Alhamdulillahirabbilalamin wassalatiwassala.
Assalamualaikum to all my brothers and sisters.
Alhamdulillah, in this brief moment, I want to share with you about Ramadhan and FIFA.
First I gonna talk about a great offer that Allah gave us during this month of barakah.
This ayah is about dua. This ayat occur in the quran after Allah talks about month of ramadhan. One of
the ibadah that is been encouraged to do during ramdhan is making dua through Allah.
And when My servants ask you, [O Muhammad], concerning Me - indeed I am near. I respond to the
invocation of the supplicant when he calls upon Me. So let them respond to Me [by obedience] and
believe in Me that they may be [rightly] guided. ( Al Baqarah)
In this ayah, says when My slaves ask you about me, tell them I am near. Wa izaaa means when. Allah
didnt says If but Allah says when. Allah didnt says wa insa.
Example : The son has been away from his mother to further study etc
The mother will says when my son comes back I will be so happy. The mother will not says, If
my son come I will so happy. Why is that? Because you expect something. The mother expect
the son to comeback. In this ayah Allah expect us to turn back to Allah.
Brothers and sisters, This is the time for us to turn back to Allah before we return to him. Dont wait
until tomorrow to make a change because it is already too late. Does anyone here can guarantees he
will be still alive tomorrow? Can you guarantees you will meet another ramadhan in your life.
The Messenger of Allah (saw) said,
"When the month of Ramadan starts, the gates of the heaven are opened and the gates of Hell are
closed and the devils are chained." (Imam Bukhari)
Secondly about FIFA,
Actually the question is very simple, FIFA vs Ramadhan, Absolutely Ramadhan gonna win. If you watch a
football match will raise your iman that it is good to watch football.
In this verse Allah said He is near. You can talk whenever to Allah. Allah always be there for you all the
time. So be loyal to that relationship. When you watch a football match, Allah is watching you.
I will give you another example, Young man tends to talk bad language when hanging around in
restaurant. Suddenly one of the young mans crush walks in, He starts doing zikir.
Some of you drive like crazy but when there is JPJ or AES you starts to slow down. You are becoming
someone else. A man with full of iman and taqwa.
All of this because they are near. Allah is near all the time but the problem we always tend to forget