The document discusses 14 types of ancient Indian knowledge systems called Vidyas, which include the four Vedas and six auxiliary Vedangas related to rituals, grammar, astronomy, etymology, meter, and astrology. It also outlines 64 forms of fine arts and crafts practiced in India such as singing, dancing, painting, sculpture, herbal medicine, carpentry, engineering, and toy making. Many of these knowledge systems and art forms are described in brief along with their origins and purposes within Hindu traditions.
The document discusses 14 types of ancient Indian knowledge systems called Vidyas, which include the four Vedas and six auxiliary Vedangas related to rituals, grammar, astronomy, etymology, meter, and astrology. It also outlines 64 forms of fine arts and crafts practiced in India such as singing, dancing, painting, sculpture, herbal medicine, carpentry, engineering, and toy making. Many of these knowledge systems and art forms are described in brief along with their origins and purposes within Hindu traditions.
The document discusses 14 types of ancient Indian knowledge systems called Vidyas, which include the four Vedas and six auxiliary Vedangas related to rituals, grammar, astronomy, etymology, meter, and astrology. It also outlines 64 forms of fine arts and crafts practiced in India such as singing, dancing, painting, sculpture, herbal medicine, carpentry, engineering, and toy making. Many of these knowledge systems and art forms are described in brief along with their origins and purposes within Hindu traditions.
The document discusses 14 types of ancient Indian knowledge systems called Vidyas, which include the four Vedas and six auxiliary Vedangas related to rituals, grammar, astronomy, etymology, meter, and astrology. It also outlines 64 forms of fine arts and crafts practiced in India such as singing, dancing, painting, sculpture, herbal medicine, carpentry, engineering, and toy making. Many of these knowledge systems and art forms are described in brief along with their origins and purposes within Hindu traditions.
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The powers of mind are like the rays of the sun dissipated.
When they are concentrated,
they illumine. Oysters change their sex according to the temperature of water around them. Curious Minds 14 idya !Techni"ues# $4 %ala !&rt forms# 14 Vidya (techniques) consist of - 4 Ved : o 'ug(ed o )am(ed o *a+ur(ed o &thar(a(ed 4 Upved : o &rthashastra , &n ancient -ndian .indu treatise on statecraft, economic policy and military strategy which identifies its author /y the names %autilya and ishnugupta. o 0hanur(ed , The term deri(es from the words for /ow !dhanushya# and knowledge !(eda#, literally the 1science of archery1. o 2andhar(a(eda , &n ancient -ndian treatise on the performing arts, encompassing theatre, dance and music. o &yur(eda , The word ayur(eda consists of the words ayus, meaning 1longe(ity1, and veda, meaning 1related to knowledge1 or 1science1. Thus &yur(eda is the science of life. 6 Vedange : There are six edangas, )hiksha !phonetics#, %alpa !rituals#, yakarana !grammar#, 3yotishya !astronomy#, 4irukta !etymology# and Chhandas !metrics#. These are mentioned in the 5panishads. o )hiksha , )hiksha is one of the six edangas, treating the traditional .indu science of phonetics and phonology of )anskrit. -ts aim is the teaching of the correct pronunciation of the edic hymns and mantras. o %alpa , One of the six disciplines of edanga, treating ritual. o yakaran , The )anskrit grammatical tradition of (yakarana is one of the six edanga disciplines. -t has its roots in late edic -ndia, and includes the famous work, &stadhyayi, of 6anini. o 4irukta , 4irukta !1explanation, etymological interpretation1# is one of the six edanga disciplines of .induism, treating etymology, particularly of o/scure words, especially those occurring in the edas. The discipline is traditionally attri/uted to *aska, an ancient )anskrit grammarian. -n practical use, nirukta consists of /rief rules !sutras# for deri(ing word meanings, supplemented with glossaries of difficult or rare edic words. o Chhanda , -n )anskrit, it refers to the study of edic meter in Classical )anskrit poetry. o 3yotish , 3yotisa !)anskrit +yotisa, from +yotis7 1light, hea(enly /ody1, also anglici8ed 3yotish and 3yotisha# is the .indu system of astrology !also known as -ndian astrology, .indu astrology, and of late, edic astrology#. Traditionally, it has three /ranches 7 1. )iddhanta , traditional -ndian astronomy. 9a. )amhita 9/. Medini 3yotisha !mundane astrology# , 6redicting important e(ents /ased on analysis of astrological dynamics in a country:s horoscope or general transit e(ents such as war, earth"uakes, political e(ents, financial positions, electional astrology; house and construction related matters !astu )hastra#, animals, portents, omens etc. <. .ora , 6redicti(e astrology /ased on analysis of natal horoscopes and the moment a "uery is made. 64 Kala (Activities in fine arts and crafts) consist of - 2eet , &rt of singing. adya , &rt of playing on musical instruments. 4rutya , &rt of dancing. 4atya , &rt of theatricals. &alekh , &rt of painting ishesh %acchedya , &rt of painting the face and /ody with colored unguents and cosmetics. Tandul kusuma(ali (ikar , &rt of preparing offerings from rice and flowers. 6ushpastaran , &rt of making a co(ering of flowers for a /ed. 0ashan(asanang raag , &rt of applying preparations for cleansing the teeth, cloths and painting the /ody. Mani/humika karma , &rt of making the groundwork of +ewels. )hayan rachana , &rt of co(ering the /ed. 5dak (adya , &rt of playing on music in water. 5dakaghata , &rt of splashing with water. Chitrayog , &rt of practically applying an admixture of colors. Malya grantha (ikalpa , &rt of designing a preparation of wreaths. %esha7shekhara7pidyo+ana , &rt of practically setting the coronet on the head. 4epathyayog , &rt of practically dressing in the tiring room. %arnapatra/hang , &rt of decorating the tragus of the ear. 2andhayukti = )ugandhayukti , &rt of practical application of aromatics. >hushanayo+an , &rt of applying or setting ornaments. -ndra+al , &rt of +ugglery. %ouchumaryog , & kind of art. .astalagha( , &rt of sleight of hand. Chitra )ha/dapup >hakshya ikar %riya , &rt of preparing (arieties of salad, /read, cake and delicious food. 6anaka7rasa7ragasa(a7yo+ana , &rt of practically preparing palata/le drinks and tinging draughts with red color. )uchikarma , &rt of needleworks and wea(ing. )utrakarma , &rt of playing with thread. ina7damuraka7(adya , &rt of playing on lute and small x7shaped drum. 6rahelika , &rt of making and sol(ing riddles. 6ratimala , &rt of caping or reciting (erse for (erse as a trial for memory or skill. 0ur(achakayog , &rt of practicing language difficult to /e answered /y others. 6ustak(achan , &rt of reciting /ooks. 4atakakhyayika darshan , &rt of enacting short plays and anecdotes. %a(yasamasyapurti , &rt of sol(ing enigmatic (erses. 6attika (etra7/an7(ikalpa , &rt of designing preparation of shield, cane and arrows. Turkakarma , &rt of spinning /y spindle. Takshan , &rt of carpentry. astu(idya , &rt of engineering. 'oupya ratna pariksha , &rt of testing sil(er and +ewels. 0hatu(ad , &rt of metallurgy. Maniraagdnyan , &rt of tinging +ewels. &akardnyan , &rt of mineralogy. rukshayur(edyog , &rt of practicing medicine or medical treatment, /y her/s. Mesh7kukkut7la(akyudhha (idhi , &rt of knowing the mode of fighting of lam/s, cocks and /irds. )hukasarika prapalana , &rt of maintaining or knowing con(ersation /etween male and female cockatoos. 5tsadan , &rt of healing or cleaning a person with perfumes. %eshmar+an koushal , &rt of com/ing hair. &kshar mushtikakathan , &rt of talking with letters and fingers. Mlencchitkala(ikalpa , &rt of fa/ricating /ar/arous or foreign sophistry. 0esh/hashadnyan , &rt of knowing pro(incial dialects. 6ushpa7shakatika7nimittadnyan , &rt of knowing prediction /y hea(enly (oice or knowing preparation of toy carts /y flowers. *antramatruka , &rt of mechanics. 0haranmatruka , &rt of the use of amulets. )anpathya=)am(achya , &rt of con(ersation. Manasika(ya , &rt of composing (erse mentally. %riya(ikalpa , &rt of designing a literary work or a medical remedy. Chlikyog = Chalitakayoga , &rt of practicing as a /uilder of shrines called after him. &/hidhankosh chhandodnyan , &rt of the use of lexicography and meters. astragopan , &rt of concealment of cloths. 0yut (isesha , &rt of knowing specific gam/ling. &akarshan krida , &rt of playing with dice or magnet. >alkridakarma , &rt of using children:s toys. ainayiki (idyadnyan , &rt of enforcing discipline. ai+ayiki (idyadnyan , &rt of gaining (ictory. yayamiki (idyadnyan , &rt of awakening master with music at dawn.