Plainti$$ X Inco+oated $iled a co,+laint against Re'+ondent Y Co+oation, RD, and AY $o 'peci$ic +e$o,ance and da,age' aising $o, the "each o$ a contact $o the 'ale o$ AS>;>@ CISCO Route') Plainti$$ 'u",itted a +ice Cuotation $o the ite,' -hich -a' acce+ted "# Re'+ondent') Plainti$$ deli&eed the ite,' "ut Re'+ondent' e$u'ed to +a# o ecei
Plainti$$ X Inco+oated $iled a co,+laint against Re'+ondent Y Co+oation, RD, and AY $o 'peci$ic +e$o,ance and da,age' aising $o, the "each o$ a contact $o the 'ale o$ AS>;>@ CISCO Route') Plainti$$ 'u",itted a +ice Cuotation $o the ite,' -hich -a' acce+ted "# Re'+ondent') Plainti$$ deli&eed the ite,' "ut Re'+ondent' e$u'ed to +a# o ecei
Plainti$$ X Inco+oated $iled a co,+laint against Re'+ondent Y Co+oation, RD, and AY $o 'peci$ic +e$o,ance and da,age' aising $o, the "each o$ a contact $o the 'ale o$ AS>;>@ CISCO Route') Plainti$$ 'u",itted a +ice Cuotation $o the ite,' -hich -a' acce+ted "# Re'+ondent') Plainti$$ deli&eed the ite,' "ut Re'+ondent' e$u'ed to +a# o ecei
Plainti$$ X Inco+oated $iled a co,+laint against Re'+ondent Y Co+oation, RD, and AY $o 'peci$ic +e$o,ance and da,age' aising $o, the "each o$ a contact $o the 'ale o$ AS>;>@ CISCO Route') Plainti$$ 'u",itted a +ice Cuotation $o the ite,' -hich -a' acce+ted "# Re'+ondent') Plainti$$ deli&eed the ite,' "ut Re'+ondent' e$u'ed to +a# o ecei
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7 th Judicial Region Banch !!!! Ce"u Cit# X INCORPORATED, Plainti$$ %&e'u'% CI(IL CASE NO)!!!!!!!!!!!! FOR* S+eci$ic Pe$o,ance -ith .a,age' Y CORPORATION, RD And AY, Re'+ondent) /%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%0 COMPLAINT COMES NOW1 Plainti$$ e+e'ented "#!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 and to thi' Honoa"le Cout ,o't e'+ect$ull# allege1 a' $ollo-'* 2) Plainti$$ 3 inco+oated i' a co+oation dul# ogani4ed and e/i'ting $o and "# &itue o$ the la-' o$ the Re+u"lic o$ the Phili++ine' -ith o$$ice adde'' at Unit C1 220F 5eto"an6 Pla4a Bldg)1 O',ena Bl&d)1 Ce"u Cit# -hee the# ,a# "e 'e&ed -ith 'u,,on' and othe +oce''e' o$ thi' Honoa"le Cout heeina$te e+e'ented "# it' (i',in 5anage !!!!!!!!!!!!!! +e Seceta#7' Ceti$icate heeto attached a' Annex A and ,ade an integal +at heeo$8 9) Re'+ondent Y CORPORATION i' a co+oation dul# ogani4ed and e/i'ting $o and "# &itue o$ the la-' o$ the Re+u"lic o$ the Phili++ine' -ith +inci+al o$$ice at : th Floo Ba#antel Bldg)1 Ja6o'ale, St)1 Ce"u Cit# -hee it ,a# "e 'e&ed -ith 'u,,on' and othe +oce''e' o$ thi' Honoa"le Cout8 ;) Re'+ondent R. i' i,+leaded in hi' ca+acit# a' Pe'ident o$ Technet <o6' Co+oation and the +i,a# +e'on -ho dealt Plainti$$ 3 Inco+oated8 :) Re'+ondent A= i' i,+leaded in he ca+acit# a' the +ucha'ing o$$ice o$ Re'+ondent = Co+oation and one o$ the +e'onnel handling the tan'action' -ith Plainti$$ 3 Inco+oated8 CAUSE OF ACTION >) Plainti$$ 3 Inco+oated i' co+oation engaged in the "u'ine'' o$ +o&iding co,+ute 'e&ice'1 '#'te,' and net-o6 ad,ini'tation and a''i'tance) One o$ the 'e&ice' Plainti$$ +o&ide' it' client' ae the 'ale o$ co,+ute oute' to ,eet the '+eci$ic need' o$ it' clientele' a' -ell a' in'tallation o$ 'aid oute' and ,aintenance o$ the 'a,e -ithin the -aant# +eiod8 ?) Re'+ondent = Co+oation on the othe hand i' a technical 'u++ot 'e&ice +o&ide -hich engaged the 'e&ice' o$ Plainti$$ 3Inco+oated $o the +ucha'e o$ AS>;>@ CISCO Route -ith the $ollo-ing '+eci$ication'1 to -it* % High .en'it# (oice -ith 9E21 AS>/%P(.59%?:1 IP A IOS1 AS>;>@ .ual E20PRI .RF cad % AS>;>@ Se IOS IP PLUS % AS>;>@%.FC%9CE21 AS>;>@ .ual E20PRI .FC cad % AS>;>35%AC%P<R1 AS>;>@35 AC Single Po-e Su++l# % CAB%AC1 Po-e Cod1 22@( % 5E5%>295%AS>351 AS>;>@35 and AS>:@@35 >295B 5ain S.RA5 % 5E5%29BCF%AS>35 and AS:;@@35 29B5 Co,+act Fla'he' % AS>3%FC1 AS>@@@ Featue Cad -ith Si/ P(.5 .SP 5odule Slot' % ; Unit' AS>/%P(.59%?:1 AS>@@@ ?:% channel Pac6et &oice0Fa/ .SP 5odule % CON%SNT%AS>;>9E2(1 B/>/NB. S&c1 AC AS>;>@ (oice8 9e21 ?@ +ot'1 IP A IOS % Ca"le <ie 7) On Fe"ua# 91 9@@71 Plainti$$ 3 Inco+oated 'u",itted to Re'+ondent Co+oation a +ice Cuotation o$ the a$oe'aid AS>;>@ CISCO Route in the a,ount o$ SIX HUNDRED NINETY FOUR THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED FIFTY ONE PESOS AND 40/00 !P "#4,$$%40& $o the a"o&e,entioned '+eci$ication along -ith the te,' o$ Plainti$$ 5o4co,) The 'aid +ice Cuotation and lette -a' adde''ed to Re'+ondent R. -hich -a' con$o,ed to and acce+ted "# Re'+ondent A= on Fe"ua# D1 9@@7) A co+# o$ the lette con$o,ed to "# Re'+ondent i' heeto attached a' Annex '8 B) On Fe"ua# B1 9@@7 Re'+ondent Co+oation 'ent a lette to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 Co+oate Account E/ecuti&e o$ Plainti$$ 3 Inco+oated egading the +ucha'e ode o$ the AS>;>@ CISCO Route -ith the '+eci$ication' ageed u+on and the a,ount o$ P?D:1>>2):@ a' the total 2 con'ideation) The 'aid +ucha'e ode -a' 'igned "# Re'+ondent !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! a' Head o$ the Pucha'ing and Accounting .e+at,ent and noted "# Re'+ondent !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! a' Pe'ident o$ Re'+ondent Co+oation) A co+# o$ the +ucha'e ode i' heeto attached a' Annex CE8 D) Thu'1 u+on ecei&ing the t-o notice' na,el# the con$o,e lette dated Fe"ua# D1 9@@7 and the Pucha'e Ode dated Fe"ua# B1 9@@7 the contact "eca,e "inding u+on heein Plainti$$ and Re'+ondent'8 2@) It "ea' to 'te'' that in the contact1 the deli&e# o$ the AS>;>@ CISCO oute' -ill ta6e a"out ;@%:> -o6ing' da#' $o, date o$ ecei+t o$ the Pucha'e Ode -hich i' Fe"ua# D1 9@@7 con'ideing the $act that the 'aid ite,' and eCui+,ent ae to "e 'hi++ed "# Plainti$$ 3 Inco+oated $o, a"oad8 22) In all good $aith1 Plainti$$ 3 Inco+oated i,,ediatel# +oceeded to +oce'' the 'hi+,ent o$ the ite,' +ucha'ed "# Re'+ondent Co+oation and e&en ad&anced it' o-n $und' to ha&e the ite,' 'hi++ed and Fu't 'o it can co,+l# -ith it' co,,it,ent and agee,ent to deli&e the 'a,e -ithin ;@%:> da#') A' a 'ign o$ good-ill1 Plainti$$ 3 Inco+oated e&en +o&ided Re'+ondent Co+oation a 'e&ice unit o$ AS>;@@ $o it' te,+oa# u'e +ending the deli&e# o$ good' de'+ite the $act that 'uch aange,ent -a' not +at o$ the te,' and condition' in the contact8 29) On 5ach 71 9@@7 -hile the AS>;>@ ite,' -ee alead# enoute to Ce"u1 Re'+ondent !!!!!!!!!!!!! 'ent a lette to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 Co+oate Account E/ecuti&e o$ Plainti$$ 3 Inco+oated telling the latte that it i' canceling the contact -ithout an# &alid ea'on and due noti$ication) A co+# o$ the lette i' heeto attached a' Annex D( 2;) On 5ach 2;1 9@@7 Plainti$$ 3 Inco+oated in$o,ed Re'+ondent Co+oation that the ite,' ae alead# enoute and ,a# no longe "e cancelled and thu' the# ,u't co,+l# -ith thei +at o$ the contact) A co+# o$ the lette i' heeto attached a' Anne/ GEE8 3 2:) U+on the ai&al o$ the AS>;>@1 Plainti$$ 3 Inco+oated i,,ediatel# in$o,ed Re'+ondent Co+oation egading the ite,' and that the 'a,e -ee no- ead# to "e deli&eed and in'talled a' +e agee,ent in the contact) And that +e agee,ent1 Re'+ondent Co+oation ,u't tende +a#,ent) Re'+ondent Co+oation e$u'ed and continue' to e$u'e to ecei&e the AS>;>@ CISCO Route' it ha' odeed $o, Plainti$$ 3 Inco+oated8 2>) Fo 'e&eal occa'ion'1 Plainti$$ 3 Inco+oated ha' e/eted eane't e$$ot' to 'ee6 +e$o,ance and co,+liance $o, Re'+ondent Co+oation on thei +at o$ the o"ligation ho-e&e1 the latte -ould e&en e$u'e to co,,unicate -ith Plainti$$ 3 Inco+oated8 2?) Plainti$$ ha' 'ent 'e&eal de,and $o +e$o,ance to Re'+ondent "ut all ha&e "een ignoed) Plainti$$ 3 Inco+oated though it' coun'el ha' 'ent de,and lette' to Re'+ondent "ut all ha&e "een ignoed and neithe ha&e the# co,,unicated -ith Plainti$$ 3 Inco+oated) In 'hot1 the# ha&e uttel# di'egaded -ith "ad $aith thei o"ligation and "eached the contact the# ha&e enteed into -ith Plainti$$ 3 Inco+oated $o the +ucha'e o$ the AS>;>@ CISCO Route') A co+# o$ the de,and lette' i' heeto attached a' Annexe) F *nd +( 27) The continued e$u'al on the +at o$ Re'+ondent' Co+oation1 !!!!!!!!!!!! and !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! to +e$o, it' o"ligation -hich i' to ecei&e the AS>;>@ CISCO Route' it ha' odeed and to +a# Plainti$$ 5o4co, Inco+oated the ageed +ucha'e +ice o$ SIX HUNDRED NINETY FOUR THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED FIFTY ONE PESOS AND 40/00 !P "#4,$$%40& ha' cau'ed 'e&ee lo''e' to Plainti$$ 3 Inco+oated) Con'ideing that the contact i' &alid "et-een the t-o +atie'1 and that Plainti$$ 3 Inco+oated ha' co,+lied -ith it' +at o$ the contact1 it i' incu,"ent and i,+eati&e on the +at o$ Re'+ondent Co+oation to li6e-i'e) Hence1 Re'+ondent' Co+oation1 !!!!!!!!!!! and !!!!!!!!!!!!!! ,u't "e co,+elled to Fointl# and 'e&eall# +e$o, it' o"ligation -hich i' to ecei&e the ite,' odeed and +a# Plainti$$ 3 4 Inco+oated the a,ount o$ SIX HUNDRED NINETY FOUR THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED FIFTY ONE PESOS AND 40/00 !P "#4,$$%40& -ith legal intee't o$ ?H +e ,onth $o, the ti,e o$ de,and and non+a#,ent1 a,ong othe' 8 2B) Becau'e o$ Re'+ondent Co+oation7' e$u'al to +e$o, it' o"ligation and it' utte di'egad o$ the contact a' -ell a' thei intentional 'ilence de'+ite de,and' and coe'+ondence $o, Plainti$$ 3 Inco+oated1 the latte ha' 'u$$eed lo''e' in the a,ount o$ P 9@@1@@@)@@ -hich Re'+ondent' Co+oation1 !!!!!!!!!!!! and !!!!!!!!!! ,u't co,+en'ate Plainti$$ "# -a# o$ No,inal .a,age'8 2D) In ode to dete othe +e'on' $o, co,,itting 'uch act' o$ "each o$ contact1 non+e$o,ance o$ o"ligation and nonco,+liance o$ agee,ent &alidl# enteed into -hich i' cleal# &iolati&e o$ the ight' o$ indi&idual' and ini,ical to 'ociet#1 Re'+ondent' Co+oation1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!! and !!!!!!!!!!!!! ,u't +a# P 9@@1@@@)@@ "# -a# o$ E/e,+la# .a,age'8 9@) .ue to Re'+ondent' e$u'al to co,+l# and +e$o, it' o"ligation a' -ell a' it' $ailue to co,,unicate -ith Plainti$$ de'+ite de,and1 Plainti$$ 3 Inco+oated -a' co,+elled to engage the 'e&ice' o$ a legal coun'el in ode to en$oce it' ight'1 clai,' and $ile thi' ca'e "e$oe thi' Honoa"le Cout) Thu'1 Plainti$$ 3 Inco+oated -a' ,ade to +a# attone#7' $ee' to coun'el in the a,ount o$ P>@1@@@)@@ -ith a++eaance $ee o$ P91@@@)@@ $o e&e# heaing) Thee$oe Re'+ondent' ,u't inde,ni$# Plainti$$ $o 'uch Attone#7' $ee'8 P R A Y E R WHEREFORE, +e,i'e' con'ideed it i' ,o't e'+ect$ull# +a#ed o$ thi' Honoa"le Cout a$te due heaing and tial1 to ende Fudg,ent in $a&o o$ Plainti$$ 3 Inco+oated and ode Re'+ondent' Co+oation1 !!!!!!!!!!!!! and !!!!!!!!!!!! to co,+l# -ith the agee,ent dated Fe"ua# D1 9@@7 and the +ucha'e ode i''ued dated Fe"ua# B1 9@@78 to ecei&e the AS>;>@ 5 CISCO Route' $o, Plainti$$ 3 Inco+oated8 to +a# the +ucha'e +ice o$ SIX HUNDRED NINETY FOUR THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED FIFTY ONE PESOS AND 40/00 !P "#4,$$%40& -ith intee't +e ,onth $o, date o$ de,and and to inde,ni$# Plainti$$ 3 Inco+oated the $ollo-ing* a) No,inal .a,age' a,ounting to P 9@@1@@@)@@8 ") E/e,+la# .a,age' a,ounting to P 9@@1@@@)@@8 c) Attone#7' Fee' a,ounting to P >@1@@@)@@ and a++eaance $ee o$ P 91@@@)@@ $o e&e# heaing) Such othe elie$ a' ,a# "e Fu't and eCuita"le in the +e,i'e' ae li6e-i'e +a#ed $o) Ce"u Cit#1 Phili++ine') Fe"ua# :1 9@@B) INCORPORATED ',- ...................... A))/)0ed 1,- ........................ 2 ASSOCIATES LAW FIRM Ce"u Cit# B#* ....................... Roll o$ Attoe# No) !!!!!!!!! IBP Li$eti,e 5e,"e No) !!!!!!!! Ce"u Cit# PTR NO) 7:B>>>> @20220@B Ce"u Cit# 6
2014-09-13 Human Right Alert (NGO) : Appendix To UPR Submission - United States - 22nd Session - "Large-Scale Fraud in IT Systems of The US Courts - Unannounced Regime Change?"