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I . Di a g no s i ng Br e as t Ca nc e r
A. Breast cancer
-Breast cancer accounts for 32% of cancer incidence and 18% of cancer deaths in
women in the United States.
- The National Cancer Institute estimated that there were approximately 192,200 new
cases of breast cancer in the United States in 2001.
-The number of annual breast cancer deaths was once 40,200 and has declined be-
cause of early detection and improved treatment.
-Breast cancer ultimately develops in one in eight women in the United States.
-Fig. 7.1 shows breast cancer incidence and mortality rates.
-Early detection with screening mammography significantly reduces breast cancer
mortality rates for women over 50 years of age.
-Screening asymptomatic women between the ages of 40 and 50 is controversial.
- The American Medical Association, American Cancer Society, and American Col-
lege of Radiology (ACR) all recommend screening of asymptomatic women.
- The ACR recommends a baseline mammogram by age 40, biannual examinations
between ages 40 and 50. and yearly examinations after age 50.
B. Cancer detection task
-Detection of breast cancer requires specialized imaging equipment and diagnostic
-Recognition of breast cancer depends on detection of subtle architectural distortion,
masses near normal breast tissue density, skin thickening, and microcalcifications.
-Microcalcifications are specks of calcium hydroxyapatite (Ca
0H), which
may have diameters as small as 0.1 mm (100 p.m).
-The small differences in attenuation of x-rays between normal and malignant tissue
result in low subject contrast and make cancer detection difficult.
-Detection of microcalcifications is difficult because their small dimensions also re-
sult in low subject contrast.
-Table 7.1 summarizes the key physical properties of the major breast tissues and
pathologic conditions.
C. Modern mammography
-Mammography is a low-cost and low-dose procedure that can detect early stage
breast cancer.
-Screen/film mammography is technically demanding and requires radiographs with
excellent resolution and contrast.
FI G. 7. 1. Br east cancer i nci dence and mort al i t y.
T ABL E 7. 1. Properties of breast tissue
Tissue type
Linear attenuation
coefficient at 20 keV
) Tissue type
Linear attenuation
coefficient at 20 keV
) Tissue type
Linear attenuation
coefficient at 20 keV
Adipose 0.93 0.45
Fibroglandular 1.035 0.8
Carcinoma 1.045 0.85
Skin 1.09 0.8
Calcification 2.2 12.5
-Thi s imaging equipment must be shown to be functioning properly by means of a
comprehensive quality control (QC) program.
-Dedi cat ed mammography equipment is essential for quality and low-dose
screen/film imaging.
-Modern mammography equipment uses small focal spots, low tube voltages tech-
niques, low-ratio grids, and phototiming.
- Low tube voltages are used to maximize the relative contribution of the photo-
electric effect, thereby increasing subject contrast and minimizing scatter.
-Special screens, films, and dedicated film processing are also important in mam-
-Breast compression devices are used, and the imaging chain is configured for opti-
mal patient positioning.
-Typical x-ray imaging specifications for dedicated mammography equipment are
given in Table 7.2.
-Screening mammography normally includes a craniocaudal and a mediolateral
oblique view of each breast.
-Diagnostic mammographic examinations may include additional views and mag-
nification to resolve ambiguous findings.
T ABL E 7. 2. Typical specifications for a dedicated mammography unit
Parameter Specification
Generator power rating 3 kW
X-ray tube voltage 24-35 kVp (1 kVp steps)
Tube current 100 mA
Target material Molybdenum ( Z = 42)
Window material Beryllium (Z = 4)
Added filtration 30 !m molybdenum
Half-value layer 0.30-0.37 mm aluminum at 28 kVp
Nominal focal spot sizes 0.3 mm/0.1 mm
Z, atomic no.
II. Ma mmo g r a p h y I ma g i ng Cha i n
A. X-ray spectra
- I n visualizing breast tissue, the x-ray energy level that optimizes subject contrast is
approximately 20 keV.
-Higher energy photons decrease subject contrast.
-Lower-energy photons have inadequate breast penetration and substantially in-
crease the patient radiation dose.
-Bot h molybdenum and rhodium are used as target materials in the anode because
they produce characteristic radiation at optimal energy levels.
-Molybdenum has characteristic x-rays of 17.9 and 19.5 keV.
-Rhodium has characteristic x-rays of 20.2 and 22.7 keV.
-For these characteristic x-rays to be produced, the x-ray tube peak voltage must be
higher than these values, that is, typically 25 to 34 kVp.
-Molybdenum filters (30 !m thick) remove most bremsstrahlung radiation above the
molybdenum K-edge energy of 20 keV, because the photoelectric absorption is high.
-Removal of this high-energy bremsstrahlung radiation improves subject contrast.
-The molybdenum also filters out the very low energy x-rays that would only con-
tribute to patient dose.
-Fig. 7.2 shows the x-ray spectra from a molybdenum target.
FIG. 7.2. X-ray spectra from a molybdenum target at 30 kVp, showing the effect of adding a
molybdenum filter.
-For rhodium anodes (Z = 45; K-edge = 23.2 keV), a rhodium filter is used to re-
move the high-energy bremsstrahlung radiation.
-The slightly higher energy x-rays from rhodium provide better penetration of thick
or dense breasts.
B. X-ray tubes
-Three-phase or high-frequency generators are used to minimize voltage fluctua-
tions and reduce exposure times.
-Typical x-ray tube currents are 80 to 200 mA.
-Exposure times are usually about 1 second but can be as long as 4 seconds for dense
thick breasts.
-The x-ray tube is tilted by about 25 degrees to minimize the effective focal spot size.
-The normal focal spot is only 0.3 mm and is kept small to minimize focal spot blur.
-The small focal spot (0.1 mm) is used for magnification mammography.
- The small focal spot can only tolerate low currents (25 mA). which can result in
very long exposure times of several seconds.
-A beryllium (Z = 4) x-ray tube window is used to minimize x-ray beam attenuation.
-The heel effect (higher x-ray intensity on the cathode side) is used to increase the
intensity of radiation near the chest wall, where greater penetration is needed.
-Thi s is accomplished by placing the cathode side of the tube toward the patient.
-For a normal compressed breast (4.5 cm), a typical x-ray tube voltage is 25 kVp,
and tube current exposure time product is 120 mAs on a screen/film system.
C. Grids
-Scatter to primary ratios in mammography range from 0.6 to 1.0.
-Although these ratios are low compared with those of general radiology, they can
noticeably reduce image contrast.
-Grids are commonly used to maximize image quality by reducing scatter.
-Scatter increases with breast thickness and peak voltage.
-Mammography is normally performed using a moving grid.
-Carbon fiber is the preferred interspace material, because aluminum would attenu-
ate too many of the low-energy x-rays used in mammography.
-A high transmission cellular (HTC) grid has been developed for use in mammog-
raphy. which has a focused cellular pattern that reduces scatter in both directions.
-The HTC grid has a self-supporting structure, which eliminates the need for inter-
space material, and thus allow s more primary radiation to reach the detector.
-Typical values for gridline densities range from 30 to 60 lines/cm, and typical grid
ratios are 4:1 or 5:1.
-Grids decrease scatter but increase patient dose up to three-fold.
-Grids are sometimes not used if the compressed breast is very thin.
D. Screen/films
-Rare earth intensifying screens, such as terbium-activated gadolinium oxysulfide
S:Tb), are used in mammography.
-Single screens are used, which may incorporate light absorbers to limit screen dif-
fusion and improve resolution.
- The photon absorption efficiency in mammography screens can be as high as 70%
because of the use of low-energy x-ray photons.
-Single emulsion films are normally used to reduce receptor blur by eliminating
crossover and parallax effects.
- The film is placed between the x-ray source and screen to reduce blur.
-X-rays are mainly absorbed at the front of the screen and should be closest to the
film to minimize blur.
-A typical screen/film combination in mammography requires 0.05 to 0.2 mGy (5 to
20 mR) at the screen to generate a satisfactory film density.
-Mammography films generally have high gradients (over three) and a low film lat-
-Limited latitude, however, is normally not a problem when there is adequate
breast compression.
- The high-contrast film/screen with a narrow exposure latitude requires very good
automatic exposure control (AEC) to ensure consistent film quality (density).
E. Film processors
-Mammography films have relatively thick single emulsions, which makes them
much more sensitive to processor artifacts.
-Optimal film processing is critical to ensure high image quality, and dedicated
mammography processors are recommended.
-Optimal film densities in mammography are between 1.5 and 2.0, which is higher
than that of conventional radiography.
-Higher film densities are needed in mammography because this results in the best
film contrast.
-Special processors with extended cycle times of 3 minutes and higher developer
temperatures can be used.
- The extended development time optimizes development of the latent image, re-
sulting in increased film speed and contrast.
-Optimal film processing requires careful QC, which results in improved image
quality and reduced patient dose.
III. Cl i ni cal I ma g i ng
A. Compression
-Optimal mammography requires the use of breast compression.
-Compression results in greater sharpness, less scatter, and reduced patient dose.
-Compression reduces the thickness of the breast and allows low voltages to be used,
thereby improving subject contrast.
-Compressed breasts are normally 3 to 8 cm thick.
-Compression immobilizes the breast and minimizes any motion.
-Compression spreads the breast tissue, making lesions easier to detect.
-Compression brings the breast closer to the image plane (object to film distance), min-
imizes image magnification, and reduces focal spot blur (geometric unsharpness).
-Compression also reduces exposure times, minimizing patient motion blur associ-
ated with long exposure times.
-Spot compression may be used to achieve maximum compression in a limited re-
gion of interest.
-Compression is achieved using radio translucent paddles that have an x-ray trans-
mission of about 80% at 30 kVp.
-Compression force is normally between 111 and 200 N (25 and 45 lb).
-The principal drawback of compression is patient discomfort.
B. Magnification mammography
-Magnification mammography improves visualization of mass margins and fine cal-
FIG. 7.3. Geometric principles of magnification. A radiolucent magnification stand is placed be-
tween the compressed breast tissue and image receptor. The air gap reduces scatter, and a
grid is not used. In this example, the source-to-image receptor distance is twice the source-to-
object distance, resulting in a 2x magnification.
-Magnification is achieved by moving the breast away from the film using a 15 to
30 cm standoff, and by keeping the source to image receptor distance constant.
- The geometric principles of magnification are illustrated in Fig. 7.3.
- The magnification is the ratio of the source-to-image receptor distance (SID) to the
source-to-object distance (SOD); magnification is given as SID/SOD.
-A typical SID is 65 cm, and SOD in magnification is 35 cm, so that magnification
is normally 1.85.
- The presence of an air gap reduces the amount of scatter reaching the film and elim-
inates the need for a grid.
-The amount of breast coverage in a single magnification radiograph is reduced.
-Small focal spots (0.1 mm in diameter) are essential to minimize geometric un-
- Use of a small focal spot requires longer exposure times, which may result in in-
creased patient motion and blur.
-Magnification generally improves image quality.
C. Viewing mammograms
-Fi l m viewing conditions are very important in mammography.
-High-luminance viewboxes, low ambient light, and complete film masking should
be implemented in both the radiologists and technologist's area.
-For optimal viewing of the images, bright viewboxes with luminance values of ap-
proximately 3,000 candelas per square meter (cd/m
) should be used.
-Conventional viewboxes in radiology are approximately 1,500 cd/m
-Viewing rooms should be darkened (below 50 lux), and hot lights should be available.
-Extraneous light decreases contrast perception.
-Regions beyond the mammogram border should be covered to reduce glare and
thereby improve visibility of low-contrast lesions.
-A magnifying glass should be used to view microcalcifications.
D. Stereotaxic localization
-Stereotaxic localization has been developed to perform core needle biopsies.
-Stereotaxic localizations are best achieved using digital imaging systems, which
eliminate time-consuming film processing.
- The field of view of digital systems range from 50 X 50 mm to 50 X 80 mm, with
a pixel size as small as 25 !m.
-Digital systems use a charged coupled device to capture the light from the screen.
via optical lenses or fiberoptic tapers.
- The resultant limiting spatial resolution in the imaging plane is 8 to 15 lp/mm.
- Two views of the breast are normally acquired (within 15 degrees of normal).
-Images of the lesion will shift by an amount that depends on the lesion depth,
which permits a three-dimensional localization of the lesion.
-A biopsy needle gun is positioned and fired to capture the required tissue sample.
-Benefits of core needle over open biopsies are a short procedure time, minimal lo-
cal anesthetic, reduced risk, and no residual scarring of breast tissue.
- The limitations of core needle biopsy devices include their high cost and the lim-
ited field of view of real-time images.
E. Digital mammography
-Computed radiography has been used for screening mammography, but the low
resolution (5 lp/mm) can limit visualization of microcalcifications.
-Full field of view digital systems have recently been introduced into clinical practice.
-A typical matrix size in digital mammography is 4 X 6 k, with a pixel size of 40 to
50 !m.
- The limiting spatial resolution of digital mammography is about 10 lp/mm.
-Thi s is inferior to screen/film, which can reach 20 lp/mm.
-A major benefit of digital mammography is the ability of image processing to im-
prove lesion visibility in underexposed or overexposed regions.
-Current clinical trials of digital mammography have shown this modality to be at
least as good as screen/film mammography.
-Digital mammography is very expensive, which is a major inhibitor to rapid diffu-
sion of this technology.
-A digital screening examination and prior examination contain 400 MB of data,
which is difficult to view and manipulate using current displays.
-Digital mammograms can be processed using computer-aided diagnosis (CAD)
software, which can identify malignant lesions and microcalcification clusters.
- CAD systems can assign a "probability of malignancy" for each identified lesion.
-Mammography CAD software has been shown to have sensitivities as high as 90%
and can identify lesions missed by mammographers.
- CAD software has also been shown to improve the performance of mammogra-
phers when used as a "second reader."
-Although CAD systems can have a high false-positive rate of up to one or two
false-positives per image, these systems continue to improve and have a promising
I V. I ma g e Qual i t y a nd Do s e
A. Image quality
-The limiting spatial resolution of state-of-the-art mammographic screen/film com-
binations is 15 to 20 lp/mm.
-Magnification imaging with a small focal spot can improve the achievable spatial
-Quantum mottle is the major sources of noise in screen/film mammography.
-Fi l m granularity is a secondary source of image noise in screen/film mammog-
-Increasing voltages reduces exposure time and patient dose when film density is
kept constant.
-Low-vol t age techniques increase contrast but also increase patient dose (Fig. 7.4).
-Grids may improve the contrast by a factor of two, but also increase the radiation
dose by a factor of two to three.
-The screen/film cassettes must be meticulously cleaned and carefully handled to
minimize artifacts and maintain high image quality.
B. Breast dose
-The glandular tissue in the breast is sensitive to cancer induction by radiation.
- The average glandular dose (AGD) is the preferred measure of dose in mammog-
raphy and is determined using a special phantom.
- The AGD depends on x-ray beam techniques (kV and mAs). breast thickness, and
composition (Fig. 7.4).
-A composition of 50% glandular tissue and 50% adipose tissue is generally as-
sumed for dosimetry purposes.
- An average-sized (compressed) breast is taken to be 4.2 cm thick.
-Doses should be determined annually by a certified medical physicist.
- The AGD is obtained using the measured entrance skin exposure when imaging
an ACR phantom that simulates a 4.2 cm breast with 50% glandularity.
- The x-ray beam voltage and the half-value layer also influence the AGD in mam-
-The ACR recommends that the AGD for a 4.2-cm thick breast should be less than
3 mGy (300 mrad) per film for screen/film with a grid.
-If no grid is used, the AGD should be less than 1 mGy per film (100 mrad).
-Typical AGD values are between 1.5 and 2 mGy per film (150 to 200 mrad) for
mammography with a grid.
C. Radiation risks
- The principal risk after radiation exposure is the induction of breast cancer in the
glandular tissue.
-Epidemiological studies of high-dose radiation-induced breast cancer include stud-
ies of atomic bomb survivors, tuberculosis patients who underwent extended fluo-
roscopy, and radiation therapy patients.
-Most radiation-induced breast cancers result from an AGD in the range of 1 to 20
Gy (100 to 2,000 rad) with little data from doses below 0.5 Gy (50 rad).
-Radiation risks for women undergoing mammography are based on extrapolations
of risk estimates made at high doses.
-Based on current risk estimates, exposing 1 million 45-year-old women to an AGD
of 1 mGy (100 mrad) may result in two excess breast cancer deaths.
-Although increasing the voltage reduces the AGD in mammography (Fig. 7.4), it
also reduces image contrast and is generally not recommended.
D. Risk versus benefits
-For a two-view screening examination, with a total AGD of 3 mGy (300 mrad), the
(theoretical) radiation risk in 1 million examined women is about six.
-Thi s mammogram radiation risk is equivalent to the risk of dying in an accident
when traveling 5,000 miles by airplane or 450 miles by car.
-Screening 1 million women is expected to identify 3,000 cases of breast cancer.
-Without a screening program, the breast cancer fatality rate is about 50%.
-Screening programs are expected to reduce the fatality rate by about 40%, or to save
about 600 lives.
- The benefit to risk associated with mammography screening is therefore high.
-It is also important to note that the benefits of screening have been demonstrated
in epidemiological studies.
-The radiation risks at low doses of the order of a few mGy are theoretical and
mainly based on extrapolations of observed effects at doses of the order of 1 Gy.
-Radiation doses in mammography are very low and should not deter any women
from having a screening examination.
V. Ma mmo g r a p h y Qual i t y St a nda r ds Ac t
A. Mammography accreditation
-Successful breast cancer detection requires high-quality images that optimize con-
trast and resolution with minimal radiation dose.
-A comprehensive mammography program requires the combined efforts of physi-
cian, technologists, and physicist.
-Factors effecting image quality include proper patient positioning, compression,
image interpretation conditions, and exposure conditions.
- The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) developed the Mammography
Quality Standards Act (MQSA), which requires all 10,000 mammography facilities
in the United States to be certified.
- MQSA was passed in 1994, and the final rules became effective in April 1999.
- I t is against federal law to practice mammography without certification by the FDA.
- To obtain certification, the facility must receive accreditation by an approved body
such as the ACR.
- The ACR developed an accreditation program in 1990 to improve the quality of
screen/film mammography.
-Accreditation is currently based on the five steps listed in Table 7.3.
-Mammography facilities meeting the ACR standards receive a certificate of ac-
creditation in mammography.
-Some states (Ark.. Calif., Iowa, and Tex.) have introduced their own mammogra-
phy accreditation programs, which are generally very similar to that of the ACR.
B. Mammographer requirements
-The mammographer is ultimately responsible for ensuring that QC requirements
are met.
-The MQSA requires that a lead physician takes responsibility for meeting QC re-
-Al l interpreting physicians participate in the facility medical outcomes audit.
-Mammographers must follow facility procedures for corrective action when poor
quality images are encountered.
-Accredited physicians are required to have interpreted at least 200 mammograms in
the previous 24 months.
TABLE 7.3. American College of Radiology accreditation requirements
Site survey questionnaire completed
Assessment of image quality using a phantom
Dosimeter assessment of mean glandular dose
Assessment of clinical images by independent
Assessment of quality control program
-The mammographer is responsible for ensuring technologists have adequate train-
ing and identifying a single technologist to oversee the QC program.
-Technologists must have the time and equipment necessary to perform QC tests.
-The mammographer is responsible for selecting a medical physicist to perform the
annual testing.
-A qualified individual must be designated to oversee the radiation protection pro-
-Al l records on qualifications, techniques, procedures, and so forth, must be prop-
erly maintained and updated in a mammography QC procedures manual.
C. Technologists requirements
-Technologists have well-defined QC responsibilities in all mammography facilities.
- MQSA requirements include processor QC on a daily basis.
-Processor QC is performed by exposing and developing sensitometry strips and by
measuring speed, contrast, and base plus fog levels.
-Al l major processor problems must be corrected before clinical work begins.
-Screens and darkrooms must be cleaned every day.
-Weekly tests include obtaining an image of the ACR phantom and assessment of
viewbox and reading conditions.
- The x-ray imaging equipment should be inspected every month.
-Quarterly tests include a repeat analysis and analysis of fixer retention on film.
-Repeat rates are expected to be between 2% and 5%, and caused by positioning,
patient motion, and overexposure or underexposure.
-Darkroom fog, screen/film contact, and compression testing is performed on a
semiannual basis.
-The technologists QC program is reviewed annually by a qualified medical physicist.
- I t is estimated that these activities require approximately 160 hours per year.
D. Physicist requirements
- The responsibilities of the medical physicist include assessing image quality and
evaluating patient dose.
-Medical physicists must be adequately trained in mammography, perform at least 6
annual tests every 2 years, and receive the required continuing medical education
-Imaging tests performed annually by the medical physicist are shown in Table 7.4.
-Medical physics tests must be performed when an x-ray unit or processor is in-
stalled or reassembled.
-Equipment evaluation is required after replacement of the x-ray tube, filter, colli-
mator, or AEC.
-Phantom images are used to assess film optical density, contrast, uniformity, and
image quality produced by the imaging system and film processing.
TABLE 7.4. Mammography quality control tests to be performed annually by a
certified medical physicist
Unit assembly and cassette performance Uniformity of screen speeds
Collimation Radiation output
System resolution Entrance skin exposure and mean glandular dose
Peak voltage accuracy and reproducibility Image quality (mammography phantom)
Beam quality (half-value layer) Artifact evaluation
Automatic exposure control performance
-Phantoms are equivalent to a compressed breast (4.2 cm) with equal glandular and
adipose components.
-The ACR phantom contains various sized fibers (six), speck groups (five), and
masses (five).
- To pass, the phantom image must show a minimum of four fibers, three speck
groups, and three masses.
- The MQSA requires more stringent equipment performance as of October 2002.
-X-ray tube output must be greater than 7 mGy/s, averaged over 3 seconds.
-Spatial resolution from focal spot blur must be no worse than 11 lp/mm parallel to
the anode-cathode axis and 13 lp/mm perpendicular.
- The AEC shall maintain film optical density within 0.15 of the mean density.
VI . Al t e r nat i ve Br e as t I ma g i ng
A. Ultrasound breast imaging
-High-resolution and high-frequency transducers (7.5 or 10 MHz) are used for ul-
trasound imaging of the breast.
-Ultrasound can improve diagnostic accuracy and decrease the need for surgical
biopsy in women who have suspicious findings at screen/film mammography.
-The main clinical role of ultrasound is to differentiate cysts from solid masses.
-Ultrasound may also be used to evaluate palpable masses not seen on mammograms
and for biopsy guidance.
-Ultrasound is ineffective for routine screening of asymptomatic patients.
B. Magnetic resonance breast imaging
-Magnetic resonance imaging (MR) may supplement conventional imaging methods
in the diagnosis of breast disease.
- MR is mainly used when a mammogram results in a problematic diagnosis of breast
- MR can also be used to assess the integrity of breast implants.
-Special breast coils are used to perform three-dimensional imaging of the breast
with a typical volume matrix of 128 X 256 X 256 pixels.
-Fat-suppression techniques may be used to generate T1-weighted images.
-Breast MR normally uses gadolinium-diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid contrast
(0.1 mmol/kg).
-Contrast-enhanced MR has a high sensitivity and is better able to identify tumor
-The improved sensitivity of MR may be used to determine whether patients with
presumed solitary nodules actually have multifocal disease.
-Lack of contrast enhancement from fat and scar tissue may also be used to evaluate
mammographically suspicious lesions.
-Benign lesions such as fibroadenomas are often difficult to distinguish from ma-
- MR can distinguish silicone from enhancing tumor.
-MR-guided biopsies cannot be performed with current commercial scanners.
C. Nuclear medicine
-Nuclear medicine breast imaging is normally requested when the conventional
mammogram is difficult to interpret (e.g., dense breast or fibrosis).
-Scintimammography uses technetium 99m-labeled sestamibi, which is adminis-
tered intravenously.
-Imaging is performed early (immediately after injection) and later (60 to 90 min-
utes after injection).
-Malignant lesions enhance early, whereas benign lesions enhance only on later
-Dat a acquisition is usually in planar mode (128 X 128).
-Standard single-proton emission tomography (SPECT) imaging is difficult to per-
form because of activity in the heart and liver.
-Posi tron emission tomography (PET) imaging uses fluorine-18-labeled de-
oxyglucose (FDG) and the level of uptake is a direct measure of metabolic activity.
-Malignant tumors have high avidity for FDG; benign lesions have low avidity and
fibrotic processes show no uptake.
- PET is used for staging, restaging, and monitoring of effectiveness of treatment for
patients with breast cancer.
- PET is the nuclear medicine modality of choice.
D. Miscellaneous
-Light diaphanography involves shining light through the breast and detecting its
transmission using special cameras.
-Clinical diaphanography screening results have been poor.
-A major problem of diaphanography is the significant amount of scatter compared
with light absorption.
-Differential absorption effects appear to be caused by increases in vascularity,
which results in nonspecific findings.
-Thermography involves imaging the infrared radiation emitted by tissues; the
amount emitted depends on body temperature.
-Carcinomas near the breast surface may thus show up as hot spots when compared
with the contralateral breast.
- The ACR deems thermography to be ineffective for detecting breast cancer, and
its use for this purpose is not recommended.

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