This document provides instructions for interpreting seam data in Minex v6.0 software. It describes how to load seam interval data from a borehole database into Minex, including creating a seam/layer sequence list, formatting the seam interval data file, and loading the data. It also explains how to validate the loaded seam intervals by checking for errors such as negative seam thicknesses or missing from/to depths.
This document provides instructions for interpreting seam data in Minex v6.0 software. It describes how to load seam interval data from a borehole database into Minex, including creating a seam/layer sequence list, formatting the seam interval data file, and loading the data. It also explains how to validate the loaded seam intervals by checking for errors such as negative seam thicknesses or missing from/to depths.
This document provides instructions for interpreting seam data in Minex v6.0 software. It describes how to load seam interval data from a borehole database into Minex, including creating a seam/layer sequence list, formatting the seam interval data file, and loading the data. It also explains how to validate the loaded seam intervals by checking for errors such as negative seam thicknesses or missing from/to depths.
This document provides instructions for interpreting seam data in Minex v6.0 software. It describes how to load seam interval data from a borehole database into Minex, including creating a seam/layer sequence list, formatting the seam interval data file, and loading the data. It also explains how to validate the loaded seam intervals by checking for errors such as negative seam thicknesses or missing from/to depths.
Seam data can be in the form of borehole seam intervals and mapping data stored as strings and points in the geometry file.
Seam intervals are stored in the .B33 database file separate from the downhole sampling and geological logging data. They may be interpreted from borehole sampling information and added to the database at any time. These borehole seam intercepts may be used for reporting, plotting and correlating to form a bore seam model.
Seams or layers that are interpreted are then entered into a list (stored in the .B35 file) which defines them in stratigraphic order. These are also assigned flags which define them as COAL or WASTE material, a default density, a pen number used for graphics display and a related seam if a relationship exists.
Requirements For this tutorial you will need:
To have a basic understanding of the Minex borehole database with the ability to create a new borehole database To understand the concept of gridded seam modelling used to model coal seams in Minex.
The following files are required for this tutorial:
o M5_Project1.B31, M5_Project1.B32 and M5_Project1.B34 borehole database files the borehole database created in the Tutorial Creating a New Borehole Database.
o M5_Project1_Input_Seam_Intervals.xls
o LITHOLOG.SYM borehole geological symbols file
o LITHOLOG.DIC borehole geological dictionary file
o SYMBOLS.PAR colour and line patterns symbol file
o Coal_Highwall.tif 3D Sirovision image of highwall geology Objectives From this tutorial you will learn to:
Create a seam/layer sequence (.B35) file Format the seam interval (.A33) data file Load and validate the seam interval data Run a stratigraphic check and correct any errors Plot borehole data and seam intervals with seam correlation lines on cross section Import a 3D Sirovision image of a highwall Digitise seam boundary data using the 3D Sirovision image and store the data in the geometry file to be used later in seam gridding.
Loading Seam Data into the Borehole Database Interpreting Seam Data Page 2 of 11 Loading Seam Data into the Borehole Database Seam interval files (known as pick files) contain interpreted seam interval data which is stored separately from sample data in a borehole database file with .B33 suffix. Pick files contain FROM and TO depth intervals, a CLASS number and a SEAM name. The following is an extract from the seam interval spreadsheet supplied M5_Project1_Input_Seam_Intervals.xls:
The CLASS number is set to 1 when preliminary seam intervals are Input. The class number will be discussed later.
Before you can load a seam pick file you will need to create a Seam/Layer Sequence List. This list will be stored as the .B35 file i
Creating a Seam/Layer Sequence List To create your own seam sequence scroll through the M5_Project1_Input_Seam_Intervals.xls file and write down all the seams available in the file (e.g. A1, D, D2 etc) and write them below in the order they occur in within each borehole:
Top seam _______ Seam 2 _______ etc
Bottom seam _______
You have now defined a stratigraphic list of seams.
To create a Seam/Layer Sequence List in Minex as a framework for the .B35 file: 1. Go to BoreholeDB | Fil e | Create/Edit Seam Sequence. 2. In the Seam code column enter the seam sequence you obtained from the .A33 text file. F7 to copy lines. Loading Seam Data into the Borehole Database Interpreting Seam Data Page 3 of 11
3. At this stage leave the Father code field is blank. Select Father From Seam box. When you save the list the software will assign the Seam code to the Father code. 4. The Material code field gives the type of material within that seam e.g. COAL, WASTE, ORE etc. All the seams you will be entering are coal seams. 5. In the Density field column give the default density of coal for that seam which is 1.4. 6. Choose colours based on the seam groupings so you can visually differentiate between seams of different seam groupings. 7. Set a priority of 1 to all seams. Priority is set for the interpolation phase of the seam modelling. It allows you to set seams with more information to have a greater priority when interpolating seams than those with little data. 8. Leave the Expansion field blank. This field is used by geologists as a tool for describing seams or inputting actual seam names. 9. Tick the Create Pick File checkbox. This will create a .B33 file using the seam sequence you have specified. 10. Press Save. You will be asked by the software if you want to delete the seam picks for the seam(s) you are deleting, Select NO. 11. Go to the Minex Explorer and click on the cross and drill down to the Seam Interval and Stratigraphic Sequence menu. Under the Stratigraphic sequence you should see all the seams you just entered in the appropriate stratigraphic sequence. 12. You have just set up the .B35 file which stores all the data relating to stratigraphic order, default density, colour, priorities and material, of seams. Now Save the borehole database using the File menu by selecting the Save menu then Save Borehole DB. Creating the Seam Interval Data Format Like collar and sample data seam or layer interval data is loaded in the borehole database as a formatted ASCII file.
To import borehole seam/layer interval data as a text file into the borehole database you first need to make sure that the file is a column format flat ASCII file and that you have a format definition to describe the column position of the five fixed variables (BOREID, FROM, TO, CLASS and SEAM).
To format seam interval data and the seam interval definition file ready for loading into Minex:
1. In your text editor open Borehole.A33 and SEAMS.SFN from the tutorial dataset. 2. In your text editor open M5_Project1.PRN and save it as M5_Project1.A33. Loading Seam Data into the Borehole Database Interpreting Seam Data Page 4 of 11 3. Now add an embedded format definition at the top of the seam interval data.
4. Edit the definition header so that it accurately indexes the seam interval data. 5. Save M5_Project1.A33.
Now you have embedded a seam interval definition file into the top of the seam interval data file you can load this data into Minex.
Loading Seam Interval Data
Now that you have set up the .b35 seam sequence file you can load the seam interval data into Minex. However you first need to set the Seam Interval File to Read/Write.
1. Highlight Interval under the Borehole Database in the Minex Explorer window. In the Properties window change the Read Only field from True to False. Now the Seam Interval file is editable you can load your Seam Interval data into the database. Validating Seam Intervals Interpreting Seam Data Page 5 of 11 2. Choose BoreholeDB > Load > Load Seam/Layer. Select BOREHOLE.A33 from your working directory. 3. Select Embedded Format File as you have embedded the format definition (*SFN file) into the seam interval file. 4. Select Overwrite Existing Data. This will avoid duplicating data that may already exist in the database. Leave the remaining window settings as they are and press Ok.Importing Seam/Layer Interval (Pick) Files. The seam load report will be sent to the Output window:
==================== SeamLoad Repor t ==================== I gnor ed bor ehol es wi l l be l i st ed.
I nt er val s l oaded : 361 - Rej ect ed : 0 - Tot al : 361 Validating Seam Intervals The process of seam validationchecks each individual borehole and produces a report which lists the: Borehole Processed - those boreholes selected and processed, Barren Boreholes - those holes which have no seam pick intervals, Negative Thickness - those holes which, due to error in data entry, have a seam floor above the seam roof, Undefined From/To - where a seam name (ID) has been input, but where the seam roof and/or floor depth has not been defined, Missing Seams in Whole Borehole - lists the seams from the Stratigraphic Sequence which have not been defined in the seam pick for a borehole, Missing Seams inside known Borehole - lists the seams which have not been defined between known picks for a borehole., and Missing Seams outside known Intervals - lists the seams which have not been defined above the uppermost known seam pick as well as below the lowermost known seam pick for a borehole.
The report obtained from this process will change as further Bore Seam Modelling processes are performed. Therefore, it is recommended that validation should be checked on a regular basis. Run the Seam Validation report and correct any errors Access the Seam Validation report menu from the BoreholeDB >Reporting menu.
FIGURE 3.4 Seam validation report shows errors in the seam interval file. Note hole C78
The Seam Validation report displays in the Output window as follows:
Bar r en bor ehol es - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Validating Seam Intervals Interpreting Seam Data Page 6 of 11
Bor ehol e 1130 has no seams def i ned Bor ehol e 1174 has no seams def i ned Bor ehol e 3001 has no seams def i ned Bor ehol e 3002 has no seams def i ned Bor ehol e 3005 has no seams def i ned Bor ehol e 3007 has no seams def i ned Bor ehol e 3008 has no seams def i ned Bor ehol e P67A has no seams def i ned Bor ehol e V18 has no seams def i ned
Negat i ve t hi ckness - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
SeamC1 i n Bor ehol e C78 has negat i ve t hi ckness
Negat i ve i nt er bur den t hi ckness - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Undef i ned FROM or TO Var i abl es: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
St r at i gr aphi c Check - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
St r at i gr aphi c check was successf ul - no er r or f ound.
You should now check out the seam interval for seam C1 in borehole C78 and determine how to edit it. Validating Seam Intervals Interpreting Seam Data Page 7 of 11 Plotting seam correlation lines on borehole cross sections Use the section S1-2500 you use in the Tutorial Loading Sample Data into the Borehole Database. Turn on the Plot Seam/layer IDs and Plot Correlation Lines in the IDs tab of the Borehole Section Plotting menu.
Collecting and Storing Seam Mapping Data Interpreting Seam Data Page 8 of 11 Collecting and Storing Seam Mapping Data Most seam mapping data is collected as surveyed seam roof and floor strings from exposed geology on highwalls or on the wall and roof of underground openings. In most opencut mines the seam roof boundary is typically cleaner and better exposed than seam floor boundaries. These strings are typically collected by the mine surveyor and stored in the geometry file in a map name such as SEAM. Each string and point is assigned an identifier which conforms to the naming conventions for seam grids B2SF for example would be used for structure floor data for seam B2. Using 3D Sirovision Images to Input Seam Data Sirovision, an innovative software program developed by the CSIRO in Australia, uses digital cameras and terrestrial photogrammetry to produce accurately surveyed 3D images of highwalls which can be directly input and used in Minex. Once displayed in the 3D design window, you can digitise seam boundaries on the 3D surface using the photographic image detail. Importing and Displaying a 3D Sirovision Image Import the Sirovision image file Highwall.tiff using menu File | Import | Import Sirovision Model. Select the image file Coal_Highwall.tif and then press the Ok button to import.
Figure 3.7 Sirovision Import menu allows you to import a 3D Sirovision image and display it in the 3D Design window
Figure 3.8 Display of a 3D Sirovision image in the 3D Design window Collecting and Storing Seam Mapping Data Interpreting Seam Data Page 9 of 11 To view the image in the 3D Design window you may have to delete other objects and reset the 3D area. Digitising Seam Boundaries on a 3D Sirovision Image Whether you are digitising seam boundaries on Sirovision images or importing boundary strings picked up by a mine surveyor, it is important that you store the strings in the geometry file in such a way as to use them easily for gridding. It is recommended that you store all seam mapping data in the one map eg. SEAMS and that you name each string according to the seam name it will be used to create ie. Seam name plus SR for roof, SF for floor and ST for thickness.
Figure 3.9 To digitise the seam roof boundary on the Sirovision 3D image make sure you will store the resulting string in the map name SEAMS and the appropriate ident name (seam name plus SR). Each imported Sirovision creates a triangle surface and it is this triangle surface that you will use to digitise seam boundaries. Make sure then that you are in Snap to point mode before you start digitising and that you have selected the appropriate map (SEAMS) and ident name (MT1SR). You will not recognise the seam name MT1 as this Sirovision image is from a different dataset we are just using it to illustrate the method.
Figure 3.10 To digitise the seam roof boundary on the Sirovision 3D image make sure are in the Snap to solid mode and select Structure Disc as the data type. Summary Interpreting Seam Data Page 10 of 11 Summary You should now be familiar with the way seam intervals are loaded and stored in the borehole database. You have learned how to:
Create a seam/layer sequence (.B35) file Format the seam interval (.A33) data file Load and validate the seam interval data Run a stratigraphic check and correct any errors Plot borehole data and seam intervals with seam correlation lines on cross section. Digitise seam boundary data using a 3D Sirovision image and store the data in the geometry file to be used later in seam gridding.