This document outlines a lesson plan for a primary school sports initiative focusing on athletics. The lesson involves activities to develop running, throwing, and relay skills. The running activity has students jog and chat to control pace. The throwing activity teaches an over-arm throw with proper technique. The relay activity practices beanbag passing using a downsweep technique between pairs of students. The goal is to promote enjoyment and mastery of fundamental movement skills.
This document outlines a lesson plan for a primary school sports initiative focusing on athletics. The lesson involves activities to develop running, throwing, and relay skills. The running activity has students jog and chat to control pace. The throwing activity teaches an over-arm throw with proper technique. The relay activity practices beanbag passing using a downsweep technique between pairs of students. The goal is to promote enjoyment and mastery of fundamental movement skills.
This document outlines a lesson plan for a primary school sports initiative focusing on athletics. The lesson involves activities to develop running, throwing, and relay skills. The running activity has students jog and chat to control pace. The throwing activity teaches an over-arm throw with proper technique. The relay activity practices beanbag passing using a downsweep technique between pairs of students. The goal is to promote enjoyment and mastery of fundamental movement skills.
This document outlines a lesson plan for a primary school sports initiative focusing on athletics. The lesson involves activities to develop running, throwing, and relay skills. The running activity has students jog and chat to control pace. The throwing activity teaches an over-arm throw with proper technique. The relay activity practices beanbag passing using a downsweep technique between pairs of students. The goal is to promote enjoyment and mastery of fundamental movement skills.
Curriculum Objectives Strand Unit: Running Walk, jog or run over distance: walk/jog in a non-competitive setting for extended periods; develop an awareness of pace. Relays: participate in pair relay with a beanbag developing simple technique; passing with the right and receiving with the left hand using the downsweep technique. Strand Unit: Throwing Practising an over-arm throw: develop a short approach plant and throw. Strand Unit: Understanding and appreciation of athletics Develop an understanding of pace. Describe and discuss movement and ask and answer questions about it: does passing the beanbag as we practiced it today make a difference to your speed? Venue Hall/yard. Equipment Skipping ropes, cones, beanbags, whistle and mats. Reference Primary School Curriculum (1999) Physical Education, page 26. Bunts Cards: Throwing 1 Clean the Playground; Throwing 3 Throwing for Distance. STRAND: Athletics CLASS LEVEL: First & Second Class LESSON: 3 PAGE: 1 T E ACHI NG POI NT S ORGANI S AT I ON ACT I VI T Y Warm up and stretching: Visit your warm up bank. 1 Chat and run The children run at a comfortable steady pace. As they run ask them to try to name as many people in the class as they can. After initial activity of naming people encourage the children to run and chat about topics such as their favourite colours, foods or television programmes. Activity should last approximately 60-90 seconds. STRAND: Athletics CLASS LEVEL: First & Second Class LESSON: 3 PAGE: 2 The run and chat activity promotes enjoyment and controls the pace. The children should be comfortable running at a talking pace. Q Could you practise this with your friend at home every day? Set out a course for the children to run. (This could be around a field or yard.) The children run with a partner. 2 Throwing Over-arm throw of beanbag Step 1 In turn each line throws the bag over-arm through the air. On a signal from the teacher, the line collects their beanbags, moves to the side and walks to the back to their places. Other groups repeat. Step 2 Introduce the terms plant and throw: Step forward, place the foot firmly on the ground and throw. Starting position Plant Throw Throwing practice beat the target: The children in each group throw the beanbags far as possible, using cones as target distances. Following experimentation in Infants, the children will have established their favourite throwing arm. Right-handed children stand with the left foot forward, sideways to the target the reverse for left-handed children. Ask any child who is not sure to try different stances again. The throwing arm is drawn back straight before bending as the bag is released. Release the bag when arm is stretched upwards. Safety Points The children should throw only when instructed no child retrieves the beanbag until every child in the line has thrown. Then the children collect the bag and move to the side and walk back to their places. The child stands sideways to target feet together. Right-handed thrower: step forward on the left foot and throw, i.e. plant and throw. Reverse this for left-handed throwers. The children only throw when instructed. No child retrieves the beanbag until every child in the line has thrown. The children try to beat the target on each successive attempt. The children line up in lines of eight as in diagram. Each child is given a beanbag. Different coloured cones are placed as markers one metre apart, beginning five metres from throwing line (see diagram). Throwing Line T E ACHI NG POI NT S ORGANI S AT I ON ACT I VI T Y 3 Pair relay Revise the formal relay using the down sweep technique. Each child in line one stands facing forwards towards the finishing line. Line two moves forward about five/six metres away. All of the Number 2s stand facing the direction they will jog and stretch their left arm backwards to receive the beanbag. The left leg should also be at the rear. The children should look over their left shoulder to see their partner coming. Step 1 Number 1s hold the beanbag in the right hand. On a signal, all walk forward and pass the beanbag onto Number 2s left hand. When Number 1s are passing the beanbag they should remember to walk to the left side of their partner. Step 2 Number 2s must tighten grip and bring the hand forward and continue walking to the finish line. The next group now repeat this activity. Step 3 The children repeat the activity of passing the beanbag while jogging. Remember to give all the children practice in passing and receiving, i.e. reverse roles. STRAND: Athletics CLASS LEVEL: First & Second Class LESSON: 3 PAGE: 3 The children in Line A hold the beanbag in their right hand. The children in Line B make sure their palm is flat and facing upwards with fingers together and thumb spread. On finishing, both lines A and B walk down the perimeter and allow lines C and D to move into place to run. Q How do you avoid crashing into the back of the child in front when you run? The children remain in four lines as in Activity 2. The pairs in lines A and B operate as a team and C and D as a team. To begin, lines C and D wait as lines A and B line up as in diagram. Finish Line Number Twos Number Ones 4 Concluding activity: Fun relay In turn each child in the groups runs to the cone and exchanges beanbags with their opposite number. Then they return to their own line and sit down. The first team (i.e. the two groups) to be back in their own lines, having exchanged their beanbags, are the winners. Insist that the exchanges of beanbags must take place at the cone. The returning runner must be back in line before the next child begins to run. Place two pairs together to make a group of four. Two groups of four make a team. Each group has four beanbags the same colour. Red beanbags Blue beanbags T E ACHI NG POI NT S ORGANI S AT I ON ACT I VI T Y 5 Cool down Visit your cool down bank. STRAND: Athletics CLASS LEVEL: First & Second Class LESSON: 3 PAGE: 4 1 Throwing Introduce initial step: over, then plant and throw. Over means to step across your body. Starting position Over Plant Throw For right-handed throwers: Stand sideways. Bring right foot across the body. Step/plant with the left foot and throw. The children are organised as shown. Throwing Line 2 Pair relay Increase the distance between the pairs. Introduce a baton for the children who have mastered the changeover skills well. The children run to pass the baton. Emphasise correct passing technique. Place the baton down onto the palm of the outstretched hand, palm facing the sky. D E V E L O P M E N T