Proteus is an integrated development environment that provides tools for microprocessor simulation, schematic capture, and printed circuit board design. It allows users to easily design circuits virtually, select components from a library, place and connect them, and debug designs without building a physical circuit. Flash Magic is an application that allows easy access to a microcontroller's features like erasing blocks or the entire flash memory. It has sections for selecting communication settings, choosing erase and programming options, and monitoring the progress of operations on the microcontroller device. Both Proteus and Flash Magic are useful software tools for electronics design and microcontroller programming.
Proteus is an integrated development environment that provides tools for microprocessor simulation, schematic capture, and printed circuit board design. It allows users to easily design circuits virtually, select components from a library, place and connect them, and debug designs without building a physical circuit. Flash Magic is an application that allows easy access to a microcontroller's features like erasing blocks or the entire flash memory. It has sections for selecting communication settings, choosing erase and programming options, and monitoring the progress of operations on the microcontroller device. Both Proteus and Flash Magic are useful software tools for electronics design and microcontroller programming.
Proteus is an integrated development environment that provides tools for microprocessor simulation, schematic capture, and printed circuit board design. It allows users to easily design circuits virtually, select components from a library, place and connect them, and debug designs without building a physical circuit. Flash Magic is an application that allows easy access to a microcontroller's features like erasing blocks or the entire flash memory. It has sections for selecting communication settings, choosing erase and programming options, and monitoring the progress of operations on the microcontroller device. Both Proteus and Flash Magic are useful software tools for electronics design and microcontroller programming.
Proteus is an integrated development environment that provides tools for microprocessor simulation, schematic capture, and printed circuit board design. It allows users to easily design circuits virtually, select components from a library, place and connect them, and debug designs without building a physical circuit. Flash Magic is an application that allows easy access to a microcontroller's features like erasing blocks or the entire flash memory. It has sections for selecting communication settings, choosing erase and programming options, and monitoring the progress of operations on the microcontroller device. Both Proteus and Flash Magic are useful software tools for electronics design and microcontroller programming.
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Proteus is a software suite used for microprocessor simulation, schematic capture, and printed circuit board design. It allows users to design and test circuits virtually before building physical prototypes. Flash Magic is a program used to program and erase the flash memory of microcontrollers.
Proteus is a software suite used for microprocessor simulation, schematic capture, and printed circuit board design. It provides an integrated development environment for easy and professional PCB design in education and industry.
The main steps to design a circuit using Proteus are to select components from the library, place them on the workspace, connect the components according to the circuit diagram, and then save and debug the designed circuit.
Proteus is a software for microprocessor simulation, schematic capture,
and printed circuit board (PCB) design. This is a powerful and integrated development environment. Tools in this suit are very easy to use and these tools are very useful in education and professional PCB designing. Entering into the designing section. Run the ISIS professional program by clicking the icon on the desktop, then this splash screen will appear.
Figure 4.1 Proteus design step 1 Next, a work space with interface buttons for designing circuit will appear as shown in figure below. Note that there is a blue rectangular line in the workspace; make sure that whole circuit is designed inside the rectangular space.
Figure 4.2 Proteus design step 2 Next step is selecting the components to our required circuit. Let us take one example is designing of 38 kHz frequency generator by using 555 timer IC. The circuit diagram is shown in below image.
Figure 4.3 frequency generator In the above circuit the required components are 555 timer IC, 470 and 22K resisters, 10K variable resister, 0.001f capacitor and one IR LED. So select the components from library. In menu bar library > pick device/ symbol. Then one window will open that shown in below.
Figure 4.4 Proteus design step 3
There is another way to select the components. In work space left side there is a tool bar. In that tool bar click the component mode button or pick from library.
Figure 4.5 Proteus design step 4
Select the all components from library, that components are added to devices list. Click on the device and change the angle of the device by using rotate buttons. Then click in the work space then the selected component is placed in work space. Place all the devices in work space and put the curser at the component pin end then draw the connections with that pen symbol. Connect all the components according to circuit then that designed circuit is show in below image.
Figure 4.6 Proteus design step 5
If any modifications want to do to the component place the mouse point and click on right button then option window will open. That is shown in below figure.
Figure 4.7 Proteus design step 6 After completion of designing save with some mane and debug it. This is virtual simulation means without making circuit we can see the result in virtually through this software and we can design the PCB layout to our required circuit with this software. FLASH MAGIC Flash Magic is an application developed by Embedded Systems Academy to allow you to easily access the features of a microcontroller device. With this program you can erase individual blocks or the entire Flash memory of the microcontroller.
Figure 4.8 Flash magic This application is very useful for those who work in the electronics field. The main window of the program is composed of five sections where you can find the most common functions in order to program a microcontroller device. Using the Communications section you will be able to choose the way a specific device connects to your computer. Select the COM port to be used and the baud rate. It is recommended that you choose a low baud rate first and increase it afterwards. This way you will determine the highest speed with which your system works. In order to select which parts of the memory to erase, choose from the items in the Erase section. The third section is optional. It offers you the possibility to program a HEX file. In the next section you will be able to find different programming options, such as verify after programming, gen block checksums, execute and others. When youre done, click the Start button that can be found in the Start section. The program will start the device, and you will able to see the progress of the operations at the bottom of the main window. Using Flash Magic, you are able to perform different operations to a microcontroller device, operations like erasing, programming and reading the flash memory, modifying the Boot Vector, performing a blank check on a section of the Flash memory and many others.