Project Report Shampoo
Project Report Shampoo
Project Report Shampoo
The age old system of using shikakai etc. have given up by even the rural women to wash their hair. Now
all ladies including children use shampoo for silky hair look. The demand for the productis increasing day-
by-day. This is the ideal tune with substantial profit margin.
1. Name of the Product : Shampoo
2. Project Cost :
(a) Capital Expenditure
Land : Own
Building Shed 1200 sq.ft. : Rs. 100000.00
Equipment : Rs. 120000.00
(Reactor vessel, Jacketted Bottle cap
Sealing M/c, SS Storage tank etc.)
Total Capital Expenditure : Rs. 220000.00
(b) Working Capital : Rs. 283000.00
TOTAL PROJECT COST : Rs. 503000.00
3. Estimated Annual Production of Shampoo : (Value in 000)
Sl. No. Particulars Capacity Rate Total Value
1. Shampoo 12500.00 Litres 90.50 1133.80
TOTAL 90.50 1133.80
4. Raw Material : Rs. 800000.00
5. Labels and Packing Material : Rs. 50000.00
6. Wages (Skilled & Unskilled) : Rs. 120000.00
7. Salaries : Rs. 36000.00
8. Administrative Expenses : Rs. 20000.00
9. Overheads : Rs. 30000.00
10. Miscellaneous Expenses : Rs. 10000.00
11. Depreciation : Rs. 17000.00
12. Insurance : Rs. 2200.00
13. Interest (As per the PLR)
(a) Capital Expenditure Loan : Rs. 28600.00
(b) Working Capital Loan : Rs. 36790.00
Total Interest : Rs. 65390.00
14. Working Capital Requirement
Fixed Cost : Rs. 96800.00
Variable Cost : Rs. 1036790.00
Requirement of Working Capital per Cycle : Rs. 283398.00
15. Estimated Cost Analysis
Capacity Utilization (Rs. in 000) Sl.No. Particulars
100% 60% 70% 80%
1. Fixed Cost 96.80 58.08 67.76 77.44
2. Variable Cost 1037.00 622.20 725.90 829.60
3. Cost of Production 1133.80 680.28 793.66 907.04
4. Projected Sales 1300.00 780.00 910.00 1040.00
5. Gross Surplus 166.20 99.72 116.34 132.96
6. Expected Net Surplus 149.00 83.00 99.00 116.00
1. All figures mentioned above are only indicative and may vary from place to place.
2. If the investment on Building is replaced by Rental Premises-
(a.) Total Cost of Project will be reduced.
(b) Profitability will be increased.
(c) Interest on Capital Expenditure will be reduced.