ical; they incorporate a spring-activated trip bolt that moves out and contacts a trip lever whenever a preset overspeed is reached. A number of factors make it necessary to check, and possibly recalibrate, these built- in devices yearly. Needless to say, process plants are not always performing this preventive maintenance activity in a timely and procedurally correct fashion. Unscheduled downtime events and serious injury, even deaths, have resulted from such oversights. Well-engineered and highly reliable electronic over- speed prevention (OSP) systems are now available for new and retrofit applications. These systems offer end users the security and dependability of a two-out-of- three voting system, with the flexibility and ease of do- it-yourself installation and configuration. One relatively recent OSP system incorporates a two- out-of-three voting feature that monitors turbine speed and will initiate a trip com- mand to prevent overspeed events (Fig. 1). Designed and manufactured by Des Moines, Iowa-based Compressor Con- trols Corporation (www.ccc- global.com), the system includes three identical speed modules that individually measure a frequency input signal froma passive or active magnetic pickup sensor. A supervisory module continually monitors the three speed modules for proper operation, which helps to eliminate unnecessary downtime and increase system availability. Multilevel password ensures security. The OSP system provides users with a multilevel password function for added security. Each level provides access to higher sys- tem functions, including Peak Speed Reset, Overspeed Test Mode, Configuration Mode and Set New Passwords. The three speed modules provide a greater level of dependability. Open-pickup detection on passive sen- sors is provided as well as dynamic sensor failure detec- tion via the supervisory module, which knows when a speed module should be receiving a valid frequency input. Active sensor power is provided as an output as well. Each speed module can display its speed and current setpoint. Additionally, each speed module includes four dedicated LEDs for indicating overspeed test, trip, MPU failure and fault conditions. Self- diagnostics: supervisory module. CCCs overspeed protection system also features complete continuous self- diagnostics. The supervisory module monitors proper operation of the speed modules and power supplies. A 4- line by 20-character alphanumeric display is integrated into the operator interface. A test mode provides testing of each speed module, including verification of the voting relays operation. This module also includes a dedicated LED for indicating an alarm condition. Speed module configuration is performed from the supervisor user interface. The OSP system is config- ured through the supervisor module during setup. A sin- gle supervisor module fail- ure will not affect normal operation of the OSP sys- tem. The supervisor operates as a background device, col- lecting information and monitoring speed module operation. The supervisor module provides additional features not available from most other two-out-of-three voting OSP systems. For example, the supervisor module handles such high-overhead tasks as Modbus communication. This allows the speed modules to concentrate on their primary task of monitoring the frequency input signal. With CCCs Guardian OSP sys- tem, an operator with proper access privilege can enable the overspeed test mode and test each speed module. All overspeed tests are verified and time-stamped in the his- tory log. Alarms and peak-speed recordings are also time stamped. An overspeed test can not be activated if an alarm, trip or fault condition is present, thereby elimi- nating accidental trips. During an overspeed test, the supervisor module turns on an LED indicator on the front panel of the affected speed module to indicate that a mod- ule is being tested. The relay board contains socketed output relays and Consider overspeed protection retrofits Heinz P. Bloch, Reliability/Equipment Editor Fig. 1. Thi s OSP syst em f eat ures a t wo- out - of - t hree vot i ng f eat ure t hat moni t ors t urbi ne speed. Reprinted from: magazine, Jan. 2002 issue, p. 17. Used with permission. HPIN RELIABILITY For more information about our new Guardian
Overspeed Prevention (OSP) system and
other state-of-the-art products from the world leader in turbomachinery control, please contact a CCC office near you. We are uniquely qualified to solve turbomachinery con- trol problems. We will help you to achieve maximum performance of your turbomachin- ery, regardless of your equipment or process. includes Overspeed Trip Output #1: DPDT relay; Overspeed Trip Output #2: DPDT relay and alarm: DPDT relay. Online replacement (hot swapping) of failed supervisor, power supply and speed modules is a standard feature. The relay board includes the power supply diode-voting circuitry and contains con- nectors for the different boards in the system to obtain DC power. Flexibility. Two power supply modules provide redundant power to the relay board, speed modules and supervisor. These two mod- ules provide all the system power, and each can be powered by 18 to 32 VDC and/or 85 to 265 VAC. Outputs of the two power supply modules provide system power through circuitry located on the relay board. With the OSP system, users no longer have to order separate systems for specific power requirements or required trip logic. Deenergize-to-trip or energize-to-trip logic is jumper selectable. By meeting a broad range of installation requirements, this OSP system can be installed with any turbomachinery train for virtually any application. Whats more, installation and config- uration can be completed by your in-house personnel. API/ ISO compliant. The Guardian OSP system is API 670 and ISO compliant, making integration with an existing system eas- ier. Even though some competitive systems are available with sim- plex, redundant and triplex speed switches, not all of them com- ply with the latest API and ISO requirements. Many OSP systems lack self-diagnostic testing and data communication capability. These are standard features with this OSP system. Together with the many other advanced features, the resulting package opens up safety, reliability and maintenance enhancement pos- sibilities that merit serious consideration. Reliability . . . The author is Hydrocarbon Processings Reliability/Equipment Editor. He advises process and power plants worldwide on reliability improvement and maintenance cost reduction and can be reached at hpbloch@juno.com. COMPRESSOR CONTROLS CORPORATION International Headquarters 4725 121st Street Des Moines, Iowa 50323-2316, U.S.A. Phone: (515) 270-0857 FAX: (515) 270-1331 An ISO 9001 CERTIFIED COMPANY CCC E- mail: solutions@cccglobal.com Web Site: www.cccglobal.com CCC Worldwide: Houston, Texas Rio de J aneiro, Brazil London, U.K. Amsterdam, The Netherlands Frankfurt, Germany Milan, Italy Moscow, Russia Singapore, Republic of Singapore New Delhi India Dammam, Saudi Arabia Dubai, United Arab Emirates Beijing, China L K /1 M /2 -0 2 A rtic le c o p yrig h t 2 0 0 2 b y G u lf P u b lish in g C o m p a n y. A ll rig h ts re se rve d . P rin te d in U S A . Publication #MS 106