2 marks?
5 marks
Module 4
2 marks
5 marks
Module 3
2 marks
5 marks
15 marks
Module 2
2 marks
15 marks
(b) Write a program to find the difference of two complex numbers using friend function?
21. . Define static data member. Explain the characteristics of static class members with suitable
22. Explain friend functions. Write a program to swap the private data of two classes usingfriend
23. (a) What is array of objects? (b) Write a program to find the difference of two complex
24. numbers using friend function?
Module 1
2 marks
5 marks
15 marks
14. a. Explain difference between call by reference and call by value method of function call
with example
b. What is function overloading explain with example and valid syntax?
15. What are control structures used in C++?
16. Explain different type conversions.
17. Explain the following: (a) Function Prototyping (b) Return by Reference
18. What are the different data types available in C++ with suitable example?