Effortless Abundance - 30DayCourse
Effortless Abundance - 30DayCourse
Effortless Abundance - 30DayCourse
30 Day eCourse
Mark Harrison
Copyright Information
Mark G Harrison 2011.
All rights reserved worldwide.
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a
retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means
without prior written permission.
Although the author has made every reasonable attempt to
achieve complete accuracy of the content in this book, he
assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. Nothing
in this book is intended to replace common sense, legal,
medical or other professional advice.
If you want to build a ship, don't drum up
people to collect wood and don't assign them
tasks and work, but rather teach them to long
for the endless immensity of the sea.
Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Abundance is your birthright. You do not need to struggle, to
work hard at a job you dislike in order to merely survive.
Abundance is the normal and natural order of the universe. It
is yours.
I believe that we can control our own experience of life, and
that we do not merely have to react to circumstances outside
our control. But before we can take control, we need to learn
how to relax and be in a state of inner calm.
I'm sure we've all seen people who make extremely difficult
things look easy. As a teenager in the 80s, I was a keen
follower of snooker, and I remember watching Stephen
Hendry on TV - he played almost every shot perfectly, and he
moved the balls around the table with such precision - it
seemed like the easiest thing in the world to him. As an
amateur player myself, I knew just how hard it really was!
Maybe you've seen other sportsmen and women, or musicians,
executing their art with this kind of effortlessness - they are so
graceful and so relaxed as they perform, and they achieve at
the highest levels.
We, too, can achieve a great deal. Over the next few weeks,
I'll share some practical exercises and techniques you can use.
For now, I want to lay a
foundation. The
following three points are
the cornerstones of
effortless life.
First point: stop
thinking. The more we
think, the more we
become physically tense.
The first step towards an effortless experience is to relax and
quieten the mind.
If you've never tried meditating, give it a go. Just find a quiet
place, sit comfortable with an upright back, close your eyes,
and stop thinking. Just notice what's happening around and
within you - the noises, the temperature, the feelings in your
body. You can focus on your breathing - don't try to change or
control it - just observe it.
Abundance is
your birthright.
You do not need
to struggle, to
work hard at a
job you dislike in
order to merely
Abundance is the
normal and
natural order of
the universe. It is
You'll find this really hard to do if you've never tried before!
You'll catch yourself thinking about something. But don't
worry about this. Just bring your attention back to your
breathing or your surroundings. If you practice this for ten
minutes per day, you'll start to see some changes in your life -
you'll feel more relaxed and be able to concentrate more, for
Second point: stop trying. Eugen Herrigel, in his now
famous book, Zen and the Art of Archery, describes how, in
order to become a master Archer, he needed to surrender
utterly, stop trying and see the world in a whole new way.
There's only one corner of the universe you can be
certain of improving, and that's your own self.
~Aldous Huxley
When we want to achieve something, it is not effective to
focus on the 'doing.' We need to focus more on 'being.' We
have tended to get this very wrong in our societies.
Third point: relax. We need to get to a point where inner peace
is an abiding and permanent experience. We need to make this
inner calm more important than anything else. When we do,
we find that we achieve more in an effortless way.
The truth is
simple and will
not change
however much
you resist it
your life is, in
essence, what
you truly want.
Your experience
is a reflection of
what, at the
deepest level,
you have
intended your
life to be.
Meditation may sound exotic, but it has become very
mainstream in recent times. It is very simple and very
powerful - I'm not exaggerating when I say it can transform
your whole life.
I have been meditating for many years. I went on a 10 day
meditation retreat some years ago, and I have practiced
regularly at home for a long time. In all this time, I have never
tried to make my meditation sessions long and complicated.
I'm a practical person - I
have a full time job, a
family (and a website!)
so I can't spend hours
each day contemplating
my navel. But it's
important to make time
for this exercise. Let me
walk you through it.
First, just find a quiet place where you won't be disturbed for
about 10-15 minutes. Dim the light slightly and sit
comfortably with a straight back - don't lie down because
there is a temptation to fall asleep.
I don't think of myself as a poor deprived ghetto girl
who made good. I think of myself as somebody who
from an early age knew I was responsible for myself,
and I had to make good. ~Oprah Winfrey
Close your eyes and imagine a relaxing scene - a lake or a
sunset or a woodland - anywhere that makes you feel
comfortable. Imagine yourself inside this scene for a moment
or two. Scan your body from the feet upwards, quite slowly.
Notice any sensations you are experiencing, whether
sensations of pressure, tension, heat, cold or anything else. If
you have an itch, don't scratch it unless it becomes too much
of a distraction - it will fade away.
Start to focus on your breathing. Don't try to control it. Just
watch it coming and going. You can focus on one point, such
as your lips or your nostrils, or your belly. Or you can just
Often, people
attempt to live
their lives
backwards; they
try to have more
things, or more
money, in order
to do more of
what they want,
so they will be
happier. The
way it actually
works is the
reverse. You
must first be who
you really are,
then do what you
need to do, in
order to have
what you want.
observe the breath coming and going. If you find yourself
thinking of something else, just bring your mind back to your
breathing and continue.
After 5-10 minutes (just guess - don't use an alarm), open your
eyes and sit for a while, still observing your breathing.
What I've described is Vippassana meditation. It's a very
ancient form of meditation practiced by Theravada Buddhists
today. As you go through your day, try to notice your
breathing and be mindful (to use a Buddhist word!) of how
you feel. After a while, you'll start to feel calmer, more
cantered and more relaxed. Life will start to feel more
effortless. Wishing you abundance in all things.
The truth is
simple and will
not change
however much
you resist it
your life is, in
essence, what
you truly want.
Your experience
is a reflection of
what, at the
deepest level,
you have
intended your
life to be.
We tend to
forget that
doesn't come as
a result of
something we
don't have, but
rather of
recognizing and
what we do
We are making decisions all the time. From the most trivial to
the life changing, we all need to decide what to say, how to
behave and how to respond to the people and situations that
cross our path. Ultimately, our decisions determine what we
attract into our lives.
How do you make these
decisions? What do you base
your decision-making on?
For many, it is something
external, such as a religious
belief system. Most people,
however - even those with
strong religious beliefs -
make decisions based on
those around them. When we
are still very young, we
learned that the approval of our parents was vital for getting
what we wanted and, as we got older, our education system
reinforced the idea that the approval of other people is
important. We were taught that 'making a good impression'
and presenting ourselves well in front of others is the key to a
successful life.
The sad thing is that we never get over this, and it often turns
into a real problem. How other people perceive us becomes so
important that our behavior is completely dominated by
worrying about what we look like to others. In effect, we are
letting other people 'pull our strings.' We allow ourselves to
become puppets, dancing to the changing tune of other
people's beliefs and moods.
Our tendency to let other people pull our strings means,
however, that we lose touch with our connection to what could
be called our 'higher self' or our 'inner wisdom.' I believe that
we are all connected the same source - we all come from the
same place, and a connection to this 'life source' is essential to
getting life to work for us. We cannot be in the driving seat
unless we are in touch with our source or, if you prefer, our
inner guide.
Being in touch with source doesn't mean meditating for hours
each day. It isn't esoteric, but it does require a shift in our
mentality. Instead of looking outward, to other people, for our
guidance, we need to look inward.
we are all
connected the
same source - we
all come from the
same place, and
a connection to
this 'life source'
is essential to
getting life to
work for us.
It may be hard for us to trust ourselves - maybe we've been
told for decades that making decisions without reference to the
outside world is selfish or even dangerous. I've even heard
someone say that without an external code of conduct such as
a religious belief system, she would lie, cheat, steal and do all
sorts of other wicked things! I think it is very sad when
someone loses sight of his own inner guidance to such an
extent, but it is not uncommon.
Regaining a connection to our source, or 'inner wisdom' isn't
hard, but it takes a little time and gentle persistence. Try
spending a few moments each day, perhaps before you go to
sleep, speaking to your inner guide. Share yourself with your
guide; share your problems and concerns; ask him or her any
questions you have. Over time, your connection to this inner
guide will become stronger - you'll get to know who s/he is.
Your inner wisdom will, if listened to, become a great friend
and will enable you to make good choices.
I guess the Law of Attraction needs no introduction! I'm sure
you've heard about it, and maybe you've seen 'The Secret.' Let
me clear - I think that alot of the movies, the books and the
products you are bombarded with on the Internet are of little
value - hyped up, slick, well marketed and packaged, with one
purpose - to relieve you of your money.
But that doesn't mean there's nothing in it at all. Far from it. I
was reading about the so called 'Law of Attraction' for many
years before 'The Secret,' and I stared using some of the stuff
that's now so over-hyped in my own life. Let's go through the
basic ideas. This comes from Ester Hicks, the author of a
number of books on this subject which I do think are
'Nothing merely shows up in your experience. You attract it -
all of it. No exceptions.'
But how do we 'attract' these things? Abraham explains that
it's all to do with thought: 'You get what you think about;
whether you want it or not.'
Ester goes on to explain that there is a foolproof way you can
tell whether what you're thinking about is something you want
to experience or not. This is simply the way you feel. If you
feel good, you're attracting good things into your life.
The truth is
simple and will
not change
however much
you resist it
your life is, in
essence, what
you truly want.
Your experience
is a reflection of
what, at the
deepest level,
you have
intended your
life to be.
'Nothing merely
shows up in your
experience. You
attract it - all of
it. No
And that is the Law of Attraction in a nutshell!
The implication is that we need
to let go of trying to control the
way things work out, and
simply concentrate on feeling
good about what we want. The
mechanics of things will be
worked out by a greater
wisdom. When we let go and
truly allow ourselves to be
carried in the stream of life, we
will be amazed at how things
work out. Patience, trust, faith -
these are required to live
skilfully and effortlessly.
Ester makes the important point that 'there is nothing that you
desire that you cannot achieve, and there is nothing that you
do not want that you cannot release from your experience.'
This is a wonderful statement! It means that you have control
over your life, though not 'control' in the way we usually think
about it. We are connected in a wonderful source of energy
which can give us everything we ever dreamed of, but this
source must be allowed to do its own work.
Remember: 'there is nothing that you desire that you cannot
achieve, and there is nothing that you do not want that you
cannot release from your experience.
The truth is
simple and will
not change
however much
you resist it
your life is, in
essence, what
you truly want.
Your experience
is a reflection of
what, at the
deepest level,
you have
intended your
life to be.
We are
connected in a
wonderful source
of energy which
can give us
everything we
ever dreamed of,
but this source
must be allowed
to do its own
In 1956, Earl Nightingale recorded a message called The
Strangest Secret. It was to become a classic piece of
inspiration for countless people. I strongly urge you to listen
to the entire recording - it is something I return to again and
again and I know you will too!
Take 100 people just starting their first job and ask them a
simple question - 'do you want to be financially settled at the
age of 65?' Of course, they will all say yes. However, at the
age of 65, only one of them will be rich. Even more
amazingly, only one of them will even be financially
How can it be that, after a lifetime of working, 95% of people
who set out to be successful have failed? The answer is that
most people fail to understand a basic truth and, if they do
understand, they fail to realize how to apply it to their life.
The key to success is simple - you've probably heard it before.
It is that we become what we think about. When you
understand this and truly apply it, everything works. If we set
goals and think about them with belief and passion, we can
achieve anything. Those without goals generally fail in life,
and those 95% probably didn't have a clear vision for the
Those who take hold of the world and act on it never,
I notice, succeed. The world is a strange instrument,
not meant to be handled. ~Lao Tze
You can plant success, failure, fear, or anything else in your
mind. It will return what you sow. We are the result of the
way we have been thinking over the last weeks, months and
years. And what we're thinking right now determines our
future, so the good news is that your future can be changed.
First, you must really understand that you can control your
thoughts and practice doing so. When you catch yourself
thinking in a negative way, stop yourself and change course.
Second, use your imagination. Anything is possible - so focus
on a grand vision of the future. It might not happen overnight,
but it will happen.
Third, have courage. Concentrate on your idea. Think
positively about your problems, using imagination to look at
The key to
success is simple
- you've probably
heard it before. It
is that we
become what we
think about.
When you
understand this
and truly apply
it, everything
things in lots of ways and refusing to believe that you can be
defeated. Remember that you are standing in your own 'acres
of diamonds,' as Earl put it.
Finally, act - ideas are worthless without action. But the kind
of action you take must be in line with your thoughts. The
action should be spontaneous and easy.
If there were in
the world today
any large
number of people
who desired their
own happiness
more than they
desired the
unhappiness of
others, we could
have a paradise
in a few years.
Wealth and success should be easy, right? Let's take a look at
10 myths which so many people believe to be true when it
comes to achieving things in life. See if you recognize them.
Here we go ...
Myth #1: You cannot create wealth if you don't have
education or money to begin with
This is nonsense. Sure, education is important. I've been
involved in education - as a teacher and an administrator - for
most of my life, so I'm not going downplay its importance!
But does education correlate with success and wealth? No
way! Those who do well at school often get god jobs that pay
well, so they take fewer risks and often become comfortable,
but not rich. As for having money to start with, I think this can
lead to complacency, whereas not having money can lead to a
passion and a drive which can propel you forward. So if you
don't have money or
an education, maybe
you should
Myth #2: Time =
Money. You cannot
earn money without
exchanging your
time for it
More nonsense.
Dividends and capital gains are examples of situations
whereby money comes without your directly working for it.
Money is exchanged value given. This MIGHT involve time,
but often does not. If you own the value production system
(such as a business, an asset, a book you have written (or paid
someone to write for you), a network marketing down line, a
membership website, shares, or pay someone else to work,
then you don't have to work to enjoy the benefits. The rich
don't work for their money - it works for them!
Myth #3: The education system is adequate
It is adequate at training people to get a job, to be artists and
doctors and lawyers, and so on. But it does NOT show you
how to be financially and time free. Our current education
The art of living
does not consist
in preserving and
clinging to a
particular mode
of happiness, but
in allowing
happiness to
change its form
without being
disappointed by
the change;
happiness, like a
child, must be
allowed to grow
~Charles L.
system was developed in the 1800s to produce people who fit
into the work gaps in society, the machinery... it was the
industrial age. We needed people to work in the factories, to
invent things, to administrate, to provide health services
support, and so on. There was no agenda to teach people to be
financially and time free. This kind of education is not taught -
it has to be learned outside school. Those whom you may
admire for having financial and time freedom simply have the
information that you don't. But you CAN get it.
Myth #4: Work hard, and you will achieve financial
I know lots of people who have worked hard all their lives and
are still struggling, as I am sure you do, too. And I know
several people who are financially liberated and still choose to
work. And I know others who hardly work, and they too are
financially and time free. But 'hard work' is not the key. This
is part of the Puritan ethic our society is so enamoured of. You
need to apply your efforts along the right plan, leverage it
using the rights systems and people, applying proven
processes that lead to achievement time and time again. Once
you have reached a certain level, work is optional, but chances
are, because you will most likely reach such a level by doing
what you love, you will tend to work anyway! Except, of
course, it won't really be 'work.'
Myth #5: Fix your weaknesses if you wish to succeed
This is another of those Puritanical values, like the work ethic.
We all have strengths and weaknesses. Always have, always
will. Why bother to improve your weaknesses? It takes effort,
time, and it isn't fun! But working within your strengths is fun,
has high growth, and great results. So why not spend the
BULK of your time doing what you love and are strong at,
and let those who are strong in your areas of weakness handle
your weaknesses for you? It is a synergistic way of looking at
things, and if you know how to apply this principle, wow!
Your life will zoom up!
We'll examine the remaining five myths next time. Wishing
you effortless abundance!
Myth #6: Struggle is normal and necessary
The best things
in life are
nearest: Breath
in your nostrils,
light in your
eyes, flowers at
your feet, duties
at your hand, the
path of right just
before you. Then
do not grasp at
the stars, but do
life's plain,
common work as
it comes, certain
that daily duties
and daily bread
are the sweetest
things in life.
~Robert Louis
Nonsense. Struggle is a result of not being in the flow. In flow
with what? With how things work! With the natural order of
things! With other people and systems (hence the power of
Myth #7: Solve it yourself. Figure it out
Those Puritans gave us this one too! We were raised believing
that it is virtuous to figure it out, to solve things. Well, solving
things has its place. And its place is in inventions. In things we
don't know about. Now, most likely, 99% of your life contains
things that have been done well by someone else. So why not
take advantage of global learning and evolution, eliminate trial
and error, and simply learn from those who have succeeded
before you in the path you wish to follow?
Myth #8: Life is risky, play safe
The truth is that life rewards risk!
And life teaches through failure. Of
course, there is foolish risk and risk
needs to be managed, but many
people bury their head in the sand
and won't take a chance. Risk
management is not the same as risk
avoidance. Don't run from risk;
manage it.
Myth #9: Your retirement is handled automatically if you
just do your work now at your job
Was this EVER true? I doubt it. But IF it ever was the truth, it
certainly isn't now. Retirement has NOTHING to do with age.
You can retire at 25 if you have put together a passive income
system. And without an adequate passive income system,
retiring at 65 won't magically make money come to you.
Retirement is simply the ability to stop having to work
because you own a system that can replace your income for
you. A long time ago, some governments were able to do this
for their citizens, to provide such a system for those who
reached a certain age. Hence the common confusion nowadays
that retirement has something to do with age and it
automatically provides for passive income. Nowadays, most
governments are unable to provide for those who retire simply
because they have hit the 65 mark. Frightening, perhaps, but
The sculptor
produces the
beautiful statue
by chipping away
such parts of the
marble block as
are not needed -
it is a process of
Myth #10: Don't be yourself!
This is the mother of all the myths. We are fed this myth in so
many different ways and through so many different channels.
You are taught to change yourself to fit a certain 'standard', to
accept certain ideas... to blend in! In fact, you are even
rewarded for conforming. The rewards are piecemeal. Often
consisting of minor promotions, small raises, good references.
All the time, the big reward, a life lived with passion, is held
at bay, unlived. The best way to be REALLY successful is to
be creative, and that means being unique. And that, of course,
means being yourself. Accept your passions! Then follow
your heart 100%! Be at peace with who you are, leverage your
power and passions, learn what you need to learn from those
who have succeeded at what you wish to accomplish, then
follow your way, and you will succeed!
Wake up to these myths! They aren't facts of life! They are
just beliefs about life. You can do what you love and succeed
mightily. You simply need to know how.
Be at peace
with who you
are, leverage
your power and
passions, learn
what you need to
learn from those
who have
succeeded at
what you wish to
accomplish, then
follow your way,
and you will
What are you thinking about right now? The Law of
Attraction states that "whatever we think about, we bring
about". This law may initially seem like new age fluff but
believe it or not, there are scientific reasons to believe it is
true. Scientists working on quantum physics have discovered
that our universe and our reality is very much directed by the
When studying quantum particles (the smallest observable
unit of matter), these
scientists discovered that
such particles behave in
accordance with the person
conducting the experiment.
It the scientists "predict"
that quantum particles
behave in a certain way,
they do. And yet, if the
scientists "predict" that
quantum particles behave
in another way, they do. It is the "observer" that dictates the
outcome of the experiment!
What does all this mean for us normal people? Well actually,
these scientific experiments have far reaching implications for
us as our world is made up of these same quantum particles!
In this case, we are the "observer" the director and hence the
creator of our reality, our world and our experience.
So, be careful of what you think about!
The Law of Attraction is indifferent to the words preceding
your thought. Whatever you think about you will attract into
your life. When you think "I don't understand why bad things
always happen to me," you are "attracting" bad things into
your life. When you think "I want to get out of debt", you are
attracting more debt into your life. When you think "I'm
worried I will get sick", you are attracting sickness into your
life! The Law of Attraction brings about what you focus on
even if it is not what you want. Get it?
If you understand this principle, here are some examples of
how to make the law of attraction work to support you rather
than to act against you. Try observing your thoughts and
changing your thinking in a negative way.
Each day,
awakening, are
we asked to paint
the sky blue?
Need we coax the
sun to rise or
flowers to
bloom? No,
though we think
the world
imperfect, it
surrounds us
each day with its
~Robert Brault,
It is no surprise why so many people struggle with regards to
money. It is been said that "the rich get richer while the poor
get poorer". This is actually the Law of Attraction in action.
Because the wealthy have money, they often think about how
to best use their money and hence they attract more money.
The poor on the other hand often think about their present lack
of money and unfortunately, that also attracts lack into their
lives. Currently, 96% of the world's wealth is being earned by
just 1% of the population!
Most people,
even though they
don't know it, are
asleep. They're
born asleep, they
live asleep, they
marry in their
sleep, they breed
children in their
sleep, they die in
their sleep
without ever
waking up.
~Anthony de
Thoughts are very powerful.
They affect your general
attitude. The attitude you carry
reflects on your appearance,
too - unless, of course, you are
a great actor. And it doesn't
end there. Your attitude can
also affect people around you.
The type of attitude you carry
depends on you. It can be
either positive or negative.
Positive thoughts have a
filling effect. They are
invigorating. Plus, the people around the person carrying
positive thoughts are usually energized by this type of attitude.
Negative thoughts on the other hand have a sapping effect on
other people.
A positive attitude attracts people, while a negative attitude
repels them. People tend to shy away from those who carry a
negative attitude.
You have much to gain from a very positive attitude. For one,
studies have shown that a positive attitude promotes better
health. Those with this kind of attitude also have more friends.
projecting a positive attitude also helps one to handle stress
and problems better than those who have a negative attitude.
If you want to have a positive attitude, you have to feature
healthy thoughts. This can be hard since, all around us, the
media feeds us nothing but negative thoughts.
Although it is impossible to keep ourselves from the negative
things around us, you can still carry a positive attitude by
focusing on the good things, the positive things in life.
Feeling sad, angry, or gloomy is not wrong itself. But
dwelling on these thoughts for far too long is not healthy
either. There is a time to mourn.
As always, if you are beset by troubles, focus on the good
things in life, then problems become something you can
overcome - challenges and opportunities instead of obstacles.
You do not have much to lose by adopting a healthy, positive
attitude. Studies show that such an attitude actually retards
Happiness is
the meaning and
the purpose of
life, the whole
aim and end of
aging, makes you healthier, helps you develop a better stress
coping mechanism, and has a very positive effect on all the
people you meet every day. So, what's not to like about a
positive attitude? Adopt one today.
Very little is
needed to make a
happy life; it is
all within
yourself, in your
way of thinking
Do you remember how you felt when you first came across
the 'Law of Attraction?' Didn't it make you fee wonderful?
And how do you fel now? Are you living the life of your
dreams or are you feeling disappointed and let down?
Don't worry, you're not alone. About 97% of people also
couldn't make the Law of Attraction work for them the first
time round. Think about it, just like anything else, you have to
practice many times before you see success.
But in practice, everything is easier said and done. When
you're frustrated, it's hard to stay positive. But you know what
happens when you fail to stay positive. That's right - you start
attracting negative things in to your life.
So how can you make the Law of Attraction work for you -
without getting frustrated? Well, here's three quick tips so you
will never feel frustrated or tired of begging from the universe,
because you know how to start manifesting like a pro.
1. Allow Yourself To Receive
Have the confidence in
yourself and stop
exhausting yourself by
running around person
to person begging for
riches, and then
wondering why
nobody is dropping a
penny in your cup
(Hint: It's because you're running away too fast for them
before they can even reach for their wallets).
Just think of your desires and leave them out there, go away,
and trust that your cup will be filled when the time is right.
2. Be Patient With Yourself
Receiving takes time. Everything in this world has a natural
development time, and this fact will not change no matter
what resources you throw at it.
Life only makes
sense when you
perceive it as
mystery and it
makes no sense
to the
~Anthony de
So relax and be patient. Remember that you too, as part of the
universe, are governed by the laws of the universe, and you
cannot change the natural development time.
3. Support and Educate Yourself
Like the child who is learning how to walk, you need support.
You also need to guidance on how to do it, and also the role
models to look up to.
Seek and be hungry for new knowledge. Also, make an effort
to be amongst people or communities where you can support
each other, learn from each other and also share new
knowledge that you have found.
You have power
over your mind -
not outside
events. Realize
this, and you will
find strength.
If you are serious about taking your life to the
next level, check out the full course
Thirty Days to Change Your Life
remarkable 30 day
programme of reading and
practical activities which
teaches you how to develop
the habits necessary to
manifest the kind of life you desire.
The course is easy to use, practical and comes
bundled with a wide range of resources to ensure you
get the maximum possible benefit from what you are
You can achieve the life you want and its a lot
easier than you think!
for just $18.50
Success means
having the
courage, the
and the will to
become the
person you
believe you were
meant to be
Guy Finley's Self-Realization Starter Kit.
Best selling author Guy Finely offers his starter
kit. The kit includes:
- a phenomenal 60-min MP3 audio program, '5 Simple Steps
to Make Yourself Fearless;
- exclusive access to over 75 MP3 downloads in 'Guy Finley's
Wisdom Library';
- the inspirational '40 of the Most Powerful Quotes of All
Time' ebook;
- a stirring song track from the sacred music CD, 'Door of My
The Brighter Side of Life Mind Map, by
Adam Sicinski.
Part of Adam's IQ Matrix, dedicated towards
helping you improve and accelerate your
potential through a potent combination of Mind Mapping and
Life Coaching principles. Topics focus on helping you gain
the most from your business, academic, career, and life
22 Powerful Tools to Transform your Fear
into Happiness, Peace and Inspiration.
This ebook is a great supplement to the Habit
Builder. Focusing on the elimination of fear
from your life, it has the potential to make a profound
difference to your experience. Why continue to allow fear to
dominate your life.
Success is not
the key to
Happiness is the
key to success. If
you love what
you are doing,
you will be
~Hermain Cain
Making Motivation Work For You, by Kat
Kat Eden's Body Incredible offers regular tips
on nutrition, weight loss, and motivation. This
ebook is all about using motivation tools in an effective and
practical way. Kat shares from both her personal and
professional experience and keeps you up to date with a back
to basics approach to nutrition and lasting health success. Her
slogan is "Life is Now. Press Play."
Body Magic Pro Health System, by Steve Faber.
Steve presents his weight loss and fitness programme for busy
people. Even if you are very pushed for time - travelling,
working long hours, etc - you can still stay fit and looking
good! It just takes the right mindset and a simple set of
Nicolas Baron's Law of Attraction series.
Nick presents a set of ebooks containing
practical techniques to get the Law of
Attraction working in your life:
- 6 Steps to Visualization Nirvana';
- How to Lose Weight Using the Law of Attraction;
- Job Seeker's Law of Attraction Special Report;
- The Seven Laws of Attraction
The first step
toward success is
taken when you
refuse to be a
captive of the
environment in
which you first
find yourself
~Mark Cain
Plus, get these fifteen great titles, including some Law of
Attraction classics, thrown in for nothing ...
The Master Key System, by Charles F. Haanel is
the only clear, concise, comprehensive, definitive,
distinctive, cogent, and scientific presentation of the
Creative Power of Thought ever formulated by any one
person at any one time.
As A Man Thinketh, by James Allen. A timeless
classic that's influenced millions.
The Way of Peace, by James Allen.
Above Life's Turmoil, by James Allen. Another
great Allen book about experiencing a life of peace
and ease.
Acres of Diamonds, by Russell H Conwell. The text
and commentary on this famous, classic lecture.
The 7 Laws Of The Universe. Learn how the laws of
the universe work for you!
The Power of Gratitude.
Spirit Guide. This book explores many aspects of
holistic beliefs and philosophies and our potential as
human beings. Spirit Guide contains over fifty
practical exercises that will help you experience our
changing reality and assist with your own personal
10 Things You Must Do to Get a Great Body.
Follow this step-by-step guide that includes weight
lifting, diet, aerobic exercise, and a few other
components that will finally get you the body you've
always wanted.
Fearlessly Communicating and Talking with
Confidence. You do not need to go through life
lacking confidence and feeling dominated by others
and situations. This ebook provides effective self-
techniques so you can communicate confidently.
How to Overcome Social Anxiety. Learn useful
techniques to help you overcome social anxiety and
live the life you want.
Confidence & Courage Tips...To Help You Realize
Your Dreams. Confidence and courage tips that will
For true
success ask
yourself these
four questions:
Why? Why not?
Why not me?
Why not now?
~James Allen
For true
success ask
yourself these
four questions:
Why? Why not?
Why not me?
Why not now?
~James Allen
help inspire and empower you to take action...so you
can get what you want out of life.
The Keys to Becoming Confident. Learn how to
become confident by following the simple steps and
guidelines in this book.
Manifest Your Life! by Janine Johnson. Can you
manifest what it is you want in your life? You certainly
can! But first, you must know what it is you want. And
knowing what you want only comes from looking
Manifesting Mindset. Manifest your dreams with this
amazing free ebook.
They must often
change, who
would be
constant in
happiness or
Isnt it time to stop settling for second best?
The key theme to this book is the concept that
life not only can be effortless but that the very
best results can only be achieved by working
with the natural grain of things.
The program basically lays out for you, step
by step, how to dramatically change your life for the best in
only 30-days.
I found it interesting how easy it was to follow. I found it was
quite interesting to do the exercises and feel like I was actually
starting to understand some of the weird and limiting thoughts
that churn through my mind, and after the first 10 days or so I
noticed a gradual creeping sense of calm. The book ties in to
much of what I believe and teach on focusing on the really
important stuff, or doing only what matters most in keeping
with your values and dreams.
Its for you if you are already a thinker, if you already believe
that life and achieving your dreams is not about making do.
Its for those who still dream big, but sometimes distract
themselves along the way.
Kat Eden is an expert in nutrition, exercise and health. She
runs BodyIncredible.com.
Mark has put together some incredible
insights on how to effect change in our lives.
Its an easy book to read. Mark has laid it out
with 30 chapters with the idea of reading a
chapter a day right I just kept on reading
and finished it in about 3 days!
The truth is
simple and will
not change
however much
you resist it
your life is, in
essence, what
you truly want.
Your experience
is a reflection of
what, at the
deepest level, you
have intended
your life to be.
You see things;
and you say,
'Why?' But I
dream things that
never were; and I
say, 'Why not?
Bernard Shaw
Mark builds his ideas by drawing from various cultures and
adding in personal experiences and stories. The result is a very
positive and uplifting guide to help the reader find and identify
areas and actions in their everyday life that can, and will,
effect change. I cant recommend this book strongly enough!
Personally, I dont think Marks charging enough for this
book; his message is easily worth several times the price!
Fred Black is a web developer and business owner. he runs
Mark says it all in his book THIRTY DAYS
TO CHANGE YOUR LIFE. Many people are
looking to change their lives these days and I
highly recommend starting here.
Mark serves up daily portions of a simple-to-
understand way of living that is, living well
and happily.
He takes his own life experiences and proofs-of-the-pudding
and stirs them up with the essence of the premier self-help
teachings and teachers. This includes quotes and thoughts
from Eckhart Tolle, the Course in Miracles, Napoleon Hill,
Peale, Carnegie, Abraham-Hicks, The Secret, even Buddha.
His recipe for changing your life is easy to swallow. When
you do, your life will be better for it and so will you.
Sally Huss is an artist and writer. Her home on the web is
a very
positive and
uplifting guide to
help the reader
find and identify
areas and
actions in their
everyday life that
can, and will,
effect change. I
cant recommend
this book
Mark says it all
in his book
Many people are
looking to
change their
lives these days
and I highly
starting here.
What do we all want out of life? To be
happier, to be more fulfilled, to be more as
ease? If so, this is the perfect book for you. I
just love this book. It really suited my style of
reading. Easy to read, structured, great stories
and succinct chapters, It is a book that is
powerful, challenging and gets you thinking yet it was easy to
read. A great combination!
Although the book has 30 chapters, one for each of the 30
days, you might need many weeks to allow the ideas to sink
in. This book just may change your life.
Andrew Rondeau is an author and consultant. He
maintains a site at GreatManagement.org.
Thirty Days to Change Your Life is a
wonderfully concise and readable book that
truly can change your life. Mark uses powerful
examples and stories to illustrate the points he
is making, and this is what makes the message
of the book remain with you to ponder long
after you have finished reading the pages.
Change can sometimes be a frightening endeavor, but with
this practical book you will come to indeed embrace change,
welcome it, and celebrate it. The short chapters read daily and
repeated over time will provide the tools necessary to live a
productive and happy life.
Rosemary Holmes-Gull is a childrens author. Her latest
book is IMAGINE THAT. She writes at
Thirty Days to
Change Your
Life is a
concise and
readable book
that truly can
change your life
The stories kept me hooked right till the last
page. Short chapters filled with handpicked
stories and examples explaining one idea at a
time make this book a real treat to read and
The ideas are simple and timeless. There is
not one complicated idea present in the book.
And thats how a book which talks about changing your life
should be. The ideas simply flow from chapter to chapter. And
before you even realize, they get in your head and stay with
you even after keeping the book down (always a good sign!).
If you take action on that one idea which stayed with you, you
will manage to make your life better. Take action on all 30
ideas now that will transform your life completely.
Avani Mehta is a writer. She blogs at avani-mehta.com.
Mark is a wonderfully articulate writer who
has the enviable ability to draw skilfully on the
wisdom of a broad range of people and
cultures. Within THIRTY DAYS TO
CHANGE YOUR LIFE , Mark presents a
number of core ideas in such a way that even
the busiest of people can read a distinct yet well integrated
section of the book each day. In the evolutionary competition
for the survival of the fittest ideas, the tapestry of practical
human wisdom presented in Thirty Days to Change Your Life
has stood the test of time. Read just one short chapter a day for
a month and soon many drips fill the bucket. Highly
Stephen Cox blogs about health and wellbeing at
Change can
sometimes be a
endeavor, but
with this
practical book
you will come to
indeed embrace
change, welcome
it, and celebrate
He presents us with some ideas on a concept,
backs it up with some real life examples, and
throws in a story or two at just the right
moment to really keep us captivated.
The topics cover a really broad range with
content such as self-analysis, motivation, belief systems,
goals, health & commitment, money, happiness and action.
Do I think its good value for money? Yes. If youre anything
like me and you like to grab opportunities as they arise, head
over to Effortless Abundance and grab your own copy. Then
print it out, read it daily, and expect some amazing things to
happen in your own life.
Ross gelding blogs at Willitchangeyou.com.
Order now!
Mark is a
articulate writer
who has the
enviable ability
to draw skilfully
on the wisdom of
a broad range of
people and
I was in such a deep depression I thought nothing could help
me until I read your book. I would read each chapter first
thing in the morning and again at night. It gave me the
strength to look at my life and change what I didnt like.
Thank you again. It has been such a big influence in my life. I
only wish I had it so many years earlier. It would have helped
me avoid all the pain Ive been through in my life. Reading it
now though has helped me understand why I went through
that pain and how I could have avoided it. But that pain is in
the past and from now on Im going to live in the present and
for myself.
Just finished the first 9 chapters of the book and I am to
the point of tears. I want to thank you for providing this
tremendous, well-written guide to seeing the key to
EVERYTHING that is right in front of me. I just had to
stop reading and thank you for it.
Just a short note to tell you how much I enjoyed your e-book
Thirty Days to Change Your Life. It highly resonated with me.
Thank you for taking the time to pen this magnificant treasure
of wisdom.
Thank you for writing such an amazing e-book. It has
really helped me in this transitional period of my life that
has left me feeling powerless and in need of inspiration!
The truth is
simple and will
not change
however much
you resist it
your life is, in
essence, what
you truly want.
Your experience
is a reflection of
what, at the
deepest level, you
have intended
your life to be.
Foreword to 30 Days to Change your Life by
Julia Rogers Hamrick, author of Living in Easy
World and Recreating Eden
Theres a revolution going on, and its inside of you. And me.
Were waking up to discover that who we may have thought
we were is not who we are in truth or who we are destined to
be. We are discovering that weve been living out a script we
didnt consciously chooseone that has led to our living in
limitation, struggle and pain.
Now, were discovering that we can create it differentlyand
that alternately thrills us and scares us to death!
This new level of awarenessand empowermentcomes as a
shock to the ego, the part of us whose job it is to maintain the
status quo, keeping us stuck and feeling separate and limited,
when we are anything but. Fortunately, there is also the
larger, more powerful aspect of selfthe fully-aware Spirit
(also known as Love) whose job it is to make sure we move
back to a state of being where joy predominates!
I believe it is your Spirit that has guided you to this book.
As we shake off the anesthesia that has been the result of
living at the lower vibrational level we sink to when we allow
our lives to be guided by our fear-based egos, it is helpful to
have beacons of Love and truth to keep us focused in the
direction we want to go.
This light-filled book is one such beacona lifeline to remind
you who you really are, the power you can wield, and the
fuller experience of joy youre destined to return to. I trust you
will find it a wonderful friend along the way!
Julia Rogers Hamrick
Raleigh, North Carolina, April 2011
This light-filled
book is one such
beacon a
lifeline to remind
you who you
really are, the
power you can
wield, and the
fuller experience
of joy youre
destined to
return to. I trust
you will find it a
wonderful friend
along the way!
Act Now!
Get the full course for just
Mark Harrison is originally from the UK, but has lived in
Asia for many years. He is a teacher and a freelance
writer. He now lives with his wife in Hong Kong.
The truth is
simple and will
not change
however much
you resist it
your life is, in
essence, what
you truly want.
Your experience
is a reflection of
what, at the
deepest level, you
have intended
your life to be.
Just finished the
first 9 chapters of
the book and I
am to the point of
tears. I want to
thank you for
providing this
guide to seeing
the key to
that is right in
front of me. I just
had to stop
reading and
thank you for it.