Softwares Table

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Name Description
1 Datamine V2.1 &V3 Exploration, geology, geochemistry, orebody modelling, underground and open pit mine design and production planning
2 Downhole Explorer V3 Drillhole log and section Plotting
3 WinFence V1.16 The program can be used to interpret and map soil and rock layers, contamination, fossils, minerals and hydrocarbons.
4 WinSieve V1.12 WinSieve can be used to quickly enter, edit and print grain size analysis charts. Each grain size analysis test can include sievev data, washed
sieve data, and hydrometer data as specified in ASTM Test Method D-422.
5 PocketESA 1.02 This program is used to collect answers to pre-designed questions during the site reconnaissance.
6 WinLog 4.21 WinLoG can be used to quickly create, edit and print geotechnical, environmental, mining, water well, oil & gas, and transportation borehole
7 EarthworksInTouch is a versatile virtual world modeling, immersion and navigation product designed to meet the needs of users in the mineral resources
V2.0.1438.0 industries
8 LogMate V3.0.2.0 LogMate is a small easy to use data logging system ideally suitable for recording drillhole logging information in the field.
9 Mica V3.1.5.0 MICA uses a lease or well as the basic working unit to manipulate data
10 MicroModel V6 MicroMODEL (Seams) is a powerful, interactive, layered deposit modeling and mine planning system
11 Mine 2-4D V10,11,12 The Mine2-4D is a software package that takes your mine to the 4th dimension. It is for underground mine scheduling (the 4D in Mine2-4D).
12 MineMAXScheduler Production Scheduling in mines
13 MineMAXPlanner V2.32 Pit Optimizaton
14 ChemStat V5.2.0.0 ChemStat is an application for the statistical analysis of ground water monitoring data at RCRA facilities.
15 Spectraforms V1.4.0.1
16 Infinite Extent V4.0.9.0 Infinite Extent is a computer program designed to estimate aquifer parameters from pumping test data
17 SieveGraph V1.3.2 SieveGraph is designed to provide high quality sieve and hydrometer plots from geotechnical data.
18 StepMaster StepMaster can be used to analyze a variety of tests including constant discharge, variable discharge step test, and recovery tests.
19 Super Slug 3.1.9 Super Slug is a program developed to help ground water scientists evaluate slug test data.
20 PolyMap V6.0 PolyMap is a powerful, interactive, graphical geologic modeling and pit planning system designed to enhance the useability of
21 EarthworksProduction Scheduler Production Scheduling in mines
22 RockPack V3.1.0.0 RockPack III for Windows includes programs entitled: PLANE, RAPWEDGE, CMPWEDGE, and TOPPLE. These programs are used to
calculate safety factors for potential failures identified by the user as being kinematically possible through stereonet analysis.
23 MohrView V2 MohrView provides highly customizable, professional quality plots of Mohr circle and Coulomb failure envelopes.
24 EZVolStockpileVolume The Ezvol program allows the user to calculate the volume of a stockpile.
Calculation Tool V6.1A
25 PotentMFCApplication Potent is a program for modelling the magnetic and gravitational effects of subsurface structures
26 StreoStat V1.3.0.114 To drawe all types of diagrams
27 Super Slug V3.19 Super Slug is a program developed to help ground water scientists evaluate slug test data.
28 Earthworks Terrain V1.5.1135 Earthworks Terrain provides you with a friendly and familiar interface which enables the contouring and visualization of terrain and other
29 Earthworks VROOM V1.8.1.0 Earthworks VROOM! is a virtual world modeling and terrain navigation program
30 EarthworksMultiMine V3.2.0.4 Multimine Scheduler allows you to combine the pushback resources from two or more NPV Scheduler projects. The Scheduler operates in
the same fashion as scheduling a single project in NPV Scheduler
31 EarthworksOreFinder OreFinder employs the Floating Stope technique for determining the optimal stoping limits in an underground mine
32 Earthworks Present Earthworks Present is a powerful tool to present and print the datamine and other mining softwares outputs.
33 EarthWorksViewPoint Earthworks ViewPoint enables you to import data from 3rd party software programs, such as CAD files, and then visualize and export views
of three dimensional objects.
34 Plaxis 3d Tunnel Plaxis 3d Tunnel is a specifically intended for the analysisof deformation and stability in tunneling Projects
35 Lusas V13.3 A finite element software for structures analysis
36 Plaxis 7.2 & 8.2 Plaxis is a finite element package specifically intended for the analysis of deformation and stability in Geotechnical engineering Projects
Data of maximum reliability must be obtained before decisions can be made concerning:
- process development,
- site diagnosis,
37 Echant 2.0 - plant audits.
Such data generally are acquired by the measuring of parameters obtained from individual samples; only rarely are they based on batch
measurements, e.g. radioactivity and temperature. Sampling aims at representing a batch of material through a small fraction of it.Many
factors can interfere with sampling, such as systematic bias, nugget effects, size of the components sampled, type of sampling, etc. Therefore,
a Sampling Plan or Flowsheet must be adapted to the specific characteristics of the batch and the units to be sampled, i.e. content,
concentration, humidity, size, etc. This flowsheet helps overcome the problem of distribution heterogeneity.
38 Gemcom98, V4., V5.23, V6.0, Orebody modeling, open and undergroung mine design,
39 GeoSlope Ofcice V5.16 A complex of softwares for slope and water movement analysis in soil areas.
40 Phase 2 v5.047 & V6 Phase2 is a powerful 2D elasto-plastic finite element stress analysis program for underground or surface excavations in rock or soil.
41 Rockworks 2004 & 2006 RockWorks2004 is the newest version of RockWares integrated geological data
management, analysis, and visualization software package
42 Logplot 2005 and 2007 Boring log plotting software for the civil, environmental, mining and petroleum geoscientist.
43 Surfer 8.05 A software for Topography and surface fitting
44 Flac 3d V3.2.254 Fast Lagrangian Analysis of Continua in Three Dimensions
45 GEO-SLOPE Vadosew V1.12
46 GEO-SLOPE Seep3D 1.12
47 GeoStudio 6.02
48 Surpac DrillKing V5 DrillKing is designed to be an easy to use program to assist in the recording, management and reporting of borehole/drillhole data
49 Aqqua v1.0 A spreadsheet that knows how to convert units, check your analyses for internal consistency, graph your data in the ways you want it
graphed, and so on.
50 Mill Blast Pattern design, fly rock
51 Flac V5 Fast Lagrangian Analysis of Continua in Two Dimensions
52 Falc Slope User Friendly code that models slope stability problemsunder a wide variety of slope condition
53 Udec V4 The Universal Distinct Element Code (UDEC) is a two-dimensional numerical program based on the distinct element method for
discontinuum modeling.
54 3Dec v2(dos) 3DEC is a three-dimensional numerical program based on the distinct element method for discontinuum modeling
55 Pollute V7(GAEA) POLLUTEv7 can be used to provide fast, accurate, and comprehensive contaminant migration analysis capabilities.
56 WinGslib A software for geostatistcs affarirs
57 GMS4.0 Ground Water Modeling System
58 WMS7.0 WaterSched Modeling System
59 Remediation Toolkit
60 OPSA (Online Particle Size Image analysis and fragmentation software
61 Visual MODFLOW4.0 Visual MODFLOW is the most complete, and user-friendly, modeling environment for practical applications in three-dimensional
groundwater flow and contaminant transport simulation.
62 GeoTechnical Graphics 2002
63 Quick log QuickLog greatly speeds and simplifies the process of creating boring log/well construction diagrams
64 MineMatch It provides a standard framework and vocabulary for describing mineral deposits and mineral deposit models.
65 GeoRock This program offers the capability of simulation falls of rocks along an incline utilizing the two most common methods current: Colorado
Rockfall Simulation Program (Pfeiffer &
Bowen 1989) and Lumped Mass method.
66 LoadCap Calculation of critical load on loose soils according to Hansen, Terzaghi, Meyerof, and Vesic and of foundations on rock according to
Terzaghi and Zienkiewicz.
67 Slope Slope stability Analysis
68 StaticMan Static Probing provides a tool for the recording, management, processing and archiving of readings obtained by static penetrometry
69 Stratigrapher Stratigrapher is a program for the graphic/textual documentary representation, in columnar form, of results of field survey combined
70 Trispace Trispace fills the need to perform three dimensional studies of terrains
71 ALP ALP (Analysis of Laterally Loaded Piles) is a program that predicts the pressures, horizontal movements, shear forces and bending moments
induced in a pile when subjected to lateral loads, bending moments and imposed soil displacements.
72 Brick BrickThe BRICK model of soil behaviour has been described by Simpson (1992a,b).
73 FREW FREW (Flexible REtaining Walls) is a program that analyses flexible earth retaining structures such as sheet pile and diaphragm walls.
74 SAFE SAFE is a program designed to carry out finite element computations for geotechnical problems.
75 STAWAL STAWAL - Stability of retaining Walls. STAWAL can be used for the analysis of cantilever (Fixed earth) or propped (Free earth) retaining
walls, e.g. sheet pile or diaphragm walls.
76 TUNSET TUNSET analyses the ground movements induced by tunnelling or mining works, in terms of three dimensional displacements and
horizontal strains.
77 VDISP VDISP calculates the settlements (and stresses if required) within a linear or non-linear lastic soil mass.
78 Aquifer Win32 AquiferWin32 is for the analysis and presentation of aquifer tests including pump tests, slug tests and step tests.
79 Geosolve WallAP The industry standard sheet pile and diagram wall program
80 Geosolve Slope Slope stability analysis
81 Visual Sunt V7 VisualSunt is your Windows solution to process Seismic reflection.
82 Win_Downhole V2.2 Win_Downhole is your Windows solution to process downhole seismic.
83 WinSev V6.1 The WinSev 6 program is designed for the processing of electrical soundings made using the Schlumberger, Wenner or the pole-pole (also
called twoelectrode or dipole) spreads
84 WinSism V10 WinSism is your Windows solution to process Seismic Refraction.
85 Rockware visual seismic 2D,3D and 4D seismic and GPR visualization and interpretation
86 Seep/W GroundWater seepage analysis
87 Seep3D Three-dimensional saturated/unsaturated groundwater seppage
88 Slope/W Slope Stability analysis
89 Quake/W Finite element dynamic earthquake analysis
90 Ctran/W Contaminant transport analysis
91 Temp/W Geothermal analysis
92 Vandose/W Comprehensive vandose Zone analysis
93 Sigma/W Stress and deformation analysis
94 Surpac 2000, V4.1R, V5, V5.1, General Minig Software, Orebody modeling, Open and Underground mine design, Scheduling,
V5.2, V6
95 Z-Soil 2D 2003 Soil,Rock and underground structures mechanics on microcomputer using plasticity theory
96 Surplan 5m Activity based undergroung coal scheduling
97 Xplorepack 5m An exploration product for the graphical extraction of drillhole section
98 Swedge Swedge is an easy to use analysis tool for evaluating the geometry and stability of surface wedges defined by two intersecting discontinuity
planes and a slope surface.
99 Unwedge Unwedge is a 3D stability analysis and visualization program for underground excavations in rock containing intersecting structural
100 Examine2d Examine2D is a very fast two-dimensional indirect boundary element and displacement discontinuity program for calculating stresses and
displacements around underground and surface excavations in rock.
101 Examine3D Examine3D is an engineering analysis program for underground excavations in rock. Examine 3D was developed mainly for stress analysis
102 Rockdata RocData is a Windows-based program for determining the parameters of different linear and non-linear strength envelopes for rock and soil,
based on the analysis of triaxial or direct shear strength data.
103 RocFall RocFall is a statistical analysis program designed to assist with assessment of slopes at risk for rockfalls.
104 RocPlane RocPlane is an interactive software tool for performing planar rock slope stability analysis and design.
105 RocSupport RocSupport is an easy to use software tool for estimating deformation in circular or near circular excavations in weak rock and visualization
of the tunnel interaction with various support systems.
106 Slide Slide is the most comprehensive slope stability analysis software available, complete with sensitivity, probabilistic and back analysis
107 Dips Dips is designed for the interactive analysis of orientation based geological data.
VISTA 2D/3D Seismic Processing System,In VISTA you will find the most current seismic processing techniques and many new
ideas in quality control and quality assurance. Read 2D or 3D data in a variety of formats from disk or SCSI device
(Exabyte, 3480, Dat ...etc.) Transfer some or all of the data header information to internal VISTA headers using
"dictionaries" to "translate" them. Enter 2D or 3D geometry information. Create Sort Indexes to let you access or
Vista V5.10 process your data in any desired order. Graph or cross-plot one or more header items or display them with seismic data.
Examine and display header items on a geometry map and place them at shot, receiver, or CMP locations. Use a
wide variety of display tools to QC positional and seismic data together. Use the large inventory of seismic processing
algorithms to create seismic processing "Flows" and execute them.
109 Omni Seismic Image Software.
110 Mine Sched Mine Scheduling software of OpenPit and Uderground Mines.
111 USIMPAC3.0 USIM PAC is a powerful process simulation software packag. It is a user-friendly steady-state simulator that allows mineral processing
engineers and scientists to model plant operations with available experimental data and determine optimal plant configuration that meets
production targets. The simulator can also assist plant designers with sizing unit operations required to achieve given circuit objectives.
112 BILCO3.0 The BILCO software offers an interactive, quick and accurate way of solving material balance problems in a vast number of applications.In
just minutes, BILCO can provide solutions for flow management problems such as in the case of pollution balances, urban and industrial
waste management, or for complex flowsheet problems in mineral or food processing plants, chemical or petrochemical plants.BILCO can
also be used for all types of balancing problems for chemical analysis (fitting up to 100% and estimating accuracy of analysis), mineralogy
(fitting with chemistry), definition of sampling strategies, mixing and blending, etc.
113 MODSIM Modular Simulator for Ore Dressing Plants
Helix delta-T Conveyor Design Program - an essential tool for engineers, contractors and plant operators to quickly
and easily optimise Conveyor system designs.Automatic Selection of Belt and Tension, Power
Calculations,Equipment Selection from Databases for Belts, Idlers, Pulleys & Shafts, Gearboxes, Motors, Fluid
Couplings, Brakes etc.Create a 3D model of the conveyor.Calculate Vertical Curve radii and super-elevation
(banking) angles for Horizontal curves.Add any number of Conveyor Pulleys, Drives, Loading points, Trippers,
Helix delta-T version 5
Brakes etc.Over 60 reports can be viewed, printed or exported to Word, PDF files or Excel etc.This new version
114 calculates the transient belt Tensions and Velocities during starting and stopping of a conveyor. It can model the
conveyor belt transient behaviour during Starting Fully Loaded, Starting Empty, Stopping Fully Loaded and Stopping
Empty. The program allows the user to input any number of Drives or Brakes and allows for input of Drive Torque /
Speed curves, Delay times, Braking Torques, Flywheels and inertia effects. After the Dynamic Calculations have
been performed, the user can view and Print two dimensional and surface plot three dimensional graphs for Belt
Tensions, Belt Velocities, Strain rates and Takeup movement versus time step for all points along the conveyor.
115 Helix delta-Q version2 Helix delta-Q version 2 Pump & Pipe Flow Analysis Program - an essential tool for engineers to quickly and easily
optimise pipe networks for compressible and incompressible fluids.

The XempleX Professional product has been developed to provide the business community with a business
intelligence and modelling tool that allows the user to make informed decisions.XempleX Professional is different
from other tools because the models are built in a visual environment. This means that the logic of a process or
calculation is drawn like a flowchart, rather than being written in hard to follow scripting or macro languages.
116 Xemplex version2.2
XempleX Professional is designed for the general user, allowing them easily to extend and modify models to meet
their specific requirements, without the need for assistance from IT professionals.XempleX Professional is not
restricted to any problem domain or industry. It is ideal for financial modelling, technical calculations, feasibility
studies, and integrating information from multiple sources for any kind of analysis.XempleX Professional links to a
wide range of data sources including databases, spreadsheets and other applications such as ERP systems.
ModelVision Pro is an interactive geophysical modelling package for the display, analysis and simulation of magnetic
and gravity data.
ModelVision Pro V7.01.09

This powerful modelling system utilises expert systems research to hide much of the complexity involved in 3D magnetic
modelling. By reducing the number of manual steps required to analyse a magnetic source, the time that a typical 3D modelling
QuickMag V2.0.24 exercise takes has been reduced from several hours to less than 30 seconds.

119 Qualitek-4 Automatic Design and Analysis of Taguchi Experiments

NPV Scheduler locates the economic limits to mining an open pit (the ultimate pit) for any defined set of economic
parameters. Once the ultimate pit has been located, the blocks inside the pit are sequenced to deliver either the highest
possible net present value, or, to deliver an optimally blended product over the life of the mine. The optimal
120 extraction sequence is then used to create a set of pushbacks or stages by applying minimum access width criteria and
NPVScheduler V3.4 other user definable controls. The benches within each pushback can then scheduled to satisfy any number of
practical mining, haulage, processing and economic constraints. A haulage simulation model can be defined with
multiple ore and waste destinations which permits a one-step optimization of the life of mine haulage plan. The
schedule can also be re-evaluated using variable economic parameters, alternative stockpiling strategies (NPV
Scheduler+) and variable cutoff grades (NPV Scheduler+MFO).
When faced with a complex decision, we are often somewhat uneasy about working through the problem logically
and making the best decision based on the available information and understanding of the issues. This section
Criterium DecisionPlus presents a decision process for working through the problem and shows how DecisionPlus uses this process to make
this task easier.
Expert Choice (EC) software is a multi-objective decision support tool based on the Analytic Hierarchy Process
(AHP), a mathematical theory first developed at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania by one of
Exper Choice V11 Expert Choice's founders, Thomas L. Saaty. The AHP is a powerful and comprehensive methodology designed to
facilitate sound decision making by using both empirical data as well as subjective judgments of the decision-maker.
The AHP assists with the decision making process by providing decision-makers with a structure to organize and
evaluate the importance of various objectives and the preferences of alternative solutions to a decision.
GS+ is a geostatistical analysis and mapping program that allows you to readily measure and illustrate spatial
relationships in geo-referenced data.
GS+ V7 GS+ analyzes spatial data for autocorrelation and then uses this information to make optimal, statistically rigorous
maps of the area sampled. The maps can be created in GS+ or in other mapping programs or geographic information
O-Matrix is a complete, object-oriented analysis and visualization environment for scientists, engineers, numerical
analysts, students, and anyone performing numerical or visual oriented analysis. Development in O-Matrix is a time
O-Matrix 5.8 and cost saving alternative to programming in compiled languages such as C or FORTRAN. Analysis and
development efforts can be performed in a fraction of the time required using traditional languages or typical
integrated mathematics tools.
ILOG OPL Studio is an integrated development environment for mathematical programming and combinatorial
optimization applications. It is the graphic user interface for the OPL modeling language. All development effort is
supported through the various modules accessible via ILOG OPL Studio.

With ILOG OPL Studio, you can:

create and modify model and project files using the editing capabilities
execute a model or project
125 I Log OPL StudioV3.7.1 debug OPL statements using the debug facilities
visualize OPL results, using 2D graphic representation or textual representation
dynamically visualize the state of variables during the search for a solution
display the constraint programming search tree
select mathematical programming options
connect to a database
work with OPLScript, the OPL scripting language
generate a compiled model

126 TreeAge Decision tree creating software.

127 PertMaster Risk Analysis Software

The Premium Solver Platform is a fully compatible upgrade for the Solver bundled with Microsoft Excel, which was developed by Frontline
Systems for Microsoft. The Premium Solver Platform V6.5 is a major release with new features for:

Solution of linear (LP) and quadratic (QP) programming problems up to 8,000 variables, with high performance Branch & Cut methods for
mixed-integer (MIP) problems up to 2,000 integer variables. Version 6.5 solves LP problems several times faster than Version 6.0, and it can
Premium Solver Platform be 10 times faster or more on LP/MIP problems.

128 Automatic transformation of models to replace certain discontinuous or non-smooth functions such as IF, MIN, MAX, ABS, AND, OR,
NOT and operators such as <, <=, >= and > with new variables and constraints that are smooth and often linear so they can be handled by
the powerful LP/Quadratic Solver.
129 Strategic Mine Planning
Whittle 4X V3.4 and V4.0

EM Vision is a software program for the display, analysis and Modelling of time domain electromagnetic (TEM) geophysical data. EM
Vision blends the operations of many different processing and modelling tools into a common operating environment (see Algorithm). The
129 analysis and display of data are essential operations of EM Vision.

Profile Analyst

Oasis montaj Mapping and Processing System is Geosofts core software platform for working with large volume spatial data and provides
the functionality required to manage, manipulate, visualize and map spatially located Earth Science data.
Oasis montaj V6.3 and

133 VentSim Ventilation Design Software

134 MineSightV3.5
135 Palisade @Risk Decision
Tools Suite
136 COMFAR 3 Farsi/English
137 MaxiPit V4.0
138 ViewLog3
139 Oasys_Slope_18_2_1_3
140 Fusion_2007
141 Operation Scheduler
142 Vulcan V6+SP3
143 OCS Metso
144 Map3d
145 Risk Analysis
146 VUMA Ventilation Software
147 DBS Blasting Blasting Software
148 All geo&soft
149 RMScheduler v3.2
150 Microlynx Mine Design Software
151 Geostat
153 Coreview

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