This document discusses several astrological concepts in Hindu astrology:
1) Jupiter in the 5th house of karakamsa indicates maintaining ancestral learning.
2) Vidya yogas can be judged from the 2nd house of karakamsa.
3) Some say vidya yogas can also be judged from the 3rd house of karakamsa.
4) If Ketu occupies the 2nd house of karakamsa and is aspected by malefics, one cannot talk or reply quickly.
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This document discusses several astrological concepts in Hindu astrology:
1) Jupiter in the 5th house of karakamsa indicates maintaining ancestral learning.
2) Vidya yogas can be judged from the 2nd house of karakamsa.
3) Some say vidya yogas can also be judged from the 3rd house of karakamsa.
4) If Ketu occupies the 2nd house of karakamsa and is aspected by malefics, one cannot talk or reply quickly.
This document discusses several astrological concepts in Hindu astrology:
1) Jupiter in the 5th house of karakamsa indicates maintaining ancestral learning.
2) Vidya yogas can be judged from the 2nd house of karakamsa.
3) Some say vidya yogas can also be judged from the 3rd house of karakamsa.
4) If Ketu occupies the 2nd house of karakamsa and is aspected by malefics, one cannot talk or reply quickly.
This document discusses several astrological concepts in Hindu astrology:
1) Jupiter in the 5th house of karakamsa indicates maintaining ancestral learning.
2) Vidya yogas can be judged from the 2nd house of karakamsa.
3) Some say vidya yogas can also be judged from the 3rd house of karakamsa.
4) If Ketu occupies the 2nd house of karakamsa and is aspected by malefics, one cannot talk or reply quickly.
By Jupiter in karakamsa of 5th house, the native keeps
up ancestral learning. "go | w% Bhagye chaivam -119 Al l the above mentioned vidyayogas may be j udged from the 2nd house of karakamsa too. Sada chaivamityefce - 120 Some say that the above-mentioned vi dya yogas may be j udged from the 3rd house of karakamsa also. goi w ^f r w{ ^ w*)ciicbj Bhagye ketau papa drishtau stabdavak - 121 If Ketu occupies the 2nd house of karakamsa and is aspected by malefics, the native can not talk or reply, soon or fastly. Swa pi trupadat bhagya rogayoh papa samye kemadr umah - 122 go| -K<^l Chandra drishtau viseshena - 123 ' Swa' means At makaraka in vi ew of the karakamsa section being dealt wi t h, ' swa' is not the adjective of the two words, Pi t ru and Pada as the objects to be defi ned. Swapi t ru pada is the compound of three words, Swa, Pi tru and Pada. Hence ' s wa' means At makaraka, Pitra (61/12,1) means Lagna, and Pada means Ar u d h a Lagna. Hence equal number of malefics in the 2nd and 8th houses of At makaraka or Janma Jagna or Ar udha Lagna, constitute kemadruma yoga. It means thus if one malefic planet is 69 placed in the 2nd, one malefic Planet shoul d be in the 8th to f orm kemadrumayoga. If two malefic planets occupy the 2nd house two malefics shoul d occupy the 8th, for the formation of Kemadruma yoga. But one malefic in one house whether the 2nd or 8th, and two malefics in the other whether 2nd or 8th do not constitute kemadramayoga. If the 2nd or 8th houses of al l the three vi z. , Atmakaraka, Lagna and Ar udha Lagna are occupied by the malefics, Kemadramayoga forms. This is the opi ni on of some schol ars. Ke madr amayoga gi ves poverty and distress. There is an obsolete Sanskrit verse whi c h makes ment i on of Lagna and Ar udh a Lagna i n connection wi t h the formati on of Kemadr uma yoga. But by the use of ' s wa 1 in the aphori sm, At makaraka shoul d be taken as i mpl i ed in the verse as an addi t i on. Though the verse makes menti on of both the benefics and malefics a little differently f rom the aphori sm, it matters little. gol Tf ^l T <^K1?il Tf r c W I Sarvesham chaiva pake - 124 A l l the above-mentioned results may be j udged i n the si gn dasas. Ke madr umayoga may be j udged f r om the commenci ng dasa si gn. It means that if Kemadr uma is present, the dasasign brings about poverty. v^Tdf ck: # ^ Wffe <|fe|dHi4w ^P T < J IMI^J| M ^ r ^Pt f r g ^ r wp^PTFT f sat a: Thus ends the 2nd pada of the 1st Chapterof Jai mi ni Sut ramri t am wr i t t en by Iranganti Rangacharya S/o Sri Raghavacharya, an erudite of astrology.