High Strength Pipelines
High Strength Pipelines
High Strength Pipelines
8 . 0 SMYS
Operating temperature is 130C and above.
The HP/HT pipelines are typically infield flowlines
where oil and gas are transported without
expensive cooling process.
Seawater is a good cooling system. At a distance
of a couple of kilometers from a platform or a
template, the temperature of the pipe containment
becomes lower than 10 C.
As for cold pipelines, the in-service loads for
HP/HT pipelines are:
Functional loads (e.g. pressure, temperature,
weight and support reaction);
Environmental loads (e.g. wave and current
Accidental loads (e.g. impacts, dropped
objects, explosion, fire and anchoring);
Trawling loads (fishing gear loads during
impact, pull-over and hooking process).
Differences between Cold Lines
and HP/HT lines
In the following, the difference between HP/HT
pipelines and cold pipelines are described:
The major difference is temperature-
induced strain and thermal buckling. As
known by pipeline industry for many years, a
HP/HT pipeline may experience upheaval
buckling if the pipeline is rock-covered.
Lateral buckling (snaking) may occur if the
line is free on the seabed.
Design of HP/HT pipeline against fishing
gear loads becomes a crucial issue since
large stress and moment may be observed
under pull-over loading and the pipeline
industry does not allow strain-based design
for pull-over loads yet. The moment criteria
for load-controlled situations from design
codes are rather conservative.
Seabed intervention cost for protection of
in-service pipeline is governed by pull-over
Strain level in operating flowlines
The main source of cyclic loading during
operation is repeated heating-up and cooling-
down due to shut-downs/start-ups. For a pipe
laying on the seabed with no rock cover, the
thermal expansion may cause the pipe to deform
laterally or feed pipe into free-spans, resulting in
bending strain. Similarly, for a fully constrained
buried pipeline there will be radial and hoop strain
variations resulting from the start-up/shut-down
Summary of Loads and Load Combinations
Reeling Maximum
2% longitu-
dinal strain
& local
For small
S-Lay Maximum
0.3 %
in sag-
J-lay Maximum
0.3 %
for sagbend
in sagbend
For deep
large &
small pipe
0.3% strain
or stress
of 0.9
stress of
for sea-
bed inter-
0.3% strain
or stress
of 0.9
stress of
for sea-
bed inter-
Table 1. Summary of Installation and Operation
Limit-state Design of Offshore Pipelines
Limit state based strength criteria may be
developed for pipelines covering the potential
failure modes:
Out of roundness for serviceability;
Bursting due to internal pressure, longitudinal
force and bending;
Buckling/collapse due to pressure,
longitudinal force and bending;
Fracture of welds due to bending/tension;
Low-cycle fatigue due to shut-downs;
Ratcheting due to reeling and shut-downs;
Accumulated plastic strain.
The limit-states are to be defined for the following
load situations:
Installation condition;
Empty condition;
Water filled condition;
Pressure test condition;
Operational conditions;
Shut-down conditions.
The strength criteria are to be defined for the
following design situations:
Static and dynamic installation criteria;
In-place behavior;
Trawl pull-over response;
Static free-spans;
Dynamic free-spans.
It should be documented that adequate structural
safety is maintained against the potential failure
modes for the given design situations when the
strength criteria developed are satisfied.
Pipe dimensions, operating conditions and
material dictate the allowable moments, stresses
and strains.
The experience from design of North Sea
pipelines is summarized in the following sections.
Experience from Design of Large Diameter
Export Pipelines
The following is a summary of design experience
on loads and strength:
When water depth is less than 350 m, the
wall-thickness design is normally governed
by internal pressure containment
requirement, e.g. hoop stress criterion. In
order to achieve cost saving, it is
necessary to use high strength steel pipe.
When water depth is greater than 350 m, a
study is required to investigate the nonlinear
relation between the costs and steel grade
for different water depths. Higher yield
strength also helps increase the pipe
buckling/collapse capacity for external-over
pressure situations, however, this
relationship is no longer linear.
As long as strain-based design can be
applied for operating conditions, the
longitudinal loads are far below the capacity.
Therefore, the required longitudinal yield
strength is not so high leading to a
potential use of pipes whose hoop yield
strength is far higher than longitudinal yield
When a pipe is under a load-controlled
situation, the buckling/collapse capacity of
the pipe may be assessed using moment
Experience from Design of Infield Flowlines
The following is a summary of design experience
on loads and strength:
Flowlines are typically installed using reeling
methods. A detailed welding qualification
program is required to ensure that no
fracture or local buckling occurs during the
reeling process and there is no threat to the
fatigue strength after line installations.
For small diameter flowlines in the North
Sea, the governing design loads are the
trawling loads. In this instance,
buckling/collapse criteria (moment criteria)
are governing design parameter.
The purpose of this chapter is to describe the
material requirements, and compare the
requirements for longitudinal direction and
circumferential direction. Typically, the material
properties requirement in hoop direction are
related to pressure containment hoop stress
criterion and buckling/collapse under external
pressure, while longitudinal properties are directly
specified for buckling/collapse under bending and
tension, and weldability.
It is beneficial from the viewpoint of
manufacturing to allow hoop yield strength higher
than longitudinal yield strength. In the following,
requirements will be described regarding CTOD,
yield stress, ratio of SMYS and SMTS, fatigue
properties and wall-thickness tolerances.
Material Property Requirement in Hoop
Necessary CTOD value requirements for HAZ
and weld metal are to be established that are
relevant for the specific design conditions with
regard to type and extent of longitudinal weld
defects likely to exist. Typically, the required
CTOD value is established through ECA
(Engineering Criticality Assessment) using British
Standard PD 6493.
The extent of longitudinal weld defects that likely
to exist, is defined in the operators welding
qualification specifications. Typical values are:
depth 3 mm and width minimum of 25 mm and
pipe wall-thickness.
The required CTOD value, as calculated based
on codes, is rather stringent, due to large
scatters in the CTOD values from tests. Practical
experience from field use of the line pipes have,
demonstrated that there has been very little
structural failure due to lack of CTOD value in
hoop direction for line pipes. It is therefore
suggested to closely evaluate the following:
CTOD testing methods, scatters and statistical
evaluation of scatters;
Possibility to reduce the number of CTOD tests;
Safety factors used in ECA determination of
CTOD requirements;
ECA design equations and analysis methods.
Similar observations may be made on the CTOD
requirements for the longitudinal direction.
It is likely that fracture occurs in the weldment.
Then the CTOD requirements made to pipe base
material are not relevant. However, the CTOD
value for HAZ (Heat Affect Zone) may be
relevant for fracture in HAZ. Weldability of the
pipe is a more important parameter than CTOD
Material Property Requirement in
Longitudinal Direction
The CTOD value for line pipes in longitudinal
direction is influential for fracture limit-state when
ECA such as PD6493 is applied to calculate the
limiting loading condition to avoid fracture.
The CTOD value needed to avoid fracture
depends on the extent of girth weld defects likely
to exist and the applied load. For a defect depth
of 3 mm, a wall thickness of 25.4 mm and loading
up to 0.5% total strain a defect length of 177 mm
(7 x wall thickness) was shown to be safe when
CTOD is minimum 0.10 mm, see Knauf and
Hopkins (1996).
The discussions on unstable fracture and CTOD
for hoop direction are also valid for longitudinal
The fact is that the yield stress in longitudinal
direction does not significantly affect pipe
strength as long as strain-based design is
applicable to the design situation. The reasoning
for this statement is that strain acting on pipelines
in operating condition is typically as low as 0.2%
unless the pipeline is under a high pull-over load.
With exception of some special material
problems, the Y/T (SMYS/SMTS) ratio
requirements can be replaced by introducing
strain-hardening parameters such as
and n
used in a Ramberg-Osgood equation. In Bai et al
(1994), a set of equations are given to relate
SMYS and SMTS with strain-hardening
and n.
The material strain-hardening effect may be
accounted for in fracture mechanics assessment
and local buckling/collapse checks through use of
the stress-strain curves. In fact, a set of design
equations was given by Bai et al (1997) and Bai
et al (1999) for local buckling/collapse. In the
papers by Bai et al. (1997, 1999), the effect of
material strain hardening parameter on
buckling/collapse have been discussed in detail.
The level-2 and level-3 failure assessment
diagrams in PD6493 do also account for strain-
hardening effects.
Comparisons of Material Property
Which material properties are dominant in local
buckling/collapse? The answer is dependent on
loads as the following:
For internal pressure containment, hoop SMTS;
For external-pressure induced buckling, hoop
For bending collapse, longitudinal SMYS;
For combined internal pressure and bending,
hoop SMTS;
Longitudinal SMYS & SMTS;
For combined external pressure and bending,
hoop SMYS;
Longitudinal SMYS & SMTS.
Pipe strength under combined internal pressure
and bending is an important design case, if
fishing activities are frequent.
It is difficult to compare the requirements of the
material property in hoop and longitudinal
directions. Rather the following is a discussion
on cost-effectiveness of raising materials
performance in hoop and longitudinal directions.
Raising hoop SMYS will directly result in a
proportional reduction of the required wall-
thickness of the line pipe for water depth
shallower than 350 mm. However, if the design
codes, on buckling/collapse for external-over
pressure case, are further upgraded, this water
depth may be extended from 350 m to 450 m. It is
the authors' opinion that the existing design
equations for external-over pressure situations
are rather conservative. To achieve yield and
tensile strength values that conform to the
requirements, as specified for the transverse
direction, a corresponding increase in the
strength in the longitudinal direction is needed.
This in turn leads to increased production costs
and may lead to difficulties in meeting the
requirements for yield-to-tensile ratio, toughness
and sour service suitability, etc..
As a conclusive remark on materials property
requirements, it is believed that:
The minimum CTOD values in both hoop and
longitudinal directions typically should be
0.1mm; the applicability of lower CTOD
values can be validated by ECA methods.
It is economically beneficial and technically
justifiable that for pipe grades X60 to X80
yield and tensile strength in longitudinal
direction can be lower by up to 10% than
those in the transverse direction for water
depths shallower than 450 m.
For fracture and local/buckling failure modes,
the Y/T value requirement can be removed
if the strength analysis explicitly account for
the difference of strain-hardening whose
parameters (
and n) are a function of
SMYS and SMTS as the equations given in
Bai et al(1997).
As a further study, it is proposed to compare the
Y/T ratio requirements from alternative codes
(e.g. 0.93 from API for onshore pipelines, 0.85
from EPRG and 0.87 from DNV96 guideline). It
is perhaps possible to find some other rational
criteria that can replace the Y/T ratio requirement
in strength design. In order to develop alternative
criteria, it is necessary to understand the
reasoning of using Y/T ratio as a design
Anisotropy has been taken into account for the
first time in the recently established DNV
offshore standard F101 in that the minimum
tensile strength required in the longitudinal
direction has been reduced by 5%, compared to
that in the transverse direction. It should be
endeavoured to pursue other codes to adopt this
approach and to apply this approach also to yield
strength. Reduction of the strength levels in the
order of 10% for the longitudinal direction is
technically justified.
An analytical solution may be derived for the
calculation of the moment capacity of a pipe with
a corrosion defect subjected to internal pressure,
axial force and bending moment. The maximum
capacity is defined in the solution as the moment
at which the entire cross section yields. The
corrosion defect is conservatively assumed to be
symmetrical to the bending plan.
Criteria for buckling/collapse calculations of
corroded pipes with yield anisotropy were derived
by Bai et al (1999).
The moment criteria were re-visited and extended
for design of high strength steel pipes with yield
The paper provides technical information from
linepipe manufacturing and design viewpoints to
promote use of high strength linepipes. The
following is conclusive remarks:
1. Material properties are given for high strength
2. Practical considerations on use of high
strength steel have been given, focusing on
cost impact, welding, material and corrosion
3. Pipeline design loads have been summarized
for S-laid large diameter export lines and
small diameter infield flowlines.
4. The requirements of material properties have
been discussed to justify use of yield
anisotropy line pipe.
5. Strength design equations have been
developed for high strength linepipes that
have yield anisotropy.
6. Regulatory bodies, specifications and design
codes should pay more attention to the
technical feasibility of pipe properties. Close
co-operation among designers, pipelaying
contractors, pipeline operators and pipe
manufacturers should be intensified.
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