Movile Plataform Incident

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Health and Safety

Mobile Elevated Work Platform
(MEWP) incident analysis
Prepared by the Health and Safety Laboratory
for the Health and Safety Executive 2013
Research Report

Health and Safety
Mobile Elevated Work Platform
(MEWP) incident analysis
Christine Leah
David Riley & Amy Jones
Harpur Hill
SK17 9JN
Mobile Elevated Work Platforms (MEWPs) are commonly used across all industrial sectors by a whole variety
of trades, including mechanical and electrical contractors, and painters and decorators, as a safe, temporary
method of working at height. There is a large range of MEWPs on the market and their controls and functionality
varies depending on the category, manufacturer, model and size of machine. As their popularity and range of
applications has grown, concerns have emerged about trapping/crushing accidents involving MEWPs.
This report identifies accidents involving MEWPs and analyses common factors found. The work has focused
on MEWP occupants being trapped against overhead or adjacent objects whilst in the platform of the MEWP,
particularly when the operator becomes trapped over the controls (sustained involuntary operation of control).
Typically, this has occurred when the operator has been moving the MEWP within relatively confined areas.
This research has centred on person-machine interface/human factors analysis rather than engineering issues.
This report and the work it describes were funded by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE). Its contents,
including any opinions and/or conclusions expressed, are those of the authors alone and do not necessarily
reflect HSE policy.
HSE Books

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First published 2013
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The research provides evidence that there are significant numbers of accidents where
operators of Mobile Elevated Work Platforms (MEWPs) are trapped or crushed between
parts of the machine and nearby obstructions particularly when working in confined
Some accidents have resulted from operators reaching a position where they have been
unable to operate/cease operating controls (sustained involuntary operation of controls).
Some accidents have been the result of incorrect operation of controls. This can arise
from different types of human error (slips, lapses and mistakes). To avoid such accidents
there is a heavy reliance on operators not making foreseeable mistakes.
Many MEWP users are likely to have low levels of experience of operating a MEWP,
because it is a secondary and infrequent activity generated in connection with their main
jobs (as electricians/painters, etc) and this can adversely affect competence.
Additionally, poor lone working and rescue procedures have exacerbated the level of
injury sustained.
Many incidents can only be effectively addressed through better design.
The data does not provide substantive evidence about the efficacy or otherwise of
training given to operators. However the researchers stress the importance of effective
training to address, for example, incorrect operation of controls, not just on a class of
machines but on specific models given the variation in designs.


Mobile Elevated Work Platforms (MEWPs) are commonly used within industrial sectors as a
method of working at height. There are a large variety of MEWPs on the market including
scissor lifts, articulating booms, telescopic booms, vehicle mounted booms, rail mounted booms
and deck mounted booms. MEWPs can also be classified under various categories (see BS EN
280:2009 and examples in Appendix 1). The controls and functionality of a MEWP will vary
depending on the category, manufacturer, model and size of machine.
MEWPs are used across all sectors, particularly for temporary work at height such as
construction and maintenance activities, and by a whole variety of trades including mechanical
and electrical contractors, and painters and decorators.
This report has focused on MEWP occupants being trapped against overhead or adjacent objects
whilst in the platform of the MEWP, particularly when the operator becomes trapped over the
controls (sustained involuntary operation of control). This research has centred on person-
machine interface/human factors analysis rather than engineering issues.
Identify data sources and initiate interrogation requests for MEWP incidents
Gather, organise and review the data collected
Highlight findings of the review and analysis of MEWP incidents
A range of information about MEWP incidents was requested from international sources,
including the Health and Safety Executive (GB), Occupational Safety and Health
Administration (USA), Department of Labour (NZ), Safework (Australia) and the Australian
Bureau of Statistics. The data was analysed for content in order to identify key factors that
contributed to these incidents.
A number of key contributing factors were identified for operators becoming trapped or crushed
whilst within the MEWP platform. These are:
Operator makes an error when operating the controls;
Probable failure in observing (perceiving/identifying) a hazard in the surrounding
environment (situation awareness);
Operators leaning over the side rail of the platform while manoeuvring;
Poor ground conditions;
Poor MEWP condition/maintenance;
Training and experience aspects;
Working alone.


1. INTRODUCTION ......................................................................... 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Aims and objectives 1
2. IMPLICATIONS ........................................................................... 3
3. METHODOLOGY ........................................................................ 5
3.1 Online database search 5
3.2 Data obtained direct from sources 5
3.3 General internet search 6
3.4 Limitations of the data 6
4. RESULTS...................................................................................... 7
INCIDENTS...................................................................................... 9
5.1 Errors when operating the controls 9
5.2 Limited observation of the surrounding hazards 12
5.3 Operator leaning over the side rail 13
5.4 Poor ground conditions 13
5.5 MEWP condition 13
5.6 Training and experience 13
5.7 Working alone 13
5.8 Lighting 14
6. CONCLUSION............................................................................ 15
7. APPENDIX 1 ............................................................................... 17
7.1 Categories of MEWPs 17
8. REFERENCES ............................................................................ 21


Mobile Elevating Work Platforms (MEWPs) are commonly used across all industry sectors, but
particularly in construction to provide a safe temporary means of working at height. MEWPs
are an effective way of preventing falls and have made a significant contribution to reducing
accidents from this cause. However as their popularity and range of applications has grown,
concerns have emerged about trapping/crushing accidents involving this equipment, particularly
the human factors elements. This report identifies accidents involving MEWPs and analyses
common factors, including human factors. The main focus of the analysis has been on accidents
where people have become trapped between the guard rails or control panels of the platforms
and nearby/overhead obstructions. Typically this has occurred when the operator has been
moving the MEWP within relatively confined areas. In some cases people have been pushed
against the controls and been unable to remove themselves from danger (sustained involuntary
operation of controls). In other instances they have become trapped by other means such as
overhead obstructions. Often workers on the ground have either not been aware that colleagues
have become trapped or have been unable to undertake an effective rescue. MEWPs are fitted
with base controls which are intended to be used in an emergency as a method of bringing the
MEWP back to ground level. However, there is often a failure to make arrangements to ensure
there are people on the ground who know how to operate the base controls. This means that in
an emergency situation, if the operator becomes trapped within the basket, there is often no one
who is familiar with how to operate the base controls and follow emergency rescue procedures.
In 2005 following a fatal crushing in a MEWP, HSE issued a press release advising
manufacturers of MEWPs of the need to address those controls that were of such a design that
their sustained involuntary operation was possible. The European standard for MEWP design,
EN 280, is currently being revised to specifically address this issue, and manufacturers have
been developing solutions. However this does not address the existing large number of
machines currently in use and work is continuing with the industry to encourage assessment of
risk and the development of retrofit solutions where necessary. To support this work, HSE
needs to better understand the human factors elements of the accidents that have occurred, in
order to prioritise solutions for both existing and new machines. Those who deliver training for
MEWP operation and management can also use the information from this analysis.
This incident analysis is complemented by further research considering particular types of
machines and activities. Particularly the platform control interfaces and platform environments
of MEWPs.
The purpose of this report is to identify possible human factors elements of the accidents that
have occurred, so that designs and application of equipment and training of operators can be
further improved.
The overall aim of this work was to obtain information about MEWP incidents and analyse the
information from them. This was done by obtaining objective evidence of the nature and extent
of the problems with entrapment by the MEWP platform, including sustained involuntary
operation of controls. This was needed in order to effect change within the industry, and if
necessary underpin enforcement action.

The objectives for the work were to:
Identify data sources and initiate interrogation requests for MEWP incidents;
Gather, organise and review the data collected;
Highlight findings of the review and the analysis of MEWP incidents.

Action needs to be taken to address the potential for sustained involuntary operation of
controls specifically and entrapment/crushing more generally.
Engineering solutions, which can be retrofitted to existing machines, are needed for the
use of such machines in high entrapment risk situations and more creative solutions are
needed for new machines.
Manufacturers should, as a long-term aim, provide greater consistency and clarity in the
design of platform and base controls.
The need to improve engineering features on these machines and to improve the person-
machine interface to protect against the potential for crushing/trapping injuries has been
recognised by the committee revising BS EN 280:2001 Mobile elevating work platforms
Design calculations Stability criteria Construction Safety Examinations
and test. The state of the art has not yet changed significantly to introduce effective
engineering safeguards on new machines. Work in this area needs to continue.
The Strategic Forum for Construction Best Practice Guide on Preventing
Trapping/Crushing Injuries in MEWPs published in July 2010 contains sound advice on
assessing and mitigating the risk. This incident review has not identified any
mechanisms of harm, which were not included in this publication.
Some of the practices that have led to accidents can be readily observed e.g. operators
leaning over the guardrails whilst driving the equipment. This suggests there is scope for
the reduction of injury potential through more knowledgeable, robust supervision of
MEWP use on site.
Contractors have a vital role to play in reducing risk, ensuring that MEWP operators are
competent, appropriate familiarisation training is provided, there are people on the
ground available and able to effect rescue and that the MEWP is in good condition and
suitable for the job and the site.


The HSE Information Centre search team conducted the literature search. Articles from health
and safety related and other trade magazines and databases were retrieved. The databases
over a period of 20 years (1998-2009).
3.1.1 Key search terms used to search the electronic databases
The key search terms used were:
Mobile elevated work platform incidents, entrapments and accidents;
MEWPs incidents, entrapments and accidents;
Mobile scissor lifts incidents, entrapments and accidents;
Mobile articulating boom incidents, entrapment and accidents;
Mobile telescopic boom incidents, entrapment and accidents;
Mobile vehicle mounted boom incidents, entrapment and accidents;
Mobile rail incidents, entrapment and accidents.
3.1.2 Selection criteria
Approximately 159 articles were located by the HSE Information Centre. These were then
reviewed to remove duplicates arising from different search strategies; the abstract of each
article was then read. Inappropriate articles that did not relate to the research topic were then
A total of 49 full articles were obtained. On review of the 49 full articles, it was apparent that 24
articles were not relevant to the research topic, leaving a total of 25 articles in this review.
3.2.1 HSE COIN reports
MEWP incidents that had previously been investigated or are undergoing investigation by HSE
have the data recorded on the HSE Corporate Operational Information System (COIN) reports
system. Altogether 17 COIN reports of incidents were retrieved (1996-2009) and the HSE
inspectors associated with these incidents provided further information where this was
available. Including this preliminary and emerging information from ongoing investigations
was judged to be justified on the basis that detailed information on directly relevant cases was
so scarce. Due to the sensitive nature of this information, the details of these incidents have
been withheld in this report.
3.2.2 USA - Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
The OSHA website was used to obtain information about MEWP incidents which had occurred
in the USA over the last 10 years. The key search terms were used as a method of obtaining the
USA incident data from the OSHA database. The search located 544 incidents. These incidents
were checked for duplications and relevance. A total of 222 incidents from the OSHA database
have been included within this report.

Note: a further 19 incident case reports were identified through the online database search, from
the U.S. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH).
3.2.3 New Zealand - Department of Labour
Information on MEWP incidents within New Zealand was sought from the Department of
Labour in New Zealand. The information provided was limited and didnt consistently make the
distinction between mobile and static work platforms. They stated that in the last 14 years they
had a total of 26 reported incidents that resulted in 21 cases of serious harm and 1 fatality.
Altogether 16 of the 26 incidents have been added to this report, but only where it was stated
within the information that the platform was a mobile platform.
3.2.4 Australia Safework
An email response was received from Safework Australia that outlined reported injuries and
fatalities between 2000 and 2008. Altogether they had 11 reported injuries or fatalities linked
with elevated work platforms. No further information was given and it is unknown whether
these were MEWPs or non-mobile elevated work platforms.
3.2.5 Australian Bureau of Statistics
An email request for information was sent to the Australian Bureau of Statistics. However there
was no response and no information was gained.
3.2.6 International Powered Access Federation (IPAF)
Information on MEWP incidents was sought from IPAF and an additional 3 incidents were
found via the IPAF lists of MEWP incidents.
A search was conducted on Google online to find information about further incidents which
may have been missed. The key search terms that were used were the same as those used for the
HSE database search and can be found in section 3.1.1. No additional incidents were found
from the Google search. Then the Vertikal website (news and information for the crane and lift
industry as cited by a contact in AFI-Uplift) was searched and 13 additional incident cases were
found online over a 20 year period from 1989 to 2009. These incidents included incidents from
Australia, UK, USA and Bulgaria.
The data that was collected from the range of sources listed above had a number of limitations.
In some areas the data was incomplete, as a large proportion of the data gained was recorded at
the time of the incident. The data included within the report has also been made anonymous.
European data was difficult to obtain as the request for information was not responded too and
therefore was not included in this analysis.

Table 1 summarises the MEWP incidents into the six MEWP categories and the outcome of the
incident. Appendix 1 provides an example and definition of these six MEWP categories. The
key features of the 47 trapped or crushed by MEWP incidents are discussed within Section 5.
Table 1 Summary of MEWP incidents, including the type of MEWP and the outcome
Falls from
53 17 5 7 0 0 82
Trapped or
crushed by
26 16 2 2 0 1 47
Injured by
21 3 1 7 0 0 32
4 7 6 20 1 0 38
Electrocution 0 3 0 5 0 0 8
Totals 147 60 23 58 1 1 290


Three main types of human error have been classified (HSG48): slips, lapses and mistakes.
Slips and lapses are generally associated with familiar tasks, which are typically described as
skill-based tasks.
Slips are errors where there is a failure in carrying out actions as intended. An example in the
context of operating a MEWP could be:
Selecting the wrong control on the panel;
Moving the control in the wrong direction to that intended.
Lapses are when we forget to carry out an action, or lose our place in a sequence of actions. An
example of a lapse in the context of operating a MEWP could be:
Forgetting to operate the toggle between drive and height modes on a scissor lift, or
Forgetting to take account of rotation on a boom MEWP when operating drive controls.
In both these examples, the physical movement of the control may be as intended, but the
failure to take account of an additional factor that alters the response of the MEWP is the real
error. Both slips and lapses are typically associated with a demand on attention elsewhere. In the
context of MEWP operation this might be another part of the operating task, such as looking
around or paying attention to a particular obstruction, focusing on the work location, or it might
be as a result of distractions.
Mistakes are when people do the wrong thing believing it to be right. They are essentially an
error in planning the actions to take. There are two types, rule-based and knowledge-based
Rule-based mistakes occur when we are using (remembering) familiar procedures or rules.
These might be used in the planning of a complex task, but the task is made up of sets of actions
that are known to us and grouped into rules or procedures. However, using our existing rules
might not be the most appropriate way to achieve the task goal. An example of a rule-based
mistake in the context of operating a MEWP might be:
The operator, having worked previously on a MEWP for some time, had become
familiar with a particular model and its control configuration. They might then fail to
fully check the control characteristics on a different MEWP before using it. As a result
they might operate a control that was correct for the function they wanted on the old
model, but incorrect on the present one.
Familiarity with the site and the route taken when routinely accessing a series of roof
fittings in a warehouse might lead an operator to fail to check the ground conditions as
they proceed on their route, resulting in a wheel dropping down a newly cut floor recess.
This might result in an overturn or at the very least a significant unexpected movement at
the platform.

Knowledge-based mistakes occur when we are solving problems from first principles, using
our knowledge and reasoning. They are essentially a failure to form an appropriate plan to
achieve the goal. This might be as a result of incorrect knowledge or reasoning.
An example of a knowledge-based mistake could be:
A lack of awareness of the hazards associated with using a MEWP could lead an
untrained operator to undertake a task in an inappropriate way, for example, on poor
ground, in proximity to obstruction hazards, with too great a load, in windy conditions,
In the context of control operation errors, an example could be in manoeuvring the
platform close to an obstruction using an inappropriate sequence of boom movement
functions, and using slew as the last manoeuvre. If the slew speed is set fast, this can
cause unexpectedly rapid movement, and a significant amount of bounce or overrun.
This could cause the operator to strike the obstruction, possibly injuring or trapping
themselves, or others.
Operators choosing the incorrect control for the movement they wish to make was explicitly
reported for 10 of the 47 incidents (21%). Twenty-nine of the incidents had incorrect operation
of controls as a possible causal factor. This was also a probable cause of some of the sustained
involuntary operation of control incidents, as the operators appear to have inadvertently raised
the platforms into overhead obstructions, when they wanted to drive the MEWP forward or
Different kinds of errors can occur at different stages of experience and familiarity with the task
that is to be performed.
The joystick control on one model of scissor lift is jointly used for both the lift and drive
functions, the only difference is that the operator has to change the button below to either the lift
or drive function. This method of using the same control for two functions is a factor reported as
a possible contributor for two incidents.
For the experienced operator using the same machine over an extended period of time, there are
two types of human error that are most likely to arise from such a control configuration.
1. Slip where the operator moves the joystick in the wrong direction from that intended
(with the drive/lift function selected correctly).
2. Lapse where the operator forgot to carry out the action of changing between the lift
and drive function before operating the joystick.
Rule or knowledge-based mistakes are more likely to occur with inexperienced or untrained
Articulating and telescopic boom-type MEWPs have many more functions compared to scissor
lifts, and consequently have more controls. There is variability in control panel design between
the different manufacturers, and even between models within manufacturers. Some of these
differences are illustrated in Photographs 1 & 2.
The controls in Photograph 1 include a range of identical levers, side by side, for the movement
of the boom functions. Pictograms above the levers identify which part of the boom the lever
operates. The incorrect selection of a lever could result from the following range of human error

1. Slip where the operator does the right action but on the wrong lever, or the wrong
thing on the right lever;
2. Lapse where the operator forgets to take account of something, such as their
orientation if the platform is rotated on the end of the boom when operating the slew
control, or that the boom is slewed when operating the drive controls;
3. Rule-based mistake where the operator moves a control in the wrong direction
believing it to be right.
NB: The first two errors are more likely to occur when there is a demand on attention elsewhere,
such as looking around to check for obstructions or wheel alignment, etc.
Photograph 1 - Platform control panel for an articulating boom
Photograph 2 - Platform control panel for another articulating boom
The control panel within Photograph 2 has raised areas between the toggle switches, to try to
stop them being activated if something/someone was leaning on the control panel. This is an
example of how manufacturers have noted that accidental/inadvertent operation of controls is an
issue and tried to design the issue out. This may also help to prevent damage to the controls

5.1.1 Reducing errors
While it is beyond the scope of this phase of the project to consider error reduction measures in
depth, there a number of ways in which the likelihood of the different error types can be
Slips and lapses can only be reduced and mitigated through the appropriate design of controls
and displays, minimising the opportunity for errors of this type to occur. The possibility of these
types of errors could be accounted for as part of the design process and as part of risk
assessments for MEWP work. The factors that influence the likelihood of these errors should be
considered and controlled where possible. Training is not likely to have a large influence on
these errors, as they are independent of rules and knowledge.
For mistakes, rules and knowledge need to be appropriate, and so in this context training and
familiarisation with the equipment is important. Supervision, particularly of less experienced
staff, may also be of benefit.
NB: We have not considered the role of violations in this report, because this is not within the
scope of the study.
It was noted within 39 of the incidents that the operator might not have maintained their
situational awareness of their surroundings whilst operating the MEWP. It is important for the
operator to be aware of the surroundings in which they are working. A lot of concentration is
required from the operator to ensure that they are carrying out the following activities whilst
operating the MEWP:
The operator needs to be aware of where the MEWP wheels are on the ground, checking
the ground is suitable and that there are no hazards present;
Operating the correct controls in terms of the movements that they want to make with
the platform;
The operator needs to be constantly checking for hazards that are present around the
platform and taking action to avoid contact with any hazard, for example overhead
The operator should give adequate warning to everyone on the ground before moving the
The operator needs to ensure nothing on the platform is left unsecured or in a position/
state where it might fall off.
It is the third point that has contributed to some of the sustained involuntary operation of
controls incidents. A common scenario has been the operator moving the MEWP and being
struck on the back and consequently pushed across the controls. This has caused the operator to
become trapped and resulted in the sustained involuntary operation of controls. Operators may
also become distracted, which could also contribute to accidents.

A common factor among some of the incidents, especially the scissor lift incidents, involved the
operator leaning over the guard rail to either perform a task or to look at the ground/wheels of
the MEWP when the platform was raised. Whilst the operator has leant over the guard rail, they
appear to have operated the control and moved the platform. This has caused them to become
trapped between an overhead structure and the guardrail of the MEWP. This may have arisen
from an operator making an error with the controls, or failing to take account of the proximity
of the structure.
MEWPs are intended to be used on level ground surfaces that are stable and will not compress
under the weight of the MEWP. Two of the incidents had ground surface listed as a possible
contributor to the incidents. This is especially true with incidents that involved MEWPs
overturning. However it is also relevant in relation to trapping incidents, as the MEWP platform
can be caused to move unexpectedly as a result of a wheel dropping down. This appears to have
been a contributing factor in three of the trapping and crushing incidents.
Five of the incidents highlighted MEWP age or a control malfunction as a factor that may have
contributed to the incident. MEWPs should only be operated when they are in a good working
order, and this highlights the importance of carrying out pre-use checks and ensuring regular
One of the incidents referred to a lack of training and limited experience of using MEWPs as a
factor that may have contributed to the incident. While lack of training and limited experience
was positively identified as a factor in only one of the incidents reviewed, it is considered likely
to have been a factor in many more, but has not been evidenced because of the limitations of the
data. Operators need to have been trained not only in the class of MEWP they are using but also
on the specific make and model.
Also, frequent usage and experience of using MEWPs is of importance when considering an
operators competence. Generally, operators tend to have a trade, for example an electrician or
painter, and only use the MEWP as a method of getting to their work when working at height.
This may result in a lack of familiarity with the task of operating a MEWP in general, or at least
with the specific control arrangement on different models.
MEWP operators are often within a platform on their own and on some occasions they are the
only person working within the building. This was listed as a factor within three of the
incidents. When an operator becomes trapped, especially as a result of involuntary sustained
operation of controls, the operator needs to be rescued within minutes before asphyxia occurs.
Therefore in the incidents where operators were working alone, there would not have been
anyone around who could have helped to rescue the operator before asphyxia occurred.

It is important that there is a ground-based person who is aware of, and adequately trained in
how to use the ground controls on the MEWP, including the emergency descent controls, as
these are the controls that would be used to lower the platform during an emergency situation.
Of the 47 incidents, 10 did not state what time of year the incident occurred, however listed
below is the time of year the other incidents occurred:
Spring 10 incidents;
Summer 10 incidents;
Autumn 6 incidents;
Winter 11 incidents.
Only 13 of the incidents had the time of the incident listed within the information gathered. Of
these 13 incidents, 6 occurred between 7am and 9am, therefore indicating that the incident
occurred early in the working day.
Lighting is important for hazard identification as well as for control identification, however the
data reviewed does not support analysis of time of day or year. It is also not possible to ascertain
whether lighting levels were inside/outside or in a building.

A range of information about MEWP incidents has been analysed to try to identify key factors
that contributed to them. The information gained was limited and the depth of information
recorded at the time of the incidents was not consistent. This limited the depth of analysis that
could be performed. The majority of the information described what was thought to have
happened at the time of the incident, which set the scene for understanding what task the
operator was trying to do and why they may have come into difficulty. Most of the records did
not list the exact make and model of the MEWP that was involved in the incident, therefore a
detailed consideration of the MEWPs involved and their control characteristics could not be
carried out.
A number of key possible contributing factors have been identified for operators becoming
trapped or crushed whilst within the MEWP platform. These are:
Error when operating the controls;
Limited observation of the surrounding hazards;
Operators leaning over the side rail;
Poor ground conditions;
MEWP condition;
Training and experience;
Working alone.
Although the data does not provide sufficient information to understand all control errors, errors
when operating controls are clearly a significant factor within the incidents, where sustained
involuntary operation occurs, and in other control error situations. Errors in operating controls
are foreseeable, as is the possibility of sustained involuntary operation. There are design
changes which could be made to help prevent these incident occurring. Design to recognised
ergonomics standards will reduce the number of errors that occur when operating the controls.
Standardisation of control designs would also reduce the occurrence of skill-based errors, which
occur when an operator changes from one MEWP to another.
The remaining factors are less easy to address through design and are something to be
considered in relation to training and management of MEWP operations.
These findings can be used to inform and support the content of operator training courses for


Below are examples of each type of MEWP, which are discussed within this report:
7.1.1 Scissor lifts
Photograph 3 A scissor lift (Source
Scissor lifts are platforms mounted on a scissor type mechanism that rise in a straight vertical
lift. These can be used indoors and outdoors. They tend to have a larger work platform than a
boom, and can have a maximum safe working load of up to one tonne.
7.1.2 Articulating booms
Photograph 4 An articulating boom (Source

Articulating booms as seen in Photograph 4 offers vertical and sideways outreach. The work
platform can reach around and over obstacles. Articulating booms have more movement then a
telescopic boom and can also be rotated around a 360 turntable.
7.1.3 Telescopic booms
Photograph 5 A telescopic boom (Source
Telescopic booms as seen in Photograph 5 offers vertical and sideways outreach. The work
platform can reach over obstacles. Telescopic boom lifts offer greater horizontal outreach, than
other booms and can also be rotated around a 360 turntable.
7.1.4 Vehicle and rail mounted booms
Photographs 6 & 7 Two different types of vehicle mounted boom (Source

Vehicle and rail mounted booms are work platforms which are attached to the top of a vehice, as
can be seen in Photographs 6 & 7. These platforms vary dramatically in size and shape and can
consist of either a articulating boom or an telescopic boom in terms of the machanics of the lift.
7.1.5 Deck mounted booms
Photograph 8 A deck mounted boom (Source
A deck-mounted boom as seen in Photograph 8, refers to a platform being mounted on decks.
Therefore the base of the boom can only move up and down the decks. These platforms vary in
size and shape and consist of either a articulating boom or an telescopic boom in terms of the
machanics of the lift.


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Company owner dies from fall after upper boom failure on aerial lift Ohio, (2007) retrieved
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Department of Labor, New Zealand retrieved from on 7 September
Electrician dies after falling from cherry picker basket, (1999) retrieved from on 14 September 2009.
Electrician dies from being pinned between iron pipe and articulated boom, (2005) retrieved
from on 14 September 2009.
Electrician killed when caught between a personnel lift and an overhead bay door, (1995)
retrieved from on 14 September 2009.
Fatality Assessment and Control Evaluation (FACE) Report for California: Electrician
Apprentice Dies When His Neck is Crushed By a Scissor Lift, (1998) retrieved from on 14 September 2009.
Fatality Assessment and Control Evaluation (FACE) Report: Lineman Electrocuted After
Contacting Energized Conductor While Working From the Bucket of an Aerial Lift Truck in
Virginia, (1992) retrieved from on 14
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Fatality Assessment and Control Evaluation (FACE) Report: Part-Time Laborer Pinned
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Deliveryman Electrocuted When Truck-Mounted Boom Conveyor Contacts Overhead Power
Line, (2008) retrieved from on 14
September 2009.
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HSE COIN Report case ID: 1848230 accessed on 17 September 2009.
HSE COIN Report case ID: 1861935 accessed on 17 September 2009.

HSE COIN Report case ID: 4006078 accessed on 17 September 2009.
HSE COIN Report case ID: 4031526 accessed on 17 September 2009.
HSE COIN Report case ID: 4033221 accessed on 17 September 2009.
HSE COIN Report case ID: 4105861 accessed on 17 September 2009.
HSE COIN Report case ID: 4104144 accessed on 17 September 2009.
HSE COIN Report case ID: 4113963 accessed on 17 September 2009.
HSE COIN Report case ID: 4133039 accessed on 17 September 2009.
HSE COIN Report case ID: 4146878 accessed on 17 September 2009.
HSE COIN Report case ID: 4156336 accessed on 17 September 2009.
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The International Powered Access Federation (IPAF) on 28 October 2009.
J ourneyman glazier dies after being catapulted from manlift Indiana, (1989) retrieved from on 14 September 2009.
Massachusetts bridge painter dies in fall from toppled aerial scissor lift, (1993) retrieved from on 14 September 2009.
Millwright killed when aerial work platform tipped over, (2003) retrieved from on 14 September 2009.
Self-employed electrician dies while driving aerial lift in parking garage, (1999) retrieved from on 14 September 2009.
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Technician crushed when aerial platform lift engaged, (2006) retrieved from on 14 September 2009.
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Vehicle mounted work platform tips killing bridge inspector Massachusetts, (2004) retrieved
from on 14 September 2009.

Published by the Health and Safety Executive 01/13

Health and Safety
Mobile Elevated Work Platform
(MEWP) incident analysis
Mobile Elevated Work Platforms (MEWPs) are
commonly used across all industrial sectors by a
whole variety of trades, including mechanical and
electrical contractors, and painters and decorators,
as a safe, temporary method of working at height.
There is a large range of MEWPs on the market and
their controls and functionality varies depending
on the category, manufacturer, model and size
of machine. As their popularity and range of
applications has grown, concerns have emerged
about trapping/crushing accidents involving MEWPs.
This report identifies accidents involving MEWPs
and analyses common factors found. The work has
focused on MEWP occupants being trapped against
overhead or adjacent objects whilst in the platform
of the MEWP, particularly when the operator
becomes trapped over the controls (sustained
involuntary operation of control). Typically, this has
occurred when the operator has been moving the
MEWP within relatively confined areas.
This research has centred on person-machine
interface/human factors analysis rather than
engineering issues.
This report and the work it describes were funded by
the Health and Safety Executive (HSE). Its contents,
including any opinions and/or conclusions expressed,
are those of the authors alone and do not necessarily
reflect HSE policy.

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