For A Stronger Back, Try This Balancing Act (Body & Sculpting)
For A Stronger Back, Try This Balancing Act (Body & Sculpting)
For A Stronger Back, Try This Balancing Act (Body & Sculpting)
For a challenging way to train your back and gluteal muscles, do this move on a flat padded
surface and then try it on a Bosu trainer for more intensity. It will help you develop core
strength, stability and balance
1. Lie face down on a mat or on a Bosu trainer with your pelvis and lower abdomen
centered on the dome. Rest your arms alongside your body with your palms turned up.
traighten your legs behind you with your feet shoulder width apart.
!. "n an e#halation, slowly bend both knees and reach your arms back
attempting to touch your fingertips to your heels. Look forward as you hold this
position and balance yourself on the ball or floor for 1$ seconds. Return down to
the starting position and rela# for 1% seconds. Repeat this e#ercise & more times
Balance Is Everything (Stretching & Yoga)
'ariety is a key ingredient when working out. It keeps your routines fresh and your body
does not get to go on (auto pilot.( )ere*s a fun, new way to fuse a mind+body e#ercise with
core conditioning. ,ou will develop fle#ibility, balance and muscle control all at the same
1. -neel upright on a Bosu trainer with your knees at hip width apart. "nce you feel
comfortable with your balance, lift both feet off the floor and try to keep them from
touching the ground during the move. traighten your arms to your side with your palms
turned up to the ceiling.
!. wing your arms in front of your chest hooking your right elbow underneath your left.
.rap your forearms so that your palms meet in front of your face. -eep your chest lifted
and pull your elbows down, moving the tops of your shoulders away from your ears. Feel a
stretch across your upper back and shoulders. )old and balance in this position for 1%
seconds. Release your arms to the side and repeat hooking your left elbow underneath your
right this time.
Up in Arms Over Triceps? Lit an! "le# (Strength Training)
/o perform this triceps e#tension, which strengthens and sculpts the backs of your upper
arms, you can lie on the floor or a flat weight bench. 0 Bosu trainer offers a soft surface
and positions your upper body at a slight incline. /his can be more comfortable than lying
flat, but you*ll need to focus on keeping your elbows directly above your shoulders.
1. )old a barbell with your hands shoulder width apart. Lie down on a mat or position your
shoulders against a Bosu /rainerr. Bend your knees with your feet flat on the floor.
traighten your arms to lift the bar directly above your shoulders.
!. -eeping your upper arms stationary, slowly bend your elbows to lower the barbell a few
inches above your forehead. -eep your elbows pointed upwards. 1ause for a moment and
then slowly straighten your arms to raise the bar back to the starting position. 1erform 231!
reps, rest for 1% seconds and repeat two more times for a total of & sets.
A S$%ee&e "or "irmer Thighs An! Stronger Legs (Bo!y & Sc%lpting)
1erform this move on a sturdy bench or on a Bosu trainer to tighten and firm your inner
thigh and buttock muscles. It will help you develop strength and stamina in your legs
without building bulk. If you want to make it more challenging, try doing this move with &3
% lb ankle weights on your legs.
1. Lie face down on a low padded bench or a Bosu trainer. 1osition your hips on the surface
and place your hands or forearms on the floor. 4ake sure your elbows are directly below
your shoulders. traighten both legs behind you. Rotate your thighs outward so your knees
and toes point to the side. Find your balance, tighten your buttocks and then lift both legs
off the floor.
!. By s5uee6ing your inner thigh muscles, bring your legs together, crossing your right ankle
above your left. 1ause for a moment with your legs still s5uee6ing together, then separate
your legs, bring them to the starting position and repeat. /his time cross your left ankle
above your right. 7o 18 reps, rest for 1% seconds and repeat for ! more sets.
A 'ove To 'a(e Liting An! )eaching Easier (Strength Training)
Front arm raises can improve the overall shape of your shoulders by training the muscles in
the front of your shoulders called the deltoids. trong deltoids make lifting ob9ects and
reaching forward much easier to do. 1erforming this move on a Bosu Ball engages your core
muscles and will also help to protect your back, by preventing you from leaning backwards
as your raise your arms.
1 . )old a dumbbell in each hand in front of your thighs, both palms facing your body,
elbows slightly bent. 1lace your knees hip width apart on a Bosu /rainer. Lift your feet off
the floor and tighten your abdominals.
!. lowly raise your arms in front of you until the dumbbells are at shoulder level while
maintaining your balance on the Bosu ball. 1ause at the top with your arms parallel to the
floor. .ith control, lower the dumbbells down your thighs. Repeat 1!31% times. Rest for 1%
seconds and repeat for a total of & sets.
Sc%lpt An! "irm Yo%r Upper Bo!y (Strength Training
/his is a popular e#ercise to target the muscles in your upper body and shoulders. 7one
properly, it adds shape and firmness to your back muscles and develops strength that is
especially valuable to swimmers or rock climbers who need powerful upper bodies.
1. Lie down on a sturdy bench or position your head and shoulders on top of a Bosu /rainer.
Bend your knees with your feet hip width apart and flat on the floor. )olding a dumbbell in
each hand, bend your elbows with the dumbbells close together and 9ust above your chest.
1ull your abdominals and keep your back straight.
!. -eeping your elbows in the bent position, inhale and move the dumbbells behind your
head. "n an e#hale, s5uee6e the muscles in the outer sides of your back as you slowly bring
the dumbbells back over your upper chest. 1ause for a moment and repeat 1! times. Rest
for !$ seconds and repeat for a total of & sets.
To Increase Yo%r )ange O 'otion (Stretching & Yoga)
/hese two stretches, done regularly, will help your spine and hips become more supple and
fle#ible and increase your range of motion. 7on*t hold your breath or strain to breathe
while bending. Instead, concentrate on rela#ed deep breathing and back off a little from
the stretch if your breathing becomes labored.
1. ide bend: it on a comfortable, sturdy surface, such as a low bench or a Bosu ball.
;#tend your legs at a <%3degree angle from your body, with your toes facing out. Inhale
with arms to the sides in a /3position. "n an e#hale, place your right arm against the inside
of your right leg and reach up with your left arm. .ith every inhalation, focus on feeling an
e#pansion between your ribs on the left side of your torso. Rela# your left shoulder away
from your left ear and stay in this position for si# to eight breaths. lowly return to the
starting position and repeat on the other side.
!. Forward bend: it on a comfortable, sturdy surface. ;#tend your legs at a <%3degree
angle, with your toes facing out. "n an inhale, reach both arms in front of your chest and
sit up as tall as you can. ;#hale and slowly bend forward from your hips, placing your hands
on the floor. /uck in your chin slightly to lengthen the back of your neck. "n every
inhalation, focus on feeling a stretch in your hips and back= as you e#hale, stretch a bit
more deeply. tay in this position for si# to eight breaths, then slowly return to the starting
A Balance! A*s Approach (Bo!y & Sc%lpting)
"ne of the most effective abdominal e#ercises is the (bicycle.( /o intensify this e#ercise,
try using a Bosu ball. /he method will help develop strength and balance in your core
muscles. It is not easy to do a lot of repetitions of this move. o try adding one set to the
end of your abdominal routine >after your muscles are warmed up? to kick up your workout.
1. Lie on a Bosu ball facing upward= your lower and middle back should be centered on the
ball. lowly bring both knees to your chest. 1osition your hands behind your head, with
your elbows pointed out to the sides. 4aintain your balance as you slowly bring your left
shoulder toward your right knee and straighten out your left leg in front of you. 1ause for a
moment in the crunch, then slowly begin to switch sides.
!. /his time, bring your right shoulder toward your left knee and straighten your right leg
in front of you. 7o as many repetitions as you can without losing your balance. 4ove slowly
and maintain control during the e#ercise. If you feel off balance, stop, bend both knees
toward your chest to regain your balance and start over.
+arm Up, -rotect Those .nees an! L%nge (Bo!y & Sc%lpting)
)ere is a good way to warm up your thigh muscles and protect your knees before doing a
traditional forward stepping lunge. 7oing a few of these on a step or a Bosu ball will allow
you to use less force on the downward phase. If you have sensitive knees but still want to
develop strength and power in your legs, ease into your leg workout with this warm3up
1. )olding a pair of dumbbells, stand
facing a low sturdy bench or stability
ball. @enter your right foot on top of the
elevated surface, with your toes and
knee facing forward. -eep your left leg
on the floor, rotated out at a <%3degree
!. 1ress firmly into your right heel and slowly
bend your right knee. 7o not let your hips drop
below knee level and keep your right knee behind
your right toes. 1ause briefly, then straighten
your right leg and push back to the start position.
7o this move very slowly so you can feel the
muscles in your right leg supporting your weight
as you bend and push back. Repeat five or si#
times on each leg.
A Balance! +or(o%t "or )otator /% '%scles (Bo!y & Sc%lpting)
/his e#ercise primarily works your rotator cuff muscles, which are deep within your
shoulders. 1erform this move on a ball and you will also be working your abdominals and
back muscles, which help you balance during the movement.
1. Lie down with your chest over a large stability ball. 4ove your legs shoulder3width apart,
with your knees bent and your toes curled under for better stability. )old a dumbbell in
each hand. Bend your elbows at A$3degree angles, with your wrists below your elbows. ,our
palms will be facing your feet.
!. -eeping your elbows at shoulder height, slowly raise the dumbbells so that both palms
face the floor and your elbows point toward your feet. Be sure to tighten your abdominal
muscles and keep the tops of your shoulders pressing down away from your ears. 7o not lift
the dumbbells higher than shoulder level.
A 0%mp A!!s 'ore Than "%n (Bo!y & Sc%lpting)
0 fun way to combine a cardiovascular and leg workout with core stability training is to do
moves like this one on a Bosu Balance /rainer. /o get more out of this move, remember to
focus on controlling your landing by pausing on the center of the Bosu trainer.
1. tand on top of the dome at the center of the Bosu trainer with feet close together.
Bend your knees and hold your arms in front as if you were holding ski poles.
!. .ith your upper body facing forward, 9ump up and rotate your lower body about <%
degrees to one side. 1ause on the landing, then 9ump to the other side. 4ake sure you twist
only your lower body, keeping your upper body stable. Repeat as many times as you can
without losing control. If you feel off balance, stop and regain your balance.
-rotect Yo%r Sho%l!ers "rom +ear An! Tear (Bo!y & Sc%lpting)
If your shoulders feel weak when you play rac5uet sports or toss a Frisbee, you may need to
strengthen your rotator cuff muscles. /his is a great e#ercise that will help to stabili6e your
arm in its socket.
1. )old a dumbbell >! to % pounds? in your left hand. Lie on your right side on the floor, or
over a Bosu ball for comfort. Bend both knees. 1osition your left elbow at your side and
bend your elbow at a A$3degree angle. ,our palm and forearm will face your stomach.
!. .ith your left elbow below shoulder level, rotate your arm from the shoulder and slowly
raise your left hand to elbow height. ,our palm will face the floor. 1ause for a moment,
then slowly lower your left hand back toward your stomach. /hroughout the e#ercise,
remember to pull your abdominal muscles in toward your spine to prevent your lower back
from overarching.
These Si!e )aises 1ave /ore Beneits (Bo!y & Sc%lpting)
/o add variety to your fitness program, try including (balance training( in some of your arm
workouts. 1erform these side raises on a Bosu ball and you will target your core muscles
>hips, abdominals and back? as well as your shoulders.
1. )old a dumbbell in each hand, with your arms by your sides and both palms facing
inward. lowly raise your right arm until the dumbbell is at shoulder height. .hile lifting
one arm, concentrate on keeping both shoulders level. 1ause at the top of the move, then
slowly lower the dumbbell to your side.
!. Repeat the e#ercise, raising your left arm. /ry not to lean to one side as you raise and
lower the dumbbells. If you are lifting a heavy weight or want to reduce the strain on your
shoulders, perform this same move with your elbow bent at a A$3degree angle.
One 'ove "or 'any Upper2Bo!y '%scles (Bo!y & Sc%lpting)
/his e#ercise targets the chest, arms and shoulders. For a greater challenge, perform this
move on a Bosu or a stability ball rather than a bench. It will force your abdominals and
back to work harder to keep your upper body balanced. 0lso, using dumbbells instead of a
barbell will help develop e5ual strength in both arms.
1. )old a dumbbell in each hand and position your head and upper back on the dome side
of the Bosu. >"nce you feel comfortable with this move, you can flip the Bosu and position
your upper body the same way against the flat side.? Bend your elbows, pointing them out
to the sides, with your wrists above your elbows, palms facing your feet. "n an inhale,
e#pand your chest without overarching your lower back.
!. .ith your chest lifted, e#hale, then slowly raise the dumbbells until they are directly
above your shoulders. 0s you raise the dumbbells, rotate your palms to face inward. 1ause
at the top= your elbows should not be locked. 0dd an e#tra (s5uee6e( in the chest at the
top of the lift. Return to the start position by lowering your arms slowly. Repeat eight to 1!
times, rest, then do another set.
-%shing The Limit Is 3o4 Even 1ar!er (Bo!y & Sc%lpting)
/he classic push3up is a simple, effective and convenient way to increase strength in your
upper body= using a Bosu ball or a wobble board makes it more challenging. By engaging
your core muscles >your abdominals and back? to help you balance, you*ll get more out of
the e#ercise. For an easier version, you can modify it by doing knee push3ups on a padded
1. 1lace your hands on the outside edges of the platform, making sure your hands are
directly below your shoulders. Balance on your toes with straight legs >for an easier version
of the e#ercise, bend your knees and kneel on a padded surface?. /ighten your abdominals
and keep your back in a straight line.
!. Inhale as you slowly lower your body until your chest comes close to the platform. 7o
not let your lower back sway downward. 1ause for a moment at the bottom of the push3up.
;#hale and slowly raise your body to the starting position. 1erform as many push3ups as you
can with proper form, rest for &$ seconds and do a second set.
)everse A*s /r%nch (Bo!y & Sc%lpting)
Reverse @urls take on a whole new dimension when you perform them on a Bosu /rainer or
wobble board. ince the platform offers and unstable surface, your upper body must find
and maintain balance while you challenge your core muscles. .ith this one e#ercise you*ll
double your results in less time.
1. Begin by kneeling in front of the wobble board or Bosu >turn the Bosu trainer dome3side
down?. 1lace your forearms on the platform with your elbows below your shoulders and
your chest over the center of the platform. traighten your legs and tighten your
abdominals create a straight line with your body.
!. lowly lift your hips and curl your trunk by bending your knees. /hink of pulling your
lower ribcage toward your hips. /he platform should tilt forward toward your knees. 1ause
in this position then slowly straighten your legs and return to the starting plank position.
1erform 231$ reps rest for !$ seconds and repeat for a total of & sets.
Si!e /r%nch (Bo!y & Sc%lpting)
0 simple and easy way to work your side torso muscles is to turn sideways and perform side
crunches. 7one properly, you won*t see a large range of motion but you will feel an intense
contraction on the outer side of your abdominals. ,ou can perform this move either on a
flat mat or on a Bosu trainer.
1. If you are using a Bosu trainer, position the right side of your torso on the dome with
your bottom leg bent and the top leg straight. If you are working on the floor, lie on your
right side bending both knees toward your chest. 1lace your left hand behind your head,
pointing your elbow up towards the ceiling. Rest your right hand on your left shoulder.
!. "n an e#hale, s5uee6e the muscles in the right side of your torso to bring your right
shoulder towards your right hip. 1ause for a moment at the top of this contraction. Release
your torso down to the start position and repeat 1! more times. Rest for 1% seconds and
perform & sets on each side.
/hese articles originally appeared in the Los 0ngeles /imes in the (Bood Form( feature of
the )ealth ection. (Bood Form( is updated with a new -aren 'oight article each 4onday.