The Philippine College of Technology aims to become a center of excellence that provides innovative education programs. Its vision is to offer quality training and education to local and foreign stakeholders to develop globally competitive graduates. The college seeks to create unique and valuable competitive advantages in the market through modern programs that meet industry needs. It also aims to prepare learners who can contribute to socioeconomic development and ensure PCT is a great place to work and learn.
The Philippine College of Technology aims to become a center of excellence that provides innovative education programs. Its vision is to offer quality training and education to local and foreign stakeholders to develop globally competitive graduates. The college seeks to create unique and valuable competitive advantages in the market through modern programs that meet industry needs. It also aims to prepare learners who can contribute to socioeconomic development and ensure PCT is a great place to work and learn.
The Philippine College of Technology aims to become a center of excellence that provides innovative education programs. Its vision is to offer quality training and education to local and foreign stakeholders to develop globally competitive graduates. The college seeks to create unique and valuable competitive advantages in the market through modern programs that meet industry needs. It also aims to prepare learners who can contribute to socioeconomic development and ensure PCT is a great place to work and learn.
The Philippine College of Technology aims to become a center of excellence that provides innovative education programs. Its vision is to offer quality training and education to local and foreign stakeholders to develop globally competitive graduates. The college seeks to create unique and valuable competitive advantages in the market through modern programs that meet industry needs. It also aims to prepare learners who can contribute to socioeconomic development and ensure PCT is a great place to work and learn.
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Garden Park Village, Bajada, Davao City
VIION PCT is the center of excellence that provides innovative programs and services geared towards global competitiveness through quality training and education to various local and foreign Stakeholders. !IION PCT is a new generation college that provides secondary! tertiary and vocational education! skills Certification and manpower to industry. "t features competency based approach and laddered programs with strong industry linkages serving diverse students! professionals industry partners Through modern and innovative programs and services. GO"L In#tit$tional O%je&tive# and it# relation#'i( to Goal#) INTIT*TION"L OB+ECTIVE ,IO- GO"L "n harmony with the vision! mission and goals of the Philippine College of Technology! we aim to produce highly committed! innovative and globally competitive graduates who can# a % & d e a$ %enerate ideas! design! systems or information with resourcefulness! imagination! insight! originality! aesthetic &udgment! enterprise and a risk'taking approach to meet current and emerging needs and can use innovative methods and technologies to solve problems and making decisions.
b$ (cquire the self'confidence and self'discipline to pursue their intellectual curiosities with integrity in both their personal and professional lives c$ )btain the knowledge and communication skills necessary to access! evaluate and interpret ideas! images! and information critically in order to communicate effectively! reach conclusions and solve problems
d$ *espect the inter'relatedness of the global environment! engage with diverse people! and acknowledge the significance of their daily actions relative to broader issues and events
e$ Take responsibility for their own impact on the earth by living a sustainable and ethical lifestyle f$ +emonstrate a level of engagement in the sub&ect matter that enables and motivates the integration of acquired knowledge and skills beyond the classroom.
Page , of - To achieve its mission! the College aims to# a. create competitive advantages in the marketplace that are not only unique and valuable but also difficult for competitors to copy or substitute b. invigorate curricula and teaching methods to improve learning outcomes and produce graduates that meet global demands c. prepare profession'ready learners who can contribute to the socio'economic development of their community d. ensure that PCT is a great place to learn and work e. ensure a diverse and healthy community that reflects the mission and culture of PCT ,. Course Code # "T , .. Course Title # +"SC*/T/ ST*0CT0*/S 1. Pre'requisite # 2(T3 , 4. Credit # 1 05"TS ./ Co$r#e Learning O$t&o0e# and it# 1elation#'i(# to In#tit$tional Ed$&ational O%je&tive# Co$r#e Learning O$t&o0e# In#tit$tional O%je&tive# a % & d a$ Construct mathematical arguments using logical connectives and quantifiers6
b$ 7erify the correctness of an argument using propositional and predicate logic and truth tables6 c$ +emonstrate the ability to solve problems using counting techniques and combinatory in the context of discrete probability6
d$ Solve problems involving recurrence relations and generating functions6
e$ 0se graphs and trees as tools to visuali8e and simplify situations
f$ Perform operations on discrete structures such as sets! functions! relations! and sequences6
g$ Construct proofs using direct proof! proof by contraposition! proof by contradiction! proof by cases! and mathematical induction
h$ (pply algorithms and use definitions to solve problems to prove statements in elementary number theory.
Page . of - 2/ Co$r#e De#&ri(tion) "ntroduction to notation and techniques to represent and analy8e computational ob&ects. Sets! bags! tuples! lists! strings! relations! graphs! trees. 9unctions# combining operations and properties. *elational structures# properties! equivalence! order! and inductive proof. "nductive definition of computational ob&ects. /lementary combinatorics. (nalysis techniques# optimality! elementary counting techniques! solving recueences! comparing growth rates. Programming problems introduce use of a functional language! called 2aple. 3/ Co$r#e Content Co$r#e O%je&tive#, To(i&#, Ti0e "llot0ent De#ired t$dent Learning O$t&o0e# O$t&o0e4Ba#ed "##e##0ent ,OB"- "&tivitie# Eviden&e o5 O$t&o0e# Co$r#e O%je&tive# In#tit$tional O%je&tive# To(i&) PCT V!GO, Cla##roo0 Poli&ie#, Co$r#e Overvie6, Co$r#e 1e7$ire0ent#, Grading y#te0 ,8 'o$r#- ,. +iscuss the 72%) of the 0niversity! classroom policies! scope of the course! course requirements and grading system. ,., Student can be aware of and appreciative of the 0niversity:s 72%)! classroom policies! course overview! requirements and grading system. "ndividual participation in class discussion and group presentation using a rubric to assess quality of participation. *ubric score cards of class participation accomplished by# Professor Peer Self a, %, &, d,e,5 a, %, &, d,e,5 To(i&) Di#&rete !at'e0ati&#,8 'o$r#- 2. Course "nformation and (rrangement Course *equirement Topics and ob&ectives of this course .., Student can be aware of the course requirements and overview of the of all discrete structures topics to reason rigorously and learn basic proof techniques to learn basic concepts ;set! functions$ and fundamental techniques artificial intelligence! database! circuit! algorithms probability! data structures! algorithms Computer networks! circuit design! data structures a, %, &, d,e a, %, &, d, e ,5 Co$r#e O%je&tive#, To(i&#, Ti0e "llot0ent De#ired t$dent Learning O$t&o0e# O$t&o0e4Ba#ed "##e##0ent ,OB"- "&tivitie# Eviden&e o5 O$t&o0e# Co$r#e O%je&tive# Progra0 O$t&o0e# To(i&) Pro(o#itional Logi& ,8 'o$r#- 1. 2athematical proof ;what and why$ <ogic! basic operators 0sing simple operators to construct any operator <ogical equivalence! +e2organ:s law Conditional statement ;if! if and only if$(rguments 3.1 Student can be aware of and appreciative of definition of a valid argument method of affirming! denying! contradiction "ndividual participation in class discussion and group presentation using a rubric to assess quality of participation. (ssess thru observation of student responses on = > (. ?ork together! form groups a, %, &, d, e a, %, &, d To(i&) Fir#t Order Logi& ,8'o$r#- 4. =uantifiers 5egation 2ultiple quantifiers (rguments of quantified statements 4., Students know about first order logic! logic on quantified statements. 9irst order logic is much more expressive than propositional logic.
/xpress ;quantified$ statements using logic formula 0se simple logic rules ;e.g. +e2organ! contrapositive! etc$ 9luent with arguments and logical equivalence solve problems by logic making queries! data mining +igital circuit a, %, &, d,e a, %, &, d, e, 5 Page 1 of - To(i&) Elementary Number Theory and Methods of Proof ,8 'o$r#- +irect > "ndirect Proofs6 Properties of Primes! "ntegers! *ational! and eals6 +ivisibility ;0nique 9actori8ation Theorem$6 2odular 9orms ;=uotient' *emainder Theorem$6The +ivision > /uclidean (lgorithms. +emonstrate understanding and knowledge of properties of functions. *ecogni8e and apply algebraic and transcendental functions and solve related equations. (pply graphing techniques to algebraic and transcendental functions "ndividual participation in class discussion and group presentation using a rubric to assess quality of participation. (ssess thru observation of student responses on = > (. %raded submission of individual abstraction. a, %, d, e, 5 a, %, &, d, To(i&) Sequences and Mathematical Induction ,8 'o$r#- Principle of ;ordinary$ mathematical induction! his principle of strong mathematical induction! and his well' ordering principle for the integers. Construct mathematical arguments using logical connectives and quantifiers. 7erify the correctness of an argument using propositional and predicate logic and truth tables. PowerPoint Presentation +emonstration 3ands'on *ubric score cards of class participation accomplished by# Professor Peer Self a, %, &, d, e a, %, &, d,e,5 Co$r#e O%je&tive#, To(i&#, Ti0e "llot0ent De#ired t$dent Learning O$t&o0e# O$t&o0e4Ba#ed "##e##0ent ,OB"- "&tivitie# Eviden&e o5 O$t&o0e# Co$r#e O%je&tive# Progra0 O$t&o0e# To(i&) Set Theory ,8 'o$r#- 9/Ordered Pair# :/ 1elation# ;/ F$n&tion# 8/ Nat$ral N$0%er# 2/ Cardinalitie# o5 et# ./ Finite et# Co$nta%le et# </ 1eal N$0%er# =/ *n&o$nta%le et# +efine set! inclusive! element! ob&ect! and roster notation. "dentify the elements of a given set. +escribe conventions used to list sets. <ist the elements of a set using roster notation. <ist the elements of a set by describing the set and the rules that its elements follows. *ecogni8e when to describe a set and its elements instead of listing it in roster notation. (pply basic set concepts to complete five interactive exercises. PowerPoint Presentation +emonstration 3ands'on "ndividual participation in class discussion and group presentation using a rubric to assess quality of participation. *ubric score cards of class participation accomplished by# Professor Peer Self (ssess thru observation of student responses on = > (. *ating of students summative concepts written on the board! after period of quiet reflection writing. %raded submission of individual abstraction. a, %, &, d, e a, %, &, d Page 4 of - To(i&) One-One and Onto, Cardinality ,8 'o$r#- Subsets of "nfinite Sets Comparisons by one'to'one and onto functions The Cardinality Partial )rder The student is expected to master deductive reasoning and inference rules of logic! to learn the role of implications! to learn how to &udge correctly whether a proposed chain of reasoning is valid or not. "ndividual participation in class discussion and group presentation using a rubric to assess quality of participation. *ubric score cards of class participation accomplished by# Professor Peer Self a, %, &, d a, %, &, d, e To(i&) Recursion , 8 'o$r#- 2athematical induction. /uclid@s algorithm. Towers of 3anoi. /xponential time. %ray code *ecursive graphics Pitfalls of recursion. (pply mathematical induction to recursion and recursively defined structures Program in a scripting language to implement mathematically'based algorithms %roup *eporting PowerPoint Presentation +emonstration 3ands'on +emonstrations . (ssess thru observation of student responses on = > (. *ating of students summative concepts written on the board! after period of quiet reflection writing. %raded submission of individual abstraction. a, %, d, e a, %, &, d To(i&) O-Notation and the Efficiency of l!orithms , 8 'o$r#- Page A of - (lgorithm /fficiency Big ) 5otation *ole of +ata Structures (bstract +ata Types Construct mathematical arguments using logical connectives and quantifiers. 7erify the correctness of an argument using propositional and predicate logic and truth tables. +emonstrate the ability to solve problems using counting techniques and combinatory in the context of discrete probability. (pply algorithms and use definitions to solve problems and prove statements in elementary number theory. . FIN"L E>"! FIN"L P1O+ECT a, %, &, d a, %, &, d =/ Co$r#e Eval$ation Co$r#e 1e7$ire0ent#) ,. 5o late submission of homework assignments will be accepted. .. /xams are closed'book and closed'notes. 1. Cou must do your own work and not copy from anyone else. 4. CopyingDcheating will result in a minimum punishment of a 8ero grade. 9?/ Cla## Poli&ie# ,. (ttendance mandatory. .. There are no make'up exams for missed exams unless one ;,$ has a good excuse (5+ ;.$ notices the instructor before the exam. 1. /lectronic devices ;cell phones! ipods! etc.$ need to be turned off or muted during class. 4. *equirements for the module should be submitted on time. <ate submission of pro&ects is not acceptable. A. Students who are cheating in the course will not receive credit for the assignments! pro&ect or test which will likely to lead failure in the course. E. 9ood and beverages are not permitted in the class. 7. ( students who exhibits dishonest! disrupted behavior risk suspensions or expulsion from institution. Grading y#te0) 1. Class (ctivities ' .FG 2. Pro&ect ' .FG 3. (ssignments ' .FG Page E of - 4. /xamination ' 4FG ,FFG 1e5eren&e#) ,"P" #tyle o5 &itation- Pre(ared %y) Noted %y) H(T3/*"5/'I)CS S. 2"%0/< Crisilda 9. 9ernande8 ICT In#tr$&tor OIC4Calinan Bran&' 1e&o00ending "((roval) "((roved)
+*. *)+)<9) 7. S)*"( 2(. *)SS"5" <. B(<"<"! /+.+. Dean Pre#ident Page - of -