Optimization of Printed Yagi Antenna Using Invasive Weed Optimization (IWO)

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9, 2010


Optimization of Printed Yagi Antenna Using

Invasive Weed Optimization (IWO)
S. H. Sedighy, A. R. Mallahzadeh, M. Soleimani, and J. Rashed-Mohassel

AbstractIn this letter, the Invasive Weed Optimization (IWO)

method is applied to design and optimize a printed Yagi antenna.
The optimization goals are set to reach an antenna with a VSWR
less than 1.5 and a high-gain radiation pattern. The fitness function is calculated by FEKO, which uses the method of moments for
evaluating the structures. By implementing this simple closed-loop
algorithm, the best available structure has been achieved compared
to the results of the previous studies. Finally, a -band optimized
version of the antenna is fabricated and tested. The experimental
data are in good agreement with the simulation results, which verifies the performance of the IWO method.
Index TermsDirector, driver, Invasive Weed Optimization
(IWO), printed Yagi antenna.


HE MICROSTRIP-FED quasi-Yagi antenna, which was

originated from the YagiUda antenna, was introduced
first by Huang in 1991 [1]. Its structure consists of a half-wavelength dipole and an approximately quarter-wavelength rectangular director for increasing the gain and improving the front-toback ratio [1]. Its low profile, small size, light weight, and low
cost, along with ease of fabrication and installation, make it suitable for utilization in the hybrid and monolithic integrated circuits [2]. Also, a novel dipole quasi-Yagi antenna was presented
and optimized in [3][5] in order to increase the antenna bandwidth. In this antenna, the driver and the directors are placed on
the top of the substrate, while the truncated ground reflector is
placed on the bottom. The driver dipole is fed through a broadband microstrip-to-coplanar-strips transition. This feeding configuration is complicated and requires long transmission lines.
The narrowband delay line used in the antenna structure restricts
the bandwidth and creates an unbalanced condition for the antenna operation. To solve this problem, Zheng proposed a biplanar printed Yagi antenna (Bi-PYA) with a simplified feeding
network, which is shown in Fig. 1 [6]. This antenna consists of
a microstrip line and one director arm on the top of the substrate and a truncated ground reflector with another driver arm

Manuscript received December 14, 2010; accepted December 29, 2010. Date
of publication January 13, 2011; date of current version January 24, 2011. This
work was supported in part by the IUST Satellite Research Center.
S. H. Sedighy and M. Soleimani are with the Department of Electrical
Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST), Tehran, Iran
(e-mail: sedighy@iust.ac.ir; soleimani@iust.ac.ir).
A. R. Mallahzadeh is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Shahed
University, Tehran, Iran (e-mail: mallahzadeh@shahed.ac.ir).
J. Rashed-Mohassel is with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran (e-mail: jrashed@ut.ac.ir).
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this letter are available online
at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/LAWP.2011.2105458

Fig. 1. Bi-PYA configuration with optimization parameters.

at the bottom of the substrate. This design was optimized by

Navarro to achieve a gain greater than 7 dBi and 10% bandwidth at 2.45 GHz [2].
In this letter, Invasive Weed Optimization (IWO) method
is used to design and optimize a Bi-PYA. This algorithm,
which is inspired from colonizing weeds, was first proposed
by Mehrabian and Lucas in 2006 [7] and was investigated in
several other articles such as [8][12]. The electromagnetic
analysis of Bi-PYA is conducted by means of the commercially available FEKO, which is based on the method of
moments (MoM). IWO suggests some structures in any iteration that are evaluated by FEKO and ranked according to
their fitness. Then, the trial structures with lower fitness are
eliminated, yielding the best available structures. This process
continues until all requirements are satisfied and the optimized
structure is obtained. By implementing this scenario, the best
available structure can be simply reached by a closed-loop
algorithm, whereas in the tuning method, many groups of
values must be blindly evaluated for the parameters. Also, in
comparison to other studies like [2], better results are obtained
in this approach within the same structure.
IWO is a numerical stochastic search algorithm that mimics
natural behavior of weed colonizing in the opportunity spaces
for optimizing the function. This algorithm is simple. However,
it has been shown to be effective in converging to an optimal
solution by employing basic propertiese.g., seeding, growth,
and competitionin a weed colony. To simulate the colonizing
behavior of weeds, some basic properties of the process are as
follows [7].
1) Finite number of seeds are spread out over the search area.
2) Every seed grows to a flowering plant and produces seeds
depending on its fitness.

1536-1225/$26.00 2011 IEEE




Fig. 2. Fitness of structure versus iteration.

3) The produced seeds are being randomly dispersed over the

search area and grow to new plants.
4) This process continues until the maximum number of
plants is reached. Then, only the plants with high fitness
can survive and produce seeds, and others are eliminated.
The process continues until the maximum number of
iterations is reached and, hopefully, the plant with the
best fitness is the closest one to the optimal solution. This
process is addressed in more detail as follows.
Population Initialing: A population of initial solutions is
spread out over the -dimensional problem space with random
Reproduction: A certain population of plants is allowed to
produce seeds depending on its own and the colonies lowest
and highest fitness: The number of seeds each plant produces
increases linearly from the minimum possible seed production
level to its maximum level.
Spatial Dispersal: Randomness and adaptation in the algorithm is provided in this part. The generated seeds are randomly
distributed over the -dimensional search space by normally
distributed random numbers with a mean value equal to zero,
but with differing variances. This ensures that the seeds are randomly distributed and are accumulated near the parent plant.
However, standard deviation (SD) of the random function
, to a
reduces from a previously defined initial value,
final value,
, in every step (generation). In simulations, a
nonlinear variation shows a satisfactory performance, which is
given as
is the maximum number of iterations,
is the
SD at the present step, and is the nonlinear modulation index.
The experimental studies suggest that the results from IWO
are as good as (in some cases, even better than) the results from
other methods. The performance of IWO is comparable to other
evolutionary algorithms, and its results are satisfactory for all
test functions [7].

Fig. 3. Distribution of the seeds in the search area for 1, 50, 80, and 90


The antenna configuration is drawn in Fig. 1. To match the
input impedance, the width of the driver should be designed
to reach 50 input impedance. By increasing the number of
the directors, the beamwidth of the radiation pattern increases.
is not affected. The antenna bandwidth is affected
by the separation distance between directors and the drivers.
To reach the desired antenna performance, several variables can be optimized. In this letter, the truncated ground
), driver arm length (
), microstrip feed line
width (
length (
), widths ( ), and lengths of directors (
) are selected as the optimization
and their separations (
variables. After selecting optimization variables, trial antenna
structures (initial seeds) are randomly selected in the search
area (plant area). Each trial structure (weeds) produces new
trial structures (reproduction seeds) depending on its fitness
(maximum number of seeds)
(fitness of cultivated plant),
(minimum number of seeds). These newly produced
structures are distributed by a normal distribution in the neighborhood of the parents and the standard deviation calculated
by (1). The reproduced structures (seeds) and parent structures
(parent weeds) are analyzed by FEKO and ranked according
to their fitness. For reaching the maximum number of plants
, weeds with lower fitness are eliminated.
in the colony





Fig. 5. Picture of the fabricated antenna.

Fig. 6. Simulation and measurement results.

Fig. 4. Bi-PYA gain versus the number of directors.

This approach continues until all requirements are satisfied and

the optimized structure is determined.
The central value of the search area for optimization variables
is determined according to the tuning optimized results obtained
in [2], which are based on the wavelength scale. Then, several
wide ranges are defined around each central value in order to
reach the best possible structure.
Fitness of each structure is calculated by
where is the fitness of each trial structure and is the acceptable threshold of
. The parameters
are properly
selected weighting coefficients.
To be more specific, structures with
with each other just according to their gains. Therefore, IWO
algorithm converges with the structures with
ratio determines the
with maximum available gains. The
importance of input impedance matching against the gain. If
other parameters, such as BW, are added to the fitness function,

the convergence time of the algorithm will be increased exponentially, and the algorithm will converge more slowly.
A structure is optimized with five directors and 18 variables

, and
( ,
15 dB are selected in the fitness
function. The results of the performed optimizations for these
18 variables show that the best available structure based on the
fitness function can be achieved only by optimizing six variables
, ,
, and
), and increasing
the number of variables does not result in a significantly better
mm and
is seTLX-8 substrate with
lected for optimizing and realizing the antenna structure. The
parameters of the algorithm and the related search area are specified in Table I. The fitness of structure versus iterations are
demonstrated in Fig. 2. Also, seed distributions in the search
area are shown for four iterations in Fig. 3. The seeds are colonized around the optimized point in the last iterations.
GHz with
The optimization results of the Bi-PYA at
five directors is demonstrated in Table II. This optimization is
15 at the
done to reach the best available gain with
design frequency based on the optimized parameter values tabulated in Table I. The results of the IWO algorithm are better
than the results achieved in [2]. The obtained gains in this reference for one, three, and five elements are 4, 5, and 7.5 dBi,



in Table II. Figs. 6 and 7 show the comparison of the simulation and measurement results. A good agreement is observed
between the full-wave simulation and measured results for the
optimized structure, which verifies the performance of the IWO

The invasive weed optimization of a Bi-PYA is surveyed in
this letter. The antenna is analyzed by FEKO and optimized
by IWO to achieve the best gain with VSWR 1.5. By implementing this scenario, the best available structure simply
reached through a closed-loop algorithm and better results,
compared to the results of the previous studies, are obtained
within the same structure. The optimization results show that
similar to wire Yagi antennas, there is a point of diminishing
returns in the gain of the Yagi antenna. Finally, an optimized
Bi-PYA with five directors is fabricated on the TLX-8 substrate.
Bandwidths higher than 10% and a gain greater than 11 dB are
obtained from this structure.


Fig. 7. Simulation and measurement results for (a) H-plane ( = 90 ) and

(b) E-plane ( = 90 ) radiation pattern at f = 5:8 GHz.

respectively, whereas the present study in this letter obtained

8.34, 10.39, and 11.42 dBi for the same prototypes. This comparison verifies the performance of the IWO method.
To increase the gain of the proposed antenna, the antenna is
optimized by being evaluated with different directors. Based on
the performed optimization results, six optimization variables
) are selected
in any case. The results of these optimizations are shown in
Table III, which indicate that the directors increase raised the
antenna gain, but the convergence time increased dramatically.
As shown in Fig. 4, the antenna gain does not change in a
linear form by changing the number of the directors. Similar to
the wire Yagi antenna, adding to the number of directors resulted
in a little gain improvement. In fact, there is a point of diminishing returns [13] in the Yagi antenna structure.
Fig. 5 shows the manufactured antenna printed on the TLX-8
substrate. The optimized dimensions using IWO are tabulated

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