This document provides information about atoms, molecules, and ions. It discusses the basic structure of atoms including protons, neutrons, and electrons. Atoms can form ions by gaining or losing electrons. When atoms bond together they form molecules. The document also discusses isotopes and provides examples of writing nuclear symbols. Elements are arranged in the periodic table based on their atomic number. Most elements in Earth's crust come from oxygen, silicon, aluminum, iron, calcium, and magnesium. Essential elements in the human body include iron, copper, zinc, iodine, and cobalt.
This document provides information about atoms, molecules, and ions. It discusses the basic structure of atoms including protons, neutrons, and electrons. Atoms can form ions by gaining or losing electrons. When atoms bond together they form molecules. The document also discusses isotopes and provides examples of writing nuclear symbols. Elements are arranged in the periodic table based on their atomic number. Most elements in Earth's crust come from oxygen, silicon, aluminum, iron, calcium, and magnesium. Essential elements in the human body include iron, copper, zinc, iodine, and cobalt.
This document provides information about atoms, molecules, and ions. It discusses the basic structure of atoms including protons, neutrons, and electrons. Atoms can form ions by gaining or losing electrons. When atoms bond together they form molecules. The document also discusses isotopes and provides examples of writing nuclear symbols. Elements are arranged in the periodic table based on their atomic number. Most elements in Earth's crust come from oxygen, silicon, aluminum, iron, calcium, and magnesium. Essential elements in the human body include iron, copper, zinc, iodine, and cobalt.
This document provides information about atoms, molecules, and ions. It discusses the basic structure of atoms including protons, neutrons, and electrons. Atoms can form ions by gaining or losing electrons. When atoms bond together they form molecules. The document also discusses isotopes and provides examples of writing nuclear symbols. Elements are arranged in the periodic table based on their atomic number. Most elements in Earth's crust come from oxygen, silicon, aluminum, iron, calcium, and magnesium. Essential elements in the human body include iron, copper, zinc, iodine, and cobalt.
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BBA2106: Basics in Natural Science (FBA) Lecture
Atoms, Molecules and Ions
Atoms Chemistry is the study of matter and the interactions between different types of matter and energy. The fundamental building block of all matter is the atom. An atom consists of three main parts: protons, neutrons, and electrons. The center of an atom is called nucleus that contain neutrons and protons. The nucleus is surrounded by moving electrons. Protons have a positive electrical charge. Neutrons have no electrical charge. lectrons have a negative electrical charge. Chemical reactions involve interactions between the electrons of one atom and the electrons of another atom. Ions Atoms which have different amounts of electrons and protons have a positive or negative electrical charge and are called ions. Protons & Electrons in Ions !ample ": #dentify the number of protons and electrons in the $g %& ion. Solution: The atomic number of $g 'magnesium( is "&, which means that scandium has "& protons. )hile a neutral atom for magnesium would have the same number of electrons as protons, the ion is shown to have a %& charge. This means it has & fewer electrons than the neutral atom or "& * & + ", electrons. Answer: "& protons, ", electrons !ample &: -ive the symbol of an ion which has ", e * and . p % . Solution: The notation e * refers to electrons/ p % refers to protons. 0ince the number of protons is an element1s atomic number, the element with an atomic number of . is o!ygen, which has the symbol 2. The problem states that there are more electrons than protons, so we know the ion has a negative net charge. 3etermine the net charge by looking at the difference in the number of protons and electrons: ", * . + & more electrons than protons, or a *& charge. Answer: 2 *& Atoms, Molecules & Ions (U!ate! on Ma" 1#, 2011) $a%e 1 e p n nucleus Atomic structure orbit BBA2106: Basics in Natural Science (FBA) Lecture Molecules )hen two or more atoms are bonded together, they make larger building blocks of matter called molecules. A molecule is the smallest unit of a compound that shows the properties of that compound. #t may contain two atoms of the same element, such as N & , 2 & and 4 & , or they may consist of two or more different atoms, such as NaCl, 4Cl, 4 & 02 5 , C 6 4 "& 2 6 , C4 5 and 4 & 2. Elements, Atomic Number and Atomic Mass There are many kinds of atoms called elements. lements differ from one another by the number of protons and electrons they contain. The number of protons or electrons of each atom of an element is called its atomic number. The mass of the nucleus i.e. protons and neutrons of the atom of an element is known its atomic mass. Isotopes and Nuclear Symbols Atoms of an element that have the same atomic number but differ in their atomic mass are called isotopes. The nuclear symbol indicates the composition of the nucleus. The atomic number 'number of protons( is a subscript at the lower left of the symbol of the element. The mass number 'sum of the protons and neutrons( is a superscript to the upper left of the element symbol. 7or e!ample, the nuclear symbols of the element hydrogen are: " " 4, & " 4, 8 " 4 Example 3: )rite the nuclear symbols for three isotopes of o!ygen in which there are ., 9, and ", neutrons, respectively. Solution: The element symbol for o!ygen is 2 and its atomic number is .. The mass numbers for o!ygen must be . % . + "6/ . % 9 + ":/ . % ", + ".. The nuclear symbols are written this way: "6 . 2, ": . 2, ". . 2 Example 4: )rite the nuclear symbol for an atom with 8& protons and 8. neutrons. Solution: The element with 8& protons is germanium, which has the symbol -e. The mass number is 8& % 8. + :,, so the nuclear symbol is: :, 8& -e Atoms, Molecules & Ions (U!ate! on Ma" 1#, 2011) $a%e 2 1 11 1 H 1 1 11 2 1 H H 1 3 hydrogen deuterium tritium mass number atomi c number BBA2106: Basics in Natural Science (FBA) Lecture Example : 2ne of the harmful species from nuclear fallout is the radioactive isotope of strontium, 9, 8. 0r. 4ow many protons and neutrons are there in the nucleus of strontium*9,; Solution: The number of protons is given in the nuclear symbol as the atomic number, 8.. 2btain the number of neutrons by subtracting that number of protons from the mass number: number of neutrons + 9, * 8. + <& 8. protons, <& neutrons ========================================================================== Particle Symbol Mass !"ar#e amu grams >nits Coloumbs Electron e * "?".8< 9.",9", *&. *" *".6", *"9 Proton p % " ".6:8", *&. %" %".6", *"9 Neutron n or n o " ".6:<", *&. , , Periodic $able A chart in which elements having similar chemical and physical properties are grouped together is known as periodic table. The hori@ontal rows are called periods and vertical columns are called groups. #n modern periodic table, elements are arranged by atomic number. Atoms, Molecules & Ions (U!ate! on Ma" 1#, 2011) $a%e & BBA2106: Basics in Natural Science (FBA) Lecture %istribution o& elements on Eart" and in 'i(in# Systems The maAority of elements are naturally occuring. 4ow are these elements distributed on arth, and which are essential to living systems; arthBs interior can be divided into* crust, mantle and core. arthBs crust e!tends from the surface to a depth of about 5, km. 0cientists have been able only to study the crust. 2f the .8 elements that are found in nature, "& make up 99.:C of arthBs crust by mass. They are 'in decreasing order of natural abundance( o!ygen '2(, silicon '0i(, aliminum 'Al(, iron '7e(, calcium 'Ca(. magnesium '$g(, sodium 'Na(, potassium 'D(, titanium 'Ti(, hydrogen '4(, phosphorus 'P(, and manganese '$n(. The elements are not evenly distributed throughout arthBs crust, most of them occur in combined forms. #t is believed that there is a solid core consisting mostly of iron at the centre of arth.. 0urrounding the core is a layer called mantle, which consists of hot fluid containing iron, carbon, silicon, and sulfur. The essential trace elements in the human body which make up about ,." C of body mass are iron '7e(, copper 'Cu(, @inc 'En(, iodine '#(, and cobalt 'Co(. These elements are necessary for biological functions such as growth, transport of o!ygen for metabolism, and defense against disease. Too much or too little of these elements in our body over an e!tended period of time can lead to serious illness, retardation, or even death. Ions, Isotopes, & Atoms )ui* )+,: $o c"an#e 'i to 'i-, you need to: 'a( add one electron 'b( remove one proton 'c( remove one electron 'd( add one neutron Atoms, Molecules & Ions (U!ate! on Ma" 1#, 2011) $a%e ' Abundance of the Elements in the Human Body Element Percent by Mass (g/100g of sample) Oxygen 65 arbon 1! "ydrogen 10 #itrogen 3 alcium 1$6 %hosphorus 1$2 &ll others 1$2 Natural Abundance of the Elements Element Percent by Mass (g/100g of sample) Oxygen '5$5 (ilicon 2)$2 &luminum !$3 *ron 6$2 alcium '$) +agnesium 2$! &ll others 5$3 Core Mantle Crust ('0 ,m) (2-00 ,m) (3'!0 ,m) Figure. A cross-section of the Earth BBA2106: Basics in Natural Science (FBA) Lecture )+.: /e .- and /e 3- are di&&erent: 'a( ions 'b( isotopes 'c( elements 'd( atoms )+3: ,4 0 ! and ,. 0 ! are examples o& carbon: 'a( ions 'b( neutrons 'c( isotopes 'd( molecules )+4: ,4 0 ! "as "ow many protons1 'a( 6 'b( "& 'c( "5 'd( &, )+: 'i - and !u .- are examples o&: 'a( anions 'b( cations 'c( isotopes 'd( molecules )+0: 2"at is t"e symbol &or an ion w"ic" "as 3 protons and ,4 electrons1 'a( N 8* 'b( 2 &* 'c( 2 8* 'd( 7 * )+5: 2"at is t"e nuclear symbol &or t"e isotope o& oxy#en w"ic" "as 6 neutrons1 'a( "6 . 2 'b( ": . 2 'c( ". . 2 'd( ". 9 2 )+3: 'i - "as "ow many electrons1 7"int: t"e atomic number o& lit"ium is 38 'a( , 'b( " 'c( & 'd( 8 )+6: 9ow many protons, neutrons, and electrons does 5 4 :e .- "a(e1 'a( 5,8,& 'b( 5,8,5 'c( 5,8,6 'd( 5,6,8 )+,4: N 3+ "as: 'a( : protons and 5 electrons 'b( : protons and ", electrons 'c( : protons and "" electrons 'd( . protons and "" electrons Atoms, Molecules & Ions (U!ate! on Ma" 1#, 2011) $a%e #