User Acceptance Test
User Acceptance Test
User Acceptance Test
ICT Standards
Project Funded by the European Union
ICT Acceptance procedures
Document number: ISMF-ICT/3.17
Version: 1.00
1 Document control
1.1 List of Abbreviations
Abbreviation Description
E-Gov E-Government
ISMF Institutional and Sector Modernisation Facility
MoCT Ministry of Communications and Technology
MoAg Ministry of Agriculture
MoEl Ministry of Electricity
MoET Ministry of Economy and Trade
MoF Ministry of Finance
MoI Ministry of Industry
MoP Ministry of Petroleum
MoT Ministry of Transport
NISFED National Information System For Economic Development
PICU Project Implementation and Coordination Unit (from ISMF)
PMO Office of the Prime-Minister
SCS Syrian Computer Society
SPC State Planning Commission
STE Syrian Telecommunications Establishment
TOR Terms Of Reference
TFIP Task Force Industrial Policy
SVGA Super Video Graphics Array
OS Operating System
DDR Double Data Rate
CD Compact Disc
CD-RW Compact Disc Re Writable
DVD Digital Versatile Disk
DVD RW Digital Versatile Disk Re Writable
Wi-Fi Wireless Fidelity
LCD Liquid Crystal Display
S/N Serial Number
CPU Central Processing Unit
USB Universal Serial Bus
SMART Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology
RAID Redundant Array of Independent Disks
IP Internet Protocol
MAC Media Access Control
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol
VLAN Virtual Local Area Network
QOS Quality Of Service
1.2 Purpose of the document
The purpose of this document is to define the standards and deliverables for User Acceptance
Testing for the Syrian Public Sector (Ministries and their directorates, public institutions and
organizations). This document also provides a template and instructions for developing a User
Acceptance Test Plan for a specific application.
2 Introduction
The user acceptance test standard guide aims to implement a program of acceptance
procedures for the Syrian Public Sector information systems and/or related studies.
This document is to be used by the Project Managers or anyone tasked with preparing a User
Acceptance Test Plan.
This document consists of two major parts:
Software and Integrated Systems Acceptance Test Plan
Hardware and Network Acceptance Test Plan
2.1 User Acceptance Test Standards
The purpose of this section is to define the levels of testing required for User Acceptance
Testing, depending on the extent of change being applied to the system.
2.1.1 Overview
This section is a descriptive overview, which will assist in developing a User Acceptance Test
The possible levels of testing required in a User Acceptance Test Plan are:
New System Test: where the system to be tested is entirely new (is not an enhancement
or system upgrade).
Regression Test: where the amount of change in an existing system requires a full
system retest.
Limited Test: where the amount of change in an existing system requires only change
specific testing.
2.1.2 New System Test
The Purpose is:
To ensure that the system meets all specified objectives;
To ensure that all requirements are included in the new system.
The planning of the User Acceptance Test must be as early in the life cycle as possible. It is
important that the original project scope is verified in the User Acceptance Test Plan by
including the key points of the original project documentation in the test scripts.
The Following Material can contribute to the Test Plan (if available):
Systems Analysis documentation, System Design Document, Project Statement, Technical
documentation, Online Help/Documentation, User Training material, User Manual, Application
Change Requests, Contractor Test plans, Contractor Test Results, Similar User Acceptance
Test Plans (from other systems).
2.1.3 Regression Test
The Purpose is:
To ensure the "entire" system is working correctly;
To ensure that system changes have not changed existing functionality;
To ensure that the new development work meets all requirements.
The planning of the User Acceptance Test must begin as early in the life cycle as possible. It is
important that the original project scope is verified in the User Acceptance Test Plan by
including the key points of the original project documentation in the test scripts.
The Following Material can contribute to the Test Plan (if available):
Requirement documentation, System Design documentation, Project Statement, Technical
documentation specific to the changes, Online Help/Documentation, User Training material,
User Manual, Contractor Test plans, Contractor Test Results, Previous User Acceptance Test
2.1.4 Limited Testing
The Purpose is:
To ensure the "entire" system is working correctly;
To ensure that system changes have not changed existing functionality;
To ensure that the new development work meets all requirements;
2.2 Methodology
The key to a successful project is gaining acceptance from the customer that each
deliverable produced meets (or exceeds) his/ her requirements. To clarify the criteria used to judge each
deliverable for customer acceptance, an Acceptance Test Plan is produced. The Acceptance Test Plan provides
the criteria for obtaining customer acceptance, a schedule of acceptance reviews within which customer
acceptance will be sought and a summary of the process used to gain acceptance of each deliverable
from the customer.
The acceptance test plan incorporates four phases:
Defining the acceptance test criteria;
Developing an acceptance test plan;
Executing the acceptance test plan;
Reaching an acceptance decision based on the test results.
The testing process begins by developing a comprehensive plan to test the general
functionality and special features on a variety of platform combinations. Strict quality control
procedures are used. The process verifies that the application meets the requirements
specified in the system requirements document and is bug free. At the end of each testing day,
the team prepares a summary of completed and failed tests. A report is prepared at the end of
testing to show exactly what was tested and to list the final outcomes.
Without a testing methodology, the actual test tends to be all over the place. The real answer is
that a methodology is required to test anything thoroughly.
Acceptance committee should perform inspections and testing for samples from the delivered
hardware, software or network devices to ensure that they are conformity with the contract.
The delivered equipments should be conformity with contract requirements in quantity and
2.3 Assessing the Test Types for a Test Plan
The purpose of this section is to describe the process of planning and assessing the level of
testing required for a specific application.
2.3.1 Overview
To complete a User Acceptance Test Plan for a specific system, the tests must first be planned
based on the initial system project documentation. By researching the purpose of the
development work, and the degree to which this development work will affect the rest of the
system, the scripts needed for testing can then begin to be created. (A test script ' includes the
individual test steps to be executed in order to verify a system is working as expected).
The development of a User Acceptance Test Plan involves a number of iterative steps:
Assess the type of testing required
Develop the procedures and instructions for testing
Develop the necessary test scripts
Execute the test scripts
Report any defects
Retest any fixes
2.3.2 Assessing the Test Type Required
The criteria for determining the degree and type of testing that may be required are listed
below. They can be used as a guide for determining what test scripting will be required for a
particular User Acceptance Test Plan. If the system changes to be tested fall in more than one
criterion, then multiple test script types may be required. Once the appropriate test types to
follow have been determined, the User Acceptance Test Plan can be completed.
New System (not replacing an existing system).
When developing the User Acceptance Test Plan there should be involvement in the
design and reviews of the new system with the contractor. The User Acceptance Test
Plan should be developed with communication from the contractor and with as much
information gathered through the system documentation as possible.
New System (replacing an existing System).
The Test Plan should be developed using the required aspects of the system that is
being replaced. Test scripts for any enhancements to the new (replacement system)
should be developed as if the system is a new system basing information of
requirement and design documents. Running a parallel test with the old system, and
comparing critical report results would be the optimal test scenario for any functionality
that is to be duplicated in the new system.
Database Change (no other change to the System)
In this case running a parallel test with the system using the old database and the
system using the new database is advised. Comparing critical report results would be
the optimal test scenario to ensure that the new database and drivers are producing
identical results to the old system. Performance testing should be included in these test
criteria. Create a User Acceptance Test Plan to manage the parallel test.
System Enhancement (the existing system is enhanced with new functionality).
Test scripts should be developed and tested to ensure that the new functionality is
integrated with the existing system correctly, and to ensure that no existing functionality
has been lost in the enhancement process. Test scripts should be developed based on
the specific requirements for new functions. In this case, unchanged functions may not
require testing, if they are not involved in any business processes which have been
System Enhancement (the existing system is being enhanced to change the existing
Test scripts should be developed based on the requirements documents to ensure that
the system meets its enhanced requirements. Existing test scripts can be amended in
this case. Test scripts should also be developed and tested to ensure that the
enhanced functionality is integrated with the existing system correctly, and to ensure
that no existing functionality has been lost in the enhancement process. In this
scenario, for every function that has been changed, or is affected by a change, new
data or new functionality should be tested to assure that existing functionality is not lost.
This will ensure that the new requirements are being met.
Infrastructure Change (the system is not changing but a test is required to port it to a new
environment, new server, or the system be being utilized for a new division or purpose).
In this case, a full test of test scripts and all business processes should be repeated as
new environments can create unexpected problems for an existing system.
2.4 Testing Environment
The hardware, software and network environment within which a system will be tested must be
2.5 Status Reporting
Test preparation and testing progress should be formally reported during a weekly Status
Meeting. The status report will be prepared by the Test Controller.
2.6 Test Schedules
A test schedule that shows a high level view of the project must be defined.
Test schedule is a timeline for software and integrated systems tests, hardware and network
2.7 Roles and Resources
Roles and Resources must be defined, giving the time frame that their tasks must be finished.
The following table can be used for initial planning, assignment and subsequent follow up.
Resource Type Resource Title No. Date
Who Status
Business Analyst 1
Testing Test Controller 1
Testers 4
Test Support Team Support Programmers 4
Technical Support 1
Network Support 1
Technical - External 1
External Liaison
Business Business Expert/
3 Appendix A: Software and Integrated Systems Acceptance Test
3.1 Testing Approach
The test mechanism that will be adopted on the project can be defined from the following or a
combination of them:
Manual Test ;
GUI testing tools ;
Code ;
3.2 Test Reports
A status report will be prepared by the Test Controller. This report will contain the following
Current Status v. Plan (Ahead/Behind/On Schedule) ;
Progress of tasks planned for previous week ;
Tasks planned for next week including tasks carried from previous week ;
Error Statistics from Error Measurement system ;
3.3 Software Tools
The software tools that will be used during the test process must be defined (if applicable).
3.4 Testing Process
The diagram below outlines the test process approach that should be followed.
Organise Project involves creating a System Test Plan, Schedule & Test Approach, and
requesting/assigning resources;
Design/Build System Test involves identifying Test Cycles, Test Cases, Entrance & Exit
Criteria, Expected Results, etc. In general, test conditions/expected results will be
identified by the test team in conjunction with the project business analyst or business
expert. The test team will then identify test cases and the data required. the test conditions
are derived from the business design and the transaction requirements documents.
Design/Build Test Procedures includes setting up procedures such as error management
systems and Status reporting, and setting up the data tables for the automated testing tool;
Build Test Environment includes requesting/building hardware, software and data set-ups;
Execute Project Integration Test ;
Execute Operations Acceptance Test ;
Signoff - Signoff happens when all pre-defined exit criteria have been achieved.
Testing Process Roles and Responsibilities
Project Manager:
Creating a System Test Plan;
Creating Schedule & Test Approach;
Assigning Resources;
Testing Team & Business Analyst:
Identify Test Cycles;
Identify Test Cases;
Identify Entrance & Exit;
Identify Expected Results;
Build Test Environment.
Execute Project Integration Test;
Execute Operations Acceptance Test ;
Testing Process
Design/Build System Execute Organise Project
System Test
identify Test
all pre-defined
exit criteria
have been
Execute Project
Integration Test
identify Test
Build Test
Entrance & Exit
Schedule & Test
3.5 Testing Scope
Outlined below are the main test types that will be performed. All system test plans and
conditions will be developed from the functional specification and the requirements catalogue.
3.5.1 Functional Testing
The objective of this test is to ensure that each element of the application meets the functional
requirements of the business as outlined in the:
Requirements Catalogue;
Business Design Specification ;
Development Standards ;
Other functional documents i.e. resolution to issues/change requests/feedback.
This stage will also include Validation Testing - which is intensive testing of the new Front end
fields and screens. Windows GUI Standards; valid, invalid and limit data input; screen & field
look and appearance, and overall consistency with the rest of the application.
The third stage includes Specific Functional testing - these are low-level tests which aim to test
the individual processes and data flows.
3.5.2 Integration Testing
This test proves that all areas of the system interface with each other correctly and that there
are no gaps in the data flow. Final Integration Test proves that system works as integrated unit
when all the fixes are complete.
3.5.3 Business (User) Acceptance Test
This test, which is planned and executed by the Business Representative(s), ensures that the
system operates in the manner expected, and any supporting material such as procedures,
forms etc. are accurate and suitable for the purpose intended. It is high level testing, ensuring
that there are no gaps in functionality.
3.5.4 Performance Testing
These tests ensure that the system provides acceptable response times.
3.5.5 Regression Testing
A Regression test will be performed after the release of each Phase to ensure that:
There is no impact on previously released software, and
To ensure that there is an increase in the functionality and stability of the software.
The regression testing can be automated using an automated testing software (if applicable).
3.5.6 Bash & Multi-User Testing
Multi-user testing will attempt to prove that it is possible for an acceptable number of users to
work with the system at the same time. The object of Bash testing is an ad-hoc attempt to
break the system.
3.5.7 Technical Testing
Technical Testing will be the responsibility of the Development Team.
3.5.8 Operations Acceptance Testing (OAT)
This phase of testing is to be performed by the Systems Installation and Support group, prior to
implementing the system in a live site. The testing team will define their own testing criteria,
and carry out the tests.
3.5.9 Types of Testing
There are three types of testing:
Form-Based Testing
To verify that individual application forms are performing correctly;
To ensure that all required fields and buttons exist on the application forms;
To ensure that the flow of information and data entry is logical and correct based on
the applications business requirements;
To ensure that a new form added to an existing application is functioning according to
To verify that new functionality added to an existing form has not adversely affected
the existing functionality on that form;
To ensure that the flow of fields on a new form is sensible;
To check common relationships of fields between forms;
To verify navigation between forms.
Material to Review:
Requirement documentation;
Technical documentation;
Analysis documentation ;
Contractor Test plans;
Contractor Test Results;
Business Process Testing:
To ensure that all business related functions and processes are supported by the
To ensure that the flow of data and screens is logical for each business process;
To ensure that security and access requirements are met;
To test the application with "real" scenarios;
To test all batch processes;
To test for performance related problems;
To test the applications interfaces.
Material to Review:
Requirement documentation ;
Technical documentation ;
Analysis documentation;
Contractor Test plans;
Contractor Test Results;
Previous User Acceptance Test Plans;
Security Information;
Business Process Documentation.
Report Testing:
To ensure that the new report meets its requirements;
To ensure that the data extracted for the new report is correct;
To ensure that the report format is correct and logical;
To ensure that the print process is working correctly;
Material to Review:
Requirement documentation;
System Design Documentation;
Technical Specifications;
Contractor Test Plans;
Contractor Test Results;
3.6 Creating a Software and Integrated Systems Acceptance Test Plan
3.6.1 Instructions for the User Acceptance Tester
New System and Regression Testing Instructions
The purpose of regression testing and new system testing is to assure that the entire
application is functioning correctly. This test plan is designed to ensure that all components of
the application are tested. Complete all test scripts included within this test plan for all
applicable user levels and modules as listed.
Form-Based Testing Procedures
The purpose of testing the individual forms and the user interface is to assure that all of the
Menus and Graphical Interface buttons, pull down lists, scrolling lists, and check boxes are
performing correctly. It is important to perform each interface for each module/screen as not all
modules have the same buttons or menus.
Business Process Testing Procedures
The purpose of testing the Business Processes is to ensure that all of the functional
requirements for the application are performing correctly. It is important to complete all test
cases for each User Security level (e.g. System Administrator, Processing Clerk etc.) This will
assure that each Security Level has access to the appropriate functions.
Report Testing Procedures
Ask Users to specify which data they would like to report on. It is important that this process is
tested for each module. If the result of printing is not as expected be sure to fill out a defect
report form for that test.
It is important to repeat each test script for the different user Security levels listed in the User
Security Matrix to ensure that report security rules are functioning correctly.
Defect Reporting
Defect Tracking Form
A Defect Tracking Form must be completed at the time that a problem is found in order to
assure that all details are documented correctly.
Defect Tracking Log
3.6.2 Form-Based Testing
Listed below are the modules to be tested. Each Screen should be reviewed for correctness
as per the Form-Based Test Script.
List of Modules to be reviewed for Form-Based Testing
Module ID Module name
Form-Based Test Script
This checklist must be completed for ALL modules as listed above. Photocopy this page for
each online module and fill in the module identifier in the space provided. Complete the test
environment information. Attach a Defect Report if necessary to describe any anomalies.
MODULE: ____________________
Operating System: _____________ Network: _____________________
Workstation Memory: __________
Form Based Testing Component Pass/Fail Date Initials
1. Are all fonts, colours, shading and toolbars consistent with
standards and project guidelines?
2. Is the online help module available?
3. Are all date formats correct (DD-MON-YYYY) Are the
date edits being correctly applied? Are dates greater than
2000 accepted?
4. Does all text wrap when displayed in the text editor?
Form Based Testing Component Pass/Fail Date Initials
5. Is there a scroll bar on every applicable block?
6. Is the Toolbar List button enabled only when a list of
values is available for an item?
7. Do the window titles correctly identify each module?
8. Is there hint text available for all applicable items?
9. Do all of the initial 'window display' sizes fit entirely on
the screen (assuming an SVGA 800x600 resolution)?
10. Are the correct items case sensitive? (i.e. Do fields allow
lower case text if they should only accept upper case?)
11. Are error, warning and information messages accurate and
12. Do all DELETE operations display a Delete
Confirmation alert?
13. Is the field tab order correct
14. Are the appropriate edits done on all fields (range of
values, valid values etc.)
15. Are defaults appropriate?
16. Are the correct fields mandatory?
17. Is the tool bar present and appropriate buttons enabled?
18. Are screen & field labels appropriate?
19. Are fields & buttons ordered appropriately?
20. Are all codes valid?
21. Are all field labels are consistent across the application
3.6.3 User Security Matrix
List all User IDs available for testing:
SYS_ADMIN System Administrator access to all
CLERK Processing Clerk limited access
REPORT Reporting Clerk Access reports only
List all security access availability for each user level in the spreadsheet below.
User Security/Access Level Matrix
Module Description Details Module