Verbal Reasoning Ast en
Verbal Reasoning Ast en
Verbal Reasoning Ast en
Sample Test_Verbal reasoning_AST_EN
Negotiations have started on a draft Convention on protecting the diversity of cultural contents and
artistic expressions. The aim is to recognise states' rights and specify their duties in terms of preserving
and promoting cultural diversity and to establish a framework to foster international cooperation in this
area. The European Union has already submitted comments on the draft Convention, in particular
- the all-important need for compliance with human rights and fundamental freedoms guaranteed by
international law; the Convention must not weaken these rights and freedoms in the name of culture
or tradition;
- the importance of international cooperation, in particular vis-à-vis developing countries, in coping
with cultural vulnerabilities.
Sample Test_Verbal reasoning_AST_EN
Write to the Ombudsman in any of the European Union languages, setting out clearly who you are,
which institution or body of the European Union you are complaining against and the grounds for your
complaint. A complaint must be made within two years of the date on which you learned the facts on
which your complaint is based. You need not be individually affected by the maladministration. You
must have contacted the institution or body concerned already, for example by letter. The Ombudsman
does not deal with matters that are currently before a court or that have already been settled by a court.
The Ombudsman will examine your complaint and will inform you of the outcome of his investigation.
A complaint can be made by writing a letter to the European Ombudsman or by using the form
3. What time limit must be met when submitting a complaint to the Ombudsman?
A. Complaints can be submitted to the Ombudsman at any time, without any time limit
B. A minimum period of two years must elapse after the court has delivered its verdict
C. The time limit to comply with is two years from the time the complainant became aware of the facts
D. In serious cases, a complaint can be submitted even more than two years after the event
Sample Test_Verbal reasoning_AST_EN
A political agreement on a Regulation will considerably improve the provisions governing animal
transport in Europe. This Regulation increases accountability by identifying clearly who is responsible
for what and when, which will help enormously in ensuring that the rules are properly enforced
throughout the animals’ journey. It provides for the introduction from 2007 of new, more effective
enforcement tools such as checks via a satellite navigation system. It also introduces much stricter rules
for journeys of more than eight hours, in particular by substantially upgrading vehicle standards. The
Regulation recognises that stress suffered by animals is mostly due to loading and unloading and
therefore introduces rules to deal with situations before and after transport, for example at
slaughterhouses or in ports.
Sample Test_Verbal reasoning_AST_EN
There are 45 000 road deaths per year in Europe, a number which governments all over Europe are
trying hard to reduce. At the same time, 60 000 deaths are caused by air pollution. In both cases,
children, in particular those living in urban areas, are the most vulnerable. Many cities and towns across
Europe are already working hard on promoting alternative means of transport: they are providing good,
efficient public transport, they offer incentives to citizens that go for environmentally friendly cars,
they try to give the city centre back to pedestrians, etc. Mobility Week is an event where they can
present new initiatives and see what others are doing. It focuses on the benefits of sustainable modes of
transport and policies that improve air quality, reduce noise and enhance people's quality of life.
5. What section of the population is most vulnerable to road deaths and pollution?
A. Children living in cities and towns
B. Motorists who frequently drive in urban areas
C. The elderly because they are more sensitive to air pollution
D. Travellers who use a highly polluting mode of transport
Sample Test_Verbal reasoning_AST_EN
According to a note from the Court of Auditors, during the crisis the Commission quickly took the
necessary emergency measures, such as notifying the Member States of outbreaks, carrying out
surveillance, slaughtering sheep imported from the United Kingdom before the crisis, and closing the
markets. Shortcomings in the arrangements and in their application in the Member States as regards the
number of vets, the notification of outbreaks and the speed at which slaughterings were carried out
were identified by the Commission during the crisis, but it was too late to remedy them.
6. Which statement is correct regarding the arrangements put in place by the Commission?
A. Slaughtering of sheep imported from all Member States was carried out sufficiently quickly
B. The procedure was slowed down because the Member States refused to close their markets
C. During the crisis, shortcomings were identified solely as regards the number of vets
D. It was too late to remedy the shortcomings in the arrangements
Sample Test_Verbal reasoning_AST_EN
Comparing aspects of best investigative practice for interviews, for the protection of complainants and
for the referral of cases to court was the major issue at the Fifth Conference of International
Investigators. Participants also discussed the practical use of the Uniform Guidelines for Investigations
endorsed one year before. These Guidelines set out common basic principles for the work of
investigative services worldwide. They seek to help all bodies involved in international inquiries to
carry out their investigations efficiently and in an open, transparent and accountable manner and
thereby ensure the protection of fundamental rights.
Sample Test_Verbal reasoning_AST_EN
The Court of Auditors made the following observations in particular regarding the common
organisation of the market in raw tobacco:
- The process by which the Commission drew up its proposals for the 1998 reform was based on
unreliable data and its analysis of the market was inadequate. The measures taken were largely ill-
adapted from the outset and proved to be ineffective in many areas.
- The measures implemented did not bring significant improvements in income from tobacco-
growing or the anticipated market balance. The value of production was also put at risk by anti-
competitive behaviour in the form of price agreements in the three largest producer states.
8. What is one of the reasons why the Commission's proposals were ineffective?
A. The market analysis was too rigorous and therefore took too much time
B. The reason why the measures were ineffective cannot be identified
C. The proposals were drawn up on the basis of a market analysis and data that were unreliable
D. The measures were initially well-adapted but the way the market developed made them out of
Sample Test_Verbal reasoning_AST_EN
The European Commission is seeking input from the public on the measures to be included in a new
comprehensive action plan to reduce air pollution. This plan, which is to be drawn up by mid-2006,
will have a direct impact on people’s lives. The Commission is therefore launching an Internet
consultation to reach the largest possible number of people. Each European citizen loses about nine
months of life expectancy owing to poor air quality. Recent studies show that more than 22 000
premature deaths each year are due to high ozone levels. The consultation will involve asking simple
questions that are understandable to all.
Sample Test_Verbal reasoning_AST_EN
Climate change is one of the greatest challenges of our generation. The first Kyoto commitment period
ends in 2012. We need to start preparing right now for what comes after. The international community
will soon start discussing how we can build on the Kyoto Protocol and launch a new phase of
international cooperation on climate change. We will need to step up our efforts, set more ambitious
targets and apply new approaches to meet those targets. It is important to make use of society's
knowledge and expertise and to take what people think into account. Consulting the stakeholders will
allow us to define an EU contribution based on science and enjoying wide support.
Sample Test_Verbal reasoning_AST_EN
Sample Test_Verbal reasoning_AST_EN
The European Commission has adopted a new proposal for a Directive on Market Access to Port
Services, which aims to boost the competitiveness of EU ports and to help to reduce congestion and
environmental pollution, in particular by promoting maritime transport. This new EU legislation
introduces specific, clear rules on access to the market for the provision of port services, which is
almost the only transport sector where no Community legal framework exists, and it seeks to create a
level playing field for competition between ports. The port services market is characterised by the
complexity and variety of the applicable national rules, the heterogeneous nature of the port services
and the diversity of the ports. Proper account therefore needs to be taken of each port’s specificities and
their relevance for its users, operators, owners, etc.
12. What is the objective, amongst others, of the European Commission’s proposal for a Directive?
A. To encourage national moves to draw up suitable regulations
B. To reduce environmental pollution by stimulating the use of maritime transport
C. To stimulate competition between ports by laying down specific rules for each port
D. To limit the number of ports by introducing strict Community rules
Sample Test_Verbal reasoning_AST_EN
Trade is a key priority for the EU’s development policy. As well as working to achieve improved
market access and international trade rules, the EU also provides assistance to help developing
countries with the practicalities of benefiting from international trade. Such efforts have been a success.
Fair trade projects in India and Mexico, for example, have boosted micro-businesses, brought women
into the labour markets and launched new brands. Trade-related assistance aims to help companies and
sectors as well as regions, governments and institutions in developing countries. It covers an amazingly
diverse range of issues including assistance in multilateral negotiations, customs reforms, infrastructure
improvements, product-safety schemes and support to private companies in accessing export markets.
Sample Test_Verbal reasoning_AST_EN
European Flower Week seeks to promote the EU's eco-label in nine member countries. A wealth of
different marketing activities are planned to raise the profile of the Flower and show people how to find
products and services that have been awarded the prestigious European eco-label. Activities vary
according to local priorities. Retailers and producers, consumer and environmental groups and national
authorities take part. The Flower is the EU eco-label and allows producers who sell their products
across Europe to use the same label everywhere. It was established in 1992 to promote, across Europe,
products which have a reduced environmental impact. Products applying for the Flower are checked by
independent bodies for compliance with strict ecological and performance criteria.
Sample Test_Verbal reasoning_AST_EN
The European Commission has adopted two decisions on the restructuring and conversion of vineyards.
Member States can obtain annual subsidies for the restructuring and conversion of a set number of
hectares of vineyards. Improvement of the quality of vines and the alignment of supply and demand are
priorities. The vineyard restructuring and conversion programmes financed by the EU offer wine
producers the support needed for these actions. The Commission grants the subsidies to Member States
on the basis of objective criteria, taking into account particular situations and needs, and based on the
Member State’s share of the total EU area under vines. Each Member State's indicative subsidy can be
adjusted taking into account the purposes of the scheme and within the limit of available funds and
following the Member States' notification of their actual expenditure and expenditure forecasts.
15. What is one of the aims of the subsidies made available to the Member States?
A. An increase in the number of hectares under vines of all wine producers
B. Better alignment of supply and demand for reasons of food security
C. The granting of the same amount of funding in all Member States in order to remain objective
D. Support for practical measures to improve the quality of vines
Sample Test_Verbal reasoning_AST_EN
Is there any reason why a European citizen established in a Member State other than his or her own
should be able to vote, and indeed stand in local elections when their children, educated in the same
country, are not allowed to take part in amateur sports competitions? According to the European
Commission, this paradox could arise in certain Member States. The practice of an amateur sport is
essential to European citizens living in other EU countries as it helps them to integrate more fully into
the life of their host country. The Commission considers that the right to take part in certain
competitions organised by a sports federation must be regarded as a social benefit and that restrictions
in this field based on nationality cannot be justified. The principle of equal treatment in social benefits
has already been established in the area of the free movement of workers.
16. Which statement regarding the paradoxical situation that could arise in some Member States is
A. The Commission considers that the right to take part in certain competitions is not a social
B. Practising an amateur sport does not help people to become integrated into the life of their host
C. There is discrimination in amateur sport only, not at other sporting levels
D. Nationality cannot be a criterion for exclusion from amateur sports competitions
Sample Test_Verbal reasoning_AST_EN
European Commission approves Italian regional aid to develop road-sea combined transport
The Commission has authorised a set of aid measures to restructure road haulage and to develop
combined transport. The objective of the aid scheme is to promote road–sea combined transport
services on long-distance links between ports in Sicily and other Italian and Community ports. The
scheme has been designed as an experimental pilot project and aims to achieve a structural change in
the current system by encouraging road hauliers, in particular smaller companies, to form
organisational groups to make better use of combined road-sea transport. Beneficiaries will be small
and medium-sized transport enterprises established in the European Union that engage in road-haulage
activities on their own account or on behalf of third parties. However, undertakings already engaged in
combined road-sea transport operations and those currently operating combined road-rail transport will
not be eligible under the measure.
Sample Test_Verbal reasoning_AST_EN
The European Commission has adopted a Regulation concerning aid for the agriculture and fisheries
sectors. The Regulation exempts, for a period of three years, the requirement for prior notification of
national aid of up to €3 000 per farmer and fisherman. This will help farmers and fishermen to cope
with crisis situations. To avoid distortions of competition, Member States granting such aid will have to
observe an overall ceiling roughly equal to 0.3% of agricultural and fisheries output. They may grant
aid fulfilling all the conditions in the Regulation without prior approval by the Commission. But they
will have to keep registers to show both ceilings have been respected. The Regulation will also cover
aid granted to companies processing and marketing agricultural and fisheries products.
Sample Test_Verbal reasoning_AST_EN
More than 600 representatives from cities in all EU Member States are meeting for the European City
Summit. The European Commission has invited mayors, representatives of community groups and
other stakeholders to discuss the new challenges facing cities in the enlarged EU. The agenda includes
a discussion of the Commission’s proposals for future European policy in this field. Cities are the
driving force for economic growth and innovation. They are in the frontline in the battle for
environmental sustainability and social integration. The Commission proposes to strengthen the role of
cities in the next generation of European development programmes due to start in 2007. The proposal
would mean enhanced funding for projects in cities, more decentralised management and greater
emphasis on exchanging best practices.
Sample Test_Verbal reasoning_AST_EN
Today the European Commission adopted a recommendation to the Council to conclude an agreement
on the peaceful uses of nuclear energy between the European Atomic Energy Community and Japan.
The agreement will provide a stable framework for the development of nuclear trade between the two
Parties and for closer cooperation in other areas of common interest, such as research into nuclear
fission and radioprotection. The cooperation agreement with Japan on the peaceful uses of nuclear
energy is of particular interest to the EU since it is the first to be negotiated with a country that is one of
the main clients of the European nuclear industry. The agreement lays the foundations for a commercial
relationship set initially to run for 30 years. Industry will thus have the stable and predictable long-term
framework it needs to conclude and implement commercial arrangements in the nuclear field.
Sample Test_Verbal reasoning_AST_EN
1 D
2 A
3 C
4 C
5 A
6 D
7 C
8 C
9 D
10 C
11 D
12 B
13 B
14 C
15 D
16 D
17 D
18 D
19 C
20 D