G Rojos Blancos
G Rojos Blancos
G Rojos Blancos
CD1 C3
Tyr HC1
A16 B1
Figure 4
MEDICINE 41:4 196 2013 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
only after conjugation to a glucuronide. In haemolytic
anaemias the bilirubin is unconjugated and there is no
bilirubin in the urine (acholuric jaundice).
RBCs are enucleate and contain no DNA or RNA, so they are
unable to synthesize proteins. The activity of some enzymes
decreases with the age of the RBC and the consequent decline in
energy production may account for increased rigidity of ageing
cells. Rearrangement of the lipid distribution in the cell mem-
brane with the replacement of the choline phospholipids, lecithin
and sphingomyelin, by phosphatidyl-serine from the inner layer
may also be a consequence that leads to phagocytosis and
White blood cells (leucocytes)
White blood cells (WBCs) fulll the most of their functions
outside the circulation. To achieve this they have systems that
respond to specic stimuli and enable them to enter and trafc
through the extravascular milieu.
WBCs derived from the common myeloid progenitor cell,
granulocytes and monocytes, are the main components of the
innate immune system, which mediates the rst-line defence
against microbial attack. The two main functions of the phag-
ocytic cells of the innate immune system are to recognize, ingest
foreign or degraded cells or proteins either of self or on patho-
gens and kill the pathogens and to present specic pathogen
antigens to the adaptive immune system mediated by the lym-
phocyte family which produces specic immune responses.
Phagocytes have a repertoire of receptors on the cell surface that
recognize pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMP),
damaged self-patterns and altered self-patterns. These provide
important pathways in the removal of necrotic tissue, the
removal of aged or altered cells (the end process of apoptosis)
and have an important role in tumour surveillance.
Granulocytes are recognized by the presence of specic granules
within their cytoplasm and their multi-lobed nuclei (Figure 5).
They have the capacity to change shape and migrate, via the
vessel wall,
through tissues in response to chemotactic signals
from infection and inammation. The granules mediate the
specic killing and signalling functions of the cells.
Neutrophils: they circulate in the blood for 6e10 hours. A con-
siderable fractionof the total intravascular populationis marginated
on vessel walls at any one time; the major mass is in the extrava-
scular system, where the cells eventually undergo apoptosis.
Circulating neutrophils are increased following a number of
stimuli. Exercise causes demargination and hence an increase in
the circulating count. Inammation leads to a rapid increase in
neutrophil numbers through the action of a number of cytokines,
including interleukin-1 (IL-1) and granulocyte colony-stimulating
factor (G-CSF). The primary role of neutrophils is to engulf and
kill bacteria encountered in the extravascular space and take part
in the inammatory response. The process may be divided into
migration, chemotaxis, ingestion, degranulation and oxidative
burst activity.
The last three comprise the process of phagocytosis.
Migration across the vascular endothelium requires engage-
ment of adhesion molecules on the neutrophils and endothelial
cells (Figure 6). There are two steps:
Rolling along the endothelium is mediated by reversible as-
sociation of molecules of the selectin family (E-selectin,
Activation and adhesion: inammation activates the adhesion
system whereby the neutrophil attaches to the endothelium,
changes shape and passes between two endothelial cells to begin
the migration towards the site of inammation. The process is
regulated by adhesion molecules of the leucocyte integrins (LFA-
1 family), the immunoglobulin superfamily (ICAM-3) and the
cytoadhesins (leucocyte response integrin).
Chemotaxis e agents produced by activation complement
(C5a), breakdown of bacterial call walls (N-formyl peptides) and
cytokine-stimulated endothelial cells (leukotriene B4, IL-8),
produced at the site of inammation, provide a concentration
gradient to which the neutrophil reacts by moving towards the
higher concentration.
Ingestion e stimulation of surface receptors leads to activa-
tion of downstream pathways resulting in the formation of
phagocytic vacuoles containing the pathogenic material. This
may occur before there is a specic immune response but is
Circulating white blood cells. a Neutrophil, b eosinophil, c basophil, d monocyte, e lymphocytes.
a b c d e
Figure 5
MEDICINE 41:4 197 2013 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
greatly enhanced by antibody and complement binding to the
microorganism. Receptors recognize complement or antibody
bound to the pathogen as well as PAMP.
Degranulation e primary granules contain a variety of bac-
tericidal toxins, including defensins, cathepsins and enzymes
such as elastase, myeloperoxidase and lysozyme. Secondary
granules contain lactoferrin, which chelates iron and is essential
for bacterial growth. The granules form packages as lysosomes
that merge with the phagocytic vacuoles to produce phag-
olysosomes or are released in to the extracellular space
Oxidative burst e degranulation activates a switch to oxida-
tive respiration and the production of high concentrations of
reactive oxygen species (including free radical O
, OH radicals
and H
), which are directly toxic to the microorganisms. NADP
oxidase is central to the generation of the ROS. Deciency causes
failure of fungal killing, in particular, and chronic granulomatous
disease. Overactivity in familial Mediterranean fever leads to
inappropriate inammatory activity. Nitric oxide (NO) genera-
tion from L-arginine by NO synthase (NOS) during inammation
is another potent reactive free radical system in phagocytes.
Once the killing process is complete the neutrophil is lysed
and forms pus, the greenish colour of which is due to myelo-
peroxidase (Figure 6).
Eosinophils: the majority of eosinophils (Figure 5B) are in the
extravascular tissue space, particularly in the subepithelium of
areas exposed to the external environment (tracheobronchial
tree, gastrointestinal tract). Their main function is protection
against parasitic organisms. They are weakly phagocytic and act
mainly by degranulating on to the surface of the parasite. The
granules have a high content of basic proteins, including major
basic protein (MBP) and an eosinophil-specic peroxidise.
Eosinophil numbers are increased in allergic reactions (e.g.
asthma) as well as in response to parasitic infection.
The main
mediators are IL-5, IL-3 and GM-CSF. Inappropriate increase in
numbers may lead to the hypereosinophilic syndrome (fever,
weight loss, anorexia, thromboembolic episodes, heart failure,
splenomegaly, skin lesions and central nervous system
Basophils: these (Figure 5C) and the related mast cells are also
associated with allergic and parasitic diseases.
They have
a high afnity immunoglobulin E (IgE) receptor: when this binds
to antigen, degranulation occurs with release of histamine. They
also synthesize and release leukotriene-D4, the slow-acting
substance of anaphylaxis. The main results are vasodilatation,
mucus secretion and smooth muscle contraction (type 1 hyper-
sensitivity reaction). Mast cells release eosinophil chemotactic
factors. The incoming eosinophils release histaminases, which
limit mast cell-mediated hypersensitivity reactions.
Monocytes and macrophages: monocytes (Figure 5D) are
released from the bone marrow into the circulation, where they
Neutrophil migration
Vessel wall
Rolling Activation and
Migration towards
Oxidative burst
Cell death
, IL-8.
LFA-1,HCAM Endothelial cells
CChe Chemmm
Leu LLeukkotriene-B
inflammatory site
C5a, N-formyl peptides
Figure 6
MEDICINE 41:4 198 2013 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
comprise 5e10% of circulating white blood cells (WBCs). They
leave the circulation in about 48 hours to migrate to the
extravascular milieu forming two main classes of longer-lived
cells, xed tissue macrophages (e.g. Kupffer cells in the liver,
dendritic cells in the skin) or remaining as mobile cells able to
respond to inammatory signals.
Phagocytic role e Macrophages ingest and kill particular
microorganisms, including mycobacteria, listeria, and candida
and other fungal species; functions that are enhanced by IFNg.
Macrophages do not have granules but have lysosomes con-
taining cytotoxic enzymes. Activated monocytes express tissue
factor (see Haemostasis on pages 208e211 of this issue) and can
initiate coagulation. Diffuse intravascular coagulation may be an
inappropriate response in some infections.
Macrophages process foreign proteins by endocytosis and
fusion of the endosome with the lysosome. The protein is
degraded to short peptides, which are presented on the cell
surface in class II histocompatiblity molecules. The class II pre-
sentation is recognized by CD4 T cells. As well as foreign
proteins, macrophages engulf and degrade senescent cells and, in
the lungs, inhaled particulate matter. The macrophages of the
reticuloendothelial system are major antigen-presenting cells for
adaptive immunity.
Blood cells have specialized functions that depend on structural
and metabolic characteristics. Red blood cells contain haemo-
globin, carry oxygen from lungs to tissues and facilitate transport
of CO
back to the lungs. Inherited defects of the RBC membrane,
metabolism or haemoglobin structure lead to haemolytic anae-
mia. The white blood cells (leucocytes) comprise the cells of the
immune systems.
Cells of granulocyte/macrophage lineage provide the
innate immune system for rapid protection from microbial
pathogens, removal of foreign or damaged proteins or cells
(including tumour surveillance and end stage of apoptosis), and
antigen presentation to the adaptive immune system of
lymphocytes. A
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