Antimicrobial Potential of Actinomycetes Isolated From Soil Samples of Punjab, India

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J Microbiol Exp 2014, 1(2): 00010

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Journal of Microbiology & Experimentation
Microorganisms are the main colonizers of the earth,
bestowed with inherent physiological and functional diversity
and have found applications in agriculture, medicine, industry
and environment. Among the various industrially important
microorganisms, actinomycetes are of prime importance and
are primarily recognized as organisms of academic curiosity
and producers of antibiotic compounds and biologically
active secondary metabolites. Actinomycetes population has
been identified as one of the major group of soil population,
which may vary with soil type. Apart from soil, they are found
in marine and terrestrial environments and also exist in
symbiotic association with plants and other living organisms.
The important genera of actinomycetes are Streptomycetes,
Nocardia, Micromonospora, Thermomonospora, Actinoplanes,
Microbispora, Streptosporangium, Actinomadura, Actinosynnema,
Dactylosporangium, Rhodococcus, Actinosynnema Kitasatospora,
Gordona, Intrasporangium and Streptoalloteichus. Actinomycetes
from the genera Actinoplane, Streptomyces and Actinopolyspora
have been reported to produce a number of broad- spectrum
antibiotics. Apart from production of antibiotics, actinomycetes
have been looked upon as potential sources of bioactive
compounds and they are the richest sources of secondary
metabolites. Actinomycetes synthesized about two-thirds
of currently reported bioactive substances belonging to a
great variety of chemical groups. Diversity and bioactivity
of actinomycetes are well documented in various normal
ecosystems all over the world. Actinomycetes also produce
Antimicrobial Potential of Actinomycetes Isolated from
Soil Samples of Punjab, India
Research Article
Volume 1 Issue 2 - 2014
Sandeep Rana and Menaka Devi Salam*
Department of Microbiology, Punjabi University, India
*Corresponding author: Menaka Devi Salam,
Department of Microbiology, Dolphin Postgraduate
College of Life Sciences, Punjabi University,
ChunniKalan, Fatehgarh Sahib Road, Punjab, India,
Received: April 23, 2014 | Published: May 27, 2014
The present study was conducted to determine the antibacterial and antifungal
potential of actinomycetes isolated from soil samples collected from two different
locations of Punjab, India. The actinomycetes isolates showed various types of
color pigments like pink, yellow, orange, red and brown which may have potential
use in industries. Out of 23 actinomycetes isolates, 7 of them showed significant
inhibition of different Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria and also some
fungi. Actinomycetes isolate no. A4 inhibited Klebsiella pneumonia and Salmonella
enterica typhimurium efficiently. Actinomycetes isolate no. A5 inhibited E. coli,
Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumonia, Salmonella enterica typhimurium and the
fungi Alternaria alternata and Trichodermaviride. The crude antimicrobial compound
from the best isolates A4 and A5 were obtained by ethyl-acetate extraction and the
MIC against two different bacteria Klebsiella pneumonia and Salmonella enterica
typhimurium were 15g/ml and 12g/ml respectively. Determination of the nature
of the antimicrobial compound by TLC analysis indicated that the compound may
be alcohol, phenol or steroid in nature. The antimicrobial compound obtained from
isolate A5 was stable even above 60 C and in the presence of proteinase K enzyme
(5 mg/ml). The results showed that isolate A5 which produced dark orange colour
pigment has excellent antimicrobial characteristics with very low MIC value and
stability at high temperatures and high concentration of proteinase K.
Antibacterial; Antifungal; Actinomycetes; Inhibition; Antimicrobial compound
industrially important enzymes like cellulase, xylanase, pectinase,
amylase, lipase and protease. Many actinomycetes also produce
siderophores which have agricultural and clinical applications [1].
Actinomycetes producing bioactive compounds with angiogenic
or wound healing properties [2] and anti-tumorigenic properties
have also been reported [3]. New bioactive compounds of
anthraquinone nature with potent antimicrobial, antitumor, anti-
inflammatory and antiviral activities have also been reported
from soil actinomycetes and its antitumour activity studied [4].
Millions of strains have been isolated and screened over the
decades in research and industrial laboratories, but there are still
many explorations needed to discover untapped actinomycetes
communities that might be associated with rhizospheres, plant
endophytes, lichens, and endolithic bacteria, as well as marine
sediments and invertebrates [5]. Looking at the wide importance
of actinomycetes in various fields, the present work reports the
isolation of actinomycetes from different soil samples of Punjab
and the study of the antimicrobial activity of the ethyl-acetate
extracts of the isolates A4 and A5 to determine the antimicrobial
compounds. The antimicrobial potential of extracellular
metabolites produced by the soil-borne actinomycetes could be
exploited for its future use in pharma industries.
Materials and Methods
Collection of soil samples
The soil samples were collected from various regions of
Punjab, India: agricultural soil of Chunni Kalan [306517N,
Antimicrobial Potential of Actinomycetes Isolated from Soil Samples of Punjab, India
Citation: Rana S, Salam MD (2014) Antimicrobial Potential of Actinomycetes Isolated from Soil Samples of Punjab, India. J Microbiol Exp 1(2):
2014 Salam et al.
766328E], Fatehgarh Sahib district, barren land soil of Badali
[304415N, 768591E], Mohali, and forest area of Chhatbir
zoo [305900N, 767800E], SAS Nagar district. Soil is of
alluvial type in Punjab. Soil samples were collected aseptically
from a depth of 10-15 cm. Soil sample were collected using clean,
dry and sterile polythene bags along with sterile spatula, marking
pen and other accessories. The samples were immediately taken
to the Laboratory, where they were analyzed and if necessary,
were stored at 4 C in the refrigerator.
The chemicals ethylacetate, chloroform, methanol, ethanol,
hydrochloric acid, sulphuric acid, starch, casein, glucose, sucrose,
arabinose, maltose, fructose, mannitol, urea, -naphthol, potassi-
um hydroxide, sodium chloride, p-dimethylaminobenzaldehyde,
tetrazolium blue, sodium hydroxide, vanillin, naphthalene-1,3-
diol and dimethyl sulfoxide, were obtained from Merck Limited,
Mumbai, India. Nutrient agar, Mueller Hinton agar and Protein-
ase K were procured from Hi-media, Mumbai, India.
Sample processing and isolation of actinomycetes
20 g of the soil was air-dried for 3 days. The dried-soil was
then ground into a fine powder in pestle (surface sterilized
with ethanol). Later the soil samples were subjected to dry-heat
treatment at 50 C for 1hr to depress the number of other bacteria
and for preferential isolation of actinomycetes. One gram of soil
was suspended in 100 ml sterile distilled water and incubated
in an orbital shaker at 30 C with shaking at 200 rpm for 1hr.
Mixtures were allowed to settle, and then serial dilutions of the
spore suspensions were prepared up to 10-5. From each dilution,
0.1 ml was taken and spread evenly over the surface of starch
casein agar (SCA) with sterile L-shaped glass rod, then incubated
at 30 C and were observed for the appearance of colonies.
Actinomycete isolates were purified by streak-plate technique
and the pure cultures were maintained on SCA slants at 4 C for
further use.
Screening for antimicrobial activity
Primary screening of the actinomycetes isolates was done
by perpendicular streak method on nutrient agar plates. The
test organisms for primary screening used were the bacteria E.
coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus faecalis, Salmonella
typhi, Klebsiella pneumonia and the fungi Fusarium oxysporum,
Aspergillus niger, Trichodermaviride and Alternaria alternata.
Each of the isolates was streaked as a straight line on nutrient
agar medium and incubated at 30 C for 7 days (168 hr). After
the 7
day, different strains of micro-organisms were streaked
at right angle, but not touching each other, and then incubated at
30-37 C for 24 hrs in the case of bacteria and 27 C for 48hrs in
the case of fungi. If the organism is susceptible to the antibiotic
compound produced by the actinomycetes, then it will not grow
near the actinomycetes.
The selected isolates were cultured in Starch Casein broth
and incubated at 30 C for 7 days. After 7 days, actinomycetes
cultures were filtered using 0.2 micrometer filter. Antimicrobial
compound was recovered from the filtrate by solvent extraction
with ethyl acetate. Ethyl acetate was added to the filtrate in the
ratio of 1:1 (v/v) and incubated in shaker for 1hr for complete
extraction. The ethyl acetate phase that contains an antibiotic
agent was separated from the aqueous phase. It was evaporated
to dryness in water bath at 80-90 C. The dried precipitate was
dissolved in minimum amount of ethylacetate and was used to
determine the antimicrobial activity.
Secondary screening was done by well-diffusion method
on Muller Hinton Agar plates. Crude extract of antimicrobial
compound which was produced by ethylacetate extraction was
used. 100 l of the obtained compound was placed into the plates
that were previously seeded with different pathogen bacteria.
The plates were incubated at 30-37 C for 48hrs and examined
for zones of inhibition.
Morphological and biochemical characterization
Only actinomycetes isolates that gave positive results in
the screening for antimicrobial activity were characterized
morphologically and physiologically. Phenotypic characteristics
like aerial mass colour, reverse side pigments, morphology of
spore chain, consistency, Grams staining, growth on actinomyces
media, growth on Streptomyces media, etc. were done. The
spore chain morphology was determined by direct microscopic
examination using the 10 days old cultures under a compound
light microscope (Nikon, Japan) using 1000X magnification
power. The observed structures were compared with Bergeys
Manual of Determinative Bacteriology, ninth edition, and the
organisms were identified. Bio-chemical characterization of
actinomycetes was done by esculin hydrolysis, starch hydrolysis,
casein hydrolysis, glucose utilization, sucrose utilization, citrate
utilization, nitrate reduction, urea hydrolysis, catalase test and
IMVic test, acid production from sugars, NaCl resistance and
temperature tolerance.
Physiological characterization
These tests were performed as described by Gordon [6,7].
Physiological tests included decomposition of Casein, Urea
and Gelatin, and the ability to produce acid from various
carbohydrates such as Glucose, Arabinose, Sucrose, Maltose,
Fructose and Mannitol.
Preservation and maintenance of the actinomycetes
Starch-casein agar slants were prepared and all the isolates
that have been purified were streaked onto the slants. It was
incubated at 30 C for 5 days and after suitable growth the slants
were sealed with paraffin and were maintained at 4 C.
Chemical screening of the antimicrobial compound
Silica gel plates, 10X20 cm, 1mm thick, were prepared. These
plates were prepared by spreading the slurry of silica gel evenly
on the plates. They were activated at 150 C for half an hour. The
antimicrobial compound was loaded on the plates with the help
of capillary tube. Chloroform: methanol (30:70) was used as a
solvent system. Spots were obtained after the solvent get eluted.
After drying, the silica plates were sprayed with different types
Antimicrobial Potential of Actinomycetes Isolated from Soil Samples of Punjab, India
Citation: Rana S, Salam MD (2014) Antimicrobial Potential of Actinomycetes Isolated from Soil Samples of Punjab, India. J Microbiol Exp 1(2):
2014 Salam et al.
of reagents in order to detect the nature of the compound [8].
One gram of dimethylaminobenzaldehyde was mixed with 25
ml of 36% (v/v) HCl and 75 ml of methanol. Then the stained
sheets were heated to about 120 C for a few minutes till maximal
colouration. This reagent was specific for primary amines.
Reagent A consisted of 0.5 gm of blue tetrazolium mixed with
100 ml of methanol. Reagent B was prepared by mixing 24 gm of
sodium hydroxide in 50 ml water with 50 ml methanol. Reagent A
and B were mixed 1:1 before use. The stained sheets were heated
to about 120 C for few minutes till maximal colouration. Blue or
violet colour zone formation or a light background will indicates
the positive result. This reagent was specific for steroids and
reducing compounds [8].
One gram vanillin was mixed with 100 ml concentrated
sulphuric acid. The plates were heated to about 120C for few
minutes till maximal colouration. Coloured zones produced on
a plate background were the indication of positive results. This
reagent was specific for higher alcohols, phenols and steroids.
Reagent 1 consisting of 0.2 gm naphthalene-1,3-diol in 100
ml ethanol was mixed 1:1 with reagent 2, which is 20% (v/v)
Sulphuric acid, just before use. The stained plates were heated to
about 120 C for few minutes till maximal colouration. Red, blue,
green, violet, brown, orange or yellow coloured zone formation
were the indication of positive results. This reagent was relatively
specific for sugars [8]. Retention factor R
of the compound was
also determined after running thin layer chromatography.
Determination of the minimum inhibitory
concentration (MIC)
MIC was determined by the serial dilution of the antimicrobial
metabolite in Dimethyl Sulfoxide (DMSO). The concentrations of
the antimicrobial compound for MIC determination ranged from
6 mg/ml to 200 mg/ml.
Stability of the antimicrobial compound
The stability of the antimicrobial compound was determined
against temperature and Proteinase K enzyme. In case of
proteinase K, 50 l of 10 mg/ml proteinase K enzyme was mixed
with 50 l of the crude extract of antimicrobial compound from
the best isolate A5 and incubated in water bath for half an hour
at 37 C. The mixture was then loaded onto the well of nutrient
agar plate which was spreaded with the pathogenic bacteria
to check the activity of the antimicrobial compound. In case of
temperature stability, the antimicrobial compound from isolate
A5 was incubated in water bath for 1hr at 60 C. Then after that
antimicrobial activity was checked on nutrient agar plates against
the pathogenic bacteria.
Isolation of actinomycetes
Screening for antimicrobial activity: Five bacteria and
four fungi were tested to screen the antibacterial effects of the
secondary metabolites produced by the Streptomycete isolates.
The results of primary screening indicated that 30% of the total
isolates demonstrated antimicrobial activities. The aqueous
extracts of the positive isolates were subjected to secondary
screening using the same test pathogens. Isolates A4, A5 and
A6 exhibited antimicrobial activity against all the bacteria used.
A1 and A2 showed antimicrobial activity against Klebsiella
pneumonia and Salmonella typhi, A3 showed antimicrobial
activity against Staphylococcus aureus. Isolate A7 showed activity
against E. coli, Klebsiella pneumonia and Salmonella typhi. Isolate
A5 showed the highest antimicrobial activity (11-15 mm)
amongst all the isolates. It also showed antifungal activity against
Alternaria alternata and Trichodermaviride. Therefore, this
isolate has broad spectrum antimicrobial activity.
Morphological characterization of the isolates: After 10
days of incubation, the colonies were observed with white, cream,
grey, pale brown, yellow, orange, pink and red surfaces with hard
and difficult to scrap textures which are the characteristics of
actinomycetes. Some of them produced brownish and brackish
pigmentations. Majority of the isolates showed appearance
characteristics of Streptomyces as greyish-white on the aerial
mycelia and pale yellow pigmentation on the reverse of the
colonies. Grams staining results showed filamentous structure
with conidia typical of actinomycetes.
Biochemical characterization of the isolate A5: Isolate
A5 showed the highest antimicrobial activity against both
bacteria and fungi (Figure 1 & 2), so, it was further characterized
biochemically. The results of the biochemical tests are
summarized in Table 1.
Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) determination:
The crude antimicrobial compound from the best isolate A5 was
obtained by ethyl-acetate extraction and the MIC against two
different bacteria Klebsiella pneumonia and Salmonella typhi
was 0.012 mg/ml. The inhibition zone diameters of different
concentrations of the crude antimicrobial compound from A5 for
the MIC determination are as shown in Table 2.
Figure 1: Antimicrobial activity of A5 against bacteria.
Figure 2: Antimicrobial activity of A5 against fungi.
Antimicrobial Potential of Actinomycetes Isolated from Soil Samples of Punjab, India
Citation: Rana S, Salam MD (2014) Antimicrobial Potential of Actinomycetes Isolated from Soil Samples of Punjab, India. J Microbiol Exp 1(2):
2014 Salam et al.
Chemical screening of the crude antimicrobial compound
from A5: TLC analysis was done and sprayed with different
reagents in order to determine the nature of the antimicrobial
compound. For the antimicrobial compound extracted from A5,
positive result was obtained by using vanillin as the spraying
reagent. So, the compound may be alcohol, phenol or steroid and
the retention factor (R
) using chloroform: methanol (30:70) as
solvent system was 0.76 cm (Figure 3).
Stability of the antimicrobial compound: It was found that
the compound was stable even above 60 C and in the presence
of proteinase K enzyme (5 mg/ml). So it was proved that the
actinomycetes isolate A5 is able to produce its antimicrobial
effects in our body even in adverse conditions. Their resistance
against temperature and proteinase K were shown by the
retention of the zones of inhibition even after treatment with
proteinase K for 1hr and incubation at 60 C for 30 min.
Three different soil samples were taken to isolate
actinomycetes. They were agricultural, barren land and forest soil
samples. It was observed that out of 23 isolates of actinomycetes,
seven of them showed significant activity against bacteria and
fungi. Primary screening results showed that isolate A5 inhibited
E. coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumonia, Salmonella
enterica typhimurium and the fungi Alternaria alternata and
Trichodermaviride. Zone of inhibition ranged between 11 to
15 mm. The morphological and biochemical characterization
results show that isolate A5 is a Streptomyces isolate. For
proper identification of genera and species of Actinomycetes,
besides morphological and physiological properties, 16SrRNA
sequencing needs to be determined. The identification of
species and phylogenies has been made easier by molecular
techniques in which primers that can target specifically the
16SrRNA sequence of the actinomycetes are used which makes
identification fast and accurate [9,10]. Actinomycetes isolates
having broad spectrum of antimicrobial activity are of major
importance for their study in the isolation of novel antimicrobial
compounds. So far, quite a number of reports are available in
which such novel compounds have been obtained and their study
has been done. A strain of Pseudonocardia (VUK-10) isolated
from the sediments of Mangrove ecosystems of Nizampatnam
located in the south coastal region of Andhra Pradesh, India, was
reported to show broad spectrum antimicrobial activity against
bacteria like Staphylococcus aureus MTCC 3160, Streptococcus
mutans MTCC 497, Bacillus subtilis ATCC 6633, E. coli ATCC
35218, Enterococcus faecalis MTCC 439, Pseudomonas aeruginosa
ATCC 9027, the fungi Fusarium oxysporum MTCC 3075 and
Aspergillus niger and the yeast Candida albicans ATCC 10231.
The diameter of zone of inhibition ranged between 9 to 15 mm
[11]. In another report, three actinomycetes isolates K.6.3, K.14.2
and K.58.5 were found to show broad spectrum activity against
Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria with zone of inhibition
(up to 20mm). It was expected that the isolates might produce
more than one antibacterial metabolites that made them effective
Biochemical Tests Results
Indole Production
Methyl Red
Citrate Utilization +
Starch Hydrolysis +
Casein Hydrolysis +
Gelatin Hydrolysis +
Catalase Test +
Oxidase Test
Nitrate Reduction +
Growth in 1 % NaCl +
Growth in 3 % NaCl +
Growth in 5 % NaCl +
Growth in 7 % NaCl
Growth at 4 C
Growth at 25 C +
Growth at 40 C +
Growth at 50 C
Glucose +
L-Arabinose +
Maltose +
Fructose +
Mannitol +
Table 1: Partial biochemical characterization of isolate A5.
S. No.
IZD (mm) Against
S. typhii
IZD (mm) Against
K. pneumoniae
1 0.2 8 9
2 0.1 7 8
3 0.050 6 6
4 0.025 5 5
5 0.012 3 4
6 0.006 0 0
Table 2: Inhibition Zone Diameter (IZD) shown by various concentrations
of the antimicrobial compound from A5 against S. typhii and K. pneumonia.
Figure 3: TLC analysis of the antimicrobial compound of A5.
Antimicrobial Potential of Actinomycetes Isolated from Soil Samples of Punjab, India
Citation: Rana S, Salam MD (2014) Antimicrobial Potential of Actinomycetes Isolated from Soil Samples of Punjab, India. J Microbiol Exp 1(2):
2014 Salam et al.
inhibitor to both Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria [12].
In the present study, isolate A5 was obtained by ethyl-acetate
extraction and the MIC against two different bacteria Klebsiella
pneumonia and Salmonella typhi was 0.012 mg/ml. This shows
that the antimicrobial compound produced is a very effective
compound. Low MIC value has been reported for isolate K.6.3
as 1mg/ml, and that of K.14.2 and K.58.5 as 2mg/ml against S.
aureus ATCC 29213 [12]. The MICs of the ethyl-acetate extract
of Streptomyces (TR 007) ranged from 0.15 to 5 mg/ml and
that for Actinopolyspora (TR 008) varied between 0.039 and5
mg/ml when tested against different Gram positive and Gram
negative bacteria [13]. New antimicrobial compounds known
as Napyradiomycins were isolated from a marine derived
Streptomyces sp. SCSIO 10428 and they displayed antibacterial
activities against the Gram-positive bacteria Staphylococcus
and Bacillus strains with MIC values ranging from 0.25 to 32
g ml
[14]. A novel alkaloid, xinghaiamine A, from a marine-
derived actinomycetes Streptomyces xinghaiensis NRRL B24674T
having sulfoxide containing compound was reported to exhibit
broad-spectrum antibacterial activities to both Gram-negative
persistent hospital pathogens (e.g. Acinetobacter baumannii,
Pseudomonas aeruginosa and E. coli) and Gram-positive ones,
which include Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus subtilis. MIC
values ranged between 0.69 to 11.04 M [3].
The crude antimicrobial compound was stable even above 60
C when kept for 30 min, and after treatment with proteinase K
enzyme (5 mg/ml) for 1hr. Yucel and Yamac [15] also reported a
crude extract of an actinomycetes isolate identified as Streptomyces
to be stable up to 60 C for half an hour [15]. An actinomycete
isolate of the genus Actinomadura isolated from the Saharan soil
was reported to retain its broad spectrum antimicrobial activity
at 60 C after treating for 1 hr and at 80 C for 45 min [16]. Study
of the stability of antibiotic metabolites from actinomycetes on
subjection to different temperatures has also been reported in
other studies [17-19]. Uddin et al. [20] reported an antimicrobial
compound from Streptomyces albolongus isolated from chilli
field which had stability at temperature ranges from 60 to 100
C and unstable after autoclaving [20]. Stability in the presence
of proteinase K shows the non-proteinaceous nature of the
antimicrobial compound.
Thin layer chromatography analysis of the crude antimicrobial
compound extracted from A5 showed that the compound may
be alcohol, phenol or steroid in nature as it gave positive result
with spraying reagent vanillin-sulphuric acid [8]. For further
confirmation, bioautography analysis is required. The retention
factor (R
) using chloroform: methanol (30:70) as solvent system
was 0.76 cm. In one report, hexane extracted antimicrobial
compounds isolated from Bacillus sp. strain B29 revealed
presence of different antibiotics and antifungal compounds with
different R
values of 0.3 and 0.76 for antifungal compounds and
of 0.12, 0.14, 0.19 and 0.3 for antibacterial ones [21]. Bioactive
compound obtained from Streptomyces sp. 2011 (JF751041) in
one report showed that the ethyl acetate extract when subjected
to High Performance Thin Layer Chromatography detected
the presence of ester, quinone, macrolide and terpenoids.
values ranged between 0.01 to 0.95 [22]. In yet another
report, Streptomyces isolates obtained from marine sponges
produced antimicrobial compounds that showed R
ranging from 0.40 to 0.78 in TLC analysis. UV spectral analysis
resulted in absorbance peaks ranging from 225 to 245 nm which
confirmed the production of polyene substances [23]. For proper
identification of the antimicrobial extracts it is necessary to obtain
in pure form, which requires a series of purification process and
different chemical analysis such as HPLC, Spectroscopy and other
sophisticated techniques.
The present study reported the antimicrobial activities
exhibited by different isolates of actinomycetes isolated from
different biotopes of Punjab, India. Out of the many isolates,
isolate A5 showed maximal antagonistic activity against the
microorganisms used. It showed broad spectrum of antimicrobial
activity as it inhibited both Gram positive and Gram negative
bacteria and also some fungi. Therefore, this isolate proves
to be a promising isolate which can be further studied for its
applications in producing important pharmaceutical compounds
and also as a biocontrol agent against plant pathogenic fungi.
Further work on optimization of this isolates antagonistic
activity, purification of the important bioactive compound and
study of its other properties like anti-tumorigenic and angiogenic
activities are underway.
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Note: This service is not intended for secure transactions such as banking, social media, email, or purchasing. Use at your own risk. We assume no liability whatsoever for broken pages.

Alternative Proxies:

Alternative Proxy

pFad Proxy

pFad v3 Proxy

pFad v4 Proxy