr"m.D !he ?ener"l begins
to retort but is #ut o$$ mid+word. ."lph"s epl"ins th"t they inserted Doverride routinesD when
they tr"ns$erred the ?ener"l "nd his #omm"ndo progr"ms out o$ the ."tri& "nd th"t they "re
now Dprogr"mm"ti#"lly #ompelledD to obey instru#tions $rom the .erovingi"n. !he .erv s"ys
th"t "lthough the ?ener"l h"s been dis"ppointing in the p"st& "s the he"d o$ "n obedient
s)u"dron outside the ."tri& he m"y h"ve his uses.
8./ Cinem"ti#
An under#over Cypherite hover#r"$t winds through " new tunnels system& $ollowing dire#tions
$rom " Eion tr"$$i# #ontroller. !hey enter " l"rge #h"mber #o"ted with 1.' devi#es "nd "re
dire#ted to #ut engines to go through the sh"$t below. !he #rew p"ni#s "nd guns the engines&
$leeing. !heir p"th is blo#:ed by " he"vily lo"ded hoverb"rge. !hey send " report to Cryptos
th"t theyFve $ound DitD Cust be$ore "n 1.' goes o$$& sending both #r"$t plunging into the bottom
o$ the tunnel.
Cut to the Ar#hite#t in his #ontrol room. 5e in$orms Agent ?r"y& on " monitor& th"t Eion h"s
bro:en the !ru#e. 3o more "w":enings "re to be "llowed.
X,h"t this me"ns is th"t Eion "nd the ."#hines "re "g"in "t w"r.
,h"t the Cypherites $ound& "s will be epl"ined in the initi"l #rits& is D3ew Eion&D EionFs
"nswer to the #ontinu"l thre"t o$ etermin"tion by the $leet o$ *entinels w"t#hing DoldD Eion.
!his is where "ll those shipments o$ men "nd m"teri"ls h"ve been going. D3ew EionD is " new
#ity/b"se in " miture o$ n"tur"l "nd "rti$i#i"l #"verns $"rther $rom the ."#hine City in terms o$
longitude "nd l"titude& "nd mu#h $"rther below the sur$"#e th"n the old #ity. !he lo#"tion is
shielded $rom s#"ns "nd drilling by n"tur"l $orm"tions o$ solid bedro#:& ore+he"vy l"yers o$
e"rth "nd miner"ls& l"v" "nd du#ts o$ superhe"ted "ir& "nd& most import"ntly& "rr"ys o$ 1.'
The Matrix Online Archives
#lusters drilled into the long winding tunnel w"lls o$ the $ew "v"il"ble "##ess points& "nd $in"lly
" verti#"l tunnel se#tion #ompletely #overed by live 1.' $ieldsB entering #r"$t must :ill "ll
systems& drop through the $ields& then rest"rt systems in $ree+$"ll in the l"rge subterr"ne"n
#h"sm below. Outgoing #r"$t "re li$ted through on m"ssive me#h"ni#"l win#h systems.
Abund"nt geothermi# power sust"ins the b"se.Y
+ ,ent through "ll the neighborhood "nd intro missions& Lo#:Fs initi"l voi#eover& signpost GDiDI
3'Cs "nd so $orth to t":e out re$eren#es to being in " st"te o$ !ru#e. G!hereFs still the
Or"#leFs lines in the introdu#tory movie& but "h well.I
+ Ch"n#e o$ Agent "tt"#: in " restri#ted "re" now goes up r"ther th"n down with #h"r"#ter
+ Alw"ys " #h"n#e o$ " level /00 Agent "tt"#: "g"inst Eion oper"tives outdoors in ,estview&
-3!& "nd 7!.
+ %*- upd"tes $or the two prim"ry story #h"r"#ters $or e"#h org.
+ !hereFs " new& de#idedly ."#hine+oriented #olle#tor& Codeb"se& behind the <ri"h *,
h"rdline& who slips in " $ew suggestions "bout wor:ing $or the ."#hines.
+ ."#hines "nd Eion "re now opponents $or e"#h other in st"nd"rd missions.
Crit 8././
Eion: ?host epl"ins "bout 3ew Eion& "nd the ."#hines de#l"ring th"t Eion h"s bro:en the
tru#e. !he pl"yer is sent to #he#: Eion networ: $"#ilities th"t h"ve reported trouble: the $irst is
de"d& the se#ond h"s " b"ttle going on between Eionites "nd ."#hines Gwell& de"d 3'Cs&
some live Eionites who will $ollow the pl"yer "nd $ight& "nd hostile ."#hinesI. !he pl"yer is
then p"#:ed o$$ to see 3iobe& who s"ys it loo:s li:e the ."#hines "re going "$ter EionFs
networ: inter$"#esB they thought they were se#ure "$ter the re#ent se#urity overh"ul& but the
."#hines "re going "$ter them in " w"y th"t suggests theyFve $ound " se#urity hole. ?host
s"ys th"t " berth h"s been se#ured $or the pl"yerFs hover#r"$t in 3ew Eion& "nd th"t "
."#hine "tt"#: on Eion now would m":e supplies tight& but would #ost the ."#hines " lot o$
*entinels with "ll the 1.'+e)uipped hover#r"$t Eion h"s.
."#h: '"#e epl"ins " bit "bout 3ew Eion& "nd s"ys Eion is mist":en i$ they thin: it will let
them "tt"#: the *ystem with impunity. *he s"ys the ."#hines :now more "bout EionFs
networ: inter$"#es th"n Eion suspe#ts. ?r"y sends the pl"yer "$ter " networ: hub& th"t le"ds
to "nother "#tivity #enter. A h"#:"ble #omputer "t the hub h"s " mess"ge inter#ept o$ "
dire#tive $rom Lo#:& s"ying th"t hover#r"$t re"ssignments to 3ew Eion "re being given in
order o$ #"pt"in seniority. Eionites :illed& et#. ?r"y h"s the pl"yer over $or " he"d+to+he"d&
where he epl"ins th"t they h"ve to de$end the *ystem "g"inst Eion $or the good o$ hum"nity.
.erv: 6lood epl"ins " bit "bout 3ew Eion "nd the renewed w"r& "nd ."lph"s s"ys th"t the
Eion/."#hine hostilities will give the .ervs opportunities. 6or inst"n#e& he sends the pl"yer to
retrieve the #hun: o$ D#orruptD #ode th"t Eion #"ptured $rom the ?ener"l++itFs e"sy& be#"use
The Matrix Online Archives
the ."#hines h"d Cust "tt"#:ed "nd wiped out the pl"#e where it w"s being held. !he !wins
"renFt ple"sed th"t they didnFt get to :ill "nyone. 6lood then sends the pl"yer to see wh"t 1ile
business le"ders 7"me ,hite "nd .r. 9l"#: m":e o$ the new situ"tion& to see Dwhi#h w"y the
wind is blowing.D !he 7"me thin:s sheFll m"n"ge Cust $ineB .r. 9l"#: thin:s "ll the #h"os is
b"d $or business. !he .erovingi"n s"ys th"t he on the other h"nd thin:s this is the per$e#t
time to loo: $or unepe#ted opportunities. 'ersephone suspe#ts th"t heFs "lre"dy up to
something& "nd l"ments th"t he will ris: everything on " roll o$ the di#e.
%e)uired 1vents:
Eion: emergen#y brie$ing& AVA session w/ 3iobe "nd ?host
."#h: emergen#y brie$ing& AVA session w/ '"#e "nd ?r"y
.erv: emergen#y p"rty with .erv "nd 'ersephone
Crit 8./.2
Eion: L"b wor:ing on #on$iguring "n emergen#y $irew"ll progr"m h"s been s"#:ed by the
."#hines. 'l"yer h"s to pi#: up " #opy $rom ?host "nd t":e it over to " new& hope$ully se#ret
l"b. A h"#:"ble #omputer "t this l"b h"s " note "bout& well& b"si#"lly no $irm news on wh"t
the possible hole in EionFs de$enses might be& wh"t the .erv #ould be doing& et#. A te#h is
s:epti#"l th"t thereFs " hole& "nd thin:s the whole system is Cust too old "nd well :nown to the
."#hines. !he tr"ns$er to the new l"b seems to go o:"y& but ."#hines "re dete#ted l"ter "
little w"ys "w"yB the pl"yer goes to he"d them o$$& "nd does so& until level /00 Agents show
up Cust "s the oper"tor gives word th"t the new $irew"ll h"s "lre"dy been byp"ssed by the
."#h: '"#e is st"nding on " mound o$ Eionite bodies "nd gives the pl"yer some viruses to go
insert into the Eion networ:. ?r"y s"ys th"t they "lre"dy :new " lot o$ EionFs networ:
stru#ture& "nd they #"n now eploit this rel"tively e"sily. 9ut the $irst lo#"tion h"s only "
wiped& useless #omputer& "nd some Eionites who ple"d with the pl"yer to thin: "bout wh"t
heFs doing. ?r"y s"ys su#h t"#ti#s "re $utile& "nd it will only $"#ilit"te ."#hine progress i$ Eion
#hooses to #ripple their own systems. !he #omputer "t the se#ond lo#"tion is " better t"rget&
but the third is #ompletely de"d. ?r"y s"ys th"t "pp"rently Eion h"s begun to re"lize the
vulner"bility o$ their situ"tion& but it wonFt m"tter& "nd pe"#e will soon be restored.
.erv: !he ?ener"lFs *entinels "re in d"nger o$ being $ound by in#re"sed ."#hine *entinel
p"trols. !he 1$$e#tu"tor remembers #oming "#ross some Eion tunnel m"p in$o when he w"s
helping them with their networ:s "nd so $orth b"#: when 3iobe w"s g"n:ed by Anome. 5e
points the pl"yer to " bluepill business& whose #omputer turns out to h"ve wh"t loo:s li:e "
Eion networ: #onne#tion++the business itsel$ being some :ind o$ $ront. 6lood #"nFt toler"te the
The Matrix Online Archives
1$$e#tu"tor running the show& "nd sort o$ ment"lly dis#onne#ts. !he networ: #onne#tion le"ds
to " Eionite inst"ll"tion& where the pl"yer downlo"ds the tunnel m"pping d"t" they were "$ter.
!he !wins "re pl"#ing bets on wh"tFs be#ome o$ the !r"inm"n. !he .erv is ple"sed&
summons the ?ener"l& "nd s"ys he #"n help him ev"de the ."#hines& but th"t the ?ener"l
must "gree to st"y within #ert"in design"ted "re"s& or heFll be shut down. !he ?ener"l&
whose tr"nsmission is " little #hoppy& "ppe"rs to "gree.
%e)uired 1vents
Eion: emergen#y networ: up+lin: est"blished
."#h: "tt"#: on " redpill etr"#tion point
.erv: .erv does " roll+#"ll o$ power$ul 1iles to t":e sto#: o$ his w"rtime power b"se Gie "
p"r"de o$ me showing up "s v"rious 1iles one "t " timeI
Crit 8./.4
Eion: Comm systems imp"ired by ."#hine "tt"#:s prevent !ynd"ll $rom #oming through
#le"rlyB "t one point l"ter in the mission you he"r her s"y DArdesh++.D ?host tells the pl"yer
th"t their bro"d#"st d"t"b"se is under "tt"#: by the ."#hinesB this system helps m"n"ge "nd
#ontrol redpill sign"ls #oming into the ."tri Gsort o$ li:e "ir tr"$$i# #ontrol or somethingI. O$$
the pl"yer goes to try to gr"b the bro"d#"st d"t" be$ore the ."#hines #"n get it. !hey get
there Cust in time& "nd the oper"tor shunts the d"t" over the networ: to " tempor"rily s"$e
lo#"tion. !he oper"tive runs there to #olle#t it& then hustles it to the emergen#y up+lin:. !he
."#hines h"ve got " *pe#i"l Agent Glevel 2;;I right "t the up+lin:& but heFs downed by 9eirn
who suddenly z"ps in& tips his h"t& "nd p"sses "long " D9onCourD $rom the .erv. !he d"t" is
sent out o$ the ."tri through the up+lin:& s"ved $or l"ter use with " b"#:up system& hope$ully.
G,hi#h Eion sets up pretty mu#h right "w"y& - suppose. !he story is th"t bro"d#"st depth is
now sh"llower& be#"use theyFre running the bro"d#"st #ontrol "s " distributed system "mong
hover#r"$t "t bro"d#"st depth& whi#h is less e$$i#ient th"n the old system. !h"tFs epl"ined "
bit more in the net #rit.I
."#h: %outine investig"tion o$ " #omputer the$t th"t m"y h"ve been perpetr"ted by Eionites
or 1'3 desper"te $or #omputer ge"r is interrupted by ?r"y& who s"ys th"t their vir"l routines
h"ve lo#"ted EionFs bro"d#"st sign"l #ontrol #enter. !he pl"yer "rrives there in the midst o$ "
$ight& but $inds th"t Eion h"s Cust shunted the bro"d#"st #ontrol d"t" somewhere& "nd deleted
the tr"ns$er log. !he ."#hines h"ve to t":e " $ew minutes to run " b"#:tr"#e to see wh"t
e"#tly h"ppened in the simul"tion when the d"t" w"s shunted. !hey $ind where it went& but
theyFre "g"in " little behind Eion. !hen word #omes th"t "n Agent sent to investig"te "n
unregistered networ: up+lin: h"s Cust #e"sed $un#tion. -nvestig"ting the #oin#iden#e& the
pl"yer $inds " de"d Agent& "nd " de"d up+lin: termin"l. ?r"y #onsoles the pl"yer over the loss
The Matrix Online Archives
o$ the bro"d#"st d"t"& s"ying th"t destru#tion o$ the #ontrol #enter will imp"ir EionFs sign"l
e$$i#ien#y& "t le"st. 5e s"ys th"t there "renFt m"ny things power$ul enough to h"ve t":en out
the Agent& "nd th"t the in#ident will be investig"ted.
.erv: !he ?ener"l be"ms in with news th"t his *entinel s#outs inter#epted " mess"ge $rom
the Eion hover#r"$t DArdeshirD "bout "n emergen#y up+lin: Eion h"d #on$igured& something to
do with #on#erns "bout the se#urity o$ their bro"d#"st #ontrol d"t"b"se. 6lood h"s the
?ener"l dis"ble the hover#r"$t with *entinels& while the oper"tive #orners the C"#:ed+in #rew
"nd dem"nds to be given the lo#"tion o$ the up+lin:. !he surviving Ardeshir oper"tive Gr"ndom
n"meI $igures she doesnFt h"ve mu#h #hoi#e "nyw"y& be#"use she needs the ship int"#t so
th"t they #"n tell Eion "bout the ."#hines theyFve dete#ted #losing in on the up+lin:B she
instru#ts D*pitzD the oper"tor G:pI to give the ?ener"lFs s)uids the up+lin: #oordin"tes. !he
pl"yer Coins ."lph"s& whoFs monitoring the situ"tion "s 9eirn is sent to the up+lin: to del"y the
."#hines. A sort o$ #on#erned/"nnoyed 'ersephone is there with ."lph"s& too. ."lph"s
s"ys theyFre helping Eion in this #"se be#"use it would be in#onvenient i$ Eion lost this d"t"&
"nd thus the w"r& so soon. ,ord #omes th"t 9eirn h"s su##eeded in "llowing Eion to s"ve
their d"t". !he pl"yer reports the h"ppy news to the .erv& but the .erv broods over it& s"ying
th"t it w"s too e"sy.
%e)uired 1vents
Eion: Eion $in"lly dete#ts "nd goes "$ter some o$ the GCyphI spies whoFve been in$iltr"ting
GoldI Eion
."#h: GCypheriteHI spy mission& $ind :ey to getting "t re#ruiting d"t"++" potenti"l whoFs been
"ppro"#hed by both sides& "nd reve"ls some in$orm"tion he got $rom "n overly enthusi"sti#
Eion re#ruiter
.erv: .erv surprised by l"#: o$ oomph in ."#hine response. *t"ges "tt"#: or demonstr"tion
to test it. 6inds it somewh"t $eeble.
Crit 8./.8
Eion: !ynd"ll s"ys #omms "re mostly rep"ired& but bro"d#"st depth is sh"llower due to the
bro"d#"st thingy. *he sends the pl"yer to investig"te " re#ruiting te"m m"n"ger Gr"ndom
n"meI whoFs C"#:ed in& but not responding& "nd whose lo#"tion #"nFt be pinpointed $or some
re"son. !he pl"yer $inds " Courn"l entry $rom " $ew d"ys "go in the m"n"gerFs "p"rtment
Gs"ying there "re more re#ruiting volunteers& with more enthusi"sm now& "nd th"t potenti"l
numbers seem to be up "s wellI. !ynd"ll sends the pl"yer to the "id o$ " re#ruiting #enter
th"tFs Cust #ome under ."#hine "tt"#:B the #enter houses sensitive re#ruiting d"t". !he pl"yer
gets there& but $inds th"t the d"t"Fs been swiped. !ynd"ll sends them "$ter " ."#hinist seen
le"ving the "re" Cust be$ore the pl"yerFd got there. !he pl"yer $inds the ."#hinist& but Cust
The Matrix Online Archives
"$ter theyFve uplo"ded the d"t"& presum"bly to some ."#hine server. !ynd"ll s"ys this is
going to end"nger the potenti"ls they h"d listed in the stolen d"t"& "nd sends the pl"yer o$$ to
report to 3iobe. 3iobe is in #onvers"tion with the (id& who s"ys th"t the ."#hines "re Cust
going to bulldoze through Eion i$ " se#ond $ront isnFt opened& mentioning th"t the Dsw"rm o$
*entinels they Cust sent "t your new #ity isnFt going to be the l"st.D !he (id w"nts to hit
."#hine City dire#tly. 3iobe isnFt too :een on it& telling the pl"yer th"t Eion #"nFt "$$ord to
throw ships "w"y right now. *he "dds th"t she "ppre#i"tes the pl"yerFs gumption& "nd s"ys
th"t even though things donFt seem to be going well& $ighting is better th"n giving in.
."#h: ?r"y sends the pl"yer "$ter " Eion oper"tive Gr"ndom n"meI who h"s "##ess to high+
level re#ruiting d"t"B the ."#hines le"rned "bout this $rom " potenti"l who w"s told more th"n
ne#ess"ry by "n overze"lous Eion re#ruiter. !he pl"yer t"gs the oper"tive& "nd 1termin"tors
show up to b"g him. !he lo#"tion o$ EionFs re#ruiting #enter is etr"#ted $rom the #"ptured
Eionite somehow Gthe oper"tor m":es it sound li:e some pro#ess so #hilling you donFt w"nn"
:now "bout itI& "nd the pl"yer swipes the d"t". A h"#:"ble #omputer "t the #enter h"s "n
inter#epted mess"ge $rom 3iobe& epl"ining "bout the distributed bro"d#"st #ontrol system&
"nd sh"llower bro"d#"st depth. !he pl"yer is pursued by Eionites& but gets the d"t" uplo"ded
be$ore they #"t#h up. ?r"y p"#:s the su##ess$ul oper"tive o$$ to see wh"t th"t d"rn Veil w"nts
now. Veil #ongr"tul"tes the pl"yer th"t the ."#hines "re $in"lly #r"#:ing down on Eion
re#ruiting& "nd h"ppens to mention th"t sheFs he"rd 1'3 h"s some ide" "bout bombing the
."#hinesF #ity& oh "nd th"t sheFs sorry to he"r D"bout the s)uiddies $rom *t"lingr"d biting it
outside 3ew Eion...D ?r"y #on$irms th"t some *entinels returning $rom *t"lingr"d were
diverted to probe the 3ew EionFs de$enses& "nd "ppe"r to h"ve been dis"bled& prob"bly by
#on#e"led 1.' #h"rges++they #ouldnFt get pre#ise d"t" due to Dbro"d#"st inter$eren#e.D
.erv: !he .erv& still not s"tis$ied with the ."#hine re"#tion to "ggression l"tely& sends the
pl"yer to ."r" to $ind the Or"#le. -n ."r"& the pl"yer #orners " $idgety 9l"#:wood who s"ys
ohh& sure& sheFs right down the street. 7own the street the pl"yer $inds *er"ph& who st"res
them down " bit& then s"ys "ll right& sheFll t"l: to the .erv. !hen thereFs " meeting between
the Or"#le "nd the .erv& with *er"ph loo:ing on& "nd the !wins p"trolling the "p"rtment&
#"lling it " little D" little...homey.D !he .erv "s:s why the ."#hines h"venFt even m"de mu#h
o$ "n e$$ort to Dobliter"teD their enemiesB the Or"#le responds th"t D'ower isnFt everything&D
th"t thereFs more to the ."#hines th"n the .erv thin:s& "nd th"t m"ybe he should t":e " loo:
"round with his new DoutsideD eyes. !he .erv is le$t pondering wh"t this might me"n.
%e)uired 1vents
Eion: #ompromised re#ruiting te"m/potenti"l must be s"ved $rom m"#hines
."#h: :ill " bluepill potenti"l& 3"vin ."noh"r& substitute p"rti"lly overwritten bluepill in his
pl"#e& rewriting his $e"tures Gpl"yers must identi$y& g"ther& "nd "dminister ne#ess"ry %*- pillsI
to m"t#h the potenti"lFs "ppe"r"n#e
.erv: interrog"tes morph sim++morph sim will reh"sh the story .orpheus told 3eo "bout Dthe
desert o$ the %e"l&D hum"ns "s b"tteries& "nd so $orth
The Matrix Online Archives
Crit 8./.;
Eion: !he pl"yer s"ves " re#ruiting te"mFs b"#on& "nd the te"m deputizes the pl"yer to help
#he#: up on one o$ the potenti"ls whose identity h"s been #ompromised by the re#ent loss o$
d"t" to the ."#hines. !he pl"yer he"ds o$$& $inds " bluepill& but not the right oneB itFs " $riend&
who s"ys th"t DtheyD #"me "nd dr"gged the potenti"l o$$& #l"iming she w"s involved in "
terrorist #onspir"#y. !ynd"ll sends the pl"yer to r"id the ne"rest $eder"l detention $"#ility&
where the pl"yer t":es out " bun#h o$ #on$used *,A!& "nd some ."#hines& "nd $inds the
missing potenti"l& whoFs pretty $re":ed out "bout "ll the :illing. 3iobe #"lls the pl"yer in&
#ongr"tul"tes them on the res#ue& but s"ys th"t things "renFt going well& "nd Eion is going to
h"ve to swit#h over to entirely new systems run out o$ 3ew Eion "s soon "s possible.
."#h: ?r"y h"s the pl"yer #he#: D3"vin ."noh"rD Cust be$ore the Eionite re#ruiting te"m
"rrives to h"ve him pop " pill. 3"vin ."noh"r seems to be "ll right& "nd the pl"yer goes o$$ to
meet '"#e to observe 3"vin ."noh"rFs progress with the re#ruiting te"m. '"#e s"ys th"t itFs
going "ll right& theyFve t":en the pill "nd..."h"h& the hidden ."#hine progr"m h"s lo#:ed the
red pillFs tr"#e pro#ess& "nd is $eeding b"#: into the Eionite systems. *he sends the pl"yer to
go t":e out the etr"#tion te"m be$ore they $igure out wh"tFs going on "nd unplug their
systems. !he pl"yer t":es out the etr"#tion te"m& "nd $inds 3"vin ."noh"r out on the $loor&
net to " #omputer with d"t" on it. !he pl"yer brings the d"t" b"#: to '"#e& who epl"ins th"t
the etr"#tion systems rely on d"t" pro#essed by EionFs D#ore server $"rmD during the #riti#"l
ph"se o$ the etr"#tion pro#edure& "nd th"t "lthough the inter$"#e to th"t system is prote#ted&
the $eedb"#: d"t" theyFve #"ptured should #ont"in vit"l d"t" on its Dlo#"tion "nd
#on$igur"tionDB Dthis #ould be the :ey to the Eion ."in$r"me.D ?r"y s"ys th"t $urther d"t" will
be re)uired. A #omputer tu#:ed "w"y in the $in"l "re" shows th"t the ."#hines h"ve
re#orded three en#ounters with the ?ener"lFs *entinels& but th"t they still h"venFt pinpointed
their #urrent lo#"tion.
.erv: 6lood sends the pl"yer to t":e orders $rom the .erv& who they $ind sh"#:ed up with
3i#:y ?. !he .ervFs #uriosity h"s been pi)ued by the Or"#le "nd the story told him by the
.orph sim Gwhi#h o$ #ourse heFd he"rd be$oreIB isnFt it interesting& he s"ys& th"t nobody re"lly
:nows where .orpheus got "ll th"t in$orm"tion& "nd th"t he w"nts to loo: into it. 5e sends the
pl"yer to "s: %"ini G$rom D<r"niumDI "bout the D$orm o$ $usionD mentioned by .orpheus th"t
the ."#hines "re supposed to get their power $rom "long with the hum"n bodies& "nd to t"l:
to *ilver "bout the energy potenti"l o$ the hum"n body. 6lood s"ys the story on %"ini is th"t
she w"s " progr"m used in nu#le"r $ission re"#tors& be$ore the ."#hines de#ided to use
hum"n power inste"d. A$ter " bit o$ wor: the pl"yer gets %"ini to t"l:B she s"ys th"t most
people who t"l: up $usion "re pipe+dre"mers++th"t ye"h& it produ#es more energy th"n $ission&
"nd less w"ste& but you need "ll this other stu$$ to set it up GL"wson triple produ#t&
pl"sm"/m"gneti# #ont"inmentI& "nd she #"nFt see why she ."#hines would bother with th"t
over $issionB itFs not li:e theyFd be worried "bout pollution $rom $issionFs nu#le"r w"ste. *ilver
s"ys th"t it doesnFt m"tter wh"t sort o$ weird bio+me#h"ni#"l $usion the ."#hines might h"ve
#ome up withB running it through hum"n bodies& whi#h "re only 2;U energy+e$$i#ient "t best&
me"ns the end result must be " rel"tively ine$$i#ient system no m"tter whi#h w"y you sli#e it.
The Matrix Online Archives
!he oper"tor observes th"t this $usion/hum"n power system "lso le"ves the ."#hines stu#:
with "ll the epense o$ m"int"ining the ."tri& the pods& et#. !he .erv& "$ter he"ring "ll this&
w"nts to :now not only wh"t the ."#hines "re doing $or power& but why& "nd subse)uently
gives orders $or the ?ener"l to send *entinels to s#out the $ields "nd pods.
.ost o$ the in$o - got $or this #rit on $ission& $usion& "nd hum"n energy potenti"l #"me $rom
these p"ges:
"ver"ge /00 w"tts
m" 8;00 w"tts
m" sust"ined 800 w"tts
"ver"ge /00 w"tts Dhe"t $lowD
hum"n energy e$$i#ien#y ^ ;+2;U Ghigh end is pro$ession"l "thleteI
br"in uses "bout //;th G20 w"ttsI
$usion: 7euterium to !ritium G"lso protium++isotopes o$ hydrogenI
7 very "bund"nt& ! m"de $rom Li Gplenti$ul in o#e"nsI
%e"#tors re)uire v"n"dium++present in m"ny miner"ls
$usion in the sun++hydrogen $uses into helium
8 /5 [ 2 e ++W 85e [ 2 neutrinos [ = photons _ 2= million ele#tronvolts G.eVI
D$usion o$ " given m"ss o$ deuterium will be "ble to #re"te over $our times the energy
produ#ed through $ission o$ "n e)u"l m"ss o$ ur"niumD^#hm444/20...n$inement2.html
DL"wson triple produ#tD + #riteri" to re"#h nu#le"r ignition Ghigh temper"ture pl"sm"
#ont"inment++"lso m"gneti#I
8/24 Gdel"yed to 8/28I
8.2 Cinem"ti#
Eion oper"tives wor: $r"nti#"lly "t " #overt #omputer l"b when ."#hine oper"tives burst in.
!hey "re #ut down& but Agents $ollow. !r"nsition to " $light o$ *entinels through tunnels&
:no#:ed out o$ the "ir by " shoulder+l"un#hed 1.' missile. Cut to " *entinel $lying "#ross
m"ssive power lines he"ded into ."#hine City& s#"nning. Cut to the .erovingi"n& observing
the re"dout on " #omputer s#reen& "nd l"ughing.
X3otes in s)u"re br"#:ets below "re not told to pl"yers dire#tly& i$ "t "ll.Y
The Matrix Online Archives
Crit 8.2./
Eion: !he oper"tor mentions th"t Eion is wor:ing "round the #lo#: to tr"ns$er the Eion
m"in$r"me d"t" to 3ew Eion& but se#urity me"sures in pl"#e in the m"in$r"me& the sheer
volume o$ d"t" involved& "nd the d"ngers o$ tr"nsport through *entinel p"trols G#rews h"ve to
delete their #opy o$ the d"t" "t the le"st sign o$ d"ngerI m":e it " p"inst":ing pro#ess. A
gu"rd mentions th"t more *entinels "re being seen "round the old #ity. Eion tries to $i the
se#urity hole th"t the ."#hines eploited Gin 8./.;I to get #lose to the Eion m"in$r"me& but
$inds the ."#hine #ode involved in p"rt o$ the red pill progr"m too h"rd to modi$y. Altern"te
pl"n submitted by the Coun#il& overruling Lo#: Gwho thought it too gre"t " se#urity ris:I: bring
in 7"nielle ,right& Dthe $oremost "uthority on ."tri inter$"#e te#hnology.D *he invented the
1J' while " Eion oper"tive& but le$t shortly "$ter the !ru#e beg"n& #iting Dideologi#"l
di$$eren#es.D A$ter le"ving Eion& she $ounded wh"t is now one o$ the #ityFs l"rgest te#h
#omp"nies& ,right %ese"r#h& with " l"rge s:ys#r"per 5A in V"uton Gm"p l"ndm"r:I. !ynd"ll
mentions th"t *ilver h"s been :nown to "sso#i"te with ,right& but th"t she hersel$ is very
se#retive Xhm& -Fd prob"bly h"ve toned down th"t re$eren#e to *ilver "$ter writing ."#hine
mission 8.2.8& "h wellY. A$ter some po:ing "round " ,right %ese"r#h o$$i#e& ,right hersel$
#"lls $or " meeting. *he s"ys D- will help you++not be#"use - sh"re your #omm"nderFs views&
but be#"use the red pill progr"m is vit"l to the $uture o$ m"n:ind.D X!hroughout these
missions& ,right is very "loo$& "nd #"lm& "lthough she shows $l"shes o$ $rustr"tion when
others "renFt per$orming to her li:ing. 3othing seems to t":e her by surprise. *he tends to
re$er to pl"yers $orm"lly by their bluepill l"st n"me& li:e "n Agent.Y
."#h: ?r"y s"ys th"t "lthough they h"venFt been "ble to pinpoint them& there "re indi#"tions
th"t the ?ener"lFs *entinels "re "dv"n#ing tow"rd Dsensitive inst"ll"tions on the 1"rthFs
sur$"#e&D "nd si#s the pl"yer on some .ervs to show them the error o$ their w"ys& then to the
Auditor& to Dpersu"deD him to stop wor:ing with the .erv. !he Auditor s"ys he thought he
#ould be use$ul to the *ystem& s#reening .erv #ode $or $"ults "nd errors& but th"t heFll stop i$
th"tFs wh"t they w"nt. 5e isnFt sure how heFs going to epl"in this i$ the .erv "s:s. 5yp"ti" is
#on$ronted net& sin#e sheFs been o$$ering Dunusu"lly...sensitive m"teri"l to the highest
bidderD Gthere w"s " Live 1vent " $ew #h"pters b"#: on Ve#tor where she did thisI "nd h"s
m"de o$$ers o$ d"t" to the .erv spe#i$i#"lly. 5yp"ti" isnFt h"ppy "bout the #r"#:+down& s"ys
she wonFt be intimid"ted into sel$+#ensorship& her 9oo:wyrms get rowdy& the pl"yer be"ts
them& "nd "n Agent "ppe"rs on the s#ene to sit 5yp"ti" in the #orner $or " while. 9ursting
with this su##ess& the pl"yer is sent to de"#tiv"te the Ddire#ted rel"yD the .erv h"s been using
to t"l: to the ?ener"l& whi#h the ."#hines h"ve $in"lly tr"#:ed down "$ter " Dthorough log
se"r#h.D !he pl"yer su##eeds in de"#tiv"ting the rel"y& but then the ?ener"lFs hologr"phi#
proCe#tion "ppe"rs& bo"sting th"t they h"ve other rel"ys& ny"h ny"h& "nd is the *ystem
getting desper"te be#"use it $eels li:e itFs running out o$ timeH ?r"y sets things right by
shrugging this o$$ "s " Dl"#:eyFs br"v"do&D "nd s"ying th"t the .erv wonFt be "ble to resist the
."#hines $or long.
.erv: !he ?ener"lFs *entinel s#outs "re "ppro"#hing the 6ields to #ount b"bies. Lo#"l epert
'ersephone s"ys th"t #on#eption does not t":e pl"#e in the podsB the p"rents #ould be miles
"p"rtB their geneti# s"mples "re sent to the 6ields& where they "re #ombined "nd grown into
#hildren. 'ersephone thin:s itFs "ll very sterileB 6lood is horri$ied by the Dorg"ni# minuti"e.D
,hile the s#outs st"rt their b"by #ount& the pl"yer r"ns"#:s the lo#"l hospit"l re#ords o$$i#e
$or the Do$$i#i"lD version o$ the birth r"te in the simul"tion. Avoiding "musing run+ins with $ed+
The Matrix Online Archives
up bluepills "nd " sel$+di"gnosis termin"l GDpress > i$ you "re )uestioning re"lityDI& the pl"yer
$inds the o$$i#i"l "rti#le: D!he #ity birth r"te w"s /.;U in /999& up " dr"m"ti# 0.00/U $rom the
previous ye"r. City o$$i#i"ls "ttributed the #"use to improvements in dent"l hygiene& television
progr"mming...D 6lood is be#oming si#: o$ numbers& p"ssing "long th"t the s#outs h"ve
#ounted "bout / million $etuses in the 6ields& "nd 4 million people plugged into the pods
ne"rby. Armed with the /.;U birth r"te& the pl"yer )uestions the #reepy Coroner "bout the
simul"tionFs de"th r"teB the Coroner s"ys the #ityFs $igure is 0.>U++h"l$ o$ the birth r"te G"nd
donFt $orget to $"#tor in D0.=U in$"nt mort"lity&D o$ #ourseRI++but sin#e the simul"tion is
supposed to " st"ble& #losed system& de"ths must e)u"l births& or it "ll goes to he#:++only&
th"t isnFt the pi#ture the ."#hines w"nt to show to the bluepills. 5ow does the Coroner thin:
the ."#hines "re m"n"ging itH D6oreign tr"vel& detention $"#ilities& retirement homes& the
suburbs... !here "re so m"ny w"ys to m":e the undesir"ble simply...dis"ppe"r.D 6lood
dismisses this "s Dr"mp"nt p"r"noi".D ."lph"s does some )ui#: #"l#ul"tions: DAssuming "
nine month gest"tion period& " 6ield o$ one million wombs yields /.4 million hum"ns " ye"r. At
" /.;U birth r"te& th"t would imply " popul"tion o$ "bout...88 million& "$ter the CoronerFs in$"nt
mort"lity r"teDB he s"ys this #orrobor"tes the .orpheus simFs "##ount o$ other pods
elsewhere& sin#e there "re $"r more th"n 4 million people in Cust the #ity. !he ?ener"lFs
hologr"m is telling the .erv th"t he #"nFt try t":ing " power re"ding dire#tly o$$ the ."#hine
power lines& F#"use theyFd dete#t it "nd #"t#h himB theyFre "lre"dy buzzing his position. !he
.erv s"ys well& o$ #ourse we :now th"t Eion h"s $ound more pods Xthey must h"ve& using red
pills to lo#"te pod inh"bit"nts during etr"#tion oper"tionsY& so weFll Cust h"ve to loo: "round
$or them& tooB "nd isnFt it $unny how *mith& "##ording to .orpheus& thought there were
DbillionsD o$ people in the ."triH ,h"t " su#:er th"t *mith w"s.
%e)uired 1vents:
Eion: 1'3 ste"ls .ervFs m"pped d"t" on ."#hine power lines Xnote to sel$: donFt $orget to
pl"nt #":e vendors in the "re" th"t some 1'3 surely wonFt be "ble to resistY
."#h: hit on some :ind o$ .erv oper"tion Gstored #omm"ndo progr"ms& 1ile GneighborhoodI
#ont"#t "lly& et#I
.erv: hit on some :ind o$ ."#hine oper"tion G"nti+etr"#tion te"m& the 3etwor: V 3etwor:
.edi"& *,A! te"ms& et#I
Crit 8.2.2
Eion: X3ote: throughout ,right %ese"r#h $"#ilities in this sub#h"pter& there "re mess"ges "ll
#odes with the s"me method. !hey re$er very obtusely to ,rightFs inside "##ess to the Eion
m"in$r"me& her #onne#tion to *ilver& "nd " $ew other things th"t sheFs involved in #he#:ing up
on.Y ,right gives Eion some prototype new red pills to test on oper"tives& to see i$ they
prevent the ."#hine eploit. ?host mentions th"t they :now ,right h"s "##ess to the
The Matrix Online Archives
m"in$r"me& but theyFve never been "ble to $igure out how she does it. !he $irst test su##eeds
in blo#:ing the eploit& but $eedb"#: m":es the redpill test subCe#t ill. A h"#:"ble #omputer
"lludes to more *entinels #lose to Eion. !he se#ond test subCe#t dies Cust "s ."#hines burst
in& :illing most o$ the other Eionites& "nd nobody #ould tell i$ it w"s the pill th"t :illed the test
subCe#t& or the ."#hines. ,right isnFt very surprised th"t the ."#hines "re trying to stop
#re"tion o$ the new pills. *he s"ys the net step& "$ter m":ing some #ode twe":s& is to test
them on " bluepill.
."#h: ?r"y reports " sudden rise in Dutility "nd servi#e $"ilures&D "nd sends the pl"yer to
investig"te one o$ the reports o$ trouble. A l"ndlord epl"ins th"t the w"terFs been running
hot/#old/none/bursts& not only in th"t "p"rtment& but in his other three properties& too. ?r"y
s"ys this will be loo:ed into& "nd sends the pl"yer to #he#: out one o$ " number o$ reports o$
sh"rply in#re"sed g"ng "#tivity "#ross the #ityB turns out " *,A! te"mFs been t":en out by
n"sty 5el Club r"vers. ?r"y reports th"t the w"ter utility superintendent& interrog"ted&
reve"led th"t the Dutility wor:erFs unionD p"id him to loo: the other w"y while they m"de
D"dCustmentsD to e)uipment. *ent to #he#: one o$ m"ny phone out"ge reports Gproblems
etend Deven to oper"tive+t"pped Fh"rdlineF networ:sDI& the pl"yer $inds " bro:en 5"rdline
Jun#tion 9o& $ies it& "nd h"s to endure "nother surprise t"unting $rom the ?ener"lFs
hologr"m. Cle"rly the .erv is #l"iming responsibility $or this reign o$ utility terror. An "lmost
$lustered ?r"y re$ers to D...other di$$i#ulties&D then mentions wh"t m"y be " new dire#t thre"t:
the AuditorFs l"test "n"lysis h"s $ound " problem in oper"tive #ode. !he Auditor& se#ure under
."#hine gu"rd& reports $inding p"ge $"ults Din pod energy gener"tion #ontrol subroutine
modulesD with sour#e #ode Do$ " uni)ue Eionite/."#hine synthesis&D but simil"r to EionFs red
pill progr"m: b"si#"lly& EionFs wor:ing on " new red pill. ?r"y s"ys this is " little disturbing&
F#"use nobody thought Eion #ould #ode li:e th"t& so the ."n is gonn" h"ve to be on their
#"se li#:ety+split& but un$ortun"tely th"t me"ns theyFll h"ve to let the .erv live $or " little while
longer& espe#i"lly with the eplor"tion o$ 3ew EionFs de$enses #"using high *entinel losses to
un#h"rted 1.' #h"rges& gener"l w"r with Eion& et#. 9ut not to worry& the .ervFs puny
*entinel $leet doesnFt pose "n "#tu"l milit"ry thre"t in the %e"l: Dsur$"#e $"#ilities within his
short+term r"nge h"ve su$$i#ient de$enses to repel "n "tt"#:.D
.erv: !he .erv is w"y m"d "bout 1'3 ste"ling his m"p o$ the pod power linesR 9ut they
didnFt #over their tr"#:s& "nd he #"n tr"#e the #":e they "te& so itFs time to get th"t d"t" out o$
their h"nds& "nd give some p"yb"#:. !he pl"yer le"ves "n "nonymous phone #"ll "bout the
1'3Fs lo#"tion on " government terrorism tip hotline& then hurries o$$ "nd gets there Cust "s
."#hines "re termin"ting the spe#i$i# 1'3 the .ervFs been tr"#:ing. 5e re#onstru#ts& "nd
even t":es some %*- pills G3'Cs who donFt $ollow you physi#"lly #hoose " new %*- $rom their
3'C typeFs r"ndom pool i$ used "g"in in " l"ter ph"se o$ the s"me missionI& but they #"n still
tr"#: him& heFs gone b"#: to 5A& they $ollow& w"ste " bun#h o$ 1'3& but donFt $ind the d"t".
6lood s"ys the .ervFs gonn" be ste"medB oh& "nd in other news& the ?ener"lFs pulled b"#:
$rom the 6ields due to "ll the ."#hines buzzing "round.
%e)uired 1vents
Eion: Aw":ening "nd etr"#tion test run to "ssist ,right Gtr"#e su##eeds but pod etr"#tion
The Matrix Online Archives
$"ils++one import"nt impli#"tion here is th"t the red pills do h"ve something to do with "llowing
the newly "w":ened subCe#t to get $ree o$ the podB hope$ully this will sort o$ "ddress the
)uestion some pl"yers h"ve been "s:ing "bout why would the ."#hines :eep $lushing
"w":ened hum"ns++li:e they seem to do with 3eo in the $irst movie++now th"t "w":enings
"renFt supposed to be "llowedB wouldnFt they Cust :ill them "s soon "s they dete#ted it& so th"t
Eion #ouldnFt res#ue themHI
."#h: "tt"#: on ,right %ese"r#h G" new "dmin+st"rted mission will popul"te inside the
,right %ese"r#h building& i$ neededI
.erv: .erv $inds out "bout 1'3 pl"ns to "tt"#: power lines
Crit 8.2.4
Eion: ,right s"ys she needs ."#hine pod #ontrol #ode to $i the pills. *he :nows
'ersephoneFs :ept some #ode $rom her old Cob& "nd even :nows where it is. 5el Club 1iles
"re $ought "nd the d"t" obt"ined& but it turns out to h"ve only Ddyn"mi# lin:sD to the "#tu"l
."#hine #ode needed. !hese le"d to " ."#hine $"#ility& "nd "nother d"t" #"pture Gone
#omputer h"s " p"rti"l government pro$ile o$ ,right& in the style o$ the one you #"n glimpse "t
*mithFs interrog"tion o$ !hom"s Anderson in the $irst movie: D7"te o$ 9irth: 28 June& /9=8 //
'l"#e o$ 9irth: *outh V"uton& 7owntown& C"pit"l City& <*A // .otherFs m"iden n"me:
1le"nor .orrell // 6"therFs 3"me: Jon"s ,rightDI. ,right #ompletes the #ode. Lo#: #"lls "nd
th"n:s her person"lly Gyou get to he"r on spe":erphoneI& s"ying th"t m"n:ind owes her "
gre"t debt& "nd th"t theyFll :eep " berth open $or her in 3ew Eion. ,right de#lines& s"ying
DAnother nobly $utile gesture $rom your Comm"nderB he "lw"ys w"s $ond o$ those.D -$ you t"l:
to her " se#ond time& she s"ys DJ"son w"s )uite right to s"y th"t we h"venFt seen things the
s"me w"y& X.r.b.s.Y Xpl"yer bluepill l"st n"meY. - l"#: his gre"t $"ith in our "bility to survive on
our own.D X!hereFs "n impli#"tion in v"rious sn"t#hes o$ di"logue in these missions th"t Lo#:
"nd ,right used to :now e"#h other well& "lthough thereFs no indi#"tion th"t it w"s in "ny w"y
" rom"nti# rel"tionship.Y *he "lso s"ys Dgoodbye&D with " #ert"in $in"lity.
."#h: !he ."#hines "re wise to e+Eionite ,rightFs wor: on the new pills. Cryptos pops
round to rel"te th"t EionFs "lre"dy st"rted distributing s"id pills. ?r"yFs determined to get his
h"nds on one& "nd sends the pl"yer to s"#: " ,right %ese"r#h $"#ility& but they $ind th"t
,rightFs orders to ship out the initi"l development b"t#hes h"ve "lre"dy been obeyed& "nd
the pl"#e is dry. ?r"y h"s the pl"yer try hitting up " Eion etr"#tion te"m $or their red pillB this
wor:s Gthe pl"yer "lso #on$is#"tes their blue pill& but the oper"tor s"ys the ."#hines donFt
need those "nyw"y: they h"ve their own me"ns o$ #"lming the #itizensI. !he pill is submitted
$or "n"lysis& " te#hni#i"n in " b"#: room t"l:s "bout ,rightFs invention o$ the 1J' Gwhi#h the
."#hines then Dh"d to obt"in $rom Eionite de$e#torsD++oh& "nd one o$ her inter$"#e
subroutines \might\ h"ve been Dstudied $or the Agent '"#e proCe#tDI& "nd the pes:y ?ener"l
sends his pes:y hologr"m in "g"in& but this time he help$ully tells the ."#hines where they
#"n #olle#t " ni#e Cui#y report& #ourtesy o$ the .erv& on 1'3Fs pl"n to s"bot"ge power lines
le"ding into the ."#hine #ity. ?r"y s"ys th"t so $"r& "n"lysis o$ the new red pill progr"m
suggests th"t the "uthor h"s #lose "##ess to the Eion m"in$r"meB sin#e Eion doesnFt li:e
The Matrix Online Archives
giving out "##ess o$ th"t level to non+Eionites li:e ,right& #ould be th"t sheFs got her own
me"ns o$ "##essing it. 5m... Oh& ye"h& "nd theyFll #he#: on th"t .erv thing "bout 1'3. X!he
unsu##ess$ul 1'3 s"bot"ge "ttempt on the pod power lines is "ssumed to t":e pl"#e
between this wee: "nd net wee:Fs missions.Y
.erv: !he pl"yer w"l:s in on the .erv "nd Veil& Cust "s sheFs s"ying th"n:s& but no th"n:s& D-
re"lly donFt :now "nything "bout it& "nd besides& weFve got " pill problem on our h"nds Cust
now.D !he .erv s"ys this tells him two things: /I the ."#hines donFt :now "bout 1'3Fs
s"bot"ge pl"ns& yet& sin#e theyFd #ert"inly h"ve told the Cyphs "bout it& "nd 2I 1'3 will
prob"bly be interested in th"t whole pill thing going on over "t ,right %ese"r#h. !ime to
#he#: th"t out. 6lood tells "bout ,right being e+Eion& inventor o$ the 1J'& "nd Dshe
"pp"rently de#ided th"t she w"nts to t":e over the ."tri $rom the ."#hines& "nd th"t the
best w"y to go "bout th"t w"s to move into the #ity& st"rt her own #omp"ny& "nd get ri#h
p"wning w"tered+down modern te#hnology o$$ onto the publi#.D ,rightFs se#urity $or#e is
supposed to be hum"n& but the oper"tor dete#ts progr"ms in the "re"& "nd they turn out to be
the ."#hines& inv"ding the pl"#e. !he pl"yer t":es #"re o$ both ."#hines "nd ,right
se#urity& only to $ind eviden#e th"t ,right Cust stole d"t" $rom the .erv Xsee EionFs #rit o$ this
wee:Y. 3ow the .erv is re"lly ste"med& 'ersephone bl"mes him $or her d"t" being stolen&
"nd the .erv gives you " dire lupine to t":e with you. !he .erv :nows "bout the dyn"mi#
lin:s Eion will h"ve $ound in the d"t" they stole& "nd $igures wh"t Eion w"nted& 1'3 will w"nt
tooB the dire lupine #"rries " #opy o$ the stolen d"t"& but with one lin: modi$ied to point to "
.erv progr"m th"t will $ire o$$ " sign"l pulse when itFs uplo"ded "nd s#"nned in " hover#r"$t.
Nou tru#: the lupine over to some 1'3& get him wh"#:ed& "nd 6lood is #on$ident th"t 1'3
will $ind the d"t" on the lupineFs body& uplo"d it& s#"n it& "nd then the ?ener"l will spot the
sign"l pulse& tr"#: the 1'3 ship& "nd $ind out where theyFre going $or this big power line
"mbush theyFre pl"nning. XAnd it prob"bly wor:s out th"t w"y& sin#e the .ervFs report on their
"mbush $inds its w"y to the ."#hines soon there"$ter Gsee this wee:Fs ."#hine #ritI.Y Oh& "nd
"lso the ?ener"l will prob"bly be "ble to t":e " power re"ding $rom the lines while the
."#hines "re busy with 1'3. X5e does.Y
%e)uired 1vents
Eion: G"$ter ."#hine eventI ,right is being h"r"ssed by the ."#hines& "nd bre":s $rom Eion++
s"ys she believes ."tri should be le$t int"#t& but under hum"n #ontrolB ,right dis"ppe"rs
."#h: ."#hines $or#e ,right to C"#: out Gby %*- d"m"ge& h"rdline& HI in "ttempt to tr"#:
where her %*- sign"l bro"d#"st sour#e++unsu##ess$ul Geven i$ they get her to C"#:+out& they
$ind th"t her sign"l w"s too well en#oded: Dhigh order re"l+time v"ri"ble en#ryptionDI
.erv: Lo#"tes more #lusters o$ pods by etr"#ting hum"n "nd using red pill tr"#e
Crit 8.2.8
The Matrix Online Archives
Eion: !he pl"yer is sent to help distribute the new red pills to re#ruiting te"ms. A Eionite gu"rd
re$ers to 1'3 losing some ships to the ."#hines in their unsu##ess$ul power line "tt"#:& "nd
re$ers to " rumor th"t the .erv tipped the ."#hines o$$. !he re#ruiting te"m is h"ppy to get
the new pills so they #"n get b"#: to wor:& but "s: the pl"yerFs help "g"inst Cypherites&
whoFve been very "#tive "g"inst EionFs re#ruiting oper"tions sin#e the new pills were
developed. Another Eionite re$ers to more *entinels "round Eion& "dding D*ometimes they
t":e o$$ "s soon "s they re"lize theyFve been spotted.D !he pl"yer h"ppens to loot " blue pill
$rom " de"d Cypherite& "nd !ynd"ll sends them to help with "n "#tu"l etr"#tion. At the end
o$ this mission you get to give either the red or blue pill to " potenti"l. ?iving either one will
#omplete the mission& but the mess"ges "re written in su#h " w"y th"t itFs sort o$ le$t $or the
pl"yer to $ill in the bl"n:s "bout wh"t the bluepill #hose& "nd whi#h pill they g"ve them.
."#h: !he ."#hines $igure ,right #ouldnFt h"ve h"ndled the biologi#"l inter$"#e p"rt o$ her
bro"d#"st sign"lFs en#ryption s#heme on her own& "nd send the pl"yer to hunt up re#ords on
,rightFs business p"rtners. !he oper"tor mentions th"t ,right %ese"r#h h"s been in "n
upro"r sin#e ,rightFs dis"ppe"r"n#e " $ew d"ys "go. !he ,right $"#ility is "b"ndoned e#ept
$or " h"rdh"t wor:er& who l"#oni#"lly reve"ls th"t the #omp"ny h"s shut down their networ:&
"nd wor:Fs been brought to " st"ndstillB oh ye"h& "nd everyone :nows th"t Argent 9iometri#s
h"ndles v"ri"ble en#ryption "#ross " biologi#"l inter$"#e. !he pl"yer runs into ,right se#urity
on the w"y out. ?r"y s"ys th"t Argent 9iometri#s is " sm"ll bio+rese"r#h #omp"ny& less th"n
three ye"rs old& with $ew #lients "nd ste"dy )u"rter+end losses. !he pl"yer "##esses "
#omputer "t " sm"ll Argent 9iometri#s o$$i#e& #oming up with Cust "n "ddress o$ " w"rehouse
GDLemone ,"rehouse (ingDI. One o$ the bluepills in the o$$i#e :ind o$ goes post"l when their
#omputer is se"r#hedB the oper"tor $igures he w"s Cust " nut. !his w"rehouse #omp"ny is
:nown $or owning lots o$ s)u"re $eet o$ stor"ge sp"#e& but posting very sm"ll pro$its& "nd
h"ving h"d the origin"l owner get lo#:ed up " ye"r "go in r"#:eteering #h"rges& only to be
$ound de"d in his #ell be$ore he #ould be "rr"igned. !he w"rehouse is "b"ndoned e#ept $or
" #"rdbo"rd bo #ont"ining " bo whi#h #ont"ins everyoneFs $"vorite mission prop: " hum"n
he"rt. At the he"rtFs return "ddress in C"mon 5eights& the pl"yer $inds weird hostile 1iles&
in#luding one with " #omputer #ontrolled Dmi#ro de$ibrill"torDB when the pl"yer he"rtlessly
GsorryI shuts it down& the 1ile blurts out something "bout D*ilverD be$ore :eeling over. !he
oper"tor re#"lls "n old rumor "bout *ilver wor:ing with ,right& but s"ys heFd dismissed it "s
$"lse& sin#e the s"me sour#e Xnot n"med in the mission but: http://p#.g"mespy.#om/p#/the+
m"tri...e/;2>/28p/.html Y "lso s"id ,right w"s b"sed in !"bor& "nd *ilver in A#h"n. ?r"y
s"ys itFs time to $ind *ilver.
.erv: ."lph"s s"ys th"t sin#e the ?ener"l w"s "ble to t":e " power re"ding o$$ the ."#hine
lines while they were o##upied with the 1'3 "mbush "ttempt& "ll they need to do now is
$igure out how m"ny pods the ."#hines h"ve& "nd then they #"n #"l#ul"te their tot"l energy
budget++well& $rom the pods& "nyw"y. !he ?ener"lFs spre"ding out to loo: $or more pods now&
but with #ommuni#"tion dist"n#e in#re"sing& his sign"lFs getting more err"ti#. !he pl"yer h"s
to tr"#: it down& "nd& "$ter #le"ring "w"y some ."#hines& m"n"ges to m":e out th"t the
?ener"lFs s#outs h"ve been $inding more pods in " Drough grid p"tternD "bout Devery /00 to
/;0 miles&D "nd th"t these pod #lusters "re only ///0th the size o$ the 4+million+pod #luster
ne"r the 6ields Gie& 400&000 hum"ns per sm"ll #lusterI. 6lood sends the pl"yer to *unshine&
D"n insu$$er"bly #heer$ul progr"m who m"n"ged the ."#hineFs sol"r power oper"tion be$ore
you vile hum"ns shrouded the entire pl"net in sh"dow&D to "s: her "bout the tot"l sur$"#e
The Matrix Online Archives
"re" the ."#hines might be using $or their pod #luster grid. *unshine is w"y e#ited th"t the
.erv is sending people to "s: her stu$$R Gher 'hoeni gu"rds "re slightly less e#itedI "nd
Dguesstim"tesD G6loodFs termI th"t #onsidering th"t sheFs he"rd the #louds h"ve #ooled the
1"rth++Dthough not ne"rly "s mu#h "s youFd h"ve thoughtD++the i#e #"ps must h"ve ep"nded&
"nd thereFs more gl"#i"tion in mount"inous regions& "nd itFs #older& "nd ."#hines wouldnFt
w"nt to :eep hum"ns where itFs so #old th"t theyFd h"ve to w"ste energy he"ting them& so&
hmm& m"ybe ///=th o$ the 1"rthFs sur$"#e would be us"ble $or podsH X3ote th"t this ///=th is
o$ the tot"l sur$"#e "re"& #ounting w"ter++- donFt spell th"t out spe#i$i#"lly in the mission
though.Y *unshine "lso muses th"t the hum"ns must re"lly h"ve pulled " doozy with Dth"t
stormD Xie *e#ond %en"iss"n#eFs DOper"tion 7"r: *torm&D where m"n blotted out the sun to
try to #ut o$$ the ."#hine sol"r power supplyY sin#e itFs still going "$ter "ll this time. ."lph"s
runs the numbers in th"t #"p"#ious dome o$ his: D///=th o$ the sur$"#e... Clusters o$ pods /00
to /;0 miles "p"rt...#ont"ining ///0th o$ the 4 million o$ the l"rge #luster ne"r the 6ields...
!h"t wor:s out to ne"rly /000 pod #lusters& "nd #lose to 400 million hum"ns in them.D 9ut he
s"ys th"t would me"n the / million $etus #"p"#ity o$ the 6ields #ouldnFt "##ount $or supposed
the /.;U birth r"te. !he .erv st"rts musing: even "t /00 times the "mount th"t the ?ener"l
s"mpled X$rom the 4 million pod #lusterY& th"t still wouldnFt be... Oh well& weFll :eep him loo:ing
until the numbers "dd up& nFest+#e p"sH
%e)uired 1vents
Eion: *howdown w/ Cyphs over b"t#h o$ new pills
."#h: *ilver $ound& spills his guts "bout ,right++get :ey to her %*- sign"lFs en#ryption XXh"ve
silver s"y something "bout Dph"se eisten#eDYY
.erv: G"$ter ."#h eventI .erv punishes *ilver $or giving in$orm"tion to ."#hines w/o
Crit 8.2.;
Eion: !he mission begins with !ynd"ll tersely in$orming the pl"yer th"t " hover#r"$t Cust
deton"ted "g"inst EionFs m"in g"te& "nd th"t everything there Gwhere she is& "t Eion
Comm"nd& whi#h is still in old EionI is in "n upro"r. ?host h"s more in$orm"tion& s"ying it w"s
" Eion #r"$t& but it w"snFt responding with #le"r"n#e #odes "s it "ppro"#hed the g"teB it
resembles " Cypherite hiC"#:ing& "nd #ould h"ve something to do with reports o$ Cypherites
g"thering in the #ity. !he pl"yer is sent to investig"te these. Just "s !ynd"ll is des#ribing the
#ity Cypherite situ"tion& she ends "bruptly with DOhRD "nd the oper"tor #"nFt get her to
respond. A$ter the pl"yer de$e"ts " group o$ Cypherites Gnoisy& "nd low r"n:I& !ynd"ll is b"#:
in tou#h& epl"ining th"t thereFs " se#urity "lert in Comm"nd++" suspe#ted s"boteur Xth"tFs
"ll++doesnFt s"y i$ theyFre Cyph& m"le& $em"le or "nything else& so something more #ould be
m"de o$ this #h"r"#ter elsewhere i$ desiredY w"s "pprehended inside ne"r the m"in li$t& but no
The Matrix Online Archives
eplosives or we"pons were $ound..."nd then sheFs "bruptly #ut o$$ "g"in. !he oper"tor s"ys
"ll Eion lines "re down& "nd sends the pl"yer to the sour#e o$ " #"pt"inFs emergen#y be"#on&
while he tries to p"t#h through to 3ew EionFs $ledgling ops #enter. !he #"pt"in turns out to be
3iobe& who doesnFt :now e"#tly wh"tFs going on either& but s"ys th"t ships ne"r Eion "re
reporting th"t Eion Comm"ndFs emergen#y ev"#u"tion pro#edure h"s triggered& "nd theyFre
trying to get everyone out. Lo#: h"snFt been he"rd $rom. 3iobe sends the pl"yer to try to get
through to Eion on "n emergen#y rel"y ne"rby. *till no peep $rom !ynd"ll. !he rel"y is
"b"ndoned& "nd the ping "ttempt to the b"#:up re#eiver in Eion times out. !he oper"tor
h"snFt been "ble to get the 3ew Eion ops #enter to v"lid"te his login& "nd s"ys theyFll h"ve to
go b"#: below bro"d#"st depth to get in tou#h with them. X-tFs going to be " little tri#:y to $end
o$$ pl"yer )uestions "bout this during the two wee:s between the end o$ this mission "nd the
st"rt o$ 8.4. - guess weFre Cust gr"du"lly going to h"ve to give out th"t thereFs been " m"ssive
s#r"mble to ev"#u"te everything rem"ining in Eion& theyFre still trying to get the l"st o$ the
m"in$r"me d"t" sorted out& sw"rms o$ *entinels "re "##umul"ting in the "re"& !ynd"ll h"s
been ev"#u"ted to 3ew Eion s"$ely& Lo#: h"snFt been $ound& "nd " number o$ hover#r"$t h"ve
been lost ne"rby.Y
."#h: '"#e s"ys "n"lysis o$ ,rightFs sign"l shows sheFs C"#:ed in right now $rom " sur$"#e
l"b somewhere "bove Eion& "nd sends the pl"yer to the sign"lFs gener"l lo#"tion in the
simul"tion to $ind ,right "nd run " #lose+r"nge s#"n th"t will tr"#e b"#: to pinpoint her
sur$"#e l"b. Veil is with '"#e& "nd w"s s"ying something "bout DweFve done this :ind o$ thing
be$oreD "nd Dthe other diversion is "ll setD "s the pl"yer entered the room Xthis is " re$eren#e
to the "#tivities reported in this wee:Fs Eion #ritY. !he pl"yer $inds ,right "lone in her o$$i#e&
"pp"rently w"iting $or them. !he tr"#e is run "nd she $"lls& de"d. ?r"y epl"ins th"t "s soon
"s the tr"#e pinpointed her C"#:+in l"b& *entinels swooped in& re#ognized Gth"n:s to in$o
#"ptured $rom their red pill eploit in 8./.;I the devi#e she must be using to inter$"#e with the
Eion m"in$r"me& determined ,right w"snFt needed "nymore& "nd :illed her C"#:ed+in body.
?r"y h"nds " spe#i"l #omputer virus to the pl"yer person"lly& epl"ining th"t ,rightFs devi#e
opens " #onne#tion to the Eion m"in$r"me $rom " semi+r"ndom Eion termin"l within the
simul"tionB this is how she "voided being tr"#ed by Eion "ll this time. O$$ the pl"yer s#oots
with the virus to the m"in$r"me+en"bled termin"l& with ?r"y motiv"tion"lly pointing out th"t i$
the pl"yer $"ils to uplo"d the virus "t this termin"l& they #ould try "g"in "t " di$$erent termin"l&
th"n:s to ,rightFs devi#e& but Dthis would thre"ten syn#hroniz"tion with #onsider"ble $or#es
prep"red $or deployment "g"inst Eion.D A$ter some bother with Eion gu"rds "nd networ:s& the
pl"yer "##esses the Eion m"in$r"me inter$"#e& "nd C"ms the virus home. ?r"y s"ys th"t
th"n:s to the *entinels now #onverging on Eion& the h"vo# #"used by s"bot"ge& "nd this
virus in their m"in$r"me& the #ity o$ Eion is "bout to be destroyed. G!his is old Eion heFs t"l:ing
"bout& not 3ew Eion.I
.erv: !he ?ener"l is so $"r "w"y now th"t his sign"l is pretty mu#h unintelligible. 6lood s"ys
the low+power tr"ns#eiver weFve been using to t"l: to the ?ener"l& while gre"t $or "voiding
."#hine dete#tion& isnFt #utting the must"rd "t this dist"n#e& so weFll Cust h"ve to borrow "
3etwor: .edi" dish $rom the 3etwor: $or " bitB heFs :nown to h"ve " dire#t #onne#tion to the
."#hines in the %e"l& so weFll hiC"#: th"t "nd point it "t the ?ener"l. A$ter some hot "#tion
with #omputers "nd the 3etwor:Fs hired Corpor"te *e#urity gu"rds& this h"#: is
"##omplished& the ?ener"lFs hologr"phi# sign"l is lo#"ted& "nd delivers its mess"ge
#oherently now Ge#ept th"t it :ind o$ bre":s up "t the end& Cust "s ."#hines sp"wn in "ll over
the "re" "nd "tt"#:I& s"ying th"t one s#out $ound "nother set o$ hum"n+growing D6ieldsD over
The Matrix Online Archives
=000 miles "w"y& be$ore its tr"nsmission w"s lost& "nd this set o$ 6ields h"d " 4 million pod
meg"+#luster net to it& too. Oh& "nd the s#out h"d noti#ed th"t the power lines h"d been
running the opposite dire#tion $rom pod #lusters Xie "w"y $rom ."#hine #ityY $or some time
be$ore it got to this se#ond set o$ 6ields. Other th"n th"t& "ll the s#outs h"ve reported $inding
nothing but mile "$ter mile o$ $e"tureless w"stel"nd& with only the sm"ll pod #lusters& power
lines& "nd de"d s:eletons o$ Gword lostI #ities relieving X- suppose th"tFs rel"tiveY the
monotony. ."lph"s s"ys th"t i$ there "re m"ybe " $ew other 6ields "round the world& th"t
would be enough to "##ount $or the /.;U birth r"te seen in the simul"tion& "nd would $it with
the 400 million popul"tion estim"te. ."lph s"ys theyFll h"ve to #"ll the ?ener"l b"#:& sin#e
they #"nFt re"lly "$$ord to h"ve him losing more s#outs $lying over thous"nds o$ miles o$
w"stel"nd. ."lph"s $inishes o$$ by musing th"t 400 million hum"ns would Cust be enough to
$ill out the popul"tion o$ the <nited *t"tes o$ the simul"tionFs time period X/999Y& but i$ people
in the simul"tion believe they #"n tr"vel "nywhere in the world& !he .erv s"ys
th"t i$ the ."#hines re"lly h"ve only 400 million hum"ns $or power& he $eels sorry $or them&
be#"use b"sed on the ?ener"lFs s"mple $rom the 4 million& 400 million gives them only
enough power to meet the energy dem"nds o$ the ."#hine #ity sever"l times over Xthis is the
only me"surement - give++no w"tt"ge re"dings or "nything re"l spe#i$i# li:e th"tY++but th"t "lso
h"s to run their *entinels& their other de$ensive m"#hines& the ."tri... !his would epl"in
why theyFve been less th"n spe#t"#ul"r "g"inst Eion so $"r& but not why they did better in the
previous w"rB "nd it still doesnFt epl"in why they insist on using hum"ns $or power& when
they must h"ve h"d other options.
XXwright underestim"ted silver& didnFt thin: heFd be "ble to tr"#: her.
%ol"nd& #"pt"in o$ the .Colnir G":" 5"mmerI
#rew: ."ggie Gde"dI& ."user& Colt& A(
++.Colnir G--HI w"s going to tr"ns$er Lo#: out
+ still running C"#:outs through old Eion
+ in destru#tion "t end o$ 8.2.;& %ol"ndFs C"#: inter$"#e is $ried& but he m":es it out. ."user
w"s C"#:ed in "s well& $"te un:nown. A( Goper"torHI de"d& Colt G$irst m"teHI "ll right Gpotenti"l
L1 #h"r"#ter& duelistI
+ On#e she re"lized the ."#hines would be "ble to tr"#: her sign"l& ,right set up " shunt on
her emergen#y C"#:+out& to :i#: her into the Eion m"in$r"me inste"d o$ b"#: into her body
+ *he :new th"t the ."#hines would send " virus into the m"in$r"me& "nd #ounted on it
opening "##ess to bro"d#"st #ontrol )ui#:ly enough th"t she #ould C"#: out into someone
elseFs body be$ore losing #ohesionB sheFs s:illed in Dph"se eisten#e&D ie prolonging your time
between C"#:+in "nd entering the simul"tion itsel$& $lo"ting $reely in the networ: "s "n "v"t"r
+ !his wor:ed& "nd she $ound ."user
+ 6eedb"#: $rom this override blew out the .Colnir --Fs C"#:+in system
+ ."user/,right #"n no longer C"#: in
+ ."user/,right es#"ped the wre#:"ge o$ the .Colnir -- "nd $ound Comm"nder Lo#:
GwoundedI in the wre#:"ge o$ Eion
+ got Lo#: to her wre#:ed l"b& buried old ,right body
+ ,hen 1'3 moves into old Eion& they $ind wre#: o$ .Colnir --& A(Fs body& but no sign o$
The Matrix Online Archives
+ !hen get emergen#y sign"l or puzzle or something le"ding them to Lo#:
XX 'opul"tion:
WWWW new yor: Gno not Chi#"go :pI: 2002 si in$"nt de"ths $or every /&000 live birthsB >82
in$"nt de"ths "nd /22&94> live births. Any #hild less th"n " ye"r old is #onsidered "n in$"ntB
li$e epe#t"n#y >>.= ye"rsB de"th r"te >.2 per /&000 in 2008 Gnot #ounting in$"nt mort"lity& -
t":e itB 2002 s"w ;9&=;/ de"ths re#orded in the #ityB /.;U birth r"te
WWWW 80U zion GnowI $reeborn Gthis w"s in " Cypherite report to the ."#hines $ound on "
#omputer in " #riti#"l mission " #h"pter or two "goIB Eion h"d " popul"tion o$ 2;0&000 "t the
time o$ %elo"ded/%evolutions G"##ording to " movie #onvers"tion where .orpheus s"id th"t
the ."#hines were sending " *entinel $or every m"n& wom"n& "nd #hild in Eion& "nd
#on$irmed th"t this me"nt they were sending 2;0&000IB Eion $reeborn pop supposedly e)u"ls
/U o$ tot"l ."tri popul"tionB letFs s"y $reeborn pop...down " bitB used to be 8;UB /4>;00
w"s /U& ie /4&>;0&000 tot"l popB but Eion wouldnFt h"ve "ll o$ /U "nyw"y...B letFs s"y they
m"n"ge to get ;U o$ the /UB tot"l pop 2>;&000&000
WWWW /00 pods per ring Grough visu"l #ount $rom 3eoFs etr"#tion s#eneIB e"#h tower "t le"st
400 rings high G"lso #he#:ed "g"inst long+r"nge view o$ pod towers behind 6ields "s 3eo "nd
!rinity $ly o$$ to ."#hine #ity in %evolutionsIB i$ e"#h #luster "t le"st /0 towers _ 400&000 per
#luster _ ne"rly /000 #lusters "#ross 1"rthFs sur$"#eB //8th o$ our modern 1"rthFs sur$"#e is
estim"ted "s h"bit"ble now Gth"tFs o$ the tot"l sur$"#e "re"& ie in#luding o#e"nsIB letFs s"y
///=th thereB ;/0&0=;&=00 :m2 tot"l sur$"#e "re"B ///=th is 4/2;0000 :m2B 4/2;0 :m2 per
#lusterB s)u"re root _ />; :m _ /00 mls _ shortest dist"n#e between #lusters
WWWW G3N "round 2000ishI /.;U birth r"te /// 0.=U in$"nt mort"lity // 0.>U mort"lity // !his
me"ns: out o$ 400 million& ^ 2 million \re#orded\ de"ths per ye"r& 8 mill births // with " 9
month gest"tion& youFd h"ve 4 mill gest"ting "t " time // 4 $ields $"#ilitiesH YXXXYXYXYX in 8.2./ mish
$ind /& / mill& /&444&444 is /.;U& ^ 89&000&000 Gnot #ounting in$"nt de"th r"teI +W 88 mill w/
in$"nt de"ths++W vs *mithFs DbillionsD :ppp
WWWW /0 meg" #luster "t $ields Gvery rough estim"te $rom th"t long+r"nge view over the
6ields in %evolutionsI ++W /00 pod towers G"hh this might h"ve been " sort o$ m"th error on
my p"rt++-Fd "#tu"lly estim"ted "bout 40 towers in th"t %evolutions view...- my tower
numbers mied up " little between the sm"ll "nd l"rge #lusters...or did - $igure some o$ those
towers in th"t shot loo:ed 4 high "s othersH++"nyw"y - still li:e the /0 ide"& "nd the tot"l
pop numbers "re still right++e"#t tower #ounts "renFt mentioned in the missions++so ny"hI ++ W
4 million people i$ ?ener"l does " )ui#: #ount ++W might thin: birth r"te is /00 too
high...e#ept they :now there "re more th"n 4 mill Cust in #ity /// $ind se#ond 6ields Dover =000
milesD "w"y
+ %ough ."tri pop 400&000&000. !h"tFs "bout the 200> popul"tion o$ the <nited *t"tes.
+ Are" r"di"ting outw"rd $rom m"in #ity in sim.
The Matrix Online Archives
+ *imul"tion be#omes less det"iled "s you move outw"rd $rom #ityB 9's less "lert
+ At etreme edges simul"tion is Cust memory m"nipul"tion o$ un#ons#ious 9's
+ Alert 9's or#hestr"ted so th"t they m":e their w"y to det"iled sim "re"& ie the #ity
+ !o b"l"n#e out the birth r"te& ine$$i#ient 9's "re m"neuvered to outlying sim "re"s&
eventu"lly termin"ted
+ 5ow to epl"in th"t Eion hover#r"$t donFt go "round world to gr"b etr"#ted peopleH !r"#e
$"ilsH !hose people inh"bit outlying "re"s o$ the simul"tion "nd "renFt re"#hed by re#ruitersH
!h"t would sort o$ $it& m"ybe ."#hines would :eep most "#tive Ghigh energyI hum"ns #loser
to ."tri...i$ weFre implying th"t the ."tri is run out o$ th"t one #ity.
+ Oh& ye"h. - w"s thin:ing there #ould be three ."#hine #ities tot"l& one $or e"#h 6ields
$"#ility. 9ut m"ybe weFre in the Dm"inD one& or "t le"st ."in "s $"r "s the ."tri is #on#erned.
-Fve "tt"#hed the det"iled summ"ry "nd s#hedule $or .ZO #h"pter 8.2& whi#h is going Live
tomorrow G6rid"y the 28thI. (ey plot points& some o$ whi#h -Fll dis#uss in $urther det"il "$ter
this brie$ overview:
AI !he .erovingi"n& using the ?ener"lFs *entinels& is dis#overing things "bout the sur$"#e o$
the 1"rth& "nd the ."tri& th"t h"ve not been spe#i$ied by us be$ore.
9I D7"nielle ,right&D "n old person"lity in the #ity& pl"ys " :ey role. *he "ppe"rs to be :illed
by the ."#hines "t the end o$ this sub#h"pter& but - h"ve " sne":y w"y to wor: her into the
l"rger $uture theme o$ the g"me& whi#h is going to be de"ling with the )uestion o$ inherent
di$$eren#es/simil"rities between ."n "nd ."#hine Gie the Olig"r#h se"r#h $or " perm"nent
solution to hosting their minds& !rinity being "n inter$"#e progr"m between ."n "nd ."#hine&
3eo being " progr"m& the .orpheus simul"#rum "#)uiring " li$e o$ its own& Cryptos being now
" weird $usion o$ ."n "nd ."#hine overwriting progr"m& et#& et#I. !he "tt"#hed im"ge shows
,right& "nd the uni$orm o$ her se#urity te"m Gth"tFs the D,D ,right %ese"r#h logo on his #"p&
m"t#hing the monument in $ront o$ the ,right %ese"r#h building in V"utonI.
CI .ore det"ils given on the wor:ings o$ the red pill progr"m& "s ,right #re"tes " new one $or
7I - h"ve " s#heme $or involving some o$ our gener"lly o$$s#reen old Eion movie #h"r"#ters++
Comm"nder Lo#:& "nd C"pt"in %ol"nd "nd his #rew++in the story in " more "#tive sense&
st"rting prob"bly in the net sub#h"pter G8.4I "s " dire#t result o$ the ."#hine destru#tion o$
GoldI Eion th"t will be shown in the 8.4 #inem"ti#.
7et"iled dis#ussion:
The Matrix Online Archives
AI *pe#i$i#"tions "nd impli#"tions "bout the %e"l "nd the ."tri resulting $rom the .ervFs
eplor"tion "nd rese"r#h
NouFll see " lot o$ numbers "nd #"l#ul"tions in the notes "t the bottom o$ the "tt"#hed story
summ"ry do#ument. 9"si#"lly the .erv is loo:ing "round& $inding pods s#"ttered "round the
sur$"#e& #he#:ing up on "pp"rent ."tri birth "nd de"th r"tes& investig"ting the 6ields& "ll in
the n"me o$ trying to $ind out how mu#h energy the ."#hines h"ve. !he "#tu"l det"ils given
m"y be summed up "s $ollows:
+ !he ."tri m"y host 400 million hum"ns in pods
+ 'ods h"ve been $ound on the sur$"#e in two types o$ "rr"ngements: the Dmeg" #lusterD o$ 40
or so towers& housing "bout 4 million hum"ns in pods& situ"ted net to the 6ields G"s seen in
%evolutionsI& "nd sm"ller #lusters "bout " tenth o$ th"t size G400&000 peopleI
+ !hese sm"ller #lusters "re in " rough grid l"yout "#ross the ruined sur$"#e o$ the 1"rth&
"bout /00 to /;0 miles "p"rt
+ !he tot"l o$ the power supplied by these 400 million hum"ns& etr"pol"ted $rom " re"ding
the ?ener"l t":es "t the 4 million meg"+#luster ne"r Eion "nd the ."#hine #ity& would only be
enough to power the ."#hine #ity sever"l times over& "nd this would "lso h"ve to be used $or
"ll their other me#h"nisms G*entinels& #ity de$ensive wor:s& the ."tri& et#IB this implies th"t
they h"ve very little power to sp"re
+ !he D6ieldsD between Eion "nd the ."#hine #ity G"nd right net to the Dmeg" #lusterD o$ pod
towers seen in %evolutionsI hold "bout / million growing $etuses
+ !here is "nother D6ieldsD #omple over =000 miles "w"y& with " simil"r Dmeg" #lusterD o$
pods net to it
+ !he power lines $rom this $"r+dist"nt set o$ 6ields "nd pods& "nd other& sm"ll pod #lusters in
the "re"& "re running in the opposite dire#tion& ie A,AN $rom the ."#hine #ity weFre $"mili"r
+ !he "ver"ge temper"ture on the sur$"#e is " little #ooler th"n it w"s be$ore the etern"l storm
"ppe"red& blo#:ing out light++not enough th"t there "re no longer temper"te "re"s where the
."#hines #"n house hum"ns in pods "nd 6ields& but enough th"t these temper"te "re"s "re
only "bout h"l$ the size th"t they were be$ore the etern"l storm
+ !he #ooling h"s #"used the pol"r i#e #"ps to ep"nd& "nd led to in#re"sed gl"#i"tion in
mount"inous "re"s
+ !he birth r"te seen in the ."tri #ity is "bout /.;U Gsimil"r to " l"rge <* #ity #ir#" 2000I
+ !he de"th r"te seen in the ."tri #ity is "bout 0.>U G"g"in simil"r to " <* #ityI
+ !he in$"nt mort"lity seen in the ."tri #ity is "bout 0.=U G"g"in simil"r to " <* #ityI
+ -6 the ."tri is " #losed system& de"th r"te would h"ve to e)u"l birth r"te++but nobody
pl"yers :now #"n "##ount $or this "pp"rent dis#repen#y
%e"sons "nd impli#"tions o$ the "bove:
+ -$ the tot"l ."tri bluepill popul"tion is 400 million& ie Cust " little "bove the ye"r 2000
popul"tion o$ the <*& this implies th"t the ."#hines "re not "#tu"lly simul"ting the entire
1"rth in one+$or+one det"il. 6or this - w"s going o$$ XXXwh"t we were toldYYY "bout the ."tri
The Matrix Online Archives
being more th"n Cust the #ity "nd the mount"in r"nge& but not e"#tly #le"r how mu#h more&
"s well "s popul"tion #"l#ul"tions b"sed o$$ o$ Eion building its popul"tion $rom D/UD o$
hum"ns who reCe#t the simul"tion.
,here - would li:e to go with this& i$ youFre interested& is des#ribing " system whereby the
."tri #ity is the $o#"l point o$ the simul"tion& "nd "s you move outw"rds $rom the #ity within
the simul"tion& you "re moving into "re"s th"t "re simul"ted in less "nd less det"il. !he "re"
th"t is moder"tely simul"ted is "bout the size o$ the #ontinent"l <*B "s you move tow"rd "nd
beyond the periphery o$ th"t sp"#e& e#ept $or m"in tourist points su#h "s m"Cor #ity "irports&
et#& $ewer "nd $ewer people seen "re "#tu"l hum"ns& but r"ther rel"tively simple ."#hine
simul"tions o$ hum"ns. 9luepills living in these outer "re"s "re the less "w"re "nd less
e$$i#ient& "nd "re :ept in " deeper st"te o$ gener"l stupor& so they donFt noti#e the lowered
simul"tion det"il. ,hen " rel"tively "#tive& "w"re hum"n $rom the #ity voy"ges into outer
"re"s& the simul"tion "round them is r"ised in det"il tempor"rily& but they "re "lso
in#re"singly tr"n)uilized& so their re#olle#tions o$ their trip "re somewh"t h"zy.
-$ " bluepill born in "n outer& tr"n)uilized& lower+energy distri#t proves to h"ve "n e$$i#ient
met"bolism& their li$e is m"nipul"ted in su#h " m"nner th"t they migr"te to the #ity. Li:ewise&
hum"ns born in the #ity who turn out to h"ve low+e$$i#ien#y met"bolisms "re shi$ted into
outlying "re"s o$ the simul"tion. !hose who "re truly ine$$i#ient& " w"ste o$ resour#es& h"ve
their li$e in the simul"tion m"n"ged so th"t they eventu"lly lose tou#h with "ny "#tive
"#)u"int"n#es& "re m"rgin"lized "nd $orgotten& "nd then simply $lushed $rom their pod to
drown in the ."#hine sewers. !hese "re the de"ths th"t "re not re#orded by o$$i#i"l
government re#ords inside the simul"tion& "nd whi#h b"l"n#e out the birth/de"th r"tes so th"t
the tot"l popul"tion o$ the ."tri rem"ins ste"dy "t "bout 400 million& whi#h is #lose to the
m"imum "mount th"t the ."tri progr"m "nd "sso#i"ted ."#hine in$r"stru#ture #"n h"ndle.
!he m"rgin"liz"tion o$ ine$$i#ient bluepills in the ."tri simul"tionFs geogr"phy #orresponds to
their vi#inity to the ."#hine #ity housing the ."tri #omputers in the %e"l& where these low+
e$$i#ien#y types "re moved to pod lo#"tions $"rther "w"y $rom th"t #ityB this :eeps the highest+
produ#ing hum"n b"tteries #losest to the ."tri #omputers& where they enCoy the lowest+
possible networ: l"ten#y& "nd less energy is lost "s it $lows through the power lines into the
!his h"s the bene$it o$ epl"ining why Eionite #rews& when they "w":en " hum"n& do not
h"ve to tr"vel to " pod "ll the w"y "round the world in order to w":e them up: the hum"ns
theyFre $inding "re the "#tive& rel"tively "w"re ones in the ."tri #ity& "nd in pods lo#"ted
#lose to Eion "nd the ."#hine #ity in the %e"l.
+ !he etern"l storm d"r:ening the s:ies must h"ve some :ind o$ #ontinuing re"#tion to :eep it
goingB wh"t this is - donFt thin: - ever w"nt to spe#i$y. 9ut& it is " good e#use $or why the
sur$"#e o$ the 1"rth& "s we see in the movies& is not one big i#e #ube& "s it would be i$
sunlight were re"lly #ut o$$ entirely throughout the world Gthe initi"l XXXYYY dr"$ts o$ the ."tri h"d
.orpheus tell 3eo th"t the "ver"ge temper"ture in entern"l+storm er" Chi#"go w"s +80
degrees C& +/20 with wind+#hill& whi#h is prob"bly "bout right in h"rd s#ien#e termsI.
*o& -Fm "llowing $or slight #ooling& "s in " st"nd"rd -#e Age. !his would me"n glob"l
The Matrix Online Archives
temper"tures "n "ver"ge o$ "bout = degrees C lower th"n they were be$ore the etern"l storm&
se" level "bout /20 meters below wh"t it w"s be$ore the storm& sm"ller temper"te zones&
l"rger i#e #"ps& more gl"#iers& "nd so $orth. !his does not #l"sh with wh"t we see o$ the
outside world in the movies& where lightly #lothed #h"r"#ters do not loo: un#om$ort"ble Cust
st"nding "round& "nd where we see no i#e or visible signs o$ $reezingB it "lso $its in with th"t
#omment by !"n: in !he ."tri& where he tells 3eo th"t Eion is lo#"ted Ddeep underground&
ne"r the e"rthFs #ore where itFs still w"rm&D whi#h implies th"t "t le"st " #ert"in degree o$
sur$"#e #ooling h"s t":en pl"#e.
+ !here is prob"bly "nother set o$ 6ields& perh"ps two& beyond wh"t the .erovingi"n h"s
$ound G$or " tot"l o$ 4& or possibly 8IB this will $ill out the popul"tion #"l#ul"tions #on#erning
birth r"tes ne#ess"ry to m"int"in the /.;U birth r"te th"t the ."#hines w"nt to be "ble to
show inside the simul"tion. 1"#h set o$ 6ields might h"ve " pod meg"+#luster net to it& but
then "g"in& in light o$ the DperipheryD m"n"gement o$ hum"ns& perh"ps not.
+ !here is prob"bly "t le"st one other ."#hine #ity& #orresponding to the lo#"tions o$ the other
6ields. -t/they m"y be sm"ller th"n the one ne"r Eion& "nd would not house prim"ry ."tri
systems Gunless we w"nt to get into " Dmultiple ."triD s#en"rioH - donFt re"lly w"nt to go th"t
route& "lthough - suppose we "lw"ys #ould i$ weFre still doing this ye"rs $rom now "nd need "
m"Cor new story "ngle BI. !hese #ities would prob"bly in essen#e be b"#:+ups $or the #ity
housing the ."tri& so th"t i$ th"t #ity were somehow destroyed& letFs s"y by " meteor $rom
sp"#e& the ."#hine #iviliz"tion would survive& "lthough theyFd h"ve " lot o$ rebuilding to do.
+ !here is " )uestion we m"y h"ve to "ddress some d"y& but not $or " while - thin:& "s to
where on 1"rth Eion& "nd the ."#hine #ity ne"r it& "re lo#"ted. One re"l )uestion here is: is
the ."#hine #ity $rom the movies the s"me "s their origin"l #ity+st"te& DEero OneDH -n the
Anim"triF D*e#ond %en"iss"n#e&D DEero OneD w"s shown in the .iddle 1"st& #entered
"round the *"udi+-r")i border. -t then ep"nded& eventu"lly h"ving stru#tures or outlying
distri#ts o$ m"ssive ."#hine "r#hite#ture stret#hing "s $"r "$ield "s 1"stern 1urope.
,e re"lly donFt h"ve to de#ide on this "ny time soon& but it might be worth st"rting to thin:
"bout. .y own in#lin"tion is to s"y th"t the ."#hine #ity th"t pl"yers :now is 3O! the old
Eero One. !hen weFd h"ve to pi#: " lo#"tion $or our ."#hine #ity G"nd Eion& whi#h must be
rel"tively #lose to itI. -Fd :ind o$ li:e to pl"#e it somewhere in the 1"st& s"y "round wh"t would
h"ve been Chin"& but who :nows. At "ny r"te& the m"in bene$it o$ h"ving it sep"r"te $rom
Eero One& "s - see it& would be th"t this would le"ve us $ree to develop other stories "bout the
"n#ient& now mostly "b"ndoned #ity+st"te o$ Eero One& "nd who :nows wh"t weird :inds o$
things #ould h"ve sprung up there "$ter the ."#hines le$t it++"s they would h"ve done
be#"use Eero One w"s designed $or sol"r power& "nd re"lly w"snFt "ll th"t e$$i#ient or worth
:eeping on#e the ."#hines de$e"ted m"n:ind "nd #ould rebuild " more e$$i#ient #ity Gor
#itiesI "t their leisure.
9I 7"nielle ,right "nd her possible $uture story use
The Matrix Online Archives
7"nielle h"s been " p"rt o$ the #ity b"#:ground sin#e l"un#hB most o$ the prim"ry det"ils
"bout her++li:e her being e+Eion& h"ving wor:ed with the 1ile n"med *ilver& h"ving invented
the emergen#y+C"#: out system th"t "ll oper"tives use to survive the de"th o$ their %*- in the
."tri& being he"d o$ the ,right %ese"r#h #orp who h"s their l"rge 5A building in V"uton&
"nd her dis"greement with EionFs Comm"nder Lo#: "nd wish $or the ."tri to survive& but
under hum"n #ontrol++h"ve been in our intern"l D*tory 9ibleD do#ument $or "ges.
-n 8.2& it is suspe#ted by Eion& "nd eventu"lly $ound by the ."#hines& th"t 7"nielle h"s her
own dire#t #onne#tion to the Eion ."in$r"me. !he ."#hines #"pture this "nd use it to insert "
virus into the m"in$r"me& "$ter :illing 7"nielle "t her l"b somewhere on the 1"rthFs sur$"#e
"bove Eion.
3ow& hereFs where -Fve le$t things open " bit $or $uture use o$ 7"nielle. A genius& epert in
."tri inter$"#e systems& "nd " believer in :eeping the ."tri int"#t& but run by hum"ns& she
#ould h"ve in $"#t& on#e she $ound hersel$ betr"yed to the ."#hines by *ilver& l"un#hed "
desper"te pl"n to preserve her #ons#iousness beyond the de"th o$ her physi#"l body. 'l"yers
would not $ind out "bout this $or sure until we reintrodu#e her "t the time o$ our #hoosing l"ter
on. 5er s#heme would go something li:e this:
/I Le"rning o$ the betr"y"l by *ilver& 7"nielle re"lizes th"t the ."#hines will dis#over her l"b&
:ill her& #on$is#"te her wor:& "nd use it to "##ess "nd destroy the Eion m"in$r"me.
2I *he )ui#:ly rigs up sever"l #ustom #ir#uits on her C"#:+in inter$"#e. !hese will #ut the
#onne#tion between her C"#:ed+in #ons#iousness in the ."tri "nd her physi#"l body& "t "
time o$ her #hoosing.
4I ,hen the *entinels lo#"te her l"b& she trips these #ir#uits Cust be$ore they :ill her body. 5er
#ons#iousness is set "dri$t& eisting "s pure "v"t"r in the progr"mm"ti# inter$"#e "re"s
"round the ."tri simul"tion. 3orm"lly& dissolution "nd de"th o$ #ons#iousness #ome )ui#:ly&
"s the hum"n mind #"nnot #on#eive o$ itsel$ "s " non+physi#"l entity. ,right& however& is "
highly unusu"l mind& "nd moreover h"s been pr"#ti#ing prolonging her st"ys in these
inter$"#e #omputer re"lms th"t "re norm"lly tr"versed in the blin: o$ "n eye during C"#:+in "nd
C"#:+out. *till& she :nows she #"nnot survive here more th"n " m"tter o$ minutes.
8I *he "lso :nows& however& th"t the ."#hines will move "s )ui#:ly "s they #"n to "#tiv"te
her inter$"#e to the Eion m"in$r"me. *he is #ounting on this. *he thin:s there is " #h"n#e th"t
she will be "ble to move her #ons#iousness through the "#tiv"ted inter$"#e& into the Eion
m"in$r"me& "nd $rom there& into the body o$ someone whose hover#r"$t C"#:+in system is still
running through old EionFs m"in$r"me. !hese "re #omputer systems she is $"mili"r with $rom
long study++more o$ " m"ster o$ them th"n "ny other living hum"n being.
;I -n the ."#hine 8.2.; #riti#"l mission "t the end o$ sub#h"pter 8.2& events un$old "s
7"nielleFs desper"te pl"n re)uires: her body is sl"in& "nd the ."#hines "#tiv"te her inter$"#e
to the Eion m"in$r"me.
*o& th"t is the possible epl"n"tion $or ,rightFs surviv"l o$ #ert"in de"th& "nd wh"t #ould
h"ppen with Lo#: "nd %ol"ndFs #rew st"rting "t the beginning o$ #h"pter 8.4. *ee 7 below $or
the rest o$ th"t.
The Matrix Online Archives
All o$ this would le"ve ,right in " uni)ue position: " hum"n mind in "nother hum"nFs body.
'"rti#ul"rly in light o$ her desire to preserve the ."tri under hum"n #ontrol& this #ould m":e
her " very interesting #h"r"#ter somewhere down the ro"d& s"y on#e we get into Olig"r#hFs
trying to use the !rinity progr"m $or new bodies& or wh"tever we de#ide to do "long those
!his story o$ her surviv"l& in "ny #"se& would not be told to pl"yers until is brought b"#:.
CI 3ew det"ils on the red pill progr"m
,right m":es " new red pill progr"m $or Eion in 8.2& one th"t does not h"ve the se#urity hole
th"t the ."#hines eploited "t the end o$ 8./ to obt"in in$orm"tion on EionFs m"in$r"me. -n the
#ourse o$ her "nd Eion wor:ing to m":e this new red pill progr"m& - h"d to $lesh out " $ew
things rel"ted to it:
+ !he red pill progr"m not only in#ludes " tr"#e to the hum"n "sleep in their pods& it "lso
in#ludes the #ode routines th"t help bring the hum"nFs #ons#iousness out o$ the ."tri& w":e
the hum"n up& "nd trigger them being $lushed $rom their pod into the sewers& where the
etr"#tion te"mFs hover#r"$t #"n pi#: them up.
+ !he red pill progr"m is " synthesis o$ Eion "nd ."#hine #ode& "nd very di$$i#ult to modi$y
Gwhi#h is why Eion h"d to #"ll in 7"nielle ,rightI.
+ !he ."#hine #ode involved in#ludes p"rti"l #ode $rom the pod #ontrol routines th"t the pill
overrides to get the "wo:en hum"n out o$ the pod.
7I Comm"nder Lo#:& C"pt"in %ol"nd& "nd his #rew + possible use in #h"pter 8.4 "nd beyond
C"pt"in %ol"nd is the older& belli#ose& possibly Austr"li"n Eion #"pt"in seen in %elo"ded "nd
%evolutions++itFs his ship& the .Colnir& ":" Dthe 5"mmer&D th"t eventu"lly pi#:s up 3eo& !rinity&
"nd 3iobe& "nd the one th"t 3iobe pilots "nd #r"shes into EionFs do#:& where they trigger
their 1.' in "n "ttempt to stop the *entinels sw"rming into the #ity during the huge b"ttle $or
Eion in %evolutions. %ol"nd "nd his #rew& in#luding his oper"tor& DA(&D his $irst m"te& DColt&D
"nd his #rew member D."user&D "ll "pp"rently survive& "nd "re "live "t the end o$ the trilogy&
s"$e in Eion. %ol"nd himsel$ is seen in one o$ the $in"l shots o$ Eion& when the *entinels h"ve
stopped "tt"#:ing th"n:s to 3eoFs tru#e with 7eus 1 ."#hin".
,here we "re now in the story& %ol"nd must be one o$ EionFs most senior #"pt"ins& net to
3iobe hersel$.
.y ide" $or using him& beginning in #h"pter 8.4& is this:
The Matrix Online Archives
%ol"ndFs new hover#r"$t& whi#h -Fll Cust #"ll D.Colnir --D $or the s":e o$ #onvenien#e& is one o$
the $ew ships still oper"ting $rom old Eion systems when the end o$ 8.2.; #omes& "nd the
."#hines "re "bout to destroy old Eion. !he ship itsel$ is ne"r Eion #ity& trying to get b"#: to
help with the ev"#ut"tion triggered by the Cypherite s"boteur who sets o$$ " bomb inside Eion
At the pre#ise time th"t 7"nielle ,rightFs #ons#iousness enters the Eion m"in$r"me& Cust
minutes "he"d o$ the ."#hine virus& %ol"ndFs #rew member ."user is C"#:ed in. ,right $inds
."userFs inter$"#e& "nd C"#:s out into his body. *e#onds l"ter Gor possibly "t the s"me time&
be#"use ,rightFs overwriting o$ ."user shorts things outHI& when the ."#hine virus (Os the
Eion m"in$r"me prim"ry ."tri inter$"#e #ontrol& the C"#:+in system "nd ."tri inter$"#e on+
bo"rd the .Colnir -- su$$er " m"ssive system $"ilure. !he $eedb"#: $rom this :ills A(& their
oper"tor& "nd #ripples the hover#r"$t& whi#h promptly #r"shes in " tunnel Cust outside Eion.
*entinels "re sw"rming into the "re"& everything is #h"os& but "t "ny r"te %ol"nd "nd Colt&
"nd possibly other #rew members they h"ve who "renFt n"med in the $ilms& "re res#ued& "nd
ev"#u"ted to 3ew Eion. 6ire& wre#:"ge& "nd sw"rming *entinels prevent " se"r#h $or
."user& who is eventu"lly presumed de"d.
,right in ."userFs body& however& in $"#t m"n"ged to struggle out o$ the wre#:"ge& "nd
m"de her w"y up the tunnel& into EionFs do#:& "nd $rom there into the wre#:ed Eion
Comm"nd& somehow "voiding dete#tion by *entinels "nd desper"te Eion ev"#u"tion te"ms.
5ere she $inds Comm"nder Lo#:& who h"s survived the Cypherite "tt"#:& "nd the *entinels&
but is b"dly hurt. ,right pi#:s him up& "nd #ontinues to her go"l: " hidden es#"pe sh"$t inside
the wre#:ed Eion Comm"nd& :nown only to high r"n:ing Eionites& "nd those& li:e ,right& who
h"#:ed se#ure p"rts o$ the Eion m"in$r"me.
*omehow& they get to the sur$"#e GLo#:& re#ounting this l"ter& will only h"ve the v"guest
re#olle#tion o$ his time while inCured& "nd this tortuous Courney up through old sh"$ts& mostly
#"rried by D."userDB he will prob"bly h"ve some memory o$ hidden "##ess li$ts& or
me#h"nisms o$ some type th"t #"rry them l"rge p"rts o$ the w"y tow"rd the sur$"#eB "t "ny
r"te& he h"s "n ide" th"t it must h"ve t":en wee:sI. ,right/."user brings Lo#: to her hidden
l"b& signi$i#"ntly d"m"ged by the *entinels who :illed her old body.
5ere she nurses Lo#: b"#: to " sembl"n#e o$ he"lth& never reve"ling th"t she is not "#tu"lly
."user. 7uring this time& un:nown to Lo#:& she s"lv"ges e)uipment "nd progr"ms $rom her
,hen it is #le"r th"t Lo#: will re#over& she le"ves. *he $":es " *entinel "tt"#:& r"mming l"rge
pie#es o$ e)uipment "round to m":e it sound to the woozy Lo#: ne"rby li:e " s)uiddie h"s
$ound her& "nd $rying everything else in the l"b th"t she #"nFt t":e with her with " lightning
gun. *he dep"rts $or "re"s un:nown& to be brought b"#: whenever we w"nt to use her l"ter in
the story.
Lo#: re#overs. 9y this time++our #h"pter 9./++1 'luribus 3eo h"s moved into old Eion& "nd
st"rted some rep"irs. !hey $ind the wre#: o$ the .Colnir --& "nd A(Fs rem"ins& but no sign o$
The Matrix Online Archives
."user. Lo#: is "ble to #ont"#t themB he $inds " sign"l o$ some :ind th"t ,right intention"lly
le$t there $or him to $ind& though he doesnFt re"lize this. 1'3 sends " hover#r"$t to investig"te&
"nd brings him b"#: to Eion.
1ventu"lly& Lo#: will prob"bly reCoin his Eion #omr"des in 3ew Eion. 9ut we #"n de#ide th"t
l"ter. 6or the moment& in 9./& or perh"ps 9.2& he tells oper"tives " #on$used story o$ how he
w"s dr"gged out o$ the wre#:"ge o$ Eion by the heroi# ."user& who must h"ve perished
$ighting " *entinel "$ter nursing Lo#: in the wre#:ed l"b they h"ppened to $ind on the sur$"#e.
Lo#: would 3O! :now th"t this w"s ,right& or ,rightFs l"b. As $"r "s "nyone :nows& ,right
w"s :illed by the ."#hines in 8.2.;.
.e"nwhile& in 3ew Eion& C"pt"in %ol"nd& perh"ps h"ving h"d his C"#: $ried $rom the $eedb"#:
th"t led to the wre#: o$ his ship& h"s been "ppointed Comm"nder in pl"#e o$ the missing G"nd
presumed de"dI Lo#:. !his would h"ve h"ppened right "t the beginning o$ #h"pter 8.4. 5is
$irst m"te& Colt& is promoted to C"pt"in o$ " new ship. Colt be#omes " Eion #h"r"#ter th"t we
#"n use in Live 1vents "long with EionFs two #urrent event #h"r"#ters& 3iobe "nd ?host. -
h"venFt #he#:ed the $ilms to see i$ they show "ny p"rti#ul"rs on ColtFs person"lity& but
possibly he #"n be something o$ "n "ggressive& devil+m"y+#"re type in #omp"rison with the
more reserved 3iobe "nd ?host.
G.e"nwhile - would "lso h"ve to "lter some o$ our #urrent Eion tr"ining missions th"t h"ve
new pl"yers spe":ing with DComm"nder Lo#:.D BI
X*)u"re br"#:ets below surround in$orm"tion th"t will not reve"led to pl"yers dire#tly& possibly
not "t "ll& during this sub#h"pter.Y
8.4 Cinem"ti#
-n the ."tri& two Agents w"t#h " #omputer termin"l. One s"ys D!he virus is running.D *wit#h
to Eion in the %e"l& where v"st sw"rms o$ *entinels engul$ " hover#r"$t "ttempting to dep"rt
$rom old Eion& rip through the b"seFs m"l$un#tioning do#: doors& "nd turn their "ttention to
destroying " l"rge )u"ntity o$ lo"ded #"rgo #ont"iners $illing the do#: "re". Cut to 3eo
#on$ronting 7eus 1 ."#hin"& $rom the s#ene #lose to the end o$ !he ."tri %evolutions&
only seen $rom the side "nd slightly below& some dist"n#e "w"y. A h"nd p"sses )ui#:ly
"#ross the s#reen& "nd the s#ene $reezes& "s " roboti# bug begins to #r"wl "#ross it. A side
view shows wh"t "ppe"rs to be " hum"n m"le& #lothed "nd in sh"dow& w"t#hing the s#reen in
some sort o$ sm"ll& high+te#h met"lli# room. 5e s"ys D.ost interesting.D
Cut to 'ersephone re"ding poetry by hersel$ in the Ch"te"u++the $ourth verse o$ *winburneFs
D7oloresD: DO lips $ull o$ lust "nd o$ l"ughter...D G http://rpo.libr"ry.utoronto.#"/poem/20>9.html
++ *winburneFs )uoted summ"ry "t the bottom is use$ulI. !he .erovingi"n enters the room&
surprising her. D,h"t "re you doingHD D3othing. %e"ding.D D.ore o$ your...obsessionHD
'ersephone #loses the boo: "nd st"l:s out.
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*upplement"l b"#:ground in$o Gwill be epl"ined in the #ritsI
Eion is still trying to bring 3ew Eion Comm"nd systems to $ull #"p"#ity. -n Eion& the ."#hines
#"ptured some m"in$r"me d"t" th"t h"dnFt been ev"#u"ted or destroyed in time. Among this
d"t" is "n "r#hived #opy o$ EionFs pre+w"r %*- sign"ture d"t"b"se. ,ith this in$orm"tion the
."#hines #ould lo#: the sign"ls o$ Eion oper"tives whose sign"tures "re on $ile "nd who "re
still C"#:ing in vi" EionFs systems& ie veter"ns li:e 3iobe "nd ?host& "nd "lso "##ess #ert"in
restri#ted stu$$& li:e the Eion org"niz"tion "re"s.
!his "r#hive is neur"l+lo#:ed "nd will respond only to the two r"n:ing o$$i#ers who signed it:
.orpheus "nd Lo#:. 3either the ."#hines nor "nyone else :nows where Lo#: is. 9e#"use
the user h"s to be in " rel"ed st"te to reprodu#e the br"inw"ve p"tterns ne#ess"ry to m"t#h
the en#oding& the ."#hines #"nFt $or#e the in$orm"tion out o$ the simB they h"ve to persu"de
him to help them.
Eion #"n upd"te their d"t"b"ses "nd "n oper"tiveFs %*- sign"ture to " new one& "nd this is
done $rom time to time $or v"rious re"sons& but it is " p"in$ul pro#ess th"t involves " physi#"l
oper"tion on the personFs C"#:& upd"tes to en#ryption h"rdw"re in the Eion oper"tiveFs
hover#r"$t& "nd upd"tes to multiple high+se#urity d"t"b"ses. ColtFs sign"ture& $or inst"n#e& h"s
been upd"ted& be#"use %ol"nd is " p"r"noid son o$ " gun& espe#i"lly "$ter th"t \\\\ 9"ne
%ol"nd "nd #rew
C"pt"in %ol"nd& the belli#ose older #"pt"in o$ the .Colnir G":" D5"mmerDI seen in %elo"ded&
1nter the ."tri& "nd %evolutions& w"s returning to Eion in his new ship& the .Colnir --& "$ter
re#eiving news o$ trouble there in 8.2.;. !he ship w"s in the tunnel ne"ring the m"in g"te Cust
"s the ."#hine virus #r"shed through the Eion m"in$r"me. -t w"s one o$ the $ew ships still
running its systems through old EionB %ol"nd s"w himsel$ "s the senior ship #"pt"in Gnow th"t
3iobeFs got " des: Cob :pI& "nd w"s determined to be the l"st ship out o$ old Eion.
!he Eion m"in$r"me #r"sh sent m"ssive $eedb"#: through the .Colnir --Fs systems. !he ship
#r"shed Cust outside o$ the do#:. %ol"nd "nd his $irst m"te& Colt& m"n"ged to es#"pe $rom the
burning wre#:"ge& "nd the *entinels& "nd get to " ship b"#: to 3ew Eion. !heir oper"tor& A(&
#rew member ."user& "nd some o$ their other Gunn"med in the movie s#riptsI #rew "re
missing& "nd presumed de"d.
Comm"nder Lo#: is "lso "mong the missing. %ol"nd h"s been promoted to Comm"nder. G-
#h"nged the intro/meet mission stu$$ with Lo#: to tre"t his )uotes "s re#ordings or something
r"ther th"n live mess"ges.I
Colt is " new Eion Live 1vent #h"r"#ter in this sub#h"pter. -Fd li:e to use him "s more o$ "
down+to+e"rth #h"r"#ter th"n ?host "nd 3iobe. ,ith th"t s#heme in mind& -Fm not going to
use " $ied %*- disguise $or him in+g"me& but will m":e him " st"nd"rd pl"yer %*-& who #"n
#h"nge #lothes "nd so $orth Ghe wonFt use %*- pills perm"nently& though& be#"use - donFt w"nt
to h"ve to be upd"ting his 3'C version "ll the time :pI. 5is de$"ult #lothes will be " bit pl"in&
"nd m"ybe pl"yers will $eel li:e helping him wor: on his per+server w"rdrobe. 5eFs going to
The Matrix Online Archives
use pistols in #omb"t& $or now "t le"st the big silver shiny ones& li:e 1lmoreFs Autom"ti#& "nd
those bugged 5"rli#: 8=8s th"t loo: li:e twin silver semi+"utos inste"d o$ revolvers.
Crit 8.4./
Eion: !ynd"ll brie$ly des#ribes the "tt"#: on Eion& Lo#: missing& "nd %ol"nd promoted to
Comm"nder in 3ew Eion. ?host s"ys th"t "$ter t":ing out old Eion& the ."#hines "re
in#re"singly on the o$$ensive in the ."tri "s well& "nd itFs loo:ing li:e they prob"bly $ound
something use$ul in EionFs m"in$r"me& be#"use theyFre re"lly n"iling spe#i$i# t"rgets now.
?host introdu#es the pl"yer to Colt& %ol"ndFs $ormer $irst+m"te& now " #"pt"in sin#e %ol"ndFs
been promoted to Comm"nder. Colt sends the pl"yer o$$ to try to s"ve some Eion $"#ilities
$rom "tt"#:. -tFs too l"te "t the $irst one& "s the pl"yer $inds only de"d Eionites& " lo#:ed
#omputer& "nd "n Agent who #ooly tells them th"t Eion is doomed& "nd i$ they w"nt to live&
theyFll go ."#hine. !he net lo#"tion is under "tt"#:& but by 1iles G7ire LupinesI. !he pl"yer
s"ves some d"t" "nd t":es it b"#: to Colt& st"nding net to two de"d 1iles. Colt gru$$ly
des#ribes how %ol"ndFs ship went down right outside the m"in g"te& its systems $ried by
$eedb"#: $rom the m"in$r"meFs destru#tionB he "nd %ol"nd got out& but ."user "nd A(& who
were on the m"in de#:& prob"bly didnFt. 5e repe"ts the rumor "bout the Cypherites being
behind the g"te+r"mming "nd bomb in Comm"nd& "nd the ."#hines :illing ,right& "nd using
her stu$$ to drop " virus into the m"in$r"me.
."#h: ?r"y s"ys *entinels "re now in #ontrol o$ Eion "nd the "re" "round it& "nd Eionites
h"ve retre"ted to their new #ity. 5e s"ys th"t the ."#hine virus m"n"ged to preserve some
m"in$r"me d"t" $rom EionFs emergen#y shutdown se)uen#e. .eeting the pl"yer in person& he
epl"ins "bout the #"pture o$ the three+ye"r+old neur"lly en#rypted %*- sign"ture "r#hive& "nd
th"t it is lo#:ed by Lo#: "nd .orpheusB even Eion doesnFt :now where Lo#: is& "nd .orpheus
is de"d& but eisting re#ords o$ .orpheus will "llow the ."#hines to #onstru#t their own
.orph sim& on#e the pl"yer #olle#ts Cust " little "ddition"l d"t". Another Agent in the room
des#ribes the Cypherite g"te+r"mming "t Eion& "nd silen#i0Fs bomb th"t too: out Eion
Comm"nd. ?r"y mentions th"t the ?ener"lFs sim is not #ooper"tive& "nd #ooper"tion is
ne#ess"ry $or " neur"l m"t#h to unlo#: the en#ryption. !he pl"yer mugs some Eionites&
ste"ling their .orpheus re#ording& whi#h they t":e to '"#e& w"iting in " l"b. '"#e s"ys the
sim is #oming "long "ll rightB m"ybe not the best& but they only need it $or " very limited
.orpheus impression. '"#e des#ribes the ple"sure she $elt w"t#hing the videos o$ EionFs
destru#tion& "nd wishes she #ould h"ve been there in person. 9"#: to ?r"y& where the
#ompleted sim is initi"lized "nd e"mined. -t p"rrots some .orpheus lines& but seems to
Cumble them " bit. ?r"y s"ys th"t it m"y need some hum"n guid"n#e to help it le"rn how to
respond #orre#tly. A h"#:"ble #omputer in the "re" gives det"ils on the deletion o$ the
-n#iden#e ;.99/ G":" Jo:er\I 1ile.
.erv: 6lood des#ribes the Cypherite/."#hine destru#tion o$ Eion& "nd s"ys th"t some o$ the
*entinels swooping into Eion were the ?ener"lFs++under#over& "s it were. !he ?ener"lFs
hologr"m reports two hum"ns spotted s#r"mbling into #over in EionFs wre#:"ge: Lo#:& "nd
one they didnFt re#ognize. 6lood re#eives the ?ener"lFs surveill"n#e photos "nd des#ribes the
m"n "s D" t"ll& mus#ul"r& d"r:+s:inned& "nd disgr"#e$ully dressed m"n with C"#:s in him.D !he
pl"yer is sent to ste"l Eion oper"tive re#ords so they #"n $ind out who it is& but the #omputer
"t the lo#"tion "ss"ulted h"s its d"t"b"se "##ess limited due to Dm"in$r"me issues&D "nd the
The Matrix Online Archives
d"t" #"nFt be re"#hed. A h"#:"ble #omputer in the "re" #ont"ins " mess"ge $rom some
Eionite& #ompl"ining "bout %ol"nd being " thug who :eeps getting promoted by losing his
ships++he must h"ve re"l good buddies on the Coun#il& the mess"ge+writer #on#ludes testily.
6lood sends the pl"yer to try to get ."#hine d"t" on whi#h Eionite ships were $ound in the
vi#inity o$ Eion when it w"s "tt"#:ed& sin#e :nowing whi#h #rews the m"n #ould h"ve
belonged to would n"rrow down the se"r#h #onsider"bly. !hey $ind ."#hine gu"rds& "nd "
l"b wor:er who s"ys D*3!L OAJ71D++" weird mess"ge th"t w"s "lso p"rt o$ " #rypti#
*entinel report $ound in 8.2.;& $rom " *entinel lur:ing "round Eion. 7"t" is $ound on this
wor:erFs body& uplo"ded& "nd ."lph"s is #onsulted "bout the $indings. ."lph"s is $ound
being growled "t by Oo:"mi& whoFs "pp"rently mi$$ed th"t ."lph"s h"s s"id something to her
"bout the intended t"rget o$ her net hunt. ."lph"s tells the pl"yer th"t $rom the ."#hine
re#ords& theyFve identi$ied the person with Lo#: "s ."user& o$ %ol"ndFs ship& the .Colnir --&
whi#h went down outside EionFs g"te& "lthough the ."#hines did not re#ord it being downed
by their own $or#es.
%e)uired 1vents:
Eion: Colt "nd ?host br"instorm with oper"tives to try to lo#"te the .orph simB they m"y get
#lose& but either the sim v"nishes Cust be$ore being $ound& or ."#hines interrupt& or something
li:e th"t
."#h: G"$ter .erv eventI oper"tives "ttempt to get the ."#hine .orph sim into the #orre#t
$r"me o$ mind by inter"#ting with him "s they would h"ve with .orpheusB they then h"ve it try
to "##ess the en#rypted %*- "r#hiveB it $"ils "nd the ."#hines h"ve it deleted
.erv: Gbe$ore m"#h eventI using insight on the #ode sign"ture o$ .orpheus obt"ined $rom the
?ener"lFs eperien#e& the .erv "mbushes "nd "bdu#ts the ."#hine .orph simB he $inds it
mu#h more pli"ble th"n the ?ener"lFs& "nd toys with it& "ttempting to etr"#t some use$ul
in$orm"tionB gets sim to pl"y old .orpheus 6Z li:e 3eoFs %*-& "nd th"t green z"p e$$e#t
"round his bodyB .erv begins to suspe#t this sim is " dull"rdB ."#hines intervene "nd res#ue
the sim
Crit 8.4.2
Eion: !ynd"ll s"ys th"t the ."#hines h"ve #"ptured the pre+!ru#e %*- sign"ture d"t"b"se&
th"t the d"t"b"se is lo#:ed by .orph/Lo#: neur"l en#ryption& "nd th"t the ."#hines seem
#on$ident " .orph sim #ould unlo#: it. *he sends the pl"yer to t"l: to *er"ph "bout $inding
the .orph sim to #onvin#e it not to help the ."#hines. !he oper"tor mentions th"t to unlo#:
the en#ryption& the person with the right neur"l p"ttern h"s to be in "pproim"tely the s"me
st"te o$ mind they were in when the en#ryption w"s en#oded& whi#h usu"lly me"ns th"t they
#"nFt be $or#ed into unlo#:ing it++thus why the sim h"s to be persu"ded. *er"ph s"ys .orph
hung out in "b"ndoned "re"s telling people heFd $"de "w"y& th"t heFs seem the sim in these
The Matrix Online Archives
pl"#es& "nd th"t heFll show where they "re Gie sign"l the lo#"tions to the oper"torI. !ynd"ll
w"rns th"t the sim h"snFt e"#tly been pro+EionB the oper"tor points out th"t neither w"s
.orph be$ore he died. !he $irst "re" h"s only " weird <n#le"n who s"ys th"t you #"n only
$ind .orpheus i$ you believe. Cypherites "mbush on the w"y to the se#ond "b"ndoned
lo#"tion& but there is the sim& h"nging out with " puzzled v"gr"nt. !he sim #on#edes th"t i$
wh"t the pl"yer h"s told him is true& m"ny in Eion must die& but he points out th"t every side
must h"ve their own re"son& "nd he promised the ."#hines X"t th"t ."#h event w/ ?r"y
be$ore the !ru#e endedY he would #onsider wh"t they h"d to s"yB th"t& "##ording to the
Or"#le& the purpose o$ li$e is to li$e& "nd ?r"y h"s "dmitted this "pplied even to the ."#hines.
'l"yer t":es this in$o to 3iobe& who s"ys th"t i$ nothing else the sim is "s stubborn "s
.orpheusB th"t i$ it w"nts to t"l:& theyFll t"l:& but it wonFt unlo#: the d"t" $or the ."#hines i$
she h"s "nything to s"y "bout it. A Eionite gu"rd mentions the ."#hines trying "nd $"iling to
m":e their own morph sim. !ynd"ll reminds the pl"yer th"t the sim #"n re#onstru#t& "nother
re"son why it #"nFt be #oer#ed.
."#h: ?r"y s"ys th"t sin#e their d"t" w"s insu$$i#ient to m":e " .orph sim& "nd EionFs d"t"
w"s pretty mu#h destroyed with the m"in$r"me& or smuggled to 3ew Eion& theyFll h"ve to try
the ?ener"lFs sim& whi#h w"s "##ur"te enough to $ool some Eionites $or " whileB the ."#hines
donFt :now where the ?ener"l got the d"t" re)uired to #ompile su#h " progr"m. !heyFve h"d
it under observ"tion "nd :now the dereli#t pl"#es it $re)uents. *ome 1'3 h"ve to be #le"red
o$$ "t the $irst lo#"tion& but nothing else is $ound there. !he net "ppe"rs to hold Cust " drun:
v"gr"nt& but he l"ughs& "nd .orpheus sim "ppe"rs in the room behind the pl"yer. -t guesses
th"t the ."#hines w"nt " $"vor $rom it& but s"ys it h"s reserv"tions "bout ."#hine methods&
"nd thus& "bout the ultim"te purpose o$ the ."#hines. ,ithout :nowing this& it is not #ert"in
th"t it should "id them. ?r"y summons the pl"yer& giving them two level 2;; Gnon+"ggro& un+
"tt"#:"bleI Agents& s"ying th"t nothing must end"nger their mission to obt"in the
simul"#rumFs #ooper"tion. ,ith this he$ty entour"ge the pl"yer goes b"#: to the sim& where
'"#e h"s been trying to give it the ."#hine pit#h. 1ven "$ter t"l:ing to '"#e "nd the pl"yer&
the sim s"ys its mind is still not "t pe"#e on the subCe#tB it only w"nts to do wh"t it believes is
right& but it isnFt sure whi#h side is right in this #"se.
.erv: !he .erv w"nts to :now i$ there w"s something between ."n "nd ."#hine b"#: in the
old d"ys th"t inspired the ."#hines to use hum"ns "s their sole energy sour#e. 6lood sends
you to "s: the Or"#le. !he oper"tor brie$ly summ"rizes the 2nd %en"iss"n#e story o$ 9/==4%
Gor however it w"s writtenI& the $irst robot to :ill its m"ster& the rise "nd nu:ing o$ Eero One&
et#B he "lso s"ys he s"w Dold vid t"pesD when he w"s in Eion th"t were supposed to be $rom
b"#: in th"t er"& "nd they seemed legit& but then "g"in #onsidering th"t the ."#hines
invented even Eion itsel$& who :nowsH !he Or"#le s"ys th"t old stories get e"gger"ted& "nd
not "ll hum"ns h"ted ."#hines $or their business su##ess& "nd not "ll ."#hines were
obsessed only with business& but "dds th"t the ."#hines were simpler b"#: then& be$ore they
st"rted getting Dmuddled upD li:e hum"ns. 6lood ponders the Dsimpler b"#: thenD rem"r:& "nd
sends the pl"yer to go ste"l " #ert"in spe#i"l "##ess #ode $rom 9in"ry 9oy Gthe Eero One
DAre" (D )uest item #olle#torI& spe#i$ying th"t the pl"yer must not let 9in"ry 9oy spot them.
?etting the D"###ode0//0.blipD "##ess #ode out o$ 9innyFs "p"rtment isnFt re"lly th"t h"rd&
"nd 6lood $inds th"t the 9oy& "s he thought& h"d this "##ess #ode th"t #"n get into Eero One
dire#tly& without going through the Ar#hivists& so he #ould Dget live runtimes out without
"lerting the ."#hines.D !he e#ited 1$$e#tu"tor is #"lled in to put the "##ess #ode to use& "nd
su##eeds in summoning the Eero One #onstru#tFs roboti# overlord& the !"s:m"ster Gwho
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spe":s very brie$ly "nd #on$usedly in bin"ryI. !"s:m"ster is led to the .erv. 9eirn "nd
'ersephone "re "lso present& "nd the 1$$e#tu"tor "rrives too& to observe. !he .erv s#"ns it
"nd s"ys th"t its #ode is simple "nd l"#:ing in #ompleity++uni)ue beh"vior& #re"tivity. 5e
wonders i$ the ."#hines only #"me by su#h things gr"du"lly++evolution& or " le"rning pro#ess.
Could their e"rly simpli#ity h"ve led to " reli"n#e on hum"nsH At this point the level =0
!"s:m"ster #"n Goption"llyI be :illed& but drops no spe#i"l loot.
%e)uired 1vents
Eion: 3iobe very "w:w"rdly t"l:s to .orph sim "nd seems to m":e "n impression& but it
le"ves without "greeing to "nything
."#h: more "ttempted D$riendlyD persu"sion o$ the .orpheus simB it might show some
$"vor"ble signs& but still le"ves without "greeing
.erv: " #ozy evening with 'ersephone where she re"ds *winburne& reminis#es "bout the old
d"ys b"#: when she inter$"#ed dire#tly with hum"ns in the pods& "nd t"l:s "bout how the
.erv is no longer the e#iting young 6ren#hm"n/O* he used to be
Crit 8.4.4
Eion: !ynd"ll sends the pl"yer to Colt to see "bout "n D"ltern"te me"nsD o$ ensuring th"t the
."#hines donFt get the %*- sig d"t". Colt is trying to spell out "n el"bor"te "tt"#: pl"n "g"inst
the ."#hines tr"#:ing the sim& but then the 1$$e#tu"tor "ppe"rs "nd s"ys th"t sin#e Eion is in
trouble "g"in& the .ervFll help by sending the ?ener"l to give tips on this .orph sim business.
Colt is "nnoyed. !he ?ener"lFs proCe#tion s"ys th"t he h"s some unused s#r"ps o$ .orph
d"t" th"t the ."#hines h"venFt deleted yet. !he hologr"m is #ut o$$ by the ."#hines be$ore
he #"n des#ribe #ert"in old se#urity me"sures still in pl"#e. !he pl"yer h"s to $ight p"st 1lite
Comm"ndo de$enders to get to the d"t"& "nd then es#"pe with it p"st ."#hine "mbushes.
!ynd"ll s"ys th"t re#orded d"t" on .orpheus in the ."tri is very r"re be#"use the ."#hines
try to delete/#on$is#"te itB she wonders where the ?ener"l got his. ?host #ongr"tul"tes the
pl"yer "nd w"rns th"t i$ the ."#hines do get th"t d"t"& theyFll be "ble to go str"ight "$ter some
o$ EionFs top oper"tivesB t"l:ed to " se#ond time& he "dmits th"t he "nd 3iobe would be in
d"nger& too. At the end o$ the mission& the pl"yer re#eives #opies o$ the three .orpheus "udio
re#ordings they retrieved Gold re#orded voi#e #lips: D!h"n: you $or your guid"n#e&D DAt l"st... -
h"ve been w"iting $or this&D D-$ you h"ve le"rned "nything& you will :now better th"n to
#h"llenge meDI.
."#h: ?r"y s"ys th"t the sim h"s been dete#ted within the vi#inity o$ the Or"#leFs home
"round 7ebir Court slightly more $re)uently th"n mere #h"n#e would "##ount $or& "nd "nyw"y
the ."#hines "re out o$ ide"s "bout unlo#:ing this %*- "r#hive& so go t"l: to her& F#"use
sometimes the #r"zy stu$$ she s"ys seems to help oper"tive m":e logi#"l le"ps. !he Or"#le
The Matrix Online Archives
s"ys th"t i$ they re"lly w"nt .orpheus Gth"tFs wh"t she #"lls him++DitFs simplerDI to help& theyFve
got to give him " re"son th"t will m"tter to him. *er"ph s"ys th"t the sim h"s visited " number
o$ times& sometimes "s:ing m"ny )uestions& sometimes none. ?r"y sends the pl"yer "$ter
some 1'3 #re"ting " disturb"n#e ne"rbyB the pl"yer $inds nothing but two de"d 1'3& one
with " DLove LetterD on its body& se"led with lipsti#:& "nd hiding "n embedded #ode e"sily
dete#ted "nd de#rypted by the oper"tor. -tFs written in VeilFs style& "nd s"ys to drop by "
#ert"in bluepillFs pl"#e& to s"y to him D5e shouldnFt h"ve believed you.D ?r"y s"ys the bluepill
w"s re#ently rele"sed by #ops& "$ter h"ving been suspe#ted o$ murder& sin#e he w"s $ound
ne"rby when " m"ni#+depressive $riend h"d $"llen to their de"th $rom their "p"rtmentB no
eviden#e turned up& though. ?r"y s"ys the mess"ge is obviously me"nt to seem to h"ve
#ome $rom Veil& but itFs "n odd me"ns o$ #ont"#t& so :eep "n eye out. Anyw"y itFs #ompli#"ted
but the #on$ronted blue $re":s out "nd #on$esses to the murder o$ his $riend Gwho w"s
"w":ening to the ."tri& to the dism"y o$ observing Cypherites& who "lso witnessed the
unepe#ted murderI& Veil phones the pl"yer in& "nd Cryptos epl"ins th"t the pl"yer got this
#on$ession $rom the bluepill with th"t Dbelieved youD rem"r: be#"use the Cypherites :new
him++Cust "s Cryptos :new .orpheus Gw"y b"#: in EionI. Cryptos o$$ers to persu"de the sim
to help& in e#h"nge $or $irst dibs on the %*- "r#hive& so he #"n remove entries $or "ny e+
Eionites who "re now Cyphs. ?r"y s"ys they "renFt "$ter Cyphs "nyw"y& "nd Cryptos did
:now .orpheus& so theyFll try his de"l.
.erv: *till pondering why ."#hines would use hum"n b"tteries& the .erv de#ides to re+
e"mine the de"th r"te disp"rity $ound l"st sub#h"pter: the simul"tion shows hum"ns wh"t
they epe#t& ie birth r"tes e#eeding de"th r"tes& but i$ the ."tri is " st"ble system& the
."#hines #ouldnFt re"lly "llow the popul"tion to grow li:e th"t. !he Coroner h"d hinted "t the
."#hines h"ndling this by m":ing people Ddis"ppe"r.D Con$ronted "nd "s:ed $or more det"il&
the Coroner tells the t"le o$ " '- $riend o$ his& .r. %eynolds& hired by " Ce"lous husb"nd to
investig"te e+wi$e ."ry ."#5enry& who promptly $ell to her de"th while #"ving in *outh
Ameri#". ."ry h"d #"lled her mom $rom *outh Ameri#" the previous d"y& but the version o$
the #"ll re#orded by %eynolds Gt"pped momFs phoneH 8oI h"d ."ry s"ying she didnFt $eel
well& "nd h"d #"lled o$$ the net d"yFs #"ving epedition. Oh& "nd then %eynolds w"s
mysteriously :illed& by " bullet. !he Coroner s"ys th"t i$ they investig"te& theyFll $ind di$$ering
"##ounts o$ ."ryFs #"ll to mom. .om& when "s:ed& s"ys th"t she does remember now th"t
."ry s"id she $elt si#:& but she de$initely insisted sheFd go to the #"ve the net d"y& despite
momFs protests. 9re":ing into " $eder"l re#ords o$$i#e& the o$$i#i"l tr"ns#ript o$ the #"ll is
obt"ined& "nd it h"s ."ry telling mom she w"s in e#ellent he"lth& "nd r"ring to go to the
#"ve the net d"y. Another #omputer in the re#ords o$$i#e h"s " tr"ns#ript o$ th"t phone
#onvers"tion between !rinity "nd Cypher "t the beginning o$ the ."tri& subtly "ltered to omit
.orpheusF n"me& "nd reverse his hope o$ $inding the One. !he Coroner& "s:ed $or his theory
"bout the disp"r"te versions o$ ."#5enryFs phone #"ll& s"ys: D!hey didnFt epe#t .rs.
."#5enry to t":e ill "nd #"ll her motherB their pl"ns #"lled $or her to h"ve "n F"##ident&F "lone&
unseen. !hey #h"nged the re#ords& deleted %eynolds. !hey w"nted to le"ve no"t ."ry ."#5enry did \not\ die.D 6lood #"lls him "n idiot "nd " li"r. !here were
silent 3ightm"res #reeping "round the Coroner& who s"id oh& donFt mind them& Cust " spot
o$ do l"ter.
The Matrix Online Archives
%e)uired 1vents
Eion: Gbe$ore ."#h eventI .orph sim is "ttr"#ted by news o$ the new d"t"& "nd "##epts
#opies $rom oper"tives& i$ they w"nt to give them to him& but still will not de$initely promise to
ignore the ."#hines
."#h: G"$ter Eion eventI Cypherites& Cryptos& "nd the .orph simB .orph sim eventu"lly
"grees to listen when Cryptos o$$ers to tell him why .orpheus w"s so obsessed with
obt"ining the OneFs rem"ins++they go o$$ $or " little priv"te #h"t Xnote th"t pl"yers "re \not\
going to be told wh"t they t"l: "bout..."nd "#tu"lly - still h"ve to $igure th"t out "t some point&
but it #"n w"it $or " l"ter sub#h"pterY
.erv: ."ry ."#5enry Ddis"ppe"ringD story is investig"ted& the ?ener"lFs *entinels help
lo#"te her pod Gpod ] '0/00:02/:02;>:088I\& "nd with the "id o$ some "ddition"l d"t"
#"ptured $rom the ."#hines& it is $ound th"t ."ry w"s removed++but not "s in D$lushedD++$rom
her pod by the ."#hines themselves
\ X'od number $orm"t is this: DX#luster /+/000Y:Xtower /+/0bm#/+40Y:Xring /+400bm#/+/000Y:
Xspo:e /+/00Y&D where the se#ond Dm#D r"nges "re $or the l"rge Dmeg" #lusterD tower
#olle#tions& li:e the one $ound net to the 6ields ne"r ."#hine #ityB - donFt w"nt this epl"ined
to pl"yers Gnote th"t this note is in s)u"re br"#:ets :pI& Cust thought it might be h"ndy i$ "ny o$
you de#ide you w"nt to in#orpor"te pod numbers into some storyY
Crit 8.4.8
Eion: 3iobe "nd ?host bid $"rewell be$ore C"#:ing out to h"ve their C"#:s re#on$igured. 3iobe
s"ys th"t the people still in the ."tri will h"ve to pi#: up the sl"#: $or "ll the old oper"tives
who h"ve to le"ve $or " while& but she :nows the pl"yer #"n do itB ?host h"s " $ew #on$using
words o$ wisdom me"nt "s en#our"gement. !he pl"yer reports to Colt& whoFs with " de"d
oper"tive whose sign"l w"s lo#:ed. 5e sends the pl"yer to go res#ue some people with
#ompromised sign"turesB he "lso mentions th"t his own w"s re#on$igured when %ol"nd got
his new ship& "nd it w"s p"in$ul. A Eionite with him epl"ins th"t be#"use o$ "ll the se#urity
me"sures Eion needs running& the pro#ess re)uires " physi#"l oper"tion on the personFs
C"#:s& h"rdw"re "nd $irmw"re upd"tes on the hover#r"$t& "nd upd"tes to multiple high+se#urity
d"t"b"ses& "ll o$ whi#h #"n t":e wee:sB itFs usu"lly only done in the r"re #"ses where "
hover#r"$t is #ompromised. At the $irst stop& the pl"yer gets " #ouple vets to " h"rdline without
in#ident& "lthough they #ompl"in " little. !ynd"ll epl"ins th"t with someone whose sign"l m"y
be lo#:ed& " h"rdline is the only "lmost+s"$e w"y to C"#: them out. At the se#ond stop& the
presen#e o$ the pl"yer Dblows the #overD o$ the veter"n oper"tive& ."#hines pop in& "nd itFs "
$ight to get them to the h"rdline. !ynd"ll mentions th"t the d"t" the ."#hines h"ve will "lso
"llow them into some Eion "re"s within the ."tri.
."#h: !he pl"yer meets up with the .orph sim& Agents& "nd other ."#hine progr"ms& "nd
the sim su##ess$ully bre":s the en#ryption on the #"ptured "r#hive. !he sim ponders this
su##ess " bit: D*o - "m the mind o$ " m"dm"n.D ,ith "n es#ort& the pl"yer t":es the
The Matrix Online Archives
de#rypted d"t" to Cryptos& where ?r"y "nd some Agents "re st"nding by& " little on edge.
?r"y s"ys th"t Cryptos isnFt stupid enough to try to pull " $"st one with the d"t". Cryptos
removes the Cypherite entries "nd h"nds the d"t" over& "long with some musing on the
sl"ughter "bout to un$old. ?r"y immedi"tely sends the pl"yer "$ter sign"ture+#ompromised
Eionites& be$ore they #"n ev"#. !he oper"tor epl"ins th"t the ."#hines #"n lo#: the sign"ls
whose sign"tures they :now& "nd i$ the %*- is :illed while its sign"l is lo#:ed& the 1J' doesnFt
wor:& "nd the vi#tim is perm"+de"d. !wo Eionites "re $ound hovering over " de"d Cypherite&
"nd )ui#:ly :illed. !he net t"rget is on " ship with n00bs whose sign"tures werenFt on $ile.
3evertheless& "ny rem"ining Eionites in the "re" drop de"d when the lo#:ed Eionite is :illed&
"nd ?r"y epl"ins th"t they were "ble to tr"#e the lo#:ed sign"l b"#: to the #rewFs hover#r"$t&
"nd *entinels g"n:ed it. ?r"yFs spee#h p"ttern $or the perm"+:ills is D!ermin"tion o$ t"rget
Xt"rget n"meY #on$irmed.D
.erv: ,h"t did the ."#hines do with ."#5enryH !he pl"yer is sent to hunt up ."#hine d"t"
on the #"ret":er progr"m th"t would h"ve been in #h"rge o$ herB m"#hines "re #r"#:ed& "nd
it is $ound to be '*%+000#820/+7.!4% XD'*%D _ D'od *ub+%outineDY. -$ the !r"inm"n were
there& they #ould try spiriting 7.!4% "w"y $rom the ."#hines into the ."tri& but !r"inm"n is
A,OL Gpossibly de"d& "##ording to ."lph"sI& so inste"d they h"ve to settle $or " sS"n#e in
whi#h 1$$y summons 7.!4% to spe": through the mouth o$ " blood+drin:er. 9lood+
drin:er/7.!4% bluntly "nd roboti#"lly G#"pit"lizes the $irst letter o$ every word& "nd line+
bre":s e"#h senten#eI tells the "ssembled 1$$y& .erv& 'ersephone& ."lph"s& "nd the pl"yer
to get stu$$ed. 'ersephone is dis#om$ited by the "pp"rition& s"ying something "bout "t le"st
tou#hing re"l people b"#: then& where"s now she h"s Cust this illusionB the .erv m":es "
suggestive #r"#: to her "bout Dthose mothering progr"msD being so de$ensive. !he .erv
suggests " new str"t"gem: ste"ling the re#ords on 7.!4%Fs "#tivity "t the pod $rom the
."#hines. A #omputer in the ."#hine "re" is s#"nning " Dsign"ture d"t"b"seD "nd h"s 84>2
Dsign"l m"t#hesD so $"r. 7.!4%Fs log shows multiple D'5* C37D Gphysi#"l #onditioningI "nd
D7C '%'D Gdis#onne#tion prep"r"tionI sessions with ."ry be$ore D7*3C!D Gdis#onne#tI.
6em"le 3ight ,"t#hmen poun#e on the pl"yer "$ter they obt"in the log. XAlso& Agent '"#e is
in the "re"& but two rooms "w"y behind " lo#:ed door& with Agents "round her++her presen#e
is not pointed out& but some pl"yer m"y noti#e her i$ they get the right #on$igur"tion o$
#onne#ting rooms with interior windows.Y 'ersephone tr"nsl"tes the log& s"ying th"t it shows
the ."#hines wor:ed ."ry very h"rd to build up her mus#les be$ore she w"s removed& but
whyH !"l:ed to " se#ond time& 'ersephone seems to remember something Dth"t h"ppened
long "go&D but she doesnFt epl"in $urther. ."lph"s s"ys th"t they :now o$ no use the
."#hines h"ve $or physi#"lly "#tive hum"ns& but the e$$ort they put into ."ry suggests they
werenFt simply going to :ill her& even th"t they m"y h"ve w"nted to use her "s some :ind o$
oper"tive in the outside world. 6lood thin:s th"tFs " ridi#ulous notion.
%e)uired 1vents
Eion: with ColtB hold o$$ Agents in ,hite 5"llw"ys while te"m gets d"t" out o$ org "re"
."#h: !":ing "dv"nt"ge o$ the d"t": r"mp"ge through Eion org "re"s& or tr"#: down "nd
termin"te some veter"n oper"tives& or something $un li:e th"t
The Matrix Online Archives
Gon#e theyFve #ompleted #rit 8.4.8& $or the rest o$ this sub#h"pter& ."#hinists w/ /00[
."#hine rep will h"ve "n "ddition"l one+time mission: Eion org "re"& no :ey re)uiredI
.erv: 5yp"ti" must be removed $rom ."#hine surveill"n#e Gst"rted l"st sub#h"pterI so th"t
she #"n be #onsulted priv"tely Gin net #ritI
Crit 8.4.;
Eion: !ynd"ll sends the pl"yer to res#ue veter"n *trenlo
G http://$";4 I. 5e s"ys something th"t sounds
li:e heFs #lose to tr"#:ing down " b"#:up o$ import"nt in$orm"tion otherwise lost with the
m"in$r"me& but then Agents "ppe"r "round him& "nd he is :illed GAgent: D!"rget *trenlo sign"l
lo#: #on$irmed. !ermin"ting #lient.DI. !he oper"tor hopes th"t m"ybe they didnFt "#tu"lly h"ve
" lo#:. !ynd"ll is h"ving trouble getting " response $rom *trenloFs hover#r"$t. *he sends the
pl"yer to Colt& who s"ys heFs trying to lo#"te Joshu" ."ston
G http://$">/ I++now " loner r"ther th"n " Eionite&
but "n old vet nonetheless& "nd someone they $eel should be w"rned& espe#i"lly be#"use itFs
suspe#ted heFs still using his old Eion h"rdw"re "nd %*- sign"ture. !ynd"ll des#ribes how
."ston w"s l"st $ound by 1'3& printing old .orpheus le"$lets. *e"r#hing one o$ these old
h"unts& the pl"yer #omes "#ross the (id "nd some 1'3B theyFre loo:ing $or ."ston too. ,ith
1'3 "ssist"nts in tow& the pl"yer #he#:s "nother "re"& where !ynd"ll "nd the oper"tor report
high ."#hine s#"n "#tivity++the ."#hines might be h"ving trouble lo#:ing ."stonFs sign"l& but
it wonFt t":e long with th"t mu#h s#"nning brought to be"r. ."ston is there& "nd some
."#hines. ."ston s"ys heFll ev"#& be#"use he doesnFt w"nt to die uselesslyB heFs gr"te$ul $or
EionFs o$$er to re#on$igure his sign"ture& but w"rns th"t "s soon "s itFs done& heFll le"ve to
#ontinue his wor:. .ore ."#hines sp"wn in& even " level /00 Agent& but ."ston is led to "
h"rdline "nd gets out Gthe ."#hines wonFt "#tu"lly "tt"#: ."ston++be#"use heFs $ied "t high
level& - #ouldnFt let him be "tt"#:"ble& else heFd be eploited "s " t"n: by lowbiesI. !ynd"ll
s"ys she got through to *trenloFs oper"tor& "nd w"s told *trenlo is de"d.
."#h: ?r"y sends the pl"yer "$ter veter"n Eionites rem"ining in the ."tri "g"inst "ll logi# o$
sel$+preserv"tion. !he $irst t"rget is " re#ruiter& "nd ?r"y suggests th"t perh"ps the dire str"its
in whi#h re#ent ."#hine "dv"n#es h"ve pl"#ed EionFs re#ruiting progr"m "re responsible $or
this Eionite st"ying on the Cob. !wo horri$ied bluepill potenti"ls "re there "long with the t"rget
G"nd two other EionitesI. !here "re hostile Eionites "t the net lo#"tion& but this se#ond
t"rgetFs sign"l is lost++the oper"tor thin:s they m"y h"ve got to " h"rdline. A h"#:"ble
#omputer here h"s " mess"ge $rom %ol"nd to Colt& telling him to get the vets out A*A'& "nd
to tell them to st"y out until their %*- sign"tures "re re#on$igured. ?r"y s"ys th"t it will
prob"bly t":e sever"l wee:s $or the surviving veter"ns to get re#on$igured& during whi#h time
EionFs e$$orts in the ."tri will be "t " ne"r st"ndstill& espe#i"lly with 3iobe "nd ?host o$$line.
!he net t"rget is $ound with some buddies& desper"tely trying to rewire " %edpill 1tr"#tion
'oint into " m":eshi$t h"rdlines)ue C"#:+out point& so th"t they donFt h"ve to try to use "
h"rdline th"t the ."#hines might :now "bout. A h"#:"ble #omputer here h"s " mess"ge $rom
the t"rget who es#"ped in the previous ph"se& s"ying theyFd he"rd *trenlo h"d been :illed&
The Matrix Online Archives
"nd "dvising the re#ipient to get out. At the net lo#"tion& "s the pl"yer ne"rs the t"rget& ?r"y
orders them to st"nd down. O$ #ourse you #"nFt re"lly do this in the middle o$ " mission
ph"se& so the pl"yer will h"ve to go inside& where they "re "g"in ordered to st"nd down. !hey
will "#tu"lly $"il the mission i$ they :ill the e+t"rget. ?r"y #urtly th"n:s the pl"yer&
#ongr"tul"ting them on their eempl"ry "bility to obey orders.
.erv: 'ersephone re#ounts her re#olle#tion o$ " time during her wor: $or the ."#hines "t the
pods where " hum"n w"s removed& very simil"r to ."#5enryFs #"seB the log $iles were "lmost
identi#"l& whi#h is wh"t reminded her. 5yp"ti" s"ys th"t the Ar#hivists m"y h"ve re#ords o$
the in#ident& sin#e theyFve re#overed "nd #olle#ted m"ny re#ords $rom previous versions o$
the ."triB norm"lly theyFd #h"rge " he$ty $ee& but 5yp"ti" will give her permission $or Dthe
rev.2 d"t"D X."tri version 2& the one 'ersephone "nd the .erv #ome $romY to be given in this
#"se& "nd th"t now she "nd the .erv "re even. !he Ar#hivists& who "ll loo: e"#tly li:e those
green+C"#:eted guys in the boo:stores G ie
http://them"""/048.Cpg "t
http://$" I& only without the boo:s stu#: to
their h"nds& "re " little weird& "nd #"nFt $ind the Drev.2D d"t"& but their inde shows "nother
simil"r log entry in rev./& Dthe $irst iter"tion o$ the ."tri.D !hey donFt h"ve the d"t"& but :now
where it is& "nd "gree to tell& i$ the d"t" is eventu"lly returned to them $or "r#hiving. 6lood
doesnFt sound "t "ll sin#ere "bout returning it& but "greement "t "ny r"te is m"de G"lthough "
dissenting Ar#hivist "ppe"rs& #"lling the .erv " Ddestroyer o$ historyDI& "nd o$$ the pl"yer goes
to ste"l the d"t" $rom the ."#hines "t the lo#"tion indi#"ted by the Ar#hivists Gwho "lso donFt
w"nt to be given D#reditD $or the lo#"tion in$orm"tion Xsin#e theyFre sort o$ on good terms with
the ."#hinesYI. 6lood s"ys i$ this wor:s out& he m"y h"ve to re+ev"lu"te his GlowI opinion o$
Dthose moth+r"isersD Gthe Ar#hivistsI. A ."#hine in the "re" is m":ing " gee:y Courn"l entry
"bout his theories on how the ."triFs dust+"##umul"tion "lgorithm #ould be improved. !he
rev./ d"t" is $ound on " ."#hine& who is trying to smuggle it out be$ore the pl"yers $ind him.
!oo l"te $or him. ."lph"s s"ys th"t the re#overed d"t" des#ribes /8 individu"ls run through
the dis#onne#tion pro#ess "t the s"me time in the $irst ."tri iter"tion. *uddenly the
?ener"lFs hologr"m "ppe"rs& looping " mess"ge: D- repe"t: - "m withdr"wing "ll units $rom the
vi#inity o$ the ."#hine #ity. A l"rge number o$ enemy units h"s Xooh& should re"lly be Dh"veDB
-Fll h"$t" $i th"t $or the "r#hived version o$ the mission :pY l"un#hed $rom the empl"#ements
surrounding the #ity to t":e up wh"t m"y be either de$ensive or re#onn"iss"n#e positions.
*imult"neous with this development& my perimeter s#outs beg"n reporting unusu"l p"trol
"#tivity& in#luding wh"t m"y be " #onvoy or es#ort $orm"tion "ppro"#hing the #ity.D 1nd o$
mission. 6lood s"ys not to bother him Cust now.
."#hine .orph sim "bilities:
+ the green z"p "round .orpheus
+ 3eoFs %*-
The Matrix Online Archives
.orph sim event di"log:
Vs the ?ener"l G>.4.2I: http://$">8
,ith ."#hines "nd ?r"y G>.4.4I: http://$"
.orph on .orph G>.4.;I: http://$";/0
.erv $inds re#ord o$ hum"n in #ity very re#ently
'ersephoneFs obsession...H
'ersephone misses the inter$"#e with the %e"l th"t she h"d in her old Cob "t the pods&
"lthough wh"t she would re"lly li:e& now th"t she $eels li:e she h"s used up the ple"sures o$
the ."tri& would be to be $ully "live hersel$ in " hum"n body. !hus she will be very interested
by "ny hints o$ this :ind o$ possibility& su#h "s the !rinity progr"m.
Con$iguring Colt:
suspi#ious #yni#
rsimhe"d0/0 G.5e"dT9I
m#lothingTshirtT"8T#> GD?reen *leeveless !+shirtDI
m#lothingTp"ntsT"/8T#/ GD7erin C"nv"s '"ntsDI
m#lothingTshoesT"2T#/ GD*:"ver *hort 9ootsDI
m#lothingTglovesT";T#/ GD*teen !hre"ders ?lovesDI
m#lothingTgl"ssesT"/0T#/ GD,hite 1meren" *ungl"ssesDI
88/9 Gthe bugged 5"rli#: 8=8s th"t loo: li:e the big semi+"utosI
829/0 G1lmoreFs Autom"ti# + big semi+"utoI

ColtFs s#enes in the movies "nd 1t.:
1nter the ."tri G/ s#eneI
+ "bout 2/4rds o$ the w"y through
The Matrix Online Archives
!he ."tri %elo"ded G/ s#eneI
+ $in"l s#ene o$ the movie
!he ."tri %evolutions G4 s#enesI
+ ne"r the beginning
+ "bout //4rd o$ the w"y through& right be$ore .orpheus "nd 3iobe meet "t the Logos #r"sh
site + #h"pter 9
+ "bout h"l$w"y through& right "$ter theyFve dis#overed th"t ."ggie is de"d "nd 9"ne is
missing + #h"pter /4
Coroner Gshi$tyI di"log $rom .erv 8.2./:
!he de"th r"teH !he )uestion is simple& but the "nswer is not. City o$$i#i"ls would tell you itFs
0.>U++"bout h"l$ o$ th"t birth r"te $igure o$ yours...not $orgetting to $"#tor in the 0.=U in$"nt
mort"lity r"te& o$ #ourse.
9ut we :now something else& donFt weH !his simul"tion is me"nt to be st"ble++" #losed
system. 7e"ths must e)u"l births& or it "ll goes to hell. 9ut th"t isnFt the pi#ture they w"nt to
show the plebs. 7o you seeH 5"h.
-Fll tell you this& though: - trust their birth numbers more th"n their de"th numbers. .u#h e"sier
to hide " de"th th"n $":e " birth...believe me.
6oreign tr"vel& detention $"#ilities& retirement homes& the suburbs... !here "re so m"ny w"ys
to m":e the undesir"ble simply...dis"ppe"r.
X*)u"re br"#:ets below surround in$orm"tion th"t will not reve"led to pl"yers dire#tly& possibly
not "t "ll& during this sub#h"pter.Y
9./ Cinem"ti#
A mysterious $igure who will be :nown in this sub#h"pter only "s the D-ntruderD "ppe"rs "t the
top o$ As#ension .onument. 5is l"rge m"le hum"noid body #onsists o$ glowing white
wire$r"me& with white #ode bits spir"ling upw"rd $rom his torso "nd limbs. 5e w"l:s he"vily
The Matrix Online Archives
down the monument p"th to the street below& where terri$ied pedestri"ns s#re"m "nd run.
Agents rez in& surrounding him. !he -ntruder r"ises his h"nd& there is " bright white
$l"sh/ripple/eplosion& "nd the Agents $"ll to the ground. !he -ntruder st"l:s o$$ into the
!he -ntruder "nd others
,hen the -ntruder "ppe"rs in missions "nd events& he will be level /00 Gwhi#h Cust h"ppens to
be the highest level pl"yer #h"r"#ter - #"n m":e $or mysel$I. 7ue to the w"y the #h"r"#ter is
presented in the #inem"ti#& - suspe#t pl"yers will suspe#t this is "nother <nlimit style "$$"ir. -t
isnFt re"lly& "side $rom the #h"r"#ters h"ving new "nd mighty powers Gwhi#h in this
sub#h"pter he will use rel"tively sp"ringly& sort"I& so eh hope$ully -Fll be "ble to show th"t in
missions "nd events. XAnd yes& more o$ these wire$r"med weirdos will show up& but not in this
sub#h"pter. !hey will not be innumer"ble hordes li:e < $"#t there "re less th"n /00
o$ them in eisten#e. -$ we do it right& e"#h one who pops into the ."tri will be " distin#t
person"lity with their own "gend". !h"tFs getting $"r "he"d& however.Y
1'3 h"s wh"t - hope is " de#ent #hun: o$ story $or on#e: they will be moving into Old Eion& to
$i it up "s " $orw"rd b"se $or possible stri:es "g"inst ."#hine City++or - suppose wh"tever
other use$ul things you #ould do $rom th"t position. Outside the sh"ttered m"in do#: g"te they
will $ind the rem"ins o$ %ol"ndFs oper"tor& A(& in the wre#:"ge o$ the .Colnir --. X!hey will $ind
something r"ther more interesting& too& but not until the net sub#h"pter.Y
!he Cypherites will le"rn "bout 1'3 moving in& "nd wonFt li:e it. !hey m"y w"nt to do
something "bout it. !hey "lso wonFt li:e the w"y the ."#hines "re :ind o$ pl"ying h"nds+o$$
with the -ntruder G- suspe#t ."#hinists wonFt li:e it mu#h& either& despite wh"t the Agents m"y
tell themI.
-t should be gener"lly understood th"t by the st"rt o$ 9./& most o$ EionFs #ompromised
veter"ns who survived "nd es#"ped b"#: to Eion h"ve h"d their %*- sign"tures upd"ted& so
th"t they "re no longer subCe#t to sign"l lo#: "nd termin"tion by the ."#hines.
Crit 9././
Eion: ?host brie$s the pl"yer on the weird "ppe"r"n#e in ,estview& "nd the ."#hines pulling
their $or#es b"#: in the ."tri "nd the %e"l& be$ore sending them o$$ to try to tr"#: down the
mysterious intruder. 6ollowing t"pped emergen#y #"lls& the pl"yer en#ounters " $rightened
bluepill t"l:ing "bout running into " huge guy Dm"de out o$ lines& li:e something out o$ "
#omputer&D "nd then bl"#:ing out. 6urther pursuit turns up " ."#hine se#urity te"m GDs"nitize
the "re"DI& "nd $in"lly " de"d DA##eler"ted 1ileD 3'C& who yields some str"nge d"t" th"t the
pl"yer uplo"ds. !he oper"tor wonders brie$ly i$ the de"d 1ile w"s the being who "ppe"red "t
The Matrix Online Archives
the monument.
."#h: ?r"y "s:s the pl"yer to $ind some Agents who h"ve stopped responding. !he Agents
"re $ound& de"d& "nd ?r"y grudgingly "dmits th"t he needs to involve the pl"yer in the
investig"tion o$ D" #ert"in odd o##urren#e.D !he pl"yer #he#:s in with " bluepill who m"de "n
emergen#y #"ll. !he bluepill s"ys they "lre"dy t"l:ed to some dete#tives. ,hoops& EionFs
been thereR ?r"y #he#:s& $inds " line t"p& "nd h"s the pl"yer t":e out some pes:y
e"vesdropping Eionites. !he bluepill they were )uestioning is :ind o$ $re":ed out by "ll this&
but m"n"ges to s"y something "bout " big neon robot type o$ thing with white sp"r:s& th"t
s#"red him "nd m"de him dizzy. ?r"y s"ys th"t yes& they "re tr"#:ing "n unusu"l individu"l
#onsistent with th"t des#ription& sort"& "nd th"t theyFre highly d"ngerous. !he pl"yer is sent to
#he#: out one more emergen#y #"ll& "nd $inds " de"d DA##eler"ted ."#hine.D ?r"y th"n:s
the oper"tive& "nd tells them th"t will be "ll $or nowB oh& "nd by the w"y& rel"ted to this weird
intruder& weFve pulled b"#: some $or#es to prote#t D#ore routines.D 9ye.
.erv: ."lph"s brie$s the pl"yer on " weird wire guy :illing some Agents "t As#ension
.onument& "nd how the ."#hines "re "ll wor:ed up "bout it. !he .erv hunt $or the intruder
begins& "nd the pl"yer is sent to #he#: up on hunting blood+drin:ers who seem to h"ve run
into " hit#h o$ some sort. !heyFre de"d& with live ."#hines on the premises. !his irrit"tes
6lood& be#"use heFs running short o$ responding hunt progr"ms& "nd h"s to put the pl"yer
themselves in the hunt. !hey #ome "#ross Eionites& "nd " de"d A##eler"ted 1ile. !he
oper"tor s"ys Dits #y#le speed is o$$&D "nd DthereFs some :ind o$ #ode residue $ouling up the
re"dings.D 6lood s"ys th"t sounds ridi#ulous& "nd th"t itFs time to #"ll in " d"t" epert:
Cerule"n. *he s"ys the #ode re"dings "re o$ "n un$"mili"r typeB sheFll investig"te& but she
w"nts double her usu"l p"yment. 6lood is "gh"st.
%e)uired 1vents:
Eion: !r"#:ing the #ode sign"ture& Eion $inds " str"nge p"#:et o$ d"t" bits. !hey thin: they
#"n use this d"t" to help underst"nd the -ntruderFs #ode. GA$terw"rds -Fll return the generi#
7"t" item to the person who $ound it "s " D7e#eler"tor 9it.D !his is " single+use item th"t hits
"ll enemies within 40 meters with " vir"l "tt"#: th"t #"uses " 2;U speed debu$$& "nd +4U to
"ll "##ur"#ies "nd de$enses& $or =0 se#onds.I
."#h: ."#hines #"t#h up to the -ntruder& but "re #ounter+"tt"#:ed by their own overridden
DA##eler"ted ."#hineD progr"ms.
.erv: Cerule"n "nd oper"tives tr"#: the -ntruder& "nd $ind th"t his w"nderings "round
,estview :eep looping p"st the 5e"rt oF the City 5otel.
Crit 9./.2
The Matrix Online Archives
Eion: !he pl"yer pi#:s up " s"mple o$ the d"t" "#)uired so $"r $rom the intruder. Eion
te#hni#i"ns h"venFt been "ble to m":e "ny progress in underst"nding it. -n th"t l"b& " Eionite
gu"rd mentions th"t " buddy told him th"t the ."#hines h"ve pulled out o$ GoldI Eion. !ynd"ll
sends the pl"yer to get the Auditor& $irst by dis"bling the ."#hine st"tion m"int"ining
surveill"n#e on the 1ile& then by t":ing out the gu"rds where heFs being held. !he Auditor
e"mines the d"t" s"mple& but returns it hurriedly& s"ying th"t the #ode doesnFt belong in the
."tri& "nd Dthis w"s not supposed to h"ppen.D
."#h: ?r"y s"ys th"t the intruder shouldnFt be in the ."tri& "nd th"t their presen#e is
#"using #ode $"ilures: he needs to be removed& or "t le"st restr"ined "nd isol"ted. ?oing
"$ter him with progr"ms h"snFt wor:ed out so well& so now theyFre going to try " #ombo o$
oper"tives "nd progr"ms. !he pl"yer t":es up the hunt $or him "nd runs into lupines& who "re
evidently loo:ing $or him "lso. *ent to #he#: on one Gprogr"mI se"r#h te"m th"tFs stopped
responding& the pl"yer $inds them de"d& "long with " $rightened bluepill who des#ribes " w"ve
o$ white light th"t w"shed over the room "nd dropped the ."#hines in their tr"#:s. Armed
with redpill rein$or#ements $rom '"#e& the pl"yer resumes the hunt& this time #oming "#ross
hostile DA##eler"ted 1ileD progr"ms.
.erv: -tFs been de#ided th"t itFs time to m":e the intruderFs "#)u"int"n#e& "nd show him th"t
the .ervs "re the ones $or him. !he pl"yer is sent in to t"l: to him& "nd he seems to be in "n
"##ommod"ting mood GDA tour o$ the #ity& you s"yH ... ,hy notH -mpress me.DI 6irst stop is
Cerule"n& who tells him th"t she tr"#:ed him down& "nd th"t nobody be"ts her "nd the .erv
"t $inding d"t" Gshe m":es it #le"r to the oper"tive th"t sheFs Cust s"ying this "bout being
super #hummy with the .erv F#"use 6loodFs p"ying her to s"y itI. !he intruder $inds her
ghostly $orm interesting GD- didnFt epe#t to $ind this sort o$ mut"tionDI. 3et stop is ."lph"s
"nd Oo:"miB Oo:"mi is not "t "ll h"ppy to be there& "nd ."lph"s t"l:s the intruderFs e"r o$$
"bout the .ervFs superior intelligen#e networ:. !he intruder is somewh"t intrigued by the p"ir
GD"musing th"t some o$ these h"ve survivedB - see the ."#hines "renFt ne"rly "s in+#ontrol "s
they would li:e to "ppe"rDI. L"st #omes 5yp"ti"& who #ont"#ted 6lood w"nting to meet the
intruder. *heFs des#ribing the bene$its o$ the Ar#hivist *o#iety to the intruder& who s"ys th"t
m"ybe the .erv does :now more th"n heFd thought& but he isnFt interested in D"n#ient historyD
right now. 6lood is m"d th"t 5yp"ti" turned the intruder o$$ by tooting her own horn.
%e)uired 1vents:
Eion: 5m... ."ybe #"pturing some A##eler"ted 1iles/."#hines Gor their bodies& "nyw"y BpI
to get some $in"l #ode re"dings. Level ;;[ three+#hevron A##eler"ted 3'Cs h"ve " #h"n#e
o$ dropping DA##eler"tor 9itsD Gsingle+use 40 meter AO1 items th"t give " [;0U speed bu$$&
"nd [4U to "ll "##ur"#ies "nd de$enses GA##eler"ted 3'Cs h"ve those bu$$s "ll the time& by
the w"yI& "nd immunity to 7e#eler"te to "ll $riendlies in r"nge "t time o$ use& $or ten minutesI&
so m"ybe we #"n bring some o$ them in.
."#h: ."#hines send oper"tives to t"#:le the -ntruder. 5e sp"wns " 7e#eler"tor progr"m
th"t pulses the 7e#eler"te debu$$ e$$e#t on everyone in the "re"& while he be"ts to " pulp
"nyone who "#tu"lly re"#hes him G- thin: -Fll h"ve him use pl"in olF level /00 *el$ 7e$ense&
The Matrix Online Archives
"nd " he"lth regen high enough th"t he #"nFt be worn downI. ."#hines eventu"lly try sending
in high+level Agent progr"ms& but these "re termin"ted by !ermin"te sho#:w"ves $rom the
-ntruder& who then stomps o$$. !his D!ermin"teD "tt"#: "$$e#ts only progr"ms G"nd m"ybe
Dhum"nD 3'Cs un$ortun"te enough to be in r"nge& but never mind th"t det"il :pI.
.erv: Oper"tives r"p with the -ntruder "nd tell him how #ool the .erv is.
Crit 9./.4
Eion: !ynd"ll s"ys th"t by e"mining the #ode s"mples theyFve #ome up with " h"#: they #"n
use to #ont"#t the intruder dire#tly& but th"t itFs $"irly low+level& "nd h"s to be run through "
l"nd+line. !he oper"tor wonders why it would h"ve to be run through " ."#hine system li:e
th"t. !he pl"yer borrows the phone o$ " bluepill #ouple& but the #"ll wonFt go through++
."#hine C"mming. %ol"nd #omes up with the s#heme o$ h"ving the pl"yer report #"ll in " $":e
en#ounter with the intruder& then b"#:+tr"#:ing the responding ."#hine units to $ind the
lo#"tion o$ their se#urity #enter& "nd hope$ully& the bro"d#"st #enter o$ the sign"l C"mming.
!his wor:s& the pl"yer t":es out the C"mming #enter& "nd then tries "nother #"ll to the
intruder++whi#h goes through. !he intruder doesnFt s"y mu#h over the phone& but wh"t he
seems to re#ognize the n"me DEion&D "nd to thin: th"t the org"niz"tion Dmight be "ble to tell
me ... wh"t - w"nt to :now.D
."#h: ?r"y s"ys th"t sin#e trying to stop the intruder dire#tly h"s met with $"ilure& theyFre
going to #on#entr"te on stopping Eion "nd 1'3 $rom getting in tou#h with him. !he oper"tor
is $rustr"ted by this "pp"rent in"bility to de"l with the intruder in their own simul"tion. !he
pl"yer t":es #"re o$ some nosy 1'3& " $ew o$ whom "re dis#ussing something th"t sounds
li:e it #ould be "bout s#outing out old Eion. !his done& ?r"y sends the pl"yer to #ont"#t '"#e
"t " C"mming st"tion. '"#e h"nds over some ."#hine rein$or#ements& "nd "lso drops " little
hint "bout negoti"tions th"t went on between the ."#hines "nd the intruder Dbe$ore he
entered the ."tri.D !he Ar#hite#t "nd the 3etwor: "re here "lso& st"nding in " room behind
two se"led doors Gneither '"#e nor ?r"y mention themI. ?r"y sends the pl"yer "$ter Eionites
whoFve been trying to #ont"#t the intruder vi" h"#:ed phone lines& then #"lls on them to
res#ue " C"mming st"tion $rom " Eionite "tt"#:. !his is "##omplished& but it w"s " ne"r thing&
"nd Veil w"s there& getting one o$ the l"st :ills. *he isnFt h"ppy "bout the ."#hines letting the
intruder stomp "round the #ity& s#"ring #itizens.
.erv: Con#erns "bout Eion trying to horn in on the intruder "#tion prompt the .erv to #"ll in
the ?ener"l $or " milit"ry demonstr"tion. !he 1$$e#tu"tor brings in $ive 1lite Comm"ndos& "nd
one nonplussed regul"r Comm"ndo GDNessssR 3o #"su"ltiesRDI. !he pl"yer goes "nd $inds the
intruder& who loo:s "round& then pops the 1lite Comm"ndos& who h"d been in the room
invisibly& out o$ ste"lth GD*omeoneFs been te"#hing old progr"ms new tri#:sDI. !he pl"yer
le"ds some o$ the 1lites o$$ to #r"#: Eionite s:ulls while the intruder "nd ."lph"s loo: onB the
Eionites were in the pro#ess o$ trying to h"#: " phone line to #ont"#t the intruder. !he intruder
is interested in the eisten#e o$ the ?ener"lFs rogue *entinel progr"ms in the %e"l.
The Matrix Online Archives
%e)uired 1vents:
Eion: 6ight p"st ."#hines/1iles/Comm"ndos/wh"tever to get to the -ntruder "nd get his
"ttention $or some :ind o$ meeting.
."#h: Oper"tives "re supposed to $orm " wide #ordon "round the -ntruder& "nd prevent
Eionites G"nd .ervs& - guessI $rom re"#hing him. !hey "re de$initely not supposed to mess
with him themselves. ."ybe some will "nd we #"n m":e "n e"mple o$ them in some sort o$
edu#"tion"l but non+s#"rring w"y.
.erv: *ome minor :ind o$ setb"#: showing the -ntruder is " pri#:ly $ellow... Li:e he tells o$$
the ?ener"l "nd termin"tes some o$ his #omm"ndos& or m"ybe some neighborhood #ont"#t
#"lled in to help woo him gets termin"ted G"nd the .erv #ompl"ins l"ter "bout the epense o$
restoring them $rom b"#:upI.
Crit 9./.8
Eion: -n prep"r"tion $or " meeting with the intruder& Colt "nd ?host brie$ the pl"yer on .erv
"nd ."#hine rel"tions with the str"nger: the .erv h"s been :issing up to him& but so $"r
h"snFt got mu#h out o$ him& "nd the ."#hines& "$ter trying to stop him dire#tly "nd getting
#rushed& h"ve swit#hed over to trying to prevent Eion $rom #ont"#ting him. A h"#:"ble
#omputer in the "re" h"s " mess"ge $rom D%D GX%ol"ndYI rel"ting to 1'3 in the old #ity X"nd
no sign o$ Lo#:Y. !he pl"yer #he#:s " report o$ ."#hines ne"r the meeting site& "nd $inds
A##eler"ted ."#hines& "nd "n A##eler"tor 3'C G#"n be "tt"#:ed& but itFs level /00 "nd highly
resist"nt G"nd doesnFt drop "nything gre"tII. 3o "#tu"l unmodi$ied ."#hines "round& so the
meeting pro#eeds. !he intruder is interested in how the ."#hines were using Eion& "nd how
Eion got out o$ their #ontrolB he s"ys he w"nts to he"r more. 3iobeFs gl"d heFs been #ordi"l&
but " little #on#erned th"t he h"snFt reve"led "nything "bout himsel$. One plus& she mentions&
is th"t heFs buying Eion time to re#over $rom re#ent losses by o##upying the "ttention o$ the
."#hines. ?host s"ys th"t "lthough heFs power$ul& thereFs something he seems to w"nt very
."#h: ?r"y sends the pl"yer "$ter some Eionites who "ppe"r to be involved in "rr"nging "
meeting between the intruder "nd the Eion le"dership G?r"y s"ys the ."#hines #"n tr"#: the
intruder Dto "n etentDI. !he oper"tor mutters th"t this seems to be " losing str"tegy& or "t
best Cust " del"ying t"#ti#. A h"#:ed #omputer h"s " mess"ge $rom D%D GX%ol"nd++it re$ers
very obli)uely& without mentioning "ny n"mes "t "ll& to 1'3 in old Eion& "nd the se"r#h $or
Eion survivors/d"t" G"nd Lo#:IYI. ,hen ?r"y sends the pl"yer "$ter still \more\ Eionites& the
oper"tor #ounterm"nds the order& "nd sends the pl"yer to get some "nswers $rom the
intruder himsel$. !hey $ind him surrounded by de"d ."#hine progr"ms. 5eFs not "t "ll
interested in giving out "ny in$orm"tion "bout his go"ls& "nd he s"ys the ."#hines wonFt&
either& i$ they :now wh"tFs good $or them. 5e "dds th"t he isnFt li:ely to tell Eion "nything.
?r"y "dmits th"t "t le"st some epl"n"tion "bout the intruder is overdueB this #omes $rom
'"#e& who s"ys th"t there isnFt " lot sheFs "llowed to imp"rt "bout him& sin#e he is
The Matrix Online Archives
Dinetri#"bly lin:ed with in$orm"tion th"t #"nnot be #ompromised without severe ris: to the
*ystemDB but she does s"y th"t his presen#e is #"using problems be#"use the ."tri w"snFt
designed to support his #ode& "nd th"t sin#e they #"nFt stop him $rom being there& they h"ve
to try to minimize his imp"#t on the simul"tion& "nd they must try to "void "ggr"v"ting him.
.erv: 6lood s"ys itFs time to give the intruder the $ull+#ourt press& "nd sends you to moder"te
over " st"ged meeting between the wire$r"med one "nd 'ersephone. !he intruder seems
"nnoyed by the #on$ront"tion with her& "nd& "$ter #ho:ing something b"#:& tells her th"t he
Doutgrew the #h"rms o$ be"uty long "go.D *he s"ys th"t he does not :now himsel$& "nd th"t
Dthere is nothing o$ " young m"nFs blood in this oneFs body or mind.D A$ter "n interruption by
."#hines& "nd " puzzling bit o$ shouting by 6lood to someone on the phone "bout moving
some #":es& the pl"yer presides over " meeting between the intruder "nd the Che$& where&
while the intruder "dmits th"t his body #"n t"ste $ood& he doesnFt re"lly seem interested in
e"ting& "lthough he m":es " reve"ling #omment "bout the ."#hines GD-tFs "lmost "musing
th"t they s"ved "ll"ppings o$ " de"d #ulture++things they were never designed to
enCoy. !heyFd better not be losing their sense o$ perspe#tive.DI. 6in"lly& 6lood blows out "ll the
stops "nd sends in the Jeweler& Lotus& "nd the *#ulptress simult"neously. Although the
intruder s"ys th"t he doesnFt h"ve "ny use $or Ddigit"l substitutes&D he does seem to thin: th"t
the .erv m"y be use$ul "$ter "ll++but itFs #le"r th"t itFs on " DdonFt #"ll me& -Fll #"ll youD level& "s
$"r "s heFs #on#erned.
%e)uired 1vents:
Eion: Eionites r"p with the -ntruder "nd tell him how #ool Eion is. 5e pumps them $or "s mu#h
in$orm"tion "s he #"n get.
."#h: 5mm... - thin: something )uite " bit di$$erent& "s $"r "s ."#hine events go "nyw"y.
*ome sort o$ investig"tion o$ where the -ntruder might h"ve #ome $rom& despite ."#hine
GAgentI relu#t"n#e to s"y "nything on the subCe#t.
.erv: '"rty in the 5el Club. .erv h"d etensive pl"ns to enti#e the -ntruder there& but he
"#tu"lly shows up with h"rdly "ny prompting& "nd seems p"rti#ul"rly interested in the #lub
Crit 9./.;
Eion: !he intruder h"s been pumping Colt $or in$orm"tion& whi#h h"s !ynd"ll " little
#on#erned. !he pl"yer $inds them Cust "s Colt is trying to epl"in "bout .orpheusF
"ss"ssin"tion& "nd how the .orpheus simul"#rum "#ts di$$erently th"n .orpheus did be$ore
his de"th. !he intruder w"nts to see the simul"#rum. *him"d" #"lls: 1'3 is #on#erned "bout
the intruderB some people thought he might be the net One& but his beh"vior h"snFt shown
him to be worthy o$ trust& "nd sheFs worried "bout the .orpheus simul"#rum being eploited
The Matrix Online Archives
$or ill purposes "g"in. *he "lso mentions 1'3 moving into the old #ity& "nd $inding the
wre#:"ge o$ the .Colnir --& "nd A(Fs body. *he s"ys th"t the #ity is in " good position $or use
"s " D$orw"rd b"se&D "nd th"t "lthough itFs vulner"ble& 1'3 is mobile& "nd #"n get out )ui#:ly
i$ the ."#hines m":e " serious e$$ort to go in "nd get them. !ynd"ll e#hoes some o$
*him"d"Fs distrust o$ the intruder& "nd hopes th"t he #"n be dissu"ded $rom loo:ing $or the
sim. !he pl"yer tr"#:s him down in " dereli#t "re"& but the intruder is )uite $irm "bout his
purpose. A v"gr"nt in the "re" $eels ill "$ter h"ving #"ught " glimpse o$ the intruder.
.e"nwhile& Eion h"s $ound the sim. !he pl"yer goes in to w"rn him "bout the intruderFs
#uriosity& "nd to try to get him to s:ed"ddle. !he sim& however& seems to wel#ome the
prospe#t o$ "n opportunity to respond to the intruderFs )uestioning with more )uestions& i$ the
intruder does $ind him. !ynd"ll worries th"t the intruder& while he m"y be gre"t "t neutr"lizing
the ."#hines& is $ollowing " hidden "gend".
."#h: *ent to try to do some intruder imp"#t minimiz"tion& the pl"yer #omes "#ross de"d
."#hines& " stunned *,A! gu"rd GD-t w"snFt hum"n... 1mptied two #lip... ,hy didnFt it :ill me
li:e the othersHDI "nd " somewh"t more #oherent b"n: #ler:& who des#ribes bright $l"shes&
"nd sho#:w"ves th"t :no#:ed everyone down& :illing the other men there GAgentsI& "nd how
the intruder l"ughed "t him. ?r"y s"ys loss o$ progr"ms to the intruder is be#oming " serious
problem& "nd sends the pl"yer to #he#: out yet "nother Agent te"m th"tFs stopped
responding: the pl"yer $inds de"d Agents& hostile A##eler"ted ."#hines& "nd "n A##eler"tor.
One o$ the de"d Agents h"d " re#ording unit goingB his re#ording is re#overed "nd pl"yed
b"#:& reve"ling the $rustr"ted intruder muttering to himsel$ "bout something: D!hey must h"ve
"nother... A b"#:up++something theyFve :ept hidden... *omewhere in this sm"ll little world...D
!he oper"tor r"ises some )uestions: /I the intruder doesnFt loo: hum"n& but de$initely "#ts
hum"nB wh"t i$ he isH 2I whereFs he $romH 4I wh"tFs he loo:ing $orH ?r"y s"ys o:"y letFs t"l:
"bout this. -n " meeting with ?r"y "nd '"#e& ?r"y tells the pl"yer th"t the intruder is "
$reeborn hum"n& who h"s not been in the ."tri be$oreB heFs :ind" $"mili"r with hum"n
history& but not with the ."tri itsel$++"lthough now heFs prob"bly le"rning r"pidly. ?r"y s"ys
he #"nFt s"y "nything more "bout the intruderFs b"#:ground. '"#e s"ys th"t the #odes the
intruder uses "re dire#t overrides o$ *ystem routines& "nd th"t the ."#hines #"nFt re"lly do
"nything "bout them while the ."tri is running& sin#e it would re)uire tin:ering with Droot
$un#tions.D ?r"y "dds th"t the intruder is loo:ing $or in$orm"tion he thin:s the ."#hines h"ve
withheld& even though they told him they didnFt h"ve it.
.erv: 1#ited "bout $in"lly getting the #h"n#e to show the .erv how heFs t"med the intruder&
" distr"#ted 6lood sends the pl"yer to #he#: on the 1iles sent to summon the intruder:
theyFre A##eler"ted "nd hostile. 6lood is m"d& "nd doesnFt w"nt to he"r "ny b"#:+t"l: "bout "
possible ris: to the .erovingi"nB he s"ys heFs got the intruder under #ontrol. ."lph"s isnFt so
sure& "nd gives the pl"yer some oper"tive b"#:up. !he pl"yer "rrives "t the .erv/intruder
meeting& where the intruder tells the .erv: "I heFs surprised the ."#hines h"venFt wiped out
the .erv "nd EionB theyFre doing " b"d Cob o$ thingsB bI he thin:s the .erv seems "ll right&
"nd he might h"ve " Cob $or him l"terB #I he :nows the guy the ."#hines must h"ve #opied
the .ervFs $"#e $rom. !he .erv is horri$ied "t this revel"tion. C"t#hing up with the pl"yer
"$terw"rds& heFs very "ngry "bout the intruderFs "ttitude& "nd s"ys th"t heFll $ind out who this
m"n is& "nd wh"t heFs hiding++"nd th"t the se#ret :nowledge the intruder pro$esses to h"ve
would h"ve to h"ve #ome $rom somewhere outside the ."tri.
The Matrix Online Archives
X- will prob"bly be trying to go on bre": $rom ^ .ond"y 7e# /;th through .ond"y J"n /st&
whi#h me"ns there would be no o$$i#i"l Live 1vents during th"t two wee: period. .ZOFs
"nnu"l ,inter 5olid"y event should be going on during th"t time.Y
X*)u"re br"#:ets below surround in$orm"tion th"t will not reve"led to pl"yers dire#tly& possibly
not "t "ll& during this sub#h"pter.Y
9.2 Cinem"ti#
!he .orpheus simul"#rum st"nds "t the edge o$ " windswept s:ys#r"per roo$top. !he
intruder "ppe"rs net to the sim "nd inspe#ts it. !he Ar#hite#t "ppe"rs " sm"ll dist"n#e
behind them. !he intruder turns to him& "ngrily #"lling the simFs #onstru#tion Dp"theti#.D !he
Ar#hite#t #"lls the sim the wor: o$ D"n "m"teur&D telling the intruder th"t it isnFt "t "ll li:e the
intruder himsel$. !he intruderFs "nger in#re"ses& "nd he #urses& s"ying th"t i$ he thought th"t
w"s " Co:e& heFd h"ve the Ar#hite#t deleted. 5e then dem"nds Dit&D "nd implies th"t the
Ar#hite#t :nows wh"t heFs loo:ing $or. !he Ar#hite#t begins " smooth deni"l& but the intruder
snorts in disgust "nd le"ps "w"y be$ore he #"n $inish.
Crit 9.2./
Eion: !he intruder is m":ing his w"y into Eion b"ses& "ttempting to "##ess the networ:. !he
pl"yer h"s to do some rewiring to shut o$$ his "##ess. 5e t":es it in stride& pl"ying it o$$ with
somewh"t $lipp"nt #onvers"tion& but doesnFt give "ny indi#"tion th"t heFs going to stop doing
wh"tever he li:es. At one point& he mentions th"t heFs never been to either old or new Eion.
."#h: ,hile t":ing out some "##eler"ted progr"ms& the pl"yer runs into Veil& who voi#es
dis#ontent "bout the ."#hines not trying to stop the intruder dire#tly. ?r"y s"ys th"t theyFre
trying to dis#uss things with the intruder& but th"t he isnFt responding& "lthough they #"n tr"#:
high #on#entr"tions o$ his override #odes. A$ter some se"r#hing "nd $ighting& they su##eed in
m":ing their w"y to " l"rge override sign"l& but it isnFt the intruderB itFs " level /00
D7e#eler"torD progr"m.
.erv: !he .erv sends the pl"yer digging "mong ."#hine systems $or dirt they #"n use to
ensn"re the intruder& but "ll they #ome up with "t two sep"r"te lo#"tions is " simple
eng"gement proto#ol instru#ting ."#hines to "void the intruder. 3et they try getting
something Cui#y $rom the 3etwor:Fs medi" servers& but Cust #ome up with " long list o$
#ensored reports. 6in"lly& 6lood de#ides th"t '"#e is " we": lin:& "nd sends the pl"yer to
"pply to her "s i$ theyFre "n oper"tive loo:ing to Coin the ."#hines in order to #omb"t the
intruder. 6iling p"st eight gl"ring Agents& the pl"yer gets to '"#e& who s"ys sheFs "$r"id th"t
they donFt h"ve "ny openings $or someone with the pl"yerFs s:ill set++oh& "nd net time& they
should s"ve themselves the trouble o$ bre":ing into ."#hine #omputers. !he oper"tor s"ys
this w"s 6loodFs dumbest ide" ever.
The Matrix Online Archives
%e)uired 1vents:
Eion: intruder w"nts in$o on 3eo "nd !rinity "nd wh"t they did in the ."tri
."#h: intruder doesnFt w"nt to t"l:& "nd #re"tes lo"ds o$ 7e#eler"tor progr"ms& "nd "
%untime progr"m Gsp"wns A##eler"ted ."#hines on oper"tives in the "re"I
.erv: while s#hmoozing the intruder& ."#hines inter$ereB ?ener"l sent to "ssist in repelling
themB ?ener"l h"s to #ut tr"nsmission due to *entinels #losing in& intruder snidely "s:s why
doesnFt he Cust use some *ee:ers on them
Crit 9.2.2
Eion: !he intruder h"s been seen entering the "re" "round the Or"#leFs "p"rtment& "nd the
pl"yer is sent to :eep t"bs on him. A$ter h"ving to wor: p"st some "##eler"ted progr"ms&
they $ind him in " room #ont"ining some h"#:ed+together e)uipment. 5e s"ys th"t itFs the
room where 3eo w"s wo:en upB he s"ys th"t he isnFt surprised th"t the pl"yer didnFt :now
wh"t it w"s& sin#e the ."#hines h"d #h"nged it. 5e s"ys heFs there to t":e D#ode re"dings.D
Colt h"s "n upd"te: 1'3 is trying to get in tou#h. !he pl"yer is sent to t"l: to *him"d"& who
s"ys th"t they $ollowed " be"#on sign"l $rom " wre#:ed sur$"#e $"#ility "bove Eion& "nd $ound
Comm"nder Lo#:& we": "nd re#overing $rom inCuries& but #ons#ious. !heyFre moving him
down to old Eion.
."#h: ?r"y sends the pl"yer hunting $or the l"rge override progr"ms& s"ying th"t they need
oper"tive help with this& sin#e those progr"ms h"ve been #"using very high #"su"lty r"tes
"mong ."#hine progr"ms. !he pl"yer hunts up some 7e#eler"tors& "nd then ?r"y sends in
some Agents to help t":e them out. ,ith the 7e#eler"tors out o$ the w"y& the pl"yer is "ble to
re"#h the intruder& who is "ngry& but "grees to meet with the ."#hines& "dding th"t DtheyFd
better not try s#rewing me this time.D A$ter this su##ess& the pl"yer is sent to t":e out some o$
the #omm"ndo progr"ms the ?ener"lFs been using in his intruder+rel"ted oper"tions in the
simul"tion. -n the #ourse o$ this& the pl"yer m"y lo#"te " #omputer& in whi#h someone w"s
trying to "##ess ."#hine in$orm"tion on D*t"lingr"dD be$ore their "##ess w"s #ut.
.erv: !he ?ener"l thin:s the intruder must h"ve le"rned "bout the *ee:er missiles $rom the
."#hines. 5e gives the pl"yer some #omm"ndos "nd tells them to go $ind out wh"t the
."#hines "nd the intruder dis#ussed #on#erning the *ee:ers& "nd the b"ttle "t *t"lingr"d.
!he se"r#h o$ " ."#hine system is #ut o$$& "nd the pl"yer tries "g"in with sne":ier 1lite
Comm"ndos. !his time& they m"n"ge to gr"b " snippet o$ " report: D...prior to entering the
*ystem in the vi#inity o$ As#ension .onument& subCe#t #ited "lleged remote tr"#:ing o$
*ystem $or#es to stru#ture #ode+n"me F*t"lingr"dF "s the event pre#ipit"ting his visit.
5owever& it is prob"ble th"t the #oin#iden#e o$ this o##urren#e with the presen#e o$...D 6lood
#"nFt im"gine why the intruder would be interested in th"t #r"ter.
The Matrix Online Archives
%e)uired 1vents:
Eion: w/ the intruder& visit the building where !rinity w"s shot $"lling out the window "nd 3eo
brought her b"#: to li$e in the se#ond movie++$ind g"me building th"tFs "s #lose " m"t#h "s we
#"n get to building in movie
."#h: meeting w/ intruder& oper"tives& Agent '"#eB intruder initi"lly interested in '"#e& but
she re"lizes this& "#ts more typi#"l emotionless Agenty& he loses interestB he w"nts to meet w/
Ar#hite#t& '"#e "grees to m":e in)uiries
.erv: br"instorm session w/ .erv V ?ener"l& trying to $igure wh"t signi$i#"n#e *t"lingr"d
b"ttle #ould h"ve h"d $or intruderB de#ide prob"bly presen#e o$ *"ti in %e"l
Crit 9.2.4
Eion: A mess"ge #omes through $rom Lo#:& who s"ys th"t he must h"ve been :no#:ed out in
the eplosion in the #omm"nd #enter "t the beginning o$ the ."#hine/Cypherite "ss"ult on
Eion. 5e wo:e up in " wre#:ed sur$"#e l"b: ."user h"d brought him there& "nd nursed him
until *entinels #"me. ."user h"d " lightning gun& "nd tried to le"d them "w"y $rom Lo#:B he
su##eeded& but it #ost him his li$e. *uddenly the intruder "ppe"rs net to the pl"yer& "nd
w"nts to :now "bout the lightning gunB he seems surprised th"t Eionites h"d we"pons
#"p"ble o$ $ighting *entinels. Colt& whoFs been there "ll "long& s"ys th"t ."user would h"ve
been more th"n " m"t#h $or " single *entinel with his lightning gun& "nd th"t 3eo didnFt even
need " gunB he #ould Cust w"ve his h"nds to destroy *entinels. 5e"ring this& the intruder
suddenly be#omes outr"ged& s"ying D!hey ,1%1 lyingRD !ynd"ll reports " sudden outbre":
o$ "##eler"ted progr"ms "#ross the #ity. ,ith rein$or#ements $rom ?host& the pl"yer t":es out
some o$ the progr"ms& "lthough " debu$$ing D7e#eler"torD progr"m m":es this di$$i#ult. !he
pl"yer reports to 3iobe& who h"s Cust h"d to $ight o$$ some "##eler"ted progr"ms hersel$. *he
s"ys th"t the intruder h"s $lipped out& "nd they donFt :now why& but theyFve got to try to #"lm
him down.
."#h: A##eler"ted progr"ms "re #"using so mu#h h"vo# "mong ."#hine systems th"t they
even disrupt the usu"l Dget b"#:up $rom Agent '"#eD bit& "nd she $ights beside the pl"yer
"g"inst the "##eler"ted progr"ms who too: out the intended b"#:up. !he pl"yer h"s to go on
without b"#:up& "nd $inds " p"#: o$ de"d 1lite Comm"ndos& then "n A##eler"tor progr"m th"t
h"s overridden some 1lite Comm"ndos& bu$$ing them up so th"t theyFre more d"ngerous th"n
.erv: 6lood sends the pl"yer to sound the intruder out "bout the *"ti theory& but heFs
suddenly nowhere to be $ound& "nd there "re hostile "##eler"ted progr"ms everywhere. 6lood
de#ides to go "he"d "nd try to n"b *"ti GDi$ the ?ener"l #ould do it...DI& sending the pl"yer to "
."r" "p"rtment where she h"s supposedly gone to meet " pl"ym"teB inside the "p"rtment&
though& " bluepill #ouple s"y th"t the :ids Cust went out Gthey then thre"ten to #"ll the poli#eI.
The Matrix Online Archives
6lood s"ys not to worry& he Cust got " hot tip th"t *"tiFs in " building ne"rby. !he pl"yer goes
there "nd $inds not *"ti but *er"ph& who s"ys: D!":e this mess"ge to the 6ren#hm"n: she will
not be $ound while the Or"#le lives& nor be$ore you h"ve returned wh"t you too: $rom me.D
%e)uired 1vents:
Eion: $ind intruder "nd try to #hill him outB when "s:ed why heFs m"d& who DtheyD were& wh"t
the DlyingD w"s "bout& or wh"tever& he be#omes in#ensed "nd $ights the oper"tives
."#h: sw"rms o$ A##eler"tors& 7e#eler"tors& "nd %untimes "#ross the #ity
.erv: get to intruder& tell him "bout *"ti& he )uestions ?ener"l& suggests some w"y to "##ess
her progr"m d"t" $rom ?ener"lFs surviving logs or servers
Crit 9.2.8
Eion: A$ter $ighting o$$ more "##eler"ted progr"ms& the pl"yer $inds the intruder& who tells
them to st"y the hell out o$ his w"y. 5e "dds th"t heFs got D$ish to $ry&D "nd th"t he doesnFt li:e
being lied to. Colt #"lls the pl"yer in to t"l: to the (id& who h"s det"ils on the $"#ility where
they $ound Lo#:. *entinel #l"ws "nd l"sers h"d bre"#hed the stru#ture. -nside& they $ound
."userFs $ingerprints& "nd tr"#es o$ blood #on$irmed to m"t#h ."userFs& but they h"venFt
$ound his body. !hey didnFt $ind "ny de"d *entinels in the "re"& but there were lightning gun
s#or#h m"r:s everywhere. ,h"tever e)uipment h"d been in the l"b w"s #ompletely wre#:ed.
!ynd"ll h"s the pl"yer try #"pturing *entinel "#tivity logs th"t might #over their en#ounter with
."user& but "lthough theyFre "ble to ste"l su#h logs $rom " ."#hine $"#ility& the d"t" #ont"ins
no re#ord o$ *entinel "#tivity "t th"t sur$"#e l"b in the p"st sever"l months.
."#h: !he pl"yer is sent to investig"te why " group o$ Agents& held in reserve $or #ounter+
"tt"#:s "g"inst override thre"ts pi#:ed out by oper"tives& h"ve stopped responding. !he
pl"yer $inds "ll $ive o$ them de"d. !hen "nother p"#: o$ Agents turns up de"d& "nd ?r"y is
worried. 7"t" retrieved $rom one o$ them is "n"lyzed& "nd " progr"m devised to #ounter the
thre"t. 7uring this "n"lysis& s#ientists "llude to #ore routines being rewritten to prote#t them
$rom the intruderFs override #odes. !he pl"yer lo#"tes the problem& " D!ermin"torD progr"m&
"nd uses the #ounter progr"m to t":e it out.
.erv: !he ?ener"l sets up one o$ his own #omm"ndos to be #"ptured by the ."#hines& so
th"t they #"n tr"#: where the ."#hines t":e the progr"m& in the hope th"t the ."#hines will
store him "longside other d"t" previously #"ptured $rom the ?ener"l. !he pl"yer bre":s in
"nd runs " se"r#h& but doesnFt $ind "nything there "bout *"ti. !he ?ener"l thin:s the
."#hines h"ve prob"bly deleted the d"t" "s too sensitive& "nd $igures th"t the best #ourse
now is to go present the m"tter to the intruder& who seems to h"ve #"lmed down " bit sin#e
the previous wee:Fs r"mp"ge. !he pl"yer $inds the intruder st"nding with " !ermin"tor
progr"m "mong piles o$ de"d ."#hines. !he intruder "s:s $or more det"il "bout *"ti& "nd&
The Matrix Online Archives
"$ter D*he w"s t":en into the outer world by the ?ener"l... !h"t w"s the only timeH And did
she h"ve " body there& or...D s"ys th"t she #ouldnFt be wh"t heFs "$ter& whi#h is " Dbiologi#"l
inter$"#e progr"m&D "nd th"t i$ the .erv #"n get him one o$ those& heFll m":e him :ing o$ the
%e)uired 1vents:
Eion: pl"yers $ind intruder $ighting 9oo:wyrmsB gets to 5yp"ti"& dem"nds Dbiologi#"l inter$"#e
progr"m&D when she s"ys she doesnFt h"ve " progr"m li:e th"t& he termin"tes herB intruder
dis#onsol"te& s"ys something "bout being tr"pped
."#h: oper"tives $ind intruderB ?r"y shows up to "s: wh"t he w"ntsB intruder termin"tes himB
'"#e shows up& o$$ers meeting w/ Ar#hite#tB intruder doesnFt termin"te her X?r"y will be
restored by the *ystem in time $or the net #rit& y"yRY
.erv: show 9-' possibility to intruder: 9eirnB not wh"t intruderFs "$ter
Crit 9.2.;
Eion: !he pl"yer is sent to loo: $or "nything they #"n $ind on " Dbiologi#"l inter$"#e progr"mD
"t ,right %ese"r#h& sin#e me#h"ni#"l+to+biologi#"l inter$"#es were one o$ ,rightFs
spe#i"lties. A$ter some bre":ing "nd entering& the pl"yer m":es their w"y to ,right %ese"r#h
D9uilding 2>&D " he"vily gu"rded "re" where they :eep their re"lly import"nt new rese"r#h&
but they donFt $ind "ny sign o$ " true bre":through in inter$"#e te#hnology there. !he intruderFs
been " little less s"v"ge& so the pl"yer goes to see i$ they #"n get more det"ils on wh"t heFs
"$ter. !he intruder isnFt surprised th"t nothing use$ul w"s $ound "t ,right %ese"r#h& s"ying Di$
" hum"n #ould h"ve written it& -Fd h"ve h"d it by now.D 5e re$uses to s"y "nything more "bout
it& s"ying Dthe less you :now& the better.D
."#h: 5yp"ti" w"s restored by her support progr"ms "$ter her termin"tion& but is still in$e#ted
by override #odes& "nd must be termin"ted properly. !he pl"yer $ights p"st her 9oo:wyrm
gu"rds "nd t":es out A##eler"ted 5yp"ti". !hen itFs o$$ to noti$y the intruder th"t itFs meeting
time. 5e w"rns th"t theyFd better not try lying to him "g"in. At " pre+meeting brie$ing& "
wounded ?r"y Gstill re#overing $rom the 9.2.8 eventI "dmits th"t the ."#hines DmisledD the
intruder be$ore he entered the ."tri& be#"use they w"nted to :eep him out o$ the simul"tion.
!h"t didnFt wor:& so now theyFre going to h"ve to tell him the truth& in the hopes th"t this will
#onvin#e him to le"ve. At the meeting& the intruder dem"nds " Dbiologi#"l inter$"#e progr"mD
$rom the Ar#hite#t& s"ying th"t he :nows it eists. !he Ar#hite#t #on$irms this& but s"ys th"t
the ."#hines did not #re"te it& "nd the only rem"ining #opy w"s removed $rom the *ystem++
the one the intruder himsel$ h"d dete#ted outside the simul"tion be$ore he entered the ."tri.
!his brings the intruder up short& but heFs #le"rly not h"ppy with this st"te o$ "$$"irs. ?r"y
hopes th"t this meeting will le"d the intruder to le"ve the simul"tion in pursuit o$ the inter$"#e
The Matrix Online Archives
.erv: ?oing to t"l: with the .erv& the pl"yer $inds the !wins "rguing "bout who the intruder
will Do$$D net GAr#hite#t vs '"#eI. ."lph"s h"s " theory th"t the intruder "s:ed the ."#hines
$or this Dbiologi#"l inter$"#e progr"mD be$ore he entered the ."tri& "nd they put him o$$
somehow. !he .erv is determined to $ind this progr"m be$ore "nyone else& "nd sends the
pl"yer to go t"l: to his wi$e& who he s"ys Dinter$"#edD with hum"ns "t the pods& b"#: when
she served the *ystem. 'ersephone& however& s"ys she w"s Cust " D#"ret":erD thereB "ny
#ontrol she h"d over the hum"ns w"s indire#t& where"s wh"t the intruder w"nts is immedi"te
#ontrol th"t will "llow him to #h"nge who he is& be#"use he h"tes wh"t he h"s be#ome. 6lood
sends the pl"yer on pl"n 9& whi#h is seeing i$ the re#onstru#ted *ilver& who wor:ed on
inter$"#e progr"ms with ,right G"nd g"ve in$orm"tion "bout it to the ."#hines& $or whi#h he
w"s :illed $or the .erv by *ieges& whose n"me is mentioned hereI& h"s "nything th"t would
help. *ilver s"ys th"t wh"t he wor:ed on with ,right w"s Cust #omple d"t" #onduits&
"lthough she h"d wild ide"s o$ her own "bout D#ontrol tr"ns$er.D Anyw"y& "ll his d"t" on his
wor: with ,right w"s #on$is#"ted by the ."#hines. 6in"lly& 6lood sends the pl"yer to "s: the
intruder $or more in$orm"tion on this progr"m he w"nts& but the intruder& surrounded by de"d
340 A?43!s& s"ys /I 'ersephone/*ilverFs wor: is nothing li:e wh"t he w"nts& 2I the
progr"mFs got to be here somewhere& 4I Di$ only 51 h"dnFt t":en the other one...&D 8I the
pl"yer :nows "s mu#h "s the intruder needs them to :now.
X*)u"re br"#:ets below surround in$orm"tion th"t will not reve"led to pl"yers dire#tly& possibly
not "t "ll& during this sub#h"pter.Y
2/2; Xw"s pushed b"#: $rom 2/2/& "lthough " brie$ le": o$ the #inem"ti# o##urred on th"t d"yY
9.4 Cinem"ti#
A se#ond wire$r"med m"n "ppe"rs& t"unting the intruder. 6rom their #onvers"tion it is #le"r
th"t they "re $"mili"r with e"#h other& th"t the new#omer h"s $ollowed the intruder to see wh"t
heFs up to& "nd th"t they "re in #ompetition with e"#h other. -n $"#t& they $ight& until the intruder
de#ides th"t the other is only trying to distr"#t him& "nd le"ves. An Agent is seen observing
the s#ene "nd reporting.
X!his se#ond wire$r"med m"n is n"med C"rlyne. 5e will tell pl"yers th"t the intruderFs n"me is
5"lborn& "nd the intruder will "ppe"r with th"t n"me throughout this sub#h"pter. 9.2 w"s
tri#:y be#"use sometimes "n org w"s supposed to be ni#e with 5"lborn& but on#e we get up
to "round 9.4.2+4ish& there will pretty mu#h "lw"ys be one or the other th"t they #"n $ight& "nd
hope$ully other orgs they #"n go $ight too.Y
Crit 9.4./
Eion: !ynd"ll "nd Colt in$orm the pl"yer o$ the "ppe"r"n#e o$ " se#ond wire$r"med m"n& his
The Matrix Online Archives
$ight with the intruder& "nd "n outbre": o$ more override progr"ms. !he pl"yer t":es #"re o$
them& "nd then lo#"tes the intruder& who h"s " !ermin"tor in the middle o$ " bun#h o$ de"d
A##eler"ted 1iles& "nd tells the pl"yer th"t the new#omer is C"rlyne& his own n"me is
5"lborn& th"t theyFve :nown e"#h other " long time& "nd th"t C"rlyne is " pr"#ti#ed li"r. At "
debrie$& 3iobe is #on#erned th"t C"rlyne will distr"#t 5"lborn $rom :eeping the ."#hines
busy& "nd th"t the two o$ them together #ould #"use problems "s well. *he "lso indi#"tes th"t
she isnFt in "ny hurry to trust C"rlyne.
."#h: ?r"y sends the pl"yer to #he#: out the new wire$r"med guy& s"ying not to "tt"#: himB
$inding him& "t le"st& will be e"sy& sin#e he h"snFt even tried to hide himsel$ $rom ."#hine
s#"ns. !he pl"yer $ights p"st " $ew A##eler"ted 1iles to $ind C"rlyne G"nd some $riendly
A##eler"ted 1ilesI. C"rlyne "pologizes $or the hostile progr"ms& s"ying he thought the pl"yer
might h"ve been Dli:e those others.D 5eFs ple"sed to $ind the pl"yer wor:s $or the ."#hines&
s"ying theyFre Cust the people he w"nts to see& "nd "s:s $or " meeting& s"ying he #"n help
with " mutu"l problem. ?r"y s"ys heFll see "bout the "rr"ngements& "nd sends the pl"yer to
get more in$o $rom Agent '"#e. '"#e s"ys C"rlyne is D" hum"n $rom outside the pod system&D
li:e 5"lborn& "nd prob"bly h"s "##ess to the s"me override #odes th"t 5"lborn does. *he
s"ys they $ought in ,estview& "nd itFs import"nt th"t they $ind out i$ C"rlyne is going to be
#ooper"tive& in #ontr"st to his opponent. A #omputer in the "re" is tr"#:ing something "long
#oordin"tes Xth"t would be v"lid in ,estview& i$ not elsewhereY. ?r"y meets C"rlyneB C"rlyne
s"ys he w"nts to Delimin"te 5"lborn "s " problem here&D but th"t Dwe both :now betterD th"n
to believe C"rlyne is "#ting out o$ "ltruism "lone. !"l:ing things over "$terw"rds& ?r"y s"ys
C"rlyne me"ns the intruder when he s"ys D5"lborn&D "nd #l"ims to h"ve :nown him $or " long
time. ?r"y voi#es #on#erns "bout C"rlyne potenti"lly being "s big " thre"t to the *ystem "s
5"lborn Gwhen he w"s le"ving the meeting in 5"lbornFs presen#e& ?r"y "#ted $ully s"tis$ied
with C"rlyneFs #l"im o$ being there Cust to help the ."#hines "g"inst 5"lbornI. '"#e s"ys th"t
theyFd hoped the l"st meeting with the Ar#hite#t would h"ve persu"ded 5"lborn to le"ve the
."tri& but th"t heFs turned out to be very stubborn "nd unre"son"ble. *heFs "$r"id th"t "s he
:eeps $"iling to $ind the progr"m he w"nts& heFll get more "nd more desper"te& "nd eventu"lly
h"ve "nother "nti+."#hine $re":out. An Agent p"trolling the h"lls is mulling something "bout
Agent ?ri$$in "nd Dthe .urphey #"seD Gdunno wh"t& e"#tlyB Cust w"nted to throw in "
.erv: 6lood sends the pl"yer to "s: the intruder "bout this se#ond guy. A$ter going through
some 5e"dless 3'Cs bu$$ed by "n A##eler"tor& they $ind him++still n"med D-ntruderD++"nd
some de"d ."#hine redpills. 5e s"ys heFs busy& but "grees to meet the .erv& "s long "s itFs
something good. !he intruder shows up "t the meeting "s D5"lborn&D "nd s"ys the other oneFs
n"med C"rlyne& "nd th"t he must be "$ter the s"me thing 5"lborn w"nts++th"t :ind o$ sn"t#h+
"nd+gr"b t"#ti# is typi#"l o$ him. !he .erv promises to help Cust "s mu#h "s he #"n. ."lph"s&
outside the meeting room with the !wins& s"ys th"t it will be tri#:y to st"y on good terms with
both o$ them& but C"rlyne& "t le"st& is e"sy to lo#"te. !he pl"yer $inds C"rlyne se"r#hing $or
something on " #omputer GheFs #le"red the se"r#h Cust "s the pl"yer entersI& "nd C"rlyne is
delighted with the prospe#t o$ meeting the $"mous .erovingi"n. !he .erv "nd the !wins
"ppe"r in the outer room& "nd the pl"yer brings C"rlyne to him. !he .erv is #h"rming& "nd
"ssures C"rlyne he w"nts to help him "g"inst 5"lborn. C"rlyne s"ys this is the beginning o$ "
wonder$ul p"rtnership.
The Matrix Online Archives
%e)uired 1vents:
Eion: meeting w/ C"rlyne + "dmits he m"y be somewh"t interested in wh"t 5"lborn is "$ter&
but his $irst obCe#tive is to stop 5"lborn
."#h: meeting w/ C"rlyne + tells pl"yers th"t 5"lborn w"nts the 9-' be#"use his own body in
the %e"l is long sin#e de"d
.erv: meeting w/ 5"lborn + 5"lborn $igures out th"t i$ the ."#hines were telling the truth
"bout not h"ving m"de the 9-' themselves& "nd th"t the only one w"s t":en& then he needs
to $ind out who m"de it& "nd h"ve them m":e him "nother one
Crit 9.4.2
Eion: GAssumed to #ome #hronologi#"lly Cust "$ter the ."#hine #rit.I !ynd"ll is worried when
5"lborn shows up "nd st"rts pumping Colt $or in$orm"tion on the Or"#le. Colt pl"ys dumb&
$rustr"ting 5"lborn& who s"ys heFll Cust go $ind her on his own& "nd th"t Eion should st"y out o$
his w"y. 5"lborn t":es o$$& "nd $ollowing override use reports& the pl"yer $inds overridden
progr"ms& " de"d $em"le bluepill& "nd " live m"le one who des#ribes wh"t sounds li:e
5"lborn dem"nding in$orm"tion "bout the Or"#le. ?host s"ys they h"venFt $ound "
#onne#tion between the de"d wom"n "nd the Or"#le& "nd they donFt :now i$ the intruder is
stri:ing r"ndomly or $ollowing some :ind o$ in$orm"tion tr"il. 5e "lso s"ys th"t Eion h"s been
trying to re"#h the Or"#le without su##ess. C"rlyne h"s #ont"#ted Eion& though& so the pl"yer
goes to meet him. C"rlyne is polite "nd outgoing& "nd s"ys th"t "lthough he isnFt very swi$t&
with the overrides he h"s& 5"lborn is more th"n " m"t#h $or "ny ."#hine+#re"ted progr"m&
even the Or"#le. C"rlyne s"ys he #"n stop 5"lborn& "nd th"t he w"nts to help Eion s"ve her&
"dding th"t heFs :nown 5"lborn " long time& "nd th"t they prob"bly h"ve " $ew d"ys be$ore
they re"lly h"ve to st"rt worrying "bout him re"#hing the Or"#le& during whi#h time C"rlyne
will study the Dl"y o$ the l"nd.D
."#h: ?r"y sends the pl"yer "$ter "n override outbre":& "nd they $ind A##eler"ted ."#hines&
"s well "s hostile Eionites. ?r"y didnFt :now who override those progr"ms& "nd sends the
pl"yer "$ter "nother sign"l& whi#h #ould be either 5"lborn or C"rlyne. ?r"y mentions th"t both
o$ them h"ve met& sep"r"tely& with Eion& but th"t theyFre still believed to be non+hostile to the
."#hines. !he pl"yer $inds 5"lborn "mong A##eler"ted ."#hines& "nd " de"d D%ed 1yeD
Agent++one o$ the ?ener"lFs old progr"ms. 5"lborn bluntly s"ys he w"nts to t"l: to Dyour bossF
boss&D implying th"t heFd w"nted the ."#hines to tr"#: him down there so he #ould deliver
this dem"nd. ?r"y goes to see "bout it while the pl"yer goes "$ter more override sign"ls&
#oming "#ross C"rlyne& "nd " #on$used bluepill. C"rlyne is surprised& but in " #hipper mood&
s"ying heFs tr"#:ing down 5"lborn& "nd "s:s i$ the pl"yer h"s seen him. ?r"y s"ys to s"y
Dno.D C"rlyne s"ys "h& too b"d. !he pl"yer goes to see ?r"y& who s"ys 5"lbornFs prob"bly
"s:ing $or this meeting be#"use he needs help with C"rlyne& whi#h gives the ."#hines "
#h"n#e to get him to do wh"t they w"nt& be$ore ushering them into " room #ont"ining '"#e&
The Matrix Online Archives
the Ar#hite#t& "nd 5"lborn. 5"lborn dem"nds to :now who m"de DitDB the Ar#hite#t replies th"t
Dthe progr"mFs "uthor is :nown "s the Or"#le.D !his surprises 5"lborn " little& but seems to
Cibe with some things he remembers Eionites DC"bberingD "bout. ?r"y thin:s its li:ely th"t
5"lborn will go "$ter the Or"#le now& "nd s"ys th"t Eion "nd 1'3 m"y try to stop him.
.erv: GAssumed to #ome #hronologi#"lly Cust "$ter the ."#hine #rit.I 6lood sends the pl"yer
to #he#: on some 1iles th"t m"y h"ve been overridden& "nd the pl"yer $inds " pile o$ de"d
A##eler"ted 1iles "nd ."#hines. !he oper"tor s"ys thereFs no sign o$ $or#ed entry& "nd s"ys
there "re re#ently spend shell #"sings in there& "nd bullet "nd #l"w wounds on the bodies:
were they $ighting e"#h otherH 6lood doesnFt re"lly #"re i$ they were $rom C"rlyne or 5"lborn
or bothB heFs Cust "nnoyed "t the loss o$ their progr"ms. 5e sends the pl"yer to help the
survivors o$ "n 1ile p"#: th"tFs been mostly overridden. One survivor s"ys it w"s 5"lborn&
"nd he w"s "bout to get them& too& but he suddenly stopped "nd r"n o$$. *#"ns $ind 5"lborn
ne"rby. 5eFs "bout to tell the pl"yer to go "w"y& but then stops "nd "s:s wh"t they :now
"bout the Or"#le. A meeting with the .erv is "rr"ngedB the pl"yer doesnFt #"t#h "ll the
"ssumed di"log between the two& but 5"lborn now :nows "bout the Or"#le #entering her
"#tivity "round 7ebir Court& "nd itFs implied th"t the .erv h"s provided him with other
in$orm"tion "bout her "s well. 6lood s"ys wh"tever h"ppens in " 5"lborn/Or"#le meeting&
theyFll m":e wor: in their $"vor.
%e)uired 1vents:
Eion: Eion tries getting " w"rning to the Or"#le& "nd "re surprised when they #"nFt get "hold
o$ her. !hey do get *er"ph& though& "nd he tells them th"t the Or"#le suspe#ted something
li:e this would h"ppen.
."#h: -t wonFt be )uite #le"r yet to pl"yers how the ."#hines $eel "bout 5"lborn going "$ter
the Or"#le. 9ut they send oper"tives to try to lo#"te her. !hey #"nFt $ind her& but they do $ind
str"nge #ode bits in her tr"dem"r: intuitive style: sheFs got something in the oven& "nd it isnFt
Cust #oo:ies.
.erv: !he .erv "g"in "ssures C"rlyne th"t heFs "ll $or t":ing 5"lborn out& "nd th"t heFs only
pretending to help 5"lborn in order to get through his de$enses& "nd Dproves itD by le"ding
C"rlyne to some o$ 5"lbornFs progr"ms& whi#h C"rlyne helps termin"te.
Crit 9.4.4
Eion: !he pl"yer is disp"t#hed to #ounter 5"lbornFs progr"m overrides in ."r"& where
5"lborn h"s st"rted loo:ing $or the Or"#le. !hey #ome "#ross 9l"#:woods "nd A##eler"ted
progr"ms& "live "nd de"d& "nd C"rlyne& who s"ys th"t he thin:s 5"lborn will get $rustr"ted
"nd give up this "tt"#: i$ they #"n :eep elimin"ting his progr"ms. 5e "dds th"t 5"lbornFs
been "voiding him& "nd th"t heFs been getting some Dinter$eren#eD $rom non+Eion oper"tives.
The Matrix Online Archives
!he pl"yer #omes "#ross ."#hinists $ighting Gor "s #lose "s - #"n m":e it loo: li:e theyFve
been $ightingI A##eler"ted ."#hines. !ynd"ll sends the pl"yer to "ssist " Eion te"m th"tFs
Cust been t":en out& "nd they $ind 5"lborn& who reminds them th"t he s"id to st"y out o$ his
w"y. 5e s"ys she m"y h"ve snu#: o$$ somewhere& but it doesnFt m"tter& heFll $ind her.
."#h: ?r"y s"ys th"t the sooner 5"lborn $inds the Or"#le "nd either gets his progr"m& or
gets #on$irm"tion th"t she doesnFt h"ve it& the soon heFll le"ve the ."tri. '"#e gives the
pl"yer some redpill b"#:up $or going "$ter Eionites who "re trying to stop 5"lborn& "nd who
"re prob"bly wor:ing with C"rlyne. !he pl"yer $inds de"d A##eler"ted ."#hines& " de"d
bluepill& "nd hostile Eionites. ?r"y reports th"t 5"lborn h"s been dete#ted in the vi#inity o$
."r"& "s h"ve hostile oper"tives& but thereFs no sign o$ the Or"#le or C"rlyne. !he pl"yer
#omes "#ross Eionites $ighting their w"y to 5"lborn. 5"lborn tells the pl"yer to get lost.
6in"lly& the pl"yer se"r#hes "nother "re" $or reported hostile redpills& only to $ind the Or"#le&
who m":es " Co:ing surrender& "pologizes $or the misdire#tion& "nd promises th"t itFs "lmost
overB she s"ys th"t i$ "ll this trouble is "bout her& m"ybe itFs better i$ sheFs Dremoved $rom the
pi#ture.D *er"ph "ppe"rs Cust then& loo:ing imposing. !he pl"yer h"s to le"veB me"nwhile& the
oper"torFs been struggling with it& but eventu"lly de#ides he h"s no #hoi#e but to report th"t
theyFve $ound the Or"#le. ?r"y s"ys th"t it isnFt $e"sible to "rrest her Cust now GheFs mentioned
e"rlier in the mission th"t they #"nFt send progr"ms into the ."r" "re"& wh"t with C"rlyne "nd
5"lborn $iring o$$ overrides "ll over the pl"#eI& but th"t theyFve got to do wh"t they #"n do
speed up 5"lborn getting to her& whi#h mostly #omes down to :eeping Eion& "nd espe#i"lly
C"rlyne& o$$ o$ him. 5e s"ys theyFll report the Or"#le sighting to 5"lborn D"s soon "s possible.D
X!h"t #omment& "nd his h"l$he"rted #ongr"tul"tions on Dthe...promptnessD o$ the
oper"tor/pl"yerFs report& "re intention"lly "mbiguous.Y
.erv: 5"lborn isnFt doing too well "t $inding the Or"#le& so 6lood sends the pl"yer to dig her
up in %i#hl"nd/,estview. 6ollowing some "llegedly epensive le"ds& the pl"yer #omes "#ross
/I " p"#: o$ 1'3 sw"rming over " irre#over"bly to"sted #omputer& 2I two #reepy Agents who
h"ve Cust "rrested whoever the pl"yer w"s loo:ing $or& $or involvement in " terrorist
#onspir"#y& "nd 4I " de"d bluepill #ont"#t surrounded by A##eler"ted ."#hines. Eionites "nd
then Cypherites "tt"#: the pl"yer out+o$+doors "t v"rious points. 6in"lly& Cust "s they $ind $our
1iles G" Crusher& " 7e"th .er#h"nt& " $em"le 5el Club ?roupie& "nd " m"le 5el Club ?u"rdI
dis#ussing something "bout D%uh"m"hD sending " Dsign"l&D "nd Dthe sim&D C"rlyne pops in
with " !ermin"tor th"t stri:es the $our de"d. 5e s"ys heFs suspe#ted wh"t the pl"yerFs been
up to $or " while& but itFs ni#e to h"ve proo$& "nd th"t they #"n tell the .erv th"t sin#e heFs
#le"rly b"#:ing 5"lborn& he #"n #onsider their brun#h d"te #"n#elled. 6lood s"ys they
shouldFve been wor:ing with C"rlyne inste"d o$ th"t dummy 5"lborn.
%e)uired 1vents:
Eion: Just some good old+$"shioned $ighting in *lums here& with override progr"ms "nd either
" hostile 5"lborn or "ssisting C"rlyne involved.
."#h: 7itto& only the other w"y "round $or 5"lborn/C"rlyne. G*umm"ry: right now Eion c4
C"rlyne& .erv V ."#h c4 5"lbornI
The Matrix Online Archives
.erv: -t seems li:e this would be " good time to let the .erv pl"yers run "#ross the Or"#le.
,eFll h"ve to m"n"ge it in su#h " w"y th"t itFs #le"r they #"nFt t":e her out themselves& "nd
h"ve to settle $or t"l:ing to her. *hould prob"bly do it somewhere eoti#& where she isnFt
usu"lly $ound& "nd where she #ould #h"nge the rules to be in #ontrol& li:e white h"llw"ys or "
white room or *":ur" or something. Ah& "nd we #ould do something li:e h"ve *er"ph wh"#:
"ny pl"yers who "#tu"lly try to get her. Or C"rlyne #ould show up "nd m":e things di$$i#ult $or
them. Anyw"y& sheFll tell whoever survives th"t they will soon $ind something th"t is very
import"nt& but it will b"#:$ire on them i$ they try to use it sel$ishly.
Crit 9.4.8
Eion: -n %i#hl"nd or ,estview& the pl"yer is sent to t"l: to C"rlyne& who "s:s th"t he be
#ont"#ted when the pl"yer runs "#ross 5"lborn& sin#e 5"lborn is putting more e$$ort into
"voiding C"rlyne th"n he is into "voiding oper"tives. !he pl"yer $"#es some A##eler"ted
."#hines b"#:ed up by " 7e#eler"tor while !ynd"ll gets %ol"ndFs permission to tip o$$
C"rlyne i$ they #ome "#ross 5"lborn. And then they do $ind 5"lborn& who tells them very
bluntly to get out& "t whi#h point he goes hostile "nd will #ounter+"tt"#: i$ "tt"#:ed by the
pl"yerB heFs invulner"ble here& "nd #"nFt "#tu"lly be hurt. C"rlyne is tipped o$$& "nd moves to
inter#ept 5"lborn. !ynd"ll st"rts en#ountering s#"n disruptions& "nd send the pl"yer in to
report on wh"tFs h"ppening. !he pl"yer $inds C"rlyne "nd 5"lborn $"#ing o$$ in "n under+
#onstru#tion interior& but they h"ve to b"il when the oper"tor s"ys th"t surges in his s#"n
re"dings "re st"rting to blow out their hover#r"$tFs systems. !ynd"ll s"ys th"t their s#"n
routines "re down "#ross the entire se#tor now.
."#h: 5"lborn still h"snFt m"n"ged to $ind the Or"#le& "nd h"s #"lled the ."#hines $or "
meeting in %i#hl"nd/,estview to dis#uss it. 5e dem"nds th"t the ."#hines tell him where
she is. !he Ar#hite#t s"ys th"t theyFve "lre"dy given him "ll the in$orm"tion they h"ve& "nd
th"t her unpredi#t"bility w"s "n intention"l design #hoi#e ne#ess"ry in order to m"int"in
hum"n geneti# v"riety "t "##ept"ble levels. 5"lborn is ti#:ed& #"lls the Ar#hite#t/."#hines
in#ompetent& "nd s"ys he :new "ll th"t "lre"dy. '"#e is there "s well Gno ?r"yI& "nd orders
the pl"yer to le"ve the "re" "nd st"nd by $or immedi"te deployment. ?r"y sends the pl"yer to
#he#: up on wh"t 5"lbornFs gone o$$ to do "$ter the meeting. ,hen they #"t#h up to him&
5"lborn h"s Cust disp"t#hed some Eionites "nd "n 1'3& #ompl"ins th"t Dyour m"sters donFt
h"ve the b"lls $or this&D "nd s"ys well $ine& $orget them& heFll h"ndle it himsel$. 5e "dds th"t he
me"ns to h"ve it out with the Ar#hite#t "$ter t":ing #"re o$ this #urrent situ"tion. ?r"y doesnFt
sound thrilled to he"r th"t& but still h"s to send the pl"yer to :eep Eionites Gmingled with
de"d/wounded A##eler"ted ."#hinesI o$$ 5"lbornFs t"il. !hen they pi#: up C"rlyne& he"ding
to inter#ept 5"lbornB inter$eren#e is #"using problems& "nd ?r"y sends the pl"yer in to
investig"te $irst+h"nd. !hey $ind 5"lborn "nd C"rlyne $"#ing o$$ in "n under+#onstru#tion
interior& but h"ve to le"ve when $eedb"#: st"rts blowing out their oper"torFs systems. !he
$ollow+up mess"ge $rom ?r"y is "lmost entirely g"rbled& but seems to be ordering the pl"yer
to ev"#u"te the "re".
.erv: 6lood sends the pl"yer to $ind 5"lborn in %i#hl"nd/,estview so th"t they #"n #ome up
with " wor:ing pl"n o$ "#tion $or him& sin#e he still h"snFt m"n"ged to $ind the Or"#le& "nd is
The Matrix Online Archives
getting distr"#ted by C"rlyne. *ome A##eler"tor+bu$$ed Eionites get in the w"y& "s does "n
1'3 "mbush& but 5"lborn is $ound& "nd is in " b"d mood& s"ying the in$o the .erv g"ve him
h"snFt helped& "nd the .ervs donFt st"nd " #h"n#e "g"inst C"rlyne "nyw"yB but he "grees to
meet. !he ?ener"l "nd ."lph"s "re w"iting $or 5"lborn to show $or the str"tegi# pl"nning
session& but itFs #r"shed by Eionites. A$terw"rds& ."lph"s s"ys th"t theyFd spotted the intruder
he"ding $or the meeting& but then his sign"l #h"nged #ourseB m"ybe he w"s worried "bout the
Eionites reporting his position to C"rlyne. 6lood thin:s 5"lborn is silly $or getting s#"red o$$ by
Eionites. !he pl"yer is sent "$ter him& "nd $inds him "nd C"rlyne $"#ing o$$ in "n under+
#onstru#tion "re"& Cust be$ore the pl"yer h"s to b"il when override $eedb"#: st"rts to s#r"mble
their oper"torFs systems. 6lood s"ys this Doverride r"di"tionD is s#r"mbling s#"ns "#ross the
entire region.
%e)uired 1vents:
Eion: G1'3I !he Or"#le meets with *him"d"& giving her p"rt o$ "n en#rypted progr"m& "nd
telling her to w"t#h over *"ti
."#h: GCN'5I !he Or"#le meets with Veil& giving her p"rt o$ "n en#rypted progr"m& "nd
telling her to w"t#h over *"ti
.erv: .ervs w"de through override progr"ms in the *lums to $ind 5"lborn wounded "nd
woozy. !hey pi#: him up "nd t":e him b"#: to the .erv.
Crit 9.4.;
Eion: ?host h"s some reports "bout 5"lborn surviving with the .ervFs help& "nd the Or"#le
#ont"#ting 1'3 to give them some :ind o$ en#rypted progr"m& "nd possibly m":ing #ont"#t
with Veil "s well. C"rlyne gets in tou#h to s"y th"t heFs "ll right& "nd th"t 5"lborn only got
"w"y be#"use the simul"tion st"rted to bre": down "round them. 5e s"ys th"t heFs he"rd the
6ren#hm"nFs got him& but th"t will Cust m":e it e"sier to $ind him "nd $inish him o$$. !ynd"llFs
net instru#tions "re #ut o$$ mid+senten#e& "nd the pl"yer h"s to $ollow their mission m"r:er
with no instru#tions& only to $ind the Or"#le "t the end o$ it& Cust "s the oper"tor is #ut o$$& too.
!he Or"#le "pologizes $or #rossing " $ew wires to get " #h"n#e to t"l:& but then re"lizes th"t
she #"nFt s"y wh"t she w"nts to s"y yet. *he thin:s sheFs m"de the Dright #hoi#e&D though&
"nd s"ys the pl"yer will Ddo Cust $ine.D *he "dds th"t she doesnFt :now i$ theyFll see e"#h other
"g"in. !ynd"ll #omes b"#: online& "nd sends the pl"yer to report to 3iobe. 3iobeFs "nnoyed
th"t the Or"#leFs pulling strings yet "g"in& "nd s"ys th"t theyFve still "t le"st got to try to
se#ure her be$ore 5"lborn re"#hes her.
."#h: ?r"y sends the pl"yer to #le"n up #ode overrides sw"mping %i#hl"nd G"nd ,estview& -
guessI in the "$term"th o$ the #l"sh between 5"lborn "nd C"rlyneB overrides "re still s#rewing
with ."#hine s#"ns o$ the "re"& but ?r"y s"ys they should "ssume th"t both survived& until
The Matrix Online Archives
they h"ve proo$ to the #ontr"ry. !he pl"yer en#ounters lo"ds o$ A##eler"ted ."#hines "nd
1iles& "##eler"ted 6uries g"ng members& "nd " de"d bluepill. !hen ?r"y sends them "$ter
some #ode th"t "ppe"rs somehow to h"ve es#"ped "ny :ind o$ d"m"ge $rom the override
w"ve th"t #overed %i#hl"nd. !hey $ind " weirded+out bluepill G:eeps s"ying D-Fm $ine&D "lso
mentions something "bout DsheDI in "n "p"rtment& "nd the mystery und"m"ged #ode in the
$orm o$ 6r"gs tu#:ed in " des:. !hey t":e these o$$ to '"#e "nd some te#hni#i"ns in " l"b
Gnew v"ri"nt '"#e %*-: we"ring " white l"b #o"t "nd shirt++"nd no& - wonFt use this %*- in "n
event prior to this #ritI. !he #ode in the $r"gs is $ound to be simil"r to the Or"#le+m"de stu$$
$ound e"rlier G."#h 9.4.2 eventI& "nd& put together& itFs enough $or them to est"blish th"t itFs
le$t over #ode $rom the pro#ess o$ writing " :ill #ode. '"#e is une"sy when she he"rs "bout
this. A te#hni#i"n in the "re" mentions th"t theyFre h"ving trouble re+writing #ore routines to
prote#t "g"inst override #odes G" te#h e"rlier in #h"pter 9 mentioned they were st"rting wor:
on thisI. ?r"y s"ys theyFve suspe#ted $or " $ew months now th"t the Or"#leFs been up to
some :ind o$ plot with 1iles& "nd i$ " termin"tion #ode is involved& this plot #ould be more
d"ngerous th"n theyFd thought. 5eFs des#ribing news $rom Dour Cypherite sour#esD "bout the
Or"#le giving them some :ind o$ en#rypted #ode& "nd is in the middle o$ s"ying th"t the
Cypherites h"venFt delivered " $orm"l report on the in#ident& when he suddenly e#uses
himsel$& #oming b"#: to s"y th"t heFs Cust re#eived " report o$ 5"lborn "nd C"rlyne meeting
.erovingi"n oper"tives. 5e s"ys th"t lo#"ting the two is the top priority.
.erv: !he pl"yer is sent to visit 5"lborn "t " .erv hideout in .idi"n '"r: Gor 1she"n/Lemone
i$ .idi"n '"r: mission "re"s "re $ullI& "nd tell him th"t heFs got to sti#: "round "t " #ert"in
spot "s b"it so they #"n get C"rlyne out o$ his w"y. !he wounded "nd imp"tient 5"lborn
"grees in his usu"l surly m"nner& obviously #on#erned th"t C"rlyne will $ind him i$ he st"ys
there too long. 6lood sends the pl"yer to meet C"rlyne in ."r"& to get his "ttention. C"rlyne
:nows the .ervs h"ve 5"lborn& "nd tells the pl"yer to run "long b"#: to 5"lborn. 6lood sends
the pl"yer to (edemoth to #he#: on 5"lborn& s"ying th"t the pl"n wonFt wor: i$ he moves
e"rly "nd m":es it obvious to C"rlyne th"t the D"rti$i#i"l override sign"l weFre gener"ting
ne"rbyD is " $":e. !he pl"yer $inds him in his re)uisite b"it position. 5eFs m"de some hostile
A##eler"ted 1iles to prote#t himsel$& but :ills them with " !ermin"tor on#e the pl"yer t"l:s to
him. 5e mutters "bout being "ble to D$eelD the Dold wom"nD ne"rby. 6lood hurries the pl"yer
o$$ to "nother (edemoth lo#"tion& where they $ind C"rlyne. ,hen they t"l: to him& $our
D*pe#i"l AgentsD "ppe"r "nd order him to #ome with them $or )uestioning& but when the
pl"yer t"l:s to them& itFs #le"r th"t these "re disguised .erv oper"tives. C"rlyne is
moment"rily $ooled& "nd "bout to disp"t#h them& or so he thin:s& with override #odes. 6lood
s"ys this distr"#tion h"s got 5"lborn p"st C"rlyne Xon his w"y to ."r" to get the Or"#leY&
"lthough 6lood is d"rned i$ he :nows why 5"lborn thin:s heFll su##eed this time. XLi:e " lot o$
things so $"r with 5"lbornFs Dse"r#hD $or the progr"m& - donFt re"lly spell th"t out& but Cust le"ve
it implied th"t he h"s w"ys o$ obt"ining in$orm"tion& "lthough obviously this in$orm"tion isnFt
"lw"ys reli"ble.Y
X*)u"re br"#:ets below surround in$orm"tion th"t will not be reve"led to pl"yers dire#tly&
possibly not "t "ll& during this sub#h"pter.Y
On 8/2& 5"lborn $ound the Or"#le w"iting $or him in 7ebir Court. *he re$used to help him get
the progr"m he w"nted& "nd he :illed her& then le$t. C"rlyne "rrived minutes l"ter& s"w the
de"d Or"#le& "nd snorted in disgust be$ore Cumping "w"y.
The Matrix Online Archives
Crit /0././
Eion: A$ter t":ing out some A##eler"ted progr"ms with Colt& the pl"yer en#ounters C"rlyne&
who s"ys th"t heFs wor:ing on " more dire#t me"ns o$ getting rid o$ 5"lborn& "nd th"t sin#e
5"lborn h"s de#ided to st"y in the ."tri& the ."#hines prob"bly wonFt be helping him
G5"lbornI out "nymore.
."#h: ?r"y "nd '"#e s"y itFs time to set up " meeting with 5"lborn& "nd "s: him to le"ve the
."tri. !he pl"yer h"s to get through some n"sty "##eler"ted progr"ms& but $inds 5"lborn&
"nd he gru$$ly "grees th"t heFll #ome "long& sin#e he w"nts to $ill the ."#hines in on
something& "nyw"y. -n " meeting with '"#e& 5"lborn insists th"t he wonFt le"ve without the
progr"m& but he s"ys th"t heFs $igured out wh"t he needs to do& "lthough he h"dnFt w"nted to
h"ve to de"l with it Ghe doesnFt spe#i$yI. '"#e s"ys heFll h"ve to be w"t#hed very #"re$ully.
.erv: 6lood thin:s itFs time to review wh"tFs been going on& "nd h"s the pl"yer $"#e o$$
"g"inst 1'3& Cypherites& "nd A##eler"ted 1iles& :eeping up " running #omment"ry o$ his
own "long the w"y. 5eFs )uestioning why the Or"#le would h"ve given "pp"rently import"nt
#odes to 1'3 "nd the Cypherites& "nd points out th"t she did this++"nd "##ording to the
."#hines w"s wor:ing on " :ill+#ode++"$ter the intruders #"me "round "nd it w"s reve"led
th"t she w"s the one who wrote the progr"m theyFre so interested in. !he mission ends with
6lood h"r"nguing the pl"yer in person& s"ying th"t this h"s "ll been some sort o$ pl"n
"rr"nged by the Or"#le& "nd itFs something to do with the progr"m& or with the intruders.
%e)uired 1vents:
Eion: 5"lborn "mbushes C"rlyne& tries to r"m " tr"#e progr"m through his %*-& but C"rlyne
res#ued by Eion
."#h: te" with the Ar#hite#t "nd " sm"ll group o$ oper"tives in the Or"#leFs "p"rtment& "nd
musing upon the #urrent situ"tion
.erv: .erv loo:s $or *er"ph& *"ti& "nd the .orpheus simul"#rum& but $inds theyFve v"nished&
"pp"rently without " tr"#e G#on$ront"tion with Lo %uh"m"hHI
Crit /0./.2
Eion: C"rlyne theorizes th"t 5"lborn is determined to get rid o$ him so he #"n st"y in the
."tri long+term& "nd to do it by "tt"#:ing him in his hover#r"$tB this w"s wh"t C"rlyne w"s
The Matrix Online Archives
pl"nning to do to 5"lborn& in $"#t& but he h"snFt been "ble to get " $i on 5"lbornFs shipB
C"rlyne "dds th"t 5"lborn runs o$$ outside resour#es& "nd thus needs to m"int"in " ship ne"r
the ."#hine #ity "s " rel"y point& but itFs more di$$i#ult to lo#"te his ship in the %e"l th"n it is to
$ind his #ode sign"l in the ."tri. *him"d" h"s " new mess"ge $rom Comm"nder Lo#:& in
whi#h he s"ys th"t heFs #lose to $ully re#overed& "nd loo:ing $orw"rd to some :ind o$
"rr"ngement being m"de $or tr"ns$erring him to 3ew Eion in " $ew wee:s. Just then !ynd"ll
gets in tou#h to s"y th"t one o$ EionFs bro"d#"st #ontrol #lusters in the ."tri is under "tt"#:.
*him"d" lo"ns " $ew 1'3& "nd the pl"yer $inds the pl"#e overrun by "##eler"ted progr"msB
one o$ the survivors s"ys it w"s 5"lborn& trying to "##ess their #omputersB they thin: they got
their networ: #onne#tions shut down be$ore he #ould get "nything& but they "renFt sure. 3iobe
s"ys itFs time to put 5"lborn on i#eB she thin:s he might h"ve been trying to get hover#r"$t
positions& or #r"#: their bro"d#"st proto#ol.
."#h: C"rlyne meets with '"#e& "nd s"ys th"t on#e 5"lbornFs been removed& heFll see to it
th"t Dthe Xse#ret n"me zet"sY restri#t his "##ess.D 5e "dds th"t D3obody w"nts the simul"tion
to h"ve oper"ting di$$i#ulties.D '"#e tells the pl"yer th"t theyFll monitor the situ"tion& but th"t it
seems li:e itFs being h"ndled& so they #"n #on#entr"te on other things th"t h"d been put on
the b"#: burner. !he pl"yer is sent to get " report $rom Veil on the en#rypted $ile the Or"#le
g"ve her. Veil s"ys they h"venFt been "ble to de#rypt it& "nd th"t the Or"#le told her it #ould
be d"ngerous to lose it& so sheFs going to :eep it s"$e outside o$ the ."tri Gie& she doesnFt
intend to h"nd it overI. *he suggests #he#:ing up on 1'3 "nd their own en#rypted $ile. ?r"y
is "nnoyed. 3evertheless& he #onsiders the 1'3 side& "nd $igures th"t theyFre prob"bly
:eeping their $ile outside o$ the ."tri "s well: either on " hover#r"$t& or inside old Eion. !o
test this& he h"s the pl"yer pl"nt " $":e mess"ge on "n 1'3 networ:& o$ *him"d" s"ying th"t
their Or"#le $ileFs been stolen $rom their hover#r"$t. !hen the pl"yer e"vesdrops on some 1'3
re"ding the mess"ge& "nd theyFre #le"rly surprised th"t the mess"ge s"ys the $ile w"s on "
hover#r"$t& so ?r"y #on#ludes theyFre prob"bly :eeping it in old Eion.
.erv: !hin:ing 5"lborn m"y be more $orth#oming "bout the progr"m now th"t his b"#:Fs
"g"inst the w"ll& 6lood sends the pl"yer to $ind him. 6irst they #ome "#ross Eionites "nd "n
A##eler"tor. !he A##eler"tor is $riendly to the pl"yer. An "##ess #"rd is $ound on one o$ the
Eionites& "nd itFs tr"#ed b"#: to "n "p"rtment& whi#h the pl"yer r"ns"#:s& "nd $inds some
d"t" th"t turns out to be Eion intelligen#e reports "bout " se"r#h $or 5"lborn th"t Eion is
#ondu#ting. Correl"ting EionFs $indings with their own& 5"lborn is lo#"ted& in his usu"l $oul
mood. 5e "grees to meet the .erv& but when "s:ed $or in$o on the progr"m& s"ys thereFs no
w"y he #"n give out "ny more in$o "bout it with C"rlyne "round trying to use "nything he #"n
"g"inst him. 5e s"ys heFll h"ve to t":e C"rlyne down& "nd he :nows how to do it& but he h"s
to $ind C"rlyneFs ship. 5e s"ys C"rlyne isnFt so sm"rtB the only re"son C"rlyne got Dthe Cump
on me in the $irst pl"#eD w"s be#"use Dhe w"s Cust 800 miles "w"y $rom hereDB l"ter he "dds
imp"tiently th"t this w"s northwest. !he .erv promises 5"lborn th"t theyFll le"ve it to him to
de"l with C"rlyne "nd his ship& but is #le"rly interested in the D800 milesD rem"r:.
%e)uired 1vents:
Eion: C"rlyne w"nts to try on 5"lborn wh"t 5"lborn tried on him++oper"tives t"#:le 5"lborn&
The Matrix Online Archives
but when C"rlyne s#"ns him& he $inds th"t 5"lbornFs "lre"dy running "n "dv"n#ed #ounter to
the tr"#e routineB lots o$ overrides sp"wned by 5"lborn to try to $ree himsel$& m"ybe " little
s#u$$le between the two& who :nows
."#h: *m"ll *entinel "tt"#: on 1'3 hover#r"$t "nd old Eion #oordin"ted with "tt"#: on the
1'3 #rew in the ."tri: ."#hines determine th"t 1'3 h"s rein$or#ed EionFs de$enses& but
does not m"int"in " #entr"l m"in$r"me thereB this would& $or inst"n#e& me"n th"t #"pturing
d"t" stored in the #ity would re)uire "t le"st either "n etremely s:illed spy& or " $ull "ss"ult
on the #ity
.erv: ste"l m"p d"t" o$ the "re" 800 miles 3, o$ the ."#hine #ity $rom the ."#hines:
unm"r:ed "re"
Crit /0./.4
Eion: 3iobe "s:s C"rlyne $or more in$orm"tion on their ships. 5e s"ys heFs only #"ught "
glimpse o$ 5"lbornFs on#e& not long be$ore 5"lborn "ppe"red in the ."tri& "nd it loo:ed
roughly simil"r to his own& e#ept built he"vier $or $irepower over speed. 5e des#ribes his own
ship "s h"ving Dthe "dv"nt"ge o$ " stre"mlined unibody #onstru#tion whose d"r: #omposite
sur$"#e provides superior prote#tion "g"inst :ineti# "nd ele#tro+m"gneti# we"pons& "nd
dete#tion. !he repulsion units "re intern"l r"ther th"n etern"l& "nd #"p"ble o$ )uite " bit
more velo#ity "nd "ltitude th"n your own. !he over"ll pro$ile is sm"ller& "nd mu#h more
m"neuver"ble.D All heFll s"y "bout the we"pons systems is w"rning Eion theyFll need to be
prep"red to $"#e Dmultiple intelligent missiles simult"neously.D 5e "lso sends them " det"iled
etern"l s#hem"ti# o$ his own #r"$t Gnot "#tu"lly shownI. Eion w"nts #on$irm"tion $rom
"nother sour#e& though& so they bl"#:m"il one o$ the ?ener"lFs veter"n #omm"ndo o$$i#ers
GwhoFs involved in some sort o$ rel"tionship with " $em"le 5el Club ?u"rdI into giving them
the "ddress to " networ: entry point $or " ."#hine re"l+world surveill"n#e d"t"b"se. !he
d"t"b"se is r"ided& "nd in the d"t" they loot $rom it& Eion $inds re#ords o$ " ship m"t#hing the
des#ription o$ 5"lbornFs& th"t "ppro"#hed the ."#hine #ity " $ew wee:s be$ore 5"lborn
"ppe"red in the ."tri. ?host s"ys this will prob"bly be enough eviden#e $or %ol"nd to go
"he"d "nd $ormul"te pl"ns $or tr"#:ing down the ship. !he d"t" "lso #ont"ined " re$eren#e to
" re#ord o$ " ship m"t#hing C"rlyneFs& lo#"ted in " two+ye"r+old d"t" "r#hive& whi#h seems to
suggest th"t C"rlyne visited the #ity two or more ye"rs "go.
."#h: 5unting down the topogr"phi# d"t" the .erv stole& the pl"yer runs into 5"lborn& who
wipes out the #omputers the pl"yer w"s using to hunt down the d"t"& "nd dem"nds " meeting
with the ."#hines. '"#e tells 5"lborn to go loo: up the Cypherites i$ he w"nts to $ind
C"rlyneFs ship& be#"use Dour own "bility to give out su#h in$orm"tion is restri#ted.D *he tells
the pl"yer to tell Veil to tre"t 5"lborn D"s he deserves.D ?r"y instru#ts the pl"yer not to
mention Cryptos to 5"lborn& be#"use theyFd pre$er th"t 5"lborn de"l with Veil. Veil s"ys
theyFll t":e good #"re o$ him& "nd th"t they h"ve plenty o$ pl"#es to t":e himB she "lso invites
the pl"yer "long. 5"lborn is s:epti#"l.
.erv: !he pl"yer pi#:s up " #opy o$ the stolen ."#hine topogr"phi# d"t" $rom ."lph"s Gthe
The Matrix Online Archives
!wins "re puzzling over the DXse#ret n"me zet"sYD term one o$ them #"me "#ross in ."#hine
intel reports++see ."#h /0./.2I& who s"ys th"t itFs "lmost "s though the ."#hines h"ve "n
in$orm"tion bl"#:out in e$$e#t "round th"t "re" 800 miles 3,. !he .erv wonders i$ the
."#hines themselves "void the "re"& "nd tells the pl"yer to t":e the d"t" to the ?ener"l. !he
pl"yer h"nds the d"t" to " #omm"ndo& who p"t#hes the ?ener"lFs hologr"m throughB the
?ener"l s"ys th"t the "re" is " no+$ly zone& "nd even ."#hine *entinels wonFt be "llowed
there. 5e s"ys to tell the .erv th"t heFll be le"ving right "w"y& "nd to m":e the ne#ess"ry
"rr"ngements. 6lood s"ys theyFll h"ve to disrupt *entinel systems in order $or the ?ener"l to
get on his w"y without being #"ught. <sing d"t" $rom the ?ener"l& the pl"yer goes "$ter "
."#hine termin"l& but #"nFt get "nywhere with itB the ?ener"lFs hologr"m be"ms in "nd s"ys
th"t the ."#hines h"ve #h"nged the inter$"#e to $oil his intel& but he "nd his men #"n get
upd"ted d"t" by #"pturing " ."#hine *entinel. GA h"#:"ble #omputer in this ."#hine "re"
h"s some det"ils "bout 1'3Fs upgr"des "nd rep"irs to old EionB the ."#hines would h"ve got
this in$o in the ."#h /0./.4 event:
6orti$i#"tion "n"lysis:
+ 5igh 1.' mine density in "ppro"#h tunnels
+ 1.' mines pl"#ed in bedro#: "round m"in do#:
+ 7o#: hull rep"ired "nd rein$or#ed
+ 7o#: gun turrets repl"#ed "nd supplemented
+ -n$"ntry strength un:nown
3ew #oordin"tes "re supplied by the ?ener"l& "nd this time the .ervs $ind " m"#hine they
#"n hiC"#: to disrupt some o$ the ."#hine *entinels $or the ?ener"l. 6lood s"ys the ?ener"l
is on his w"y to the bl"#:out zone.
%e)uired 1vents:
Eion: Eion ship th"t w"s $ollowing sign"l possibly #orresponding to 5"lbornFs ship
#on$igur"tion h"s stopped respondingB #rew member C"#:s in to s"y their ship is #rippled "nd
being pursued by 5"lbornB Eion uses the mess"ge rel"y theyFd set up with 5"lborn be$ore to
send him "n emergen#y mess"ge s"ying they h"ve the progr"m he w"ntsB he C"#:s in "nd
they h"ve to :eep him distr"#ted somehow while the #rippled ship gets "w"y Gsome :ind o$
time limit& m"ybeIB "lso& it loo:s li:e 5"lborn m"y h"ve been hoping to eploit the #rippled
ship in order to "##ess 3ew Eion somehow
."#h: Cyph oper"tion to ste"l in$o on the Lo#: ship tr"ns$er $rom 1'3 or EionB Veil gives in$o
to 5"lborn
.erv: *entinel "#tivity is " little he"vier th"n "nti#ip"ted Gmost h"d been re#"lled sin#e
5"lborn "ppe"red in the ."triI& "nd the .erv w"nts their systems bothered "g"in to buy the
?ener"l "ddition"l time: disrupting " #omputer system& or something li:e th"t& or even
#re"ting some sort o$ distr"#tion $or the *entinels
Also: 5over#r"$t b"ttle G"$ter ."#h "nd .erv eventsI
The Matrix Online Archives
6ollowing the #oordin"te d"t" given him by Veil& 5"lborn $inds only the 1'3/Eion #onvoy
t":ing Lo#: to 3ew Eion. Cyphs #ome "long to m":e " b"ttle o$ it "nd blow 5"lbornFs #over&
m"y bring ."#hines. 5over#r"$t b"ttle to determine where Lo#: ends up:
"I Cyph win G1'3/Eion be"ten "nd Cyphs h"ve more ships le$t th"n ."#hinesI: Lo#: is on
the run with 1'3/Eion survivors somewhere in the tunnels between old "nd new Eion
bI 1'3 win GCyphs/."#hs be"ten "nd 1'3 h"ve more ships le$t th"n EionI: 1'3 t":es Lo#:
b"#: to Eion until they #"n be sure o$ getting to 3ew Eion s"$ely
#I ."#h win G1'3/Eion be"ten "nd ."#hines h"ve more ships le$t th"n CyphsI: ."#hines
#"pture Lo#:
dI Eion win GCyphs/."#h be"ten "nd Eion h"s more ships th"n 1'3I: Lo#: is t":en to 3ew
Crit /0./.8
Eion: A Eion hover#r"$t is t"iling " ship th"t might be 5"lbornFs& $ound s:ul:ing not too $"r $rom
the spot o$ the hover#r"$t b"ttle over Lo#: Gsee "boveI. Colt h"s the pl"yer go get C"rlyne&
sin#e he might h"ve some ide"s o$ how this lone ship #"n h"ndle 5"lborn. !he pl"yer $inds
C"rlyne in the midst o$ some de"d "##eler"ted progr"ms. 5e s"ys i$ they #"n s#"n " D#ert"in
spe#trum b"ndD "t #lose r"nge& they #ould get some use$ul in$orm"tion "bout 5"lbornFs ."tri
bro"d#"st $re)uen#y& "nd he suggests they try luring 5"lborn in by l"nding "nd "#tiv"ting
their emergen#y be"#on& to m":e it loo: li:e theyFre dis"bled& sin#e 5"lborn m"y be trying to
#"pture " Eion #r"$t Gsee previous Eion eventI. !he ship re"#hes bro"d#"st depth "nd one
#rew member C"#:s inB theyFre given C"rlyneFs in$orm"tion& "nd their #"pt"in de#ides to go $or
itB they "renFt sure heFs still ne"r& "s he isnFt showing up on r"d"r& but theyFre getting Dsome
weird lid"r s#"tter.D !he pl"yer es#orts the #rew member to C"rlyne "nd ?host. As they get
there& the #rew member s"ys theyFre st"rting the s#"n& but then they suddenly seem s#"red&
"nd drop de"d. C"rlyne is #on#erned "bout the s#"n& but relieved to $ind they did get some
d"t" b"#: be$ore the s#"n w"s termin"ted. 5e s"ys heFll be "ble to use it to $in"lize " new
progr"m heFs been wor:ing on& th"t 5"lborn wonFt h"ve " #ounter to. 5e "dds his regrets
"bout the lost #rew& "nd his surprise th"t 5"lborn "tt"#:ed them& but it m"y sound " little
insin#ere. ?host s"ys they h"ve other ships on their w"y to the s#ene& but he doesnFt epe#t
theyFll get there be$ore 5"lborn h"s m"de himsel$ s#"r#e.
."#h: 5"lborn is ti#:ed o$$ "bout being led into the Eion/1'3 hover#r"$t by the Cypherites&
"nd dem"nds to see the ."#hines "g"in. !he pl"yer meets '"#e& "s i$ thereFs going to be
"nother meeting between her "nd 5"lborn& but she s"ys th"t 5"lborn wonFt be #oming&
be#"use thereFs no point in him "s:ing them $or the lo#"tion o$ C"rlyneFs ship "g"in. *he "dds
th"t $ortun"tely& "n outlet $or his "nger h"s Dbeen "rr"nged.D Override progr"ms "re popping
up "t Cypherite inst"ll"tions& "nd the pl"yer $inds some Cyphs who s"y 5"lborn tore through
their pl"#e& "nd #h"sed o$$ the rest o$ the Cyphs there. !hey go "long with the pl"yer to this
other Cypherite lo#"tion& where there "re " bun#h o$ override progr"ms& de"d Cypherites& "nd
5"lborn& whoFs still m"d& "nd s"ys theyFre being m"nipul"ted Git isnFt #le"r i$ he is thin:ing the
pl"yer is " ."#hine or " Cypherite hereI by someone who :nows "ll "bout the progr"m.
The Matrix Online Archives
.erv: !he ?ener"lFs l"test progress upd"te h"snFt #ome through& "nd the pl"yer is sent to
$ind out wh"t the holdup is. !hey $ind the #omm"ndo #ommuni#"tion s)u"d de"d& "nd their
.erv+net #omputer lo#:ed out. 6lood s"ys th"t the ."#hines "re on the pl"yerFs t"il now&
prob"bly over the whole *entinel system h"#:ing thing& "nd grudgingly shows the pl"yer "
spot they #"n hide out $or " while. !his doesnFt wor:& "nd the pl"yer is "mbushed repe"tedly
by ."#hines. 6lood sends the pl"yer to " spot where theyFve seen one o$ 5"lbornFs
A##eler"torsB some ."#hines get too #lose "nd get "##eler"ted G$riendlyIB the pl"yer $inishes
o$$ the rest. !he pl"yer reports to the .erv& who "dmits th"t 5"lborn h"s h"d his uses& but
those h"ve run out& "nd they #"n #onsider their business with him "t "n end. 'ersephone is
there& "nd #omments th"t 5"lborn is Cust "nother o$ the people the .erv h"s used up "nd spit
out over the #enturies++people who were willing to sell their souls to try to get wh"t they
%e)uired 1vents:
Eion: C"rlyne #on$ronts 5"lborn& Eionite hits him with C"rlyne+given progr"m& 5"lborn
#rumples li$eless to the ground shortly there"$ter
."#h: G9e$ore Eion eventI ."#hines w"rn 5"lborn th"t his ship h"s prob"bly been
#ompromised& suggest th"t he le"ve& "s his se#urity #"nnot be gu"r"nteedB heFs ti#:edB
'"#e/?r"y hyperCumps "w"y
.erv: GA$ter Eion eventI .ervs sent to see wh"t C"rlyne intends to do nowB "$ter getting p"st
some o$ this progr"ms& they G- guess the only .erv #h"r"#ter - #ould t":e "long would be
9eirn& sin#e the others would be vulner"ble to overridesI "s: him wh"tFs up& he s"ys heFs
le"ving& .ervs get orders to try to #onvin#e him to st"y Ghow& - dunno++- wouldnFt w"nt to
repe"t some o$ the stu$$ "lre"dy tried by the .erv on 5"lborn in the previous sub#h"pters&
thoughIB ultim"tely this doesnFt wor:& C"rlyneFs still determined to le"ve
Crit /0./.;
Eion: C"rlyne th"n:s Eion& "nd s"ys heFs le"ving the ."tri now th"t his Cob o$ removing
5"lborn is done. 5e "dds th"t he doesnFt thin: 5"lbornFs de"d& but his ship h"s been
dis"bled& so he #"nFt C"#: in. ."ybe he #ould given time& but C"rlyne will be t":ing steps to
m":e sure th"t doesnFt h"ppen& whi#h++he s"ys++is "nother re"son heFs got to d"sh o$$.
!ynd"ll s"ys some overrides "re still #ropping up& "nd send the pl"yer to one site& but "ll they
$ind there "re " #ouple emb"rr"ssed bluepills. !hey try "nother spot& "nd $ind "##eler"ted
progr"ms& but de"d ones& "nd some ."#hines show up "nd #h"se them o$$ Gor "t le"st put up
" good $ight++" level /00 sp"wns "$ter the $irst norm"l ."#hine is :illedI. 3iobe s"ys sheFs
gl"d 5"lborn "nd C"rlyne "re out o$ the pi#ture& but the ."#hines showing up "round those
de"d overrides is prob"bly " sign th"t theyFre stepping their "#tivity b"#: up now th"t the
intruders "re gone& "nd th"t Eion h"s h"d time to get prep"red G3ew Eion $inished "nd so
The Matrix Online Archives
$orthI& but itFs going to be tough $"#ing the $ull $or#e o$ the ."#hines "g"in.
."#h: *ent to investig"te possible lingering override progr"ms& the pl"yer $inds th"t C"rlyneFs
"lre"dy :illed them. C"rlyne s"ys heFs le"ving the ."tri& "s heFd promised to do on#e
5"lborn w"s removed. 5e s"ys he hopes there "re no h"rd $eelings over the times they
ended up on opposite sides. ?r"y #"lls the pl"yer in to dis#uss priorities in light o$ C"rlyneFs
dep"rture. ?r"y s"ys th"t with the intruders gone& theyFll be "ble to deploy their *entinels "nd
Agents in $ull strength "g"in& "nd t":e on the terrorists. '"#e n"mes 1'3 "nd the .erv "s
re#ent o$$enders who need to be de"lt with. !he pl"yer is sent b"#: out to $inish s#rubbing up
override #odes& "nd $inds some .erv oper"tives whoFve lured ."#hines into "n override $ield
where they got "##eler"ted& "nd then Cypherites e"mining de"d "##eler"ted progr"ms with
Cryptos& who s"ys th"t he thin:s the overrides were t"pping into something $und"ment"l in
the simul"tion& th"tFs not li:ely to go "w"y Cust be#"use the intruders "re le"ving. 5e s"ys th"t
he w"snFt vulner"ble to overrides& despite being p"rtly ."#hine #ode himsel$& so heFs going to
try #oding something to resist override progr"ms& using his own oper"ting #ode "s " st"rting
.erv: !he ?ener"l be"ms " slightly #hoppy hologr"phi# bro"d#"st through to s"y th"t heFs
re"#hed the bl"#:out "re"& "nd they $ound " he"vily $orti$ied $"#ility& whose de$enses they
#ouldnFt penetr"te. 3e"rby they $ound " d"t" #onduit th"t w"snFt "s he"vily de$ended& "nd
theyFve m"n"ged to t"p into it& but the proto#ols "re unusu"l& only p"rtly m"t#hing ."#hine
$orm"ts. 5e sends " s"mple "long. 6lood h"s the pl"yer h"#: into " *entinel system to loo:
$or some :ind o$ m"t#h& but they donFt $ind "nything. !he 1$$e#tu"tor pops in to s"y th"t theyFll
h"ve to go w"y deeper& sin#e this is something nobody they :now h"s seen be$ore. 5e gives
the pl"yer " #ouple dire lupine de$enders& "nd the pl"yer tries " he"vily se#ured ."#hine
d"t"b"se the .erv h"snFt been "ble to "##ess be$ore. A$ter getting p"st " lot o$ ."#hines "nd
"mbushes& the pl"yer gets m"t#hing d"t" $rom the site "nd uplo"ds it. GA h"#:"ble #omputer
"t this ."#hine site h"s tet system"ti#"lly des#ribing how X5"lbornY $ound himsel$ in "
position to be s#"nned by Eion twi#e& "nd s"ys in$orm"tion $rom the s#"ns w"s prob"bly used
"g"inst him.I -tFs be"med to the ?ener"l& who tries using it to wor: his w"y through the
str"nge d"t" proto#ols. !he pl"yer h"s to $ight o$$ ."#hines to get to the #omm termin"l
where the ?ener"lFs d"t" $eed is #oming in& "nd it loo:s li:e heFs $ound some :ind o$ m"ssive
networ:: the DXse#ret n"me zet"Y 3etwor:&D but th"tFs "bout "ll th"tFs returned be$ore his
session is termin"ted.
X*)u"re br"#:ets below surround in$orm"tion th"t will not be reve"led to pl"yers dire#tly&
possibly not "t "ll& during this sub#h"pter.Y
Ch"pter im"ge: ."user "t " telephone in !"bor '"r:
Crit /0.2./
Eion: ,hile investig"ting "n in#re"se in networ: glit#hes& "nd $inding " #omputer th"t #he#:s
The Matrix Online Archives
out #le"n& "lthough " ."#hine oper"tive w"s en#ountered ne"rby& the pl"yer is #"lled in to
t"l: to Colt& who tells them th"t his old #rewm"te GheFs l"ter #"lled Dhe"d me#h"ni#D "nd D"
highly s:illed te#hni#i"nDI ."user& supposedly :illed by *entinels "$ter res#uing Lo#: $rom the
."#hine "tt"#: on Eion& h"s been seen in the ."tri++this is doubly str"nge& sin#e ."user
didnFt h"ve C"#:s. GA Eionite gu"rd here t"l:s "bout the su##ess$ul hover#r"$t b"ttle "nd Lo#:Fs
return.I A bit o$ $ruitless se"r#hing $or him is done b"sed o$$ the initi"l sighting reports "nd
Ddis#onne#ted blips "t publi# h"rdlines&D but these "re $ruitless until his pi#ture #omes up on
"n -7 s#"nner "t " ne"rby internet #"$S. 9ut by the time the pl"yer gets there& ."user is
gone& "nd the se#urity gu"rd #on$irms he didnFt st"y very long. A st"$$ member is puzzled th"t
someone m"n"ged to wipe the se#ured #"#he on one o$ the termin"ls.
."#h: !he pl"yer is going "round messing with Eionites whoFve gotten " little sl"#: with their
se#urity "$ter "ll these months o$ the ."#hines pl"ying it #ool while the intruders were "round.
!his spree in#ludes be"ting up Eionites& dis"bling their #omputers& "nd interrupting "n
"w":ening pro#edure right "$ter the bluepill sw"llowed the red pill. 6in"lly they get to "
surprisingly l"rge p"#: o$ Eionites he"ded by 3iobe& who s"ys th"t Eion isnFt Cust going to roll
over $or the ."#hines.
.erv: !he ?ener"l tries to get in #ont"#t $rom the no+$ly zone& but his sign"l is too we":.
."lph"s introdu#es " s#heme $or using the hum"ns in pods dotted "round the 1"rthFs sur$"#e
"s " wide "rr"y bro"d#"st method $or re"#hing the ?ener"l by t":ing "dv"nt"ge o$ the sign"l
gener"tion #"p"bility o$ ele#troen#eph"logr"phi# G11?I wiring "nd hum"n bodies. All
oper"tives h"ve to do is go "round sh":ing h"nds with bluepills to $ire ."lph"sF progr"m b"#:
into their pods. !his goes on $or " while with v"rious re"#tions $rom the bluepills en#ountered&
some o$ the l"ter ones re"#ting " little suspi#iously Gsort o$ ."#hine+li:e& you #ould s"yI. -n
the end the sign"l gener"ted Cust isnFt power$ul enough to get "nything to or $rom the ?ener"l&
giving 6lood "n opportunity to go on "bout the we":ness o$ the hum"n mind "nd body.
%e)uired 1vents:
Eion: XEion onlyY Colt le"ds " hunt $or ."user th"t h"s oper"tives spre"d out to #over every
h"rdline in the #ityB ."user is spotted "nd pursued& but when Colt #"t#hes up to him& ."user
m":es no sign o$ re#ognizing him& "nd v"nishes through "n un#h"rted line Gsome non+
h"rdline phone or other somewhere in the #ityI
."#h: 5m& m"ybe we #ould swipe some Cui#y Eion in$o on wh"t Lo#:Fs been t"l:ing to the
Coun#il "bout sin#e he got b"#: Gthis would be something Cust re"d o$$& "nd would illustr"te
th"t the Coun#il isnFt too hot to :i#: %ol"nd out o$ the Comm"nder position Cust be#"use
Lo#:Fs b"#:I
.erv: !he .erv tries getting " #rew to est"blish " bro"d#"st rel"y to the ?ener"l in the %e"l&
but "lthough the #oordin"tion "nd setup goes well& "nd " #onne#tion is est"blished& the #rew
is brut"lly sl"ughtered by *entinels who $ind their position. Ou#hR
The Matrix Online Archives
Crit /0.2.2
Eion: !he line ."user es#"ped through is $ound to be p"rt o$ " pre+!ru#e restri#ted "##ess
Eion networ:& whose do#ument"tion w"s mostly lost when the ."#hines z"pped EionFs old
m"in$r"me. Old oper"tives li:e Colt "nd %ol"nd :now " little bit "bout some o$ the networ:&
but while Eion #"n tr"#: down some o$ the old phone termin"ls& they #"nFt n"vig"te through
them++how ."user is doing it is " mystery. !he pl"yerFs oper"tor tries m"pping some o$ the
networ: by sending tr"#:ing p"#:ets through it& whi#h wor:s to " #ert"in etent& "lthough they
"lso run into some ."#hines "long the w"y& "nd " $ew puzzled bluepills who s"y they h"venFt
re#eived " phone bill in ye"rs. A$ter these $"lse st"rts& though& they #ome "#ross ."user&
st"nding net to yet "nother phone. 5e #"lmly s"ys heFs doing wh"t he #"n do win the w"rB
he "dds th"t the ."#hines will be there soon Xnot "#tu"lly :pY& "nd heFs prep"red to le"ve
through the restri#ted line heFs Cust Dspli#ed.D
."#h: !he pl"yer wor:s with poli#e to #he#: into possible ."user "#tivity& $inding some
#omputers with their "##ess logs wiped G"nd " de"d 3ight ,"t#hm"n "t one lo#"tionI& "nd
$ingerprints. !his le"ds to " b"n: th"t Cust reported " bre":+in. 3o money w"s t":en& but "
#omputer w"s t"mpered with. !here w"s "n "ttempt to delete the "##ess log& but it w"s
preserved by the b"n:Fs b"#:up system. !he log is "n"lyzed& "nd ?r"y reports th"t it shows
the user #onne#ted to " remote system using networ: tunneling "nd "n un:nown& en#rypted
#onne#tion proto#ol. ?r"y "dds th"t the w"y the perp is s:ipping "round indi#"tes th"t he isnFt
tr"velling by usu"l me"ns. !he ."#hines still "renFt sure i$ this is "#tu"lly ."user& but by the
end o$ the mission ?r"y s"ys theyFre giving him th"t design"tion& "t le"st tempor"rily.
.erv: !he .erovingi"n w"nts to investig"te using the power gener"ted by the storm to help
#ont"#t the ?ener"l somehow. G!he !wins "re here dis#ussing Lo#:Fs tr"ns$er to 3ew Eion.I
6lood h"s the pl"yer borrow " bluepill phone "nd #"ll Dthe popul"r r"dio meteorologi#"l #"ll+in
show& F%"iny 7"y 7"n&FD to see i$ thereFs "n e"sy "nswer. !he ebullient host s"ys he doesnFt
:now o$ " w"y lightning would help& but " temper"ture inversion& th"t #"n h"ppen in storms&
h"s the possibility o$ #"using " phenomenon #"lled Dtropospheri# du#tingD #"p"ble o$ boosting
r"dio sign"l r"nge signi$i#"ntly. 6lood thin:s this sounds simple "nd sends the pl"yer to "s:
#omm"ndos $or det"ils "bout the storm. !hey t"l: "bout v"rious things li:e "voiding lightning&
the slow pro#ess o$ "tmospheri# oygen de#"y& "nd the hum"n DOper"tion 7"r: *tormD th"t
st"rted the storm& "lthough they h"ve no ide" how the hum"ns "#tu"lly did it& "nd suggest
th"t m"ybe the ."#hines donFt even :now how it wor:ed& or else theyFd h"ve stopped it
"lre"dy. 6lood s"ys th"t isnFt mu#h to go on& "nd sends the pl"yer to try to get "nything on
Oper"tion 7"r: *torm th"t Eion might h"ve. !hey dig up "n old newsp"per "rti#le $rom "bout
" wee: be$ore the oper"tion w"s :i#:ed o$$ Gthe government is rele"sing some in$o to the
publi# "bout wh"t to epe#t& it will be per$e#tly s"$e "nd tempor"ry& vi#tory is "ssured& $ree
$l"shlights $or everyone in the me"n time& et#I& but th"tFs "bout it. 6lood s"ys i$ the
"tmosphere is still rel"tively simil"r to the pre+storm "tmosphere& theyFll Cust h"ve to h"ve
some o$ the ?ener"lFs *entinels try v"rious time+tested #loud seeding te#hni)ues su#h "s
dispersing silver iodide& dry i#e& s"lt mitures& "nd so $orth.
The Matrix Online Archives
%e)uired 1vents:
Eion: Could be he#ti#& but - w"s thin:ing o$ trying " #ontest where we s"y th"t weFre trying to
tr"#: ."user boun#ing "round hidden lines& so we h"ve pl"yers split into mission te"ms "nd
$ind non+h"rdline eterior phones in the #ity within " #ert"in time limit. !he te"m le"der would
h"ve to be "t the phone& they /tell "n LO& the LO gives me their n"me& - teleport to their
lo#"tion GinvisibleI& drop " smo:e #loud GDmess"ge #loudDI on the phone to m"r: it& "nd "n LO
:eeping s#ore t"llies one point $or th"t te"m. ,eFd prob"bly h"ve " b"#:log o$ reports "t $irst&
but eventu"lly - thin: it would slow down "s pl"yers would be spre"ding $"rther "nd $"rther
"$ield to $ind unm"r:ed phones. .ight need " b"#:up pl"n i$ we #ouldnFt :eep up with the
."#h: ."#hine #r"#:+down on h"rdlines in 7owntownB m"ybe something li:e putting sm"ll
pvp zones up on v"rious h"rdlines& "nd h"ving ."#hinists try to de$end " .e#h"ni# there
while he oper"tes on the line& i$ itFs su##ess$ul& " pl"toon o$ level 2;; Agents pops out "nd
surrounds the h"rdline
.erv: - w"nt to dwell on the 7"r: *torm thing " little while weFre on the topi#. .ervs $ollow up
some o$ the le"ds they $ound in the previous mission "nd $ind "n old progr"m& who loo:s li:e
" Eero One robot Ghe might h"ve to be etr"#ted "nd inst"nti"ted or something $irstI& "nd
t"l:s "bout the old times when the hum"ns #re"ted the storm.
Crit /0.2.4
Eion: Colt provides " progr"m th"t will shut down p"rt o$ the restri#ted "##ess networ:++Eion
still #"nFt utilize the lines& "nd theyFre #on#erned th"t the ."#hines m"y h"ve #"ptured d"t"
on the system $rom the old Eion m"in$r"me. Colt is #on$used by ."userFs beh"vior& "nd thin:s
Dsomething h"ppened out there with him "nd Lo#:.D !he pl"yer shuts the networ: se#tion
down without trouble& "nd goes to investig"te " new line $ound $rom the termin"l they
"##essed. !hey $ind " bluepill o$$i#e& with " restri#ted line in " b"#: room. A #ler: s"ys they
"renFt supposed to use it. Another #ler:& however& whispers DitFs "bout time they sent
someone&D "nd gives the pl"yer "n "##ess #ode $or the phone. A lo#:ed des: in the "re"
#ont"ins " $ile$older th"t the oper"tor s"ys holds " h"ndwritten note s"ying DNour #ont"#tFs
n"me is *oren. "ny #h"nges to your st"nding orders will #ome $rom him.D !his phone le"ds to
"nother& but when the pl"yer re"#hes it& they $ind " 7e#eler"tor progr"m& whi#h h"s
s#r"mbled the line. ."#hine redpills "ppe"r "t the s#ene "s well. !ynd"ll s"ys they thought
the override progr"ms h"d been removed wee:s "go.
."#h: !he ."#hines h"ve $ound some d"t" on the old restri#ted h"rdline networ: "mong the
m"in$r"me d"t" #"ptured $rom old Eion& "nd st"rt using it to investig"te the networ:. !hey run
sm"#: into Eionites& "nd " line with str"nge proto#ols. !he ."#hines re"lize they donFt h"ve
the ne#ess"ry in$orm"tion to be "ble to use the networ:& "nd Eion seems to :now things
"bout it th"t they donFt& so they de#ide to #on#entr"te on $ollowing Eion inste"d. !hey $ind "
Eionite )uestioning bluepills "bout str"nge "##esses on wh"t the o$$i#e wor:ers des#ribe "s
The Matrix Online Archives
Dsome :ind o$ old di"l+up d"t" lineD th"t they donFt re"lly use "nymore. *nooping th"t EioniteFs
#omm tips the ."#hines o$$ to the lo#"tion o$ " Eionite te"m who thin:s theyFre #losing in on
."user. !he pl"yer "mbushes the te"m& "nd the ."#hines s#"n the restri#ted line "t their
lo#"tion. !his pi#:s up tr"#es o$ "n unusu"l bro"d#"st sign"l& "nd " m"t#h "t "nother phone
termin"l on the restri#ted networ:. !he pl"yer meets '"#e there& "nd she s"ys th"t ."user
w"snFt "round& but they got " better re"ding o$ the bro"d#"st sign"l& "nd were "ble to
determine th"t itFs #oming $rom the vi#inity o$ old Eion. '"#e thin:s it #ould be ."userFs
.erv: !he tropospheri# du#ting is wor:ing G"nd the storm seeding wor:ed better th"n
epe#ted& :i#:ing up " pretty he"vy tempestI& so the pl"yer is sent to $ind unen#rypted
."#hine d"t" o$ the type the ?ener"l is en#ountering in the Olig"r#h 3etwor:& to help the
?ener"l de#rypt it or n"vig"te through it or wh"tnot. !he m"in$r"me theyFre sent to #"pture
turns out to be in the $orm o$ " $em"le o$$i#e #ler:& who seems pretty surprised. !he ."#hines
try to stop them& but the pl"yer #lubs her over the he"d "nd dr"gs her o$$ to h"ve her br"in
downlo"ded by .erv te#hni#i"ns. !he d"t" $low loo:s good& so the pl"yer goes to #he#: with
the ?ener"l to see how heFs doing& but the #onvers"tion with his hologr"phi# bro"d#"st is
bro:en o$$ when his $or#es "re hit by wh"t he #"lls Din#oming missiles.D 6lood s"ys th"t the
d"t" $rom the #"ptured m"in$r"me Cust got #ut o$$. !he pl"yer $inds the m"in$r"me& te#hni#i"n&
"nd 1ile gu"rds de"d. 6lood t":es sol"#e in the thought th"t the ?ener"l might be de"d& too.
%e)uired 1vents:
Eion: 'ursuit o$ ."user through " $ew rem"ining un#h"rted h"rdlines G- #ould teleport pl"yers
$rom one phone to "nother& then they #h"se ."user to "nother phone& where he teleports
"g"in++then weFd h"ve to h"#: the line to $ind the phone he went to++m"ybe we #ould "s:
pl"yers to lo"d h"#:er "nd do ,rite Code "t the line& whi#h would redu#e the timeI ends
when he sp"wns " %untime "nd v"nishes into " phone ne"r the 5el Club
."#h: Oper"tion "g"inst 1'3 #rews/#omputers to help *entinels tri"ngul"te the ."user
tr"nsmission sour#e ne"r old EionB theyFre #lose to pinpointing it when dis"bled se#urity
routines on the 1'3 systems suddenly re"#tiv"te "nd #ut the tr"#eB the re"#tiv"ted se#urity
routines resist ."#hine e$$orts to #r"#:++but we should $ind some w"y to show th"t 1'3
themselves "re surprised by the se#urity routines :i#:ing b"#: on
.erv: !he seeded& intensi$ied 7"r: *torm is still "llowing #ommuni#"tion with the ?ener"l
"nd his surviving men. 'l"yers help " #omm"ndo progr"m uplo"d into " restored *entinel&
"nd prote#t his %*- while he uses it to s#"venge $light re#orders $rom other *entinels th"t
were t":en out by the missile b"rr"ge++m"ybe these sp"wn in "s de"d *entinels in the #ity&
"nd pl"yers h"ve to go tr"#: down the body "nd DlootD it somehow& $ighting o$$ ."#hinesB
"nyw"y& when the d"t" is "dded up& itFs $ound th"t " $ew o$ the *entinels h"d re#orded long+
r"nge re"dings th"t $it the pro$ile o$ the ship type C"rlyne "nd 5"lborn used
The Matrix Online Archives
Crit /0.2.8
Eion: 6ollowing the line ."user h"d es#"ped through ne"r the 5el Club& the pl"yer $inds "n
1ile& who s"ys they #"n help& i$ the pl"yer m":es sure th"t " #omputer ne"rby is put o$$line.
!ynd"ll s"ys they m"y "s well give it " shot& "nd the pl"yer dis"bles " #omputer owned by
some 7ire Lupines& but when they go b"#: to meet the mysterious 1ile G" 3ightm"reI& they
$ind him de"d& with " de"d ."#hine net to him& "nd some ti#:ed+o$$ 1iles. !he pl"yer
m"n"ges to $ind " phone there th"t turns out to be "nother o$ the restri#ted lines. !his one
le"ds to " bun#h o$ 1iles& "nd 6lood& who s"ys th"t the pl"yer is tresp"ssing in the .ervFs
dom"in. !ynd"ll is #on#erned th"t ."user might be w"l:ing into " .erovingi"n tr"p.
."#h: !he ."#hines go "$ter 1'3 systems in the ."tri& to #"pture the s#"n in$orm"tion th"t
they werenFt "ble to #"pture in the %e"l. !hey get to the right 1'3 #omputer& but it reports "
str"nge error when trying to #onne#t to 1'3Fs systems on the sur$"#e. '"#e shows o$$ " sim
o$ "n 1'3 t"l:ing "bout ."userFs res#ue "nd de$ense o$ Lo#: "$ter the ."#hine "tt"#: on
Eion. *he points out th"t "lthough Lo#: s"id ."user w"s :illed by *entinels& no ."#hine
*entinels "re :nown to h"ve en#ountered ."user& "nd "lso& Lo#: didnFt s"y heFd "#tu"lly
seen it: heFd only he"rd it $rom the s"$e spot where ."user h"d hidden him. *he s"ys itFs
import"nt to identity Lo#:Fs res#ue lo#"tion "nd #he#: the pl"#e out $or themselves& sin#e it
h"d to do with ."userFs l"st reported lo#"tion in the %e"l. !he ."#hines h"ve the pl"yer
"ss"ssin"te " well+:nown user o$ internet bl"#: m"r:ets& "nd log into one with his "##ount. A
brie$ browse turns up someone selling wh"t they #l"im is h"rd d"t" on the res#ue oper"tion.
!he pl"yer meets the sellerFs #ourier "nd m":es the buy. ?r"y s"ys the d"t" loo:s legit& "nd
they identi$y the wre#:ed $"#ility Lo#: w"s hidden in "s 7"nielle ,rightFs l"b& where she w"s
:illed by *entinels shortly be$ore the ."#hines wiped out old Eion. ?r"y s"ys th"t ."user
m"y be "ble to do some o$ the things heFs been doing by t":ing utilizing te#hnology s"lv"ged
$rom the l"b. !he ."#hines modi$y their sur$"#e se"r#h to #over the "re" between the l"b "nd
the rough "re" to whi#h theyFd tr"#:ed his sign"l previously.
.erv: An "ttempt to #ont"#t the ?ener"l doesnFt even get o$$ the ground& "nd the #omm"ndo
s"ys th"t they #"nFt r"ise him "t "ll "$ter they re#eived reports o$ " se#ond missile stri:e.
6lood thin:s the ?ener"l is $":ing it. 5e "lso s"ys th"t someone h"s stolen the topogr"phi#
d"t" on the no+$ly zoneB the ?ener"l h"s " sep"r"te #opy& but o$ #ourse they #"nFt re"#h him.
!he pl"yer is sent to investig"te the #rime "nd $inds three dire lupines "round the vi#timized
#omputer& who s"y th"t its only them lupines who "re there& "nd they h"venFt smelled "nyone
else "round. 6lood sends the pl"yer to #he#: on " #"ll they Cust got $rom some o$ their people
ne"rby "bout " suspi#ious #h"r"#ter& "nd the pl"yer $inds de"d 1iles "nd " phone. !he
?ener"lFs hologr"m be"ms in "nd s"ys heFll send "long his #opy o$ the d"t". !his is used to
tr"#: down the stolen version& "nd they $ind " dire lupine& who doesnFt t"l: mu#h li:e " lupine&
st"nding net to " phone. !he lupine s"ys the d"t"Fs been uplo"ded& "nd to th"n: the
6ren#hm"n $or m":ing it e"sy to get the d"t"& be#"use it wouldFve been h"rder to go through
the ."#hines. !hen the lupine $"lls over de"d. 6lood s"ys heFs pretty sure th"t w"s ."user&
"nd now heFs re"lly #rossed the line by ste"ling $rom the .erv.
%e)uired 1vents:
The Matrix Online Archives
Eion: Eionites loo:ing $or ."user pursue reports o$ " hyper+Cumping& b"ld& mus#ul"r bl"#:
m"le s:ul:ing "round "b"ndoned buildings in ,estview. !hey $ind Joshu" ."ston& who s"ys
it w"snFt ."user& but the .orpheus simul"#rum& who h"s returned to the simul"tion.
."#h: 6"llout $rom the .ervFs #loud seeding is #"using in#re"sed lightning storm "#tivity in
the "re" being se"r#hed $or ."user& m":ing *entinel "nd hover#r"$t "#tivity in the "re"
impossible. !his would t":e " signi$i#"nt "mount o$ prelimin"ry wor:& but - w"s thin:ing we
h"ve some o$ the ."#hinists Don $ootD in the %e"l. ,eFd give out <%Ls to web+hosted im"ges
#ont"ining their visu"l tr"nsmissions $rom the sur$"#e++" $irst+person DphotoD view. 1"#h would
h"ve " $ew visu"l re$eren#e points the te"m #ould #hoose to go to++" dist"nt ledge& or ruined
stru#ture& et#. ."#hinists not on the te"m #ould help "dvise the others. ."ybe there #ould be
some r"ndom #h"n#e o$ one o$ the te"m being in#"p"#it"ted by " lightning stri:e e"#h DturnD
Gse"r#hing " lo#"tion would "lso t":e " turn++simil"r to old tet "dventures& b"si#"llyI. -$ they
donFt w"ste too mu#h time eploring de"d ends Gor i$ they Cust get lu#:y on lightning stri:e
#h"n#esI theyFll $ind " dis#"rded Eion lightning gun on " sm"ll ledge Cust below the rim o$ "
m"ssive #"nyon. ,ind is whipping through the #h"sm& preventing des#ent& but the ."#hines
thin: theyFll be "ble to get " shielded s#"nning system tru#:ed out there.
.erv: Oo:"miFs tr"#:ing the thie$ ."user "nd runs into inter$eren#e $rom Eionites led by Colt.
5m... ,e #ould do phone+hopping& too& "lthough Oo:"mi #"nFt h"rdline so sheFd h"ve to be
re#"lled& or Cust hoo$ it. 1ventu"lly they $ind ."user Cust "s heFs C"#:ing out in Creston
Crit /0.2.;
Eion: 3iobe s"ys they need to $igure out whoFs been over there in ,estview. Colt "dds some
det"ils/rumors "bout ."user possibly le"ving& "nd the ."#hines hunting #lose to where Lo#:
w"s $ound. !ynd"ll sends the pl"yer to #he#: "n old sim h"unt in ?r"#y 5eights& where they
$ind some semi+hostile Crushers& "nd " dis#onne#ted phone $rom D"n old #oppertop networ:.D
!he oper"tor pulls up some old utility re#ords& "nd they $ollow the networ: to " swit#hbo in
?uinness L":e& where they $ind Cypherites outside " lo#:ed door. !he door mysteriously
unlo#:s "s soon "s the Cypherites "re disposed o$& the oper"tor reports " burst o$ networ:
"#tivity "s the pl"yer steps through the doorw"y& "nd in the net room they $ind " #omputer
with " very #rypti# mess"ge Xit is in $"#t "n etremely v"gue puzzle whose solution will #ome
"long in Eion /0.4./Y. !ynd"ll h"s the pl"yer go meet with *him"d"& who des#ribes " str"nge
$ind m"de by 1'3. !heyFd dete#ted " blip he"ding north $rom " deep tunnel lo#"tion "round
old Eion. -t got out o$ r"nge be$ore they #ould $ollow& but b"#:tr"#:ing "long its p"th& they
$ound " re#ently v"#"ted "re" "t the end o$ "n old m"inten"n#e tunnel& #overed with pie#es
$rom *entinels "nd hover#r"$t& some b"dly d"m"ged. One o$ the hover#r"$t termin"ls w"s still
$un#tion"l& "nd #ont"ined en#rypted d"t"& "lthough the en#ryption is " $"mili"r type& so they
epe#t to be "ble to #r"#: it eventu"lly. *he "dds th"t the blip w"snFt l"rger th"n " mid+sized
hover#r"$t& "nd w"s moving "t roughly hover#r"$t #ruising speed& only they werenFt "ble to
#"t#h up to it be$ore it moved out o$ r"nge& be#"use o$ twists in the tunnel system.
The Matrix Online Archives
."#h: !h"n:s to h"ving n"rrowed down the se"r#h "re"& the ."#hines "re "ble to pi#: up
."userFs bro"d#"st. !he pl"yer $ights o$$ Eionites "nd tr"#:s ."user through " phone hop.
!hey $ind him "lone& #ut the line o$ the phone net to him& "nd st"rt s#"nning his %*- to lo#:
the sign"l& but ?r"y reports " problem with the s#"n& "nd orders the pl"yer to report to the
oper"tions room to h"ve " di"gnosti# run on them. !hey get there Cust "s the .orpheus
*ign"l Gst"ti#+#overed version o$ .orpheus th"t the .orpheus sim used to try to $ool Eion
b"#: during the %ed *:yI pops in& disrupting the s#"n oper"tion& whi#h results in the loss o$
."userFs sign"l. !he ."#hines try to $ind it "g"in& but #"nFt dete#t it. ?r"y s"ys th"t the
#oin#iden#e o$ the involvement o$ $our p"rties who h"ve "ll been pro+Eion G."user& the
.orpheus sim& 7"nielle ,right& the Or"#leI in re#ent illi#it "#tivities #ould point to " l"rger
thre"t. '"#e s"ys ."user h"d surprise on his side& but theyFll get him i$ he C"#:s in "g"in.
.erv: !he ?ener"l& on his w"y b"#: $rom the no+$ly zone& $inishes tr"nsmitting the d"t" he
pulled out o$ the Olig"r#h networ: line. An"lysis o$ the d"t" $inds th"t p"rt o$ it #onsists o$ d"t"
p"#:ets #"rrying tr"dition"l /999 hum"n networ: he"ders. Another te#hni#i"n mentions th"t
the Olig"r#h d"t" is etremely #omple& "nd #ould t":e ye"rs to underst"nd. !he he"ders "re
tr"#:ed to " Dpriv"te #orpor"te provider&D "nd upon investig"tion with some Oo:"mi+provided
werewol$ rein$or#ements& the pl"yer $inds Xse#ret stu$$ yY.
X#rypti# mess"ge Y _ 6ollow her eyes in the d"r: bin"ry o$ the golden prime.
6ollow her eyes
golden prime
bin"ry nights
%e$eren#e to !ennyson poem& D"rgent+lidded eyesD +W Argent 9iometri#s "nd then ,right
%ese"r#h in /0.4.
Xse#ret lo#"tion yY _ !he Ouroboros Corpor"tion
%*- pills $or m"user G"lso going to need two %*-s: t+shirt& "nd l"ter bl"#: long #o"t versionI:
//0/ Gm#lothingTp"nts "/0T#/I + gr"y b"rrelhe"d #"rgo p"nts
emgl"ssesT"=T#2T/ + enh"n#ed brown se#tor sungl"sses
The Matrix Online Archives
"nd l"ter:
m#lothingT#o"tT"=T#/ + brown C"yne #oll"rless h"l$+duster
prob"bly s:ip the h"t:
Glevel ;0 #h"rI
N"s"muu pointed out th"t Ouroboros w"s reported "s buying .et"Corte Gth"t w"s in the
*entinel& during the le"d up to the $irst "nnivers"ry with 7e#ius ,"dsworth& 9lue *:y& "nd "ll
th"t: http://moresour#e.#om/sentinel/04400=/ I whi#h is sort o$ "nnoying be#"use - donFt see
"ny point in redu#ing the "lre"dy sm"ll number o$ our in+g"me #orpor"tions. -Fd li:e
Ouroboros to be independent so - #"n do stu$$ with them without involving .et"Corte. ,hen
"s:ed& the tour guide responded th"t Ouroboros h"s no "$$ili"tion with .et"Corte. - suppose
i$ - h"ve to go into it "t some point -Fll put in something somewhere "bout the two going their
sep"r"te w"ys "t some point "$ter ,"dsworthFs mysterious dis"ppe"r"n#e.
$ounded in /9;4++Drese"r#hers "nd investorsD
+ silver "nd bl"#:
+ long shotguns
+ person"l $irew"ll "nd hyper+de$le#t
+ t"ttooH
tropospheri# du#ting re$eren#es:
X*)u"re br"#:ets below surround in$orm"tion th"t will not be reve"led to pl"yers dire#tly&
possibly not "t "ll& during this sub#h"pter.Y
XAbbrevi"tions GCust $or summ"ry #onvenien#e++donFt use this "s terminology with pl"yersI:
O?: Olig"r#hy/Olig"r#hs
O%: Ouroboros Corpor"tion
,%: ,right %ese"r#h
'A: 'endhurst+Am"r"nth
The Matrix Online Archives
Ouroboros Corpor"tion
!he only thing -Fve re"lly done with Ouroboros be$ore the /0.2.; .erv #rit Gin whi#h .ervs run
into silver+"nd+bl"#: *,A!+style& shotgun+wielding DOuroboros *e#urityD 3'CsI w"s this live
in #h"pter 8. -$ - need some Ouroboros employees $or L1Fs -Fd prob"bly Cust dress " norm"l
%*- simil"rly to the !our ?uide $rom th"t L1: pin: dress shirt& bl"#: striped p"nts& th"t sun or
he"rt or whi#hever it w"s t"ttoo& leggings& "nd bl"#: pumps $or women& "nd " red dress shirt&
pl"in bl"#: sl"#:s& "nd bl"#: $orm"l shoes $or men.
-n th"t event& the !our ?uide s"id they were $ounded in /9;4 by D$orw"rd thin:ing rese"r#hers
"nd investors.D 7uring the old 9lue *:y event $or .ZOFs $irst "nnivers"ry& one o$ '"ulFs
*entinel "rti#les s"id th"t Ouroboros h"d bought .et"#orte& but the !our ?uide s"id here
th"t the #omp"nies werenFt rel"ted& "nd -Fm not re"lly interested in h"ving them stu#:
together& so i$ the )uestion does #ome up "t some point -Fll Cust h"ve to s"y th"t .et"#orte
reg"ined their independen#e.
Ouroboros spe#i"lizes in the m"nu$"#ture o$ ele#troni# devi#es. !heir #orpor"te #ulture is
$"mously se#retive "nd #l"nnish& with intern"l divisions who r"rely sh"re in$orm"tion between
e"#h other. !heir he"d)u"rters is " m"r:ed s:ys#r"per in Creston 5eights G9in"ry 9oy is
st"nding in their pl"z"I.
,right %ese"r#h
Aside $rom the b"#:ground leg"l wr"ngling& ,right %ese"r#h doesnFt $e"ture "ll th"t l"rgely in
this sub#h"pter. Eion gets " very v"gue hint $rom '+AFs 9rend" <tley th"t she++<tley is
supposedly " bluepill++m"y :now "bout de"d ,% $ounderFs 7"nielle ,rightFs redpill p"st.
7"nielle w"s " pre+!ru#e Eion oper"tive/s#ientist& spe#i"lizing in networ: inter$"#es&
developing most not"bly the emergen#y C"#:+out system& Cust "$ter the !ru#e w"s m"de.
7"nielle be#"me disillusioned with EionFs le"dership "t th"t point& "nd went o$$ on her own&
using her s:ills "nd "bilities to m":e hersel$ " li$e inside the ."tri "s $ounder o$ wh"t be#"me
" su##ess$ul %V7 #omp"ny& ,right %ese"r#h. .ore re#ently& Eion "ppro"#hed her to help
them rev"mp the red pill progr"m& whi#h the ."#hines h"d #ompromised shortly "$ter the w"r
rest"rted G#h"pter 8.2I. ,right #ompleted the wor:& not seeming "ll th"t ple"sed "bout Eion&
but w"s then :illed by the ."#hines& who used her hidden #onne#tion to EionFs m"in$r"me to
help destroy the old #ity.
*in#e 7"nielleFs de"th& it h"s more or less been business "s usu"l $or her #omp"ny& "lthough
there "re mentions G"n Ouroboros wor:er s"ys something in " l"te .erv #rit in this
sub#h"pter& $or inst"n#e& "nd there w"s one somewhere in "n e"rlier sub#h"pter& - thin:I th"t
,right %ese"r#h h"snFt done "nything new or interesting l"telyB still& they #ontinue to be
The Matrix Online Archives
reg"rded "s one o$ the $oremost te#h thin:+t"n:s. !heir #orpor"te he"d)u"rters is "
s:ys#r"per in V"uton& m"r:ed on the g"me m"p.
9rend" <tley w"s " '% rep "t meg"+#onsumer+produ#ts #orpor"tion '+A b"#: in #h"pter ;.4&
when she #ont"#ted Eion& "ppro"#hing them through their #oppertop Dpriv"te investig"torD
$ront& "bout weird se#urity problems "t the #omp"ny. !his turned out to be "tt"#:s by 3iobeFs
e+#ontroller& Anome& "nd <tley wor:ed with Eion to get rid o$ his <nlimit goons through
#h"pter =.2& when the d"y w"s won& "nd she w"s promoted to " position on '+AFs bo"rd o$
dire#tors. At the #urrent time& #h"pter /0.4& she h"s wor:ed her w"y up to #h"irwom"n o$ the
'+AFs #orpor"te 5A is " #"mpus o$ l"rge buildings& m"r:ed on the 5"mpton ?reen m"p.
+ 5m& - didnFt thin: o$ it in time $or this upd"te& but - should h"ve m"de generi# missions th"t
would open interior $loors inside Ouroboros "nd 'endhurst+Am"r"nth& li:e - did $or ,right
%ese"r#h b"#: "round #h"pter =. - do h"ve old test missions th"t #"n prob"bly get interior
"##ess "t those #omp"ny he"d)u"rters now& but theyFre $ull o$ debug tet& #"n be $inished
prem"turely by t"l:ing to "n in"ppropri"tely pl"#ed test 3'C inside& "nd so $orth++not wh"t -Fd
li:e to use i$ - #"n "void it. -Fll h"ve to get de#ent missions in Gnot Ftil //./ - supposeI.
9e#"use o$ the det"iled inter"#tion with spe#i$i# "gen#ies in this sub#h"pter& most o$ the
Eion/1'3 V ."#hine/CN'5 events "re pre+"ssigned to Cust one o$ the two groups in e"#h
X%ele"se pushed b"#: " d"y or so $rom the 2=th due to build issues.Y
Ouroboros tour guide Judie L"hler in uni$orm in $ront o$ the Ouroboros s#ulpture in their 5AFs
pl"z"& with w"t#h$ul Ouroboros se#urity on either side.
Crit /0.4./
Eion: 3iobe sends pl"yers to $ind out i$ the #rypti# mess"ge $ound in /0.2.; GD6ollow her eyes
in the d"r: bin"ry o$ the golden primeDI me"ns "nything. !he pl"yer se"r#hes the simul"tionFs
internet& "nd #omes "#ross some in$orm"tion th"t m":es them thin: it #ould h"ve something
to do with the C"mon 5eights 1ile& *ilver. *ilver h"s "pp"rently gone into hiding "lre"dy& so
they go on to #he#: out ,right %ese"r#h& sin#e *ilver h"d previously wor:ed with 7"nielle
,right. !"l:ing to "n employee there& the pl"yer is told th"t "n intern"l bulletin "lerted ,right
wor:ers to " bre":+in "ttempt sever"l wee:s "go by " m"n #losely m"t#hing ."userFs
The Matrix Online Archives
."#h: ?r"y send the pl"yer to "mbush "n 1'3 te"m th"t is supposedly se"r#hing $or the
.orpheus simB !he pl"yer doesnFt $ind the sim& but they do $ind "n 1'3 mention o$ the DblipD
1'3 reported to Eion in /0.2.;. ?r"y mentions th"t theyFd he"rd o$ the 1'3 report& "nd th"t
the 1'3 re"ding w"s supposed to h"ve been t":en Cust "$ter ."userFs l"st :nown
"ppe"r"n#e in the ."tri& sever"l wee:s "go. ."user h"snFt been lo#"ted in the %e"l& either.
3et& the pl"yer is sent to res#ue " me#h"ni# progr"m #h"rged with shutting down p"rt o$ the
old Eion restri#ted line networ:. !he pl"yer s"ves the me#h"ni# $rom some Eionites. ?r"y
s"ys th"t Eion "nd their new #ity is o$ #ourse still the m"in problem& "nd with the intruders
gone theyFd li:e to get b"#: to wor: on destroying the new #ity& but the d"rn storm is m":ing
those "rr"ngements++*entinel movements in p"rti#ul"r++mu#h more di$$i#ult th"n theyFd
norm"lly be. !he pl"yer "s:s " bluepill meteorologist $or their DintuitiveD "n"lysis o$ the storm
Gthey tell the meteorologist the d"t" theyFre showing him is " hypotheti#"l s#en"rioI& "nd the
meteorologist s"ys th"t they thin: the storm will l"st $or " while& "nd is prob"bly going to get
worse be$ore it gets better. ?r"y s"ys th"t in light o$ not being "ble to $ind the sim& storm
problems& et#& the best #ourse o$ "#tion "t present is to put " stop to the 6ren#hm"nFs
shen"nig"ns Gbre":ing into the no+$ly zone "nd so $orthI.
.erv: !he pl"yer is sent to spy on "n O% networ: m"n"ger& "nd "t his o$$i#e overhe"rs t"l: o$
" p"rty some o$ the employees "re holding "t one o$ their "p"rtments. !he p"rty is duly
#r"shed& "nd the m"n"ger :idn"pped& "lthough i$ theyFre loo:ing #"re$ully& the pl"yer m"y
noti#e th"t one drun: #ler: "t the p"rty is level ;. !he pl"yer delivers the m"n"ger to Oo:"mi
"nd some "ssist"nts $or rigorous )uestioning. !h"t done& 6lood h"s the pl"yer #he#: up on
the #ler: $rom the p"rty& "nd they $ind him reporting to " Cypherite th"t DtheyFre "$ter
%e)uired 1vents:
Eion: G1'3 onlyI 1'3 de#rypt the d"t" retrieved $rom the m"inten"n#e tunnel site& "nd $ind
itFs " #opy o$ the s"me topogr"phi# d"t" on the no+$ly zone th"t the .erv stole $rom the
."#hines. 7e#rypting it might re)uire busting some ."#hine Gor less li:ely& .ervI s:ulls. !he
#on#lusion is th"t 1'3 de#ide to send hover#r"$t o$ their own to th"t "re"& to see wh"tFs going
on. X!heyFll "rrive in //./.Y
."#h: GCN'5 onlyI Cyphs sne": p"st some .ervs& #"pture O? d"t" $eeding into O% Gsee
"lso .erv event det"ilsI
.erv: G"$ter ."#h eventI .erv #ounter+"tt"#:s Cyphs& #on$ronts Cryptos "bout the Cyphs
whoFve been "round his O% "#tivity l"tely& "nd Cryptos epl"ins $elt he needed the d"t" to
"dv"n#e the rese"r#h heFs doing $or #re"ting " #ounter to override #odes
The Matrix Online Archives
Crit /0.4.2
Eion: !he pl"yer bre":s into the ,right $"#ility where ."user is supposed to h"ve bro:en in
wee:s e"rlier& but they $ind only "n "l"rm+rigged #omputer "nd se#urity gu"rds w"iting $or
them. Just then 'endhurst+Am"r"nth #h"irwom"n 9rend" <tley gets in tou#h& "$ter m":ing
the pl"yer go through some hoops to m":e sure no ,right spies "re on their t"il Go$$i#i"lly& '+
A de"ls with Eion "s i$ Eion is " $irm o$ priv"te investig"tors++"#tu"lly more li:e mer#en"ries&
but th"t doesnFt sound "s #ivilizedI. .eeting in se#ret& <tley tells the pl"yer th"t ,right
%ese"r#h is thre"tening to sue 'endhurst+Am"r"nth& "lleging th"t '+A hired " h"#:er&
."user& to ste"l d"t" $rom ,right %ese"r#h& "nd b"sing th"t #onne#tion o$$ o$ :nown ties
between ."user "nd Eion& "nd '+A "nd Eion GEion wor:ed with '+A b"#: during the <nlimit
"$$"ir& when Anome tried to t":e over the #orpor"tionI. <tley "dds th"t ,%Fs ."user story is
only "n e#use: ,right %ese"r#h thin:s she possesses d"m"ging in$orm"tion "bout their
#omp"ny Xshe drops wh"t \#ould\ be t":en "s " hint th"t ,% thin:s <tley :nows something
"bout 7"nielle ,rightFs redpill "#tivitiesY.
."#h: !he pl"yer is in the pro#ess o$ roughing up some 1iles $or in$o on the .erv when Veil
#"lls "nd invites them to #ome see Cryptos& who h"s Dnews.D ?r"y s"ys th"t the Cyphs h"ve
been #ondu#ting their own investig"tion o$ the .erv. Cryptos s"ys th"t the .ervs "re "$ter
in$o inside the Ouroboros Corpor"tion th"t the .erv believes to be rel"ted to the intrudersB
Cryptos s"ys he doesnFt w"nt someone li:e the .erv& who doesnFt re"lly #"re "bout hum"n
lives e#ept "s power/ple"sure sour#es& getting their h"nds on something li:e th"t. '"#e
brie$s the pl"yer on Ouroboros& "nd m"r#hes them o$$ with rein$or#ements. !hey $ind .ervs
"tt"#:ing "n Ouroboros building. ?r"y dire#ts them to elimin"te the .ervs& without hurting
"ny surviving Ouroboros gu"rds. 5e s"ys th"t Ouroboros h"d $"iled to noti$y the "uthorities o$
the "tt"#:.
.erv: <sing in$o Oo:"mi got out o$ the O% networ: m"n"ger& the pl"yer& "$ter di$$i#ulty with "
server th"t suddenly went out while they were trying to h"#: it& "nd some hostile O% se#urity
Gnot to mention their snotty o$$i#e wor:ersI& gets their h"nds on " bun#h o$ O% networ:
p"sswords. !heyFre "bout to put these to use "t "nother O% termin"l& when theyFre rudely
interrupted by ."#hines. !hey try "g"in& but this time '"#e is there to greet them& with two
Agents by her side. *he w"rns them th"t theyFd better #e"se their "#tivity "t the Ouroboros
%e)uired 1vents:
Eion: GEion onlyI ,% vs 'A pre+#ourtroom he"ring w/ #ourt+"ppointed medi"torB sm"ll Eion
group b"#:s <tley V 'A "g"inst ,%Fs #l"im o$ 'A/Eion involvement in the bre":+in Ghm...-
suppose - might du"l+#lient to h"ndle the ,% rep "nd the medi"torI
."#h: G."#hines onlyI m"#hinists #h"sing .ervs "lso run into O% se#urityB Agent "ppe"rs
"nd #"lls m"#hinists o$$B ?r"y epl"ins to the ."#hinists th"t the ."#hines h"ve been "w"re
O% w"s " $ront set up by the O?& "nd th"t now it is #"using " problem in the ."tri& but the
."#hines #"nnot ris: "tt"#:ing O% dire#tly& lest the O? be noti$ied "bout it "nd bring more
The Matrix Online Archives
overrides into the ."tri
.erv: .ervs posing "s Agents go into O% "nd #on$is#"te some d"t"& but "re stopped by O%
se#urity who Dpull r"n:D "nd tell the disguised .ervs th"t their D6eder"l Curisdi#tionD doesnFt
"pply inside O%
Crit /0.4.4
Eion: <tley s"ys th"t '+A is getting " little too mu#h leg"l he"t $rom ,right& "nd "s:s 3iobe to
loo: $or #lues on ."user "t Ouroboros inste"d. 3iobe isnFt h"ppy "bout it& but it isnFt "s
though the ,right thing w"s going gre"t $or Eion so $"r "nyw"y. An "ide to <tley mentions
th"t sin#e the whole ,right #"se hinges on ."user& "nd the ."#hines prob"bly donFt w"nt "
lot o$ $"#ts "bout ."user #oming to light& thereFs " good #h"n#e th"t ,right will h"ve " h"rd
time putting their #"se through "nyw"y. !he pl"yer goes to meet "n in$orm"nt o$ <tleyFs "t
Ouroboros& who tells them heFs he"rd rumors o$ " se#urity in#ident "bout $our wee:s "bout "t
Ouroboros. 5e dire#ts them to " $em"le Ouroboros se#urity gu"rd he trusts& "nd she s"ys
th"t the "tt"#: w"s " h"#: "ttempt th"t #"me in over the internet& going right through the
Ouroboros #orpor"te $irew"ll. *he points the pl"yer to OuroborosF $irew"ll server& where the
serverFs logs "re #"ptured& "nd it is $ound th"t " lot o$ d"t" went in "nd out during the time
when the "tt"#: w"s supposed to h"ve t":en pl"#e& using en#ryption somewh"t simil"r in
design to the en#ryption on the red pill progr"m rewritten $or Eion by 7"nielle ,rightB the
suggestion is th"t the thie$++prob"bly ."user++used stolen ,right te#hnology to h"#: into
."#h: ?r"y s"ys theyFve :nown Ouroboros is "n Olig"r#h $ront& "nd th"t the ."#hines h"ve
to m":e sure th"t the Olig"r#hs "re not #"lled into the ."tri "s " result o$ the se#urity
problems Ouroboros is h"ving. 5e gives the pl"yer some Agents "nd "s:s them to go m":e
one l"st "ttempt to get Ouroboros to let the ."#hines h"ndle the .ervFs "tt"#:s. At the
Ouroboros o$$i#e& " rep s"ys th"t they "ppre#i"te the o$$er& but they #"n h"ndle D" $ew l"tter+
d"y g"ngstersD with their own se#urity $or#e. ?r"y s"ys th"t the only re#ourse now is to #ut
their #ommuni#"tion #onne#tion to the %e"l& whose lo#"tion they :now. !he pl"yer r"ises
"l"rms in "n o$$i#e ne"rby "s " distr"#tion& then goes to the Ouroboros #ommuni#"tion lin:up.
?r"y s"ys th"t theyFll re+route outgoing mess"ges to " spoo$ed re#eiverB they #"nFt repl"#e
the "#tu"l en#rypted outgoing d"t"& but he thin:s they #"n wor: out the .erv problem be$ore
the Olig"r#hs "re "lerted by " missing st"tus report or two. 9ut& when the pl"yer tries
"##essing the #ommuni#"tion termin"l& it goes into lo#:down& "nd "n A##eler"tor "nd
Ouroboros se#urity Gwho should then get A##eler"ted by the A##eler"torI "ppe"r. ?r"y is
.erv: An irrit"ble 6lood will he"r no e#uses& "nd send the pl"yer b"#: to Ouroboros& "rmed
with p"sswords. An "l"rm h"s "lre"dy been r"isedB there "re " lot o$ gu"rds& "nd the
p"sswords wonFt wor:. !rying "g"in G6lood $eels " he"d"#he #oming onI& they $ind their t"rget
#omputer h"s " bullet through it& with "n O% gu"rd "nd " ."#hinist net to it& "rguing: the O%
gu"rd s"ys the ."#hinist #"nFt Cust go in there& "nd the ."#hinist is "rguing th"t they h"ve to
t":e me"sures to prote#t D#onsumer d"t"D sin#e O% is under "ss"ult by D" m"Cor #rimin"l
syndi#"te.D !he pl"yer reports these events to the .erv& who thin:s itFs interesting th"t O%
The Matrix Online Archives
isnFt #ooper"ting with the ."#hines. 5e gives the pl"yer " letter $or O%& whi#h he s"ys det"ils
."#hine/Cypherite t"mpering "t O%. G.r. 9l"#: is in the room with the .erv here& but s"ys
nothingB li:e ("lt w/ <tley in ."#h /0.4.8& - Cust w"nted to "dd " hint o$ other business
de"lings going on in the b"#:ground.I At O%& " re#eptionist& telling "n Agent th"t theyFll h"ve
to w"it& ushers the pl"yer through to meet with the O% rep. !he rep seems interested when
they re"d the letter& but "re tight+lipped& "nd s"y only th"t theyFll D#he#: into it.D
%e)uired 1vents:
Eion: GEion onlyI <tley/Eion help e"#h other $ind in$o "bout " me"ns o$ "##essing O%Fs
intern"l networ: "##ess re#ords Gwhi#h will be used in the $ollowing #ritI: the n"me o$ the
Ouroboros employee who h"s "##ess to " virtu"l blueprint o$ the #omp"nyFs intern"l networ:&
Xse#ret n"me Y. As 'A #h"ir& <tley h"s lots o$ pull in "nd :nowledge o$ the #ityFs #orpor"te
world& so it might be ni#e to in#orpor"te th"t "spe#t into the se"r#h.
."#h: GCN'5 onlyI Cyphs tipped o$$ by the ."#hines inter#ept "nd :ill "n O% se#urity #hie$
who w"s "bout to send d"t" out to the O? networ:B the #on#ern w"s th"t this might h"ve
been "n "lert going out to the O? th"t would h"ve #"used more overrides to be brought in.
5ow this sending me#h"nism would wor:& -Fm not )uite sure++#ould Cust be " #omputer the
#hie$ is using. As with most #orpor"te #h"r"#ters& it will gener"lly be implied th"t the person is
" more or less t"lented bluepill& r"ther th"n " redpill or progr"m.
.erv: G"$ter Eion eventI .erv& possibly #"lling in $"vors $rom other 1iles "round the #ity&
m"nu$"#tures " s#"nd"l impli#"ting ,%& "nd possibly 'A "s well& in order to t":e some o$ the
spotlight o$$ O% while heFs trying to h"#: there. -t #ould be stu$$ li:e "##us"tions or $r"me+ups
o$ p"tent $r"ud& #orpor"te s"bot"ge& industri"l espion"ge& intelle#tu"l property viol"tions&
dumping poisonous industri"l w"stes in poor peopleFs groundw"ter& "nd so $orth. G'A is "
meg"+#orpor"tion who does Cust "bout everything& in#luding milit"ry #ontr"#ts& but m":es
most o$ their MMM $rom popul"r #onsumer produ#ts G#ig"rettes& sports drin:s& et#I& while ,% is
" top te#h rese"r#h $irm& spe#i"lizing p"rti#ul"rly in #omputer networ: te#hnology.I
Crit /0.4.8
Eion: Xse#ret n"me Y is )ui#:ly lo#"ted: " $riendly Ouroboros -* wor:er. 5e "#ts norm"lly& but
the oper"tor dete#ts " Dse#ond d"t" #h"nnelD on his #oppertop sign"l: thereFs "n etr"
in$orm"tion $eed #oming into the simul"tion $rom something physi#"lly pl"nted in the m"nFs
br"in "t his pod. A$ter mentioning th"t thereFs #on#ern "ny blueprint XY h"s m"y h"ve limited
use$ulness due to the etremely individu"lized& segmented w"y in whi#h the Ouroboros
networ: is put together& !ynd"ll uplo"ds " modi$ied red pill progr"m to the pl"yer th"t will
tr"#e XYFs sign"l b"#: to his pod& without "#tu"lly initi"ting the etr"#tion pro#edure Gsin#e th"t
would prob"bly :ill him "t his "ge "nd in his modi$ied #onditionI. !he pl"yer $inds XY "t homeB
XY be#omes suspi#ious& but the pl"yer su##eeds in :no#:ing him out "nd $or#ing the pill down
The Matrix Online Archives
his thro"t G:oI. !he tr"#e runs& the pod is lo#"ted in the super#luster Cust net to the ."#hine
#ity& "nd " Eion hover#r"$t is disp"t#hed there. -n the me"ntime& the pl"yer $ollows $eedb"#:
$rom the red pill progr"m++unepe#tedly showing up inside the ."tri++to wh"t !ynd"ll s"ys is
prob"bly the spot where the d"t" $rom XYFs br"in impl"nt is dumped into the ."tri.
Ouroboros se#urity is wor:ing to dis"ble the termin"l there& but the pl"yer be"ts them to it& the
hover#r"$t #rew $inds XYFs pod "nd initi"tes " d"t" dump& "nd the pl"yer pulls the resulting
d"t" $rom the #omputerB it is in $"#t the Ouroboros networ: blueprint. Che#:ing up on XYFs
#ondition& heFs $ound to be under Ouroboros gu"rd "t " priv"te hospit"l $"#ility. !he oper"tor
suggests th"t housing the d"t" in " poddyFs br"in in the re"l w"s " gre"t w"y to hide it $rom
pretty mu#h everyone other th"n the ."#hinesB "nd it is o$ #ourse pretty obvious th"t
someone "t Ouroboros :nows " thing or two "bout the %e"l.
."#h: A ,% rep meeting w/ '"#e s"ys th"t ,% #"n provide $oot"ge o$ ."user bre":ing into
their $"#ility& "nd th"t they h"ve in$orm"tion demonstr"ting ."userFs ties to the Eion
mer#en"ry groupB "lso they :now Eion h"s wor:ed $or '+A& "nd th"t theyFve been meeting w/
'+A " lot in re#ent wee:sB ,% $eels they h"ve " solid #"se "g"inst '+A "bout the bre":+in.
'"#e s"ys th"t sin#e theyFre determined& "nd this suit will involve " terrorist group& itFll need "
lot o$ $eder"l oversight++noti$y Agent ?r"y. !he pl"yer goes to see ?r"y& who gives them "
subpoen" to serve to 9rend" <tley& #"lling her to " $eder"l he"ring to "nswer )uestions "bout
'+AFs involvement with Eion "nd the the$t $rom ,%. At the pl"yerFs $irst "ttempt to $ind <tley&
though& they run into Eion oper"tives in "n Ouroboros o$$i#e& "nd $ight. A$ter th"t "lter#"tion&
'+A gives ?r"y 9rend"Fs "#tu"l lo#"tion& where the pl"yer interrupts " meeting between her
"nd ("lt Gno det"ils "re given on wh"t theyFre doing& e#ept th"t ("lt seems ti#:ed th"t
9rend" didnFt w"rn her "bout the $eds #oming byB - Cust w"nted to toss ("lt in there to show
9rend" involved in business de"ls& "nd ("lt w"s the one m"Cor #orp not mentioned elsewhere
in this sub#h"pterI "nd the pl"yer gives <tley the subpoen"& whi#h she s"ys seems to be in
.erv: ,ith business s#"nd"ls "nd so $orth distr"#ting "ttention $rom O%& the .ervs go b"#:
to h"#:ing O%Fs networ:. !he pl"yer is tr"#:ing networ: lin:s "round #omputers ."user Gor
whoeverI h"#:ed& but things t":e " p"rti#ul"rly odd turn when "n obvious "nd "#tive
#onne#tion between two se#tions o$ the networ: is Cust pl"in not there. !he 1$$e#tu"tor is
#"lled in& but #"nFt m":e he"ds or t"ils out o$ it& "nd st"rts to get weirded out. *:ipping th"t $or
now& the pl"yer enters "n "re" o$ the O% networ: th"t doesnFt show "ny hits in the #"ptured
se#urity re#ord o$ ."userFs "tt"#:. !hey $ind some #orpor"te $in"n#e d"t" th"t doesnFt seem
very e#iting& but 6lood s"ys th"t p"rsing through mount"ins o$ numbers is how re"l "n"lysis
gets done.
%e)uired 1vents:
Eion: Eion uses the #"ptured networ: blueprint to obt"in the O% networ: re#ords o$ the ,right
te#h bre":+in there. -t would be " little boring i$ their bre":+in went "s smoothly "s ."userFs
must h"ve& though... 5m in $"#t we #ould h"ve them get #"ught on their w"y out by some sort
o$ unepe#ted "nd n"sty se#urity double+#he#: system th"t m":es them wonder Cust how
."userFd got in "nd out o$ there by himsel$ in the $irst pl"#e++++doesnFt go smoothly be#"use
The Matrix Online Archives
individu"l nodes must be "##essed independently& "nd thereFs v"ri"tion $rom wh"tFs shown on
the glob"l m"p
."#h: G."#hines onlyI <tley "ppe"rs "t her he"ring "nd is grilled by the ."#hines& who end
up thre"tening to #rush 'AFs produ#tivity with " hell"#ious "udit or something i$ she :eeps
wor:ing with those so#iop"thi# Eion mer#en"ries
.erv: Could be " little tri#:y& but in this event the :ey to "##essing the DmissingD p"rt o$ the
networ: noti#ed in the l"st #rit G"n empty room between two rooms with #omputersI is $ound
to be "n emotion: strong physi#"l "ttr"#tion++this h"s to be euded in the proimity o$ the
DmissingD networ: lin:& "t whi#h point the hidden d"t" stre"m will be dete#t"ble. !he only hint
o$ this dropped in the mission is the 1$$e#tu"tor Gwho "lw"ys $eels strong physi#"l
"ttr"#tions...I s"ying heFs Dgetting goosebumpsD "nd $eeling D"ll tinglyD when heFs in the empty
room. - resisted bringing 'ersephone in $or the #rit& be#"use - thought we might w"nt to s"ve
her involvement $or this event& but neither o$ them ne#ess"rily h"ve to be involved in $inding
the solution. At "ny r"te& when the solution is $ound "nd put to use& "##eler"ted O% *e#urity
"ppe"r. 3evertheless& "##ess to the hidden subnet h"s been obt"ined.
Crit /0.4.;
Eion: !he pl"yer uses the networ: "ddresses $rom the se#urity log to hunt up "nd h"#: into
the Ouroboros #omputers previously "tt"#:ed by Gprob"blyI ."user. !he pl"yer en#ounters "
gre"t de"l o$ trouble in their initi"l "ttempts: numerous Ouroboros *e#urity te"ms& d"t" they
#"nFt p"rse& se#urity b"rriers they #"nFt p"ss& "nd so $orth. 6in"lly& they #ome "#ross
something th"t loo:s li:e p"rti"l ."#hine+$orm"t sur$"#e #oordin"tes& indi#"ting " position the
oper"tor #"lls D"bout " thous"nd miles northD o$ the ."#hine #ity Glongitude is missingI& "nd
in$orm"tion "bout power r"tings "nd networ: lin:s. Just "t th"t point the d"t" is #ut o$$& "nd
the pl"yer $inds themselves $"#e to $"#e with *er"ph& who "pologeti#"lly "s:s them to stop
investig"ting the d"t"& s"ying Gv"guelyI th"t it will #"use h"rm i$ they do. 3iobe is not h"ppy
"bout th"t& but "dmits she still trusts *er"ph++"lthough the Coun#il might t":e some
."#h: D*our#esD h"ving "lerted the ."#hines to the .erv getting into the O% sub+networ:&
?r"y sends the pl"yer in pursuit. 6irst& they Dste"l " he"dsetD $rom "n O% gu"rd so they #"n
listen in on O%Fs se#urity #h"nnel. !hey use this in$o to lo#"te some o$ the inv"ding .erv
redpills& "nd m"ybe some surviving& hostile O% gu"rdsB but they "lso run into " 7e#eler"tor.
?r"y s"ys they "renFt sure wh"t the .erv epe#ts to $ind& but b"sed on wh"tFs been seen so
$"r& it #ould h"ve something to do with override progr"ms. As the pl"yer #loses in on "nother
se#urity hotspot& the O% se#urity #h"nnel goes de"d& "nd the pl"yer pi#:s their w"y p"st
de"d O% gu"rds "nd .erv redpills to $ind *er"ph& who s"ys th"t the pl"yerFs p"th h"s to end
there. ?r"y s"ys well gre"t& with the se#urity #h"nnel down weFre out o$ immedi"te w"ys to
tr"#: the .erv inside OuroborosB d"rn Ouroboros& the .erv& *er"ph& "nd th"t .orph sim too&
$or good me"sure.
.erv: -tFs slow going through the subnet& sin#e they no longer h"ve the m"p o$ ."userFs
The Matrix Online Archives
"tt"#: to guide them& the p"sswords they #"ptured e"rlier donFt wor:& "nd there "re ."#hines
"nd Ouroboros se#urity to #ontend with& but the .ervs get " bre": when "ll the hostiles "t
one lo#"tion turn up de"d Gone .erv support progr"m there g"sps D-t w"s ,inglessD be$ore
:eeling overI& "nd the t"rget #omputer is unprote#ted. -t le"ds to " lo#"tion sw"rming with
A##eler"tors& 7e#eler"tors& "nd Ouroboros se#urity& plus " wi#:ed $irew"ll& but t":ing down
the $irew"ll proves surprisingly e"sy& "nd they $ind: Xtypi#"l .erv #li$$h"nger Y
Xse#ret n"me Y _ *heldon 9rewer
Xtypi#"l .erv #li$$h"nger Y _ the biologi#"l inter$"#e progr"m
N"s"muu pointed out th"t Ouroboros w"s reported "s buying .et"Corte Gth"t w"s in the
*entinel& during the le"d up to the $irst "nnivers"ry with 7e#ius ,"dsworth& 9lue *:y& "nd "ll
th"t: http://moresour#e.#om/sentinel/04400=/ I whi#h is sort o$ "nnoying be#"use - donFt see
"ny point in redu#ing the "lre"dy sm"ll number o$ our in+g"me #orpor"tions. -Fd li:e
Ouroboros to be independent so - #"n do stu$$ with them without involving .et"Corte. ,hen
"s:ed& the tour guide responded th"t Ouroboros h"s no "$$ili"tion with .et"Corte. - suppose
i$ - h"ve to go into it "t some point -Fll put in something somewhere "bout the two going their
sep"r"te w"ys "t some point "$ter ,"dsworthFs mysterious dis"ppe"r"n#e.
$ounded in /9;4++Drese"r#hers "nd investorsD
+ silver "nd bl"#:
+ long shotguns
+ person"l $irew"ll "nd hyper+de$le#t
+ t"ttooH
X*)u"re br"#:ets below surround in$orm"tion th"t will not be reve"led to pl"yers dire#tly&
possibly not "t "ll& during this sub#h"pter.Y
XAbbrevi"tions GCust $or summ"ry #onvenien#e++donFt use this "s terminology with pl"yersI:
O?: Olig"r#hy/Olig"r#hs
O%: Ouroboros Corpor"tion
,%: ,right %ese"r#h
'A: 'endhurst+Am"r"nth
The Matrix Online Archives
9-': biologi#"l inter$"#e progr"m
-Fve "dded generi# DVisitD missions th"t will let us get the usu"l si+person mission te"ms into
mission "re"s inside OuroborosF Creston 5eights building& "nd 'endhurst+Am"r"nthFs
5"mpton ?reen building& Cust in #"se we w"nted to send te"ms into those buildings $or event
purposes. !he missions #"n only be st"rted by "n "dmin. ,e "lre"dy h"ve " mission li:e th"t
$or ,right %ese"r#h Gwe "lso h"ve one $or D!he Or"#leFs "p"rtmentD++ie " r"ndom "p"rtment
somewhere in ."r"++"nd the 5el ClubI. Oh "nd - "lso "dded one $or J":ub"itus while - w"s "t
!he DEionD events "re mostly spe#i$ied $or Cust Eion or 1'3 this time. Cyphs do not h"ve
spe#i$i# events #"lled out $or them here& but the D."#hineD events in this sub#h"pter "lmost
"ll h"ve to do with bluepill situ"tions& pretty in+line with Cypherite "ims& "nd should be suited
Cust "s well to either group.
Ch"pter im"ge: Just the .erv #h"tting ple"s"ntly in the #h"te"u while Oo:"mi w"t#hes over
his shoulder
Crit //././
Eion: Eion tells <tley th"t ."user h"s #le"red outB she s"ys i$ th"tFs the #"se then the ,right
l"wsuit will #oll"pse. A$ter going to meet with ,%Fs leg"l reps& she #"lls Eion b"#:& s"ying th"t
the ,% reps didnFt show& "nd th"t the ,% people who reported this seemed ev"sive "nd
"git"ted. Eion #he#:s into it "nd $inds the ,% reps being pushed "round by 1iles& whom
they h"d evidently been trying to bribe. 9rend" s"ys th"t with the l"wsuit& "nd "ttention $rom
the $eds& she #"nFt help dire#tly& but sheFs been he"ring rumors o$ intern"l troubles "t ,%.
."#h: !he ."#hines send the pl"yer into O% to get "s #lose "s they #"n to the termin"l
where the 9-' is supposed to h"ve been stolen by the .erv. 9"sed on the re"dings obt"ined&
the ."#hines s"y it loo:s li:e it #ould re"lly h"ve been the 9-'. !he pl"yer is sent to noti$y
O% th"t .erv "tt"#:s on their #omp"ny "re prob"bly over& "nd th"t the ."#hines will t":e
#"re o$ "ny rem"ining problems. !he O% rep is :ind o$ " Cer:& "nd s"ys th"t theyFre b"#: to
business "s usu"l "nyw"y. 3et& itFs time to st"rt getting the 9-' $rom the .erv& "nd the
oper"tive is sent to roll " $ew 1iles "nd swipe their #omputerFs d"t"& p"rt o$ " l"rger oper"tion
"imed "t gr"bbing "nd "n"lyzing "s mu#h 1ile d"t" "s possible to turn up the 9-' A*A'.
.erv: .erv sets to wor: trying to "n"lyze the #"ptured 9-'& but itFs " b"$$ling mi o$ lin:ed
."#hine $un#tions "nd DintuitiveD routines. *ever"l outside eperts "re brought in to loo: over
" s"mple: the dungeon 1ile le"der 1there"l 2& "nd the 5istori# 7istri#t mission #ont"#t&
."d"me !. !hey o$$er " $ew #omments on it& but donFt #ome up with "nything de$inite. !he
.erv seems more intrigued th"n ever. GA ,right %ese"r#h o$$i#i"l "nd se#urity gu"rd "re
le"ving when the pl"yer goes to meet the .ervB they were digging $or dirt on ."user
The Matrix Online Archives
Gre$eren#e to d"t" on ."user th"t .erv stole $rom the ."#hines in .erv 8.4./& "nd to the
,%/1ile sp"t in EionFs mission this wee:I& Xbut the .erv w"snFt interested in de"ling with
them GheFs suspi#ious o$ ,%& "nd $eels theyFve got too m"ny problems o$ their own right now
to be o$ mu#h pro$it to himY.I
%e)uired 1vents:
Eion: G1'3 onlyI 7ep"rture o$ the 1'3 epedition to the no+$ly zone G*him"d" t"l:ed "bout
h"ving to st"rt prep"r"tions b"#: in /0.4I. Could possibly h"ve pl"yers....hmm& well they #"nFt
re"lly go themselves& sin#e th"t would re)uire th"t they st"y out o$ the g"me $or months& but
m"ybe with " little "dv"n#e prep they #ould D#"ll upD one D#rew memberD or something li:e
th"tB ie& theyFd design"te the n"me o$ "n "lt #h"r"#ter+++wonder i$ it would be possible to
epl"in th"t+++"nd then weFd h"ve "ll those new "lts "ssemble in the event "nd C"#: out
together. 1h "nd then i$ one o$ them did C"#: in be$ore the epedition #ompletes GweFd h"ve to
m":e it #le"r th"t this Cob would very li:ely :eep them out o$ the simul"tion $or months++
be#"use it willI& weFd Cust h"ve to s"y they went A,OL& "nd hold the 1'3 who registered
them responsible $or the de$e#tion. And - suppose sin#e these would Cust be D"ltsD we #ould
open it up to 1'3 $rom "ll servers& provided they #ould produ#e their n"med D#rew memberD
on wh"tever server is "#tu"lly going to host the send+o$$ event. O$ #ourse& n"mes o$
#h"r"#ters who "re "#tu"lly $re)uently "#tive in the g"me wouldnFt be "llowedB eh& m"ybe
weFd h"ve to tell them th"t tr"ined \."tri\ oper"tives would be needed in the simul"tion& "nd
weFre only "##epting oper"tives o$ neuro:ineti# level $ive GHI or lower $or the epedition.
."#h: ."#hines go to get the 9-' $rom the .erv. !hey "#tu"lly do get it& but then the
progr"m removes itsel$ $rom their possession Cust "s the .ervs #ounter+"tt"#:& "nd the .ervs
m":e o$$ with it. G- wouldnFt be disguising "nyone "s " Cumping #omputer dis: or "nything li:e
th"t :p& so the det"ils o$ the progr"mFs es#"pe would prob"bly be mostly %'.I
.erv: G"$ter ."#h eventI A$ter its str"nge es#"pe $rom the ."#hines& the .ervs re"lize th"t
p"rt o$ the problem in "n"lyzing the progr"m is th"t it is "t le"st to some etent sel$+"w"re&
"nd #"n modi$y its own #ode stru#tures. *ome highly eperiment"l me"ns o$ "n"lysis is #"lled
$or Gm"ybe we #ould even Cust throw this out to the pl"yers to br"instorm onI "nd is
"ttempted& but wh"tever it is& it ends in ne"r+#"t"strophi# $"ilure& "nd the .ervs re"lize th"t
some more in$ormed "ppro"#h is going to be ne#ess"ry.
Crit //./.2
Eion: An enthusi"sti# reporter tips Eion o$$ to something weird going on "t " ,% o$$i#e Gin
e#h"nge $or "n De#lusive interview&D but there m"y be "n Agent who w"nts to interview him
$irst...I. !he pl"yer $inds the o$$i#e "b"ndoned& with " #h"t session le$t in mid+#h"t& s"ying
something "bout " bre":+in "t "nother o$$i#e. !h"t o$$i#e is empty e#ept $or two ,% se#urity&
who get " #"ll "bout " networ: "tt"#: "s you h"ppen to enter the room. !he pl"yer $ollows to
The Matrix Online Archives
the s#ene "nd $inds this o$$i#e "lre"dy under se#urity lo#:downB they interrupt the te"m
le"der& who w"s $iling " report s"ying th"t theyFd still $ound no eviden#e o$ "n on+site intruder&
"nd indi#"ting th"t theyFre w"t#hing $or ."user p"rti#ul"rly.
."#h: !he pl"yer is sent to go #he#: out reports o$ rioting. !hey $ind some *,A! members
who h"d in$li#ted " $ew #ivili"n #"su"lties while de$ending themselves $rom " mob. !he *,A!
te"ms s"ys they donFt :now wh"t set o$$ the mob. !he pl"yer is sent in "he"d o$ *,A! to the
net trouble spot& to try to "void violen#e. !hey $ind th"t these bluepills "re upset "bout #"ble
television being out o$ servi#eB " se#ond group o$ blues is going #r"zy be#"use their -nternet
"##ess is down. ?r"y s"ys th"t it loo:s li:e " #"se o$ m"ss m"l$un#tion "mong #"ble boes
"nd home networ: routers& "lmost "ll o$ whi#h "re m"nu$"#tured by O%. 5e "dds th"t medi"
stre"ms "re import"nt in :eeping the bluepills distr"#ted& "nd th"t O% h"s been su##ess$ul in
l"rge p"rt be#"use their O? b"#:ing pretty mu#h gives them unlimited $unds "nd te#hnology&
whi#h the ."#hines didnFt w"nt to try to mess with& sin#e th"t might h"ve brought intruders
into the ."tri.
.erv: !he .erv determines th"t the "nswer to #r"#:ing the 9-' is to enlist the :nowledge o$
the 1ile s#ientist *ilver& who h"s signi$i#"nt eperien#e in biologi#"l rese"r#h& "nd "dv"n#ed
:nowledge o$ inter$"#e te#h th"t he pi#:ed up in the p"st $rom wor:ing with ,right G"lthough
"t le"st some o$ this w"s lost when he w"s termin"ted "nd h"d to be restored $rom b"#:upI.
9ut *ilverFs gone into hiding& "s Eion dis#overed in /0.4. 6lood h"s the pl"yer intimid"te "
#ert"in 1ile li#:spittle o$ *ilverFs in C"mon& who le"ds them to " hotel room peopled by weird
bluepill simul"#r"& one o$ whom h"s " str"in o$ " r"re dise"se& whi#h is tr"#ed to " p"rti#ul"r
l"b& where *ilver is $ound& "long with " $ew 1ile bodygu"rds& "nd some de"d s#ientists. 5e is
m"r#hed be$ore the .erv& "nd "grees to help rese"r#h the 9-'& but very grudginglyB he thin:s
itFs too d"ngerous& with the ."#hines "$ter it.
%e)uired 1vents:
Eion: 3ow th"t *ilverFs been rousted out& Eion wonders i$ heFs the one behind the ,%
problems& sin#e he w"s 7"nielle ,rightFs se#ret #o+rese"r#her $or " time. !hey m"n"ge to
lo#"te him when he \isnFt\ wor:ing on the 9-' Gwhi#h would be etremely he"vily gu"rdedI&
dispose o$ wh"tever 1ile gu"rds he h"s on h"nd& "nd "s: him "bout the ,% thing. 5e s"ys
it w"snFt him& "nd he #"n prove it: they Cust h"ve to go e"mine the hide"w"y he w"s using Gin
the //./.2 #rit& the .ervs $ound him in " %i#hl"nd/,estview l"b room++those "re usu"lly in
slum "p"rtment buildings& - thin:I& "nd " #ode s#"n will show th"t he w"s there with minim"l
outside #ont"#t $or the p"st sever"l months. *ome pl"yers m"y not be tot"lly #onvin#ed even
"$ter *ilver h"s w"ited $or them to #omplete this inspe#tion& "nd they m"y w"nt to :eep him
prisoner "nyw"y& due to the whole 9-' thing some o$ them will prob"bly be "w"re o$& but i$
pressed& *ilver #ould #"ll in 1ile gu"rds "nd run o$$ in the ensuing melee.
."#h: Ouroboros is not h"ndling #ompl"ints o$ m"l$un#tioning #onsumer ele#troni#s
e$$i#iently& "nd ."#hinists "re #"lled in to )uell " #ivili"n riot. !his #ould involve L1*-?+
#ontrolled bluepills& or we #ould try something li:e h"ving pl"yers #"st non+d"m"ging
stuns/roots "nd so $orth on hostile 9luepill 3'Cs to :eep them o##upied "nd "liveB "$ter "
The Matrix Online Archives
#ert"in "mount o$ time we s"y the ."#hines h"ve been "ble to inCe#t enough h"ppy Cui#e into
their pods to remove the d"nger G"t whi#h point the 3'Cs would v"nish& sin#e th"tFs wh"t
h"ppens to sp"wns "ny time - #h"nge " setting++su#h "s org "lignment++on their se)uen#eI.
O$ #ourse& something li:e th"t \#ould\ potenti"lly turn into " m"ss"#re i$ " pl"yer with "n it#hy
trigger $inger got within $iring r"nge.
.erv: *ilver& perh"ps Cust " t"d vindi#tive "$ter being pulled out o$ hiding& de#ides on "
p"rti#ul"rly ghoulish $irst eperiment $or the 9-'& involving hum"n bodies Go$ the ."tri
simul"tion v"riety& - me"nI. V"rious "ttempted #ombin"tions o$ the 9-' "nd the bodies do not
produ#e visible results& "lthough *ilver #l"ims th"t heFs getting some highly interesting
re"dings. One o$ the .erv higher+ups #"lls " h"lt to the eperiment& de#l"ring th"t " di$$erent
line o$ rese"r#h will be needed& "nd implying th"t *ilver h"d better st"rt demonstr"ting th"t he
#"n be use$ul& or else.
Crit //./.4
Eion: ,right networ: e)uipment prototypes h"ve gone missing. -nvestig"tion into the n"ture
o$ the stolen e)uipment reve"ls th"t it w"s b"sed on rese"r#h he"ded by ,right hersel$. !he
pl"yer tr"#:s down the m"n"ger o$ one o$ the prototype proCe#ts& now retired& who s"ys th"t
the proCe#t dried up without her& be#"use nobody else #ould underst"nd it.
."#h: !he servi#e out"ge isnFt being h"ndled by O%& "nd itFs time to go tell them something
needs to be done. 9ut the O% rep the pl"yer w"s supposed to meet isnFt there& "nd the $ew
O% st"$$ "t the o$$i#e "re "#ting pretty $lighty. ?r"y sends the pl"yer to m":e "n uns#heduled
visit to "nother o$$i#e to $ind out wh"tFs up& "nd the pl"yer $inds th"t O% intern"l m"il "nd
p"ging servi#es "re o$$line. Che#:ing up on th"t out"ge& the pl"yer $inds the guys in the O% -*
dep"rtment #ompletely b"$$led by the problems. ?r"y s"ys th"t thereFs got to be some
s#heme behind it& "nd "dds th"t theyFll h"ve to $ind D" more...reli"ble #omp"nyD to pi#: up
O%Fs $"iled publi# servi#e #ontr"#ts G-nternet& #"ble devi#esI.
.erv: !he 9-' is missing $rom its se#ure m"in$r"me server& "nd the gu"rds h"ve no ide" how
it v"nished. *ilver& in the midst o$ some other unspe":"ble eperiment& s"ys he isnFt
surprisedB heFd noti#ed th"t the 9-'Fs uni)ue #ode "llows it to #ir#umvent se#urity routines
with e"se. !he progr"m is $ound #ir#ul"ting the .ervFs networ:: $irst s#"ring " #omm"ndo
s)u"d G$eedb"#: $rom one termin"l :ills " #omm"ndoI& then w"ndering "round #omputers
owned by " #ouple su##ubi& "lthough by th"t time the ."#hines h"ve got wind o$ it& "nd try to
sn"t#h it& but the pl"yer m"n"ges to be"t them o$$& "nd the 9-' settles down. 6lood s"ys
theyFll put it in " server with doubled $irew"lls #y#ling "t irregul"r interv"ls& to prevent it $rom
bre":ing out "g"in.
%e)uired 1vents:
The Matrix Online Archives
Eion: G1'3 onlyI !he O% m"l$un#tions "nd subse)uent disruptions in the publi# se#tor& due to
the loss o$ home !V "nd -nternet "##ess& "re " $ine illustr"tion o$ " system o$ ."#hine #ontrol
bre":ing down. ,e #ould h"ve some young bluepills& "dri$t "t "n "nti+O% r"lly& "nd sho#:ed
when O% se#urity t":es down " p"rti#ul"rly rowdy rioter or something& be#ome #"ndid"tes $or
"w":eningB some sti#:ing it to the O% se#urity "t the s#ene on#e the bluepills "re ev"#u"ted
might be "ppropri"te& too.
."#h: !he ."#hines sn"t#h some :ey Ouroboros ee#s G#ould be "n "rmed oper"tion& or "
little pill in their #o$$ee& so to spe":++or " v"rietyI& "nd )uestion them "bout the situ"tion "t the
#omp"ny++wh"tFs h"ppened to #"use this #orpor"tion+wide bre":downH !he ee#s hem "nd
h"w& but $in"lly one #on$esses th"t they re"lly donFt :now how this #ould h"ve h"ppened. !he
."#hines veri$y th"t the ee# is telling the truth.
.erv: .ervs "re #"lled in to de$end the 9-' "g"inst " r"id by the ."#hines. !he .ervs "re
h"rd+pressed during the "tt"#:& "nd $ighting "round the 9-'Fs se#ured server is $ier#e. ,hen
thereFs " good s:irmish going right net to the #omputer weFve design"ted "s the 9-'Fs
lo#"tion& *ilver or " .erv story #h"r"#ter Gprob"bly one o$ the s#ienti$i#"lly+in#lined ones&
"lthough Oo:"mi would wor:& tooI will "nnoun#e th"t the 9-' h"s Cumped into one o$ the
ne"rby oper"tives GweFd pi#: one who seems reli"ble++i$ they #r"sh or C"#: out or run "w"y or
something weFll Cust s"y the 9-' h"s now Cumped into someone elseI. !he .ervs $ight $ree o$
the "tt"#:ing ."#hines "nd regroup "t " new lo#"tion& where the 9-'+inh"bited oper"tive is
s"t down net to " #omputer& "nd the 9-' is #o"ed out into " new se#ure server.
Crit //./.8
Eion: %"iding " ,% networ: l"b where theyFre "n"lyzing the "tt"#:s& the pl"yer $inds theyFve
#ompiled " list o$ employee p"sswords used in the "tt"#:s& "nd th"t the employees were out
o$ town when their p"sswords were used. !he pl"yer be"ts ,% se#urity to the net "tt"#:ed
site& "nd #"ptures the on+site se#urity #"mer" $oot"ge. -tFs Cust showing ,% employees going
"bout their business& but one o$ them is " #ler: th"t the pl"yer r"n into on their w"y out o$ the
se#urity l"b++"t the s"me time the $oot"ge $rom the "tt"#: site w"s re#orded. !hey go b"#: to
#he#: the #ler:& "nd $ind him being grilled by ,% se#urity& but he seems li:e " norm"l bluepill&
"nd it isnFt #le"r how he w"s "pp"rently in two spots "t on#e. G3ot des#ribed by !ynd"ll& but "
#omputer "t one o$ the bre":+in sites h"s notes by D,D X7"nielle ,rightY "bout DArgentD
XDArgent 9iometri#sD w"s the #omp"ny n"me *ilver used when wor:ing with ,right
."#h: ?r"y sends the pl"yer to #he#: into the O% networ: out"ges spe#i$i#"lly& "nd "lso to
st"rt t":ing the rest o$ their networ: o$$line& so they #"n try to isol"te wh"tever might be
#"using the problems. !hey dete#t "n error+$ree d"t" stre"m in/out o$ O%B #he#:ing it out&
they $ind " $em"le O% o$$i#e wor:er whoFs been h"#:ing into the O% networ: to try to $igure
out $or hersel$ wh"tFs going on& sin#e nobody else there seems to h"ve "ny ide" Goh& e"rlier in
the mission& one o$ the $renzied te#hni#i"ns is he"rd s"ying D,here the 51LL is 9rewer&D
whi#h is " re$eren#e to th"t br"in+h"#:ed O% networ: "ssist"nt $rom the l"st sub#h"pterI.
6ollowing " tip $rom the help$ul h"#:er& the pl"yer $inds " he"vily gu"rded O% site with "
bun#h o$ #omputers. !hey shut them down& but not be$ore "n outgoing sign"l o$ some sort is
The Matrix Online Archives
dete#ted. !hey "lso $ind " d"t" #onne#tion simil"r to the one they used to tr"#: down the
help$ul h"#:er e"rlierB this le"ds to "n "b"ndoned h"#:ing st"tion& with " d"t" dump o$ wh"t
loo:s li:e " #opy o$ " mess"ge routed to " downtown "ddress& with #omm"nds th"t would
trigger " power pl"nt li:e the one in O%Fs Creston 5A to overlo"d in " run"w"y re"#tion th"t
#ould destroy the whole "re". ?r"y "dds th"t the help$ul h"#:er h"s dis"ppe"red X- me"n to
imply here th"t someone got to herY.
.erv: *ilver h"s the pl"yer go to the 9-'Fs server& "nd it hops into the pl"yerFs %*-. 6lood is
ti#:ed. *ilver& by himsel$ this time G- :eep #h"r"#ters "s isol"ted "s possible $or the rest o$
this& "nd 6lood m":e sn"r:y rem"r:s "bout "voiding 5LsI& sends the pl"yer to meet up with "
p"rti#ul"r oper"tiveB the 9-' Cumps into th"t oper"tive& Cust be$ore theyFre "mbushed by
."#hines. !he pl"yer "nd the oper"tive $ight $ree "nd get the 9-' to "nother se#ure
m"in$r"me& where it settles b"#: down. 6lood #"lls to report th"t *ilverFs #l"iming the su##ess
o$ this eperiment shows th"t the 9-' #"n Dinter$"#e per$e#tly with hum"n bro"d#"st sign"ls&D
"nd semi+s"r#"sti#"lly suggests th"t net *ilver will be w"nting to use it to insert progr"ms
into re"l hum"n bodies& or something ridi#ulous li:e th"t.
%e)uired 1vents:
Eion: GEion onlyI .ysterious ,% #ulprit lo#"ted& swit#hes $orm to es#"peB oper"tives lo#"te it
"g"in& "nd #"n "tt"#: it& "lthough they "re told not to. -$ they do "tt"#: "nd :ill it& we #"n s"y it
will be h"rder to get "nswers now G"lso& the termin"ted in$iltr"torFs body dis"ppe"rs
Gre#onstru#tsI "lmost immedi"telyIB i$ they donFt :ill it& it es#"pes.
."#h: meltdown o$ O%Fs Creston 5A power pl"nt n"rrowly "verted
.erv: G-Fd li:e to run this event on !uesd"y the 2nd.I C"rlyne GRI "ppe"rs in $ront o$ the
.erovingi"n& "s:ing th"t the 9-' be h"nded over to him. - might h"ve C"rlyne $l"gged& "nd
weFll see i$ "ny .erv oper"tives de#ide to "tt"#: him. !he .erv st"lls& s"ying th"t the 9-' is o$
#ourse being :ept in " s#r"mbled networ: to :eep it se#ure& "nd it will t":e some time to
prep"re it s"$ely. 5e "s:s C"rlyne to n"me " time "nd pl"#e $or delivery. C"rlyne s"ys Cust
h"ve it re"dy by tomorrow. On his w"y out he le"ves some hostile overrides ne"rby "s "
Crit //./.;
Eion: G!he oper"tor mentions: -ndi#"tions o$ in#re"sed *entinel "#tivity "round no+$ly zoneB
(idFs he"ding out with "ddition"l ships to rein$or#e no+$ly zone eplor"tion te"m Xthis me"ns
he wonFt be "v"il"ble $or Live 1vents $or " while "$ter this d"teY.I 6ollowing up on ,% se#urity
reports& "nd s#"nning $or " C"#:+in sign"l th"t #"n v"ry its en#oded "ppe"r"n#e& the pl"yer
tr"#:s the #ulprit to " hidden l"b e)uipped w/ " highly sophisti#"ted networ: inter$"#e system
built p"rtly $rom the stolen ,right e)uipment. -ts e"#t purpose is un#le"r& "nd Eion de#ides
The Matrix Online Archives
to #on$is#"te it $or study. XA #omputer in the l"b h"s " #oded mess"ge th"t will give " #lue to
something...Y A##essing " #omputer in the l"b shuts down the #ulprit& who w"s evidently some
:ind o$ s#ripted DspiderD progr"m& e)uipped with ,% "##ess #odes& "nd the li:enesses o$ ,%
employees. Could it h"ve been set up by ."userH
."#h: ?r"y s"ys itFs time to shut down O%B the problems #"used "re Cust too d"ngerous. !he
."#hines $reeze O%Fs "ssets& "nd send the pl"yer in to noti$y st"$$ o$ the $eder"l t":eover.
*t"$$ "re worried& but not terribly so++e#ept $or some O% se#urity members& who donFt w"nt
"ny p"rt o$ it& "nd h"ve to be given " be"t+down. !he net step is going "round to wor:er
termin"ls "nd dumping "ll O% d"t" to " ."#hine d"t"b"se $or "n"lysis& to $ind the sour#e o$
the problems. !his isol"tes the sour#e o$ Dsuspe#t dire#tives "nd progr"ms& dissemin"ted
through " networ: o$ employeesD to " single #omputer in "n O% o$$i#e& not "#tu"lly #onne#ted
to their networ:: itFs #onne#ted to the Olig"r#h 3etwor:. ?r"y s"ys they h"ve to "ssume th"t
the O?s :now wh"tFs been going on& "nd #ould be on their w"y to the ."tri.
.erv: 6lood #"lls the pl"yer in to help him "rgue with *ilver& who w"nts out sin#e le"rning o$
C"rlyneFs returnB he s"ys he doesnFt intend to sti#: "round w"iting $or C"rlyne to termin"te
him when he #omes $or the 9-'. 9ut thereFs no time $or 6lood to report *ilverFs wussiness to
the .erv& be#"use the ."#hines "re h"ving their oper"tives Gnot their progr"ms++theyFre
:eeping them b"#: li:e they did the l"st time the intruders were "roundI m":e "n "ll+out
"ttempt to get the 9-'. A$ter some $ighting "g"inst ."#hine oper"tives& the pl"yer #omes to "
.erv site with de"d 1iles& " $ried #omputer& "nd no sign o$ " struggle. !he oper"tor gets "
b"d $eeling "bout this. 6lood rings up to s"y th"t their progr"ms "re $"lling le$t "nd right& "nd
the w"ve o$ destru#tion loo:s li:e itFs he"ding right $or the .erv. !he pl"yer "rrives to $ind the
.erv gu"rded by worried 1iles& Cust "s C"rlyne "ppe"rs& testily "s:ing $or the 9-'. *ome o$
the 1ile gu"rds die. !he .erv seems #on$ident in his "bility to negoti"te with the stressed
intruder& when suddenly DHHHD "ppe"rs beside them. C"rlyne #rumples to the $loor& "nd DHHHD
s"ys theyFve #ome $or the 9-'. !he rest o$ the 1ile gu"rds die. !he .erv )ui#:ly dire#ts the
pl"yer to open the ports on the #omputer storing the 9-' Ghe h"d it there in the room with himI
to the Dprim"ry networ:.D !his is done in "n inst"nt& "nd the .erv "nd pl"yer be"t " h"sty
retre"t while DHHHD is still $iguring out wh"t Cust h"ppened. !he .erv s"ys theyFve "llowed the
9-' to es#"pe Dinto the wide networ: o$ the ."tri.D 5e seems e#ited "t the thought o$ $"#ing
this new "dvers"ry& "nd be"ting them to the 9-'.
DHHHD _ A#tu"lly 7"nielle ,right in DOlig"r#hD+style shell& but -Fm not going to positively -7 her
here& Cust le"ve hints li:e her beh"vior& "nd the "lph"de#im"l #ode $ound in Eion //./.;.
Ch"pter im"ge: ,right in intruder $orm $lo"ting in " bubble o$ #ode
The Matrix Online Archives
Crit //.2./
Eion: -ntel is pretty #onvin#ed it re"lly is ,right& "nd sheFs "$ter the 9-'. !he devi#e Eion
$ound with the #ulprit ste"ling $rom ,right %ese"r#h is giving out numeri# se)uen#es& whi#h
under "n"lysis "re reve"led to be " series o$ upd"ting #oordin"tes. !hin:ing these might h"ve
something to do with ,right or the 9-'& the pl"yer st"rts $ollowing them& $inding "I " bluepill
"nd their #omputer who seem to ste"l e"#h otherFs lines& mu#h to the bluepillFs #on$usion& "nd
bI " de"d 1ile& "nd live A##eler"ted 1iles. !hese en#ounters "re reported to 3iobe& who
thin:s m"ybe the devi#e #"n be used to lo#"te the 9-' be$ore ,right gets it. 3iobeFs "lso
wondering i$ ,right w"snFt )uite the m"rtyr she m"de hersel$ out to be when the ."#hines
were "$ter her be$ore. An 1'3 h"s Cust told 3iobe th"t the 1'3 epedition re"#hed the no+$ly
zone& but #ouldnFt enter be#"use o$ he"vy ."#hine p"trols "round the perimeter& "nd th"t the
(id h"s "lre"dy le$t $or the zone with rein$or#ements.
."#h: !he pl"yer is sent to help #on$irm the identity o$ the $em"le intruder. !hey $ind "
p"ni#:y bluepill "nd " de"d Agent. !he bluepill m"n"ges to point out " dire#tion& "nd override
use over th"t w"y is n"rrowed down to ,right hersel$& "nd " #omputer. !he #omputer seems
to be tr"#:ing something& but ,right bl"n:s it out when the pl"yer tries to #he#: it. ,right
s"ys she Ddid m":e " mist":eD: Dthe ."tri w"s more th"n - h"d thought it w"sDB the Dmist":eD
line is " re$eren#e to her l"st event "ppe"r"n#e "s " redpill& Eion 8.2.4
G http://$">9/ I& where she s"id th"t i$ "nyone s"w
her "g"in& sheFd Dh"ve m"de " gre"t mist":e.D ?r"y s"ys itFs time to t"l: "bout this person.
5e s"ys the d"t" s#"nned o$$ her loo:s re"son"bly #lose to wh"t they :now o$ ,rightB how
she survived termin"tion by *entinels& whose sensors #on$irmed the destru#tion o$ her body
Gin 8.2I& is un:nown. ?r"y "lso s"ys th"t ,right is not "n Olig"r#h& even i$ she seems to h"ve
D"dopted their C"#:+in proto#olDB the old termin"tion order $or her still "pplies. !he pl"yer is
p"#:ed o$$ with oper"tive rein$or#ements to t":e #"re o$ this& but they Cust run into " bun#h o$
overrides& without $inding ,right. ?r"y s"ys well o:"y& sheFs got the Olig"r#h overrides too&
this #ould be tri#:y.
.erv: 1iles s#"nning $or signs o$ the 9-' get " report $rom the white h"llw"ys o$ "n "##ess
viol"tion& with no dete#ted sour#e. ?oing to #he#: on the h"llw"y #ontrol #enter& the pl"yer
$inds " glit#hing #omputer. As they e"mine it& the 1$$e#tu"tor "ppe"rs& surprised to $ind
himsel$ there. *uddenly nine more 1$$e#tu"tors "ppe"r& #on$used. !he tenth seems woozy&
"nd "ll #oll"pse. 6lood reports ."lph"s m"de it out o$ the #h"te"u& "nd m"y h"ve " reportB
6lood is then #ut o$$. ."lph"s s"ys th"t there h"ve been system $"ilures throughout the
#h"te"u& but they #ouldnFt $ind the sour#e& "lthough it seemed to be intern"l. 5e thin:s it #ould
h"ve been the 9-'. 5e "dds th"t he #"nFt $igure how 6lood didnFt noti#e the system $"ilures
h"ppening "ll "round him.
%e)uired 1vents:
Eion: GEion onlyI Eion #omes #lose to the 9-'& runs "#ross ,right. ,right tr"#:s them b"#: to
The Matrix Online Archives
the devi#e "nd destroys it. ,right h"s the usu"l intruder "bilities& plus " #ouple new ones:
DCompress&D " me"tw"ddy one with 6irew"llFs met"lli# s:in e$$e#t& "nd D*ign"l J"mming&D "n
AO1 th"t l"ys " he"vy debu$$ on everyoneFs d"m"ge resist"n#es.
."#h: ."#hines w"nt to lo#"te ,rightFs bro"d#"st position. !hey $ind her "nd s#"n her
sign"l& but $ind no d"t" "t "ll th"t they #"n tr"#e. ,right m"de no "ttempt to "void the s#"n.
.erv: !he 9-' is $ound h"ving t":en over the tr"ining sim in " #h"te"u org "re". -t "tt"#:s "t
$irst& gr"du"lly stops& loo:s "round& s"ys DXbip mess"ge /Y&D then $"lls over de"d. -$ pl"yers
:illed the DsimD $irst& DXbip mess"ge /YD is $ound on " #omputer.
Crit //.2.2
Eion: <sing in$orm"tion provided by "n "#)u"int"n#e o$ " #h"te"u gu"rd& the pl"yer lo#"tes
the gu"rd& hoping to get " le"d th"t will get them into the #h"te"u to loo: $or d"t" on the 9-'.
!hey $ind the gu"rd being :illed by " $ellow gu"rd& however& who is yelling $r"nti#"lly "bout
how " progr"m DwonFt getD him. Another& wounded gu"rd mentions th"t one o$ their members
r"n o$$. A s#"n is run& "nd " gu"rd is $ound& de"d or un#ons#ious& in the middle o$ " l"rge
#orpor"te networ: #enter. -t is suspe#ted th"t this m"y h"ve been the wor: o$ the 9-'&
Cumping $rom gu"rd to gu"rd. !he #omputers "t the #enter "re inspe#ted& "nd eviden#e o$
in$iltr"tion "nd d"t" tr"ns$er "re $ound in one o$ them. !his le"ds to " home #omputer& with "
str"nge mess"ge on it: DXbip mess"ge 2Y.D Also& !ynd"ll in$orms the pl"yer th"t 1'3 h"s been
in tou#h to s"y th"t the (id h"s met the epedition& "nd gone into the no+$ly zone.
."#h: *in#e they #"nFt $ind her vulner"ble C"#:+in point& the ."#hines de#ide to try getting
,right to t"l:. !he pl"yer #he#:s up on some #h"te"u 1iles $or ,right "#tivity. !hey get one
who s"ys there w"s some report e"rlier "bout " problem. !he pl"yer #omes upon de"d "nd
dying 1iles& "nd ,right& who pretty mu#h re$uses to s"y "nything to them. !hen the pl"yer
h"s to go #he#: on some big override sign"l th"t pops up ne"rby& "nd this turns out to be
,right "g"in& who s"ys she Cust thought o$ something& "nd w"nts to meet the ."#hines "$ter
"ll& with the pl"yer there "s " Dwitness.D ?r"y tells ,right th"t the ."#hines would li:e to
:now how she survived her body. ,right w"nts to :now why the Or"#le m"de the 9-'& but
she doesnFt w"nt to h"ve the dis#ussion there& "nd she w"nts more oper"tives present. ?r"y
s"ys o:"y& heFll see "bout getting it "rr"nged.
.erv: 6lood sends the pl"yer o$$ to :ill wh"t he s"ys w"s " tr"itorous #h"te"u gu"rdB th"t
done& the pl"yer goes "$ter Eionites whoFve been hounding the gu"rds. A $ew Eionites "re
$ound de"d& "long with "nother #h"te"u gu"rd& b"dly wounded& who #oughs out nothing
help$ul be$ore dying. A$ter " tongue+l"shing $rom 6lood& the m"in group o$ Eionites "re $ound&
"pp"rently loo:ing $or something in " room with " de"d A##eler"ted 1ile. On#e the Eionites
"re disp"t#hed& ,right "ppe"rs& possibly there with the intention o$ "mbushing the Eionites
whoFve Cust been h"ndled. *he mentions to the .erv pl"yer th"t itFs her underst"nding the
Eionites helped C"rlyne& "lthough they prob"bly $eel th"t w"s " mist":e& now. *till& she s"ys&
C"rlyne did turn out to be w"y more use$ul th"n heFd intended. !he .erv ponders this& "nd
de#ides thereFs " good #h"n#e ,right $ound C"rlyne in the %e"l "nd did something to him
The Matrix Online Archives
there to m":e him $"ll over de"d in the simul"tion Gin .erv //./.;I. !he no+$ly zone w"s
supposed to be C"rlyneFs "bode& or something& "##ording to " #omment 5"lborn m"de "
while b"#:& so itFs possible ,right r"n into him somewhere "round there. !he .erv de#ides to
send some o$ the ?ener"lFs *entinels Gwhi#h heFs :ept lur:ing "roundI b"#: into the zone to
#he#: into this. 'ersephone is there with the .erv& in some :ind o$ b"d mood.
%e)uired 1vents:
Eion: G1'3 onlyI 1'3 #"ptures Ouroboros d"t" reve"led by the epeditionFs te"m t"pping
into " Olig"r#h 3etwor: line $ound in the no+$ly zone& "nd begins m"pping the l"yout o$ the
Olig"r#h 3etwor: in the %e"l.
."#h: G."#hines onlyI ,right meets ."#hines in One Eero. ?r"y s"ys the 9-' w"s #re"ted
to help #ontrol/monitor unplugged hum"ns in the %e"l. ,right s"ys she survived the de"th o$
her body by entering the ."tri "s " #omplete #ons#iousness& r"ther th"n " bro"d#"st.
.erv: 6lood is "tt"#:ed by 1iles in the 5el Club. Oper"tives "rriving "t the s#ene t":e out
some hostile 1iles& then $ind the D6r"n#ineD #":e vendor in the #lub "#ting oddly. !his is the
9-'. -t s"ys DXbip mess"ge 4Y&D then ,right "ppe"rs. A b"ttle $ollows& sort o$ t"iling o$$ "s
6r"n#ines multiply throughout the #lub& #rowding out everyone else. !he 9-' h"s
Crit //.2.4
Eion: Override "#tivity in the slums le"ds to overrides "nd overridden progr"ms& "nd " guy
whose w"t#h h"s stopped :eeping #orre#t time net to " 7e#eler"tor. !ynd"ll reports th"t
1'3 #ont"#ts h"ve s"id the epedition w"s "tt"#:ed by "dv"n#ed $ighter #r"$t in the no+$ly
zoneB the (idFs hover#r"$t d"m"ged one o$ the "tt"#:ers& but w"s then shot down& "nd the (id
w"s inCured. !he epedition"ry $or#e retre"ted $rom the zone "$ter he"vy losses. !he ships
were observed to be simil"r to the type used by 5"lborn "nd C"rlyne. -n the #entr"l %i#hl"nd
"re"& the pl"yer $inds more overrides& "nd trouble $rom ."#hine "nd .erovingi"n redpills.
Override "#tivity moves into ."gog/A#h"n& where the pl"yer $inds *er"ph& who tells them th"t
wh"t theyFre loo:ing $or is in "n "p"rtment the Or"#le used to live in& "nd whose lo#"tion heFll
provide to the oper"tor. !he "p"rtment is in ."r"++"lthough now o##upied by bluepills++"nd
in#ludes " #omputer with " str"nge mess"ge: DXbip mess"ge 8Y.D
."#h: !he 9-' h"s moved into %i#hl"nd& "nd ,rightFs "$ter it "g"in. !he pl"yer is sent to t":e
#"re o$ the pes:y overrides sheFs :i#:ing up. !hey run into .erv redpills $ighting A##eler"ted
1iles& "nd " #omputer th"tFs been dis#onne#ted $rom some remote sour#e. !his le"ds to "n
"p"rtment in the #entr"l %i#hl"nd "re"& where " #omputer h"s #r"shed& "nd " bluepill s"ys
their Gbl"#:I #"t st"rted "#ting weird "nd r"n o$$. ?r"y s"ys to get b"#: on t"s:& "nd sends the
pl"yer to ."r"& where overrides "re getting pretty b"d& "nd EionitesB "nd there "re reports o$
The Matrix Online Archives
,right being in the "re". !he pl"yer $inds Eionites t"l:ing "bout h"ving run into *er"ph
ne"rby& but they #"nFt get "ny more in$orm"tion. !hen they $ind " big override sour#e in ."r"&
whi#h is ,right& some de"d Eionites& "nd " bl"n:ed out #omputer. ,right s"ys the progr"mFs
"lre"dy le$t& "nd D-ts movements "ppe"r to be getting less err"ti#. -n the right h"nds& it #ould
be " truly eleg"nt #ontrol me#h"nism++not li:e these Olig"r#h routines.D ?r"y thin:s sheFs
Dunder some mis"pprehensionD "bout the progr"m. 5e "lso mentions th"t their sensors #"nFt
dete#t the progr"m& whi#h m":es things di$$i#ult. 6in"lly& he "dds th"t the #"t w"s lo#"ted in
"n "lley in ."r"& "nd w"s returned to its owner.
.erv: !he pl"yer is sent into the slums to see "bout override reports there. !hey en#ounter
."#hinists. 6lood s"ys theyFve lost #ont"#t with some o$ their progr"ms who were in the "re"
G#entr"l %i#hl"ndI on 5el Club businessB these "re $ound& being domin"ted by "n A##eler"tor&
poor things. 6lood mentions th"t the ?ener"lFs *entinels were "tt"#:ed by "dv"n#ed $ighter
#r"$t "nd $or#ed to retre"t G6lood: "g"inR h"h"I $rom the no+$ly zone. ,ith override "#tivity
in#re"sing in the A#h"n/."gog "re"& the pl"yer $inds Eionites there& t"l:ing "bout *er"ph
being in the vi#inity. !he pl"yer $inds him in ."r"& tr"pped by "n A##eler"tor.
%e)uired 1vents:
Eion: GEion onlyI *ee .erv event.
."#h: GCyph onlyI 9e$ore Eion/.erv events: $ighting overrides "round ."r" with the help o$
CryptosF prototype "nti+override routines Gthese "re new #onsum"ble itemsI. !hese will m":e
the user immune to " r"ndom type o$ override $or " short period o$ time.
.erv: !his is " two+d"y Gb"#: to b"#:I& single+server Eion/.erv event.
7"y /: ,e lo#: down " ."r" "p"rtment building "nd get .ervs "nd Eionites into it by teleport
"t sep"r"te& lo#:ed lo#"tions. !hen we let them loose $or 'V' domin"tion& "nd see whi#h side
survives. -$ beginning numbers "renFt b"l"n#ed we #ould either limit the l"rger side to
m"t#hing numbers G-Fd pre$er this - thin:I& or - #ould try to b"l"n#e " bit with 3'Cs.
7"y 2:
+ -$ .ervs won: .erv $"#es *er"ph& w"nts to :now where the 9-' is. *er"ph s"ys only th"t it
is DXser"ph mess"geY.D 5eFs suddenly #overed by " 6irew"ll 6Z G- m"de " 6irew"lled *er"ph
disguise $or thisI "s the "re" goes 66A 'V'. *er"ph& $ighting $uriously "nd not t"l:ing to
"nyone& m":es his w"y $ree o$ the building.
+ -$ Eion won: Eion $ights their w"y out o$ ."r"++still p"#:ed with override sp"wns& 1ile
progr"ms& prob"bly hostile oper"tives++with *er"ph. On#e #le"r& *er"ph tells them th"t he
doesnFt :now where the 9-' will sur$"#e net& but it is DXser"ph mess"geY.D
The Matrix Online Archives
Crit //.2.8
Eion: 9luepills "re dropping de"d "#ross the #ity& sometimes with override use ne"rby. !he
pl"yer #he#:s out "n override sign"l "nd #omes "#ross ,right "nd " bluepill. ,right re$ers to
the bluepill by " DpodD seri"l number++002=:0;:0/89:042++"nd s"ys they werenFt Dthe one th"t
progr"mFs #hosen to #"ll home&D "nd m"ybe itFs someone else Din /89&D "s the bluepill drops
de"d. -t loo:s li:e ,rightFs going hunting $or bluepills& so the pl"yer gets re"dy to $ollow her&
tr"#:s "n override re"ding& "nd $inds " de"d bluepill. -ntel doesnFt :now o$ " #onne#tion
between the two de"d bluepills& but m"ybe ,rightFs re$eren#e to " pod w"s signi$i#"nt. !he
se#ond bluepillFs body is #olle#ted& "nd " red pill tr"#e is $or#ed through them. !heir body
doesnFt seem to h"ve been $lushed by the ."#hines yet& "nd the tr"#e returns " pod
lo#"tion++$ortun"tely "t " pretty ne"rby pod #luster. Eion disp"t#hes " ship there& whi#h $inds
mostly empty pods in " ring "round one o$ the towers. !hey begin running b"#:+tr"#es on the
rem"ining people in th"t ring. !he pl"yer goes to #he#: up on one o$ these& but is stopped by
."#hines gu"rding the bluepillFs "p"rtment. !ynd"ll #"lls to report th"t theyFve lost #ont"#t
with the hover#r"$t "t the tower& "nd "nother ship in the "re" reported he"vy *entinel "#tivity
."#h: !he ."#hines h"ve the bluepill Gsee Eion #ritI& who is #urrently inh"bited by the 9-'&
"#ting err"ti#"lly. '"#e s"ys theyFre going to t":e the wom"n& -meld" (roller& to " l"b where
theyFll etr"#t the 9-'& "nd "s:s the pl"yer to help hold o$$ ne"rby overrides while they
tr"ns$er -meld". !his is "##omplished& but etr"#tion is t":ing too long& "nd ,right is #losing
in. !he pl"yer ev"#s (roller $rom the l"b "s overrides "ppe"r& :illing some o$ the ."#hines
there. '"#e is in " b"#: room& "nd seems to be o:"y. *he s"ys th"t the 9-' too: #ontrol o$
(rollerFs Dsom"ti# nervous system& resisting etern"l stimuli.D As the pl"yer gets (roller
outside& ?r"y s"ys her pod routines h"ve stopped reporting& "nd "s:s the pl"yer to #he#: her
st"tus. (roller s"ys DXbip mess"ge ;YD& then goes bl"n:. !his ends the mission& "nd (roller
dis"ppe"rs. ?r"y reports D<nre)uested reiniti"liz"tion o$ subCe#tFs im"ge by the pod
h"rdw"re... *ign"l is "#tive. <n"ble to resolve lo#"tion. *t"tus un:nown. '002=:0;:0/89:08/
is not responding.D
.erv: !he .ervs h"ve le"rned the ."#hines h"ve (roller Gsee ."#h #ritI& "nd set "bout
tr"#:ing down her pod -7& $irst $inding the seri"l number Eionites he"rd $rom ,right Gsee Eion
#ritI. 6lood s"ys this is ."#hine pod seri"l number $orm"t& with the third number being the
number o$ the ring in whi#h the pod is situ"ted on the tower& so ,right w"s loo:ing $or
someone plugged into the /89th ring o$ pods. !he .erv is $ormul"ting " pl"n $or h"#:ing into
."#hine systems "nd lo#"ting the pod #"ret":er& li:e they did when they w"nted to $ind
."#5enry G.erv 8.4.8I& but heFs interrupted by 'ersephone& who s"ys th"t Cust getting "#tivity
reports $rom the #"ret":er wonFt s"ve (roller& or the 9-'. 'ersephone s"ys she #"n do it& i$
the .erv #"n get her " #onne#tion to the right p"rt o$ the ."#hine networ:. !he .erv m":es
" show o$ worrying "bout his wi$eFs s"$ety in su#h " venture& but s"ys heFll m":e it h"ppen&
sin#e sheFs so #on#erned "bout it. !he pl"yer se#ures " p"rti#ul"r ."#hine termin"l& "nd gets
'ersephone to it. *he #oll"pses& b"rely "live& but s"ys sheFs s"ved themB the oper"tor s"ys
th"t de$ensive routines :i#:ed in "s soon "s 'ersephone sent her #omm"nds into the pod
system++they must h"ve been w"t#hing $or trouble there. !he pl"yer goes to give the .erv the
news& "nd $inds the ?ener"lFs hologr"m& reporting th"t his men $ound " wre#:ed& "dv"n#ed
#r"$t on their w"y b"#: $rom the zone& "nd s"lv"ged "n "ndroid o$ "n un:nown type $rom itB
theyFre bringing the "ndroid b"#: with them now. !he .erv is "nnoyed with 'ersephone $or
The Matrix Online Archives
"lmost getting hersel$ :illed in " w"y th"t would h"ve re$le#ted b"dly on himB "nd wh"t w"s
she doing& "nyw"y& not mentioning those de$ensive routines& whi#h she must h"ve :nown
would be thereH 6lood s"ys 'ersephone rest"rted (rollerFs %*- "t " r"ndom point in the
%e)uired 1vents:
Eion: !ry to stop ,right $rom getting "t " bluepill. !urns out this is not " 9-'+inh"bited bluepill&
Cust one in "n "dC"#ent pod& but Eion will "t le"st h"ve " #h"n#e o$ s"ving them $rom ,rightFs
brut"l pro#ess o$ elimin"tion. !his is #ompli#"ted& o$ #ourse& be#"use th"t pod #luster is now
surrounded by *entinels& "nd thereFd be no #h"n#e o$ s"ving the person i$ they were $lushed
by " red pill. - thin: it might be interesting to le"ve it to oper"tives to try to $igure out wh"t to
do Gmight end up being moot i$ ,right be"ts them to the more immedi"te go"l o$ se#uring the
bluepill in the simul"tionI.
."#h: GA$ter Eion "nd .erv eventsI ."#hines "ble to re+est"blish #ontrol over (rollerFs pod&
tr"#: them to X(roller lo#"tionY. ,right "ppe"rs "nd tries to gr"b (roller. ."#hinists must :eep
,right o##upied Ginterlo#:& rootI while ev"#u"ting (roller. ?et some dist"n#e "w"y but (roller
#oll"pses& ,right #"t#hes up& :ills (roller Cust "$ter (roller s"ys DXbip mess"ge =Y.D
.erv: 7e"thly 'ersephone G$irst "ppe"r"n#e o$ her bl"#:+dress/p"le+s:in %*-I tries to "##ess
(rollerFs pod "g"in& $"ils& b"rely survives ."#hine #ounter+"tt"#:. 9itter words between her
"nd the .ervB both "re dis"ppointed& $or di$$erent re"sons.
Crit //.2.;
Eion: !he 9-'Fs tr"il le"ds b"#: into the slums. X.orpheus GsimI "nd Xbip mess"ge >Y will be
involved here& but - donFt w"nt to s"y more "bout it Cust now.Y
."#h: !he pl"yer is sent "$ter more trouble in %i#hl"nd. !hey $ind overrides& "nd Eionites
"pp"rently loo:ing $or 'ersephone. ?r"y s"ys ,right "nd the .orpheus sim h"ve been
reported "round there& too. !he pl"yer is wor:ing on some A##eler"ted ."#hines when more
"ppe"r& but "re t":en down by Cypherites whoFve "rrived on the s#ene. !he Cyphs s"y
Cryptos h"s " w"y to stop the overrides. !he pl"yer meets Cryptos& who s"ys heFs got " good
st"rt& "nd heFs willing to sh"re his progress& but he needs more in$orm"tion "bout the
overrides to #ontinue to improve his prototype. Cryptos "nd ?r"y meet. Cryptos s"ys th"t the
overrides use " root #omm"nd l"yer th"t he #"nFt re"lly "##ess& "nd he needs more in$o
"bout it. ?r"y s"ys in$o li:e th"t is pretty restri#ted& but sin#e the "nti+overrides #ould be
use$ul& heFll see wh"t he #"n do. 'l"yers get " prototype "nti+override #onsum"ble when they
#omplete the mission.
.erv: 'ersephone insists on meeting ,right. 6lood doesnFt sound li:e heFs in#lined to help
The Matrix Online Archives
her get hersel$ :illed& but when he st"rts t"l:ing "bout lo#"ting ,right& whoFs "pp"rently in
."nnsd"le& in order to $ind the 9-'& " #li#: on the line reve"ls th"t someone w"s
e"vesdropping: 'ersephone. !he pl"yer r"#es o$$ to ."nnsd"le to $ind 'ersephone "s:ing
,right to stop the :illing. ,right is #old++#"lls 'ersephone Dprogr"mD++"nd s"ys she wonFt stop
until the ."tri is run by hum"ns. 6lood reports th"t th"t ill+"dvised little meeting "#tu"lly g"ve
them " #h"n#e to t":e some s#"ns o$ the region& "nd theyFve $ound Eionites homing in on "
p"rti#ul"r lo#"tion. !here they $ind ,right "g"in& h"ving "pp"rently Cust removed something
th"t she wonFt s"y "nything "bout. A $rustr"ted 6lood sends the pl"yer to epl"in their $"ilure
to the .erv. As the .erv greets the pl"yer& " str"nge mess"ge& DXbip mess"ge 8YD "ppe"rs on
his #omputer s#reen. !he .erv is "nnoyed th"t his high+pri#ed networ: se#urity $"iled to
prote#t him $rom this sp"m.
,right "bs:
DCompressD Gmet"l me"tw"dHI
D*ign"l J"mmingD GAO1 m"ssive de$ res debu$$I
Anti+override prototype:
orbiting gold #ode $
gives r"ndom o$ one imm: A##el& 7e#el& %un
Visiting pl"#es $rom !rinityFs p"st:
!he Ch"te"u Gmission/event: .erv /I
!he 5el Club Gevent + .erv 2I
."r" G"p"rtmentB mission: *er"ph + Eion 4I
,estview Gevent: Club ("os& %ogers ,"y++right by As#ension + m"#h 8I
*lums Gslum "p"rtment& room /0/B mission: .orpheus Eion ;I
9-' mess"ges Gin white $ont& no #"ps or pun# until l"terI:
/: where
2: this isnFt
4: iFm not
8: not here
The Matrix Online Archives
;: impossible
=: oh god
>: (no#:& :no#:.
8: ,":e up.
*er"ph mess"ge: DrememberingD
(roller lo#"tion: Club ("os& %ogers ,"y
Eion //.2.;
!r"#:ing 9-' in *lums& but lose it. Come "#ross .orpheus& who s"ys th"t the ."#hines
#h"nged things& but he remembers the telephone e#h"nge& whi#h they didnFt #h"nge. Come
to room /0/& 3eoFs "p"rtment& $ind Xbip mess"ge >Y.
+ O? overrides "re #rudeB need progr"m #"p"ble o$ penetr"ting to the he"rt o$ the ."#hine
systems "nd re#on$iguring them #"re$ully++she #ould m":e use o$ the 9-' to do th"t
+ 5um"n #ontrol...but must be the right hum"ns
+ 7oesnFt :now wh"t 9-' re"lly is Gonly Ar#hite#t& Or"#le& *"ti& .orpheus& ?r"y& C"rlyne&
5"lborn :now th"tI
+ 9r"g somewhere to ."#hines th"t she survived de"th o$ her body by entering the ."tri "s
"n independent #ons#iousness
+ ,hen she did th"t w/ O? overrides& she deton"ted ship #ont"ining C"#:+in devi#e "nd
."userFs body
s#ene /
+ #lose up o$ #omputer s#reen: bip mess"ge $rom merv //.2.;
+ .erv is loo:ing "t it in "nnoy"n#e
+ ?en hologr"m ph"ses in& s"ys theyFve got the "ndroid thing
+ .erv h"s him put it up on the hologr"phi# displ"y
+ .erv loo:s "t it& grins slowly++Dimpressive...D
s#ene 2
+ shim"d"& hover#r"$t de#:& loo:ing "t $"#e on tr"nsmitter s#reen
+ s: how is heH
+ $: he wonFt be winning "ny be"uty p"ge"nts& but heFll m":e it.
weFll be in bro"d#"st r"nge in " $ew d"ys. do you w"nt me to++H
+ s: no. -Fll do it
The Matrix Online Archives
s#ene 4
+ hover#r"$t& shim"d" C"#:ed in
+ door opens& #r"$ty loo:ing wom"n #reeps up to the #h"ir
+ w: theyFre "ll o$$ in no+m"nFs l"nd...
+ w: nobody to w"t#h over you while you sleep
+ w: now where would you hide th"t #ode the Or"#le g"ve you...
+ #rewm"n "ppe"rs in doorw"y& st"rtled: youR
+ w grins
+ #: stopR
+ w y"n:s shim"d"Fs C"#: out& sli#es its #"ble
+ w: :ept it w"rm $or you& de"rie
+ w hurls the C"#: into the #rewm"nFs $orehe"d
+ #rewm"n #oll"pses "s more #rew members "rrive: veilR
+ veil GwI l"ughs "s she v"nishes b"#: through the opposite doorw"y
s#ene 8
+ wright $lo"ts between s:ys#r"pers& moving slowly over downtown
+ gr"y is w"t#hing grimly $rom " roo$top with "nother "gent& or m"ybe "n oper"tive
+ g: the progr"mH
+ o: weFre pi#:ing up blips "ll over the #ity. still trying to isol"te it& sir.
+ g s#owls
+ o: sir& should we++
+ wright $lo"ts tow"rd the w"ll o$ " s:ys#r"per& it w"rps inw"rd& m":ing w"y $or her to p"ss
+ g: no. :eep your men b"#:.
+ wright $lo"ts out the other side "nd #ontinues "#ross the #ity "t the s"me slow& ste"dy speed
+ gr"y s#owls even grimmerlerlier
+ g: $ind the progr"m...
s#ene ;
+ #lose up o$ bip mess"ge $rom zion //.2.; on " #omputer s#reen
+ niobe is w"t#hing it& with ghost behind her
+ n: the inter$"#e progr"mH
+ the mess"ge& whi#h h"d p"used& #ontinues brie$ly
+ n: Cesus #hrist
+ the mess"ge suddenly $loods the entire s#reen
+ n: ghost++
+ ghost is "lre"dy hyperCumping high "bove the #ity& his $"#e set in " determined m"s:
m"p zooms in on spot in some #ity neighborhood
The Matrix Online Archives
+ !he ?ener"l shows the "ndroid body to the .erovingi"n& s"ys theyFve #ompleted retriev"l&
"nd th"t it isnFt " ."#hine me#h"nism.
+ *him"d" is told th"t the (id will be b"#: $rom the no+$ly zone soonB he w"s inCured but will
+ Veil sne":s up on *him"d" while sheFs C"#:ed in& muttering something to hersel$ "bout
loo:ing $or the progr"m the Or"#le g"ve *him"d". ,hen surprised by "n 1'3 #rew member&
Veil pulls *him"d"Fs C"#:& :illing her& "nd es#"pes.
+ ?r"y monitors ,right "s she #ontinues her disruptive se"r#h through the #ity $or the
inter$"#e progr"m. ?r"y tells "nother Agent to "void ,right& "nd to $ind the progr"m.
+ 3iobe gets " D,":e upD mess"ge li:e the one $rom the //.2 #rits. !his turns D,":e up&
3eo&D "nd then " #onst"nt stre"m o$ D,":e up ,":e up ,":e up...D 3iobe is "l"rmed& "nd
?host speeds "w"y.
!he "#tion indi#"tor points to " spot in west 5"mpton ?reen.
Auests t":e pl"#e in 7owntown& mostly "round 5"mpton ?reen.
/I !he ."#hines #"nFt dete#t the progr"m themselves& but ,right seems to h"ve some
me"ns o$ doing so& so they $ollow her& running into " disrupted #omputer& de"d bluepill&
A##eler"ted *uits G5"mpton g"ngI& "nd $in"lly ,right in ."ribe"u& where she s"ys sheFll h"ve
it soon& "nd the ."#hines h"d better st"y out o$ her w"y until then. *he "dds D!he ."#hines
le$t " g"ping se#urity hole in their #ore progr"mming " long time "go. !hey were only "s
per$e#t "s the people who m"de them.D
2I !"l: to Veil "bout new$"ngled ,right A##eler"ted 'rogr"ms Gtough 1iles/."#hines with
wire$r"me overl"ysI. Veil points the pl"yer to " Cypherite in .orrell& 3egle#t Gvisible on the
m"p& /4th $loor o$ the building Cust * o$ Cy#loI& who is distributing "nti+override routines the
Cyphs& led by CryptosF rese"r#h& h"ve been #oo:ing up. ?r"y s"ys th"t being "ble to resist
overrides will be ne#ess"ry i$ ,rightFs going to be de"lt with. !he "nti+override routines "re
#onsum"bles prote#t "g"inst override "bilities li:e 7e#eler"tion Gspeed/"## debu$$I& %untime
Gsp"wnsI& "nd *ign"l J"mming Gresist"n#e debu$$I $or " limited time.
4I ,ith ,right #losing in on the progr"m in 5"mpton& the pl"yer b"ttles " tough ,right
A##eler"ted 'rogr"m& then t"l:s to Cryptos& who spe#ul"tes on how ,right #ould be dis"bled:
DAs $or wh"t m"y h"ppen i$ #riti#"l d"m"ge #"n be in$li#ted on her %*-& th"t - #"nnot predi#t.
,e :now th"t she h"s #o+opted the C"#:+in proto#ol utilized by the Olig"r#hs& "nd we :now&
$rom 5"lbornFs e"mple& th"t they were to some etent vulner"ble both within "nd without the
The Matrix Online Archives
simul"tion. ,right& on the other h"nd& h"s #l"imed to be "ble to enter the ."tri without
m"int"ining "n eterior #onne#tion. 5ow th"t #ould "$$e#t the out#ome rem"ins un#le"r.D
?r"y #omes through with the #oordin"tes o$ ,rightFs position on " roo$top in 5"mpton G98
/4/ +2/=I& s"ying th"t sheFs been st"ying "round there& whi#h prob"bly me"ns the inter$"#e
progr"m is in the vi#inity.
/I !he pl"yer s#outs ,right "#tivity in 5"mpton& where sheFs been disrupting things. ,ith
help $rom 3i#:y ?.& they $ind A##eler"ted *uits& "nd tr"#: down ."n"ger& the *uits boss& in
the 5istori# 7istri#t& who mentions he"ring "bout " Cypherite in .orrell whoFs got override
2I !he "ndroidFs been $ound to h"ve Dd"t" stru#tures simil"r to wh"t weFve $ound on the
Olig"r#h networ:&D so 6lood sends the pl"yer to hunt $or " d"t" m"t#h "t "n Ouroboros o$$i#e
in V"uton. !he ."#hines too: over Ouroboros " while b"#:& "nd the pl"yer runs into
Ouroboros *e#urity "nd ."#hines there. 6lood s"ys the ."#hines must h"ve #on$is#"ted the
d"t"& "nd sends the pl"yer to r"id " ."#hine $"#ility in ."ribe"u to tr"#: it down. !he pl"yer
is "mbushed by " ,right A##eler"ted 'rogr"m on their w"y. !hey #"pture the d"t" $rom the
."#hines& "nd it does h"ve simil"rities to the "ndroidFs h"rdw"re. 6lood $igures the Olig"r#hs
built it. 5e "lso mentions th"t Cypherites thin: the ,right A##eler"ted 'rogr"ms #"rry
v"lu"ble d"t".
4I !he pl"yer goes hunting " ."#hine m"in$r"me in the '"r: 1"st ?ov 9uilding to get re"l
d"t" on the "ndroid. !hereFs " tough b"ttle& "nd they get some help on the m"in$r"me $rom
the 1$$e#tu"tor. -n Center '"r:& the .erv s"ys the d"t" w"s interesting& "s it shows the
"ndroid w"s designed to be #ontrolled by " hum"n #ons#iousness++$or the Olig"r#hs to
#ontrol themselves "s " surrog"te bodyH 5e "lso wonders wh"t destroyed the ship #"rrying
the "ndroid& "nd spe#ul"tes th"t $oul pl"y w"s involved. 'ersephone is there& still in bl"#: "nd
very p"le.
/I -n Chelse"& " s#"rred (id h"s news o$ suddenly losing #ont"#t with " tr"nsmitter theyFd le$t
monitoring the Olig"r#h networ: line in the no+$ly zone. 5e s"ys the Olig"r#hs #ould be on
their w"y to the ."#hine #ity "nd the ."tri. 5eFs "lso determined not to let *him"d" down.
!he Coun#il thin:s the inter$"#e progr"m h"s some #entr"l role in "ll this& "nd w"nts it :ept
out o$ ,rightFs h"nds& to the pl"yer #"t#hes her tr"il in 5"mpton. !he oper"tor mentions th"t
the progr"m h"s used !rinity )uotes. !hey run into A##eler"ted *uits "nd then ,right& who
s"ys th"t Eion should be helping her& sin#e sheFs doing this to put the ."tri in m"n:indFs
2I *till trying $or the progr"m in 5"mpton& the pl"yer gets some st"ti# $rom " 7e#eler"tor "nd
."#hinists. !heyFre "lso "mbushed by one o$ ,rightFs new A##eler"ted 'rogr"ms& "nd run
into more o$ them "round " de"d Cypherite. !ynd"ll mentions rumors o$ " Cypherite in
The Matrix Online Archives
.orrell& wondering i$ itFs rel"ted.
4I Overrides "re :eeping the ."#hines busy& whi#h gives Eion " shot "t #he#:ing out " burst
o$ override "#tivity in '"r: 1"st& norm"lly he"vily gu"rded. !hey $ind " mess"ge GD*oonDI
whi#h the oper"tor thin:s is $rom the inter$"#e progr"m& but while tr"#ing it& theyFre interrupted
by " tough Agent& "nd the tr"#e is lost. !he oper"tive is sent to ?host in 5"mpton& who s"ys
th"t he thin:s ,rightFs "round there& prob"bly high up& "nd prob"bly with the progr"m. 5eFs
determined to loo: $or her. !ynd"ll s"ys t":ing on ,right m"y be the only option le$t.
,right Glevel /00I is on the 5"mpton roo$top where ?r"y s"id she w"s& with some tough
A##eler"ted 'rogr"ms "round her. *he uses AO1 overrides& "nd " n"sty z"p. ,hen her
he"lth h"s been worn down& she dies G*ystem mess"ge s"ys she w"s :illed by hersel$I& "nd
" $lo"ting gold #ode ghost $igure& DHHH&D "ppe"rs. -ts det"ils s"y DF-tFs be"uti$ul...FD

bit o$ " wr"p on wrightH "r#h V gr"yH
ghost $inds trinity& brie$ #onvo m":ing #le"r itFs her& p"#e shows up& then 5eli"n "nd !es"rov"
show up& p"#e le"ves GDA#:nowledgedDI& trinity is gone& h/t le"ve& ghost le"ves& oo:"mi
s#ene 0 + /; se#onds
+ #h"pter #"ption& p"n over to de"d ,right
W!he ."tri OnlineT
WCh"pter /2./T
s#ene / + 40 se#onds
+ zoom out $rom inert ,right to Ar#hite#t viewing in his monitoring room
+ ": ,here is thy hum"nity now...H
+ ": Agent ?r"y.
+ gr"y "ppe"rs on monitor
+ g: *irH
+ ": 5"ve you lo#"ted the progr"mH
The Matrix Online Archives
+ g: 3o& sirB not sin#e it termin"ted ,right.
+ g: ,e h"ve $ound Eion oper"tives #ondu#ting their own se"r#h.
+ ": ...
+ g: *irH
+ ": 'rep"re $or our visitors.
+ #li#:s s#reen o$$
s#ene 2 + /20 se#onds tot"l
2" + ;0 se#onds
+ ghost l"nds on " slum building roo$top
+ loo:s "round
+ opens " door
+ goes down " d"r: st"irw"y
+ enters " l"rge d"r:ened stor"ge room
+ doesnFt see "nything
+ turns to le"ve
+ s#reen $li#:s on behind him
+ s: ?hostT
+ ghost turns "nd loo:s "t it& $"#e bl"n:
+ #ode shimmers in the "ir
+ $"lls down
+ $orming "round
+ " st"nding $em"le body
+ ghost st"nds $rozen
+ trinity t":es " step tow"rd him
The Matrix Online Archives
+ stops
+ t: ?host...
+ ghost $lin#hes
+ trinity loo:s p"ined
+ g: ,e...
+ t: -...didnFt :now.
2b + 8; se#onds
+ p: 6reeze.
+ p"#e steps $rom the doorw"y into the glow o$ the monitor/trinity& gun levelled "t g
+ p loo:s "t g
+ p: 'redi#t"ble.
+ p: 5mh.
+ p put her gun up
+ h"l$ turns "w"y
+ p: Nour progr"m...$riend #"nnot survive here.
+ g loo:s "t p
+ p: *he will be removed.
A #ode lo#: is "lre"dy++
+ h V ts "ppe"r in mid"ir&
+ $lo"t down to the $loor
+ p puts her gun b"#: on g
+ ts: Ooh.
+ !his loo:s $un.
The Matrix Online Archives
+ p tou#hes her e"rpie#e
+ listens
+ loo:s $rustr"ted
+ p: ...
+ p: A#:nowledged.
+ p"#e st"l:s out
2# + 40 se#onds[
+ h: And youH
+ h: ,ill you o$$er resist"n#eH
+ g: 3o need.
+ h loo:s "roundB trinity h"s v"nished
+ t: 5uhR !he progr"mFs gone.
+ h: -s this your++
+ ghost h"s v"nished
+ ts: 5"hR
+ !his \will\ be $un.
+ h V ts v"nish
+ room goes d"r:
+ " sh"dow
to " high window:
40 Gm"y need to hold here "n etr" se#ond or twoI
s#ene 4 [ m"p + /; se#onds
+ ghost
The Matrix Online Archives
+ is st"nding on the roo$&
+ loo:ing out
+ over the -:ebu:uro do#:s
+ g: !rinity...
XY *tu$$ in s)u"re br"#:ets is not mentioned dire#tly to pl"yers in the /2./ )uests& "nd
shouldnFt be given out unless spe#i$i#"lly #le"red with me $irst.
GI Other stu$$ is mostly $"ir g"me& "lthough in gener"l you shouldnFt Cust go "round dropping
tons o$ the det"ils to pl"yers& but r"ther let them wor: things out themselves++this in#ludes "
lot o$ wh"t "ppe"rs in p"rentheses below& $or inst"n#e. - mention #ert"in det"ils "nd )uotes
here be#"use - $igure they might be things you h"ve )uestions "bout& or m"y be interested in
developing $urther.
+ !he Ar#hite#t is in his !V room& with ,right& de"d on " 5"mpton roo$top& on the monitor. 5e
"s:s ?r"y i$ the Gbiologi#"l inter$"#eI progr"m h"s been $oundB ?r"y s"ys no& but they $ound
Eion loo:ing $or it& too. !he Ar#hite#t $rowns& then tells him to Dprep"re $or our visitors.D
+ ?host l"nds on " roo$top Gsupposed to be the roo$top pointed out in the #oordin"tes "t the
end o$ the #inem"ti#& -:ebu:uro =40 9 +/80I& loo:s "round& opens " door& goes down d"r:
st"irs& opens " door into " d"r:& mostly empty stor"ge room. Loo:s "round& doesnFt see
"nything& "nd is Cust turning to le"ve "s " monitor in " d"r: #orner o$ the room $li#:s on "nd
prints out D?host.D
+ Code $"lls down into " $em"le $orm net to the monitor. !his is the golden #ode DHHHD
#h"r"#ter who "ppe"red when ,right w"s :illed. A h"lting #onvers"tion begins& in whi#h
!rinity Gwhi#h is the n"me th"t "ppe"rs "bove this #h"r"#ter in this sub#h"pterI s"ys D-...didnFt
:now&D by whi#h she me"nt th"t she didnFt :now she w"s " progr"m.
+ Agent '"#e interrupts the #onvers"tion& her gun on ?host& who steps between her "nd
!rinity. '"#e s"ys the progr"m G!rinityI #"nFt survive there& "nd will be removed& but then she
in her turn is interrupted by " bright $l"sh& out o$ whi#h gle"ming m"le "nd $em"le $orms
"ppe"r& des#ending to the ground. !hey h"ve no #lothes& wires& eyeb"lls& or h"ir. -n missions&
it will be $ound th"t the m"le GredI is D5eli"n&D "nd the $em"le GpurpleI is D!es"rov"&D "nd th"t
The Matrix Online Archives
they "re Olig"r#hs. 5eli"n is $"irly str"ight$orw"rd "nd serious& "lthough not "s blunt "s
5"lbornB !es"rov" is usu"lly in " pl"y$ul v"mp mode in this sub#h"pter.
+ '"#e tou#hes her e"rpie#e& loo:s $rustr"ted& relu#t"ntly lowers her gun $rom ?hostFs he"d&
"nd st"l:s out. 5eli"n loo:s "t ?host& "nd "s:s i$ heFs going to resist& but ?host s"ys thereFs
no needB 5V! re"lize th"t !rinity h"s v"nished& "nd while they loo: "round to $ind her& ?host
m":es " sudden unseen eit "s well.
+ 5V! le"ve& "nd the room goes d"r:. A p"use& then Oo:"mi #reeps out o$ the sh"dows++
sheFs observed the entire s#ene.
+ ?host st"nds on the roo$top& loo:s up "t the moon& "nd $in"lly s"ys !rinityFs n"me.
!he ide" w"s th"t he h"dnFt "llowed himsel$ to believe /00U th"t it w"s her until Cust now
when he w"s "ble to meet her $or himsel$. !he sm"ll Live 1vent - r"n with him during //.4
G http://$" I where he DrememberedD
DsomethingD "$ter reviewing the 9-'Fs progress through the ."tri& "nd re"lizing th"t it roughly
#orresponded to !rinityFs progress through the ."tri G$rom the movies& st"rting with
#ont"#ting 3eo in his "p"rtmentI& reminded him o$ this -:ebu:uro spot where he "nd !rinity
h"d met e"#h other "t some unspe#i$ied timeGsI in the old d"ys++this is brie$ly mentioned by
!ynd"ll "t the beginning o$ Eion /2././ Xbut - prob"bly wonFt dwell on it "ny more th"n th"t& "s
the #hoi#e w"s $"irly "rbitr"ry++- w"nted somewhere with " l"rge interior room "nd " ni#e view
$rom the roo$top& "nd pre$er"bly elsewhere th"n 7!& sin#e "ll o$ //.4 too: pl"#e in th"t
!he /2./ org #ont"#ts "re sp"#ed within "bout " h"l$+blo#: o$ the -:ebu:uro roo$top lo#"tion.
/I ?r"y sends the pl"yer to A:"s":"& s#ene o$ the l"test sighting o$ the progr"m. 5e implies "
need to $ind it be$ore either the Olig"r#h represent"tives G5V!I or Eion do. ?r"y doesnFt re$er
to the progr"m "s D!rinity&D but the oper"tor dis#usses it " bit. !hey $ind Eionites "nd " bl"n:
#omputer entry in her re#ent style GDWTDI& but nothing else& "nd "re re+routed to he"d o$$ 5V!&
who h"ve "rrived in the "re"& "long with '"#e.
5V! "re slightly bemused++"lthough not re"lly surprised++by " hum"n oper"tive wor:ing $or
the ."#hines. X!he Olig"r#hs h"ve been "w"re the ."#hines h"ve m"n"ged things this w"y&
but they h"venFt seen it mu#h dire#tly& "nd $ind it odd& sin#e they GOlig"r#hs& who "re hum"nI
view the ."#hines "s their own serv"nts.Y
5 s"ys theyFre there $or the 9-' Ghe uses Dbiologi#"l inter$"#e progr"mD "s " )uote $rom
oper"tives or ."#hinesB 5V! gener"lly Cust #"ll it Dthe progr"mDI& "nd wonFt be needing "ny
help getting it.
! s"ys something odd "bout Dthe e#iting onesD Goper"tivesI Des#"pingD $rom the pods& "nd
The Matrix Online Archives
th"t this epl"ins Dwhy our entert"inmentFs been so dull l"tely.D
5 mentions they :now wh"t h"ppened to 5"lborn "nd C"rlyne& "nd th"t those two were
oper"ting independently. 5e s"ys they Gthe Olig"r#hsI h"ve Dm"de "dCustments th"t will
ensure our s"$ety $rom the #ompromises they "llowed to our se#urityD Xp"rti"lly "n epl"n"tion
$or the di$$eren#e in their "ppe"r"n#e $rom 5VC: 5V! "re less tr"nsp"rent& "nd h"ve no
'"#e seems " little relieved to h"ve the pl"yer there to t"l: to the Olig"r#hs& "nd purpose$ully
spe":s "loud Gin it"li#sI to the pl"yer so th"t 5V! will overhe"r& s"ying th"t theyFll le"ve their
guest in pe"#e.
On the w"y out& the pl"yer en#ounters *"ti"te& " shoeless $em"le Cypherite boss who
"ppe"red previously in " $ew Live 1vents:
*heFs now $ied "t level ;; G- thin: in L1s - h"d her "t =0I. *he s"ys it would be ni#e to pop
Dthose pretty new bubbles o$ theirsD Gthe Olig"r#hsI& "nd suggests th"t the ."#hines might
even h"ve something th"t #ould do it& but they prob"bly wouldnFt tell the G."#hinistI pl"yer
even i$ they did& "nd wouldnFt use it themselves.
?r"y summons the pl"yer $or their report& #on#luding th"t 5V! "re oper"ting "s "gents $or the
Olig"r#hs& r"ther th"n independently li:e 5"lborn "nd C"rlyne. 5e thin:s this might #"use
them to beh"ve " little more levelhe"dedly& but s"ys it "lso me"ns the Olig"r#hs will be
w"t#hing developments #losely. A$ter s"ying this& he very deliber"tely st"tes th"t the
."#hines do not #onsider them " thre"t.
9etween missions& ."#hine oper"tives "re sent to Dp"trolD the -ntern"tion"l 7istri#t $or more
signs o$ "#tivity Gie get g"ng to:ens $rom .ur"s":i& 6urih"t"& "nd (owloonI.
2I *till in -ntern"tion"l& the pl"yer de"ls with some se"r#hing Eionites& "nd is then sent to
"nswer " summons $rom 5eli"n& whoFs got " #ouple o$ his DOverride 6un#tionD 3'Cs with him
Gwhitish+s:inned $orms simil"r to 5V!& with " miture o$ h"#:er "nd .A "bilities& pretty good
"##ur"#y "nd d"m"ge& "nd high vir"l de$enseI& "nd he lo"ns these two 3'Cs to the pl"yer&
suggesting th"t heFs doing this to help the ."#hine oper"tive de"l with the Eionites Ghe re$ers
to Eionites here "s Fthe other DAw":enedDFI& "lthough the oper"tor "nd ?r"y hint th"t 5 h"s
$ound he "#tu"lly needs help $rom the pl"yer. !he Override 6un#tions donFt t"l:B 5 re$ers to
them "s Db"si#D #omb"t progr"ms.
!he pl"yer #he#:s $or enemy "#tivity "nd $inds .erovingi"n redpills. One o$ them r"ther
obviously pretends to be " Eionite Gsort o$ " pl"y on the .erv :nowing th"t wh"t heFs doing is
prob"bly going to #heese the ."#hines o$$& "lthough he isnFt so worried "bout it "s to h"lt his
Olig"r#h power gr"bI. ?r"y s"ys " .erv 1ile n"med Azun" is :nown to h"ve obt"ined
sensitive in$orm"tion on the Olig"r#hFs ."tri "#tivities.
9etween missions& the pl"yer h"s to go $ind Azun"& $ollowing the missionFs hint Dnorthwest
The Matrix Online Archives
7owntown.D Azun" is " $em"le lupine with " te"l moh"w:& "nd sheFs pl"#ed "s " #olle#tor
3'C on the se#ond sublevel o$ the .useum dungeon in Creston. !he pl"yer h"s to :ill some
o$ the .erv+"ligned lupines "round Azun" G" little $"rther "w"y $rom her "re some ."#hine+
"ligned Override 6un#tionsI.
4I ?r"y s"ys the .ervFs $ound 5V! h"ve " Dvirtu"l sp"#e&D "nd is pl"nning to inv"de itB this
should be stopped so th"t the Olig"r#hs "renFt D"ggr"v"ted.D !he oper"tor mentions th"t the
.erv tried hitting on !es"rov" to get O? progr"ms& but w"snFt su##ess$ul in his "dv"n#es.
!he pl"yer t":es out some 1iles "nd gets " tr"#e running through their #omputer.
-n this s"me "re"& " #ert"in unspe#i$ied "nd option"l se)uen#e o$ "#tions will #"use !rinity to
"ppe"r in " side room. *he "ppe"rs upset& even "ngry& "t the situ"tion sheFs in& doing
/t"l:neg"tive "s she s"ys
D- donFt++
- didnFt #hoose this. !his #"nFt be++
G!he progress o$ her "ppe"r"n#es "#ross the missions o$ the three orgs G#ounting the se#ond
mission o$ "ny org "s h"ppening "$ter the $irst mission o$ "ny other org& et#& "nd even the
se#ond ph"se o$ mission $or one org h"ppening "$ter the $irst ph"se o$ mission $or "nother
org& et#I goes sort": surprise +W dism"y +W $rustr"tion +W "nger.I
6ollowing the tr"#e& the pl"yer runs into he"vy 7ire Lupine resist"n#e& but in the end gets
d"t" th"t ?r"y s"ys is "bout "##ess routes Dthrough Fwhite h"llw"yF systems.D 5e doesnFt
h"ve e"#t #oords& but s"ys there seems to be "n entry point somewhere high up in north
<nion 5ill.
A de"d Override 1e#ut"ble 3'C w"s in the room with the lupines/#omputer. 1e#ut"bles
"re d"r: grey hum"noids in the s"me bubble+s:in w"y "s 6un#tions "nd 5V!.
/I 6lood sends the pl"yer into *t"mos to $ind the progr"m Gli:e ?r"y& he doesnFt re$er to it "s
D!rinity&D but the oper"tor t"l:s "bout the identity possibilityI. !hey donFt $ind "nything besides
" #omputer with DWT&D but Oo:"mi "rrives& "nd Dle"dsD Gie is es#orted by the pl"yerI to "
."nssen lo#"tion& where they $ind !es"rov".
!es"rov" #oos over Oo:"mi& #"lling her the pl"yerFs Dpet&D then gets down to business& s"ying
th"t she Cust thought sheFd mention th"t there seem to be others ne"rby who "re "lso trying to
$ind the progr"mB while sort o$ pl"ying her ditzy blond "#t& wh"t she s"ys shows th"t sheFs
"w"re o$ " lot o$ wh"tFs going on: wh"t the pl"yerFs "$ter& wh"t the other orgs "re doing
"round there++"nd she even t":es " veiled swipe "t the pl"yerFs oper"tor.
,ith #oordin"tes $rom !es"rov"& the oper"tor guides the pl"yer to " ?uinness L":e lo#"tion&
The Matrix Online Archives
while 6lood mentions th"t thereFs "lso this D5eli"nD Olig"r#h "round& "nd s"ying th"t theyFll
pl"y !es"rov"Fs Dlittle g"me&D sin#e they donFt w"nt to show th"t theyFre on to her. 6lood "lso
re$ers to their n"mes "s Db"rb"ri#.D XD!es"rov"D is " Cze#h n"me& "nd D5eli"nD is " Chinese
!Fs Dg"meD in this #"se w"s sending the pl"yer to inter#ept ."#hinists& who "ppe"r& $rom their
#omments& to h"ve been trying to :eep t"bs on her. 6lood wr"ps up by "s:ing the pl"yer to
$ind $our groups o$ progr"ms theyFve lost in *outh V"uton.
9etween missions& the pl"yer h"s to lo#"te "nd :ill members o$ $our sep"r"te groups o$
A##eler"ted 1iles "round *outh V"uton.
2I 6lood s"ys the .erv thin:s Deploiting the Olig"r#h !es"rov"Fs so$ter sideD might get them
some Cui#y override in$o& "nd sends the pl"yer to #olle#t d"t" $rom " #ont"#t& Azun"& $or whom
theyFd sp"red no epense "nd s:ullduggery to get into " spot where she #ould get some dirt
on !es"rov"Fs ."tri "#tivities. !he pl"yer he"ds to the 7owntown rendezvous& but Azun"
isnFt thereB inste"d& there "re " #ouple de"d ."#hines.
6lood is "nnoyed& "nd sends the pl"yer to loo: $or Azun" in her spying lo#"tion. *he isnFt
there either& but some hostile Override 6un#tions "re.
-n " sep"r"te p"rt o$ this s"me "re"& " #ert"in option"l "nd unspe#i$ied series o$ "#tions will
#"use !rinity to "ppe"r. *he does /t"l:s#"red& s"ying
D-Fm not. -Fm not wh"t++
?odR ,h"t h"ve they doneHD
6lood s"ys th"t some #he#:ing h"s shown Azun" h"s t":en #over in the se#ond sublevel o$
the Creston 5eights .useum.
9etween missions& the pl"yer h"s to :ill ."#hine+"ligned Override 6un#tions ne"r Azun"& "nd
tr"de the to:ens they drop to Azun"& who then h"nds over her intel.
XDAzun"D is " #orruption o$ DAsen"&D " Dshe+wol$ with " s:y+blue m"neD in !ur:i# mythology&
"##ording to good old ,i:ipedi": http://en.wi:ipedi".org/wi:i/Asen" . - Cust needed " #ool
lupinish n"me.Y
4I 6lood s"ys th"t th"n:s to the in$o G$rom Azun"I& the .erv h"s been "ble to meet !es"rov".
5ints indi#"te th"t the meeting h"s not gone well& possibly be#"use 'ersephone $ound out
"bout it. !he pl"yer $inds 'ersephone "nd !es"rov" together. 'ersephone is still in her Dd"r:D
out$it& but her s:in is b"#: to its norm"l he"lthy hue. !es"rov" s"ys the .ervFs been showing
her interesting things& in#luding the "ndroid& whi#h she identi$ies "s DC"rlyneFs "ndroid body.D
*he "lmost seems genuinely surprised "bout the .erv h"ving it& s"ying she didnFt thin: sheFd
see it "g"in D"$ter C"rlyne let the podling wom"n ste"l his sign"l.D GD!he podling wom"nD w"s
,right++she C"#:ed C"rlyneFs sign"l / "ndroid body when C"rlyne #rumpled Cust be$ore she
"ppe"red "s the wire$r"med DHHHD in .erv //./.;& whi#h $or#ed the .erv to dump the
The Matrix Online Archives
All 'ersephone s"ys is DOnly " hum"n #"n be Finhum"n.FD
'"st them& the pl"yer $inds the .erv& who r"nts " bit "bout !es"rov" l"ughing "t his o$$ers o$
power in the simul"tion. 5e sends the pl"yer to #ont"#t 6lood $or " pl"n 9& whi#h involves
getting " tr"#e through "n Olig"r#h+o##upied #omputer in order to lo#"te 5V!Fs ."tri power
b"se. !he pl"yer runs into some o$ their 6un#tions& "nd then " hostile Override 1e#ut"ble&
who #"n sp"wn " sm"ll sw"rm o$ "ddition"l& higher+level 6un#tions to "tt"#: the pl"yer.
1e#ut"bles h"ve " #onst"nt blur 6Z over their d"r: bubble body Gthis sort" #"uses them to
$li#:er light/d"r:I& "nd boosted de$ense "nd speed& but no "#tu"l #omb"t lo"dout or we"pons.
*u##ess results in #oordin"tes o$ "n entry point to the Olig"r#h hideout: /29 224 >89& <nion
5ill. G!his is " doorw"y "t the top o$ one o$ those s:ys#r"pers with the $lying buttresses.I
/I !ynd"ll mentions th"t ?host $ound Dthe progr"mD by D#he#:ing pl"#es heFd been with
!rinity when they oper"ted together in the ."tri.D *he sends the pl"yer to get more det"ils
on the !rinity thing $rom ?host& who is in "n -ntern"tion"l 7istri#t room with " #omputer GDWDI&
#onvin#ed th"t !rinity w"s Cust there. 5e s"ys he doesnFt underst"nd how !rinity is the
progr"m& but insists th"t she re"lly is. 5e guesses th"t the two str"ngers he en#ountered Gin
the #inem"ti#I were Olig"r#hs& "nd s"ys he isnFt going to let them or the ."#hines get !rinity.
!ynd"ll s"ys she trusts ?hostFs instin#t "bout Dwh"tever !rinity or the progr"m is now&D "nd
reminds the pl"yer th"t the Coun#il h"d "lre"dy de#ided Gmentioned in Eion //.4./I to do
wh"t it #ould to ensure the progr"mFs s"$ety. *he sends the pl"yer to #he#: " re"ding in
.ur"s":i& where they $ind " mess"ge on " #omputer:
D5ow well do you :now yoursel$H
Are you sureH
- thought - :new. 9ut thisTD
G!he d"ngling #ursor "t the end there is " hint th"t this is prob"bly $rom !rinity& "lthough the
oper"tor doesnFt m":e "nything out o$ it.I
-nbound hostiles "re reported ne"rby& "nd the pl"yer $inds ."#hines "nd ."#hine redpills.
!ynd"ll mentions th"t intel shows the ."#hines "re #ooper"ting with the two Olig"r#h
represent"tives. A$ter the hostiles "re t":en #"re o$& !ynd"ll s"ys th"t they #ould use the
pl"yerFs help in *hir":"b"& where their te"ms h"ve been hit by ."#hines while loo:ing $or the
progr"mB theyFve "lso st"rted pi#:ing up override sign"ls there.
9etween missions& the pl"yer h"s to hunt down A##eler"ted ."#hines in *hir":"b".
2I !ynd"ll sends the pl"yer into 7owntown& $ollowing the tr"il o$ d"t" th"t they thin: m"y h"ve
#ome $rom !rinity G!ynd"ll is still hedging " bit on the n"me& "nd here s"ys D$rom the inter$"#e
progr"m++$rom !rinityDI. *he gives the n"mes o$ 5V*& s"ying they $ound them out $rom Dour
sour#es within the ."#hinesD X"renFt those #onvenientHY.
The Matrix Online Archives
!he pl"yer $inds " #omputer& "#tiv"tes it Git s"ys DWNes.TDI& "nd !rinity "ppe"rs. *he s"ys
D- donFt h"ve mu#h time. - donFt :now wh"t...this me"ns.
9e$ore... - thought - died. - w"s with him... - s"id goodbye. - donFt remember...until++
- donFt :now how to m":e it m":e sense.
... !heyFre getting #lose. - h"ve to go.D
!ynd"ll gives the pl"yer the lo#"tion o$ the intruders& "nd "lthough she thin:s theyFre
."#hines on !rinityFs t"il& they turn out to be .erv 1iles. !ynd"lly thin:s this is "n indi#"tion
th"t the .erv is trying to get in on the !rinity "#tion& "nd hopes th"t his m"#hin"tions with
5"lborn "nd C"rlyne& whi#h ended up #"using " good de"l o$ trouble $or the ."#hines& will "t
le"st give the ."#hines some in#entive to "#t "g"inst him. *he ends by "s:ing the pl"yer to
loo: into "n Dunusu"l sign"lD "nd override "#tivity in 9"ldwin 5eights.
9etween missions& the pl"yer h"s to t":e down Override 6un#tions s#"ttered "round 9"ldwin
4I !he pl"yer responds to "n "lert $rom ?host& whoFs still been #ombing -ntern"tion"l $or
!rinity. !hey $ind him $"#ing 5eli"n "nd !es"rov"& with 5eli"n "s:ing ?host why heFs going
"$ter the progr"m. !es"rov" #oyly interCe#ts th"t she thin:s she :nows Gwin: win:I. ?host
doesnFt respond to them& "nd whispers to the pl"yer to m":e sure th"t !rinityFs s"$e& s"ying
*p"r:s will h"ve in$o $or them.
!ynd"ll gets the in$o $rom *p"r:s& whi#h is " lo#"tion where !rinity might h"ve been hiding
D$rom the Olig"r#h s#"ns.D !hey $ind "n Override 1e#ut"ble there& "s well "s some Override
6un#tions& but no sign o$ !rinity. !ynd"ll& who $eels "ble to re$er to her "s simply D!rinityD by
now& s"ys she thin:s they stopped those progr"ms $rom $inding her& but th"t stopping 5V* is
going to be tough. *he mentions reports o$ the .erv h"ving got "##ess to some :ind o$ "re"
the Olig"r#hs h"ve set up& "nd th"t theyFre pi#:ing up "#tivity $rom his oper"tives on roo$tops
D"t the etreme northe"st end o$ 7owntown.D
1tr" Credit
A teleport $rom the "re" re$erred to in the l"st missions t":es the pl"yer into some white
h"llw"ys& whi#h eventu"lly m"y spit them out into "n interior o$$i#e sp"#e Xth"t is pretty simil"r
to $loor >> o$ the ?overnment 9uilding in '"r: 1"st++- li:ed the l"yout o$ th"t one& "nd -
w"nted to use something th"t would $eel very elev"tedY. -tFs $ull o$ n"sty Overrides "nd
1e#ut"bles with spe#i"l prizes. !he only eit is " rot"ry telephone on " des: in one o$ the
o$$i#es& whi#h teleports the user to " publi# phone on the north side o$ the b"se o$ the *1
tower in '"r: 1"st.

The Matrix Online Archives
L-V1 1V13!*
1'3 GeventI + meeting w/ un:nown pedestri"n Gpseudo Or"#leI
.erv hitting on !es"rov"H

The Matrix Online Archives
2arious Rarebit Iuestions and Answers
A: %"rebit& wh"t w"s your ide"s "bout Oper"tion 7"r: *tormH 7uring #h"pter /0& it seemed
th"t neither the hum"ns nor the ."#hines :new how it wor:ed. And i$ - remember #orre#tly&
CA%803 s"id th"t the pre+."tri hum"n #iviliz"tion didnFt h"ve "##ess to n"note#hnology. -t
seemed li:e you were going to m":e some :ind o$ revel"tion #on#erning 7"r: *torm.
A: 5m... - donFt thin: - w"s going to try going into it in det"il. A$ter the .erv seeded the storm
you pointed out th"t...- thin: it w"s the dire#torFs #omment"ry $or the 3et %en"iss"n#e s"id it
w"s n"nom"#hines or something& whi#h - h"dnFt been "w"re o$& but itFs "ll Cust some $l"vor o$
s#i+$i m"gi# "nyw"y sin#e "s $"r "s - :now thereFs no #urrently :nown or even theoreti#"l w"y
th"t something li:e " perpetu"l 7"r: *torm would be possible. As $"r "s th"t :ind o$ thing
goes++how is the 1"rth not $rozen& wh"tFs this #r"zy $usion power with hum"ns& et#++itFs
usu"lly the less s"id& the better.
A: %"rebit& in your outlines& you wrote D."#h: G"$ter Eion eventI Cypherites& Cryptos& "nd the
.orph simB .orph sim eventu"lly "grees to listen when Cryptos o$$ers to tell him why
.orpheus w"s so obsessed with obt"ining the OneFs rem"ins++they go o$$ $or " little priv"te
#h"t Xnote th"t pl"yers "re \not\ going to be told wh"t they t"l: "bout..."nd "#tu"lly - still h"ve
to $igure th"t out "t some point& but it #"n w"it $or " l"ter sub#h"pterY.D ,"s this ever D$igured
A: 3o. - w"snFt interested in trying to unr"vel "nd #ontinue the D3eoFs rem"insD story "ngle
th"t h"d been mostly "n L1! on+the+$ly invention without "ny surviving o$$i#i"l do#ument"tion
Gthe story outline by '"ul th"t we mission designers were $ollowing h"d .orpheus w"nting to
:now "bout it& throwing up posters "nd #"using " stir th"t got him :illed& but th"t w"s "llI. !he
.orph sim/Cryptos meeting w"s on Ve#tor on /0/28/0>& "nd - thin: - m"y h"ve h"d " $eeling
or two o$ wh"t - might h"ve h"d them Dt"l:D "bout i$ - h"d to give "ny det"ils "bout it& but -
#"nFt remember wh"t those were. -Fd \guess\ it w"s prob"bly something "long the lines o$
.orpheus $eeling purposeless under the !ru#e& "nd using the hope o$ 3eoFs resurre#tion "s "
w"y to resurre#t his own dre"ms "nd motiv"tions& but th"tFs Cust " guess& "nd& "g"in& it
wouldnFt re"lly h"ve been something -Fd h"ve w"nted to go into.
On >/=/0>& "lso on Ve#tor& the .orpheus sim h"d s"id th"t .orpheus w"s Dm"dD G"s in #r"zyI
when he w"s on the D3eoFs rem"insD :i#:& "nd - thin: G"nother guessI th"t wh"tever Cryptos
told him in their l"ter meeting w"snFt intended to #h"nge his mind subst"nti"lly on th"t s#ore&
but it would help him get some #losure on it "nd get his own he"d b"#: together.
A: *pe":ing o$ Cryptos... wh"t e"#tly h"ppened to himH ,hy did he be#ome the w"y he is
now& when everyone else who *er"ph whooped went b"#: to norm"lH
A: !he overwriting used on Cryptos w"s di$$erent th"n the others. NouFd get " better ide"
going b"#: through those missions th"t were investig"ting the other overwritten people& but
"s $"r "s - remember o$$ the top o$ my he"d& their overwriting w"s " #ruder $orm& where the
."#hine progr"m Cust too: #ontrol "nd didnFt h"ve "##ess to the personFs memories "nd
person"lity. Cryptos h"d to be mu#h more #onvin#ing& so they h"d to #ome up with " di$$erent
overwriting s#heme th"t le$t his origin"l memories "nd person"lity int"#t "nd "##essibleB so
with Cryptos the progr"m "nd hum"n h"d to #oeist to "n etent.
The Matrix Online Archives
A: !his is going b"#: " bit be$ore ;.2& but did you h"ve "ny h"nd in the #re"tion or
implement"tion o$ the Antedeluvi"n / 9om":er / '"ndor" storylineH - $ound the storyline
behind th"t to be ri#h& immersive "nd very enCoy"ble.
*in#e the l"st bo e$$e#tively ends "s " #li$$h"nger did you ever h"ve "ny desire to #ontinue
th"t sidestory $orw"rd with "ddition"l )uests using the *er"phiti# 6e"ther "s the st"rting
pointH G-t seems to me this w"s the origin"l intent& to be revisted "t " l"ter d"teI.
A: !he '"ndor"Fs 9o #on#ept Gsp"wns popping out o$ boesI w"s h"nded to the $our
mission designers we h"d "t the time& one o$ whi#h w"s me++5C6rog w"s "nother++by the
origin"l Live !e"m design le"d& Ar#hon. !he $our o$ us br"instormed the $our m"in 3'C
sp"wn types the boes would use.
!hen #"me the move to *O1& "nd the '9 design te"m w"s down to 5C6rog "nd - Goh& "nd
7r"#omet designed "nd implemented the loot items you get $rom the bo sp"wnsI. - h"ndled
most o$ the story "nd missions $or "r#s /& 2& "nd 8& "nd 5C6rog did most o$ 4.
!he origin"l '9 #on#ept in#luded putting out more bo "r#s $rom time to time. - #hose to wor:
on other types o$ D)uestD #ontent $or " number o$ re"sons: mostly be#"use the story w"s
tri#:y to h"ndle& sin#e it sort o$ tied in with some eisting m"in story #h"r"#ters& but not re"lly
with the m"in story itsel$& "nd "lso be#"use the bo sp"wn me#h"nism h"d some dr"wb"#:s.
!":ing it into " sep"r"te& spe#i$i#"lly t"ilored #onstru#t li:e *"tiFs 'l"yground solved some o$
A: -Fve re"d both o$ the thre"ds "bout the story& "nd i$ -Fve missed this $eel $ree to openly
ber"te me& but -Fm Cust #urious wh"t C"rlyne w"s doing with the !rinity progr"m during the two
ye"rs he h"d itH 7id he not :now how to use it& or m"ybe h"d some long term pl"n down the
ro"d $or itH - li:e th"t he :new "ll "long where it w"s while 5"lborn w"s blustering "round the
."tri but - wonder why heFd le"ve something li:e th"t Cust sitting in stor"ge somewhere.
A: 'resum"bly he w"s doing rese"r#h "nd l"ying pl"ns $or how to use it. 5e w"snFt " guy
who li:ed to hurry things i$ he #ould help it& "nd he thought he h"d it pretty well hidden. 5eFd
"lso h"ve :nown th"t the others would #ome "$ter him i$ they $ound out "bout it. !here were
somewhere ne"r /00 o$ them& in#luding 5"lborn& "nd he s"w most o$ them "s enemies or
riv"ls& so he h"d " good de"l o$ wor: on his h"nds #oming up with " w"y to neutr"lize them.
5e w"snFt very $"r "long "t "ll when 5"lborn $ound out "bout it.
A: Among other enCoy"ble "spe#ts - li:ed the b"#:story "s it rel"ted to the D5e"venlyD
version o$ the ."tri "nd the subse)uent disillusionment /$rustr"tion o$ the *er"phim. -t
implied m"ybe $uture $leshing out o$ *er"phFs b"#:story& his "lli"n#e "nd bre":up with the
.erv& "nd o$ #ourse 6loodFs prede#essor.

A: Ne"h& we "ll thought the *er"phim were " #ool ide"B it w"s one o$ the other mission
designers who thought o$ the Dwhite AgentD "ngeli# theme& "nd our "rt le"d whipped up those
:een wings "nd white suits. - g"ve them the pin: shirts. BI 5m - thin: - did the n"mes $or them&
"nd 5C6rog h"ndled most o$ their "bility b"l"n#ing.
The Matrix Online Archives
Rarebit concernin% loose ends: - donFt h"ve "ny signi$i#"nt .orpheus loose ends "s $"r "s -
:now. '"ul h"d the Ass"ssin :ill him: b"ng de"d. !he .orpheus - used w"s " simul"#rum
built by the ?ener"l& b"sed on #ompiled $oot"ge "nd memories o$ the origin"lB he h"d enough
o$ the origin"lFs spirit to $ight o$$ the ?ener"lFs #ontrol& but while #losely rel"ted to the origin"l
.orpheus& he essenti"lly developed into his own m"n. 'rogr"m. ,h"tever.
3ov"lis -- "nd *"r"h 1dmontons were side stories by other people th"t - did not t":e up
mysel$& be#"use - didnFt $eel li:e - h"d " su$$i#ient underst"nding& $rom how they were initi"lly
presented by others& o$ how they #ould tie into the story o$ the ."tri "s " whole. L1*-? h"s
done "nd m"y #ontinue to do things with them& i$ they $eel they #"n m":e good stories out o$
Re%ardin% Neo6s reains: *ort o$& - suppose. '"ulFs story h"d .orpheus& be$ore he w"s
:illed& l"ying " lot o$ stress on $inding them& but - never s"w "n outline o$ "ny story th"t would
#ome b"#: to th"t. ,hen pl"yers "s:ed me "bout it in events -Fve run& i$ - h"d the #h"r"#ters
reply "t "ll& it w"s to s"y th"t .orpheus w"s #r"zy "t th"t point Gthe .orpheus sim s"id this
on#e& $or inst"n#eI& "nd "lso th"t the ."#hines simply re#y#led 3eoFs rem"ins& sin#e they h"d
no other use $or them G'"#e h"s s"id this "t le"st on#e in " very str"ight$orw"rd $"shion++
prob"bly so str"ight$orw"rd th"t everyone "ssumed she w"s lying& whi#h is Cust \so\ un$"ir
!h"t is pretty mu#h my own t":e on it though& be#"use& "##ording to my own line o$ thought&
wh"t use would the ."#hines h"ve $or " de"d hum"n body& other th"n "s $odder $or
re#y#lingH 1ven i$ 3eo w"s " geneti#"lly engineered hum"n& or hybrid hum"n progr"m& or
wh"tever& in th"t #"se he w"s their #re"tion& "nd they h"d "ny d"t" they #ould #on#eiv"bly
h"ve gotten $rom his de"d body "lre"dy on $ile. And - didnFt w"nt to bring 3eo b"#: in "ny
$orm++s"ying the ."#hines h"d been "ble to preserve him in progr"m $orm li:e they did with
!rinity& $or inst"n#e++both be#"use the resolution o$ his b"ttle with *mith w"s supposed to
h"ve been his s"#ri$i#e "nd #"n#ell"tion& "nd be#"use - $elt th"t the story& while it revisited "
lot o$ the themes "nd #h"r"#ters $rom the movies& should "t le"st let " di$$erent #h"r"#ter or
#h"r"#ters t":e the le"d roleGsI this time "round.
...- suppose my own t":e on th"t Or"#le #omment would be " little more met"physi#"l++" lot
more so th"n w"ys in whi#h weFve "lre"dy h"d other developers bring him b"#:& su#h "s 340
Agents& v"rious D$r"gs&D "nd the memori"l in the ?r"#y 5eights $ight #lub.
A: - :now this isnFt #ompletely rel"ted& but it does h"ve something to do with story. ,h"t w"s
the purpose o$ **% "nd #re"ting themH 7id you pl"n "n doing "nything with them other th"n
the se#retive b"#:story they "lre"dy h"dH
A: !h"tFs "n interesting )uestion. !he prim"ry go"l o$ 7"t"mine w"s to provide "n "re" with
new twists on g"mepl"y: high+pro$it d"t" mining in " $ree+$or+"ll 'V' zone. As - got to thin:ing
"bout it& " story on wh"t type o$ $"#ility might h"ve be#ome su#h " pl"#e got into my he"d&
"nd th"t helped sh"pe wh"t turned out to be the "rti$i#i"l isl"nd with sep"r"te "dministr"tion
"nd rese"r#h buildings "nd so $orth& "nd it g"ve " good "ngle $or 7r. ."rtinFs #olle#tor
The Matrix Online Archives
-t w"snFt " hugely orn"te story or "nything& "nd you #"n prob"bly guess most o$ it $rom the
hints in the do#Fs mess"ges "nd the det"ils tet on the items "nd 3'Cs $rom the #onstru#t. -
suppose you might be "ble to tell something $rom wh"t %"eder s"id in the one Live 1vent he
w"s in there& too.
!he w"rehouse building "t the *1 #orner h"d interiors th"t #ould still be opened up& "nd -
$igured some d"y - might open them up& sti#: some 3'Cs in "nd "dd " new boss on the roo$
or something. - didnFt h"ve " p"rti#ul"r story in mind $or th"t& though.
!hereFs sp"#e $or some more $loors to open up in the lower se#tion o$ the "dministr"tion
building G*, #ornerI& "lthough - thin: - would h"ve h"d to put them together mysel$& whi#h
would h"ve been more time #onsuming. - did h"ve " bit o$ "n "ddition or $in"l hint to the little
story o$ the pl"#e th"t - w"s thin:ing - #ould try sti#:ing in there& "nd -Fll Cust s"y th"t it h"d to
do with me noti#ing th"t we h"d "n in+g"me model $or " pod.
A: Oh& th"t m":es me thin: o$ "nother #onstru#t& the *"tiFs 'l"yground. 7idnFt you im"gine "
b"#:story $or it tooH
A: Just wh"t it s"ys on the #olle#tors or somewhere& th"t *"ti m"de it $or $un.
A: - h"ve "nother )uestion& %"rebit. 7uring " #h"pter /0.2 Eion mission& the pl"yer
en#ounters " bluepill who is "pp"rently " disguised redpill whose org"niz"tion #"nFt be
The Matrix Online Archives
veri$ied. !he #h"r"#ter mentions th"t it w"s "bout time they sent someone. And in " des:
thereFs " note s"ying something li:e Dyour #ont"#tFs n"me is *orenD& whi#h "ppe"rs to be "
re$eren#e to C"pt"in *oren& who died be$ore the tru#e st"rted.
-s this some poor unin$ormed redpill& or is something else going onH At the time& with ."user
running "round "nd this note th"t mentions " long de"d #"pt"in& - w"s beginning to wonder i$
the Olig"r#hs were t":ing the bodies o$ de"d #h"r"#ters "nd using them $or their own
A: 'oor "nd unin$ormed is the #orre#t "nswer. !hey were " w"rtime Eion pl"nt whose #ont"#t
h"d been lost be$ore the beginning o$ the !ru#e& so they h"dnFt re#eived "ny word "nd didnFt
:now wh"t h"d h"ppened sin#e then.
A: - li:e the gener"l ide" o$ the olig"r#hs& but -Fm not "ll too $ond o$ the $in"l resolution "nd
trinity "nd neo "s per$e#t geneti# design et#. - give %"rebit mu#h #redit $or #oming up with
something th"t does $it with the over"ll sour#e m"teri"l.
A: ,hen putting the O' together - re"lized th"t -Fd sort o$ been he"ding "w"y $rom the
Dgeneti#D epl"n"tion tow"rd h"ving them "s pure progr"ms& m"ybe Cust be#"use th"t ended
up being e"sier to #onvey. -Fm not sure now i$ -Fd h"ve :ept going th"t w"y or not.
A: As $"r "s the geneti# thing& - thin: b"#: to 3eoFs #onvers"tion with !he Ar#hite#t "nd it
wouldnFt m":e sense unless pretty mu#h everything Ar#hy s"id w"s " lie. X...Y -$ 3eo is "n
"nom"ly th"t w"s beyond his #ontrol& then he wouldnFt h"ve been spe#i$i#"lly #re"ted with
th"t purpose et#.
A: -t w"s the Or"#le who #"me up with the inherent error s#heme. !he Ar#hite#t "llowed it&
but he did so :nowing th"t th"t p"rt o$ it w"snFt something over whi#h he h"d dire#t #ontrol.
5eyyy this is " good opportunity to mention th"t person"lly G- wouldnFt en$or#e this on others&
mind you& sin#e itFs pretty tou#hy in some w"ysI& - donFt thin: 3eo w"s Dthe "nom"ly.D !he
Ar#hite#t #"lls him Dthe eventu"lity o$ "n "nom"ly&D whi#h is di$$erent th"n "#tu"lly being the
"nom"ly. -$ you h"ve to pi#: " #h"r"#ter "s the "nom"ly& it seems to me th"t it would h"ve
been *mithB but - thin: itFs more "##ur"te to s"y th"t the D"nom"lyD he w"s t"l:ing "bout w"s
the #"s#"ding system o$ errors th"t inevit"bly result $rom the #urrent ."tri progr"mFs built+in
imper$e#tion th"t "llows $or " sm"ll per#ent"ge o$ the popul"#e to reCe#t it GDthe "nom"ly is
systemi#&D et#I. !he tri#:y p"rt "bout this interpret"tion is th"t one o$ those :nu#:lehe"ded
Agents l"ter s"ys D!he "nom"lyD when he $inds 3eoB - epl"in this "w"y $or mysel$ Gwhee
m"gi#RI by m":ing e#uses li:e DAgents didnFt :now everythingD or Dthe Agent w"s simply
re$erring to 3eo "s one o$ the prim"ry m"ni$est"tions o$ the #onse)uen#es o$ the "nom"ly.D
A: *o the re"son the Olig"r#hFs "ppe"red "s Dwire+$r"med hum"nsD w"s be#"use they were
C"#:ing in $rom "ndroid bodies
A: 'retty mu#h. !hey were using " di$$erent :ind o$ inter$"#e th"n oper"tives use to get in.
Also& they didnFt p"rti#ul"rly #"re "bout loo:ing norm"l.

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