Academic Regulations - Autonomous - SRIT R19 - Batch 2019-23

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B. Tech (Regular- Full time)

(Effective for the students admitted into I Year from the Academic
year 2019- 2020)
B. Tech (Lateral Entry Scheme)
(Effective for the students admitted into II Year from the Academic
year 2020- 2021)


Affiliated to JNTUA & Approved by AICTE
Accredited by NAAC with ‘A’ Grade & NBA (CSE, ECE & EEE)
Rotarypuram Village, B K Samudram Mandal,
Ananthapuramu - 515701.


Preliminary Definitions and Nomenclature
AICTE: Means All India Council for Technical Education, New Delhi.

Autonomous Institute: Means an institute designated as Autonomous by University Grants

Commission (UGC), New Delhi in concurrence with affiliating University (Jawaharlal Nehru
Technological University Anantapur, Anathapuramu).

Academic Autonomy: Means freedom to an institute in all aspects of conducting its academic
programs, granted by UGC for Promoting Excellence.

Academic Council: The Academic Council is the highest academic body of the institute and
is responsible for the maintenance of standards of instruction, education and examination
within the institute. Academic Council is an authority as per UGC regulations and it has the
right to take decisions on all academic matters including academic research.

Board of Studies (BOS): BOS is an authority as defined in UGC regulations, constituted by

Head of the Organization for each of the departments separately. They are responsible for
curriculum design and modification in respect of all the programs offered by a department.

Academic Year: It is the period necessary to complete an actual course of study within a year.
It comprises two main semesters i.e., (one odd and one even).

Branch: Means specialization in a program like B. Tech degree program in Civil Engineering,
B. Tech degree program in Computer Science and Engineering etc.

Backlog Course: A course is considered to be a backlog course, if the student has obtained a
failure grade in that course.

Basic Sciences: The courses offered in the areas of Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry etc., are
considered to be foundational in nature.

Commission: Means University Grants Commission (UGC), New Delhi.

Choice Based Credit System: The credit based semester system is one which provides
flexibility in designing curriculum and assigning credits based on the course content and hours
of teaching along with provision of choice for the student in the course selection.

Certificate Course: It is a course that makes a student to have hands-on expertise and skills
required for holistic development in a specific area/field.

Compulsory course: Course required to be undertaken for the award of the degree as per the

CIA: Continuous Internal Assessment.

Core: The courses that are essential constituents of each engineering discipline are categorized
as professional core courses for that discipline.

Course: A course is a subject (Theory/Practical) offered by a department for learning in a

particular semester.

Course Outcomes: The essential skills that need to be acquired by every student through a

Credit: A credit is a unit that gives weight to the value, level or time requirements of an
academic course. The number of 'Contact Hours' in a week of a particular course determines
its credit value.

Credit point: It is the product of grade point and number of credits for a course.

Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA): It is a measure of cumulative performance of a

student overall the completed semesters. The CGPA is the ratio of total credit points secured
by a student in various courses in all semesters and the sum of the total credits of all courses in
all the semesters. It is expressed up to two decimal places.

Curriculum: Curriculum incorporates the planned interaction of students with instructional

content, materials, resources, and processes for evaluating the attainment of Program Outcomes
and Program Educational Objectives.

Department: An academic entity that conducts relevant curricular and co-curricular activities,
involving both teaching and non-teaching staff, and other resources in the process of study for
a degree.

Detention: Student who does not obtain minimum prescribed attendance/credits shall be
detained in that semester.

Elective Course: A course that can be chosen from a set of courses. An elective can be
Professional Elective and/or Open Elective.

Evaluation: Evaluation is the process of judging the academic performance of the student in
her/his courses. It is done through a combination of continuous internal examinations and
semester end examinations.

Grade: It is an index of the performance of the students in a said course. Grades are indicated
by alphabets.

Grade Point: It is a numerical weight allotted to each letter grade on a 10 - point scale.

Institute: Means Srinivasa Ramanujan Institute of Technology, Ananthapuramu unless
indicated otherwise by the context.

Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC): MOOC courses inculcate the habit of self-learning.
MOOC courses would be additional choices in all the elective group courses.

Minor: Minor are coherent sequences of courses which may be taken in addition to the courses
required for the B. Tech degree.

Pre-requisite: A specific course or course, the knowledge of which is required to complete

before student register another course at the next grade level.

Professional Elective: It indicates a course that is discipline centric. An appropriate choice of

minimum number of such electives as specified in the program will lead to a degree with

Program: UG Degree Program Bachelor of Technology (B. Tech); PG degree program:

Master of Technology (M. Tech).

Program Educational Objectives: The broad career, professional and personal goals that
every student will achieve through a strategic and sequential action plan.

Program Outcomes: The essential skill sets that need to be acquired by every student during
her/his program of study. These skill sets are in the areas of employability, entrepreneurial,
social and behavioural.

Project work: It is a design or research based work to be taken up by a student during his/her
final year to achieve a particular aim. It is a credit based course and is to be planned carefully
by the student.

Registration: Process of enrolling into a set of courses in a semester of a program.

Regulations: The regulations, common to all B. Tech programs offered by Institute, are
designated as “SRIT Regulations - R19” and are binding on all the stakeholders.

Semester: It is a period of study consisting of 16 to 18 weeks of academic work equivalent to

normally 90 working days. Odd semester commences usually in July and even semester in
December of every year.

Semester End Examinations: It is an examination conducted for all courses offered in a

semester at the end of the semester.

Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA): It is the ratio of sum of the product of the number
of credits with the grade points scored by a student in all the courses taken by a student and the
sum of the number of credits of all the courses undergone by a student.

Socially Relevant Project (SRP): A project which is useful to the society by transferring the
technology in the form of providing awareness, short term training, demonstration of
machinery/tools/projects etc., as part of social responsibility.

(Effective for the students admitted into I year from the Academic Year 2019-2020 onwards)

1) Programs offered by the Institute:

The programs offered at present as specializations for the B. Tech. course from 2019-2020
are given in Table 1.1.
Table 1.1 Programs Offered

S. No. Name of the Program Program Code

1 Civil Engineering 01
2 Electrical and Electronics Engineering 02
3 Mechanical Engineering 03
Electronics Engineering
4 Electronics and Communication Engineering 04
5 Computer Science and Engineering 05

2) Medium of Instructions:

The medium of instruction is English for all courses, examinations, seminar presentations
and project work. The curriculum will comprise courses of study as given in course
structure, in accordance with the prescribed syllabi.

3) Minimum Qualification for Admission:

A candidate seeking admission to the first semester of the eight semester B. Tech. Degree
Program should have passed the Intermediate Examination of the Board of Intermediate
Education of Andhra Pradesh with Mathematics and Physical Sciences (Physics and
Chemistry) as optional courses or any other equivalent examination thereto recognized by
Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Anantapur, Ananthapuramu / Govt. of Andhra
Pradesh, as per AICTE guidelines.

For admissions into the third semester of B. Tech Degree Program under lateral entry
scheme a candidate should have passed diploma in the respective branch of study as per
AICTE guidelines.

4) Structure of the Program:

Every Program will have a curriculum consisting of Foundation Courses, Core Courses,
Elective Courses, Theory Courses, Laboratory Courses, Design and Drawing Courses,
Project Work and Internship, Mandatory Courses which are classified as shown in Table
4.1. The list of elective courses may also include courses from allied discipline.

Table 4.1 Category wise distribution of credits

Breakup of
S. No. Name of the Program
Humanities and Social Sciences (HSMC), including 12*
1 Management Courses.
Basic Science Courses (BSC), including Mathematics, 25*
Physics and Chemistry.
Engineering Science Courses (ESC), including Workshop,
3 Drawing, Basics of Electrical / Electronics / Mechanical/ 24*
Computer Engineering.
Professional Core Courses (PCC), relevant to the chosen 48*
specialization / branch.
Professional Electives Courses (PEC), relevant to the 18*
chosen specialization / branch.
Open Elective Courses (OEC), from other technical and/or 18*
Emerging course areas.
Project Work (PROJ) / Seminar, Internship in Industry or 15*
Mandatory Courses
8 [Environmental Sciences, Induction training, Indian Non-Credit
Constitution, Essence of Indian Knowledge Tradition]
Total 160
*Minor variation is allowed as per need of the respective disciplines.

Each course is allotted certain number of credits based on its importance to the Programme
and the number of contact periods per week allotted to it in the time-table.

A credit is equivalent to one hour of teaching (Lecture/Tutorial) or two hours of

practical/field work, as per AICTE/UGC.

Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) provides choice for students to select from the
prescribed courses. Each course is assigned certain number of credits as shown in Table
Table 4.2 Credits for various courses

Type of Course Semester

Periods Credits
Theory (Lecture/Tutorial) 02 / Week 02
03 / Week 03
04 / Week 04
Practical(Laboratory/Field Work) 02 / Week 01
03 / Week 1.5
04 / Week 02

Internship/Industrial Training/Research 4 weeks after IV/VI 02
Projects in National Laboratories/Academic semester during
summer vacation
Socially Relevant Project 15 / Semester 2
Non-Credit Mandatory Courses 02 /Week 0
Project Stage-I 04 / Week 02
Project Stage-II 14 / Week 07

The curriculum is designed for every program so that the total credits will be 160 (120 for
lateral-entry students). To become eligible for the award of degree, every student shall earn
all the credits of 160/120 specified in the curriculum of the program.

5) Semester Structure:

Each academic year is divided into TWO semesters (one odd + one even). Each semester
shall be of 21 weeks duration and this period includes time for registration of courses,
course work, examination preparation, and conduct of examinations. A sample Academic
calendar is presented in Table 5.1.
Table 5.1 A Sample Academic Calendar

Semester Schedule Duration

I Spell Instruction Period 8 Weeks
I Mid Examinations 1 Week
II Spell Instruction Period 8 Weeks 19 Weeks
II Mid Examinations 1 Week
(21 Weeks)
Preparation and Practical Exams 1 Week
Semester End Examinations 2 Weeks
Semester Break, Reg/Supple Exams 2 Weeks
I Spell Instruction Period 8 Weeks
I Mid Examinations 1 Week
II Spell Instruction Period 8 Weeks 19 Weeks
II Mid Examinations 1 Week
(21 Weeks)
Preparation and Practical Exams 1 Week
Semester End Examinations 2 Weeks
Summer Vacation, Reg/Supple Exams 8 Weeks

Apart from the regular semester end examinations, the college will also schedule and
conduct supplementary examinations for all courses for the benefit of students with
backlogs. Such students who are writing supplementary examinations as supplementary
candidates, may have to write more than one examination per day.

Instant examination for VIII semester courses will be conducted only for the benefit of
those outgoing students who failed or who are absent for final semester exams. The instant
exam will be conducted normally within one month of the announcement of the final
semester revaluation results.

6) Evaluation Methodology:

The performance of the students in each semesters shall be evaluated course wise for 100
marks. The breakup of marks between Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA) and the
Semester End Examination (SEE), and the mode of assessments for various courses are
given in Table 6.1.
Table 6.1 Evaluation Pattern

S. No. Type of the Course Marks

1 Theory 30 70
2 Practical 30 70
3 Mandatory Non Credit Courses 30 --
4 Internship/ Industrial Training/ 50 --
Research Projects in National
5 Socially Relevant Project 50 --
6 Project Work Stage I 50 --
7 Project Work Stage II 60 140

6.1) Theory Courses:

The performance of a student in each theory course shall be evaluated for maximum of
100 marks. The distribution shall be 30 marks for Continuous Internal Assessment and 70
marks for the Semester End Examination.

Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA): Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA)

includes two components; Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) and Continuous
Alternative Assessment (CAA).

a. Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE): For each theory course, during the
semester, there shall be two CIEs. Each CIE will be evaluated for 30 marks and
will be converted to 20 marks. The first CIE will be conducted for around 50% of
the syllabus and the second CIE will be conducted for the remaining syllabus.
Final or consolidated CIE marks will be arrived by considering the marks secured
by the student in both the CIEs with 80% weightage given to the better CIE and
20% to the other.

The duration of CIE examination is 120 minutes.

 There shall be 4 questions and all are compulsory.

 Question 1 contains 3 short answer questions from each unit with
equal weightage for a total of 6 marks. The student has to answer all
of them.

 Questions 2-4 contains 3 either/ or type questions from each unit with
equal weightage of 8 marks. The marks obtained by the student shall
be out of 30 will be reduced to out of 20 marks. (Any fraction equal
to or above 0.5 will be rounded off to next integer)
 If the student is absent for the CIE examination, no re-exam shall be
conducted and marks for that examination shall be considered as zero.

b. Continuous Alternative Assessment (CAA): This CAA enables faculty to

design own assessment patterns during the semester. The CAA enhances the
autonomy (freedom and flexibility) of individual faculty and enables them to
create innovative pedagogical practices. If properly applied, the CAA converts the
classroom into an effective learning centre. The CAA may include assignments,
seminars, term paper, open ended experiments, METE (Modeling and
Experimental Tools in Engineering), five minutes video, MOOCs etc.

For each theory course, during the semester, there shall be two CAAs. Each CAA
will be evaluated for 5 marks, the first CAA will be conducted before the first CIE
and the second CAA will be conducted before second CIE. Final CAA marks will
be arrived by adding the marks secured by the student in both the CAAs.

The final marks for CIA (for 30 marks) = Consolidated CIE marks (for 20 marks) +
Consolidated CAA marks (for 10 marks)

Note: Faculty should obtain the prior approval from the BOS Chairman of the respective
department regarding the mode of alternative assessment and the evaluation criterion.

Semester End Examinations: End examination of theory courses shall have the following

a. There shall be 6 questions and all questions are compulsory.

b. Question 1 shall contain 10 compulsory short answer questions for a total of 20
marks such that each question carries 2 marks. There shall be 2 short answer
questions from each unit.
c. In each of the questions from 2 to 6, there shall be either/or type questions of 10
marks each.
d. Student shall answer any one of them.
e. The questions from 2 to 6 shall be set by covering one unit of the syllabus for each

End examination of theory courses consisting of two parts of different courses, for
Example: Electrical & Mechanical Technology shall have the following pattern:

a. Question paper shall be in two parts viz., Part A and Part B with equal weightage.
b. In each part, there shall be 3 either-or type questions for 12, 12 and 11 marks.
c. The answers for Part A and Part B shall be written in two separate answer books.

6.2) Practical Courses:

The performance of a student in each practical course shall be evaluated for maximum of
100 marks. The distribution shall be 30 marks for Continuous Internal Assessment and 70
marks for the Semester End Examination.

Continuous Internal Assessment: CIA shall be evaluated for 30 marks of which with 10
marks for Day to day work, 10 marks for record and 10 marks for internal practical exam
& viva-voce.

In a practical course consisting of two parts (Eg: Electrical & Mechanical Engg. Lab), CIA
shall be evaluated for 30 marks in each part and final CIA marks shall be arrived by
considering the average of marks obtained in two parts.

Semester End Examination: The Semester End Examination shall be conducted for 70
marks by the concerned laboratory teacher and a senior expert in the course from the same
department/ from other institute nominated by the principal. In a practical course
consisting of two parts (Eg: Electrical & Mechanical Engg. Lab), the semester end
examination shall be conducted for 35 marks in each part.

6.3) Design/Drawing/Graphics/Estimation Courses:

Continuous Internal Assessment: For the course having design and/or drawing, such as
Engineering Drawing, the distribution of marks shall be 30. Day-to-day work shall be
evaluated for 15 marks by the concerned course teacher based on the reports/submissions
prepared in the class. And there shall be two CIEs in a semester for duration of 120 minutes
each for 30 marks and converted to 15 marks. The final CIE marks will be arrived by
considering of 80% weightage given to the better CIE marks and 20% for the other. The
CIE shall contain 3 either or type of questions of equal weightage of 10 marks. The sum
of day-to-day evaluation and the CIE will be the final CIA marks for the course.

Semester End Examinations: The end examination pattern for Engineering

Graphics/Drawing, shall consists of 5 questions, either/or type, of 14 marks each.
However, the Semester End Examination pattern for other courses related to
design/estimation shall be as per the instructions by Board of Studies.

6.4) Mandatory Non Credit Courses:

There shall be mandatory courses with zero credits and shall be evaluated for 30 marks by
conducting two CIEs each for 30 marks. Final or consolidated CIE marks will be arrived
by considering the marks secured by the student in both the CIEs with 80% weightage
given to the better CIE and 20% to the other. There shall be no SEE.

However, attendance in such course shall be considered while calculating aggregate
attendance and student shall be declared to have passed the mandatory course only when
he/she secures 40% or more marks in the consolidated CIE.

6.5) Internship/Industrial Training/Research Projects in National Laboratories/

Academic Institutions:

It is introduced for 2 credits in the curriculum. The student shall complete the Internship/
Industrial Training/Research Project in National Laboratories/ Academic Institutions
during summer vacation for a period of 4 weeks after IV Semester or after VI Semester.

In house Internships/ Industrial Training programs shall be considered, in case if student

could not get opportunity in any industry.

The student shall submit a diary and a technical report for evaluation. This shall be
evaluated in the VII semester for 100 marks by a committee consisting of Head of the
Department along with two senior faculty members of the Department.

A student shall acquire 2 credits assigned, when he/she secures 40% or more for the total
of 100 marks. In case, a student fails to secure the minimum required marks, such student
has to reappear before the committee formed by the Head of the Department for
revaluation. There shall be no external evaluation.

6.6) Socially Relevant Project:

It is introduced for 2 credits in the curriculum. Student shall complete this project during
III, IV, V & VI semesters. The student has to spend 15 Hours/semester on any socially
relevant project and submit two reports, one at the end of IV and other at the end of VI
semester for evaluation. Each report shall be evaluated for 100 marks by a committee
consisting of Head of the Department, Project mentor and one senior faculty member of
the department. A student shall acquire 1 credit assigned, when he/she secures 40% or
more marks for the total of 100 marks. In case, a student fails to secure the minimum
required marks, such student has to reappear before the committee formed by the Head of
the Department for revaluation. There shall be no external evaluation.

6.7) Project Work Stage I:

There shall be a presentation of Abstract of the main project in the VII Semester. After
selecting the specific topic, the student shall collect the information and prepare a report,
showing his/her understanding of the topic and submit the same to the department before
presentation. The report and the presentation shall be evaluated by the departmental
committee consisting of Head of the Department, Project supervisor and a senior faculty
member. It shall be evaluated for 50 marks. A student shall acquire 2 credits assigned to
the Project stage-I, when he/she secures 40% or more marks for the total of 50 marks. The
Project stage-I shall be evaluated at the end of VII semester by the department committee.

In case, a student fails to secure the minimum required marks, such student has to reappear
before the committee formed by the Head of the Department for revaluation, failing which
the student is not permitted to register for Project Work Stage-II. There shall be no external

6.7) Project Work Stage II:

Out of a total of 200 marks for the Project stage - II, 60 marks shall be for Continuous
Internal Assessment and 140 marks for the Semester End Examination (Viva-voce). The
Viva-Voce shall be conducted by a committee consisting of HOD, Project Supervisor and
an External Examiner nominated by the Principal. Project work shall start in VII semester
and shall continue in the VIII semester. The evaluation of project work shall be conducted
at the end of the VIII semester. The CIA shall be made by the departmental committee
(Head of the Department, two senior faculty members of the department and Supervisor),
based on two seminars given by each student on the topic of his/her project.

A student shall acquire 7 credits assigned to the Project stage-II, when he/she secures 40%
or more marks both in Continuous Internal Assessment and Semester End Examination.
In case, a student fails to secure the minimum required marks, such student has to reappear
before the committee formed by the Head of the Department for revaluation.

6.8) Massive Open Online Course (MOOC):

There shall be a Discipline Centric Elective Course through Massive Open Online Course
(MOOC). The student shall register for the course offered by authorized
Institutions/Agencies, through online with the approval of Head of the Department. The
Head of the Department shall appoint one mentor for each of the MOOC courses offered
and the mentor appointed shall conduct the evaluation as suggested by the BOS.

7) Eligibility for Promotion:

7.1) Attendance Requirements in Academics:

a. A student shall be eligible to appear for semester end examinations if he/she
acquires a minimum of 75% of attendance in aggregate of all the courses in a
b. Condonation of shortage of attendance in aggregate up to 10% (65% and above
and below 75%) in each semester may be granted by the College Academic
c. Shortage of Attendance below 65% in aggregate shall in NO CASE be condoned.
d. A stipulated fee shall be payable towards condonation of shortage of attendance to
the Institute.
e. Students whose shortage of attendance is not condoned in any semester are not
eligible to take their semester end examination of that class and their registration
shall stand cancelled.

f. A student will not be promoted to the next semester unless he satisfies the
attendance requirements of the present semester. They may seek readmission for
that semester when offered next.

7.2) Minimum Academic Requirements for Promotion and Award of degree:

The following academic requirements have to be satisfied in addition to the attendance

requirements mentioned in section 7.1.

7.2.1 Regular – Fulltime:

a. A student shall be deemed to have satisfied the minimum academic requirements

and earned the credits allotted to each theory, practical, design, drawing course or
project if he secures not less than 35% of marks in the semester end examination
and a minimum of 40% of marks in the sum total of the CIA and semester end
examination marks taken together. In case of mandatory courses he/she should
secure 40% of the total marks.

b. A student shall be promoted from IV to V Semester only if he/she fulfils the

academic requirement of securing 40% of the credits in the courses that have been
studied up to III semester from the following examinations, irrespective of whether
the candidate takes the semester end examination or not as per the normal course of
i. One regular and two supplementary examinations of I Semester.
ii. One regular and one supplementary examination of II Semester.
iii. One regular examination of III semester.

c. A student shall be promoted from VI semester to VII semester only if he/she fulfils
the academic requirements of securing 40% of the credits in the courses that have
been studied up to V semester from the following examinations, irrespective of
whether the candidate takes the semester end examination or not as per the normal
course of study.

i. One regular and four supplementary examinations of I Semester.

ii. One regular and three supplementary examinations of II Semester.
iii. One regular and two supplementary examinations of III Semester.
iv. One regular and one supplementary examinations of IV Semester.
v. One regular examination of V Semester.

And in case a student is detained for want of credits for particular academic year by
sections 7.2.1.b and 7.2.1.c above, the student may make up the credits through
supplementary examinations and only after securing the required credits he/she
shall be permitted to join in the V semester or VII semester as the case may be.

d. A student shall register and put up minimum attendance in all 160 credits and earn
all the 160 credits.

e. Students who fail to earn 160 credits as indicated in the course structure within eight
academic years from the year of their admission shall forfeit their seat in B. Tech.
Course and their admission shall stand cancelled.

7.2.2 Lateral Entry Scheme:

a. A student shall be deemed to have satisfied the minimum academic requirements

and earned the credits allotted to each theory, practical, design, drawing course or
project if he secures not less than 35% of marks in the semester end examination
and a minimum of 40% of marks in the sum total of the CIA and semester end
examination marks taken together. In case of mandatory courses he/she should
secure 40% of the total marks.

b. A student shall be promoted from VI semester to VII semester only if the student
fulfils the academic requirements of securing 40% of credits from the following
examinations, irrespective of whether the candidate takes the end examination or
not as per the normal course of study.
i. One regular and two supplementary examinations of III semester.
ii. One regular and one supplementary examinations of IV semester.
iii. One regular examination of V semester.

c. And in case if student is already detained for want of credits for particular academic
year, the student may make up the credits through supplementary exams of the
above exams before the commencement of IV year I semester class work of next

d. A student shall register and put up minimum attendance in all 120 credits and earn
all the 120 credits.

e. Students who fail to earn 120 credits as indicated in the course structure within 6
academic years from the year of their admission shall forfeit their seat in B. Tech.
Course and their admission shall stand cancelled.

8) Gap Year:

Gap year concept for Student Entrepreneur in Residence is introduced and outstanding
students who wish to pursue entrepreneurship are allowed to take a break of one year at
any time after II year to pursue full-time entrepreneurship. This period may be extended
to two years at the most and these two years would not be counted for the time for the
maximum time for graduation. The Head of the respective department shall forward such
proposals submitted by the students to the Principal. An evaluation committee constituted

by the Principal shall evaluate the proposal submitted by the student and the committee
shall decide whether to permit the student(s) to avail the Gap Year or not.

9) Maximum Period for Completion of Program:

The normal duration of B. Tech program shall be four academic years (Three academic
years in case of Lateral Entry Scheme). The maximum period which a student can take to
complete a B. Tech program shall be double the normal duration of the program, i.e., eight
years (excluding period of Gap Year) for regular and six years (excluding period of Gap
Year) for lateral entry students reckoned from the commencement of the semester to which
the student was first admitted to the program.

A student is required to complete the B. Tech Program of study satisfying the attendance
and academic/credit requirements in all the eight semesters of the course within a period
of eight (six in case of lateral entry) academic years (excluding period of Gap Year) from
the year of admission, failing which he/she shall be declared ineligible to pursue B. Tech
degree course. Completing the program of study shall mean not only satisfying the
attendance and academic/credit requirements but also passing of all the courses and
earning the credits prescribed in the curriculum within the respective stipulated period.

10) Minor Degree Program:

This concept is introduced in the curriculum of all conventional B. Tech. programs offering
a major degree. The main objective of Minor degree in a discipline is to provide additional
learning opportunities for academically motivated students and it is an optional feature of
the B. Tech. program.

In order to earn a Minor degree in a discipline a student has to earn 20 extra credits by
studying some advanced courses from the list of MOOC courses suggested by BOS of
respective department. The list of MOOC courses shall be announced by the department
at the time of registration for Minor degree:

a. Students having a CGPA of 8.0 (for SC/ST students CGPA of 7.5) or above up to
II year-I semester and without any backlog courses will be permitted to register
for Minor degree program. An SGPA and CGPA of 7.5 (for SC/ST students CGPA
of 7.0) has to be maintained in the subsequent semesters without any backlog
courses in order to keep the Minor degree registration live or else it will be
b. Students aspiring for a Minor degree must register during V semester only and
must opt for a Minor degree in a discipline other than the discipline he/she is
registered in.
c. Students may enlist their choice of Minor degree program, in order of preference,
for which they wish to register. It will not be permissible to alter the choices after
the application has been submitted. However, students are allowed to opt for only
one Minor degree program in the order of preference given by them.
d. Completion of a Minor degree program requires no addition of time to the regular
four year Bachelors’ program. That is, Minor degree program should be completed
by the end of final year B. Tech. program along with the major discipline.

e. Reservations shall be followed as per the rules of Government of Andhra Pradesh
i.e., State-wide Universities Presidential Order 371 Article D in consonance to
Section 95 of the A.P. Reorganization Act, 2014 for admissions to Minor degree

f. A student registered for Minor degree in a discipline shall pass in all courses that
constitute the requirement for the Minor degree program. No class/division (i.e.,
second class, first class and distinction, etc.) shall be awarded for Minor degree

g. A Committee consists of HOD, Two Senior Members of the Department and

Controller of Examination, shall evaluate/verify the Certificates of Completion of
all MOOC Courses done by the candidate at the end of VIII Semester and
recommend the list of eligible candidates for the Award of Minor Degree to the

h. The Minor degree in a discipline will be mentioned in the degree certificate as

Bachelor of Technology in XXX with Minor in YYY. For example, Bachelor of
Technology in Computer Science & Engineering with Minor in Electronics &
Communication Engineering. This fact will also be reflected in the transcripts,
along with the list of courses taken for Minor degree program with CGPA
mentioned separately.

11) Honors Degree Program:

a. This concept is introduced in the curriculum for all conventional B. Tech. program.
The main objective of Honors degree in a discipline is to provide additional learning
opportunities for academically motivated students and it is an optional feature of
the B. Tech. program. In order to earn a Honors degree in his/her discipline, a
student has to earn 20 extra credits by studying advanced courses for 15 credits and
by carrying out a mini project for 5 credits in the concerned branch of Engineering.
In place of advanced courses, he/she can study equivalent MOOC courses available
under SWAYAM platform, as decided by the college from time to time. The
Evaluation pattern of theory courses will be similar to the regular program
evaluation. The mini project shall be evaluated by the committee consisting of Head
of the department, Supervisor and External examiner. Students aspiring for Honors
degree must register in V semester only. Student may register for mini project from
V semester onwards and complete the same before VIII semester after completing
at least two advanced courses or equivalent.

b. Procedure for Conduct and Evaluation of Honors degree Mini project:

Out of a total of 100 marks for the Mini project, 30 marks shall be for CIA and 70
marks for the SEE (Viva-Voce). The Viva-Voce shall be conducted by a committee
consisting of HOD, Project Supervisor and an External Examiner nominated by the
Principal. The evaluation of project work shall be conducted at the end of the VIII

semester. The CIA shall be made by the departmental committee (Head of the
Department and one senior faculty member of the Department and Supervisor).

c. Students having a CGPA of 8.0 (for SC/ST students CGPA of 7.5) or above up to
II year-I semester and without any backlog courses will be permitted to register for
degree with Honors. An SGPA and CGPA of 7.5 (for SC/ST students CGPA of
7.0) has to be maintained in the subsequent semesters without any backlog courses
in order to keep the degree with Honors registration live or else it will be cancelled.

12) Award of Grades:

After each course is evaluated, the marks obtained in each course will be converted to a
corresponding letter grade as given in below Table 12.1, depending on the range in which
the marks obtained by the student fall.
Table 12.1 Structure of Grading of Academic Performance

Range in which the % of Grade Grade points

marks in the course fall Assigned
≥ 90 S (Outstanding) 10
80-89 A (Excellent) 9
70-79 B (Very Good) 8
60-69 C (Good) 7
50-59 D (Average) 6
40-49 E (Below Average) 5
< 40 F (Fail) 0
Absent Ab (Absent) 0

a. A student obtaining Grade ‘F’ or Grade ‘Ab’ in a course shall be considered failed
and will be required to reappear for that course when it is offered the next
supplementary examination.

b. For mandatory courses, “Satisfactory” or “Unsatisfactory” shall be indicated

instead of the letter grade and this will not be counted for the computation of

12.1) Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA) and Cumulative Grade Point Average

a. The Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA) is the ratio of sum of the product of
the number of credits with the grade points scored by a student in all the courses
taken by a student and the sum of the number of credits of all the courses
undergone by a student, i.e.,

SGPA = Σ (Ci × Gi)/Σ Ci

Where, Ci is the number of credits of the ith subject and Gi is the grade point
scored by the student in the ith course.

b. The Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) will be computed in the same
manner taking into account all the courses undergone by a student over all the
semesters of a program, i.e.,

CGPA = Σ (Ci × Si)/ Σ Ci

Where “Si” is the SGPA of the ith semester and Ci is the total number of credits
upto that semester.
c. Both SGPA and CGPA shall be rounded off to 2 decimal points and reported in
the transcripts.
d. While computing the SGPA the subjects in which the student is awarded Zero
grade points will also be included.

Grade Point: It is a numerical weight allotted to each letter grade on a 10-point


Letter Grade: It is an index of the performance of students in a said course. Grades

are denoted by letters S, A, B, C, D, E and F.

13) Award of Class:

After a student has satisfied the requirements prescribed for the completion of the program
and is eligible for the award of B. Tech. degree he/she shall be placed in one of the
following four classes as presented in the table 13.1.
Table 13.1 Award of Class

Class Awarded CGPA Secured

First Class with Distinction ≥ 7.5
First Class ≥ 6.5 < 7.5
Second Class ≥ 5.5 < 6.5
Pass Class ≥ 4 < 5.5

14) Transitory Regulations:

Discontinued, detained, or failed candidates are eligible for readmission as and when the
semester is offered after fulfilment of academic regulations. Candidates who have been
detained for want of attendance or not fulfilled academic requirements or who have failed
after having undergone the course in earlier regulations or have discontinued and wish to
continue the course are eligible for admission into the unfinished semester from the date
of commencement of class work with the same or equivalent courses as and when courses
are offered, subject to section 7.2.e and they will follow the academic regulations into
which they are readmitted.

Candidates who are permitted to avail Gap Year shall be eligible for re-joining into the
succeeding year of their B. Tech from the date of commencement of class work, course to
Section 7.2.e and they will follow the academic regulations into which they are re-

15) General Instructions:

The academic regulations should be read as a whole for purpose of any interpretation.

 Malpractices rules-nature and punishments are appended.

 Where the words “he”, “him”, “his”, occur in the regulations, they also include
“she”, “her”, “hers”, respectively.

 In the case of any doubt or ambiguity in the interpretation of the above rules, the
decision of the Principal is final.

 The college may change or amend the academic regulations or syllabi at any time
and the changes or amendments shall be made applicable to all the students on rolls
with effect from the dates notified by the college.


S. No. Nature of Malpractices/Improper Punishment

If the candidate
1.(a) Possesses or keeps accessible in Expulsion from the examination hall
examination hall, any paper, note and cancellation of the performance
book, programmable calculators, in that subject only.
Cell phones, pager, palm computers
or any other form of material
concerned with or related to the
subject of the examination (theory
or practical) in which he is
appearing but has not made use
of (material shall include any
marks on the body of the candidate
which can be used as an aid in
the subject of the examination)

(b) Gives assistance or guidance or Expulsion from the examination hall

receives it from any other candidate and cancellation of the performance
orally or by any other body in that subject only of all the
language methods or communicates candidates involved. In case of an
through cell phones with any outsider, he will be handed over to
candidate or persons in or outside the police and a case is registered
the exam hall in respect of any against him.
2. Has copied in the examination hall Expulsion from the examination hall
from any paper, book, and cancellation of the performance
programmable calculators, palm in that subject and all other subjects
computers or any other form of the candidate has already appeared
material relevant to the subject of including practical examinations and
the examination (theory or project work and shall not be
practical) in which the candidate ispermitted to appear for the remaining
appearing. examinations of the subjects of that
Semester/year. The Hall Ticket of
the candidate is to be cancelled and
sent to the Controller of
3. Impersonates any other candidate in The candidate who has impersonated
connection with the examination. shall be expelled from examination
hall. The candidate is also debarred
and forfeits the seat. The

performance of the original
candidate, who has been
impersonated, shall be cancelled in
all the subjects of the examination
(including practicals and project
work) already appeared and shall not
be allowed to appear for
examinations of the remaining
subjects of that semester/year. The
candidate is also debarred for two
consecutive semesters from class
work and all semester end
examinations. The continuation of
the course by the candidate is subject
to the academic regulations in
connection with forfeiture of seat. If
the imposter is an outsider, he will be
handed over to the police and a case
is registered against him.
4. Smuggles in the Answer book or Expulsion from the examination hall
additional sheet or takes out or and cancellation of performance in
arranges to send out the question that subject and all the other subjects
paper during the examination or the candidate has already appeared
answer book or additional sheet, including practical examinations and
during or after the examination. project work and shall not be
permitted for the remaining
examinations of the subjects of that
semester/year. The candidate is also
debarred for two consecutive
semesters from class work and all
semester end examinations. The
continuation of the course by the
candidate is subject to the academic
regulations in connection with
forfeiture of seat.
5. Uses objectionable, abusive or Cancellation of the performance in
offensive language in the answer that subject.
paper or in letters to the examiners
or writes to the examiner requesting
him to award pass marks
6. Refuses to obey the orders of the In case of students of the college,
Controller of Examinations they shall be expelled from
/Additional Controller of examination halls and cancellation of

Examinations/any officer on duty or their performance in that subject and
misbehaves or creates disturbance all other subjects the candidate(s) has
of any kind in and around the (have) already appeared and shall not
examination hall or organizes a be permitted to appear for the
walk out or instigates others to walk remaining examinations of the
out, or threatens the COE or any subjects of that semester/year. The
person on duty in or outside the candidates also are debarred and
examination hall of any injury to his forfeit their seats. In case of
person or to any of his relations outsiders, they will be handed over to
whether by words, either spoken or the police and a police case is
written or by signs or by visible registered against them.
representation, assaults the COE or
any person on duty in or outside the
examination hall or any of his
relations, or indulges in any other
act of misconduct or mischief which
result in damage to or destruction of
property in the examination hall or
any part of the Institute premises or
engages in any other act which in
the opinion of the officer on duty
amounts to use of unfair means or
misconduct or has the tendency to
disrupt the orderly conduct of the
7. Leaves the exam hall taking away Expulsion from the examination hall
answer script or intentionally tears
and cancellation of performance in
off the script or any part thereof
that subject and all the other subjects
inside or outside the examinationthe candidate has already appeared
hall. including practical examinations and
project work and shall not be
permitted for the remaining
examinations of the subjects of that
semester/year. The candidate is also
debarred for two consecutive
semesters from class work and all
semester end examinations. The
continuation of the course by the
candidate is subject to the academic
regulations in connection with
forfeiture of seat.
8. Possess any lethal weapon or Expulsion from the examination hall
firearm in the examination hall. and cancellation of the performance

in that subject and all other subjects
the candidate has already appeared
including practical examinations and
project work and shall not be
permitted for the remaining
examinations of the subjects of that
semester/year. The candidate is also
debarred and forfeits the seat.
9. Expulsion from the examination Student of the colleges expulsion
hall and cancellation of the from the examination hall and
performance in that subject and all cancellation of the performance in
other subjects the candidate has that subject and all other subjects the
already appeared including practical candidate has already appeared
examinations and project work and including practical examinations and
shall not be permitted for the project work and shall not be
remaining examinations of the permitted for the remaining
subjects of that semester/year. The examinations of the subjects of that
candidate is also debarred and semester/year. The candidate is also
forfeits the seat. debarred and forfeits the seat.
Person(s) who do not belong to the
College will be handed over to police
and, a police case will be registered
against them.
10. Comes in a drunken condition to the Expulsion from the examination hall
examination hall. and cancellation of the performance
in that subject and all other subjects
the candidate has already appeared
including practical examinations and
project work and shall not be
permitted for the remaining
examinations of the subjects of that
11. Copying detected on the basis of Cancellation of the performance in
internal evidence, such as, during that subject and all other subjects the
valuation or during special scrutiny. candidate has appeared including
practical examinations and project
work of that semester/year
12. If any malpractice is detected which
is not covered in the above clauses 1
to 11 shall be reported to the
University for further action to
award suitable punishment.


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