Scheme of Instruction IISc
Scheme of Instruction IISc
Scheme of Instruction IISc
Scheme of Instruction
Indian Institute of Science
Bangalore - 560 012
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Schemeof instruction2014 Page2
A. Scheme of Instruction
CoursePrefix PageNo.
Preface 6
I Division of Biological Sciences
Preface 8
Integrated Ph D Programme in Biological Sciences DB 9
Biochemistry BC 11
Ecological Sciences EC 14
Microbiology and Cell Biology MC 17
Molecular Biophysics MB 20
Molecular Reproduction, Development and Genetics RD 23
Neuroscience NS 25
II Division of Chemical Sciences
Preface 27
Integrated Ph D Programme in Chemical Sciences CD 28
Inorganic and Physical Chemistry IP 32
Materials Research MR 25
Organic Chemistry OC 38
Solid State and Structural Chemistry SS 40
III Division of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Preface 43
Instrumentation and Applied Physics IN 44
Mathematics MA 52
Physics and Integrated Ph D in Physical Sciences PH 62
Astronomy and Astrophysics AA 70
High Energy Physics HE 72
Earth Sciences ES 74
IV Division of Electrical Sciences
Preface 79
Core requirements for M E/M Tech Degree Programmes
M E Degree - Computer Science and Engineering
M E Degree - Telecommunications
M E Degree Signal Processing
M E Degree Microelectronics Systems
M E Degree Electrical Engineering
M E Degree Systems Science and Automation
M Tech Degree Electronics Design and Technology
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Schemeof instruction2014 Page3
Computer Science and Automation
Intelligent Systems and Automation
Communication Systems
Electronic Devices, Circuits and Technology
Power Energy Systems
High Voltage and Insulation Systems
Electronics and Power Drives
Photonic Device
Electromagnetics, Microwaves and Antennas
Signal Processing, Acoustics and Bioengineering
Dissertation Project
V Division of Mechanical Sciences
Preface 140
Aerospace Engineering AE 141
Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences AS 158
Civil Engineering CE 162
Chemical Engineering CH 175
Management Studies MS 182
Foreign Languages FL 192
Mechanical Engineering ME 193
Materials Engineering MT 205
Product Design and Manufacturing PD 213
Sustainable Technologies ST 219
VI Centre
Super Computer Education and Research SE 222
VII Inter-disciplinary programs
Bio-Engineering BE 228
Nanoscience and Nanoengineering NE 231
Energy Research ER 136
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Schemeof instruction2014 Page5
The Scheme of Instruction and Student Information Handbook contains of the courses and
rules and regulations related to studnet life.
The course listings are provided in conformance with the Divisional structure of the Institute,
with the courses of each department of a Division being listed in a separate subsection within
the pages allocated to the Division. For instance, all courses of the Aerospace Engineering
department have the prefix AE, and are listed in the Aerospace Engineering subsection within
the Mechanical Sciences Division. The only exception to this pattern is the Electrical Sciences
Division, where the courses are organized under the sub-sections E0 through E9, according
to the areas to which they belong. For instance, all Computer Science and Automation
courses of the Electrical Sciences Division have the prefix E0, and are found in the
corresponding sub-section, although the instructors come from all four departments of the
division. The course codes are given in the Table of Contents.
The listing of each course consists of the course number, the title, the number of credits and
the semester. The course number indicates both the department and the level of the course.
For instance, MA 205 indicates that the course is offered by the Mathematics department and
is at the 200 level. Such 200 level courses are either basic or second level graduate courses.
The 300 level courses are advanced courses which are primarily meant for research scholars
but can also be taken by course students who have the appropriate background; these
courses can be taken only with the consent of the instructor. Most courses are offered only
once a year, either in the August or in the January semester. A few courses are offered in the
summer term.
The number of credits is given in the form m:n, where m indicates the number of lecture
credits and n the number of laboratory credits. Each lecture credit corresponds to one lecture
hour per week, while each laboratory credit corresponds to a 3-hour laboratory class. Thus,
2:1 credits indicates that the course would have 2 lecture hours along with one 3-hour
laboratory session each week, while 3:0 credits indicates a course with 3 lecture hours and
no laboratory.
The Institute offers research-based doctoral programmes as well as both course-based and
research-based Master programmes. Each course-based Master programme consists of core
courses, electives and a dissertation project. Details of the requirements can be found under
the course listing of the departments or divisions that offer them. At the time of joining, each
course student is assigned to a Faculty Advisor, who has the responsibility of helping him/her
to select courses and to monitor progress through the academic program. In order to register
for a course, this student needs the approval of both the faculty advisor and the course
instructor. In the first semester, the normal course load of 15-16 credits should be taken; most
of these courses are core courses. From the second semester onwards, students who have
done well may be permitted to take an extra course, while those who have performed badly
may be required to take one course less. Students are permitted to claim an exemption from
core courses on the basis of having taken them earlier. Details of how to claim such an
exemption are given in the later part of this book.
The Institute follows a grading system, with continuous assessment. The course instructor
first aggregates the individual marks of each student from the class tests, assignments and
final examination scores. These marks are then mapped to letter grades, and only the grade
is announced. The point values of grades are as follows: S 8, A 7, B 6, C 5, D - 4, F
0. While grades S through D are passing grades, F is a failing grade.
While all the course based programmes have a specified set of core courses, research
scholars are not bound to any specific courses, although they have to take a minimum
number of credits as part of their Research Training Program (RTP). For Ph.D. scholars in
Science, the RTP consists of 12 credits of course work. For Ph.D. scholars in Engineering,
who join with ME / M Tech / M.Sc. (Engg.), the RTP requirement is a minimum of 6 credits.
For BE/B Tech/M.Sc. graduates who join for Direct Ph.D., the RTP minimum requirement is
18 credits. Similar RTP requirements apply for Ph.D. candidates who upgrade their
registration or transfer from the ME/M Tech or M.Sc. (Engg.) programmes of the Institute. For
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Schemeof instruction2014 Page6
the M.Sc. (Engg.) degree, the RTP consists of 12-18 credits. The Integrated Ph.D.
programme has 64 credits.
Detailed information with regard to the regulations of the various programmes and the
operation of different aspects of Institute activities are given in the second part of the
Handbook. Students are urged to read this material carefully, so that they are adequately
July 2014 Prof. Jaywant H Arakeri
Bangalore-560012 Chairman
Senate Curriculum Committee
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Schemeof instruction2014 Page7
Information on the number of credits to be registered at
various levels for Different programme
ME / MTech/ MMgt. programme (2 years duration)
Minimumnumber of credits for completion :64
Core courses 15-30 at 200 level
Dissertation Project 19-32
Electives * 15-24 Balance to make up the minimum of 64
(at 200 level and above)
MDes programme (2 years duration)
minimum number of credits for competion : 64
Core courses 36 at 200 level
Electives* 12 at 200 level and above
Dissertation Project 16
Research Traning Programme
(i) Ph DScience 2 credits
(ii) Ph Din Engineering Faculty with
(a) ME / M Tech qualification 6 credits
(b) M Sc (Engg.) qualification 6 credits
(c) BE / B Tech qualification and upgrades registration 18 credits
(d) After transfer of ME / M Tech students of the institute 18 credits
(e) BE/B Tech/M Sc qualifications 18 credits
However, the final decision regarding the additional credits to be taken with
regard to (c) and (d) above rests with the committee responsible for the
(iii) For M Sc (Engg.) 12-18 credits (with 3 credit maths course/s)
Integrated Ph DProgramme
Minimum of 64 credits
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Schemeof instruction2014 Page8
Division of Biological Sciences
This Division includes the Department of Biochemistry, Centre for Ecological Sciences,
Department of Microbiology and Cell Biology, Molecular Biophysics Unit, Department of
Molecular Reproduction, Development and Genetics, Centre for Neurosciences, Centre for
Infectious Disease Research and the Central Animal Facility. Students from a variety of
disciplines such as biology, chemistry, physics and medicine are admitted into the Division for
research work leading to a PhD degree.
Each Department/Centre/Unit offers courses on specialized topics designed to provide
students with the necessary theoretical background and introduction to laboratory methods.
There are specific requirements for completing the Research Training Programme for
students registering for research conferments at the Institute. For individual requirements, the
students are advised to approach the Departmental Curriculum Committee.
The Department of Biochemistry offers a programme of study concentrating on a molecular
approach towards understanding biological phenomena. The programme of instruction
consists of lectures, laboratory work, and seminar assignments. In addition to formal course
work, students are required to participate in group seminars, departmental seminars and
The Center for Ecological Sciences has excellent facilities for theoretical as well as
experimental research in plant and animal ecology and the social behavior of insects. The
programme of instruction consists of lectures, laboratory work, seminars and special
The Department of Microbiology and Cell Biology offers courses in microbiology, infectious
diseases, eukaryotic genetics, advances in immunology, plant and cell culture, and recent
advances in molecular biology and genetic engineering. The students are expected to
participate in seminars on recent advances in these fields.
The Molecular Biophysics Unit offers courses which cover recent developments in molecular
biophysics, biopolymer conformation, structure and interactions of biomolecules and
biophysical techniques.
The courses offered in the Department of Molecular Reproduction, Development and
Genetics include those on endocrinology, reproduction signal transduction, genetics, gene
expression and development.
The Central Animal Facility provides standardised pathogen free, conventionally bred animals
for biochemical experiments and also has facilities for research involving non-human
The research interests in the Centre for Neuroscience spans from molecules to behavior. The
courses offered would enable the students to gain fundamental knowledge in molecular and
cellular neuroscience, systems and cognitive neuroscience. In addition, students will be
expected to actively participate in seminars, journal clubs and lab rotations.
The Centre for Infectious Disease Research (CIDR) is involved in two primary activities: First,
providing the intellectual and infrastructural support for infectious disease research. Second,
enable researchers to perform studies in the Bio-safety Level-3 (BSL-3) facility, a state-of-the-
art bio-containment space to perform research with high infectious organisms, e.g.
Mycobacterium tuberculosis etc.
Prof DN Rao
Chairman, Division of
Biological Sciences
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Schemeof instruction2014 Page9
Integrated PhD(Biological Sciences)
Course Work
Core Courses: 19 credits
DB 201 2:0 Mathematics and Statistics for Biologists
DB 202 2:0 General Biology
MC 203 3:0 Microbiology
RD 201 2:0 Genetics
BC 203 3:0 General Biochemistry
MB 201 2:0 Biophysical Chemistry
DB 207 0:5 Laboratory
Projects: 16 Credits
DB 212 0:4 Project - I
DB 225 0:6 Project - II
DB 327 0:6 Project - III
Elective Courses: 29 Credits
(For a total of 64 credits)
DB201 (J an 2:0)
Mathematics and Statistics for Biologists
Calculus: functions, limits and continuity, differentiation, integration, transcendental functions.
Linear Algebra: vectors, matrices, determinants, linear equations. Statistics: elements of
probability theory, discrete and continuous distributions, measures of central tendency,
variability, confidence intervals, formulation of statistical hypotheses, tests of significance.
SupratimRay, N.V. J oshi, K. Sekar
DB 202 (AUG) 2:0
General Biology
Biology and the natural sciences; Growth of biological thought; Matter and life; Origin of life;
History of life on earth; Bacteria and Protists; Fungi and other primitive plants; Seed bearing
plants; Animals without
back-bones; Insects, Vertebrates, Phylogeny and Systematics; Mechanisms of Evolution;
Chemical basis of life; Cellular basis of life; Selected topics in plant and animal physiology;
Selected topics in plant and animal ecology; Introduction To Neurophysiology with Topics In
General Physiology; Behavioral ecology and sociobiology; Biological diversity on earth;
Complexity; Molecular versus Organismal approaches to solving problems in Science.
Maynard Smith, J. The Theory of Evolution, Penguin Books (1993 edition), 1958.
Bonner, J. T. Why Size Matters: From Bacteria to Blue Whales, Princeton University Press, 2007.
Sigmund, K. Games of Life, Penguin Books, 1993.
Medawar, P. Pluto's Republic (incorporating The Art of The Soluble and Induction and Intuition in Scientific
Thought). Oxford
University Press, 1982.
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DB 207 (AUG) 0:5
Basic techniques in Biochemistry, Microbiology, Biophysics, Ecological Science,
Neuroscience and genetics.
DB 212 (J AN) 0:4
Project I
DB 225 (AUG) 0:6
Project II
An independent research project to be conducted in the laboratory of a faculty member in the
Division of Biology, preferably in the laboratory where the PhD research will be carried out.
Students will have to make a presentation, providing an overview of earlier information
available in their research area, and present the proposed objectives and preliminary
experiments that have been carried out.
DB 327 (J AN) 0:6
Project- III
An independent research project to be conducted in the laboratory of a faculty member in the
Division of Biology. It is desirable that the project be carried out in the laboratory where
Project II was conducted.
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Schemeof instruction2014 Page11
BC 201 (AUG) 2:0
Cell Biology
Cell, tissue and organ structure-function. Methods in cell biology. Biogenesis of proteins in eucaryotes:
targeting to intracellular organelles, post-translational modifications, cellular redox. Intracellular protein
degradation: lysosomal and non-lysosomal. Nuclear organization and function, chromosome structure,
function and inheritance. Regulation of the Cell cycle, dynamic molecular events during mitosis, cell-cell
U Tatu, DNandi, Shikha Laloraya and Patrick DSilva
Alberts et al., Molecular Biology of the Cell, Third edition, Garland Publ. Inc. 1994.
Darnell et al., Molecular Cell Biology, Scientific American Books, 1995.
Annual Reviews of Biochemistry.
Annual Reviews of Cell Biology.
BC 202 (AUG) 2:0
Proteins: Structure and Function
Purification and characterization of enzymes/proteins. Determination of
primary/secondary/tertiary/quaternary structures. conformational properties of polypeptide chains;
Mechanism of Protein folding;. Enzyme catalysis steady state kinetics, allosteric enzymes, kinetics of
interactions of ligands, protein engineering, enzyme mechanisms.
H.S.Savithri, DN Rao and U Tatu
Creighton, T.G., Proteins, W.H.Freeman, 1993.
Segel, I.H., Biochemical Calculations, Wiley, 1976.
Athel Cornish-Bowden, Fundamentals of Enzyme Kinetics, Portland Press, 2004.
Branden, Carl, and Tooze, J., Introduction to protein structure, Garland Publishing, Inc., 1999.
BC 203(AUG) 3:0
General Biochemistry
Biochemistry of carbohydrates and lipids. Cell membrane: structure and function. Metabolism: basic
concepts and design, glycolysis and citric acid cycle, oxidative phosphorylation, bioenergetics, fatty-acid
metabolism, integration and regulation of metabolism, pentose phosphate pathways and gluconeogenesis.
Photosynthesis. Protein translation and regulation, cellular protein transport and protein turnover,
biosynthesis and catabolism of amino acids and nucleotides, signal transduction. DNA structure, replication
and repair. Transcription, regulation of gene expression in prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Recombinant DNA
Patrick D Silva, Sathees C. Raghavan, N. Ganesh and P. Rajyaguru
Stryer L., Biochemistry (4
Edn), W. H. Freeman and Company, 1995.
David L Nelson and Michael M Cox, Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry, 3
Edn, Worth Publishers, 2000.
BC 204 (AUG) 2:0
Functional Biochemistry and Biotechnology in Health and Disease
Serious diseases : Overview of cancer, chemotherapy, cancer and apoptosis,. Artherosclorosis,
hypertension and heart attack and treatment. Clotting of blood and anti thrombotic agents. Secondary
metabolites : Terpenes, phenolic and nitrogen-containing compounds, importance of plant secondary
metabolites to man. Biotechnology : Metabolic engineering of terpenes, alkaloids, seed oil, vitamic C,
vanillin sugarcane products and sulfur compounds. Antibiotics, medicinal mushrooms. Biotic and abiotic
stress physiology and strategies for enhanced production of plant and fungal secondary metabolites.
Fermentation technology : submerged- and solid state-germentation, down stream processing, plant and
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Schemeof instruction2014 Page12
fungal culture, molecular farming. Plant and fungal transcription factors and their applications in
C J ayabaskaran
E. Newsholme and T. Leech
Functional Biochemistry in health and disease, Wiley Blackwell-2010
R.Verpoorte, A.W. Alfermann
Applications of plant metabolic engineering, Springer 2007
M.J.Carlile, S.C. Watkindson, G.W.Gooday
The fungi (Fungi and Biotechnology) Academic Press 2001
BC 206 (AUG) 2:0
Essentials in Immunology
Adaptive and innate immunity, antibody structure and function, the complement system, antigen - antibody
interaction, cells and organs of the immune system, B cell activation, immunoglobulin genes, molecular
basis of antibody diversity, T cell receptors, T cell activation, major histocompatibility complex, antigen
processing and presentation, lymphokines, transcription factors, hypersensitivity, autoimmunity,
immunological techniques.
DNandi, Anjali A Karande and R Manjunath
Goldsby, R.A., Kindt, T.J., Osborne, B.A., and Kuby, J., Immunology, Fourth edition, W.H. Freeman and Company,
Roitt, I., Essential immunology, Third Edition, Blackwell Scientific Publications, 1994.
Paul, W., Fundamental Immunology, Third Edition, Raven Press, 1994.
BC 207 (J an) 2:0
Proteomics in Practice :
Course offers introduction to proteomics, 2D gel electrophoresis techniques for resolution of proteins,
mass spectrometry principles and applications in proteomics. Study of post translational modifications,
Databases (NCBI, Swiss-prot and MSDB) and their uses, software (protein pilot, cascot and gpm) uses for
proteomic analysis. Introduction to quantitative proteomics and techniques (i-TRAQ and SILAC).
Practicals : Two dimensional gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry (Nano-LC-MS/MS technique)
Utpal Tatu
Reiner Westermeier, Tom Nave, Proteomics : Tools for the New Biology by Daniel C Liebler, 2002.
BC 208 (J AN) 2:0
Human Molecular Genetics
Introduction, DNA structure and genetic diseases. Cancer: classification and epidemiology, DNA damage.
DNA repair: excision repair, DNA double-strand break repair, DNA repair defects and cancer. Genetic
alterations in cancer: deletions, duplications, mutations and chromosomal translocations; mechanism of
t(14;18) chromosomal translocation follicular lymphoma, mechanism of lymphoid translocation in T-cell
leukemia. Cancer therapeutics: surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, immunotherapy and hormonal
Sathees Raghavan and Arun Kumar
Erich A Nigg, Genomic instability in cancer development, Springer, 2005.
Nature Reviews Cancer
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Schemeof instruction2014 Page13
BC 209 (J AN) 2:0
Dissertation Project (only for BC students)
The dissertation project is aimed at training students to review recent literature in specialized areas of
Introduction to the process of Drug discovery, Principles of drug action, Biochemical pharmacology, drug
absorption, distribution, metabolism and elimination, bioavailability. Drug receptors and their interactions,
dose-response relationships, pharmacokinetics & pharmacodynamics. Use of genomics and proteomics for
understanding diseases at the molecular level. Brief introduction to Systems biology, Strategies for target
discovery, high throughput screening using genomics, proteomics and bioinformatics for target and lead
identification. Molecular recognition, drug and target structures and chemoinformatics. Druggability, protein-
ligand interactions, structure-based ligand design. Lead Identification, Lead optimization and design, Binding
site characterization, docking and clustering. Pharmacophore-based approaches, QSAR.
Pharmacogenomics & Variability in Drug Response, biochemical mechanisms of drug resistance, examples
from current literature.
Nagasuma Chandra
Bioinformatics: From Genomes to Drugs,
Thomas Lengauer, Wiley, 2002.
Bioinformatics: Sequence and Genome Analysis, Second Edition, David Mount, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 2001.
Drug Discovery and Evaluation: Methods in Clinical Pharmacology, Hans Georg Vogel, Jochen Maas, Alexander Gebauer, Springer,
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Schemeof instruction2014 Page14
EC 201 (J AN) 2:1
Theoretical and Mathematical Ecology (formerly Population theory)
Basic theoretical ecology, building and analyzing mathematical models of ecological systems; discrete and
continuous population models; random walks, diffusion and stochastic models in ecology and evolution;
Hardy-weinberg equilibrium; Drift; Game theory; Price equation, etc. elements of theoretical ecology;
building and analyzing mathematical models of ecological systems; generating new ecological insights and
hypotheses; discrete and continuous population models; stochastic and spatial models; random walks in
ecology and evolution.
Vishwesha Guttal
Hastings, A., Population Biology: Concepts and Models, Springer, 1997.
May, R and McLean, A., Theoretical Ecology, Oxford University Press, 2007.
Strogatz, S., Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos: with Applications to Physics, Biology, Chemistry, and Engineering, Westview, 1994.
EC 202 (AUG) 2:1
Evolutionary Ecology: Pattern and Process
History of ecology, evolution and biogeography; interactions between organisms and the environment;
ecological niche; distribution of species and communities; basic population biology; interspecific interactions;
community assembly; diversity, richness and abundance; biogeographic patterns across space and time;
ecological and evolutionary processes (dispersal and diversification); island biogeography; meta-population
biology; macroecology
Kartik Shanker
A.E. Magurran, Measuring Biological Diversity, Blackwell Publishing, 2004.
J.H. Brown and M.V. Lomolino, Biogeography (Second Edition), Sinauer Associates, 1998.
Pianka, Eric R. Evolutionary Ecology. Eric R. Pianka, e- book, 2011.
EC 203 (J AN) 2:0
Ecology: Principles and Applications
Earth (geology, geography, climate); ecology and society; evolutionary underpinnings to the ecology of
organisms; natural selection and sexual selection; population dynamics; plantherbivore interactions;
predatorprey interactions; competition and coexistence; succession; trophic interactions and trophic
cascades; ecosystems; biogeochemical cycles; global change; ecological applications; biodiversity and
conservation; quantitative tools (ecological modeling and an introduction to statistics)
Sumanta Bagchi
Begon, M., C.R. Townsend, and J.L. Harper. Ecology:
From Individuals to Ecosystems, (Fourth Edition) Wiley-
Blackwell, 2005.
EC 204/ DB 209 (J AN) 2:1
Evolutionary Biology
Natural selection; units of selection; adaptation; speciation; population genetics; drift and the neutral theory;
quantitative genetics; molecular phylogenetics; molecular evolution; estimating nucleotide substitutions;
homologous sequences; gene trees vs. species trees; Darwinian selection at the molecular level; gene
families; applications of molecular phylogenetics
Praveen Karanth
Futuyma, D. J., Evolutionary Biology (Third Edition), Sinauer Associates, 1998.
Li, W.-H. and Graur, D., Fundamentals of Molecular Evolution, Sinauer Associates, 1991.
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Schemeof instruction2014 Page15
Hartl, D. L. and Clark, A. G., Principles of Population Genetics, Sinauer Associates, 1997.
EC 301 (AUG) 2:1
Animal Behaviour: Mechanisms and Evolution
History and approaches, classical ethology; neuroethology: sensory processing and neural maps; learning
and memory; hormones and behavior; ontogeny of behaviour; sensory ecology; sociobiology; behaviour
genetics; using optimality approaches and evolutionary models to understand behavioural strategies;
phylogenetic approaches to the study of behaviour; theoretical, integrative and computational approaches to
studying animal behaviour.
Rohini Balakrishnan
Alcock, J., Animal Behaviour An Evolutionary Approach (Sixth Edition), Sinauer Associates, 1998. Camhi, J.M.,
Neuroethology, Sinauer Associates, 1984.
Dugatkin, L.A., Principles of Animal Behaviour (Second Edition), W.W. Norton and Company, 2009.
Davies, N.B., Krebs, J.R. and Stuart, A. W. An introduction to Behavioural Ecology (Fourth Edition),Wiley-Blackwell, 2012.
EC 302 (AUG) 2:1
PlantAnimal Interactions (Ecology, Behaviour and Evolution)
The sensory biology of the interaction between plants, their animal mutualists and parasites: vision,
chemoreception, olfaction and multimodal signalling; energetics of plantanimal interactions; nectar, floral
and vegetative scents and pollen chemistry; stable isotopes in the study of plantanimal interactions; mate
choice in plants; evolution of floral and fruit traits; phenotypic plasticity and inducible defenses in plants;
behavioural and physiological processes in generalist and specialist herbivores, pollinators and seed
dispersers; co-evolutionary dynamics of symbiosis, mutualisms and arms races
Renee M Borges
Chittka, L. and Thompson, J. D. (Eds.), Cognitive Ecology of Pollination Animal Behaviour and Floral Evolution. Cambridge
University Press, 2001.
Herrera, C. M. and Pellmyr, O. (Eds.), Plant Animal Interactions: An Evolutionary Approach. Blackwell Publishing, 2002.
Baluska, F., and Ninkovic, V. (Eds.), Plant Communication from an Ecological Perspective. Springer, 2010.
Schaeffer, H.M., and Ruxton, G.D. (Eds). PlantAnimal Communication. Oxford University Press, 2011.
EC 303 (AUG) 2:1
Spatial Dynamics in Biology
Role of spatial scales in biology. (1) Single species: Fisher-Kolmogorov reaction diffusion equation and
application to spread of genes and invasive species; local dispersal (diffusion) vs long-distance dispersal
(fat-tailed kernels and integrodifference equations); Metapopulation dynamics. (2) Multiple-species:
metacommunities; spatial patterns and self-organization (reaction diffusion and ceullar automata models).
(3) Self-organization in multicellular organisms (eg. Biofilms), animal groups using individual/agent based
models and (4) Evolutionary dynamics (neutral evolution and frequency-dependent selection) in space.
Vishwesha Guttal
Prerequisites: EC 201 and/or consent from the instructor.
Spatial ecology, Tilman The Role of Space in Population Dynamics and Interspecific Interactions, Edited by David Tilman & Peter
Kareiva, Princeton University Press.
Pattern and Process: Spatial Simulation: Exploring Pattern and Process; David OSullivan George L.W. Perry, Wiley Publications.
Diffusion and ecological problems: Modern perspectives, Okubo and Levin, 2
Edition. Springer
Evolutionary dynamics: Martik Nowak.
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Schemeof instruction2014 Page16
EC 305 (AUG) 2:1
Quantitative Ecology: Research Design and Inference
The scientific process in ecology; framing ecological questions; elements of study design; confronting
ecological models with data; understanding the nature of data; frequentist, likelihood, and Bayesian
frameworks for statistical inference; statistical modeling strategies; model selection and multimodel
inference; model validation
Kavita Isvaran
Hilborn, R. and Mangel, M., The Ecological Detective: Confronting Models with Data. Princeton University
Press, Princeton, 1997.
Bolker, B., Ecological Models and Data in R, Princeton University Press, Princeton, 2009
Crawley, M.J., The R Book, Wiley, Chichester, 2007
EC 307 (AUG) 1:0
Advanced methods in molecular phylogenetics
Fundamentals of molecular phylogenetics; various tree building methods including distance, maximum
likelihood, maximum parsimony and Bayesian approaches to tree building; historical biogeography;
phylogeography; character evolution; molecular clock and time trees; DNA networks. This course is a
combination of theory, paper writing and seminars.
Praveen Karanth
Prerequisite: EC204
Ne, M. and Kumar, S., Molecular Evolution and Phylogenetics, Oxford University Press, 2000.
Page, R. D. M. and Holmes, E. C., Molecular Evolution: A Phylogenetic Approach, Blackwell Science, 1998.
Hillis, D. M., Moritz, C. and Mable, B. K. (Eds.), Molecular Systematics, Sinauer Associates, 1996.
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Schemeof instruction2014 Page17
Microbiology and Cell Biology
MC 202 /RD202 (J AN) 2:0
Eukaryotic Developmental Genetics
Logic and techniques of molecular genetic analysis. Understanding interaction networks using
genetics and genomics. Illustrating the application of genetic analysis to specific
developmental pathways in model eukaryotic organisms. Some examples are regulation of
cell cycle, genetic and epigenetic mechanisms of cell fate determination, and signaling
pathways in development.
UshaVijayraghavan, UtpalNath, and UpendraNongthomba
Current Opinion in Genetics and Development/ Cell Biology/ Plant Biology;
Trends in Genetics / Cell Biology / Biochemistry;
Principles of Development by Wolpert and co-authors;
Mechanisms in Plant Development by Leyser and Day;
Plant Physiology by Taiz and Zeiger;
Ecological Developmental Biology by Gilbert and Epel
MC 203 (AUG) 3:0
Essentials in Microbiology
Fascinating world of microbes; Principles of microscopy; Microbial taxonomy, Microbial
diversity, evolution and genomics; Mechanisms of horizontal gene transfer including genome
transplantation, Microbes as model systems of development, Microbes as bioreactors and
sensors; bioremediation; bacterial cell structure and function; Bacterial physiology and
nutrition; Bacteriophages, Plasmids and Transposons; Understanding and combating
bacterial pathogenesis; Antibiotics- mechanisms of drug resistance and mode of action;
Quorum sensing and biofilms; Host-pathogen interactions and mechanisms of immune
surveillance; PRR and their role in pathogenesis; TH subsets and modulation by pathogens;
Diagnostics and vaccine development.
K. N. Balaji, DipshikaChakravortty, and Amit Singh
Stanier, R.V., Adelberg E.A and Ingraham J.L., General Microbiology, Macmillan Press, Fourth edition;
Westriech, G.A. and Lechmann M.D., Microbiology, Macmillan Press, Fifth Edition;
Atlas R.M., Microbiology: FundamentalsandApplications, Macmillan Press Second Edition;
Goldsby, R. A., Kindt T. J., Osborne B. A., Kuby J., Immunology, W. H. Freeman & Company, New York;
Travers, J., Shlomchik, W., Immunobiology, Garland Science publishing, New York.
MC 205 (AUG) 2:0
Host-Pathogen interactions - Bacteria, Viruses and Protozoan Parasites.
Secretion systems of bacteria: Type I, II, III, IV, V. Overview of ABC exporters and importers,
plant pathogen interactions, virulence gene expression, intracellular pathogenesis. Pathogen
persistence, signaling by bacterial and viral components. Innate and adaptive immunity to
bacterial pathogens. Quorum sensing, biofilm formation, and its role in pathogenesis. Viral
immune evasion mechanisms such as functional mimicry of host complement proteins,
secretion of chemokine and cytokine-like molecules, inhibition of NF- B and apoptosis,
inhibition of serine proteases of the host antigen presenting cells to suppress antigen
presentation, inhibition of MHC class I presentation of viral antigens, inhibition of host
secretory pathway, prevention of phagosome acidification, antigenic variation and
suppression of TH1 responses by protozoan pathogens, role of host TRIM5 family proteins in
controlling HIV by mutation of viral RNA, ds-RNA and non-capped 5 end mediated
recognition of pathogens by the host. Viral vectors, vaccines and drugs.
S. Vijaya and DipshikaChakravortty
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David G. Russell and Siamon Gordon, Phagocyte-Pathogen Interactions: Macrophages and the Host Response to
Infection, ASM Press, 2009.
Knipe, D.M., and Howley, M. (Eds), Fundamental Virology, Lippincott Williams and Wilkins,
Fourth Edn. 2001.
MC 206 (AUG) 2:0
RNA Biology
Biology of RNA, with primary emphasis on eukaryotic systems. Concept of RNA world,
chemical aspects of RNAses and their specificities. Types of RNA, transcription mechanisms,
coupled transcription and post transcriptional processing, splicing and polyadenylation, post-
transcriptional control mechanisms and mRNA stability, RNA structure and prediction,
evolution of RNA sequences, RNA editing, ribozymes, RNA binding proteins,
ribonucleoprotein complexes and functions, RNA-protein recognition and interactions.
Techniquesin RNA research. Non-coding RNAs: structure and function. RNA interference:
siRNA and miRNAs, role of RNA in protein biosynthesis, translational control of gene
expression. RNA viruses: regulation of gene expression. RNA in pathogenesis: its potential
use as a drug and as a drug target.
Saumitra Das and C. Durga Rao
Gestland, R. F, Cech, T. R, & Atkins J. F., The RNA World. Cold Spring Harbor Press, New York. 3
Edn, 2006.
MC 207 (AUG) 3:0
Molecular and Cellular Biology
DNA structure and genome organisation, chromatin remodeling, topological interconversions.
Concepts and regulation of replication, transcription and translation. nucleic acid-protein
interactions and regulation of gene expression, RNA editing and splicing, small RNA
mediated gene regulation, DNA repair and recombination, epigenetic control of gene
expression.Modern approaches to study cell biology, internal organisation of the cell, inter
and intra cellular communications, vesicular transport and organelle biogenesis, protein
turnover, regulation of cell cycle and cell death.
UmeshVarshney,G. Subba Rao, and Saibal Chatterjee
Lewins GenesX, Lewin, B., Krebs, J.E., Goldstein, E.S. and Kilpatrick, S.T.
Molecular Biology of The Cell, Fifth edition, Alberts, B., Johnson, A., Lewis, J., Raff, M., Roberts, K. and Walter, P.
MC 208 (AUG) 3:0
Principles of Genetic Engineering
Growth and maintenance of bacterio-phages and bacterial strains containing
plasmids.Enzymes used in genetic engineering.Vectors used in molecular cloning and
expression of genes, promoter analyses, and gene targeting in bacterial, mammalian, human,
and plant systems.DNA, RNA, and protein isolation, purification, and fractionation methods.
Radioactive and nonradioactive labelling of nucleic acids and proteins, and detection. Nucleic
acids hybridisationmethods. Transformation and transfection methods.Geneand cDNA
cloning methods.In vitro genome packaging systems and construction of genomic DNA and
cDNA libraries.Detection and characterisationmethods for genes and chromosomes.Nucleic
acidssequencing methods.Methods for protein analysis, protein-nucleic acid,and protein-
protein interactions.Site-specific mutagenesisin vitro and in vivo.Random mutagenesis
methods in vitro and in vivo. Genome engineering methods. Polymerase chain reaction
(qualitative and quantitative), methods, and applications.Antisense technology and RNA
silencing techniques.DNA and Protein microarrays. Methods to generate transgenic animals.
Applications of Genetic Engineering Methods in Medicine and Agriculture.
P. Ajitkumar and N. Ravi Sundaresan
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J. Sambrook and D. W. Russell, Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual, 3
Edn: Vol. I, II, & III, Cold Spring Harbor
Laboratory Press.
J. J. Greene and V. B. Rao. Recombinant DNA Principles and Methodologies. CRC Press.
S. B. Primrose and R. M. Twyman.Principles of Gene Manipulation and Genomics, 7
Edn, Blackwell Publishing.
Fred Ausubel and Others. Current Protocols in Molecular Biology. Wiley.
Original papers describing the principles and methods.
MC 209 (J AN) 2:0
Biological Electron Microscopy
Microscopy, different types of light microscopes, resolution, various types of electron
microscopes, transmission electron microscope and scanning electron microscope, basic
principle and design of electron microscope, image formation, image recording and
interpretation. Processing of biological tissue for microscopy: fixation, embedding,
ultramicrotomy and staining. Cryo-electron microscopy, immune-electron microscopy,
negative stain technique, optical diffraction and image processing. Shadow casting and
replica techniques, EM studies of DNA, binding of proteins and nucleic acids, scanning
tunneling microscope and high voltage electron microscope and their use in biology.
S. S. Indi
Michael Dykstra and Laura E Reuss., Biological electron microscopy
John J Bozzola and Lonnie Dee Russell.Electron Microscopy
MC 210 (J AN) 2:0
Molecular Oncology
Immortalization, transformation, and metastasis. Genetic instability, mutation, deletion,
insertion, aneuploidy, chromo-some translocation and gene amplification. Cell cycle and
cancer, cell cycle checkpoints G1 and S checkpoint, G2 and M checkpoint, cyclins and
cyclin dependent kinases, CDK inhibitors p16, p21 and p27. Oncogenes, growth factors,
growth factor receptors, G protein/signal transduction, tyrosine and serine/threonine kinases
and transcription factors. Tumor suppressor genes: p53, RB, BRCA1, BRCA2, APC and WT1.
Mismatch repair, telomerase, DNA methylation, protein phosphorylation/dephosphorylation
and degradation events. Tranformation by RNA and DNA tumor viruses (adenovirus, simian
virus 40 and human papilloma virus). Onco-gene - tumor suppressor interactions, apoptosis
and cancer. Cancer gene therapy.
KumaravelSomasundaramand AnnapoorniRangarajan
Robert A Weinberg. The Biology of Cancer, Garland Science Publishing, New York.
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Molecular Biophysics
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MB 201 (AUG) 2:0
Introduction to Biophysical Chemistry
Basic thermodynamics, ligand binding and co-operativity in biological systems, kinetics, diffusion and
Raghavan Varadarajan
Tinoco, I., Sauer, K., Wang, J.C., Physical Chemistry, Principles and Applications in Biological Sciences, Prentice Hall, NJ,
Cantor, C.R., and Schimmel, P.R., Biophysical Chemistry, Vols. I-III, W H Freeman and Co., San Francisco, 1980.
MB 204 (AUG) 3:0
Molecular Spectroscopy and its Biological Applications
Principles and biological applications of UV-Vis, fluorescence, vibrational and circular dichroism
spectroscopy. Mass spectrometry and basics of one- and two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy with
applications to peptide and protein structure determination.
Siddhartha P Sarma and Mahavir Singh
Horst Friebolin, Basic One-and Two-Dimensional NMR Spectroscopy (Fourth Edition), Wiley-VCH.
Claridge, T.D., W, High Resolution NMR Techniques in Organic Chemistry, Volume 27, Second Edition (Tetrahedron Organic
Chemistry) (Paperback Dec 5, 2008).
MB 205 (AUG) 2:0
Introduction to X-ray Crystallography.
Crystal morphology and symmetry. Symmetry elements and symmetry operations, point groups,
lattice space groups. Production and properties of X-rays, diffraction of X-rays by crystals, Laue
equations, Braggs Law, Fourier transformation and structure factor, reciprocal lattice, experimental
techniques, rotating crystals and moving film methods. Basic ideas of structure determination,
Patterson and Fourier methods, chemical crystallography, structures of organic, inorganic compounds
and minerals, powder diffraction.
K Suguna
Buerger, M.J., Elementary Crystallography,
Woolfson, M.M., An Introduction to X-ray Crystallography,
Stout, H., and Jenson, L.H., X-ray Structure Determination, Macmillian, 1968.
MB 206 (AUG) 3:0
Conformational and Structural aspects of biopolymers
Basic ideas on structure and conformation of simple molecules structural features of proteins and
nucleic acids, aspects of biomolecular forces. Higher order structural organization of proteins and
nucleic acid.
M Bansal and N Srinivasan
Ramachandran, G.N., and Sasisekharan, V., Advances in Protein Chemistry, Vol. 23, Academic Press, p 283, 1968.
Leach, A.R., Molecular Modelling: Principles and Applications, Prentice Hall, 2001.
Schulz and Schirmer, Principles of Protein Structure, Springer Verlag, 1979.
MB 207 (AUG) 2:0
DNA-Protein interaction, Regulation of gene expression, Nanobiology
Basic concepts on structural basis for macromolecular recognition. Concept of charge in
macromolecules, specific and non-specific recognition, symmetry in DNA-protein recognition,
structural ensembles, co-operativity, specific examples, story of lambda, restriction enzyme
recognition, t-RNA synthetase recognition, promoter-RNA polymerase interaction, inducers and
repressors, action at a distance. Single molecular paradigm. Methods to follow nanobiology. DNA-
protein recognition at the level of single molecules.
Dipankar Chatterji and Rahul Roy
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Schemeof Instruction Page22
Lewin,B., Genes X, Oxford.
McWright and Yamamoto,
Transcriptional Regulations I and II, Cold Spring Harbor.
Ptashne, M., A Genetic Switch, Cell Press.
Ptaschne and Gann, Genes and Signals, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.
Selected papers.
MB 208 (J an) 3:1
Theoretical and computational neuroscience
Need for and role of theory and computation in neuroscience, various scales of modelling, ion channel
models, single neuron models, network and multi-scale models, models of neural plasticity.
Oscillations in neural systems, central pattern generators, single neuron oscillators, oscillators as
nonlinear dynamical systems, information representation, neural encoding and decoding, population
codes, hierarchy and organization of sensory systems, receptive field and map modelling. Case
studies, computational laboratory and projects.
Rishikesh Narayanan and S.P.Arun
Prerequisites: MB209, basic knowledge of linear algebra, probability, statistics and ordinary
differential equations, and some programming knowledge.
Dayan, P., and Abbott, L.F., Theoretical Neuroscience: Computational and Mathematical Modeling of Neural Systems, The MIT
press, 2005.
Koch, C., and Segev, I. (Eds), Methods in Neuronal Modeling: From Ions to Networks, The MIT press, Second Edn, 1998.
Eric De Schutter (ed.), Computational modeling methods for neuroscientists, The MIT press, 2009.
Eugene Izhikevich, Dynamical systems in neuroscience: The geometry of excitability and bursting, The MIT press, 2006.
Doya, K., Ishii, S., Pouget, A., Rao, R.P.N. (Eds), Bayesian Brain: Probabilistic Approaches to Neural Coding, The MIT press,
MB 209 (AUG) 3:1
Cellular Neurophysiology
Membrane components and structures, membrane transport, passive and active electrical properties
of the membrane-ionic mechanisms of membrane and action potential, quantifying ionic hypothesis by
voltage-clamp technique, Hodgkin Huxley formalism, structure-function aspects of voltage and
chemically gated ionic channels, excitatory and inhibitory postsynaptic potentials, patch-clamp
technique, recording and analysis of electrophysiological data, measurement of Ca concentrations in
single cells, cell membrane capacitance and exocytosis, application of confocal microscopy. Synaptic
plasticity, short term and long term potentiation and depression,mechanisms underlying synaptic
plasticity, dendritic structure, dendritic ion channels, active properties of dendrites, dendritic spikes
and backpropogating action potentials, Intrinsic plasticity, mechanisms underlying intrinsic plasticity.
S K Sikdar and Rishikesh Narayanan
Hille, B., Ionic channels of excitable membranes, Second Edin, Sinauer Associates, Massachussets.
Rudy, B., and Iverson, L.E. (Eds), Methods in Enzymology, 207, 1992.
Kandel, E.R., Schwartz, J.H., and Jessel, T.M., Essentials of Neural Science and Behaviour, Prentice Hall International, 1995.
Cowan,W. M., Sudhof, T.C, Stevens, C.F., Synapses, The John Hopkins University Press, First edition, 2003
Stuart G. Spruston N, Hausser M Dendrities, Oxford University Press, Second Edition, 2008.
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MB 210 (J AN) 2:0
Peptides and Drug-Design
Organic reaction mechanisms; acids and bases; synthesis and properties of alpha, beta and gamma
amino acids; conventional and contemporary ways of peptide and protein synthesis; synthesis and
properties of cell-penetrating peptides; design of peptide mimics for drug-discovery, chemical genetics
J ayanta Chatterjee
Norbert Sewald and Hans-Dieter Jakubke, Peptides: Chemistry and Biology, Second Edition, Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co.
Miguel Castanho and Nuno C. Santos (Eds), Peptide Drug Discovery and Development: Translational Research in Academia
and Industry, Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA,2009
Selected review articles.
MB 302 (J AN) 3:0
Macromolecular Crystallography
Review of crystallographic concepts, protein crystallization. Oscillation photography, data processing,
isomorphous replacement, anomalous dispersion, multi wavelength methods, molecular replacement,
refinement, model building. Quality assessment, analysis and documentation.
M R N Murthy
Denth, J., Principles of Protein X-ray Crystallography, Springer.
Duncan E. McRee, Practical protein crystallography, Elsevier.
Gale Rhodes, Crystallography made crystal clear, Wiley.
David Blow, Outline of crystallography for Biologists,. Methods in Enzymology, Vol. 276. International Tables for
Crystallography, Vol. F. Oxford Univ. Press
MB 303 (J AN) 3:0
Elements of Structural Biology
Methods for determining conformations and three dimensional structures of biological
macromolecules. Biophysical and biochemical methods to understand structures of proteins and
protein-DNA complexes.
B Gopal
Kensal, E. Van Holde et al., Principles of Physical Biochemistry, Second Edn, Pearson Education Intl.
Cantor, C.R., and Schimmel, P.R., Biophysical Chemistry, Vols. I-III, W H Freeman and Co., San Francisco, 1980.
Research papers and reviews.
MB 305 (J AN) 3:0
Biomolecular NMR Spectroscopy
Basic theory of NMR spectroscopy. Classical and theoretical descriptions of NMR spectroscopy.
Product operator formalism for description of multi-pulse homo-nuclear and hetero-nuclear NMR
experiments. Multidimensional NMR spectroscopy, description of basic homo-nuclear 2D NMR
experiments useful for structure determination of biological macro-molecules. Experimental aspects of
homo-nuclear NMR spectroscopy: data acquisition, processing and interpretation of 2D homo-nuclear
spectra. Principles of hetero-nuclear NMR spectroscopy. Analysis of 3D and 4D hetero-nuclear
isotope edited NMR pulse sequences. Introduction to relaxation and dynamic processes (chemical
and conformational processes) that affect NMR experiments.
Siddhartha P Sarma
Cavanaugh, J., Fairbrother, W.J., Palmer, III, A.G., and Skelton, N.J., Protein NMR Spectroscopy Principles and Practice,
Academic Press, 1995.
Levitt, M., Spin Dynamics, John Wiley, 2000.
Wuthrich, K., NMR of Proteins & Nucleic Acids, John Wiley, 1986.
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Schemeof Instruction Page24
Molecular Reproduction, Development and Genetics
RD201 (AUG) 2:0
Transmission and distribution of genetic materials, dominance relations and multiple alleles, gene
interaction and lethality. Sex linkage, maternal effects and cytoplasmic heredity, cytogenetics and
quantitative inheritance. Elements of developmental and population genetics.
Mahadevan S and Arun Kumar
Strickberger, M.W., Genetics,
Suzuki, et al., An Introduction to Genetic Analysis, Prentice Hall, India
RD202 (J AN) 2:0
Logic and techniques of molecular genetic analysis. Understanding interaction networks using
genetics and genomics. Illustrating the application of genetic analysis to specific developmental
pathways in model eukaryotic organisms. Some examples are regulation of cell cycle, genetic and
epigenetic mechanisms of cell fate determination and signaling pathways in development.
Upendra Nongthomba,Usha Vijayraghavan and Utpal Nath
Current Opinion in Genetics and Development/ Cell Biology/ Plant Biology; Trends in Genetics / Cell Biology / Biochemistry;
Principles of Development by Wolpert and co-authors; Mechanisms in Plant Development by Leyser and Day
Plant Physiology by Taiz and Zeiger; Ecological Developmental Biology by Gilbert and Epel
RD203 (AUG) 2:0
Concepts in Endocrinology and Reproduction
Introduction to endocrine principles. Polypeptide and steroid hormones: their biosynthesis, structure
and function. Hormones and growth factors in reproduction, receptors and signaling, physiology of
mammalian reproduction from gametogenesis to embryogenesis. Molecular regulation of
reproduction, hormones in contraception and infertility.
P B Seshagiri, P Kondaiah and R Medhamurthy
Jameson, J.L., De Groot, L.J., Endocrinology, Elsevier, 6
Edition 2010
Hall, J.E., Gyton and Hall Text Book of Medical Physiology, Elsevier, 12
Edition 2011
RD204 (AUG) 2:0
Principles of Signal Transduction in Biological Systems
Principles of signal transduction, receptors, second messengers and ion channels in bacteria, yeast,
Dictyostelium and mammals. Signal transduction in bacterial chemotaxis and osmoregulation.
Signalling mechanisms during sexual differentiation in yeast. Sensory transduction and gene
regulation in Dictyostellium. Mammalian signalling mechanisms through protein kinases, second
messenger generating systems and ion channels. Signal transduction during fertilization.
Deepak K Saini
RD205 (J AN) 2:0
Human Molecular Genetics
Human chromosomes, clinical cytogenetics, tools of human molecular genetics, organization of
human genome, pattern of Mendelian inheritance, genomic imprinting, uniparental disomy and human
genetic disorders, X-inactivation, genetic variation, polymorphism and mutation, gene mapping and
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Schemeof Instruction Page25
linkage analysis, biochemical basis of genetic diseases, genetics of cancer, genetic counseling,
prenatal diagnosis.
Arun Kumar and Sathees Raghavan
Strachan and Read, Human Molecular Genetics, Garland Science, London, 2004.
RD206 (J AN) 2:0
Molecular Oncology
Introduction to cancer biology. Immortalization, transformation, metastasis. Causes of cancer,
initiators and promoters, carcinogens, tumor viruses, sporadic and familial cancer. Genetic alterations
in cancer. Molecular mechanisms of carcinogenesis: cell culture and animal models. Cancer as a
tissue: angiogenesis, role of stroma. Cell cycle and cancer: cell cycle checkpoints, cyclins and cyclin
dependent kinases, CDK inhibitors. Oncogenes: growth factors, growth factor receptors, G
protein/signal transduction, tyrosine and serine/threonine kinases and transcription factors. Tumor
suppressor genes. Mismatch repair, telomerase, DNA methylation, protein
phosphorylation/dephosphorylation and degradation events. Transformation by RNA and DNA tumor
viruses: adenovirus, simian virus 40 and human papilloma virus, oncogene-tumor suppressor
interactions. Apoptosis and cancer. Cancer and stem cells.
Annapoorni Rangarajan and Kumar Somasundaram
RD207(AUG) 0:2
Research Course: Laboratory techniques &Analysis
RD208 (J AN) 0:2
Research Course II: Laboratory techniques &Analysis
NS201 (AUG) 3:0
Fundamentals of Systems and Cognitive Neuroscience
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Biophysics of action potentials, brain imaging, sensation and perception, attention, motor systems and
executive control, insect and animal behavior
SP Arun, SupratimRay/Aditya Murthy(CNS)
Prerequisites: None
References:Kandel ER, Schwartz JH and Jessell TM, Principles of Neural Science, Fourth Edition, Mc-Graw Hill, 2000.
NS 202 (J AN) 3:0
Fundamentals of Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience
Molecular basis of neuronal development, neuronal transmission, synaptic organisation and its
relationship to synaptic physiology, small animal behavior, learning and memory and neurological
BalajiJ ayaprakash, Shyamala Mani, Deepak Nair andNarenRamanan (CNS)
Prerequisites: None
References:Kandel ER, Schwartz JH and Jessell TM, Principles of Neural Science, Fourth Edition, Mc-Graw Hill, 2000.
NS 203 (J AN) 3:0
Optical Spectroscopy and Microscopy
Transition probabilities; Time dependent perturbation theory; Interaction with strong fields, Second
Quantization; Origin of Spontaneous emission; characteristics of stimulated emission; Absorption and
emission. Emergence of biophysical methods such as CD, Fluorescence spectroscopy, Energy
transfer and other such methods from the above principles. Non-linear optics ; Lasers; Pulsed and
CW lasers; Multi photon excitation; optical microscopy; diffraction limit; principles of laser scanning
microscopes; photo detection; optical microscope in bits and pieces.
BalajiJ ayaprakash
Prerequisites: none
Wolfgang Demtroder (2002) Laser Spectroscopy - Basic Concepts and Instrumentation, Third Edition, Springer
AmnonYariv (1989) Quantum Electronics, Third Edition, Wiley Anthony Siegman (1986) Lasers, First Edition, University
Science Books
NS 301 (J AN) 2:0
Topics in Systems and Cognitive Neuroscience
Sensory encoding, perception and object recognition, attention, decision making. Movement planning,
cognitive control.
SupratimRay, SP Arun and Aditya Murthy(CNS)
Prerequisites: NS 201
References:Gazzaniga MS (2009), The Cognitive Neurosciences, Fourth Edition, MIT Press.
NS 302 (J AN) 2:0
Topics in Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience
Cell fate specification, axonal path-finding, signaling in the nervous system, synaptic transmission,
learning and memory and neurobiology of psychiatric and neurological disorders.
BalajiJ ayaprakash, Shyamala Mani, Deepak Nair and NarenRamanan (CNS)
Prerequisites: NS 202
Squire LR, Berg D, Bloom F, Sascha L, Ghosh A, Fundamental Neuroscience, Third Edition, Academic Press, 2008.
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Division of Chemical Sciences
The division of Chemical Sciences comprises of the departments of Inorganic and Physical
Chemistry, Materials Research Centre, NMR Research Centre, Organic Chemistry and Solid State
and Structural Chemistry Unit. Students with advanced degree in Chemistry, Physics and some
branches of engineering are admitted to the divisions doctoral program. In addition, the division also
admits B.Sc. graduates to the Integrated PhD program.
The courses offered by various departments carry a two-letter departmental code that is followed by a
three digit number, the first digit of which refers to the course level. In additions, courses offered to
the Integrated PhD students are listed separately with another code. The courses offered by the
different departments have been grouped as follows:
IP Inorganic and Physical Chemistry
MR Materials Research Centre
OC Organic Chemistry
SS Solid State and Structural Chemistry
CD Integrated Ph D
Each department/centre/unit offers courses on specialized topics designed to provide students with
the necessary theoretical background and introduction to laboratory methods. There are specific
requirements for completing the research training programme for students registering for research
conferments at the Institute. For individual requirements, the students are advised to approach the
Departmental Curriculum Committee.
The Department of Inorganic and Physical Chemistry gives training in theoretical as well as
experimental work to acquaint students with modern developments in a variety of fields in Inorganic
and Physical Chemistry. The programme of instruction consists of lectures, laboratory work, seminars
and special assignments.
The Materials Research Centre provides sophisticated instrumental facilities, which are essential for
the fundamental and diagnostic studies of materials. The Centre offers courses in various aspects of
Material Science concepts and materials characterization.
The Department of Organic Chemistry gives courses at both the fundamental and advanced levels in
Organic Chemistry. The students also undergo training in advanced laboratory techniques and give
seminars on topics chosen from the current literature.
The Solid State and Structural Chemistry unit offers several courses in frontier areas of Solid State
Chemistry and Surface Sciences besides basic and advanced courses in Chemical Physics.
The NMR Research Centre offers courses and organizes workshops and symposia in the area of
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. In addition, it provides research facilities in this area to scientists from
all over the country.
Prof S Ramakrishnan,
Division of Chemical Sciences
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Schemeof Instruction Page28
Integrated PhD(Chemical Sciences)
Course Work
Core Courses
I Semester
CD 204 3:0 Chemistry of Materials
CD 211 3:0 Physical Chemistry-I
CD 212 3:0 Inorganic Chemistry
OC 213 3:0 Organic Chemistry
CD 214 3:0 Basic Mathematics
CD 215 0:4 General Chemistry Lab.
(Organic & Inorganic)
II Semester
CD 221 3:0 Physical Chemistry II
CD 222 3:0 Material Chemistry
CD 223 3:0 Organic Synthesis
CD 224 2:1 Computers in Chemistry
CD 225 0:4 Physical and Analytical
Chemistry Lab
III Semester (optional)
16 Credits of optional courses to be taken from any of the five Departments in consultation with the
Ph. D. Supervisor.
IV Semester
CD 241 0:10 Research Project
Six credits of optional courses in consultation with Ph. D. Supervisor.
CD204 (AUG) 3:0
Chemistry of materials
Aspects of crystal chemistry (lattices, unit cells, symmetry, point groups and space groups etc),
packing, bonding and description of crystal structures, Pauling rules, crystallographic methods,
defects in solids, electronic structure, magnetism, phase transitions, framework solids, ionic solids and
synthesis of solids.
S. Natarajan/ Vasudevan
C.N.R. Rao and J. Gopalakrishnan, Newdirections in solidstate chemistry
A.R. West, Solid State Chemistry and its applications
A.F. Wells, Structural Inorganic Chemistry
L. Smart and E. Moore, Solidstate chemistry : An introduction
CD211 (AUG) 3:0
Physical Chemistry I QuantumChemistry and Group Theory
Postulates of Quantum Mechanics and introduction to operators; Exactly solvable problems
Perturbational and Variational Methods, Huckel model, Many electron Atoms, Slater determinants,
Hartree-Fock Variational Method for atoms; Molecular Quantum Mechanics, Symmetry and Group
theory, Point Groups, Reducible and Irreducible Representations (IR), Great Orthogonality theorem,
Projection operators, Applications to molecular orbitals and normal modes of vibration and selection
rules in spectroscopy
U. Harbola
I. Levine, Quantum Chemistry
D. Griffiths, Introduction to Quantum Mechanics.
F. A. Cotton, Chemical Applications of Group Theory
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CD212 (AUG) 3:0
Inorganic Chemistry Main group and coordination chemistry
Main group: hydrogen and its compounds ionic, covalent, and metallic hydrides, hydrogen bonding;
chemistry of lithium, beryllium, boron, nitrogen, oxygen and halogen groups; chains, rings, and cage
compounds; Coordination chemistry: bonding theories (revision and extension), spectral and magnetic
properties; inorganic reactions and mechanisms: hydrolysis reactions, substitution reactions trans-
effect; isomerization reactions, redox reactions; metal-metal bonding and clusters; mixed valence
chemistry of lanthanides and actinide elements
A. G. Samuelson and P Thilagar
Shriver D.F, Atkins P.W. and Langford C.H., Inorganic Chemistry, Freeman, NY, 1990.
Cotton F.A. and Wilkinson G. Advanced Inorganic Chemistry, 5th edition, John Wiley, NY, 1987.
Huheey J.E., Inorganic Chemistry, Principles of Structure and Reactivity, Harper International, 3rd edition. 1983.
CD213 (AUG) 3:0
Organic Chemistry Structure and Reactivity
Kinetics and reaction mechanism, primary and secondary isotope effects, Nucleo-philic substitution,
stereochemistry and conformation.
U. Maitra and S. Chandrasekhar
Carey, F. A. and Sundberg, R. J.; AdvancedOrganic Chemistry, Part B, 5
Ed., Springer, (2007)
Lowry, T. M. and Richardson, K. S.; MechanismandTheory inOrganic Chemistry, 3
Ed., Addison-Wesley, (1987)
Smith, M. B. and March, J.; March's Advanced Organic Chemistry: Reactions, Mechanisms, and Structure, John Wiley & Sons,
Anslyn, E. V. And Dougherty, D. A.; Modern Physical Organic Chemistry, University Science Books, (2005)
CD214 (AUG) 3:0
Basic Mathematics
Differentiation and integration: different methods of evaluating integrals, multi-dimensional integrals,
numerical integration. Vectors: gradient, divergence, dash and curl and their physical significance.
Matrices: eigen values and eigen vectors. Complex variables: Cauchy-Reimann conditions, Cauchys
theorem, Cauchys integral formula. Differential equations: differential equations of quantum chemistry
and chemical kinetics, numerical solutions of differential equations. The Dirac delta function, the
gamma and error function. Function spaces, orthonormal functions, Fourier series, Fourier and
Laplace transforms, fast Fourier transforms.
N. Suryaprakash and H. S. Atreya
Thomas, G. B., Finney, R.L., Calculus and Analytical Geometry, Narosa Publishing. 1984.
Arfken, G. B. and Weber, H.J., Mathematical Methods for Physicists, Prism Indian Edition, 1995.
Keryszig, E., Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Wiley Eastern Limited, 1983.
CD215 (AUG) 0:4
Organic &Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory
Common organic transformations such as esterification, Diels-Alder reaction, oxidation-reduction,
Grignard reaction, etc. Isolation and purification of products by chromatographic techniques,
characterization of purified products by IR and NMR spectroscopy. Synthesis of coordination
complexes, preparation of compounds of main group elements, synthesis of organo-metallic
complexes. Physico-chemical characterization of these compounds by analytical and spectroscopic
N. J ayaraman, K R Prabhu, P. Thilagar, S. Natarajan
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CD221 (J AN) 3:0
Physical Chemistry II: Statistical Mechanics
Review of thermodynamics, ensembles, partition functions, averages, distributions, application to
rotational and vibrational problems, specific heats of solids, phase transitions, Classical and quantum
statistics, indistinguishability, dynamics: kinetics and relaxation, diffusion equation, non-equilibrium
thermodynamics, light scattering. Simulations: configuration averages, central limit theorem,
metropolis method, molecular dynamics, simulations of different ensembles.
Govardhan Reddy
H.B.Callen, Thermodynamics and Introduction to Thermostatistics
D. A. MacQuarrie Statistical Mechanics
D. Chandler Introduction to Modern Statistical Mechanics,
CD222 (J AN) 3:0
Material Chemistry
Structure of solids, symmetry concepts, crystal structure. Preparative methods and characterization of
inorganic solids. Crystal defects and non-stoichiometry. Interpretation of phase diagrams, phase
transitions. Kinetics of phase transformations, structure property correlations in ceramics, glasses,
polymers. Composites and nano-materials. Basics of magnetic, electrical, optical, thermal and
mechanical properties of solids.
K K Nanda / Arun MUmarji / Bikramjit Basu
A.R. West, Solid State Chemistry and its Applications John Wiley and Sons, 1984.
J.F. Shackelford, Introduction to Materials Science for Engineers, MacMillan, 1988.
CD223 (J AN) 3:0
Organic synthesis
Principles of selectivity and reactivity in the use of reagents for oxidation, reduction and bond forming
reaction. Planning a synthesis, antithetic analysis, synthons, linear and convergent synthesis.
N J ayaraman
Warren S., Designing Organic Synthesis, 1978
Carruthers W. S., Some Modern Methods of Organic Synthesis 3rd edition, Cambridge University Press, 1986.
Carery, F. A. and Sundberg, R. J., Advanced organic chemistry, Part B, 2nd ed., Plenum, 1984
House, Modern Synthetic Reactions, 1972.
Fuhrhop J. and Penzilin G., Organic Synthesis - Concepts, Methods, Starting Materials, Verlog Chemie 1983.
CD224 (J AN) 2:1
Computers in Chemistry
Number systems: binary, octal, decimal, hexadecimal. Computer architecture, machine language,
assembly language programming, algorithms, Fortran 90 and HPF with programming examples from
chemistry and other areas. Visualization. Numerical methods: interpolation, curve fitting, integration,
linear algebraic systems, ordinary differential equations and matrix eigen value problems.
Sai G Ramesh
V. Rajaraman, Computer Programming in FORTRAN 90 and 95.
V. Rajaraman and C. Siva Ram Murthy, Parallel Computers - Architecture and Programming,
S.C. Chapra and R.P. Canal, Numerical Methods for Engineers
Errol G. Lewars, Computational Chemistry: Introduction to the Theory and Applications of Molecular Quantum Mechanics.
CD225 (J AN) 0: 4
Physical and Analytical Chemistry Laboratory
Chemical kinetics. Langmuir adsorption, chemical analysis by potentiometric and conductometric
methods, cyclic voltametry, flame photometry, electronic states by UV-Visible spectroscopy, IR
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spectroscopy, solid state chemistry synthesis of solids and chemical analysis. Thermogravimetry. X-
ray diffraction, electrical and magnetic properties of solids. Vacuum techniques in preparative
S Sampath, Aninda Bhattacharya and C Shivakumar
Vogel, A.I, Vogels text book of quantitative chemical analysis Longman 1989.
David R Shoemaker, Carl W. Garland and Nibler J.W., Experiments in Physical Chemistry, McGraw-Hill International Edition,
CD301 (J AN) 3:0
Two-dimensional NMR Spectroscopy
Basic principles of two-dimensional (2D) NMR spectroscopy, 2D line shapes, phases and filtering.
Resolved 2D spectroscopy. Correlated 2D experiments (COSY, TOCSY, etc.) involving homo-nuclear
and hetero-nuclear correlations. 2D multiple-quantum spectroscopy, 2D relaxation experiments
(NOESY, ROESY). Multinuclear 2D and 3D experiments such as HSQC, HMQC, HNCA and HNCA
(CO) etc. Introduction to coherence level diagram, product operator formalism, phase cycling and
gradient-enhanced spectroscopy. Two-dimensional NMR of solids. NMR imaging. Applications of two
and three-dimensional NMR experiments for structure determination of large molecules.
N Suryaprakash, S Raghothama and H S Atreya
W. R. Croasmun and R. M. K. Carlson, Two -Dimensional NMR Spectroscopy - Applications for Chemists and Biochemists,
VCH, 1987.
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Inorganic and Physical Chemistry
IP 203 (AUG) 3:0
Group Theory and Molecular Spectroscopy
Group theory: Symmetry elements and operations, multiplication rules, build-up of groups; classes,
subgroups, homo- and isomorphisms, (matrix) representation theory, reducibility and irreducibility, the
great orthogonality theorem and its applications, symmetry-adapted basis functions. Time-dependent
perturbation theory: Basic derivations, light-matter interaction, fundamental spectroscopic
definitions, shapes and widths of spectral lines. One- and multi-electron atoms: Spectroscopy of
hydrogen-like atoms, angular momenta and selection rules of transitions, multi-electon atoms, term
symbols, elementary treatment of spin-orbit coupling: L-S and J-J, selection rules, Zeeman effect,
linear Stark effect. Diatoms: Rotations and vibrations of diatoms, anharmonic effects, selection rules
for rovibrational spectra, brief treatment of electronic structure of diatoms, connection to group theory.
Polyatoms: Euler rotations, principal axes and moments of inertia, rotational spectra of various tops;
Vibrational normal modes and their symmetry properties; selection rules; electronic structure including
the Franck-Condon principle (brief); concepts in Raman spectroscopy.
Sai G Ramesh
Ira Levine, Molecular Spectroscopy
Walter S. Struve -- Fundamentals of molecular spectroscopy Peter F. Bernath -- Spectra of atoms and molecules (2nd Ed.)
F. Albert Cotton -- Chemical applications of group theory
IP 211 (AUG) 3:0
Physical Chemistry I Thermodynamics, Kinetics and Electrochemistry
Intermolecular forces: van der Waals interactions, Lennard-Jones potentials, Stockmayer potential,
hydrogen bonding. Thermodynamics: the three laws, free energies and chemical potentials,
applications to electrochemistry, thermodynamic properties of liquids and solids, changes of phase.
Chemical reaction dynamics: rate processes in chemistry, activated complex theory, photochemical
reactions, Femtochemistry
N Munichandraiah and Atanu Bhattacharya
D.A. Mcquarrie and J.D. Simon, Physical Chemistry: A Molecular Approach, Viva Books Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi 1998
IP 214 (AUG) 2:1
Crystallography for Chemists
Crystal symmetry. Generation and properties of X-rays. Diffraction theory, reciprocal lattice.
Experimental aspects. Rotation, Weissenberg precession and diffractometer techniques. Structure
factor equation. Electron density function. Phase problem. Structure solution. Introduction to direct
methods. Refinement. Absolute configuration, molecular interactions, solid state reactions. Chemical
reaction paths. Electron density studies. Experiments on structure solution related problems.
M Nethaji
Taylor C.A. A nonmathematical introduction to X-ray diffraction.
Stout G. and Jensen L.H., X-ray structures determination.
Buerger M.J., X-ray Crystallography.
IP 311 (AUG) 3:0
Bio &Medicinal Inorganic Chemistry
Principles of biochemistry and molecular biology, role of metal ions in biology, principles of
coordination chemistry, amino acids and other bioligands, proteins secondary and tertiary structure,
nucleic acids, iron proteins, iron transport, role of zinc in biology zinc enzymes, biological
importance of nickel, copper proteins, redox reactions involving manganese, biological roles of
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vanadium, cobalt and molybdenum, basic concepts in drug design, metals and health - metal-based
drugs and mechanism of their action, metalloproteins as drug targets.
G Mugesh
Lippard S.J. and Berg, J.M., Principles of Bioinorganic Chemistry, University Science Books, California, 1994.
Kaim, W.; Schwederski, B. Bioinorganic Chemistry: Inorganic Elements in the Chemistry of Life, Wiley, 1991
Gielen, M.; Tiekink, E. R. T. Eds. Metallotherapeutic Drugs and Metal-Based Diagnostic Agents: The Use of Metals in Medicine,
Wiley, 2005
IP 312 (J AN) 3:0
Advanced Organometallic Chemistry
Structure and bonding in organometallic compounds isolobal analogies, metal carbonyls, carbenes
and NHC complexes, olefin and acetylene complexes, alkyls and allyl complexes, metallocenes.
Major reaction types oxidative addition, reductive elimination, insertion, isomerization and
rearrangement reactions. Catalytic reactions: metathesis, hydrogenation, allylic activation, C-C
coupling reactions, C-X coupling etc.
B R J agirdar
Elschenbroich, Ch. Organometallics, 3rd edition, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2005.
Gupta, B. D.; Elias, A. J. Basic Organometallic Chemistry: Concepts, Syntheses and Applications (Second Edition), 2013.
IP 313 (J AN) 3:0
Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage
Electrochemical energy systems. Batteries, fuel cells and electrochemical capacitors. Fundamentals
and applied aspects. Primary and secondary batteries. Polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells, solid
oxide fuel cells etc. Double layer- and pseudo- capacitors. Integration of electrochemical energy
storage systems with other devices.
N Munichandraiah, S Sampath and
P. Barpanda
B E Conway, Electrochemical Supercapacitors: Fundamentals and Applications, Kluwer, 1999.
C A Vincent and B Scrosati, Modern Batteries, Butterworth-Heinemann 1997.
T J Crompton, Battery Reference Book, Elsevier, 2000.
Sammes Nigel, Fuel Cell Technology, Springer, 2006.
IP 322 (J AN) 3:0
Polymer Chemistry
Concepts and terminology. Principles of polymerization chain versus step growth process. Kinetics
of chain polymerization process, estimation of various rate constants. Determination of molecular
weight of polymers and their distribution.Solution properties and chain dimension. Characteristics and
mechanisms of various chain polymerizations radical, cationic, anionic, Ziegler-Natta and ring
opening metathesis polymerizations. Living polymerizations criteria for livingness, newer methods
for living polymerizations GTP, ATRP and TEMPO-mediated radical polymerizations.
Copolymerization random, alternating and block copolymers and kinetic schemes for analysis of
copolymerization. Micro-structural analysis of polymers by NMR estimation of regio- and stereo-
regularity in polymers, sequence distribution in copolymers etc., and mechanisms for stereo-
S Ramakrishnan
Flory P.J., Principles of Polymer Chemistry.
Odian G., Principles of Polymerization.
Paul C Hiemenz and Timothy P Lodge, Polymer Chemistry
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IP 323 (J AN) 3:0
Topics in Basic and Applied Electrochemistry
Electrode kinetics and electrochemical techniques: polarizable and non-polarizable interfaces;
current-potential relationship; methods of measurement of kinetic parameters; over potential;
symmetry factor and transfer coefficient; mechanistic criteria; diffusion, activation phenomena. Steady
state and potential step techniques; polarography; cyclic voltammetry; chrono- methods; convective
diffusion systems: rotating disc and ring disc electrodes; microelectrodes; AC impedance techniques -
concepts and applications.
Applied topics: fundamentals of batteries: primary, secondary, reserve batteries; solid state and
molten solvent-batteries; fuel cells. Photo-electrochemical solar cells and conversion of solar energy.
Corrosion fundamentals and applications.
S Sampath
Bard A.J. and Faulkner L.R., Electrochemical methods: Principles and Applications, Wiley 1990.
Greef R., Peat R., Peter L.M., Pletcher D. and Robinson J. (Southampton Electrochemistry Group), Instrumental Methods in
Electrochemistry, Ellis Harwood Ltd., 1985.
Gileadi E., Electrode Kinetics for Chemists, Chemical Engineers and Material Scientists, VCH 1993.
Vincent C.A., Modern Batteries, Edward Arnold, UK 1984.
Nozik A.J., Photoeffects at semiconductor-electrolyte interfaces, ACS, Washington 1981.
IP 324 (J AN) 3:0
Photophysics and Photochemistry:
Fundamentals and Applications
Fundamental concepts in Photophysics and photochemistry, time dependent processes (milli seconds
to femtoseconds), excited states, energy transfer, relaxation phenomena, time resolved experimental
methods such as absorption, fluorescence, infrared and Raman, examples with applications in
chemistry and biology.
S Umapathy
N.J.Turro, Modern Molecular Photochemsitry
J.N.Demas, Excited State Lifetime Measurements
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MR 301 (AUG) 3:0
QuantumMechanical Principles in Materials
Basics of quantum mechanics (atoms to materials). Classification of materials based on quantum
mechanical principles. Classical and quantum mechanical treatment of lattice vibrations. Quantum
mechanical treatment of electrical, optical and thermal properties of materials. Semiconductors,
superconductors, foundations of magnetism, magnetic phenomena and their interpretation (classical
and quantum mechanical approach).
Abhishek Kumar Singh
Claude Cohen-Tannoudji, Bernard Diu, Frank Laloe. Quantum Mechanics (2 vol. set), John Wiley & Sons.
Charles Kittel., Introduction to Solid State Physics, John Wiley and Sons
Neil W. Ashcroft, and David Mermin N., Solid State Physics, Brooks/Cole
Brandt and Dahmen. The Picture Book of Quantum Mechanics
Stephen Elliott, The Physics and Chemistry of Solids
MR 302 (AUG) 3:0
Crystal Defects and Properties
Descriptive crystal chemistry for ionic crystals, Paulings rules, thermodynamics of point defects, point
defects in ionic crystals, defect reactions and Kroger-Vink diagrams. Introduction to dislocations, slip,
slip systems, perfect and partial dislocations. Thompson tetrahedron and dislocation reactions, planar
defects, surfaces and interfaces, direct observation of defects on material. Thermal energy, heat
capacity, thermal expansion, thermal conductivity. Negative expansion effects in solids. Thermal
shock resistant materials. Thermoelectric effects and materials for thermal energy harvesting.
Bikramjit Basu and A M Umarji
Chiang, Y-M., Birnie IIi, D.P and Kingery W.D., Physical Ceramics Principles for Ceramic Science and Engineering, Wiley,
Anthony R. West., Solid State Chemistry and its Applications, Wiley, 1998.
Hull, D and Bacon, D.J., Introduction to Dislocations, Butterworth-Heinemann, 2001.
Shakelford J.F.,Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering .
Rallis K.M,. Courtney T.H and Wulff J., Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering
MR 303 (AUG) 3:0
Nanomaterials Synthesis and Devices
Introduction to nanoscience and nanotechnology. Surfaces, interfaces and characterization
techniques. Chemical and physical methods of synthesizing nanomaterials (0D, 1D & 2D), Growth
mechanisms and growth kinetics, Size-dependent properties of nanomaterials, Applications in
catalysis, gas sensing, photodetection and white light emission, Applications in Devices such as
linear, rectifier, FET, etc.
BalaramSahoo and Karuna Kar Nanda
Markov I. V., Crystal Growth for Beginners, Fundamentals of Nucleation, Crystal Growth and Epiaxy, World Scientific, 1998..
Milton Ohring., Materials Science of Thin Films, Academic Press, 2002
Surface Physics, M. Prutton, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1975
Cao G, Nanostructures and Nanomaterials, Synthesis Properties and Applications, Imperial College Press, 2004.
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MR 304 (AUG/J AN) 3:0
Characterization Techniques in Materials Science
Preparation of fine particles, growth of single crystals and thin films, thermal analysis, magnetic
measurement, X-ray diffraction, SEM and TEM analyses, electrical and dielectric measurements.
Faculty Coordinators: K. B. R. Varma and BalramSahoo
MR 305 (J AN) 3:0
Functional Dielectrics
Physical and mathematical basis of dielectric polarization, polarization in static/alternating electric
fields. Conductivity and loss. piezoelectric, pyroelectric and ferroelectric concepts. Ferroic materials,
primary and secondary ferroics, Optical materials. Birefringence and crystal structure, electro-optic
materials and light modulators.
K. B. R. Varma
Azaroff and Brophy, Electronic processes in Materials, McGraw-Hill, New York 1963.
Von Hippel Arthur R, Dielectric Materials and Applications, MIT, Cambridge
Lines M.E. and Glass A.M., Principles and Applications of Ferroelectrics and related Materials, Clarendon Press, Oxford
Amnon Yariv ., Quantum Electronics
MR 306 (AUG/J AN) 3:0
Electron Microscopy in Materials Characterization
Resolution and Rayleigh criterion, electron optics, electron guns and lenses, probe diameter and
probe current, electron-specimen interactions, interaction volume. Principles of scanning electron
microscopy, imaging modes and detectors. Transmission electron microscopy elastic and inelastic
scattering, modes of operation, diffraction theory, Braggs law and Laue conditions. Reciprocal space
and Ewald sphere construction, Kikuchi lines, convergent beam electron diffraction, diffraction
contrast imaging Howie-Whelan dynamical theory, Thickness and bend contours, imaging defects
and strain fields, weak-beam dark field microscopy, phase contrast imaging Moire fringes, Fresnel
fringes and high-resolution imaging.
N. Ravishankar
Goldstein J.I , Romig A.D. Newbury D.E, Lyman C.E., Echlin P., Fiori C. Joy D.C. and Lifshin E.., Scanning Electron
Microscopy and X-Ray Microanalysis: A Textbook for Biologists, Materials Scientists and Geologists
Williams David B and Barry Carter C.., Transmission Electron Microscopy A Textbook for Materials Science
MR 307 (J AN) 3:0
Thin Films, Nano Materials and Devices: Science and Engineering
Thin films of functional materials including non-linear dielectrics, III-V and Nitride semiconductors.
Processing, structure, and properties of materials at the nanometer length scale. Specific
nanofabrication topics include epitaxy, beam lithography, self- assembly, bio-catalytic synthesis, atom
optics, and scanning probe lithography. The unique size- dependent properties (electronic,
ferroelectric and magnetic) and charge carrier transport in insulating and semiconducting materials
and semi-conductor devices. Structure property correlations with reference to computation,
magnetic and ferroelectric storage, sensors and actuators and photo-voltaics.
S.B. Krupanidhi
"Advanced Semiconductors and Organic Nano-Techniques", edited by Morkoc H., Academic Press, 2003
Rainer Waser, Editor., Nanoelectronics and Information Technology, Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH, Weinheim (2003)
Tester, J. W, Drake E. M, Golay M. W, Driscoll M. J., and Peters W. A.. Sustainable Energy - Choosing Among Options.
Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2005.
Scott J.F., Ferroelectric Memories. Springer. ISBN 3540663878 (2000).
MR 308 (J AN) 2:1
Computational Modeling of Materials
Introduction to computational modeling of materials, description of atomic interaction, tight binding
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approximation, Hartree-Fock, molecular orbital method, density functional theory. Applications of
these methods in modeling of mechanical, electronic, magnetic, optical, and dielectric properties of
materials, design principles of novel materials.
Abhishek Kumar Singh
Richard Martin., Electronic Structure: Basic Theory and Practical Methods Cambridge.
MR 203 (J AN) 3:0
Introduction to Biomaterials
Basic concepts in biomaterials science. Salient properties of important material classes; concept of
biocompatibility, host response, structure-property of biological cell; structure and properties of cells,
protein and cellular adaptation process; various cell fate processes, cell-material interaction,
Assessment of biocompatibility of biomaterials, Structure and properties of bone as well as in vivo
testing and histocompatibility assessment, examples of some important metallic biomaterials, bio-
ceramics and bio-composites
Bikramjit Basu
Basu B, Katti D and Kumar A , : Advanced Biomaterials: Fundamentals, Processing and Applications; John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,
USA, 2009.
An introduction to Materials in Medicine, Biomaterials Science (Ratner, Hoffman, Schoet and Lemons), Second Edition:
Elsevier Academic Press, 2004.
Basu B and Balani K Advanced Structural Ceramics; John Wiley & Sons, Inc., USA and American Ceramic Society, 2011.
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Organic Chemistry
OC 203 / CD213(AUG) 3:0
Organic Chemistry-I
Electronic effects in organic compounds, aromaticity, frontier orbital theory, steric effects,
stereochemistry, conformational analysis. Methods of deducing organic reaction mechanisms,
Hammond postulate, Curtin-Hammett principle, linear free energy relationships; Hammett and Taft
equations. Organic transformations and molecular rearrangements. Reactive intermediates, classical
and nonclassical carbocations, carbanions, free radicals, carbenes, nitrenes, arynes, radical ions,
diradicals, concerted reactions, Woodward-Hoffman rules.
S Chandrasekhar and Uday Maitra
Smith, M. B., March J., Marchs Advanced Organic Chemistry: Reactions, Mechanisms and Structure, 6th Edn. Wiley, 2007.
Carey F.A., and Sundberg R.J., Advanced Organic Chemistry, Part A. 4th ed. Plenum, 2001.
Lowry T.M. and Richardson K.S., Mechanism and Theory in Organic Chemistry, Third Edn, Addison-Wesley-Longman, 1998.
Current literature.
OC 231 (AUG) 3:0
Chemistry of Proteins and Peptides
Amino acids, peptide synthesis, geometry and oligopeptide conformations. Non-covalent interactions, dynamism
in peptides, molecular recognition, Ramachandran plot, Foldamers. Protein architecture, protein-protein
interactions, protein stability. Peptide conformational analysis. Protein solubility, pKa, protein aggregates,
isofolding, unfolded proteins, membrane proteins. Peptidomimetics, isosteres, folding peptides. Enzymes:
mechanisms of selected enzymes, enzyme inhibitors. Important developments in current literature.
E N Prabhakaran
Voet D and Voet J.G. Biochemistry 2nd Edition John Wiley Cysons NY, 1995.
Stryer L. Biochemistry 4th Edition , WH. Freeman & Co., NY.
Contemporary literature.
OC 232 (J AN) 2:0
Graduate Colloquium
Students will present a short seminar on a selected contemporary topic which would be extremely
useful for educating the students beyond their immediate area of interest. This course will be
treated as a departmental requirement for all students registered at the Department of Organic
Chemistry during the first year.
Santanu Mukherjee/K.R. Prabhu
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OC 301 (AUG) 3:0
Advanced Organic Synthesis
Planning and synthesis, retrosynthetic analysis-disconnection approach, convergent synthesis, linear
synthesis, protecting groups, ring forming strategy, umpolung synthesis, synthesis of natural products.
Kavirayani R Prasad
Wyatt P. and Warren S, Organic Synthesis, Strategy and Control,; Wiley 2007.
Nicolaou, K.C., Sorensen, E.J., Classics in Total Synthesis, Wiley VCH, NY 1996.
Warren S. Organic Synthesis: The Disconnection Approach, Wiley, NY, 1982.
Apsimon, Total Synthesis of Natural Products, Vol. I-IX Wiley Interscience
Currrent literature
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Solid State and Structural Chemistry
SS 201 (AUG) 3:0
Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics
Formal principles; conditions for equilibrium, Legendre transformation, Maxwell relations. Phase
transitions; classification, Landau theory, universality. Irreversible thermodynamics; thermodynamic
forces and fluxes. Onsager relations; illustrative applications to electrochemistry; thermo-electric and
thermo-magnetic effects. Introduction to far from equilibrium systems. Basic formulations of statistical
mechanics; ensembles, partition functions, relations to thermodynamic functions. Ideal systems;
quantum statistics, non-ideal gases, Einstein and Debye Solids. Introduction to statistical mechanics
of liquids. Computer simulations; basics of Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics techniques.
B Bagchi and S Yashonath
H.B. Callen, Thermodynamics and an Introduction to Thermo Statistics
D.A. Mcquarrie, Introduction to Statistical Mechanics
D. Chandler, Introduction to Statistical Mechanics
SS 202 (AUG) 3:0
Basic postulates of quantum mechanics. Exact solutions: harmonic oscillator (ladder operator
approach), particle on a ring and a sphere. Linear operators and matrices. Angular momentum,
raising and lowering operators and matrices for spin angular momentum. Hydrogenic atoms (without
explicit solution of radial equation), many electron atoms and Slater determinants. Approximate
methods - perturbation methods, application to many-electron atoms and term symbols. Variational
method - Hartree-Fock method for atoms. Hartree-Fock-Roothan method for molecules. Time-
dependent perturbation method - absorption and emission.
S Ramasesha
Ira Levine, Quantum Chemistry
P.W. Atkins, Molecular Quantum Mechanics
A. Szabo and N. Ostlund, Modern Quantum Chemistry
SS 205 (AUG) 3:0
Symmetry and Structure in the Solid State
Concepts of symmetry, point groups and space groups, crystal lattices. Elements of scattering theory,
diffraction principles, reciprocal lattice. powder diffraction. Single crystal methods. Data collection and
processing strategies, image plate and CCD detectors, synchrotron radiation usage, intensity
statistics, phase problem in crystallography. Patterson and direct methods, refinement techniques,
Rietveld refinement in powder diffraction. Molecular structure and crystal structure, intermolecular
interactions and applications in solid state. Basics of electron density analysis from X-ray diffraction.
Basics of neutron diffraction, electron diffraction, elements of electron microscopy.
T N Guru Row
C. Giacavazzo (Ed.) Fundamentals of crystallography
J. D. Dunitz, X-ray analysis and the structure of organic molecules,
G.H. Stout and L.H. Jensen, X-ray structure determination: A practical guide,
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SS 206 (J AN) 3:0
Statistical Mechanics of Liquids &Simple Systems
Microscopic aspects of liquid structure dynamics with applications to phase transitions,
electrochemistry, chemical dyna7mics and biological processes.
Biman Bagchi
Chandler, Hill, McQuarrie, Widom, Material will be drawn from books on Statistical Mechanics.
SS 207 (AUG) 3:0
Non-equilibriumStatistical Mechanics:
Applications to Biological Systems
Liouville equation, projection operator technique, mode coupling theory, chemical reaction dynamics,
protein folding, enzyme kinetics.
Biman BagchiSS
R. Zwanzig, Non Equilbrium Statistical Mechanics, Mcquarrie, Papers and notes.
SS 301 (J AN) 2:1
Topics in Solid State Chemistry
Crystal chemistry, band theory and electronic structure of solids. Solid state spectroscopy, unified
understanding of electronic, magnetic and related properties of complex materials like oxides,
chalcogenides, etc. Amorphous materials, theory and practice in the preparation and characterization
of solids. Preparation of solids, X-ray diffraction, Rietveld refinements, electrical conductivity, DC and
AC susceptibility, differential calorimetry, XPS, IR and Raman spectra of solids.
SS 303 (J AN) 3:0
Functional Molecular Materials: Theory and Applications
Basic concepts in conducting polymers, synthesis of conducting polymers (PANI, PTh, PPV, etc.),
characterization methods of polymers: spectroscopic (NMR, PL, UV-VIS, etc.) and electrical (including
impedance spectroscopy) techniques. Co-polymers, blends and composites, illustrative examples
using useful polymer. Physical and chemical properties of polymers: structural correlations with glass
transition temperature, crystallinity, viscoelasticity of polymers. Electronic and ionic conductivity in
polymers, factors affecting conductivity, mechanisms of electronic and ionic transport (including ion
association). Polymer electrochemistry; applications
Aninda J Bhattacharya and Satish A Patil
H. S. Nalwa Handbook of Organic Conductive Molecules and Polymers, John Wiley & Sons, 2nd Ed, 1997
T. A. Skotheim,Handbook of Conducting Polymers, 2nd Ed, Marcel Dekker, New York, 1998
Solid State Electrochemistry ed. P.G. Bruce (Cambridge University Press)
R.J. Young & P.A. Lovell, Introduction to Polymers, 2nd Ed, Chapman and Hall, London, 1991.
P.W. Atkins, A textbook of Physical Chemistry,
Review Papers
SS 304 (AUG) 2:0
Solar Photovoltaics: Materials and Devices
Introduction to various solar PV technologies, suitable materials for photo-voltaics, P-N junction solar
cells, design of solar cells and limitation of solar cells efficiency, thin film solar cell (amorphous Silicon,
CIGS and CdTe), cell structures and issues with thin film technologies. Important parameters in solar
cells, current-voltage characteristic, dye sensitized solar cells, organic cells, general mechanism in
organic photo-voltaic cells, critical interface and photo-physics of conjugated polymers, colloidal
nanocrystal based solar cells, influence of shape and morphology engineering on solar cell efficiency.
Satish Patil
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Jenny Nelson, The Physics of Solar Cell, Imperial College Press
Niyazi Serdar Sariciftci, Organic Photovoltiacs Mechanism, Materials and Devices -
CD204 (AUG) 3:0
Chemistry of materials Solid State
Aspects of crystal chemistry (lattices, unit cells, symmetry, point groups and space groups etc),
packing, bonding and description of crystal structures, Pauling rules, crystallographic methods,
defects in solids, electronic structure, magnetism, phase transitions, framework solids, ionic solids and
synthesis of solids.
S. Natarajan, S. Vasudevan
C.N.R. Rao and J. Gopalakrishnan, Newdirections in solidstate chemistry
A.R. West, Solid State Chemistry and its applications
A.F. Wells, Structural Inorganic Chemistry
L. Smart and E. Moore, Solidstate chemistry : An introduction
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Division of Physical and Mathematical
The Division of Physical and Mathematical Sciences is comprises of the Department of Mathematics,
Department of Instrumentation and Applied Physics, Department of Physics, Centre for Contemporary
Studies, Centre for Cryogenic Technology, Centre for High Energy Physics (formerly Theoretical
Studies) and Centre for Earth Sciences. The Joint Astronomy and Astrophysics Programme also
comes under its purview.
The courses offered in the Division have been grouped into six broad areas. These areas have been
identified by code letters as follows:
IN Instrumentation and Applied Physics
MA Mathematics
PH Physics
AA Astronomy & Astrophysics
HE High Energy Physics
ES Earth Sciences
The course numbers have the prefix of the code letter followed by the numbers. The first digit
indicates the level of the course.
There are specific requirements for completing a Research Training Programme for students
registering for research conferments at the Institute. For specific individual requirements, the students
are advised to approach the Departmental Curriculum Committee.
The Department of Physics and the Centre for High Energy Physics offer an Integrated PhD
Programme to which BSc graduates with an adequate background of Physics and Mathematics are
The Integrated PhD programme in the Mathematical Sciences is offered by the Department of
Mathematics to which BSc graduates with an adequate knowledge of Mathematics are admitted.
An M Tech programme in Instrument Technology is offered in the Department of Instrumentation and
Applied Physics. For all these programmes, most of the courses are offered by the faculty members of
the Division, but in certain special areas, courses offered in other Divisions may also be chosen.
Prof Rahul Pandit
Division of Physical &
Mathematical Sciences
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Instrumentation and Applied Physics
M Tech Programme in Instrumentation
Duration: 2 Years 64 credits
Departmental Core: 27 credits
Hard Core: 21 credits
IN 212 3:0 Advanced Nano/Micro Systems
IN 214 2:1 Semiconductor Devices and Circuits
IN 225 3:0 Digital Signal Processing
IN 227 3:0 Control System Design
IN 244 2:1 Optical Metrology
IN 267 3:0 Bioinstrumentation and Imaging and Any Mathematics Course approved by DCC
Soft core: 6 credits to be chosen fromthe following courses:
IN 201 3:0 Analytical Instrumentation
IN 222 3:0 Microcontrollers and Applications
IN 224 3:0 Microelectronic Devices, Fabrication & Applications
IN 247 3:0 Principles of Tomographic Imaging
IN 251 3:0 Process Instrumentation and Control
IN 268 2:1 Microfluidic Devices and Applications.
IN 271 3:0 Cryogenic Instrumentation and Applications
Electives: The balance of 15 credits required to make up a minimumof 64 credits for
completing the MTech Programme.
IN 210 3:0 Wave propagation in periodic media
IN 221 3:0 Sensors and Measurement Techniques
IN 223 3:0 Plasma Processes
IN 226 3:0 Probability and Statistical Methods in Engineering.
IN 228 3:0 Automatic System Control Engineering
IN 232 2:1 Thin Film Deposition and Characterization
IN 234 3:0 High Vacuum Technology and Applications
IN 252 3:0 Instrumentation for Energy Conservation and Management
IN 266 3:0 Differential Geometry and Engineering Applications
IN 269 3:0 Variational Methods in Engineering
IN 301 3:0 Advanced Topics in Fluorescence Imaging
Dissertation Project
IN 299 0:19 Dissertation Project
IN 201 (J AN) 3:0
Analytical Instrumentation
Principles, instrumentation, design and application of UV, visible and IR spectroscopy, mass
spectrometry, Mossbauer and NMR spectroscopy, X-ray methods of analysis including powder
diffraction, wavelength and energy dispersive x-ray fluorescence. Electron microscopy and
microprobe. ESCA and AUGer techniques, photo electron spectroscopic methods, scanning tunneling
and atomic force microscopy. Chromatography, thermal analysis including DTA, DSC and TGA.
Thermal wave spectroscopic techniques such as photo-acoustic, photo-thermal deflection and
photopyro-electric methods.
S Asokan
Willard, H.W., Merritt, L.L., Dean, J.A., and Settle, F.A., Instrument Methods of Analysis Sixth Edn, East West Publishers, 1992.
Strong, D.A., Holler, F.J., and Nieman, T.A., Principles of Instrumental Analysis (Fifth Edn,) Saunders, 1998. Apar Wiston, C., X
Ray Methods, John Wiley and Sons, 1991.
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IN 210 (AUG) 3:0
Wave propagation in periodic media
Theory of one, two and three dimensional lattices, energy velocity, energy flow, characteristics
impedance, Kronig-Penny and tight binding models of crystals, wave propagation in
nonlinearstructures. Transmission and reflection of electromagnetic waves on an interface, grating
theory, multi-dimensional phononic and photonic crystals, materials and techniques of fabrication,
nature inspired periodic structures, device applications.
Abha Misra
C. Kittel, Introduction to Solid State Physics, John Wiley & Sons 1953.A. P. French, Vibrations and WavesW. W. Norton &
company 1971. Leon Brillouin, Wave Propagation in Periodic Structures, CRC Press 1997. M. Kolle, Photonic Structures
Inspired by NatureSpringer 2011.
IN 212 (J AN) 3:0
Advanced Nano/Micro Systems
Fundamentals of MEMS & NEMS fabrication, Physical properties of MEMS and NEMS devices,
doping, pattern generation, tools for nanoscale characterizations, CMOS based devices, fabrication of
advanced sensingsystems such as image sensors used in various cameras, touch sensors,
accelerometer, gyroscope, flow sensors, actuators, transducers, thermal sensor, electrostatic,
piezoelectric piezoreristive sensors, chemical sensors, biological sensors, strain gauges, load cells,
pressure sensors, optical sensors, signal conditioning circuits for sensors, control units etc., electrons
and ions optics, single electrom tunneling, quantization of electrical conduction, electronic and
photonic band gap crystals.
Abha Misra
M. J. Madou, Fundamentals of microfabrication, CRC Press 1997. H. J, Levinson, Principles of lithography, SPIE 2004. H. J.
De Los Santos, Principles and Applications of Nano MEMS Physics, Springer 2008.B. Bhushan, Hand book of Nanotechnology,
Springer, 2nd edition 2007.
IN 214 (AUG) 3:0
Semiconductor Devices and Circuits
Quantum Mechanics Fundamentals, Schrodinger Equation, Particle ina Box, Harmonic Oscillator,
Bonding, Crystals, Winger Seitz Cell, Braggs Law, Lattice Waves and Phonons, Reciprocal Lattice
Brillouin Zones, Kronig Penny Model, Formation of Energy Bands, Metals, Semiconductors- Density
of States, Fermi Function, Carrier Concentrations and Mass Action Law, Doping, Recombination
andGeneration, Continuity Equation, Metal Semiconductor Junctions, PN Junctions, BJT, JFET,
MESFET, MOS Capacitor, MOSFETs, Small Signal Models, Single Stage Amplifiers Basics, Organic
Semiconductors, amorphous silicon, metal oxides.
Sanjiv Sambandan
Prinaciples of the Theory od Solidds, J.M. Ziman, 2
Edition, Cambridge Univeriasty Press, Physics of Semiconductor Devices,
S.M. Sze, Wiley Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits, P. P. Gray, P.J. Hurst, S. H. Lewis, Wiley.
IN 221 (J AN) 3:0
Sensors and Measurement Techniques
Sensor fundamentals, classification of sensors, general sensor characteristics, strain sensors,
pressure and force sensors, vacuum sensors, radiation sensors, sensors for biomedical applications,
tactile sensors, acoustic sensors, image sensors, thermal sensors. Micro sensors and actuators.
Micro electro mechanical systems (MEMS): micro-fabrication and micro machining, advanced
lithography techniques, diffusion & ion implantation and related aspects. Electronic interfaces & signal
capture and modulation, large area electronic sensors.
K Rajanna and S Sanjiv
Norton, H.N., Handbook of Transducers, Prentice Hall, 1989.Gardner, J. W., Microsensors: Principles and Applications, John
Wiley, 1994.Ristic, L. R. (ed.), Sensor Technology and Devices, Artech House Publishers,1994.
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par Street, R. A. Technology and Applications of Amorphous Silicon, Springer,1999. Current Literature on Sensors and
IN 222 (J AN) 3:0
Microcontrollers and Applications
Architecture of Microcontrollers and hardware interfacing techniques. Introduction to Integrated
development environment for application software development. A/D D/A interfaces. Stepper and
DC Motor controls. Finite state Machine Models for applications. Case studies of applications
controlled via local keyboard or by using serial Interfaces. Use of I2C bus in applications.
S Ramgopal
Ayala, The 8051 Microcontroller, Third Edn, Thomson, 2007.
Mazidi, M.A., Mazidi, J.G., and Mckinlay, R.D., The 8-51 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems using Assembly and
C,Second Edn, Pearson Education.
IN 223 (AUG) 3:0
Plasma Processes
Glow discharge plasmas, ion surface interactions, magnetron discharges, ion sources, DC, RF and
ECR plasmas, surface modification using ion sources, ion beam mixing and ion implantation, ion
beam etching for microelectronic devices, plasma diagnostics, Langmuir probe, glow discharge mass
spectrometry and optical emission spectrometry, plasma surface modification.
G Mohan Rao
Chapman, B.N., Glow Discharge Processes, John Wiely and Sons, 1979.
Vossen, J.L., and Kern, W. (Eds), Thin Film Processes, Academic Press, 1979.
Cuomo, J.J., Rossnagel, S.M., and Kauffman, H.R. (Eds), Handbook of Ion beam Processing Techniques, Noyes Publications,
IN 224 (J AN) 3:0
Microelectronic Devices Fabrication and Applications
Semiconductors, growth techniques and properties, thin film phenomena, PVD and CVD techniques,
ion implantation and rapid thermal annealing, lithography and ion beam etching, ceramics, glasses
and plastics in microelectronics, packaging techniques, microelectronic devices.
G Mohan Rao
Sze, S.M., Physics of Semiconductor Devices, Wiley Eastern, 1993.
Campbell, S.A., The Science and Engineering of Microelectronic Fabrication, Oxford University Press, 1996.
IN 225 (AUG) 3:0
Digital Signal Processing
Signal theory, random processes and sequences. Introduction to sampling theorem. Z-transforms,
discrete Fourier transforms, fast Fourier transforms and its applications, windowing techniques,
convolution and correlation-signal detection techniques digital filters, moving average filter, FIR and
IIR filters, quantization and rounding problems in digital filters. Spectrum analysis and estimation
techniques. DSP system concept and design. Introduction to DSP hardware. Algorithms and
instrumentation applications.
R M Vasu and P C Mathias
Proakis, J.G., and Monolokis, D.G., Digital Signal Processing Principles, Algorithms and Applications, Prentice Hall, 1995.
Oppenheim, A.V., and Schafer, R.W., Digital Signal Processing, Prentice Hall, 1975.
IN 226 (AUG) 3:0
Probability and Statistical Methods in Engineering.
Introduction, elements of probability theory, counting rules and probabilities, random variables,
escriptive properties of distribution, discrete case, continuous distributions, normal distribution,
transformation of variables, Monte Carlo method, Markovchains. Statistical inference-estimation,
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hypothesis testing, t-distribution, chi-distribution, F-distribution, simple regression and correlation
DOE-geometric approach, factorial design, mixer design.
M Chandran
David J. Saville, statistical Methods : The geometric approach Springer. 1991
Meyer, P.L., Introductory Probability and Statistical Applications, Amerind Publishing Co., 1975.
Chao, L.L., Statistics Methods and Analysis, McGraw Hill, 1974.
IN 227 (J AN) 3:0
Control Systems Design
Dynamics of linear systems, Laplace transforms, analysis of feedback control systems using Nyquist
plots, Bode plots and Root Locus, design of control systems in single-degree of-freedom configuration
using direct design, proportional-integral-derivative control, lead-lag ompensation, design of control
systems in two-degree of-freedom configuration to achieve robustness, ntitative feedback theory
control of non-minimum phase systems, Bode sensitivity integrals, use of discribing functions to
analyze and compensate nonlinearities.
G R J ayanth
Horowitz I.M., Synthesis of Feedback Systems, Academic Press, 1963.
Goodwin G. C., Graebe S. E.,. Salgado M. E, Control System Design, PHI Learning, 2001.
Sidi, marcel, design of Robust Control Systems, Kriegar, 2001.
IN 228 (J AN) 3:0
Automatic SystemControl Engineering
Digital interfacing, A/D conversion by 8 bit, 12 bit and 16 bit, system calibration, compensation.
Application of proportional control and PID control to systems and comparison, case studies. Stability
analysis and performance modeling. Advantages of microcomputer based industrial process control
systems. Remote control methods. Introduction of fuzzy logic and Application. Linux infrared remote
T K Mondal
Hall, D.V., Microprocessors and interfacing, McGraw Hill, 1986.
John Van De Vegte, Feedback control system, Prentice Hall Intl, Inc.
Terano, T., Asai, K., Sugeno, M. (Eds), (Translated by Charles Aschmann), Applied Fuzzy Systems, Professional, Boston,
IN 229 (AUG) 3:0
Advanced Instrumentation Electronics
Instrumentation building blocks: operational amplifiers, RC timers, waveform generators,
programmable analog circuits, analog filter design, switched capacitor circuits, data
conversion (ADC/DAC) circuits, CAD for analog circuits. Digital circuits: interfacing,
PC fundamentals, role of PC in instrumentation, parallel port, serial RS232, CAN, 12C,
SPI, protocols. Logic family characteristics: TTL 12L, CMOS, ECL, Low voltage logic.
Basic introduction to microcontrollers and programmabel logic. RF circuits: basic
transmission line theory, impedance matching smith chart, stability of RF amplifiers,
VCOs, mixers, PLLS. Measurement and characterization of noice.
Atanu K Mohanty
Horowitz, P., and Hill, W., Art of Electronics. Second Edn, Cambridge Univ. Press, 1980.
Ryder, J.D., Networks, lines and Fields, Second Edn, prentice Hall of India, 1955.
Millman, J., and Halkias, C.C., Integrated Electronics, Mcgraw Hill, Auckland, 1972.
IN 232 (AUG) 2:1
Thin FilmDeposition and Characterization
Deposition techniques: electroplating, CVD, Solgel, resistive, electron beam, flash and laser
evaporation, DC and RF diode, triode and magnetron sputtering. Ion plating, ion beam
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deposition,plasma CVD and MBE. Deposition systems and accessories design and fabrication
details of electron beam guns, ion sources. Film thickness measurement and monitoring techniques.
Film characterization techniques: X-rays and electron beam techniques for structure and composition,
instrumentation for measuring electrical, optical and electromechanical properties of films.
K Rajanna
Chopra, K.L., Thin Film Phenomena, Rober G. Krieger Publishing, NY, 1979.
Maissel, L., and Glong, R., Hand Book of Thin Film Technology, McGraw Hill, London, 1970.
par Vassen, J.L., and Kem, W., Thin Film Process, Academic Press, NY, 1978.
IN 234 (AUG) 3:0
High VacuumTechnology and Applications
Kinetic theory of gases in closed systems, production and measurement of high vacuum, materials for
vacuum environment, vacuum system design and fabrication, leak detection. Applications of high
vacuum in thin film technology, metallurgy and space technology. Concepts of ultra high vacuum
G Mohan Rao
Roth, A., Vacuum technology, Elsevier Science, 1996.
OHanlon, I., A User Guide to Vacuum Technology, Wiley-Interscience, 2003.
Lafferty, J.M., Foundations of Vacuum Science and Technology, John Wiley and Sons, 1998.
IN 244 (J AN) 2:1
Optical Metrology
Fundamentals of Optics: Ray Optics, Wave Propagation, Diffraction,Refraction, Intereference,
Polarization, Coherence, Fourier Optics,ATF, OTF and MTF for Imaging Systems.
Dimensional Metrology: Pinhole Camera Model, Camera Calibration,Laser Triangulation, Structured
Illumination Techniques, FringeAnalysis, Phase Unwrapping, System Calibration Techniques.Various
Interferometric Techniques such as Michelson, Mach-Zehnder,
Fabry-Prot, Holographic, Speckle, Moir, VISAR and Common PathInterferometry.
Metrology with Optical Microscopy: Basics of Microscopy, 2-D and 3-Dmeasurements, Optical
Sectioning, Super-resolution, Surface Profilingand Quantitative Phase Imaging.
This course also aims at providing hands-on experience for importantrepresentative experimental
techniques such as MichelsonInterferometry, 4-f System, digital holography, fringe projection
profilometry and quantitative phase imaging in microscopy.
Sai Siva Gorthi
Introduction to Fourier Optics by Joseph W.Goodman, Roberts and Company, 3
Fundamentals of Photonics by B.E.A. Saleh and M.C.Teich,Wily 2
Optical Metrolog by Kjell J.Gasvik,Wily 3
edition, 2002
Quantitative Phase Imaging of Cells and Tissues by Gabriel Popescue,M.C.Graw Hill Professional 1
edition, 2011.
IN 247 (J AN) 3:0
Principles of Tomographic Imaging
Radon transform and its properties, inversion methods using FBP, ART and its variations for both
parallel and fan beam illumination. Optical tomography. Refraction correction strategies. Diffraction
correction in optical tomography, data gathering for optical tomography, wave-front estimation
techniques, phase unwrapping. Experimental aspects and applications.
R M Vasu
Deans, S.R., The Radon Transform and some of its Applications, John Wiley, 1993.
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Herrman, G.T., Image Reconstructions from Projection: The Fundamentals of Computerized Tomography, Academic
Kak A.C., and Slaney, M., Principles of Computerized Tomographic Imaging, IEEE Press, 1988.
IN 251 (J AN) 3:0
Process Instrumentation and Control
Measurement of process and system variables, thermal, mechanical and optical sensors, analog and
digital signal conditioning, principles of automatic control, discrete state process control, control
hardware, actuators, relays, switches and valves, analog and digital controllers, control loop
characteristics and analysis, process tuning, PLCs in process control, distributed control systems,
smart sensors. Application of MEMS in process industry.
J Nagaraju
Johnson, C., Process Control Instrumentation Technology, Prentice Hall of India, 1996.
Doeblin, E.O., Measurement Systems Application and Design, McGraw Hall, 1975.
Ogata, K., Modern Control Engineering, Prentice Hall of India, 1994.
IN 252 (AUG) 3:0
Instrumentation for Energy Conservation and Management
Principles and techniques of energy audit and management, energy conservation methods, evaluation
and measurement techniques, heat flux meters, BTU meters suitable for heat exchangers
andgaseous fuels calorimeters. Instrumentation for renewable energy systems (solar thermal,
photovoltaic and wind energy). Energy management devices, electromechanical devices, micro
controller based systems.
J Nagaraju
Reay, D.A., Industrial Energy Conservation, Pergamon Press, 1977.
Hodge, B.K., Analysis and Design of Energy Systems, Prentice Hall, 1988.
Liptak, B.G. (ed.), Instrument Engineers Handbook, Chinton Book Company, 1982.
IN 266 (J AN) 3:0
Differential Geometry and Engineering Applications
Fundamentals of linear algebra, linear structure, parametric representation, change of variables, linear
forms, bilinear forms, Tensors, Gauss, Green, Stokes theorem, differential geometry, differential
forms. Lie derivative, Some application in FEM, and some case studies.
M Chandran
Anton, H., and Rorres, C., Elementary Linear Algebra, Application version, John Wiley and Sons, 1994.
Munkres, J.R., Analysis on manifolds, Addison Wesley, 1991.
Wendell Flaming. Functions of Several variables. Springer 1977.
IN 267 (AUG) 3:0
Fluorescence Microscopy and Imaging
Light Sources, Monochromators, Optical Filters, Photomultiplier tubes, polarizers, Beer-Lambart Law,
Paraxial ray Optics and System Designing, Wave Optics, electromagnetic theory, fluorescence
microscopy systems, molecular physics, photo-physics and Stern-Volmer equation, Jablonski
diagram, emission spectra, fluorescence lifetime and quantum yield, time-domain lifetime
measurements, fluorescence correlation spectroscopy, total internal reflection fluorescence
microscopy, electric field effects, point spread function, single-and multi-photon fluorescence
microscopy, advanced super resolution microscopy, aperture engineering techniques, 3D image
reconstruction, Markov random field, maximum likelihood algorithm, Bayes theorem.
Partha P. Mondal.
Prerequisites: Knowledge of C and MATLAB Programming.
James Pawley, Handbook of Biological Confocal Microscopy, Springer, Springer Science + Business Media, 3rd Edition, 2006.
J. R. Lakowicz, Principles of Fluorescence Spectroscopy, 3rd Edition, Springer, 2006.
M. Born and E. Wolf, Principles of Optics, 7th Edition, Cambridge University Press, 2001.
Alberto Diaspro, Nanoscopy and Multidimensional Optical Fluorescence Microscopy, CRC, 1st Edition, 2010.
C. Gonzalez and R. E. Woods, Digital Image Processing, 3rd Edition.
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IN 268 (AUG) 2:1
Microfluidic Devices and Applications
Basic principles in microfluidics, design principles for microfluidic devices, device
fabricationProcedures, (such as optical lithography and soft lithography), components of microfluidic
devices (micro-pump, mixers, lenses, valves, heaters, sensors, etc.,) utility of microfluidic devices in
various biological, chemical and optical sensing applications, opto-fluidics, Inertial-microfluidics,
droplet-microfluidics, microfluidics based-flow cytometry. This course also provides hands on-
experience in the design, fabrication and characterization of Lab-on-achips or point-of care testing
Sai Siva Gorthi
Introduction to Microfluidics by Patric tabeling. (2005)
Fundamentals and Applications of Micro-fluidicsBy Nam-Trung nguyen and Stev(2008) Wereley (2006)
Biological Applications of Microfluidics edited by Frank A. Gomez
Theoretical Microfluidics byHenrik Bruus (2007)
IN 269 (AUG) 3:0
Variational Methods in Engineering
Fundamentals of linear algebra, fundamentals of real analysis, functional, Gateux variations,
Lagrange multiplier and applications, inequality constraints, Optimal control theory, linear quadratic
regulator, Ritz method, Galerkin method, Least square method, steepest descent, application of
variational methods in ODE, PDE, some case studies.
M Chandran and G R J ayanth
Prerequisite: MATLAB and MAPLE (Laptop is essential)
Donald R Smith,Variational Methods in Optimization, Prentice Hall, 1974.
Karel Rektorys, Variational methods in Mathematics, Science and Engineering, D. Reidel Publishing Co. 1975.
IN 271 (J AN) 3:0
Cryogenic Instrumentation and Applications
Introduction and fundamentals of cryogenic technology, Properties of cryogenic fluids, Properties of
materials at low temperatures, Cryogenic refrigeration systems and gas liquefaction systems,
Measurement of temperature, pressure, flow and liquid level, Cryogenic fluid storage and transfer
systems, Design of cryostats and cryogenic systems, Cryocoolers, Cryogenic safety, Applications of
Upendra Behera and N. C. Shivaprakash
Randall F. Barron, Cryogenic Systems, Second Edition, Oxford University Press, 1985.
Thomas M. Flynn, Cryogenic Engineering, Marcel Dekker Inc, 1997.
J. G. Weisend II, Handbook of Cryogenic Engineering, Taylor & Francis, 1998.
IN 301 (J AN) 3:0
Advanced Topics in Fluorescence Imaging.
Electric field at the geometrical focus of a fluorescence imaging system. Photophysics, Super-
resolution Fluorescence Imaging, PSF Engineering for super-resolution microscopy,
fluorescencecorrelation spectroscopy. Multidimensional Image reconstruction for Fluorescence
Partha P Mondal
Prerequisites: Optics, C and MATLAB programming, Molecular Physics, Bioimaging,
Reviews, research articles and conference proceedings.
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IN 299 0:19
Dissertation Project
The dissertation project aims at providing the candidates with an opportunity to design and build
complete systems or sub-systems in an area where they would like to acquire specialized skills. A
report is to be submitted at the culmination of the project. The project will be evaluated on the basis of
(i) physical inspection of the project (ii) project report and (iii) oral examination.
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Course No. Credits Course title
Core Courses (these are compulsory)
MA 212 3:0 Algebra
MA 213 3:0 Representation Theory of Finite Groups
MA 219 3:0 Linear Algebra
MA 221 3:0 Real Analysis
MA 222 3:0 Measure Theory
MA 223 3:0 Functional Analysis
MA 224 3:0 Complex Analysis
MA 229 3:0 Calculus on Manifolds
MA 231 3:0 Topology
MA 232 3:0 Introduction to Algebraic Topology
MA 241 3:0 Ordinary Diff. Equations
MA 242 3:0 Partial Diff. Eqns.
MA 261 3:0 Probability Models
Soft Core
MA 315 3:0 Galois Theory
MA 361 3:0 Probability Theory
Project :
MA 201 7.0 Project
Elective Courses
MA 210 3:0 Logic, Types and Spaces
MA 226 3:0 Complex Analysis II
MA 312 3:0 Commutative Algebra
MA 316 3:0 Homological Algebra
MA 317 3:0 Number Theory
MA 318 3:0 Combinatorics
MA 325 3:0 Operator Theory II
MA 327 3:0 Topics in Analysis
MA 329 3:0 Topics in Several Complex Variables
MA 338 3:0 Differentiable Manifolds and Lie Groups
MA 347 3:0 PDE and Finite Element Method
MA 212 (AUG) 3:0
Groups : Review of Groups, Subgroups, Homomorphisms, Normal subgroups, Quotient groups,
Isomorphism theorems. Group actions and its applications, Sylow theorems. Structure of finitely
generated abelian groups, Free groups.
Rings : Review of rings, Homomorphisms, Ideals and isomorphism theorems. Prime ideals and
maximal ideals. Chinese remainder theorem. Euclidean domains, Principal ideal domains, Unique
factorization domains. Factorization in polynomial rings.
Modules : Modules, Homomorphisms and exact sequences. Free modules. Hom and tensor
products. Structure theorem for modules over PIDs.
Artin, M., Algebra, Prentice-Hall of India, 1994.
Dummit, D.S. and Foote, R.M., Abstract Algebra, John Wiley & Sons, 2001.
Hungerford, T.W., Algebra, Springer (India), 2004.
Herstein, I.N., Topics in Algebra, John Wiley & Sons, 1995.
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MA 219 (AUG) 3:0
Linear Algebra
Vector spaces : Basis and dimension, Direct sums.
Determinants: Theory of determinants, Cramers rule.
Linear transformations: Rank-nullity theorem, Algebra of linear transformations, Dual spaces.
Linear operators, Eigenvalues and eigenvectors, Characteristic polynomial, Cayley-Hamilton
theorem, Minimal polynomial, Algebraic and geometric multiplicities, Diagonalization, Jordan
canonical Form.
Symmetry: Group of motions of the plane, Discrete groups of motion, Finite groups of SO(3).
Bilinear forms: Symmetric, skew symmetric and Hermitian forms, Sylvesters law of
inertia, Spectral theorem for the Hermitian and normal operators on finite dimensional
vector spaces.
Linear groups: Classical linear groups, SU
and SL
Artin, M., Algebra, Prentice Hall of India, 1994.
Herstein, I.N., Topics in Algebra, Vikas Publications, 1972.
Strang, G., Linear Algebra and its Applications, Third Edition, Saunders, 1988.
Halmos, P., Finite dimensioinal Vector spaces, Springer-Verlag (UTM), 1987.
Hoffman, K. and Kunze, R., Linear Algebra, 2
Edition, Prentice Hall.
MA 221 (AUG) 3:0
Real Analysis
Review of Real and Complex numbers systems, Topology of R, Continuity and differentiability,
Mean value theorem, Intermediate value theorem, Implicit function theorem, Inverse function
theorem, Sequence and series of functions, Uniform convergence, Riemann-Stieltjes integral.
MA 223 (AUG) 3:0
Functional Analysis
Basic topological concepts, Metric spaces, Normed linear spaces, Banach spaces, Bounded linear
functionals and dual spaces, Hahn Banach Theorem, Bounded linear operators, Open mapping-
theorem, closed graph theorem, Banach- steinhaus theorem, Hilbert spaces, Riesz representation
theorem, Orthonormal sets, Orthogonal complements, Bounded operators on a Hilbert space upto
the spectral theorem for compact, self adjoint operators.
Goffman, C. and Pedrick, G., First Course in Functional Analysis, Prentice-Hall of India, 1995.
Conway, J. B., A Course in Functional Analysis, Springer, 1990.
Taylor, A. E., Introduction to Functional Analysis, Wiley International Edition, 1958.
Bachman, G., and Narici, L., Functional Analysis, Academic Press, 1966.
Rudin, W., Functional Analysis, 2
Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2006.
Yosida, K., Functional Analysis, 4
Edition, Narosa Publishing House, 1974.
MA 226 (AUG) 3:0
Complex Analysis II
Harmonic and subharmonic functions, Green's function, and the Dirichlet problem for the Laplacian;
the Riemann mapping theorem (revisited) and characterizing simple onnectedness in the plane;
Picard's theorem; the inhomogeneous CauchyRiemann equations and applications; covering spaces
and the monodromy theorem.
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Narasimhan, R., Complex Analysis in One Variable, 1st ed. or 2nd ed. (with Y. Nievergelt), Birkhauser (2nd ed. is available in
Indian reprint, 2004)
Greene, R.E. and Krantz, S.G., Functions Theory of One Complex Variable, 2nd ed., AMS 2002 (available in Indian reprint,
2009, 2011)
MA 231 (AUG) 3:0
Point Set Topology : Open and closed sets, Continuous functions, Metric topology, Product
topology, Connectedness, Path Connectedness, Compactness, Countability axioms, Separation
axioms, Complete metric spaces, Quotient topology, Topological groups, Orbit spaces.
Fundamental group : Homotopic maps, Construction of the fundamental group, Fundamental
group of circle, Homotopy type, Brouwer fixed-point theorem, Separation of the plane.
Armstrong, M. A., Basic Topology, Springer (India), 2004.
Janich, K., Topology, Springer-Verlag (UTM), 1984.
Munkres, K. R., Topology (a first course), Prentice Hall of India, 1983.
Viro, O. Ya., Ivanov, O. A., Netsvetaev, N. and Khariamov, V. M., Elementary Topology ProblemTextbook, AMS, 2008.
MA 232 (AUG) 3:0
Introduction to Algebraic Topology
The fundamental group : Homotopy of maps, multiplication of paths, the fundamental group,
induced homomorphisms, the fundamental group of the circle, covering spaces, lifting
theorems, the universal covering space, Seifert-Van Kampen theorem, applications. Simplicial
Complexes, Simplicial and Singular-homology Definitions, Properties and Applications.
Armstrong, M. A., Basic Topology, Springer (India), 2004.
Hatcher, A., Algebraic Topology, Cambridge Univ. Press, 2002.
Kosniowski, C., A First Course in Algebraic Topology, Cambridge Univ. Press, 1980.
MA 242 (AUG) 3:0
Partial Differential Equations
First order partial differential equation and Hamilton-Jacobi equations ; Cauchy problem and
classification of second order equations, Holmgrens uniqueness theorem; Laplace equation;
Diffusion equation ; Wave equation; Some methods of solutions, Variable separable method.
John, F., Partial Differential Equations, Springer (International Students Edition), 1971.
Evans, L. C., Partial Differential Equations,
AMS, 1998.
MA 261 (AUG) 3:0
Probability Models
Sample spaces, events, probability, discrete and continuous random variables, Conditioning and
independence, Bayes formula, moments and moment generating function, characteristic function,
laws of large numbers, central limit theorem, Markov chains, Poisson processes.
Ross, S.M., Introductionto Probability Models, Academic Press 1993.
Taylor, H.M., and Karlin, S., An Introductionto Stochastic Modelling, Academic Press, 1994.
MA 316 (AUG) 3:0
Introduction to Homological Algebra
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Polynomial ring, Projective modules, injective modules, flat modules, additive category, abelian
category, exact functor, adjoint functors, (co)limits, category of complexes, snake lemma, derived
functor, resolutions, Tor and Ext, dimension, local cohomology,group (co)homology, sheaf
cohomology, Cech cohomology, Grothendieck spectral sequence, Leray spectral sequence.
Cartan and Eilenberg, Homological Algebra.
Weibel, Introductionto Homological Algebra.
Rotman, Introductionto Homological Algebra.
MA 317 (AUG) 3:0
Introduction to Number Theory
Part I: Factorization and prime numbers, Congruences, Primitive roots, Quadratic residues, Continued
fractions, Irrational numbers, Approximation of irrationals by rationals, Some Diophantine equations,
Algebraic and Transcendental numbers.
Part II: Arithmetical functions, Averages of Arithmetical functions, Summation formulas, Distribution
of primes-I (elementary estimates), Dirichlet series and Euler products, Introduction to the Riemann
zeta function.
Hardy, G.H. and Wright, E.M., An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers (6th ed, Oxford University Press, (2008).
Ireland, K. and Rosen, M., A Classical Introduction to ModernNumber Theory, GTM 84, Springer, (1990).
Apostol, T.M., Introduction to Analytic number theory, UTM, Springer, (1976).
Niven I., Zuckerman, H.S. and Montgomery, H.L., An introductionto the theory of Numbers (Fifth ed.), John Wiley and Sons,
Inc., (1991).
MA 325 (AUG) 3:0
Operator Theory II
Sz.-Nagy, Foias theory : Dilation of contractions on a Hilbert space, minimal isometric dilation,
unitary dilation. Von Neumann ?s inequality. Ando?s theorem: simultaneous dilation of a pair of
commuting contractions. Parrott?s example of a triple of contractions which cannot be dilated
simultaneously. Creation operators on the full Fock space and the symmetric Fock space.
Operators spaces, Completely positive and completely bounded maps. Endomorphisms. Towards
dilation of completely positive maps. Unbounded operators: Basic theory of unbounded self-adjoint
Conway, J.B., A course inFunctional Analysis, Springer, 1985.
Paulson, V., Completely Bounded Maps andDilations, Pitman Research Notes, 1986.
MA 327 (AUG) 3:0
Topics in Analysis
In this course we begin by stating many wonderful theorems in analysis and proceed to prove them
one by one. In contrast to usual courses (where we learn techniques and see results as `applications'
of those techniques), we take a somewhat experimental approach in stating the results and then
exploring the techniques to prove them. The theorems themselves have the common feature that the
statements are easy to understand but the proofs are non-trivial and instructive. And the techniques
involve analysis.
We intend to cover a subset of the following theorems: isoperimetric inequality, infinitude of primes in
arithmetic progressions, Weyl's equidistribution theorem on the circle, Shannon's source coding
theorem, uncertainty principles including Heisenberg's, Wigner's law for eigenvalues of a random
matrix, Picard's theorem on the range of an entire function, principal component analysis to reduce
dimensionality of data...
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Prerequisites: Real analysis, complex analysis, basic probability, linear algebra, groups. It would
help to know or to concurrently take a course in measure theory and/or functional analysis.
Korner, I. T. W., Fourier Analysis, Cambridge University Press, 1 ed., 1988
Rudin, W., Real andComplex Analysis, Tata McGraw Hill Education, 3rd ed., 2007
Thangavelu, S., An Introductionto the Uncertainty Principle, Birkhauser, 2003
Serre, J. P., A Course in Arithmetic, Springer-Verlag, 1973
Robert Ash., InformationTheory, Dover Special Priced Titles, 2008
MA 329 (AUG) 3:0
Topics in Several Complex Variables
In this topics course, we would like to try out the notion of approaching the essential concepts in
several complex variables with the eventual aim of studying some topics in multi-variable complex
Thus, the course will begin with a complete and rigorous introduction to holomorphic functions in
several variables and their properties. This will pave the way to motivating and studying the concept
of plurisubharmonicity.
Finally, we shall study some complex dynamics i.e., the dynamics of the iterations of a
holomorphic map in several variables using the tools developed.
Prerequisites : MA 224 (i.e., the first course in Complex Analysis) and, preferably, MA 324 (Topics
in Complex Analysis in One Variable). Students who have not taken MA 324 but are highly interested
in this course are encouraged to speak to the instructor.
Hormander, L., An Introductionto Complex Analysis in Several Variables (3
ed.), North-Holland Publishing Co. Amsterdam,
MA 338 (AUG) 3:0
Differentiable Manifolds and Lie Groups
Differentiable manifolds : Differentiable manifolds, differentiable maps and tangent spaces; regular
values and Sards theorem; submersions and immersions; vector fields and flows; the exponential
map; Frobeniuss Theorem; Lie groups, Lie algebras and the exponential map; homogeneous spaces;
tensors and differential forms; the Lie derivative; orientable manifolds; integration on manifolds and
Stokess Theorem.
Riemannian Geometry : Riemannian metrics, the Levi~Civita connection; curvature and parallel
Kumaresan, S., A Course inDifferential Geometry and Lie Groups, Texts and Readings in Mathematics, 22, Hindustan book
Agency, 2002
Warner, F., Foundations of Differentiable Manifolds and Lie Groups, Graduate Texts in Mathematics, 94, Springer-Verlag, 1983
MA 210 (J AN) 3:0
Logic, Types and Spaces
This course is an introduction to logic and foundations from both a modern point of view (based on
type theory and its relations to topology) as well as in the traditional formulation based on first-
order logic.
Topics : Basic type theory : terms and types, function types, dependent types, inductive types.
First order logic: First order languages, deduction and truth, Models, Godels completeness and
compactness theorems.
Godels incompleteness theorem
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Homotopy Type Theory : Propositions as types, the identity type family, topological view of the
identity type, foundations of homotopy type theory.
Most of the material will be developed using the dependently typed language / proof assistant
Agda. Connections with programming in functional language will be explored.
Prerequisites : No prior knowledge of logic is assumed. Some background in algebra and topology will be assumed.
It will be useful to have some familiarity with programming .
Homotopy Type Theory: Univalent Foundations of Mathematics, Institute for Adv. Studies, Princeton 2013, available at
Manin, Yu., I., A Course inMathematical Logic for Mathematicians, second Edition, Graduate Texts in Mathematics, Springer-
Verlag, 2010.
Srivastava, S. M., A Course onMathematical Logic, Universitext, Springer-Verlag, 2008.
MA 213 (J AN) 3:0
Representation Theory of Finite Groups
Representation theory: Representations of finite groups, irreducible representations, complete
reducibility, Schurs lemma, characters, orthogonality, class functions, regular representations and
induced representations, the group algebra.
Linear groups: Representations of the group SU
Artin, M., Algebra, Prentice Hall of India, 1994.
Fulton W., and Harris, J., Representation Theory, Springer-Verlag, 1991.
Serre, J. P., Linear Representations of Finite Groups, Springer-Verlag, 1977.
MA 222 (J AN) 3:0
Measure Theory
Construction of Lebesgue measure, Measurable functions, Lebesgue integration, Abstract measure
and abstract integration, Monotone convergence theorem, Dominated convergence theorem, Fatous
lemma, Comparison of Riemann integration and Lebesgue integration, Product sigma algebras,
Product measures, Sections of measurable functions, Fubinis theorem, Signed measures and
Radon-Nikodym theorem, L
spaces, characterization of continuous linear functionals on L
Change of variables, Complex measures, Riesz representation theorem.
Royden, H. L., Real Analysis, Macmillan, 1988.
Folland, G.B., Real Analysis: Modern Techniques andtheir Applications, 2
edition, Wiley.
Hewitt, E. and Stromberg, K., Real and Abstract Analysis, Springer, 1969.
MA 224 (J AN) 3:0
Complex Analysis
Complex numbers, Analytic functions, Cauchys integral theorem, integral formula, Power series,
Liouvilles theorem, Mean-value and maximum-modulus theorem, Moreras theorem, Schwartz
reflection principle, Isolated singularities, Residue theorem, Contour integration, Mbius
transformations, Conformal mappings, The Riemann mapping theorem, Analytic continuation,
Schwarz lemma.
Ahlfors, L.V., Complex Analysis, McGraw-Hill, 1979.
Conway, J.B., Functions of a Complex
Variable, Springer-Verlag, 1978.
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MA 229 (J AN) 3:0
Calculus on Manifolds
Functions of several variables, Directional derivatives and continuity, total derivative, mean value
theorem for differentiable functions, Taylors formula.
The inverse function and implicit function theorems, extreme of functions of several variables and
Lagrange multipliers. Sards theorem.
Integration on Euclidean spaces, Fubinis theorem, the change of variables formula and partitions of
Manifolds : definitions and examples. Vector fields and differential forms on manifolds. Stokes
Spivak, M., Calculus onManifolds, W.A. Benjamin Co., 1965.
Apostol, T.M., Mathematical Analysis, Narosa Pub. House, Indian Ed.
Munkres, J., Analysis onManifolds.
Rudin, W., Principles of Mathematical Analysis, Mc-Graw their International Ed.
MA 241 (J AN) 3:0
Ordinary Differential Equations
Basic concepts: Introduction and examples through physical models, First and second order
equations, Concepts of general and particular solutions, linear and nonlinear systems, independence
and some methods.
Existence and Uniqueness Theorems : Peanos and Picards theorems, Grownwalls inequality,
Dependence on initial conditions and associated flows.
Linear Systems : Fundamental matrix, Stability of equilibrium points, Phase plane analysis,
Sturm-Liouville theory.
Nonlinear systems and their stability : Lyapunov method, Non-linear Perturbation of linear
systems, Periodic solutions and Poincare- Bendixson theorem.
Hartman, P., Ordinary Differential Equations, Birkhaeuser, 1982.
Coddington, E. A. and Levinson, N., Theory of Ordinary Differential Equations, Tata McGraw-Hill, 1972.
Perko, L., Differential Equations andDynamical Systems, Springer-Verlag, 1991.
Simmons, G. F., Differential Equations with Applications andHistorical Notes, McGraw Hill, 1991.
MA 312 (J AN) 3:0
Commutative Algebra
Rings and Ideals : Rings and ring homorphisms; Ideals; Quotient rings; operations on ideals; Prime
and maximal ideals; Nilradical and Jacobson radical.
Modules : Modules and module homomorphisms, submodules and quotient modules; Operations on
submodules, Direct sums and direct products, Finitely generated modules; Exact sequences; Tensor
product of modules and its properties; Algebras; Tensor product of algebras.
Rings and Modules of Fractions : Local properties; Extended and contracted ideals in rings of
Chain conditions on Modules : Ascending and descending chain conditions on modules;
Noetherian rings and modules; Artinian rings.
Primary Decomposition : Primary submodules; Primary decomposition for modules; Uniqueness of
isolated primary components; Associated primes.
Integral Dependence : Integral dependence; The Going-up Theorem; Integrally-closed domains;
The Going-down Theorem; Noethers normalization lemma.
Discrete valuation rings and Dedekind domains : Discrete valuation rings; Dedekind domains;
Fractionary ideals.
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Atiyah, M. F., and Macdonald, I. G., Introductionto Algebra, Addison-Wesley, 1969.
Matsumura, H., Commutative Algebra, W. A. Benjamin Co., New York, 1970.
Raghavan, S, Singh, B and Sridharan, R., Homological Methods in Commutative Algebra, TIFR Mathematical Pamphlet
Number 5, Oxford University Press, 1977.
Serre, J. P, Local Algebra (translated from French), Springer Monographs in Mathematics, Springer-Verlag, 2000.
Zariski, O., and Samuel, P., Commutative Algebra, Vols I & II, Van Nostrand, 1958 and 1960.
MA 315 (J AN) 3:0
Galois Theory
Review of Groups : Groups actions, Composition series, Jordan Holder theorem, Solvable groups.
Review of Rings : Polynomial rings, Zeros of polynomials, Elementary symmetric functions and
Fundamental Theorem on Symmetric Functions. Resultants and Discriminants, Euclidean rings,
Principal ideal domains and Factorial rings, Factorization in polynomial rings.
Field theory : Finite Fields, Finite and Algebraic extensions. Algebraic closure, Algebraically
closed fields. Proof of Fundamental Theorem of Algebra. Separable polynomials and
Separable extensions. Splitting fields, Normal extensions, Galois extensions, Galois group of a
polynomial. Fundamental Theorem of Galois theory, Radical extensions, Solvability by radicals,
Computation of Galois groups.
Artin, E., Galois Theory, University of Notre Dame Press, 1944
Artin, M., Algebra, Prentice-Hall, 1994.
Jacobson, N., Lectures in Abstract Algebra, Vols. I, II &III, D. Van Nostrand Co. Inc., Princeton, New Jersey, 1966.
Lang, S., Algebra, Graduate Texts in Mathematics, Vol. 211, Springer-Verlag, 2002
Weber, H., Lehrbuch der Algebra, Band I, II, III, Braunschweug 1898, 1899, 1908.
MA 318 (J AN) 3:0
Counting problems in sets, multisets, permutations, partitions, trees, tableaux; ordinary and
exponential generating functions; posets and principle of inclusion-exclusion, the transfer matrix
method; the exponential formula, Polya theory; bijections, combinatorial identities and the WZ
Stanley, R., Enumerative Combinatorics, Vol. 1, Second edition, 2011, Cambridge University Press.
Wilf, H., Generating Functionology, third edition, 2005, A. K. Peters/CRC Press.
Stanton, D and White, D., Constructive Combinatorics, Springer, 1986.
Erickson, M.J., Introduction to
MA 347 (J AN) 3:0
Advanced PDE and Finite Element Method
Distribution Theory : Introduction, Topology of Test functions, Convolutions, Schwartz Space,
Tempered Distributions, Fourier Transform; Sobolev Spaces : Definitions, Extension Operators,
Continuous and Compact Imbeddings, Trace results; Weak Solutions : Variational formuation of
Elliptic Boundary Value Problems, Weak solutions, Maximum Principle, Regularity results; Finite
Element Method (FEM) : Introduction to FEM, Finite element solution of Elliptic boundary value
Schwartz, L., Theories des Distributions, Hermann, (1966).
Kesavan, S., Topics inFunctional Analysis andApplications, John Wiley & Sons (1989).
Clarlet, P.G., Lectures on Finite Element Method, TIFR Lecture Notes Series, Bombay (1975).
Marti, J.T., Introductionto Finite Element Methodand Finite Element Solution of Elliptic Boundary Value Problems, Academic
Press (1986).
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MA 361 (J AN) 3:0
Probability Theory
Probability measures and random variables, pi and lambda systems, expectation, moment
generating function, characteristic function, laws of large numbers, limit theorems, conditional
contribution and expectation, martingales, infinitely divisible laws and stable laws.
Durrett, R., Probability Theory and Examples,
Edition, Cambridge University Press, 2010.
Billingsley, P., Probability and Measure, 3
Edition, Wiley India.
Killenberg, O., Foundations of Modern Probability, 2
Edition, Springer-Verlag.
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Integrated Ph DProgramme
Physical Sciences
Departmental Core Courses
PH 201 3:0 Classical Mechanics
PH 202 3:0 Statistical Mechanics
PH 203 3:0 Quantum Mechanics I
PH 204 3:0 Quantum Mechanics II
PH 205 3:0 Mathematical Methods of Physics
PH 206 3:0 Electromagnetic Theory
PH 207 1:2 Analog Digital and Microprocessor Electronics
PH 208 3:0 Condensed Matter Physics-I
PH 209 2:1 Analog and Digital Electronics Lab
PH 211 0:3 General Physics Laboratory
PH 212 0:3 Experiments in Condensed Matter Physics
PH 213 0:4 Advanced Experiments in Condensed Matter Physics
HE 215 3:0 Nuclear and Particle Physics
PH 217 3:0 Fundamentals of Astrophysics
PH 231 0:1 Workshop practice
PH 300 1:0 Seminar Course
PH 250A 0:6 Project
PH 250B 0:6 Project
Elective Courses:
HE 316 3:0 Advanced Mathematical Methods
PH 320 3:0 Condensed Matter Physics II
PH 325 3:0 Advanced Statistical Physics
PH 330 0:3 Advanced Independent Project
PH 340 4:0 Quantum Statistical Field Theory
PH 347 2:0 Bioinformatics
PH 350 3:0 Physics of Soft Condensed Matter
PH 351 3:0 Crystal Growth, Thin Films and Characterization
PH 352 3:0 Semiconductor Physics and Technology
PH 359 3:0 Physics at the Nanoscale
PH 362 3:0 Matter at Low Temperatures
HE 392 3:0 Standard Model of Particle Physics
HE 395 3:0 Quantum Mechanics III
HE 396 3:0 Gauge Field Theories
PH 201 (AUG) 3:0
Classical Mechanics
Newtons laws, generalized co-ordinates. Lagranges principle of least action and equations.
Conservation laws and symmetry. Integrable problems, elastic collisions and scattering. Small
oscillations including systems with many degrees of freedom, rigid body motion. Hamiltons equations.
Poisson brackets. Hamilton Jacobi theory. Canonical perturbation theory, chaos, elements of special
relativity. Lorentz transformations, relativistic mechanics.
Banibrata Mukhopadhyay
Goldstein, H., Classical Mechanics, Second Edn, Narosa, New Delhi, 1989.
Landau, L.D., and Lifshitz, E.M., Mechanics, Pergamon, UK, 1976.
Rana, N.C., and Jog, P.S., Classical Mechanics Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 1991.
PH 202 (J AN) 3:0
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Statistical Mechanics
Basic principles of statistical mechanics and its application to simple systems. Probability theory,
fundamental postulate, phase space, Liouvilles theorem, ergodicity, micro-canonical ensemble,
connection with thermodynamics, canonical ensemble, classical ideal gas, harmonic oscillators,
paramagnetism, Ising model, physical applications to polymers, biophysics. Grand canonical
ensemble, thermodynamic potentials, Maxwell relations, Legendre transformation. Introduction to
quantum statistical mechanics, Fermi, Bose and Boltzmann distribution, Bose condensation, photons
and phonons, Fermi gas, classical gases with internal degrees of freedom, fluctuation, dissipation and
linear response, Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics methods.
Arnab Rai Choudhuri
Pathria, R.K., Statistical Mechanics, Butterworth Heinemann, Second Edn, 1996.
Reif, F., Fundamentals of Statistical and Thermal Physics, McGraw Hill, 1965.
Landau, L.D., and Lifshitz E.M., Statistical Physics, Pergamon, 1980.
PH 203 (AUG) 3:0
QuantumMechanics I
Historical foundations. Wave function for a single particle. Hamiltonian. Schrodinger equation.
Probability current. Wave packets. One-dimensional problems: step, barrier and delta-function
potentials. Tunnelling, scattering and bound states. Harmonic oscillator, operator approach. Matrix
formulation of quantum mechanics.
Hermitian and unitary operators. Orthonormal basis. Momentum representation. Uncertainty
relations. Postulates of quantum mechanics. Heisenberg representation. Ehrenfest's theorem. Three-
dimensional problems. Rotations, angular momentum operators, commutation relations. Spherical
harmonics. Hydrogen atom, its spectrum and wave functions. Symmetries and degeneracies. Spin
angular momentum. Spin-1/2 and two-level systems. Addition of angular momentum. Spin-orbit and
hyperfine interactions. Time-independent perturbation theory. Stark and Zeeman effects. Variational
methods, ground state of helium atom.
Diptiman Sen
Cohen-Tannoudji, C., Diu, B., and Laloe, F., Quantum Mechanics Vol.1, John Wiley, 1977.
Landau, L.D., and Lifshitz E.M., Quantum Mechanics, Pergamon, NY, 1974.
R. Shankar, Principles of Quantum Mechanics, Springer, 2010
PH 204 (J AN) 3:0
QuantumMechanics II
Time dependent perturbation theory. Fermi golden rule. Transitions caused by a periodic external
field. Dipole transitions and selection rules. Decay of an unstable state. Born cross section for weak
potential scattering. Adiabatic and sudden approximations. WKB method for bound states and
tunneling. Scattering theory: partial wave analysis, low energy scattering, scattering length, Born
approximation, optical theorem, Levinsons theorem, resonances, elements of formal scattering
theory. Minimal coupling between radiation and matter, diamagnetism and paramagnetism of atoms,
Landau levels and Aharonov- Bohm effect. Addition of angular momenta, Clebsch Gordon series,
Wigner Eckart theorem, Landes g factor. Many particle systems: identity of particles, Pauli principle,
exchange interaction, bosons and fermions. Second quantization, multielectron atoms, Hunds rules.
Binding of diatomic molecules. Introduction to Klein Gordon and Dirac equations, and their non-
relativistic reduction, g factor of the electron.
B Ananthanarayan
Landau, L.D., and Lifshitz E.M., Quantum Mechanics, Pergamon, NY, 1974.
Cohen-Tannoudji, C., Diu, B., and Laloe, F., Quantum Mechanics (2 Vols.), John Wiley, 1977.
PH 205 (AUG) 3:0
Mathematical Methods of Physics
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Linear vector spaces, linear operators and matrices, systems of linear equations. Eigen values and
eigen vectors, classical orthogonal polynomials. Linear ordinary differential equations, exact and
series methods of solution, special functions. Linear partial differential equations of physics,
separation of variables method of solution. Complex variable theory; analytic functions. Taylor and
Laurent expansions, classification of singularities, analytic continuation, contour integration,
dispersion relations. Fourier and Laplace transforms.
Subroto Mukerjee
Mathews, J., and Walker, R.L., Mathematical Methods of Physics, Benjamin, Menlo Park, California, 1973.
Dennery, P., and Krzywicki, A., Mathematics for Physicists, Harper and Row, NY, 1967.
Wyld, H.W., Mathematical Methods for Physics, Benjamin, Reading, Massachusetts, 1976.
PH 206 (J AN) 3:0
Electromagnetic Theory
Laws of electrostatics and methods of solving boundary value problems. Multi-pole expansion of
electrostatic potentials, spherical harmonics. Electrostatics in material media, dielectrics. Biot-Savart
Law, magnetic field and the vector potential. Faradays Law and time varying fields. Maxwells
equations, energy and momentum of the electromagnetic field, Poynting vector, conservation laws.
Propagation of plane electromagnetic waves. Radiation from an accelerated charge, retarded and
advanced potentials, Lienard-Wiechert potentials, radiation multi-poles. Special theory of relativity and
its application in electromagnetic theory. Maxwells equations in covariant form: four potentials,
electromagnetic field tensor, field Lagrangian. Elements of classical field theory, gauge invariance in
electromagnetic theory.
Anindya Das
Jackson, J.D., Classical Electrodynamics, Third Edn, John Wiley.
Panofsky, W.K.H., and Phillips, M., Classical Electricity and Magnetism, Second Edn, Dover.
PH 207 (J AN) 1:2
Analog, Digital and Microprocessor Electronics
Basic diode and transistor circuits, operational amplifier and applications, active filters, voltage
regulators, oscillators, digital electronics, logic gates, Boolean algebra, flip-flops, multiplexers,
counters, displays, decoders, D/A, A/D. Introduction to microprocessors.
K Rajan and M N Ramanuja
Horowitz and Hill, The Art of Electronics, Second Edn.
Millman and Halkias, Integrated Electronics, McGraw Hill.
PH 208 (J AN) 3:0
Condensed Matter Physics I
Drude model, Sommerfeld model, crystal lattices, reciprocal lattice, X-ray diffraction, Brillouin zones
and Fermi surfaces, Blochs theorem, nearly free electrons, tight binding model, selected band
structures, semi-classical dynamics of electrons, measuring Fermi surfaces, cohesive energy,
classical harmonic crystal, quantum harmonic crystal, phonons in metals, semiconductors,
diamagnetism and paramagnetism, magnetic interactions.
Manish J ain
Ashcroft, N.W., and Mermin, N.D., Solid State Physics, Holt-Saunders International, NY, 1976.
Kittel, C., Introduction to Solid State Physics, 5th/6th/7th editions, Wiley International, Singapore.
PH 209 (AUG) 2:1
Analog and Digital Electronics Laboratory
Introduction to microprocessors, Intel 80x86 architecture and instruction set. Assembly and C level
programming, memory and IO interfacing. Mini projects using integrated circuits, data acquisition
systems. PC add-on boards. Introduction to virtual instrumentation.
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K Rajan and M N Ramanuja
Hall, D.V., Digital circuits and systems, McGraw Hill International Electronic Engineering Series.
Hall, D.V., Microprocessors and Interfacing, Second Edn, Tata McGraw Hill.
Robert Bishop, Learning with LabView Express, Pearson Edn.
PH 211 (AUG) 0:3
General Physics Laboratory
Diffraction of light by high frequency sound waves, Michelson interferometer, Hall effect, band gap of
semiconductors, diode as a temperature sensor, thermal conductivity of a gas using Pirani gauge,
normal modes of vibration in a box, Newtons laws of cooling, dielectric constant measurements of
triglycine selenate, random walk in porous medium.
Vasant Natarajan, Aveek Bid, DV S Muthu, G R J ayanth and Anindya Das
PH 212 (J AN) 0:3
Experiments in Condensed Matter Physics
Hall coefficient carrier mobility and life-time in semiconductors, resistivity measurement in anisotropic
materials, crystal growth, crystal optics, light scattering, electron tunneling, resonance spectroscopy,
coexistence curve for binary liquid mixtures, magnetic susceptibility, dielectric loss and dispersion.
Meissner fraction of a high temperature superconductor, specific heat of a glass, microwave and rf
absorption in high Tc materials, surface studies by STM in air, electron tunneling/STM magnetic
susceptibility, calibration of a cryogenic temperature sensor (oxide/Ge sensor), resistivity vs
temperature of a superconductor.
Reghu Menon, Suja Elizabeth, DV S Muthu and Ramesh Mallik
Weider, Lab. notes of electrical measurements.
Smith and Richardson, Experimental methods in low temperature physics.
PH 213 (AUG) 0:4
Advanced Experiments in Condensed Matter Physics
This lab course has two components: In the first part, the students will do the following five
experiments in the Central Instruments Facility of the department to learn about the basic preparation
characterization tools.
1. Laue diffraction
2. Powder diffraction
3. Differential Scanning calorimetry
4. Optical absorption spectra
5. RF sputtering
In the second part the students will do an 8-week project in a designated lab under the supervision of
a faculty member.
ArindamGhosh, R Ganesan, K R Gunasekhar and Ambarish Ghosh
PH 217 (AUG) 3:0
Fundamentals of Astrophysics
Overview of the major contents of the universe. Basics of radiative transfer and radiative processes.
Stellar interiors. HR diagram. Nuclear energy generation. White dwarfs and neutron stars. Shape, size
and contents of our galaxy. Basics of stellar dynamics. Normal and active galaxies. High energy and
plasma processes. Newtonian cosmology. Microwave background. Early universe.
Biman Nath (RRI) and Tarun Saini
Choudhuri, A.R., Astrophysics for Physicists
Shu, F., The Physical Universe.
Carroll, B.W., and Ostlie, D.A., Introduction to Modern Astrophysics.
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PH 231 (AUG) 0:1
Workshop practice
Use of lathe, milling machine, drilling machine, and elementary carpentry. Working with metals such
as brass, aluminium and steel.
Vasant Natarajan
PH 250A (J AN) 0:6
Project I
PH 250B (MAY) 0:6
Project II
This two part project starts in the fourth semester of the Integrated Ph.D Programme (PH 250 A) and
ends in the summer before the beginning of the 5th semester (PH 250B).
PH 300 (AUG) 1:0
Seminar Course
The course aims to help the fresh research student in seminar preparation, presentation and
participation. The seminars will be given by the course registrants, after proper guidance by the
Ramesh C Mallik and J aydeep Basu
PH 320 (AUG) 3:0
Condensed Matter Physics - II
Review of one-electron band theory. Effects of electron-electron interaction: Hartree Fock
approximation, exchange and correlation effects, density functional theory, Fermi liquid theory,
elementary excitations, quasiparticles. Dielectric function of electron systems, screening, plasma
oscillation. Optical properties of metals and insulators, excitons. The Hubbard model, spin-and
charge-density wave states, metal-insulator transition. Review of harmonic theory of lattice vibrations.
Anharmonic effects. Electron-phonon interaction phonons in metals, mass renormalization, effective
interaction between electrons, polarons. Transport phenomena, Boltzmann equation, electrical and
thermal conductivities, thermo-electric effects. Superconductivityphenomenology, Cooper instability,
BCS theory, Ginzburg-Landau theory.
Rahul Pandit
Ashcroft, N.W., and Mermin, N.D., Solid State Physics, Saunders College, Philadelphia.
Madelung, O., Introduction to Solid State Theory, Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
Jones, W., and March, N.H., Theoretical Solid State Physics, Dover Publications, New York.
PH 322 (J AN) 3:0
Molecular Simulation
Introduction to molecular dynamics, various schemes for integration, inter- and intra-molecular forces,
introduction to various force fields, methods for partial atomic charges, various ensembles (NVE,
NVT, NPT, NPH), hard sphere simulations, water imulations, computing long-range interactions.
Various schemes for minimization: conjugate radient, steepest descents. Monte Carlo simulations, the
Ising model, various sampling methods, particle-based MC simulations, biased Monte Carlo. Density
functional theory, free energy calculations, umbrella sampling, smart Monte Carlo, liquid crystal
simulations, introduction to biomolecule simulations
Prabal K Maiti
Prerequisites: Basic courses in statistical physics, quantum mechanics
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D Frenkel and B Smit: Understanding Molecular Simulation (Academic Press, NY 2001)
M.P. Allen, D.J. Tildesley: Computer Simulation of Liquids (Oxford Science, 2002)
PH 325 (AUG) 3:0
Advanced Statistical Physics
Systems and phenomena. Equilibrium and non-equilibrium models. Techniques for equilibrium
statistical mechanics with examples, exact solution, mean field theory, perturbation expansion,
Ginzburg Landau theory, scaling, numerical methods. Critical phenomena, classical and quantum.
Disordered systems including percolation and spin glasses. A brief survey of non-equilibrium
phenomena including transport, hydrodynamics and non-equilibrium steady states.
Vijay Shenoy
Chaikin, P.M., and Lubensky, T.C., Principles of Condensed Matter Physics, Cambridge University Press, 1995.
Plischke, M., and Bergersen, B., Equilibrium Statistical Physics, Second Edn, World Scientific, 1994.
Sethna, J.P., Statistical Mechanics: Entropy, Order Parameters and Complexity, Oxford Univ. Press, 2006.
PH 330 (AUG) 0:3
Advanced Independent Project
Open to research students only
PH 347 (AUG) 2:0
Biological databases: Organisation, searching and retrieval of information, accessing global
bioinformatics resources using the World Wide Web. UNIX operating system and network
communication. Nucleic acid sequence assembly, restriction mapping, finding simple sites and
transcriptional signals, coding region identification. Similarity and homology, dot matrix methods,
dynamic programming methods, scoring systems, multiple sequence alignments, evolutionary
relationships, genome analysis. Protein structure classification, secondary structure prediction,
hydrophobicity patterns, detection of motifs, structural databases (PDB), genome databases,
structural bioinformatics. Biological systems.
S Ramakumar and K Sekar
Mount, D.W., Bioinformatics: Sequence and Genome Analysis, Second Edn, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 2005.
Zvelebil, M., and Baum, J.O., Understanding Bioinformatics, Garland Science, 2008.
Pevsner, J., Bioinformatics and Functional Genomics, Second Edition, Wiley-Blackwell, 2009.
PH 350 (J AN) 3:0
Physics of Soft Condensed Matter
Phases of soft condensed matter, colloidal fluids and crystals, polymer solutions, gels and melts.
Micelles, vesicles, surfactant mesophaes, polymer colloids, microgels and star polymers-particles with
tunable soft repulsive interaction, surfactant and phospolipid membranes. Lyotropic liquid crystals.
Structure and dynamics of soft matter, electrostatics in soft matter, dynamics at equilibrium. Glass
formation and jamming, dynamical heterogeneity. Soft glassy rheology. Shear flow, linear and non-
linear rheology, visco-elastic models, Introductory biological physics. Active matter. Experimental
methods, Small angle scattering and diffraction, Dynamic light scattering and diffusive wave
spectroscopy, dynamics of soft matter using synchrotron X-ray and neutron scattering, rheometry.
Conforcal microscopy.
J aydeep K.Basu
Prerequisite: Knowledge of basic statistical mechanics
Jones, R.A.L. Soft Condensed Matter, Oxford University Press, 2002
Rubinstein, M., and Colby, R.H. Polymer Physics, Oxford, 2003
Doi and Edwards, Theory of Polymer Dynamics, Clarendon, Oxford, 1988
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PH 351 (AUG) 3:0
Crystal Growth, Thin Films and Characterization
Basic concepts and experimental methods of crystal growth: nucleation phenomena, mechanisms of
growth, dislocations and crystal growth, crystal dissolutions, phase equilibria, phase diagrams and
material preparation, growth from liquid-solid equilibria, vapour- solid equilibria, mono-component and
multi-component techniques. Thin film growth and characterization: concepts of ultra high vacuum,
nucleation and growth mechanisms, deposition techniques such as sputtering, evaporation, LPE,
MOCVD, MBE, PLD, etc., thick ness measurements and characterization such as RHEED, LEED,
thin-film XRD, etc.
Suja Elizabeth and P.S.Anil Kumar
Laudise, R. A. ; Growth of Crystals, Prentice-Hall, 1970
Hurle, D.T.J.,(ed.), Hand Book of Crystal Growth, Ed., North Holland
Chopra , K.L., Thin Film Phenomena, McGrow Hill, USA, 1969
PH 352 (J AN) 3:0
Semiconductor Physics and Technology
Semiconductor fundamentals: band structure, electron and hole statistics, intrinsic and extrinsic
semiconductors, energy band diagrams, drift-diffusion transport, generation - recombination, optical
absorption and emission. Basic semiconductor devices: on junctions, bipolar transistors, MOS
capacitors, field-effect devices, optical detectors and emitters. Semiconductor technology:
fundamentals of semiconductor processing techniques; introduction to planar technology for
integrated circuits.
K S R Koteswara Rao
Seeger, K., Semiconductor Physics, Springer-Verlag, 1990.
Sze, S.M., Physics of Semiconductor Devices, Wiley, 1980.
Muller, K., and Kamins, T., Device Electronics for Integrated Circuits, John Wiley, 1977.
PH 359 (J AN) 3:0
Physics at the Nanoscale
Introduction to different nanosystems and their realization, electronic properties of quantum confined
systems: quantum wells, wires, nanotubes and dots. Optical properties of nanosystems: excitons and
plasmons, photoluminescence, absorption spectra, vibrational and thermal properties of
nanosystems, Zone folding. Raman characterization.
A K Sood and ArindamGhosh
Delerue,C and Lannoo, M., Nanostructures: Theory and Modelling, Springer, 2006.
Saito, R., Dresselhaus, G., and Dresselhaus, M.S., Physical Properties of Carbon Nanotubes, Imperial College Press.
PH 362 (J AN) 3:0
Matter at LowTemperatures
Properties of solid matter at low temperatures, cryoliquids, superfluid He
, two fluid model, excitations
in superfluid He
, normal and superfluid He
, quantized vortices, refrigeration and thermometry at
cryogenic temperatures.
Ambarish Ghosh
C. Enss and S. Hunklinger, Low temperature Physics, Springer (2005)
D. R. Tilley and J. Tilley, Superfluidity and Superconductivity, Institute of Physics (1990)
F. Pobell, Matter and Methods at Low temperatures, Springer (2007).
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Astronomy and Astrophysics
AA 362 (AUG) 2:0
Radiative Processes in Astrophysics
Elements of radiative transfer and stellar atmospheres. Theory of grey atmospheres. Covariant
formulation of classical electrodynamics. Radiation from accelerated charges. Cyclotron and
synchrotron radiation. Bremsstrahlung. Thomson and Compton scattering. Plasma effects. Atomic
and molecular spectra. Transition rates and selection rules. Opacity calculations. Line formation in
stellar atmospheres.
S.K.Sethi (RRI)
Rybicki, G.B. and Lightman, A.P.: Radiative Processes in Astrophysics.
Mihalas, D.: Stellar Atmospheres.
AA 363 (AUG) 2:0
Introduction to Fluid Mechanics and Plasma Physics
Boltzmann equation. Derivation of fluid equations. An introduction to stellar dynamics. Important
properties of ideal and viscous fluid flows. Gas dynamics. Waves in fluids. Hydrodynamics stability.
Turbulence. Plasma orbit theory. Debye shielding and collective behaviour. Waves and oscillations in
plasmas. From the Vlasov equation to MHD equations. Flux freezing. MHD waves. Reconnection and
relaxation. Dynamo theory.
A.Satyanarayana (IIA)
Choudhuri, A.R.: The Physics of Fluids and Plasmas.
Landau, L.D. and Lifshitz, E.M.: Fluid Mechanics.
Chen, F.F.: Introduction to Plasma Physics.
V.Krishan, Atrophysical Plasmas and Fluids, Kluwer
AA 377 (AUG) 2:1
Astronomical Techniques
Radio: coordinate system, detection principles, resolution and sensitivity, interferometry and aperture
synthesis. IR/Optical/UV: CCD fundamentals, imaging systems, point-spread-function, sensitivity,
photometry and spectroscopy, speckle techniques, adaptive optics. X-ray/Gamma-ray astrophysics:
detection principles, detectors and imaging systems, resolution and sensitivity, detector response,
data analysis methods for spectroscopic and timing studies.
Coordinated laboratory / data analysis exercises in each of the three areas.
Tarun Deep Saini (IISC)
Christianson, W.N., & Hogbohm, J.A.: Radio Telescopes
Roy, A.E., & Clarke, D.: Astronomy Principles and Practice.
Kitchin, C.R.: Astrophysical Techniques.
G.F.Knoll;, Radiation Detection and Measurement (2
ed), Wiley, NY
N.Tsoulfanidis, Measurement and Detection of Radiation (2
ed), Taylor & Francis, Washington DC.
AA 365 (J AN) 3:0
Galaxies and the Interstellar Medium
Galactic structure: local and large scale distribution of stars and interstellar matter, the spiral structure,
the galactic centre. Galactic dynamics, stellar relaxation, dynamical friction, star clusters, density
wave theory of galactic spiral structure, chemical evolution in the galaxy, stellar populations. Galaxies,
morphological classification of galaxies, active galaxies, clusters of galaxies, interactions of galaxies,
dark matter, evolution of galaxies.
S.Sridhar (RRI)
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Mihalas, D. and Binney, J.: Galactic Astronomy.
Binney, J. and Tremaine, S.: Galactic Dynamics.
Spitzer, L.: Physical Process in the Interstellar Medium.
AA 370 (J AN) 3:0
Stellar and High Energy Astrophysics
Stellar structure. Stellar evolution. Nuclear astrophysics. Supernovae. White dwarfs. Neutron stars.
Black holes. Binary stars. Pulsars. Accretion physics. X-ray and gamma ray astronomy. Neutrino
F.K.Sutaria (IIA) &S Seetha (ISRO)
Clayton, D.D.: Principles of Stellar Evolution and Nucleosynthesis.
Shapiro, S., and Teukolsky, S.: Black Holes,White Dwarfs and Neutron Stars.
Longair, M.S.: High Energy Astrophysics.
AA 371 (J AN) 2:0
General Relativity and Cosmology
Foundations of general relativity. Elements of tensor analysis. Schwarzschild and Kerr spacetimes.
Black hole physics. Gravitational radiation. Cosmological models. Observational tests. The early
universe. The microwave background. Formation of structures.
Arnab Rai Choudhuri (IISc) and P.Chingangban (IIA)
Landau, L.D., and Lifshitz, E.M.: The Classical Theory of Fields.
Weinberg, S.: Gravitation and Cosmology.
Peebles, P.J.E.: Physical Cosmology.
AA 372 (J AN)
Numerical and Statistical Techniques
Numerical techniques in physics and astrophysics: numerical integration and interpolation. Numerical
solutions of algebraic, ordinary differential and partial differential equations. Random numbers.
Statistics techniques: probability, discrete and continuous random variables, central limit theorem,
random walk and Poisson processes. Hypothesis testing, sampling methods, multivariate analysis,
regression, time series analysis, Fourier transforms. Data reduction, error analysis. Monte Carlo
S.K.Sethi (RRI) and Tarun Deep Saini (IISc)
Bevington, Data Reduction and Error Analysis for Physical Sciences, McGraw-Hill, 2003.
Babu G. J. \& Fiegelson, E. D., Astrostatistics, Chapman and Hall, 1996.
Hoel, P. G. , Port, S. C., & Stone, C. J., Introduction to probability and Introduction to statistical theory, Houghton & Mifflin,
Press, W.H., et al.: Numerical Recipes, Cambridge University Press, 1992.
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High Energy Physics
HE 215 (AUG) 3:0
Nuclear and Particle Physics
Radioactive decay, sub-nuclear particles. Binding energies. Nuclear forces, p-ion exchange, Yukawa
potential. Isospin, neutron and proton. Deuteron. Shell model, magic numbers. Nuclear transitions.
Selection rules. Liquid drop model. Collective excitations. Nuclear fission and fusion. Beta decay.
Neutrinos. Fermi theory, parity violation, V-A theory. Mesons and baryons. Lifetimes and decay
processes. Discrete symmetries, C, P, T and G. Weak interaction transition rules. Strangeness, K
mesons and hyperons. Composition of mesons and baryons, quarks and gluons.
Sudhir Vempati
Povh, B., Rith,K., Scholz, C. and Zetsche, F., Particles and Nuclei, An Introduction to Physical Concepts, 2nd edn., Springer,
Krane, K.S., Introductory Nuclear Physics, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1988.
Griffiths, D., Introduction to Elementary Particles John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1987.
Perkin, D.H., Introduction to High Energy Physics (Third edition), Addison-Wesley, Reading, 1987.
HE 316 (J AN) 3:0
Advanced mathematical methods in Physics
Symmetries and group theore, Finite and continuous groups with examples, Group operations and
representations. Homomorphism, isomorphism and automorphism, Reducibility, equivalence, Schurs
lemma. Permutation groups, Young diagrams. Lie groups and Lie algebras. SU(2), SU(3) and
applications. Roots and weights. Dynkin diagrams. Classification of compact simple Lie algebras.
Exceptional groups. Poincare and Lorentz groups, and their representations. Elements of topology
Apoorva Patel
Georgi. H. Lie Algebras in Particle Physics, 2
edn., Perseus Books, 1999
Mukhi.S., and Mukunda N., Introduction to Topology, Differential Geometry and Group Theory for Physicists, Wiley Eastern,
Hamemesh, M., Group Theory and its Applications to Physical Problems, Addison-Wesley, 1962.
HE 391 (AUG) 3:0
QuantumMechanics III
Path integrals in quantum mechanics. Propagators, generating functional. Relativistic quantum
mechanics, Klein-Gordon and Dirac equations. Antiparticles and hole theory. Klein paradox.
Nonrelativistic reduction. Coulomb problem solution. Symmetries P,C and T, spin-statistics theorem.
Lorentz and Poincare groups. Wigner classification of single particle states. Weyl and Majorana
fermions. Canonical quantization. Interactions and Feynman diagrams. Modern topics such as
graphene, Kubo formulae.
Sachindeo Vaidya
Feynman, R.P., and Hibbs A.R., Quantum Mechanics and Path Integrals, McGraw Hill, 1965
Bjorken J.D., and Drell S., Relativistic Quantum Mechanics, McGraw-Hill 1965.
Greiner W., Relativistic Quantum Mechanics: Wave Equations, 3
edn., Springer, 1990.
Ramond P., Field Theory, A Modern Premer, 2
edn., Levant Books, 2007.
HE 395 (AUG) 3:0
QuantumField Theory I
Scalar fields. Symmetries and Noether theorem. Fermi fields. Dirac Matrices, Clifford Algebra, trace
theorems. Path integrals for bosons and fermions. S-matrix, LSZ reduction formula. Interacting scalar
and Yukawa theories. Covariant derivatives and minimal coupling. Scattering cross-sections, optical
theorem. Decay rates and non-relativistic potentials. Loop diagrams and power counting
Renormalization, fixed point classification. Callan-Symanzik equations, beta functions. Global and
local symmetries, Ward identities Spontaneous symmetry breaking, Goldstone theorem.
Chethan Krishnan
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Srednicki, M., Quantum Field Theory, Cambridge University Press, 2007
Ryder, L.H., Quantum Field Theory, Cambridge University Press, 1985
Ramond, P., Field Theory: A Modern Primer, 2
edn., Levant Books, 2007.
Bjorken J.D. and Drell S., Relativistic Quantum Fields, McGraw-Hill, 1965.
HE 396 (J AN) 3:0
QuantumField Theory II
Abelian gauge theories. QED processes and Ward identities, Loop diagrams and 1-loop
renormalization. Lamb shift and anomalous magnetic moments. Non-abelian gauge theories,
Faddeev-Popov ghosts. BRST quantization. QCD beta function, asymptotic freedom. Anomalies.
Lattice gauge theory, strong coupling expansion. Confinement and chiral symmetry breaking.
Composite operators, operator product expansion. Elements of conformal field theory.
Aninda Sinha
Prerequisite: Quantum Field Theory I
Srednicki, M., Quantum Field Theory, Cambridge University Press, 2007
Peskin, M.E. and Schroeder, D.V., An Introduction to
Quantum Field Theory, Addison Wesley, 1995.
Weinberg S., The quantum Theory of Fields, Vol. I:
Foundations, Vol. II:Modern Applications, Cambridge University Press, 1996.
HE 397 (AUG) 3:0
The Standard Model of Particle Physics
Weak interactions before gague theory. V-A theory, massive vector bosons, Spontaneous symmetry
breaking. Higgs mechanism, chanrged and neutral currents, gauge symmetries and SU(2)xU(1)
Lagrangian. Flavour mixing, GIM mechanism, CP violation, K/B systems, Neutrinos, Chiral
Lagrangians and heavy quark effective field theories. Deep inelastic scattering, parton model.
Electroweak precision measurements. Introduction to supersymmetry and extra dimension.
Rohini Godbole
Prerequisites: Quantum Field Theory I and II
Georgi, H., Weak Interactions and Modern Particle Theory, Benjamin/Cummings, 1984.
Haizen, F., and Martin, A.D., Quarks and Leptons: An Introductory Course in Modern Particle Physics, John Wiley & Sons,
Pokorski S., Gauge Field Theories, 2
edn., Cambridge University Press, 2000
Peskin M.E and Schroeder
D.V., An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory, Addison Wesley, 1995.
HE 398 (J AN) 3:0
General Relativity
Review of tensor calculus and properties of the Riemann tensor, Killing vectors, symmetric spaces
Geodesics, Equivalence principle and its application: Scalars, Fermions and Gauge fields in curved
space-time. Einstein's equation and black hole solutions. Schwarzschild solution: Motion of a
particles in the Schwarzschild metric. Kruskal extension and Penrose diagrams. The Reissner-
Nordstrom solution, Kerr solution. Laws of black hole physics. Gravitational collapse:
Oppenheimer-Volkoff and Oppenheimer-Synder solutions, the Chandrasekhar limit.
Cosmological models: FRW metric; open, closed and flat universes.
Introduction to quantizing fields in curved spaces and Hawking radiation
J ustin R. David
S. Weinberg, Gravitation and Cosmology, John Wiley and Sons 2004,
R. M. Wald General Relativity, Overseas Press 2006, G. t'Hooft, Introduction to general relativity, Introduction to the theory of
black holes,
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Centre for Earth Sciences
MTech Programme in Earth Science
Duration: 2years: 64 Credits
Hard Core: 24 Credits (All courses are mandatory)
ES 201 3:0 Introduction to Earth System Science
ES 202 3:0 Geodynamics
ES 203 2:1 Introduction to Petrology
ES 204 3:0 Origin and Evolution of Earth
ES 205 3:0 Mathematics for Geophysicists
ES 206 3:0 Topics in Geophysics
ES 207 0:3 Earth Science Laboratory
CE 258 3:0 Remote Sensing and GIS for Water Resources & Environmental Engineering
Project: 25 Credits
Electives: 15 Credits of which at least 9 credits must be from among the group electives listed below.
ES 208 3:0 Mantle Convection
ES 209 3:0 Biogeochemistry
ES 210 3:0 Plate Tectonics
ES 211 3:0 Applied Petrology
ES 212 3:0 Introduction to Earth and Planetary Magnetism
ES 213 3:0 Earth Life and Sustainability
ES 201: (AUG) 3:0
Introduction to Earth SystemScience
Role of geology in understanding the Earth system processes, Composition of Lithosphere,
atmosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere, Earth surface processes and its consequences, earth as a
dynamic planet, Planetary bodies and Formation of Universe, Early atmosphere, evolution of
atmosphere through time, evolution of hydrosphere and general circulation of ocean through time.
Long and short term history of cryosphere, fossilization, reconstruction of geologic time, Early
evolution of the life, explosion of life, evolution and extinction, evolution of biosphere, Mass extinctions
and causes, Major steps in biotic evolution and biodiversification, Gaia hypothesis, Indian climate
present day, Global paleoclimate record, Paleoclimate archive from India, paleomonsoon record and
the role of tectonics.
Prosenjit Ghosh
Merrits, D., Dewet, A., and Menking, K., Environmental Geology: An Earth System Science Approach, 1998.
Freeman, W.H., Jacobson, M.C., Charlson, R.J., Rodhe, H., and Orians, G.H., Earth System Science, Academic Press, 2000.
ES 202 (AUG) 3:0
Origin, early earth and its evolution through time. Basics of rock formation, deformation and landform
evolution. Tectonic processes: Gravity and geodesy, isostasy. Geomagnetism and paleomagnetism:
Earths magnetic field, types of magnetism, geomagnetic reversals, Plate tectonics and global
distribution of earthquakes. Quantification of earthquakes. Interpreting seismograms, seismic waves
and earths interior, earthquake source characterization, relation to tectonic environments, earthquake
and faulting processes; types of faults and relation to stress fields, moment tensors and earthquake
focal mechanisms. Structure of the Earths interior- density, seismic velocity, pressure and
temperature. Lab and field components: Magnetic and Seismic data acquisition and processing.
Kusala Rajendran
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Fowler, C.M.R., The solid earth: An Introduction to Global Geophysics, Cambridge University Press, 2005.
Turcotte, D., and Schubert, G., Geodynamics, Cambridge University Press, 2
edition, 2001.
ES 203 (AUG) 2:1
Introduction to Petrology
Theory: Rock forming minerals, Micro-scale properties of minerals, Identification of silicates and
oxides, Micro-textures, mineral reactions, textural equilibrium, Mineral composition, geothermometry
and geobarometry, petrogenetic grid.
Practical: Field trip and sample collection, making thin-sections, mineral and rock identification using
Microscope and data processing, cation calculations and P-T estimations.
Sajeev Krishnan
Vernon R.H., A practical guide to Rock Microstructure, Cambridge University Press, 2004.
Deer, W.A., Howie, R.A., & Zussman J., An Introduction to the Rock-Forming Minerals, Prentice Hall, 1966.
Vernon, R.H., and Clarke, G., Principles of Metamorphic Petrology, Cambridge University Press, 2008.
ES 204 (AUG) 3:0
Origin and Evolution of the Earth
Big Bang; origin of elements; early Solar System objects; bulk Earth composition; comparison of Earth
and other Solar System objects; core-mantle differentiation; composition of the terrestrial mantle;
mantle melting and geochemical variability of magmas; major, trace element and radiogenic isotope
geochemistry; redox evolution of the mantle; evolution of the atmosphere and biosphere.
Ramananda Chakrabarti
Dickin, A.P., Radiogenic Isotope Geology, Cambridge University Press, 1995.
Rollinson, H., Using Geochemical Data: Evaluation, presentation and interpretation, Longman Group, 1993.
Winter, J.D., Principles of igneous and metamorphic petrology, 2
edition, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2010.
Langmuir C.H., and Broecker, How to build a habitable planet, Revisted and expanded edition, Princeton University Press,
ES 205 (AUG) 3:0
Mathematics for Geophysicists
Vector fields: basic vector algebra, line, surface and volume integrals, potential, conservative fields,
gradient, divergence, curl, circulation, Stokes's theorem, Gauss's theorem, applications in fluid
mechanics and electromagnetism, Kelvin's theorem, Helmholtz's theorem. Linear algebra: Matrices,
operations, eigen components, systems of linear differential equations, examples. Partial differential
equations: The diffusion equation, wave equation, Laplace's equation, Poisson's equation, similarity
solutions, numerical solutions (simple examples with MATLAB), series solutions, spherical harmonic
expansions. Dimensional analysis: Pi theorem, similarity, nondimensional formulation of geophysical
problems, examples.
Binod Sreenivasan
Riley, K.F., Hobson, M.P., and Bence, S.J., Mathematical methods for physics and engineering, Cambridge University Press,
Panton, R.L., Incompressible flows, John Wiley & Sons, 2006.
Albarede, F., Introduction to geochemical modelling, Cambridge University Press, 1996.
Lecture notes.
ES 206 (J AN) 3:0
Topics in Geophysics
Earth's internal structure: composition vs. mechanical properties, Stress and Strain from seismology
perspective, Theory of Elasticity, Wave mechanics, Seismic tomography, Earth's free oscillation,
Heat: conductive, convective and radioactive heat flow, Heat flow in oceans and continents, Half
space vs. plate cooling models, Convection within mantle and core, Structure of mid-oceanic ridge
system, Phase transformations within the Earth, Strength of continental lithosphere.
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Attreyee Ghosh
Fowler, C.M.R., The Solid Earth: An Introduction to Global Geophysics, 2nd edition, Cambridge University Press, 2005
Turcotte, D., and Schubert, G., Geodynamics, Cambridge University Press, 2002
ES 207 (J AN) 0:3
Earth Science Laboratory
Geochemical techniques; mineral chemical techniques; sedimentology techniques; computational
Reed, S.J.B., Electron Microprobe Analysis and Scanning Electron Microscopy in Geology, 2nd Edition, Cambridge University
Press, 2010.
Reading material and notes.
ES 208/ (J AN) 3:0
CE 258
Remote Sensing and GIS for Water Resources &Environmental Engineering
Basic concepts of remote sensing. Airborne and space borne sensors. Digital image processing.
Geographic Information System. Applications to rainfall - runoff modeling. Watershed management.
Irrigation management. Vegetation monitoring. Drought and flood monitoring, Environment and
ecology. Introduction to digital elevation modeling and Global Positioning System (GPS). Use of
relevant software for remote sensing and GIS applications.
DNagesh Kumar
Lillesand T.M., and Kiefer R.W., Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation, John Wiley & Sons, 2000.
Sabins, F.F., Remote Sensing - Principles and Interpretation, Freeman & Co., New York, 1986.
Heywood, I., Cornelius, S., and Carver, S., An Introduction to Geographical Information Systems, Pearson Education, 1998.
ES 208 (AUG) 3:0
Mantle Convection
Plate tectonics and mantle convection, Constraining mantle flow from seismic tomography, Maxwell
viscoelastic material, Spherical harmonics, Mantle viscosity, Creep mechanisms, Governing
equations, Constraints of mantle flow modeling: geoid and dynamic topography, Thermal evolution of
the Earth, Convection in other planets.
Attreyee Ghosh
Schubert, G., Turcotte, D., and Olson, P., Mantle convection in the earth and planets, Cambridge University Press, 2001.
Turcotte, D., and Schubert, G., Geodynamics. Cambridge University Press, 2nd edition, 2001.
Fowler, C.M.R., The Solid Earth: An Introduction to Global Geophysics, Cambridge University Press, 2005.
ES 209 (J AN) 3:0
Geochemistry of the Earth, Big Bang. Nucleosysthesis, origin of solar system, electronic structure of
atoms, periodic tables, chemical bonds, crystals, ionic substitution, isotope geo-chronometer,
chemical differentiation, chemical reactions and stability of minerals, acids and bases, salts and their
ions. Thermodynamics, mineral stability, clay minerals, carbonate minerals, oxidationreduction
reaction, isotope fractionation, mixing and dilution, rate of chemical processes, chemical weathering,
chemical composition of surface water, geochemical cycle (C-H-O-N-S), stable isotope geochemistry.
biogeochemical cycles.
Prosenjit Ghosh and Ramananda Chakrabarti
Schlesinger, W.H., Biogeochemistry: An Analysis of Global Change, Academic press, 1997.
Faure, G., Principle and application of inorganic geochemistry, Prentice Hall, 1991.
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Criss, R.E., Principle of stable isotope distribution, Oxford University Press, 1999.
ES 210 (J AN) 3:0
Plate Tectonics
Global distribution of earthquakes, focal mechanisms and relation to stress fields. Introduction to
GPS, Plate motions; Eulers geometry and relative plate motions; Stable and unstable triple junctions.
Plate driving forces; earthquakes in the subduction zones, seismic structure of subduction zones;
Collision tectonics. Indian plate boundaries: landforms and seismicity; emphasis on Indian plate.
Great subduction zone earthquakes; recurrence of great earthquakes; hazard analysis.
Consequences of plate tectonics tectonics, landforms and climate, plate tectonics through time and
life evolution.
Lab and Field components; Tools to quantify earthquakes (getting familiar with Seismic Analysis
Code); Field visit.
Kusala Rajendran
Cox, A., and Hart, B.R., Plate Tectonics: How it works, Wiley Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford, 1991.
Keary, P., and Vine, F., Global Tectonics, Blackwell Science, 1996.
Fowler, C.M.R., The solid earth: An introduction to Global Geophysics, Cambridge University Press, 2005.
ES 211 (J AN) 3:0
Applied Petrology
Using petrological datasets, tectonic applications of Micro-textures and mineral reactions,
thermodynamic applications in petrology, isochemical phase diagrams and its interpretations, linking
petrology to geochronology, Rock types and tectonic settings, Petrology and textural link to tectonics,
Geology of southern India and applications of petrology.
Sajeev Krishnan
Vernon R.H., A practical guide to Rock Microstructure, Cambridge University Press, 2004.
Vernon, R.H., and Clarke, G., Principles of Metamorphic Petrology, Cambridge University Press, 2008.
Will, T.M., Phase equilibria in metamorphic rocks: Thermodynamic background and petrological applications (Lecture Notes in
Earth Sciences) Springer,1998.
Spear, F.S, Metamorphic phase equilibria and pressure-temperature-time paths (Monograph), 2
edition, Mineralogical Society
of America; 1994.
ES 212 (J AN ) 3:0
Introduction to Earth and planetary magnetism
Essential ideas: Structure and physical properties of the Earth's core, core energy budget,
geomagnetic field measurement, crustal fields, a brief history of observation, possible sources of the
Earth's magnetic field, power sources for the Earth's dynamo, spherical harmonic expansion of the
magnetic field, elements of magnetohydrodynamics (MHD), the frozen flux approximation.
Fluid dynamics of planetary cores: The Navier-Stokes equation, spherical geometry, effects of
rotation, magnetic field and buoyancy, geostrophy, thermal wind. Dynamos: Kinematic dynamos,
mean-field theory, the alpha and omega effects, examples, nonlinear dynamos. Advanced topics
(optional): Modelling of planetary dynamos: equations, parameters, observational constraints,
limitations of models, laboratory experiments.
Binod Sreenivasan
Jacobs, J.A., Geomagnetism (Volumes 1-3), Academic Press, 1988.
Moffatt, H.K., Magnetic field generation in electrically conducting fluids, Cambridge University Press, 1978.
Davidson, P.A., An introduction to magnetohydrodynamics, Cambridge University Press, 2001.
Riley, K.F., Hobson, M.P., and Bence, S.J., Mathematical methods for physics and engineering, Cambridge University Press,
Journal papers.
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ES 213 (J AN) 3:0
Earth, Life and Sustainability
Basics of the habitable planet and the carbon-based life, volcanism and extra terrestrial impact
governing climate change, evolution of oxygen and CO
in the atmosphere, major transitions and
evolutionary biology, components in climate systems and feedbacks mechanism, Greenhouse gases
and global energy balance, global carbon, nitrogen and sulfur cycles. Ecosystems, coupling of
biogeochemical cycles and climate, paleo records of climate variability/change, anthropogenic effects,
destiny of human kind from an astrobiology point of view.
Prosenjit Ghosh
Cockell, C., (Ed), An Introduction to the Earth Life System, Cambridge University Press, 2008.
Kump, L.R.., Kasting, J.F., and Crane, R.G., The Earth System Pearson Prentice Hall, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2003.
Berner, E.K., and Berner, R.A., Global Environment Princeton University Press, 2012.
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Division of Electrical Sciences
The Division of Electrical Sciences comprises the Departments of Computer Science and Automation
(CSA), Electrical Communication Engineering (ECE), Department of Electronic Systems Engineering
(DESE), and Electrical Engineering (EE). The courses offered in these departments have been
grouped into ten professional areas identified by the following codes which appear as prefixes to the
course numbers.
E0 Computer Science & Engineering
E1 Intelligent Systems and Automation
E2 Communication Systems
E3 Electronic Devices, Circuits and Technology
E4 Power and Energy Systems
E5 High Voltage and Insulation Engineering
E6 Power Electronics and Drives
E7 Photonic Devices, Circuits and Systems
E8 Electromagnetic, Microwaves and Antennas
E9 Signal Processing, Acoustics and Bioengineering
EP Dissertation Project
All departments of the Division provide facilities for research work leading to the PhD and MSc (Engg)
degrees. The following course based Masters program are offered individually or jointly by the
departments of the Division.
ME in Electrical Engineering (EE Department)
ME in Telecommunications (EC Department)
ME in Computer Science and Engineering (CSA Department)
M Tech in Electronics Design and Technology (ESE Department)
ME in Systems Science and Automation (EE and CSA Departments.)
ME in Signal Processing (EE and EC Departments)
ME in Microelectronic Systems (EC and ESE Departments)
Prof Anurag Kumar
Division of Electrical
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ME Programme
Credit requirements
Computer Science and Engineering
No of credits: 64
Department Core: A minimum of 24 credits comprising at least 8 credits each from Pool A, Pool B
and Pool C as given below.
Pool A
Course Credits Title
E0 224 3:1 Computational Complexity Theory
E0 221 3:1 Discrete Structures
E0 222 3:1 Automata Theory and Computability
E0 223 3:1 Automated Verification
E0 225 3:1 Design and Analysis of Algorithms
E0 231 3:1 Algorithmic Algebra
E0 235 3:1 Cryptography
Please note Pool B remain the same
Pool B
E0 227 3:1 Program Analysis and Verification
E0 243 3:1 Computer Architecture
E0 253 3:1 Operating Systems
E0 254 3:1 Network and Distributed Systems Security
E0 255 3:1 Compiler Design
E0 261 3:1 Database Management Systems
E0 271 3:1 Computer Graphics
E0 219 3:1 Linear Algebra and Applications
E0 230 3:1 Computational Methods of Optimization
E0 232 3:1 Probability and Statistics
E0 268 3:1 Data Mining
E1 254 3:1 Game Theory
E1 277 3:1 Reinforcement Learning
Project: 24 Credits
EP 299 0:08 August-December
0:16 January-April Term
Electives: The balance of credits to make up the minimum of 64 credits of course work required for
completing the ME Degree Programme (all at 200 level or higher) should be covered with elective
courses from within/outside the department. These courses can be taken with the approval of the
DCC/Faculty advisor only.
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No of credits: 64
Course Credits Title
CORE COURSES: 12 Credits (All courses are compulsory)
E2 202 3:0 Random Processes
E2 203 3:0 Wireless Communication
E2 211 3:0 Digital Communication
E2 221 3:0 Communication Networks
SOFT CORE: Minimumof 12 credits comprising at least 6 credits each fromPool A and Pool B
as given below.
E1 244 3:0 Detection and Estimation Theory
E1 251 3:0 Linear and Nonlinear Optimization
E2 201 3:0 Information Theory
E2 204 3:0 Stochastic Processes and Queueing Theory
E9 221 3:0 Signal Quantization & Compression
E0 262 3:0 Multimedia Information Systems
E2 205 3:0 Error Control Codes
E2 223 3:0 Communication Protocols
E2 241 3:0 Wireless Networks
E2 242 3:0 CDMA & Multiuser Detection
E7 221 2:1 Fiber-Optic Communication
E7 231 3:0 Fiber Optic Networks
E8 242 2:1 Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits and Systems
E9 201 3:0 Digital Signal Processing
E9 202 3:0 Advanced Digital Signal Processing: Non-linear Filters
E9 211 3:0 Adaptive Signal Processing
Project 28 Credits
EP 299 0:28 Dissertation Project
0:03 May-July Term
0:09 August-December Term
0:16 January-April Term
Electives: The balance of credits to make up the minimum of 64 credits required for completing the
M.E.Programme (all at 200 level or higher) Electives from within/outside the department to be taken
with the approval of the DCC/Faculty advisor.
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CORE COURSES : 12 credits (All courses are compulsory)
E1 244 3:0 Detection and Estimation Theory
E2 202 3:0 Random Processes
E1 251 3:0 Linear and Nonlinear Optimization
E2 212 3:0 Matrix Theory
SOFT CORE: Minimumof 12 credits comprising at least 6 credits each fromPool A and Pool B
as given below.
Pool A
E1 213 3:1 Pattern Recognition and Neural Networks
E1 216 3:1 Computer Vision
E2 211 3:0 Digital Communication
E9 211 3:0 Adaptive Signal Processing
E9 213 3:0 Time Frequency Analysis
E9 221 3:0 Signal Quantization and Compression
E9 241 2:1 Digital Image Processing
E9 261 3:1 Speech Information Processing
E9 291 2:1 DSP System Design
Pool B
E0 265 3:0 Multimedia Systems
E2 241 3:0 Wireless Networks
E9 201 3:0 Digital Signal Processing
E9 202 3:0 Advanced Digital Signal Processing : Nonlinear Filters
E9 231 3:0 Digital Array Signal Processing
E9 243 3:0 Computer Aided Tomographic Imaging
Project 28 Credits
EP 299 0:28 Dissertation Project
0:03 May-July Term
0:09 August-December Term
0:16 January-April Term
Electives: The balance of credits to make up the minimum of 64 credits required for completing the
M.E.Programme (all at 200 level or higher) Electives from within/outside the department to be taken
with the approval of the DCC/Faculty advisor.
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CORE COURSES : 18 credits
Total of 18 credits with 9 credits each frompool A and pool B
Course Credits Title
Pool A : Materials, Processes and Device Technology
E3 214 3:0 Microsensor Technologies
E3 225 3:0 Art of Compact Modeling
E3 227 2:1 VLSI Device and Process Simulation
E3 268 3:0 Advanced CMOS and Beyond CMOS
E3 222 2:1 Micromachining for MEMS Technology
E3 327 2:1 Nanoelectronics Device Fabrication and Characterization
E3 262 2:1 Electronic Systems Packaging
ME 237 3:0 Introduction to MEMS
E7 213 3:0 Introduction to Photonics
IN 214 2:1 Semiconductor Devices and Circuits
Pool B : Circuits, CAD, Systems and Applications
E0 283 3:0 CAD Algorithms for VLSI Physical Design
E0 284 2:1 Digital VLSI Circuits
E0 285 3:0 Computer Aided Design of VLSI Systems
E0 286 3:0 Test and Verification for SOC Designs
E3 237 3:0 Integrated Circuits for Wireless Communication
E3 238 2:1 Analog VLSI Circuits
E3 231 2:1 Digital Systems Design with FPGAs
E3 239 2:1 Advanced VLSI Circuits
E3 235 2:1 Analog and Data Conversion Systems
E3 266 2:1 Electromagnetic Compatibility
E3 255 2:1 Multi-Core Architecture and Programming
E8 242 2:1 Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits & Systems
E8 262 3:0 CAD for High Speed Chip Package Systems
SE 273 3:1 Processor Design
E9 251 3:0 Signal Processing for Data Recording Channels
Project 28 Credits
EP 299 0:28 Dissertation Project
0:03 May-July Term
0:09 August-December
0:16 January-April Term
Electives : The balance of credits to make up the minimum of 64 credits required for completing the
M.E.Programme (all at 200 level or higher) It can be additional courses from either Pool A or Pool B or
any other courses.
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ME Programme
Electrical Engineering
Duration: 2 years
No of credits: 64
Core Courses:
Pool A (One Course out of Two Courses)
Course Credits Title
E1 241 3:0 Dynamics of Linear Systems
E1 251 3:0 Linear & Nonlinear Optimization
Pool B (Seven Courses out of Nine Courses)
E3 252 2:1 Digital Controller for Power Applications
E4 231 3:0 Power System Dynamics & Control
E4 233 3:0 Computer Control of Power Systems
E4 234 2:1 Advanced Computer aided Power System Analysis
E5 201 2:1 High Voltage Engineering
E5 206 3:0 HV Power Apparatus
E6 201 2:1 Power Electronics
E6 211 3:0 Electric Drives
E8 201 3:0 Electromagnetism
Project: 24 Credits
EP 299 0:24 Dissertation Project
Electives: The balance of credits to make up the minimum of 64 credits required to complete the ME
degree program (all at 200 level or higher).
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M E Programme
Systems Science &Automation
Duration: 2years
64 credits
Hard Core: 13 credits
E0 251 3:1 Data Structures and Algorithms
E1 241 3:0 Dynamics of Linear Systems
E1 222 3:0 Stochastic Models and Applications
E1 251 3:0 Linear and Nonlinear Optimization
Soft core: (Minimumof 12 Credits)
E0 219 3:1 Linear Algebra and Applications
E0 223 3:1 Automated Verification
E0 233 3:1 Information Theory, Interface and Learning Algorithms
E0 235 3:1 Cryptography
E0 241 3:1 Computer Communication Networks
E0 246 3:0 Real Time Systems
E0 265 3:1 Multimedia Systems
E0 268 3:1 Data Mining
E0 270 3:1 Machine Learning
E1 213 3:1 Pattern Recognition and Neural Networks
E1 216 3:1 Computer Vision
E1 244 3:0 Detection and Estimation Theory
E1 254 3:1 Game Theory
E9 201 3:0 Digital Signal Processing
E9 241 2:1 Digital Image Processing
E9 261 3:1 Speech Information Processing
Project: 24 Credits
EP 299 0:24 Dissertation Project
Electives: The balance of credits to make up the minimum of 64 credits required to complete the ME
Degree Programme (all at the 200 level or higher).
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MTech Degree Programme
Electronics Design &Technology
Duration: 2years
Credit Requirements
64 credits
E0 284 2:1 Digital VLSI Circuits
E2 243 3:0 Mathematics for Electrical Engineers
E3 231 2:1 Digital Systems Design with FPGAs
E3 235 2:1 Analog and Data Conversion Systems
E3 264 2:1 Industrial Design of Electronic Equipment
E3 265 2:1 Electromagnetic Compatibility
E6 202 2:1 Design of Power Converter Systems
EP 299 0:25 Project Work
0:4 May - July
0:6 August-December
0:15 January-June
Electives: The balance of 18 credits to make up the minimum of 64 credits required to complete the
M Tech programme at DESE. Electives from within/outside the department can be taken with the
approval of the DCC/Faculty Advisor.
Electives: The balance of 18 credits to make up the minimum of 64 credits required to complete the
M Tech Programme at CEDT. Electives from within/outside the department can be taken with the
approval of the DCC/Faculty advisor.
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E0 Computer Science and Automation
E0 219 (AUG) 3:1
Linear Algebra and Applications
Vector Spaces : Subspaces, Linear independence, Basis and dimension, orthogonality. Matrices :
Solutions of linear equations, Gaussian elimination, Determinants, Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors,
Characteristic polynomial, Minimal polynomial, Positive definite matrices and Canonical forms.
Singular Value Decomposition, Applications.
Strang G, Linear Algebra and Applications, Thomson-Brooks/Cole, 4
edition, 2006.
E0 220 (AUG) : 3:1
Graph Theory
Vertex cover, matching, path cover, connectivity, hamiltonicity, edge colouring, vertex colouring, list
colouring; Planarity, Perfect graphs; other special classes of graphs; Random graphs, Network flows,
Introduction to Graph minor theory.
Graph Theory, Reinhard Diestel, Springer (2010)
Introduction to Graph Theory, Douglas B. West, Prentice Hall (2001)
A. Bondy and U. S. R. Murty, Graph Theory, Springer (2008)
B. Bollabas, Modern Graph Theory, Springer (1998)
E0 221 (AUG) 3:1
Discrete Structures
Basic Mathematical Notions: Logic, Sets, Relations, Functions, Proofs. Abstract Orders: Partial
Orders, Lattices, Boolean Algebra, Well Orders. Counting & Combinatorics: Pigeonhole Principle,
The Principle of Inclusion and Exclusion, Recurrence Relations, Permutations and Combinations,
Binomial Coefficients and Identities. Number Theory: Mathematical Induction, Divisibility, The
Greatest Common Divisor, The Euclidean Algorithm, Prime Numbers, integers, Fundamental
Theorem of Arithmetic, Modular Arithmetic, Arithmetic with a Prime Modulus, Arithmetic with an
Arbitrary Modulus, The RSA Algorithm. Groups and Fields: Basics, Isomorphism theorems, Chinese
Remainder Theorem, Finite Fields. Graph Theory: Graph Terminology and Special Types of Graphs,
Bipartite Graphs and Matching, Representation of Graphs, Connectivity, Euler and Hamilton Paths
and Cycles, Planar Graphs, Graph Coloring, Trees.
Arpita Patra / Bhavana Kanukurthi
K.H.Rosen, Discrete Mathematics and applications, fifth edition 2003, TataMcGraw Hill publishing Company.
C.L.Liu, Elements of Discrete Mathematics, second edition 1985, McGraw-Hill Book Company. Reprinted 2000.
Laszlo Lovasz, Jozsef Pelikan, Katalin L. Vesztergombi: Discrete Mathematics, Springer 2003.
Herstein I N : Topics in Algebra, 2 ed., Wiley India 1975.
Prerequisites (if any) : NIL
E0 222 (AUG) 3:1
Automata Theory and Computability
Finite-state automata, including the Myhill-Nerode theorem, ultimate periodicity, and Buchi'slogical
characterization. Pushdown automata and Context-free languages, including deterministic PDA's,
Parikh's theorem, and the Chomsky-Shutzenberger theorem. Turing machines and undecidability,
including Rice's theorem and Godel's incompleteness theorem.
Hopcroft J.E. and Ullman J.D.: Introduction to Automata, Languages and Computation. Addison Wesley, 1979.
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Dexter Kozen: Automata and Computability. Springer 1999.
Wolfgang Thomas: Automata on infinite objects, in Handbook of Theoretical Computer Science, Volume B, Elsevier, 1990.
E0 223 (J AN) (3:1)
Automated Verification
Formal models of systems: labelled state transition diagrams for concurrent processes and
protocols, timed and hybrid automata for embedded and real-time systems. (2) Specification logics:
propositional and first-order logic; temporal logics (CTL, LTL, CTL*); fixpoint logic: mu-calculus. (3)
Algorithmic analysis: model checking, data structures and algorithms for symbolic model checking,
decision procedures for satisfiability and satisfiability modulo theories.
Michael Huth, Mark Ryan: Logic in Computer Science: Modelling and Reasoning about Systems, CambridgeUniversity Press,
Edmund M. Clarke, OrnaGrumberg, DoronPeled: Model Checking, MIT Press, 2001.
Daniel Kroening, OferStrichman: Decision Procedures: An Algorithmic Point of View, Springer, 2008.
E0 224 (AUG) 3:1
Computational Complexity Theory
Introduction to basic complexity classes; notion of `reductions' and `completeness'; time hierarchy
theorem & Ladner's theorem; space bounded computation; polynomial time hierarchy; Boolean
circuit complexity; complexity of randomized computation; interactive proofs; complexity of counting.
Computational Complexity - A Modern Approach by SanjeevArora and Boaz Barak.
Lecture notes of similar courses as and when required.
Prerequisites:Basic familiarity with undergraduate level theory of computation and data structures & algorithms would be
helpful. More importantly, some mathematical maturity with an inclination towards theoretical computer science.
E0 225 (AUG) 3:1
Design and Analysis of Algorithms
Review of basic data structures, searching, sorting. Algorithmic paradigms, e.g., greedy algorithms,
divide and conquer strategies, dynamic programming. Advanced data structures. Graph algorithms.
Geometric algorithms, Randomized algorithms. NP and NP-completeness.
Jon Kleinberg and vaTardos, Algorithm Design, Addison Wesley, 2005
Cormen, T.H., Leiserson, C.E., Rivest, R.L. and Stein C, Introduction to Algorithms, 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall, 2001
Aho, A.V., Hopcraft J.E., and Ullman, J.D., Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Addison-Wesley, 1974
E0 227 (AUG) (3:1)
ProgramAnalysis and Verification
Semantics of programs: denotational semantics, operational semantics, Hoare logic. Dataflow
analysis: Computing join-over-all-paths information as the least solution to a set of equations that
model the program statements, analysis of multi-procedure programs. Abstract interpretation of
programs: Correctness of abstract interpretation, Galois connections, dataflow analysis as an
abstract interpretation. Type inference: Hindley-Milner's type inference algorithm for functional
programs, subset-based and unification-based type inference for imperative programs. Pointer
Flemming Nielson, Hanne Riis Nielson, and Chris Hankin: Principles of Program Analysis, Springer, (Corrected 2nd printing,
452 pages, ISBN 3-540-65410-0), 2005.
Benjamic Pierce: Types and Programming Languages, Prentice-Hall India, 2002.
Research papers.
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E0 228 (AUG) : 3:1
Basic combinatorial numbers, selection with repetition, pigeon hole principle, Inclusion-Exclusion
Principle, Double counting; Recurrence Relations, Generating functions; Special combinatorial
numbers: Sterling numbers of the first and second kind, Catalan numbers, Partition numbers;
Introduction to Ramsey theory; Combinatorial designs, Latin squares; Introduction to Probabilistic
methods, Introduction to Linear algebra methods.
Prerequisites: None. (A very basic familiarity with probability theory and linear algebra is preferred, but not a must. The
required concepts will be introduced quickly in the course.)
Discrete and Combinatorial mathematics ?? An applied introduction, R.P. Grimaldi, B.V.
Ramana, Pearson Education (2007)
Introductory Combinatorics, Richard A Brualdi, Pearson Education, Inc. (2004)
Introduction to Enumerative Combinatorics, Miklos Bona, Mc Graw Hill (2007)
A walk through Combinatorics ?? An introduction to enumeration and graph theory, Miklos Bona,
World Scientific Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd. (2006)
A course in Combinatorics, J.H. Vanlint, R.M. Wilson, Cambridge University Press ?? (1992, 2001)
Extremal Combinatorics ?? With applications in computer science, Stasys Jukna, Springer-
Verlag (2001)
The Probabilistic methods. Noga Alon, Joel H. Spencer, P. Erdos, Wiley Interscience Publication.
Linear Algebra Methods in Combinatorics, with Applications to Geometry and Computer Science,
Laszlo Babai and Peter Frankl. (Unpublished Manuscript, 1992).
E0 230 (AUG) 3:1
Computational Methods of Optimization
Need for unconstrained methods in solving constrained problems. Necessary conditions of
unconstrained optimization, Structure of methods, quadratic models. Methods of line search, Armijo-
Goldstein and Wolfe conditions for partial line search. Global convergence theorem, Steepest
descent method. Quasi-Newton methods: DFP, BFGS, Broyden family. Conjugate- direction
methods: Fletcher-Reeves, Polak-Ribierre. Derivative-free methods: finite differencing. Restricted
step methods. Methods for sums of squares and nonlinear equations. Linear and Quadratic
Programming. Duality in optimization.
Fletcher R., Practical Methods of Optimization, John Wiley, 2000.
E0 231 (J AN) 3:1
Algorthmic Algebra
Basic algebraic notions: Integers, Euclidean algorithm, division algorithm, ring and polynomial rings,
abstract orders and Dicksons lemma; Introduction to Grbner bases: Term orders, multivariate
division algorithm, Hilbert basis theorem, Grbner bases and Buchberger algorithm, computation of
syzygies, basic algorithms in ideal theory, universal Grbner bases; Algebraic Applications: Hilbert
nullstellensatz, implicitization, decomposition, radical and zeros of ideals; Other applications: Toric
ideals and integer programming, applications to graph theory, coding, cryptography, statistics.
Cox D, and OShea Ideals, Varieties and Algorithms by, Springer; 2nd ed. 1997.
Bhubaneswar Mishra, Algorithmic Algebra by, Springer, 1993.
E0 232 (AUG) 3:1
Probability and Statistics
Probability spaces, random variables and expectation,moment inequalities, multivariate random
variables, sequenceof random variables and different modes of convergence, law of
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largenumbers,Markov chains, maximum likelihood estimators, statistical hypothesistesting, Neyman-
Pearson **lemma, exponential models.
Introduction to Probability by Dimitri P. Bertsekas and John N. Tsitsiklis, Athena Scientific, 2
edition, 2008.
E0 234 (J AN) 3:1
Introduction to Randomized Algorithms
Basic concepts in probability theory event, random variables, distribution, expectations etc.;
Moments and Deviations; Tail inequalities; The Probabilistic method; Markov chains and random
walks; Entropy: A measure of randomness; Algebraic techniques.
Prerequisites: An undergraduate course on Algorithms and Probability theory will be helpful.
Randomized Algorithms books by Motwani and Raghavan, Probability and Computing book by Mitzenmacher and Upfal.
E0 235 ( J AN ) 3:1
Elementary number theory, Finite fields, Arithmetic and algebraic algorithms, Secret key and public
key cryptography, Pseudo random bit generators, Block and stream ciphers, Hash functions and
message digests, Public key encryption, Probabilistic encryption, Authentication, Digital signatures,
Zero knowledge interactive protocols, Elliptic curve cryptosystems, Formal verification, Cryptanalysis,
Hard problems.
Douglas Stinson, Cryptography: Theory and Practice, 3rd Edition, CRCPress.
Alfred Menezes, Paul C. van Oorschot and Scott A. Vanstone, Handbook ofApplied Cryptography, CRC Press.
E0 238 (J AN) 3:1
Artificial Intelligence
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, Problem solving, knowledge and reasoning, Logic, Inference,
Knowledge based systems, reasoning with uncertain information, Planning and making decisions,
Learning, Distributed AI, Communication, Web based agents, Negotiating agents, Artificial
Intelligence Applications and Programming.
Russel S, and Norvig P, Artificial Intelligence - A Modern Approach, Prentice Hall, 1995.
George F. Luger, Artificial Intelligence, Pearson Education, 2001.
Nils J. Nilsson, Artificial Intelligence- A New Synthesis, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2000.
E0 239 (J AN) : 3:1
Software Reliability Techniques
Models of concurrency: multi-threading, synchronization, event-based dispatch. Model checking:
model checking abstractions, context bounding, partial order reduction. Static analysis: type systems
for proving dealock and race freedom, rely guarantee framework for compositional reasoning.
Security vulnerabilities/attacks: attacks targeting spatial and temporal memory safety violations,
injection and scripting attacks. Vulnerability detection: overflow, heap, and string analyses; information
Aditya Kanade
Principles of concurrent and distributed programming. M. Ben-Ari.
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Addison-Wesley, 2006.
Handbook of model checking. Springer, 2014.
Secure programming with static analysis. Brian Chess and Jacob West.
Addison Wesley, 2007.
Additional research papers.
E0 241 (J AN) 3:1
Computer Communication Networks
Introduction to computer networks; telephone networks, networking principles; switching - circuit
switching, packet switching; scheduling - performance bounds, best effort disciplines, naming and
addressing, protocol stack, SONET/SDH; ATM networks - AAL, virtual circuits, SSCOP; Internet -
addressing, routing, end point control; Internet protocols - IP, TCP, UDP, ICMP, HTTP; performance
analysis of networks - discrete and continuous time Markov chains, birth-death processes, time
reversibility, queueing / delay models - M/M/1, M/M/m, M/M/m/m, M/G/1 queues, infinite server
systems; open and closed queueing networks, Jackson's theorem, Little's law; traffic management -
models, classes, scheduling; routing algorithms - Bellman Ford and Dijkstra's algorithms; multiple
access, frequency and time division multiplexing; local area networks - Ethernet, token ring, FDDI,
CSMA/CD, Aloha; control of networks - QoS, window and rate congestion control, open and closed
loop flow control, large deviations of a queue and network, control of ATM networks.
Mitrani I, Modelling of Computer and Communication Systems, Cambridge, 1987.
Walrand J and Varaiya P, High Performance Communication Networks, Harcourt Asia (Morgan Kaufmann), 2000.
Keshav S, An Engineering Approach to Computer Networking, Pearson Education, 1997.
Bertsekas D and Gallager R, Data Networks, Prentice Hall of India, 1999.
Kurose J F, and Ross K W, Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach Featuring the Internet, Pearson Education, 2001.
E0 243 (AUG) 3:1
Computer Architecture
Processor Architecture: Instruction-Level Parallelism,Superscalar and VLIWarchitecture; Multi-core
processors;Memory Subsystem: Multilevel caches, Caches in multi-core processors,Memory
controllers for multi-core systems;Multiple processor systems: taxonomy, distributed and shared
memorysystem, memory consistency models, cache coherence, and Interconnection
networks;Advanced topics in architecture.
J. L. Hennessy and D. A. Patterson, Computer Architecture: A Quantitative
Approach, 5th Edition, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2011
D. E. Culler, J. P. Singh and A. Gupta, Parallel Computer Architecture: A
Hardware/Software Approach, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 1999
Recent Research Papers
E0 245 (J AN) 2:1
Android Sensor Programing
Objective: The objective of this course is to provide exposure to programing techniques that unravel
the use of mobile devices as compute platforms enriched by the presence of location, movement and
environment sensors.
Topics to be covered: Origins of JAVA: Dalvik VM, JDK, JRE; Object oriented programing: Classes
and objects; Inheritance, polymorphism; Data structures; Multithreading and synchronization in JAVA;
Android system architecture; Multimedia: using the microphone, speaker, video frame capture; Using
Android physical sensors: accelerometer, gyroscope, magnetometer, barometer, light and proximity
sensors; Error and basic filtering; Android Database; Near-field-communication; Applications:
OpenCV integration for mood detection; Pulse detection from video recordings; Inventory tracking
system using NFC; Hybrid mobile-cloud framework;
About the course: The course will have programming assignments (using Eclipse, JAVA, Android
emulator/Android mobile device).
Greg Milette, Adam Stroud: Professional Android Sensor Programing, 2012, Wiley India
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Jeff Friesen: Learn JAVA for Android Development, 2010, Apress
Ed Burnette: Hello Android, 2011, Pragmatic
E0 246 (J AN) 3:0
Real - time Systems
Hard and soft real-time systems, deadlines and timing constraints, workload parameters, periodic task
model, precedence constraints and data dependency, real time scheduling techniques, static and
dynamic systems, optimality of EDF and LST algorithms, off-line and on-line scheduling, clock driven
scheduling, cyclic executives, scheduling of aperiodic and static jobs, priority driven scheduling, fixed
and dynamic priority algorithms, schedulable utilization, RM and DM algorithms, priority scheduling of
aperiodic and sporadic jobs, deferrable and sporadic servers, resource access control, priority
inversion, priority inheritance and priority ceiling protocols, real-time communication, operating
Rathna G N
Jane, W. S. Liu, Real-Time Systems, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2001. Current literature.
E0 247 (AUG/J AN) 3:0
Sensor Networks
Basic concepts and issues, survey of applications of sensor networks, homogeneous and
heterogeneous sensor networks, topology control and clustering protocols, routing and transport
protocols, access control techniques, location awareness and estimation, security information
assurance protocols, data fusion and management techniques, query processing, energy efficiency
issues, lifetime optimization, resource management schemes, task allocation methods, clock
synchronization algorithms. Tiny operating system, middleware support, simulation packages.
Pre-requisite: Consent of Instructor
Raghavendra C. S, Shivalingam K. M. and Znati T, Wireless Sensor Networks, Springer, New York, 2004.
Zhao T and Guibas L, Wireless Sensor Networks, An Information processing Approach, Morgan Kauffmann, San Fransisco
Current Literature.
E0 251 (AUG) 3:1
Data Structures and Algorithms
Abstract data types and data structures, Classes and objects, Complexity of algorithms: worst case,
average case, and amoritized complexity. Algorithm analysis. Algorithm Design Paradigms. Lists:
stacks, queues, implementation, garbage collection. Dictionaries: Hash tables, Binary search trees,
AVL trees, Red-Black trees, Splay trees, Skip-lists, B-Trees. Priority queues. Graphs: Shortest path
algorithms, minimal spanning tree algorithms, depth-first and breadth-first search. Sorting: Advanced
sorting methods and their analysis, lower bound on complexity, order statistics.
Aho A.V, Hopcroft J E, and Ullman J D, Data Structures and Algorithms, Addison Wesley, Reading Massachusetts, USA, 1983
Cormen T H, Leiserson C E, and Rivest R L, Introduction to Algorithms, The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, 1990
Weiss M A, Data Structures and Algorithms Analysis in C++, Benjamin/Cummins, Redwood City, California, USA, 1994.
E0 252 (AUG) 3:1
Programming Languages : Design and Implementation
Features and implementation of imperative, object-oriented, concurrent, distributed, logic-
programming, functional, aspect-oriented, scripting, business-oriented and web programming
languages. Example languages from each of the above categories would be discussed along with
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their implementation details. Formal semantics would be used to enhance the understanding of the
features and to assist in the design of correct implementations. However, there will be no deep
discussion of the theory. This is neither a course on compiler design nor a course on the theory of
programming languages. Emphasis would be on understanding the features and their implementation.
Students will be required to carry out mini projects as a part of the course. The course will have large
programming assignments.
Pre-requisites: None. However, programming in C/C++/Java/shell/Perl and a course on compiler design at the BE/BTech level
would be helpful. There will be no overlap with the compiler design course in the CSA department (E0 255).
Robert Harper, Practical Foundations for Programming Languages, Cambridge University Press, 2012.
John Mitchell, Concepts in Programming Languages, Cambridge University Press, 2002.
John Reynolds, Theories of Programming Languages, Cambridge University Press, 2009.
E0 253 (AUG) 3:1
Operating Systems
User Level Specification of OS.Fundamental Concepts of Multiprogrammed OS, BasicConcepts and
Techniques for Implementation of Multiprogrammed OS. Processes and the Kernel, Microkernel
Architecture of OS.Multiprocessor, Multimedia, and Real-TimeOS.POSIX Standards.Management and
Control of Processes. Basic Concept of Threads,Types of Threads, Models of Thread
Implementations. Traditional and Real-TimeSignals.Clocks, Timers and Callouts. Thread Scheduling
for Unix and Real-Time OS.Real-Time Scheduling.Interprocess/Interthread Synchronization and
Communication,Mutual Exclusion/Critical Section Problem, Semaphores, Monitors, Mailbox,
Deadlocks. Concepts and Implementation of Virtual Memory, Physical Memory Management.
FileOrganization, File System Interface and Virtual File Systems, Implementation of FileSystems. I/O
Software: Interrupt Service Routines and Device Drivers. Protection andSecurity. Case Study of Unix,
Andrew S. Tanenbaum, ``Modern Operating Systems'', Third Edition, Pearson Education,Inc., 2007.
UreshVahalia, ``UNIX Internals: The New Frontiers'', Prentice-Hall, 1996.
Mauro J and McDougall R, ``Solaris Internals: Solaris 10 and OpenSolaris KernelArchitecture" (2nd Edition), Sun Microsystems
Press, 2006.
Daniel P. Bovet and Marco Cesati, "Understanding the Linux kernel", 3rd EditionO'Reilly & Associates, Inc., 2005.
E0 254 (J AN) 3:1
Network and Distributed Systems Security
Security Goals and Violations; Security Requirements; Security Services; Discrete Logs,
Encryption/Decryption Functions, Hash Functions, MAC Functions; Requirements and Algorithmic
Implementation of One-Way Functions; OS Security Violations and Techniques to Prevent Them;
Access Control Models; Secure Programming Techniques; Authenticated Diffie-Hellman Key
Establishment Protocols; Group Key Establishment Protocols; Block Ciphers and Stream Ciphers;
Modes of Encryption; Digital Signatures; Authentication Protocols; Nonce and Timestamps; PKI and
X.509 Authentication Service; BAN logic; Kerberos; E-mail Security; IP Security; Secure Socket Layer
and Transport Layer Security; Secure Electronic Transactions; Intrusion Detection; Malicious Software
Detection; Firewalls.
Knowledge of Java is desirable, but not necessary.
William Stallings: Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practices, Fourth Edition, Prentice Hall, 2006.
Neil Daswani, Christoph Kern and Anita Kesavan: Foundations of Security: What Every Programmer Needs to Know, Published
by Apress, 2007.
Yang Xiao and Yi Pan: Security in Distributed and Networking Systems, World Scientific, 2007.
Current Literature.
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E0 255 (J AN) 3:1
Compiler Design
Review of syntax analysis and use of tools LEX and YACC; symbol tables and semantic analysis;
run time storage administration and intermediate code generation; dataflow analysis, code
optimization and register allocation; instruction selection and code generation; machine dependent
optimizations for pipelined, and clustered architectures.
Aho, A.V., RaviSethi and Ullman J D, Compilers- Principles, Techniques and Tools, Addison Wesley, 1988.
Muchnick S., Advanced Compiler Design and Implementation, Morgan Kauffman, 1998.
Selected Papers.
E0 261 (J AN) 3:1
Database Management Systems
Design of Database Kernels, Query Optimization (Rewriting Techniques, Access Methods, Join
Algorithms, Plan Evaluation), Transaction Management (ARIES), Distributed Databases (Query
Processing and Optimization, Concurrency Control, Commit Protocols), Object-Relational Databases
(Motivation, Design and Implementation), Spatial Databases (Storage, Indexing Techniques, Query
Optimization), Data Mining (Association, Classification and Sequence Rules, Integration with
Database Engines), Data Warehousing (Star and Snowflake Schemas, Data Cubes, View
Maintenance), Semistructured and Web Databases (Data Models, Query Systems, XML, XML-
Schema, Relational Storage, Compression), Mobile Databases (Broadcast Disks, Indexing
Techniques), Applications to E-commerce.
Elmasri R and Navathe S B, Fundamentals of Database Systems, Addison-Wesley, 3rd ed., 1999.
Ramakrishnan R and Gehrke J, Database Management Systems McGraw-Hill, 2nd ed., 1999.
Stonebraker M and Hellerstein J, Readings in Database Systems, Morgan Kaufmann, 3rd ed., 1998.
Stonebraker M, Object-Relational DBMSs Morgan Kaufmann, 1996 .
R. Mattison, Data Warehousing (Strategies, Technologies and Techniques) IEEE Press, 1998.
R. Groth, Data Mining Prentice Hall, 1998.
Recent Conference and Journal papers.
Data Structures, C or C++, Undergraduate course in DBMS
E0 262 (J AN) 3:0
Multimedia Information Systems
Multimedia Information, Delay-sensitive and Time-based Media data Modeling, Multimedia storage
and retrieval techniques, Multimedia Communications: Synchronization, delay compensation, QoS
management and negotiation protocols, Architectures and Issues for Distributed Multimedia Systems,
Prototype Multimedia systems: Video-on-Demand, Video conferencing. Wireless Multimedia.
P. Venkataram, Design Aspects of Multimedia Information Systems, Pearson Publishers, 2008.
W. I. Grosky, R. Jain and R. Mehrotra, The Hand Book of Multimedia Information Management, Prentice-Hall, 1997.
J. F. Koegel Buford, Multimedia Systems, Addison-Wesley, 1994.
Relevant Research Papers from the Journals/Conferences.
E0 264 (AUG) 3:1
Distributed Computing Systems
Fundamental Issues in Distributed Systems, Distributed System Models and Architectures;
Classification of Failures in Distributed Systems, Basic Techniques for Handling Faults in Distributed
Systems; Logical Clocks and Virtual Time; Physical Clocks and Clock Synchronization Algorithms;
Security Issues in Clock Synchronization; Secure RPC and Group Communication; Group
Membership Protocols and Security Issues in Group Membership Problems; Naming Service and
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Security Issues in Naming Service; Distributed Mutual Exclusion and Coordination Algorithms;
Leader Election; Global State, Termination and Distributed Deadlock Detection Algorithms;
Distributed Scheduling and Load Balancing; Distributed File Systems and Distributed Shared
Memory; Secure Distributed File Systems; Distributed Commit and Recovery Protocols; Security
Issues in Commit Protocols; Checkpointing and Recovery Protocols; Secure Checkpointing; Fault-
Tolerant Systems, Tolerating Crash and Omission Failures; Implications of Security Issues in
Distributed Consensus and Agreement Protocols; Replicated Data Management; Self-Stabilizing
Systems; Design Issues in Specialized Distributed Systems.
Randy Chow, and Theodore Johnson, "Distributed Operating Systems and Algorithms", Addison-Wesley, 1997.
SukumarGhosh, Distributed Systems: An Algorithmic Approach, CRC Press,
Kenneth P. Birman, Reliable Distributed Systems: Technologies, Web Services,
and Applications, Springer New York, 2005.
G. Coulouris, J. Dollimore, and T. Kindberg, "Distributed Systems: Concepts and
Designs", Fourth Edition, Pearson Education Ltd., 2005.
Current Literature
Prerequisites: NDSS(E0 254) or equivalent course
E0 265 (J AN) 3:1
Multimedia Systems
Introduction: Video, Audio. Image compression: JPEG, GIF. Video compression: MPEG-1, -2, -4, and
-7, H.261. MPEG Audio compression, AC 3, Content based retrieval, Multimedia networking: ATM,
RTP, RSVP, RTSP; Multicasting: Storage and server issues, Multimedia processors, Mobile
multimedia, Watermarking, Multimedia systems: VoD, video and conferencing, HDTV.
K R Ramakrishnan
Pre-requisites: Basic knowledge of DSP and Programming
Raghavan, S. V. and Tripathi, S. K., Networked Multimedia Systems: Concepts, Architecture and Design. Prentice Hall, 1998.
Raif Steinmetz, Klara Nahrtedt, Multimedia: Computing, Communication and Application, Prentice Hall, 1995.
E0 266 (AUG) 3:0
Topics in Ubiquitous Computing
Definition and Scope of ubiquitous computing, Essential Elements of Ubiquitous Networks,
Architecture for ubiquitous computing: new devices and communications; and software architectures.
Integrating the physical and the virtual worlds: sensing and actuation; ontology and modeling the
world; awareness and perception. Interactions between humans and (ubiquitous) computers: situated
(context-aware) computing; multimodal and natural interaction; disambiguation and proactivity. Social
aspects of ubiquitous computing: implications on privacy, security and autonomy; system and legal
safeguards; cost-benefit and market focus. Ubiquitous applications: The appropriate design;
Weisers vision of ubiquitous computing; context awareness; mixed reality and sensible design.
Illustration of some existing application domains for ubiquitous computing in such areas as gaming,
workplaces, domestic spaces, museums and educational communities.
Prerequisite: Communication Protocols/Computer Networks
References: Research papers on Ubiquitous Computing.
E0 268 (J AN) 3:1
Data Mining
Introduction to data mining. Data preprocessing and cleaning. Data visualization and exploratory
data analysis. Data mining techniques. Performance evaluation. Finding patterns and rules.
Predictive and descriptive modeling. Issues relating to large data sets. Applications to Web Mining
and Bioinformatics.
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Tan P.-N, Steinbach M. and Kumar V., Introduction to Data Mining, Addison-Wesley, 2006.
Current Literature.
E0 270 (J AN) 3:1
Machine Learning
Introduction to machine learning. Classification: nearest neighbour, decision trees, perceptron,
support vector machines, VC-dimension. Regression: linear least squares regression, support vector
regression. Additional learning problems: multiclass classification, ordinal regression, ranking.
Ensemble methods: boosting. Probabilistic models: classification, regression, mixture models
(unconditional and conditional), parameter estimation, EM algorithm. Beyond IID, directed graphical
models: hidden Markov models, Bayesian networks.
Beyond IID, undirected graphical models: Markov random fields, conditional random fields. Learning
and inference in Bayesian networks and MRFs: parameter estimation, exact inference (variable
elimination, belief propagation), approximate inference (loopy belief propagation, sampling). Additional
topics: semi-supervised learning, active learning, structured prediction.
Bishop. C M, Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning. Springer, 2006.
Duda, R O, Hart P E and Stork D G. Pattern Classification. Wiley-Interscience,
2nd Edition, 2000.
Hastie T, Tibshirani R and Friedman J, The Elements of Statistical Learning:
Data Mining, Inference and Prediction. Springer, 2nd Edition, 2009.
Mitchell T, Machine Learning. McGraw Hill, 1997.
Current literature.
Prerequisites : Probability and Statistics (or equivalent course elsewhere). Some background in linear algebra and
optimization will be helpful.
E0 272 (J AN) 3:1
Formal Methods in Software Engineering
Domain modeling using first-order predicate logic and relational calculus -- the tools Alloy and Event-B.
Verification of finite-state systems, and concurrent systems -- Sal and Spin. Code development using
refactoring -- Eclipse Refactorings. Identifying errors in code during development using dataflow analysis and
logical reasoning -- FindBugs and SpecSharp. Testing and bounded-exploration of applications -- Pex.
Logic in Computer Science: Modelling and Reasoning about Systems, by
Michael Huth and Mark Ryan, Cambridge University Press.
Software Abstractions: Logic, Language, and Analysis, by Daniel
Jackson, Prentice Hall International (Indian edition).
Model Checking, by Edmund M. Clarke, OrnaGrumberg, and DoronPeled, MIT Press.
Specifying software: A Hands-On Introduction, by R. D. Tennent,
Cambridge University Press.
Modeling in Event-B - System and Software Engineering, by J-R Abrial,
Cambridge University Press.
Research papers
Prerequisites: Exposure to programming, and the basics of mathematical logic and discrete structures
E0 284 (AUG) 2:1
Digital VLSI Circuits
Introduction to MOS transistor theory, Circuit characterization & simulation, theory of logical effort,
interconnect design and analysis combinational circuit design, sequential circuit design. Design
methodology & tools, testing & verification, datapath subsystems, array subsystems, power and clock
distribution, introduction to packaging.
N.Weste and D. Harris, CMOS VLSI Design. A Circuits and Systems Perspective, Addison Weley, 2005.
J. M. Rabaey, A. Chandrakasan, and B. Nikolic, Digital Integrated Circuits.
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E0 310 (J AN) 3:1
Topics in Software Bug Detection
The course is composed of two parts; the first part will introduce the fundamentals of writing
concurrent programs, its applicability in the context of building large scale software systems, different
models of concurrency, introduction to various bug patterns. The second part will study the recent
trends in designing program analysis techniques to detect bugs with a special emphasis on scalable
approaches. A course project will help familiarize all the concepts learned as part of the lectures.
Java Concurrency in Practice by Brian Goetz, Tim Peierls, Joshua Bloch,
Joseph Bowbeer, David Holmes, Doug Lea, Addison-Wesley, (2006)
Slides and research papers listed on the course webpage
Prerequisites (if any) :
Previous experience with building a system will be helpful but not essential.
E0 311 (J AN) 3:1
Topics in Combinatorics
Linear Algebraic methods: Basic techniques, polynomial space method, higher incidence matrices,
applications to combinatorial and geometric problems. Probabilistic Methods: Basic techniques,
entropy based method, martingales, random graphs.
Sunil Chandran
ExtremalCombinatorics: Sun flowers, intersecting families, Chains and antichains, Ramsey theory
L. Babai and P. Frankl: Linear algebra methods in combinatorics with applications to Geometry and Computer Science,
Unpublished manuscript.
N. Alon and J. Spenser: Probabilistic Method, Wiley Inter-science publication.
StasysJukna: ExtremalCombinatorics with applications in computer science, Springer.
Prerequisites (if any) : Basic familiarity with probability theory, linear algebra, and graph theory and combinatorics.
E0 323 (AUG) 3:1
Topics in Verification
Abstraction refinement techniques, software model checking, applications of machine learning to
program verification, static analysis and type checking, program logics, programming language
design, decision procedures.
References: Selected papers and recent literature
Pre-requisites: Automated verification (E0223)
E0 327 : 3:1 (J AN)
Topics in ProgramAnalysis
Dataflow analysis: applications in program verification and transformation. Type systems: applications
in software development and verification. Program slicing: Applications in software development.
Techniques for points-to analysis. Symbolic execution: Applications in program testing. Model
checking of software using abstractions. Program logics: applications in program verification.
Techniques for testing and verification of concurrent programs.
Deepak D'Souza / K. V. Raghavan
Research papers.
Prerequisites: Topics in Program Analysis and Verification (E0 227)
E0 330 (J AN) 3:1
Convex Optimization and Applications
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Primer: basic real analysis, linear algebra, and topology. Basic convex analysis: convex sets and
functions, some analytical and topological properties, projection onto convex sets, hyperplanes,
separation theorems, sub-gradients, etc.
Optimality conditions, duality, minimax theory, saddle points, KKT conditions.
Canonical programs for constrained optimization: Linear program, cone program, semidefinite
program, etc. Classical Algorithms: simplex, ellipsoid, and interior-point methods. Modern
Algorithms: accelerated gradient methods, FISTA, forward- backward splitting, augmented
Lagrangian, ADMM, iteratively reweighted least-squares, stochastic gradient descent, online convex
optimization, etc.
Discussion of some of the "big" applications of convex optimization including:
Combinatorial Optimization (Graph-Cut, Little Grothendieck Problem).
Signal Processing (Basis Pursuit, Compressed Sensing, Phase Retrieval, Approximation of L0-
Statistics (LASSO, Dantzig selector).
Recommender Systems and Distance Geometry Problems.
Machine Learning (SVM).
Kunal Narayan Chaudhury
The students get to write simple programs in Matlab (using the CVX platform) in order to get a real feel for convex optimization.
Textbooks (latest editions):
Lectures onModern Convex Optimization, Aharon Ben-Tal and Arkadi Nemirovski.
Convex Optimization, Stephen Boyd and Lieven Vandenberghe, Cambridge University Press (available online:
Convex Optimizatio
E0 331 (AUG) 3:1
Optimization for Machine Learning
Convex Optimization - Introduction, Incremental Gradient, Subgradient and Proximal Methods. Nonsmooth
Convex Optimization, DC (Difference of Convex functions) Programming, Lagrangian Relaxation Dual
Decomposition. Augmented Lagrangian Methods, Cutting Plane Methods, Large-Scale Learning - Approximate
Optimization for Machine Learning, SuvritSra, Sebastian Nowozin and Stephen Wright (Editors), The MIT Press, Dec. 2011.
Recent Literature
Prerequisites: A course in Machine Learning or Data Mining
E0 335 (J AN) 3:1
Topics in Cryptology: Emerging asymmetric cryptosystems
Emerging encryption primitives like identity-based encryption, attribute-based encryption, predicate
encryption, functional encryption etc. Cryptographic protocols for privacy preserving computation,
secure storage and cloud. Revisiting the security definition and security reduction with an emphasis
on concrete security and the interplay of functionality, security and efficiency of cryptographic
protocols. Cryptanalysis of provable security.
Sanjit Chattarji
Prerequisite: E0 235
A selection of research papers from journals and conference proceedings
E0 343 (J AN) 3:1
Topics in Computer Architecture
Architecture and harware description languages (RTL, ISPS, vhdl). Processor architecture,
Instruction level parallelism, Latency tolerance, multithreading, interconnection networks, Standards
(bus, SCI), architectures, routing, Cache coherency, protocol specification, correctness, performance.
Memory consistency models, synchronization primitives, parallel programming paradigms, I/O
systems, Interface standards, parallel I/O, performance evaluation, analytical methods, simulation
algorithms and techniques, benchmarking.
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Pre-requisites: Computer Architecture, Operating Systems, Some Familiarity with Analytical Performance Evaluation
E0 358 (AUG) 3:1
Advanced Techniques in Compilation and Programming for Parallel Architectures
Parallel architectures: a brief history, design, Auto-parallelization for multicores, GPUs, and
distributed Memory clusters Lock-free and wait-free data structures/algorithms for parallel
programming Study of existing languages and models for parallel and high performance
programming; issues in design of new ones.
Chapter 11 (Optimizing for parallelism and locality)Aho, Lam, Sethi, and Ullman, Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and
Tools, 2nd edition
Parallel Computer Architecture - A Hardware/Software approach -Culler, Singh, Gupta, Chapter 1 Introduction
Research papers
List of research papers will be available on the course web page at thestart of the course. Papers discussed last year are at
E0 370(AUG) 3:1
Statistical Learning Theory
Theoretical foundations of modern machine learning. Generalizationanalysis: VC-dimension bounds,
covering numbers, margin analysis,Rademacher averages, algorithmic stabilityy. Statistical
consistencyanalysis.PAC learning. Online learning and regret bounds. Selectedadditional topics of
current interest.
Devroye, L, Gyorfi L, and Lugosi G, A Probabilistic Theory of PatternRecognition. Springer, 1996.
Anthony M, and Bartlett P L, Neural Network Learning: TheoreticalFoundations. Cambridge University Press, 1999.
Vapnik V N, Statistical Learning Theory. Wiley-Interscience, 1998.
Current literature.
Prerequisites : E0 270 Machine Learning (or equivalent course), Consent of the instructor
E0 371 (J AN) 3:1 `
Topics in Machine Learning
Selected topics of current interest in machine learning and statisticallearning theory. Examples include
statistical consistency, ranking,cost-sensitive learning, and connections between learning theory and
gametheory/mechanism design. Other topics may be selected based on classinterest. This course will
be based on seminars and research projects.
Current literature, including (but not limited to) recent proceedings ofNIPS, ICML and COLT conferences.
Prerequisites: Consent of the instructor
E0 374 (J AN) 3:1
Topics in Combinatorial Geometry
Fundamental Theorems: Radon's theorem, Helly's theorem. Geometric graphs: Proximity graphs,
geometric results on planar graphs. Geometric incidences: Incidence bounds using cuttings
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technique, crossing lemma. Distance based problems: Bounds on repeated distances and distinct
distances. Epsilon Nets: Epsilon Net theorem using random sampling and discrepency theory,
epsilon nets for simple geometric spaces, weak epsilon nets.
Janos Pach and Pankaj K. Agarwal, "Combinatorial Geometry", Wiley, 1st edition, 1995.
Matousek J, "Lectures on Discrete Geometry", Springer-Verlag, 1st edition, 2002.
Current Literature.
Prerequisites: The registrants should have preferably completed the "Design and Analysis of Algorithms" or "Discrete
Structures" course.
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E1 Intelligent Systems and Automation
E1 213 (J AN) 3:1
Pattern Recognition and Neural Networks
Introduction to pattern recognition, Bayesian decision theory, supervised learning from data,
parametric and non parametric estimation of density functions, Bayes and nearest neighbor
classifiers, introduction to statistical learning theory, empirical risk minimization, discriminant
functions, learning linear discriminant functions, Perceptron, linear least squares regression,
LMS algorithm, artificial neural networks for pattern classification and function learning,
multilayer feed forward networks, backpropagation, RBF networks, support vector machines,
kernel based methods, feature selection and dimensionality reduction methods.
P S Sastry
Dudo, R. O, Hart P.E & Stork D. G, Pattern Classification John Wiley & sons, 2002.
Bishop C.M, Neural Network & Pattern Recognition, Oxford University Press(Indian Edition) 2003.
Prerequisite: Knowledge of Probability theory
E1 216 (J AN) 3:1
Computer Vision
This course will present a broad, introductory survey intended to develop familiarity with the
approaches to modeling and solving problems in computer vision. Mathematical modeling and
algorithmic solutions for vision tasks will be emphasised. Image formation: camera geometry,
radiometry, colour. Image features: points, lines, edges, contours, texture; Shape: object
geometry, stereo, shape from cues; Motion: calibration, registration, Multiview geometry,
optical flow; approaches to grouping and segmentation; representation and methods for
object recognition. Applications;
Venu Madhav Govindu
David Forsyth and Jean Ponce , Computer Vision: A Modern Approach, Prentice-Hall India, 2003
Hartley R and Zisserman A, Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision, Second Edition, Cambridge University
Press, 2004.
Current literature
E1 222 (AUG) 3:0
Stochastic Models and Applications
Probability spaces, conditional probability, independence, random variables, distribution
functions, multiple random variables and joint distributions. Expectations, moments,
characteristic functions and moment generating functions, sequence of random variables and
convergence concepts. Law of large numbers, central limit theorem, stochastic processes,
Markov chains, stationary distribution of Markov chains, Poisson and birth and death
P S Sastry
Ross S.M, Introduction to Probability Models, (6th Edition), academic Press and Hardcourt Asia, 2000.
Hoel, P. G., Port, S. C., and Stone, C. J., Introduction to Probability Theory, Indian Edition, Universal Book Stall, New
Delhi, 1998.
Hoel, P. G., Port, S. C., and Stone, C. J., Introduction to Stochastic Process, Indian Edition, Universal Book Stall,
New Delhi, 1981.
E1 277 : 3:1 (J AN)
Reinforcement Learning
Introduction to reinforcement learning, introduction to stochastic dynamic programming, finite
and infinite horizon models, the dynamic programming algorithm, infinite horizon discounted
cost and average cost problems, numerical solution methodologies, full state representations,
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function approximation techniques, approximate dynamic programming, partially observable
Markov decision processes, Q-learning, temporal difference learning, actor-critic algorithms.
Shalabh Bhatnagar
D.P.Bertsekas and J.N.Tsitsiklis, Neuro-Dynamic Programming, Athena Scientific, 1996.
R.S.Sutton and A.G.Barto, Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction, MIT Press, 1998.
D.P.Bertsekas, Dynamic Programming and Optimal Control, Vol.I, Athena Scientific, 2005.%0
E1 241 (AUG) 3:0
Dynamics of Linear Systems
Background material on matrix algebra, differential equations. Representation of dynamic
systems, equilibrium points and linearization. Natural and forced response of state equations,
state space descriptions, canonical realizations. Observability and controllability, minimal
realization. Linear state variable feedback, stabilization, modal controllability, Jordan form,
functions of matrices, pole-placement, Lyapunov matrix equations. Asymptotic observers,
compensator design, and separation principle. Preliminary quadratic regulator theory.
Manojit Pramanik
Chi-Tsong Chen, Linear Systems Theory and Design, HBJ 1984.
Kailath,T., Linear System Theory, Prentice Hall, 1980.
E1 243 (J AN) 2:1
Digital Controller Design
Modeling of Systems input/output relations, linearization, transfer function and state space
representations, circuit averaging, bondgraph and space vector modelling; Control system
essentials- representation in digital domain, z-transform, digital filters, s-z mapping, sampling
issues, continuous to discrete domain conversions; Controller design-Bode method, root
locus method, PID controller, State space methods, full state feedback, pole placement,
estimator design, prediction, current and reduced order estimators, introduction to optimal and
robust controller design.
L. Umanand
Franklin, G.F., Powell, J.D., Workman, M.L., Digital Control of Dynamic Systems, 2nd edn, Addison-Wesley, MA,
USA, 1990.
Friedland, B., Control System Design-An Introduction to State Space Methods, McGraw Hill, 1987.
Lewis, F.L., Applied Optimal Control and Estimation, Prentice Hall, USA, 1992.
Umanand, L., Power Electronics: Essentials and Applications, Chapters 8 to 11, John Wiley, India, 2009.
E1 244 (J AN) 3:0
Detection and Estimation Theory
Hypothesis testing, Neyman-Pearson theorem, likelihood ratio test and generalised likelihood
ratio test, uniformly most powerful test, multiple-decision problems, detection of deterministic
and random signals in Gaussian noise, detection in non-Gaussian noise, sequential detection.
Parameter Estimation: Unbiasedness, consistency, Cramer-Rao bound, sufficient statistics,
Rao-Blackwell theorem, best linear unbiased estimation, maximum likelihood estimation,
method of moments. Bayesian estimation: MMSE and MAP estimators, Wiener filter, Kalman
filter, Levinson-Durbin and innovation algorithms.
Rajesh Sundaresan
H. V. Poor, An Introduction to Signal Detection and Estimation, Springer-Verlag, 2nd edition, 1994
E1 245 (AUG) 3:0
Online Prediction and Learning
The ability to use available data and make effective forecasts is key in many of todays data-
driven intelligent systems. This course will focus on methods for learning and decision making
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under uncertainty. We will explore several models, formulations and algorithms for learning
with limited information, together with performance analyses. We will also study some
relevant applications of these techniques, such as portfolio optimization (finance), data
compression (information theory), etc.
Probability review- Concentration of measure, Martingales; Online classification- the
Perceptron algorithm; Learning with experts- Weighted Majority, Multiplicative weights and the
EXP3 online algorithm, Follow the Perturbed Leader; Bandits- Gittins index, Upper
Confidence Bound methods, Thompson sampling, PAC-Bayes bounds, Best arm
identification; forecasting and calibration; Applications- portfolio selection, universal source
coding; data compression and log-loss; Stochastic games- Blackwell approachability, Online
reinforcement learning- Markov Decision Processes, the Rmax and UCRL algorithms.
Pre-requisites: Probability/stochastic processes, linear algebra. Generalmathematical maturity.
Nicolo Cesa-Bianchi and Gabor Lugosi, Prediction, Learning and Games. Cambridge University Press, 2006.
E1 246 (AUG) 3:1
Natural Language Understanding
Syntax: syntactic processing; linguistics; parts-of-speech; grammar and parsing; ambiguity
resolution; tree adjoint grammars. Semantics: semantic interpretation; word sense
disambiguation; logical form; scoping noun phrases; anaphora resolution. Pragmatics: context
and world knowledge; knowledge representation and reasoning;local discourse context and
reference; discourse structure; semantic web; dialogue; natural language understanding and
generation. Cognitive aspects: mental models, language acquisition, language and thought;
theories of verbal field cognition. Applications: text summarization, machine translation,
sentiment analysis, perception evaluation, cognitive assistive systems; NLP tool-kits
C E Veni Madhavan
Allen J, Natural language understanding, Pearson Education, 1995, 2003.
Jurafsky D, and Martin J H, Speech and language processing: an introduction to natural language processing,
computational linguistics and speech recognition, Pearson Education, 2000, 2003
Posner M I, Foundations of Cognitive Science, MIT Press, 1998.
Research Literature
Familiarity with programming (optionally including scripting languages); data structures, algorithms and discrete
structures; reasonable knowledge of English language.
E1 247 (AUG) 2:1
Incremental Motion Control
Introduction to various incremental motion systems, Principles of operation and classification
of various types of stepper motors, control and drive circuits. Improved control and drive
techniques in open and closed loop. Use of DC motors in incremental motion systems and
related control techniques.
N S Dinesh
Kuo, B.C., Step Motors and Control Systems, SRL Publishing Co., Illinois, 1979
Proceedings of Annual Symposium on Incremental Motion Control Systems and Devices, from 1974 onwards
published by IMCSS Champain
E1 251 (AUG) 3:0
Linear and Nonlinear Optimization
Necessary and sufficient conditions for optima; convex analysis; unconstrained optimization;
descent methods; steepest descent, Newtons method, quasi Newton methods, conjugate
direction methods; constrained optimization; Kuhn-Tucker conditions, quadratic programming
problems; algorithms for constrained optimization; gradient projection method, penalty and
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barrier function methods, linear programming, simplex methods; duality in optimization, duals
of linear and quadratic programming problems
Muthuvel Arigovindan
J.Luenberger D.G.,Introduction to Linear and Nonlinear Programming, 2nd edition, Addison Wesley, 1984.
Fletcher. R., Practical methods of Optimization John Wiley, 1980.
Edwin Chong, Stanislaw Zak, An Introduction to Optimization, Wiley Student Edition.
E1 254 (AUG/J AN) 3:1
Game Theory
Introduction: rationality, intelligence, common knowledge, von Neumann - Morgenstern
utilities; Noncooperative Game Theory: strategic form games, dominant strategy equilibria,
pure strategy nash equilibrium, mixed strategy Nash equilibrium, existence of Nash
equilibrium, computation of Nash equilibrium, matrix games, minimax theorem, extensive
form games, subgame perfect equilibrium, games with incomplete information, Bayesian
games. Mechanism Design: Social choice functions and properties, incentive compatibility,
revelation theorem, Gibbard-Satterthwaite Theorem, Arrow's impossibility theorem, Vickrey-
Clarke-Groves mechanisms, dAGVA mechanisms, Revenue equivalence theorem, optimal
auctions. Cooperative Game Theory: Correlated equilibrium, two person bargaining problem,
coalitional games, The core, The Shapley value, other solution concepts in cooperative game
Roger B. Myerson, Game Theory: Analysis of Conflict, HarvardUniversity Press, September 1997.
Martin J. Osborne, An Introduction to Game Theory, OxfordUniversity Press, 2003.
Narahari Y, Dinesh Garg, Ramasuri Narayanam, HastagiriPrakash. Game Theoretic Problems in Networ Economics
and Mechanism Design Solutions. Springer, 2009.
E1 261 (AUG) 3:0
Selected Topics in Markov Chains and Optimization
Finite state Markov Chains: Rate of convergence to steady state, Eigenstructure of the
transition matrix, Perron-Frobenius Theorem, Reversible transition matrices, bounds on
convergence rates; Markov Chain Monte Carlo: Knapsack problemTarget distribution
sampler, Gibbs sampling, Metropolis-Hastings algorithm, Simulated Annealing, Examples
from Bayesian networks and inference problmes; Topics in Graph Theory: Matchings and
Factors with applications, Connectivity and Paths; Enumeration combinatorics: Generating
functions, Sieve methods, Posets; Semidefinite Programming: Quadratically Constrained
Quadratic Programming (QCQP), Maximum Eigenvalue and Matrix Norm minimization,
Applications to combinatorial problems
J oy Kuri, Shayan G. Srinivasa
Norris J.R., Markov Chains, Cambridge University Press., ISBN-10: 0521633966.
Hajek Bruce, An Exploration of Random Processes for Engineers (course notes for EC-534, Random Processes),
Bremaud Pierre, Markov Chains: Gibbs Fields, Monte Carlo Simulation and Queues, Springer, 1999.
West Douglas, Introduction to Graph Theory, Pearson 2nd ed., ISBN-10: 0130144002.
Vandenberghe L. and Boyd S., Semidefinite Programming, in SIAM Review, March '96
E1 313 (AUG) 3:1
Topics in Pattern Recognition
Foundations of pattern recognition. Soft computing paradigms for classification and clustering.
Knowledge-based clustering. Association rules and frequent itemsets for pattern recognition.
Large-scale pattern recognition.
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Duda R O, Hart P E, and Stork D G, Pattern Classification, John Wiley & Sons (Asia), Singapore, 2002.
Recent Literature.
E1 354 (AUG) 3:1
Topics in Game Theory
Foundational results in game theory and mechanism design: Nash's existence theorem,
Arrow's impossibility theorem, GibbardSatterthwaite theorem, etc.; Selected topics in
repeated games, evolutionary games, dynamic games, and stochastic games; Selected
topics at the interface between game theory, mechanism design, and machine learning;
Selected topics in algorithmic game theory; Modern applications of game theory and
mechanism design: incentive compatible learning, social network analysis, etc.
Roger B. Myerson, Game Theory: Analysis of Conflict, HarvardUniversity Press, September 1997.
Rakesh V. Vohra: Advanced Mathematical Economics. Routledge, New York, NY, 2005.
Andreu Mas-Colell, Michael D. Whinston, and Jerry R. Green: Microeconomic Theory. Oxford
University Press, New York, 1995.
Current Literature
Elementary knowledge of linear algebra, linear programming, algorithms, game theory is useful for this course.
E1 395 (AUG) 3:0
Topics in Stochastic Control and Reinforcement Learning
Markov decision processes, finite horizon models, infinite horizon models under discounted
and long-run average cost criteria, classical solution techniques -- policy iteration, value
iteration, problems with perfect and imperfect state information. Reinforcement learning,
solution algorithms -- Q-learning, TD(lambda), actor-critic algorithms.
D.P.Bertsekas, Dynamic Programming and Optimal Control, Vol.I and II, Athena Scientific, 2005.
D.P.Bertsekas and J.N.Tsitsiklis, Neuro-Dynamic Programming, Athena Scientific, 1996.
R.S.Sutton and A.G.Barto, Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction, MIT Press, 1998.
Selected Research Papers.
A course on probability theory and stochastic processes. Knowledge of nonlinear programming is desirable.
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E2 Communication Systems
E2 201 (AUG) 3:0
Information Theory
Entropy, mutual information, source coding, hypothesis testing, channel capacity, channel coding
theorems, differential entropy, Gaussian channel, Kolmogorov complexity, rate distortion theory,
network information theory.
T. M. Cover and J. A. Thomas, Elements of Information Theory, 2
edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2006.
K. R. Parthasarathy, Coding theorems of classical and quantum information theory, TRIM no.45, Hindustan Book Agency,
T.M Cover and J.A Thomas, Elements of Information Theory, 2nd edition, John Wiley & Sons 2006
I. Csiszar and J. Korner, Information Theory : Coading Theorems for Discrete Memoryless Systems, 2nd edition,
Cambridge University press 2011
K.R. Parthasarathy, Coding theorems of classical and quantum information theory, TRIM no. 45, Hindustan Book Agency,
E2 202 (AUG) 3:0
The axioms of probability theory, continuity of probability, independence and conditional
probability, random variables and their distribution, functions of a random variable, expectation,
jointly distributed random variables, conditional distribution and expectation, Gaussian random
vectors. Convergence of sequences of random variables, Borel-Cantelli Lemma, laws of large
numbers and central limit theorem for sequences of independent random variables, Chernoff
bound. Definition of a random process, stationarity. Correlation functions of random processes
in linear systems, power spectral density. Discrete time Markov chains, recurrence analysis,
Foster's theorem, continuous time Markov chains, the Poisson process, simple Markovian
B. Hajek, An Exploration of Random Processes for Engineers, Course Notes, 2009.
A. Kumar, Discrete Event Stochastic Processes: Lectures Notes for an Engineering Curriculum, available on authors
D. P. Bertsekas and J. N. Tsitsiklis, Introduction to Probability, Athena Scientific, 2008.
G. R. Grimmett and D. R. Stirzaker, Probability and Random Processes, Oxford Univ.Press, 2001.
E2 203 (J AN) 3:0
Wireless Communication
Wireless channel modeling; diversity techniques to combat fading; cellular communication
systems, multiple-access and interference management; capacity of wireless channels;
opportunistic communication and multiuser diversity; MIMO channel modeling, capacity and
transmit and receiver architectures, OFDM-basics.
D. Tse and P. Viswanath, Fundamentals of Wireless Communication, Cambridge University Press, 2005.
A. Goldsmith, Wireless Communication, Cambridge University Press, 2005.
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E2 204 (J AN) 3:0
Stochastic Processes and Queueing Theory
Detailed study of stochastic processes encountered in queueing theory, namely, point processes
Poisson processes, renewal processes, Markov Processes, Markov renewal processes.
Martingale theory and applications. Study of the stationary behaviour (queue lengths, delays,
blocking) of single station, and multi-station queueing systems with various disciplines.
Prerequisite: E2 202
R. W. Wolf, Stochastic Modeling of Queues, Prentice Hall, 1989.
J. Walrand, An Introduction to Queueing Networks, Prentice Hall, 1988.
E. Cinlar, Introduction to Stochastic processes, Prentice Hall, 1975.
S. Karlin and H. Taylor, A First course in Stochastic Processes, 2
edition, Academic Press, 1975.
E2 205 (AUG) 3:0
Error-Correcting Codes
Basics of binary block codes; mathematical preliminaries: groups, rings, fields; convolutional
codes and the Viterbi algorithm; belief propagation with application to the decoding of codes;
LDPC codes; finite fields, Reed-Solomon and BCH codes.
P. V. Kumar, M. Win, H-F. Lu, C. Georghiades, Error Control Coding Techniques and Applications, chapter in Optical
Fiber Telecommunications IV, edited by I. P. Kaminow and T. Li, 2002.
F. J. MacWilliams and N. J. A. Sloane, The Theory of Error-Correcting Codes, North-Holland, 1977.
T. Richardson and R. Urbanke, Modern Coding Theory, Cambridge University Press, 2008.
W. C. Huffman and V. Pless, Fundamentals of Error-Correcting Codes, Cambridge University Press, 2003.
P. V. Kumar, Lecture Notes, NPTEL Course on Error-Correcting Codes,
E2 208 (J AN) 3:0
Topics in Information Theory &Coding
Topics to be selected from amongst topics of current interest such as network information theory,
network coding, locally decodable codes, coding for distributed storage, list decoding, polar
Selected Journal Papers
E2 211 (AUG) 3:0
Digital Communication
Representation of signals and systems; Digital modulation techniques and their performance in
AWGN channel; optimum receiver structures for AWGN channel; signal design for band-limited
and power-limited channels; power and bandwidth efficiency tradeoff; coding and coded
modulation techniques capacity approaching schemes; ISI and equalization; Multichannel and
multicarrier systems; Digital communications through fading multipath channels.
S. Haykin, Digital Communication Wiley 1999.
J. G. Proakis, Digital Communication, 4
edition, McGraw Hill 2000.
S. Benedetto and E. Biglieri, Principles of Digital Transmission : with Wireless Applications, Kluwer Academic/Plenum
Publishers, 1999.
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E2 212 (AUG) 3:0
Matrix Theory
Preliminaries: vector spaces, inner products determinants, rank, systems of linear equations.
Vector and Matrix norms. Eigen values, eigenvector and similarity. Unitary equivalence and
normal matrices. Canonical forms and matrix decompositions. Symmetric and Hermitian
matrices. Location and perturbation of eigen values. Positive definite matrices. Least-squares
problems, generalized inverses, and the Gauss-Siedel interation,
Horn and Johnson, Matrix Analysis, Cambridge University press, 1985
Golub and Van Loan, Matrix Computations, John Hopkins University Press, 1983
Strang G, Linear Algebra and its Applications, Third Edition, Saunders, 1988.
E2 213 (J AN) 3:0
Information -Theoretic Security
Channels models to be selected from amongst: input-constrained channels, finite-state channels,
insertion/deletion channels, arbitrarily varying channels, adversarial channels, wiretap channels,
channels with asymmetric errors, 2-dimensional channels
Pre-requistites: Information Theory, Error-Correcting Codes
B. H. Marcus, R. M. Roth and P. H. Siegel, Introduction to Coding for Constrained Systems, Course Notes, 2001.
R. G. Gallager, Information Theory and Reliable Communication, John Wiley and Sons, 1968.
J. Justesen and S. Forchhammer, Two-dimensional Information Theory and Coding, Cambridge Univ. Press, 2010.
Selected journal papers
E2 221 (AUG) 3:0
Communication Networks
Introduction to networking. TCP and UDP, TCP analysis. IP, optimal routing, algorithms for
shortest path routing, routing protocols, Mobile IP. ARQ schemes and analysis, random access,
random/slotted ALOHA, splitting algorithms, CSMA-CD, wireless LANs CSMA/CA, IEEE 802.11
MAC. Modelling and performance analysis in networks; deterministic analysis, scheduling;
stochastic analysis - traffic models, performance measures, Little's Theorem, M/G/1 model,
Priority queueing.
A. Kumar, D. Manjunath, and J. Kuri, Communication Networking: An Analytical
Approach, Morgan Kaufman Publishers, 2004.
D. Bertsekas and R. Gallager, Data Networks, 2nd Edition, Prentice-Hall India, 2002.
J. F. Kurose and K. W. Ross, Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach Featuring the Internet, Pearson Education
Asia, 2001.
E2 223 (AUG) 3:0
Communication Protocols
Protocols and Architectures, The Layered Approach: The OSI Model, The TCP/IP Protocol Suite,
Principles of Internetworking, Distributed Applications: Network Management, E-mail. Protocol
Engineering, Formal specification of protocols, Specification Languages: Estelle, SDL, Lotos,
Protocol Verification, Protocol Performance Testing. Validation Techniques, Protocol analysis
and synthesis, conformance testing.
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P. Venkataram and S. K. Manvi, Basics of Communication Protocol Engineering, PHI, 2004.
A. S. Tannenbaum, Computer Networks, Prentice-Hall, 1997.
W. Stallings, Data and Computer Communications, Prentice-Hall, 1996.
Relevant Research papers from Journals/Conferences.
E2 232 (AUG) 2:2
TCP/IP Networking
IP addressing, IP header; subnetting and supernetting, CIDR, routing table, Ethernet, ARP; Serial
links, PPP, ICMP, UDP, TCP: header, connection establishment, ISN, half close, delayed acks,
header flags, TCP state transitions, sliding window, Slow Start, Congestion Avoidance, Fast
Retransmit, Fast Recovery; DNS; multicasting, IGMP; IEEE 802.11 wireless LANs; Bridges, L2
switches, Spanning Tree algorithm, VLANs; Mobile IP; Private IP; NAT; DHCP; http; routing
protocols: RIP, OSPF, BGP; IPv6
Lab: Scripting, network tools; Wireshark, tcpdump, netperf, hping2, network programming,
TCP/IP networking in Linux
T.V.Prabhakar, Haresh Dagale, J oy Kuri
E2 241 (J AN) 3:0
Wireless Networks
Macromodels for power attenuation in mobile wireless networks (path loss, shadowing, multipath
fading). Link budget analysis. Cellular networks; FDM/TDM/TDMA: spatial reuse, cochannel
interference analysis, cell sectoring, channel allocation (fixed and dynamic), handover analysis,
Erlang capacity analysis. CDMA: interference analysis, other cell interference, hard and soft
handovers, soft capacity, and Erlang capacity analysis; examples from GSM, IS95 and WCDMA
networks. ARQ and TCP over mobile wireless access links. Power control; cross layer design;
impact of modern physical layer. Technologies such as MIMO and OFDM. Channel and power
allocation in OFDMA access networks. Wireless random access networks: ALOHA, CSMA/CA;
IEEE 802.11 WLANs and their analysis. Wireless ad hoc networks: links and random topologies,
connectivity and capacity, scaling laws, scheduling in ad hoc networks; wireless ad hoc internets
and sensor networks.
A. Kumar, D. Manjunath, and J. Kuri, Wireless Networking, Morgan Kaufman, 2008
G. L. Stuber, Principles of Mobile Communications, 2nd edition, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001
D. Tse and P. Viswanath, Fundamentals of Wireless Communication, Cambridge University Press, 2005.
Current papers from journals and magazines
E2 242 (J AN) 3:0
CDMA &Multiuser Detection
Direct Sequence spread spectrum, spreading sequences and their correlation functions,
acquisition and tracking of spread spectrum signals, near-far effect in DS-CDMA, error probability
for DS-CDMA on AWGN channels, RAKE receiver, Multiuser Detection MF detector,
decorrelating detector, MMSE detector. Successive interference canceller, parallel interference
canceller, linear PlC. Performance analysis of multiuser detectors and interference cancellers.
Low complexity multiuser detectors for MIMO systems. Multiuser/MIMO detection using belief
propagation, probabilistic data association, meta-heuristics, and Markov chain Monte carlo
Tchniques. Spatial modulation.
A. J. Viterbi, CDMA Principles of Spread Spectrum Communications, Addison Wesley, 1995.
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S. Verdu, Multiuser Detection, Cambridge Univ.Press, 1998.
H. Wymeersch, Iterative Receiver Design, Cambridge Univ. Press, 2007.
D. Tse and P. Viswanath, Fundamentals of Wireless Communication, Cambridge University Press, 2005.
Research Papers in Journals and Conferences
E2 243 (J AN) 3:0
Mathematics for Electrical Engineers
Fourier series and Fourier transform LTI system, signals, sampling and sampling theorem,
discrete and continuous signals, DFT. Linear algebra: linear system of equations range and null
space, singular value decomposition of a matrix, pseudoinverse of a matrix, optimal solution of a
system. Probability: random experiments, sample space, events, sigma algebra, probability
measure random variables, probability distribution function, discrete and continuous distributions,
joint distributions, distribution of functions of random variables, some random processes.
R. Vittal Rao
Bracewell R., Fourier Transform and its applications, (3
edition) McGraw Hill, 2000
Strang G., Linear Algebra and its applications, (4
edition) Thomson, 2006
Leon-Garcia A., Probability, statistics and Random Processes for Electrical Engineers, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2008.
E2 301 (AUG) 3:0
Topics in Multiuser Communication
Channel capacity for multiple access channels, broadcast channels, relay channels, wireless
fading channels, multihop wireless networks and physical layer security.
Pre-requisite: E2 202, E2 201
T. M. Cover and J. A. Thomas, Elements of Information Theory, 2
Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2006.
Abbas El Gamal and Young Han Kim, Network Information Theory, Cambridge 2012.
Research papers in journals and conferences.
E2 302 (AUG) 3:0
Next Generation Wireless Systems: Design and Analysis
The goal of this advanced/research course is to introduce students to the underlying theory,
design techniques, and analytical tools for understanding and improving next generation wireless
systems. A course will focus on beyond third generation (B3G) cellular standards such as Long
Term Evolution (LTE) and IEEE 802.16 WiMAX. The course will first develop the basics required
to understand the physical layer of B3G systems. This includes performance analysis of digital
communication systems over fading channels, rate and power adaptation, and multi user diversity
techniques. As a case study of will cover the LTE standard, its air interface, physical and logical
channels, and physical layer procedures. Thereafter, advanced technologies that are likely to
impact B3G standards such as cooperative communications and cognitive radio will be covered
through a survey of research papers. Digital communication over fading channels; Adaptation;
Multi-user systems; Long Term Evolution (LTE) standard overview, Cooperative communications
and relays: Relation to multi-antenna techniques, Cognitive radio.
Pre requisite: E2 211Digital Communications
LTE The UMTS Long Term Evolution, Stefania Sesia, Issam Toufik, Matthew Baker, John Wiley & Sons, 1st ed., 2009.
Wireless Communications, Andrea Goldsmith, Cambridge University Press, 1st ed., 2005.
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Digital Communications, J. Proakis, McGraw Hill Science/Engineering/Math, 4th ed., 2000.
3GPP technical specifications available online at
E2 312 (AUG) 3:0
RandomMatrix Theory for Wireless Communications
Chandra R. Murthy Course Description: The goal of this course is to cover the basics of random
matrix theory and show how it can be applied to solve a various problems in wireless
communications. The following topics will be covered: Stieltjes transform method, free probability
theory, combinatoric approaches, deterministic equivalents, and spectral analysis methods for
statistical inference. In the second half of the course, these theoretical concepts will be applied to
a variety of problems in signal processing and wireless communications to show the utility of
random matrix theory in solving real-world engineering problems.
Prerequisites: Random Processes, Matrix Theory
Romain Couillet and Merouane Debbah, Random Matrix Methods for Wireless Communications, Cambridge University
Press, 2011.
Antonia M. Tulino and Sergio Verdu, Random Matrix Theory and Wireless Communications, NowPublishers, 2004.
E2 331 (JAN) 3:0
Advanced Course in Coding Theory
Topics to be selected from amongst: Quantum Error Correcting Codes; Coding for Cooperative
Communication; Network Coding; Coding for Multiuser Communication; Lattices and their
applications in MIMO Communication.
M.A. Nielsen and I .L. Chuang, Quantum Computation and Quantum Information, Cambridge University Press, 2006,
R.W Yeung., Information Theory and Network Coding, Springer, 2008.
T.M. Cover and J.A Thomas, Elements of Information Theory, 2nd Edition, Wiley Interscience, 2006.
D. Tse and P Viswanath, Fundamentals of Wireless Communication, Cambridge University Press, 2005.
Selected Journal Papers.1
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E3 Electronic Drives
E3 214 (AUG) 3:0
Microsensor Technologies
Micro-sensors and micro-actuators; MEMS and MOEMS; classification and characteristics;
principles of microsensors - micromechanics, electro-mechanical coupling, electromagnetics,
opto-mechanical effects; thermal and fluidic properties; modeling and simulation; technology -
lithography, deposition, diffusion, metallization, bulk and surface micromaching; commercial
fabrication processes; pressure, vibration, acceleration, rotation, temperature, magnetic field,
radiation, chemical and bio microsensors; surface acoustic wave microsensors; mciro-opto-
electro-mechanical sensors; fiber optic sensors; smart structures; sensors arrays and distributed
sensing; noise in microsensors; control and signal processing; automotive, aerospace,
industrial, and biomedical applications.
J. W. Gardner, V. K. Varadan and O. O. Awadelkarim, Microsensors, MEMS and Smart Devices, John Wiley, 2002
S. D. Senturia, Microsystem Design, Kluwer- Academic Publishers, 2001
P. Raichoudhury (Ed), MEMS and MOEMS Technology and Applications, SPIE Press, 2000.
Current literature: Special issues of journals and selected review articles
E3 222 (J AN) 2:1
Micromachining for MEMS Technology
Micromachining Concepts, Benefits and Materials. Surface Micromachining and Related
Technologies. Bulk Micromachining. Micromachining for high aspect ratio microstructures.
Monolithic Integration of micromachined mechanical devices and Microelectronics circuits:
merits and complexities. Laboratory classes to gain hands on experience on the Micromachining
and related Technology.
Chang Liu, Foundations of MEMS, (ILLINOIS ECE Series), Pearson Education International, 2006
Gregory TA Lovacs, Micromachined Transducers Source Book, WCB McGraw Hill, NY, Singapore, 1998
E3 225 (AUG) 3:0
Art of Compact Modeling
Band theory of solids, carrier transport mechanism, P-N junction diode, MOS Capacitor Theory,
C-V characteristics, MOSFET operation, Types of compact models, Input Voltage Equation,
Charge Linearization, Charge Modeling, Concept of Core Model, Quasi-static and Non-quasi-
static Model, Introduction to Verilog-A, Basic theory of circuit simulation, Brief overview of EKV
and PSP
Santanu Mahapatra
Tsividis, Y., Operation and Modelling of the MOS Transistor, Oxford University Press, 2012
Arora, N., MOSFET modeling for VLSI simulation: Theory and Practice, World Scientific Publishing Company, 2007
Foty, D., MOSFET modeling with SPICE, Prentice Hall, 1997
Liu, W., MOSFET Models for SPICE Simulation, Wiley-IEEE Press, 2001
Enz C and Vittoz E, Charge-based MOS transistor modeling, Wiley, 2006
Gildenblat, G., Compact Modeling: Principles, Techniques and Applications, Springer, 2010
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E3 231 (J AN) 2:1
Digital Systems Design with FPGAs
Introduction to Digital design; Hierarchical design, controller (FSM), case study, FSM issues,
timing issues, pipelining, resource sharing, metastability, synchronization, MTBF Analysis,
setup/hold time of various types of flip-flops, synchronization between multiple clock domains,
reset recovery, proper resets. VHDL: different models, simulation cycles, process, concurrent and
sequential statements, loops, delay models, library, packages, functions, procedures, coding for
synthesis, test bench. FPGA: logic block and routing architecture, design methodology, special
resources, Virtex-II, Stratix architectures, programming FPGA, constraints, STA, timing closure,
case study.
Kuruvilla Varghese
Wakerly, J. F., Digital Design: Principles and Practices 4th Edition, Pearson, 2008
Skahil, K., VHDL For Programmable Logic 1st Edition, Pearson, 2004
FPGA Data sheets, Application Notes
Current literature from relevant journals and conference proceedings
E3 235 (AUG) 2:1
Analog and data conversion systems
Linear IC applications. Design and error budget analysis of signal conditioners for low level ac
and DC applications. 4-20 ma current transmitters. Design of linear power supplies. Designing
for single supply low power consuming circuits. Design of analog circuits for capacitive and
inductive transducers. Analog to digital and digital to analog converters. SHA and analog
M.K. Gunasekaran
Franco, S., Design with operational amplifiers and analog integrated circuits. Mc. Graw Hill book Co. 1988.
Horowitz, P., and Hill, W., The art of electronics (2
edition), Cambridge University Press. 1992.
E3 237 (J AN) 3:0
Integrated circuits for Wireless Communication
Wireless transceiver SNR calculations, modulation techniques, linearity and noise, receiver and
transmitter Architectures, passive RF networks, design of active building blocks: low noise
amplifiers, mixers, power amplifiers, VCOs, phase locked loops and frequency synthesizers,
device models for RF design, mm-wave and THz communication systems
Prerequisite: E3 238
B. Razavi, RF Microelectronics
T. H. Lee, The design of CMOS Radio-frequency Integrated Circuits
E3 238 (AUG) 2:1
Analog VLSI Circuits
Introduction to CMOS analog circuits, MOS transistor DC and AC small signal parameters from
large signal model, Common source amplifier with resistive load, diode connected load and
current source load, Source follower, Common gate amplifier, Cascode amplifier, Folded
cascode, Frequency response of amplifiers, Current source/sink/mirror, Matching, Regulated
cascode current source, Bandgap reference, Differential amplifier, Gilbert cell, Op-Amp, Design
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of 2 stage Op-Amp, DC and AC response, Frequency compensation, slew rate, Offset effects,
PSRR, Noise, Comparator, Sample and Hold, Switched capacitor filters, DAC, ADC, Lowpower
CMOS circuits.
B. Razavi, Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits, McGraw Hill 2001
Grey, Meyer, Hurst & Lewis, Analysis & Design of Analog Integrated Circuits, Wiley International.
E3 239 (J AN) 2:1
Advanced VLSI Circuits
Dynamic circuit design, memories, TCAM, Multipliers, adders I/O circuits, timing control loops,
power supply and clock distribution, sub threshold circuit design, low power circuit design
E3 252 (J AN) 2:1
Digital Controllers for Power Applications
Review of analog and digital electronics, operational amplifiers, D/A and A/D converters,
semiconductor memories. Sampling of continuous-time signals, anti aliasing filter, discrete-time
systems, digital systems, finite state machines. Arithmetic for computers, fixed-point and floating-
point and numbers, digital circuits for fixed-point and floating-point arithmetics. Architecture,
features and instruction set of a specific DSP processor; assemble programming; development
tools. Interfacing examples. Hands-on exercises data acquisition, control of power electronic
converters and motor drives, digital techniques in power systems measurement and protection;
Indraneel Sen/U J Shenoy
Sedra, A.S., and Smith, K.C., Microelectronic Circuits, Fifth Edn, Oxford University Press.
Astrom, K.J., and Wittenmark, B., Computer-controlled systems: Theory and design, Prentice Hall, 1996.
Hintz, K., and Tabak, D., Microcontrollers: Architecture, Implementation and Programming, McGraw Hill, 1992.
Patterson, D.A., and Hennnessy, J.L., Computer organization and design: The hardware/software interface, Third Edn,
Technical datasheets, user guides and application notes from manufacturers.
E3 257 (J AN) 2:1
Embedded Systems I
Introduction to embedded computing, Introduction to RISC architecture, Introduction to embedded
software development, S/W Development environment - Cross Compiler, Linker, Debugger,
Stand-alone systems. Introduction to ARM and Cortex architecture and ARM/THUMB instruction
set, Introduction to Memories, Interfacing memory with processor, Peripherals. Clocks and Power
Haresh Dagale
Hennessy, J.L. and Patterson, D.A., Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach Computer Systems (5
The Morgan Kaufmann Series Elsevier , 2012.
Furber, S., ARM System-on-Chip Architecture (2
Edition), Pearson Education Limited. 2000.
Levine J. R., Linkers and Loaders, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 1999.
The Definitive Guide to the ARM Cortex-M3, (2
Edition), Newnes (imprint of Elsevier), 2009.
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E3 258 (J AN) 2:1
Design for Internet of Things
Embedded Systems: Rise of embedded systems and their transition to intelligent systems and to
Internet of Things - RFIDs, NFC, Web of Things - Network of interconnected and collaborating
objects. Embedded systems architecture: Key hardware and software elements, typical
embedded processors like ATOM. Low power and very low power embedded systems,
peripherals and sensors in embedded systems, peripheral interfacing - SPI and I2C, Hardware
and software protocol stacks - MAC, Routing and application layers, performance considerations.
Embedded Systems Design: Partitioning to hardware and software; principles of codesign;
performance of these systems estimation of speed, throughput, power and energy
consumption; hardware design elements design, validation, and testing tools; software
platforms OS and applications, code optimisation, validation and robust code generation;
system integration, debugging and test methodology; tools for coding, debugging, optimisation,
and documentation; measurement of system performance, Linux distributions for embedded
systems using tools from Yocto project; Creating virtual prototypes - hardware software
emulation. Applications: Healthcare and home automation examples.
H S J amadagni, T V Prabhakar
Barry, P., and Crowley, P., Modern Embedded Computing, Morgan Kaufmann, 2012
Wolf, M., Computers as components Third edition, Morgan Kaufmann, 2012
Other online references to be provided during the course
E3 262 (AUG) 2:1
Electronic Systems Packaging
Electronic systems and needs, physical integration of circuits, packages, boards and complete
electronic systems; system applications like computer, automobile, medical and consumer
electronics with case studies and packaging levels. Electrical design considerations power
distribution, signal integrity, RF package design and Power delivery in systems. CAD for Printed
Wiring Boards (PWBs) and Design for Manufacturability (DFM). PWB Technologies, Single-chip
(SCM) and Multi-chip modules (MCM), flex circuits. Recent trends in manufacturing like
microvias, sequential build-up circuits and high-density interconnect structures. Materials and
processes in electronics packaging, joining methods in electronics; lead-free solders. Surface
Mount Technology design, fabrication and assembly. Embedded passive components; thermal
management of PWBs, thermo-mechanical reliability, design for reliability, electrical test and
green packaging issues. Assignments in PCB CAD; Hands-on lab sessions.
G V Mahesh
Rao R. Tummala, Fundamentals of Microsystems Packaging, McGraw Hill, NY, 2001.
Brown, W.D., Advanced Electronic Packaging, IEEE Press, 1999.
Web-based Current literature.
E3 264 (AUG) 2:1
Industrial Design of Electronic Equipment
Introduction to industrial design. Product design methodology. Product planning, data collection.
Creativity techniques. Elements of aesthetics. Ergonomics. Control panel organization. Graphic
User Interface (GUI) design. Structure, materials, processes and product finishes. Product
N V Chalapathi Rao, Guest Faculty
Current Publications in Industrial Design.
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E3 266 (J AN) 2:1
Electromagnetic Compatibility
Noise pickup modes and reduction techniques for analog circuits. Use of co-axial cables.
Conducted and radiated noise emission and control in power circuits. EMI induced failure
mechanisms in power circuits. Power supply and ground line distribution in digital circuits. Cross
talk and reflection issues in digital circuits. PCB design for signal integrity. Shielding of electronic
equipment. ESD issues. EMC standards and test equipment.
M K Gunasekaran
Otto, H.W., Noise reduction techniques in Electronic systems, 2nd Edition, John Wiley Interscience, New York 1988
Paul, C.R., Introduction to electromagnetic compatibility, John Wiley and sons, Inc., 1991.
E3 268 (J AN) 3:0
Advanced CMOS and beyond CMOS
CMOS Scaling, Multiple Gate MOSFETs, Tunnel FET, Nano Materials for MOSFET channel,
Next generation electronic switch
Santanu Mahapatra
Taur, Y. and Ning, T. H., Fundamentals of Modern VLSI Devices, Cambridge University Press, 2009
Current literature from relevant journals and conference proceedings
E3 269 (AUG) 0:1
Electronic Circuits Laboratory
Linear and nonlinear applications of operational amplifiers, inverting and non-inverting amplifiers,
differential amplifiers, phase-shifting circuits, active filters, oscillators, comparators waveform
generating circuits. Logic circuits, flipflops, counters and timers. Voltage controlled oscillators,
phase locked loops, frequency multiplier and divider circuits. Electronic circuits relevant for power
electronic converters, power systems measurements and protection of power apparatus.
G Narayanan and U J Shenoy
Horowitz, P., and Hill, W., The art of electronics, Cambridge University Press, 1989.
Millman, J., and Halkias, C.C., Integrated electronics: Analog and digital electronic circuits and systems, Tata McGraw
Sedra, A.S., and Smith, K.C., Microelectronic circuits, Fifth Edn, Oxford University Press.
Technical datasheets and application notes from manufacturers.
E3-271 (AUG) 3:0
Reliability of Nanoscale Circuits and Systems
Carrier transport and carrier energy fundamentals, avalanche multiplication and breakdown, hot
carrier induced (HCI) degradation mechanism, NBTI/PBTI, TDDB, GOI and Electromigration,
ESD and latch-up phenomena, Test models and methods, ESD protection devices and device
physics, Advance ESD protection devices, high current effects and filaments, Negative differential
resistance, Physics of ESD failure, ESD protection methodology, ESD protection circuits, ESD
protection for Analog/RF and mixed signal modules, General rules for ESD design, layout
considerations for ESD and latch-up protection, understanding parasitics, ESD circuit simulation
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basics and requirements, ESD TCAD simulation methodology, System on Chip overview and
system ESD aspects, case studies related to product failures and solutions used
Mayank Shrivastava
Prerequisites : Solid State device Physics
Basics of MOS and Bipolar junction transistors
Review Papers on NBTI/PBTI, HCI Degradation, TDDB, Electromigration
ESD in Silicon Integrated Circuits by Ajith Amerasekera and Charvaka Duvvury, Wiley publication
Basic ESD and I/O Design by Sanjay Dabral and Timothy J. Maloney, Wiley publication
Advanced Simulation Methods for ESD protection development by Kai Esmark, Harald Gossner and Wolfgang Stadler,
Elsevier Publication
ESD Physics and Devices by Steven H. Voldman, Wiley publication
E3-272 (J AN) 3:0
Advanced ESDdevices, circuits and design methods
History of key inventions in the field of ESD and latch-up protection, Review on various ESD
testers and ESD test models, problems associated with ESD testers and progress on ESD tester
development. High current injection, High field effects, Negative differential resistance and
Current filaments, Drain extended MOS devices and associated week ESD robustness. ESD
behavior of FinFET devices, SiGe-FETs and other quantum well devices, Impact of stress &
strain on ESD behavior, ESD devices in advanced CMOS and BiCMOS technology, Impact of
technology scaling on ESD behavior, Special analog and RF ESD protection devices and
circuits. Impact of ESD stress on CNTs, Graphene and other 2D material based Nanoelectronic
devices. ESD Device modeling for circuit simulations, State-of-the-art on CDM ESD protection,
CDM tester models, modeling CDM behavior and CDM simulations, ESD verification flow and
methodology, Towards full chip ESD simulation, Transient latch-up, System level ESD, System
efficient ESD design (SEED), Case studies.
Mayank Shrivastava
Pre-requisite: ESD Devices and Circuit Design
ESD Protection Device and Design for Advanced CMOS Technologies by Oleg Semenov, Hossein Sarbishaei and Manoj
Sachdev, Elsevier
ESD RF Technology and Circuits by Steven H. Voldman, Wiley
Nanoelectronics Nanowires, Molecular Electronics and Nanodevices by Krzysztof Iniewski, McGraw Hill, 2011
Physical Limitations of Semiconductor Devices by Vladislav A. Vashchenko and V.F. Sinkevitch, Elsevier
Transient - Induced Latchup in CMOS Integrated Circuits by Ming-Dou Ker and Sheng-Fu Hsu, Wiley 2009
ESD Design for Analog Circuits by Vladislav A. Vashchenko and Andrei Shibkov, Elsevier
E3-274 (AUG) 3:0
Power Semiconductor Devices and Physics
Power device applications: Power electronic applications, High voltage and high power circuits,
RF power circuits and applications, On-chip circuits and power management system, high
switching speed requirements for power system scaling.
Semiconductor Physics under extreme conditions: Basics of semiconductor device physics, p-n
junction, carrier transport under extreme conditions, avalanche breakdown, and thermal transport.
Power Diodes: Various types of power diodes: Si diodes, Schottky diodes and P-i-N diodes;
Physics of power diodes, power diode design essentials, breakdown voltage and ON-resistance
trade-off, high current and ultra fast transient behavior.
Si High Power MOS devices, design and Technology: VMOS, VDMOS, UMOS, DMOS, LDMOS,
DeMOS and Dual trench MOS; Process flow, discrete and On-chip device manufacturing
technology; High power MOS design essentials, breakdown voltage and on-resistance trade-off,
parasitic capacitance and resistances, DC, RF and switching characteristics; quasi saturation
behavior, high current effects, Negative differential resistance (NDR), self heating, filament
formation and safe operating area (SOA).
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GaN and SiC Power MOS devices: Advantage of high bandgap materials, High bandgap material
physics, various GaN/SiC devices, device physics and design essentials, GaN/SiC device
manufacturing technology; breakdown voltage and on-resistance trade-off, parasitic capacitance
and resistances, DC, RF and switching characteristics; quasi saturation behavior, self heating
effects and safe operating area (SOA); state-of-the-art GaN/SiC devices and ongoing research.
IGBTs and SCR: IGBTs and SCR device physics and device design essentials, breakdown
voltage and on-resistance trade-off, self heating effects and filament formation.
Mayank Shrivastava
Prerequisites: Basic Semiconductor Physics
Semiconductor power devices: Physics of operation and fabrication technology, Sorab Khushro Ghandhi, Wiley, 1977
Advanced Power MOSFET Concepts, B. Jayant Baliga, 2010
High Voltage Devices and Circuits in Standard CMOS Technologies, Hussein Ballan, Michel Declercq
Fundamentals of Power Semiconductor Devices, B. Jayant Baliga, 2010
Smart Power ICs: Technologies and Applications, edited by Bruno Murari, Franco Bertotti, Guiovanni A. Vignola
Silicon Carbide Power Devices, B. Jayant Baliga, World Scientific, 2005
Integrated Power Devices and TCAD Simulation, Yue Fu, Zhanming Li, Wai Tung Ng, Johnny K.O. Sin
Advanced High Voltage Power Device Concepts, B. Jayant Baliga, 2011
E3327 (AUG) 3:0
Nanoelectronics Device Technology
Overview of Nanoelectronics devices and materials requirement, MOS capacitor as a building
block of FET: Ultrathin SiO2 growth, High-k dielectrics, Physical Vapour Deposition (PVD), Non
idealities in MOS structure, metal gate electrodes and work function engineering, C-V and I-V
characteristics Nano MOSFET performance metrics, non classical transistor structure : Transport
in Nano MOSFET, velocity saturation and overshoot, ballistic transport, Silicon On Insulator (SOI)
PDSOI and FDSOI, Multigate FET, metal-semiconductor source/drain junctions, Germanium
Nano MOSFETs, Effect of strain and quantization on transistor performance, Compound
semiconductor MESFETs and MOSFETs, Hetero structure MOSFETs, Emerging Research
Devices and architectures, Characteristics of nanomaterials; scaling of properties with particle
size; quantum confinement; device concepts based on nanomaterials and nanostructures; some
methods for the preparation and characterization of nanomaterials and structures.
Navakanta Bhat / K. N. Bhat/ S A Shivashankar
Reference Books:
Fundamentals of Modern VLSI Devices by Taur and Ning, Cambridge University Press
Solid State Electronic Devices by Streetman and Banerjee
Fundamentals of Electronic Devices by Achutan and Bhat, McGraw Hill
MOS (Metal Oxide Semiconductor) Physics and Technology" by E.H. Nicollian and J.R.Brews, Wiley Publishers.
Silicon VLSI Technology by Plummer, Deal, and Griffin
ULSI Technology by S. M. Sze, McGraw Hill
Encyclopedia of Materials Characterization Edited by Brundle, Evans, Wilson, Elsevier
International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS)
Current literature from journals and conference proceedings
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E4 Power Drives
E4 221 (AUG) 3:0
DSP and AI Techniques in Power SystemProtection
Evolution in protection systems, Introduction to computer relaying, software tools for digital
simulation of relaying signals. Performance issues of current and voltage transformers, signal
conditioning, sampling and analog to digital conversion, real-time considerations, hardware
design concepts microcontroller/DSP based, single/multiprocessor based. Relaying algorithms,
software considerations. Digital protection schemes for transmission lines, generators, and
transformers, adaptive relaying, integrated substation protection and control. New relaying
principles based on AI techniques, ANN approach and Fuzzy Logic (FL) methods for fault
detection and fault location, Playback simulators for testing of protective relays.
U J Shenoy
Warrington, A.R., and Von, C., Protective Relaying: Theory and Practice, Vol. II, Chapman and Hall, 1970.
IEEE Tutorial Course on Microprocessor Relays and Protection Systems, Power Systems Research Group, University of
Saskatchewan, 1979 and 1987.
Phadke, A.G., and Thorp, J., Computer Relaying for Power Systems, John Wiley, Inc. 1988.
IEEE Tutorial Course on Advancement in Microprocessor Based Protection and communication, 1997.
Technical papers from IEEE transactions, CIGRE, IEE journals.
E4 231 (AUG) 2:1
Power SystemDynamics and Control
Introduction to system dynamics, concepts of stability, modeling of generator, transmission
networks, loads and control equipment, small signal stability-low frequency oscillations methods
of analysis for single and multi-machine systems, power system stabilizers.
Indraneel Sen
Padiyar, K.R., Power System Dynamics, Stability and Control, Interline Publishing, 1996.
Machowski, J., Bialek, J.W., and Bumby, J.R., Power System Dynamics and Stability, John Wiley and Sons, 1997.
Prabha Kundur, Power System Stability and Control, Tata McGraw Hill Edn, 2006.
Current Literature.
E4 232 (AUG) 3:0
Intelligent Systems applications in Power Systems
Review of Artificial Intelligent (AI) techniques. Overview of the current practice of power systems
planning and operation and the problems of the basic mathematical tools used. Knowledge based
systems/expert systems, basic requirements and techniques for building knowledge-based
systems. Fuzzy systems and control, applications of fuzzy control. Artificial Neural Networks
(ANNs). Application examples in power systems, decision and control in monitoring operation,
fault locators, restoration.
Wang, Li-Xin, A Course in Fuzzy Systems and Control, Prentice-Hall Intl, Intl Edition, 1997.
Rao, V.B., and Rao, H.V., C++ Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic, BPB Publcations,1996.
Yegnanarayana, B., Artificial Neural Networks, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 1999. Current Literature.
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E4 233 (J AN) 3:0
Computer Control of Power Systems
State transition diagram, security-oriented functions, data acquisition, SCADA/EMS system, state
estimation, load forecasting, security assessment. Automatic Generation Control (AGC). Voltage
stability assessment, reactive power/voltage control, security oriented economic load despatch,
preventive and restorative controls, application of intelligent techniques in energy control centres,
computer configuration for higher order power system control.
Wood, A.J., and Wallenberg, B.F., Power Generation, Operation and Control, John Wiley and Sons, 1984.
Russel, B.D., and Council, M.E., Power System Control and Protection, Academic press, 1978.
Miller, T.J.E., Reactive Power Control in Electrical Power System, John Wiley, USA.
Prabha Kundur, Power System Stability and Control, McGraw Hill Inc., 1983.
Kusic, G.L., Computer Aided Power System Analysis, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd, 1989.
E4 234 (AUG) 3:0
Advanced Computer Aided Power Systems Analysis
Review of matrix representation of power systems, fault analysis, load flow analysis, sparse
matrix techniques, fast-decoupled solution, programming consideration for large system, 3 phase
models, AC/DC systems, contingency analysis.
P S Nagendra Rao
Kusic, G.L., Computer Aided Power System Analysis, Prentice Hall of India Ltd, 1989.
Stagg, G.W., and El Abiad, A.H., Computer Methods in Power System Analysis, McGraw Hill.
Anderson, P.M., Analysis of Faulted Power Systems, Iowa State University Press.
Arilaga, J., Arnold, C.P., and Horker, B.J., Computer Modelling of Electrical Power Systems, Wiley, 1984.
Prabha Kundur, Power System Stability and Control, McGraw Hill Inc, 1983.
E4 236 (J AN) 3:0
Planning and Management of Deregulated Power Systems
Operation of vertically integrated power systems, models and examples of deregulated operation.
New operation and planning policies, generation scheduling, independent power producers,
cogeneration, optimal dispatch based on offers and bids, unit commitment, power wheeling,
transmission pricing and congestion, allocation of spinning reserve, transmission planning under
uncertainty, demand side bidding, pricing schemes, competitive electricity markets.
DThukaramand P S Nagendra Rao
Lai, L.L. (ed.), Power System restructuring and deregulation, John Wiley and Sons Ltd, 2001.
Bhattacharya, K., Bollen, M.H.J., and Daalder, J.E., Restructured Power Systems, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001.
Ilic, M., Galiana, F., and Fink, L., Power System restructuring Engineering and Economics, Kluwer Academic Publishers,
E5 High Voltage and Insulation Engineering
E5 201 (AUG) 2:1
High Voltage Engineering
Introduction to testing. condition monitoring and asset management of high voltage power apparatus.
Generation and measurement of high ac. dc and impulse voltages in test laboratories. Generation and
measurement of impulse current. Digital techniques in HV measurements. Calibration and traceability of
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the measurements. Dry and wet tests. pollution test. RIV. corona. voltage distribution and composite
stress testing. High current tests on surge arresters. Non-destructive insulation diagnostics. measurement
of insulation resistance. Capacitance and tan