Japanese Verbs: Saying What You Mean: Exercises For Lessons 36-47 - Answer Key
Japanese Verbs: Saying What You Mean: Exercises For Lessons 36-47 - Answer Key
Japanese Verbs: Saying What You Mean: Exercises For Lessons 36-47 - Answer Key
ns"er #ey
Japanese Verbs: Saying What You Mean
Exercises for Lessons 36-47 Answer Key
(Exercises for material covered in pages 64- in t!e "oo#$ pl%s a few extras
from prior lessons&'
A& (ranslate t!e following ver"s into plain )apanese*
+& leave (a place' 'eru
,& "e a"le to see &ieru
3& meet au
4& sleep neru
-& find &itsu)eru
6& receive u)eru
7& "ecome (somet!ing' naru
& win )atsu
.& /%it ya&eru
+0& say iu
++& send o)uru
+,& "egin ha+ i&eru
+3& ride noru
+4& listen )i) u
+-& get %p o)i ru
+6& remem"er oboeru
+7& ta#e (time' )a)aru
+& "e late o)ureru
+.& wor# !ard 'oryo)u suru
,0& spea# han asu
,+& live (in an area' su&u
+ -e&uru$ w!ic! means to act%ally "e asleep$ wo%ld also "e correct& 1ince neru is a more
generali2ed term it is more commonly %sed&
, (!is is t!e transitive form for 3to find somet!ing&4 (!e intransitive (3to "e fo%nd4' is
3 (!is is t!e transitive for 3to start somet!ing&4 (!e intransitive is ha+i&aru&
4 (a#e4 in )apanese in many cases is toru$ "%t w!en conveying t!e time somet!ing will ta#e
or t!e amo%nt of money somet!ing will cost$ %se )a)aru&
- Su&u is for tal#ing a"o%t yo%r area of residence& 5or 3to "e living4 (and not dead' %se i)iru&
. */(( 0i& 1% Matheson 2age ( of 6
Japanese Verbs: Saying What You Mean - Exercises for Lessons 36-4 - !ns"er #ey
,,& t!in# o&ou
,3& fall (an o"6ect' ochiru
,4& ret%rn (!ome' )ae ru
,-& play (t!e piano' hi)u
,6& "e a"le to 'e) iru
,7& enter hairu
,& "orrow )ar iru
,.& worry shin pai suru
30& read yo&u
7& (ranslate t!e following sentences into plain )apanese*
+& 8 t!in# 9i#e plans to go to :anada&
Mi)e "a 4ana'a ni i)u tsu&ori 'a to o&ou%
,& Kei#o intends to go to (o#yo ;niversity&
#ei)o "a 0o)yo 5aiga)u ni i)u tsu&ori%
3& 8 t!in# Ei#o can spea# Englis!&
Ei)o "a eigo o hanasu )oto ga 'e) iru to o&ou%
4& 8t loo#s li#e it<s going to rain&
!&e ga furu you 'a%
-& (!at "ox loo#s li#e it<s going to fall&
Sono ha)o "a ochisou 'a%
6& 8f yo% go straig!t yo%<ll see =its%rin >ar#&
Massugu i)u to 1itsurin #ouen ga &ieru%
7& 8 get sic# w!enever 8 eat w!eat&
Watashi "a )o&ugi o taberu to byou)i ni naru%
& 7o" and Kimi#o came to t!e party&
6ob to #i&i)o "a paateii ni )ita%
.& ?!at<s t!e p%rpose of t!is meeting@
#ono )aigi "a nan no ta&e no )aigi7
6 =emem"er to %se furu for falling rain$ snow$ etc&
7 (!is is intransitive& (!e transitive (3to ret%rn somet!ing4' is )aesu&
(!is is generally for string instr%ments& Aorns and woodwinds %se fu)u (3to "low4' and
perc%ssion %ses tata)u (3to stri#e4'&
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Japanese Verbs: Saying What You Mean - Exercises for Lessons 36-4 - !ns"er #ey
+0& (!is is for yo%&
#ore "a anata no ta&e%
++& 8 "o%g!t a new dictionary to st%dy )apanese&
Watashi "a nihongo o ben)you suru ta&e atarashii +isho o )atta%
+,& 8 A9 goingB (no matter w!at'
Watashi "a 8#9 no 'a: $ Watashi "a 8#9- 'a:
+3& C%r team ?8LL winB
Watashitachi no chii&u ga #!0S9 no 'a: $ #!0S9- 'a:
+4& ?e<ll !ave to get %p early tomorrow in order to catc! t!e train for Dagoya&
!shita no -agoya yu)i no 'ensha ni noru ta&e haya)u o)ina)ereba
+-& Learning all of t!e necessary #an6i ta#es a long time&
Subete no hitsuyou na )an+i o oboeru no ni 'aibun +i)an ga )a)aru%
+6& 1pea#ing )apanese is easy&
-ihongo o hanasu )oto "a )antan 'a%
+7& Living on 9ars is not yet possi"le&
#asei ni su&u no "a &a'a fu)anou 'a%
+& 8<m going to "%y a dictionary "eca%se 8 don<t !ave one&
Watashi "a +isho ga nai )ara )au%
+.& 8t<s going to rain tomorrow so 8<m not going&
!shita "a a&e ga furu no'e "atashi "a i)anai%
,0& 8 was late even t!o%g! 8 got %p early&
Watashi "a haya)u o)ita noni o)ureta%
:& (ranslate t!e following sentences into polite )apanese*
+& 8t<s going to rain& ("eca%se t!e weat!er report said so'
!&e ga furu sou 'esu%
,& 8t loo#s li#e 9a#i#o will "e coming tomorrow&
!shita Ma)i)o "a )uru you 'esu%
3& 8 t!in# Ko6i will "e late&
#o+i "a o)ureru to o&oi&asu%
. */(( 0i& 1% Matheson 2age 3 of 6
Japanese Verbs: Saying What You Mean - Exercises for Lessons 36-4 - !ns"er #ey
4& C#ay$ !ere are yo%r air tic#ets to Aawaii&
;ai< anata no ;a"aii yu)i no )ou)uu)en 'esu%
-& Airo#o went to Csa#a for an interview&
;iro)o "a &ensetsu no ta&e =sa)a ni i)i&ashita%
6& 1pring is t!e season t!at "rings new life&
;aru "a atarashii inochi o &otarasu )isetsu 'esu%
7& (!is is t!e %m"rella 8<ll "%y for my mot!er<s "irt!day present&
#ore "a haha no tan+oubi pure>ento ni )au )asa 'esu%
& )im will read a comic "oo#&
Ji& "a &anga o yo&i&asu%
.& 9om will ret%rn soon&
=)aa-san "a sugu )aeri&asu%
+0& Aow m%c! will it cost to send t!is letter@
#ono tega&i o o)uru no ni i)ura 'esu )a7
++& =eading is en6oya"le&
Yo&u no "a tanoshii 'esu%
+,& Eoing to Aawaii is greatB
;a"aii ni i)u no "a sai)ou 'esu:
+3& A g%est is coming so 8 can<t go o%t now&
=)ya)u-san ga )uru )ara i&a 'e)a)eru )oto ga 'e)i&asen%
+4& 8 !ave to get %p early tomorrow so 8<m going to "ed early&
!shita haya)u o)ina)ereba naranai no'e haya)u ne&asu%
+-& Fespite my telling !er to stop$ s!e won<t listen&
#ano+o ni ya&eru you ni itta noni< iu )oto o )i)i&asen%
+6& 8 !eard t!at 9r& 1%2%#i is /%itting&
Su>u)i-san "a ya&eru sou 'esu%
+7& )o!n isn<t going to "%y an %m"rella&
John "a )asa o )ai&asen%
+& 8<m not going to watc! (G&
Watashi "a terebi o &i&asen%
. */(( 0i& 1% Matheson 2age 4 of 6
Japanese Verbs: Saying What You Mean - Exercises for Lessons 36-4 - !ns"er #ey
+.& 1ac!i#o won<t "e coming&
Sachi)o "a )i&asen%
,0& 8t pro"a"ly won<t snow&
Yu)i ga furanai 'eshou%
,+& )o!n !as to ret%rn now&
John "a i&a )aerana)ereba nari&asen%
,,& Loni !as to "%y an %m"rella&
Loni "a )asa o )a"ana)ereba nari&asen%
,3& 9om will !ave Kimi#o "%y an %m"rella&
=)aa-san "a #i&i)o ni )asa o )a "ase&asu %
,4& (!e teac!er ma#es t!e st%dents read t!e newspaper every day&
Sensei "a ga)usei ni &ainichi shinbun o yo&ase&asu%
,-& 8<ll !ave )im decide "y next wee#&
Watashi "a Ji& ni raishuu &a'e )i&esase&asu%
,6& 8<ll !ave !im come tomorrow&
#are ni ashita )osase&asu%
,7& 8<ll !ave !er do it&
#ano+o ni sase&asu%
,& K%mi !ad =its%#o "%y a pen&
#u&i "a 1itsu)o ni pen o )a"ase&ashita%
,.& 8 want to !ave Ken st%dy Englis!&
#en ni eigo o ben)you sasetai 'esu%
30& (oday 1!i2%#a came to sc!ool wit!o%t !er dictionary&
#you Shi>u)a "a +isho o &ota>u ni ga))ou ni )i&ashita%
F& (ranslate t!e following )apanese into Englis!*
+& ie !o%se
,& )are !eH !im
3& to)oro place
4& eigo Englis!
. */(( 0i& 1% Matheson 2age , of 6
Japanese Verbs: Saying What You Mean - Exercises for Lessons 36-4 - !ns"er #ey
-& onga)u m%sic
6& &anga comic "oo#H cartoon
7& soto o%tside
& haru spring
.& yu)i snow
+0& )you)asho text"oo#
++& heya room
+,& )ya)u g%est
+3& )antan easy
+4& ha)o "ox
+-& natsu s%mmer
+6& &assugu straig!t
+7& yuusho)u dinner
+& tabi trip
+.& )isetsu season
,0& )aigi meeting
,+& 'ougu tool
,,& baito part-time 6o"
,3& i&a now
,4& )asei 9ars
,-& a)a red
,6& +i)an time
,7& 'ensha train
,& +itensha "icycle
,.& ashita tomorrow
30& &ise storeH s!op
. */(( 0i& 1% Matheson 2age 6 of 6