This document contains the syllabus for Chemistry I (CM125) for a Metallurgical Engineering degree. It includes 5 topics: Chemical Thermodynamics, Dynamics of Chemical Processes, Electrochemistry, Water, and Polymers. The syllabus outlines the main concepts covered in each topic over the course of the semester. It also lists reference books and outlines the syllabus for the accompanying Chemistry Lab (CM126), which involves experiments in areas like standard solutions, water analysis, corrosion, and electrochemistry.
This document contains the syllabus for Chemistry I (CM125) for a Metallurgical Engineering degree. It includes 5 topics: Chemical Thermodynamics, Dynamics of Chemical Processes, Electrochemistry, Water, and Polymers. The syllabus outlines the main concepts covered in each topic over the course of the semester. It also lists reference books and outlines the syllabus for the accompanying Chemistry Lab (CM126), which involves experiments in areas like standard solutions, water analysis, corrosion, and electrochemistry.
This document contains the syllabus for Chemistry I (CM125) for a Metallurgical Engineering degree. It includes 5 topics: Chemical Thermodynamics, Dynamics of Chemical Processes, Electrochemistry, Water, and Polymers. The syllabus outlines the main concepts covered in each topic over the course of the semester. It also lists reference books and outlines the syllabus for the accompanying Chemistry Lab (CM126), which involves experiments in areas like standard solutions, water analysis, corrosion, and electrochemistry.
This document contains the syllabus for Chemistry I (CM125) for a Metallurgical Engineering degree. It includes 5 topics: Chemical Thermodynamics, Dynamics of Chemical Processes, Electrochemistry, Water, and Polymers. The syllabus outlines the main concepts covered in each topic over the course of the semester. It also lists reference books and outlines the syllabus for the accompanying Chemistry Lab (CM126), which involves experiments in areas like standard solutions, water analysis, corrosion, and electrochemistry.
CM125 Chemistry I 3 0 0 100 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. CHEMICAL THERMODYNAMICS DYNAMICS OF CHEMICAL PROCESSES ELECTRODICS WATER POLYMERS 9 10 8 8 10 Definition of free energy and spontaneity - Maxwell relations - Gibbs-Helmholtz equation - Van't hoff equations - Stoichiometry and energy balances in Chemical reactions. Basic concepts - composite reactions (opposing, parallel and consecutive reactions) - Collision theory - Thermodynamic formulation of reaction rates - unimolecular reactions - Chain reactions (Stationary and non- stationary) - Enzyme Kinetics - Michaelis - Menten Equation. Types of electrodes and cells - Nernst Equation - emf measurement and its applications - Principles of chemical and electrochemical corrosion - corrosion control (Sacrificial anode and impressed current methods). Water quality parameters - Definition and expression - Estimation of hardness (EDTA method) - Alkalinity (Titrimetry) - Water softening (zeolite) - Demineralisation (Ion- exchangers) and desalination (RO) - Domestic water treatment. Monomer - Functionality - Degree of polymerisation - Classification based on source and applications - Addition, Condensation and copolymerisation - Mechanism of free -radical polymerisation - Thermoplastics and thermosetting plastics - Processing of plastics - Injection moulding, blow moulding and extrusion processes. ANNA UNIVERSITY Chennai-25. Syllabus for 45 Total No of periods: Page 2 CM125 Chemistry I 3 0 0 100 Text Books: 1. Alkins P.W., " Physical Chemistry ", ELBS, IV Edition, 1998, London. References: 1. Balasubramanian M.R., Krishnamoorthy S. and Murugesan V., " Engineering Chemistry ", Allied Publisher Limited., Chennai, 1993. 2. Karunanidhi M., Ayyaswamy N., Ramachandran T and Venkatraman H., " Applied Chemistry ", Anuradha Agencies, Kumbakonam , 1994. 3. Sadasivam V., " Modern Engineering Chemistry - A Simplified Approach ", Kamakya Publications, Chennai , 1999. 4. Kuriakose, J.C. and Rajaram J., " Chemistry in Engineering and Technology ", Vol. I and II, Tata McGraw-Hill Publications Co.Ltd, New Delhi ,1996. 5. Jain P.C. and Monica J., " Engineering Chemistry ", Dhanpat Rai Publications Co.,(P) Ltd., New Delhi, 1998. Page 3 GE131 Engineering Mechanics 3 1 0 100 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. BASICS STATICS OF PARTICLES EQUILIBRIUM OF RIGID BODIES PROPERTIES OF SURFACES AND SOLIDS FRICTION DYNAMICS OF PARTICLES ELEMENTS OF RIGID BODY DYNAMICS 5 8 7 12 4 16 8 Introduction - Units and Dimensions - Laws of Mechanics - Vectors - Vectorial representation of forces and moments - Vector operations. Coplanar Forces - Resolution and Composition of forces - Equilibrium of a particle - Forces in space - Equilibrium of a particle in space - Equivalent systems of forces - Principle of transmissibility - single equivalent force. Free body diagram - Types of supports and their reactions - requirements of stable equilibrium - Equilibrium of Rigid bodies in two dimensions - Equilibrium of rigid bodies in three dimensions. Determination of Areas and Volumes - First moment of area and the centroid - second and product moments of plane area - Parallel axis theorems and perpendicular axis theorems - Polar moment of inertia - Principal moments of inertia of plane areas - Principal axes of inertia - Mass moment of inertia - relation to area moments of inertia. Frictional Force - Laws of Coloumb friction - Simple Contact friction - Rolling Resistance - Belt Friction. Displacement, Velocity and acceleration their relationship - Relative motion - Curvilinear motion - Newton's Law - Work Energy Equation of particles - Impulse and Momentum - Impact of elastic bodies. Translation and Rotation of Rigid Bodies - Velocity and acceleration - General Plane motion - Moment of Momentum Equations - Rotation of rigid Body - Work energy equation. 60 Total No of periods: Page 4 GE131 Engineering Mechanics 3 1 0 100 Text Books: 1. Beer and Johnson, " Vector Mechanics for Engineers ", Vol. 1 " Statics " and Vol. 2 " Dynamics ", McGraw Hill International Edition, 1995. 2. Merriam, " Engineering Mechanics ", Vol.1 " Statics " and Vol.2 " Dynamics 2/e ", Wiley International, 1988. References: 1. Rajasekaran S. and Sankara Subramanian, G., " Engineering Mechanics - Statics and Dynamics ". 2. Irving, H., Shames, " Engineering Mechanics - Statics and Dynamics ", Thrid Edition, Prentice-Hall of India Pvt.Ltd., 1993. 3. Mokoshi, V.S., " Engineering Mechanics ", Vol.1 " Statics " and Vol.2 " Dynamics ", Tata McGraw Hill Books, 1996. 4. Timoshenko and Young, " Engineering Mechanics ", 4/e, McGraw Hill, 1995. 5. McLean, " Engineering Mechancis ", 3/e, SCHAUM Series, 1995. Page 5 MA131 Mathematics I 3 1 0 100 . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. (Revised Syllabus For B.E. / B.Tech. Programmes - Effective From June 2002) MATRICES THREE DIMENSIONAL ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY GEOMETRICAL APPLICATIONS OF DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS FUNCTIONS OF SEVERAL VARIABLES ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS TUTORIAL 9 9 9 9 9 15 Characteristic equation - Eigen values and eigen vectors of a real matrix. Some properties of eigen values, Cayley-Hamilton theorem, Orthogonal reduction of a symmetric matrix to diagonal form - Orthogonal matrices - Reduction of quadratic form to canonical form by orthogonal transformation. Direction cosines and ratios - Angle between two lines - Equation of a plane - Equation of a straight line - Co- planer lines - Shortest distance between skew lines - Sphere - Tangent plane - Plane section of a sphere - orthogonal spheres. Curvature - cartesian and polar coordinates - Circle of curvature - Involutes and Evolutes - Envelopes - properties of envelopes - Evolute as envelope of normals. Functions of two variables - Partial derivatives - Total differential - Differentiation of implicit functions - Taylor's expansion - Maxima and Minima - Constrained Maxima and Minima by Lagrangean Multiplier method - Jacobians - differentian under integral sign. Simultaneous first order linear equations with constant coefficients - Linear equations of second order with constant and variable coefficients - Homogeneous equation of Euler type - equations reducible to homogeneous form - Method of reduction of order - Method of variation of parameters. 60 Total No of periods: Page 6 MA131 Mathematics I 3 1 0 100 Text Books: 1. Kreyszig, E., " Advanced Engineering Mathematics " (8th Edition), John Wiley and Sons (Asia) Pte Ltd., Singapore, 2001 2. Veerarajan, T., " Engineering Mathematics ", Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co., NewDelhi, 1999. References: 1. Grewal, B.S., " Higher Engineering Mathematics " (35th Edition), Khanna Publishers, Delhi , 2000. 2. Kandasamy, P., Thilagavathy, K., and Gunavathy, K., " Engineering Mathematics ", Volume I (4th Revised Edition), S. Chand & Co., New Delhi, 2000. 3. Narayanan, S., Manicavachagom Pillay, T.K., Ramanaiah, G., " Advanced Mathematics for Engineering Students ", VolumeI (2nd Edition), S. Viswanathan (Printers & Publishers), 1992. 4. Venkataraman, M.K. " Engineering Mathematics - First year " National Publishing Company, Chennai (2nd Edition), 2000. Page 7 PH125 Physics I 3 0 0 100 . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. PROPERTIES OF MATTER ACOUSTICS HEAT AND THERMODYNAMICS OPTICS LASER AND FIBRE OPTICS 9 9 9 9 9 Elasticity - stress-strain diagram-factors affecting elasticity - Twisting couple on a wire-Shafts-Torsion pendulum- Depression of a cantilever- Young's modulus by cantilever-Uniform and Non Uniform bending-I shape girders- Production and measurement of high vacuum-Rotary pump-Diffusion pump-Pirani Gauge-Penning gauge- Viscosity-Oswald Viscometer-Comparision of viscosities. Acoustics of buildings-Absorption coefficient-Intensity-Loudness-Reverberation time-Sabine's formula-Noise pollution-Noise control in a machine-Ultrasonics-production-Magnetostriction and Piezoelectric methods- Applications of ultrasonics in Engineering and Medicine. Thermal conductivity-Forbe's and Lee's Disc methods-Radial flow of heat-Thermal conductivity of rubber and glass-Thermal insulation in buildings-Laws of thermodynamics-Carnot's cycle as heat engine and refrigerator- Carnot's theorem-Ideal Otto and Diesel engines-Concept of entropy-Entropy Temperature diagram of carnot's cycle. Photometry-Lummer Brodhum photometer-Flicker Photometer-Antireflection coating-Air wedge-Testing of flat surfaces-Michelson's Interferometer and its applications-Photoelasticity and its applications-Sextant-Metallurgical microscope-Scanning electron microscope. Principle of lasers-laser characteristics-Ruby-NdYAG, He-Ne, CO2 and semiconductor lasers-propagation of light through optical fibers-types of optical fibre-Applications of optical fibres as optical waveguides and sensors. 45 Total No of periods: Page 8 PH125 Physics I 3 0 0 100 Text Books: 1. Arumugam.M., " Engineering Physics ", Anuradha Publications, 1998. References: 1. Resnik R. and Halliday D., " Physics ", Wiley Eastern, 1986. 2. Nelkon M. and Parker.P., " Advanced Level Physics ", Arnald-Heinemann, 1986. 3. Vasudeva A.S., " Modern Engineering Physics ", S. Chand and Co., 1998.. 4. Gaur, R.K., and Gupta, S.L., " Engineering Physics ", Dhanpat Rai and Sons, 1988. 5. Mathur, D.S, " Elements of properties of Matter ", S.Chand & Co., 1989. Page 9 CM126 Chemistry Lab 0 0 2 100 . 30 1. Preparation of standard solutions. 2. Estimation of hardness of water by EDTA method 3. Estimation of different types and amounts of alkalinity in water - Indicator method 4. Determination of dissolved oxygen - Winkler's method. 5. Estimation of iron in water - Spectrophotometric method. 6. Estimation of sodium in water - Flame Photometric method 7. Determination of molecular weight of polymers-Viscometric method. 8. Determination of total dissolved solids in water. 9. Corrosion experiments: * Corrosion rate measurements * Inhibition efficiency. 10. Electrochemistry experiments: * Determination of emf. * Single electrode potential * Potentiometric and conductometric titration 30 Total No of periods: Page 10 GE132 Computer Practice I 1 0 3 100 Text Books: 1. Ghosh Dastidar, Chattopadhyay and Sarkar, " Computers and Computation - A Beginner's Guide ", Prentice Hall of India, 1999. References: 1. Nelson, Microsoft Office 97, Tata McGraw Hill, 1999. 2. Taxali, " PC Software for Windows Made Simple ", Tata McGraw Hill, 1999. 1. 2. 3. FUNDAMENTALS OF COMPUTERS AND OPERATING SYSTEMS OFFICE AUTOMATION PRACTICALS 4 11 45 Evolution of Computers - Organization of Modern Digital Computers-Single user Operating System-Multitasking OS-GUI a) Word Processing b) Data Base Management System c) Spread Sheet Package d) Presentation Software 60 Total No of periods: Page 11 GE133 Workshop Practice 0 0 4 100 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. SHEET METAL WELDING FITTING CARPENTRY FOUNDRY SMITHY 10 10 10 10 10 10 Tools and Equipments - Fabrication of tray, cone, etc., with sheet metal Tools and Equipemts - Arc Welding of butt joint, Tap Joint, Tee fillet etc., Demonstration of gas welding. Tools and Equipments- Practice in Chipping, Filling, Drilling - making Vee joints, square and dove tail joints. Tools and Equipments-Planning Practice-making halving joint and dove tail joint models. Tools and Equipments Preparation of moulds of simple objects like flange, gear V- grooved pulley etc. Tools and Equipments - Demonstration for making simple parts like keys, bolts etc. 60 Total No of periods: Page 12 GE133 Workshop Practice 0 0 4 100 References: 1. Venkatachalapathy V.S., " First Year Engineering Workshop Practice ", Raamalinga Publications, Madurai, 1999. 2. Kanaiah P.and Narayana K.C., " Manual on Workshop Practice Scitech Publications ", Chennai, 1999.
Page 13 PH126 Physics Lab 0 0 2 100 1. PRACTICALS 30 1. Young's modulus by non uniform bending. 2. Rigidity modulus and moment of inertia using Torsion Pendulum 3. Viscosity of a liquid by Poiseuille's method. 4. Wavelength determination using grating by Spectrometer. 5. Particle size determination by Laser 6. Thermal conductivity by Lees' disc. 7. Thickness of wire by Air wedge. 8. Thermo emf measurement by potentiometer. 30 Total No of periods: Page 14 EC152 Electronics Engineering 2 0 2 100 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. SEMICONDUCTORS AND RECTIFIERS TRANSISTORS AND AMPLIFIERS POWER AND CONTROL ELECTRONIC DEVICES SIGNAL GENERATORS AND LINEAR IC'S DIGITAL ELECTRONICS TUTORIAL 9 9 9 9 9 15 Classification of solids based on energy hand theory - Intrinsic semiconductors - Extrinsic semiconductors - P type and N type - P-N junction - VI characteristic of PN junction diode - Zener effect - Zener diode - Zener diode characteristic - Half wave and full wave rectifiers - Voltage regulation. Bipolar Junction Transistor - CB, CE, CC - Configurations and characteristics - Biasing circuits - Elementary treatment of voltage amplifier - Class A, B and C power amplifiers - principles of Tuned amplifiers. Field Effect Transistor - Configurations and characteristics - FET amplifier - SCR, Diac, Triac, UJI - Characteristics and simple applications - switching transistors - concept of feed back - negative feed back - application in temperature and motor speed control. Sinusoidal oscillators - positive feed back - RC phase shift, Hastley, Colpit's, Wien bridge Oscillators - multivibrators - operational amplifier - adder, multiplier, integrator and differentiators - Integrated circuits. Binary number system - AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR circuits - Boolean algebra - Exclusive or gate - Half and full adders - flip flops - registers and counters - A/D, D/A conversion - Digital computer principle. 60 Total No of periods: Page 15 EC152 Electronics Engineering 2 0 2 100 Text Books: 1. Milman and Halkias, " Integrated Electronics ", McGraw Hill, 1979. References: 1. Mehta,V.K., " Principles of Electronics ", S.Chand and Company Ltd., 1994. 2. Malvino & Leach, " Digital Principles and Applications ", McGraw Hill, 1986. Page 16 EE151 Electrical Engineering 2 0 0 100 Text Books: 1. Mittle, V.N., " Basic Electrical Engineering ", TMH Edition, New Delhi, 1990. 2. Del Toro, " Electrical Engineering Fundamentals ", Prentice Hall of India Pvt.Ltd., New Delhi, Second Edition. References: 1. Jimmie J.Cathey and Nasar, S.A., " Basic Electrical Engineering ", Schaurn outline series in Engineering, McGraw Hill Book Co.1987. 2. Deshpande, N.V., " Electrical Machines " A.A.Wheeler and Co. Ltd., New Delhi, 1994. 1. 2. 3. 4. ELECTRICAL CIRCUITS ELECTRICAL MACHINES ELECTRICAL MEASUREMENTS PRACTICAL 9 15 6 30 Ohms Law - Kirchoff's Laws - steady state solution of DC circuits - Introduction to AC circuits - Waveforms and RMS value - power and power factor, single phase and 3 phase balanced circuits. Principles of operation and characteristics of DC machines, Transformers (single phase and three phase) - Synchronous Machines - 3 Phase and single phase Induction motors - (op. principles). Moving coil and moving iron instruments (Ammeter and Voltmeter) Dynamometer type watt meters and energy meters (op. principles). 60 Total No of periods: Page 17 MA132 Mathematics II 3 1 0 100 . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. (Revised Syllabus For B.E. / B.Tech. Programmes - Effective From June 2002) MULTIPLE INTEGRALS VECTOR CALCULUS ANALYTIC FUNCTIONS COMPLEX INTEGRATION STATISTICS 9 9 9 9 9 Double integration in Cartesian and polar coordinates - Change of order of integration - Area as a double integral - Triple integration in Cartesian coordinates - Change of variables - Gamma and Beta functions. Curvilinear coordinates - Gradient, Divergence, Curl - Line, surface & volume integrals - Statements of Green's, Gauss divergence and Stokes' theorems - Verification and applications. Cauchy Riemann equations - Properties of analytic functions - Determination of harmonic conjugate - Milne- Thomson's method - Conformal mappings : Mappings w = z +a, az, 1/z, z2 and bilinear transformation. Cauchy's theorem - Statement and application of Cauchy's integral formulae - Taylor's and Laurent's expansions - Singularities - Classification - Residues - Cauchy's residue theorem - Contour integration - Circular and semi Circular contours (excluding poles on real axis). Moments - Coefficient of correlation - Lines of regression - Tests based on Normal and t distributions, for means and difference of means - Chi Square test for goodness of fit. 45 Total No of periods: Page 18 MA132 Mathematics II 3 1 0 100 Text Books: 1. Kreyszig, E., " Advanced Engineering Mathematics " (8th Edition), John Wiley and Sons, (Asia) Pte Ltd.,Singapore, 2000. 2. Grewal, B.S., " Higher Engineering Mathematics " (36th Edition), Khanna Publishers, Delhi 2001 References: 1. Kandasamy, P., Thilagavathy, K., and Gunavathy, K., " Engineering Mathematics ", Volumes I & II (4th Revised Edition), S. Chand & Co., New Delhi, 2001. 2. Narayanan, S., Manicavachagom Pillay, T.K., Ramanaiah, G., " Advanced Mathematics for Engineering Students ", Volumes I & II (2ndEdition), S.Viswanathan (Printers & Publishers, Pvt, Ltd.), 1992. 3. Venkataraman, M.K. " Engineering Mathematics III - A ", National Publishing Company, Chennai, (13th Edition), 1998. Page 19 MY131 Fuels, Furnaces and Refractories 3 0 0 100 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. FUELS: TESTING OF FUELS: HEAT TRANSFER: REFRACTORIES: FURNACES: 10 8 7 8 12 Classification, solid, liquid and gaseous fuels. Coal - Classification - preparation of coal- pulverised coal- corbonisation and coke formation - caking power of coal - manufacture of coke - properties of metallurgical coke. Petroleum - classification. Composition of crude petroleum - Processing. Fractional distillation - Cracking. Gaseous Fuels - Natural gas, Coal gas. Producer gas. Water gas. Blast furnace gas. Air gas and Lurgi gas - manufacture. Properties and applications. Coal : Proximate and ultimate analysis Calorific value. caking power. Liquid fuels: Calorific value spcific gravity,viscosity, flash point- fire point, pour point, cloud point. carbon residue Knocking - Octane number and Cetane number Gaseous fuels: calorific value Flue gas analysis - Orsat apparatus. Combustion calculations - Air requirements for combustion. Flue Gas analysis - Excess air used. producer gas calculations problems . Modes of heat transfer- Definition and the unit of thermal conductivity - Formulation of simple heat conduction problems for steady state heat conduction Convection heat transfer - the differential energy balance Radiation heat transfer - definition and basic laws of radiation - definition of a black body. Emissivity and absorptivity- radiation properties of surfaces - definition of gray body. Introduction-Requirements of good refractory - Classification - Properties and testing - raw materials for manufacture of refractories. Common methods for manufacture of refractories. Properties. manufacture and application of silica, fireclay magnesite, dolomite,chrome-magnesite.carbon and SiC refractories. General: Introduction, classification. thermal efficiency. heat balance, methods of heat recovery, recuperation and regeneration -atmosphere control. Types of burners. Melting Furnace: Construction and operation of crucible furnaces, cupola, rotary furnace,electric arc, resistance and induction furnaces. Heat Treatment Furnaces : Introduction and classification - Batch type and continuous types. Pyrometry : Introduction - Principle. Construction application and calibration of thermoelectric, resistance, optical and total radiation pyrometers - Source of errors 45 Total No of periods: Page 20 MY131 Fuels, Furnaces and Refractories 3 0 0 100 Text Books: 1. Gupta O.P "Elements of fuels, furnace and refractories". 4th ed. Khanna Publishers. New Delhi. 2000 References: 1. Balusamy V . "Fuels and Furnace Technology ". Course material. Dept. of Metallurgical Engineering. PSG College of Technology. Coimbatore. 1993 2. Samir Sarkar."Fuels and Combustion". Orient Longman Ltd. Hyderabad. 1990. Page 21 PH135 Material Science 3 0 0 100 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. CRYSTAL PHYSICS CONDUCTING MATERIALS SEMICONDUCTING MATERIALS MAGNETIC AND DIELECTRIC MATERIALS OPTICAL MATERIALS 9 9 9 9 9 Crystalline and non-crystalline materials, Bravais lattices, Crystal systems, Symmetry elements, Simple crystal structures, Packing factor for sc, bcc, fcc, hcp structures, Miller Indices, Imperfections in Crystals, Bragg's law and x-ray diffraction methods to study crystal structures. Classical free electon theory of metals, Electrical conductivity of Al, Draw backs of classical theory, Quantum free electron theory of metals and its importance, Density of states, Fermi, Dirac statistics, Calculation of Fermi energy and its importance, Concept of hole, Origin of bandgap in solids (qualitative treatment only), Effective mass of Electron, High resistivity alloys Super conductors, Properties and applications. Elemental and compound semiconductors and their properties, Carrier concentration in intrinsic semiconductors, Carrier concentration in n-type and p-type semiconductors, Variation of fermi level and carrier concentration with temperature, Hall effect, Experimental arrangement, Applications. Different types of magnetic materials and their properties, Domain theory of ferromagnetism, Heisenberg criteria, Hysteresis, Energy product of a magnetic material, Ferrites and their applications, Magnetic recording materials, Metallic glasses, Active and passive dielectrics and their applications, Various polarization mechanisms in dielectrics and their frequency and temperature dependence, Internal field and deduction of Clausius Mosotti equation, Dielectric loss, Dielectric breakdown. Optical properties of metals, insulators and semiconductors, Phosphorescence and fluorescence, Excitons, traps and colour centers and their importance. Different phosphors used in CRO screens, Liquid crystal as display, LED materials, Working of LED, Thermography and its applications, Photoconductivity and photo conducting materials. 45 Total No of periods: Page 22 PH135 Material Science 3 0 0 100 Text Books: 1. Arumugam M., " Materials Science ", AnuradhaTechnical Book Publishers, 1997. References: 1. Pillai S.O., " Solid State Physics ", New Age Inc., 1998. 2. Van Vlack L.H., " Materials Science of Engineers ", Addison Wesley, 1985. 3. Sze S.M., " Physics of Semiconductor Devices ", Wiley Eastern, 1986. 4. Raghavan V., " Materials Science and Engineering ", Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 1993. 5. Allison J., " Electronic Engineering Materials and Devices ", Tata McGraw Hill, 1985. Page 23 GE134 Engineering Graphics 1 0 3 100 Text Books: 1. Narayanan, K.L., and Kannaiah, P., " Engineering Graphics ", Tata McGraw-Hill Publishers Co., Ltd., 1992. References: 1. William M. Neumann and Robert F.Sproul, " Principles of Computer Graphics ", McGraw Hill, 1989. 2. Warren J. Luzzadder and John M. Duff, " Fundamentals of Engineering Drawing ", Prentice-Hall of India Private Ltd., Eastern Economy Edition, 1995. 3. Natarajan K.V., " A Text Book of Engineering Drawing ", Private Publication, Madras, 1990. 4. Mathur, M.L. and Vaishwanar, R.S., " Engineering Drawing and Graphics ", Jain Brothers, New Delhi, 1993. 1. 2. 3. 4. PRINCIPLES OF GRAPHICS ORTHOGRAPHIC PROJECTIONS PICTORIAL PROJECTIONS COMPUTER GRAPHICS 16 28 8 8 Two dimensional geometrical construction - Conic sections, involutes and cycloids - Representation of three dimensional objects - Principles of projections - standard codes of principles. Projections of points, straight line and planes - ' Auxiliary projections '- Projection and sectioning of solids - Intersection of surfaces - Development of surfaces. Isometric projections - ' Perspectives '- Free hand sketching. Hardware - Display technology - Software - Introduction to drafting software. 60 Total No of periods: Page 24 GE135 Computer Practice II 1 0 3 100 Text Books and References: 1. Stephan J. Kochen & Patrick H. Wood, " Exploring the UNIX System ", Techmedia, 1999. 2. Maurice J. Bach, " The design of UNIX Operating Systems ", Prentice Hall of India, 1999. 3. Ramos, " Computer Networking Concepts ", Prentice Hall International, 1999. 4. Balagurusamy, " Programming in ANSI C ", Tata McGraw Hill, 1999. 5. Kernighan and Ritchie, " The C Programming Language ", Prentice Hall of India, 1999. 6. Gottfried, " Programming with C ", Tata McGraw Hill, 1999. 7. Kutti, " C and UNIX Programming: A Conceptual Perspective ", Tata McGraw Hill, 1999. 8. Eric Nagler, " Learning C++ ", M/s. Jaico Publishing Co., 1998-99.
1. 2. 3. 4. MULTIUSER OPERATING SYSTEM FUNDAMENTALS OF NETWORKING HIGH LEVEL LANGUAGE PROGRAMMING TUTORIAL 4 3 8 45 Unix: Introduction - Basic Commands - Vi editor - filters - Input/output redirection - piping - transfer of data between devices - shell scripts. Working on a networked environment - Accessing different machines from one node - concept of E-mail - Uses of Internet. C Language: Introduction - Operator - Expressions - Variables - Input/output statements - control statements - function arrays - pointer - structures - unions - file handling - case studies. 60 Total No of periods: Page 25 MA231 Mathematics III 3 1 0 100 . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. (Revised Syllabus For B.E. / B.Tech. Programmes - Effective From June 2002) PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS FOURIER SERIES BOUNDARY VALUE PROBLEMS LAPLACE TRANSFORMS FOURIER TRANSFORMS 9 8 9 9 10 Formation - Solutions of standard types of first order equations - Lagrange's Linear equation - Linear partial differential equations of second and higher order with constant coefficients. Dirichlet's conditions - General Fourier series - Half-range Sine and Cosine series - Parseval's identity - Harmonic Analysis. Classification of second order linear partial differential equations - Solutions of one - dimensional wave equation, one-dimensional heat equation - Steady state solution of two-dimensional heat equation - Fourier series solutions in Cartesian coordinates. Transforms of simple functions - Basic operational properties - Transforms of derivatives and integrals - Initial and final value theorems - Inverse transforms - Convolution theorem - Periodic functions - Applications of Laplace transforms for solving linear ordinary differential equations upto second order with constant coefficients and simultaneous equations of first order with constant coefficients. Statement of Fourier integral theorem - Fourier transform pairs - Fourier Sine and Cosine transforms - Properties - Transforms of simple functions - Convolution theorem - Parseval's identity. 45 Total No of periods: Page 26 MA231 Mathematics III 3 1 0 100 Text Books: 1. Kreyszig, E., " Advanced Engineering Mathematics " (8th Edition), John Wiley and Sons, (Asia) Pte Ltd.,Singapore, 2000. 2. Grewal, B.S., " Higher Engineering Mathematics " (35th Edition), Khanna Publishers, Delhi 2000. References: 1. Kandasamy, P., Thilagavathy, K., and Gunavathy, K., " Engineering Mathematics ", Volumes II & III (4th Revised Edition), S. Chand & Co., New Delhi, 2001. 2. Narayanan, S., Manicavachagom Pillay, T.K., Ramanaiah, G., " Advanced Mathematics for Engineering Students ", Volumes II & III (2ndEdition), S.Viswanathan (Printers & Publishers, Pvt, Ltd.) 1992. 3. Venkataraman, M.K. " Engineering Mathematics " Volumes III - A & B, 13th Edition National Publishing Company, Chennai, 1998. 4. Shanmugam, T.N. : Page 27 MY231 Elements of Physical Metallurgy 3 1 0 100 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ATOMIC STRUCTURE AND ARRANGEMENT: CRYSTAL IMPERFECTION'S: DIFFUSION: PHASE DIAGRAMS: STRAIN HARDENING: 10 9 8 11 7 Review of atomic bonding - atomic arrangement - short range and long range orders -Unit cells - Crystal systems and Bravis lattice Detailed discussion of BCC. FCC and HCP structures, voids in BCC and FCC lattices. directions and planes in unit cells. Miller indices. Miller Bravis indices Close packed planes and directions, interplanar spacing and Bragg's Law. Allotropy - Examples- Concept of Quasicrystals and nanocrystals. Types of crystal imperfections - point, line. surface and volume defects. Point defects - variation of vacancy concentration with temperature - Arrhenius law - Concept of activation energy. Substitutional and interstitial solutions. Grain boundaries. ASTM Grain Size number determination. Small angle grain boundaries, twin and twist boundaries, stacking faults. Dislocation. types. significance - slip system - slip directions and planes. Schmid's law - factors affecting Critical Resolved Shear Stress - climb & cross slip of dislocations : Self diffusion, diffusion in alloys, diffusion mechanism (vacancy, interstitial, interstitial and ring mechanisms) - activation energy calculations Law's of diffusion - Fick's I law - diffusion coefficient versus temperature - Fick's II law. Interdiffusion and kirkendall effect. Factors influencing diffusion - Types of diffusion - Volume, surface, grain boundary diffusion. Practical applications of diffusion (grain growth, diffusion bonding and powder metallurgy, and heat treatment). Solidification of metals and alloys - casting or ingot structure - cooling curves - Phase diagram determination - Phases, solid solution types, compounds - Hume - Rothery Rules. Gibbs Phase Rule. modified phase rule. Composition and amount of phases. Lever rule. Solidification behaviour of alloys. Non equilibrium solidification. segregation and its effects. Detailed discussion of eutectic. eutectoid and peritectic systems Concept of peritectoid. monotectic. syntectic systems - examples. Detailed discussion of Iron-Carbon diagram. Ternary phase diagram Concept of isothermal isopleth and liquidus plots. Cold working, relationship to stress strain diagrams, concept of strain hardening coefficient. Effect of cold working on structure and properties (strength, ductility, corrosion resistance, electrical conductivity etc.). microstructure of cold worked metals -advantages and limitations of cold working. Annealing - Recovery. Recrystallisation and grain growth - effect on mechanical and physical properties. Factors controlling recrystallisation - Annealing textures - concept of hotworking - comparison with cold working - examples.
45 Total No of periods: Page 28 MY231 Elements of Physical Metallurgy 3 1 0 100 Text Books: 1. Avner.S.H.."An Introducton to Physical Metallurgy". McGraw Hill Book Co. New York. USA. 1997. 2. William D.Callister. "Materials Science and Engineering - An Introduction". 4th edition. John Wiley & Sons. New York. USA. 1997 References: 1. Donald R Askeland."The Science and Engineering of Materials".Brooks Cole Engineering Division. Montery. U.S. 1989 2. James A Jacob and Thomas. F Kilduff. " Engineering Materials Technology Structure. Processes. Properties and Application " Prentice Hall Inc . New Jersey. USA. 1997 3. William F Smith."Principlcs of Materials Science and Engineering". 3rd edition. McGraw Hill Publishing Co..New York, USA. 1996 4. Milton Ohring,"Engineering Materials Science". Academic Press. New York. USA. 1996. 5. Raghavan V.. "Physical Metallurgy : Principles and Practice". Prentice Hall of India. New Delhi. 1996. 6. Vernon B John."Introduction to Engineering Materials". 3rd edition. Academic Press. New York. USA. 1995 7. Van Vlack.L.H.. "Elements of Materials Science and Engineering". 6th edition. Addison Wesley Publications. London. 1990 8. James F Shacklelford."Introduction to Materials Science for Engineers". McMillan Press New York. USA. 1985. Page 29 MY232 Metallurgical Thermodynamics 3 1 0 100 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. SYSTEM AND FIRST LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS: SECOND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS: THIRD AND ZEROTH LAWS OF THERMODYNAMICS: THERMODYNAMICS OF SOLUTIONS: LIQUID MELTS AND SLAGS: 10 10 8 10 7 Path and state properties -Thermodynamic processes. Thermodynamic equilibrium - Reversible and irreversible processes. First law - Internal energy, heat capacity of materials - enthalpy - Hess's law - Kirchoff's law. Entropy. Free energy function - Maxwell's relations. Thermodynamic potentials: Fugacity. activity coefficient and equilibrium constant - Clausius - Clayperon equation - Vant Hoffs Isochore. Third and Zeroth law of Thermodynamics, applications. Phase rule- Derivation of phase rule and application of free energy - composition diagrams to the study of alloy systems. Raoult's law. Henry's law. ideal solutions, real and regular solutions. Partial and integral molar functions of mixing - Gibbs - Duhem equation. Excess Thermodynamics quantities - change of standard states- Quasi chemical theory - Kinetics - First- Second and Third order reactions- Arrhenius equation - activation energy - determination of order of the reaction. 45 Total No of periods: Page 30 MY232 Metallurgical Thermodynamics 3 1 0 100 Text Books: 1. David V Ragone. "Thermodynamics of Materials - Volume-1". John Wiley & Sons. Inc. 1995. 2. Upadhyaya. G.S and Dube.R.K. "Problems in Metallurgical Thermodynamics & Kinetics". Pergamon. 1977. References: 1. Darken L S and Gurry.R W ."Physical Chemistry of Metals". McGraw Hill. 1987 2. Gaskell D R ."Introduction to Metallurgical Thermodynamics". McGraw Hill. 1973 3. Swalin.R A . "Thermodynamics of solids". John Wiley Sons Inc. 3rd edition. 1966 4. Parker.R.H ."An introduction to chemical metallurgy". Perganon press. New York. 2nd edition. 1978. 5. Ward R.G . "An Introduction to Physical Chemistry of Iron and Steel Making". Edward Arnold. London. 1962. Page 31 MY233 Transport Phenomena 3 0 0 100 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. FLUID MECHANICS: FLOW THROUGH PLAT'ES AND PIPES: TRANSIENT HEAT CONDUCTION: CONVECTIVE HEAT TRANSFER: RADIATION HEAT TRANSFER: 10 10 10 8 7 Properties of fluid such as density viscosity and specific weight. Fluid statics - Pressure at a point - pressure variations in horizontal and vertical directions - Concept of gauge and absolute pressure Use of manometer for pressure measurements. Force on plates - Horizontal and inclined.Energy balance in fluid flow: Types of flow - continuity equation - Application to one dimensional problems. Derivations of Bernoullis energy equation and Euler's equation - Examples illustrating the use of energy equation Classification of flow- Reynolds number. Laminar flow between parallel plates and circular pipes - Simple problems. Pressure in fluid flow: Heat loss due to friction -Dasey - Weisbach equation - flow through pipes - use of Moody's diagram - Minor losses- Simple problems Introduction - Systems with Negligible Internal resistance - Lumped heat analysis - Response time of a temperature measuring instrument - System with negligible surface resistance- heat flow in an infinitely thin plate (Semi infinite body)-Systems with finite surface and internal resistance - Chart solutions of transient heat conduction problems. Numerical methods in transient conduction- Simple problems Convective heat transfer coefficient- Boundary layer concept -velocity and thermal boundary layers- (no derivation)- Simple problems. Boundary layer development in circular ducts (no derivation) - Simple problems - Flow over a flat plate-laminar and turbulent boundary layers(no derivation) -Simple problems - Flow over cylinders and spheres-Simple problem. Emissive power - Grey body - Radiation heat transfer between surfaces - Shape factor - Gas radiation. Simple proplems - Concepts mass transfer - Fick's Law of diffusion - Principles of Physical Modelling. 45 Total No of periods: Page 32 MY233 Transport Phenomena 3 0 0 100 Text Books: 1. Kothandaraman C P and Rudramoorthy. R., "Basic Fluid Mechanics", New Age International Publishers. Chennai 1998. 2. Mohanty A.K. , "Rate processes in metallurgy" , Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2000 3. Byron bind R. W.E. Shawart. "Transport Phenomena". John-Wiley & Sons Inc. 1994. References: 1. Irving H Shames."Mechanics of Fluids". 3rd ed - McGraw Hill Publishing Co.. New York. 1992. 2. Robert W. Fox. "Introduction to Fluid Mechanics". John Wiley & Sons. New York. USA. 1994. 3. Sachdeva. R.C."Fundamentals of Engineering Heat and Mass Transfer". New Age International Publishers.New Delhi. 1996. Page 33 MY234 Mineral Benification 3 0 0 100 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. STRUCTURE, PROPERTIES AND USES OF ORES ELEMENTARY KNOWLEDGE OF ORE FORMATION AND PROCESSING COMMINUTION GRAVITY CONCENTRATION TECHNIQES FLOTATION TECHNIQUES 10 10 10 8 7 Elementary knowledge of crystal systems- Three laws of crystallography - systems of crystallisation - Symmetry elements. Physical, chemical characteristics and uses: Hematite. Magnetite. Bauxite. Pyrolusite. Chalcopyriie. Galena, and Sphalerite. Rock cycle - Crystal inter lock - Economic grinding mesh. Mineral paragenesis. Physical properties of minerals made use of in mineral dressing studies. Study of petrological microscope. Mineral resources of india - General resources- Sea as a source of mineral. Scope, objectives and advantages of mineral processing - Choice of mineral processing method. Principal steps in ore processing. Jaw and Gyratory crushers, roll crusher and their performance. Ball & rod mills - capacities and reduction ratios Hammer mills, gravity stamps and Disc crushers. Grinding - Dry and wet grinding. Open and closed circuit grinding. Laws of crushing and work index. Screening, sizing and sampling. Theory of settling - Practice of Hydraulic and mechanical classification, working of thickeners. hydrocyclones and Rotary filters. Heavy media separation. Principles of jigging and Tabling. Processes with equipments used. important controlling factors in operation. Application Froth flotation. Frothers. collectors. Depressants. aciivators. pH modifiers etc.,multistage flotation Electrostatic and magnetic (dry and wet) separation - Principle, equipments, and application. 45 Total No of periods: Page 34 MY234 Mineral Benification 3 0 0 100 Text Books:
1. Parbin Singh."Engineering and General Geology". S.K.Kataria & Sons. Delhi, 1997. 2. Jain.S K "Ore Processing". Oxford and IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, 1986. 3. Gaudin A.M. , "Principles of mineral dressing", TMH ,New Delhi,1978. References: 1. Newton."Exractive Metallurgy". Wiley Eastern. New Delhi, 1967 2. Gilchrist. "Extraction Metallurgy". 2nd edition. Pergamon Press. London, 1981. Page 35 MY235 Machine Elements and Machining 3 0 0 100 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. STRESSES IN MACHINE MEMBERS MECHANICAL POWER TRANSMISSION BEARINGS AND APPLICATIONS MATERIAL HANDLING EQUIPMENT METAL MACHINING 10 10 8 7 10 Types of loads - axial bending & torsional loads - static and dynamic loads - fatigue and creep loads - eccentric loads - applications Types of stresses- Simple tensile, bending and shear stresses - concept of stress raiser and stress concentrations - factor of safety - combined stresses - Principal stresses - Theories of failure - design of shaft members subjected to simple and combined stresses. Need - types of mechanical drives - belt, rope, chain and gear drives - comparison - places of use - speed reduction - need - types - calculation of reduction ratio for different drives - gear trains - types - applications - simple compound and epicyclic trains - calculations of forces on shafts due to belts, spur, helical and bevel gears - meaning and applications of balancing in rotating machines - simple problems. Need for bearing - types - sliding & rolling contact bearings - Hydro-dynamic and hydrostatic bearings - Ball and roller bearings - types and applications - static and dynamic load capacities - life of bearings - selection of deep groove ball bearings for constant load cases - problems. Need - types of Materials Handling Equipment used in Foundries - cranes, hoists, fork lift trucks applications - limitations - conveyors - belt and chain conveyors - elevators - applications - shakers and vibrators. Basic Machining process - single point tool - nomenclatures - chip formation- heat generation and wear in cutting tools - tool life - Principal of operation of lathe. shaping, planning, milling, drilling, boring and grinding machines - CNC machines - Basic differences - Comparison with conventional machine tools - advantages and limitations. 45 Total No of periods: Page 36 MY235 Machine Elements and Machining 3 0 0 100 Text Books: 1. Robert.L.Mott.,"Machine Elements in Mechanical Design", Macmillan Publishing Co., London. UK. 1992 2. Hindustan Machine Tools, "Production Technology". Tata McGraw Hill Co., New Delhi. India 1996 References : 1. Shighley and Mische, "Mechanical Engineering Design". McGraw Hill. 1992 2. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering PSG College of Technology "Design Data Book". DPV Printers. Coimbatore 1994 3. Sharma.P.C. , "Production Engineering" S Chand & Co. New Delhi. 1993. Page 37 MA039 Probability and Statistics 3 1 0 100 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. PROBABILITY AND RANDOM VARIABLES TWO-DIMENSIONAL RANDOM VARIABLES RANDOM PROCESS RELIABILITY ENGINEERING DESIGN OF EXPERIMENTS AND QUALITY CONTROL TUTORIAL 9 9 9 9 9 15 Probability concepts, Random variables, Moment, Moment Generating function, Binomial, Poisson, Geometric, Negative binomial, Exponential, Gamma, Weibull distributions, Functions of Random variable, Chebychev inequality. Marginal and Conditional distributions, Covariance, Correlation and regression, Transformation of random variables, Central Limit theorem. Classification, Stationary and Markov Processes, Poisson Process, Pure birth Process, Birth and death Process, Markov Chains, Markovian queueing models. Concepts of reliability, Hazard function, Series and parallel systems, Reliability and Availability of Markovian systems, Maintainability, Preventive Maintenance. Completely randomised design, Randomised block design, Latin square design, Process control, Control charts of measurements and attributes, Tolerance limits. 60 Total No of periods: Page 38 MA039 Probability and Statistics 3 1 0 100 References: 1. Mille I.R. and Freund J.E., " Probability and Statistics for Engineers ", Prentice-Hall, 1995. 2. Kapur J.N. and Saxena H.C., " Mathematical Statistics ", S Chand and Company Ltd., New Delhi, 1997. 3. Balagurusamy E., " Reliability Engineering ", Tata McGraw Hill Publishers, New Delhi, 1984. 4. Bhat U.N., " Elements of Applied Stochastic processes ", Wiley Series in Probability and Mathematical Statistics, New York, 1983. Page 39 MY238 Phase Transformation and Mechanical Metallurgy 3 1 0 100 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. DIFFUSION CONTROLLED PHASE TRANSFORMATION DIFFUSIONLESS TRANSFORMATIONS STRENGTHENING MECHANISMS FRACTURE FATIGUE AND CREEP 10 10 10 7 8 Nucleation and growth - Types of nucleation - Concept of free energy during solidification - Thermodynamics of Homogeneous nucleation - critical nucleus size and critical free energy change - Constitutional supercooling - Extension to heterogeneous nucleation - Nucleation rate and Growth rate - Overall Transformation rate. Concept of Activation energy - Arrhenius equation - Examples- Growth of pearlite - Johnson Mehl - Avrami equation. Spinodal decomposition - Concept of uphill decomposition -Examples from metallic systems. Marensite transformation - Definition - characteristic features of Martensitic transformation in steels - Morphology of martensite - lath and acicular martensites - Crystallography of Martensitic transformation - Martensile in Non-Ferrous systems - Thermo Elastic Martensite - Shape Memory effect - Examples and applications of shape memory alloys. Introduction - elementary discussion of cold working and grain size strengthening. Solid solution strengthening - Factors affecting solid solution strengthening. Martensitic strengthening - Precipitation hardening : Condition for precipitation hardening - Procedure (Ai-Cu alloy) - Ageing (Natural & artificial) - Formation of precipitates. Coarsening of precipitates (overageing) -Mechanism of strengthening - Problems. Dispersion strengthening: Introduction - factors for effective dispersion hardening - strengthening mechanism - examples of above strengthening mechanisms from ferrous and non-ferrous systems. Fracture Mechanics - introduction modes of fracture - stress intensity factor. Strain energy release rate - fracture toughness and determination of Kh - factors influencing Kk - Effect of metallurgical variables such as grain size, phase mixture, second phase additions on fracture. Review of S-N curve - Factors affecting fatigue life (surface finish, surface strength reducers- residual stresses, stress concentration, temperature and frequency). Low cycle fatigue - Coffin - Manson law - High cycle fatigue - Basquin's law. Fatigue crack growth - Fracture Mechanics approach - Paris Erdogan law - Cumulative damage and life prediction - Stages in Fatigue crack growth -Methods to improve fatigue life of Steels. Creep curve - stages - Dom-Weertman Equation - Dislocation creep, diffusion creep - grain boundary sliding - creep failure - Introduction to Deformation Mechanisms maps - Creep resistant materials, design and development - Examples and applications. 45 Total No of periods: Page 40 MY238 Phase Transformation and Mechanical Metallurgy 3 1 0 100 Text Books : 1. Reed Hill. R.E.. "Physical Metallurgy Principles". Affiliated East West Press. New Delhi. 1992. 2. Raghavan.V "Phase Transformations". Prentice - Hall of India. New Delhi. 1990. 3. Thomas H Courtney. "Mechanical Behaviour of Materials".McGraw Hill Co., NY. 1990. References: 1. Smallman. R.E.and Bishop R.J.."Metals and Materials". Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd.. New Delhi. 1995 2. Porter. D.A and Easterling.K.E."Phase Transformations in Metals and Alloys". 2nd ed, Chapman and Hall. London 1992. 3. Dieter .,G.E., " Mechanical metallurgy",Mc-Graw Hill ,New York,1995. 4. Michael.F.Ashby and David.R.H.Jones."Engineering Materials : An introduction to their Properties and Applications - Vol 1"., Pergamon Press. U.K. 1980. 5. Haasen.P ."Advanced Physical Metallurgy". Cambridge University Press. London. 1978. Page 41 MY239 Mechanical Behaviour and Testing of Materials 3 1 0 100 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ELASTIC AND PLASTIC BEHAVIOUR TENSION AND TORSION TESTING HARDNESS AND IMPACT TESTING FRACTURE FATIGUE AND CREEP TESTING 10 10 10 7 8 Elastic behaviour of Materials - Hook's law - Dislocation, definition . types -Burger's vector. Plastic deformation - dislocation motion - cross slip and climb - Slip and twinning - Dislocation multiplication - Frank Read source - Dislocation pile up. Strain curves for single crystals - strain hardening and recovery - Dynamic strain aging - strengthening due to dislocations (work hardening) Need for testing -Types of testing - Introduction to material properties (structure sensitive and insensitive) - ASTM testing standards. Engineering stress & strain - True stress strain curves - Relationship between the tensile properties - Hollomon -Ludwig equation - Plastic instability (Necking) - Hot tensile tests - Testing machines - types - Testing procedures - Specimen dimensions -Problems. Testing Machines and procedures Definition - Types of hardness tests - Brinell. Rockwell and Rockwell superficial hardness tests. - Precautions - Relative merits and demerits - Hardness conversion - Rebound hardness lest - testing machines. Microhardness tests - Vickers and Knoop hardness tests - Application of hardness testing to various materials - Problems. Concept of nanoindentation - Ultrasonic hardness testing - Izod and Charpy Impacts tests - Ductile to Brittle Transition Temperature (DBTT) - Factors affecting DBTT - determination of DBTT. Definition - Types . Ductile and brittle fractures - Theoretical cohesive strength of solids - Griffith's theory of brittle fracture-Orowan's modification - stages in ductile fracture (cup and cone). Fracture toughnes -KIC - Testing - Factors affecting KIC . special testing on polymers and ceramics. Introduction - stress cycles - S-N curves, fatigue test terminology - Fatigue testing machines - Creep testing - creep curve - stages in creep curve and explanation. Concept of stress Relaxation - creep failure - Examples. Stress rupture testing - comparison with creep testing - Larson - Miller Parameter. 45 Total No of periods: Page 42 MY239 Mechanical Behaviour and Testing of Materials 3 1 0 100 Text Books: 1. George.E. Dieter. "Mechanical Metallurgy" - Mc Graw Hill - SI edition. 1995. 2. Davis.H.E.. Troxell G.E. Hanck.G.E.W "The Testing of Engineering Materials" - Mc Graw Hill. 1982. 3. Gupta.S.C., and Kapoor.V.K.. "Fundamentals of mathematical Statistics". Sultan Chand and sons, Delhi. 1982. References: 1. Wullf et al Vol: III "Mechanical Behaviour of Materials". John Wiley and Sons. New York, USA, 1983. Page 43 MY240 Production of Iron 3 0 0 100 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. RAW MATERIALS AND AGGLOMERATION METHODS: BLAST FURNACE AND ACCESSORIES BLAST FURNACE OPERATIONS AND MODERN TRENDS ALTERNATE ROUTES OF IRON MAKING FERRO ALLOYS 10 10 10 8 7 Composition and domestic location of deposits - Beneficiation of ores. Pelletizing. sintering and briquetting - Coke manufacture - Fluxes. Parts. construction and design aspects of blast furnace Charging equipment. Preheating the blast. Gas cleaning. Reactions, Calculations. Blast furnace irregularities. Oxygen enriched blast, fuel injection, high top pressures preconditioned ores - Tysland Hole furnace. Low Shaft. Furnace. Charcoal furnace. Electrical furnace. Direct reduction- Sponge iron route - Sponge Iron production in India. Electric smelting. Production of Fe-Si. Fe-Mn. Fe-Cr. Fe-Mo. Fe-V. Fe-Ni and Fe-W. 45 Total No of periods: Page 44 MY240 Production of Iron 3 0 0 100 Text Books: 1. Tupkary.R.H." Modern Iron Making". 3rd edn. Khanna Publishers. New Delhi. 2000. References: 1. "Making Shaping and Treating of Steel". U.S. Steel Corporation. 1994. 2. "Manufacture of Iron & Steel". Vol I. Bashforth.G.R.. Chapman & Hall. London. 1964 Page 45 MY241 Non Ferrous Extraction Metallurgy 3 0 0 100 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. PYROMETALLURGY HYDRO METALLURGY ELECTROMETALLURGYAND REFINING EXTRACTION AND REFINING OF METAL ORES EXTRACTION OF PRECIOUS METALS AND RECOVERY OF BY PRODUCT METALS 10 10 8 10 7 Sources of metals, unit processes of metal extraction- Pyrometallurgical Processes - Principles of drying, calcination.agglomeration, roasting - roasting techniques, predominance area diagrams. Principles of smelting and converting. Ellingham diagrams. Carbothermic, Hydrothermic and Metallothermic reductions. Principles of hydrometalluray. advantages- properties of good solvent. Preparation of ore for leaching, leaching methods recovery of metal from liquor, solvent extraction, ion exchange, pressure leaching, gaseous reduction of metals in aqueous solutions.material leaching. recycling of leach liquor. Aqueous and fused salt electrolysis. Principles of electro refining and electrowinning of metals, Purification of crude metals produced in bulk Distillation, liquation, solvent extraction, fire refining. electrolytic refining, and zone refining -examples. Extraction and refining of metals from sulphide ores copper and nickel,Extraction and refining of metals from oxide ores Al. Mg. Zn ,Extraction and refining of metals through halide route - Ti. Zr. U. Extraction of precious metals - gold and silver,Recovery of by product metals and treatment of metallurgical wastes, material and energy balance. 45 Total No of periods: Page 46 MY241 Non Ferrous Extraction Metallurgy 3 0 0 100 Text Books: 1. Ray. H.S . Sridhar.R.. and Abraham. K P . "Extraction of Non Ferrous Metals". Affiliated East - West Press Pvt Ltd. New Delhi. 1990. 2. Ray. H S and Ghosh.A-. "Principles of Non-ferrous Extractive Metallurgy". Prentice Hall of India. New Delhi. 1994. 3. Venkatachalam.S.. "Hydrometalluray". Narosa Publishing House. New Delhi. 1998. References: 1. Ray .H S.. "Extraction of Non-ferrous Metals". Eastern Law House. India. 1994. 2. Pehlke.R D.. "Unit Processes in Extractive Metallurgy". American Elsevier Publishing Co.. New York. USA. 1993. 3. Terkel Rosenqvist."Principles of Extractive Metallurgy". 2nd ed. McGraw-Hill International Book Co. London. 1983. 4. Dennis W.H. "Metallurgy of the Non-Ferrous Metals. 2nd ed. 1966. Ditman. London. 5. Sevryukov.N. "Non Ferrous Metallurgy. 1975. Mir. Moscow. Page 47 MY242 Corrosion and Surface Engineering 3 0 0 100 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. CORROSION CORROSION IN INDUSTRIES CORROSION TESTING KINETICS OF CORROSION CORROSION PROTECTION METHODS 12 8 8 7 10 Definition, classification, forms of corrosion, expressions for corrosion rate. emf and galvanic series - merits and demerits -Pourbaix diagram for iron, magnesium and aluminium. Forms of corrosion - Uniform, pitting, intergranular, stress corrosion. corrosion fatigue. dezincification. erosion corrosion, crevice corrosion - Cause and remedial measures - Pilling Bedworth ratio - High temperature oxidation. Boiler water - corrosion by carbon di oxide and unstable salts - corrosion prevention methods by treatment. cooling water - specification, types of scales and causes - use of antiscalant - water treatments. Maintenance of boilers - protection of boilers during off loading, high temperature corrosion, turbine corrosion, corrosion inhibitors - principles and practice - inhibitors for acidic neutral and other media - Corrosion failure - Inspection and analysis of corrosion damage. Purpose of corrosion testing - Classification - Susceptibility tests for intergranular corrosion- Stress corrosion test.salt spray test humidity and porosity tests, accelerated weathering tests. ASTM standards for corrosion testing. Polarisation - exchange current density - Activation polarisation - Tafel Equation - Passivating metals and non- passivating metals - Effect of oxidising agents. Electroless plating and Anodising - Cathodic protection, metallic, organic and inorganic coatings, corrosion inhibitors. Special surfacing processes - CVD and PVD processes, sputter coating. Laser and ion implantation. Arc spray. plasma spray. Flame spray. HVOF. 45 Total No of periods: Page 48 MY242 Corrosion and Surface Engineering 3 0 0 100 Text Books : 1. Fontana and Greene."Corrosion Engineering". McGraw Hill Book Co. New York. USA 1983. 2. Raj Narayan. "An Introduction to Metallic Corrosion and its prevention". Oxford & 1BH. New Delhi. 1983. 3. Kenneth G Budinski."Surface Engineering for Wear Resistance". Prentice Hall Inc.. Engelwood Cliff. New Jersey. USA 1988 References: 1. Uhlig. H.H . "Corrosion and Corrosion Control". John Wilcy & Sons. New York. USA. 1985. 2. ASM Metals Handbook. Vol.5. "Surface Engineering". ASM Metals Park. Ohio. USA. 1994. 3. ASM Metals Handbook. Vol.l3,"Corrosion".ASM Metals Park. Ohio. USA. 1994