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FALLACY EXAMPLE 1. Dicto simpliciter - means an argment !ase" on as n#ali$ie" generali%ation. &1' (E)ercise is goo". *+ere$ore e,er-!o"- s+ol" e)ercise.. &/' 01oll-, -o mstn2t ta3e all t+ese t+ings so literall-. 4 mean t+is is 5st classroom st$$. Yo 3no6 t+at t+e t+ings -o learn in sc+ool "on2t +a,e an-t+ing to "o 6it+ li$e.0 /. 7ast- generali%ation - too $e6 instances to spport t+e conclsion. &1' (Yo can spea3 8renc+, 4 can2t spea3 8renc+, 1ete- 9rc+ can2t spea3 8renc+. 4 mst t+ere$ore concl"e t+at no!o"- at t+e Uni,ersit- o$ Minnesota can spea3 8renc+.. &/' 0M- "ear,0 4 sai", patting +er +an" in a tolerant manner, 0$i,e "ates is plent-. A$ter all, -o "on2t +a,e to eat a 6+ole ca3e to 3no6 it2s goo".0 :. 1ost +oc - ns!stantiate" accsation t+at somet+ing case" somet+ing else to +appen . (;et2s not ta3e 9ill on or picnic. E,er- time 6e ta3e +im ot 6it+ s, it rains.. <. A" misericor"iam - (appeal to pit-. &1' 0A man applies $or a 5o!. =+en t+e !oss as3s +im 6+at +is #ali$ications are, +e replies t+e +e +as 6i$e an" si) c+il"ren at +ome, t+e 6i$e is a +elpless cripple, t+e c+il"ren +a,e not+ing to eat, no clot+es to 6ear, no s+oes on t+eir $eet, t+ere are no !e"s in t+e +ose, no coal in t+e cellar, an" 6inter is coming.. &/' (1oll-, 4 lo,e -o. Yo are t+e 6+ole 6orl" to me, an" t+e moon an" t+e stars an" t+e constellations o$ oter space. 1lease, m- "arling, sa- t+at -o 6ill go stea"- 6it+ me, $or i$ -o 6ill not, li$e 6ill !e meaningless. 4 6ill langis+. 4 6ill re$se m- meals. 4 6ill 6an"er t+e $ace o$ t+e eart+, a s+am!ling, +ollo6-e-e" +l3.0 >. 8alse Analog- - comparing t6o "i$$erent sitations an" ma3ing an analog-. (St"ents s+ol" !e allo6e" to loo3 at t+eir te)t!oo3s "ring e)aminations. A$ter all, srgeons +a,e ?- ra-s to gi"e t+em "ring an operation, la6-ers +a,e !rie$s to gi"e t+em "ring a trial, an" carpenters +a,e !leprints to gi"e t+em 6+en t+e- are !il"ing a +ose. =+- t+en, s+ol"n2t st"ents !e allo6e" to loo3 at t+eir te)t!oo3s "ring an e)amination@0 A. 7-pot+esis Contrar- to 8act - starting 6it+ a $alse +-pot+eses an" "ra6ing conclsions. &1' (4$ Ma"ame Crie +a" not +appene" to lea,e a p+otograp+ic plate in a "ra6er 6it+ a c+n3 o$ pitc+!len"e, t+e 6orl" to"a- 6ol" not 3no6 a!ot ra"im.0 &/' 0*+at2s rig+t. So -o "o o6e me somet+ing, "on2t -o, m- "ear@ 4$ 4 +a"n2t come along -o ne,er 6ol" +a,e learne" a!ot $allacies.0 B. 1oisoning t+e =ell - tainting an argment !e$ore it +as !egn. &1' 0*6o men are +a,ing a "e!ate. *+e $irst one gets p an" sa-s, 2M- opponent is a notorios liar. Yo can2t !elie,e a 6or" t+at +e is going to sa-.. &/' 0Yo can2t go 6it+ +im, 1oll-. 7e2s a liar. 7e2s a c+eat. 7e2s a rat.0 C. Contra"ictor- 1remises - contra"icting premises o$ argment . &1' 0Yo are a logician. ;et2s loo3 at t+is t+ing logicall-. 7o6 col" -o c+oose 1ete- 9rc+ o,er me@ ;oo3 at me - a !rilliant st"ent.,a tremen"os intellectal, a man 6it+ an assre" $tre. ;oo3 at 1ete- -a 3not+ea", a 5itter!g, a g- 6+o2ll e,er 3no6 +is ne)t meal is coming $rom. Can -o gi,e me one logical reason 6+- -o s+ol" go stea"- 6it+ 1ete- 9rc+@0 04 certainl- can,0 "eclare" 1oll-. 07e got a raccoon coat.0
8or t+is $allac-, 6e mst loo3 to t+e tale itsel$. *+e at+or assmes t+at an- 6oman 6ol" 6ant a man li3e +imD (a !rilliant st"ent, a tremen"os intellectal, a man 6it+ an assre" $tre.. 7o6e,er, 1oll- onl- 6ants a man 6it+ a raccoon coat an" t+ere$ore s+e c+ooses 1ete- e,en t+og+ s+e "i" not 3no6 s+e 6as presente" 6it+ a c+oice $rom t+e !eginning. 7e assmes t+at lo,e is logical 6+en, in $act, it is not. *+is s+ort stor- is a!ot t6o roommates, 6+o nee" eac+ ot+er. One $a,ors materialistic o!5ects, an" 6is+es +e +a" a raccoon coat, an" t+e ot+er $a,ors loo3s, an" !eat-, an" 6is+es +e +a" a certain girl to go stea"- 6it+. *+e main c+aracter st"-ing at a la6 sc+ool, cant +elp !t t+in3 a!ot 6+o +is 6i$e 6ill !e one "a-, +oping it 6ill !e 1oll- Esp-. 1oll- Esp- is 6ell 3no6n !- +is roommate, an" a$ter !ri!ing +im 6it+ t+e raccoon coat +e as3e" to ta3e 1oll- on a "ate. 1oll- "oesnEt +a,e t+at mc+ intelligence so +e ma3es it +is mission to teac+ +er a $e6 lessons. A$ter going on $i,e "ates, an" as3ing +er to go stea"- 6it+ +im, 1oll- "enies +im !- sing all t+e 3no6le"ge +e +a" tag+t +er. At $irst +e lag+e" at it, ntil s+e mentione" t+at t+e reason 6+- t+e- col"nEt go stea"- 6as, !ecase s+e promise" +is roommate 1ete-, s+e 6ol" 6it+ +im. *+e stor- en"s !- +im as3ing 1oll- to e)plain 6+- s+e s+ol" go stea"- 6it+ 1ete-, an" +er repl- 6as, (7eEs got a raccoon coat.. Since t+e stor- "i" en"e" on t+is note. =e canEt +elp !t to ma3e or o6n conclsion. 4 !elie,e a$ter t+is, +e 6as $eeling +rt, an" !etra-e" !- +is roommate. 7e +a" ma"e 1ete- a "eal, an" t+at "eal 6as to e)c+ange t+e raccoon coat , $or 1oll-. 4n t+e en" 1ete- en"e" p 6inning, !ecase +e got !ot+ 1oll-, an" t+e raccoon coat. Alt+og+ it 6asnEt a competition !et6een t+em, 1ete- !etra-e" +im, !- not $ollo6ing t+rog+ 6it+ t+eir "eal. *+is stor- teac+es s t+e lesson a!ot materialistic o!5ects, an" tre $rien"s+ip. 4t s+o6s t+at some people 6ol" ris3 certain t+ings in t+eir li$e, $or an o!5ect. *+e stor- is set in one o$ t+e Uni,ersities in t+e Unite" States o$ America. 4t is a!ot a g- 6+o 6ante" to +a,e t+is girl name" 1oll-. 1oll- 6as a !eati$l girl, insi"e an" ot. 1oll- !- t+en 6as "ating t+e main c+aracter2s $rien" an" roommate, 1ete-. At $irst 1ete- 6ante" a raccoon coat !ecase all o$ t+e 9ig Men or s+ol" 4 sa- t+e 6ell 3no6n people in t+eir sc+ool 6ere 6earing raccoon coats. 7e 6as "-ing to +a,e one o$ t+ese raccoon coats. *+at 6as 6+en t+e narrator an" main c+aracter t+og+t o$ a 6a- 6+erein +e col" gi,e +is $rien" t+e simple t+ing +e 6ante" an" t+at +e col" +a,e 1oll-. *+e- ma"e a "eal 6it+ eac+ ot+er t+at i$ +e $in"s a raccoon coat, 1ete- 6ol" "o an-t+ing in retrn. A$ter t+eir "iscssion an" "eal, t+e narrator set o$$ to +is +ome to spen" t+e 6ee3en" 6+ere +e remem!ere" t+at +is $at+er +a" one o$ t+ose coats t+at 1ete- 6as "-ing to +a,e. 7e $on" t+e coat in one o$ t+e trn3s in t+eir +ose an" t+en place" it in +is !ag rea"- $or +im to gi,e to 1ete-. =+en +e retrne" to sc+ool a$ter t+e 6ee3en", +e s+o6e" 1ete- t+e raccoon coat an" as3e" $or t+e t+ing in retrn. 1ete- 6as 3in" o$ s+oc3e" !- 6+at +is $rien" 6ante". 7e 6ante" to +a,e 1ete-2s girl, 1oll-. 7e +a" secon" t+og+ts loo3ing at t+e raccoon coat an" a6a- $or it !t at last, a$ter t+in3ing se,eral times, +e agree" to 6+at +is roommate 6ante". *+e ne)t "a-, t+e main c+aracter as3e" 1oll- ot. 7e 3ne6 t+at 1oll- 6as !it a slo6 learner. 7e pro,e" t+is $act 6+en t+e- "ate". 7e !rog+t +er to a restarant an" t+e onl- t+ing s+e sai" 6as t+at t+e $oo" 6as mar,elos. 7e !rog+t +er to t+e cinema an" all s+e sai" 6as t+at t+e mo,ie 6as terri$ic. *+is 6as 6+en +e t+og+t o$ a 6a- 6+erein +e col" teac+ 1oll- some t+ings +e +a" 3no6n in t+eir class in logic, $allacies. *+e- +a" sessions e,er- nig+t n"er an oa3 tree an" a$ter some time, +e tol" 1oll- 6+at +e reall- $elt. *o +is srprise, 1oll- se" all t+e t+ings s+e learne" a!ot $allacies 5st to tell +im t+at s+e ne,er li3e" +im. 7e arge" 6it+ +er so man- times !t t+en, +e col"n2t "o an-t+ing. At last, s+e sai" t+at s+e li3e" 1ete-. 7e 6as in a rage an" as3e" 6+- s+e li3e" 1ete-. *+at not so smart g- 6+en +e 6as $ar !etter t+an +im. All s+e sai" 6as !ecase 1ete- +a" one o$ t+ese raccoon coats. F;o,e is a 8allac-E !- Ma) S+lman is a s+ort stor- a!ot a smart st"ent. 9ecase o$ +is intelligence, +e $eels sperior to +is roommate, 1ete-. 7e t+in3s, +e +as e,er-t+ing e)cept t+e rig+t 6oman. 7e "esires 1oll-, not emotionall- !t as an o!5ect to $rt+er +is sccess as a la6-er. S+e mst !e !eati$l, gracios an" intelligent. 1oll- +as all o$ it, e)cept $or intelligence. *o get ri" o$ +is competitor, 1ete-, +e negotiates 6it+ +im t+at 1ete- gets a raccoon coat i$ +e lea,es 1oll- to +im. 1ete- agrees to t+e "eal !ecase +e 6ants t+e coat so !a"l- since all t+e F9ig MenE on camps 6ear t+em. *+e smart st"ent starts teac+ing 1oll- in logic. 7e sccee"s. 1oll- learns +er lesson an" 6+en +e as3s +er i$ s+e 6ants to go stea"- 6it+ +im, s+e "e$eats !ecase s+e 6ants to go stea"- 6it+ 1ete-. Amsingl-, t+e reason is t+at +e o6ns a raccoon coat. 7is o6n lessons a!ot logic trns to t+e scales against +imsel$ 6+en +e tries to con,ince +er t+at +e is t+e rig+t c+oice. *+e st"ent t+in3s +e can get e,er-t+ing +e 6ants !- calclating an" planning. 7e assmes t+at mone- an" intelligence are t+e onl- po6er$l t+ings in li$e, an" t+at people 6+o "onEt +a,e t+ose t6o t+ings are in$erior to +im. 7e "i"nEt consi"er t+og+ t+at li$e is not all a!ot calclation. 8or e)ample, -o canEt "etermine or c+ange ot+er peopleEs $eelings 6it+ logic. Yo canEt control oneEs "ecision especiall- 6+en it is a!ot somet+ing as a!stract as lo,e. *+e stor- +as t6o main topics: lo,e an" logic. *o me, $eelings are not compati!le 6it+ logic. ;o,e is not li3e a mat+ematical pro!lem. *+ere is not sc+ a t+ing li3e a mat+ematical $ormla to sol,e t+e pro!lem an" get t+e correct ans6er. 4t is mc+ more t+an a plain process in t+e !rain. One o$ t+e intentions o$ t+e at+or is to teac+ a!ot t+e contra"iction o$ lo,e an" logic.