Using The Law of Attraction

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The key takeaways are that the Law of Attraction states you attract what you focus on, and the document provides steps and programs to help people attract their ideal life and success using the Law of Attraction.

The steps mentioned are to decide your goal, visualize and feel the outcome, expect it to happen, and allow it to occur.

Some of the programs and resources mentioned include the 12-Step E-learning Program, Energy of the Mind, Outrageous Success through the Law of Attraction, Your Energy Field, and Prime Leaders Community.

Dynamic Transformation

Using the Law of Attraction

For Personal and Professional Success
Discover the Six Steps to Releasing Your Inner Power

Copyright 2007 Prime Leaders

For information, please contact:

Prime Leaders Community
Or visit

Other references on the Law of Attraction

Ester Hicks
Wayne Dyer
Michael Losier
The Secret
What the Bleep Do We Know?

Although the author and publisher have made every effort to ensure the accuracy and
completeness of this information contained in this book, we assume no responsibility for
errors, inaccuracies, omissions, or any inconsistency herein. Any slights of people, places of
organizations are unintentional.

Cheryl Vallejos
Professional Business Coach and Consultant
Certified Law of Attraction Practitioner
From Vison to Victory Using the Law of Attraction

Cover & Book Design by:

Nanci Frank
UC Creative, Inc. •

Andrea Glass
WritersWay •

Chapter 1: ATTRACT YOUR IDEAL LIFE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 1

Chapter 2: THE VIBRATION OF SUCCESS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 3

Chapter 3: SET YOUR INTENTIONS EVERY DAY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 6

Chapter 4: HOLD THE VISION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 8

Chapter 5: LIVING IN ABUNDANCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 10

Chapter 6: BRINGING SPIRIT INTO YOUR WORK AND LIFE . . . . . . . p. 12

ABOUT THE AUTHOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 15

RESOURCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 16

OUR PROGRAMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 17
Chapter 1


The Law of Attraction states that 2. Visualize and feel the outcome.
what you focus on you attract into Close your eyes and picture your
your life. Are you attracting what you results; feel how you will feel
want or what you don’t want? If you when you have what you desire.
want to attract your ideal life, try this Use your imagination to see, feel,
program for each goal you have. and sense your ideal life. As you
“You attract to your see and feel your desire, you are
life whatever you give 1. Decide what you want. Get raising your vibration to create an
energy, attention, and clear about your goal, know external match for your internal
focus to, whether wanted what you want to achieve, and by picture. This is how the law of
when. Write out your statement attraction works.
or unwanted.”
of desire and repeat it out load
~ Michael Losier, author every morning and evening. 3. Expect it will happen. Write your
The Law of Attraction
Ex: I want to earn $100,000 by goal, affirm it out loud, visualize it,
December 31, 2007 selling my then let it go. Imagine it is already
information products. Then focus happening and you don’t need to
all your thoughts, feelings, and hold onto the desire. This opens
energy on your goal and not on the space to receive what you
your current circumstances or want into your life.
on any obstacles that arise. Keep
your attention fixed on the goal. 4. Allow it to occur. You need to
believe your ideal life is possible.

Are you attracting what you want . . .?

You need to be open to having what come to you. Actually, it already
you want, even if you’ve never had has come to you, at least in your
it before, even if you aren’t sure it’s imagination. All you desire already
possible. Suspend rational belief exists, so when you offer gratitude
based on the past, and open up you are just accepting it to appear
to a brighter future. As you open in your present time from where it
up to allowing the results in your already exists.
life, you are releasing and doubt,
and placing your desires in trust If these ideas are new to you, just try
that they will manifest through them on and see how they feel. As
the law of attraction. Remove any you begin to see results, you will gain
resistance and allow all good to confidence in knowing you can attract
flow to you. your ideal life. To read more articles
on the Law of Attraction and how to
5. Offer gratitude. When you give apply it to all aspects of your life, visit:
thanks and appreciation before the
manifestation of your desire, you articles.html
are in effect acting as if it’s already

Law of Attraction is Universal, and every person

is affected by it. And it is always true that what I
think and what I feel and what I get are always a
match, and there is not a person on the planet that
did not know that when they were born, and there is
not a person on the planet that would not benefit by
knowing it.
~ Abraham, channeled by Esther Hicks

Chapter 2


Most people, when they think Vibration is energy, and the energy you
of success, generally envision hold in your thoughts and feelings on
setting a goal and doing certain the inside attracts to you like results
activities to achieve that goal. on the outside. You are continually
In other words, a series of external giving off vibrations of energy when
actions that will lead them to success. you think and feel. If you hold an
However, success does not always inner vibration of lack and loss, you’ll
result directly from performing attract lack and loss in your physical
“Success is not so much certain actions, and when it doesn’t, world. Therefore, if you raise up
what we have as it is we may be puzzled as to why we your vibrational energy to one of
what we are.” didn’t achieve the goal. Did we do abundance and success, you’ll attract
~ Jim Rohn something wrong? Should we have that in your life—in all areas. That is, if
taken different actions? Was the goal you think positively, and hold positive
too far fetched? thoughts and expectations about the
outcome of your goal, you are not
The truth is that success is first an only more likely to achieve that goal,
inside job before it can be a result on but to attract it to you.
the outside. For optimum success,
therefore, we need to take on the So, if you’re feeling excited,
Vibration of Success. Read a enthusiastic, happy, joyful, loving,
complete article on The Vibration appreciative, abundant, prosperous,
of Success. What does that mean? and peaceful, you will be giving

off positive vibrations. If, on the other Science has shown everything is
hand, you are feeling bored, anxious, energy, including the material world.
worried, depressed, lonely, disappointed, When you focus your thoughts on what
frustrated, hurt, angry, resentful, guilty, or you want to achieve or create, that energy
stressed , then you are giving off negative attracts those results to you. Your inner
vibrations. thoughts, self-talk, feelings, and overall
attitude create an energy that acts as a
When you notice your mind veering magnet to bring into your life material
off course, or focusing on the results that match the energy of your inner
negative, gently tell yourself to come world. So it is crucial that you become
back to the positive focus. If you find aware of your internal energy field. What
obstacles or distractions in your path, are you saying to yourself? Is your mind
focus on finding solutions—get support, organized or unfocused? Are you clear
call a coach, just take action! Some tools about your goals or are you doubtful?
you can use to stay positive and in the Do you know why you want what you
vibration of success include affirmations, want or have you taken on other people’s
visualization, meditation, reading books, desires as your own?
listening to CDs, attending seminars and
working with a coach. Read more about The Law of Attraction states that
Holding The Vision the universe responds to whatever
vibration you are putting out, by

When you focus your thoughts

on what you want to achieve or create,
that energy
attracts those results to you.

giving you more of whatever you are Well that shouldn’t be a warning, but a
vibrating. It doesn’t care whether it is promise. For if you hold high vibrations
good for you or harmful, it simply responds of what you truly want, and stay clear,
to your vibration. This is a universal law positive, and focused in your thoughts,
that works for everyone: that which self-talk, and feelings—you just may
you focus your energy on you attract to get what you want. The Vibration of
you. The easiest way to attract what you Success will attract to you all the success
want—success—is to focus your energy you want.
vibrations on the positive outcome and
not on obstacles, distractions or failure. To learn more about Vibrational Energy,
listen to an audio file by visiting:
You’ve heard the expression: Be careful
what you wish for—you may just get it! html

The Law of Attraction says, “That which is like unto itself is

drawn.” Vibrations are always matched. So, as you experience the
contrast which inspires the new desire, this new desire, whether it is
a strong one or a soft one, is summoning unto itself proportionately.
And as it summons, it is always answered. It is the basis of our
Universe: When it is asked, it is always given. Humans think they
are asking with their words, or even with their action, and sometimes
you are, but the Universe is not responding to your words or your
action. The Universe is responding to your vibrational calling.
~ Abraham, channeled by Esther Hicks

Chapter 3


Energy and information exist your intention is what allows your

everywhere in the universe request to manifest.
and are strongly influenced
by intention. When you set an Set your intention in the morning
intention, it triggers a transformation on how you want your day to
of energy that draws what you desire go. Before you arise, state your
“Intention is a force to you. When you set an intention, intentions: I intend to have a day that
in the universe and you are focused on achieving a is peaceful and productive. I intend
everything and goal—that which you intend is what to make two sales to new clients and
everyone is connected you get. Intentions are stronger than complete three projects. I intend
to this invisible force.” affirmations; they are clear desires to get to bed by 11:00 p.m. feeling
~ Wayne Dyer, author you feel a certainty about. You are contented and successful.
The Power of Intention not vague or unclear about what you
want or how you want your day to go. According to author Wayne Dyer,
It’s more than just wishful or positive “Intention is a force in the universe
thinking. It’s being on purpose with that allows the act of creation to
a drive and passion! The energy of take place.” Therefore part of setting

You need to believe

your ideal life is possible.

your intention is to let go after you’ve Set intentions every day for
stated it, to allow it to come to you. every area of your life. Get clear
The act of letting go is detaching from about what you want, state your
the outcome, for as you are certain of intention, release it to the universe,
your intention, you need to release it and watch your magical day unfold.
so the energy can flow back to you To get more support in learning how
in your receptive state. Letting go or to set intentions, consider these
detaching is a subtle action; yet you powerful classes at:
will know when you have released
it because your need is gone and classes.html
replaced by a calm certainty.

When you set an intention,

it triggers
a transformation of energy . . .

Chapter 4


There are various steps to How can you more effectively

creating, attracting and hold the vision? By cleaning house!
manifesting your desires. Initially, That is, cleaning the house of your
you need to be crystal clear about mind. Just as you delete old files from
what you want. Then you can use your computer to make more space
various methods and disciplines to and clear the clutter, so do you need
bring your desires into your life. to clean the thoughts and beliefs
“My philosophy is Affirmations, visualization, journaling, from your mind that do not support
that not only are you positive self-talk and raising your your vision.
responsible for your life, vibrational energy are all tools you
but doing the best at this can use to draw to you your highest One of the most effective ways to
moment puts you in the goals and visions. Read more about do that is through meditation. You
best place for the next Holding the Vision don’t need to have a mantra, although
it does increase effectiveness, you
~ Oprah Winfrey
While knowing what you want don’t need to sit cross-legged and
and asking for it are essential to you don’t need to climb into a cave!
manifesting, so is holding the vision. Meditation can be done any time,
You may say affirmations every anywhere—it’s a totally portable tool
morning then go about the rest of that calms, quiets and focuses your
the day doubting your words. Or mind so you can be more creative in
you might focus on too many goals at attracting your goals and dreams.
once and lose your focus and clarity
on the most important ones. If you’re totally new to this practice,
start by meditating each morning

for five minutes and increase the When you focus on what you want
time or frequency as you get more to create with a clear, quiet mind,
comfortable with it. The easiest way you have all the power of your mind
to begin is to find a comfortable, working for rather than against
quiet location where you won’t be you. What you will find is that your
disturbed. Then close your eyes and days begin more peacefully and you
breathe slowly and deeply focusing will carry that calm throughout the
only on your breath. Let any thoughts day. And you will see your desires
that arise—and there will be many— coming to you effortlessly! There
float away on a cloud or a river. It’s are wonderful programs that assist
okay to notice the thoughts, just you in holding the vision to create,
don’t spend any time with them. attract and manifest your desires at:
After five minutes, read your major programs.html
goals or just your goals for that day.

Affirmations, visualization,
journaling, positive self-talk
and raising your vibrational energy
are all tools you can use to draw to you
your highest goals and visions.

Chapter 5


The world is an abundant place and outer rewards as the key to living
and every living being has access to an abundant life. Read an article on
that abundance. Why is it then that The Journey From Where you Are
it appears some people have more to Where You Want to Be.
abundance than others?
One of the secret ingredients
First, it is because we all define to living in abundance is to be in
Abundance is not abundance differently. To some it a constant state of gratitude. When
something we acquire. is measured in material terms— you are grateful for whatever you
how much money and possessions have—even if it doesn’t look like
It is something we
they have in their world. To others abundance yet—more will come
tune into. abundance is more intangible—these your way. A grateful attitude is an
~ Wayne Dyer
people measure it in how much love, attractor for more of what you are
health and happiness they have. grateful for.

Once you define what abundance So if you want more material

is to you, you can start living in abundance, be grateful for what you
abundance. Ultimately you will be now have. Take care of your car,
much more satisfied if you broaden your clothes and your home as if they
your definition to include both inner are prized possessions, and more

A grateful attitude is an attractor

for more of what you are grateful for.

and better will come your way. If you what you have now, will allow you to
desire more abundance in your health, open up to even greater abundance,
take care of your body by eating healthy if that is what you desire. There is no
foods, exercising and practicing healthy lack in this universe, and abundance is
thoughts, and your body will grow into available to all—for the asking. Find useful
greater health. products that can help you live in greater
abundance in all areas of your life at:
Having an abundance consciousness
and a grateful heart, that is, feeling products.html
abundant and living in abundance with

Your most precious, valued possessions

and your greatest powers are invisible and
intangible. No one can take them. You, and
you alone, can give them. You will receive
abundance for your giving.
~ W. Clement Stone

Chapter 6



Many of us claim to have a spiritual What does it mean to bring

path and for most that consists of Spirit into your work and your
going to a place of worship once a life? Initially, each of us has to define
week. For others it might be reading what spirituality means. For some it
spiritual literature and starting the means adhering to ancient religious
day with an affirmation, meditation or customs and beliefs, while for others
inspiring quote. Still others practice spirituality is a way of being, a belief
“The true way to various rituals that might occur daily that we are truly spiritual beings living
render ourselves happy or on specific religious holidays. in a human form. That encompasses
is to love our work and the belief that we are more than
find in it our pleasure.” Yet, how often do you integrate just physical, but that we exist on
~ Francoise De Motteville what you believe and what you other energy levels. Each religious
consider to be spiritual into organization has further definitions
your daily life? If you’re like some as to what that means specifically.
people, you probably answered, Click here to read more
“not very often.” It seems that some
people isolate their spiritual beliefs Next, in order to bring spirituality
and spiritual practices from the rest into your life, you would bring some
of their life and work. Can you even of the energy you experience when
imagine how your life and work you practice your particular path into
would be different, how our world everything you do. Here are some
would be different if Spirit was part suggestions as to what actions you
of everything we did? can take and what benefits you will
derive. Feel free to come up with

your own ideas and try them out to see to bring you back to the NOW. For a
if they make a difference in your work, great affirmation program go to:
your life and the life of everyone around
you. products.html

1. Focus on your inner being – We 3. Listen to your inner guidance – We

are so outer focused in our work and all have hits of intuition or gut feelings
our lives that we often forget we each from time to time. However, that inner
have a rich inner life. You know that voice gets stronger the more you listen
world—the one that provides you with to it and acknowledge it. Wouldn’t it
crazy dreams, wild fantasies and deep be great to tap into it for inspiration,
thoughts. Find whatever way works creativity and getting through tough
best for you to take 5 minutes every challenges? It’s like having your own
hour to quiet your mind and focus inner search engine that taps into the
inward. You will bring a greater sense inline Internet rather than the online
of peace and focus to all you do. one. Since we are all connected
spiritually, our inner resources are
2. Stay in the moment – We tend to unlimited.
spend a lot of time thinking about the
past and the future, but the truth is 4. Tune into the peaceful center –
that the present is the only real time. We each have a deep core of peace
Remembering to gently nudge your within, beneath the outer chaos of our
thoughts back to the here and now professional and personal lives. It is a
whenever you find your mind wandering place where we exist as human beings
will give you a much better appreciation rather than human doings. In that quiet
of what you are experiencing in each pool is the essence of who we truly
moment. Affirmations, which are are, where we get a glimpse of our
statements of truth expressed in the true nature. Tap into that pool when
present tense, are a practical device life gets crazy by quieting the mind in

whatever way works best for you, and purpose or our personal and business
come out refreshed. missions, and then put the lists away.
Take these lists—or if you haven’t
5. Develop a regular practice or tool compiled them, do so—and put them
– You might be more comfortable where you can look at them every
writing in a journal than meditating, day. Living from your values and your
but having some practice or tool you purpose in your work and your life is
can use to connect with the deeper, one of the best ways to bring who you
quieter part of you is helpful. Suppose truly are and what you stand for into
you are stressed during your work everything you do.
day and have to deal with a seeming Read more about Getting Clear
insurmountable problem or make a
huge decision. Find someplace quiet, I hope you have been inspired by these
pull out your journal and write until ideas and are ready to make TODAY the
a solution surfaces. The more you day you bring Spirit into your work and
practice, the easier it will get and you your life for a richer, more rewarding
will always be amazed at what wisdom experience in everything you do! You
emerges from your unconscious will find great services that can help you
mind. achieve more results in your life and
attract the success you deserve at:
6. Get clear on your values – Many of h t t p : / / w w w. e n d o r s e s u c c e s s . c o m /
us write out our goals, our values, our services.html.

“We make a living by what we get,

but we make a life by what we give.”
~ Winston Churchill

Cheryl Vallejos
Professional Business Leader, Coach and Consultant

Cheryl Vallejos is CEO and President experience where she improved

of Prime Leaders, where she works operational development and staff
with business and personal clients accountability, and company profits
who wish to advance their careers, soared. She was the first female store
meet business and personal goals, manager in the state of New Mexico
and start or expand their business. for a large grocery chain--even
She is a professional speaker, though she was warned by many that
certified professional business coach it couldn’t be done.
and consultant, and an author. She
provides a leadership community for Combining extensive business
business professionals who want to management experience with her
advance their careers. highly regarded talent as a certified
coach, Cheryl inspires and guides
Cheryl was a medical service her clients to new levels. She is also
director for 108 providers in Arizona certified in Communication and
where she supervised and worked Professional Behavioral and Value
with hundreds of employees and Assessments, which is a pioneering
managers. Her dynamic leadership approach to developing a result-
moved the company forward by oriented team.
increasing profits, developing team
peak performance, and acquiring Cheryl has successfully started,
the competitive edge in technology. owned and operated 3 businesses as
Cheryl recognizes the core of work well as
place challenges and she makes authoring the books Injecting the
that important connection with an Juice into Leadership, Having Time on
audience, client, or company. Your Side, Low Carb Leadership and
Budgeting for Current Times.
Cheryl has more than 22 years of
organizational business management

Other Resources

Energy of the Mind

Attracting Success, Joy and Happiness Effortlessly!
Outrageous Success through the Law of Attraction

Your Energy Field

The Interactive Aura Program Seeing Your Energy Fields
A Key to Understanding the Inner Causes to Outer Symptoms
Taking Your Inner Power to Create Outer Success

Endorse Success, L.L.C.

Certified Business Coach and Consultant
Creating the Wealth You Want in the Time You Have

Prime Leaders Community

International Community for Leaders
Awaken and Crystallize the Vision of Tomorrow’s Leaders

For more information, please contact:

Cheryl Vallejos, CPBA, CPVA

Certified Business Coach and Consultant
From Vision to Victory with the Law of Attraction
(520) 730-4456

Using the Law of Attraction
Dynamic 12-Step E-learning Program
to Attract Success and Abundance

Click here to sign up and change your life!

After you complete this 12-Step E-learning Program, you can expect:
* To become more of a magnetic to attract to success and happiness in your life
* Greater appreciation for yourself and your greatest gifts
* Understanding of the two missing ingredients from the beginner level
of the Law of Attraction
* Routine positive thinking which will attract more positive energy and success
* Vibrational energy going out to the Universe to bring you more of what you want
* Attraction to abundance instead of scarcity
* Clarity on vision as you attract what you want most
* To live an inspired (in Spirit) life

Click here to read the Benefits of signing up

Here’s what you get with this 3-month E-learning Program:

* A short article and information once a week for 12 weeks on the Law of Attraction
* Tools and exercises to help you live in abundance each day of your life
* The 4 step process that is key to attracting success and joy
* An audio each week so you can either read or listen to the information
* Reference material to assist in the learning process

Cost: $49.95 Click here to sign up and change your life!

To receive this Special Price, please put in the code: DTULOA21

For more information, contact:

Cheryl Vallejos, CPBA, CPVA
(520) 730-4456


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